baiika · 1 year
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//I don't really get why so much of fanon incorporates like... ascension & godhood to Sousuke's zanpakutou. Like the entire thing is about trickery. So I'm going to dump my headcanon on it here!
I cannot impress this strongly enough; Sousuke is a depraved human being & his zanpakutou is a reflection of it. Topics of narcissistic abuse, homicide, violence, & surrealism are explored in depth. Reader discretion is advised.
Sousuke's inner world is a wetland rife with cranes. In the center is a Torii gate rotated forty-five degrees counter-clockwise & suspended midair. It's a representation of his zanpakutou turning everything topsy-turvy via illusions. The imagery is deliberately simple because, in reality, Sousuke is simple to understand.
Kyouka Suigetsu as the entity is an animated kimono. The kimono itself is red & painted with cranes in a wetland. Her "head" is a black orb with a purple eye in the center. It seemingly turns to meet Sousuke's gaze no matter how he's positioned relative to her. For instance, he can be behind her, but the the orb will seem to be staring at him forefront.
Sousuke only needed to complete one task to obtain his zanpakutou, but because he's an asshole & a moron, it took a whopping six attempts!
First attempt: Kyouka Suigetsu presents herself to Sousuke after he coerces a classmate into having anal sex with him. Kyouka tells Sousuke the reason she presented herself is because he's a mighty warrior. Really, she just likes when people are in pain. Kyouka Suigetsu tells Sousuke that if he cuts off & eats his toe, she'll give him her powers. It takes two hours for Sousuke to get the nerve to cut off his little toe & eat it. Kyouka Suigetsu didn't want his little toe eaten, though, she wanted his big toe, but she didn't tell him that, & chastises Sousuke for being a coward. Sousuke argues he did as she wanted but Kyouka tells him that she refuses to give him so much as her release command until he proves himself fit.
Second attempt: Sousuke envies the attention his classmates are giving a handsome upperclassman after they obtain their shikai, so Sousuke seeks out Kyouka Suigetsu through meditation. Kyouka Suigetsu offers to give Sousuke her release command if he reopens the stump of his little toe & brings her one hundred freshly-excised human tongues while it free bleeds. Sousuke agrees. He enlists a peer, whose family is a retainer of the Shihouin, for reconnaissance. This classmate gives Sousuke the location of a militia holdout if Sousuke agrees to give them the credit for the assassination. Sousuke, only needing the tongues, agree. They kill the militia & Sousuke offers Kyouka Suigetsu their tongues. Sousuke is then given the release command of his zanpakutou.
Third attempt: Kyouka Suigetsu asks Sousuke to drive someone to kill themselves to be given her name. Sousuke spectacularly fails this task. Kyouka Suigetsu chastises him for being stupid. This prompts Sousuke to attack Kyouka Suigetsu. He is swarmed by cranes & his liver is eaten.
Fourth attempt: Sousuke is revived in his inner world & chastised by Kyouka Suigetsu for attacking her. Kyouka Suigetsu offers an avenue for forgiveness. If he captures one of the cranes & gives it to her, all will be forgiven, & they can resume as normal. The cranes of Sousuke's inner world are unusual. When he touches them, it's like dipping his hands into a pool of water, but they can touch him perfectly fine, which means they can easily hurt him. Sousuke tries leading one to Kyouka Suigetsu, but they leave as soon as they're close enough to her. Sousuke eventually figures out he can craft a net out of the grasses & brings Kyouka Suigetsu a crane. In the net, the crane's wings are broken & its feathers ripped off it. Kyouka Suigetsu agrees to keep going with training.
Fifth attempt: Sousuke must isolate himself in the mountains. This is cleared with the academy once Sousuke explains its purpose. Sousuke is guided to the perfect place by Kyouka Suigetsu, which is a waterfall & large lake hidden by greenery. He is told to strip naked & meditate under the waterfall & that he must not move, no matter what. The only thing he can do is open and close his eyes. The first two days are uneventful, but then Kyouka Suigetsu sics illusions on him, were the cranes are eating his liver and lungs, dreams where he's being sodomized by black hair, among other disturbing images. He manages to go a month without moving & Kyouka Suigetsu gives him the gives him the first part of her name.
Sixth attempt: Sousuke returns to the academy & is met by his classmate who helped him acquire the tongues. They make friends after sharing progress with their zanpakutou. The classmate tells Sousuke that their zanpakutou is being uncooperative & Sousuke says his zanpakutou is being demanding. They then bond over violence & exploitation of women. Kyouka Suigetsu demands Sousuke kill his classmate for the second part of her name. Sousuke wants to refuse, & then remembers the cranes attacking him, so he knows he cannot decline. Sousuke & his classmate go drinking together & after his classmate is blackout drunk, Sousuke strangles him. Kyouka Suigetsu explains that something so simple won't appease her, despite not being specific about her instructions. She tells Sousuke she'll give him the rest of her name once he decapitates his friend. Sousuke decapitates his classmate. Kyouka Suigetsu takes the head & gives Sousuke the rest of her name.
Sousuke obtains shikai after this. Kyouka Suigetsu enlists him in forty-two more trials, which are significantly less gruesome & far easier to accomplish, to master her power over the next two years. 
Sousuke alleges that he & his zanpakutou are on good terms, but in reality, Sousuke loathes Kyouka Suigetsu. Not because of the pain she inflicted on him, but because she treats him the same as he treats other people, as objects for pleasure, which embitters him. He's also displeased that a woman subjugates him.
I've been debating whether or not to detail Sousuke's bankai & its obtainment for awhile since it's something I wanna do in character, but I doubt I'll have to opportunity to, so I've decided to detail it anyway.
Kyouka Suigetsu offers to give Sousuke bankai after he sees what the Soul King really is. I will post more on that & how it shaped him as a person another time. However, it's the time Kyouka Suigetsu offers Sousuke bankai.
As is typical of Kyouka Suigetsu, Sousuke must pass a trial in order to obtain bankai. The trial is a three-day endurance test where Sousuke must maintain a massive illusory field while Kyouka sics cranes on him. It's hilarious.
Kagami Emon (mirror costume) shatters his zanpakutou. The shards resemble mirror shards & embed themselves into his skin. The shards on his head & shoulders stand taller, resembling shoulder adornments & a crown. It stands to reason their mass increases since there's not enough material in a sword to cover his entire body. The shards are still sharp & make him bleed.
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cak31ssuperi04 · 2 months
uve prolly gotten this before but y ship the blondie and oreoy,,,, curious
Is this about Izuchi and Sagara??
For what little we see of it I like their potential dynamic. They're so particularly annoyed by each other. I like that most of Izuchi's presence in the story shows him as a hyper-smart prodigy who thinks he's better than everyone, only for him to get lame and pathetic in Sagara's 3rd event because the competent bonafide genius is weak to the Weird Anime Kid. She's able to bring him to her level and cracking through his ego, which is maybe more fragile than he lets on. He's stubborn and likes challenges, and she wants her unhinged mad scientist antagonist-figure to clash with. He acts like he's above the petty rivalry but folds after one childish insult. If that's all it took, and if Nanashi had to get between them this time, I 100% think this happens regularly and has escalated before. They're silly.
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They're both jaded teens who have an inflated sense of self-confidence. They do what they want without regard for what people think(though I will draw the distinction between how she's just kind of annoying and he's actually harmful) and end up detached from them without much of a drive to change that, but they take it in different directions, with Izuchi being pragmatic and serious and Sagara being a chuuni who's easygoing and kind of making it up as she goes along a lot of the time. He's arrogant and will wrong others to further his research but can be capable of and willing to help others(re. Meru's event). She ultimately means well and is a nice person but will casually threaten strangers and target people because she thinks they're weird(her dialogue regarding him as an organization member indicates that she doesn't seem to actually know about any of the legitimately shady shit he does and just messes with him because the genius schtick is bizarre. Again, Kind Of A Bully Maybe is really not on the level of Human Experimentation but then the game doesn't treat that very seriously either. And also Sagara's still capable of knocking him on his ass)
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It definitely would take some sort of development for them to come to like each other or for romance to come into question, but I think it could be fun. They'd challenge eachother. She'd keep his ego in check and make him see the value in things that aren't strictly logical and he'd act as a voice of reason(to an extent…) and help strike some balance between reality/fantasy, but they still wouldn't really care about what people think. Menaces always.
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nightwonder7 · 4 months
So I found your account recently, and I've been obsessed with your IDV comics (I love them, they're probably my favorite ones I've ever seen). I totally forgot about tumblr's archive function though, so I would furiously scrol down your page to look at your older comics. BUT! As a result, I saw your post from like 4 months ago about how you imagine everyone just hanging out in the manor purgatory.
And I just wanted to say, I had almost the exact same HC??? Down to similar relationships between the final game group? Seeing someone with the same HC was just like "damn. Good taste".
The only main difference is rather than Norton and Alice having a strained relationship, I imagined Alice hallucinating Fool's Gold that one time is why hunter Norton looks like that, and it's secretly because she thinks he's hot...
Anyways I don't really know where I was going with this but I was just happy to see that not only someone was making great content I enjoy, but they shared a similar HC with me :>
HHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh 0///////0 I'm so happy to hear that you like my comics! ;w; They've been a lot fun to make, and I've learned so much from the practice! And oh gosh, it's crazy to hear that we have similar headcanons too! I base most of my comics on this eternal manor purgatory AU, cause it gives lots of interaction opportunities. I love interactions! It's probably the case for most artists in this fandom as well. It's kinda strange for me sometimes to think that I use the AU more than the canon timeline itself.
...Okay I'll admit, I actually find the idea that Fool's Gold's image came to be because of Alice thinking Norton is good-looking kinda funny. I couldn't resist fgdhsjfdhj
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I also had a more angsty version of this in my head, but that'll be for another time =P
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kaivenom · 16 days
Hi! I love the way you write characters sm! I wanted to ask if you could do some sfw and nsfw headcanons for mihawk ❤️ (thusis my first request ever so i have NO idea how to make one 😩)
Dating Dracule Mihawk HCS
A/N: Well, thanks for the compliment and for letting me be your first request. Here are your headcannonns (i think it got long, i really like this man)
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I think the reason you both met is becuase an argument: with you and other people or with him and you, physical or ethical it doesn't matter.
The thing is that your spirit makes him seem you worthy for a chat.
That chat transformed in ocasional meet ups and then in exchanging den den mushis.
If you confess first, he will just nod and kiss you slowly and gently.
If he confesses first, he will try to do it like the old way: setting up a date, buying flowers and/or chocolate and ask you formaly.
But that would take sometime cause he knows he is a wanted men, even if he is powerfull he knows that life isn't for everyone.
It doesn't matter if you are a pirate, a marine or just a simple villager, at first your relationship will be long distance.
He will ask you to move in with him eventually, because he travels a lot and plus he lives in a castle (i have a whole post about him asking you to move on, check it out) so, after staying multiple times at your places, he decides that you should be in his.
He is a very loyal and capable lover, he knows you like the palm of his hand, somehow.
He may not be the biggest on comunication but he is an excelent listener, even if you didn't think of it at first. Something you said months ago, check, a gift you wanted and you even forgot, check.
He is a big yes on gifts and little details, he lefts them all over the castle for you to find.
He loves your noise, i mean, he is a very silent and calm person but you bring a whole new world to him and that makes him love you, even if he didn't join you in your noise he likes to watch it.
He won't be a lot into iniciating PDA but he won't complain if you do it. In fact, you were nervous at first about him not iniciating it but when you learned that, you just sit on his lap and hug him while he lays his hand on your back.
His kisses aren't savage or animalistic, they are more studied and deep. If he kisses you one time in a heated moment, he will leave you breathless, like he has kissed your soul.
Things with Mihawk take time and comunication, even if it's non-verbal comunication, but it's completely worth it.
His favourite nicknames for you while probably be just to formal or traditional: my love, my partner, my pair, my husband/wife. He is a man of manners, but a little possesive too.
Speaking of jealousy, he says he isn't, he says that you are a grown adult and you can do what you want. But in reality, he can get a little frustated, speacially if it's Buggy or Crocodile.
Crocodile is as cold as him but it's a little more sarcastic and Buggy it's "noisy" so you laugh a lot with him, and that makes him a little mad because you don't laugh like that with him.
You say to him "it doesn't matter, i prefer the silence with you" and he just wants to marry you right there.
Marriage it's just something that doesn't cross his mind a lot. You are his partner and you are happy with him, you both live in a castle, etc but,
If you value marriage he will propose to you. The ring, the ceremony and all the honey moon stuff, but when you came back everything will be the same.
Except that you are now officially his partner and if you are happy with that then he is.
From time to time you try to make him laugh with bad jokes, you even started to research about every kind of humour and started doing experiments... at the end he laughed about some stupid thing his discipule Zoro did with his crew.
You just love his laugh so you are always present when he is reading the news from that moment.
He isn't very comunicative thru words and getting to know his likes with his body language it's really difficult.
So, you are very nervous about getting intimate with him, you don't know if he is even interested in that.
One day he just sees you getting lost on your thoughts and asks you about it, you tell him about your concerns about it and he just say "hum".
You couldn't believe how he was so bold about it, and you got even a little mad.
Then, a couple of hours later you were doing some dishes and he approached you from behind. His hands roaming your body and his mouth leaving wet kisses on your neck. You were really flustered and he just pressed himself against you, with his hard on.
Since that moment, you started to get more and more the little details which demostrate his need for you.
His eyes darkening in a strange way, like when he goes into battle, it makes your skin get goosebumps; his touches staying a little longer or a little tougher on you; his abruptly necesity to have you next to him all afternoon; how he spreads his legs instead of keeping his perfect pose.
He doesn't do any sound in bed at first. One day you had to aproach him about it and then he started to make some noise... mostly grunts, groans and gasps.
Like i mentioned on the top, his kisses are deep, all his afection his deep.
Make up sessions with him makes you breathless, he couldn't kiss you as much as past lovers but the sensation it's the triple.
You swear you can just come with his touches and kisses. Picture yourself with your face pressed against a wall while he kisses your neck with intensity and dry humps you with his fingers pressing into your erogenous areas with precision.
Definitely an ass men, he will make you walk in front of him sometimes just to check you ass. *with respect*
In fact, your ass is the only thing that makes him a pervert. He will come home from a long journey and just lay on the bed placing his head on your ass... which can later lead to other things.
I think he is a grower and that means you were surprised the first time you both do the deed, but being so good with his fingers and mouth makes him good with his dick too.
In reality he prefers to pleasure you with his tongue and hands than his dick. I picture him seeing sex as a form for people to use each other. He knows he can be a men a little difficult so he wants to pleasure you as much as he can with making you feel validated.
Sir or Mister kink, Dom/sub dinamics, a little sword and blood kink (never hurting you in reality) and even a little roleplay but never degradation or humilliating kink.
He likes to see your face and expresion so missionary, cowgirl or any other position with your eyes meeting is good for him.
He says he likes the bedroom but he is the owner of a whole island sooo he may sometimes just have a slip and take things out of the chambers (until Perona came)
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nukanobody · 4 months
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Funny Familiarity
For context: I posted a head-canon a few days ago, on how Danse actually ended up in the brotherhood of steel as a synth despite not being sent as a spy but instead is listed as "missing". It's probable he ran away from the institute where the railroad helped him escape, with Deacon knowing about the case.
I'm so obsessed with this idea now so read below for any thoughts or further hc's i had when making this. Or ask me anything about this hc i am going cray cray. sorry if this is ooc i'm bad at characters.
ty to @ericadrawsstuff for your addon btw!! it fueled me to draw this haha
For Danse, I don't believe he was a courser but maybe a failed experimental synth/synth meant for manual labor? The institute would probably be in a panic if a courser with a courser chip went awol, they'd probably take notice if the same missing courser became the poster boy of the people whose trying to destroy them.
Danse stayed in the railroad for a bit, like maybe 5 months? Formed a somewhat close bond with Deacon who was "Debbie" at the time.
Deacon loves collecting sunglasses, was toying with the idea of being a woman when he found novelty heart sunglasses. I see him as identifying as male but really flexible when it comes to presenting himself.
Obsessed with the idea that despite being reset/memories wiped synths may carry flaws or mannerisms. In Danse's case his fierce loyalty and self sacrifice are his major flaws, pre-wipe he didn't want to be a danger to the railroad and felt he needed to be wiped, post-blind betrayal he felt like he was a danger to the brotherhood and needed to be killed.
Deacon's a good liar sometimes, but in the cases where Danse says something against synths his hands clench and has to lean on a wall to catch his breath while the sides of him fight in his head. The first side is the railroad agent who has huge empathy for M7-97 and knows that if his identity is revealed it'll absolutely ruin him and get maimed by the brotherhood, the other side of him is absolutely disgusted by Danse and wants to put him in his place, the 3rd just thinks it'll be funny.
I depicted Nora as how I'd imagine she'd be. A woman from a pre-war era being dropped in a wasteland, it's kind of a culture shock for her and she has a savior complex, she assumes that everyone just needs to sit down and talk. Her main goal is to somehow "unite" the commonwealth, she's joined all the factions and some of her companions are kind of peeved about it. In the comic she introduced Deacon to Danse thinking they could have a civil conversation where Deacon could steer him to a better mindset (she sees Danse as a kid who got into the wrong crowd, despite being a fully grown man)
okay jesus, this took like 3 days of non stop drawing for me to do. Whoever designed power Armour i pray for your downfall what the hell. Sorry if it looks bad i study software so I haven't gotten the chance to draw in like, 7 months. Can you tell which pose I was able to find refs for and not the rest? lol
I ship them now too, i've been researching them and I love their dynamic and damn if the plot "Person A knew Person B before Person B forgot them and became a different person" doesn't hit like a ton of bricks.
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candycorncremator · 2 months
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Unfortunately lower visual quality than I wanted be because Tumblr only allows 10 images so I smushed them into three canvases instead of two post. Anyway beta trolls Headcanon and some thoughts below the cut.
Aradia is the design I probably have the most experience drawing of the beta trolls purely because of how many zines I’ve drawn her in the last year. I like thinking of her hair similar to Pinkie Pies’ in g4 of mlp, where it’s very curly bouncy in her alive and godtiered forms but straightens out more when she’s ghosting up the place and in Aradia-bot form. I didn’t realize until a recent zine I had been drawing her horns ways too low for comic accuracy but I am a creature of habit so I keep drawing them like that.
I’ve grown to love this kid because of my recent reread but I do not like drawing them. Between the Mohawk and the long, straight horns, I don’t care to draw their most important traits so he unfortunately only gets drawn in these group drawings. As for the one ear being pierced, it’s kinda a reference to cow tags but also I think it just fits them.
Sollux a pretty easy character to design. I just have to imagine a greasy nerd kid growing up too fast for him to put on weight, add his troll bits and voila. The snake bites are definitely a hold over from the humanstuck I made for him last year but I think it just kinda add to his whole vibe. The undershirt comes from someone who also sits in a hot-ass room most of my days and will wears a second layer so leaving the room won’t feel like stepping out into a frozen wasteland.
Karkat for me has always been short and stout guy. Other than that most of his facial features are taken from me, being someone who also over exaggerates their faces and nearly always is squinting a little.
Between all my designs of Nepeta the only thing that ever changes with any consistency is her hair. Like giving her cleft lip scar because I gave it to my fan-descendent of her and it’s cute.
Like two months ago I saw a post on here saying give that girl a nose (in reference to Kanaya) and it was the single most true HC I have ever seen. I also like completely throw out any references I have of her when I draw her hair because I think she should have 1930’s waves and curls. I typically only have to draw the super simple eyes so the only thing I had to change was giving her actual eyes.
Got pretty comic accurate but probably would erase some of the chin to imply she’s fat a little better if I wasn’t doing this more rigid style.
Also pretty comic accurate with the exception of the snake bites which is probably because I don’t draw her a lot and I don’t think about her much enough looks wise to have any specific head canons.
Goodness his hair gave me a struggle, kept on looking like a balding metal head until I added the pushed back stuff. Also returned back to drawing pseudo animal ears by giving him horse ears only angle to better fit a humanoid head.
I hate their make-up but every thing else about drawing them is a dream; goat ears, not straight hair, simple horns, silly little guy. What more could I ask for.
And I’m almost done but unfortunately this doofus is next and requires the most detailed bust even in canon. Due to drawing them in this year’s 413 countdown I know how I like styling their hair and fins so I basically just chop the hair up since this is suppose to be during comic hcs and then follow their canon and Pesterquest designs with a few added features and boom. I was drawing everyone with the dark grey lips but I forgot for Eridan so I’ll just say they use concealer on their lips.
Yippee! Back to ignoring canon and just giving her the biggest eyes on account of her glasses and cute piercings. I originally based her fins off of lion fish fins but they’re definitely more based off of betta ventral fin now.
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pinkieclown · 29 days
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cant believe i forgot to post this like 2 months ago when i drew them….
my cats-sona, Jubimallow! while oopsadaizee is a cats oc, jubi is closer to “me as a jellicle cat” :3 they love to collage and paint, and love getting messy!! their best friend is @uraniummcdonaldsgarfieldmug 's oc Goggalye! our hc is that the two of them together made the beetle and mouse costumes for Gumbie Cat :D
ill probably still be mostly focusing on daizee as far as cats ocs go, but i wanted to show off my other baby hehe ❤️
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ccrisntok · 1 year
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bonus shitty ace doodle i did in ms paint like ages ago:
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and horse
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Danganronpa gay time (happy pride month)
Edit: a few of these are canonically wrong now, but these were made before any characters other than Whit (and kinda Eden) had cannon sexualities.
(ok so. this is technically a 1/2 repost bc I posted half of these images a few days ago, but i deleted the post bc i forgot tags and thought it was kinda dumb to split up the pics so. lets all hope this one goes better. Thats also why the styles a little inconstient, bc I made half of these two weeks ago and half of these yesterday.) (also Teruko was drawn was before everyone else, and in a different context, so that's why she looks so different lol.)
I am here to present to the drdt tumblr fandom: me and my friend's humble queer hcs for the drdt cast, with a few cannon exceptions. lots of bisexuals. bc i am bisexual. wild.
These took me longer to draw than you'd think. i hope you enjoy them <3
...so i didnt realize that after you put images into a post you cant move text on top of them so. and i don't wanna transfer all of the images below this so. this feels out of order. bc it is. I'm very new to tumblr can you tell.
also if anyone wants to use these as pfps i give full permission, just credit me. somewhere. and tell me you did it so i can see it and be happy :) anyway time for enough tags to give me a stroke
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chesed-enjoyer · 15 days
quick rolsed doodle post!!
"hc Roland gets flustered everytime he gets complimented on so when paired with chesed who likes to tease alot he is always a blushing mess" this was months ago i forgot to post oops
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this is my contribution to the rolsed ministry. enjoy the food. plea-
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yamayuandadu · 17 days
I realized I forgot to post my second critical evaluation of Touhou-adjacent Matarajin hot takes meant to be a followup to this ask response a few months ago. Sorry. Time to remedy that.
My current lack of enthusiasm for Okina = Hata no Kawakatsu fan material comes from a somewhat similar place as my disdain for the reddit hot takes about Okina being Okuninushi (though it is obviously less severe). However, I’ll stress that this idea actually goes back to ZUN, instead of being a weird fanon invention - Kawakatsu comes up in the interview. 
More under the cut.
ZUN calls Kawakatsu “part of her [Okina’s] true nature” (as a side note, 0 idea what the interviewer means by claiming Kawakatsu has some special connection to komainu; I guess everything at least vaguely Korean is interchangeable?). The fact he refers to Okina “a god of silkworm breeding” in her bio and the dupion spell card seem like Kawakatsu nods, too - Matarajin has nothing to do with sericulture. ZUN’s statements, and the references to the tokyo no kami episode in the game itself, led to a common fan idea that Okina is Kawakatsu outright - I’ve even seen weird theories about Okina being deified Kawakatsu. 
In reality there is no source presenting Matarajin as a deification of a real or at least legendary person; he might be a yaksha, a dakini, a “regular” Buddhist deity, even a fox (in a single relatively late source, but hey) but evidently not a deified human (the closest you can get is the speculation about Matarajin being perceived as a tengu). There is also no source directly equating Matarajin and Kawakatsu with each other save for one specific oddity. Konparu Zenchiku in Meishuku Shū identifies Kawakatsu as one of the manifestations of an universal deity he refers to as shukujin, a label which is sometimes applied to Matarajin elsewhere. However, he at no point mentions Matarajin. His disciple Zeami then went further, equating Matarajin with Daikōjin, who is in turn identified as Kawakatsu, but, once again, we are dealing with fundamentally supernatural Kawakatsu, not with the deification of a person. The references are essentially implicit, and we’re dealing with “both might be aspects of a single person’s highly personalized idea of an universal deity”, not “it’s widely agreed figure a is figure b”. For what it’s worth, much more recently Sujung Kim did suggest a network encompassing Matarajin, various Silla-related deities (like Shinra Myōjin),  the okina mask, the Hata clan and Kawakatsu specifically in her dissertation (Transcending Locality, Creating Identity: Shinra Myōjin, a Korean Deity in Japan; p. 204-205) but I haven’t really seen other authors bring this up, and she didn’t include a similar section in her subsequent Shinra Myōjin monograph if my memory serves me well. In her case it’s also not as straightforward as “Kawakatsu = Matarajin”, and crucially Shinra Myōjin, Matarajin’s actual Korean connection, is acknowledged; ZUN never brings him up and neither do any fan theories.
My other problem is that most of the Kawakatsu stuff is, frankly, boring. This is a bigger issue I have with the Asuka period Touhou aus though, tbh; nobody is adapting the stuff with immortal monks with laser eyes, immortality elixirs and Mononobe no Moriya being Devadatta, even though THAT’S the core of Shotoku legends. The equation with Kawakatsu essentially takes the complexity of Matarajin away since nobody interprets him the way Zenchiku and Zeami did, he’s consistently just a guy in Touhou hcs as far as I can tell. And that’s a bit boring. Especially when it effectively overshadows entire networks with liver-eating demons, underworld clerks, star deities, and Susanoo on top.
There’s also the question whether there is all that much Kawakatsu material to adapt in the first place. Can’t really do anything with the menreiki origin legend because it’s been done already, without Okina (I do think that was a mistake, but I doubt ZUN has even a slight idea that Okina will exist some day when he wrote Kokoro’s arc). The popular Edo period legend casting him as a reincarnation of Qin Shi Huang, while really fun, is not exactly easy to reconcile with any Matarajin background. There’s more promising material like legends considering him a manifestation of Bishamonten or Kōjin (under the name Ōsake Daimyōjin) but these require acknowledging the Matarajin connection is basically nonexistent.
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vanikolya · 2 years
Good morning, may i make a request?
Capt. Spaceboy x reader cuddling/affection headcannons.
If you're not too busy that is. Now have a great day!
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cw: none
reader info: they/them, no gendered terms used
notes: ofc!! i really should get to my other requests soon tbf but i've adopted a new post theme and im way too lazy atm to make more banners like this space boyfriend one. and you have a good day too anon! (update bc i wrote this note like several months ago: not me writing halkenna all cute and wholesome all the time as if i dont (affectionately, i love him with my whole heart) headcanon him as not actually being a great partner long term help LMAO)
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this funny little space guy is really big on physical affection so woah ur really in for a lot here
he's pretty clingy, and likes to cuddle whenever possible and whenever you're comfortable
watching a film? cuddling. playing games? cuddling. reading? cuddling.
the type of guy to hug you from behind if you're stood up doing something (like cooking etc), and to be happy for you to do the same with him
his favourite like cuddling thing though is when you're both in bed or on a couch etc and you're cuddling and talking and, that's just it, you're not doing anything else, it's just the both of you laying in each others arms having a little chat and maybe ending up taking a little nap
he especially enjoys this if he knows you've had a stressful day; of course, he loves it when he's had a stressful day and later the two of you have a little cuddle/talk/nap, but there's just something about knowing that he's doing something to help you to relax after a bad day that he really loves
in terms of general affection- i mean he literally adores it. he'll be affectionate with you like it's nothing but the moment you return it he's reacting as if you've just got down on one knee and proposed
hand holding? absolutely. literally almost whenever it's practical; walking together, going somewhere out with friends, i had more examples but i forgot how to word any of them help
i also think he'd really like giving and receiving little kisses, like specifically kisses on the cheek, forehead, back of the hand, etc, usual kisses have their benefits but there's something so wholesome and lovely to him about those other types of kisses
halkenna is also affectionate in non-physical ways, such as loving words, usually portrayed through him writing songs for you, i feel like sometimes he's just so overwhelmed by how much he loves you and all the things he wants to tell you about how much he cares and how lovely he thinks you are, and all the things he loves about you (practically everyth-) so it's a lot easier for him to sort it out in song lyrics that take more time instead of just outright telling you. i think i might have already said that in my alphabet headcanons but oh well
though sometimes he can be a little too, perhaps concerningly affectionate, remind him you need personal space sometimes pls he's not doing it on purpose. probably
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Hey! Can you do the news reporter from Metalocalypse x assistant reader plsplspls with a cherry on top? I am not the man who shall not be named. I promise /j
Dethklok minute host x assassistant!reader
RAAAAAH I'm not even taking metalocalypse requests!!!!! But just for you bookie bear <\3
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Imagine you two are already close when he gets all burned up, you helping him keep those fresh wounds clean and tidy... I mean I dont know much about burn wounds, I'll admit that, but I do know they can get nasty infections... so helo that man out!
Sometimes vents to you about them as well, as well as the contract
The contract
I saw a headcannon somewhere that the host is legally binded or whatever to the network, and cannot quit at all. The hc also stated that he wanted to leave after getting all gummed up
And honestly , I love that idea. So much. I'd tag the person but I saw this nearly two months ago and I forgot to like it I'm so mad at myself
Please let him know hes loved and has value, that whole thing above as well as the scarring has done such a number on him mentally
I think most of the time his hair feels.... jsjdjv... because of the products he uses for shows and stuff, but when its freshly washed and clean I think that it's very soft. Give him scalp massages. Trying to keep up with dethklok stuff and dig for information drives him up the wall, as well as the whole stress of the contract thing
He probably gets migraines from the stress tbh
Back and forth banter between you two between when the show is on and when it's not.. honestly I think he likes towing the line between getting caught and
.. not caught
I mean it depends on if you guys are openly in a relationship
You know
Loves hovering around your little workspace, strikes up a bunch of conversations with you
Uses his show host skills to chat up a storm and draw questions out of you to get to know you better
Sneaky bastard you probably don't even notice it yet
And now he knows your favorite flowers and hes dropped off some at your desk with a little note
Depending on when you guys get together determines on how hold he is. Pre burns hes going to be all up in your face and confident, and post burn I think he would he a smidgen less... confident.. even more so when the drooly bits start hanging from his mouth
That being said I dont think he fully reels himself back into a shell, no I think he would still push himself to put himself out to you but
You know
Anywahs I hope you enjoyed this fartboy I know who you are!!!!!!!!!
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chainsawctopus · 2 years
Do you have Asa or any part 2 character's headcanons?
I loooooove the part 2 gang, and I've posted a bunch of hcs for them on Twitter a month ago! I'll copy and paste it all here
Warning, it's mostly Yoshida because my god I'm insane about him and I apologize
-Octopi are intelligent creatures so Yoshida's contract with the octopus devil is for him to get good grades because it doesnt want to work with a dumb human
-Yoshida ONLY drinks iced coffee, he can tolerate room temp but never hot
-Yoshida really likes cold food in general
-As a kid, Asa knew running while holding scissors is bad so she never did it because she knew she'd trip with them, but in grade school she probably tripped and got hurt anyway from a nearby classmate holding scissors
-Yoshida likes lemon lime sodas because I like lemon lime sodas no other reason it's just true
-Nayuta is a selective mute, but she and Denji click so well that he immediately knows if she needs anything even if she doesnt say or sign anything
-As reckless as he is sometimes, Denji is still very good at taking care of Nayuta, he learned a lot from Aki and from taking care of all the dogs. THIS I'm quite sure is basically canon, even just from the small glimpse of them together in ch97
-If CSM took place in modern times, Yoru is SHIT at video games and Asa is average (hi, not part of the original twt thread, I just remembered that csm doesn't take place THAT long ago and that Denji and Power literally bought a video game console with... Aki's money... So yeah the modern times part was a little dumb of me, but it still applies to some of the hcs ahead)
-Denji spams buttons in fighting games and Yoshida has combos memorized, but somehow he still loses to Denji sometimes
-Yuko is better than all of them and is probably a speedrunning champion
-If all four (five w yoru) of them played games together, Denji and Asa would be at each other's throats while Yoshida and Yuko silently keep playing and win in the end
-Remember the doom & acnh thing back then? Yeah Yoru is the one buying acnh and Yuko is the one buying doom
-Yoshida is a rhythm gamer and has spent hundreds of hours on his favs, BUT HE REFUSES TO TRY OSU.
-Denji unironically likes cbat
-Yuko would secretly be one of those popular vocaloid producers that make songs with really dark themes
-Asa listens to her songs a lot without knowing it's Yuko
-Oopsie I just made a fanfic prompt by accident lol feel free to steal the idea
That's the original thread! Here's a couple more hcs I have though, mostly just lgbtq hcs:
-Yuko is nonbinary (in the same way she can't understand people, she can't understand gender roles and all that dumb shit cishets push)
-Related to that last part, Yuko is autistic! It was genuinely my first thought when I read the "I don't understand people" line in 105, I love her so dearly (also I'm also a nonbinary autistic so I'm projecting a little)
-Yoshida is gay and grey aromantic (grayromantic?? Forgot the term) (Also projecting except I'm bi instead of gay, u can tell I love projecting onto my scrimblos)
-Yukoasa are bi4les! Asa is bi but is sapphic leaning after the interaction that is ch104 JSJSKFJDJ she really thought man, men aren't worth it and just visited yuko
-Asa is transfem!! Idk I just saw the flashbacks she had and how she had short hair at one point and I was like hmm and my transfem moots agreed (That post blew up a little actually and some people genuinely thought I was weird or that I was stereotyping cause of the short hair, so I don't talk about this hc that often. I genuinely would've headcanoned her as transfem before I even saw the short hair though, I love hitting csm characters with the transification beam.)
-Speaking of, Yoshida is transmasc! He's a reincarnation of Togata from Fire Punch that was able to successfully transition (socially at least), and he binds! This is one of my fav hcs cause god I love Togata and Yoshida's eerieness in part 1 is really EXTREMELY similar to Togata, and they both have really similar features like black eyes and hair, the fringe between their eyes, the mole under their lip, AND THE WAY THEY SMILE??? I genuinely no joke think Yoshida was meant to be a nod to Togata back when Fujimoto drew him in part 1
-Back to the videogames thing, Asa would be 1st in Mario Kart then fuck up last minute right before she reaches the finish line, and she ends up in last place. My girl trips at the worst time even in video games 💀
Okaaaay brain empty now, hope you enjoyed all these hcs!!
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dragon-queen21 · 11 months
hey :) ! I saw your kuma bear agere edits a while ago when I was browsing through the kb tag and thought, “huh. That’s pretty cool” and didn’t think much of it. After some weeks, I would be thinking about it again and go to search for it. I felt strangely happy? Like, yeah, this makes sense. Yuna would probably do that cause of everything that has happened. So, now I’m asking this after pondering it for a couple months. The point of all this is: do you mind sharing some hcs you have about kuma bear? Or some edits. Anything really, it can even be about someone other than Yuna or about her relationships with anyone else. I just feel really happy when I see someone else enjoying kb and making edits and stuff. If not, thanks for posting your kb edits :). I really like them! Have a nice day ^^
dbsjbdjdbksnsi You have no idea how long I have waited for the chance to ramble about Kuma bear :D I know theoretically I could have done so at anytime without prompting but still
This ask is so dear to me you have no idea, thank you so much, this made my whole week! Anyways!
Regressor Yuna headcanons
~You can’t tell me that Yuna wouldn’t have severe trauma considering she’s been on her own for so many years and her parents genuinely just didn’t care where she was or what was happening to her.
~Yuna probably would have regressed a couple times before she got summoned to the other world but never actually knew what it meant. Probably vent regressing when she got too lonely. Maybe she researched a couple things online and found the term age regression and just brushed it off because, “well that couldn’t be me, I don’t have childhood trauma I must just be over tired.”
~Then when she meets Fina and her family and everyone else it just suddenly hits her like “oh. I had a really bad childhood huh? This is what a loving family’s supposed to be like.”
~After that she has a harder time not regressing whenever she gets back from a mission just from the overwhelming feeling of love and safety
~So Yuna gains the ability to turn Kumayuru and Kumakyuu into cubs. I forgot what she does to earn this power so I’ll instead share the idea that has been rotating around my head. She gains the power due to accepting her own regression.
~Yuna carrying around her bear cubs everywhere with her when she's small like they’re stuffed animals.
~Making childhood snacks like pudding and needing someone to tell her when regressed to stop eating desserts or she’s going to make herself sick
~The shyest little cub whenever she’s regressed. I feel like she’d trust Fina if she tried to coax Yuna out of her room but otherwise she just hides away.
~Fina doing her best to watch over Yuna when she’s small. She'd would definitely know how to look after her considering she took care of Shiri for years. And if Yuna gets really embarrassed she just tells her that it’s her way of making it up to her for all of the things she’s done. (Also Fina would probably be a regressor too but that’s for another post entirely)
~Probably made a bunch of little gear for herself but is 90% of the time too embarrassed to use it and even less so around anyone.
~Fina and Noa being very proud at being the “older siblings” whenever Yuna is small.
~Cliff is 100% father figure material for Yuna while she's small. Noa probably mentioning something about Yuna regressing and Cliff just going into protective father mode.
I have a lot more thoughts for this series (lot of found family material tbh) but I am going to cut myself off here before this post gets any longer than it already is <3
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save-the-spiral · 2 years
okay im just now getting into w101 fanfic even tho ive had an account since 2008.
holy shit did you know theres an official wizard101 fanfic page STILL HOSTED ON THEIR SITE updated as recently as 3 years ago. what the hell
your nb wizard fic where they become a prof wrenched my heart open. belladonna crisp trans headcanon is so goddamn real
cantrips. like. okay. so. let me explain this one: i just got back into the game like a month ago and cantrips BLEW MY MIND. as a kid i LOVED the spell quests where the rules of w101 were seemingly broken and spells were cast outside of battle. it always felt like early w101 "deep lore" was about the spell circles -- go into Dalea Falmea's tower with the classic textures, for example, and there's a really fascinating visual that represents all the possible points of the like... swinging compass thing. it got removed in the new texture rerelease but it's super striking! we see the spell circle ALL THE TIME and we have NO IDEA what the symbols on it mean and why and then when cantrips were introduced and we can just. DO ANY MAGIC ANYWHERE?????? that blew my mind is there fanfic with cantrips or that examines spell circles (more spell circle headcanons: the only reason such a young wizard is allowed to fight monsters is because the spell circle stops these beasts from tearing them limb from limb, instead forcing them to fight thru the magical proxies of cards. another hc: being sent back to a world's hub when you run out of HP is the spell circle activating a failsafe for you.) (be interesting to see a p101 fic which deals w the pirate like. PERSONALLY SMACKING PEOPLE AROUND vs the wizard w their protective magics... that always interested me) but yeah! cantrips, archmastery, all the Weird Edge-case Lore
wizard101 fanfic is so real im gonna post a homestuck crossover soon
HI <- saw this ask and forgot to respond/post it!
I've never actually checked out the official fanfic page!
unfortunately i have memory issues so i cant remember if/when i wrote this fic but based if i did
I Also Love The Edgecase lore and the stuff abt the like, constraints of the game. which i know you can easily bypass in fanfic (like saying the pet snacks are objects, not cards, etc) but its FUN to work with a unique and interesting system already implemented in the game as the structure of this universe. Also YEAH . pirate101 fics are so different bc when i write them i haven't really written any with gunslingers so its all Up Close and personal fighting (i have a pirate101 tag i think you can look through for that, also one extended fic on my Ao3 for it)
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taruchinator · 1 year
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🎉 General Audiences
🎉 1.9k Words
🎉 For the @twewysecretsanta event!
Shibuya was hosting its very first Pride Parade, and it was doing so in style!
With his feelings affirmed and orientation determined thanks to his sister, Beat had decided to join the group today on a personal mission.
Finding out if Neku was interested in guys.
A little something I forgot to post for my giftee Eddie on the @twewysecretsanta spring edition!
I decided to incorporate the theme of Pride for obvious reasons, plus I thought the prompt was vague enough to have enough wiggle room for something like this. Also love giving my HCs for character's sexualities!
Hope you all like it! 💗
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“Damn, dawg. They really went all out on this, huh?”
“You can say that again.”
The duo of legendary players stared in awe at the display around them, taking in their surroundings as they walked side by side down the street.
Everything seemed to have been passed over a giant paintbrush, bringing out all colors of the rainbow in various forms— posters and banners on lamp posts, food stalls by the usual restaurants now serving strangely colorful samples, not to mention the large groups of people wearing clothing that sported all sorts of logos that Beat had only recently learned the names of.
Shibuya was hosting its very first Pride Parade, and it was doing so in style.
Some months after saving the city and returning to their regular lives in the RG, the Reaper's Game survivors had been hanging out as often as they could, catching up on the time that'd been lost. This also included their new friend group of The Wicked Twisters, which brought a new meaning of chaos to their everyday life whenever they spent time together.
And on one such occasion, Fret had almost instantly jumped out of his seat in excitement as he waved his phone around for everyone to see. It was an advertisement for the Pride Parade that was planned to be hosted the first weekend of June, and the brunet was quick to try and convince his friends to have them all go together.
It didn't take long for most people to agree.
Including none other than Beat himself.
As part of getting back into the rhythm of things, the blond started going through different aspects of his life that he'd never considered before. School, self-care and even relationships, with this last one being of particular interest.
Beat had never dated before. Not because he didn't find people attractive, but mostly because at the time of his teenage years he was more focused on taking care of Rhyme. And later, fell into the death game that consumed him for the following three years.
It wasn't until recently that he started contemplating his love life. Or rather, lack thereof.
“So, Rindo says that Fret and Shoka wanted to check a shop by Spain Hill on their way over…” Neku slows his pace as he looks at the group message on his phone. He then turns to Beat with a soft smile and nods ahead of them. “I say it's safe to say we can start without them. It might be a while.”
The blond could feel a flush going through his cheeks at the expression. He hated how that smile rendered him speechless. “F-Fo' sho! Can get some food fo' the others while we at it!”
With a nod of agreement from the redhead, the duo resumed their walking through the streets, and Beat could only sigh to himself with sweaty palms against his pants.
His crush on Neku had come to a surprise to him, and was something he'd only accepted about a month ago.
In preparation for attending the parade, Rhyme explained to him the meaning behind the different flags of gender identities and sexualities that he wasn't aware of. Of course they couldn't cover everything since there were just so many, but there was a particular one that stuck with him while scrolling through the website his sister and him were at.
Pansexual— the attraction towards all people regardless of their gender identity.
Beat felt like this definition encompassed him the best, since he truly didn't care for things such as gender and simply found people to be either attractive or not. But most of all, he came to the realization that he cared mostly for someone's personality and traits rather than anything else.
And his mind instantly drifted towards the boy he'd been searching for so long in the UG.
The skater boy would've never considered Neku as a potential romantic partner in the past— he was selfish, arrogant, closed off from the world, and overall only cared about himself. If anything, who would even want to date someone like that?
But that was before he got to know the real Neku Sakuraba. The guy who was loyal to the bitter end. The guy who would never give up on you even if you gave up on yourself. The guy who was now probably the nicest person Beat had ever met in his life.
And so with his feelings affirmed and orientation determined, Beat had decided to join the group today on a personal mission.
Finding out if Neku was interested in guys.
If the redhead was anything like him, he probably never stopped to consider his sexuality before. For all Beat knew, the other could be as straight as a ruler. He did care an awful lot for Shiki during their time in the game and wanted to do everything in his power to save her. Anyone on the outside looking in would rightfully assume that the two were an item.
Of course, their friends knew this wasn't the case. But that didn't stop the possibility from being there.
This parade was the perfect way to ease into the conversation without it coming out of nowhere. He'd hoped he could slide the question in while they were all looking at the stands with the rest of the group, but now with it just being the two of them, his previous confidence was starting to dwindle.
“How do ya even ask this sorta stuff, man?” Beat began fiddling with the hem of his hoodie while trying to come up with a new plan. He couldn't just outright ask, since Neku would definitely find it suspicious. But with no one there to support him, he wasn't sure where to begin.
He was never a ‘touchy feely’ kind of guy to begin with.
“Hey Beat! Check it out!” Neku's voice resonated against his ears bringing him back to reality, only to find that they'd somehow walked all the way to O-East without him even noticing.
His companion was standing over a particular stall filled to the brim with what appeared to be pins. The salesperson behind the counter merely smiled. “Welcome! Please, feel free to take a look! We also offer discounts the more you buy!”
Beat walked over to take a closer look, and was pleasantly surprised at what was staring back at him.
These were indeed pins, but nothing like the ones they were used to back in the Reaper's Game. They seemed more like badges that one could place on their clothing or backpacks. And each one featured a different flag, along with its iconic set of colors and different puns or phrases that had the blond chuckling before he could stop himself.
“Figured we could snag a couple of these for the others as a gift. They aren't that expensive anyway.” Neku started sifting through the pile and set a couple to the side. Bisexual; for Rindo and Shoka. Lesbian; for Shiki. Aromantic and Asexual; for Rhyme and Nagi respectively. And gay; for Fret.
Starting to look into his own pile, Beat was pleased to find the now familiar set of pink, yellow and blue on a particular pin. He snickered at the phrase printed on it.
‘Pansexual Pirate: Likes all kinds of booty!’
Turning to his friend after hearing the laugh, Neku chuckled alongside him while reading the comical inscription. “That sounds like you alright.”
Beat was about to retort with fake indignation, only to find Neku roaming through his pockets, most definitely ready to pay for the pins they'd selected. But the blond could only count seven, including his own. Which meant Neku was missing. “Yo, Phones! Ain't chu gonna get one, man?”
The redhead stopped midway through pulling out his wallet, and proceeded to give him a sheepish grin in return. “It's fine, I don't really need one. Besides, I didn't bring that much cash with me, so I'd rather spend it on the other stores with everyone else!”
“Is he sayin' that for reals or…?” Beat's mind instantly went to the worst possible outcome. Perhaps his gut feeling was right, and Neku was indeed only interested in girls. A fear that he thought could be true, but he still didn't wanna give up hope, at least until now.
“Actually, young man!” The cheery voice of the salesperson interrupted their conversation, the sweet smile never leaving their face as they gestured towards the stall once again. “Your purchase qualifies you for a free pin! So please, I insist that you take one!”
Both Beat and Neku stared wide eyed for a moment, but the redhead was quick to get back on his feet as he grinned at the salesperson. “Well, thank you. Guess I can't refuse a freebie.”
At that, Neku started sorting through the pile again, but this time Beat's eyes were glued on him the entire time. Could fate be on his side?
It didn't take long for the legendary player to find his desired pin and add it with the rest of them, paying in full and receiving a paper bag with the goodies protected inside. He reached his hand, and pulled out what he was looking for.
Various tones of greens and blues with a singular white stripe in the middle, along with a funny phrase of its own—
‘Come to the gayside! We have rainbows!’
Before he could stop himself, Beat was already shouting in both joy and disbelief. “You into dudes?!”
His face immediately flushed as he realized what he'd said, even after slapping his hand against his mouth as if that could take it back. Neku was startled, but suddenly chuckled and smiled in that way that had Beat's stomach doing backflips. “Um, yeah! I thought everyone knew! Guess I was wrong about that?”
Then suddenly, the smile on the redhead's lips melted into something softer as he looked at his best friend. “Although to be honest, I have a very specific criteria for my perfect guy.”
Letting curiosity get the best of him, the blond lowered the hand that was covering his mouth and tried regaining any dignity he had left with a smirk in the other's direction. “Yeah? And what would that be?”
Seeming pleased that Beat was playing along, Neku started casually placing the pin on his fleece jacket. “Well for starters, the guy has to be funny. I can't be stuck with someone who can't make me laugh. Also these are personal preferences, but I'd say I'm pretty into blond skaters who love their siblings more than anything else…”
The description only quickened the other's heartbeat in anticipation. Perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad idea to give it a shot. “What about dudes who got stuck in a Reaper's Game and maybe became a Reaper once or twice?”
Neku chuckled at that, and reached into the paper bag to pull out Beat's pansexual pin. He approached the taller teen and started fixing it into his skull hoodie, the smile never leaving his lips even when Beat stiffened under his touch. And as quick as lightning and as light as a feather, the redhead's lips brushed against the blond's cheek in a gentle kiss. “Especially those.”
Pink spread across Beat's entire face, yet he could honestly care less as he let the grin on his face take over.
By the time the duo reached their friends, cheers erupted within the group as they saw them hand in hand, smiling and blushing as they tried their best to keep up with everyone's inquiries.
He'd never experienced a Pride Parade before. But if this one was anything to go by, Beat could guarantee that he'd be looking forward to the many more to come, surrounded by the people he cared about most in the whole world.
And in his book, there was nothing better than that.
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