#// but i love the idea of jake being a former mandalorian soldier/warrior it makes sense to 'kay??
avtrr · 2 years
Some Star Wars verse headcanons
Jake is a former mandalorian soldier who fought during the Mandalorian Civil War and the Siege, possibly a member of the Death Watch who remained loyal to Bo-Katan;
During the Mandalorian Purge he got severely injured and nearly died, but managed to survive, although this cost him the movement of his legs since his spine got severely damaged and as a proud mandalorian, this completely crushed him as that meant he could no longer fight. He got rid of his old armor and went to live in a retirement home in Coruscant since the Empire took over.
During the first years of the Empire his brother Tom got involved in the Avatar program in Pandora along with the Kaminoans, who were doing research on the Planet after Kamino got destroyed by the Empire. Once Palpatine heard of Pandora and its strong connection to the Force, he was interested in exploring the planet's resources for his own reasons and sent a team there (the RDA but idk how i'd call them in this verse)
After Tom's death, the Kaminoans seeked Jake, his twin, to take his brother's place. As a “failed” mandalorian warrior with nothing else to lose, he accepted it and would soon be recruited by Quaritch, with a promisse to restore his legs if he agreed to join the Empire and help them in their mission. (then we all know what goes on later sjdggd)
i guess it's pretty much this for now, i may add in more details as i go but this is the general idea (oh and kiri is totally force-sensitive btw)
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