#// shaddap u drunk
cyngetorix · 3 years
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"Oy, stohp bullyin' me!"
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cryofblood · 8 years
91 Days volume 2 drama CD translation
An anon requested this translation some time ago, and I’ve finally gotten it done. Sorry I fell off the face of Tumblr for a while there!
To everyone else who’s craving more 91 Days content - especially if you’ve been thinking “I wish there were more 91 Days content featuring bawdy humor, goofy slapstick comedy, and Cerotto’s life being difficult” - this is for you.
You can listen to the drama CD audio here: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4.
Volume 2 Drama CD: “People Who Woo Witches”
Nero: Anyway... the two of you aren’t interested in women, huh? Are you two together?
Corteo: N-no such thing!
Avilio: Don’t be so loud, Corteo. It’s not something that has to be hidden, is it?
Corteo: A-Avilio! Don’t cause misunderstandings!
Nero: (laughs) Cerotto! Another drink!
Cerotto: Mr. Nero, how about you call it a day?
Nero: Shaddap! Just be quiet and serve the booze. Avilio! Corteo! You two drink more too.
Avilio: Right.
Cerotto: Corteo, get these guys out of here before trouble starts.
Corteo: Don’t talk nonsense. Both of them won’t listen to a word I say.
Nero: Eh? Heh. Oi. Look over there.
Avilio: Ah? If I’m not mistaken, that’s... Fango’s lover.
Corteo: Ms. Lacrima... right?
Nero: How about a bet? Whoever manages to seduce her is the winner.
Cerotto: Y-you should stop. Seriously. If you’re seen by Mr. Fango, you’ll be killed. Seriously!
Nero: Shut up! If I was scared of Fango, could I be in the mafia?
Cerotto: I’m not having anything to do with this.
Nero: (laughs) How about you two?
Avilio: Not interested. I’ll pass.
Corteo: Count me out too. I’m not good with this kind of thing.
Nero: Tch! You guys don’t know how to have fun, huh. ...How about this? If either of you manages to pick her up, then you can officially join the Family.
Corteo: Actually, I don’t really...
Avilio: Will I be able to meet Don Vanetti? If I join the Family.
Corteo: Avilio...
Nero: Oh? You want to meet my father?
Avilio: Yeah. The man who rules this town from the shadows - what is he like? I want to behold him for myself.
Nero: (laughs) Of course I’ll let you meet him. Then it’s settled.
Avilio: Yeah. Corteo, you go first.
Corteo: H-hang on!
Avilio: What?
Corteo: I-I’m staying out of this. I haven’t done anything like seduction before. I’ve never been with a woman either.
Nero: All the more you should do it now, right? Go on. Who knows, maybe you’re just the type of meal she likes?
Corteo: That’s-! If I were eaten by that person, there wouldn’t even be any bones left!
Nero: Don’t say that kind of pathetic thing.
Avilio: But Nero, I’ve seen that woman and Fango... well... in the act. It was intense. Can you see things through to the end with that woman?
Nero: Well, of course! Whatever her exterior, inside she’s still a woman. No matter what kind of woman, when dealing with me, they’ll be like a sweet young girl...
Lacrima: Cerotto.
Cerotto: Yes, Madam.
Lacrima: Somehow today, it’s like I just can’t get drunk. Bring me a bottle of whiskey, without a glass. (burps)
Cerotto: Coming right up.
Nero: Uh... ...But, well, there’s no need to see things through to the end, is there? As long as you can get her to the room, it’s a win.
Corteo: There’s no way! If you’re caught by that person, there’s no chance of escaping!
Nero: Relax. The other two will just pretend to be drunk and drag the winner out of the room - that’s good enough, right?
Avilio: Hm. Understood. We’ll draw lots to decide who goes first. ...Here, draw. The one who gets the longest lot will start.
Nero: Hmm... This one!
Corteo: Then... this one.
Avilio: I get the last remaining one.
Nero: Ah? Tch! Starting with me? It’ll be over in a flash, huh.
Avilio: I wonder.
Nero: Well, I’ll show you just how it’s done. Take a good look!
Nero: Can I sit next to you?
Lacrima: What do you want?
Nero: Ah, big sis, you sure are sexy, huh!
Lacrima: (burps) “Big sis”?
Nero: Uh... I’m not interested in youngsters! After all, like they say, women come into their true charm when they hit forty. Like you, big sis, you’re in your prime-
Lacrima: Twenty-eight.
Nero: Uh?
Lacrima: I just turned twenty-eight last week.
Nero: (laughs) You’re kidding! That’s a real joke!
Lacrima: (laughs) You - are you picking a fight with me? You’ve got some nerve, huh~
Nero: Eh? S-seriously? ...Twenty-eight? (awkward laughter)
Corteo: Somehow... they’re both laughing like they’re enjoying themselves, but...
Avilio: Yeah.
Corteo: (gasps) Nero’s holding her hand!
Nero: Hey, cheer up, honey. I’ve had my eye on you for a long time.
Lacrima: Oh my, I might take you seriously.
Nero: Yeah, I’m serious about this. You’re wasted on that guy Fango. How about it? Tonight, with me...
(Nero screams)
Corteo: (gasps) Ms. Lacrima grabbed Nero’s c-crotch... Nero wins this one, I guess...
Avilio: Damn it, this was my long-awaited chance to get close to Vincent... But it’s gone again, huh...
Nero: (groaning) W-wait, wait...
Lacrima: I’m sorry~ But just this isn’t enough to satisfy me~
(Nero wheezes)
Lacrima: Come back in ten years... boy. See you.
Corteo: What happened? It looked like it was going so well...
Nero: Ahhhh... she’s a real tough one.
Avilio: So it seems. But I want to watch what happens over there for a bit more...
Lacrima: Cerotto! Another bottle, please.
Cerotto: Yes. Right away.
Avilio: Cerotto.
Cerotto: Uh?
Avilio: Try hitting on that woman.
Cerotto: Don’t kid around! Seriously, I’ll get killed by Mr. Fango!
Avilio: Fifty dollars advance payment.
Cerotto: Eh?
Avilio: If you succeed, there’s another fifty.
Cerotto: Th-that means... I can get a h-hundred?
Avilio: That’s right. Is it fine if this guy tries too, Nero?
Nero: Heh! Suit yourself. Though you’re just throwing your money away.
Cerotto: Enjoy. Your new bottle.
Lacrima: Thanks. Put it on that fellow’s tab.
Cerotto: Eh... on Mr. Fango’s, right.
(rustling and fidgeting noises)
Lacrima: What’s the matter?
Cerotto: A-Actually, I- Ms. Lacrima, for some time...
Lacrima: Huh? What are you saying?
Cerotto: No, that’s why, I... Ms. Lacrima, you really are beautiful... So... Whoa!
Lacrima: (gasps) Ohhh... you’ve got something surprisingly impressive, huh...
Cerotto: HUH? EHH? No, no, u-u-uh, hang on-
Lacrima: It’s fine, it’s fine. Just relax. I’ll make you feel good.
Cerotto: What?! Ah - save me!
Lacrima: Alright... Here we go, feel it...
Cerotto: Ah! Ahhh wait wait, I can’t I can’t!
Lacrima: Now now, you have to be quiet~ That’s right~
(Cerotto yells)
Lacrima: Hey. You’re already done?
Cerotto: I’m sorry.
Lacrima: That was barely anything. Get away, you’re an eyesore.
Corteo: How was it? It was like... you two had your backs to us and were fumbling around...
Cerotto: (sniffles) I... I’ve had enough. Though it was my first time... Women... Women, that sort of thing, it’s too much! (sobs)
Nero: (laughs) Didn’t I say? How about it, Avilio? It’s your turn.
Avilio: Yeah. ...I’m going.
(Lacrima drinking and burping)
Avilio: May I sit next to you?
Lacrima: ...yes. Go ahead.
Avilio: Cerotto, a martini for this lady.
Cerotto: (brokenly) Right away...
Lacrima: (laughs) Oh no. What do you mean by getting me drunk?
Avilio: (chuckles) I want to know... everything about you.
Lacrima: Oh my...
Corteo: Amazing... Ms. Lacrima is blushing!
Nero: Somehow this pisses me off. Is it the face? Is his face her type or something?
Avilio: Is it alright if I move a bit closer?
Lacrima: Eh~? What should I do, I wonder~?
Avilio: Don’t be shy. Come on, look at me.
Lacrima: Like this?
Avilio: M-mm... (thinking) Endure, I can endure it, I won’t look away, this is for the sake of revenge!
Lacrima: What’s the matter~?
Avilio: N-nothing. Y-you’re beautiful, just like... Medusa.
Lacrima: What’s with that description?! That’s a monster that turns people into stone by looking at them, isn’t it? ...Ah! Or is it that... you want me to turn that part of you as hard as a rock~?
Avilio: (strangled scream)
Lacrima: Hey, don’t run away! Coward. Wait up!
Nero: You’re too weak.
Avilio: Yes. After all, I’m just a weak person.
Corteo: Avilio...
Avilio: This is the kind of person I am. A good-for-nothing coward who can’t even pick up one woman.
Corteo: That’s not it.
Avilio: (laughs) How comical. I was just grabbed there once, and I turned tail and fled back here. Such a good-for-nothing can’t possibly take revenge. There’s already no point in my being alive.
Corteo: No! Avilio, you’re not good for nothing!
Nero: What are you two muttering about?
Corteo: Ah... nothing!
Nero: What was that about “revenge”?
Corteo: Then... it’s my turn, isn’t it! Avilio, I promise. I’ll settle your score for you!
Avilio: Ah... Corteo!
Corteo: U-um...
Lacrima: Uh?!
Corteo: M-m-may I sit... next to you?
Lacrima: You’re annoying. Go somewhere else.
Corteo: P-please! Let me sit next to you, please!
Lacrima: Hm? Despite how you look, you’ve got guts, huh. Fine. Sit down.
Corteo: Thank you.
Lacrima: So, what? Do you want something from me?
Corteo: Well, uh... Y-you’re very... beautiful...
Lacrima: You’re saying you want to do it with me?
Corteo: E-ehh, no, that...
Lacrima: Come on! This place is getting on my nerves. Let’s go to the room. I’ll treat you well.
Corteo: (thinking) Ahhh! W-w-w-what’s going on? H-h-h-how did this happen?! What’s this sudden turn of events?! If I go with Ms. Lacrima now, do I win the bet?! But if Avilio and the others don’t rescue me, then my chastity... Who cares about my chastity! Avilio... Avilio has to join the Family...!
Lacrima: Hurry up and come here.
Corteo: Y-yes! (thinking) I’ll do it. I’m doing it! Avilio!
Fango: Lacrima!
Corteo: Fango!
Fango: Lacrima, let’s have fun.
Lacrima: Sorry~ Right now I have to go a thousand rounds with this kid.
Fango: What?! You... have you been making a pass at my woman?
Corteo: No! That’s... that’s not it...
Lacrima: I was seduced by him~
Fango: Ahhh? I’ve taken a fancy to you, boy.
Corteo: ...Eh?
Fango: Let me join you two. Well? That’s fine, isn’t it?
Corteo: Eh, that, uh, what do you mean-
Fango: It’s settled! Lacrima, prepare the usual.
Lacrima: Okay, darling!
Fango: Now, let’s go, brother.
Corteo: Sorry, Avilio... I can’t keep my promise after allllll!
Fango: Oi! Where are you going! Stop! ...Tch. He got away. ...It can’t be helped. Oi, Cerotto, booze.
Cerotto: Y-yes. Right away.
Fango: Hmm... You. You’ve got a pretty nice ass, huh.
Cerotto: Ehhhh? N-no way. Ahh! B-boss... W-what are you doing?
Fango: The hair on your arm, too... it’s really fine.
Cerotto: H-hey, boss... Please tell me what’s going on!
Fango: (laughs) You’ll do. Let’s go.
Cerotto: W-w-wait! Wait! Wa- NO! NOOOOOOO!
Nero: We were talking about “picking up”... but it ended up more like getting picked up, huh.
Avilio: Yeah. The bet fell through.
Corteo: Cerotto... will he be alright...
Avilio: Who knows. He said he’d had enough of women. This worked out just fine, didn’t it?
Nero: Well, that’s true. Maybe this will open his eyes. Now! I’ve sobered up too. Let’s drink more to fix that!
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