#// i know this isn't short enough to be a drabble lmaooo.
lowkeyremi · 1 year
i rlly liked the gyaru post n was wondering if you could write hq boys with a gyaru crush ( like the guys have a crush on a gyaru ) myb a small fic ( tanaka, yams aone pls )
I'm glad you liked the last one! This is such a cute concept tbh, Aone would be too scared to say anything lmaooo
HQ Drabbles: Gyaru Crush 💕 ft. Tanaka, Yams, and Aone.
Content: Fluff, a lil bit of stalking cuz Tanaka's just like that, miscommunication bc Aone isn't good w words, crushes.
Banner credit: gifcities and geocities
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Tanaka Ryu:
"I should have packed lunch today, this sucks." Your best friend nods when she sees your soggy french fries.
"That bald guy is staring at you again." She slurps her yogurt tube in a few seconds. You look around and sure enough that second year was looking at you again.
You're in your third year now, according to Sugawara the 'bald' kid's name is Tanaka, and it's said he has a huge crush on Kiyoko.
"Probably thinks my makeup is weird like everyone else does." He notices you looking and turns away to his short friend... it's Nishi something.
"Or maybe he likes you." You roll your eyes while she wiggles her eyebrows.
"Yeah right, it's obvious he likes Kiyoko." She cringes when you eat a mouthful of soggy fries.
"He might be using Kiyoko as a cover up." You weren't going to keep waiting for him to say why he's always being creepy so you walk over to his table.
"Why are you always staring at me?" His short friend giggles and turns away.
"Staring- me huh?" His face flushes as he stammers for words.
"Yes, is it my makeup? I know it's not normal but starting is really rude." Out of the corner of your eye you can see his friend covering his mouth to try and conceal his snickering.
"Ah- it's not like that! I think your makeup is unique and I think you're really cool!" He blurts out and his friend bursts into laughter.
"Noya shut up!" He elbows him.
"Really? Is this some kind of joke?" He notices your hand on your hip.
"No! C-can we be friends?" His voice sounds like a shy little kid.
"Um... sure?" There has to be some hidden motive behind this...
"Got anything else to tell her, Ryu?" The short fry wiggles his eyebrows.
"Nishinoya I will end-"
"I'm gonna go finish my lunch." Tanaka starts stammering again when you start to walk away.
"Could um... could I get you dinner sometime? AS FRIENDS THOUGH!" He suddenly adds.
He definitely has a crush on you.
"Yeah anytime." He smiles, and you skip back to your table.
Yamaguchi Tadashi:
"Is that all?" You ask politely scanning his cart to see if he's got anything else.
He nods his head yes, "Your total is 870 yen, how would you like to pay?" He hands you 1,000 yen, like he does every time.
"Keep the change." You sigh and look for change.
"That's too much of a tip." Yamaguchi (as you've learned from your uncle), comes in maybe three times a week for the same thing and tries to leave you a huge tip.
"Your hair's really pretty." He notioned to the style you were going for today, you think it brings out your makeup.
"Keishin says I look like a rebellious punk." You giggle right along with Yams.
"It's Uncle Keishin to you, brat! You're lucky to even be getting paid!" Yamaguchi quietly snickers because you rolled your eyes mimicking your uncle. Once everything's bagged up you hand it to him.
"Bye, Yams." He takes the bag, and holds still like a statue.
"Something wrong?"
"When'll you be back to work here again?" There's this look in his eyes that you can't quite determine.
"When ever I get back from school, I can't take a lot of breaks or I'll get behind on my assignments." He frowns.
"Hey, not my fault I'm a college student." You shrug.
"I really wish I could go with you to ward off all the weirdos who think gyaru isn't cool." He's an adorable little third year.
"Gyaru's not for everyone. I get hateful comments all the time, but they don't bother me that much anymore." It's the hard truth, you cannot force people to like you.
"Well can I take you out when you get back?" Oh, he's real brave today. Not once has he asked something remotely as obvious as this.
You can tell he likes you, that much was clear. This is the first time he's been straightforward with you though.
"You can take me out when I get off of work." You lean over the counter and press your glossy lips to his cheek. When you pull away you can see a faint mark of lip gloss from your lips.
"Go on to school now, Yams." He spirals at your smirk and walks out like a drunken man.
You're bonked on the head with newspaper, "Do your job and stop flirtin' so much!"
"Don't take your frustration out on me, I know you don't get any Keishin." He grumbles at your laughter.
"It's Uncle Keishin."
Aone Takanobu:
"Kogane! I'm so going to beat your ass!" Your threat echoes through the gym and no one makes the effort to save him.
"I didn't mean to mess up your makeup and hair, please forgive me!!" He whines.
The idiot thought it'd be funny to spray you with his water bottle, long story short he got a little heavy handed with the pouring.
You raise your fist to hit him but you're stopped by a hand much bigger than yours. A low grunt can be heard and you turn around to see Aone holding your wrist.
"He deserves it! Let go!" He thinks his grip is too tight, so he loosened it.
"H-here." He hands you his team jacket.
"Thank you, Aone. That is so sweet." He nods.
"Um I know how important your clothing and hair are to you." At first you can't tell if he's being genuine or a goody two shoes.
"Um... gyaru right? I thought it was super weird awhile back." At least he was honest.
"How'd you know?" You most likely already know the answer.
"I did some research after seeing your unusual clothing option that one time." He rubs the back of his neck.
"So you're stalking me?" That's honestly what it sounds like.
"No- I just wanted to understand you better." He says with a little more confidence.
"Ah....." His cheeks go red and he power walked away.
Huh... interesting.
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Hey sillies, im tired so ima go to sleep. Also I watched a horror movie by myself for the first time but I didn't get scared at all. Idk I just kept screaming at the main character being so dumb. bye guys 😘
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Hey there! :DD
I saw your requests are open and I was wondering if I could get an (romantic or platonic, it’s up to you) Overwatch Matchup? Headcanons, or a small drabble if you prefer (cooking or shopping together?)
Sorry, this is gonna be all over the place, but:
I’m a demigirl and gay asf (women iykwim). A bit taller and kinda chubby? My hair is pretty short and I have a tendency to impulsively dye it with wash out colours. I’m also an audhd kid lmao. Born and raised in Austria, so I’m fluent in german as well as english (I know a tiny bit of spanish too!)
I live for cute things!!! It’s round and soft? I need it!But I come of as kinda scary because I dress more punk/alt, which is a shame because I’m touch starved and want a hug real bad. I also have a very strange sense of humor, which I’d need a partner who wouldn’t mind that.
I love vocaloids and goth music and I think that sums up my personality perfectly haha (my favorite musician rn is Shilpa Ray!!!) I listen to music pretty much 24/7.
Ideally, I’d like someone who’s fun to be around, yet still respecting of my boundaries. My love languages are gift-giving, parallel play and physical touch and I’d need a partner who would be excited about randomly getting leaves or just memes from me. I love baking and cooking for people I care about!! I also draw a lot, alongside other creative things like sculpting, photography, cosplay and writing. I tend to stim when really excited and if someone joined me in doing that, it’d actually make me want to marry them or keep them in a glass terrarium to observe their activities. I also just LOVE shopping, even if I don’t end up buying anything.
To sum it up: scary looking chubby girl with a love for cute things and way too many hobbies who makes too many jokes for their own good
I hope that’s alright? Also no pressure to write this at all!!
(Btw I love your writing style!!! <3)
hi there!!! this was perfect!! it was super easy for me to pick a character for you!! and seriously, thanks for asking for an overwatch matchup because i do not do enough overwatch requests lol. alright im rambling, now onto your character!
the character I chose for you is...
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like women you say??
this is the cutest woman in town!
plus y'all are both a lil chubby making cuddling THE BEST
like cuddles are the absolute best with this girl!
she will 100% help you dye your hair
round and soft you say???
here's your new girlfriend!!
she doesnt mind if you come off as a little scary, if anything, she's obsessed with the dynamic of the both of you
she's super cute and wears just soft outfits and you look all grunge and punk
it's awesome
she likes the music you listen to, but it definitely isn't her go to, so just know that she will be putting on lofi and you will be groaning in the background, waiting for the aux back lmaooo
she LOVES to laugh
she doesnt mind a weirder sense of humor because she definitely has a goofy one
like those really random gen z memes are her shit
send her those at 3am and she will be laughing for hours lmfao
i mean, she is cold all the time, so warm cuddles are what she needs the most
expect a lot of random hugs from out of nowhere
she loves baking and cooking just as much as you do (that's what your mini fic below is gonna be about tee hee)
please tell her about your hobbies
she loves to see you excited
and please ask about hers
she loves talking to you for hours <3
she thinks it is sweet when you stim, so she will grab your hands and jump in the air with you when you're both excited
definitely not bothered by your adhd at all
she will help you when you need it most
she will 10000% go shopping with you and even end up buying you stuff even when you say she doesnt have to
and you will do the same lmaooo
just know that she loves you with all her heart and couldnt ask for a better girlfriend/partner!! <333
You giggled and watched Mei as she was fully focused on icing the cake you two had made together. Her tongue was slightly sticking out to help her focus and she had a dot of white icing on her nose.
She pulled back for a second to look the cake over and you needed to help get rid of that icing that was annoying you so much. You kissed her on the nose and licked off the icing making her giggle. "Ew, don't lick me!" She said jokingly, lightly pushing you away.
"You had icing on your nose." You said, taking the piping tool from her to finish up the details on the cake.
"Did I really?" She asked, her face going a bit red.
"Yeah, but it was cute." You stopped icing for a second to give her a kiss on the cheek, making her smile.
"You know, I think this is the best cake we've made yet," she said, putting her hands on her hips proudly. "What do you think, babe?"
"Oh, definitely!" You finished icing the cake, satisfied with your work and stood to admire it for a moment before taking a picture.
"Are we gonna eat the crap outta this thing?" Mei asked, already grabbing a fork.
"Oh hell yeah we are!"
matchup rules --- pinned post
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
"Vampire landlord" Do with that what you will :)
Ahhh! I love this and I love you for sending it! I think I have an answer for you now, actually!! Remember way back when you actually sent me Seeds Of Unrest and I did that whole Edge x OFC x Christian thing? Well, hello to Yvette, Edge and Christian again.. This is kind of a newer / fresher look at it? I think we kinda.. danced around these three and this at some point on Discord and our talks actually inspired me to write this out for your answer. So.. Yeah.
There’s not really anything steamy here, just uh.. Heavy tension. That’s all.
Nothing, really.. Bear in mind that this is a vampire!edge & wolf!omega original character work, so things might... possibly.. get weird. Not in the sexual sense or anything, but like.. yes. Just weird. IE... The brood is portrayed here as an actual family coven of vampires.. And Luna is in a partnership with Gangrel.. And they’ve taken Edge and Christian in as their sons.. So it’s very much also a found family idea that I’ve had in mind for a while but never the guts to truly write..
Oh, wait.. yeah.. There are heavy hints that Orton is involved in this little tale somewhere, sooner or later... And it ends on a bit of a random cliffhanger, sorry!!
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It was a little after 9 pm.
That feeling of unease hadn’t worn off. I kept telling myself that Randy wouldn’t dare cross over to the vampire side of town. But deep down, knowing how insane Randy could be at times… I couldn’t entirely convince myself he wouldn’t if he didn’t want something bad enough.
Three sharp raps at the door of the little house had me jumping at least two feet into the air and scrambling for an old wooden bat that leaned against the door.
Something Luna’s son brought over just when it started to get dark. 
I could almost hear the dry tone to his voice then as he’d told me “If you won’t take a gun or keep a silver blade on you…” when he left it behind earlier.
Tiptoeing towards the window, I found myself peering through cheery red curtains and out into the darkness. In the distance, I could hear a lone howl and that had me tensing all over. The air felt heavy.
I was doing it again, letting my own fears get to me.
“The Alphas of our kind don’t typically come here. He isn’t lurking in the shadows. I need to get a grip.” I muttered it to myself, mostly to break the tension.
The door was being knocked on harder now.
I squeezed my eyes shut, hand shaking so bad I barely kept a hold of the wooden bat as I stepped towards it.
Sniffing the air had my body relaxing only slightly. It wasn’t the pungent and overpowering aroma of Randal or any of his pack mates come to steal me away in the darkness and drag me back to hell kicking and screaming that awaited me on the other side of the door.
Instead, I smelled old leather. Traces of copper that indicated that the surly man with the long blond locks who stood on the stoop must have just returned from either the blood bank or scouring the woods that lined the edge of the town square for deer or any other sort of game he could find.
It’s how they fed, Luna told me once. She never told me why and I never asked.
“Edge?” I questioned, my back pressed as heavily as I could get against the front door to the house until I was absolutely sure it was him and I wasn’t picking up on residual from his visit earlier in the evening.
“Yeah.” he answered.
I turned to face the door and took a few long and deep breaths to pull myself together. The bat fell to the parquet flooring with a quiet thud that seemed to echo all around the room and I rose to tiptoe, peering through the small pane of glass at the top of the door.
I wasn’t taking any chances. 
I knew I was safer here than I was on my side of town, but… I also knew just how calculating and ruthless Randal could be when he set his sights on something and got an idea in his head. I knew that mimicking scents wasn’t below him. Neither was doing something to potentially harm Luna and her family, then using one of them to gain entry to the house I was currently hidden in.
If he really wanted to find me, a silly little thing like unspoken boundaries and code of conduct weren’t going to stop him. Not that he’d ever had a code of conduct to begin with. Or common decency, anything like that.
,,to be fair  it didn’t stop you when you chose to go into hiding here, did it? You’re really only as safe as you choose to believe you are at any given moment. You know you’re putting Luna and her family at risk simply by being here. You know that sooner or later, Randal will find you. He is a monster, after all.” the reminder came just as Edge knocked a few more times, impatient.
“Just a second.” I finally managed to get the words out. I reached for the door knob and unlocked that, then I unlocked all 3 of the chain locks on the door and opened it just a slip, standing in it.
Edge stared down at me, arms folded over his chest. His eyes settled on the fallen bat nearby and he gave a dry chuckle.
“Is there something wrong?” I tilted my head slightly to gaze up at him, shuffling my feet. 
My heart started to pound. I was all too well aware of the tension that radiated off of his body and I knew exactly why. Working with Luna meant I got to hear things now and then. One of those things being Edge’s struggle with going to donor blood or animal blood.
I don’t know why, exactly, but I found myself wondering whether my blood smelled weird to him. I’d been working with Luna for over a year now and I still hadn’t grown accustomed to the scent of her if I were being perfectly honest. And being on this side of town…
The scent of death. Old and new. It mingled heavily in the air.
I wasn’t used to it at all. I’m not sure I’ll ever be used to it.
Edge’s teeth snagged on his lower lip and he cleared his throat, again, a sign of impatience.
“Luna sent me over for tonight.” he explained as he nodded to the room behind me, indicating that he wanted to come inside. I swallowed hard and eyed him, shaking my head.
,, He’s not a threat to you… At least not in the way Randal would be right now.” the thought lingered and while I knew that, there was also this lingering air of danger and mystery that seemed to roll right off the man standing in front of me.
He left me unsettled.
I couldn’t figure out whether that was a good thing or a bad one, either…
After the tension seemed to get thicker to a point where I found myself breathing erratically, I stepped aside and let him into the living room. Edge shut the door behind him and sank down onto the sofa.
I sat down at the other end. Very careful not to invade his space.
The dim glow of the television set filled the room and silence seemed to settle in until he spoke up again.
“Luna had a bad feeling. Thinks you’re in danger.” Edge explained, almost immediately falling silent again. A thoughtful look on his face. I didn’t dare ask what was on his mind. I didn’t dare say what was on mine, either. But the thought was weighing down on me heavily.
,, Oh, I’m in danger alright.. In danger of crawling right out of my damn skin at any second because I can feel my heat beginning. Thank god I have my suppressant patches and I got away from my side of town in time...” just the mere thought had my face burning hot and I didn’t dare meet his gaze. I cleared my throat and spoke up.
I got the distinct feeling that I probably didn’t want to hear his answer, but I knew I had to ask. I had to know if Luna had been feeling off all day too.
“Did she happen to mention why, exactly?” I asked the question in a series of shaky breaths.
My heart pounded harder against my chest. My mind filled and spun with the possibilities. Had Randal and his pack mates found out where I currently hid?
Edge eyed me and shrugged. “All she told me was that she felt like you were in danger tonight.”
I couldn’t help but stare at him out of the corner of my eyes. Studying him intently, searching for any possible hint whether I’d just caused problems for Luna and her family. Edge’s chuckle drew me out of my thoughtful daze.
“You. You do realize if we wanted you dead or if we wanted to turn you, you’d be one of us or  dead already, right?” Edge shrugged as he mentioned it.
I nodded. Dragging my hands through my hair, I spoke up quietly. 
“It’s not so much you guys as it is… The threat me being here poses to you all.” I fell silent, grumbling to myself and pouting a little when Edge nearly doubled over, laughter so hard that he shook a little.
He stopped and the laughter died away. His eyes roamed over me slowly. Carefully.
I tensed and gulped under his gaze. If I thought my cheeks burned hot before, they burned so much hotter now under the gaze. He was moving closer to me.
“You really think we can’t handle a pack of mangy animals?” Edge asked the question as he shook his head in amused disbelief.
“I didn’t mean it like that, I…” I stammered, nervous. Getting more nervous with each second that passed. Because he seemed to get closer.
Sitting taller.
My eyes left his and settled on his mouth. The faintest hint of blood at the corners of his mouth a very real warning of the danger he was to me.
But the animal within didn’t seem to care.
She felt amused. Satisfied. Curious. And oh so dangerously attracted to the vampire sitting to my left. ,, almost as equally attracted as she was to his brother, who’d come by earlier, right after he left the first time..”  the knowledge of this had me curious. Wondering what was up with that. Telling myself that it was probably just purely physical.. But knowing that was wrong because for whatever reason... I felt this.. Pull... to both men.
I realized that Edge wasn’t the only one moving closer around the same time that the side of my leg brushed against his and the door was being knocked on, yet again. Edge raised a finger to his lips and muttered quietly, “Shhh. Don’t move. Stay put.” as he got up and strode over towards the door.
I tensed even more.
Not that I’d ever fully felt the tension leave my body. Just changing… From one form of tension to another.
I watched that front door like my life depended on it, only letting out a few long and ragged breaths when Luna’s other son Cristian stepped into the room.
And while I may have relaxed slightly, I was still in control of myself enough to know that either way I sliced things currently, I was still in danger.
,, but you’re safer here in this little house on this side of town than you are on your own. Here, you have freedom. You’re not just some little breeder who is frowned upon because she stubbornly refuses to breed with the first Alpha to pay her a passing glance… ”  
If that Alpha had been anyone other than Randal Orton, I may well have caved in.
Cristian cleared his throat and flashed me that megawatt grin, immediately flopping down on the right end of the couch after walking into the living room. He sprawled out, an arm going around the back of the couch lazily.
“Looks like you’re stuck with two stiffs tonight, princess.” Cristian teased, giving me a playful little wink as he held my gaze for more than a few seconds. I couldn’t help but stare right back at the man.
Edge grumbled to himself but flopped down onto the other side of the couch. I tried to focus on the television, on anything but the… sheer magnets pull I felt to both brothers.
I could feel the two glaring daggers at each other over my head and on more than one occasion, I almost spoke up about it. 
“Blondie here thinks we’re afraid of a few little mangy mutt assholes, Cris.” Edge chuckled, a teasing look when those almost golden brown eyes locked on me. I shifted around in my spot between the two of them.
“I never said that.”
“You did. I mean, kind of.” Edge explained, chuckling in amusement.
I needed to catch my breath. Pull myself together. Cristian’s hand brushed against my shoulder and the touch felt like an icy jolt. His arm remained around me, pulling me into his side just a little more, brazenly.
Edge’s leg was pressed against the side of mine and that jolt only doubled. And if I thought Christian were being more brazen and the bigger flirt, I was mistaken, because Edge’s hand settled on my leg, giving a squeeze almost playfully.
 I pulled myself off the sofa and spoke up.
“Popcorn. I think I’m going to go get myself some from the kitchen… Yeah… that’s what I’m gonna do.”
And as soon as I said it, I hurried out of the room as fast as my feet would carry me. I needed to pull myself together. Catch my breath. I couldn’t even think straight between the two handsome men... And that in itself was a very, very dangerous thing right now.
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bananami · 3 years
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character/s: reiner braun x afab!reader
SYNOPSIS: just a short (?) drabble about sub!reiner because I could not stop daydreaming about him the other day and just think that a lot of people write him being dominant and to me he gives off such subby energy idk man but I enjoyed this a little too much
WARNINGS: 18+/mdni, dom!reader/sub!reiner, cum eating, oral (f receiving), riding, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, nipple play, a little bit of edging, praise kink, slight degradation kink, slight breeding kink mixed in there, slapping, female pronouns used for reader/reader has female parts, I think I got it all??
A/N: RIP everyone, I really sat up until 1 am writing this because I just couldn't stop thinking about him
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- everyone tends to be under the general assumption that Reiner is a dom, maybe it's because of how big he is and because of his size but that man is a SUB prove me wrong
- he doesn't realize it at first but then he kinda takes a deep dive through various porn sites and comes across the femdom category and uhh
- you get the point
- n e ways
- it didn't get any easier from there
- this poor baby
- after a bunch of failed dates and conversations with various women who expressed to him how much they aren't into that, Reiner just takes to not dating for a very long time after
- and it's not that bad at first, like turns out living with your fantasies is actually kind of easy when there's no one you're interested in
- and then you join the friend group
- and all of a sudden it isn't some random girl through a computer screen that he's thinking about while jacking off in the middle of the night, it's you, and all of a sudden it isn't some illusory face haunting his disgusting daydreams, it's yours
- of course he feels awful about it at first, feeling like it's somehow taking advantage of you and your friendship, but you just make it so hard
- and then your friendship pushes into something more one night after one of Connie's beach parties that leads to the both of you stumbling into the guest bathroom for a heavy make out session, only to be walked in on by Eren, who actually screams and pretends to continuously gag
- and since then things have been going good between the two of you except for the fact that something was definitely up with Reiner between him just not being in the mood and being kinda quiet when you two were having sex
- which you try to be respectful of because ok maybe he was just shy and afraid he would sound weird (you'd been with guys like that before)
- but then it becomes more of a personal thing, like was he not attracted enough to you or something???
- when really it's just that he is terrified to have that conversation with you because what happened if you wanted someone who would take charge and dom you and do all the things he wanted you to do to him???
- and he could play along for a while, but how long before you caught on that he was faking an orgasm
- turns out not very long
- you don't know what tips you off to it, if it's anything he does or just a feeling you get, but
- "did you just fake it?"
- "....huh?"
- cue entire scene of you two arguing about whether or not he faked an orgasm just for him to finally admit that ok yes he did but it's not what you think it is
- and you just wide eyed stare at this man like ok sir wtf
- and he is just
- so fucking sweet
- tries to explain it in the best way possible that he needed something more to get off
- he literally has to show you a video of what he means because he's too embarrassed to even talk about it
- and you watch the entire video only to be like "baby, if you wanted me to be in control instead, all you had to do was ask"
- Reiner.exe has stopped working
- mans can't even comprehend that open communication is all it would take lmaooo
- you push against his chest and force him to lay down, telling him to keep his hands above his head or you'll stop
- and you just spend the next hour edging the absolute hell out of this man
- every single time he breathes out gonna cum, gonna cum you stop and watch his hips buck up into the air, chasing after your hand and making the whiniest little noises
- halfway through he really starts to cry
- begs you, promising he'll be good if you just let him cum like he wants
- he almost chokes when you ask him "you wanna cum in my hands, my mouth, or my pussy?"
- forget it, he's done
- babe, do not give him so many options like he is not in the proper mental state to be making these kinds of important decisions
- "if you're a good boy, maybe I'll sit right on that pretty little face of yours and let you eat my pussy after, is that what you want?"
- you're gonna give this man a heart attack
- the only thing he can do is shake his head and pray that he lasts that long
- did i mention the tears streaming down this poor mans face
- "tell me where you wanna cum"
- "your pussy, please, fuck- wanna feel you around my cock"
- you climb on top of his lap and sink down on his cock and suddenly he's begging you not to move because he swears he might bust immediately
- he's an absolute mess
- praise him and it's over
- we all know he definitely has a praise kink and probably a little bit of a degradation kink too
- play with his nipples while telling him how good his cock feels and how pretty he looks under you and how he's being such a good boy
- a little bit of a breeding kink honestly
- "just sit there and let me use you, baby, all your fucking good for anyways. you owe me for every fake orgasm. gonna make you cum in my pussy over and over again until it takes, that what you want?"
- begs to touch you after so you let him keep his hands on your hips and warn him not to try anything or you'll stop
- definitely doesn't work and he tries to make your hips move faster against him so you stop
- "no no no, fuck- 'm sorry, so sorry, fuck, I'll be good, just wanna give you my cum-"
- honestly? smack him. not like hard, but a little love tap to the cheek
- he's stunned at first that you would hit him but also more stunned that he liked it?
- you grip his cheeks with one hand and just
- "you wanna be good? then cum like this or don't cum at all." and you just fucking sit there, not moving an inch, his cock still balls deep in you
- bitch that is so evil of you but also so hot wow
- the struggling sounds he makes to keep from squirming around too much, fearing that if he does you'll pull off him and he doesn't think he'll survive being edged by your pussy
- you stroke his cheek with one hand, the other around his throat - squeezing just a little bit to make the blood rush to his head - only to release a few seconds later and the head rush he gets is fucking phenomenal
- meanwhile, your mouth is wrapped around one of his nipples, your tongue swirling around the bud
- Reiner never realized how much he was into that until it was the very last thing he realized he needed to bring him right over the edge
- and suddenly he's cumming inside you, loud as hell - groaning your name and blubbering absolute nonsense, telling you how much he loves you, how fucking good you are to him, how he wants to make you feel good too
- you grip onto his hair and just pull
- and just kinda hold him there while you begin to move your hips to hover over his mouth
- this man is so responsive ok
- his mouth opens immediately, like he's just waiting for you to sit your pussy right down on him
- "if you want it so bad, come and get it"
- but then you hold his head down so he can't move it at all
- absolute menace
- he will literally stick his whole ass tongue out trying to lick you but you just keep moving away and pushing his head back down
- literally just let this man eat some pussy damn
- it's kinda pathetic but like in an endearing kind of way how desperate he is to have his mouth on you
- when you finally give in and plop yourself down he is sloppy
- like relentless actually
- so eager to please
- can't decide between sticking his tongue deep inside you because you just taste so damn good and just lapping at your clit until your grinding against his face
- wants you to basically suffocate him, like if this is how he goes out then this is how he goes out
- gets lost in it, can barely keep his eyes open while he just devours you
- won't stop unless you force him too
- has you cumming in no time at all, and as a treat you let him go a little longer
- whines when you pull your pussy away from his face
- just an absolute simp for you
- sub!Reiner has my heart and my pussy RIP
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choerrypuffs · 2 years
i love making headers!!! honestly my fav part of making fics :) im not the best at them but it's really fun and i like to experiment with them.
and rlly (my productivity) it's a curse LMAOOO i'm stuck w so many ideas that my brain can't keep up, and i start like 17 different fics and finish none of them
i'm not rlly sure!! i try not to ballpark fics bc im awful at guessing and then i feel bad if i don't reach that wc LMAOOO. the taeyong is already 3k though!
listen... i have a meme that calls him the prettiest mf and perfection i still love him
omg soon??? im so excited HELPP
themes are so fun i love just admiring people's work bc like !!! 😍😍wow
i had anons on main but they've all vanished :( and the one of the side blog hasn't send anything in a bit but im just more motivated there bc i don't have the pressure of being a big blog and not disappointing, you know? like you dont wanna let down your following (sidenote your ccsa anon is so cool omg)
it might become my main atp, i have more ideas and motivation to write there 😭😭😭
im not a collector and im an ot7 dream stan so i'll be happy w any of them!!! hyuck is my ult of ults though so if i get him i will be extra happy ( i have his cafe dream pc in my phonecase )!
YES OMG making headers is so fun!! it actually gets me in the mood to write 😩 even though it's so exhausting trying to find pics sometimes 💀
i completely understand rip i have drafts that are from 2019 🤧 you could try turning them into short drabbles! that way you can still post the fic but it won't be super long
SAMEEEE i feel like estimating a word count means that it definitely won't be around that length 🥴 omg 3k is a lot!! good luck with it, my love <333
prettiest mf and perfection but he's still not in your series 💔 ig he just isn't enough for you 😩😩😩
soon 👀
i hope your anons check in once in a while :((( they're probably busy with life and stuff but it does get lonely when an anon doesn't drop by anymore. don't worry about disappointing your following, my love!! as long as you're happy about what you're writing, they will be too! ahhhh i wish i could tag my ccsa anon bc they are indeed vvv cool 😎
that's right 😤😤😤 do whatever makes you the happiest !!!
omg let me know who you end up getting! i used to keep my pcs in my car bc i just tucked them back in the albums until cat told me how bad of an idea that was 🤧
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