#// i...cannot for the life of me figure out who his fc should be but...he :3
mundanemiseries · 5 months
New Muse: Elio
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Name: Elio Age: 24 (at time of death) Gender: Male (he/him, transmasc) Species: vampire
Born to a family of supernatural hunters, thoughout his life Elio had long grown to see the supernatural world contrary to the family he was born into. For were they not as much a part of our world and reality as anything else? As time passed he grew more and more interested in learning more of the indiviuals that existed outside humanity, entirely planning to go out on his own to become a researcher of the supernatural worlds. Still, his family had managed to rope him into helping out with one final hunt, digging for information on a series of deaths and missing person cases that seemed to point to vampire activity. In hindsight, maybe he shouldn't have caved to his family's request. Maybe it was in retaliation for his digging into vampire buisness, for looking too far and learning too much. But they had found him first, cornered and the next Elio knew, he was alone in an alley by his apartment, skin cold, faintly aware his being human was long gone. He never met the one who turned him, his sire having left before he even reawoke. And he could never return to his family, knowing their principles would leave him dead. Untrusted by most of vampire society due to his connections to hunters in his human life. So he's spent his unlife mainly alone, adjusting and learning to live as what he now was.
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diveronarpg · 4 years
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Congratulations, ROSEY! You’ve been accepted for the role of FLORIZEL with an approved FC change to Kenta Sakurai. Admin Minnie: This application was like a special treat made especially for me, with everything I love in one place. You captured what makes Felipe both human and god, man and monster, poison and antidote. My absolute favorite part of this application was the way you likened Felipe to a human drug, I just about dropped everything and started screaming at that line — because that’s exactly what he is, and it captures his spirit so well. And that interview? Wow, you captured every layer and every complexity to his character with just a few questions. I’ve read this application six times now, and I don’t know when I’ll be able to stop; Felipe is a drug, indeed and so are you! Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Alias | Rosey !
Age | 22
Preferred Pronouns | She/Her
Activity Level | Please describe how active you think you’ll be in a few sentences.
Timezone | PST
How did you find the rp?  |  Uh...I made it.
Current/Past RP Accounts | Here you go!
Character | Felipe Antonio Castro / Florizel
• An FC change to Kenta Sakurai would be greatly appreciated -- I changed his last name to reflect his change of ethnicity as well!
What drew you to this character? | There’s something about the volatility of Felipe that I think I fell in love with. There’s a heavy theme of drugs that is interwoven into his biography, and I think it is very fitting to say that the worst drug is Felipe himself. He makes you fall in love with him, gives you that taste of playfulness and fun, the little trip that you need to get hooked, but then slowly and surely something rotten begins to set into you. When you slip your hand into his, there’s a thrill of trepidation that follows the action. At the edge of his smile, you begin to notice a dark curl to his lips that whispers of something a little more foul. You catch him watching you in the odd glances here and there, as though he’s waiting for something to unfold -- and it’s then and only then that you realize you’re obsessed with him. That you can’t let go of him. The problem is though, that you’re chasing after a ghost. And there is nothing -- nothing -- that will drive you more insane than chasing after someone you can never truly capture. Felipe is always slipping through your fingers, dancing at the edge of your grasp, intangible and driving you half-crazed with the inability to have him.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? |
1. REVELATION -- He has hidden in the shadows for so long he has forgotten what it feels like to have his face shine in the sun. Sitting still has never settled well within him, especially with a soul so restless and the first step to shedding the shackles of his many sins. I think, true to character, the revelation of his life will be an impulsive, spur of the moment revelation. However, there are a couple of things he would make sure he has up his sleeve before announcing his resurrection: a passport, enough money to live comfortably (he has his eyes on some place like Greece), and a quick means of escape secured. He does not quite like the thought of Valentina upstaging him and stealing his thunder, but wouldn’t it be fitting, after such a melodramatic death he’d have a resurrection that would rival Jesus’ himself?
2. REDEMPTION -- Falling in love is no small thing to scoff at and for Felipe it was pivotal. It awakened something that was eclipsed for the majority of his life, this inkling of kindness and nobility that was forsaken in his quest for obsessive adoration. It’s hanging there at the very end of his biography, an opportunity for him to redefine himself  as a man that is more than a collection of his worst decisions. I see a path that is laid out before him that will be tedious, heart-wrenching, and hard but the end is ever-looming and always in his sights. He will need to do the unthinkable and earn the place that he had long-occupied in her heart, become worthy of it so that the memory of the dead man she had loved is  not something she thinks about only in shades of blue. The way I see this happening is for him first to cement a connection with one of the mob’s high-ups (likely Genevieve since he would want to be close to Paola).  He would have to reconcile for his many, many sins and this would be a long term plot that would involve Felipe having to unlearn many of his natural inclinations but...it would be worth it.
3. RECOMPENSE -- I took a lot of inspiration from the character Frenchie for this -- but since he has habitually consumed a lot of drugs, I think he has learned a lot about them. It would be an interesting study if the Montagues tried to test their drugs on him, to see what they could do to prolong the effects of the ambrosia and make it more potent while figuring out ways to curb the come down, but also maybe give him an opportunity to study the drugs that undo him, to learn about them and maybe with the proper tutelage come up with something new for the Montagues. He is a sharp, wickedly cunning man - he has to be in order to slip through the once-thought iron-clad grip of the mobs, so who is to say that he wouldn’t use his talents in such a self-serving manner that could prove profitable to the Montagues? Or the Capulets if things happen to pan out in another fashion. He has to atone for his sins somehow, doesn’t he?
4. RECKONING -- In the case of NEITHER of the mobs accepting him, it’s clear that he has become a rather formidable force himself. He knows how to work around the mobs, knows their ins and outs, their secrets, their weaknesses, their weak links. Should neither of them serve his needs the way that he wants them to, Felipe has in mind to make himself the go-to person if people need information, a smuggler, or a hitman. He’s a jack-of-all-trades and master of -- well, all of them, if he does say so himself. Though killing people makes his hands tremble and bile rise in his throat, he does what must be done. He rather enjoys the thrill of smuggling things in and out of the city, though, and cannot help but feel like a cat with a canary caught in its mouth whenever he learns new, invaluable information. Perhaps this is an eventuality or maybe it’s a lofty dream. Regardless, he knows he has the capacity to stir the city into a frenzy if he so wishes. It would require a great amount of effort, though...so here’s to hoping, he won’t.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | Just try and stop me! >:(
His leg is slung over the arm of the chair, cigarette in hand as he waits for the girl to set herself up. His eyes flickered over her face subtly -- if he looked at her too openly she might think that he was interested in her, which would only make her feel as though she were worth his time and energy. And he didn’t want her to think that, not quite yet. She was cute, with a little button nose and wide eyes that gave one the impression that she was a bit younger than she actually was. It was the way that she handled herself, though, that gave her age away. The woman’s posture was impeccable, she carried an over-the-shoulder bag rather than a backpack and pens, a recorder, and a journal rather than a notebook. Details, details, details. His gaze caught for a half-second on her hand as she set her items onto the table. There was a band around her finger, a strip of skin that was paler than the rest.
Either she was recently divorced or didn’t care for people to know she was married.
Felipe -- no, what name was he using right now? Marco.
Okay, well, Felipe thought that Paola was much more preferable company -- and frankly, Marco had eyes, so his opinion was the same -- but she was working right now and he needed a way to pass the time while her shift was ending. Students tended to frequent the place and this Graduate Student had asked him to help her with a journalism exercise -- nothing more than a profile on no one. He had been assured that this project would mean nothing and she’d probably get an A regardless, but still. Having his name penned into a book with black ink was a type of permanency that he didn’t care to have haunting his thoughts.
He took another drag and tilted his head back as he expelled the smoke from his lungs. The waning sun shined in his face and he basked in the warmth.
“What’s your favorite place in Verona?”
Sighing, he combed a finger through his hair, contemplating on what kind of answer Marco would give. If it were Felipe who were answering, he would say that he had rather enjoyed the Roman Baths -- getting high there while listening to music was an experience that brought him nearly as much peace as waking up to Paola in the morning. Marco, however, was a little bit more basic than Felipe was. Marco enjoyed historical sites, books, things that would make girls like the one sitting across from him swoon.
She probably fantasized about one of her professors. Maybe he could give her a taste of that fantasy -- as a gift, from him to her.
“Think I would have to say the Roman arena,” he answered with an apologetic grin, as though it were embarrassing to admit such a thing. “A bit nerdy, but it’s a historical site that I don’t think gets enough recognition. At night it can be haunting, when the mist settles low and the moonlight shines overhead. You could even imagine that the mist takes shapes and the souls of the gladiators are there, waving their gladius’ and throwing their spears.” There it was, that bit of testosterone that she was probably craving, to reassure her that he was a man of books, but he knew how to handle her in bed.
Her lashes fluttered, as though she were a little taken aback by that -- although, from the flush of her cheeks, it was in a manner that leaned weighed in Felipe’s -- Marco’s -- favor. A slow, lazy smile dragged along his lips at that, but she was too busy taking notes to notice. He shifted, foot propped up on the seat, elbow resting on his knee.
“Uh huh, and what does your day typically look like?”
“Well, I used to wake up to my wife, but then circumstances changed,” -- he was careful not to look at her, head bowed as Marco suddenly becomes interested in a well-worn groove on the wooden table -- “and now I wake up, go for a run, brew some coffee, shower, and go to work. Then I  go to a bar across from the Castelvecchio, read and people watch for a bit, then call it a night and head home. Nothing too wild or interesting -- those days are far behind me.” Marco had answered the question genuinely, but Felipe was interested to see if she’d take note of the trail of breadcrumbs he had left her. It was evident that Marco was a man of routine, maintained healthy habits, and liked the quieter aspects of life, but dealt well with change. Also, he was quite comfortable in the bustle of a bar, but preferred to watch from a distance rather than openly engage.
When he looked at her, she was leaning forward, pen still against the notebook. There was a curl to her lips that hinted at a smile, as though she were charmed, but sympathetic to the new routine that he had to learn. He wondered if he should mention that Marco had adopted a dog recently, but maybe he would pull that one from his sleeve later.
“That sounds lovely,” she chirped, suddenly realizing that maybe she had been staring for a little too long. He didn’t mind at all, but Marco did. So he smiled bashfully, looking down and fiddling with the ring on his thumb as though he needed to distract himself.
“It’s a slower pace for things, but it was needed. A little peace and tranquility is underappreciated, I think. And when I want a change of pace, I like to take trips here, to Rome. Different, more interesting people are out here. Like you.”
Ah, she seemed to like that a lot. A shining, bright laughter flew from her lips and he let his own mingle with hers.
“Sorry,” he demurred, grinning. “Couldn’t help it, couldn’t help it. Continue on.”
That was a little too assertive. But maybe it would work, he thought. She should know that Marco isn’t one to shy away from someone he’s interested in. After putting up with her significant other for so long, she might need someone to chase after her for a bit and maybe this could hint that he was more than willing to do the work necessary to hold her attention. He had to play this carefully, though, he didn’t want to seem overeager. Most women didn’t find that attractive.
“Right -- cosi, this is a more intrusive one, apologies --  what has been your biggest mistake thus far?”
“You don’t think you can be kinder to me?”
“Unfortunately not.”
“Damn,” he murmured ruefully, shaking his head. He quieted, as though contemplating the question.  Felipe didn’t like to think that he made mistakes. Sometimes the decisions he made had unfortunate consequences, but was anything really ever a mistake if it was predetermined? Not that he believed there was a holy order to anything -- it was simply more convenient to think that when things didn’t quite go the way that he had planned. But sometimes, when he woke up with a thick tongue and a storm raging in his head, muscles aching and cramping, his skin sticky, and coated  with a light film of sweat as Paola stared at him anxiously...sometimes, he did think that his lifestyle, as a whole, as a mistake.
Marco’s answer was easier, though, and far more romantic.
“Letting my heart get carried away,” he said softly, melancholy twisting his tone. Marco/Felipe rubbed at the back of his neck, eyes downcast. “Not letting my head reason with it more.” There was more truth in it than he cared to admit. His heart was what had guided him for so long, ravenous and relentless. Demanding, demanding, demanding. If he had let his head wrestle with it more, perhaps, then he wouldn’t have the cravings that he did, have the inexplicable penchant for a life of brutality and crime. Sighing, he shrugged, making it clear that his thoughts began and ended here.
Gently, she continued on with her questions, ducking her head a bit to meet his gaze. She wanted to engage him in eye contact so that he could know that she was listening, that she cared.
God, Paola’s shift couldn’t be over soon enough.
“So, then, what has been the most difficult task asked of you?”
“Learning to recognize what was best for me and act on it.” Long-winded lies were easier to swallow when they were peppered with the truth, and the sincerity of his tone surprised even him. He wasn’t going to elaborate on it, but he would let the woman draw whatever conclusions she wanted. “You’d think that once you realized that someone -- or something -- was bad for you, you’d immediately try to quit it, but…” Felipe/Marco let it end there. His gaze drifted away from his interrogator’s watching the people that walked here to and fro, living their quiet, mundane lives. Content with living in a tepid existence. Never knowing a taste of revelry, worship, and glory. Truthfully, though, he should have recognized after his first kill that maybe this life wasn’t always meant for him. The thought had been buried six feet under, because it meant that he would be able to live the life he wanted -- adored and whispered about as though he were a legend in the making.
Then he had met Paola.
And fallen in love with her.
Ah, fuck, maybe that was his mistake.
“...Sorry! Sorry, apologies, got caught in my own head.”
“I just wanted to know, since you’re from Verona, what are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?”
“I don’t think you should ever ask someone from Verona that.”
“Oh! Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize it was a sensitive --”
“No, it’s alright, I might actually be one of the few people that you could ask this question. The war is a waste. The people of the city are terrified and tired of fighting for a cause they can’t even remember. There needs to be some sort of definitive change because, eventually, there’s not going to be any blood left to spill.” Huh. Odd. He didn’t have to lie as much as he thought he would have with this question. The city was tired, as were the people, as was the cadence of the war. They needed someone to go in and shake things up a bit, maybe spice things up with a little intrigue and mystery. He’d see if he was bored enough to do it -- but for now, he was more than happy to bask in this little paradise he had found for himself in the arms of a delicate woman he would easily go on a bended knee for. Not now though, he wanted to wait a bit. But eventually.
The woman handed him her number as the interview began to draw to a close, idle conversation clearly something that she thought Marco would enjoy. Felipe didn’t much care for it, but he continued with the niceties until she began to look at her watch. The moment she turned away, he crumpled up the paper and tossed it into a planter, covering his mouth with a lazy fist as he yawned, standing up and stretching himself out as he made his way over to the bookshop.
His phone buzzed in his pocket and he frowned.
Only Paola had his number, except for one other person in Verona --
“Fucking hell.”
1. For years he has perfected the following accents: British (posh), Australian, Spanish, French, German, and American (Southern). For years he regularly went with the Spanish accent to make himself seem more enticing to people and when he met Paola he said he was born in Italy but raised in Spain. He was rather proud of himself for that one and would have kept the accept for the rest of his life if it meant that she would take his name.
2. When fighting, he tries to knock people out rather than kill them. Though it makes things slightly more difficult, he loathes robbing anyone of their life. One would think it would get easier each time, but he has found that it gets more difficult every time he does it. There is a routine that typically follows the act: his hands begin to shake uncontrollably and the next day he finds himself incapable of leaving his bed. After the 24 hour period he buys a rose and throws it into the Adige. So far he has bought 6 red roses and 1 white rose.
3. Felipe is a natural at chemistry. He enjoys it and probably would have gotten a career as a chemist if he had continued his education instead of teaching himself, but he finds the structure of academia boring and tedious. Learning topics at his own rate is far more preferable and allows him to consume things at his own rate -- although he does find himself writing what he learns in journals. In these same journals he practices different styles of penmanship so that, should anyone read the books, they’d think it was passed between multiple people.
4. His bambinaia was from Germany and sometimes he would slip up and accidentally call her mama. He keeps a picture of her in his wallet. A stupid, sentimental thing to do that will probably get him in toruble, but Felipe can’t seem to bear the idea of parting with it. The only person he had shown her picture to was Paola, and even then he couldn’t bring himself to elaborate on their relationship. He acts like she’s dead. It’s easier that way.
5. He prefers reading poems over books. They give much more insight to a person than a five hundred page book ever could.
1. Jet -- Avatar the Last Airbender
2. Frenchie -- The Boys
3. Flynn Rider -- Tangled
4. Luke Castellan -- The Percy Jackson Series
5. Theon Greyjoy -- Game of Thrones
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bedlamgames · 6 years
Q&A #94
Today we have various forms of removal, the new biomancy assignment, and corruption among others.
nh-maikochan said: Regarding the bimbo slave not being sold: Yes she did have bimboborn. Also, I think I may have sent a message like this before and have totally forgotten. If this is just a repeat, feel free to ignore it. 
Thanks that really did help solve the issue. Should be sorted now as of the current update. 
doof-ex-machina said: Hello! Could I ask some question about one particular problem I'm facing playing No Haven? The thing is, when I try to save a game and then load it, all the names of slavers and slaves in the boxes disappear, and that's just 'Slaver 1', 'Slaver 2' and so on that are visible in Inventory, Visible Characters and Room Objects boxes. I tried all the versions of RAGS available but none of them helped to solve the problem.
That’s a RAGS issue. Make sure you’re saving only when it is safe as detailed at the beginning of the game. Other than that if you finish day the names should update back to normal. 
Anonymous said: I cannot for the life of me figure out how to remove someone from a current role in the camp on No Haven.... would you be willing to tell me? I am probably missing it because it's stupid simple.
No problems. Same way as setting them to the role so Right click > Talk to > Assign to an Encampment Position > -None-.
There’s a couple of positions like second-in-command where slavers will resist giving up power and for them you’ll have to use more nefarious methods. 
Anonymous said: [NH 0.821] Bug / suggestion: My slaver has Dolled Up, and a ton of other corruptions, which is great, but the description is weird. Due to DU, it describers my slaver as having "dark crimson rubber skin[...]" and then "have eyes[...]covered up entirely", but the very next line describes my ponytail. Hair on red rubber is a weird mental image. Might I suggest that DU simply makes the skin rubbery rather than changing the color? That, and not replace the eyes? I miss my heterochromia. Thank you!
It is corrupted rubber of perversion and evil so is capable of having holes for hair :)
Also one of the risks with corruption is you can very much lose as well as win such is the risks of flirting with depravity for power be it traits, arms, or even your nice eyes. 
Anonymous said: [no haven 0.843] so I tried to do basic bimbo training with a slave that had advanced obedience, selected 2 slavers and noticed it needed 3 so I clicked on slavers and then it began the assignment blocking the slave slot but not starting the assignment AND removing the slave permanently, seems like it is also overflowing because I'm getting "not enough to defend the encampment" while I have 6 out of 8 slavers in the camp.
Thanks for letting me know and will sort it for the next update.
Anonymous said: Love the new update, though I have several questions. A: How does one start the quest to gain better Biomancy? B: Say I had a Second-in-command who was set as my characters former owner. This seems to give the character massive bonuses to respect checks. My character has Dominator and Thrallforge, but I still cant succeed Dominating to get him to go nude, etc. Is it currently possible to succeed at such a check? C: Is there currently no way to force a 2nd out of their role via the respect check system? Surely we should be able to dominate or trigger them into giving up the post? D: On a related note, why is there no option to dominate when trying to force a merc to join the camp? E: Is there some kind of block preventing me from shrinking an Amazon Futanari's cock with Biomancy? I tried dozens of times, and never had any results. Anyway, thats all I can think of for now. Look forward to your answers. If I remember more Ill ask. Again, love the game and update! 
The new assignment that will start the biomancy chain begins in the City of Aversol. It's a rare assignment, can be done by anyone with or without biomancy, and like bred to be broken you need a certain amount of gold in the stash to find it.
Theoretically I think? It’s going to be a long shot though unless you can mess with them like making them a bimbo through corruption or send them off on quick as you like.
Not currently. Will think about it. 
Dominating is a short term will overwhelm so once it’s done the merc would just be unhappy and leave.
Futanari for plot related reasons which I swear I’ll get to eventually can’t have their cocks shrunk by biomancy.
Anonymous said: Since we already have Recruiter customization options for brother/sister, any chance we'll see father/mother or son/daughter added as options? I'd love to see that feature expanded on in general, especially if it adds more options for incest.
I’ll think about it. Not super into incest as it is, and the parental versions even less so. Saying that next update will have some implication in regard to one of the assignments so it’s possible as long as it’s not that much of a focus.
madron-fc said: Had the following happen to me in 0.843 of NoHaven, not sure if it is intended behaviour: I went on the Mountains asignment to catch the male drow after which I did get the request to fullfill. After doing some training on the new slave, I realised that the opportunity was no longer listed amon the asignments. I thought it might have just timed out without me noticing, but way later into that same game I got a notice for that very opportunity to soon time out. my guess is that when I completetd the advanced Sissy Training and the Slave changed name, the asignment disappears, but I do not have a save of that time so I cannot test this.
Huh, okay. That opportunity is timed in regard to expiry, but that does sound off. Will check, thank you. 
And now some more from outside of the tumblr:
From Hypnopics: Is the demi Angel commission added to the game?
If you mean the four-winged Truly Divine one then that commission is being used for an assignment next update.
From Hypnopics: This game really needs a way to quickly and easily dismiss slavers and slaves you don't want. You should be able to immediately sell slaves taken as loot, even if only for 15-20 gold and able to R. click - dismiss slaves and slavers. I keep hitting a wall with content blocked because i have too many mediocre slaves/ slavers.
Update following the next one is going to be about having a more reliable way of freeing slaves than sending them to the whore makers. Slavers I always wanted to be one of your challenges to manage with more events coming involving them working to undermine your authority which is why you're limited to assignments like Sudden Betrayal. Saying that there likely will be more options to manipulate their morale/reputation to get them to bugger off coming in future. I'm also planning to introduce slave mines/farms/temples where you'll be able to parcel off a whole number of slaves and slavers at once for an ongoing bonus and the occasional choice/assignments to keep them going.
From TFGames: Loving the new update so far. I was playing with the slave mantras and really liking them, but had something happen. Had gotten two mantras on one slave, Obedience, which had fully embedded, and Sissy, which was at the advanced stage. I was planning on adding some more later, but wanted to finish his proper training first. I ended up getting a crit on Advanced Obedience training and giving him the Obedient trait (there's too many uses of the word Obedient in this paragraph). After that, I couldn't select him for hypnosis. I suspect because of the Obedient trait, it thinks that he has the Denial mantra embedded (which also gives the trait and blocks other mantras). Also, I haven't tried yet, but does the Bimbo mantra block Bimbo training? I had a couple odd situations in the previous version where traits gained outside of training blocked those associated trainings. Two main examples: Had a slave escape, recaptured with a crit, then escaped and recaptured with a crit again, giving them Obedient. However I couldn't do Advanced Obedience Training with them any more. Second was had a slave at Basic Sissy training stage and they got the Pretty Maid corruption result, switching them to the Sissy gender, but also blocking the Advanced Sissy training option. No I know these might be redundant, but the trainings alone add value to the slave, but then getting traits with shortcuts or luck could be a balancing factor, so it might be intentional. Anyway, this was in the last version so it might not be in the current one.
Those are both connected issues and kind of working as intended. If you get what the training/hypnosis is basically trying to achieve then that training/hypnosis becomes no longer available. Think about it as having different paths to the same result. Does mean that you don't get the same value bonuses, but I think I'm okay with that as it reflects how long you spent perfecting the slave and keeps them from being quite so similar in the long run. I do agree though that this can feel off and I'm open to other takes on this as it's feedback I've heard a few times now.
From TFGames: I voted Lamia because I feel like keeping track of all your slavers and all their traits is exhausting and starting with one fewer gives you a bit of time to get familiar with them before adding more.
There's also elitist and proactive under the full custom options if you want to start with less slavers. If you want to go full minimalist there's also the golem scenario where you start with only three slavers.
(This is in regard to the current poll running on the TFGames discussion thread)
From TFGames: Hello, I just spent about 20 hours playing this awesome game for the past 3 days!! It made me insane. I especially loved exploring the limits of corruption and biomancy. There is a lot of content with cum consumption, which is pretty cool =). There's one thing I didn't get: how to raise the encampment leader's tolerance for highly rated armors and clothes? I could wear a 55 rated item at most, but that's it. Oh and also, can the encampment leader get corrupted to the point of getting Babydoll? Or is that just for other players? I managed to inflict Babydoll on two slaves, but never on myself. Anyway, this game is awesome =D. Thank you for doing this.
Thank you, I'm glad you've been enjoying it! The clothing limit is in place to prevent you completely fucking your ability to lead by putting yourself in bondage. Then now the takeover options are included I may just remove it so you can see how long you can last while being in an armbinder and the like   Babydoll for now is limited to others. Will possibly change this again given the takeover options as such a naive and gullible leader is also not going to last long at all. Though for that I'd want to include more personalization for the player to properly reflect that corruption. 
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joie-university-rp · 5 years
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It is with great pleasure we invite you admission to Joie University! Welcome to the Thunderclap family!
Congratulations, BREE! Please be sure to check the New Members’ Checklist and send in your character’s account within 24 hours from now. We cannot wait to see all that you will bring to this roleplay! We love you already!
Name/Alias; pronouns: bree / she/her
Age, Timezone: 22, CST
Activity, short explanation: y’all already know. Like a 6
Ships:  Posey/Chemistry
Anti-Ships: Posey/No Chemistry
Triggers: RFP
Preferred photo for Character’s ID (please give a link): https://66.media.tumblr.com/fe57779b38b6336388ddb93dbb6fa9e2/tumblr_pyk2xouYrk1yucpjoo10_640.jpg
Anything else: n/a
Full Name (First, Middle, Last): Persephone “Posey” Charlotte Harper
FC: Adelaide Kane
Age/Year at University (Freshman [1st Year], Sophomore, Junior, Senior, or Graduate Student): 23 / Junior
Birth date (MONTH DAY, YEAR): May 24th, 1996
Hometown (please be sure to check the hometowns listed for characters your muse is related to!): Denver, CO
Gender/Pronouns: Female/ She/Her
Sexuality: Demisexual
Major(s): Education
Minor(s) [optional]: Culinary Arts
Housing request (remember, only the president of a Greek Organization is required to live at a Greek House to be in it!): Anywhere in Pillsbury Dorm is fine!
Extracurriculars (Click here for the list. Be sure to specify any executive board positions [i.e. president, secretary, etc.] If something isn’t listed, please put it here and we will add it to the masterlist!): Archery member, Cooking Club ? Posey would take on being president of that.
Greek Life Affiliation [optional] (Please be sure to specify any executive board positions [i.e. president, pledge educator, etc.] or if your character is not yet a member, but plans to rush):  Mu Sigma, Iota Chi Chapter
TW: Abandonment; TW: Alcoholism; TW: Depression; TW: Anxiety Attacks; TW: Panic Attacks
When Posey was 10 years old, her mother left her father for her co-worker, leaving her father distraught. He fell into a pit of depression and went missing for days. Posey tried not to worry, and carried on going to school despite not getting much sleep. Because of her decent grades and no alarming behaviors cropping up, the brunette slipped through the cracks with the adults in her school. Her anxiety worsened with each day that her father did not come home, but she was too frightened to contact the police because she figured she would get taken away from her father by DCFS.
After 10 days, her father was found in a shelter and sent to the hospital to get his stomach pumped due to alcohol poisoning. Posey missed many days of school as she spent all her time at the hospital with her father, who had more health issues crop up during his recovery. Her grades and health suffered greatly and eventually caused her to get held back a year.
Her anxiety only worsen as she watched all her friends move on to the next grade while she was stuck behind. Having major panic attacks on a regular basis, she ended up seeing the school counselor on a regular basis.
As Posey entered high school, she realized that she needed to work more on self-care and began seeing a therapist once a week, sometimes twice if her anxiety flared up more that usual. It helped her channel her energy into things like archery and cooking, as well as her school work.
Posey earned her Teaching English as a Foreign Language certification within her first two years of college and got a job in Hong Kong to teach English to the children of the country and make a real difference. She spent 1 year there before moving to Italy, spending another full year teaching.
(Please answer the following questions IN CHARACTER. Responses can be as long or short as you see fit!)
What made you want to attend Joie University? “After traveling and teaching for two years abroad, I wanted a place that I could feel welcome after a very non-traditional path I had taken for college originally. Also, finding Joie… it just seems like a life motto for me. I constantly want to “find joy” in my life, instead of hone in on things that can be very overwhelming.”
What are at least 3 positive or neutral and at least 3 negative traits that you believe you possess? “Three positives… well, caring, a great listener, and… in some ways, brave. For negatives… I am a very anxious person, I can be too unsure of myself, and can put too much pressure on myself with goals that are too unattainable … Why are you asking this question?”
Which of your traits do you value most? “Value most? I- Well, I think I value them all equally. I don’t know that I could pick one… If I have to… well, maybe being a great listener? People seem to trust me, which is nice.”
How can that trait benefit the University (or its student body) as a whole? “I would say that everyone needs an ear to listen to the things happening in their lives. If I can make even just one person feel heard and seen… I will feel like I’ve done something important. That’s one of the reasons why I want to become a teacher… Young kids need to feel like they are seen and heard too. Growing up these days is so hard.”
What do you hope to gain from your experience at JU? “I hope to make an impact on fellow classmates, the school, and ultimately, myself through getting my degree and taking all my experience and practices and becoming the very best teacher that I can.”
What is a quote or song lyric that describes you? “There’s a new song out that I really resonate with… Workin’ On It by Meghan Trainor. The lyrics hit home with me. A little bit that struck me:  
Tryna be good to me I should give myself way more love I’m my worst enemy I’m the voice who says “I’m not good enough”
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◆Out Of Character Information◆
Name/Age: Alex, 29 Preferred Pronouns: She/Her Timezone: Eastern Desired Character: Carter Perkins
◆Character Information◆
(1)  What pronouns will your character be using? Would you like to list their sexuality at this time?: 
He/Him. Heterosexual
(2)  Any changes or comments?
(3) Why this character? 
Well, the FC is one of my favourites and then I really liked his character. I love that he used to be this sadder person but then with time became wiser. This would leave great space for flashbacks where his whole evolution could be written about- following his bio of course. I like that he is a happy person that people all like. I can see him getting into shenanigans because of this but also him being the friend everyone needs. I just love the idea of writing such a positive character that also has room for darker shades.
(4) Interpret this character:
I would play him as the man who wants peace and peace to make peace. He wants to help be an ear for those who need one, an adviser for those who are at lost with their selves, mainly be the type of person he wished he had known when he was growing up. I see him in constant silly troubles as I said earlier. I’d like to use some of that great Jack Black personality to bring him life and character. I think I’d have him friends with all beings, no matter who they are. He’d be a strong advocate for coexistence but obviously he would be one of the only ones who thinks that.
I’d love for him to be a friend for all, but of course that could go against him. Some people might manipulate him for their evil means. His past also haunts him even if he denies it badly. The journal and the death of his parents will always follow him, so will his past self, especially in his dreams. I think he will be prone to many nightmares, one of the reasons he is such a beacon of light and laughter for others: he still suffers and just doesn’t want others to suffer like he does.
I think he his spirituality comes from him seeing truth in all faiths. He finds them fascinating and loves learning about them and taking part in them even for discovery. He will never be persuade to just one though. I think this also comes from his need to laugh and be happy, he needs to enjoy life and the world in all its ways.
As a man of peace, Carter would really rally behind the King’s intend to bring peace with the supernatural species. As someone who had to get himself redeemed he believes everyone should have a chance to do so as well. He would like the King a lot actually but never really openly voice his support as he avoids best he can to discuss politics. But I think he would tumble into that topic easily since he wants peace so badly. He really just wants everyone to get along. As for supernaturals, he never knew who killed his parents and so it could be anyone, to him. He’s seen the worst of humans and some worst from the supernatural side, and he has concluded that what you are doesn’t make you, but it’s your actions and your choices that make you. The only species he’s not too sure about are reapers and specters. They remind him a lot of death and this touches his sad memories somehow. He tries really heard to be kind to them but anyone can tell he is a bit uncomfortable. He’ll avoid them if he can, unless they look sad: then he cannot help to try and make them smile.
◆ Interview Questions ◆
(1) Question One: Wouldn’t it be better to try to figure out what the journals are trying to tell you about the blood feud in Crescent Grove instead of just giving up? 
“HA!” he says laughing with gusto, “I just don’t see the point in digging up some old stories and probably more rumours than anything else. Funny thing is, no matter what I do and wherever I go it seems that this darn journal follows me, something picking at my brain. I always end up looking at those pages again. Never for long!” he gestures with his hand as though commanding to stop himself, “I am a man of joy and peace, a man of ale and laughter! I will leave the past in the past, right where it belong. Now if only it would remain there.”
(2) Question Two: What is your favorite part about visiting Miervaldis? “Everything! The people, the smells of burning incense, the calm and quiet the shrines hold. That place saved my life, didn’t you know? A wild wayward boy I was,” he lift his index in the air rapidly to accentuate his point, “but fear not! My past is long gone and dealt with, not nuisances there. None. Well, maybe on some occasions, but other than that? None. Miervaldis is a beautiful city, you should visit it sometime. It will change you forever.”
◆Writing Sample:◆
There it was. His greatest foe and sworn enemy: stairs. Carter sighed loudly and annoying every step he took on his way up. Why did he has to climb all the way up for this? It was ridiculous. A voice shouted behind him, “Come on Carter! When are you coming out of your cellar already? Is it that hard to bring the cask up?” Carter grunted. Yes. Yes, it was that hard. Not only did he have whiplash from his little escapade in the Hallowed Oak, but he also had a mean hangover. “Curse those woods!” he mumbled behind his breath, “I’m never going that far again.”
He finally pushed it all the way up, the cask and himself that is. The merchant buying the cask waiting for him grabbed it and watched as Carter rolled painstakingly onto the floor. “Just,” he stopped panting a bit, “Just leave it the silver next to me and go. Let me die here.” He was overly dramatic, nothing new. The patron simply rolled his eyes and placed the money right next to him before bidding him farewell. The whiff of the sweet aroma of beer brought him back to life. “The poison, it beckons me,” he said to himself aloud, pulling himself up and rising his head from the counter of The Leaky Leaf. The visage of a familiar friend appeared and suddenly his face was an illuminated smile. “Well, well, look at who comes to pay me a visit!” He laughed as he turned to grab his customer’s usual drink.
“So, tell me kind friend, how abodes the affairs of the capital?” Carter didn’t care much for politics, he didn’t care at all really but he remembered how last time his friend showed up how the troubles up north weighed heavily on him. “What can an ale-master of such resplendence as myself do for such a heroic lot as you? hmmm?!” He had no idea if he could call a werewolf heroic, he knew little of heroics himself but he knew his words would raise the spirits of his friend. After all, it was all that mattered to him: create an ocean of smiles to hide the very bitter pain he carried with him everywhere.
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