#//Her holding him just as tightly; thanking him for coming home; thanking the Archons for bringing him home safely
dutybcrne · 5 months
Need smth to heal the soul
Now imagining Adelinde still squooshing Diluc’s face in her hands, bc no matter how old and rough’s tough that man may get, he is still her baby. Her dearest son boy. Her sweet little angel (forget that he has Murdered)
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suguru-getos · 1 year
࿐ husband neuvillette headcanons (f!reader) ࿐
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neuvillette, the most respected man in the nation of hydro, more than their archon focalors. he commands respect wherever he goes, his aura still polite, ever so approachable. however, the power of his position cowers people. they are often rendered scared to approach him, some of them literally profusely sweating around his nimble aura.
you, were his wife now, his significant other. someone he cherished more than life itself & someone who made you feel safe, heard, protected. it was said that he was the most sought out bachelor in fontaine before he left his heart for you one day. “break it or keep it. it isn’t mine anymore.” is what he said, when he proposed you. oh the words ring into your ear like the finest melodies till date.
the steambird/ the media was eager to cover everything about the wedding; but to their surprise— neuvillette took you outside fontaine. the city of freedom — monstadt is where you two tied the knot in the presence of a certain, melodious and a high alcohol simp bard.
truth be told, once you were married. there were people who forced false allegations on you. how you manipulated the chief justice into falling in love with you. how you are fake and you act in accordance to his liking to be loved by him. some people even tried to forge false cases against you. all of which— deeply entertained furina. thankfully, neuvillette was never someone to pay attention to any of these things. at one time, he himself fought for you in a false trial. you couldn’t be more thankful.
rains— the legend of hydro dragon weeping causing the rains was famous throughout the country of fontaine. one day, when neuvillette came home a little early, looking distressed, you noticed a harsh, unforgiving thunderstorm drenching the country. you walked towards the terrace, looking up and gently, soothingly whispering. “oh- hydro dragon. please don’t cry.” the rain… lessened. it was as if the intensity had been lessened.
it wasn’t more time until neuvillette confessed to you about him being a hydro dragon. ever since then, whenever there had been rains in fontaine, you make sure to find your beloved husband and hug him tightly, kiss his forehead and tell him everything will be alright. it breaks you apart seeing him like this after all.
sometimes when he comes back home, he always brings your favorite flowers, maybe your favorite desserts, along with a beaming smile only you have seen. people who are aquainted to you often ask if neuvillette being the chief justice and being the most powerful man in fontaine makes your married life difficult. truth is.. it could never. they just haven’t had any access to the good that your beloved dragon holds.
things do get riff-raffy when furina acts a little too childish around him. he pays no attention to her self-centered, self-absorbed behavior but it pinches you how she bothers him for every little thing. once, there was a celebratory banquet held for the same and your displeased face told neuvillette in that very instant — how you’d like the archon to ‘behave’ around your husband. he has been extra careful ever since. <3
your husband might look stern, but he is a soft man. you have witnessed this first hand with how respectfully and tenderly he treats you. on the bad days of your period, the chief justice is nothing but a doting husband for his wifey. you can always be snuggled up to him and cry, or just spend time.
he is a HUGE cuddle bug. would love to destress off work by wrapping his big arms around you and peppering your face with tender kisses. he smells amazing too! always making you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
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kazuharem · 3 years
"Panacea" ↠ Xiao [FLUFF]
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"I'll hold you when things go wrong, you're the reason I believe in fate" Characters: Xiao x Reader (Implied Fem) Genre: Fluff Word Count: 4,100 Warnings: Reader is implied female because the recipient is female -> mentions "she" and "her"; also includes lines taken from Xiao's story quest + Lantern Rite Festival A/N: This is my birthday gift for the biggest Xiao simp I know: @seerie / @wisteriea! Rie, happy birthday! I know it's way past your birthday, but I hope you had a great birthday! I am so honored to be your friend and I hope I did your favorite adeptus justice. I wish nothing but happiness and winning 50/50s for you!
Special thanks to @tartagilicious, because without her threat of logging into my Genshin account and leaving my characters to die, I would've never found the motivation to finish this piece (I finished your challenge with 5 minutes to spare)
Yes, this is a repost -> my tags are not working so please help me out
Reblogs are much appreciated! 🙏
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PANACEA, Πανάκεια: Greek, (n.) a cure for all ills; a solution for all problems or difficulties
"Can you feel where the wind is? I'll hold you when things go wrong I'll be with you from dusk till dawn"
A lone figure stands off in the distance. It’s late, far too late for any creatures of this world to be awake, and yet, the figure is the exception. The moon illuminates his surroundings, casting his shadow onto the sleeping world. He grips a verdant spear tightly. Voices of despair whisper endlessly inside his head, but he merely grits his teeth, ignoring them. Xiao is used to this.
At some point in time, there is a word that comes to mind which perfectly encapsulates Xiao’s position. The people of Mondstadt call it Weltschmerz, or “weariness of the world.” Those who knew Xiao well would agree that fighting demons for many millennia would make one weary of such a world. And yet, Xiao perseveres, despite such weariness.
A quiet sigh escapes Xiao’s mouth before he leaps silently into the air, igniting his battles for the night. The battles that he fights are unknown to most of Liyue, however they are of the upmost importance. Each is only another step towards keeping the malevolent forces from invading the very city that Rex Lapis had so painstakingly built.
When the sky begins to tinge pink, inky stains slowly fading into soft hues of oranges and reds, Xiao makes his way home. No, not home, he corrects himself, merely leaving the battlefield. He cuts a weary line through the reeds of Dihua Marsh, exhaustion lining his features.
The voices of anguish start to overpower him in his drained state, and Xiao stumbles. He clutches his head as he drops his spear. A choked gasp leaves him. Xiao curls in on himself on the ground.
Join us! The suffering you have wrought upon us! Feel it! Die!
The whispers turn to shouts. Agony overwhelms him, pressing in on him until he can no longer breathe, and it begs. It tempts to give in, to dissipate into the darkness that had felled the other Yakshas.
Suddenly, lilting notes of a flute carry over the mountains to reach his ears, clear and pure. It dissolves the anguish, the cries. Silence had never been sweeter. It’s a respite Xiao had never experienced. Just as quickly as the pain had crept upon him, it disappears with the sounds of the flute being carried off by the wind. Xiao pants as he stands, leaning on his spear for support. He pauses to get his bearings in order. Someone with that kind of power could only be-
Xiao shakes his head. It is not his business to meddle in the affairs of the Archons, and he grips his weapon to carry on towards Wangshu Inn.
That was the first time Xiao had ever felt relief from his karmic debt.
The second time, many centuries later, is when he meets you.
How the two of you meet is purely by chance. You were helping out around Wangshu Inn since the owner, Verr Goldet, had helped you out in the past.
Seeing how the stars were out, you had decided to go up to the roof to take a brief break.
Xiao is on his way to wage the wars like he always does when he stops in surprise. It’s quiet. Around this time of night, it’s usually quiet, but this time even the voices inside his head seem to have quelled. Brows crinkling in confusion, he doubles back, and that’s when he sees you.
You’re leaning against the railing, enjoying the gentle evening breeze.
“Who are you? Why are you here?” A curt voice has your eyes snapping open in an instant.
Whirling around, you come face to face with a pair of amber eyes, glowing even in the dark. Verr Goldet had mentioned of him, the adeptus who leaves in the middle of the night to fight unimaginable battles. Xiao, the vigilant yaksha.
“Adeptus Xiao,” you bow in apology, “I’m sorry to have disturbed you.”
Xiao steps out from the shadows, lithe like a panther, and just as silent. “You know of me,” the scowl on his face is severe. You nod, “Then you should know not to hang around me. Leave. Now.”
“Wait-” But before you can plead your case, Xiao is already gone.
“You’ve already met Xiao?” Surprise crosses Verr Goldet’s face when you inquire about Xiao the next day, “That’s not bad. It’s not often he’s in a good enough mood to agree to see people.” She laughs softly, “But you mustn’t be too disheartened. Slaughtering the souls of so many spirits has racked up enormous amounts of karmic debt for the poor fellow. It’s not his fault he’s usually so brusque. He’s in an immense amount of pain.”
Your heart squeezes in sympathy at her words. The idea of anyone being in pain for thousands of years is not particularly appealing to you. “Is there any way to relieve that pain?”
Verr Goldet shakes her head sadly, “Human medication doesn’t work on the adepti. However, he might be in a better mood if you give him a bowl of almond tofu. It is one of the few human foods that Xiao likes.”
And so, with great care, you make a bowl of the silkiest almond tofu, and carry it up the stairs.
“Xiao? Adeptus Xiao?” You call it out softly. It’s only a matter of seconds before the leaves of the potted plant rustle next to you.
“You’re back,” displeasure is evident in the catlike eyes. Xiao glares at you. “I told you, mortal souls are not as robust as those of adepti, nor can your blood carry this level of adeptal energy.”
“Ah, I didn’t mean to disturb you,” you offer the bowl sheepishly, and notice the way Xiao’s nostrils flare. “I just made some almond tofu and was wondering if you’d like some?”
A muscle in his jaw twitches, “Are you trying to bribe me, mortal?”
Panic crosses your face, and for some reason, Xiao finds the action almost amusing. He presses his lips together. “No! It’s nothing like that! I just heard this is your favorite and I wanted to make it for you as an apology for disturbing you last night!” The explanation is rushed, words tumbling over one another.
Xiao crosses his arms, “Fine, I accept your offering and in return, I’m willing to protect you. But don’t think about getting close, and stay out of my way, or all that awaits you is regret.”
He leaves you that night with these words, an oath.
If you cannot bring yourself to kill – speak my name If you awake to a knife at your throat If monsters dig their claws into you If death comes knocking at your door Call my name, Adeptus Xiao I’ll be here when you call
Ever since that fateful night, the two of you do end up getting close, much to Xiao’s chagrin. You were curious to know about him, and keen to find a way to alleviate his pain. And for Xiao… Every time you came into his vicinity, the screams of agony would mysteriously quieten. He couldn’t understand it, nor could he figure out the mechanics. But he could not bring himself to part with you either. The silence was addictive, calming. And unknowingly, he begins to enjoy the moments that he spends with you, with your incessant chattering that should be an annoyance to him. Xiao would never admit it, but the sound of your voice soothes him, just like how the sound of the Dihua flute did many centuries ago.
The few people that Xiao had unwillingly let into his life began to notice these changes about him. Whenever Xiao was with you, or had just spent time with you, while still reserved, he appeared much more relaxed. They deduced that it was all due to you. Whatever your methods were, they were not interested. They were simply happy to see the adeptus no longer in pain.
Without voices screaming in constant pain inside his head, Xiao became less terse. But if you or anyone mention any of these changes, Xiao would instantly revert to the Xiao of before. So people would take great care in not teasing the adeptus, lest he unleashes his anger once again.
“Are you really not going to see the lanterns?” You trail helplessly behind Xiao as he makes his way up to Wangshu Inn’s balcony.
“No,” his answer is clipped, “I am not partial to crowded areas. Especially at this time of the year.”
“But…the people of Liyue are celebrating the adepti for saving their city. You’re one of the heroes,” you try to argue.
Xiao scoffs, annoyance thick in his voice, “The Lantern Rite is nothing but a time for humans to discard their glowing trash into the sea. I’d rather not witness it.”
You worry your bottom lip between your teeth, “What if…I want to go with you?” the confession is hushed as you flush.
There is a silence that follows after your words. Xiao finally stops to look at you, “Why would you want me there? I’m…nothing like those people. Too long have I spent slaughtering, accompanied by the burden of suffering that follows in its wake. Crossing paths with all those jubilant people will only make me…” He trails off, lips thinning when he realizes what he said. Xiao jerks his gaze away.
“…Xiao…” your voice is sad, and he immediately bristles.
“Don’t you dare pity me,” Xiao scowls.
You raise your hands in defeat, sighing. “Then can you at least keep me company on the way to Liyue?”
He eyes you suspiciously, and when he deems you honest, he nods. “Fine, but only to the city. That’s it.”
True to his word, Xiao wordlessly escorts you to the outskirts of the harbor, before leaving you with a gruff “Stay vigilant.”
Unbeknownst to you, after he sees you off, Xiao retreats to a distant hill. There, he sits with a weary sigh as he watches over the city.
Humans were such silly creatures, believing that writing down words on pieces of wood would make their dreams come true. Xiao could not fathom the way mortal minds worked. It’s tradition, he supposes. Humans like tradition.
With another sigh, he begins to wait for the sky to darken. Because come every Lantern Rite, there is always an abundance of evil spirits taking advantage of the joyous occasion to wreak havoc. And like always, it is up to Xiao to vanquish them.
“Hello old friend, this is a pleasant surprise,” a deep voice sounds behind him and Xiao stands up respectfully.
“Sir…” he greets the former Archon.
Zhongli waves a hand, “It’s nice to see you at the Lantern Rite Festival, however…it seems as though the young lady isn’t with you.”
The casual mention of your name causes Xiao to flush, and he makes to leave, a puff of annoyance escaping his mouth, “I only made sure she arrived in the city safely.” He squirms under Zhongli’s knowing gaze.
“Hold on,” the simple command bides Xiao pause, amber eyes widening slightly in question. The elegantly-clad man smiles, “It has been a while, surely you can spare me a bit of your time. Come, let us chat,” he invites warmly as he casts an arm over the city. Bright spots of orange begin to glimmer in the sky like fireflies in the night. The people of Liyue are beginning to set off their lanterns and it won’t be too long before the indigo sky will be lit ablaze. Quietly, Xiao waits patiently for Zhongli to speak.
Brief moments of peaceful silence passes while the God of Contracts observes the flowing, golden river of lanterns. “How long has it been since we’ve known each other?” He finally asks, eyes still trained on the very city he had built from nothing.
“A very long time,” Xiao responds with a soft sigh before begrudgingly crossing the short distance between them to stand by Zhongli’s side.
There is a rueful smile at Xiao’s answer. “Indeed. Over these prolonged years, you, my dear friend, have experienced much agony, caused by my own hand. That is one of my greatest regrets to date.”
Xiao frowns, “But I don’t mind it. You saved my life.”
“Ah,” the Geo Archon nods, “You and I have a contract, which you have performed your part outstandingly. But it appears that you have received the short end of the stick. Which is why, dear friend, I think our contract will come to an end.”
“You have fulfilled your end of the contract, Xiao,” Zhongli cuts off Xiao’s protest, “Exceedingly well beyond my very expectations. It is time for this contract to end, and time for you to discover how to live for yourself instead of following the orders of others.”
A pregnant pause holds over the two men as Xiao processes Zhongli’s words. “And what about the people of Liyue?” He asks finally, “What will happen to them now that I will no longer be vanquishing all these evil spirits?”
There is a satisfied smile which spreads over Zhongli’s face, almost as if he had been expecting Xiao’s question. “Mortals are stronger than you have previously believed them to be,” he says, “They can withstand great calamities.”
“Mere mortals cannot defeat gods,” Xiao scoffs brusquely, “They are weak.”
“Weak compared to you and I, perhaps,” Zhongli nods, “But no matter the occasion, they are resilient creatures. If they get knocked down, they will stand back up, always ready to take on any hardships that come their way. Look at the aftermath of Osial. Tell me, does this appear to you, a city that has given up?” He gestures at the lively harbor, sounds of celebration can be heard even from where they are. There are delicious scents that permeate the air and Xiao could see the people of Liyue laughing as they enjoy their festivities. Merriment envelopes the city. The majority of the lanterns had been set off, bathing the night sky in a golden glow, which rivals that of the stars. “Have a look at this,” the god stretches out an arm, and miraculously, a paper lantern floats gently into his waiting hand. “Humans place their dreams on such a tiny thing,” he takes out the wooden slip hanging inside the lantern, “This mere piece of wood holds the wish of one such individual willing to believe. That is rather admirable, I say.”
“It’s pathetic,” Xiao scowls, face scrunching in distaste, “This wood cannot protect them in times of danger. It cannot grant them great wealth or longevity, nor can it give them happiness.”
Zhongli smiles knowingly as he agrees, “Of course, but they are willing to believe that it could. Such optimism is commendable, no? What’s wrong with the humans wishing on a piece of wood? It causes no harm, yet it is something that gives them hope. Something to live for. Even if this world does come to ruins, would it not be better having hope by your side?”
How you love the things I hate about myself That no one knows, but with you, I see hope again
Xiao is silent, but even he is unable to block the thought of you from his mind. You believed in these things, you believed that wishing on pieces of wood would grant your wishes. You were lively and full of hope, something Xiao could never imagine. You were the only one willing to disregard all the warnings he had given you, and somehow, whatever magic you possessed, had rid Xiao of the agony that raged relentlessly inside his head. And you were human, just like all of the people in the harbor that he can see right from where he is standing.
“Everyone deserves happiness,” the Geo God speaks up softly, “Including you, Xiao. Everyone deserves to have hope, to know what is it that keeps them going. Learn from the mistakes I have made. A world that you have fought hard to keep safe, but without the person who matters most in that world… Is that such a world worth living in?” He hands Xiao the wooden slip he had taken from the lantern. Xiao turns it over in his hand wordlessly to look at the wish that whoever it was had written.
I wish for Xiao to be happy
And darling, this is more than anything I felt before You're everything that I want, but I didn't think I'd find
All the air leaves Xiao’s chest as he stares down at the wish, at your wish. The handwriting is obviously yours; Xiao had seen it plenty of times when you would leave notes for him. He’d memorized every swoop, every line, every curl.
“Wh-what is this?” Xiao’s voice is shaky, and he swallows hard. There is a foreign feeling stuck in his throat, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t remove it.
The former Archon turns to face him finally, “Go on, dear friend, find your happiness. Find your hope. Find something in this world worth living for. The light of these lanterns is supposed to bring the protectors of Liyue home, and so I hope it can do something for you as well. You have been in this world for so long, and yet all you have experienced is pain and suffering. It’s time to be free. You’re living, but are you truly alive?” The question makes Xiao pause, but the god continues. “From this day forward, I, Morax, declare the end of our long-held contract, due to both parties fulfilling all the stipulations. I’m setting you free, dear friend. You’re free. I sincerely hope that you can live for yourself from now on. You no longer have to complete the arduous task of vanquishing demons. Unfortunately, I cannot do anything about your karmic debt, but…” There is a pleased upturn of Zhongli’s mouth, “It appears that you have already found something to cure your ailments.”
You’re wandering the streets of Liyue, tasting all the delicacies being offered from the various food stalls. A smile dances absentmindedly on your face as you savor the festivities, but somehow you couldn’t bring yourself to enjoy everything wholeheartedly. There is a forlorn sigh as you perch on the edge of an empty boat, face turned upward to watch the lanterns float away. If only Xiao was here…
Immediately you berate yourself, knowing full well that the amber-eyed adeptus hated crowds. You sigh dejectedly again, dangling your legs underneath you as you take out the second wooden slip. Staring at it sadly, another sigh escapes you, knowing that Xiao didn’t believe in wishes. But you couldn’t entirely quash the longing feeling. It would’ve been wonderful to set off lanterns together with Xiao.
“Why would you waste a wish on me?” A gruff voice suddenly sounds behind you, and you easily startle. There is a resigned sigh before a hand grasps your arm. It pulls you up. You straighten to face the disgruntled man, but his previous words does not go unnoticed by you.
You’re unable to stop the grin from spreading across your face. “Waste a wish?” You repeat, taking great delight in the way Xiao averts his eyes. “It’s only wasted if it doesn’t work. And it’s wasted if it doesn’t hold any value. So you do believe in wishes then!” The glee in your voice is unmistakable.
Why do I get so nervous when I look into your eyes? And butterflies can't stop me falling for you
Xiao coughs, and you quickly note how the tips of his ears flush pink. “Pesky mortal,” he grumbles. There is a flick of his wrist and the wish you had sent up to the heavens earlier lands in your hand. “You’re supposed to wish for something for yourself. Is that not the tradition?”
“The wish is for myself,” you say defensively, fingers wrapping around the wood with care. Golden pupils narrow at you, but you continue. “You’re important to me, and therefore, this wish is completely and selfishly, for me and myself only.”
“You really-” Xiao cuts himself off. His arms cross and he aims a glare at the spot behind your shoulder. “Pathetic…” the usual comment is half-hearted.
His actions seem uncharacteristically tense. It makes you eye him curiously, “Is something the matter? I thought you said you wouldn’t come no matter what.”
Lips flatten in disapproval before Xiao sighs in defeat, “The contract…has ended…” The words are mumbled out, but you hear him clearly.
“Does that mean you no longer have to fight the evil spirits?” Surprise floods your voice, and Xiao jerks his neck stiffly, akin to a curt nod. “But what about…the karmic debt?”
“Well…” Xiao begins. He straightens and you swear that you can see something fierce shining within his amber pupils. “I think…I found a cure.”
“That’s…that’s great! What is the cure?” Xiao’s chest tightens at the genuine happiness in your voice and a ghost of Zhongli’s words whispers in his head. Find something in this world worth living for.
And he knew you were that something. That someone. The person who makes life worth living.
Someone who is worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak But I know now I found the one I love
Your head tilts in confusion.
“I’m only going to say this once, so listen close,” Xiao’s low voice cuts you off before you can ask. With wide eyes, you nod and Xiao swallows. “I’ve lived…for thousands of years and battled countless monsters and demons. The karmic debt that has accumulated was my burden alone to carry. The first time I ever felt relief was centuries ago. The second time…was when I met you…”
His confession is startling, and it renders you mute. Me?
“I don’t know how you came to possess such powers…but every time I am with you, you somehow manage to remove all traces of pain. I tried to steer clear of you because I didn’t want my karmic debt to affect you, and yet, it seems it has no effect. So…I want to…know more about you. I want to get close to you. Because it seems that you…are my cure.”
“Xiao…” you whisper, feeling tears spring to your eyes, and you wipe at them hastily out of habit lest Xiao makes a remark about mortals being weak. However, he doesn’t and is content to gaze at you. The flush on his ears has traveled to his cheeks, but his amber eyes blaze with a fervor that you have never seen.
“In addition to knowing more about you, I would also like to learn about the humans, about life. Will you…be willing to teach me those things? In return…I will…stay by your side.” I will protect this mortal and slay any monsters that come her way, Xiao vows silently.
“Okay,” you nod as you sniffle. Xiao breathes a silent sigh of relief at your answer. “I’d like that.” You break out in a shaky grin. “We can start with this,” with that, you retrieve the wooden plaque that you had bought earlier. “Why don’t you make a wish? We can send it off together.” Xiao takes the blank wood from you hesitantly. “What do you want, Xiao? Whatever you want, that will be your wish.” You help him out.
I wish for her to be happy, healthy, and safe
The words form instantaneously in his mind at your question. Silently, he writes the words down on the wood and hands it back to you with it facedown. He watches as you light a candle with care before setting it gently in a metal cradle at the base of the lantern. A smile dances unconsciously across your lips, and you hang both wooden wishes inside the lantern. His and yours.
“Ready?” You ask, your face bathed in a golden glow. Xiao nods. His hand comes to cradle yours. The two of you watch as the lantern floats away from your hands.
Humans are silly creatures, Xiao supposes, but there is a certain kind of beauty attached to the image of the little lantern floating against the darkened sky.
A being such as Xiao, might be weary of a world that he had spent thousands of years slaying demons. But such weariness no longer exists for Xiao.
Because this world has you
Come close, let me be home I know it's worth it
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A/N II: Now I know what most of you are thinking. And it's probably along the lines of "Wow, Ela has been writing so much fluff lately, is she okay, whatever happened to angst, blah blah blah." I get it, I'm confused myself as well. Anyways, more fluff is coming and then I'll be unleashing my angst series *evil laugh* so enjoy this while it lasts. Also, Happy New Year! Thank you guys so much for all the love and support I have received this year. I honestly cannot thank you guys enough. Just know I love and appreciate every one of you ♡
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TAGGING: @urujiako, @aph-disabledmusician
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shivada-jade · 3 years
soulmate!au because im weak. you're weak too.
characters: bennett, zhongli, diluc ➡ mentions: barbara, lisa, guizhong, hu tao, kaeya, crepus warning(s): bennett luck (he gets hurt a lot), wrote this at 2:48am so my writing may or may not make sense
bennett: feels the same emotions from the other, but the emotions have to be strong and genuine
he never understood your sudden bursts of sadness. it would come at the most inconvenient at times.
for as long as he could remember, the emotions that weren't his are mostly sad. he asked his dads about it and gently told him his soulmate system is feeling emotions from the other.
after crying from an unknown pain, he made it his soul purpose to constantly be happy all the time, no matter how unlucky he could be so you can be happy too.
his dads worry when he falls down and scrapes his knee, but he would always reply with, "i'm not hurt! my soulmate is hurt!"
he would then clutch the fabric on his chest tightly, like he's been stabbed with a sword and say, "my soulmate hurts right here."
he heaves a breath, "it doesn't compare to whatever luck i get."
"this pain is bearable," he convinces himself when he comes out a hilichurl camp in cuts and bruises.
"your soulmate needs you to be happy for them," he chastises himself for shedding a tear when another adventurer wronged him.
he visits barbara to heal his wounds and asks how she always looks so... happy, so smiley.
"all it takes is one smile to make yourself happy. it can be a slow process but it works!" she singsongs, "miss lisa showed me a study about it."
ever since barbara explained, he smiles the brightest of smiles in mondstadt. he refuses to let other adventurers let him down, worried he might hurt you more than it is.
soon, he finds out that he feels no sadness coming from you. he feels no weight on his shoulders. he feels happy after Good hunter ran out of food for him.
these are not my emotions, he thinks, a wide grin creeping it's way to his face.
he lets out the loudest laugh, giggles, and various joyous noises. he's never felt so happy in his life. for once, he feels lucky, because for once, you're finally happy in the other end of his invisible red string of fate.
his luck skyrockets when he sees a person around his age, with a gorgeous smile adorning their features. he knows its you, sitting by the fountain making wishes. he knows it's you when he sees your eyes that hold so much emotion.
it was as if his heart was tugging him to where you sat.
he's never felt so lucky to have you as his soulmate.
"thank you giving the best smiles"
zhongli: every time he passes his soulmate, he hears the sounds of bells ringing
now, zhongli never thought he would have a soulmate because of his past title of 'archon.' soulmate systems are a tricky thing. he knows there are so many ways to know your soulmate system.
the common system was their first words tattooed on themselves. many others had the ability to know when they meet them, in other words, a count down.
but zhongli never had those two, nor did he have faith in the soulmate system until the lantern rite festival.
walking by the busy streets, he muses to himself how pretty liyue is under the blanket of the moon and stars. he hears the merchants call to customers, attracting and waving at them to buy their products. he hears the clink of the mora in their bag is loud; the laughter from the children young and old marry a soft smile to his face.
he freezes, hearing something that should not belong in the lantern rite. the sound of bells ringing. it isn't any cow bell, or school bell. it's the sound of echoing, melodious wedding bells ringing his ear.
he vaguely remembers his friend guizhong mentioning about this rare particular soulmate system when she still roamed teyvat.
a soulmate!
zhongli stands straighter, eyes grazing on the sea of people, trying to see if anyone stopped to hear the bells he heard. he mutters a few apologies when people bump into him with lanterns in their hands, but that doesn't matter to him.
fate brought someone for him to love. it's just that... he doesn't know where.
he walks forward, he walks backwards to where he came from. he walks to the docks then to the top of liyue harbour, but he can't hear the sound of the bells again.
he doesn't panic. he doesn't rush, because he knows fate will bring you back together. he just doesn't know how long until he'll hear the bells again.
it came to him a surprise when he hears the bells everyday after that.
everyday when he sits at third-round knockout he hears the sound of bells behind him, but when he turns, he knows you've left already.
he sighs, blowing on his tea before taking light sips. it seems he won't be meeting you today.
one day, the ringing just stops. there's no sign of you, or your presence. zhongli assumes you're just taking a sick day, or you've decided to rest, but after a week of not hearing the bells, he worries.
archons, how he wanted to look for you, but he doesn't even know who you are. hu tao encourages zhongli to take the day off and look for you, so he did.
walking aimlessly in liyue, doubt crosses his mind. what if you were here for a business trip and left? it wasnt until he passes by a stunning figure he hears the bells again. he stiffens and turns to you when you stopped next to him.
"thank goodness," he says, slightly covering his smile with a gloved hand.
your eyes sparkle as you look at him, "thank goodness indeed."
diluc: lost possesions will come to your soulmate
for as long diluc knows, strange things always end up in his possessions: hairclips, pens, coins, and archons forbid- his soulmate's overdue bills.
his father laughs when younger diluc comes home dragging a wagon and the biggest teddy bear in history, because how on teyvat does someone lose a teddy bear taller than a door. crepus watches his son struggling to drag the big toy home and sees his other son pushing the wagon from behind, also struggling.
"what do you have there?"
all the response he gets are grunts. the side of his eyes crinkle with mirth, seeing his two sons having trouble bringing it home.
"father!" diluc calls out with a grin missing two of his front teeth, "i don't know where it came from. it's like it appeared from the sky."
"it actually did fall out of the sky!" kaeya says, "we were at the vineyard and i saw diluc get crushed!"
"i did not get crushed."
"did too," kaeya retaliates, sticking his tongue out.
that was the first time diluc heard of this certain soulmate system. lost things from his soulmate go to his possession; lost things from diluc go to his soulmate's possession.
crepus glances at his boys and gets an idea. he calls for them to follow him, and they do, obediently. he leads them to his room, pulling out a treasure chest full of frilly clothes, dresses, outfits that range from a farmer's outfit to a noblewoman.
"this chest is where your mother kept her favourite things," crepus pulls out a necklace from the bottom of the case. "this necklace was particularly her favourite."
diluc can see why. he's mesmerized by the ruby sparkle it hangs. the gold chain complimenting the red jewel and making it complete.
crepus clutches the necklace, looking at it longingly before placing it back in the chest. he places out all the old clothes from the container and lays it on his bed.
"you can keep your soulmate's things here like i once did. your pops is getting too old anyway, i-"
kaeya interrupts crepus jumps on the clothes that are on the bed, creating a havoc in the room. he jumps on the bed with so much energy even after diluc tells him about the story of the 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed.
though, crepus is having none of that. he picks up diluc by his small arms and flings him to kaeya, looking like a bowling ball knocking down a pin. the two boys gasp for air, shooting dirty looks at their father before they chase him out of the house.
the corner of diluc's mouth twitch up ever so slightly, remembering when he first knew of his soulmate. it would take a very observant person to notice his smile. he polishes the glass behind angel's share's counter. under the filtered sunlight, the glass glints. satisfied with the cleanliness.
the chest his father game him was fill of trinkets his soulmate had lost over the years, and good grief. his soulmate must be the most disorganized person ever. he remembers walking to dawn winery and a sack of mora drop on his feet. it wasn't a pleasant feeling, but the thing that has diluc worried is how his soulmate tends to lose the biggest things like a 7-foot-tall teddy bear.
diluc is about to place the wine glass on a cupboard until SMACK.
a thick paper hits his face from seemingly nowhere and so he knows that is his soulmate losing the tenth thing for the day. he has a room dedicated for the things his soulmate has lost, and he thinks he might need a second room.
he pulls the paper off his face and his eyes widen in shock. this two-inch thick paper are legal documents. loan agreements. overdue loan agreements.
[Name] [Last Name]
he notes the name in his head. [Name] owes the fatui 35 thousand mora as interest. what kind of reckless person- then it hits his mind. that sack of mora that fell from the sky was that 35 thousand to pay off the loans.
he knows where to go. he leaves the wineglass on the counter for charles to pick up and hastily grabs his coat and leaves the door.
"liyue, liyue, liyue, and the fatui." he chants in his head. loans. he greets his maid before ascending to his room. he snatches the mora that dropped on his feet and sprints out the door to retrieve his stallion.
a few hours at most to make it to where his fated partner was at, and so he sets off.
arriving at liyue is strange, seeing diluc's attire did not match the city, and seeing his hands are holding the reins of his horse tightly. a strange traveler from a foreign land... with a majestic stallion. he looks like a prince straight out of a fairytale.
he lightly pats his horse, urging to go a bit faster from the trotting they were doing until he meets the gaze of a distressed person in front of the fatui.
"i swear! i had the money and the papers just today!"
diluc scoffs, knowing who they were now, and they did not have the money today. they lost it a week ago.
"listen," the masked fatui grumbles. "im just here to do my job. if i don't have the money in my hands right now i'll-"
diluc jumps off the saddle and unloads the sack of mora from the side, dropping it on the fatui's hand with a seething glare, yet still polite.
"i believe they owe you 35 thousand? sounds about right, no?" he says, letting his diplomatic side show a bit. "for the sake of it, why not amuse me and take this, david. hmm?"
the fatui goes rigid, hearing his name. he slowly lifts his eyes up, "master diluc." he curtly nods and skittishly walks away. one time david spilled drinks at a mondstadt political gathering. he spilled it on diluc.
the ragnvindr waits for the fatui to walk away before turning to his, supposedly love of his life.
"you're the one who lost a 7-foot-tall teddy bear when i was six," he points out, waiting for your response.
his soulmate sheepishly smiles, "well- i would have a good defense but hey, did you at least enjoy having a 7-feet-tall teddy bear fall on you?"
"i did, along with a glass mug falling on me as well."
"i just cant believe how you never lose your stuff!" they retort, "the only thing i got was a missing tooth from you."
the tip of diluc's ears turn the same colour as his hair, but still wears a stoic expression. "i'm diluc ragnvindr," he greets, slightly bowing his head.
"and i'm yours"
part 2: with ganyu, kaeya and thoma
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ellitx · 4 years
Frailty | Kazuha x Reader
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No matter how many times you've run away from your practices, Kazuha is always able to find you.
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art belongs to rivaiiwah
word count: 1.8k
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           Here you are with the cherry blossoms sprouting from the branches, looking to the casual eye as flowers until they bloom. Who pays attention to their chaotic stems that twist in the joy of new life until they wear colors that soothe the viewer’s perception.
           Then there they are in the air that becomes more welcoming each day, a community of colors, a feast for butterflies and bees. 
           A new beginning. 
           A little pink petal was plucked off from the group, letting it float alone in the air as it landed on your hand. Your eyes peered over the frond and lifted it up to the sunlight to observe the bright colors of it.
           “[Name]-sama, there you are.”
           You whipped your head and smiled at the caller when he approached you. “Kazuha? What brings you here?” You questioned as you fixed your hold on the parasol. His brows scrunched up and let out a sigh as he fixed the sleeve of his outfit. 
           “Ayaka-sama, was looking for you.”
           “Ane? Why’s that?” You questioned.
           He sighed once again and pinched your cheeks a bit harshly. “You need to practice your purification rituals. Your siblings are looking for you again and now they’re worried about you.”
           “Ah— Kazuha, that hurts…!” You grasped his hand to release his hold on your face, but to no avail, he won’t budge. Seconds later, he finally and slowly let go and spared your cheeks from reddening to which you rubbed it to alleviate the sharp pain.
           His gaze went to the blooming flower of cherry blossoms and watched how the wind fluttered the petals. Ruby gems have softened at the sight of the newly sprung tree before focusing on the young princess of Kamisato.
           Your name uttered from his lips making you arch a brow at him in puzzlement. His lips parted slightly and waited for a moment before asking. “I’m just wondering why are you here. There are sakura trees at your residence, though.” He stated as he scratched his cheek with his index finger.
           Your throat hummed and looked at the sky in wonder. “Ah that… I think you already know the answer to that.” He knew for sure he saw your eyes glinted in mischief when you looked at him. 
           That smirk plastered on your face didn’t go unnoticed by him. He was quiet for a minute making you giggle and stifle it with your hand. Kazuha groaned in flicked your head much to your surprise.
           “I’m taking you back to the Kamisato residence whether you like it or not.” 
           “Kazuha!! No please—“
           “Oh my, it seems like he already found her.” The young mistress giggled and watched both of you entered through the main gate with the swordsman pushing you inside. You were writhing and shaking your arm, doing your best to escape from him.
           At the sight of your face, your brother’s smile widened, and quickly wore his geta and engulfed you in a bear hug. “[Name], where have you been?! I was worried sick when I saw you weren’t inside your room!” He screeched and cried hysterically before glaring at Kazuha.
           It sent a shiver down his spine before averting his gaze away from Ayato and squared his shoulders. “Hmph, I could’ve found her on my own, but the archon must have graced you to guide my little sister back home.” Your brother grumbled as he patted your head in an assuring manner. You heaved a sigh and mouthed a sorry to your friend which he just waved it off.
           Ayaka reached to where the three of you are and deeply bowed to Kazuha in thanks. “Thank you and sorry for bothering you to look for [Name]. We’ll be sure to compensate you greatly.” She remarked and motioned for him to come inside.
           “It’s fine, Ayaka-sama. I was just happy and relieved to know she didn’t stray too far from here.” He peeked at you from the corner of his eyes before looking back at your older sister.
           “You can drop the formalities. And also, aniki, you’re suffocating [Name].” She respired and pulled you away from Ayato’s loving hugs making you sigh in relief and thank her.
           He pouted and huffed before crossing his arms and narrowly eyed you. His nature quickly changed in a blink and you know for sure you’re in a trouble just the way he lightly frowned at you.
           “[Name].” Your body shivered and avoided looking at him as you cowered behind Kazuha. “Y-yes…?” You muttered softly and tightly gripped on his clothes. 
           “Why did you skipped practicing?” You gulped down your fear and sheepishly smiled at Ayato, trying to think of an excuse. 
           “Well, it’s spring! You know how much I love sakura flowers and watch them bloom before me, aniki!” A peal of tense laughter slipped from your mouth and nudged Kazuha asking for help. Your [eye color] eyes were pleadingly gazed upon his for help as you shook his arm lightly to get him to understand your gestures.
           Sighing for an umpteenth time on this day. He faced Ayato sternly making him pause when he saw Kazuha’s face got darker. A bead of sweat rolled down his temples yet never faltering his stare onto him.
           “Ayato-sama, just lock the door if she ever escapes again.” Kazuha’s eyes returned back to their usual light and grabbed you by your shoulders, placing you in front. His fingers pointed at you and then grinned slyly at you.
           Your eyes widened but before you could open your mouth to speak out, his words made you stopped in your tracks and your face paled while your lips were parted a bit. “If she does run away again, don’t hesitate to call me. I’ll make sure she does her practices frequently.”
           The cunning smile glued on his pretty face made you scared. From the other’s perspective he seemed like an innocent and nice teen, but for you, oh you know that smile very well. He didn’t want to indulge in your escapades and he’s going to pay you back with his own mischievousness. 
           You threw a talisman onto the dummy as your index and middle finger were stick together and the rest were closed. “Sein?” Kazuha’s brow raised in bewilderment at your chant and stared at the dummy. He was expecting something would happen but sadly there was none.
           It only stood still, remaining unchanging. “[Name], it’s read as sho-shi-tsu.” Ayaka said as she removed the piece of paper on the figurine. “And isn’t sein something you would hear in Mondstadt?” 
           Your lips formed a grin as your optics shined brightly in excitement. “Sein sounds way cooler than shoshitsu!” A strong impact was thrown on your head making you cry in pain and place your hand on it protectively.
           “[Name]-sama, please take this seriously.” Kazuha exhaled through his nose and stretched your cheeks making you whine even more at the increasing pain. Ayaka laughed lightly at the sight of you two as she took the brush from your hands.
           “I guess we can practice next time, is that alright with you? I still have to practice my sword fight with Tohama.” Ayaka awaited your response while she kept the materials back to their rightful place.
           You merely giggled and shoved her playfully. “It’s fine~ Have a nice date with him!” Her face flushed and her silver eyes widened in surprise as she continuously stuttered. 
           “I-it’s not a date!”
           “Right, right.” You pushed her out of the room and gave her a hug before closing the door gently. You leaned your body against it and heaved a sigh at the exhausting purification practices.
           It really tired your mind and body so much. Even though you joke around sometimes to loosen up that stiff body of yours, you know you still need to work hard on it because of your duty as a shrine maiden. 
           Purifications are much needed and required in the Kamisato house. Ayaka has already mastered everything from arts to music and even poetry, and yet here you are, not even having the slightest talent like her to accomplish such things.
          Ayaka is the embodiment of perfection and nobleness, there's no doubt about that. Her form is even more elegant than yours and how she handles tea ceremonies more delicately unlike you who somehow still spills the tea from nervousness no matter how much you've practiced mastering it.
           It really tired you out how they expect so many things for you. 
           Being noble is really hard.
           The anemo-user noticed your destitute appearance and slowly approached you. 
           You snapped out from your deep thoughts and shakily looked at him. “O-oh, Kazuha. I forgot you were still here…” You coughed and fixed your outfit, giving him a curious glance and asked.
           “Is something the matter?” 
           “I should be the one asking you that. It seems like something’s troubling you.”
                      His brows furrowed in worry and took a closer look at your well-being. “It’s nothing. I’m just glad I don’t have to practice anymore, it really tired me out. Ugh…” You grumbled and rested your hand on your stomach when you felt it rumbled.
           “Do you want to eat outside?” Your ears perked up and nodded eagerly like a child. For a second, you thought you saw him smile before it quickly disappeared. He offered his hand to you which you gladly accepted as he lead you to the exit of the room.
           “Kazuha’s treating me~” You sang joyfully, thinking of the foods from the stalls. Or maybe he’ll treat you to eat at a restaurant? Just thinking of it made your stomach growled even more from hungriness and excitement, imagining that freshly cooked takoyakis or even those crispy golden-brown tempuras.
           Even with all the smiles and laugh you give off, he can’t help but be bothered that you’re hiding something. You always shake off whenever he asks if you’re fine or if you needed anything.
           He wished that you could rely on him and trust him, to tell him all the troubles that have been piling up inside you. He has known you for a long time now, and yet why can’t you open up to him some more?
           If maybe, just maybe— one day he’ll be able to finally tell you how he feels. He’ll even go as far as looking for you if you escaped once more. He hopes you’ll notice the signs he’s been giving that he’s there for you and you don’t have to bottle it up.
           He wants to tell you that it’s alright to cry and feel vulnerable. He’ll love everything about you, even your own imperfections.
           Just the way you accepted and love everything about himself.
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did i just write for an unreleased genshin chara? yes, yes i did, and im ready to simp for him
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zuluc · 4 years
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summary: once he’s comfortable with skinship and the like, he can’t keep his hands off of you
pairing: xiao x gn!reader
style & genre: written; angsty with reflections but it is ultimately fluff
warnings: mildy suggestive
notes: i am manifesting early for him, please come home. this is literally, COMPLETELY, self-indulgent. i read his backstory and i am DEVASTATED to say the least so this is my interpretaion of his thoughts. enjoy <3
hi god, it’s me again. can i please have a xiao in my life?
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Another day passes by as he awaits your visit that he thinks to himself: How did I get into a situation such as this?
The adeptus couldn’t recall the exact moment he found himself thinking about you, having the thoughts of you plague his mind for days on end. All of which was especially so whenever you both parted only to reunite again at least days later or at most, months. 
He missed the way you talked, smiled, and laughed even when he did none such things himself. The progression to this stage of your relationship was slow and steady but you both were patient, and the times in which you thought it wouldn’t work out, a human and adeptus, something always brought you back together. He noticed how you didn’t try to pry your way into his life and he appreciated that to be able to make the effort to return your, at the time, unsaid feelings. 
Maybe it was because of how genuine you were with your actions that allowed him begin to take an interest in you. The way you made almond tofu just the way he loved it or how you would keep a bit of space between the two of you when you chatted.
He hoped you wouldn’t notice that he would try and close the gap little by little until the day came for him to ask you to officially be his. Well, you had noticed but for his sake you kept it to yourself, happy with the end result.
Xiao’s mind wanders to what had been and what it was like before he met you. Years alone and years of resentment towards himself and his actions hardened his walls to that foreign feeling. He hated you at that time not out of pure negative emotions but of confused emotions. You never pried and left him alone when it seemed that was what he wanted. But he never wanted that as seeing you turn your back and walk down the steps felt worse than having to see your face. 
He thought about those times believing you wouldn’t come back one day just to leave him alone as he was. 
He looks back at when you are finally together, the awkwardness of a new relationship finally dawning on the both of you as you say your acceptance to his confession. It is five months exact until he could look you in the eye without the feeling of butterflies pushing their way around his stomach, not that it still isn’t apparent now. He never asked if you felt the same but the flush on your face indicated as such.
He thinks about those times whenever you are away, replaying them in his mind like a broken record to keep the memories fresh. Every single one is important and to be able to remember it is something he will cherish. After all, all good things must come to an end.
And for this he hopes that the end is too far for him to see.
You can tell when he’s too lost in his thoughts again.
Verr Goldet informs you that he had shown up a while ago and had been unmoving from his spot since that time. You thank the woman, who at this point has lost all motivation to reprimand you from calling her “boss lady” again, and quietly walk up the steps.
When you reach the top a gentle breeze brushes by your face and your eyes land on the ethereal being that is him. His hair moves along with the wind and his eyes dart to your emerging figure, immediately taking action and walking towards you with urgency.
This visit would be one of the longer ones and you already booked a room for the next few nights, all for spending time with him as the mission you accepted was that lasted months. 
He digs his fingers into your clothed back, welcoming you warmly into his embrace. Was it three months since he last held you like this?
Whatever the amount, Xiao holds you with just the same amount of gentle firmness. To bystanders they would be shocked at the display that this known adeptus exhibits to you and would think that he had been some other person. This is why he prefers to keep these moments only between the both of you away from prying eyes that might try to take advantage of one of his weaknesses.
Yes, you.
You hold him tightly and await his questioning, but it never comes. Instead, he trails his hand that was rested on your back to the back of your head and pulls away to look at you clearly. You shiver from the coolness of the night air and the intensity of his gaze when he eyes your lips.
“May I?” He asks in a whisper that could be so easily missed. You are able to collect yourself and nod, raising your own hand to lightly graze his cheek. "Forgive my hastiness.”
Xiao’s lips slot against yours and you hum at the feeling. His lips are smooth and soft and you melt when he splays his fingers of the other hand to hold you steady against him. He’s pressing you closer and closer and you wonder if there is physically any space left. His last statement rings out to you when you notice how restless his hands are and how needy his kisses have turned. Just what was he thinking about before I got here?
His lips detach from your when he remembers that you need to breath but his ministrations continue on to your neck, nipping at the exposed skin and leaving marks in the wake of his path. You gasp when he lands on a particular spot at the juncture of your neck and shoulders which causes you to push back a little out of reflex. His hands holding you prevent you from going any further from him and he continues to press alternating soft and messy kisses along the column of your throat. 
Xiao trails his lips back to your own when you have caught your breath and he kisses you again, the initial contact a bit more aggressive than the first. But you don’t mind, your hands coming up to tangle in his hair to pull at lightly, eliciting a low groan from him.
You finally notice that you are up against a wall but in the haze of what just happened you aren’t surprised at how you got there. His hands are roaming your body without restraint and you have to remind him of where you two are.
He doesn’t look like he cares.
“No one comes up when they are aware of both of us being here,” he reassures you, whispering into your ear.
He kisses you again and again and again until you run out of breath just as many times and your legs are growing weary. Xiao plants a few last, soft kisses to your forehead, tip of the nose, and your lips before guiding you to sit on his lap as he positions himself on the ground. You take the offer without hesitation and snuggle into his hold, tired from the events of the day and the events just seconds ago.
You don’t have to ask him what’s going on when he cups your face and looks down at you with pure adoration in his eyes. He doesn’t need to tell you how much he cherishes you and cares about you, willing to do everything the archons allow him to keep you by his side.
You let him have his moment for a little longer but are able to tell that he had been holding himself back. You take your hand and curl it around his wrist, turning your head to press a kiss to his palm.
“You’re done already?”
Never have you seen him stand up with you hoisted in his arms as fast as he did to carry you to your room. You may be poking fun at him for his eagarness now, but you will soon see who’ll be most eager in a bit.
At least in this situation and for many more, he has you in his arms.
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rayofsunas · 4 years
s/o who dies.
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A/n: listennnn, I wasn't going to write something dark, but then I unregretfully decided to listen to edgy/dark audios and I was suddenly in the mood to write this so yeah lmao. also, guess what? I'm planning on making a discord server right after posting this! so, be on the lookout for that when I get it all sorted out. also, note for Scaramouche's that the reader inserts tend to lean more femininely versed (I hope that's okay), the only reasons why I do that is because one I simp and I'm female AND two since I am doing a mini-series for Scara, I've kind of based his imagines/fics around that universe (baby daddy universe). I haven't started his yet, but consider these part of that series' universe. anyways as always thank you for requesting anon and enjoy! <333
Summary: you die + how the boys cope afterward.
Parings: Albedo/Gn! Reader, Xiao/Gn! Reader, Scaramouche/Fem! Reader
Warnings: swearing, angst, death, poison, illness/cancer, murder, arson, obsessive behavior
Word count: 2.1k
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"You need to keep this on your head." Your lover said for the one-hundredth time, placing the cold cloth on your forehead once again after taking it off only seconds earlier.
"This is pointless," You said, no longer wanting to ignore nor hide behind the invisible thick curtains of the obvious death sentence approaching. "My body rejected the medicine the first twice doses, what's a third time going to do?" You asked, knowing Albedo wouldn't answer; your hope was to knock some sense into his thick skull. but he was too worried trying to ignore the obvious as you had previously been doing, not anymore though.
This was saddening to watch, both Albedo's unfolding and the girl who accidentally poisoned you, whimpering into Sucrose's shoulder. She was only a young girl, barely seventeen when she was chosen to work under Sucrose and your boyfriend. She was very good at Alchemy and luckily had a desire to practice the craft. But unfortunately, she hadn't paid much attention when it came to Surcrose's educational poison lesson and had unknowingly mixed up poisonous liquids and materials.
After tipping over some clutter in Albedo's office and knocking over a test tube laying unsealed on the counter, you had realized the contents spilled on your skin, bleaching into your pores. You had been tasked with bringing the famed alchemist and his assistant some vials and materials for the collection of a rare butterfly they had found. It was both telling and obvious that something was wrong when you never showed up with the required materials requested and it was already too late hours later when the chief Alchemist, his assistant, and Alchemist in training came bounding down the stairs of Albedo's home laboratory.
It didn't take long for the trio to realize something was wrong. Sucrose had found the vile on the floor, most of its contents spilled and in a little puddle, plus your state on a nearby lounge chair was obvious; slumped awkwardly, forehead visibly sweating, eyes closed, breathing raspily.
You accepted the first doses of the supposed nullifying medicine without hesitation, just wanting the numbing feeling to go away. But when it never kicked in you decided it would be best to save the medicine, because it wasn't working. Your time was coming.
"Since the medicine is taking immediate effect, you should try to get the contents out of your system," He said, reaching out for you. Badly you wanted to argue that the medicine wasn't working at all, but he wasn't listening and already has his lean arms wrapped around your middle, helping gently lift and guide you over to the sink.
You hear materials being shoved to the side and soon enough you had your head dangling over the sink, shaking hands gripping the metalled edge tightly. Soon enough, Albedo's hand was on your back rubbing up and down, hoping to comfort you, it wasn't working though. You could only think about your death, what the other side would look like. Could there even be heaven or hell, maybe a place in between, maybe nowhere...?
As soon as you felt the urge to vomit, you did, and despite it being utterly disgusting Albedo seemed to welcome it happily. He took this as something good, but it only worried you when you saw the reddish hues in the bile.
"I think they should leave." You muttered acknowledging Sucrose and Elizabeth, the taste of gooey, metal only becoming more apparent. The blonde agreed, nodding and muttering "Okay."
As Sucrose lead Elizabeth towards the stairs, the pair heard you say. "Goodbye Sucrose, Elizabeth." Which only seemed to make the young girl wail louder.
You sighed sadly once the silence was back. Just your thoughts of death, and Albedo's slowly crushing heart.
"You should probably leave soon as well. I don't want you to be here when I go." Albedo frowned at your statement, head shaking.
"Don't say things like that."
Of course, he'd say that. Why did he feel the need to ignore this when it would only come back to hurt him even more later on when you were gone?
"You're the smartest man I know and we both know where this is heading," You said, head feeling much heavier than before. It was getting closer to your time. "I'm going to die, and you can't do anything about it."
"I'm not leaving your side. We promised to stick together through everything, you can't ask me to leave."
"I guess... But promise me this."
"When I go, stop blaming Elizabeth. It was an accident..." You said sincerely. Albedo wanted to make a fuss about it, tell you he'd never been able to forgive her. But for you, he would try. If it was your list desire, your last wish, he'd make it come true. Though it would be difficult. Accidental or not, she was the reason you were leaving him here, alone.
"Okay, I'll try..." He said honestly.
"Thank you," You said, letting out a shaking breath you had been holding for a very long time. Now you felt much more peaceful. "And since I know you stubbornly won't leave," You started, finally turning away from the sink to look into his cerulean eyes. "At least hold my hand."
"Of course, love."
even a year after your death, no matter how hard he tried, there was still this nagging feeling every time he looked at Elizabeth
he wanted too badly forgive her, but he couldn't
she had, although accidental, taken the one person that meant so much to him and he'd never forgive
Albedo is gonna be distant towards everyone he knows and it's completely purposeful
he doesn't like the pitiful gazes that people send his way and he hates that all the captains stared at him at your funeral
obviously, some questioned if he was able to stay in the field
he hadn't taken any time off, even when Jean advised he was welcome and that it would be best
tbh, albedo's going to have a hard time for a while
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Why did it have to be you? Why not him? He'd feel much better knowing you could live another day, after all, he'd been living a very long time.
But no, the fallen Archons, Gods, Yaksha had chosen you to join them. He wished that weren't the case
Humans and their pathetic vessels... So weak, he thought. Allowing something like cancer to beat them.
No matter how harsh it sounded, he didn't despise you, no. It wasn't your fault. You didn't ask for this. He just knew that if you were a godly being this wouldn't have happened like this or at least not so soon; Xiao had known Gods that had terminal illnesses to live years. Why couldn't you be like them?
He hated watching you lie there in that bed, immobile, sickly, and tired, and all you could say was that everything was going to be alright, that he'd be alright.
But it wasn't. He wouldn't be okay without you. He would struggle daily, fall deeper into a hole. You were the light of his life, the only light in his life. And you were gone, just like that. Turning external scars into internal ones tattered all over his dying heart.
Xiao for the longest time has been by himself, so the people of Liyue know it'll be harder for him to overcome this, no matter what he says or does to prove otherwise
Zhongli in particular knows how hard this will be for his friend
his first and probably last love, dead, gone in the blink of an eye
he'll continue fighting all the monsters he crosses, becoming even more violent when he does so, trying his best to get rid of this stupid sickly feeling of heartbreak
but it won't go away, no matter what he does, no matter how absurd
he just wants the feeling to go away, he despises that feeling so much
if you have a secret place somewhere, like in the mountains, Zhongli often finds him there, wallowing in invisible self-pity
"You know they wouldn't want you to be like this." Zhongli would say, only trying to help
but it doesn't
it only enrages Xiao, even more, fuels him to push everyone out of his life again instead of letting them in like he'd done in your presence
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How dare you. How dare you leave him like this. Alone, nonetheless with a toddler to raise who kept crying for her mommy. He couldn't do this without you, he didn't know how to raise a child, speak to her with the gentle care that you did. That was your expertise but now he'd be doing it solo.
And never again would he entrust someone who he cares about, into ignorant, incompetent arms. Never again will he ever allow any member of the Fatui to watch after his daughter; no matter their rank or position. They had one job while he was away doing business in Liyue. Guard your home twenty-four seven, accompany you into Inazuma's port town should you need anything, watch after his daughter while she plays happily in the luscious Inazuma fields. And they couldn't do that. All he gave them was one simple task, watch and keep you and your daughter safe. Instead, they slacked off, probably drunk in some bar while you were being brutally attacked by murderous mercenaries, left to fend for you and your daughter, only to die protecting her and leave your home to be severely burned.
He knew those idiotic Fatui soldiers were incompetent the moment he stepped foot into the harbor and found that everyone seemed to quiet down. Especially the eerily silent soldiers flanked on each side to welcome him home; he was the highest-ranking soldier in the land of Inazuma after all. Not a single one bothered to step forward and tell him what was wrong, what they all criminally allowed happen. Scaramouche only realized what had happened when he was mere minutes away from arriving home, his daughter had come running from his widowed mother's arms, the sight of smoke rising in the air, from the direction of his home. You were nowhere to be seen.
It all happened so fast, in the blink of an eye. His daughter was clinging to his shirt and his mother only stared with tears of pity.
It didn't take long for the puzzle pieces to be put together and before he knew it, Scaramouche was standing in front of his home, part of it burnt to a crisp and black.
He didn't need to ask what happened, he didn't need to know where you were, because he already knew. What he didn't know was who exactly had done this. But he was going to find out, now.
Incompetent, selfish, bastards. They would all pay for this. The lazy piggish Fatui soldiers who he should've never trusted with such a simple task and the thieves who had murdered you. They all had it rightfully coming.
Scaramouche hates the world after he lost you
he hates it so much and can't understand how this had happened
he's not a good person, so he blames it on karma and those stupid idiots who couldn't protect you
ngl, he's not gonna be around much after your death... his mother would argue that he should be here to raise your daughter, because she's also in pain and doesn't understand that this isn't some game of hide and seek this time
instead, he's focused and driven by revenge
he doesn't listen to a word anybody says, he's much more dangerous than before, and he only trusts his judgment
anyone trying to get him to stop his mission, is someone who doesn't want to see him happy he thinks (though that's not true at all. they hate that he is obsessive over this) but he will personally put a stop to that
and he'll only return home to his daughter and mother when he finds who did this and they along with their bloodline is exterminated
while he's gone, the remainder of his family is relocated somewhere he knows they'll be safe, for example, even though he despises childe, he knows his mom and daughter will be safe with his family
sorry, but Scaramouche will hold this deep-rooted hatred and love for you after you die
yes, he still loves and misses you dearly, but he hates you for leaving him alone, hates that although it wasn't intentional and out of your control, that you were gone
no matter how hard you tried to fight, it was selfish of you to leave him like this
he's not going to stop until he believes whoever was behind this is dead
and in his case, he'll stop believing when he chooses, even if they are innocent/guilty, he'll keep going
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3.19.21, rayofsunas
873 notes · View notes
patt-writes-stuff · 3 years
Violetgrass (Xiao x f!reader)
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Pairing: Yan!Xiao x f!reader
Word count: 6.7K+
Warnings: not the most canon complaint cuz the timeline for the archon War is a little blurry? Angst with no happy ending, major and repeated character death, semi-detailed descriptions of blood, injuries, and violence. Unhealthy and toxic relationships, yandere themes, mentions of stalking, controlling behavior, mentions of kid-napping, forced captivity. Unhealthy mindsets and generally xiao’s kinda slowly losing his sanity. Some delusions. Allusions of starvation/dehydration (it’s like one sentence). Pleas do not read this if any of the previously mentioned topics trigger you in any way.
Genre: Angst and Yandere
Tags/Aus: Mythology Au, Reincarnation Au
Summary: You and Xiao were lovers during the Archon War. You were his paradise, his bliss, and, unfortunately, a fragile mortal who was taken away far too soon. However Celestina was kind enough, or perhaps cruel enough, to bring you back to Xiao, only to rip you out of his loving embrace once more. This happens again and again, each time far more painfully than the last. Even an Adeptus such as Xiao can only take so much before he snaps though. This time, he’s gonna make sure that no one, not even you, can take his bliss away.
A/N: This is my piece for the Attack on Academia Mythology Au Collab!! Be sure to check the rest of them, they’re all super awesome and made by amazing writers!
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You’ve heard the myth about the Vigilant Yaksha and the violetgrass maiden, haven’t you?
It’s said that the two are eternally intertwined, destined to love each other, only to be ripped apart by both her mortality and the cruelty of the gods. The tale itself goes like this…
The first time the Adeptus and his mortal lover met was back when the Archon War was still roaring. The smell of blood and misery filled the air and Rex Lapis had yet to claim his title as the Geo Archon. Despite this, some managed to find joy and serenity in these troubling periods.
The maiden was one of those people. She found joy in frolicking through the fields and climbing the highest mountains to collect qingxin flowers and, her personal favorite, violetgrass, whenever she had the time. Though climbing up the steep mountains and jagged peaks of Liyue was indeed dangerous, the damsel had become quite skilled at climbing, her hold rarely ever slipping, no falls or cuts of any sort.
Until one day, the maiden was climbing up a particular mountain. It was a troublesome one, for there were no proper footholds or protruding stones to grab on to. Still, the pretty violetgrass that was just a foot or two away from her, swaying gently with the wind, was far too tempting to not collect. It would look so lovely in a flower crown, or maybe a vase, perhaps she could flatten it out to make a bookmark or-
A piercing shriek escaped the mortal. Whilst her thoughts had been elsewhere, she’d stopped on a small ledge that was far too fragile to support her weight, the rock beneath the maiden gave away to nothing before she could react.
She shut their eyes tightly, bracing herself for an impact that would surely leave her battered and bruised, if not dead.
However, it never came.
Instead, she was caught mid-air by a pair of strong arms that secured their hold under the mortal woman’s knees and neck. She didn’t open her eyes right away, for fear that she would still fall, choosing instead to catch their breath. Once her savior landed safely on the ground, something she was able to detect due to the thud of shoes against the earth, she slowly opened her eyes.
Upon opening them, her eyes met with the piercing amber eyes of a young man with dark hair (the color of the ocean at night, she thought dreamily) with pretty teal bangs framing his even prettier face. His brows were furrowed slightly, thin lips twisted into what seemed to be a permanent frown. In her still dazed state, she couldn’t help but think that he was far too handsome to look so dreadfully serious.
After an intense moment of eye contact, perhaps too intense for two strangers that had met only seconds prior, he let her go in a rather unceremonious manner, causing her to squawk in surprise, knees buckling under the unexpected weight. She had not yet had a chance to gather her bearings after such a terrifying event.
Instead of asking if she was alright, the young man simply said, in a rather crude and callous manner, “You should be more careful, mortal. If I hadn’t been there to catch you, you would’ve surely broken your neck.”
She gawked at him. Mortal? Why would he refer to her in such an… odd way?
The maiden looked at him up and down, as if trying to understand just what was wrong with this poor man. Suddenly, it struck her. She’d been an absolute idiot to not have noticed sooner. From the tattoo that adorned his right arm to the way he held himself, it had been so obvious.
Her savior was an Adeptus.
He wasn’t just an Adeptus, no. He was much more than that. He was one of the Adepti who served under Rex Lapis. He was one of the five Yakshas who kept her and the people of Liyue safe if the mask tied to his belt was any indication. And instead of killing demons or evil gods, he’d taken the time to save her.
Before she could muster an adequate thank you, he, who she’d now realized was Adeptus Xiao, was already leaving, uttering a quick “Please be careful,” on his way.
Quickly, and without really thinking, she grabbed onto his wrist, blabbering out the words, “Wait, don’t go! You must allow me to repay you for your generous actions!”
The amber-eyed Adeptus opened his mouth, ready to declare that it was unnecessary, but before he could, the damsel spoke up, “I could cook you something in return. How about almond tofu?” with a small giggle she added, “I assure you it’s sweeter than those dreams you eat.”
To both of their surprises, Xiao uttered a quiet, almost shy, “Yes.”
The Adeptus didn’t know what had come over him. All he knew is that there was something about the way her eyes sparkled and her lips moved, her soothing, melodious voice. It made his heart pound in a way it never had before.
And so, she cooked him some almond tofu, and they- well, she- talked as he ate the mouthwatering sweet.
He came back the day after that one and the one after that, followed on by the one after that, and so on. Xiao hadn’t meant to, really he hadn’t. But there was something about the maiden that just brought him a peace he had never experienced before. Her warm embrace and soft, gentle words were all he needed to keep fighting, to keep living, even. She was his paradise, his bliss. It wasn’t long until they were mutually infatuated with one another, deeply in love.
Every time he would visit her home, he would always bring her the flowers she so adored. Glaze lilies, silk flowers, and of course, violetgrass. Xiao had even gifted her a small broach, one made of the finest noctilucous jade, shaped like the downturned purple flower.
Unfortunately, everything is temporary for those punished with immortality.
The first time Xiao lost his maiden was, as he remembers, a rainy day. Despite the dreary weather, she had decided to go violetgrass picking since they’re always best picked after the rain.
But, dear Archons, what a dreadful idea that had been.
While the purple flower is indeed best picked after it rains, it is also the time when rocks are most… slippery.
So, as the maiden was climbing up the steep mountains of Juyen Karst, her right hand’s hold on the rock slipped, causing her palm to be cut open by a particularly jagged piece of stone. She hissed in, watching as blood began to ooze out. Panic started to seep in, there was no ledge for her to tend to her wound, and the cut was far too big for her to continue to climb up or down.
Dread began to fill her to her very core, she felt burning hot with unchecked anxiety, fear begging to settle into her gut in the most uncomfortable of manners. She should have waited for Xiao as he had asked of her. Ever since they had first met, a year ago to the day, he’d been so adamant on wanting to go with her to ensure her safety. She’d only wanted to surprise him with some when he returned home. The maiden was so sure it would’ve been a romantic anniversary gift, seeing as they were the cause of their meeting…
She’d been such a fool.
The violetgrass maiden attempted to climb down but Celestia seemed to laugh at her feeble attempts. She stretched her leg, trying to find the foothold she had used previously. However, her foot slipped and before she knew it, she was falling, just as she had been a year ago.
Horror filled her lungs, making it hard for her to breathe, her life flashed before her eyes, and then suddenly she remembered some words her lover had uttered to her one night under the glow of the moonlight when it was but the two of them in each other’s arms:
“If you awake to a knife at your throat, if monsters dig their claws into you, if death comes knocking at your door, call out my name, Adeptus Xiao. I will be here when you call.”
And so she called, at the top of her lungs, as loud as she could muster. The seconds seemed to turn to hours as she shut her eyes and waited to feel the strong arms of her lover, to hear the safety of his heartbeat.
But it never came.
Or rather, it came too late.
By the time Xiao had finished up the demonic creatures that threatening Liyue, by the time he’d answered her call, he was already too late.
Upon manifesting in the air out of nothing, he was greeted by the side of his love’s pitiful, mortal body. Her garments were bloody, the basket she carried her flowers in laid a few feet away from her body,her neck bent in a painfully awkward way.
Xiao felt so helpless. He was so helpless.
He could do no more than hold back the tears stinging his eyes and attempting to shake her awake.
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The second time Xiao met the maiden was no more than a century after the first time. The Archon War was not yet over and sickness plagued every nook and cranny, taking the lives of hundreds upon thousands.
The two star-crossed lovers were reunited one clear summer night when the maiden was wandering aimlessly through the fields of Lingju Pass. She knew it was dangerous during these times, especially with how ill she had been feeling as of late. Yet, she couldn’t bring herself to care. She’d already spent hours tossing and turning in her bed. Sleep, however, refused to come. Instead, she felt the overwhelming urge to leave the safety of her bed and go there. It was as if someone had tied a rope around her waist and was tugging at it persistently, insisting she follows.
And so she followed.
Upon reaching a clearing, she froze. In front of her very eyes was a sitting Stonehide Lawachurl, the type even the fiercest warriors in your village struggled with. The maiden quickly started backing away, praying to the Lord of Geo that it wouldn’t sense her presence. Her prayers were in vain, however, for as soon as the thought escaped her, she stepped on a twig, making it snap and effectively alerting the fearsome monster of her presence.
She shook in terror as parts of the Lawachurl’s rocky exterior began to glow with geo elemental energy. She hadn’t expected anything of the sort to happen so she hadn’t brought her sword, meaning she couldn’t exactly fight it, definitely not without a vision at least. Running wasn’t much of an option considering her body’s weak and ill state. She could try to outrun it, sure, but it wouldn’t be long before she was driven to a coughing fit because of it.
Before life had a chance to flash before her eyes, a masked young man appeared. Distantly, she recognized him as one of the adepti and watched him easily defeat the Stonehide Lawachurl with a series of short, consecutive plunges. She couldn’t help but watch him, mouth agape in an expression of pure, unadulterated awe. The Adeptus didn’t even need a claymore to break through the creature’s thick, hard exterior. As bad as she felt for not assisting him, she knew she weren’t exactly in any position to lend a hand. Not that she needed to, though, for soon enough the monster crumbled into nothing but red and black smoke.
After a second of panting over the remains of what was left of the creature, polearm in hand, Xiao turned to her and felt his blood run cold.
It was her.
How could it be her? She had died long ago. He knew she had, he’d cradled her cold body as tears streamed down his face. He’d taken her lifeless body back to her family. He’d left flowers at her grave.
This had to be some sort of sick joke, he thought, perhaps the karmic debt was finally getting to him, just like it had his fellow Yakshas.
Suddenly, his amber eyes zeroed in on a broach she had pinned to her dress. A Violetgrass broach, to be exact. Made of noctilucous jade, just like the one he had given her. The one he’d made for her with his own hands. There was no denying it was the very one. Only, how could that be? He had ensured it had been buried with you…
But it was an indisputable fact. That broach was the one he had made for his love and the woman before him was her. It was her from her wide eyes, fixated on him with the same wonder they had always had when they looked at him. Her hair was the same color and texture, and it framed her face in the same way. It was her.
The beginnings of tears stung at his eyes. Perhaps Celestia had brought you back? Perhaps they’d finally realized, just as he had always known, that her death was cruel and unfair. That it wasn’t meant to be. That she was meant to be in his arms, happy and safe.
“Uhm- excuse me, Adeptus Xiao, are you alright?” She inquired worriedly, eyes solely on him, filled to the brim with concern.
‘Oh Archons’, he couldn’t help but think distantly, ‘I’ve missed her voice.’
Instead of running up to her and crushing him in his loving embrace, he stayed where he was, took off his mask, nodded briskly, swallowing as if to avoid the tightness in his throat. She didn’t seem to remember him yet, so there was no use in frightening her.
Before he could muster up the courage to speak to her, his love began to cough furiously, though she attempted to cover it up. She didn’t want to be rude to her savior, after all.
“Ha, pardon me, sir, I’ve just been feeling a bit under the weather is all,” she told him feebly.
He nodded brusquely, before uttering, “I shall return you home safely.”
“Oh no, I assure you, you’ve done more than enough for me. I can’t ask that of you,” she fumbled hurriedly, though his words were more of a statement than a question.
Xiao had never been one for unnecessary- or at least what he thought were unnecessary- words, so instead of saying anything, the Adeptus simply grabbed her by the waist and teleported you home, after asking where home was, of course.
The next day, the Yaksha visited the maiden’s home, a bushel of violetgrass flowers in hand. She’d been understandably surprised, yet thrilled that the dark-haired man was visiting her. She hadn’t expected someone as busy as him to make time for a regular person such as herself, especially not during these times.
“These are my favorite flowers, y’know? They’re just so beautiful,” the maiden exclaimed gleefully.
He did know. That had been one of the reasons he had brought them to her. The second reason was because of what happened last time, in her previous life, he supposed. Celestia had been kind enough to gift him a second chance with his love, and he was going to ensure that it did not go to waste.
And so, every day he would visit her. Some days he would bring silk flowers, or glaze lilies, while other days he would bring her loach pearls and core lapis. Not a day went by where he would not appear in front of the damsel’s house, a gift in hand, ready to hear her ramble about whatever that beautiful brain of hers desired to prattle on about.
“You’re simply too generous Xiao,” she’d told him playfully while she laid in her bed, as she was still unwell, the Adeptus seated in a plush chair next to it. “There has to be something I can give you in return for everything. I won’t take no for an answer.”
He thought for a moment, before asking, tentatively, “Do you know how to make almond tofu?”
He’d never forget her dazzling smile that day, as she shakily got out of her bed, latching onto the support he offered while she gathered her bearings, and marched to her kitchen, enthusiastically preparing the sweet treat as she talked about a book she’d been reading, one that’d been gifted to her by a friend, titled Moonlit Bamboo Forest.
The lovers did this every day for months. Xiao brought her some medicinal tea that Rex Lapis himself said could cure her ailments. They did indeed begin to see improvement in her health and Xiao couldn’t help but feel immense relief. This time, he wouldn’t lose her for certain.
Until the plagues reached her village.
She’d been one of the first to catch it since the village doctor came to check on her so often, he’d spread it to her. The plague, coupled with her previous illness, weakened her body in a manner of days. One day, Xiao went to get some medicine his fellow adepti had guaranteed would help the maiden feel better.
When he returned later that day, however, he found her body in the bed, cold and without a pulse, the stench of death and sickness thick in the air.
That was the second time he had lost her.
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The third time the star-crossed lovers met was long after the archon war. Liyue was now its own nation with its own name, the great center of wealth and commerce. The Yakshas were now a thing of the past, having succumbed to their karmic debt. Eventually, they all fell in one way or another.
All but Xiao, who remained a constant throughout it all.
Over the past decade or so, Xiao had taken to staying at the Wangshu Inn when he wasn’t slaying monsters. The people were nice enough, though he had long given up on attempting to form emotional connections with others. It would only lead to grief, just like it had when he’d lost his love or his fellow Yakshas, and there was only so much grief anyone, mortal or not, could take before their thread of sanity snapped in half. And with his Karmic Debt being as bad as it was…
As Xiao sat at the edge of the balcony of the Wangshu Inn, legs dangling below, he couldn’t help but think of her, his maiden. He wondered if, perhaps, Celestia would give him a third chance and bring her back to him. Honestly, the Adeptus wasn’t sure he wanted a third chance with her. While he did miss the sound of her heartbeat and the sweet words she’d utter to him and only him, he doubted he could bear the pain of having her ripped away from him once again.
It’s as if Celestia was taunting Xiao. As if the Archons above were bored and found some sick amusement in his pain as if his emotions were nothing but a game to them. What other explanations were there for what happened next?
“Um- excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?” An angelic voice he knew far too well, missed far too much, spoke.
Xiao looked up and lo and behold, it was her. Same hair, same eyes, same violetgrass broach.
She stood behind him clutching a plate of something, though the angle wouldn’t allow him to make up what it was. Her face adorned that same anxious smile of hers and he could feel himself falling in love with the maiden all over again. He knew he should say no. He shouldn’t allow her back in, not when he’s already lost her so many times before, not when they’d both suffered so much just by being together.
He nodded before looking away.
He shouldn’t but he would.
“I hope you don’t mind me intruding on your quiet time,” she said softly once she had settled beside him. When he made no indication of answering, she continued, “To be honest, you just seemed so… sad, melancholic even. Something about it, even if I don’t really know you, doesn’t sit right with me. It makes my heart feel heavy.”
The violetgrass maiden received no response, except for a soft grunt of acknowledgment, so small she wasn’t sure she hadn’t imagined it. Still, it was all she needed to perk up and stretch her arms out, offering him the plate she’d been holding.
“Here, I got this for you,” she told him, “word around the streets is you’ve got quite an appetite for it! Though this is my first time staying at the Inn, so I’m not sure if it’s any good here.”
Xiao looked at her, amber eyes filled with love. He was glad to know that, despite living through many lives now, she was still the girl he’d met back then, as sweet as he’d remembered her, just as caring.
He shouldn’t have but he took the plate from her hands and began to eat.
Instead of saying anything, she simply watched him as he ate, a silly little smile making its way to her face. The look on his lady’s face had him growing hot and turning beet red
“So,” he coughed out, embarrassed, “where’d you get a broach like that?”
“Oh, this one?” She inquired, pointing at the shiny violetgrass broach, “I found it lying on the ground one day when I was out picking lotus heads for dinner. I asked just about everyone in Liyue Harbor if it was theirs, but no luck. I eventually decided to just keep it for myself. It is a shame though, whoever lost it must truly be upset over losing such a beautiful piece of jewelry. I’ve never seen anything quite like it.”
He nodded along, thinking that, well, the broach actually was with its owner.
“It’s as if it were fate though,” she prattled on happily, watching the stars as she talked, “Violeygrass is my very favorite, always has been really. Though, I’ve always been too scared to climb up for them myself. You see, ever since I was little, I’ve had this recurring nightmare where I fell to my death while collecting some.”
The Adeptus stilled for a second, tense. She hadn’t ever brought up dreams about her past life. Maybe this time was different, maybe she’d remember what he did!
“Oh my Archons,” she exclaimed, face warm with embarrassment, scratching the back of her head sheepishly, “I’ve been going on and on! I’m so sorry, something about you feels so familiar. It makes me feel like I can tell you just about everything. Is that weird?”
His heart was racing like it hadn’t in years, decades even.
“You can tell me whatever you want,” he answered shortly, “I don’t mind listening. You have a nice voice.”
The maiden covered her hands with her face, flustered, and Xiao let out a rare smile, soft and gentle. This time would be different. He’d make sure of it.
After that day, the maiden began to visit the Wangshu Inn often, whenever she could spare time away from her job. Unbeknownst to her, however, Xiao followed at a distance when she wasn’t visiting him, to ensure her safety. He knew it wasn’t right, truly, but he had no other choice. He had to, or else he’d risk losing her to an accident such as last time, fall ill again, attacked by monsters or, Celestia forbid, be kidnapped by a group of treasure hoarders.
He’d have to get rid of any and all threats.
So, Xiao continued to follow his maiden from a distance, he made sure she was in tip-top shape, and ruthlessly slaughtering all enemies that he deemed a threat to her, until he was certain nothing would take her away from him again.
Except for one threat. Himself.
The third time he’d lost her was on a beautiful night, not that Xiao could remember it well. His love had insisted on the two of them taking a walk. She’d reasoned that the cool night air would help him regain control. His karmic debt had been weighing on him an awful lot recently and she simply couldn’t bear to see him in such excruciating pain.
The walk had started off rather pleasantly, as far as Xiao could remember. He could remember nudging his hand against hers, wanting to hold it but being far too shy to do so. With a laugh and a teasing remark, the maiden interlaced their fingers, bringing up their hands to place a gentle kiss on his, making the tips of his ears redden in bashfulness. They’d walked a little further until they encountered a group of hilichurls accompanied by a pyro abyss mage. Without skipping a beat, Xiao stepped in front of his lover, polearm appearing in his hand.
And then…
Everything went dark. Xiao’s mind was nothing but a void, pain exploded in every inch of his body as his karmic debt returned in full force to punish him for the slaughtering he’d committed.
When he came to, his mind was hazy, unsure of what had occurred. The Yaksha sat up, ignoring the way his muscles protested against it, and looked around, trying to make sense of what had happened and where he was.
Xiao froze when his eyes locked onto her pitiful body laying a few feet ahead of him in the grass surrounded by arrowheads and broken hilichurl masks, blood turning ice-cold. If he ignored the gashes across her body, the ones that were unmistakably made by the bloody spear he was clutching and not some hilichurl club or bow and arrow, and the blood that stained her pretty garments, he could almost fool himself into thinking she was asleep.
This had been his doing.
After a few beats of stunned silence, the dark-haired Adeptus lurched forward grabbing onto her cold body and shaking ruthlessly, calling out her name frantically, as if it would make his love wake up, make her cradle his face lovingly and ask why he’d been crying.
Xiao looked up onto the sky scornfully, looking up at Celestia with nothing short of pure, unadulterated loathing. He was willing to bet they were all mocking him right now, laughing at how weak and pathetic he was, at how time after time, he’d failed to love her enough, to keep her alive. They did this on purpose he was sure of it, those bastards. Well, if they could play dirty like this, so could he. He’d get her back, he’d keep her alive by his side.
And just like that, Xiao’s thread of sanity snapped.
“You can’t take her away from me anymore,” he spoke to the sky nonsensically, “I won’t let you. I don’t care what I have to do, who I have to kill, you won’t take my bliss away from me again.”
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“That story was quite depressing,” Chongyun stated, ceasing his footsteps to look to his friend, Xingqiu.
“Ah yes, it is indeed, my liege,” the navy blue-haired gentleman agreed, “However, I’m glad this book included the whole myth, instead of making me wait for the next volume like the last one.”
The light blue-haired boy rolled his eyes before saying, “As much as I appreciated you reading the book aloud, I don’t see how this aids us in our search for (Y/N).”
The reason the boys had been searching across all of Liyue, was because their aforementioned friend had mysteriously gone missing. Everything had been as it normally was until one day, (Y/N) didn’t show up at her job in the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, something that was incredibly unusual of her, especially without a warning to her boss or coworkers. This led Hu Tao, with the insistence of Zhongli, to ask Chongyun and Xingqiu, two of (Y/N)’s friends, for help in the search for her. They had also contacted the milelith, but they had told them that she’d not been missing for long enough to warrant a search party. The two had, of course, been quick to help, though Xingqiu had been rather enraptured in a book of Liyue Myths, simply insisting he’d have to take it with him so he could read while he searched for her.
“But my liege,” Xingqiu exclaimed playfully, golden eyes shining with mirth, “this story is of utmost importance in our search for our beloved friend. Why, for all we know, (Y/N) might’ve been kidnapped by the Vigilant Yaksha himself! She has always had a habit of climbing mountains to pick violetgrass like the maiden in the book”
“Do not be so ridiculous,” Chongyun said, rolling his eyes, “I doubt an Adeptus such as himself would ever commit such an atrocity of that degree against a citizen of Liyue. Besides, that myth is incredibly old and there’s very little evidence that proves its validity. It’s more likely that (Y/N) was taken by a demon. That is why I asked you to accompany me to Wuwang Hill.”
“I was simply joking Chongyun,” he said with a laugh before turning solemn, “However, regretfully I feel as though it is time for the two of us to return to Liyue Harbor for the day. You’ve just about run out of popsicles and with this heat, I have no doubt you’ll overheat if we keep going.”
“I’m afraid you’re right,” The blue-eyed boy admitted. “I hope (Y/N) is alright wherever she is.”
“I do as well,” Xingqiu agreed, “Perhaps Hu Tao and Zhongli have had more luck.”
Chongyun nodded, “Xiangling also said she’d ask her customers if they’d seen her.”
With that, the two boys made their way back to Lihue Harbor, oblivious to just how true Xingqiu’s joke had been.
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Xiao sighed as he climbed up the stairs of Wangshu Inn up to his room. Of course, he did not need sleep, it was a mortal need in and of itself, or a room for that matter but Verr Goldet had insisted that he should have his own space, somewhere he could rest after long days of slaughtering demons such as this one.
The Adeptus turned the door handle, opening the door of an empty, pristine room. While the room had all of the furniture the other Inn rooms had, it still felt unnervingly empty, without any clothes or trinkets laying around. The only personal object of Xiao’s in the room was an orange teapot that rested on the nightstand.
Quickly, Xiao opened the tea pot’s lid, and within seconds he was standing in front of a Liyue style mansion, surrounded by mountains that he crafted to look like the ones from when the two of you had met all those centuries ago. Eager to see you, Xiao ignored Tubby’s greetings and opened the front door, making quick work of taking off his shoes before climbing the stairs to the second floor, where your room was.
He opened the door to find you sat atop your bed, alert and glaring at him fiercely. The Adeptus rolled his amber eyes, it seemed you were still trying to act out and be defiant. Looking around your room, mostly to make sure you hadn’t tried to smash the windows with the desk chair like last time (you seemed to not comprehend the fact that there was no escaping the serenetea pot, since it was a world Xiao himself had created), his eyes settled on the plate of bamboo shoot soup he’d left for you this morning, along with a still filled to the brim cup of water. He narrowed his eyes at that. It simply wouldn’t do. You’d been here for about a week now and you still refused to eat or drink anything he brought you, except for a few nibbles and sips he’d managed to threaten coax out of you. Xiao, admittedly, didn’t know very much about humans, but he did know they needed to eat and drink to stay alive. He’d learned that the hard way on his last few tries.
“Why aren’t you eating?” Xiao inquired before adding, “If you don’t like this food you should come out and say it. I can ask Smiley Yanxiao for something that suits your taste more.”
You let out a poorly suppressed scoff. This nut-job didn’t seem to get that out of all the things wrong in this situation, the last thing you were concerned about was the food. Dear Archons, just what is wrong with this man? First, he had the gall of taking you captive one evening when you were going home from work and now he had the audacity to expect you to act like a complacent little toy and go along with this insanity?
And to think that when you’d first met him whilst accompanying the Traveler and Paimon, who had been commissioned by Director Hu Tao to gather some cor lapis for a client’s ceremony, you’d been absolutely smitten with the awkward and stoic Adeptus. Everything from his pretty black hair to his captivating bright eyes had your knees weak. So much so that you’d ignored all of the red flags, like how he’d stare at you in such an intense manner, with eyes fixated on you and only you, how he seemed to distrust Aether, a trusted friend of his, when it came to him accompanying you, or how as soon as you’d met you had the horrible sensation of being watched at all times of the day. Just thinking back to all the warning signs you’d missed made your skin crawl. Perhaps if you hadn’t been such a lovesick idiot you’d be at home right now or eating dinner with Chongyun and Xingqiu, trying out one of Xianglings crazy concoctions containing slime condensate or whopper flower nectar.
Instead, you were trapped in an artificial world, in a room that looked horrifyingly similar to your own back home.
You were snapped out of your reverie by Xiao moving closer to your bed.
“Let me go home,” you said, hating how your voice cracked at the end. You felt so pathetic, you always prided yourself on being a headstrong independent person, and here you were, cowering at his closeness and avoiding all eye contact, as if looking at his pain filled eyes would ruin you.
“You are home,” he retorted, his voice bordering on delusion, “This is your home. This is where you're safe. Where you stay alive and I get to keep you forever.”
Xiao stretched out his arm, as if to cradle your cheek in his hand but before he got to you flinched away, backing away from him as far as you could, back hitting the headboard. You looked away, trying to ignore how guilty the pain that flashed through his eyes made you feel. You shouldn’t be the one feeling guilty.  He should be. He’s the one that stole you away from your home. He’s the one that ruined your life.
You look down at the violetgrass broach clasped onto your blouse in nothing short of complete and utter loathing. You’d been so captivated by it when you’d first found it at the antique shop while window shopping with Mr. Zhongli.
It had been exactly six months since you’d moved away from your home in the sleepy Qingce Village in exchange for a job at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and a quaint apparently in the bustling city of Liyue Harbor. To celebrate, your coworker (and the person you had been shadowing in order to learn the ropes of the funeral business) Mr. Zhongli had insisted on going to Third-Round Knockout for some dinner. You’d been a bit hesitant at first, mostly because you knew well of the elegant gentleman’s habit of forgetting his wallet, but you enjoyed hearing his stories far too much to say no. Something about his retellings of stories about the Adepti just enraptured you.
Afterward, the two of you had decided to walk around the city and look at the displays in shops, since you had decided that your hard work warranted splurging a little as a reward of sorts. You had of course asked Mr. Zhongli to join you since he had such exquisite taste and an eye for the authentic, you valued his opinion greatly.
That’s how the two of you ended up at Xigu Antiques, browsing the display case. All of a sudden, your eyes zeroed in on a broach that resembles a little violetgrass plant, its downturned leaves made up of what you could only guess was noctilucous jade. It was, for lack of a better word, stunning.
“Mr. Zhongli,” you exclaimed, tugging at his sleeve to call his attention away from a porcelain teapot with gold little geo symbols as decoration, “what do you think of this one? It’s quite beautiful isn’t it?”
The dark-haired man looked at the broach you were pointing at before going tense, a small gasp escaping him as his beautiful amber eyes widened slightly. You looked at him in concern, you’d never seen the man come this close to losing his composure.
“Oh,” he said, clearing his throat, “is this the one you’re thinking of purchasing? I’d advise against it. Even by just a mere glance, I can tell it is not made of real noctilucous jade.”
Strangely, you felt as though he wasn’t being truthful with you.
“Well, that’s alright. I don’t really care about the authenticity and it’s pretty cheap. If it is a fake, I don’t really have much to lose. Plus, I’ve always loved violetgrass. This broach could be like a little homage to that!” You answered, letting out a little giggle.
“You’ve heard of the Vigilant Yaksha and the violetgrass maiden, am I correct?” He asked.
“Oh, yes I have! My Gran used to tell it to me and the rest of the village children back when I was young. It always made me so sad, how they can never be together. It was pretty silly now that I think about it, but I would bawl my eyes out every time. The rest of the kids would tease me a bit but I just couldn’t control it,” you reminisced.
“I- well, yes in any case, they say that anyone who possesses that broach will be cursed to meet the same fate,” Zhongli added, trying his best to dissuade you from buying the old broach, dread creeping into his stomach as he thought of what might happen to you- to the both of you.
“Of course you’d believe old supersticiones, Mr. Zhongli,” you said, letting out a lighthearted laugh that could make any heart, even one of stone, melt, “it’s very on brand! However, I’m sure there’s no need to be worried, after all, it’s nothing but an old myth! And even if it is real, you yourself said that it’s not made of the real stuff.”
Before Zhongli could figure a way to change the unchangeable, you had already purchased the broach. As you kept on leading the funeral consultant around the streets of Liyue Harbor, bag in hand, prattling on about anything and everything, he couldn’t help but feel his heart sink. A single thought, the same one you would later have, crossed his mind.
If only you hadn’t bought that goddamned broach.
In a fit of anger and desperation, you ripped the detested broach off of your shirt, throwing it at Xiao. You hoped it would somehow break into millions of tiny pieces.
After a beat of silence, Xiao spoke, “Eat.”
“No,” you yelled, before breaking down into a fit of angry sob, “I hate you!”
As soon as the words left your mouth, Xiao lurched forward so close your noses were almost touching, and for a second you think he’s gonna hit you but instead, he simply rests his forehead on yours and closes his eyes. When he pulls away, your sobs have waned into hiccups. Without saying so much as a word Xiao clasps the violetgrass broach onto your shirt, where it belongs.
“Eat,” is all he says, placing the now lukewarm soup into your hands.
Scared, tired, and sad, you do as he said, taking small sips of the admittedly tasty dish. He does nothing more than stare at her with those intense amber eyes of his for a few minutes before turning around and heading towards the door.
Before he leaves he turns his head back to look at her and says, “I don’t care if you don’t like me. Hate me for all I care. As long as you stay alive I don’t care.”
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lunaastoir · 3 years
cute things i think the genshin characters would do
characters included: diluc, kaeya, venti, and albedo 
****minor lore spoilers for diluc!****
an: i’m thinking of making this into a series bc this was such an adorable concept to write so lmk if you’re interested 👀 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sorry kind of starting off with something a little sad 
i think diluc would have a habit of rubbing his vision 
ok seems kinda dumb at first but let me elaborate: 
after the death of his father, diluc was quite obviously devastated 
he basically withdrew into himself after letting all the grief, pain, and rage flood his senses
i think during this time of grieving, he would’ve developed this habit of running the pads of his fingers across his vision to calm himself down 
(v similar to katara from atla) 
since his father had always been proud of diluc’s vision, the thought of touching something that reminded him of his father has always been able to bring him some sort of relief no matter how short lived
it serves as a constant memory of his dad and i think being able to have that kind of connection - no matter how small would hold a significance to him 
stressed? you’ll see his fingers dance across his vision as the crease between his eyebrows gradually loosens 
ok here’s a bonus habit (bc the previous one was sad) 
whenever he’s bartending at angel’s share, he always flips the bottles in this cool bartending way before pouring the drinks 
like the whole shabang - flips in the air, shakes it in a way that the drink foams just right 
people are usually v surprised when they see this bc woah mans has got some sKILLS 
but also bc he’s known for being pretty serious and reserved so seeing a “trick” is kind of breaking the stoic image they have of him 
after he’s done pouring the drinks he’s also really precise about closing the bottles 
he makes sure that the caps are on tightly and that nothing is leaking (which ig is another reason why he does flips with them so he can make sure that the bottles are tightly closed) 
yes he’s rich but he also wants to make sure the drinks don’t go bad bc 1) kind of a loss if they do and 2) his customers deserve the best 
sweet man pls protect him <3 
when he’s sitting down at his desk, he brings his legs up so he can sit on his chair criss- cross applesauce 
since he’s in his office and the only other person who’s in there with him is jean, he feels like he can drop the suave, charming cavalry captain facade he puts on when he’s in public and just dial it down slightly to who he really is in that moment 
jean doesn’t say a word the entire time even tho she quite obviously notices 
don’t get me wrong, he’s still the smooth talking kaeya but just,,, more relaxed and comfortable?? if that makes sense 
so since he’s a lot more comfortable in his office, he usually folds his legs into his chair bc damn they hurt from walking around all day
this is kinda dumb but i also think he has a lot of ink stains on his hands from writing so whenever he sees a fresh one he just likes to stamp it onto a piece of paper 
usually that piece of paper ends up being an unimportant report that goes to jean 
dw he also has a bunch of pretty small towels in his bottom drawer that he uses to wipe his hands on bc the public can’t see the pretty cavalry captain w ink stains!! the world would end!! 
oH kind of a side note but i also think he would keep a small folded up picture of something klee drew him in his pocket 
he thinks it’s very sweet and he periodically takes it out just to look at it soft for this man 
last one for kaeya but since he wears boots that have the little lip on the bottom (not really a heel but enough to make some noise) he makes sure to always try his best to walk quietly around the streets of mondstadt at night 
if anyone catches him doing it he’ll wave it off and say something like “oh me? i’m just practicing my stealth - it comes in handy when you have to sneak up on enemies you know?” but in reality that’s just bs 
he really just doesn’t wanna risk waking people up <3 
this adorable man is obviously notorious for drinking 
he loves alcohol!! i mean he’s the anemo archon of the city of wine and freedom so is anyone really surprised 💀
anyways venti always jokes abt not having any mora (he really doesn’t he’s not wrong) but he always makes sure to pay his tab at angel’s share 
the only reason diluc lets him drink sm is because at the end of the day, venti always comes through w the mora 
he really is a talented bard so everything he makes in singing and composing music for other people to listen to always goes straight to angel’s share (debatable if that’s for the best or not but i’ll leave that one to you) 
so yeah <3 basically venti pays back his tabs even tho he’s an archon since he doesn’t want people to experience a loss bc of him 
it’s the archon nature coming out but also the venti nature bc he’s a sweet boy 
anyways getting onto the actual habit 🕺
he has a tendency to skip/hop regardless of wherever he’s going 
he uses his anemo elemental skill a lot while doing this just he can feel a light breeze whenever he skips around 
i also think he carries around extra bard strings in his hat bc he thinks it’s a cool party trick to take them out and be like tada i have extra strings no need to worry!!! 
people are usually not that amused but he does it anyway 
also yeah uh those strings sometimes fall out when he’s skipping 💀 
he’ll be hopping and suddenly bOOM they fall out, he loses them, a kitten by the name of prince takes them, and he has to ask for help to find his strings (i believe this is exactly how venti lost his strings to prince during the windblume festival and no i will not take any criticism and if venti says something different he is lying 🔪)
also has a habit of putting his hair into a bun sometimes!!! 
he loves his pigtails but he finds that he gets bored of them occasionally and his hair needs a break from its wavy tresses so he just plops it into a bun instead 
so so cute 10/10 hairstyle he can do my hair 
anyways love this man thanks for coming home <3 
i had a feeling i would kind of have a hard time w albedo since he is a little hard to read so i hope this is ok LMFAO 
he has paint stains. everywhere. no you cannot change my mind. 
they are subtle tho i will give him that 
you can’t notice that anything is amiss until you really pay attention and then you’ll start to see the pretty pastels and greens of the sunset he was painting up on dragonspine softly smeared across his clothes 
very rarely you’ll see a cute swipe of paint across his cheek or neck and it’s honestly adorable 
he was probably pushing his hair out of his face while he was painting and some excess paint on his finger landed on his cheek :,) 
he doesn’t really care tbh he thinks it’s just a part of him and it really isn’t that noticeable so he just leaves it 
also!!! since he is a big alchemist and he’s constantly working on labs and experiments i think he would accidentally misplace a lot of his written work 
he seems very organized but w someone as intellectual as him w his brain running miles a minute, i’m sure he has definitely forgotten where he’s put stuff away 
so!! in order to help him remember, he has little notes across his lab detailing where everything is 
if he was working on something and he immediately has to put it on hold bc something came up (klee came in demanding attention or sucrose needs help) then he’ll quickly jot down a note and stick it to his desk so he’ll remember when he comes back just in case he forgets 
sucrose as a result has noticed A LOT of notes across the lab and it’s simultaneously funny and endearing 
“started experiment with sweet flowers to try and turn them into a youth elixir: papers --> on the desk right next to klee’s photo” 
final point: he lets klee braid his hair sometimes if she wants to 
she doesn’t really know how given how young she is so she ends up messing up but albedo always walks her patiently through the steps again 
always makes time for klee no matter what bc he really does care a lot abt her :,) 
i love him sm pls 
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Hi... I'm back :D And with more Vision!Reader bullshit because I am HOOKED on this idea.
You're working your ass off to get your Ajax back. Well-- The human side of him, of course. FL is a fantastic companion but... you want to converse with him again. You want to hear his laugh and jabs. His teasing, the crinkling of his eyes when he's genuinely smiling, the way he'd try so hard to look so cool while shooting his bow (only to get in more trouble)... You miss it all.
The vision is... well it's a fucking hassle, that's for sure. You're out here quietly swearing at the heavens, stating that you'll do whatever it takes to get his humanity back, and they send you this shit? It's a cruel joke with no punchline. Just an entertaining show for the archons to watch as you fight tooth and nail for your boyfriend. Fiance? Nadia once pulled you aside one day when you were getting Ajax to come home. She had this knowing smile and was very... cryptic with her wording. If she hadn't tapped her own ring finger, you wouldn't have had a single clue what she meant...
And now the universe took that away from you.
And now?
Now, they gave you an item that you'll use against them. How funny is that?
The gentle headbutt dragged you out of your thoughts. It doesn't matter what form he is, it seems he's attuned to your emotions and thoughts. With how he's clinging to you and hugging you tightly, he can tell you're... upset? Mad? Frustrated? Ugh-- You can't even tell.
"Hi, yes, hello," you chortle gently and run your hands through his fluff. "I'm okay. Thank you... Hey, you like Zhongli right?"
The sound that escapes the creature made you laugh. He huffs and holds you tighter with a pout. It's not like he dislikes the man... He just... Wants to be with you. 24/7. Because why be with that man when he can be with the person who brings him undying joy?
"Okay, okay..." That might be an actual issue.
You don't want to drag him out of this house but you know he's getting antsy. He's like a cat on house arrest. Stares out the window with a look of longing and sometimes tries sneaking out. You've caught him almost every time.
"You're only allowed in the backyard," you said a few months in of housing him. "I'm sorry, Bubs."
But it's been... longer than that. And he can't keep staying in here. He's trying to listen! He wants to be a good boy for you! The thought of you being mad at him makes him sad. He doesn't want that! ... you're not leaving him, are you?
You're not... you're not tired of him, right? You're staying with him, right? You promised! You promised to stay with him and stay by his side! Did he upset you? Did he--- did he mess up? Is it because he's--
"Bubs, what do you think of.... of going for an adventure?"
An adventure? Ooo, yes! That means he can go outside! And you'll be with him! You two can go around and be able to exist away from prying eyes! But... What sparked this? Is it that... square shaped item? It has a lot of power... It kind of burns. What is it?
"I take it that's a big yes?"
You can only take so much one-sided conversations. You want to talk to him again... If he can't shift back, that's... okay. But please, let him talk to you.
"Alright. We'll... head out tomorrow night. I'll pack items, let Zhongli know, and... we'll be making our way out?" You squeal when he cuddles into you tighter. "Okay! Okay! It's still awhile. And... And I need to tell Zhongli." "You're what?" "Going to fight the Archons--" He raises a brow at you, "-- minus you." "While I'm with you on gaining Childe's ability to at least converse, going off to bring him back fully and even possibly fight the others is... Dangerous."
"I know," you stare at the glowing vision in your hand. "But... It's fucking terrible to just talk by yourself. A one-sided conversation is heavy, Zhongli. I can't stand it anymore. I want him back. Or some part of him! And he can't stay cooped up in the house."
Zhongli knows he can't change your mind. You're determined and passionate enough about this to gain a vision. You've gained the attention of a god and now you're gonna use it against them. How cruel is this world on mortals.
"Well... If you're going to go through with this..." Zhongli stands up straight and suddenly pulls out a rolled up parchment. "You'll be needing a map." (I'm trying to figure out what's an overarching characteristic to certain visions and just-- What if it's just never stated? And if it ever is stated, it's a delusion? Because I am SOBBING about this)
- 🍄
related to THIS POST!!!
Zhongli is worried about you, about how certain you are of this... adventure. he knows that ordinarily, determination is seen as a good thing amongst mortals, but your set shoulders and cold eyes send a shiver down his spine.
but he knows he can't convince you to give up, not with how lonely he knows you are, despite your attempts to hide your emotions and expressions. the map he retrieves is his own, made from his own knowledge and travels after his "retirement" as archon, and details the terrain and landmarks of every nation, from Mondstadt to Ajax's home of Snezhnaya.
the Abyss is noticeably missing, but you don't comment on it.
the next several hours are filled with a flurry of you and Zhongli packing- of course the ex-archon wasn't going to go WITH you, but he was going to assist you however he could. you're his friend, after all. Childe also helps, bringing you items and forcing you to rest with much purring and snuggles, even though he himself can barely stop from jumping for joy at the thought of going on an adventure with you. whenever he's out of the room Zhongli whispers recommendations to you- the archon of Mondstadt is relatively easy-going and open to reason, the archon of Inazuma is cold and unyielding, etc. and you file this information away for later, your Vision flickering in anticipation.
finally, you're ready. the Millelith are distracted and tired, giving you the perfect opportunity to sneak away from the Harbor. and you're free, outside of the city with Liyue's vast plains rolling before you.
the moment you're out of view Childe is buzzing with energy, rolling around in the grass and pouncing on breeze-blown plants with delight, romping around and leaning against you while purring so loud it makes you shake. unfortunately you can't muster up the same energy, giving him some scritches around the horns as you sigh and look at the road ahead. he nudges your hands with a worried whine and you absentmindedly pet his fluff, which only fuels his worries more. you look so distracted... you FEEL sad and nervous, he can tell. what's wrong? what's going to happen?
and you're deep in thought, wondering how exactly you're going to pull this off. but you know you WILL pull it off- if it means he can talk again, means you can hear Ajax again, you WILL do it. you're determined to also not let Childe get injured, you don't care if YOU get injured but you WILL keep him safe. your Vision flashes again as you furrow your brows, and Childe pokes it curiously. he doesn't even remember his own Vision...
Celestia's gonna pay.
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samwritesforyou · 3 years
lantern rite with zhongli
zhongli x reader
summary: you stay in liyue and zhongli wants you to go to the lantern rite with him
warnings: gender-neutral reader
wordcount: 2.2k
A/N: its just zhongli brain rot, can we jsut live our mundane life w him forever??
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you were wandering the lands of liyue for a significant amount of time already.
you would’ve usually just camped in the open like you used to do on your adventures in mondstadt - before the knights learned about this and generously offered you an apartment with no rent required - but ever since you mentioned this idea to a powerful god of geo zhongli, he wouldn’t hear of it.
“you are staying over at the wangsheng funeral parlour, y/n,” he said in a serious, low tone that made your stomach twist in ways that you didn’t yet understand.
“what do you mean? i can’t just stay there,” you said in return, brows furrowed.
“there are a few rooms behind the official wing that we use for business and actually me and hu tao live there, we do not have a conventional “home” anywhere,” he rationally explained and continued looking steadily into your eyes.
you never had a problem managing eye contact, but with his piercing amber orbs it was quite difficult.
“zhongli, i-“ you started, looking behind him at the open entrance to the balcony.
it was getting dark already, and even though you were used to camp life, you did notice that wild liyue was rather dangerous to rest at.
“only if you really don’t mind,” you stated with a sigh of defeat, closing your eyes and putting hands on your hips, “but i’ll pay.”
“dear y/n, i simply won’t allow it,” he said and you felt his gloved fingers on your chin and opened your eyes immediately, meeting with his.
a mysterious smile played on his lips, “you can just invite me to a meal, this form of payment will be sufficient,” when he saw a blush creeping up your face, he let go of you, standing straight again and clearing his throat, becoming flustered himself and looking away.
“alright,” was all that you could muster to answer in a higher tone than usual.
and there began an era of you living with hu tao and zhongli for the course of weeks that stretched into months as you tried to scout out the eternity of liuye’s landscape, hopelessly looking for your lost sibling.
most days you’d come back to your new home exhausted and just plop on the couch in front of the kitchen isle, already seeing some food left on the counter for your arrival.
you were never sure if it was hu tao’s making or zhongli’s, but that question was answered tonight, as you saw geo archon finishing up tonight’s dish - slow-cooked bamboo shoot soup - not even paying attention to your shuffling in the room.
you felt grateful yet a bit guilty that you made zhongli do something for you every day this late.. sometimes you wouldn’t return until the morning and even then you found a warm plate of breakfast on the counter.
you didn’t have much free time to get to know zhongli better, but even so you two have become an acquaintances of sorts. someone could even say.. friends.
a few times during your stay you were persuaded to take a break and took a few evening walks alongside rex lapis, your conversation making you feel at ease and understood.
if only you’d have more time to just.. do nothing, then you’d even..
you were staring at his broad back for quite a while already as he was cooking, no official costume present, just a simple comfortable shirt that gave you more of a feeling how home-y you have become with him.
it felt natural to come home and see him, either reading a book or just sliding the door to his room open to say a gentle “goodnight” or ask a few questions about your day.
you really liked him. you clicked as personalities, he was interesting, handsome-
“are you here?” you suddenly felt a gentle single tap on the top of your head, as zhongli’s voice brought you back to reality from your thoughts.
from the thoughts that you shouldn’t be having, because there’s no way that something would ever happen between the two of you.
so you shook your head and then smiled at him wearily.
“yeah. sorry, a long day,” you said silently and looked at two plates that were now sitting at the table.
“i wanted to dine with you tonight, is that alright?” he asked and looked up at you with his amber eyes.
“of course!” you nodded and then looked down at the table, “and thank you.. for always making food for me.”
“oh, it’s nothing. hu tao said that since you’re our guest i don’t have to worry about using more ingredients for food than we do usually,” he then began to eat.
as you dug in into your dish as well a comfortable silence has settled in the room.
it was always like this with him.
comfortable, safe.
you wondered how he’s gonna react when you tell him you’ll probably have to leave soon.
maybe it’s a good time to bring it up, even though it’ll ruin the moment of peace.
you mulled over the idea for a few minutes and couldn’t find any way of saying it the way you wanted it to sound, so you just started;
“uhm.. i think i’ll go back to mondstadt.”
ever so composed zhongli literally choked on his food and coughed a few times, steadying his posture once more, brows furrowing, not meeting your eyes.
“why so sudden?” he just asked simply.
“well… i don’t think i have any luck here.. and i’d love to move to the next region, but i wanted to talk it over with other knights beforehand, just to be safe,” you answered and sighed.
it’s not like you wanted to leave.
“that is a good choice indeed,” he stated, but you sensed that he wasn’t pleased by your “choice” at all, “but why won’t you stay just a few days longer?”
he finally finished up his food, gently patted his lips with a cloth and put it aside, now meeting your gaze.
“there is a lantern rite festival in the end of the week and..” seems like zhongli was trying to pick the right words, which was unusual of him, “i was hoping you’d accompany me.”
“oh,” you have heard about the event scarcely, but didn’t pay it any mind, knowing that you’d probably have no time to enjoy it anyways.
“your sibling is out there somewhere, i believe in it,” zhongli didn’t even let you speak, which was twice as unusual of him, as if he was already trying to persuade you even before hearing your verdict upon the matter, “and i wanted to offer you my help. i finally have no rites of parting to arrange and am quite free of any work that was holding me back before,” and as an afterthought he continued, “and i think you really deserve some rest, y/n. i’ve seen how hard you’ve been trying to find your sibling, help the adventurers guild.. it’s only natural and fair for you to take some rest and replenish your energy.”
you were frozen in place with a spoon half-risen to your mouth already, unable to tear your eyes from him as he finished his monologue.
you were used to him talking about the past events or fond memories for a long time, but it was never addressed directly at you.
so you just looked down and started intensely finishing up your soup, trying not to think about the way you’re probably blushing right now.
and once you did and looked back at zhongli, he was sitting composed in front of you, light smile resting on his lips.
“i’ll stay then,” you nodded and smiled at him back, his expression growing softer at your words.
“thank you,” he mirrored your nod and then took the dishes - even after your protests - and started cleaning them up himself.
you were so glad you decided to stay. last few days were filled with you just walking around the city and outskirts alongside zhongli as you were finally able to relax a bit and push a pressing matter of finding your sibling for a few days later.
the lantern rite day grew near and it was already happening in the evening. for some reason hu tao insisted of pampering you up and didn’t let zhongli see you until the event started.
“why are you like this?” you ask tiredly hu tao as she was helping you to put on a classic chinese dress that was worn both by men and women (and everyone in between) in this festive time.
“you think i don’t see how you’re staring at each other?” she giggled as she started rummaging through her hair pins that would look good on you.
“each other?!” you yelped in confusion, only to be met with a flustered reflection of yourself in a mirror in front of you, so you dropped your shoulders and sighed, lowering your gaze, “if anything, it’s only me who’s staring, hu tao..”
“ha!” the laugh was more similar to a bark as she reacted to your words and soon enough appeared next to you, putting a pin to your bangs, adding your hair a little decorative twist, “that’s what you think.”
you didn’t have any time to protest to that, because you heard a knock on the door and hu tao yelled “don’t you dare come in, old man!” right back.
“i just wanted to inform you two that the festival has already begun,” said a calm muffled voice outside and you found yourself smiling at that.
“okay, we’re almost done!” said hu tao and finally helped you stand up, letting you look at yourself in the mirror.
you really looked exceptional tonight and couldn’t hold your positive emotions bubbling inside of you.
“thank you,” you said to hu tao and hugged her tightly.
she just giggled and murmured something along the lines of “don’t mention it” and went with you out of the room, straight onto the balcony in front of the wangsheng funeral parlour.
your eyes found zhongli immediately as he turned and looked at you.
he gave a polite nod to his friend and then his amber orbs drifted to you and his expression broke into something way softer than you’ve ever witnessed before.
only after a while you realised that your festival dresses were matching. yours was just in lighter, yellow tones, whereas his was in dark brown ones. it complemented each other perfectly.
you didn’t really notice how it happened, but you two ended up alone, just walking on the outskirts of liyue harbour, after participating in many festival activities.
you were standing on the hidden viewpoint where you could see the whole city, beautifully lit up, yet where you were standing there were scarcely any lamps, so the atmosphere was dim and comfortable.
zhongli was the first one to break the pleasant silence between the two of you.
“i dont want to be straightforward,” he started as he stood next to you, his hand on the railing of the balcony, “but i’m afraid i just have to share my feelings with you, y/n.”
you looked up at him, question in your eyes.
could it be?..
“i don’t usually take interest in humans, but.. it’s safe to say you drew me in and left me enchanted,” words were rolling off his tongue effortlessly, “by your driven heart, pure intentions and determination,” he paused a little and then chuckled to himself, “kind of remind me of myself, back in the day.”
with his free hand he reached out to yours, and took it in his palm, squeezing a little;
“i’m not immune to human weaknesses either.
and my guess is that i’m certainly not immune to your charm.”
he then brought your hand to his lips and gave it a light kiss, eyes trained on you.
“so if you accept me, then i’d be happy to court and protect you,” he finished his speech more quietly than he began and now was just politely waiting for your response.
for the rest of your life, if you allow me; he thought to himself, but these kinds of words are still too heavy for you to bear, he settles and doesnt say the rest of his initial sentence.
he came to accept that his lovers will come and go, since he is an immortal being, but it won’t stop him from giving his all to his loved ones.
“zhongli..” you said with trembling lips, as you tried your hardest not to cry.
you were falling in love with him slowly day by day, not even realising it and you’d never even think of him reciprocating your feelings and now it simply feels too overwhelming. in a good way, of course.
“is that a yes?” he squeezed your hand once more, his smile growing wider and eyes softer.
“of course,” you sniffed and pushed yourself into his embrace, not willing to let him see you cry, at least not yet.
you felt his heartbeat in your hug and you swear you never wanted to let go anymore.
“thank you,” he said gently and you felt his lips pressing to the top of your head.
you really chose the best man to fall in love with. ////// if you wanna be added to my genshin (or any other fandom) tag list then please either comment or dm me! also my requests are open so feel free to text me that as well, if you’d like <3
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roc-writes · 3 years
Mondstadt and its Archon
Sister Grace asks for help in preparing an offering to Barbatos, and he so happens to be there at the end.
Pairing: Venti x Traveler (Reader) Warnings: Some crying Note: I happened to unlock this quest and complete it while Venti was still at the usual place and I really just wanted to give him a hug, and then this happened.
The green-clad figure is uncharacteristically silent. Sometimes even the lissome winds grow heavy in their grief… But not that mortals could ever see a moment oh so brief. The urge to embrace Venti from behind is almost overpowering, but you relent. The painful memories he holds for the past, for his friend, it is enough to forget all else. To forget that even in the present, there are people who care for the bard as he cares for them. The city of Mondstadt was filled with so much love, but it can do little to ease a broken heart. Perhaps… it would be better to give him some space. With a final gentle glance, you descend behind the statue of Barbatos so those who gaze upwards in delight as your glider falls would not see your friend grieve above.
���Traveler?” Sister Grace rounded the statue, eyes squinted softly in a smile as she spotted you turning back. You lowered your head briefly in greeting.
“What are you up to?” She hummed thoughtfully as you closed the distance between your bodies.
“I was praying to Lord Barbatos. It was and always has been his protection that has kept Mondstadt, the knights, and the adventurers safe.” Your face broke into a half-smile.
“Yes… How hardworking of him.” Sister Grace turned towards the pre-dawn horizon, when had it gotten so late? Truly, even if he favored wine just a bit too much, Venti would try his best to ensure the happiness of all those who called the City of Freedom their home. The silence was companionable, soft, until she spoke up softly.
“Traveler, if you have some time, could you do me a favor?” Noticing your attention was still on her, she continued. “May you bring me a batch of Dandelion seeds to spread on the winds atop the statue of Lord Barbatos?” Strange as the request sounded, you pulled out some seeds from your pouch. You had picked them earlier in your adventures with Venti, Jack, and Stanley. Venti even offered to make a wish with you over wine once you’d all returned safely, saying that it would surely come true as long as he was with you. You unwrapped them from the dainty cloth they were kept and offered them to Sister Grace.
“Will these do? I picked them only a few hours ago with a dear friend.” She beamed in return, nodding.
“Perfect. May I see them for a moment?” You placed the floaty seeds in her outstretched palms, and she gently curled her fingers around them. “…Lord Barbatos, please hear me…” Her prayer was gentle, grateful even. Thanking the Anemo Archon for the prosperity of the Knights of Favonius, the Adventurer’s Guild, Mondstadt, and she even offered a quiet prayer for you hoping it would grant you safety along your travels. Spending so much time helping the people of the city, everyone had learned of your journey and your name. It was humbling to imagine those that send wishes along the seeds of a Dandelion also wished for your safety and health in some way. Once finished in her prayers, you were handed back the seeds with the utmost care.
“I will spread these on the wind.” You spoke.
“Thank you ever so much.” Out of the corner of your eye, Paimon had finally returned once Sister Grace retreated into the walls of the cathedral to begin her duties. She was disgruntled and more than a little annoyed but carried a bundle of apples with her.
“Here are your STUPID apples! Paimon still doesn’t know why you sent her so far away like that!” You laughed gently.
“Thank you Paimon. And Venti wasn’t feeling well, I thought some food would cheer him up. Let’s see how he’s doing now, shall we?” The climb back up to the hands of the statue was swift and painless, you had nearly perfected it with how often you and Venti would abscond with the wind to have a moment to laugh together. Carefully treading over the arms of the statue, Venti was still observing the city below in silence. Turning to Paimon, you placed a finger to your lips before walking forward. He didn’t even budge when you crouched behind him, and you firmly believed he didn’t even sense you. So, you quietly unraveled the blessed seeds and blew against them. On your breath, the Dandelion seeds danced off into the wind. And that, Venti noticed.
“Dandelions?” He murmured, a croak in his voice that made your chest constrict in sorrow. Had he been crying? Suddenly, the hunched figure of the Anemo Archon straightened, and he looked back at you. His eyes were red and puffy, and they threatened to spill all over again when an apple was offered in front of him.
“Did you hear them? The voices of Mondstadt?” You asked as his teeth dug into the flesh of his apple. He sniffled once and swallowed with difficulty, but he nodded. You held out one more dandelion seed in your free hand, and with a smile you spirited that one away with the others. A wish you made, one that was spoken to Venti through a single wind. The dam broke and he flung his arms around you, sobbing. You returned his embrace as tightly as you could. It was a wish of happiness and love, and it danced along to the bright skies of a new morning that bathed the city in colors of blue and gold.
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thebluester2022 · 3 years
Live Another Life [Chapter 2 out of ???]
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Note: I swear by the next two chapters, we'll actually be in the world of Teyvat T0T. I just like making sure history/plot is established before anything else!
Synopsis: A reader in the world of Teyvat! Mouthing off to Archons and Harbingers alike as they try to find their footing and purpose within' this new world of theirs! Surely, these new lands won't be too difficult for them...right?
Warning(s): Non-Canon to the current story of GI, Changed Events/Stories to better fit the personality of the reader, Angst, Explicit Gore, GN! Reader and mentions of death! (Possibly more warnings to come as this goes on?)
And per usual, critique and comments? Likes and reblogs? All is appreciated!
As you closed the door behind you, you took a deep refreshing breath.
Well, as refreshing as it could be in a world that looked damn near-apocalyptic. Whether it was the flames reaching high into the sky in the distant city, their flames and fumes turning the once blue and clear sky into a blood-red where the weather forecast would sometimes predict black rain.
Or the scent of burning houses and gasoline that was close to starting an explosion.
Choking and nauseating, to the point where your eyes watered and the inside of your throat itched before it made you go into a coughing fit.
Luckily, as you looked down the street, past the flaming cars and their forsaken wheels along with the sight of deceased bird corpses littering the streets here and there, you had let out a sigh of relief at seeing your neighbor's house still in one piece.
But, of course,
You wished to get a few things out of the way before you visited her.
'The least they deserve is to escape their homes.' You thought to yourself as you walked over to a broken but thankfully intact home.
One of your neighbors had been a dog breeder. Though you didn't want to put too fine a point on it, the man was a bitch! His only redeeming quality was the fact that he loved and cherished his dogs and other animals like family, having few moments here and there where he would ask you to babysit them all for a good price when he was away on vacation.
Unfortunately, however?
Your neighbor was the first to pass as soon as all law was rendered pointless thanks to Earth about to become past-tense in a matter of two days.
"Damn it." You cursed upon reaching his front door.
But...seeing as the cowardly bastards who killed him managed to get him within his home? There had to be another way in.
'If I were a dastardly murderer, where would I go in...?' You thought, your knife gripped tightly within' your hand as you looked over the two-story home.
A gasp of relief left you as you spotted a knocked-over latter on the other side of the house, a broken window right above the latter before you began to prop the thing back up.
After a minute of summoning your courage and putting the back of the knife between your teeth, you started your climb. The smell of oil and the, unfortunately, familiar scent of death growing stronger and stronger as you grew nearer to the window.
And once you reached the top?
You saw the reason why.
Strung up from his own ceiling via a rope, blood dripping from his toothless mouth and his seemingly clawed-out eyes. His cut body revealing bone and muscle in some places while his stomach was sliced open to leave his intestines to pool beneath his dangling feet, you couldn't hold back the tears that started to brim your eyes as you sucked in a breath and continued to climb through the window.
In just a week, you had seen the worst of humanity.
Exactly what they were capable of doing when people practically said "Fuck law and order" and did whatever they wanted to do.
Innocent people died.
Families torn and separated.
At the beginning of things? You wished you were capable of doing something in order to help save Earth, even if it meant having to give yourself up!
You felt conflicted, if not totally numb to the fate of Earth.
After all, what was Earth truly losing by humanity being wiped off the face of this planet?
For as you walked past your dead neighbor and quickly opened the door to his hallway, the sounds of barking and the squeaking of puppies coming from the end of the hallway, you couldn't help but shrug mentally.
Earth would be losing nothing if not gaining something.
Then again, that was an easily debatable topic.
"Poor babies..." You murmured as you cracked open the door to where the dogs stayed in.
Terrified with their tails between their legs, eyes wide, and bodies shaking like a leaf trying to withstand the bitterness of a blizzard.
However, as you set the knife aside on a dresser, the dogs slowly but surely began to come up to you. First came the puppies, thankfully still having a little weight to them before the skinnier adults came next, the feeling of their noses sniffing at you making you crack a smile.
But, you didn't have time to stick around and pet the animals, unfortunately.
You were going to die.
But you weren't dying without a taste of that old woman's cookies beforehand!
You let out a sigh as you got up and grabbed your knife, pushing the door open wider before you stepped aside and urged the dogs out. "C'mon now, c'mon." You said to them all encouragingly.
One by one, some of the dogs staying back to nuzzle and encourage their pups to follow the pack before they were off trotting after the others. Your brow rose a little as you spotted a puppy sitting next to you as if it didn't have a single clue what to do.
"Well? Go on now, I can't do anything to help y'all besides opening the next door." You grumbled as you tried to urge the puppy to follow its family with a gentle nudge of your foot.
It buckled a little but quickly regained its posture and sat right back down beside you, its tail wagging like the naive little thing it was as it looked up to you.
Your neighbor was experienced with raising Irish Wolfhounds, and from your experience? They were all so intelligent to the point it was scary!
This one?
To you, it was the odd one out.
You rolled your eyes at the puppy as you began walking after the dogs, a quick glance behind you showing that the puppy was still following after you with its tail still wagging merrily.
"You're lucky you're cute." You said.
"Best hope that cuteness of yours helps you keep up with me for as long as we've got left Lil' guy." You continued before you walked downstairs, the sight of all the dogs pooling up near the front door making you shake your head with an empty chuckle.
A walk, you already knew that's what they were expecting, that or to be fed.
Unfortunately...neither or would be happening.
"Go on then." You said as you opened the door.
One by one, with excited and loud barks that made you temporarily go back to the times when the Earth wasn't in such hot water, the dogs had left.
Yet, just before you could take a step out yourself to resume your small mission to go to the old woman's house, your body jumped a little at the sound of high-pitched barking from upstairs.
"Oh come on- Really?! You can't get down on your own!?" You called up to the puppy.
It sat down expectantly.
Running a hand over your face, you groaned as you turned back to retrieve the dog. "You've got to kidding me Lil' Man..."
Link to Chapter 1: https://thebluester2022.tumblr.com/post/658744374709075968/live-another-life-chapter-1-out-of
Link to Chapter 3:
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hazeltiberiuslee · 3 years
Is My Life of Value? (Noelle & Zhongli Fanfic)
Noelle paused as she reached out for the cup of water on the counter. Dejected at the thoughts consuming her mind, she gripped the air tightly before lowering her hand.
As she glimpsed at the waters reflection, she saw her distraught expression looking back at her.
This was her eighth time taking the exam to become a knight of Favonius, and again, she had failed it. This time, Jean had come up to her to explain why she had failed.
“Though you have all the traits of a wonderful knight Noelle, you are a tad too reckless when it comes to yourself. A knight must treasure themselves, and value their own lives while aiding others. I wish for you to take this time to truly think about the value of your life, and not just everyone else’s. You’re special too, I only wish you could see that.” Jean said.
Noelle held her head as she kept thinking about it. Was she really that reckless? She only wished to give her all when it came to her aspirations. She didn’t think that was a bad thing.
But that had been exactly what kept her back from becoming a knight.
She sighed before heading outside of the shed to gaze at the sunset dipping lower into Teyvat. Gripping both her hands anxiously, she desperately looked around in vain to see if there was anyone in need of her help. Straining her ears, she tried to hear any horses footsteps, or a cry for help that she can assist with. But no one uttered her name, only the sounds of snoring from a boar who laid near a tree.
Shoulders drooping, she sighed deeply and decided that maybe she needed a walk to clear her head.
As the light from the sun diminished, the stars took its place to guide Noelle in her walk. Dandelions wavered in the air with its luminous blue glow, and Noelle finally stopped at the end of a giant cliff.
“Acting grand master Jean had told me to take some time off to rest and figure things out. I should do as she says since it is her order, however…” Breathing in another heavy sigh, Noelle sat down at the edge and let the wind rustle gently past her cheeks.
Her perfect posture made her sit upright, hands automatically folding itself on top of each other, neatly resting above her lap. The breathtaking view of Mondstadt filled her eyes as her mind wandered.
Did anyone call her name in hopes that she would arrive? Did someone feel an ache of disappointment, as she did, that she was no longer available to help them in their moment of need?
“…It is…quite lonely when I’m not doing my duties within Mondstadt.” she whispered.
She missed the feeling of being needed. Being wanted.
“Am I naive in thinking that chasing after your dreams without stopping is the right way to go?” She wondered out loud.
Keep your eyes on your goal and never stop working to get it. If you slack off, you’re being lazy. Never stop racing towards your dreams. Those had been the messages that came through while growing up as a child.
Is it possible those messages have been always wrong? She thought.
Closing her eyes, Noelle let herself go and flopped to the ground. The grass tickled the sides of her face as she listening to the rustling of the trees. All of it had somehow started to calm her raging thoughts.
It had been years since she rested like this. The only time she had done so was before her dreams ignited within her chest, as a child to be a knight. Ever since then, she had read hundreds of books about knights and their moral code.
Every time she read about them, the words had fanned the flames of her passion higher than it did before.
As her consciousness started fading, she felt a tug deep within her guiding her to another direction.
Looking around the dream, Noelle heard a sigh, and a slight whisper. She didn’t understand the context of the words, though the voice sounded oddly familiar.
“That old blockhead sure likes to put me to work even though there’s no wine to be exchanged for it.” It muttered.
‘Huh?’ Noelle voiced.
“Ah well, it’s not much work anyway. Well then, have a good talk Noelle! And next time, drink some wine with your friends! Wouldn’t want you to end up the same as that workaholic.” It sang, before a flash of light appeared and faded.
Out of habit Noelle shielded her eyes and blinked rapidly, only to find her breath escaping her.
‘Wow.’ She exclaimed.
All around her she saw pools of water and a low, wide tree centered on the small patch of land that she was standing on top of. Near her, a stone table stood with ceramic cups filled with herbal tea.
“Come child.” A voice called out.
Gasping in surprise, she snapped her head to look at the source of the voice and saw a tall gentleman with long brown hair and amber eyes. He gave a small smile and gestured her to sit.
For some reason, she found herself easily doing so.
In normal instances, she would have refused and instead asked if he required assistance before serving up some snacks.
He chuckled as if he knew what was going through her mind.
“I heard that the exam didn’t go quite as you wished.” he stated.
A pout began to form as Noelle’s lips puckered out. ‘It didn’t go well at all! Though I got everything right.’ She slumped in her seat.
‘From the physical aspects to the written parts, I’m sure I aced everything! But… I failed because master Jean said I didn’t care for my life well enough. But isn’t knights supposed to be able to put their lives on the line anyway to serve?’ She moped, hanging her head low.
A part of her was dumbfounded that she was suddenly acting like this but she couldn’t stop revealing her true feelings to the stranger. It was quite baffling.
The stranger didn’t seem to mind though as he smiled and gave a hearty chuckle.
“You have a strong sense of duty and loyalty to Mondstadt. That is what I quite liked about you, which is why I gifted you your vision.” he said nonchalantly. Bringing the cup close to his lips, he breathed in the scent of hot green tea.
Under normal circumstances, Noelle would have opened her eyes wide in shock at the revelation that the person in front of her was the Geo Archon. But whether it was the fact that they were meeting in a dream or not, she remained calm, accepting the situation easily.
Picking up her own cup, she followed Morax and breathed in the tea before drinking it. The warm taste of green tea penetrated her being and strangely put her in a calmer mood despite her misgivings.
While staring at the tea’s reflection, she found that the knots holding her complicated emotions tightly in a knot were slowly unwinding itself.
‘I don’t understand… Why is my life important if others may benefit from my actions, especially if Mondstadt finds itself in dire need of my assistance? As long as I am okay with it, is it not fine to continue the way it is?’ She pondered.
There was a moment of silence as Morax stirred his cup. He closed his eyes before lifting his arm. The air behind him shimmered before revealing the knights of Favonius headquarters.
In there, Jean and Kaeya were in a hushed discussion with each other. Jean’s face was furrowed with concern while Kaeya had his arms crossed but tried his best to comfort the acting grand master.
“She’s going to be fine Jean. The doctor said she will live, and that Noelle didn’t suffer from frostbite. Just need a few days rest and she’ll be back up ready to take on the world as always.” Kaeya reassured. He flashed her a charming smile but a corner of it twitched.
That didn’t escape Jean’s eyes and she just sighed with worry. She didn’t want to be acting like this but she had no one else to express her concerns to.
“She took on a reckless mission all by herself. What made her think that it was okay to do this without telling us?! Noelle barely had enough water and food as she went up into the mountains, and continued on even though her armor iced over after discovering the missing man.” She sighed.
Rubbing her face with both hands, Jean felt the stress building back up at the memory of Noelle nearly collapsing in front of Mondstadt gates. Jean had been making her rounds with Lisa when a guard yelled out in shock. Everyone had turned around to look expecting an attack, but found Noelle in the distance pushing herself to carry the man back through Mondstadt walls.
Everyone had ran to help her but it was as if Noelle couldn’t see them. Her eyes hazy and breathing haggard, she kept muttering that she’ll make sure that they both arrive home safe. For the man to hold on for his family. That it will be warm soon. She kept repeating those lines over and over, and those around her found it hard to make Noelle let go of the man on her back.
Kaeya suddenly stepped in and grasped Noelle by the shoulders before leaning in. “Welcome back. You did well Noelle, thank you for your services. Because of you, both you and Nimrod will live to see another day. Now let go of him, we will take care of the rest.” he said.
Transfixed on the voice speaking to her, Noelle lost grip of Nimrod and like a puppet with their strings cut, collapsed into his arms.
Jean felt thankful for Kaeya though she wondered how he knew that’d work.
The scene changed, and an image of Noelle unconscious on a patient bed appeared. Klee was looking concerned at how red Noelle was. Though red was her favorite color, she didn’t like it on Noelle like this.
Rummaging through her bag, Klee happily brought out a slightly crisp fish. She placed it on a plate that she brought out separately and left it on a counter before sitting up on the hospital chair.
“You need to get better so that we can go get some more fish together okay? Don’t tell master Jean, but I have the perfect spot to go to so that we can get a fresh meal! Fish is the just the best!” Klee exclaimed loudly.
There was no response from Noelle as Klee nestled her head onto the bed next to Noelle’s hand. Klee gently grasped the unconscious maid’s hand as she closed her eyes.
“Wake up soon so that we can together. I’ll even stay inside just for you, so that we can go together later. So please, wake up soon.” Klee whispered.
And with that the images from the past ended. Noelle stared stunned in silence. The Geo Archon had brought up a past incident and the reminder that she had worried people stung her conscience.
“You wish to charge in without rest and regard to your own life. As heroic as that may sound, it is not the way a knight should live.”
Morax set down his cup and looked into Noelle’s wavering eyes.
“Were it any of them marching through the dangerous winters of Dragonspine, would you also not fret for their lives?” he questioned. Noelle’s face flushed with guilt as she started understanding.
“Though there will always be situations where one puts their lives at risk for the safety of others, it is not ideal to completely disregard it.”
Bringing the cup to his lips once again, Morax sipped on the remainder of the tea.
“A knight is a citizen of their country. And what good country would want to needlessly throw away the lives of their citizens?”
Refilling his cup, Morax watched as Noelle looked down once again. A kind smile formed on his face.
“It is good to have the spirit of a knight, however, do not forget that you are a individual. Your life isn’t just yours once you build connections as well. There will be those that grieve for you, and those who will happily share their moments in life with you.”
He got up and stopped in front of Noelle. Reaching out, Morax patted her head tenderly like a father would with their daughter.
“Do take care to enjoy those moments yourself, and to share your times of suffering as well. Enjoy life, and you will shine like gold in the memories of both yourself and others.”
Closing his eyes he gave one last smile. “Now awaken and go home.”
Authors note:
Please like and subscribe! This is from my archiveofourown account as well https://archiveofourown.org/works/34323085
You can find more fanfics on my archive account as well, under HazelTiberiusLee. Have a nice one! <3
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raineeskiesabove · 4 years
A Dove’s Song | Venti x Lumine Oneshot
“Paimon doesn’t understand why you care so much about that tone-dear bard! He’s quite bothersome if you ask Paimon,” she whined, closely following Lumine.
“He’s a good person, Paimon. You two may butt heads, but you’re both very important to me. As his friend, it’s my duty to be there for him,” Lumine responded.
She gently patted Paimon’s head to express her affection for the tiny familiar. “Well, his elemental trail leads... here,” she said, frowning to see that it was indeed Angel’s Share. She just hoped that he wasn’t wasted. Again.
Opening the door slowly, Lumine was immediately taken aback by the roar of the crowd inside, all gathered around a table. On top of it stood Venti, with a dazed look in his eyes and a bright smile on his face. Despite the rosy color of his cheeks indicating his intoxication, he was still singing and playing the lyre. Albeit, his slurs and odd movements on the instrument were beginning to create more of a comedy act than respectable entertainment.
“Another song I shall play, if a drink someone will pay!” he announced, taking a large swig from a glass offered by an audience member.
“Gods, he’s going to topple over...” Lumine pushed to the center of the crowd, her eyes now at level with Venti’s loafers.
“Ah! Lumi! You’re just in time for another solo!”
She sighed. “Venti, how many drinks have you had tonight?”
“It seems that I have lost count. But I am indeed trying to achieve a new personal record!” He beamed at her, clearly proud of himself about the idea.
Lumine pinched the bridge of her nose, growing annoyed with his silly antics. The last time he attempted to “break a record”, she found him the next day in some back alley in Monstadt. Upon waking him up, Lumine then found herself holding onto him as he emptied last night’s drinks onto the street. So much for being a regal archon.
“Venti, this isn’t safe! Let me take you home!”
“Yeah! Paimon thinks that the tone-deaf bard has had more than enough dandelion wine!”
But by then, Venti had turned his attention towards the next drink someone had paid for him, which he instantly gulped down. Streams of wine ran sloppily down his chin, staining his cape and shirt. The moment he finished the last of the glass, his body paused, seemingly frozen in motion. The crowd grew quiet, expecting the bard to perform another haphazardly done song. But instead, the pause followed with Venti collapsing onto the table, out cold from drinking too much.
“Venti!” Lumine cupped his cheek to get a better look at his face, indeed confirming that he was unconscious. Having no other choice, Lumine hoisted Venti onto her shoulder to half carry, half drag him away, to the utter shock and amusement of the crowd. She grew irritated upon realizing that no one had offered to help, let alone voice something akin to concern. But for them, she realized, this was the norm for this performer. Venti always performed for food and drinks, and overindulgence was more common than not. If anything, she was the odd one for caring enough to drag him away. She could hear Paimon nagging in her ear, saying something about how the tone-deaf bard should be left to sleep on the ground. But Lumine wouldn’t stand for such a thing.
Renting a small room from a local inn, Lumine laid Venti to rest on the room’s single bed. Upon putting him down, Lumine collapsed to the ground, panting from the strain of moving him across town. Beads of sweat ran down her face, which she wearily tried to brush away with her forearm. Meanwhile, Venti was beginning to stir, and Lumine could hear him groaning like a pond frog.
“We’re at an inn that Lumine dragged you to, and paid for! You owe her!” Paimon shouted.
“Lumine...! How was my performance? They- they liked it, right?” His voice was hoarse and uneven, making it all the more clear that he wasn’t thinking clearly.
“Yes, yes, you did wonderfully, Venti. Now try to get some rest-“
“But Lumi!” He grabbed her hand suddenly, making her jump.
“But did you like it?” His words made Lumine hesitate. The first lie was one thing, but was it fair to lie a second time? She reasoned that her lie was too far gone to backpedal for this second answer.
“Yes, Venti, it was lovely,” she whispered.
“Good, good... I sang... like a dove, to proclaim my love,” he mumbled, his eyes growing heavy. Venti squeezed her hand tightly before drifting into a drunken sleep.
“Ehhhh?! Tone-deaf bard likes Lumine?!” Paimon exclaimed. “Hey! Venti, wake up! Are you messing with us!” Paimon poked and prodded him to no avail, as Venti was out cold. She sighed, turning to Lumine. “That bard really is a fool. There’s no way- huh? Lumine?” Upon looking at her, Paimon saw that Lumine’s face had turned a bright red, her eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.
“Wait! Do you actually like that silly bard?”
“N-no! It’s not like that! And, I mean, it’s probably not true, right? People say strange things when they’re not thinking,” she mumbled, now turning away from the bed.
“Hmm, but Paimon thinks you’re lying! Paimon sees how you look at him compared to everyone else. Oooh, Lumine’s in love~” she teased.
Lumine shot Paimon a scowl. She looked at Venti wistfully, shaking her head, “I do love him, but it doesn’t matter. He’s an archon. A protector of freedom. Love would tie him down. I would tie him down,” her voice cracked, her hand meeting her lips to cover her emerging sorrow.
“Don’t say that! Paimon doesn’t like the bard personally, but you deserve to be happy!”
“Thank you, Paimon. But please, don’t tell him. I’ll be the one to decide” she said.
Paimon sighed, “Okay, but Paimon hopes you know what you’re doing.”
“It’ll be fine,” was all Lumine said before leaving to sit by the moonlit windowsill. Alone.
By the time Venti finally came to, the sunlight shone harshly through the now opened window. He was forced to open his eyes gradually, his head spinning from the intense hangover he was now experiencing.
“Boo!” Paimon suddenly appeared in his field of vision, making him jump. “Lumine went to go get some food and supplies for our next trip, so she left Paimon to make sure the bard doesn’t do anything rash!” She crossed her arms proudly to emphasize the importance of her role.
“I see. Will she be back soon?” he muttered.
“Maybe?” Paimon didn’t sound all that confident.
Hours passed. As the sun reached its peak and began to fall, Lumine still indicated no sign of returning. By this point, both Venti and Paimon grew worried, and agreed that it was time to search for her.
“Finally! Something we agree on,” Paimon said, watching Venti scribble a quick note in case Lumine came back.
“I am her friend, and the wind is telling me there is something to amend.”
“Oh, well uh, I wouldn’t know,” Paimon answered unconvincingly.
“No matter, we should still work on finding her. At least she has her Vision set to anemo. That makes her easier to find.”
Eventually, he and Paimon found her at the shores of a nearby river, close to the outskirts of Monstadt.
“Look! There she-“
“Shh!!” Venti held a finger to Paimon’s lips, silencing her. A scowl formed on her face as she quieted down.
Using his Anemo powers, Venti focused on letting her voice travel on the wind, making it easier for her to be heard.
“...Oh Lumine, you’re such a fool. A human and an archon? One of freedom? It wouldn’t be fair. I just-“ she growled in frustration, periodically throwing stones into the rushing water.
Upon hearing this, Venti grew to realize that that occurrence last night wasn’t a dream. It was real, and she had heard the most unromantic way a bard could’ve possibly confessed their love. But he agreed, in that his affection for her did feel out of character. Were archons even allowed to have such feelings for a mere mortal? The division in their respective roles made him hesitate. Not because he thought lowly of her, but rather about their future. The thought of losing her made his stomach churn, but he tried to convince himself that it was the remnants of alcohol talking.
He approached her warily, not wanting to startle her. “Lumi? Lumi, are you alright? You didn’t return so I was getting worried.”
She turned around slowly, her shoulders shaking from trying to hold back her sobs. Venti’s heart ached from the sight of her, his saddened gaze making her cover her face in shame.
“Don’t look at me. Just- just leave, pretend you saw nothing,” she choked.
But he didn’t leave, and instead sighed before beginning to speak. “Lumine, what did I say last night?”
“You don’t... remember?”
“No, I’m sorry. But regretfully I have been listening in. I was worried of where you have been,” he explained, averting his eyes regretfully, “I said something. Something about love, yes?”
She nodded slowly, hugging herself in preparation for his rejection.
“Well, it’s true. I... I am in love with you, Lumine. I just wish I could’ve told you in a better way. Perhaps singing like a dove to express my love would’ve been much better to hear, huh?”
From that statement, Lumine suddenly stopped crying, staring at him with a look of shock. He raised an eyebrow quizzically, only more confused than before.
In the silence, Paimon added her two cents, “Oh, wow! That’s what the bard said last night too! If the rhyme was the same even when he was drunk, he must really care about Lumi!”
“Is that really true? You have feelings for me?” she asked in disbelief, reddened eyes wide with a shocked expression.
Venti nodded slowly, before taking a few steps closer to her. In response, Lumine stepped back, afraid to completely allow herself to be vulnerable in his presence.
“But why? I would take away a part of your freedom,” she argued regretfully.
He smiled, “Yes, that is true. But I’ve always envisioned Monstadt to be a city of romance and new experiences. I just never thought that there would come a day that I too would fall for someone. You’re in pain, Lumine, because you’ve bound your feelings in chains,” by the end of his statement, he found himself frowning again.
“Is it okay?”
“What is?”
“Is it okay... for me to love you?”
“Yes, it is. And it is okay for me to love you in return. This will admittedly not be easy, but I truly believe that the wind brought us together for a reason.”
This time, when he tried to approach her, she didn’t move away, instead letting him slowly step towards her shaken form. As the sun began to set over the horizon, Venti thought about how brilliantly the color reflected in her glassy eyes. It was both a stunning and heartbreaking sight, making his heart skip a beat. Soon, he grew close enough to wrap his arms around her, pulling her close against his chest. In his embrace, Lumine found comfort in how warm he was. It felt like being enveloped in a warm summer’s day. And it was then, that she finally realized that he truly loved her with all his being. Taking deep breaths, she finally closed her eyes, allotting time for them to rest.
She felt him begin to walk, still holding her close. Lumine followed his lead, trusting him enough to keep her eyes shut. Venti chose a nearby tree to rest under, guiding her down to sit with him. Awkwardly, the way she had clung to him caused her to remain in a seated position on his lap, which he admittedly didn’t mind, but it was enough to make his cheeks heat up. Still, her eyes remained closed as she nuzzled her weary face into the crook of his neck. Save for the sound of their breathing, it was quiet. Paimon had presumably left to give them some much needed space. Maybe she wasn’t so bad after all.
“Lumi, are you asleep?” he whispered.
“No, I am simply resting, dear bard,” she hummed. Her sweet voice sent a shiver down his spine, the affection in her voice making his heart skip a beat.
He wondered if she was teasing him at this point, keeping her gorgeous eyes hidden from his sight. That could be fixed. Placing a hand against her cheek, he slowly lifted her face, brushing his thumb against her smooth skin. This time it was Lumine’s turn to shiver, the roughness of his calloused fingertips feeling foreign to her. He smiled to himself, before leaning in to plant a soft kiss against her perfect lips. In his shyness, he only lasted for but a brief moment before pulling away. But he got what he wanted, as the kiss had finally tempted her into revealing her eyes once more. She offered a gentle smile in return, combing a strand of hair behind her ear. Playfully, she leaned her body closer against his, blessing him with a kiss of her own. The feeling sent sparks flying in his head, his hands moving away from her face to run through her choppy hair. He felt her hands move to rest against his chest, lightly gripping his shirt to maintain balance. The two only pulled apart when Lumine finally had to pause for air, gasping for breath. Venti planted a final kiss on her forehead before tilted her face towards his gaze. The prominent circles under her eyes made him frown.
Summoning his lyre, Venti strummed it thoughtfully, playing a gentle score. With it, accompanied his voice, now expressed in the form of a soft lullaby. As he sang, he felt her head lean against his chest, her breathing growing slower with each note. By the end of his song, Lumine was already fast asleep, still holding onto him tightly. Her serene expression made him smile softly, “Off to the land of nod I see. Goodnight my friend... my love.”
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whitherliliesbloom · 3 years
all like magic to my riddled heart
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[ ffxivwrite2021 ] ★ [ masterlist ] ★ [ prompt #29 - debonair ]
[ alphinaud/wol ] ★ [ 2,415 words ]  ★ [ post-canon ]
very very indulgent domestic fic. mentions the scions and laurelis.
debonair- attractive, confident, and carefully dressed (especially men)
on the occasion that alphinaud feels confident enough to perfectly exude his charm, illya never fails to be swept off her feet.
A waft of lavender and a tone of warm spring flowers, a dimly lit entrance way with flickering flames from wax candles welcoming her home. She hears the orchestrion in the living room playing a soothing harmony of an Ishgardian ballad from a distance, as the sounds of piano and violin mingle like a euphony in her ears. It’s not exactly the sight, sound and scent she’d expected coming home from a particularly taxing mission at Raincatcher Gully.
Her hair is soaked from the evening rain, silken white strands plastered to the sides of her face and neck. Her long white robe feels heavy and cold, soaked from the weight of the storm against her fair goosebump riddled skin, and yet her face feels oh so warm as she looks up with bewildered, shimmering violet eyes at the man in front of her, dressed in his smart boulevardier’s shirt that was tucked into a tan dress pants. 
And with the allure of his brilliantly confident smile as he kneels down and places a soft, mariner cotton towel over her head to dry her head of stray droplets of the rain, the warrior of light could not help but to feel utterly grubby and repulsive in comparison.
“Welcome home, darling.” Her husband greets her, his voice low and silky smooth like the finest white wine, and the young woman could only stammer like a fool as she sets her travel pack on the floor next to the neatly arranged shoe rack. 
“T-thank you- I’m home.” 
This isn’t the first time Alphinaud has welcomed her at the door- nor is it even the first he has attempted to surprise her with some manner. But an Alphinaud who was completely within his element, confident and exuding in unparalleled charisma was something she only occasionally bore witness to- and most of the time that energy of his was directed towards negotiation tables and mixed in with a seriousness that was completely absent from him now.
She’s seen all sides of him - as he has seen all sides of her, both the best of themselves and also the worst. She thought she knew Alphinaud inside out by now, having known him for what feels like her entire life now, because he certainly knew her better than she even knew herself. 
But as Krile had once eloquently said, giggling with mischief as she and Alisaie ganged up in an effort to embarrass him at his own wedding reception, Alphinaud is ever full of surprises.
Her first surprise out of many for the night would come when she feels his arms wrap around the back of her thighs, picking the lalafellin up against his chest effortlessly as he rises up and begins taking light, careful strides towards the bathroom on the first floor.
“W-wait! Alphy, your clothes!” Illya struggles against his grip, grimacing at the way the fabric of his shirt was beginning to darken at the moisture from her own. “You’re going to get dirty!”
“It’s alright, Liya.” He reassures, his head tilting to press his lips against the side of her head and eliciting a surprised squeak from his wife. “I can clean myself up later. It’s far more imperative now for you to get washed up.”
With lips pressed tightly into a thin line as she holds back anymore words of protest, she finally leans into Alphinaud’s embrace until she hears the door to the bathroom being opened. 
There’s violet blue candles lit in the bathroom as well, some scattered about the sides of the bathtub and some lined up in front of the mirror by the sink, along with a pair of her favorite white crescent moon slippers and her nightgown neatly folded and waiting to worn upon their white console table. Illya could only wonder in silent anticipation just how much the man has prepared.
He sets her down upon the edge of the bathtub, about to bend down to help remove the girl’s combat boots when Illya quickly shakes her legs off his grip with a frantic wave of her arm.
“I-It’s okay! I can do this myself!”
Something flickers in Alphinaud’s navy blue eyes, a feigned sadness that almost has her caving in to him.
“Are you sure?”
“Y-yes! Positive!” 
Finally sighing softly in relief as she watches the man get up with a soft smile and a nod, her shoulders slump lightly when he moves to the door and turns to look back at her for a moment.
“Then, I’ll check on dinner while you get cleaned.”
Dinner? Dinner?? Alphinaud prepared dinner?
Illya was not even afforded enough time to process what she’d just heard until she hears the bathroom door lightly click close, and for several, painfully long seconds her eyes could only stare forward into space, head filled with a mixture of whirling confusion and hot air that quickly spreads to the surface of her cheeks.
What has gotten into Alphinaud? Was it an anniversary of some sorts that she forgot? It’s very unlikely, given her (usually) impressive memory, especially when it came to remembering important dates. If she could memorize entire elemental charts and a textbook about advanced aetherology that she read many years ago, then surely she’d remember significant dates that related to her most beloved.
Their eternal bond anniversary won’t come for at least another half a year, and the day of their meeting had just passed a few weeks ago, celebrated with a splendid picnic dinner under the stars in Costa del Sol, listening to the sound of the waves upon the sand and distant howls of the ocean wind as they reminisced about unforgotten pasts. 
And as far as Illya could remember Alphinaud hasn’t acted any differently the days prior to this one... if only because he seemed a lot more busy with his own work than usual so much that she rarely got to even see him - something about visitors from Old Sharlayan needing help with a new research project related to arcane invocations, something that he specialized in. 
It suddenly clicks in her head now, his insistence that he didn’t require her help and his prolonged absence from home - he must have planned and prepared to surprise her all along.
The question then remained of why.. and it was unfortunately a question she could not answer on her own.
Her head is churning with flaring curiosity, even as she’d stepped into the bath and began to wash herself free of the sticky rainwater, mud and dirt upon her skin and allows herself to relax just a little as the fragrance of the plum blossom scented soap wafts into the air. 
Illya takes her time drying her hair, soft and fluffy as a morning cloud as she stood upon her lalafellin stool to stare into the mirror. Her hands move in deliberate strokes, dabbing moisture off the silken pure white strands with the towel before running her fingers through mild tangles. 
Perhaps she felt the urge to be more attentive of her own appearance knowing Alphinaud’s own well groomed self this evening, and she takes a particularly long while combing through her hair until it finally cascades down past her shoulders and hips flawlessly like a glowing wedding veil. 
The air against the skin of her bare arms as she opens the door of the bathroom feels cool and comforting, and it doesn’t take long for her husband to hear her coming out, as he peeks around the corner of the hallway and lets out a warm smile. 
“Ah, you’re done. And looking as beautiful as ever, I see.” 
He’s going above and beyond tonight, Illya thinks to herself in mild amusement and fluster. She doesn’t resist this time when the man approaches her and picks her up from the floor. 
“Dinner is almost ready. The dumplings just need a little longer.”
Oh right- dinner- 
Not only did Alphinaud prepare dinner, but he also prepared dumplings? Illya could barely contain her expression of utter surprise as she widens her eyes, wrapping her arms around his neck and fiddling with his ponytail. 
“You...you learned how to make dumplings?”
“I got a copy of your mother’s recipe for crystal shrimp and asked Tataru for assistance with learning it.” Alphinaud’s voice is laced with clear pride, as the corners of his lips curl upwards so far that it’d almost split his face in two. “I wouldn’t dare claim to be on par with a mothers’ cooking... but I’d like to think you’ll be pleased with my efforts nonetheless.”
Illya hasn’t even tasted his food yet and she’s already thoroughly impressed, and also a tad more bewildered than before now at the sheer lengths he’s gone.
Of course, she was fully aware of his previous endeavors in the culinary arts, and the scions would vouch for his efforts by bringing up testimonies of their taste buds being used as guinea pigs for his many, many cooking attempts - some more pleasant for them to stomach than others... Y’shtola in particularly even called the pastries he baked even more dire than the dreaded archon loaf, and that comparison was something a professional chef like Illya could not even begin to fathom. 
Alphinaud was a perfectionist - sometimes almost to a fault... So if he was so confident as to be making a full course dinner for her now meant that he must have gained the approval of the others.
How many days and how many nights had he labored away to practice all for her sake? To even imagine it causes Illya’s cheeks to flare up in a bright red color. 
She doesn’t even realize he’s sat them down upon the couch until she feels him move her legs to rest against his lap and he picks one of them up, causing her to involuntarily lean back onto the cushion as she rests her hands against her sides for support.
“A-alphy?? What are you-?”
“You must be exhausted from today. Why don’t I give your feet a massage?”
The fact Illya’s head hadn’t just imploded then and there on the spot was something of a miracle... though it did not stop the rush of blood pumping through her veins as her heart rapidly increases in its pace, pounding deafeningly loud within her chest. 
“Bu bu bu!! Bu xing!! Ni- Wei-” 
Her husband merely smirks, watching her fluster cause her to devolve back into her mother tongue. 
“Please, allow me to do this for you.”
With a light press of his fingers against her feet as he began kneading at the hidden knots of the muscles in her ankle and soles, Illya watched dumbfounded, relaxed yet tensed in her shoulders, unable to shake off the heat that was begin to fill her head. 
Alphinaud’s charm is dangerous - far too much so... And if he’d endeavored to completely rid her of all her composure, it’s clearly working - almost.
“Alphinaud!” The lalafellin calls his name in full, which causes the man to pause in his movements, and she feels his hands tense just slightly.
“Is something wrong, my love?” A good half of his earlier suave fades in place of genuine concern and a softened gaze in his expression, and the gentleness of his deep blue eyes allows her to finally relax.
Seizing this heaven sent opportunity, the woman leans forward, her hands raising up to cup the sides of his cheeks, and with a faked confident smirk, she whispers in a hushed tone. 
“Alisaie showed me a copy of your final thesis from the Studium.”
Instantly, color drains from the young man’s face, and the calm collected confidence he’d carried in his posture and face dissipates into an unexpected fluster of his own, as he pulls back abruptly and his voice raises in pitch.
“W-what??? But- that-” He’s stuttering, fingers loosening their hold as she finally frees her legs and lowers it over his lap. “A-ahem... but what does that have to do with anything now?? I-I mean.. if you want to tease me about it, that’s fine but-”
“It doesn’t.” With an apologetic and gentle smile, she raises her hand up to softly brush against his face. “And I was lying about that, I’m sorry.”
“Oh thank the twelve-”
Alphinaud’s shoulders droop down in relief and his head bows, a heavy exhale leaving his parted lips. Illya cannot help but to let out a soft, melodic giggle that catches the man’s attention to finally lift his head up to look at her again.
“But why did you...?”
“I feared a casanova took over the body of my husband.” Illya laughs quietly, “I was just making sure it really was you.”
“Does that sort of charm not suit me, then? You told Laurelis that you liked it when I’m confident.” 
Ah- So that’s why... 
The revelation that her husband had overheard her speaking of him to her best friend darkens the already blistering hot blush over her cheeks and ear, but not as much as the idea that the reason he’d spontaneously decided to surprise her in this manner was because of a misunderstanding over what he heard.
Well, not entirely. The confidence Alphinaud carried that she’d mentioned to Laurelis was of a different sort - of a man who worked tirelessly towards his ideals and would not give up his dreams no matter who would aim to persuade him to. Of the man that she grew so enamored to for his undying devotion towards his goals and towards serving and protecting others. For all he has endured and all that he continues to uphold even with all that he has suffered through in life.
Where others would see a naive, idle dreamer, she saw in him someone who was capable of so much - and if anybody in the world would be able to make his far reaching dreams a reality, it’d be Alphinaud. 
That was the confident Alphinaud Illya fell in love with.
Though, she admits begrudgingly, with a light sheepish shift of her leg beneath the hem of her gown and a tilt of her head to avert her eyes from his own, that this debonair side of Alphinaud was very much welcome as well.
“No, no. It suits you very well.” With an embarrassed pout, Illya lifts her left leg slightly into the air for him to hold, leaning back onto the palms of her hands once more. “I like it. Very much.”
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