#// your muse couldve Been in harborview for a while. he travels a lot
tewwor-moving · 5 months
✧・゚ open | mutuals/non-mutuals | location: joel's diner in the semi-sleepy town of harborview | context: your muse is getting a little too close to the truth of what lurks as citizens around these parts & dane doesn't take kindly to it ・゚✧
Only the clatter of bells announces his entrance. None of his usual greetings are bid to his friend behind the counter. No wave, no smile, no ‘how’s the day treatin’ you’s, no nothing. It's just him fixated on a plan that has him scouring the lax interior. 
Lips press into a thin line when he finds the one. That one snoop who’s been poking around in corners and places newcomers shouldn’t. It takes all but three steps before he looms near the stranger. An urgent, whispered ‘hey— psst, Dane! What the hell, man?’ catches his ear, but he waves Joel off. 
They're both impacted by this, after all. 
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"You don't belong here," he hisses, emphasis on the way his words wisps out between suspiciously pointy teeth. "Quit getting into shit and leave."
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