#// keep being the truest of GOATs dude
"Look at you..all grown up and confident. I was right to put all of Humanity's hope on you. But I'm also sorry, that I couldn't be strong enough to give you a normal childhood. You're someone that deserve fond memories, you deserve to have dreams and be happy. Honestly, the life of a warrior was never something I wanted for you, this burden. Although I knew in my heart that you could bear it..it just..I only wished I could have been a better older brother. But seeing you, this you right here right now..it eases my heart to know the little brother I have now will one day find peace. I only hope you could find it in your heart to forgive me for not being strong enough." (From a Gohan that's just recovered after losing his arm.) //ALSO this is to the GOAT, trust me bro when it comes to writing this character you are HIM.
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"Gohan I-"
He found it hard to find the words. What would he say that he hadn't cried out countless times before? That he was sorry that he still wasn't strong enough? Sorry that he had to lose his arm for him? Sorry that he wasted the last senzu bean on him? He had been sitting next to Gohan along with Bulma day in and day out, waiting for his mentor's recovery so he could give a proper apology to the man he owed so much to. Even after spending hours thinking about what he wanted to say, his thoughts were clouded and hazy as too many emotions were running around at once.
"Don't apologize- I'm the one who should be doing that..."
His eyes focus on where Gohan's arm used to be. The man had sacrificed so much for his sake, and he couldn't even repay the favor by turning into a Super Saiyan. He felt pathetic, but he didn't want Gohan to catch him feeling sorry for himself- This wasn't about him, it was about his mentor. No matter what, from now on, he had to resolve to be worthy of this praise.
"When you get your energy back, I'm gonna make you proud Gohan. I'm gonna work twice, no, thrice as hard! And I'm gonna turn Super Saiyan right before your eyes! You'll see, those monsters won't know what hit them!"
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allysartstuff · 6 years
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Note: This has been drawn as a reference guide which is free to use if you wish to draw this character. However, please do not repost or claim as your own, thank you.
Finally, more Next Gen! Here's the ninth born and the eldest of The Young Five. Lucky Bug
Personality: Inquisitive, sarcastic, excitable, nervous, smart, easily embarrassed.
Likes: Insects, singing, wild adventures, camping, pretty things (and mares).
Dislikes: Discord’s interest in his love life, his eyes and horns, ponies staring, getting wound up.
Lucky Bug is the eldest son and second born of Fluttershy and Discord. He is the middle child, younger brother to Upsy Daisy and older brother to Hullabaloo.
Lucky was born out of unusual circumstances. He wasn't conceived inside the womb like Daisy was. In fact, Fluttershy and Discord were very careful not to have any more ‘accidents’ again. However, that was not meant to be. For a long time, Discord kept experiencing terrible stomach aches. According to the doctors, though, he was perfectly healthy. They were completely baffled as to where the source of the pain was coming from. It had gotten so bad that Discord sometimes couldn't get out of bed. Fluttershy tried her best to help her husband but nothing seemed to ease his pain. One day, the family were having breakfast when suddenly, Discord doubled over in pain, twitching and writhing until finally, he fainted. On the chair where he was now sat a large green and red dragon-like egg. Fluttershy, shocked and in a tizzy, rushed to get the vet, doctor and Twilight over while Daisy attended to her exhausted father. Nopony could explain why or how Discord developed an egg and laid it, not even Discord himself.
Nevertheless, once it was revealed that there was a Pegasus embryo inside, the pair made preparations for a new baby, despite their exasperation at another accident and Daisy’s confusion as to where babies actually come from. The egg was placed in an incubator and kept a close eye on for several months.
And in those several months, a lot happened. Eight year old Daisy was kidnapped and tortured for a week and even after she was rescued, she developed bad PTSD and other mental health problems and anxieties that would stay with her for the rest of her life. Starting a day after her rescue, Daisy hid in a kitchen cupboard for a month. She only came out once she realised the egg was beginning to hatch but it was struggling to do so. She helped the egg hatch properly and out popped a wailing green baby pegasus with pink hair. It was only after that did Daisy begin to get better mentally and went outside to see her friends. Baby Lucky didn’t know it, but he just about saved Daisy’s life.
Despite his unusual beginnings, Lucky enjoyed life as any ordinary pony would. He became best friends with the children of his parents’ friends, Berry Bubblegum, Lickety-Split, Opal and Forelle. As a foal, he was teased relentlessly by the local bullies about his red and yellow eyes and the fact that his coat was slowly turning yellow. This did unfortunately cause him to be very image conscious about these small things he couldn’t control but he always relied on his best friend Lickety-Split to chase those bullies away.
Lucky is the least chaotic out of the Fluttercord children. He had chaotic powers, sure, but rarely needed to use them and was a relatively well behaved kid. He only every got into serious trouble once. Like his mother, Lucky can talk to animals but he seem to only use this ability to communicate with insects. Fascinated by what he learned from the insects, he poured himself into learning everything and anything he could. To say he was utterly obsessed was an understatement and his bedroom became a safe haven for all things creepy crawly. When Lucky was ten, he went of exploring to find more bugs, both to observe their natural behaviours and to add to his collection. He was gone for two days, sleeping in the woods with no shelter and feeding of wild berries and mushrooms, yet he loved every minute of it. However, he didn’t tell his parents before he left. Discord and Fluttershy were beside themselves in panic, fearing he had been taken as well. Discord’s magic didn’t work on his children so he couldn’t locate him. They were hugely relieved when Lucky walked through the front door, smiling with mud in his coat, twigs in his hair, carrying his various bugs and a brand new cutie mark of a ladybug on a leaf on his flank. He was also super grounded once he told them where he had been.
His early teenage years were challenging. Despite hating his eyes and horns, Lucky was (and still is) considered to be very handsome by many mares at school. Some even find his eyes and horns attractive in an edgy way, even though, personality-wise, he is far from that. However, he did develop a liking to pretty mares but was far too shy to ask them out himself, prompting Split to literally shove him into his crushes just to get him to talk to them. Lickety-Split wasn’t always the best wingman but it was far better than Lucky’s own father. Once Discord caught Lucky staring dreamily at Opal, Rarity’s daughter. He immediately made it his new life mission to set them up, pushing him to talk to her, magically conjuring gifts for Lucky to give her and setting up this most romantic dates ever. Each attempt embarrassed and irritated Lucky more and more. Discord even got Upsy Daisy roped into it, but only because she saw this as another opportunity to wind up Lucky.
Thankfully, Opal didn’t mind too much. She actually did develop feelings for Lucky during the two dranconequis’ meddling and she really wanted a nice guy after being treated like dirt by the rich famous jerks in Canterlot. After another one of Discord and Daisy’s date set ups, the pair managed to sneak away. They had their own ‘not-really-a-date’, exploring the forests around Ponyville on a midsummer night. It wasn’t long before they confessed their mutual feelings to each other and began dating. Discord still takes full credit for the success, much to Lucky and Fluttershy’s annoyance.
In the current timeline, Lucky is eighteen and in his last year of school. He would like to study insects and bugs as a career and plans to go to university once he is done with school. He is still dating Opal. Unfortunately, Discord has yet to stop pestering Lucky about that.
Bits and Pieces
The reason for Lucky’s existence didn't come to fruition until many years after he hatched. Twilight found a very old scroll on dragonequi, which explained a very rare instance of reproduction in the species. If a dragonequus feels the deepest and truest of love for another, it begins to create an egg made of that love, regardless of gender or if the other is a different species. Otherwise, dragonequi make babies the normal way. Discord didn't know about it as he hadn't been around his own kind for a very long time. After learning this, both Daisy and Lucky were afraid of the same thing happening to them when they were in their own relationships but luckily that never happened.
Lucky and Daisy care for each other very much, especially since Daisy considers Lucky to be her life saver. However, Lucky is just far to easy to annoy and Daisy finds it very funny.
Lucky wasn’t born with horns. One day, he complained about having a terrible headache all day, which got worse after bedtime. In the morning, a sleep deprived Lucky, trudged into the kitchen with his family staring at him. He had literally sprung up two identical goat horns overnight. Mortified at the thought to going to school like this, he begged Discord and Daisy to remove them when his attempts failed. But no matter how many times they made them disappear, the horns grew right back immediately. Like his eyes, he has since learned to live with them but that didn’t stop an embarrassing day at school with everyone staring and giggling at him.
Lucky has a draconequus from but he prefers his pony image.
As a baby, Upsy Daisy was quiet and never fussed at night. Lucky was the opposite. Every night, he would scream so loud, Discord had to soundproof the cottage as to not wake all of Ponyville again and brake every single window. Both parents had very restless night in those early days.
Lucky uses his chaos powers for his bug research, such as shrinking down to an ant’s size to interact with a colony.
Lucky was born green, like his grandfather and uncle, but the green gradually faded to yellow as he got older.
Like his mother, Lucky has a beautiful singing voice, though he is more comfortable singing in front of others. He and Fluttershy like to sing together a lot. When Opal has had a bad day, she asks Lucky to sing for her and it soothes her every time.
Lucky’s godmother is Treehugger. While Treezy loves to hang out with her little dude of a godchild, Lucky is a little uneasy about her. Sure, she loved nature just as much as he did but she was all about spirit, embracing, chakras and other strange things while he was into studying nature and insects for research. Not that he hated her, she was just too...odd for him (ironic considering his family).
Lucky’s romance with Opal is ridiculously sugary sweet and playful. Despite their differing interests, they adore spending time together, teasing and flirting with each other while taking picnics together. However, unlike Opal’s brother Ace Dany and his boyfriend Bramble, they strictly keep their flirtiness private.
Lucky is terrified of Fluttershy’s stare, something that’s impervious to Daisy and Hullabaloo.
Lucky Bug © Me
My Little Pony © Hasbro
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