#// anyway i simply think these two are allowed to have Little A Fun mayhaps
morwensteelsheen · 3 years
3 4 5 and/or 6 for the writing meme? :^)
woohoo, thank you!!! these ones are the most fun imo lmao
also going to do these out of order so i can drop the scene beneath the cut:
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why)
He thought he saw her smile as she gazed up at the starry sky. Around her, the perfectly manicured garden with its artfully planted flower beds and ancient sculptures seemed the very picture of Gondorrim beauty: mathematically balanced, rich in symbolism, an homage to thousands of years of history. She was nothing like the garden. Her hair, unbound despite the common fashions, frizzed in the humidity. One eyebrow was always slightly more arched than the other, even when she was at peace, the other had a scar through it where hair no longer grew. Another scar, dashing across the perimeter of her mouth, made her lips seem lopsided. She was not perfect, but she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
I think this, from AFTA, represents the first time I feel like I really got it right re: Faramir's thoughts on Éowyn. I really struggled to balance the hyper-critical undercurrent we get in TTT with the starry-eyed romanticism we get in ROTK, because I found it hard to believe that he would swing between those two poles instead of occupying the centre ground. I actually kind of got it when I was reading (and yeah, roast me for being pretentious as fuck lmao) Shelley's To The Moon, and I was like, oh my god, this is it. This is The Take. Like there's the point of the poem, which is Shelley being like 'moon sad bc no bf 🥺👉👈', but there's also the strangeness of him describing something as ethereal and beautiful as the moon as 'weary' and mayhaps looking a little less than perfect. Like, it gets that kind of critical pessimism but also the ultimate hotwife simpery too. Anyways yeah I'm not comparing that paragraph to Shelley by any means but that graf is definitely where everything started clicking for me a bit more, so I quite dig it.
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
Amrothos as I write him is my self-insert because 1) uncomfortable 2) not sure what the fuck is going on. Beyond that, I actually identify more with Faramir than with Éowyn, even though I find him by far and away more difficult to write. Classic. For the SW stuff I write it is unfortunately, sigh, Cassian. Though I haven't written for R1 in a long while.
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
I like writing Imrahil the most when he’s not the POV because he walks this line between being a loose cannon and being the most conniving person in the room, which I think is fun to make the other characters negotiate. But I actually like writing Denethor’s POV the best (even though I haven’t published any of that stuff) because he provides a really unique opportunity to make ruthless assessments of the other characters and plot points. Like it's nice to get to duck out of LOTR's standard optimism and into the mindset of a dude who realises how profoundly fucked up so much of it is. And I think it’s really interesting as a writer to look at other characters from the POV of someone who can see their biggest flaws very clearly but still has to find a way to either make them usable or keep them from causing any problems. It’s a fun exercise.
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
lmao this one has been sitting in my phone notes app for ages because i can't decide whether i want to work it into a WIP or just post it as a ficlet. classic. also valuable insight into my slightly deranged brain I think:
The babies were asleep, not in prams in a different room as the healers and midwives had advised, but in each of their parents’ arms — the Prince and Lady of Ithilien had always had a unique relationship to rules and authority.
The lady of the house, her curls hanging limp around her face and her face pale with exhaustion, had never looked more radiant. Beside her, the man who was there neither prince nor steward, but husband and, for the very first time, father, looked at his youngest child with rapt adoration.
It was a difficult birth by all conceivable measures, sixteen hours of labour, with an entire hour between the first and second baby, but it was not the physical act of labour that had been the hardest part of the process.
The women of the war generation had disproportionately borne daughters as their first children. In the White City, the King and Queen of the Reunited Kingdom had welcomed a daughter before the heir to the throne was born, while the King and Queen of the Riddermark had welcomed a bouncing baby girl just months before the Lady of Ithilien had begun her confinement.
She would have loved the child no matter its sex, had loved the two babies that had come and gone before they could know if they would have been sons or daughters. Her love was never in question, but Lady Éowyn was a woman for whom the constraints of her sex had been a sharp punishment, and she could not bear the thought of having to one day explain to her daughter why the laws and customs of their country dictated that she could not inherit the lands and titles that were rightfully hers.
When the first pangs of labour had begun, Éowyn had simply ignored them, continuing on with what duties she could manage (around a distinctly large belly) until even her well-honed skills could no longer hide her pain. Then, it was not until she had fought every healer, midwife, and servant in Emyn Arnen that she would be taken into the room designated her birthing chamber, and even then only after earning the concession that her husband would be allowed to stay in the room.
For sixteen long hours she had fought and struggled to bring her child into the world (then expecting but one), alternating between brutalising screams of pain and unnerving silence. When the stubborn child had finally acquiesced and begun to arrive in earnest, her screams and silence alike stopped, giving way to soft, mournful sobs and choked out prayers.
The boy, born with a shock of golden hair, had cooed before he’d cried, and Éowyn had collapsed in on herself, delirious and overcome with joy and pain and unending devotion to her child, her son, a child who would know no limits to his life, would never be told no.
And then the midwife had announced that there was another child still, and desperate, anguished tears were replaced by the look and sounds of determination, as the Lady of the Shieldarm brought her daughter into the world. Her daughter who would not be deprived of land and titles for her gender, but for being a miraculous hour younger than her brother.
Hours later, after the healers had vacated the room and before eager family members were granted entry, Éowyn cried a final time, warm tears spilling over her dazzling smile as she thanked the stars and the earth and all the Valar that they had been so blessed to have neither an overlooked daughter nor a second son. Their children, she swore, would never know the suffering that had scared their parents’ lives, and that, she knew, was a sign of the happier days she had been promised all those years ago.
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Ro & Ali
Just a nice lil’ chit-chat about what a great boyfriend Drew is...ha ha ha
Ro joined the chat 3 hours ago Ro: I'm hoping (selfishly perhaps) to prolong this good mood by sharing it so I've bought you something. The Little ones as well 💕 Ali: Oooh! I'd throw out the obligatory 'you didn't have to!' but I love gifts almost as much as Rio does so 🙊 Ali: Just seen the Instas, I am so jelly, its been ages since I've been into any of those shops/bought a book that wasn't printed on colourful carboard/plastic Ali: I need a book haul/to know what you ordered so I can live vicariously kthnx 😘 Ro: Hence I couldn't resist and the closeness of her birthday assuaged any tiny doubts that might have briefly appeared Ro: I'd say there's no need to be but in this instance that'd be a very big untruth. I'm having such a perfect day! Ro: Only made moreso by the fact Drew was the first to state your lack of suitable stimulation Ro: he's such a sweetheart Ro: He says you can thank him via me when I deliver each lovingly wrapped parcel later if you can't wait until the bonfire Ali: Exactly, we can seamlessly eek yours out into her celebrations beginning only ever-so-slightly early 😉 Ali: As you should be, following the plan set out above, tis your Birthday month and only perfect days are allowed 👌💕 Ali: Bless him Ali: Sure he wasn't just tweaking off all the book shop coffees? 😜 Ali: Well, as we all know it was you that chose the books out, I'll thank you Ali: Caleb made his last batch of pumpkin spice cookies for the season (all cinnamon from here on out, will that and a gossip over a cuppa suffice? 😊🍪☕ Ro: I prefer to think of him being high on love 💘 but he has admittedly spent a lot of time deciding between cold brew or americano Ro: He did honestly help, at least with your selection anyway Ro: How could I possibly refuse such an offer, hmm? Ali: You're so cute it makes me wanna throw up 💋 Ali: A cold brew tho...In this weather?! He is such a white girl. Ali: Well, he is full of surprises then Ali: Maybe you can use your boy taming skillz to calm Junie down, he's having a right day of it Ro: I all but forced him (in his words only I assure you) into a coat and the heat is apparently too much Ro: I do feel cute though, which is almost as bizarre a thought Ro: must be the power of 18 Ro: Poor boy! Is Caleb working? Ali: I get that, tbf, tis how I feel about shoes. But frostbite is a very real thing, he could use a lil nagging, you should get ma on the case 🤣 Ali: Yes! So here for that 👐 Ali: You been cute, its about time you recognised honey Ali: Yeah, but he did the potwashing/brunch/lunch shift so he can be about later for a family dinner so that's nice, you know how he feels about getting up early when he could at least try to lie in 'til lunch like Ali: Can't blame him Ro: Heavens! Terrible as this will sound I'm still keeping my distance as far as Tess is concerned. I can't help but feel she can read me like a book Ro: I'm not sure about that at all but thank you 💗 Ro: Oh that's so nice! Somehow we've both whipped these boys into a shape we like it's no wonder we're smiling Ro: would you like me to head over early so I can help out? I don't mind and Drew insists he has errands to run before he shows his face Ali: Yeah, she can. Ali: Again, can't blame you but distance or not, she'll find a way to be knowing Ali: Well I am so you're more than welcome Ali: I always liked his shape 💦 Ali: heheheheheh Ali: feel free! it'll be fun, we can get in Caleb's way with all our helpful help 😂 Ro: Oh Ali! You're making me blush in public I hope you're pleased with yourself Ro: Drew has his suspicious face on as if I'm bored of him already. Imagine! Ro: Boys and their egos Ro: Okay great I'll come straight there as long as you're willing to sort out the mess I'll be before anyone sees me Ali: I am Ali: I'd be even more pleased if you'd change my name in your phone to something suspect af like... the eggplant emoji! Ali: Really keep him guessing Ali: Oh, please, your look today is fire! But I am always down for a makeover and dress-up sesh, you'll have to share the spotlight with Rio but, don't we all? 😻 Ro: Oh my god don't! I'd die Ro: If only. I think the love has somehow swelled my heart and waist Ro: small price to pay for having him back though Ali: Nah you're perfect Ali: Well, tell him good job on today 👍 Perfect Ro day out Ro: I will he's earned that praise and more Ro: He says to tell Caleb it's his turn Ro: I'm playing messenger and delivery girl today it appears Ali: Poor you, don't let him run you ragged! But, if you're up for one more job you can tell him Caleb's never been afraid of a little healthy competition 😉 Ro: Well now he's excited. Typical not a single paperback has piqued his attention that much Ali: There's only so much whipping (into shape) you can do in a day, eh? Ali: Start in the kid's section mayhaps? 😜 Ro: Excellent idea! I do need to find Rio some actual birthday gifts Ali: Two birds one stone, love that efficiency Ro: If I can be honest Ali I really would like to look as close to perfect as I can tonight Ro: you will help me won't you? It's just....I did think it was over for us Ro: I want to make his wishes come true too, not simply my own Ali: Understood Ali: Of course I will, I'll fish out my best sex goddess duds for you Ali: We'll have you both saying yes to the dress sista Ro: I appreciate the enthusiasm but let's start with him telling me he loves me again first Ro: I know it, obviously, but hearing it is another thing, right? Ro: It'd be a truly perfect day then Ali: Yeah, at least he's showing it Ali: Love languages and all that Ali: but mission accepted Ro: Thanks Ali you're the best! Ro: Well, I better get a move on if I'm ever going to leave here. See you soon xx Ali: I'm sure the amount you've put into those places, you're basically part-owner, and thus entitled to be there forever but yes, we have plans so we both need to get a wriggle on! TTFN 💕
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