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flowerinyourcare · 2 years
Reminiscence of the Unfinished Wine - Chapter 5
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🍷 September seasonal permanent event; banner characters Shylock, Murr, Bradley; 2022/09/11 - 2022/09/19 JST 🍷
(Location: Bacchus' vineyards, daytime)
Bacchus: …Why even bother looking at this?
Bacchus: Ironic, isn't it? We've been praying year in and year out for a bountiful harvest.
Shylock: Are you certain about this?
Shylock: You're letting go of everything you've nurtured, everything you've accomplished.
Bacchus: …Shylock.
Bacchus: It's fine. I don't need it anymore. Just leave me alone.
Shylock: …Is that so. I understand.
Shylock: Then, if you're sure, then I wish to claim this vineyard in my name.
Bacchus: …Huh?
Shylock: I so dearly anticipate receiving your wines every year.
Shylock: But if that is no longer possible, I would like to have control over your fields; that way, when you wish to make wine again, your vineyards will be in excellent condition for you to resume use.
Shylock: Now, if you'll excuse me. I have some preparations to attend to.
Bacchus: Hey, Shylock…!
(Location: Bacchus's wine cellar)
When Shylock returned, he surprised us all with his declaration.
Bradley: A game?
Murr: Us against Shylock?
Shylock: Yes. I challenge you both to a game for the Bacchus vineyards.
Murr: Motion dismissed! The vineyard is already ours.
Shylock: Objection. If Bacchus threw away the rights to the vineyards, I have as much a right to pick them up as you do, do I not?
Bradley: Big words from someone who's bargin' in late. Well, no harm in hearin' ya out, I guess.
Instead of thanking him, Shylock smiled thinly.
Shylock: Oz. I have one small favor to ask, if I may…
Shylock leaned close to Oz and whispered in his ear. Then, Oz cast his spell.
Oz: <<Vox Nox>>.
Immediately, many bottles of wine appear in front of them.
Akira: Ah?!
Rutile: Tons of wine…!
The wines were all different. The shapes of the bottles are all varied, and the style of the labels all give different atmospheres. Each one was elegant, but somewhat old-fashioned as well.
Peering at the bottles, Murr piped up.
Murr: This must be Shylock's collection!
Nero: Seriously?
Faust: I've only heard rumors…
The older wizards all seemed awestruck.
Apparently, Shylock's collection is legendary among older wizards for the rarities he has amassed over the years.
Shylock opened his mouth leisurely, well aware that his wines were attracting attention.
Shylock: Now, let me explain the game I proposed.
Shylock: At the harvest festival in town, you two will sell the Calamity-influenced wine. I will sell wines from the collection you see before you.
Shylock: Whoever sells the most bottles of wine will be crowned the victor.
Shylock: …What do you think? You're both men who enjoy playing the odds, aren't you?
Shylock smiles, tilting his head with a provocative look.
Bradley and Murr both smiled equally fearlessly, their eyes twinkling and alight.
Murr: Alright! It's a deal!
Bradley: Don't come cryin' to us when ya get stomped, though.
Subsequently, Murr and Bradley declared a strategy meeting and left.
Faust: I'm not sure if it's appropriate, a game like this.
Akira: It seems that Shylock's wine collection is really valuable…
Shylock: You're right, each wine in my collection is very valuable. But the wines Bacchus creates are of equal importance to me.
Shylock: If it's to preserve and return my old friend's vineyards, I will fight and sacrifice whatever I must.
Akira: Shylock…
Arthur: Shylock. Please, let us help you in this competition.
Arthur: If this is something that our friend Shylock truly values, it's valuable to us as well.
Rutile: I agree with Prince Arthur. Let us work with you to protect the fields.
Rutile: Let's all pitch in to get Mr. Bacchus's vineyards back!
Shylock: …Are you sure?
Akira: Of course. Please let me help you. Will you all lend a hand as well?
The Eastern wizards and Oz all nodded.
Oz: If it is what the Sage wishes.
Faust: I may not be much help, though.
Shylock: Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Your presence alone reassures me. Our opponent is the leader of an infamous band of thieves, after all.
Nero: That guy is crazy smart in these kinda battles. But he still ain't a mind reader, and we got a shot if we play our cards right. Let's give 'em hell.
Rutile: Mr. Nero, you seem to know a lot about him. It's like you've known him for a long time…
Nero: Ah, not really, I've just heard rumors along those lines, or somethin'...
Akira: A-ah, well, let's not waste any more time and start preparing for the competition.
Shylock: Yes, I agree. Let us begin with a discussion about how to run a storefront.
And so, we began our preparations for the festival in earnest.
(Location: Wine town plaza, daytime)
Before we knew it, the day of the harvest festival arrived.
The small town was packed with tourists who had come for the wine.
Murr: It's this year's most desirable wine! One sip and you'll go to heaven! Or maybe you'll drown in it and go to hell!
Murr: Come one, come all! You'll regret it forever if you don't buy it! We have tastings, too!
Tourist: What's all this crowd for? Is this wine that good? The bottles don't seem to have labels…
Tourist: It's the best wine I've ever had! It just has a bit of an unusual name - "Calamity Wine"!
Tourist: "Calamity Wine"?
Murr: A special, exceptional wine, born from the influence of the Great Calamity itself! There's nothing else like it in the world!
Tourist: This one…? Mmmm… Ah! It truly is excellent!
Tourist: I've never tasted anything like it.
Bradley and Murr had removed Mr. Bacchus' label from the bottles, and began marketing it as "Calamity Wine".
It seemed to be a strategy to attract attention using the fact that it was affected by the Great Calamity as a thrilling sales pitch.
Bradley: In any other country, folks would steer clear of it, but I know this Western crowd can't resist curiosity and stimulation. They ain't gonna pass up a drink named after the Great Calamity. 
Akira: A-ah, I see how it is…
Still, some people were hesitant.
Tourist: If it's "Calamity Wine", that means it was made with some kind of calamitous influence, right? Wouldn't that make it dangerous to drink?
Murr: Maybe! It could be super dangerous! What if you drink it and grapes start growing out of your body? Or all your blood turns into wine?
Murr: Doesn't the mere thought of it make your heart race with excitement? What a treat to be terrified and tipsy at the same time!
Tourist: Huh, is that right…!? Okay, I'll have a drink! Give me a bottle!
Murr: It never fails!!
Murr used his skillful storytelling to win the hearts of one customer after another, sparking their interest and sometimes even provoking them, resulting in a steady influx of sales. 
Bradley, on the other hand, sat at the storefront and drank his Calamity Wine without saying a word to a single customer.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10
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