#//Even from Addie. He wants her affection especially; but when he gets it/gets doted on; he feels guilty about it
dutybcrne · 1 year
For Kaeya, people who are exceedingly sweet, even naturally so like Barbara, absolutely make him severely uncomfortable. He can deal with people who possess sharper attitudes like Rosaria and Diluc just fine, and is alright with those Jean and Lisa who know to scold and rein him back when needed, but someone he percieves to be too kind always set him on edge.
#hc; kaeya#//Of course their are exceptions#//Like Klee#//He can bear with her sunny disposition bc she is just a bab#//The world hasn't hurt her yet; and he will do anything to protect her sunshiney smile#//With folks like Barbara or even Noelle though; he's disconcerted by the seemingly unconditional kindness they offer him#//In some cases like with other people; he will highly Doubt it's truly so; and be On edge the entire time#//In those two's case; it just feels WEIRD being cared for so kindly. Esp with what secret he's holding#//Doesn't feel like he deserves it; and sometimes; the care even feels invasive and suffocating enough to make him panic a bit#//He can't stand that#//Couldn't stand it from Jean for days after Diluc fought him and left; still can't stomach her approaching to talk about That Time#//Will outright RUN from her if she tries; even if it had been bc she tried to reassure/help him#//ESP bc she tried to reassure/help him#//Lisa's flirting was a-ok by him bc it didn't feel too cloying; then having her around and getting to know her was more comfortable#//And got him used to her brand of care#//He does want to be treated kindly and sweetly; but when he gets it; he doesn't know what to DO with it#//Even from Addie. He wants her affection especially; but when he gets it/gets doted on; he feels guilty about it#//like he's not SUPPOSED to have it. A lot of what Diluc yelled That Night; and just what HAPPENED really stuck with him#//Traveler throws him for a loop; bc they ARE too kind. But also Snark at him. So it's a mishmash of emotions with them#//With Jean; at least he has a professional barrier he can file her kindness under#//Traveler? Nope. They are friends. They are travel companions; they are besties; co-conspirators#//They make his stomach flipflop about and his heart lurch and leap#//They are so very dear to him; only they could send him into utter Turmoil; then ease it in one conversation
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baby!michael, The Early Years - Headcanon
baby!Michael though to young!Michael
Warning: Fluffy and angsty.
A/N: I was re-watching Murder House and it got me thinking about how bubba Michael was raised by Constance. What were the good, happy and bad times in-between what we saw? Completely my interpretation! 👶
(Gif by @langdoms)
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Constance played baby Michael Mozart and Bach to help with his quick development. He learned how to walk at six months and was talking at just a year old. 
His first word happened when Constance gave him a kiss on the top of his head. Michael reached his little arms out to her, baby blues begging and then said as clear as a bell -  ‘more’. That was the moment he first stole Constance’s heart.
At one, Michael’s fixation (apart from giving his Grandma gifts) was the television. Constance could trip out wherever she wanted and leave little Michael glued to the TV, he’d always behave. But he would throw a tantrum if she tried to turn over the TV while he was engrossed in Sesame Street re-runs.
Little Michael was the perfect boy in public, but he’s super shy around new people no matter how much Constance pushes him to be outgoing. It’s different with those who do know him like Helen at the hairdressers, she calls him ‘cherub’ and Michael gives them his biggest, most beautiful smile that entrances everyone he meets.
She took baby Michael everywhere she went. The grocery store, the deli, hairdressers and everyone cooed over the baby’s beauty.
‘That one will be a stunner when he’s older Constance.’
He waits patiently while being doted on by the hairdressers, little legs swinging off the sofa as he keeps one eye on his Grandma and one eye on the Lego that was bought especially for him and him only.
Michael would always press Constance about where his parents were. Constance had decided when she first took Michael away from the Murder House that she would be 100% honest with him. When he was younger she avoided it, but Michael’s insistence soon made her crack.
‘They live across the road, but you can’t visit them till you’re much older,’ She said. Michael would look confused but not that bothered, ‘Why?’ ‘Because they’re damn ghosts, Michael. That’s why, now drop it.’
Michael knew his parents were dead, he was just gifted like that. He could sometimes guess what Constance was going to say, he could charm his way into getting his first Nanny to give him anything he wanted. Constance has never cried so much as when Michael skipped up, hugged her tight and told her that Addie sends her love.
‘How do you expect to conduct yourself among society when you can’t hold a damn spoon properly?’  
When he was three Michael stole a book from the local corner shop, but neither Constance nor the shop owner could find any trace of where it went. Though caught on the security cameras, Michael remained adamant that he had never touched it. But when Constance checked on him later that day Michael was flat on his tummy consuming every page of his stolen book.
Michael hates roses, why does his Grandma want to hide his presents? Those horrible flowers served as a bitter reminder throughout Michael’s life of how his Grandma rejected his love and buried it in the ground. 
‘In this house we use grammar properly and finish our consonants, young man. I won’t have you growing up a piece of trash.’  
After the Nanny was murdered, Constance invited Billie-Dean round to visit young Michael. The psychic took one look at him and shrieked, Michael started to cry as Billie apologised but said she couldn’t remain in the boy’s presence. Constance took Billie’s dread as confirmation of Michael’s greatness at first, so special and so powerful at such a young age. But as the death toll only increased as Billie warned, Constance resigned herself that her friend was right – Michael was destined for darkness.
Michael would always settle in his Grandma’s arms. If he was upset or cranky nothing could calm him down quicker than some lovin. As time went by and Constance began to withdraw her affections out of fear, it was harder to settle Michael. He’d beat his fists on his thighs demanding to be swept up into her arms, screaming till he was bright red and the television blew up. There was a month’s no TV ban for Michael after that.
The more powerful Michael became, the more Constance tried to leash him. She restricted his playtime outside and stopped taking him to the hairdressers with her, she stopped tucking him into bed. Michael would cry long into the night for his Grandma, while Constance blasted music till she fell asleep. She could no longer stomach raising someone who had turned out to be such a disappointment.
Once Michael aged, when he could tower over her in his new body, he began to challenge Constance’s rules. Michael would act out, smashing plates if he didn’t like dinner, stir up trouble and once even called the police on his Grandma. He tried to go to visit his parents at the house and was caught by the neighbours. Finally, Constance slapped him. Michael didn’t speak to her for a week, holed up in his room playing his video games and only eating meals when she shoved them at him.
Michael knew he’d gone too far the second his hands left his Grandma’s throat, that night in her bedroom. He never wanted to hurt her, why would he? He loved her, didn’t he? But he couldn’t ever do that to her again, not when he wasn’t in control of his own body. It was wrong to hurt people, right?
That night Michael made the decision to leave. He snuck off in the middle of the night with only a backpack full of belongings and made it across to the Murder House. He wouldn’t trouble her anymore he didn’t want to see her cry again because of him. Maybe, if he was so so good and left Grandma to her whisky and roses, one day she’d let him come back.
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