#// thank you for tagging me this was such a good meme/dash game!!!
ferromagnetiic · 9 months
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literally every hue of red
faded whiffs of cheap deodorant mingled with sweat at the end of a busy afternoon. distinct, masculine musk and warmed skin from being outside in the summer sun, beating down on him. the shared tang of the ocean’s headwind.
the nervousness lingering in the back of your nose, during moments of sharpened instincts; staining your tongue with something foul. like trepidation. he smells like oncoming threat. he smells like the anxiety you experience when you know danger is approaching, like something bad is about to occur, though you're uncertain of what that entails. he smells like clammy palms and a quickened heartbeat and a distrust that never quite dissipates.
metallic notes: spilled blood and laborious metalwork. the dryness of dusty tools in need of a polish, accompanied by the overwhelming bite of motor oil. an engine that's been running for too long, been functioning too hard, and is now emitting fumes.
the booze he's been drinking. rum on the rocks, or a frothy beer. stale fruit. shrouded in miasma while glasses clink in celebration as his men exchange a round of hearty toasts. an occasional cigarette when he steps outside for a smoke break. cheap thrills and long nights.
his signature coat: an exotic plume of feathers, heavier than it looks and impossible to ignore, racing like a sea of soft fire down his back.
gaudy-printed pants which some would consider an eyesore for being so needlessly dramatic.
crimson hair, spiked each morning with copious amounts of hair gel.
a sizeable collection of expensive jewelry: bangles, cuffs, rings; stolen and never once bought.
bold lipstick in dark shades and kohl eyeliner painted on a face that would otherwise be too bare without.
a pair of tinted goggles from an old friend dear to him, still.
the harsh, jagged edges of a false alloy arm: a paradox in both loss and gain. of something clearly solid yet missing.
a welding torch carelessly abandoned on the ground next to the incomplete body of an unfinished project.
a well-used electric guitar resting atop an amp.
imposing mechanical animals seeming to contain life of their own, rattling and hissing with complicated motions.
the brutal collision of a fist; knowing precisely where to land to make his opponent reel.
the brawl-promised warning of a sneer poorly disguised as a wry smile.
the fluid movement of a tongue, thick with an accent belonging to an almost-dead language.
the absentminded wiping of grease-smears on an old rag.
bellowing laughter; gruff, satisfied rumbling lodged within a throat.
“the scream of thunderbolts overhead; a country that has lost its privileges to quiet skies. the deafening patter of raindrops crashing onto tin roofs. there’s a presence in the junkyard hidden amongst the piles of scrap. sparks that are unpleasant to touch. a thousand flesh-eating sea kings swarming the coast, keeping you at bay. fingertips smudged with pencil lead from designing blueprints, so many of which are torn. your first successful invention, and short-lived moments of joy. pride swells in your chest.”
"a storehouse of restless discomfort and emotion. static stammering beyond your rabid snarling, the rushing of blood giving rise to the fine hairs on the back of your neck, disobedient and unlistening. a tense jaw that’s starting to go sore from gritted molars. everything about you is so loud. they won't part from you, uninjured. they'll speak of spite as though they'll understand it half as well as you do."
“being too good at these war-games. at collecting broken teeth and lacerations on your knees. a narrowed set of copper eyes — alight with animosity, dangerous and unnerving. it should hurt each time they knock you down; yet you don't quite feel it anymore. no love for the frail. you're about as angry as a bruise can get."
"your pull, magnetized on the outside, commands the creaking of the earth’s core. all iron folds to your will. you have little interest in playing god; despite what they say. you don't believe in transcendence, only perspective. so you continue to climb, tireless: a sentient contraption of mismatched parts continuously breaking down in the pursuit of strength. you’re an unburied artefact, terror on hooves. a rampaging minotaur lost inside the remnants of a once-great civilization. the wild shrillness of your best friend’s laughter, reeking in sacrifice and hardship, makes your residual limb flare up in turn. the pressure upon your shoulders remains heavier than any monstrous prosthetic you wield. you’ll protect everyone who’s counting on you: you’ve no other choice. you glint in spite of the rust."
"you were a boy once, turned man too early. you cling to survival like a hungry dogchild, thinking he can feast on raw bones alone, hurting yourself on every splinter. your stomach pierced; you, swearing you're never going to die. this is what it means to be the underdog. this is what it means to have the mettle not to recoil when you were made to stand in the living room of fear. you dread nothing and no one."
tagged by: @gumpistol (thank you, love you lala) tagging: @raidpink, @goddslayerr, @ryusokcn, @meowgiciann, @sozokami (ahmya or any of your op muses!), @melodysian (for uta my best girl, ofc), @primamirage, @ravarui (if you've already done this for shanks, do it for tony!), @akagamiko, @code01746, @chronocide (katakuri), @chillin-at-partys-bar (benn beckman), @seaoftales (mihawk), @wiinchgreen, @waraxarcana, @ncfertari, @swoonji
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stxriesfromashisms · 8 months
Tag Dumps
come at me bro (open starters ; mutuals only) its meme time ; the only cure for sadness (memes ; specify muse) game over (meme replies) i’m calling you out pls love me (starter and plotting calls ; mutuals only) got my eye on you (tracking threads) pictures worth thousands of words (gif and photosets) these words are my diaries screaming out loud (drabbles) the sound of music (playlist) resourceful goodness (references) finders keepers (saved things) arguing with my children (mun and muse interactions) sin to win (nsfw) sinning is winning (nsfw ish) the world in different parts (verses) gimme gimme pls and thanks (plot wishlist) and the chapter closes (ended threads)
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thana-topsy · 8 months
Trying to fill my dash with good vibes - what are your favourite tesblr blogs? Art, memes, writers, anything!
Good vibes for all! What a great ask, thank you. I might turn this into a tag game of sorts.
I'll divide this into categories to make things easy to navigate. This is in no way comprehensive, because otherwise I'd be here all day just listing literally everyone I follow. But here's where I'll start!
Favorite Aesthetic TES Blogs: Gifs, screenshots, edits, in-game gorgeousness~ - @darkelfguy
Favorite Art & Writing Blogs: These blogs don't only post their own art and writing, but also reblog a lot from the community! - @falmerbrook - @moriche - @dirty-bosmer Favorite Lore Blogs: Blogs that tend to have canon-friendly lore posts and civil discussions - @nientedenada - @kookaburra1701 - @greyborn2
Favorite Meme Blogs: Blogs that just makes me smile or have a chuckle - @incorrectskyrimquotes - @nerevar-quote-and-star
Well-Rounded Tesblr Blogs: This category goes out to the homies who post all the good shit from art to writing to memes to shitposts to lore dumps. The MVPs in my books. - @skyrim-forever - @trickstarbrave - @v1ctory-or-sovngarde - @captain-of-silvenar - @throughtrialbyfire - @elavoria
I seriously had to cut myself off otherwise I would have just kept listing blogs LMAO. If I tagged you in this, please feel free to add your own favorites and maybe we can get a nice chain going!
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ace-of-spaders · 3 months
*taps the mic and laughs nervously because of the major stage fright*
Lizzington shippers, fam, grandmas and grandpas, can I have a moment of your attention, please?
It's not a secret that, while some people in Lizzington community are still active, whether they write or make gifs or keep our dash full of Lizzington even in this trying times ( @melbob26-blog, thank you for this! ), Lizzington community as a whole went into hibernation over the last couple of years.
And I get it, interests change, especially when one show ends and there's another ongoing, moving on from the show that ended is totally natural, especially when it didn't give your favorite characters the happy ending they deserved.
I get it.
Hell, for a pretty lengthy while there I focused on other ships and shows, too, especially after TBL ended ended last year.
But you know what I realized earlier today, when I reread some of the old fics, browsed through gifsets and text posts, watched some fanvids?
It's the show that ended, for some in 2021, for others in 2023. And the only thing that means is that it cannot disappoint us anymore.
( it's not like we were suddenly deprived of quality content, because let's face it, the fans have been the main source of the quality lizzington content for years now, while the show gave us mere crumbs, on a good day )
But Red and Liz?
They are still out there, fighting criminals, catching Blacklisters, travelling the world, shamelessly flirting, toppling shadow organizations, raising Agnes and/or any other children they have, and generally being the sexy badass power couple they are!
Nothing changed in that regard.
So why would we mourn them, when they are out there, healthy and happy and in the middle of yet another adventure? I'm sure right this moment Red is drawing Liz into another one of his heists and she's only too happy to join him, even though she pretends that she's not, for the sake of the game.
There's literally no reason for us to stop writing, giffing, editing, sharing theories and headcanons and memes and just talking about our favorite couple.
And by writing all of this, I want to propose something daring to you:
Let's revive the Lizzington community!
Let's rewatch earlier seasons and gif the hell out of them because it's been a while and because precious moments between these two are not going to become less precious even if it's giffed 10 or 100 more times, not to mention that ever gifmaker's style is different, so there are virtually no two identical gifsets as there are no two identical snow flakes.
Let's make fanvideos, picspams, picture edits, fanart, moodboards! The amount of songs, quotes, moments etc that can inspire you is virtually endless!
Let's write fics, let's explore AUs, let's give each other prompts and challenge each other to try something new or practice some aspect of writing, like writing kisses or AUs or hugs or making up Blacklisters etc!
Let's share headcanons and theories and ideas and what our versions of Red and Liz are like, because everyone has their own unique versions of Red and Liz living in their head, and it's just beautiful, if you ask me!
Let's reblog stuff, filling each other's dashes with Lizzington!
Let's scream about Lizzington because no one does it like them!
Let's revive the Lizzington Community, we all miss it!
PS. Feel free to reblog this post – spread the suggestion!)
PPS. To assure you that I'm not the type of person who encourages others but doesn't do anything themselves, I can tell you I've already got some ideas for a couple of Lizzington events in mind. Those include challenges, thematic weeks etc.
PPPS. I'm not sure how many people are checking the tags these days, so I'm gonna tag some people I know under the cut, just in case, to spread the suggestion. If you weren't tagged, trust me, it's nothing personal!
@meetmeatthecoda @iwouldlovetoeatyourtoast @agxntkeen @factoseintolerant @tale-xistime @james-baeder @lettie1609 @withwhatiam @peace-love-on-planet-earth @missourired @felilaprivada @strawberry-pills @roominthecastle @codewordpumpkin @my-robot-heart @kitkate91060 @imyourplusone @shelly1952 @itsjustme-itsmylife @castle2cute @nancyjocom @cress-26 @lunaarlilacs @femaleoptimistic @scifi-gk @greeneyedsoul88 @figureofdismay @shippinglizzington @kissthefuture @thetwistedargent @actuallylorelaigilmore @sorrydearie @turningtimeinthetardis @buildinggsr @apicturewithasmile @windfalling @piketrickfeet
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thatndginger · 1 month
Get To Know Your Moots Writeblr Interview
I was tagged by @ceph-the-ghost-writer (their post here!) for this ^.^ Thank you very very much my dear <3
apologies if any of you have been tagged in this before, I've been away for a bit, but I'll throw this out to @chauceryfairytales @theprissythumbelina @theroseempress @aalinaaaaaa @serenanymph @scribe-of-stories @scribble-dee-vee @writernopal @rosieartsie @afoolandathief
The blank question template can be found here!
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How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr?
My writeblr has been alive since around 2022 or something. I can’t be 100% sure because I just turned my regular blog into a writeblr one lol
What led you to create it?
Two things – I really wanted people to talk to about writing and I wanted to start taking my writing seriously. Cryptid is my favorite person in the world but he’s not a writer and doesn’t *get it*. I wanted other writers to talk to and be weird with about our stories. And having outside accountability in the form of posting about my story on my blog is exactly the kind of low-stakes drive I needed to keep writing.
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
Just how supportive and nice and welcoming people are. It’s really easy to feel like you belong here. And all you have to do is be a little weirdo obsessed with your oc’s, because everyone else is doing the same thing and cheering each other on. It’s truly lovely.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
I have what I call a ‘feral cat friendship style’ where it takes me a long time to warm up to someone, but once I have you will *never get me to leave*. I’ll start leaving dead mice & memes at your door, just you wait.
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
I genuinely love when people are just Weird about their characters. It makes me more interested when people pop in just to say “character x would eat Weetabix with no milk for breakfast” because now I need to know what the hell is going on with that character. I don’t even care about the important facts anymore. I just want to know what weird little thoughts y’all have about your ocs.
What tips/advice do you have for someone who made a Writeblr today?
Completely unoriginal but honestly just be yourself and have fun. There’s no point in anything if you aren’t enjoying it. Follower counts don’t matter, the number of likes or reblogs you get don’t matter. All you gotta do is start posting about your writing. If you want to make friends, the easiest way to do that is to join in on tag games or the weekly ask games writeblr plays. (tag games are also great ways to find more people to follow.)
WIP It Good
Which Works-In-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
My big writing project is Shapeshifter. It consumes all of my waking – and some of my sleeping – thoughts. But within that I’ve currently got two stories going: Into the Storm and The Runaway. Both are set in the same world and have some overlap of characters, but The Runaway takes place about 5 years after Into the Storm. It’s fun because ItS is more of a typical urban fantasy mystery/intrigue while Runaway is hardcore a romance story. Switching genres while in the same world is really fun.
How long have you been working on them?
Technically, I’ve been working on The Runaway since 2014/2015. I made one of the main characters, Dean, around then, but I didn’t do a lot with him or the world until 2019 when I ‘officially’ started the Shapeshifter project. I usually lean towards saying I started it all in 2019, unless I want to be dramatic and talk about the ‘full story’...
Do you remember what inspired/what got you started?
Ah, dammit, the full story it is. SO. Baby K was really into internet rp forums as a teen, and had just graduated to one-on-one rp. Along comes a girl who wants to make an rp about shapeshifters – humans who can turn into many types of animals – and Baby K could not be more enthused about this idea. That’s how Dean and Temperance got started, and where they remained for many many years. Eventually not-so-Baby K gets tired of the girl they’re rping with contributing absolutely nothing to the worldbuilding and strikes off on their own.
I joke that I took Temperance in the divorce. It’s okay though, that girl will never read this and if she does she can talk to my lawyer about it.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
All of it? I plastered my bedroom/office walls with Shapeshifter. I plastered my *ceiling* with Shapeshifter. I bought stickers for the laptop I’m currently typing on that remind me of Shapeshifter characters. I am deeply, deeply mentally unwell about this story.
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
I’m working on an urban fantasy story about three shapeshifter friends who inadvertently become ‘fixers’ for their community when the authorities turn a blind eye.
What do you want to say (if it’s different from what you do say)?
I spend the majority of my life writing about three queer disasters who also happen to turn into animals sometimes, and the problems they get into that are only occasionally due to the fact that they turn into animals sometimes.
Let's Rotate Blorbos
Name any characters you created.
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Just in Into the Storm there’s: Kerr McKay, Warrick Salehrad, Jay de Lange, Carlisle Morrish, Reese Tucker, Lex Causey, Gabriel Beckham, Portia Beckham, Kanda Salae, Mayuri Salae, Aleksei Rybkin, Jaime Sheridan, Mags, Lucian Bardem, Rose MacGinnis, and Enora Nolan. For now.
Who’s the most unhinged?
Depends on what kind of unhinged you’re looking for. The fun kind? Warrick. The ‘actively harmful’ kind? Lucian Bardem.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Kerr, Jay, and Warrick. These three live in my head so much that sometimes they commentate my life. It’s not nearly as entertaining as it sounds.
Do you ever cringe at them?
*Constantly*. They are disaster people. I love them.
How much control do you feel you have over your characters?
About 60%? I know where the story needs to go and what I need the characters to do, but I leave them a lot of room to decide how they want to get there.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters?
ABSOLUTELY. Ask me all the weird questions. I’m slow to answer because my life is hectic af, but I love getting questions about my idiots.
On Writeblr Engagement
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account?
I’d say ‘vibes’ but that’s a copout answer. I don’t go off someone’s intro much besides seeing what genres they’re into and if they’ve got any glaring red flags for something I might not like. Mostly I notice new writeblr accounts because one of my mutuals is interacting with them and they seem cool. Then I do a quick scroll through their blog to check out what they do/interests they have/how they interact with others. Like I said, it’s vibes.
What makes you decide against following?
If someone is too self-absorbed – ie doesn’t interact with anyone, talks about their work like it’s the next Great Novel That Will Change The World. I don’t want to deal with that in my tumblr space.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
I try? I’m not very good at remembering to look outside my little circle, especially when the burnout and anxiety are bad. Like now...
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
I’m sewing dolls based on my mutuals’ characters. They’ll have multiple outfits and tailor-made accessories. I’ve had *dreams* about some of my mutuals’ ocs. I can be just as mentally unwell about my mutuals’ characters as I am about my own.
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dcviated · 1 month
Respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
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ROLEPLAYER NAME: bear! or will, I don't mind being referred to by my real name but even my wife calls me bear most of the time, so-
MUSE NAME: I feel the mainstays will always be Wylan, Raguna, and Eira. But many many others-
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: As needed. I'm low maintenance while still considering us 'in contact'. But I do love getting sent random bits as relevant and commentary on threads. I can be short or slow on replies at times though. Discord all the way over tumblr IM.
EXPERIENCE: Back when I was 15 or 16 on forums. I did some avatar games that had roleplay baked into it as well that were good. Did a lot of RP in warcraft back during BC to WOTLK, but could not get into it in FFXIV. Tumblr has been my favorite place to write, by far. I love getting into longer form. On that note-
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: Literate paragraphs! I can't stay bantering in short stuff to save my life. Like a leak I inevitably switch over to having a paragraph. Then two. Maybe three. I'm pretty comfy around the 300-500 word length on my replies. I get intimidated when they get consistently longer and writer's block starts to lay its bricks.
PET PEEVES & DEALBREAKERS: An inability to meet halfway when plotting is brought up. I don't like being waited on like it's my responsibility to come up with a compelling plot that I suspect you'll half-ass reply to. Have some advocation for what you want. Otherwise ... yeah.
Also an overabundance of context-less dash commentary. Particularly connected to their discord happenings. Some blogs feel less 'indie' and more pseudo-group related. And if you're not involved good luck.
PLOTS OR MEMES: I like to think I'm pretty good rolling with the punches! I can do memes, random asks, and memes and ad-libbing a situation out of a few back and forth banters is really amusing. It's also easier than front-loading a ton of plotting that may or may not be realized anyway. Letting events happen off the cuff feels more dynamic and allows more surprises for both writing parties. <:
That said, don't mind plotting whatsoever! So long as the other person actually wants it and isn't going through the motion of it because it's 'what people do'. Also... I hope they're ready for the long game if so? Like they want to let the plot play out and not just making a plot and then jumping to the end of it.
Pre-establish-jutsu is not plotting!!
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: Middle?? Both?? There's a time for everything but like I said before I'm a fan of 300-500 words for my replies. Sometimes I like them shorter, others longer. But we're biasing towards the 'long' given when a lot of what's in vogue as of late.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Whenever I can put my adhd into proper submission. I like writing at the office (after I have my work for the day handled) because it separates me from the usual distractions but we can only be so strong...
I like writing earlier in the day! I feel like my best work is done in the mornings, after all. And the head is clearer before I've hit lunch. So on weekends where I don't have plans and I can make myself sit down at a keyboard before everyone else is around, that's just great.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: Like any good oc writer, I pull out little pieces of myself and cram them into other beings to irreversibly corrupt them not unlike a certain villain from a certain manga. People have called me dad in the past... perhaps that fits better than I thought.
tagged by: @triinitas (thank!!) tagging: gosh this one has gone around a few times, steal it if you like!
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ian-galagher · 2 years
Combining a few tag games all into one! 🥰🧡
First this amazing picrew! With LOTS of options, for all genders, with SO many animals, outfits, and extras that I could've made a 100!
Look guys I found Nemo 😭 a dinosaur is blow drying my hair for me and I've found a platypus and a barn owl 😭
Thank you for the tag Liz! @sweetbee78 🥰
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I was tagged by lovelies Evie @energievie Harvey @mikhailoisbaby Coralie @shinygalaxyperson Ri @tanktopgallavich Emma @industrious-ian Kaka @stocious Lem @depressedstressedlemonzest 🥰
your first fandom(s): Buffy 🥰 I watched it from the very first episode. I was only 11 but boy did I love it!
your current fandom(s): Shameless
how did you first get into fandom? I was on here with a whooole bunch of other people for a fandom we can no longer talk about 😬🫣 and ONE of the people I followed switched to Shameless so for MONTHS I'd see Mickey and Ian making out on my dash between memes and cats.
I didn't know if the redhead was called Mickey or Ian, I had never heard their voices, but I was already rooting for them and then they got married right on my dash. That's when I went, alright, I gotta check this out...
It had to be a good show, right?! The gif sets looked so nice! There were a few where they were covered in blood that had me puzzled but other than that... And then I watched it... I BAWLED my way through those early series and I seriously don't know how any of you got through this WITHOUT knowing they'd end up getting married...
how long have you been engaging with fandom spaces? since 2006!
how often do you read fanfics? not as often as I'd like. I can't really read while I write because I struggle to keep track of every thread I'm weaving while writing and if I get lost in another world... things get messy, as @ms-moonlight-inn would say XD
top 3 characters from your current fandom(s): Ian & Mickey and their cat 😂 I bet they have one by now! (that's me getting away from having to decide between the other Gallaghers 😂)
have you ever written a fic for a fandom? if so, shout it out! Only for Shameless! I've always wanted to, but I never really felt inspired before. Chapter 8 of Africa goes up tomorrow 😁
have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom? I can't draw and I'm very grateful for all the wonderful artists out there who can!! 😌
share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about: so many!!!! Nothing comes to mind of course... 🫣
you’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? chanting: dock scene dock scene DOCK SCENE DOCK SCENE
and finally, what does fandom mean to you? 🥺🧡 found family. It's the one place where everyone is like minded, where I don't have to worry about what I say, or fear that I'll be made fun of for what I say, where I get to relax, have fun, and be amazed every day at what you all bring to this fandom. You're all wonderful and I love you 🥰🧡
and finally, I was tagged by Nosho @creepkinginc Paola @mishervellous Coralie @shinygalaxyperson Evie @energievie Myn @vintagelacerosette Harvey @mikhailoisbaby Deena @suzy-queued Rita @sickness-health-all-that-shit Lem @depressedstressedlemonzest Ri @tanktopgallavich Becki @francesrose3 🥰
Rules: list eight shows for your followers to get to know you better💕
Parks & Rec
The Office
Our Flag Means Death
Planet Earth 😁
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e-m-p-error · 2 years
Mr. Meek Speaks (OOC)
It's Best To Keep Me Pleased (Answered Asks)
They Call You Sexy And You Don't Care What They Say (Memes)
Perfectin' My Passion Thanks For Askin' (Headcanon Memes)
Live In Dog Years And I Feel Twenty-Six Yeah I'm Old Bitch But I Learn New Tricks (Munday Meme)
I’m Key Look At Me! (Self Promo)
What Do We Have Here? (Promo)
NSFW Tag - (NSFVoxtagram)
Queue Are 100% Fucked
I Feel So Alive Right Now I Feel Like A God Right Now (αℓℓ мυѕєѕ)
Sweet Real Legend Persecute The Weak And Willing (αиgєℓѕ)
Go Ahead And Hate Me Hate Me Baby So So Salty But Sweet (fαикι∂ѕ)
I'm Not A Rich Kid Maybe That's A Good Thing Ain't Got Shit But I Got This Far (нєℓℓвσяи)
"Angel" He Calls Me Does He Know That I'm Falling From A Precipice That I Tripped Off Long Ago? (∂ємσи яσуαℓту)
I Have No Time For Confession For I'm Too Busy Committing Sins (ѕιииєяѕ)
Whatever People Tell Me That The Bible Tells Me I Will Do (αвѕтємισυиєѕѕα)
Reciting Violence Like Poetry (α∂αм)
I've Found A Rainbow A Rainbow Baby Trust Me I Know Life Is Scary (ємιℓу)
Do You Mistake Your Flaws For Property? (αя¢нαиgєℓ υяιєℓ)
I'm Standing In The Face Of All That My Story Holds In Its Wake (ναℓσяє)
Wakes Up At Noon Gets Up When He Has To Makeup On His Nightstand Cocaine In His Bathroom (тσиιтσ)
There's Something Tragic About You Something So Magic About You Don't You Agree? (є∂єи)
What We Loved Today We'll Lose Tomorrow But I Won't Need To Wait For My Share Of Sorrow Because I Always Kill The Things I Love (∂ιмαѕ)
Can't Stop Coming In Hot I Should Be Locked Up Right On The Spot (ℓυ¢єяσ)
So Throw Your Hands Up And Eat Your Heart Out Are You Star-Struck Or Did You Black Out? (ρєввℓєѕ)
She Just Wants Vodka And Cigarettes Has Her Dealer On Speed Dial When She Gets Stressed (ναиєммα)
Just Dance If You're Caught Up In The Holy Ghost Trance If You Stop I'll Put The Killer Ants In Your Pants (νυggυ¢н)
Who Needs Pepsi Juice Or Sprite? If You Do You’re Weak That’s Right (вαявιє)
You Can Hate Me After You Pay Me (¢αѕн)
I’m Gonna Take Their Hearts For Ransom 'Cause Everybody’s Always Askin’ When You Gonna Show Us Magnum? (¢нαzz)
My Boy’s A Homosexual And That Don’t Scare Me None I Want The World To Know I Love My Dead Gay Son (¢яιмѕσи)
Money Can't Buy Happiness But It Can Rent You Paradise (gℓιтz)
We Put Her Down In A Shallow Grave She Wears A Dress Like A Body Bag Everyday (gяєт¢нєи)
Now We Don't Care If You're A Girl Or A Toy If You're A Game Or A Boy If You're A Nerd Or A Whore (кιтту)
Everyone's A Winner We're Makin' Our Fame Bona Fide Hustler Making My Name (ѕтυ)
Perfect Isn’t Easy But It’s Me (αи∂яєαℓρнυѕ)
I Am Aware That I Am An Asshole I Really Don't Care About All Of That Though (αтнαи)
Watch Me Make ‘Em Bow One By One By One (вαєтуℓ)
Try Not To Move So Fast You Know Dessert Comes Last! (вєєℓzєвυв)
You Can Fool Yourself I Promise It Will Help Every Single Day I Just Wanna Hear You Say I'm So Lucky Lucky I'm So Lovely Lovely (¢нαяℓιє)
They Say The Best Things Are Free But I Don’t Get What They Mean 'Cause I Want Everything (мαммσи)
And The Word On The Street Is That You Sleep With Everyone You Meet (σzzιє)
Define Your Meaning Of War To Me It’s What We Do When We’re Bored (ραιмσи)
You Think You're Better Than Me I Never Heard Of You (ναѕѕαgσ)
If You End Up On My Table Then It Serves You Right (αℓαѕтσя)
I’m So Sad Wish Someone Would Take Me Out (αиgєℓ ∂υѕт)
I Could Leave But I'm Not Strong Enough To Run (αиуα)
Take Just One Last Dare Pretend That You Don't Care (ℓєgισи∂αяισ)
Your Magic White Rabbit Your White Room Straight Jacket (мαgριє)
When You’re Good To Mama Mama’s Good To You (мιмzу)
He Ran Into My Knife He Ran Into My Knife Ten Times (иιfту)
I Love You Oh So Madly But I Don't Stand A Ghost Of A Chance With You (σѕтєℓℓσ)
Now I Am A Man-Eater In More Than Just One Way He Tastes Like Pig But That’s Okay I Eat Him Every Day (яσѕιє)
Come Come Kitty Kitty You're So Silly Silly Don't Go Kitty Kitty Play With Me (ѕυммєя)
Don't Be Goofy Bring Some Passion To The Table (тяανιѕ)
And If You Get In My Face Then You'll Get A Taste Even God Would Run Son (ναℓєитιиσ)
Hollywood Made A Killing Machine She's Like A Teenage Slaughter Movie Scene A Serial Killer Celebrity (νєℓνєттє)
Red Eyes In The Digital Paradise (νι¢к)
Let's Stop Saying “Don't Quote Me” Because If No One Quotes You You Probably Haven't Said A Thing Worth Saying (νσχ)
Open The Door Get On The Floor Everybody Kill The DInosaur (zєєzι)
Human Valentino and Vox. Broken Verse Velvette, Ostello, and Chazz's Brother. Overlord Travis.
I Know A Place Where The Grass Is Really Greener Warm Wet And Wild There Must Be Something In The Water (єяαѕмσ)
I Like Men On Their Knees Praying Up To Their God Seein' Visions Of Me (¢ℓємєит)
I Eat Boys Like You For Breakfast I Chew And Lick Your Bones (gσввℓєттє)
Every Version Of My Dead And Buried In The Yard Outside We'd Sit Back And Watch The World Go By (ℓσωєℓℓ)
I'm On A Sugar Crash I Ain't Got No Fuckin' Cash (мι¢кєу)
The Devil Taking The Lord's Name In Vain All These Thoughts Pollute Your Brain (вσgαят)
‘Cause Everybody Needs Someone That They Can Trust In (fαт иυggєтѕ)
So Get Off My Back 'N Get Out My Face 'Cause I'm Mean And Green And I Am Bad (мєѕ ρєтιтѕ ¢нσυχ)
How Can He Keep Up His Tail Perpendicular Or Spread Out His Whiskers Or Cherish His Pride? (яєgισ)
Baby Shark Doo-Doo Doo-Doo Baby Shark (ναяк)
Manta Rays Above Us In The Open Sea I Wonder If You Think Of Me (νєαтвαℓℓ)
Never Tasted As Sweet A Poison As You Have You're An Urge That Can Never Be Cured (αитσи)
I Know It's Difficult So I Will Be Patient (αяια∂иє)
It's High Noon When You Step Into The Pit It's A Monster's Ball And They're Digging A Ditch (вяι¢к)
I Never Learned To Read And I Never Learned To Cook (¢нαѕтιту)
Strip Off The Weight Of Mortality And Check It At The Door (fαвιєи)
I Don't Think I'm Right And I Know It's Not Fair (ιмєℓ∂α)
I Won't Miss This I Won't Blow It You Know It! (мαяαвυѕ)
This Ain't Build A Bitch I'm Filled With Flaws And Attitude (мιѕѕ qυιqυι)
Girls Get Angry Too I'm A Samurai Princess I'll Smash You (иιкινα)
Smoke And Mirrors And Everything Nice (яσ¢к)
V: No Matter Where You've Been Or Who You Are If It Doesn't Kill You It's Sure To Leave A Horrible Scar - Human/Pre-Death Verse - This applies to the demons as their Human Verse and the Sinners as their Alive Verse.
V: Got No Money But It's Always Always Sunny Honey - Younger Verse - Child/Teen Verses for my muses
V: I Was Made For Loving You Baby You Were Made For Loving Me - Ostello Lives Verse. Ostello and Valentino are still together, and Ostello lets Val do as he pleases with other people as long as he comes back to him at the end of the day. Their marriage is open and Val is free to do whatever he wants for the most part.
V: Says Now We're Having Fun Give Me All Your Love I'll Never Get Enough - Broken Verse - Tino is not in charge of anything, and is kept as a pretty pet in this verse. He travels dimensions.
V: I Am A Hostage To My Own Humanity Self Detained And Forced To Live In This Mess I've Made - Fallen!Adam AU - After he was killed by Niffty, Adam was thoroughly made unholy by his actions both leading up to his death and in Heaven knowing what he was doing behind the scenes in secret. He appeared in Hell unrecognizable enough that he can skate by without being noticed, but he is one of a very select few Sinners with wings that resemble angelic (but frayed) wings. VERSE DEPENDENT: He crashed, fully on fire, into Lucifer's living room when he spawned in Hell.
V: Tell Me Which One Is Worse Living Or Dying First? - Godhood AU - Valentino and Velvette-centric God AU based on This
AU Verses With @strangeandun-muse-ual
V: You Hate 'Cause I'm A Rockstar A Pretty Little Problem - Rockstar AU
V: I'll Be Your Cheap Slut Savior - Scamverse AU
V: He Is The Drug That You Hate To Crave And I Am The Liar You Made To Praise - Crime Husbands Good End AU
V: Under These Circumstances Every Heartbeat's Criminal - Crime Husbands True End AU
V: I Wanna Give You My Heart So You Can Beat It Up - Crime Husbands Bad End AU
V: Do You Love Me? Yes No Maybe I'll Be Seeing Hades Soon - Voxdes and Persephetino AU
V: Haunt Me Haunt Me Like You Used To I Love You Most When You Scare Me To Death - Ghost Husband Verse
V: Sin Was On His LIps As He Twisted His HIps - Incubus!Valentino Verse
V: The Smell Of Flowers Was So Thick And Sickly Sweet I Felt Like I Might Choke To Death - Hanahaki Variant Of Mainverse
V: Girls With Tattoos Who Like Getting In Trouble - Genderbent Verse
V: Took Them By Surprise Worked My Way Uphill - College AU
V: Sharks Green With Envy They Wonder What You See In Me - Mermaid!Valentino AU
V: Every Kiss And Every Word They Were Bullets Spraying Hazardly From Lips - Royal AU
V: If I Had Something To Say To You I'd Whisper It Softly - Smut Writer!Era AU
V: Bleed The Neon From The Bite Marks - Werewolf!Emil/Vampire!Era Verse
V: I Know My Girlfriend Is A Witch - Summoned Chaz/Human Velvette Verse
V: Do You Wanna Party Malibu Barbie? - Sugar Baby!Valentino Verse
V: I'm Going Crazy Little Tiny Hollywood Baby - Actors VoxTelloTino AU
V: I Tried On Your Lipstick I Thought I Looked Pretty But You Didn't Care No 'Cause You're Always Busy - Actor!Val, Producer!Vox Verse
V: Cast Into Darkness They Would Be Damned For Being A Man Holding Hands - Fallen Angel Adam AU
V: Push Me Along And Leave Me So Desperate And Ravenous I'm So Weak And Powerless Over You - Mobwife Valentino AU
AU Verses With @dont-take-shxt-from-other-demons, and @strangeandun-muse-ual
V: The Successful Removal Of You Would Probably Kill Me Too - Vox Dying Verse
V: Everybody Needs A Little Trouble - "Teenverse"/Humanverse
V: Tell Me Tell Me That We Will Never See Tomorrow - "Teenverse"/Humanverse Zombie AU
AU Verses With @dont-take-shxt-from-other-demons
V: A Psalm In Napalm Abandon All Hope But Try To Stay Calm - Velvette Abducts Lucifer Verse
AU Verses With @erthlyheavn
V: I Go Out Of My Way Everyday Just Hoping That I'll Catch You Walking Down The Street - Human Verse MothMaid AU
V: It's Not A Love Song But You're Alright - Human Verse
AU Verses With @helluvaxhazbin
V: I'll Tell Uncle Rocko To Call Off The Guys With The Crowbars - Moxxie stayed with the mob AU
AU Verses With @seven-circlllxs
V: Gotta Get Your Fix Down In Hollywood - Splitscreen Verse
AU Verses With @voxiiferous
V: See Every Time You Turn Around They’re Screaming Your Name - Modern Human AU
E: On Thursdays We Break Up - Extended Break-Up Event With @strangeandun-muse-ual's Vox and Valentino
E: Down With Vox - Event Thread With @strangeandun-muse-ual, @winters-club, and @infernal-feminae
E: Aggressive Positivity - Flash Open Event With @dont-take-shxt-from-other-demons
E: The Great Moth Off - Should Valentino or Mothman be @voxiiferous' boyfriend? Open Event
Say What You Wanna But I'm Here To Stay 'Cause I'm A Mean Ole Lion (Cash & Barbie)
It's Never A Whisper It's Always A Scream A Promise We Made To Kill The Time Between (Valentino & Legiondario)
I Hate The Way The Townspeople Gather Outside They Hang On Every Breath (Vick & Valentino)
They Let Ole Al Out Of The Jail And The Man Who Paid His Bail Was Waitin' On Al To Chop Some More (Alastor ♡ Angel Dust)
The Dinosaurs Will Turn To Dust They'll Die Because We Say They Must (Alastor ♡ Nifty)
There's Someone Lurking Inside Of You That Someone Is Me (Alastor ♡ Valentino)
I'll Be Damned If I See You With Some Other Man If I Cannot Have You Then Nobody Can (Athan ♡ Ozzie)
Candlelit Loneliness I Lay On Your Side Of The Bed (Baetyl ♡ Andrealphus)
We Keep The Party Moving Till We Drink The Last Drop (Beelzebub ♡ Ozzie)
Eat With Your Hands It's Fine I'm On The Menu (Beelzebub ♡ Valentino)
Just Try And Nibble On My Biscuits And My Rainbow Cake (Beelzebub ♡ Velvette)
She's Like What'd You Say? We'll Just Let Our Bodies Translate (Chazz ♡ Barbie)
The Whole World Was Watching And Laughing On The Day That I Crashed And Burned At Your Feet (Erasmo ♡ April)
Wait Your Turn You're Greedy I Hear You (Mammon ♡ Fizzarolli)
Don't Use Him Or You'll Always Need To Feel Ozzie's Loving Little Lamb (Mammon ♡ Ozzie)
You Give Me Your Number I Call You Up You Act Like Your Pvssy Don't Interrupt (Mammon ♡ Valentino)
But The Best Story That I Could Ever Tell Is The One Where I Am Growing Old With You (Ostello ♡ Valentino)
She Says She's Gonna Break My Nose If I Don't Behave Next Week (Paimon ♡ Barbie)
My Baby's Got A Fucked Up Head It Doesn't Matter 'Cause He's So Damn Good In Bed (Summer ♡ Valentino)
The Pill I Keep Takin' The Nightmare I Wake In There's Nothin' No Nothin' But You (Valentino ♡ Angel Dust)
Erase Me So You Don't Have To Face Me Put Me In The Ground And Mow The Daisies (Valentino ♡ Chaz)
Don't Take It Personal You Know It's Just The Way I Roll (Valentino ♡ Nifty)
You'll Fall Down A Hole That's The One Place In This World That We Both Know (Valentino 💔 Ostello)
Just Your Typical Hardcore Casual Sex We're Single But We're Lovers Crazy For Each Other (Valentino ♡ Ozzie)
Let's Dig Up My Ex (Velvette ♡ Ian)
You Will Pace Around Your Cage And Wait For Night To Come (Velvette ♡ Valentino)
You Provide The Envy And I’ll Provide The Spite (Velvette ♡ Vick)
He's Sweet As Pie But If You Break His Heart He'll Turn Cold As A Freeze (Vick ♡ Valentino)
Cocaine Can't Do It Like You Do It To Me (Vick ♡ Velvette ♡ Valentino)
Darling You Love All The Drama 'Cause You're Never Bored I Am Forever Yours (Vox ♡ Valentino)
Friendship Tags With @trumpet-hah
DGAF's And No Regrets Happy Hour Starts At Five (Barbie & Fizzarolli)
Friendship Tags With @strangeandun-muse-ual
Just Tell Me That You Need Me And Stay Right Here With Me (Erasmo & Missy)
History Shows Again And Again How Nature Points Out The Folly Of Men (Zeezi & Vox)
Friendship Tags With @hisslord
Yes I Know Who You Are But I Just Don't Care (Alastor & Angel Dust)
Do Not Befriend Your Food (Alastor & Vaggie)
We Are More Alike Than We Think We Are (Angel Dust & Vaggie)
A Motherly Instinct (Mimzy & Vaggie)
She May Be Crazy But She's Fine To Me (Nifty & Vaggie)
Friendship??? Tag With @spidrboots
I Don't Want Your Cruel Melody (Valentino & Angel Dust)
Friendship Tags With @seven-circlllxs
Our Soul Is The Whole Of The Law (Adam & Lute)
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2, 8, 10, for writing asks!!
Thank you for the ask! From this ask game :)
2. Did you have any writing goals? Did you meet them or not?
Answered here! :D
8. Did you have a word you used too often?
If I may redirect your attention to this wonderful meme.
Mostly common filler words, but oh boy does it hurt to find 200 hits for “again” in your doc.
10. How did you help other writers this year? (i.e. leaving comments, reviews, borrowing books, beta reading, etc)
I answered the Tumblr side of things here.
Outside of Tumblr, there’s less to talk about. I did 3 beta swaps, one of which I dragged kicking and screaming back with me into this hellhole, hello @starlit-hopes-and-dreams 💜
I had started writing some book recs under the #salad-books tag here, but I am bad at writing reviews and stuff 🤣 What I enjoy in a book might be so subjective, it feels pointless (and weird), and also my memory is so bad, I cannot remember the start of the book by the time I finish it 😭
Dammit I guess that isn’t quite outside tumblr.
And while the pile of unread books is a good meme in itself, I bought a bunch of books of authors I came across on my dash, knowing very well I will not have time to read them anytime soon, but... sales good, right?
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(Oh, look a meme I wanted to send about a week ago and it's Munday again. XD I know there's kinda a lot on here.. If it's too many I starred the ones I want to know the most about. That takes off 3 lol)
*dash games
*your current RPC
*your character
*an old muse
your choice!
Oh look!! A wild munday meme, i posted monday last week, got monday this week and decided to reply to on a wednesday PFFFFGGGHHHH!!
Thanks rainy! I appreciate your asks any day of the week x'D
I have a love-hate relationship with icons. I simultaneously love them for how expressive they can make a post and hate how hard the icon game is on tumblr.
Like one expression can breathe so much more life into a reply or make the intentions you have so much more evident.
Whenever i see people using icons, i see perfect borders or even banners and uniformly sized colorcore icons... and the i feel embarassed.
I decided though that the icons i have might be crooked, not perfect and all a bit weirdly shaped...
But they are mine and they feel very comfortable to use for me in the shape and with the inclusion of exactly how much expression i want!
dash games
I mean they aren't life changing to me, but i always find it sweet if somebody tags me in one and it takes some time, but i usually do them.
If i can identify with the game that is.
What i want to clarify is though that nobody should feel forced to take part in dash games and even if you get tagged in one, you have every right to refuse. Simple as that.
Gotta say it as it is, I reslly like shipping. It gives me great chances to explore my character more and also their partner.
Usually it is "no strings attached" with me on all muses, which might be because i myself am aromantic... like my muses usually don't care much for romance and are hardly social... but somerimes, there is just this one ship that makes my heart sing 😌✨️
your current RPC
- is actually the best RPC i have ever been in. I have seen a lot of drama here and shit has hit the fan so often for me... but it just feels like home.
I want to come back and go on being here again inevitably.. i have long since stopped trying to explain this. I feel seen and respected and accepted here, i also feel like i am contributing stuff to the fandom and maybe i have also helped shaping it a little bit back in the day.... 🤷‍♀️
It just feels good to be here, i barely get any anxiety and i just love my muses 💚
your character
Honestly, I can't even tell you how i came to rp this complicated miserable mess of a character....
One day i just woke up with this thought in my head that there should be a fleshed out version of Yami Marik. I pondered how this could happen, like... he wasn't fully formed inside of Marik and then obviously killed as well.... the only way in my head was to arrange something in the shadow realm, which i did right after and then the headcanons and feelings came flooding...
By now I reached the level where his brain is as much my own, when i slip him over me like a glove and the words just keep flowing... asking me for headcanons without specifics is always pure chaos, because he is so interwoven with me now, that i know in EVERY situation what he would do, but when prompted with a random i am like: ....... but i need something to react to ..... what do you want to know.... i can't think something out.... GIVE ME SOMETHING TO KNOW HOW HE WOULD THINK ABOUT IT X'D
an old muse
Well another muse which I used to play was
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... i think we get the direction my muses usually take now lhjfhsihhhdfkhhx.
Anyway, Flowey was relatively recent and I don't actually play as him anymore. I used to have a love-hate relationship with that too... you know he is a very angery boi, which is cathartic, but it's always keeping tough face with him, or you are risking slipping into mental break down territory.
Also... Underzale fandom didn't feel like here. I wasn't really able to get to know people and additionally, i just used it as a replacement, because i didn't feel comfortable coming back here... i wasn't in s good mental place... like nothing felt right. I think that overflow just went into this muse and actually was what i needed to work through my bad feelings, so thanks Flowey... you seemed to be toxic but you were the healing that I needed.
What a weird thing to put into a munday list LOL that's like asking: what do you think about the reblog button?
Honestly though.... blocking might be rude to some or an overreaction to others, but I PERSONALLY find it as necessary as breathing. There is some content that you simply can't blacklist, some people, who don't sit right with you, some topics that are beyond traumatic.... and some situations and relationships that looked like a dream but ended up being unbearably toxic.
BLOCKING is a necessary and useful device and should be considered in any and all situations of doubt, fear, toxicity, drama and generally feelings of unwell. Not to forget outright HATE.
Everybody - and I repeat - EVERYBODY deserves the security and self-love in their life to remove themselves from perceived and real danger of mental, emotional and physical properties. This is hard to do in RL and sometimes you have to just deal with your problems head on there or compromise about things to survive.
You should NEVER hsve to do this, especially not online, while doing domething you love and enjoy. All of us deserve to be happy, loved and feel okay. And if there is something - or somebody - that/who causes you to feel constant anxiety, terrible feelings, like you have to give a part of yourself up that you simply can't and won't budge on, that you are unwilling to talk and compromise about, do yourself the service and use the blocking function. You don't have to compromise, you don't have to talk about it, you DO NOT have to EXPLAIN YOURSELF.
Use this knowledge and lead a happier online life. I saw pictures of self harm on my time line once, which i actually have blacklisted, which wasn't tagged and it is very okay to INSTANTLY block this person in anxiety alone. Bloggers cannot keep your timeline trigger free all the time and you deserve to give yourself the attention to remove this harmful content from yourself.
NO QUESTIONS ASKED. You have the highest priority and then everything else follows.
your choice
Oh goody... uhm... I want to repeatedly thank people like you, who are interested in me and my muses and want to know what i have to say. I don't easily leave my shell sometimrs, even though i come off as bubbly and open and social.... i am... really not.
And it's mostly because I made a lot of bad choices about toxic people in my life... people who pretended to like me, pretended to want to know me, ridiculed me and every bit of my being and never took me seriously from a very young age... and it kinda fucked with my self-worth.
That's why i am so baffled, when somebody expresses wishes to know me and that is also why i say sorry a lot and try to explain every bit of "failure" to write better, faster and longer replies ^^
So... it still baffles me sometimes, when i find out that a lot of people honestly like me now... whenever my babbling goes on your nerves, i hope this explains most of it, LOL 💚✨️
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closedcoffins · 2 years
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✿ NAME: Albatross! You can call me Alba if you'd like.
✿ PRONOUNS: Any pronouns. If you have to default to something I'd prefer they/them.
✿ EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): Um, a while? Like 4 years on tumblr and 5 more off tumblr.
✿ NAME OF MUSE(S): Like the entire cast of Baccano!, plus a few special guests. Namely Yuri Briar.
✿ PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: I prefer discord over Tumblr IMs since they don't notify me very often but I can work with anything.
✿ PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: Various online games including public Minecraft servers, Quotev, Skype, and Tumblr! I do Discord rp sometimes but not very often hahaha.
✿ BEST EXPERIENCE: Oh, goodness. I mean, just writing with new people in general? I always love making friends through rp! But runner-up is definitely when people take an interest in Baccano! because of my blog. Whenever it happens I get so excited I start like actually shaking. So yk what maybe that is the first best.
✿ RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: When people don't communicate what kind of plots they want and leave all the heavy-lifting to you. I understand more so than usual with my circumstances because I know most people aren't familiar with my muses, but there's a line when it comes to the amount of setup I'm willing to do for a scenario. Plots should be a two-way street, yk?
✿ FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: I would say I like an equal amount of all three and not an excess of either. Really, I've said this in one of these I did a couple days ago, but I actually like crafting wider plots with everything involved. If I did have to rank them, though, it'd be Fluff > Angst > Smut.
✿ PLOTS OR MEMES: I like to establish plots in the long run, but memes are nice to get for shorter, more inconsequential interactions to flesh out relationships in between the larger plotted events, haha.
✿ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I get VERY long-winded, I shan't lie. It's hard for me to confine myself to a paragraph---I'd say I write around 3-4 on average, sometimes more or less depending on the muse, thread/ask, and the person I'm writing with.
✿ BEST TIME TO WRITE: Mid-day. I usually do all my drafts during downtime at work---I have a not-very-busy office job so it's easier to get things done there so I have time to do other things, like my art projects, at home.
✿ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): Re: the last time I did a dash game like this---I think every muse of mine in some way has a little bit of myself added to them. But, no. I'm very unlike most of them.
Tagged by: @twiloid and @yorprincess --- thank you both for the tag!
Tagging: I know a bunch of my mutuals got something similar to this from me a couple days ago so just steal it if you haven't and want to!
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blueheartedmayor · 2 years
Noah Headcanons
Hey there! Still overwhelmed with the introduction of a new character to the blog and don't know where to start in terms of what he's like as a person? I got you covered! I've found some memes that were dash tag games, and I've compiled a few, along with answering some questions from a prompt meme. Hopefully it'll help as a nice introduction while I work on the starters!
repost don’t reblog, post what you associate with your muse(s); and then tag others!
(obviously stolen from myself, so feel free to take any of these off me!)
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(this is not the icon look I'm planning to use, but they are the only Mark-related ones I made that aren't linked to another character xD)
ARIES (April 19)
Symbol:The Ram Element:Fire Quality:Cardinal Ruling Planet:Mars, the planet of war and energy Body Part:Head, face Good Day: Energetic, encouraging, unstoppable, bold, devoted, heroic, caring Bad Day: Proud, self-centered, impulsive, bossy, stubborn, reckless, jealous Favorite Things: Competitive games, new clothes, road trips (in fast red cars), debating, expressing themselves through stunning verbal and physical feats What They Hate: Sharing their toys, being ignored, cramped spaces, losing, the word “no” Secret Wish: To be number one How to Spot Them: High foreheads, focused or manic energy, aggressive stance Keywords: Willpower, Initiative, Determination, Passion, Beginnings, Self-Belief, Innocence
(Note: I picked this date because of the space date, and my first time reading this side of things was when I was looking to copy/paste them in.)
ANIMAL: Dogs (specifically dogs that are trained for jobs)
COLOR(S): Charcoal Grey, Navy
MONTH: December (even though his birthday is April, he likes the shortest days)
SONG: It might be a cliché answer, but 'Bel.iever' by I.magine D.ragons works to show how no matter how hard he's knocked down, he'll get right back up. He's stubbornness and endurance, and he will fight to the bitter end for what's right.
NUMBER: 3. He's a firm believer in triple checking things.
PLANT: Dandelions
SMELL: The faint smell of singed metal, and acrylic paint.
GEMSTONE: Geodes. Unassuming until you look under the surface.
SEASON: Winter.
PLACE: The roof of the Space Academy in the dead of night, in the area dedicated for flight training. It's one of the highest points in the institute, and the stars spread out endlessly overhead. If you reach up, you feel you can touch the stars, and you know that's where you want to be.
DRINK: Water. He's normally too busy to enjoy other drinks when on duty. There's a running joke to make sure not to burn the Captain's mug of water. Sometimes, he might go wild and add a dash of concentrated fruit juice. (However, he does like both tea and coffee and will have them when off-duty)
Character Questions (Selected three from a random number generator)
4. Do they have any birthmarks?
As a matter of fact, he does. It's on his right shoulder, and it's a elongated freckle just under an inch long that almost looks like a little stripe.
20. What TV shows do they watch?
He's not one to follow a series. However, he LOVES nature documentaries. He has a whole hard drive dedicated to just that. And B.ob R.oss. If you ever need a chill-out time, find Noah when he's off-duty. Trust me.
11. If we searched their name on Google, what would we find?
Aside from the articles and interviews about his highly successful career? Several social media accounts that he's terrible at updating regularly. However, his main account has turned into a Barnum fan account because he posts more updates about his dog than himself. However, the updates are even more sporadic thanks to being so far in space.
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silverghcst · 1 year
Dash game: Get to know the mun. ( repost, don't reblog please )
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name: Sasha
pronouns: She/her
preference of communication: Discord is nice
single/taken: (´▽`)
three facts.
I 'm currently working on a criminal justice degree, I'll be graduating in December, which is cool!
I have a cat named Cinnamon, she's a tortoiseshell and very cute! I've had her for 13 years now.
I play a lot of video games, and I've always been very fond of the horror genre (no surprises here I'm sure). Outlast, the evil within, what better way to wind down than being chased.
I used to write through gmail messenger when I was 12, with a childhood friend for quite a while. We made up ocs, and also added in characters from the cartoons we watched, and the video games we played. It was very simple, we only did one liners along with rapid back and forth, but it was very fun. Eventually I found Tumblr, around 2016 I think? And it took until 2018 to realize I could write on here with other people. I made my first rp blog based on this brooding entity, from a web series, and he's kind of the only one that stuck around. I've recently gotten into the RE fandom, and Leon is quite the change! In a good way! ^^
I do like the horror and thriller genre, it's fun to explore in my opinion. There's something compelling about having to claw your way out of a nightmare, a fight to stay in control, or to survive. And then, having to recover. I also like dark romance, and drama.
plots vs memes.
It really depends, I like both. Memes are good at testing the waters, or invoking an interesting idea/situation. Plotting is great too though, I love sharing ideas, and hearing them as well. It gives a nice roadmap.
long or short replies.
I tend to write long replies, it's hard to write short sometimes, I always find myself wanting to add more. I will always try to match my partner's length though! Writing short is nice too.
best time to write.
Late at night typically, but also in the afternoon. My sleep schedule is a bit wacked.
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tagged by: @captianwesker thank you for tagging me!
tagging: Anyone who wants to! c:
#☆ ノ ( dash games )
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hymnblood · 2 years
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name.  sage
pronouns.  she / they / he
preference  of  communication.  discord tbh, i don’t enjoy tumblr ims because i don’t get notifications or my messages just won’t go through and i don’t know if it does or doesn’t lmao
name  of  muse.  zagreus mf hades game babie
rp  experience  /  how  long.  i’ve been writing for a good .... 9 years on tumblr. 
best  experience.  uhm. teehee i dont know writing wise. i guess when i met my best friend @hubrisi​ ?? they really helped me grow as a person when we first met, i don’t think i would’ve been able to heal as i have without them in my life and i just ... genuinely don’t know where i’d be without them?? meeting them changed my life tbh, i would never give up our friendship for anything in the world they’re the sweetest, realest, most honest person i’ve ever met and every day i’m so thankful for their patience and kindness to me when i struggled and relapsed into horrible habits. rp  pet  peeves  /  dealbreakers.  passive aggressive behavior when i haven’t replied in a while lmao, or also showing possessiveness over my muse if i’m rping w a duplicate of their muse. or ppl getting petty vagues about other people writing with duplicates of their muse. it’s like the one way to get a hardblock from me. i don’t tolerate petty, childish behavior over pixels on a screen, grow up, janet. i also hate the “ no one writes with me “ spiel every day of the week bc it wrecks my mood to be around bc then, eventually it’s all i see on my dash from rbs about people doing better ( as if they don’t have real lives and themselves to put first ) and then dash drama over it. like ... i can’t say much bc i’m writing a male muse, but if in my case, if i’ve sent you numerous asks which is the most obvious sign of me being interested and you haven’t answered a lick of shit of such and you continued to cry no one interacts with you, then it’s just gonna make me give up on trying and just sb. this has happened to me so many times across almost all of my fandoms i’ve written in. it’s really not cool to pull that card on people. sometimes people send an ask first to test the chemistry of their muses before randomly jumping into that person’s dms bc your writing, your muse, your ask reply, gave them motivation / ideas / a starting point to discuss things. it takes two to tango, but don’t leave someone dancing alone when they try to dance with you. OR having people become mutuals with me and i ask them about their muse’s background / original character beause they didn’t have anything proper and i’m told : idk . like. instantly annoys me, i get annoyed very easily and typically when this happens i just don’t bother bc i don’t write your muse how tf am i supposed to plot with you if you can’t even remember the character you write no less your oc fluff,  angst,  or  smut.  i’m fine with any of it and darker themes ( not gross shit ) just gotta be close to me for the last one for me to fully write it in deep detail, and overall everything just gotta be plotted plots  or  memes.  i prefer memes to kickstart plots :) long  or  short  replies.  depends, you’ll notice if something is heavily plotted if i’m writing novella length paragraphs ( that or i’m just super excited to write w someone ), short ones are usually on more casual interactions, or i’m warming up on my writing skills before getting into the flow again are  you  like  your  muse.  uhm. i’m not trapped in the underworld so no - lmao jk, i’d say we both have similar insecurities, trying to do our best, eventually fed up with how they’re treated so ultimately saying fuck it and existing outside of those expectations. my life has been a lot better since i’ve made the decision.
tagged by: @shenzuns​, this was weeks ago but tysm tagging : anyone interested
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moonxsuncelestials · 2 years
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I posted 1,536 times in 2022
448 posts created (29%)
1,088 posts reblogged (71%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,532 of my posts in 2022
#rp - 482 posts
#yun ic - 415 posts
#outofdragonsbreathandhellfire - 236 posts
#li ic - 108 posts
#queue the dragonsbreath and hellfire - 99 posts
#cuteteacakes - 85 posts
#dash commentary - 67 posts
#akumanoken - 66 posts
#mirror of the darkside of the moon - 65 posts
#yue ic - 63 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#practical effects are just as hitandrunduo rp said cgi is best paired with animation or the actual practical effects because if done right
My Top Posts in 2022:
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“Huh? Interesting kingdom, huh Dad?” The tiger asked as his father nodded while he kept his side of the carriage shaded. “You sure about this, Dad? I can’t exactly give the guy cubs.”
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“I know, Khan. But this is for the good of our kingdom and it will keep your uncle from trying to form a harem for you as he’s done for Jade.” He dragon king replied as his son shuddered. “You’re going to do just fine. Just promise me to keep your teasing to a tolerable level, okay?” He asked as his son nodded. “Good.” 
Khan purred as he was petted despite how unroyal like that was. But this was his dad, who threw out most royal customs, being affectionate to his children and loved ones. “We’re here.” 
The tiger gulped and once the carriage door opened, King Yun was given a parasol to protect him from the harsh sunlight. And thus began their new journey.
14 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
~~The Story~~
Legends say that eons ago, long before the world humans knew and even began to understand their own existence and the power they would one day wield, The First Ones (Primals) ruled.
Born from the very primal waters of life deep within the seas and the Void, the First Ones were the original gods of the world; creating all that humans know of from the earth beneath our feet, the forests, the lakes, and rivers,  to the sky above and the other side where the spirits dwell. They even made a deal with Khaos to allow him to bring forth the Gods, children of his own who could mate with the children of the First Ones: the Dragons.
Whilst wars in the West came and went thanks to those like Kronos among the Greeks, the First Ones of the East came to a truce with their deities; creating harmony and balance that the West seemed to lack. And for many centuries, peace and harmony reigned in the East. Every few generations, a dragon or two would be given to the Gods to produce offspring, known as the Dramans.
Thrilled and pleased to have such a long and peaceful reign, the First Ones of the East agreed to quietly watch over though forewarned the Gods that should they begin to become like those of the West, they will destroy not only them but also what they care for the most: their humans.
Sadly this came to pass a century later and from the manipulations of both the Dragon Jade Emperor Zhixin and the Jade Emperor, the First Ones were sealed down into the depths of the sea, placing them into a deep slumber. One by one, the now called the Fallen Ones, the First Ones died out til only a handful remained but they swore that they would get even. 
A Fallen One by the name of Sacahiel foretold that it would be the First Ones’ first children, the Celestial Dragons, and those who had sided with them to strike back. They would become known as the Fallen Celestials and in the coming centuries, it was they who found Chang’e, having gone mad from her years of being isolated on the moon; the First Ones spoke through the whispers of the shadows, telling her to gather their children and how to gather them to her side. They whispered for her to find Hope, bring him to their side, and unlock the final seal that holds them in place.
Should Chang’e succeed, the balance shall be tipped and the world will end.
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Memes X
See the full post
15 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
@cuteteacakes​ from X
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“You are to me, Caleb.” He replied with a soft smile as he reached to cup the other’s cheek. “You’re a kind young man, brilliant with your bakery and the games you play-you taught this old man after all how to keep cool on your stream.” With his dislike for technology, it had been a miracle that only Caleb could fashion to help him not panic and get him to talk about why he doesn’t like loud noises.
“We’ve both been hurt, Caleb. But you keep going, keep trying and not let the past upset you; I admire that.”
18 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
@akumanoken​ from X
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They were happy to see the princess excited, the children looking at one another before hearing that the woman was indeed Sakura’s mother; thus making her Li’s grandmother. And it made Li a little wary but remembering how it was the lady’s husband that he needed to be careful around; not her. 
Getting up, shyly, he ran to his mother and bowed politely to the queen of Makoto. “O-O-Obaacha? Nana?” He asked cutely as Jade grinned.
Whilst the boys and Fenghua remained with the queen of Makoto and Sakura, Yun was still rushing about before word reached him that his uncle had the king. Walking to them, he chuckled quietly at seeing how nervous the king appeared to be. “Uncle, come now, no need for hostilities.” 
See the full post
22 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
@cuteteacakes​ said:
"Very much so...~" Caleb feigned fainting. "Only a kiss will revive me..~"
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A kiss is exactly what Yun hoped for and he wasted no time giving Caleb a pretty passionate one. The type that leave them both dizzy from lack of oxygen. “I think I need to give you mouth-to-mouth~” He purred and let Caleb get his breath in before he began to kiss him again. 
Yue could handle the Oasis on her own and Castle-ah he can hear his old friend now cheering. Even Hope was excited, likely because the dragon was leaving the pain behind him. 
26 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Mr. Meek Speaks (OOC)
Yeah Okay Well Here's The Twist (Answered Asks)
Let Me See You Stripped Down To The Bone (Submissions)
Sometimes The Only Way Out Is As A Carcass (Memes)
Perfectin’ My Passion Thanks For Askin’ (Headcanon Memes)
Live In Dog Years And I Feel Twenty-Six Yeah I’m Old Bitch But I Learn New Tricks (Munday Meme)
I’m Key Look At Me! (Self Promo.)
What Do We Have Here? (Promo.)
NSFW Tag - (NSFScreamQueens)
I'll Meet Queue Underneath The Moon; Haunt Me Tonight
MY ART ➽➽➽
PSA ➽➽➽
Your Heart Is A Muscle The Size Of Your Fist; So Keep On Lovin'; Keep On Fightin' (𝔸𝕝𝕝 𝕄𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕤)
I Heard A Scream In The Woods Somewhere (𝔹𝕝𝕒𝕚𝕣 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙 𝕄𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕤)
Some People Are Just Born With Tragedy In Their Blood (𝔽𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕝 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕄𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕤)
There Are Devils To Slay And Dragons To Ride; If They See You Coming; Hell They Better Hide (𝕀ℕ𝕊𝕀𝔻𝕀𝕆𝕌𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕊𝔼𝕊)
I Never Thought I'd Live To See The Dead Walk (ℝ𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝔼𝕧𝕚𝕝 𝕄𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕤)
So How Did You Learn To Be Sick; So Cunning? It's Easy To Sing But You Just Keep On Humming Along (𝕊𝕒𝕨 𝕄𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕤)
Serial Killers Know How To Party (𝕊ℍℝ𝕆𝕆𝕄𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕊𝔼𝕊)
Don't Make A Sound; They're Not Dead; Just Sleeping (𝕊𝕚𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕥 ℍ𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕄𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕤)
Mirror My Melody; Transfer My Tragedy; Got A Curse I Cannot Lift (𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℚ𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝕄𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕤)
I Can Be the Monster; I Can Be The Teeth Sunk In Your Skin (𝕌𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕝 𝔻𝕒𝕨𝕟 𝕄𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕤)
I'm Not A Good Person Ask Anyone Who Knows Me; I'm Mean And Bitter And A Failure (𝔸𝕕𝕒𝕞)
And When She Walks All The Wind Blows And The Angels Sing (𝔸𝕤𝕙𝕝𝕖𝕪)
I Want To Ride My Bicycle I Want To Ride My Bike (𝔹𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕪)
I Will Battle For The Sun And I Won’t Stop Until I’m Done (𝔹𝕠𝕓𝕓𝕪)
Kill Me I’m A Monster I Beg You Now ‘Cause I’m Not A Killer (ℂℍ𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕥𝕥)
Hey There; I Know It's Hard To Feel Like I Don't Care At All (ℂ𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕝)
My Life Is Like A Video Game Trying Hard To Beat The Stage (ℂ𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤)
Fingers Blistered From The Nightly Scratching At The Window Which Won't Open Far Enough To Let Air In (ℂ𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕪)
I'm Beginning To Lull Myself Into A False Security 'Cause It's Easier To Lie To Yourself Than To Face Reality (𝔻𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕕)
Do You Feel Okay? You Look Pretty Low; Very Handsome Awkward (𝔻𝕪𝕝𝕒𝕟)
And Everyone Tells You You’re Better; They Beg And Plead And Scream That You’re Better; But You Could Never Be Better Than You (𝔼𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕤)
I Can Hold The Weight Of Worlds If That's What You Need; Be Your Everything (𝔼𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟)
Why Are People Always Hating On Me? Hmm Must Be ‘Cause I’m Really Good Looking (𝔽𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕚𝕖)
They Won’t Like What I Say I Force It Out Too Corrupt They Hate Me Anyway (𝕀𝕒𝕟)
Don’t Let Me In With No Intention To Keep Me; Jesus Christ; Don't Be Kind To Me; Honey Don't Feed Me; I Will Come Back (𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕠𝕓)
I'm Bigger Than My Body; I'm Colder Than This Home; I'm Meaner Than My Demons; I'm Bigger Than These Bones (𝕁𝕖𝕤𝕤)
And Then My Eyes Got Used To The Darkness And Everyone That I Knew Was Lost And So Long Forgotten (𝕃𝕒𝕟𝕖)
The Rhythm Of Rebellion From The Rattle In Your Bones; A Sonic Liberation; Salvation In Your Headphones (𝕃𝕒𝕣𝕜)
You Look At Me But You Don't See; Understand I'm A Sinner; Don't Corner Me; Don't Lecture Me (𝕃𝕠𝕘𝕒𝕟)
You're Looking Good But You're Feeling The Pressure (𝕃𝕦𝕚𝕤)
The Tide Is Rising High; It's Sink Or Swim; It's Hit Or Miss; What Will You Pick? (𝕃𝕪𝕟𝕟)
I Cut My Tongue On The Rust Of A Silver Spoon (𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕜)
When My Time Comes Around Lay Me Gently In The Cold Dark Earth; No Grave Can Hold My Body Down (𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕥)
I Never Knew You Could Hold Moonlight In Your Hands Until The Night I Held You (𝕄𝕒𝕩)
He Was In The Habit Of Taking Things For Granted; Granted There Wasn't Much For Him To Take (𝕄𝕚𝕜𝕖)
I've Had To Work Much Harder Than This For Something I Want; Don't Try To Resist Me (𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕦)
Staying Up Until The Morning I Wish I Was More Discerning (𝕆𝕝𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕒)
What Doesn't Kill You Will Make You A Killer (ℙ𝕖𝕥𝕖)
Of Course I Get Manic When I Cause A Panic (ℙ𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕣)
Oh My Yeah I Get So High I Can’t Think Sometimes I Try And Drown In My Drink (ℝ𝕠𝕣𝕪)
If I Wasn't A Narcissist I Wouldn't Like Me Either (𝕊𝕔𝕠𝕥𝕥)
I Hope I Become A Ghost And Make Sure The Future Turns Out Fine (𝕊𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕤)
You'll Learn Right Now I Don't Play Nice And If You Hurt Me Once I'll Kill You Twice (𝕋𝕒𝕣𝕒)
Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby; Nothing’s Gonna Take You From My Side (𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕤)
I Feel So Bad I Got A Worried Mind; I'm So Lonesome All The Time (ℤ𝕠𝕖)
If You Want Me To Wait I Will Wait For You; If You Tell Me To Stay I Would Stay Right Through (𝔹𝕦𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕥)
I Guess I'm Waiting For Nightfall Or A Solar Eclipse (𝔻𝕦𝕜𝕖)
Here Come The Wolves; They're Coming To Get You (𝕎𝕠𝕝𝕗𝕚𝕖)
V: Don't Scream Your Story's Marred With Bad Intentions - Main Verse - Canon events have happened unless previously discussed. Dead muses can be interacted with as ghosts/zombies or in flashbacks. Note: Adam is dead for this AU.
V: Just Let The Sun In; It's Love! - Everything Is Fine And Nothing Hurts Verse - No canon events have happened. Typically a modern AU unless there's a specified time period in the media.
V: Everything Is Alright; Yeah Tell Me That You're Alright - Post-Canon Fix-It Verse - All canon events happened but Something happened to rewind things. All dead characters are alive again and are okay. They have scars from their deaths, however.
V: Smile For The Camera But Don't Flash Your Teeth - Werepire Verse 1 - Please see muse list for Werepire species of each muse - A verse in which supernatural creatures are real and people know about them. They are integrated into society like normal people for the most part.
V: I Could Be Honest; I Could Be Human; I Could Become The Silver Bullet In Your Head - Werepire Verse 2 - Please see muse list for Werepire species of each muse - A verse in which supernatural creatures are real and they are not widely known by the general public. They must hide themselves and present human as much as they can, and many do by means of magic.
V: The Smell Of Flowers Was So Thick And Sickly Sweet I Felt Like I Might Choke To Death - Hanahaki Verse - Please see muse list for the flowers that they cough up in the verse. UNDER CONSTRUCTION - A verse in which unrequited love leads to the coughing up of flower petals. It can be fatal if the infected person does not get the surgery to remove them or confess and have those feelings returned.
Blair Witch Verses
V: And Everybody Says They Know Better; And Maybe They’re Right - Non-Blair Witch AU - Ellis didn’t go to the forest to look for Peter because Bullet got sick after stealing a piece of pizza with onion on it. He made it because Ellis took him to the vet immediately, but he missed going to the search party. Lane and Talia never went with the group to the woods because of Lane's father interfering and making them late.
V: I Still Felt Real Depressed But I've Got Plenty Of Other Things To Spend My Time - Fix-It AU - Ellis reasons with the witch and manages to undo a lot of the damage to those he cared about. As long as they remain in Black Hills Forest, he is allowed to have Emmett and Carver around. He spends a lot of time with them and calls Jess whenever he has a signal. Lane does not become possessed due to Ellis' relationship to the Witch. She takes pity on him, but cannot let him go, so he remains with Ellis and the others.
V: Sometimes The Short End Of The Stick Is The Sharpest - Becoming Carver AU - Ellis destroyed all of the witch's sigils and eventually became Carver. He is a gentler Carver and is still depressed and guilty. He hates what he's done and craves death much of the time. All he wants is his freedom.
V: Hey Would It Be So Bad If I Stayed? I'm Just A Ghost Out Of His Grave - Ghost!Ellis AU - As a ghost, Ellis haunts the woods and the surrounding area. He is joined by the other dead in the forest and is often subjected to the witch's desires and whims. He spends a lot of time with her and the other ghosts in the forest.
Final Destination Verses
Insidious Verses
Resident Evil Verses
V: I Wanna Start From The Top Maybe Like A Do-Over - Patch Notes AU - Post-canon Fix-It AU. Nobody stayed dead, nothing hurts, and everything is fine.
Saw Verses
Silent Hill Verses
The Quarry Verses
Until Dawn Verses
None At This Time
I'll Build A New House In Every Town I Pass Maybe Then I Won't Always Feel Lost And Trapped (Adam & Peter)
A Woman's Voice; I Quickly Ran; Into The Trees With Empty Hands (Ellis & Lane)
I Am Aware That You Are All Assholes; Who The Hell Cares About All Of That Though? (Lark & Scott)
And He Tells Me He's Sick And He's All Alone (Logan & David)
Me Without You Ain't Right (Mike & Jess)
We Creep About The Floor To Indulge Like Rats (Adam ♡ Lark)
A Mí Ne Gusta Que Me Digan Poesía; Al Oído Por La Noche Cuando Hacemos Groserías (Ashley ♡ Luis)
Eres Una Obra De Arte; Con Solo Mirarte; Algo Que Da Paz (Luis ♡ Ashley)
He Doesn't Know What He Deserves But He Still Falls So Hard It Hurts (David ♡ Logan)
You're A Lesson That I Wish I'd Never Learned So Well (Lark ♡ Scott)
I Shouldn't Have Fallen In Love; Look What It Made Me Become (Logan ♡ David)
I Just Wanna Feel Alive And I Do When I’m With You (Mike ♡ Jess)
Combat Baby; Come Back Baby; Fight Off The Lethargy; Don't Go Quietly (Scott ♡ Adam)
I'm Too Sweet To Be Salty About It; Too Sour To Be Happy Without It (Scott ♡ Lark)
& Tags With @lovely-cadavers
Frown Gets Her Way Like Every Step To The Daylight Keeps You Stumbling On (Ashley & Leon - lovely-cadavers)
Have You Ever Been Close To Tragedy Or Been Close To Folks Who Have? (Clancy & Jack - lovely-cadavers)
I've Never Had To Knock On Wood; But I Know Someone Who Has; Which Makes Me Wonder If I Could (Clancy & Lucas - lovely-cadavers)
I Got These Terrible Dreams Where I Do Terrible Things; I Don't Want To Believe It's You I Am Doing Them To (Ethan & Jack - lovely-cadavers)
Oh; Now You Are A Handful; I Forgot About Handfuls (Ethan & Karl - lovely-cadavers)
I Got The Devil In The Details And He's Gonna Teach Me Wrong From Right (Ethan & Lucas - lovely-cadavers)
I Just Wanted To Protect You; But Now I'll Never Get To (Ethan & Rose - lovely-cadavers)
Come Back To Me A While; Change Your Taste In Men (Luis & Leon - lovely-cadavers)
Say What You Want And What You Want Is Behind Your Teeth (Moreau & Alcina - lovely-cadavers)
They Tell Me That You're Lonely; It's No Surprise When You Walk Around All Day Wearing Those Lonely Eyes (Moreau & Donna - lovely-cadavers)
I'll Be Just Fine Pretending I'm Not; I'm Far From Lonely And It's All That I've Got (Moreau & Karl - lovely-cadavers)
Stronger Folks You Could Not Find; They Ain't Afraid To Speak Their Minds (Zoe & Jack)
'Cause At Night; The Sun In Retreat; Made The Skyline Look Like Crooked Teeth (Zoe & Lucas - lovely-cadavers)
& Tags With @inthepines-inthepines
Can't You See Me? You And I We Are The Same (Ellis & Carver - inthepines-inthepines)
But On The One Day They Close Early; That's The One You Want To Stay (Ellis & Emmett - inthepines-inthepines)
But Please Don't Give Up Dear Walls; Don't Let The Ceiling Fall (Ellis & Jess - inthepines-inthepines)
& Tags With @but-ive-been-called-worse
It Feels Like We're Dying But Baby We're Doing Just Fine (Adam & Amanda - but-ive-been-called-worse)
You'll Never Hear This Song; You'll Never See The Movie In My Head (Adam & Lawrence - but-ive-been-called-worse)
Pretty Boy Don't Speak; You Pretty Boys Are Only Good For One Thing (Mallick & Brit - but-ive-been-called-worse)
Float Like A Butterfly Sting Like A Killer (Peter & Amanda - but-ive-been-called-worse)
The Saint Charade Is Over Plastic Royalty Exposed (Peter & Lawrence - but-ive-been-called-worse)
People Like You Are Why People Like Me Exist (Peter & Mark - but-ive-been-called-worse)
You're Something To Die For But Don't Hold Your Breath Now; You're Just Killing Time (Peter & Lindsey - but-ive-been-called-worse)
& Tags With @21xpickup
I Died So I Could Have You; I Died So I Could Haunt You (Clancy & Lucas - 21xpickup)
I've Got Friends In All The Right Places; I Know What They Want And I Know They Don't Want Me To Stay (Ethan & Lucas - 21xpickup)
They're Hiding Their Faces; Their Smiles Can Break The Heart In Two (Zoe & Lucas - 21xpickup)
& Tags With @emilesmuseassembly
Don't You Want To Get Matching Necklaces? Each Of Us Can Wear One Half Of The Heart (Jess & Matt - emilesmuseassembly)
The Only Thing Constant Was The Constant Reminder He'd Never Change (Mike & Matt - emilesmuseassembly)
Ship Tags With @lovely-cadavers
'Cause I'm In Too Deep And I'm Trying To Keep Up Above In My Head Instead Of Going Under (Clancy ♡ Lucas - lovely-cadavers)
If You Rise Again Take A Form I Know (Ethan ♡ Jack - lovely-cadavers)
Baby; No One's Honest Anymore But We Could Be Different (Ethan ♡ Karl - lovely-cadavers)
No Te Vayas Quédate (Luis ♡ Leon - lovely-cadavers)
Ship Tags With @inthepines-inthepines
Somebody Somewhere Will Clean Out Your Wounds With Dirty Fingers (Ellis ♡ Carver - inthepines-inthepines)
If You Need A Little Sunshine You Can Borrow Some Of Mine (Ellis ♡ Emmett - inthepines-inthepines)
Seems Like We've Waited Long Enough For Someone Else To Make Us Feel Complete (Ellis ♡ Jess - inthepines-inthepines)
Ship Tags With @but-ive-been-called-worse
I Need Love So Someone Bring Me A Photographer (Adam ♡ Lawrence - but-ive-been-called-worse)
'Cause When I Mess Up You Never Give Up Your Love; Yeah I'm A Fuck-Up But You Swear I'm Enough (Mallick ♡ Brit - but-ive-been-called-worse)
I'll Fill The Graveyards Until I Have You (Peter ♡ Mark - but-ive-been-called-worse)
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