#//She didn't hesitate to refer to traveler as such; so it is now in my hcs for her jhdbgdfg
dutybcrne · 1 year
Nothing makes me smile more than knowing Sigewinne prolly referred to Wrios as 'little one' SO frequently before he got to take over Meropide
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holllandtrash · 11 months
the latest mclaren vid revealing lando snores feels like import 6n1 lore lol
you have singlehanded me gotten me to return to 6 to 1, well you and that video
1.7k | 6 to 1 blurb
"Who's most likely to lock themselves out of their home?"
You saw the hesitation as Lando nearly lifted Oscar's name up, only to catch your eye from where you stood behind the camera. A simple raise of the eyebrow from you and Lando raised his own name instead, matching Oscar's answer that declared Lando the one who would be the one locked out.
"Has it happened before?" Oscar asked, also catching your smirk. He knew you'd have a good story, but you weren't the one in front of the camera. And the only reason you were allowed to accompany Lando to this shoot was because you agreed you'd stay quiet.
Lando shrugged, the king of understating, "Like once, but it wasn't my fault."
Oscar looked towards you for confirmation and you shook your head, mouthing the words 'three times'.
Lando sat up straighter and pointed a finger at you, "You're not allowed to talk. That was the condition!" He turned to look at the members of the content team, "She's not allowed to talk."
"She didn't say anything," Oscar pointed out, chuckling to himself as he turned to the next question. "Who's most likely to get a pet?"
"100% you," Lando raised up Oscar's name, only to then raise his own a second later. "But who wants a pet? Me."
"So get a pet," His teammate had such a simple solution, but when he saw the way Lando looked at you once more, he nodded. "You're not allowed a pet are you?"
Lando sighed, the most dramatic sigh he could muster up because he knew it would make for good content, and maybe part of him was curious to see if you would actually say something.
"Unfortunately I don't wear the pants at home," Lando muttered, eyes widening for a second when boyfriend mode kicked in and he realized what he said could lead to you being attacked on twitter. "No I'm only kidding, it's not fair to get a pet right now. I travel so much, so does my girlfriend. Can't fit it in our schedules."
Lando's go-to when referring to you was always 'my girlfriend'. Despite it being no secret you were dating, he rarely called you by your name in the media. He didn't do it for the sake of his fans, he did it because he knew how much it irritated Charles, even to this day, that you were dating. Charles was as supportive as he could be. He trusted Lando sure but something about hearing another driver call his sister their girlfriend annoyed him till no end.
Oscar read the next question, "Who's most likely to snore?" Instantly, Lando's name shot up in his hand.
Lando didn't look at either you, heat creeping up to his cheeks as he tried to play it off like Oscar was lying by raising the other name, "I don't snore, mate."
"C'est des foutaises," you muttered under your breath. That's bullshit.
Oscar's head snapped towards you, as did Lando's, but their expressions were the opposite. Oscar was beaming, recognizing a bit of French slang here and there and foutaises being one of them. Lando's face dropped to a scowl.
"There seems to be some disagreement coming from the audience," Oscar pointed out. "Lando are you lying? Do you snore?"
"I don't-" he glared at you and then looked at Oscar, "I don't snore. I just breathe loudly."
You just couldn't bite your tongue at that response, "You snore, Lando. I had to buy earplugs. Don't lie to the viewers."
Oscar doubled over laughing, enjoying the call out. He believed you, of course he did. You were the only one who spent nights with Lando. You were the only person to believe. Lando didn't know what the hell went on when he was dead asleep.
Lando used the name cards to point at you, "You're actually not allowed to talk. One more word out of you and you will be escorted out."
It was an empty threat. The cheeky little smirk on his face told you that he loved having you here. It was rare you joined him for the behind the scenes action, mostly sticking to making appearances in the garage.
Part of you knew that Lando only asked you to come because you said you were going to go hang out with Carlos in the Ferrari garage and while Lando trusted you and his best mate, he still didn't like sharing you if he didn't have to.
"Who's most likely to forget their best friends birthday?" Oscar asked, only to verbally remind everyone of the incident that undoubetly came to both yours and Lando's head. "Didn't you forget Y/N's birthday?"
"She's my girlfriend not my best friend."
Your jaw dropped at his answer. As did Oscar's. As did about everyone's in the room who was watching this video shoot. Lando's face turned beet red when he realized how big of a fuck up that reponse was.
He shifted in his chair, "No- wait I didn't mean that. She's my best friend.” He looked at you, leaning forward slightly and hand out in assurance, "You're my best friend. I love you I just mean like, Max is my best friend in that sense and I haven't forgotten his birthday."
"No but you did forget my birthday," you exclaimed, finding this situation humorous. Watching Lando dig his own grave was always entertaining.
"Not on your birthday, you're making it sound worse than it is."
"No it sounds pretty bad," Oscar chimed in. "You just said she wasn't your best friend and you're admitting to forgetting her birthday."
"I just got it mixed up!" Lando raised his voice, the pitch of his laughter was higher than normal as he tried to talk himself out of this mess he created. "Someone on the stream asked when her birthday was and I said January 18th when I meant to say January 8th. Honest mistake, could happen to anyone."
Lando shook his head, scared to make eye contact with you at this given moment as he moved onto the next question, "Who's most likely to laugh in a serious-" his own nervous laughter cut off the end of that perfectly timed question. "In a serious situation? Me, definitely me."
Oscar was having a field day next to him, unable to stop laughing as well. He could barely get out his own question, "Who- who's most likely to survive the longest in a horror movie?"
"I feel like I'm currently in one," Lando whispered, his gaze darting to you for a second. He mouthed the words 'i love you' and you rolled your eyes in response. It was playful, you weren't actually mad at him. Lando, sometimes, just didn't think before he spoke.
"i think she's going to kill you as soon as this is over so I'm going to go with me," Oscar said, raising his own name up as Lando reluctantly did the same.
"Who's most likely to cry while watching a sad movie?" Lando asked the next one and put Oscar's name up without hesitation, "I hardly ever cry. You can't say my name on this one."
Oscar raised his own card, looking at your for confirmation and you nodded, having found that out about Lando really early on into your relationship. He wore his heart on his sleeve, but rarely did he shed a tear. The same couldn't be said about you. A cold exterior compared to your boyfriends but Lando could list twenty movies off the top of his head that would have you crying by the halfway point.
"Who's most likely to be on a reality show?" Oscar asked, only to switch to Lando's name being held up. He raised it so fast that Lando was taken aback by his certainty.
"Me?" Lando asked. "Why's that?"
Oscar nodded his head towards you, "The two of you would be greatest reality show. You'll probably have your own episode of DTS next season, let's be real."
"Chaos follows us," Lando agreed with a shrug, sending a smile in your direction. "We are fun though."
"You know what would be fun to watch? Family dinners at the Leclerc household. Do they all speak French around you just to mess with you? I could see Charles doing that."
"He does," You and Lando answered at the same time and Oscar was once again in a fit of laughter.
There were only a few more questions that followed and you managed to stay quiet for the rest of them. When Lando finished up, he approached you with caution, a timid smile spread across his cheeks as he slowly reached for your hand while at a safe distance.
"You still love me?" He asked, hoped.
You glanced down at your connected fingers, unable to keep from rolling your eyes again as you started to head for the door, dragging Lando with you.
"Hey, hey," Lando pulled you back, right into his chest as his other arm went around your stomach. "You're my best friend. And I know your birthday. I promise. I'll get it tattooed on me, even, if you want."
"I don't care, Lando," you assured him, your voice was soft and comforting, letting him know that you really weren't all that annoyed with him. Just back to your playful ways.
You turned in his arms, taking in the boyish features and that god awful stubble that at this point you knew wasn't a battle you couldn't win.
But there was something you had on him.
"Il faut que j'aille trouver Charles," You said. I have to go find Charles.
The confusion on his face was priceless, "W-what?"
"Je te retrouverai plus tard, oui?" I'll catch up with you later, yeah?
"One more time?" Lando raised his eyebrow.
Instead of answering, you stood on your toes to give him a quick kiss as you slid out of his grasp. You were still smiling as you turned around but before you could leave the media room, you heard Oscar's laughter coming from the side and you could have sworn he muttered the words 'reality show' one more time.
just short and sweet bc i did love that most likely to video
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watchoutforthefanfics · 4 months
Ticking Love Bomb (Part Eight) || Eleventh Doctor × gn! Reader
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...
Taglist: @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @solitairemvp @idontevenknowwth @this-is-me-lolol @rokosbasalisk @solarbxby @thestrals-and-firewiskey @followingthefanfiction @stevenknightmarc @ahkmenrami @yellowsubiesdance @toobusymakingmyownreality @crowleythesexydemon
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Summary: Your adventure with the Doctor and the Ponds takes a harsh turn when it seems you're targeted with a potion. A love potion, specifically the type where you fall in love with whoever's eyes you met first after "drinking" it. But what if you're already in love with him?
TWS: aliens, space, references of guns, smoke, unrequited love (but not really), self sacrificial attitudes, and purely oblivious people. Also, just a touch of angst (typical of a love confession).
[[A/N: so sorry about the wait, and I finally fixed the taglist!!! My bad for those who asked to be tagged and haven't been. Thanks for reading :)))]]
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Before you could even blink, you hear the hiss of a needle prick your skin. It felt a little like heat travelling through your veins, passing through your limbs. Everything tingled for a moment before succumbing to a sort of numbness you'd kind of known by now.
Your legs were weak, or whatever they injected you with (again) was making your limbs heavy -the guiding force of the creature was the only thing that kept you standing.
In the back of your head, you could see the blur of grey passing your eyes. It was reminiscent of the walls from before, but you couldn't really see them. Not fully.
Your brain was still so fuzzy, almost in the same way with the roses, you couldn't quite notice anything around you. All you felt where the creature's hands on your shoulders, pushing you forward as your feet stumbled to match his pace.
Was he even walking? You weren't entirely sure he had feet.
"Y/N!" a voice interrupted your haze, Amy, you suddenly recognized, "-thank god, you're alive."
You slurred just a little, trying to look at her -everything was so blurry, "Amy...?"
"Are you okay?" she suddenly questioned, and you saw a blur of red beside you, "-Y/N, are you-"
"Stay away from the hostage," the creature's voice rang out through the air, "-Headmistress only requested this one."
"Hey, no," she sounded more distant -farther away, "-Rory, let me go-"
Then it all faded to quiet, the only noise being the lowest sort of rumble of the ship. It almost sounded mechanical, like maybe the engine, or some of its inner workings. You didn't really know that much about spaceships at all, other than what the Doctor had described to you. But at their core they had to be similar to a car right? They had an engine-
You almost relaxed into the noise, it was almost calming, when everything was so blurry and uncertain. You suppose that's why you immediately heard the opening of a door.
It was similar to when they opened the door that let the Doctor, Amy, and Rory out. A slow sort of hiss almost. In your delirious state, you couldn't tell if it was degrading on your ears -everything sounded so stuffy.
"Ah, here are our guests," a voice chimed, nearly melodic (you recognized it to be the voice over the intercom system). You felt a little like you were floating, as you tried languidly blinking to clear your surroundings -the Doctor was here.
Head swimming, your eyes smoothed across the room -hitching briefly on a woman with high hair and a pleasant sort of blue skin. Somehow, in your delirious mind, you saw her as pretty. Blinking, you moved further and caught the green you'd been looking for. (Even then, something in you relaxed.)
Doctor, Doctor, Doctor-
His eyes flicked up and down you a few times, taking you in -eyes holding on to the cuffs where you could see the cusps of a bruise forming underneath them (if you focused enough). Without a breath, the creature aimed the needle at your skin again -your tongue felt like cotton in your mouth.
Something in his jaw tightened.
"Doctor, don't hesitate to greet them on my behalf," she continued, rather casually, "-This is General Kilape of our fleet, I do hope the two of you get along, and well... you're much familiar with the human, aren't you?"
Doctor didn't respond to her, instead turning back to face her accusingly, "Why have you brought them into this? Is this not about me?"
"It is," the woman (who you still had no name for) clarified, "-Doctor, haven't you ever heard of something called collateral?"
His lips flattened into a straight line -sharp and deadly.
"What? Do you believe that I would just trust you?" She hummed, laughing, "-Doctor don't be silly, having them gives you two options-"
You blearily blinked, eyes detailing the stitching of his jacket and the hair at the nape of his neck. You kind of wanted the jacket, it probably smelt really good -like him. You wanted to smell like him-
"One," she echoed, eyes pointedly glaring at the doctor -before motioning for the creature (Kilape) to push you forward. Your head spun, and you felt the drag of green eyes on you -watching as everything on your body seemed to sink (it was all so heavy), "-you refuse our offer, and we kill them-"
"You wouldn't dare," he snapped back -eyes cold and something hardening in them that you had seen maybe once or twice before.
"-and use your grief, angry grief as the legends go, to our betterment, or two-"
Your eyes were getting so heavy.
She barely took a pause, "-you cooperate, and they are returned to your loving embrace. Truly, how inspiring."
The Doctor didn't say anything then, maybe deciding exactly what he wanted to. His eyes kept flicking to you, and the slight lull of your head -the way Kilape was holding you forward made your whole body feel limp. His lips fell into a frown, something softer passing through his eyes.
He loves me. It was still so hard to believe.
"Okay," his voice was quieter, less forceful, "-okay. Just give them to me, give them to me safely and I'll... I'll do as you wish."
"Wow," she tsked, tapping her fingers along her desk, "-the great Doctor, at the will of a human. You always were weak to your companions, weren't you?"
The Doctor's mouth flattened into a thin line.
"A fickle thing like love bringing him to his knees," she continued, carefully and you saw the Doctor stiffen -it made something in your stomach swirl (don't be upset, I love you, don't be upset), "-So disappointing."
You were barely awake, but you knew something was wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. You weren't worth the universe, but the words were stuck in your throat. It was pounding in your head, the fate of it all, and he wanted to save you.
Before you could even focus on her words, you were thrown to the ground. Cold metal stinging against your skin, you think you hit your head. It made your head rattle a little, but still somehow made you a little more aware. Pushing yourself up on your forearms, your eyes skimming along the room -almost searching.
Hearing a gentle buzz, you felt the cuffs snap off your wrists.
Hands guiding you up, you felt warmth and that familiar fuzz of books flickering through your nose. Just as he sat you up, one hand on your shoulder and the other framing your face, you blinked at him slowly. Eyes flicking along his face, taking him in, you could do that now. He loved you, and you loved him. Wow-
Before you could say anything, he pulled you to his chest and stood -your knees wobbled in place but he neatly held you up. How long did this thing last?
"They stay with me," he spoke, icy, "-If any of you touch them, or my other companions for that matter, you are most certain to see the wrath that you are so desperate to. Understood?"
The woman was unmoved, "As long as you cooperate, Timelord, no issues will arise."
You were slowly starting to blink away the fuzz in your brain -your surroundings becoming clearer and voices less stuffy. You could feel the ground beneath your feet, and the strange sort of warmth of his body against yours (alien, right). Words were on the cusp of your tongue, rejection (you can't do this, not for just me).
"I will call on you again, Doctor," she hummed (you still didn't know her name, actually), and motioned for Kilape to guide the two of you out of the room.
He dutifully did so.
The Doctor was moving you gently, carefully, like perhaps you would break. Your mind was clearing up substantially at this point, but your body hadn't had the same effect. Your legs still felt weak, and you could only really feel the scratch of his coat against your skin -it grounded you, just like the mechanical hum had done before.
"Doctor?" You questioned, tone more sturdy -less slurred.
He didn't say anything, neatly pulling you onto a bench. Or a chair, it was actually kind of weird. You weren't sure what-
The Doctor threw the thoughts out of your head, gently grabbing your wrists -bruises now on full display. His fingertips were careful and eyes tediously examining every inch; they fanned over the bruise, but not enough to hurt. Just a gentle sort of brush. (It made your heart stutter in your chest.)
"Does it hurt?" He asked, tone quiet and gentle but something a little with an edge deep under it all (maybe because you were hurt).
You pursed your lips, responding slowly, "Only when you put pressure on it. Like... Like normal bruises."
He hummed, looking over it carefully before his eyes flicked back to yours as if he was trying to judge if you were lying. He probably could, if you were. His green eyes dipped along your features (softening slightly) -examining, a little like you were a fascinating rock and a little like you might be the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.
Something in your stomach swirled. God, he loves me.
"And the injections?" The Doctor quickly continued, trying to scan your skin, "-Where were they?"
"Uh, in my neck," you answered -obediently, "-somewhere close to the hinge of my jaw, I think."
He frowned a little, fingertips gently caressing your jaw -ever so careful, "Look up for me, yes?"
Your brain felt a little like it was on autopilot, but you did as asked. The Doctor seemed to pause for a moment, before gently moving your head slightly to the left -you mindlessly felt a sting, assumedly where the needles had been pressed into your skin.
His other hand moved to smooth along your skin -fingers trailing to the edge of the wound. You could feel it now, like maybe you just hadn't thought about it enough to realize it existed.
"Looks alright," he commented, before pulling your face back down to match his, "-I'd much prefer better than alright, but I suppose we're not really in a place for that, are we?"
You laughed a little, still a little dizzy from the casual closeness -especially now that you knew he loved you. God, he loves you.
"Not really," you replied, smiling just a little.
The Doctor's eyes twinkled in that familiar sort of way then, lips turning up into a grin -the kind that made your head spin. Your eyes naturally flickered along his face -just absorbing him for a spare moment.
It was almost like there wasn't any danger, like he wasn't choosing you over-
"Doctor," you spoke -suddenly more serious, "-what are you doing?"
"Well," he paused, rolling the thought around in his head -a little cheerfully, "-I'm always doing lots of things, you know that, my dearest Y/N. But, for the sake of clarity, what are we talking about in particular?"
"Doctor, I'm not..." you waited a moment, eyes falling all over his face (love, love, love), "-You're supposed to save the world. Not... not just me."
His lips fell into a frown.
"Doctor, all of this," you motioned, and maybe your eyes were burning a little bit, "-you need to stop it. It's people you're talking about, tons of people, and I'm just... I'm just me-"
"Stop, stop saying that," he interrupted you, gently bringing a hand to cradle your face -guide your eyes to his, "-'just you'? You are so much more than... than just, Y/N."
His words faltered off, and one of his hands curled a trail behind your hair -green eyes focused on you so gently that you felt a little like you might've swayed in place if you were standing.
"Human beings are extraordinary," the Doctor continued then, looking at you a little like you were something very precious, "-what you overcome, your passions, your flaws, your dreams, your hopes, and your feelings-"
You bit at your lip, eyes a little foggy.
"Humanity is quite the feat, believe me, but you? My darling Y/N-" his thumb gently brushing along your cheekbone, "-you're... you. One of kind that I'm so grateful to know in all my years-"
"Doctor," you tried to object, "-I believe you, I do. But you can't just give up."
The Doctor's eyes brushed along you.
"Those people, I don't know if you could call them people I guess," you continued, "-they're worth so much more. They're all one of a kind."
His lips pulled into a frown, but he didn't speak.
"You save people," you repeated, braving a hand forward on his face, "-don't be a prick and choose favorites."
He laughed a little then, and you realized it was a little wet -teary. It was quiet then for a moment, like he was trying to work up what he wanted to say.
"I can't lose you."
You pressed your lips together, trying to smile lightly and fight back tears. You couldn't do this if you cried, you couldn't leave him. He leaned into your hand then, connecting his own around your wrist.
You whispered out, smiling bittersweetly, "And I can't let you do this."
He frowned again.
"So, do it," you hummed, combing back his hair gently, "-save them. Even if it puts me in danger-"
"Y/N, I can't-"
"You don't have a choice," you stressed, "-I know you think you are that legend but you're not anymore. You save them, you always save them."
"What about you?" He questioned, "-Am I not supposed to save you?"
You smiled then, light and airy, ignoring the tears smoothing down your cheeks.
"Oh, Doctor," you let out a laugh, "-you already have."
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ijustwanttobegolden · 1 month
You can be the boss, daddy.
Part Two
An expected phone call from Hugh and flirty friends. A new chapter begins.
Warnings: none.
Read part one Here
"Hugh Jackman!... You mean like the Hugh Jackman!!!"
You nod slowly looking at your best friend from across the table as if she was crazy, feeling slightly worried.
"You are telling me that you are going to be working for him, living with him and looking after his children? Hey sign me up to this nannying job! You've just bagged a hot rich single actor! Waaaaayyyy better then just some boring rich family where the dad is unavailable"
You rolled your eyes but amused none the less.
"This isn't a hook up agency!"
"I'm sorry but there's no way I'd be going into that job without getting some from the.."
" (YBFN!!!) Stop that is disgusting! That would be so unprofessional and never gonna happen!"
"Well, you know the girl I used to work with?"
To that you replied with a clueless expression and another shake of your head.
She leaned in closer over the coffee table for two as if she were about to exchange some serious confidential information.
"Well she got into the nannying business and managed to bag a single rich dad too and she ended up marrying him sooooo.. what does that tell you!" She winked with a mischievous giggle then her face fell serious. "Honestly.. and now she's living her best life"
"So Hugh is an actor.. and how do you know this?" You question, trying to calm the racing anxiety that has suddenly bubbled over during your coffee date catch up with your bestie.
Her eyes widen at you and she almost chokes on her caramel iced latte.
"Are you serious? He's only in like every popular movie ever! And in my favourite movie ever!"
You stare clueless. She rolls her eyes.
"The greatest showman! You know that's my favourite film!"
You whine and shrug your shoulders at her with puppy dog eyes.
"You know I'm not one for movies and celebrities"
"Oh stop being a pick me girl" she teased, flicking her straw at you.
When the Coffee date catch up reaches its end you say your goodbyes before rushing home to check some emails. No phone call. No luck. No new emails too Which was unusual. Maybe it wasn't just Hugh that gave up on you but the whole agency.
A girl's night was something you haven't craved for a while but when things weren't going your way the urge would suddenly creep up.
Suddenly as if possessed, your fingers automatically reach for your phone and danced over the screen to tap onto the girl gang group chat when suddenly...
'unknown number'
"Hello?" You answered in a high-pitched tone. Anxiety spiked at who it may be.
"Hey is this the lovely 'y/n'?"
Your heart pounded in your chest, excitement rushing rough your veins. That deep Australian accent. You smiled.
"Is this Hugh?"
"How did you guess? Not like I have an obvious accent or anything" he chuckled.
You nervously started fiddling with a near by pen, your pink note book in eye sight in case you needed it.
"So I managed to get your number through the agency to arrange a day that we could meet, did you look through my paper work?"
"I did this early afternoon.. though I wasn't sure if it was worth looking because I hadn't had any confirmation with my agency.. or you.." you hesitated.
It went quiet for a moment and you could of swore he swore in absolute defeat and frustration.
"I am so so sorry y/n. You are referring back to the sudden end to the zoom call last night"
You nodded but didn't speak, a wash of relief uplifting you into a much more relaxed mood.
"So how do you feel about the job? Would you like to take things further?"
"Of course! I've checked your paperwork.. a single father with full custody of his two children lily and Alex ages five and seven. You have a demanding sqedual working as an actor and need to travel a lot for work so you are looking for full time childcare. Your home is based in the hills of LA where I will have my own private room and use of facilities. My routine involves taking the children to school, encourage activities, cook for them, bath them, bed them, teach them and all the fun stuff. I may be co-parentinng with you at times or I may be alone with them while you are away but that's what DBS checks are for right" you breathed out with a smile.
"Yes certainly!" Hugh chuckled. "Do you think you are willing to commit to all of that?"
He was nervous, his heart tight in his chest. You being so young he wasn't sure if a long term full commitment nannying job would be something you were looking for but little did he know it was exactly what you were looking for. It was perfect.
"100 percent Hugh! I am willing to take on the job role if you like me of course and that the children will be happy and settled with me.. I guess we will have to see how the trial slash transitioning week goes"
"Amazing! I will arrange some dates with you as soon as possible.. Me and my crazy cubs will look forward to meeting you!"
And with that your heart raced. A new exciting chapter in your life was just about to start...
It wasn't long before you agreed a date and now the days began leading up quickly to your trial/transition week in the hills of LA with your potential new family. The anxiety yet excitment was unreal and you had to celebrate/prepare with your girls the evening before the big start date because who knows when you would be seeing them again. If things went well you wouldn't be seeing them for a long time, so this pamper night celebration sleepover.. a farewell party if you will.
You sat crossed leg in silk pajamas, a glass of rose wine in one hand and pizza in the other. Your girls all sat around in similar silk nightwear, stuffing pizza, texting, drinking, glancing now and then at the marvel movie that was playing in the background. Your living room had always been cozy, especially with the girls around but you couldn't wait to have constant company in a living room that was probably 10 times the size of this one.
"Let's see him, Google him, no wait does he have insta? Let's look on his Instagram" one of the girls chimed to your other friend, leaning in to her as they snuggled up on the sofa with snacks and a top up of wine. They peered over at you from the opposite side of the room with playfulness in their eyes, rosy cheeks and sneaky smiles.
You rolled your eyes at them knowing exactly who they were stalking.
"Look at him!"
"So sexy"
"Sooooo bloody handsome!"
You gave them a death glare swinging your wine.
"Honestly girls stop!"
You couldn't hold your serious face much longer and your lips rolled up into a smile.. a giggle escaping your lips (blame the wine).
"You can't tell me you don't find him attractive" one of them pointed out, holding up her phone.
The opposite sofa was too far away, her reached out arm to flash her phone didnt make the screen any more clearer and plus you were tipsy at this point.
"I can't see" you whined, squinting and leaning forward still crossed leg on the sofa opposite.
Your friend tutted and whipped her phone away.
"Omg how have you not seen him before!" Another friend spoke up.
"She Has!" Another one shouted drastically.
Everyone turned their heads with raised eyebrows. intrigued.. and so were you. A long pause occurred so she could elaborate.
"Infact you were obsessed with him. He plays wolverine in the X-Men films, you used to love him! We watched the films growing up.. remember the sleepovers we had"
You suddenly coughed and choked on the last of sip of wine. She suddenly unlocked a core memory for you and wow what an unexpected one.. your little crush on wolverine.. never really got into the X-Men films (again not a big movie person) but you remember watching bits of X-Men at almost every sleepover with y/f/n and being in love with Logan your fictional boyfriend"
"No way"
Your heart almost stopped.
"That's crazy!" You nervously laughed "yeah I remember.
"Wow that is some Wattpad fiction right there" she replied back with a giggle.
"Girls a toast!" Another chimed in suddenly while she held her wine glass proudly in the air until the other girls followed suit.
"To y/n! To y/n and her new wolverine daddy adventure! I mean her new nannying adventure! With daddy Jackman.. I mean HUGH Jackman.. you know what I mean. Good luck and all the best angel! We love you!!!"
A very tipsy and giggly toast and a silly one at that but it brought specs of tears to your eyes. This is really farewell (if things go well that it is) confidence is key and you were feeling pretty damn confident about this.
"Fairwell my girls! I love you more!!!"
"Not as much as you love wolverine"
"oh Shush! Don't ruin the moment"
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r0guedr0id · 10 months
The Unknown Regions IV
A Din Djarin x Fem Plus Size Reader Fic
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Summary: You, a soft astrophysicist, meet the hardened Mandalorian in less-than-ideal circumstances. Your abilities will lead to you crossing the galaxy together in search of his green son.
Read Chapter 1 | Read Chapter 2 | Read Chapter 3
This chapter is rated +18! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: Expect conversations about weight, body dysmorphia and internalised fatphobia that may be triggering, so read at your own discretion; reader is AFAB and user she/her pronouns; no use of y/n; smut; the bucket stays on; naked female clothed male; hurt and comfort; Sad Din :(
Word count: 3,745
A/N: Din and you have a misunderstanding and actually talk openly about it like ADULTS! I love fiction!!! Finally, smut is here dear readers, I hope you enjoy it. I've struggled like crazy to write this chapter bc smut felt forced and I wanted a smoooth transition. I am not super happy with the result, but hey, I need to know when to let go. I've been thinking this would be interesting from Din's pov too, lemme know what you think. And yes, I know I don't respond to any comments I love reading them but anxiety kills me when I hit reply! I'm so sorry!!!
You were so focused on your calculations that you didn't notice Din observing you. Leaning against the doorframe casually, the bounty hunter had his gaze fixated on you. He was stealthy for such a big man, so when his gloved hand gently touched your shoulder your heart skipped a beat.
“¡Mando!” You jumped from your seat. He immediately retrieved his touch as if he had been burnt.
“Sorry I…I didn't want to startle you.”
He looked so uncomfortable right now you felt bad for him. Well, had seemed uncomfortable around you for the two weeks you had been travelling together, so that wasn’t new. You were sure your presence around the ship had prevented him from relaxing at all. It was normal, its size had you clashing with each other all the time and it didn’t provide any privacy. And the Razor Crest, you have learnt, was also his home. Well, his and Grogu's.
He told you about the little one a night he was being especially silent. The moon you had stopped at looked inhabited and arid. He commented it was similar to Arvala-7, the planet where he found the child. After that, you listened while he spoke about how he met his son. His beautiful voice was full of pain and you ended up offering your hand for relief and support. He was hesitant but ended up accepting your warm touch.
Since then, casual physical contact had been a constant between you. With the days passing, you grew bolder with it, no longer squishing yourself to prevent your bodies from touching in the tight space of the Crest, and more like rubbing your plush body against his armour. A friendly hand on his shoulder, his on the small of your back. Therere were brief moments that made your heart flutter at the contact.
The truth was that living together had only made your initial attraction to him grow: observing such a mighty warrior performing the little tasks of day-to-day life was somewhat endearing. The things you could learn about someone just by looking at them at their little routines were incredible. You realized he was a methodical, goal-oriented man, and although he looked serious he did things like speaking with his ship when you wouldn't notice. He was also very caring, not only about Grogu but also his covert, the name he used to refer to the other Mandalorians he lived among. And he had the highest respect for his culture and his creed, something you really admired about him. Every day, you hoped he admired you back, too.
“Don’t worry about it, I tend to become so self-absorbed when I work I forget my surroundings.” You fidgeted nervously with your hair, feeling the burn of his gaze, until his visor shifted to the nav system. “Oh, I calculated the coordinates for the final jump and double-checked them. It’ll take around 30 standard hours to arrive there.” 
Since you were travelling towards uncharted space, you couldn’t just jump to the planet, even though you knew the coordinates it was reckless without knowing the obstacles you could possibly meet, so it was more sensible to do it on shorter jumps.
“Let me check.” Mando leaned towards the console, supporting himself in his strong arms. You hoped your gasp at his sudden closeness wasn’t too audible.
“Are you doubting my calculations?” You meant to sound sassy but your voice came shaky. He was too close, hovering over you while checking the route. If your body wasn’t covered due to the cold of outer space, he could have noticed the goosebumps his proximity provoked.
“You can't drive a ship.” He deadpanned. You didn't feel bad about his affirmation, it was a fact. You had never had the opportunity to learn.
“I know my numbers, Mando.” You retorted, confident in your ability. He stared at you while you tried to remain unbothered. The truth was that the banter and his physical closeness had you a little flushed.  His gaze finally left you to resume checking the panel and you rolled your eyes, although you understood his doubts. After all, his child and his ship were at stake 
“This is flawless.” He admitted after a while, turning his helmet to you again.”Good job.” You opened your eyes widely at the praise and observed his muscular frame towering over you. His beskar looked beautiful, reflecting the starry space. He looked beautiful.
“I’m happy to help in any way I can.” You responded in a small voice, swallowing hard. 
Neither of you moved for a while and you sighed involuntarily.  With how close you were, you could just lean on him as you had been longing to do. To be embraced by his big arms. He sighed, his visor not leaving your frame. You wondered if he felt the pull too. He had to. The magnetic field was just too strong.
“Mando…” He shifted his position, coming even closer to you. You could observe your doe-eyed reflection in his Beskar helmet. He raised his gloved hand and reached for your round shoulder again. This time his touch was gentler than ever and his orange thumb caressed your clothed skin. Mouth dry, you wondered what would his next step be.
“I need…my seat to make the jump.” 
The spell broke. Your brain was not computing. You swore you could die right there from the embarrassment. Of course, you were sitting on the pilot's chair. He only wanted your fat ass to move. And you thought you were having a moment. What an idiot, fantasizing about embracing him or whatever, when he only wanted to resume the trip to get to his son as soon as possible.
Clumsily, you stood up, your face hot with embarrassment. Inevitably, your bodies rubbed in the tiny space. You were a big woman, he was practically on you and the cockpit wasn’t precisely ample.
“Of course.” 
The feeling was all-consuming and you rushed towards the sliding door, abandoning the cockpit in a heartbeat. You couldn’t see how a very confused Mando observed you leaving, asking himself how he had offended you.
Tears of embarrassment stained your cheeks when you managed to curl inside the bunk. Mando had been so kind to let you sleep there, and you had been loving it. The first night you couldn't help yourself and used your fingers to make you cum three times. His masculine fragrance was everywhere. It was like being embraced by him and your imagination was an overactive one. 
But now, having his scent kriffing everywhere wasn’t helping to deflect the feeling of rejection that had taken you. Why were you being like this? Of course, it wasn’t the first time you were turned down. Or the tenth. By now, you should be used to it. But nevertheless, it hurt a lot. 
All your life, you were always the clever, bright friend. The daughter who didn’t cause trouble. The gentle and caring one. But you were never called beautiful. Even by your romantic partners. They may say things about how they loved your “fat ass” or “big tits” but this didn’t make you feel pretty but just objectified, and especially, not truly seen as a sentient being. The worst of your male companions even complained about your size and how they weren’t able to manhandle you as they would have done with a smaller woman. You knew this was rooted in their deepest insecurities and how being perceived as smaller than their partner affected their self-esteem... But what about yours?
The truth was that Mando’s gesture (or lack of it) hadn’t been so hurtful, but the stream of memories it triggered, and now you found yourself sobbing under his sheets. When you felt the familiar blow of entering hyperspace, you only hoped that he remained in the cockpit and let you hide for the rest of the trip. But he didn’t.
First, you heard the familiar footsteps coming down from the ladder. He cleared his throat and then knocked softly at the bunk's door. Your blood froze.
“Hey I'm…I'm sorry.” You could clearly hear these weren't words he said often or lightly. A knot formed in your stomach but the tears stopped.
“It 's okay.” You responded with a raspy voice from the crying.
“No, I shouldn't have doubted your route. You're the professional.”
You couldn't decide between bursting into laughter or crying again. He was clueless, wasn't he? Maybe you could just roll with that and hide your true feelings. It was a good opportunity and it’ll save you from an uncomfortable moment. But you weren't the kind of person to do that.
“Mando, do you really think I'm mad because of that?” A pensive hum was his only response.
The bunk's door opened and a very confused warrior appeared right in front of you. Your eyes were red but your smile was bright. You felt your heart hammering inside your chest. He looked so helpless, all his self-assurance gone because of your tears. You sighed, gathering the courage to speak.
“In the cockpit, there was a moment when you were very close to me...” Mando immediately stiffened.
“I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable because of that. I thought…” His voice was strained through the modulator. You shook your head.
“I'm the one who misunderstood the situation, Mando.” You stared at him but it was clear his metal head wasn't computing. “ You were almost all over me. I thought something was going to happen. Between us.” You had to clarify.
The gears inside the helmet started turning and finally, you could see those broad shoulders relax a bit.
“You expected…you wanted something to happen between us?” He asked using your own words. You bit your lip unsure, but you were already too far gone to stop this.
“Yes Mando, I really like you and what happened in the cockpit made me feel rejected. That's why I was mad.” This time you tried to explain yourself clearly as you didn't want more misunderstandings, even though your skin felt like molten lava. Mando remained silent for a while, shifting his weight and finally took a step towards the bunk, putting a hand against the frame of the door.
“Why would I reject you?” 
“What?” It wasn't possible you had heard that right.
“You've understood me perfectly.” His voice turned darker and commanding. You swallowed at the sudden change of demeanour. 
“I don't know. Many have rejected me before. It made sense.” You felt vulnerable and hugged your knees trying to appear smaller unconsciously. Opening up about your fear of rejection wasn't in your plans today. “Where I come from, being overweight is frowned upon.” You added in a small voice, ashamed of your feelings.
“Di’kute!” He grunted the foreign word, audibly angry. To your surprise, he sat next to you inside the cot and grabbed your hand. “You're a gorgeous woman, mesh’la. They were bantha fodder if they couldn't appreciate you.”
It may have been your already sensitive state, but tears came again to you. His faceless stare burnt you, as well as his body heat inside the tiny space. But he continued with the praise without letting go of your hand.
“Where I come from fat is a good signal. It means health, and strength. Extra padding in battle.” You giggled but he was serious. “It's synonymous with peace and not living off ration bars. It means giving birth to healthy younglings.” He added the last point in a raspier voice and you stopped breathing thinking about the meaning behind those words. 
“Come here mesh’la.” You didn't recognise the last word but obeyed and the next moment you were in his lap. “Can I touch you?” His voice sounded kinder this time, less commanding. Your heart was going to explode.
And then his hands were all over you. Tracing the outline of your curves, grabbing the supple flesh of your tights, grazing over your generous bust. The touch was so intoxicating, passionate but slow, as if he wanted desperately to memorize your shape.
“Your body is precious, I'll put a hole between the eyes of whoever made you feel the opposite.” You had never felt aroused by violence, but Mando's voice whispering that in your ear made things to you. It felt so hot inside the bunk by then you felt the necessity to get rid of your clothing. Nevertheless, in spite of Mando's praise, you doubted when you grabbed the hem of your tunic. He sensed your hesitancy. “Are you gonna show me that beautiful armour padding?”
You giggled, amused by how playful he became in bed, and finally removed the piece of clothing. His sharp breath was everything you needed to hear.
“Like what you see Mando?” You teased, discarding the tunic and feeling a bit more confident because of his reaction. While he was a victim of a momentary paralysis, you took your chance to caress his biceps where any armour protected his skin. He was as hard as Beskar there and you thought this warrior could be the first to actually manhandle you. That thought only contributed to the heat growing in your centre dangerously.
“Dank Farrik I don’t think I’ll be able to keep my hands off you after this.” His voice sounded pained behind the vocoder while he appreciated your soft body.
“Then don’t.” You coed, and then guided his hands to your breasts that were spilling from your bra dangerously. Mando exhaled loudly as if all the tension he had been holding the last weeks was released. His gloved thumbs found your nipples fast, the stiff material feeling so good against your sensitive peaks. “Don’t be afraid, you can be rougher with them.”
Mando actually moaned at your honeyed words and you couldn’t name a more heavenly sound. He explored your tits with devotion, giving them all the attention in the world until your nipples couldn’t be harder and your breathing more agitated. But then, after some time hovering over his legs, yours started to feel numb from sustaining the position so you had to move a bit to feel your muscles again.
“Sorry, my legs went numb.” You excused yourself, but in a heartbeat, his hands shifted to your plush hips and you got the hint. 
“I’ll crush you.” Looking away, your previous self-confidence cracked a bit after his petition. You were too heavy, he will be uncomfortable and then…
“I carry bounties three times my weight for a living.” With the cocky affirmation, he interrupted your racing thoughts before spiralling. “I’ll be okay.”
You haven’t seen him in action yet, but the image of the Mandalorian manoeuvring a bounty out of pure strength made you shiver, yielding to his command. But you wouldn’t drown without dragging him with you.
“Stars woman!” He grunted when your clothed cunt made contact with his bulge. Not satisfied enough with that, you rolled your hips a couple of times to torture him further. Your plan backfired, as it provoked both of you to moan in unison.
“You wanted me…to sit.” You sassed between laboured breaths. Mando growled in response, but his hands travelled to your behind until they were grabbing a handful of your round ass.
“Do you know where else I’d want you to sit?” His voice was raspier than ever, the desire on it crystal clear to you. He really wanted you.
“Mando!” This playful side of him was unexpected but you were loving every moment of it. He took advantage of his leverage to move you impossibly closer to him, making you squirm when your sensitive nipples touched the colder beskar of his cuirass. Your hands snaked around his thick neck and you found yourself completely squished against your huge warrior. His erection felt so hot and hard between your legs that your cunt only grew wetter and wetter, making you wonder if he could notice. Then he started to move and soon you were moaning in the crook of his neck, grinding like a loth-cat in heat.
“Please mesh’la, let me make you feel as good as you deserve.” All the cockiness of his tone was done when he asked you with the most laboured breathing. His hands started caressing your spine and back rolls and you were a puddle in his strong arms. 
“Let me…let me get up to remove my pants.” He indeed let you, but his hands didn´t, and while you stood to remove the last of your clothes, he continued exploring your body completely mesmerized. “Mando, I can’t undress if you don’t put your hands away!” You giggled standing on the threshold of the bunk waiting for him to realize. His helmet turned up to look at you then as if he was weighing his possibilities.
“Allow me to undress you, please.” The tone of his plead made you shiver and your cunt walls spasm. Your noded suddenly shy and the next moment he was on his knees unfastening your boots. Maker, what a sight.
When he finished with your footwear, he removed your shocks and started caressing your ankles, going up your calves painfully slowly until he finally reached the waistband of your pants. By then, you were shivering out of pure anticipation. But he still took the time to discard first your pants leaving you in your soaked underwear. He stopped and removed his hands for you to your surprise. Maybe he was having second thoughts? Maybe he didn’t like what he saw?
Your thoughts didn’t spiral for long, as Mando started removing his gloves still kneeling at your feet. Your eyes went wide: it was the first time you saw any of his skin. Gloves finally apart, you could appreciate it was a beautiful hue of gold before his thumbs were hooked in your panties. Without seeing his expression, you could feel the reverence in every touch Of his. It was like you were something holy and he was praying at your shrine. Then it hit you: this wasn’t just a fuck for both of you. This will change things.
“You’re drenched mesh’la.” The last piece of clothing was finally removed and his curious hands didn’t take long to open the folds of your glistening cunt. You looked away a bit embarrassed but he assured you. “You’re so beautiful and soft I can't help myself but...”
Then he did the most surprising thing. With his fingers covered with your slick, he went to the inferior part of his helmet and made disappear. He yas kriffing tasting you.
“Dank Farrik and you taste heavenly too.” Things became fast in a moment. He suddenly stood up in all his imposing height, totally covered in contrast with your nakedness, grabbed your but and in a heartbeat was lifting you from the floor. You squirmed in surprise, your legs rapidly snaking around his tapered waist, feeling all the whole glory of his erection against your pussy. He then turned in his heels and laid you in his bed delicately. But you weren’t playing tame anymore.
“Mando, I need you please.” Your plea was accompanied by a roll of your hips against the bulge on his pants, and you moaned at the sensation of the harsh fabric against the sensitive skin there. Mando grunted at the contact and obeyed you, removing his crossbody ammo belt. You continued the grinding while he battled with the straps of his hip belt, pleasuring yourself against his hard cock, until the leather piece full of pouches hit the ground with a loud thud. 
Finally, his hot hands were all over you again and he leaned over your body. But then, he froze in place. You looked at him quizzically when you heard something metallic rolling on the floor. Maybe something important? Maker, you knew he kept bombs on the belt…
“Wait,” he said, leaving you naked in the bunk where you experienced the worst ten seconds of your life thinking you were going to be blown away before having sex with the Mandalorian. But his absence was brief, and he returned with a spherical object between his golden fingers. Something you didn’t recognize at all.
“Is it a bomb?” You asked clueless. He chucked but there was something off about it. 
“It’s from a lever in the cockpit.” You sighed in relief knowing your life or his weren’t in danger. Noticing how he wouldn’t stop looking at the metal ball, you knew he wasn’t okay. Finding your tuning between the mess of sheets and blankets, you put it on and sat on the edge of the cot. You didn’t feel annoyed because the intimate moment was interrupted: it was clear something was disturbing him.
“Hey, Mando, look at me.” You asked, holding his bare wrists most delicately. He flinched at the contact and you noticed his pulse was derailed. Then he looked at you like he had just noticed you were there and started apologising.
“I’m so sorry I…” It looked like he didn’t even know how to start explaining himself. You’ll say he sounded even embarrassed.
“It’s okay, I’m not upset. We don’t have to continue if you don’t feel like it.” His shoulders slumped and his gaze fixated again on the ball. And then you noticed, by the light shivering of his torso. He was crying. Your heart broke in a thousand pieces. “Come here, baby.”  You cooed, opening your arms to the Mandalorian, hoping you could offer some relief to whatever he was experiencing. 
To your surprise, he fell to his knees again and then sank his helmet into your lap. His shoulders were convulsing more visibly now and your chest hurt for him. You started caressing the back of his neck, hoping it felt soothing for him, and remained like that for a while.
“I’ve got you baby.”
You didn’t know how much time it passed with Mando sobbing against your tunic and you doing your best to make him feel better, but after a while, it looked like he was calmer.
“I already lost him once.” His voice was coarse from crying, and even though the lack of context you knew immediately he was referring to Grogu.
“We’ll find him and take him home, Mando.” You responded softly, feeling something warm spread inside you and not stopping for a second your caresses.
“Din.” He finally unburied his head from your lap and looked at you. “My name is Din Djarin.”
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whumping-valentine · 4 months
Continuation of that short Sailor Whumpee Lighthouse Keeper Whumper thing I wrote last month. Will tag as "Sailor Whumpee" Also I guess Whumpee is trans and uses he/they pronouns.
"The Docks aren't the friendliest of places, you know." The Lighthouse keeper warned the sailor about to leave. It was the day after their shipwreck, and out of all the many sea travelers he's seen, never has the old keeper encountered one quite like this. Already so eager to leave despite their condition.
Whumpee stopped in their tracks, hand on the cold iron doorknob. They turned around, "What do you mean by that?"
"What else is there to mean? The pirates in town are rough and tumble, and I'm just not so sure they'll take too kindly to the bruised, washed-up sailor." Whumper closed their eyes, taking a slow sip of their tea. "Mm. Besides, they all know about you. The Boy in the Boat, they called you. Found your little pathetic board smashed out on the rocks. Not much of a boat now, is it?"
"So you pull me in off the shores just to insult me?"
"Yeah, pretty much." A sly smile appeared on Whumper's face. "People often find my hospitality comes with a price. But hey! I pulled you off the shores, bandaged your wounds, and gave you a place to stay. Though I know sailors don't take too kindly to badmouthing their ships— even if she is nothing more than plywood now."
Whumpee rolled their eyes, "Well, thanks for saving me, but our short paths end here. You can quit your yapping."
"Farewell. But there is one thing you should know—"
Whumpee opened the door, and was greeted to a horrendous downpour, and a perfect strike of lightning.
Whumper smiled, "Welcome to The Docks!"
~~~ Continued ↓ ~~~
Whumper was surprised when Whumpee actually went out into the storm, with no hesitation, at that. Suppose that kind of stupidity is exactly what got them crashed here in the first place. It didn't matter, though. They'll be back, and they'll have questions. It was only a matter of time.
Whumpee was never one to care of storms. He'd sit in the mud during a downpour, run across the beaches in a hurricane, and hoist his sails in a thunderstorm. He lived for the clouds, the sea, and the storms. People called him crazy and reckless, but he would never see it that way. After all, he always said:
If you don't die on a boat in the middle of a thunderstorm, did you ever truly live?
He made his way off the rocky shores of the Lighthouse, despite the crashing waves hitting his feet. They knocked him over quite a few times, but a face full a' sea water n' a rock jammed in his side wasn't any new feat. Most people might find the sand up the nose and wet clothes to be uncomfortable, but for Whumpee it was just another part of life, and they tried to enjoy all of them. Even in the unpleasantries there is something to be experienced.
That experience was life itself. It was something to be cherished. Every shipwreck, every storm, every literal rock in the side, it was life. Even death was just another part of it, albeit the end.
He stepped off the rocks and onto the docks. Ships swayed in the violent rain, hitting loudly off them. He walked down them and into the coastal town, simply referred to as "The Docks" as a whole. They weren't too sure what time it was, as the clouds were just that thick, but they reckoned it had to've been midday.
The town was as rough and tumble as they came, more so than Whumpee had seen, and they'd sailed all over the world. What I meant by that is it looked like it was out of some nautical maritime fairytale. A cluttered, disheveled, seaside town, but it was medieval, too. Old timey, 15th century, and— did that Lighthouse keeper mention pirates earlier?
Sure, they're still around, they've ran into a few, but to so casually mention them like that seemed strange. Then again, they were also talking about mermaids sinking ships, so maybe the lonesome old keeper was just crazy and full of shit. Still, with curiosity at its peak, they walked down the cozy wet cobblestone streets.
Though the rain was loud and rough, they could hear the lively chatter inside the old buildings. The sound of clanking glasses, laughter, dancing, and old-timey sea shanty music boomed inside the large tavern building. The widows were open holes in the wall, covered by planks that could swing open.
Whumpee pulled opened the tavern window, and an olive skinned woman happened to be standing right against it.
"Oh, hi, sorry." Whumpee said.
"It ain't be a bother." Said the woman, a piratey accent to her voice. She took a sip of the beverage in her hand, "Mm. Besides, the air be nice, it's stuffy in this ol' place. Name's Caretaker."
"Charmed." She said, doing a raise of her glass before taking another sip, "What bring ya peerin' into taverns?"
"Just walking around, getting acquainted."
She chuckled, "Durin' a storm? You're quite the adventurous one."
"I was born out at sea, I wouldn't be me if I wasn't." He said, hoisting himself to sit on the windowsill, getting out of the rain. "There ain't a better time to get out into the open air than during a thunderstorm."
"Ain't ya frightened by it?"
"It's about risk vs. reward. Is the risk of dying out at sea greater than simply being out at sea? Is the threat of getting struck by lightning worse than the experience of being out in a thunderstorm? Does the thought of getting sick outweigh the positives of being one with nature? The answer is no, to me at least. Like, I'd much rather die in a shipwreck than of a heart attack in some dumb suburban house, you know?"
"Can't say I do, but I respect your enthusiasm."
"That's more than most people. I just really love life, and that includes all the bad things that come with it. I've gotta admit, I love me a good shipwreck."
"Oh, are you the new boat boy who crashed on the bay last week?"
"Yeah, I guess so. I'm surprised people know about me already."
"In a town like this, word tends to spread fast. Ain't much goin' on. How'd the grumpy ol' keeper treat you?"
"Well, he was talkin' about merfolk and stuff."
"Ah, that old bastard is always so cryptic. He is one of the merfolk. Don't know why he does it, but I suppose it's just to scare any of the humans he gets."
Whumpee furrowed their brow in confusion.
"Oh, yeah, you're new, sorry. He's a human-trapper who works with the royals. Sometimes they end up crossing over, so it's his job to turn them in."
Whumpee was incredulous, "What are you talking about?"
"Hm? What d'ya mean?" She asked, brushing her long, dark, curly hair behind her ears, letting Whumpee see they were long and pointed. Whumpee nearly choked on air as their eyes widened and heartrate accelerated. Was... was this real?
"Hey, you alright?"
"Eh, I was... just in a crash the other day, ya know? Still a bit lightheaded and all that. I— I should get going. Nice talking!" He said, jumping down from the window, shutting it, and running off down the streets back to the shores.
He practically had to crawl through the sea across the stones to the Lighthouse, the waves that stong and harsh. He kicked open the door, dripping wet.
"Back so soon?" Whumper asked, but Whumpee only had one thing on their mind.
"You sunk my ship!" He slammed the door behind him, "Where am I? Who are you? How did I get here?"
Whumper smiled, still with his cup of tea that he sat down on the table. "Welcome to The Docks."
--- --- --- ---
Hey hoped you like this! It wasn't very whumpy, but I'm currently just fighting demons (writer's block) hoping they'll go away soon. I was sat out in a thunderstorm soaking wet and wrote this while waiting for round two so then I could go shower 😂
I wasn't intending on this being anything other than a one-off, but I love the rain and sea (if you couldn't tell) and when inspiration strikes, it strikes. I now plan on continuing this, as I have a few ideas, but I'm just kinda going with it. I don't have a plot or anything but I DO know that while Whumper may seem chill now he's going to be the absolute worst later. This confident, life-loving Whumpee is about to be crushed.
Also! Since I'm continuing this, I'd like to name them! Since I have literally, actually, 300+ named characters (I listed them) I'm kinda all named out. So I'd like some suggestions! Masc/neutral names for whumpee and whumper and fem/neutral for caretaker.
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dejabluebabygirl · 2 years
I See You - Chapter 1
Miles Quaritch x Fem! Na'vi OC
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Summary: Vira Te Wou Auhew’ite, an albino Na'vi and future Tsahìk of the Tayrangi Clan, The Ikran Riders of the Eastern Sea, keeps needing to save the demon Miles Quaritch at Ewyas command. When she's given a sign to try to teach him The People's way, both she and Miles struggle with their growing feelings for each other.
Authors note: All Na’vi speech will be in BLUE because I honestly don't think I can keep trying to translate forever lol so whether the phrase is written in Na’vi or in English, just imagine its like jake who is now sooooooo used to the Na’vi language it's like English lol. 
I looked up how Native Americans used to tell years part the most common answer I could find was the moon but Pandora is a moon so a year from Vira’s POV will be referred to as a “full sky cycle” so that's a full 12 months. For a month I’m going to refer to it as just “cycles” or “short cycles” unless anyone has a better suggestion!
Vira is also sister to Ikeyni (which is talked about in this chapter, https://james-camerons-avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Ikeyni ) but since she’s really not overall important to the movie lore I don’t think it matters much so I'll be taking liberties with the Tayrangi Clan Clan since honestly, James Cameron has left it all pretty bare bones, at least what I can find online.
I added a tag list if anyone wants to be added please just let me know! I didn't expect such a response on the prologue so thank you so much for being so kind! I cleaned up my manic writing so hopefully, you'll like this chapter, Chapter 2 is already partially completed too! Suggestions, prompts, and ideas are always welcome but can't be promised!
Oh and credit to @milknhonies for the idea to just bold the English after Na’vi, they’re the person I saw do it and their writing is amazing for Quaritch and I need to stop reading their stuff so I don’t borrow things on accident : ‘ )
Rating: T I think, nothing I would deem too spicy
Warnings: Canon typical violence, strong language/swearing, mild mentions of mating/sex, nudity, chase scene, aggressive behavior, some manhandling, and I guess manipulation too? I'm bad at this : ' )
Words: 5,797
Chapter 1
Vïra had a nearly sleepless night beside the sky demon, after she’d said it was Ewya’s will he live, he did not push her for more answers. She had sewn up his face in silence and soon after he’d fallen asleep against the tree. She’d found herself a small, soft patch of grass at his side and tried to get some rest. Close enough that she would hear if he needed anything but not close enough to touch,
In truth, Vira was tried. Tired of being away from home, tired of thinking she knew what Ewya wanted. She’d left her home twice now, trying to do what the great mother asked of her but it was hard when all she gave to Vira was brief images, flashes of the future when her kuru was attached to the large, white mushroom that thrived in her villages Glade of Echos. Their most sacred space to connect to Ewya. 
She knew she should be thankful, the great mother was speaking to her in her own way but it was a burden to keep traveling far from home to save a demon. To see the destruction he left in his wake. 
For reasons unknown to her, Ewya wanted him alive. 
In total Vira had only ever received three visions from the great mother. She always saw things from her own eyes, things yet to pass. Her first as a child she had seen Toruk Makto come to their village, she seen so clearly her sister, Ikeyni riding off to war with the Sky People on the backs of their Ikrans. When she’d told her mother and sister they had laughed, thought it was merely a child playing a game but a day later Jake Sully, the dream walker who became Toruk Makto, came to them. Her sister flew off to battle without hesitation. 
The second was when she saw the demon falling on the back of his royal blue Ikran. Falling from the Ikran rookery in Ayram alusìng used by the Omatikaya clan, she’d been shown in it in one of her visits to the clan. She saw she was on her gold Ikran Stiwi, diving down beside him, shouting at him to use Tsaheylu in English. The pink Na’vi fled from home right then and there and flew straight to the floating mountains. She perched on a cliff face and waited for the demon to fall and did as Ewya showed her. 
Vira had gotten an earful from her mother for taking off without telling anyone and promised not to do it again. But she would. She did it again, she’s done it this very afternoon. She’d gone and connected her kuru to the large white mushroom and saw the demon flying on his Ikran, going down into the forest, then in a flash, she saw herself bandaging up his wounds. She knew what she needed to do and left immediately, following the coast of the eastern sea south for hours, closer to where the Metkayina villages were. 
Then after feeling like she had traveled south forever, she saw the large royal blue Ikran going down into the woods just as she’d seen. She pursued on Stiwi, leaving her in a nearby tree as she quickly and quietly climbed down to observe the demon before assisting him. For being in such pain, he’d spotted her much quicker than she’d excepted. 
For now, Vira laid and tried to focus on her breathing, the calmness of her breath, the softness of the grass and ignore the strange feeling from being around the demon. The weird pull that pooled her stomach. It got worse when she touched him, she had a hard time not thinking about how his hard, muscled abdomen had felt under her nimble fingers. She’d help heal Na’vi men amongst her clan but they had never made her feel like that. Her face and ears felt hot at the thought of changing his bandages tomorrow. 
The feeling had gotten even worse when he’d grabbed her kuru, an act that both scared her and made her heart beat loud in her chest.
She’s never been touched in such a manner by anyone, let alone a male Na’vi. 
Let alone a demon. 
Went it just felt like Vïra had fallen asleep, she was awoken by a sharp tug on her tail. She screamed as pain shot up her spine as she was dragged over to the demon from her sleeping place. Her fingers left marks in the soil as she tried to get away but he was too strong. 
“Morning princess,” the blue sky demon quipped, her pink tail still wrapped around his knuckles, he flashed a fanged smile.
“Not princess,” she grumbled while attempting to snatch her tail back. He held it tight for a few moments but let it go without warning after she gave a few hard tugs, causing her to fall back on the ground. 
“Sorry about that sweetheart, just pulling your tail a little.” He let out a chuckle, amused with himself. 
She made an annoyed noise but tried her best to remember her manners. He was a demon, she shouldn’t expect kindness but she’d do right by the great mother. Get him healed, send him away. 
“Vira Te Wou Auhew’it,” she said adjusting herself as she sat back up, placing a hand on her chest as she gave her name. The demon looked at her like she grew extra limbs. “Vira is okay.” 
“Miles Quaritch.” he cracked a small, fanged smile that she wasn’t sure if altogether friendly or threatening.
She repeated his full name back to him, testing it on her tongue. 
“Just call me Miles, Vira.”  He couldn’t quite say her name correctly with his accent but he tried, she let out a giggle and covered her mouth, flushed with embarrassment. 
“What?” He asked, his ears down in disappointment he couldn’t hide. 
“Your saying is off but it is okay. Your language was not easy to learn either. Still struggle.” she reassured him with a small, kind smile he didn’t deserve. 
Vira left the alien to go find them some food and gather water after she’d checked his bandages, there wasn’t much she could do for his injuries, even as a future Tsahìk, there was a limit to her abilities. Maybe the Sky People would be able to do more, after regaining some more strength he’d be able to leave in the next day or two and she could go home.
The prospect of returning home filled with her excitement and nervous energy, after many years of prodding mother had finally gotten her to accept a betrothal, it was deemed that they would mate before Ewya in 2 short cycles of time when the seasons changed. It would be mating season then and while they could mate at any time, Vira has always hoped to make the bond during this sacred time. 
Vira was an other amongst her people, while she was a part of the tribe, their leaders' sister and daughter of the Tsahìk but she was just different. Different in more than just her pink coloring but in her mannerisms and thoughts. Throughout her whole childhood Vira was quiet and inquisitive, she liked the arts and the songs of the past, always seeking knowledge. She didn't mind spending time alone and away, they were a tribe but she was happy to have solitude with Ewya in the Glade of Echos or to stay home making jewelry rather than playing games. When she wanted to be included or tried, she would be picked on for her looks, stature, or being strange. Many nights she remembered crying in her mother's arms, asking why Ewya had made her so different from everyone else. Things got easier as she aged, more of The People realized she was a valuable scholar and would be a good Tsahìk someday. Vira had made many friends with the women of the village, they found her sweet and easy to talk to, and they thought it funny to make her pink face pinker by talking of mating acts. Vira was quick to love those who gave her kindness and she especially found ap lace in her heart for the younglings she would teach when she was in the village.
But what Vira truly wanted from her tribe she could not have, acceptance was one thing but a heart match with a Na’vi man she felt was not in the stars for her. She knew the gazes of males danced over her pink skin every mating season since she came of age. Many worried her coloring would pass on or were concerned with how small her stature was, making them keep their distance. They didn’t even try to get to know her.
Vira could not deny that she was petite, small for even a Na’vi woman, some of the younglings girls in their teen full sky cycles were already as tall or taller than her. Many of The People thought small stature meant a sign of weak Na’vi children. The thought made her sad.
She'd heard story after story, song after song that talked about how pure and sure the love of a heart match would be but it was not meant to be for her.
But she could have children to love and care for. 
Lately, Vira no longer felt the drive to hold out hope for a heart match, she had been holding out for but after 20 full sky cycles and Ewya did not grant it to her despite all her prayers. She knew it was time to start a family and have many children. When she’d helped the women of her village give birth and she held their babes in her arms for those few brief moments before giving them back to their mothers, she knew that was a love she craved. Vira had traveled far and wide amongst the clams and gained much knowledge, seen all their sacred animals, and observed many rituals. She felt fulfilled in this sense, learned all she could from The People, and was ready to finally stay home and take her fledgling Tsahìk duties more seriously. She’d gone to her mother after helping with a birth last cycle and asked her to inquire about betrothal matches, 
Huärì had been the best match her mother returned to her with, he was a great hunter and great warrior. Much like her he had held off looking for a mate for some time but he was much older than her with 45 full sky cycles passing since his birth but he was still strong and capable. He was also kind to her and told her she looked like the eclipse sky, she knew he would provide for her and their future children. They would be content together and maybe they would grow to love. Surely they’d love the babes they had together.
Stiwi Viras Ikran, flew swiftly over the top of the jungle, bringing her towards the sea. She had not brought a bow or spear to hunt with but her net had been attached to her saddle. She would dive with her Ikran and bring their fill of fish, as she had done many times at home. 
Maybe with some food in his belly the demon would also be less irritable. Why one so miserable was serving of Ewyas grace made her head swim. 
Miles spent most of his time laid up against the tree, he’d tried using his neck communicator once Vira had left, hoping with being closer range to Bridgehead City and the RDA that something would go through but it didn’t, the thing was busted. He hastily ripped it off his neck and chucked it angrily into the foliage. Fucking junk.
The Recom Na’vi pulled his tank top back on but left his vest discarded, he couldn’t be bothered with it right now. He managed to stand and move around the clearing enough that he was able to take a leak and pat his dark blue Banshees head. He felt woozy though, weak. Either from his extended trip under the sea from fighting Sully or just needing food and water as the pink Na’vi told him, he couldn’t be sure but decided to rest would be the best way to save up some strength. He situated himself back against the tree and slept like the dead. 
Quaritch woke up, bleary-eyed and disoriented to the smell of fish roasting over a small fire. The sunlight was deteriorating and Vira busied herself, stoking the flames and taking great care of the fish. He was a little surprised she didn’t tuck tail and run away from him, he hadn’t exactly been kind to her even though she’d done nothing but try to help him. She was pluckier than he first pegged her for.
“Smells good, Tiny.”
Vira’s pink ears perked when she heard his voice, dropping everything to check on him, asking about his wounds and his pain. She gently lifted up his shirt and checked under the leaves she’d patched him up with utmost care. Her small digits traced the stitches gently that she’d placed in his face, she left goosebumps in her wake as she muttered softly to herself in Na’vi. He was just taken by surprise by the gentleness in the most brutal environment known to man, that was all.
Miles was equally surprised by how much of what she was saying he actually understood what she said to herself, ‘strong heart, energy flow, no infection.’ He supposed he had Spider to thank for that, a little pang of sadness bloomed in his chest as he thought of his son. As he thought of all the events over the past few months, even in his relentless pursuit of Sully he’d felt quite close to the boy. He cared about him, and loved him as much as he could, even if he wasn’t really his father, they’d certainly formed a strange but strong bond over the months they were together. It didn't change that he had a soft spot for the kid. He’d taught him more about the Na’vi the science pukes ever did. 
“How do you know all this healing stuff?” 
“Mother is Tsahìk.”
“And where’d you learn English” 
He watched her scrunch up her nose and brow in thought, her tail thumped against the ground a few times, trying to find the right word. 
“Mother's sister, she taught our people.” 
“Aunt, your mother's sister is your aunt. Where did she learn English?” 
“Grace Augustine's school.” a sadness swelled in her orange eyes.  “Aunt is gone now, she died in war against the Sky People when my sister fought with Toruk Makto” 
The words hung in the air. Did she know exactly who she was dealing with? Did she know he was the one that led the assault against her people? The reason her family member died? He ignored it. 
“Your sister, huh?”
“Yes, she is Olo’trykan. She is great leader. I will be Tsahìk one day.” 
That meant her sister was a clan leader and she would be their shaman, speaking to that damn tree god Grace herself had always been going on about. Said tree god that according to Vira, wanted him alive. 
“So you are a pretty little princess,” Miles said with sharp sarcasm dripping from his words. 
Vira half-heartedly bared her little fangs in his direction. “Not princess.” 
He barked a laugh that strung his ribs at her little display, he didn’t know if he understood what a princess was but she didn't like being called it. That meant he'd never stop.
After she’d finished her examination she came back with a large leaf full of cooked fish for him to eat.
“Irayo” Thank you. 
She looked a little startled at him for using her natural tongue but gave him a little smile as she got herself a few fish to eat. “kea tìkin.” No need to thank me.
They ate their fill and she put the fire out and disposed of the bones and scarps by feeding them to the Ikrans. She said it was to not attract the attention of the forest critters, no food or lights in the jungle after dark. He watched the two Ikrans with interest and she pat their heads and fed them. She seemed experienced with them. His royal blue Ikran one look a nasty snap at her gold one, asserting his dominance when they were introduced but they seemed to get along alright after, they even went up into the trees to nest together.
Vira came to sit near him, it didn’t go unnoticed by Miles how she’d angled her body so she was facing him, keeping her pink tail out of his reach. She was sharp, he’d give her that. 
Miles and Vira chatted on, going back and forth and a mishmash of Na’vi and English. He found she very curious about the sky people and learned was from the Eastern sea. They traded little scraps of information to each other by bioluminescent light. She’d come a long way from home to save him. He surmised she was a teacher or some kind of academic since she was not Tsahìk yet. She spoke of how she often spent time traveling to other clans, learned their ways, and brought them back to her people, it was why she’d been in the Ocean Na’vi village that day he’d burned their huts. She’d been there to observe the Tulkun and tell her people of their bonds with the reef dwellers and sing their songs upon her return. Nothing was written, all knowledge was passed by word of mouth or song.
He’d told her how he was a warrior for the sky people, holding up his five fingers in the air to emphasize the point that he was not wholly Na’vi. Her orange eyes seemed captivated by them like they were the most interesting thing she’d ever seen. So strange and alien from her own four-fingered hands. Quaritch also told her of his pursuit of Toruk Makto, which she’d known anyways, clearly hearing him on the beach. He told her about his near drowning, her orange eyes sparkled in awe that he survived and flew all the way to this very spot. He tried to give her as little information as possible but enough to keep her hooked while she prattled on, happy to chat. 
She passed him a crude, animal hide water bottle and he drank his fill, water dripping down his chin to his chest and shirt. Her orange eyes were downcast after that, Miles supposed he must have been quite the looker for a Na’vi as he watched her pink face and ears darken in the bioluminescent light of the forest. Maybe that would be useful later.
“Tomorrow I will take you to the river to clean, ”  Her eyes were still politely averting his gaze. “Then you can leave the day after, your strength will return then.” 
The idea of leaving the day after tomorrow and heading back to the RDA was promising, they could double-check his wounds and he could go back with a better, more prepared team to take out Jake Sully. That was his prime directive afterall, that was the mission. But he couldn't shake the feeling that leaving Vira felt like missing out on a golden opportunity to learn the savage's ways, the little pink Na’vi was by far the most cooperative he’d dealt with in either of his lifetimes. He’d learned some things from Spider, gained some insight but he wasn’t sure how much of the information was reliable, he’d been loyal to Sully all those months even though they bonded. Vira had loyalty to her own tribe. Toruk Makto was nothing to them except someone they went to war with over a decade ago, just a memory for her.
He knew needed to live, eat, and breathe like the enemy and learn all he could about their ways. That's how he would take Sully down. 
There was no violence when Vira woke up the next day, the demon's eyes were still closed and he was breathing softly. She quietly sat up and stretched her long pink limbs and stared at Miles while he slept. He didn't seem so demon-like when he slept, Miles seemed so much like any other Na’vi but maybe a bit bigger, more muscled, and with more fingers too. 
Vira’s mind and eyes drifted down to his large and strong 5 fingered hands, peacefully folded in Miles's lap as he snored softly. She thought of how just those hands seemed to be able to hold her in place, by either grabbing her own hands or her tail, how much power did the alien hold in his body? It send a little shiver down her spine and heat bloomed in her cheeks, just like last night when she’d seen the water drip down from his mouth onto his broad chest. It was a feeling she really didn't understand like there was a dozen tiny kenten flying in her belly. 
The pink Na’vi figured now in the morning glow was as good a time as any to go and gather from the jungle, to fly Stiwi back to the ocean today would be foolish when she’d need her to push back home tomorrow. No, she'd save her Ikrans strength and collect food from the forest. Ewya would provide. 
Vira walked the forest paths quitely gathering the bounty the great mother provided, easily filling her bag with Yovo and Tìhawnuwll fruits that were so ripe she was sure they would burst with sweetness. They would both go to bed again with full bellies, each ready for long journeys. Ready to go home. 
It was midday when she returned to camp, bag, arms, and hands overflowing with bounty. Miles still slept, Vira rolled her orange eyes. He like a baby, slept all day, made too much noise, and would be useless in a clan. Except maybe he could be used to carry heavy things. She giggled at the thought of him being forced to pile firewood back home as she placed the fruit next to him. 
Miles' yellow eyes cracked up at the sound of her laugh, which made her smile more. 
The rest of the afternoon went smoothly, Vira led Miles to the river to drink their fill and bathe. When she’d given him a small bundle of herbs she’d bound together on her morning excursion so he could clean himself properly and remove the salve from his wounds, he had given her a look of confusion. She explained her best in a mix of Na’vi and English while doing washing motions. He seemed to understand as he began taking off his sky people clothing. 
Nakedness was not shameful to the Na’vi but Vira couldn’t help but turn her head away when he began to remove his pants. She got up and walked towards the jungle while he cleaned himself, stomach aflutter as she heard the water splashing with his movements. For the briefest of moments, she thought to look back for a moment but held back the urge to peak. Her face felt flush again and wondered if she was getting ill. Back home she’d bathed many times with men from her village, as long as it wasn’t mating season there was no harm in the act. But Miles made her feel different, he was of the sky people, not a true-born Na’vi, she told herself it was just her natural curiosity getting the better of her. Was a demon’s body different than the others she’d seen? 
Vira jumped when she felt his blue hand, large and heavy on her shoulder, she’d heard him get out of the water but hadn’t realized how close he was. Miles was half-dressed and wet with only his pants on. She took in just how much larger he was than her as he took beside her for the first time. The top of her head only just reached his shoulder. She felt her face flush a deeper shade of purple. 
“Waters fine Princess if you want to get in, I’ll watch your six.” 
Vira didn't understand exactly what he was saying but she understood it was her turn to get in the water, she headed towards the bank and reached behind her neck to do the animal hide ties of her beaded breastplate, its edge lined with Ikran teeth and clearwing sheddings from Stiwi.  Vira went to set it on the bank behind her and saw Miles was watching her, standing relaxed against a tree with his arms folded over his broad, fully covered chest. 
“Mìn.” Turn. 
She made a rotating motion with her hand and he still didn't move. 
“Ain’t got nothing I haven’t seen before sweetheart, just making sure your little pink ass don’t get eaten on me.” 
Vira rolled her orange eyes but didn't argue with the large blue demon. He was more likely to get eaten than she was but it was the last night she had to deal with him, with his sharpness and hubris. She turned her back to him and undid the small leaf covering on breasts and undid her tweng, keeping her tail between her legs to protect her scared place. At home she wouldn't have cared, back home there was no need for modesty but his yellow eyes felt intrusive. He was an other, he was not part of The People. 
She wadded into the river and plunged herself beneath the crisp, clean water. 
Any member of the Tayrangi Clan was just as comfortable on the back of their Ikran in the air or swimming in the sea. They were a coastal clan and utilized both the forest and sea both to their advantage. From a young age, they were all taught to swim and to be as comfortable in the water as they were on land. 
Vira did everything quickly as she bathed. Normally she took her time and enjoyed her time in the water but with Miles's eyes burning into her back she felt the need to move, like prey under the eye of a skilled predator. She washed her hair and her body quickly with the herbs, quickly wrung out her long white curls, and quickly dressed so they could quickly return to their camp.
She met Miles's gaze once fully dressed. “Sreton’ong soon must get back.” Dusk. 
Back at camp Vira gave Miles of the tihawnuwll fruits while she began to peel and dice the yovo’s. As she’d suspected when she’d picked them up, they burst the minute he tried to bite into the supple purple flesh. She laughed at him as blue juice dribbled onto his hand and down his chin, freshly washed and already dirty again. Definitely like a baby.
He shrugged his massive shoulder, unashamed of his mess, and continued eating, making undignified slurping sounds, determined to get every ounce of sweetness. She knew she should have scolded him for being too loud, that he’d attract the wildlife to their camp, but the sounds made Vira feel uncomfortable. Those sounds made her skin crawl and her stomach flip. Those sounds nearly made Vira nearly cut herself. It didn't go unnoticed.
“Jesus, give that here.” He barked, lazily resting against his tree, one leg sprawled and the other with his one keen up with his strong forearm eating on it, hand extended for her to pass the fruit. He looked so comfortable in the forest that she forgot for a moment he was an alien wearing the face of her people until her three fingers brushed against his four as she handed over the fruit. 
There was no conversation, just silence as Vira watched Miles make quick work of the fruit. She was focused on his hands, the hands of a demon. Surely five fingers was too many, it would be clumsy and awkward but he was agile as a Palulukan with the horrible metal knife. Didn’t he, didn't these sky people know that Ewya forbade the use of metals from the ground? But she forgave the sin to watch his hands move skillfully like great blue Kali'weya.
“Hand me some leaves to put these on,” Miles ordered and she obeyed gathering several large leaves to serve the chopped Yovo fruit on. 
Before long you were both sitting against the tree, enjoying each other company, exchanging stories as you had the previous night. He was nicer today, and more enjoyable, you’d maybe even miss him and his stories of the sky people a little bit when he was gone. Today he told you of the great and terrible machine arachnids that made their large, tall, metal dwellings in minutes. 
Vira was hanging onto Miles every word as she bit into a tihawnuwll that promptly exploded over her. She hissed in irritation and flattened her ears in embarrassment,  she’d been so captivated by the story she’d forgotten of their ripeness, 
Miles laughed at her, his fangs gleaming in the glow of the jungle. 
“Looks like you made a mess of yourself too, Tiny,” He tried to hand her a leaf but she batted it away out of humiliation. 
“No, no, I’ll wash in the river. It's not far.” 
Vira, a shade darker than normal, got up quickly and started to walk. 
“I’ll come with ya.” 
She just wanted a moment away, to clean the stickiness from her skin, to let the heat dissipate from her cheeks, to not hear her heart pound in her ears.
Vira flicked her pink tail in irritation and it hit his leg. The pink Na'vi was so surprised that he was already behind her and keeping pace that she stopped dead in her tracks, making him knock into her from behind. She nearly lost her footing. 
She whipped around to face him and lashed out.  
“You? You make too much noise, always making messes,  like a baby, not knowing what to do. Useless Skxawng.”  
He understood enough of what she was saying to know did not like it.
Not one bit.
Quaritch quickly backed the little pink na’vi against a tree trunk, her head hit the back of it with an audible thunk. She was surely seeing stars when her big doe eyes looked up at him, his face contorted in anger as his large blue arms caged both sides of her head and his legs on either side of her.
Why her mood soured so quick he couldn’t say but he wasn’t taking lip like that from anyone, let alone some petulant little native.
He leaned his massive Recom body down so he was eye to eye with her. 
“Now, I’d say I’ve been pretty damn nice to you today so I won’t be having any of that” he gritted at her, his fangs gleaming in the low bioluminescent glow of the forest. “So I’m gonna need you to quit being so damn ugly, sweetheart.” 
She hissed at him, barring her pearly white fangs like the little savage she was. Her pink face all puffed up and angry like a wet house cat. 
This hadn’t been how he planned to have this conversation with Vira. He’d planned simply to ask her to teach him, she’d seemed to actually enjoy helping him with Na’vi and talking about the culture but she wasn’t playing nice tonight so neither was he. 
“Now here how this is going to go,” he drawled, not backing away from her. “Tomorrow you’re not going home, you’re staying with me and you’re going to teach me everything about the Na’vi, do you understand me?” It was an order not a question.
She didn’t like that. 
He saw defiance grow in her orange eyes like a roaring flame. It was that same pluck that made her bold enough to come back to him and take care of him earlier when he was cruel. Quaritch had seen enough faces all twisted up and angry at him that practically see what she was thinking about doing and he had to snuff that shit out. 
Miles leaned in so they were nearly nose to nose. “If you spit on me Princess, I swear to whoop your ass so hard you’ll be just as blue as any other goddamn Na’vi.”  He growled 
Her eyes widen in fear and her features softened, he watched her throat bob as she swallowed hard. Miles backed his face away a few inches, taking her change in demeanor for compliance. 
But he blinked and suddenly she wasn’t in front of him anymore.
He looked down as Vira dove between his leg, she’d dropped all her body weight, sliding down the tree, and was now making a break for it by diving between his wide open legs. He tried to stomp on her pink tail as it disappeared between his lower limbs.
The albino Na’vi was behind him, sprinting into the forest, ghosting a glowing trail at her heels. 
He followed hot on her trail, within seconds he could see her. Vira was small and agile but her coloring made her light up like a Christmas tree in the glowing woods. His strides were impossibly big compared to hers, she couldn’t outrun him, even with his broken rib. Did she really think she was getting away?
But she kept going kept trying, even when he got so close her tail brushed his abdomen, she tried to pick her pace and take a different twists and turns but she couldn’t get away. Not from him. Quaritch swore he could smell her fear with his Na’vi nose, there was no mistaking he’d find her if she tried to hide.
The Recom Na’vi watched her break through the brush into a clearing and then just stop, for no rhyme or reason that he could see as he stared at her between branches. She was just stopped dead in her tracks a few feet in. Miles watched as her head slowly moved in all directions, wild white hair gently swaying. Was there danger? Was this surrender? 
He took a deep breath to regain some composure and to try and get his pain under control, his blue and pink nose flaring as his left side bloomed with fresh pain from the pursuit. He broke through the foliage behind her and saw what she was staring at. 
It was dozens, no, hundreds of little white floating lights. 
He took a few steps closer to her and she didn’t move, she was mesmerized by whatever they were.
“I’ve never seen so many,” Vira breathed, back still to him. 
“What are they?” He asked as one floated down towards him and illuminated his face. It was almost like a jellyfish crossed with a puffball dandelion that’d gone to seed back on earth.
He smacked the thing. 
The albino Na’vi turned around, her stupor seemingly broken. He thought she was going to chastise him or yell or bolt again but she was calm. Not at all what he had excepted after he just chased her through the jungle. She was serene and unafraid.
“Gentle, they are pure” She instructed in a whisper. Her two small pink hands gathered up one of his large blue ones and had him open his palm, guiding it toward the glowing tuft. It floated into his hand. 
“What are these things?” He asked again, normally not one to ask nicely twice but they were so beautiful, in an alien way, Miles forgot to be annoyed about repeating himself. His ears went flat and he furrowed his brow as he pulled it closer to his face to observe. She released his hand as yellow eyes filled with wonder at it.
“Atokirina” Miles’s eyes moved from the bright little light to her as watched her pause to think of the English. Viras face scrunched and tail twitced as she thought. A few more tufts floated down onto his arms and shoulders.
“Seeds of the Tree of Life, a sign of Ewya.” 
Quaritch stood there still as a statute, if he moved he feared he might spook Vira and she’d to run off again, with the pain searing into his side he did not to chase her anymore. As he stood there more and more of the seeds kept landing on him until the only part of him not covered in them was his face. Vira seems content to sit there and watch the scene unfold, the Recom Na’vi could see she had tears in the corners of her orange eyes as she looked at him. He felt ridiculous covered in them, all the while the little pink savage was having some kind of religious experience. Utterly ridiculous. They were just seeds. Glowing, floating seeds.
“Did you mean it? That you wish to learn our way? To learn to be N'avi?” She spoke soft and looked into his eyes with such earnest it was almost painful.
“Yes.” It wasn’t a lie, not really. He needed to learn their ways, maybe not for the pure reason Vira probably hoped for but it was the truth the he desired to learn.
“Ewya help me,” she murmured what sounded almost like a prayer and started up into his eyes. “I will teach you, Miles.” 
At her words, every single seed that landed on him all at once released themselves and floated up into the trees. His yellow eyes followed them as the bobbed away towards the tree tops.
It was beautiful and unexplainable.
Prologue - Next Chapter
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Side note: Vira is only 7'8" just FYI, the average height for Na'vi is 8' to 10' so she's small. Here's the height comparison chart for Vira and some other Avatar Characters! I used https://www.heightcomparison.com/
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Tag List: @bandomonia
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blackjackkent · 7 months
Given all that business with Shar and Shadowheart, I've come to the conclusion about something that needs to happen for Hector, at least in my headcanon if not canonically in the game.
"Copper for your thoughts, love?" Karlach asks softly as she crawls into bed next to him in the Elfsong.
He's already stretched out on his back under the blankets, staring at the high rafters of the ceiling thoughtfully, and it takes him a moment to come back to himself at the sound of her voice. He smiles, though, as his eyes meet hers, and scoots aside at once to give her room to snuggle up against him. "They're complex enough that I think a copper might be undercharging," he says ruefully.
She slides an arm under his shoulders, pulls him into her arms so his head is nestled on her shoulder and against her cheek. "Well. I've got time," she says, kissing his temple gently. "You scared me, you know. Back there. I don't know what Shar did with you but you and Shadowheart and her parents all just... I dunno. You sort of phased out, went all smoky, and everything got dark..."
"I'm sorry," he murmurs. "I didn't know any of that was going to happen..."
"I know." She hesitates. "You really spoke to her? The goddess?"
"We both did." He sighs heavily. "And she was exactly as cruel as I was always taught she was. But for better or for worse, Shadowheart's free of her now, I suppose..."
She noses against his hair, another kiss to the top of his head. "You sound like something's still bothering you, though."
"Well, all of it, I suppose. How awful the whole thing was for Shadowheart, for one thing. But... other, more selfish things, too." He pauses, and then the words burst out of him. "Is it so much to ask, that if I am to face down Shar, and Myrkul, and Vlaakith and Orpheus and Mystra and Bhaal and Bane... is it so much to ask, that I come so close to Selune, even once?"
She frowns. "You're asking the wrong person, I'm afraid," she mutters.
"No, I... I know. It's not really something anyone can answer, anyway. I just... grow frustrated, at times. Fifty years I've lived trying to follow the Moonmaiden's light, and now here I am at the center of a battle where all the gods seem to be converging..."
"And yet yours hasn't spared a word for you."
"Yes." He sighs. "Don't worry. It'll... it'll pass. Today's just put me at a low ebb, that's all. All of us really, I think."
"No kidding." She rolls over into him, pulls him fully into her embrace.
As always, he starts to relax at once; no matter how terrible the day is, this is always safety, always home. He turns his head so he can press a kiss under her jaw and lets his eyes close. "Good night," he mumbles. "It'll all look better in the morning, I expect..."
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His eyes drift open and at first he's conscious only of a strange, floating sensation. Everything around him is the pale blue-white of pure moonlight, and it is a blank abyss without a point of reference. For a moment he almost panics, feeling that sense of emptiness in all directions that almost reflects what he saw in the Shadowfell, or his vision of the Absolute in Moonrise Towers...
But the panic eases almost at once, because he is dimly aware on some level that he is dreaming, that somewhere he is still in bed with Karlach's arms around him. And because he realizes with a sudden soul-shocking clarity that Selune is there watching him.
She takes no form as Shar did; she is in the very moonlight that surrounds him. And where Shar's voice was a thunder-rumble of cruelty, the voice that speaks to him now is soft, a gentle murmur, almost a whisper in his ear.
"Poor boy..." his goddess says to him softly. "Poor boy that has traveled so far in my name, and grown so weary..."
He cannot speak. His tongue feels frozen in his mouth. But his head lifts, looking around wildly, drinking in the sense of the presence he cannot see, like a parched man spying an oasis in the desert.
"Hector Carlisle, you show a strong front to the world..." the voice whispers, and there is a touch of kind amusement in it. "So strong it could fool even the divine. I should have reached out to you long past..." A touch like silk drifts across his cheek. "But do not believe that you travel alone."
He finds his voice with difficulty; the words stick in his throat a little, hoarse and uncertain. "I knew I did not..." he whispers. "So many times I have felt your light on me in the dark places... so many allies you have sent to help me carry the load..."
And yet they both know the truth - that he has longed for his goddess to speak to him, to bring him words of comfort and approval and pride... to tell him with certainty that he has done her will and hewed to the right course...
"My son... lonely child of my faith..." the Moonmaiden says, and there is an infinite sadness in that divine voice now. "Would that you could have been spared it all - the darkness you have been forced to face, and the darkness that yet lies ahead. The burden you bear is one that evil wrought for you to carry, and you have borne it beyond all my expectations."
He swallows the lump that forms in his throat at hearing these words. "There is so much... so much more to the world than I ever imagined..."
"It is a place full of life, full of light and full of darkness," she agrees. "A place you were ill-prepared for, and yet you have thrived."
"Have I done as you would wish?"
"You have done as your heart guided."
"With Shadowheart, with Aylin-- matters so close to you, did I do as you wanted?"
Again that faintest hint of amusement. "Had you done otherwise, I would have made sure you knew it long before now..."
A pause while he drinks in the overwhelming comfort that comes with that reassurance.
"Will we be all right?" he asks softly.
"Even I cannot say..." Selune answers. A thread of iron runs beneath the silk-smoothness of her voice. "The Dead Three have constructed a weapon that has broken beyond their control. Were it in my power to tell you the exact path that lies ahead, I would do so. But my light penetrates only so far before all becomes shrouded beneath shadows even deeper than Shar's."
He nods slowly. "I knew that, really," he answers, his head bowing.
"But you travel with my blessing," she continues. He feels a blossom of warmth grow in his heart, spread tingling through his whole body. "Let hope sustain you, for it is not lost yet, nor shall it be."
"Thank you..." he whispers. He feels dizzy with relief, with gratitude, with the sudden urge to smile and to sob simultaneously. "I will not forget it..."
"Rest, now, my boy..." she whispers gently in his ear, and he feels the moonlit abyss around him begin to fade out of his awareness. "Rest, and carry my light with you into the morning..."
His eyes open again. He is back in the Elfsong, back in bed next to Karlach; she is face down, snoring into the pillow, her arm stretched haphazardly across his chest. And for a moment, with Karlach's embrace around him and Selune's voice in his mind, he feels a sense of deep peace such as he has never imagined he might experience again.
Thank you... he thinks, and tears sprout in his eyes. Thank you... I will not fail you... I swear it...
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roxy-bat-wolf-pack · 4 months
A bit of an unusual Stranger Things oneshot request.
No ships, just Steve angst of him and Hopper having a beer after S4 and talking about shit that happened to them because Steve needs a proper father figure and a moment to be vulnerable
I don't think this was unusual. I actually really liked this idea. For Hoppers bit about Vietnam, I used real conversations I've had with Vietnam veterans for reference. I hope I did it justice. Thank you!
⚠️warnings⚠️ All of the unusual Stranger Things triggers with a focus on PTSD. Discussions of war.
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Empty House
The night was coming to a close. Cars pulled from the driveway, and I was waving my final goodbyes. Dustin's waving hand shot out from the passenger window as he and his friends drove off, the sounds of the engine dying down as the car got smaller in the distance. The Byers had all gone inside, and I looked up at the setting sun, a slight breeze sending some strands of my hair in my face. My hand lingered on the keys in my pocket, and I let out a sigh. I knew I was hesitating to go home.
The sound of a bottle opening made me turn around. Jim Hopper stood there at the end of the driveway, a beer in his outstretched hand. My brows knit together in confusion, but I tried to put a polite smile on my face.
"Oh, um, sorry, I'm only 19."
Hopper let out a chuckle, which told me he wasn't having any of that.
"Yea well, I spent enough time in Russia. The drinking age there was 18." He said, pushing the bottle into my hand. "Besides, I know you drink anyway. I was chief of police remember? I've broken up parties before, and you have a good attendance record for those."
I chuckled. "Yea, I did. Not anymore." I said before taking a swig.
He gestured for me to follow him back to the bonfire. The remnants of our small gathering were now no more than a couple of lawn chairs and a dying flame.
"So you don't want to go home?" He asked.
The question was abrupt, and his ability to read me so easily caught me off guard. I thought about how to respond for a moment before finally saying
"House is empty." I waited for him to fill the silence, but he didn't. He just waited for me to continue. "It's not always easy going from a gathering like this to an empty house. Everyone here is so involved. Holding onto hope, trying to come up with a plan."
Hopper nodded. "And we all get to go home with our families. Meanwhile, your parents are...?"
I took another swig before answering, the chill from the beer starting to numb my fingertips.
"Who knows where they are? Dad goes on business trips, mom doesn't trust him to go alone."
"Yea, but what do they think of all this?" He waved his hands to gegster to the whole of Hawkins. "I mean, they think it's just an earthquake, but isn't that enough reason to come back?"
I glanced over at him and gave a humorless smile. "Perhaps if they cared. But business outside of Hawkins is booming. Hawkins has already boomed. No reason to come back. "
He nodded, showing he caught onto the real meaning of my words. We sat in silence for a moment before I worked up the courage to say what was on my mind.
"I mean, they didn't even come back for my birthday. But it's fine. I was too busy trying to survive to remember it myself. Still a cake order? A present shipped to the house? A phone call? But no, nothing."
He looked to me. "A cake order?"
It wasn't the question I was expecting, and I couldn't help but chuckle a little.
"Yea. When I was little, back when mom still tried to put in the effort, I would get a strawberry cake for my birthday every year. Even when she first started traveling with dad, she would have one ordered for me. But um, not this year." I said with a shrug.
I looked over to him. His calm silence spoke volumes, allowing me room to say what was on my mind, without judgment. He just sat there. I realized he had regained some of the weight lost in Russia, and I immediately regretted my words.
"Ah hey man, I'm sorry. I'm over here complaining about missing cake this year when you went through worse. I mean, I'm just some punk kid with good party attendance, and when you were my age, you were getting drafted. I'm sorry for complai-"
"Hey, no." Hopper stopped me. "None of that."
He was looking at me now, his expression one of ginuwine concern.
"Yea, I've been through hell, especially this past year, but so have you. What's happened to you is just as real as anything I've faced."
I smiled at him and was surprised to feel a slight lump in my throat. I stayed silent to let it fall but also to give him a chance to speak.
"After Vietnam, I was angry." He started. He looked off into the distance as though he was remembering something he tried to forget.
" I didn't volunteer for Nam. Hell, hardly any of us did. It was forced on us, like this situation has been forced on the town. I'll spare you the details of what I saw out there, but oh boy, did I see it. Then I came home to people protesting my arrival. People who evaded the draft spit at the sight of me. They didn't know the stuff I had been through. Then I tried to start a family, and that," He paused, choosing his words carefully, "well, that didn't work the way I had hopped. So here I ended up. Hawkins. A town in need of a police chief and boy was I a miserable one. These people came to me day in and day out with their petty complaints. 'My neighbors not mowing their lawn, my cats missing, my son used my credit card'" He sighed. " I mean, these people had no real problems. Then... all this."
He looked at me, right into my eyes. " This is like war, son. The stuff we're facing. Only difference is you got no training for it. Any one of the things you've faced would have taken out a man like your dad."
I couldn't help the sting in my eyes. It took me a moment before I was able to speak with a steady voice.
"I worry, man. Am I doing the right thing? Letting these kids fight next to me? I mean, I worry that if I don't go with them into these situations that they will just go alone."
He laughed." Oh, I know how you feel. I adopted a kid with powers, remember?"
He sighed. " I can't stop her. Lord knows, I've tried. The only thing I can do his protect her along the way."
He smiled at me. "You're a kid too, Steve. You're only 19, and you've done so much good. You've fought so hard for the people you care about. If your father was half the man you are, well then, he'd actually be rich."
I couldn't help the tear that dripped down my cheek, thankful for the darkness that concealed it. Did we have the luxury of tears? In a time like this? I noticed then that the fire had completely died. My beer was gone before I realized, and my fingers were no longer cold.
I stood. "Thank you for your time." I said timidly, not sure how to end such a conversation. I held out my hand to him. He stood and just looked at it before pulling me in for an embrace. I couldn't remember the last time my father hugged me, but I remember it never felt like this. My father's hugs were never so caring. And just like that, it was over. Hopper waved goodbye with a
"Our house is hardly empty, so stop by any time."
I thanked him one last time before getting in my car and pulling away. I was surprised to find that I was no longer worried about being home alone.
The sun was brighter than the day before as I pulled into work. The store was empty except for Robin, who lounged behind the counter.
"Hey." I said, setting down my things.
"Oh hey." She said lazily spinning in the swivel chair. "Someone stopped by and dropped this off." She pointed with the pin in her hand twords the counter. "A delivery guy in like a chefs coat."
I looked over, curious, to the small white box on the counter. A note sat on top, and I pulled it open.
"Happy Birthday! -Hopper" was all that was scribbled on the paper. I opened the box, and a smile spread across my face.
A small strawberry cake.
Authors note: Thank you for reading, love! I take requests🦇
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halothenthehorns · 9 months
"Like chicken wings?" Magnus asked in concern when he read the new title. He couldn't be that judgy though, he'd gotten hungry enough to eat plenty of...used food.
"What an odd souvenir for this quest," Jason murmured. He couldn't imagine how the object to get a kid killed would come in handy.
"I always hated the use of the phrase new and improved. If it's new then it can't be improved on already. If it's improved then it can't be that new! This, might actually qualify as both though..." Nico finished with a mutter to himself.
Somewhere in the back of all of their minds, they had to know what this was really referring to. It was to much of a coincidence Percy had dreamed of the very wings Daedalus had invented that had failed his boy.
"This way!" Rachel yelled.
"Why should we follow you?" Annabeth demanded. "You led us straight into that death trap!"
"As opposed to the other two death trap options you had?" Will said blankly.
"Percy almost died again not twenty-four hours after he came back to life," Thalia sighed defensively. "Cut her some slack."
"It was the way you needed to go," Rachel said. "And so is this. Come on!"
Annabeth didn't look happy about it, but she ran along with the rest of us.
Rachel seemed to know exactly where she was going. She whipped around corners and didn't even hesitate at crossroads. Once she said, "Duck!" and we all crouched as a huge axe swung over our heads. Then we kept going as if nothing had happened.
"Therapy, every one of us," Magnus sighed, as even he hadn't blinked this time. Talk about being desensitized to horrors.
I lost track of how many turns we made. We didn't stop to rest until we came to a room the size of a gymnasium with old marble columns holding up the roof. I stood at the doorway, listening for sounds of pursuit, but I heard nothing. Apparently we'd lost Luke and his minions in the maze.
"Look at this place actually coming in handy," Percy grumbled.
Then I realized something else: Mrs. O'Leary was gone. I didn't know when she'd disappeared. I didn't know of she'd gotten lost or been overrun by monsters or what. My heart turned to lead. She'd saved our lives, and I hadn't even waited to make sure she was following us.
"She can shadow travel," Nico said quickly, watching Percy's face crumble like that had to be worse than giving him the slightest bit of hope she was okay. "It's how she got there so fast. I'm sure she just teleported away to wherever she wanted to when she was done using those monsters as chew toys."
"Yeah?" Percy asked with that bit of hope. He didn't care the headache he got for hearing this, he smiled all the same for the certainty it gave him he would see her again.
Ethan collapsed on the floor. "You people are crazy."
"As opposed to the none crazy plan that would have gotten him out alive," Alex sniffed.
He pulled off his helmet. His face gleamed with sweat.
"Ugh, I forgot he was running with you in armor," Magnus grimaced. "That's some extra level training."
"Have to do it at Camp too," Percy shrugged, it hadn't crossed his mind to be impressed since he'd deduced Ethan had training.
Annabeth gasped. "I remember you! You were one of the undetermined kids in the Hermes cabin, years ago."
Will frowned that he still didn't remember an Ethan Nakamora, but he wasn't perfect. Maybe the guy had come and gone before he'd gotten there, maybe he'd been to young to yet realize the disappearances and patterns to it.
He still felt guilty no matter what he told himself.
He glared at her. "Yeah, and you're Annabeth. I remember."
"What—what happened to your eye?"
Ethan looked away, and I got the feeling that was one subject he would not discuss.
"You guys are strangers on a first-name basis," Jason lightly defended. "None of us are gung-ho to share that kind of thing."
"Yeah," Percy still agreed with a troubled frown. It wasn't the eye, but there was something about him Percy instinctively mistrusted now like he hadn't back then. He hadn't been at Camp so he obviously couldn't be the traitor, but still, the idea bothered him a lot where he'd been and what he'd been up to since Annabeth had last seen him.
"You must be the half-blood from my dream," I said. "The one Luke's people cornered. It wasn't Nico after all."
"Congratulations on not getting caught Nico," Magnus said heartily.
"It's a life goal I'm currently not living up to," he smirked.
"Who's Nico?"
"Never mind," Annabeth said quickly. "Why were you trying to join up with the wrong side?"
Ethan sneered. "There's no right side.
"The side that doesn't casually kill kids sure doesn't seem like a wrong side," Will said hotly for his Camp. Nobody was going to sit around arguing the point, but Will also knew there had been a lot of unrest about the gods too, even from Percy and him.
They were the better side because of the half-bloods running it, not what the gods represented they could be.
The gods never cared about us. Why shouldn't I—"
"Sign up with an army that makes you fight to the death for entertainment?" Annabeth said. "Gee, I wonder."
"That Athena smarts really does come in handy," Alex chuckled.
Ethan struggled to his feet. "I'm not going to argue with you. Thanks for the help, but I'm out of here."
"We're going after Daedalus," I said. "Come with us. Once we get through, you'd be welcome back at camp."
Thalia really did admire that about Percy so much. He didn't think twice about the fact he'd found Ethan trying to join Luke, or refusing to talk about his life before he wound up lost in the labyrinth. That instinct to help, to welcome him back at Camp was the only thought that crossed his mind.
Will had to stop himself from giving Nico a superior look for much the same thoughts as he watched out of the corner of his eye his friend studying Percy with very obvious shock.
"You really are crazy if you think Daedalus will help you."
"He has to," Annabeth said. "We'll make him listen."
"Has Annabeth ever tied somebody up before and tried to get information out of them?" Percy asked Thalia in mild concern she seemed so convinced this was going to be true.
"Not that I'm aware of," Thalia scratched her nose without concern. "Don't underestimate her adaptability though."
"Right," Percy sighed...an uneasy feeling in him as he wondered how far they were going to go to save their camp.
Ethan snorted. "Yeah, well. Good luck with that."
I grabbed his arm. "You're just going to head off alone into the maze? That's suicide."
He looked at me with barely controlled anger. His eye patch was frayed around the edges and the black cloth was faded, like he'd been wearing it a long, long time. "You shouldn't have spared me, Jackson. Mercy has no place in this war."
Then he ran off into the darkness, back the way we'd come.
A part of Percy felt sorry for that guy. He knew that kind of anger, that blind acceptance that there was nothing you could do to fix a situation because it was out of your hands. Ethan deserved better, but he had to accept there was another way.
The larger part of him had wanted to throw a rock at the ingrate and instead had made himself turn away.
Annabeth, Rachel, and I were so exhausted we made camp right there in the huge room. I found some scrap wood and we started a fire. Shadows danced off the columns rising around us like trees.
"Something was wrong with Luke," Annabeth muttered, poking at the fire with her knife. "Did you notice the way he was acting?"
"Like the usual trigger happy, talks to himself, needs crabs in his shorts nutjob?" Alex scoffed.
Thalia bit her lip, her stomach in knots. She knew that's how the others all saw him...but she could never make herself see him that way first.
"He looked pretty pleased to me," I said. "Like he'd spent a nice day torturing heroes."
"It's what all the best clubs and camps are up to," Nico sneered. "You have to pay top dollar for those shows!"
"I hope he got a lovely spray-on tan as a bonus," Thalia tried to say with her usual sarcasm, but it just didn't sound right to her own ears.
"That's not true! There was something wrong with him. He looked...nervous. He told his monsters to spare me. He wanted to tell me something."
"Sparing one out of three does not make you one-third less of a monster," Magnus said with a pit in his own stomach. He didn't think he'd ever hate anybody for sparing his cousin, but man did Luke find a way to make even that feel horrible.
"Probably, 'Hi, Annabeth! Sit here with me and watch while I tear your friends apart. It'll be fun!'"
"I hope Annabeth would have turned him down if he didn't offer popcorn," Alex sniffed.
Thalia was debating with herself if she should release one of those fart arrows to shut them up, and only stopped herself because she knew it wouldn't do any good.
"You're impossible," Annabeth grumbled. She sheathed her dagger and looked at Rachel. "So which way now, Sacagawea?"
"Is that racist now?" Jason asked blankly.
"Everything's racist now," Alex rolled his eyes. "Considering we're trying to keep track of ancient Greek mythology and none of us have finished high school, I don't think we're qualified to decide that." His dark brown skin spoke of experience for itself, so nobody pestered that further.
Instead Magnus all to happily lobbed at Percy, "what is with you always trying to interrogate her while she's holding that knife? Are you actively trying to get stabbed?"
Thalia didn't hear Percy's sarcastic answer. She'd noticed that too, and it brought back the feelings of pride and joy all to easily to the surface of the first time Luke had given her that knife, how Percy seemed to instinctively and yet accidentally keep bringing that up.
Rachel didn't respond right away. She'd become quieter since the arena.
Now, whenever Annabeth made a sarcastic comment, Rachel hardly bothered to answer. She'd burned the tip of a stick in the fire and was using it to draw ash figures on the floor, images of the monsters we'd seen. With a few strokes, she caught the likeness of a dracaena perfectly.
"Girl's going to make a killing on the market," Alex said with pride for those skills.
"If she even sells them," Percy grinned, "she strikes me as the type of giving it all away."
"We'll follow the path," she said. "The brightness on the floor."
"The brightness that led us straight into a trap?" Annabeth asked.
"How many times is she going to harp on that?" Nico asked, exhaustion already in his voice. "It's not her fault what the maze does."
"Lay off her, Annabeth," I said. "She's doing the best she can."
Annabeth stood. "The fire's getting low. I'll go look for some more scraps while you guys talk strategy." And she marched off into the shadows.
Percy was rubbing his temples. How could one girl be the cause of like, seventy percent of his headaches?!
Rachel drew another figure with her stick—an ashy Antaeus dangling from his chains.
"Annabeth's usually not like this," I told her. "I don't know what her problem is."
Rachel raised her eyebrows. "Are you sure you don't know?"
"What do you mean?"
"Boys," she muttered. "Totally blind."
"Hey, don't you get on my case, too! Look, I'm sorry I got you involved in this."
"Dudett, I want to introduce you to a new world called jealousy," Alex told him with a mild touch of sympathy.
"What's Annabeth got to be jealous of?" Percy frowned. "Does she want to be mortal that bad?"
Alex faced palmed and Thalia patted Percy's shoulder with a stage whisper to the others, "he's hopeless."
"What?" Percy protested.
Magnus had the book. He was very tempted to just stop and enlighten Percy what those two girls were actually jealous of.
But frankly, that just wasn't a conversation he wanted to hear, let alone be a part of.
"No, you were right," she said. "I can see the path. I can't explain it, but it's really clear." She pointed toward the other end of the room, into the darkness. "The workshop is that way. The heart of the maze. We're very close now. I don't know why the path led through that arena. I—I'm sorry about that. I thought you were going to die."
Percy instantly wanted to comfort her. To make her laugh. The freckles on her face had all been scrunched up, there was a troubled look in her green eyes that he recognized. She still had huge streaks of gold in her red hair. Her blue hairbrush had been sticking out of her pocket with a few of Tammi's wild, tangled black hairs caught in it he'd swear were trying to whisper into the fire.
Why was every moment he'd shared with Rachel two parts awkward and one part terrifying?
She sounded like she was close to crying.
"Hey, I'm usually about to die," I promised. "Don't feel bad."
Thalia smacked him, again, with another eye roll to boot. "Maybe if you'd stop almost dying we wouldn't feel bad!"
"I can't control that," Percy pouted, really wishing she'd been along on this quest right now. He bet she would have gotten through to Annabeth there was nothing to be jealous about.
She studied my face. "So you do this every summer? Fight monsters? Save the world? Don't you ever get to do just, you know, normal stuff?"
There was a long-standing pause as somebody tried to pull up something 'normal' Percy had done without something causing trouble...and all seven of them were coming up blank.
Percy instantly brushed it off as a non-issue though. If he'd ever had a normal life, he'd probably be dead by now. His boring lazy days at the skate park and walking around New York were usually what led to him being off his game by the time he came back to camp the next summer. He'd get Annabeth or some other camp killed if he let himself have a day off like that.
I'd never really thought about it like that. The last time I'd had something like a normal life had been...well, never.
"Ah the one thing every half-blood has in common," Will nodded.
Nico frowned. His memories had shown a normal life...but he couldn't remember any details to know for sure if there had been monster attacks in their youth or any strange happenings before he'd gone into that hotel. It was odd, actually kind of hoping there had been some abnormality to his life so he wouldn't be left out of that stupid general statement.
"Half-bloods get used to it, I guess. Or maybe not used to it, but..." I shifted uncomfortably.
Something about the careless, almost numb way Percy described his horror of a life really struck Jason. The near deaths, the battles, the concept of his camp, none of it had felt out of place to him. It bothered him a lot that it didn't bother him more.
"What about you? What do you do normally?"
Rachel shrugged. "I paint. I read a lot."
Okay, I thought. So far we are scoring a zero on the similarities chart.
"Oh come on Perce," Alex pleaded for some kind of right-brain activity. "Your mom had to encourage some of that!"
"I bet I could do a really awesome blood splatter and frame it," Percy offered.
"I accept that," Alex looked more than pleased while Magnus swallowed the question of whose blood it would be.
"What about your family?"
I could sense her mental shields going up, like this was not a safe subject.
Percy wasn't that surprised, after the way she'd responded to Annabeth asking earlier, and Ethan had just run off into the maze rather than considering discussing such a thing. Sensitive topic, Percy was well aware. He just wanted to be a friendly ear. Just because it didn't get better didn't mean you had to live with it in silence.
"Oh...they're just, you know, family."
"You said they wouldn't notice if you were gone."
She set down her drawing stick. "Wow, I'm really tired. I may sleep for a while, okay?"
"Oh, sure. Sorry if..."
But Rachel was already curling up, using her backpack as a pillow. She closed her eyes and lay very still, but I got the feeling she wasn't really asleep.
"Are you sure Percy," Thalia gave him a disparaging look of pity. "Are you completely confident about that? I'm worried your lack of being able to take a hint caught onto the fact she instantly fell asleep!"
"Nico told me to never let anyone say that about me," Percy actually looked a little wounded, and Thalia sighed, instantly feeling bad. This idiot had no idea what he was doing, but at least he was a well-meaning idiot.
A few minutes later, Annabeth came back. She tossed some more sticks on the fire.
Percy huffed and decided he was grateful she didn't try to throw him in the fire.
She looked at Rachel, then at me.
"I'll take first watch," she said. "You should sleep, too."
"You don't have to act like that."
"Like what?"
"Like...never mind." I lay down, feeling miserable. I was so tired I fell asleep as soon as my eyes closed.
"See, Rachel might not have been faking it," Percy waved at the book.
Thalia looked like she was watching a limping puppy try to beg for treats when the bag was all out.
In my dreams I heard laughter.
The way Magnus's face brightened for a moment was sad. He really seemed to think for a split second Percy was going to have a nice dream, maybe something silly about his favorite character rescuing him and telling a good joke.
Cold, harsh laughter, like knives being sharpened.
"Nobody would laugh during that noise, why would you even know that?" Magnus huffed, looking particularly put out when he did know better.
"Maybe it was just a chef who enjoys his job to much," Alex offered. "Laughing it up with his buddies about what sea creature they're going to eat."
"Right," Magnus chuckled just for Alex even trying.
I was standing at the edge of a pit in the depths of Tartarus.
"I thought he was in a coffin now?" Jason frowned. "I liked the idea of that better, easier to throw into an active volcano."
"Without a body, he still exists wherever he wants," Thalia oh so cheerfully explained. Just like Gods, their consciousness able to be in multiple places at once.
Below me the darkness seethed like inky soup.
"So close to your own destruction, little hero," the voice of Kronos chided. "And still you are blind."
The voice was different than it had been before. It seemed almost physical now, as if it were speaking from a real body instead of...whatever he'd been in his chopped-up condition.
"And here most people always try to say what makes a person is their heart," Nico shook his head. "Percy has identified it as the larynx."
"I'm just mixing it up, I refuse to use a boring metaphor," Percy shrugged.
"I have much to thank you for," Kronos said. "You have assured my rise."
Percy looked about as impressed as if some school bully had taunted him. "Does that also mean I assure his downfall? Is that how that works?"
"You really want to Yin and Yang Kronos Percy?" Will sighed. "Are you getting this tattooed somewhere?"
"I might," he smirked, while Magnus read on swiftly before that escalated into actual dare territory.
The shadows in the cavern became deeper and heavier. I tried to back away from the edge of the pit, but it was like swimming through oil.
"So you can't swim through anything," Jason nodded seriously like he was taking notes.
"I knew that," Percy frowned, "I wasn't going to the desert and trying to swim through sand! Just because you put swimming in it doesn't make me immune."
'I don't think he's using that word right,' Magnus frowned as he signed to Alex.
'Let it go,' he sighed back.
Time slowed down. My breathing almost stopped.
"A favor," Kronos said. "The Titan lord always pays his debts. Perhaps a glimpse of the friends you abandoned..."
"I don't want to know, I do not want to know," Magnus wished he could cover his ears and just pretend he couldn't hear what this slimy pit considered a reward, but he had the dang book in his hand and the voice in his head really never did shut up.
The darkness rippled around me, and I was in a different cave.
"Hurry!" Tyson said. He came barreling into the room. Grover stumbled along behind him.
Percy never knew relief could hurt this much. The slam of emotions hearing them being alive and yet running for their life would have given him gray hair if he didn't have that already.
There was a rumbling in the corridor they'd come from, and the head of an enormous snake burst into the cave.
Will's arm dropped off the back of the couch, his whole body tried to shrivel up into the corner arm as his feet leaped off the floor to knock into Nico's legs. He was far to lanky to be scrunching up that much, but it wasn't stopping him from trying. The yelp was more shock than distress, but his mind still couldn't help but instantly imagine a mammoth-sized snake trying to force its way through the door.
"Sorry Will, would have warned you if I could," Thalia offered. "Nobody's ever mentioned this part to me."
"Oh, him you'd share every detail with," Percy pitched his voice into the highest mocking. "Me, I can blow up a volcano with no warning."
"Exactly," Thalia rolled her eyes, "the worst he'll do is make a bad pun, not cause another eruption in the room!" Meanwhile Nico was patting Will's shoe that was dug into his hip.
"Well at least I know one part that's not going to make it into the next play," Magnus said with apology clear in his tone he didn't know how to gloss over that.
"Stop encouraging him!" Percy groaned.
I mean, this thing was so big its body barely fit through the tunnel. Its scales were coppery. Its head was diamond-shaped like a rattler, and its yellow eyes glowed with hatred. When it opened its mouth, its fangs were as tall as Tyson.
Will felt like red flashes of light should be shooting across his eyes, a warning sign unneeded as he shivered harder than ever.
"It's okay Will," Nico said in a quiet voice that none-the-less sounded strong and confident. "His defense sucks. You could knock him out with one basic Apollo Follower card."
Will couldn't believe he found himself laughing right now, but he was as his eyes darted from Nico holding firmly to his shoe to help keep it supported in place and the door that obviously did not have a snake coming through it.
It lashed at Grover, but Grover scampered out of the way.
"Having the bottom half a goat does seem to come in handy more than the top half," Jason nodded.
The snake got a mouthful of dirt. Tyson picked up a boulder and threw it at the monster, smacking it between the eyes, but the snake just recoiled and hissed.
"It's going to eat you!" Grover yelled at Tyson.
"How do you know?"
"It just told me! Run!"
"Why don't these animals ever say anything secretly helpful to Grover," Alex pouted, "like oh no, I hope you don't accidentally hit me in my weak spot located right behind my left nostril!"
"You would think they'd slip up a little more hissing taunts, since most demigods they try to eat don't get to hear them," Magnus agreed. "They might want to stop and chat more."
"Not this time," Will pleaded, he had unclenched himself enough he just looked like a very big dog in a very small space wanting the thunder to end.
Tyson darted to one side, but the snake used its head like a club and knocked him off his feet.
"No!" Grover yelled. But before Tyson could regain his balance, the snake wrapped around him and started to squeeze.
"Ooh, this is my worst nightmare," Will whimpered, his arms crossing and uncrossing to try and not feel as restricted as possible and literally fighting himself over it.
"It's my worst nightmare, get your own," Percy wasn't looking much better, the intensity on his face warring between battle and concern. The worst part was, he wasn't going to wake up this time. He was trapped not knowing if they were okay.
Tyson strained, pushing with all his immense strength, but the snake squeezed tighter. Grover frantically hit the snake with his reed pipes, but he might as well have been banging on a stone wall.
The whole room shook as the snake flexed its muscles, shuddering to overcome Tyson's strength.
Grover began to play with pipes, and stalactites rained down from the ceiling. The whole cave seemed about to collapse...
I woke with Annabeth shaking my shoulder.
His shoulder jerked and rotated like a muscle he had no control over. Annabeth wasn't here to wake him up from this one, and he missed her like a physical ache on that side of him.
Will felt bad for sighing in relief while Percy was twitching like he was having a fit, but he couldn't help it. In his heart, that snake was crushed in the collapse while Tyson and Grover made it out without a scratch.
Nico's hand flew away the moment Will's foot unwedged itself to slowly lower back to the ground, but the two couldn't help but grin at each other for a moment as Will whispered, "turns out you did get on my lap."
"Sitting on your shoe is nowhere close," Nico tried his hardest not to blush as he managed a halfhearted scowl.
"I'll try harder next time," Will promised, relaxing back to normal and trying to stretch out again like nothing had happened. His feet still stayed suspiciously hovering over the ground for a few paragraphs though.
"Percy, wake up!"
"Tyson—Tyson's in trouble!" I said. "We have to help him!"
"First things first," she said. "Earthquake!"
"Those gosh dang priorities," Jason groaned.
Percy's heart was pounding so hard in his chest his hand crumpled up his orange shirt over it on reflex. Was he causing this because of his nightmares? Was he that unstable?
"Easy Perce," Thalia placed her hand on his still trembling shoulder. She was familiar, and a friend, and he was all the more mad at himself he couldn't just relax and believe her like he wanted to. The constant stress of being away from the rest of his friends and family for so long was really getting to him.
Sure enough, the room was rumbling. "Rachel!" I yelled.
Her eyes opened instantly. She grabbed her pack, and the three of us ran.
"I knew she was faking that sleeping!" Percy said with that same old smile. It was troubled, and not as genuine as it could have been, but it was still Percy's.
We were almost to the far tunnel when a column next to us groaned and buckled. We kept going as a hundred tons of marble crashed down behind us.
We made it to the corridor and turned just in time to see the other columns toppling. A cloud of white dust billowed over us, and we kept running.
"You know what?" Annabeth said. "I like this way after all."
"All it took was a little encouragement," Will said brightly.
"What would be a lot of encouragement in this case?" Nico muttered.
It wasn't long before we saw light up ahead—like regular electric lighting.
"There," Rachel said.
We followed her into a stainless steel hallway, like I imagined they'd have on a space station or something. Fluorescent lights glowed from the ceiling. The floor was a metal grate.
I was so used to being in the darkness that I had to squint. Annabeth and Rachel both looked pale in the harsh illumination.
"This way," Rachel said, beginning to run. "We're close!"
"This is so wrong!" Annabeth said. "The workshop should be in the oldest section of the maze. This can't—"
She faltered, because we'd arrived at a set of metal double doors.
Inscribed in the steel, at eye level, was a large blue Greek .
"We're here," Rachel announced. "Daedalus's workshop."
"Actually, that, kind of makes sense," Jason admitted with a curious smile and his head tipped to the side. "Daedalus is an inventor, he'd be upgrading his place as time went on, not leaving it in rocks and mud."
"She's still missing the obvious of trying to be logical about this place from the beginning," Nico rolled his eyes. He wasn't as nervous as he was last time about knowing he was going to show up in this room. He'd finally gotten rid of Minos like everybody else figured out from the start and hadn't tried to murder anyone, so at least he didn't have to worry about being the source of trouble for once.
Annabeth pressed the symbol on the doors and they hissed open.
"So much for ancient architecture," I said.
Annabeth scowled.
Alex sniffed and dramatically dabbed at his eye. "This is better than any romantic subplot I've read in my life. You two are meant to be!"
Percy was surprised he hadn't finished with a dramatic wail as Percy flipped him off.
Together we walked inside.
The first thing that struck me was the daylight—blazing sun coming through giant windows.
Which made plenty of sense. Daedalus had lived to much of his life trapped beneath the sun with no means of escape. Here, in his own corner of hell, he'd make sure to have the widest view, and an easy way out.
Not the kind of thing you expect in the heart of a dungeon. The workshop was like an artist's studio, with thirty-foot ceilings and industrial lighting, polished stone floors, and workbenches along with windows. A spiral staircase led up to a second-story loft. Half a dozen easels displayed hand-drawn diagrams for buildings and machines that looked like Leonardo da Vinci sketches. Several laptop computers were scattered around on the tables. Glass jars of green oil—Greek fire—lined one shelf. There were inventions, too—weird metal machines I couldn't make sense of. One was a bronze chair with a bunch of electrical wires attached to it, like some kind of torture device. In another corner stood a giant metal egg about the size of a man. There was a grandfather clock that appeared to be made entirely of glass, so you could see all the gears turning. And hanging on the wall were several sets of bronze and silver wings.
Thalia didn't know how to describe the word she felt for that. She'd lived in a tent mounted with trophies, but these were something more. Like a memory of his mistakes.
A memorial, she finally realized.
"Di immortals," Annabeth muttered. She ran to the nearest easel and looked at the sketch. "He's a genius. Look at the curves on this building!"
"Thing's that never cross a man's mind," Thalia snorted in delight, clearing away her melancholy mood a bit.
"I resent that," Alex sniffed.
"I bet Daedalus never looked at his curves from behind in a mirror," Thalia insisted relentlessly.
"And we are ending this conversation!" Percy pleaded, which Magnus needed no further encouragement on.
"And an artist," Rachel said in amazement. "These wings are amazing!"
The wings looked more advanced than the ones I'd seen in my dreams. The feathers were more tightly interwoven. Instead of wax seals, selfadhesive strips ran down the sides.
Will appreciated nobody had the heart to make a quip about that. That Daedalus had spent lifetimes agonizing over the perfect design of what could have saved his son's life long after it didn't matter to the one it was meant for, just in case it might be used to save someone else someday.
I kept my hand on Riptide. Apparently Daedalus was not at home, but the workshop looked like it had been recently used. The laptops were running their screen savers. A half-eaten blueberry muffin and a coffee cup sat on a workbench.
"You really would make a great detective someday if you'd ever stop getting in trouble with the law," Jason grinned.
"So, never," Percy agreed.
I walked to the window. The view outside was amazing. I recognized the Rocky Mountains in the distance.
"How do you recognize a mountain?" Will looked at him strangely.
"Cross the continental U. S. enough times buddy, you start picking up that stuff," Percy sighed.
We were high up in the foothills, at least five hundred feet, and down below a valley spread out, filled with a tumbled collection of red mesas and boulders and spires of stone. It looked like some huge kid had been building a toy city with skyscraper-size blocks, and then decided to knock it over.
"Annabeth," Magnus stage whispered.
"No, no, say it loud and proud as she would," Percy chuckled.
"Annabeth!" Alex happily shouted right in Magnus's ear.
"Where are we?" I wondered.
"Colorado Springs," A voice said behind us. "The Garden of the Gods."
Standing on the spiral staircase above us, with his weapon drawn, was our missing sword master Quintus.
"Dam," Alex scowled. Percy got the feeling he wasn't referring to wanting a snack bar. "Luke is right behind you isn't he?"
Thalia knew it all got sorted out soon, and even if it didn't hurt Percy she'd still rather wait. Alex had really wanted to like Quintus, and she didn't have the heart to correct earlier than necessary he'd never even been Quintus, the cool guy with a dog.
"You," Annabeth said. "What have you done with Daedalus?"
Quintus smiled faintly. "Trust me, my dear. You don't want to meet him."
Nico fought hard not to snort with laughter. Did this guy think he was the Hulk or something?
"Look, Mr. Traitor," she growled,
"Annabeth, with the sick burns," Will snickered. "Next she'll call him a stinky head."
"She saves her important insults for me," Percy reminded.
"I didn't fight a dragon woman and a three-bodied man and a psychotic Sphinx to see you.
"Who would be worthy after that kind of trip?" Magnus said fairly. "I feel like even the person she's been fighting to see isn't worth all that."
"The ending never lives up to the journey," Alex nodded sagely.
Now where is DAEDALUS?"
Quintus came down the stairs, holding his sword at his side. He was dressed in jeans and boots and his counselor's T-shirt from Camp HalfBlood, which seemed like an insult now that we knew he was a spy.
"You'd think he'd know he lost his element of surprise," Percy scowled, twitching fingers trying their best not to draw his sword. "No need to keep up appearances!"
"He was probably doing it just to piss you off," Jason frowned, it had clearly been working.
I didn't know if I could beat him in a sword fight. He was pretty good. But I figured I would have to try.
"How to sum up Percy in three sentences," Thalia said warmly, giving him a light punch on the arm.
Percy blushed in surprise, momentarily breaking his anger and rubbing at his arm as he shrugged and muttered it's what anybody would do.
"You think I'm an agent of Kronos," he said. "That I work for Luke."
"Well, duh," said Annabeth.
"Has anybody told Mr. D. that the kids do still say that?" Jason asked randomly.
"Updating him on everything we said during our quest is my top priority," Percy promised with all the mocking in the world.
"You're an intelligent girl," he said. "But you're wrong. I work only for myself."
"Luke mentioned you," I said. "Geryon knew about you, too. You've been to his ranch."
"Of course," he said. "I've been almost everywhere. Even here."
"Yeah, yeah, we get it, he could write the next Odyssey," Thalia rolled her eyes, not particularly impressed with him.
He walked past me like I was no threat at all and stood by the window.
Percy's scowl kicked up another notch, so much so the others started checking the floor already.
"The view changes from day to day," he mused. "It's always some place high up. Yesterday it was from a skyscraper overlooking Manhattan. The day before that, there was a beautiful view of Lake Michigan. But it keeps coming back to the Garden of the Gods. I think the Labyrinth likes it here. A fitting name, I suppose."
Magnus was starting to wonder if he'd been slowly inhaling the ocean water without noticing. He felt so sick and his stomach gave a tsunami of a roll at everybody reminding him this place was alive!
"You've been here before," I said.
"Oh, yes."
"That's an illusion out there?" I asked. "A projection or something?"
"No," Rachel murmured. "It's real. We're really in Colorado."
"Has she been to Colorado and knows this exact view?" Alex frowned.
"I'm still waiting for the nightmare fuel of the maze just whispering in her ear," Magnus groaned.
Quintus regarded her. "You have clear vision, don't you? You remind me of another mortal girl I once knew. Another princess who came to grief."
"Enough games," I said. "What have you done with Daedalus?"
Quintus stared at me. "My boy, you need lessons from your friend on seeing clearly. I am Daedalus."
"Ooooohhhh," Jason said with a blank face. "Yeah, I didn't see that coming." The tiniest twitch of his face almost flickered into a hysterical laugh but he tried to keep it straight.
"I'd be worried if you did," Magnus looked in physical pain. "What? How? What? Why? What? When? What-"
"I really didn't think he managed that project," Alex's double-toned eyes danced with fascination. "Magic and machines really can do anything."
"But he's not an inventor," Percy frowned. "He's just good with a sword."
"Is that all you're good at Percy?" Thalia shook her head. "Just a sword?"
Percy wasn't going to argue the point, but he still looked pretty unconvinced. 
Alex still had to smack Magnus to get him to concentrate on the book again rather than the suddenly very real possibility of an AI take over that was being hinted at.
There were a lot of answers I might've given, from "I knew that" to "LIAR!" to "Yeah right, and I'm Zeus."
"You definitely should have gone with the first one Percy," Jason chuckled. "Nobody would have believed you, but you still should have tried to sell it to Annabeth and Rachel."
The only thing I could think to say was, "But you're not an inventor! You're a swordsman!"
"I am both," Quintus said. "And an architect. And a scholar. I also play basketball pretty well for a guy who didn't start until he was two thousand years old. A real artist must be good at many things."
"Fair," Alex drew out the word with all his breath as he forced himself to agree with the cool artist/ swordsman/ dog owner/ traitor.
"That's true," Rachel said. "Like I can paint with my feet as well as my hands."
"I will never forgive Oceanus for making this girl vanish before I could see that," Alex sighed.
"You see?" Quintus said. "A girl of many talents."
"Flattery gets you everywhere," Nico chuckled with his own amusement. He'd always wondered why Percy had tried to stay behind and help Daeadlus after he'd betrayed the Camp. Percy's loyalty to him should have been broken, and yet Percy had resisted leaving until the last moment, possibly because of just this one moment where the old swords master still took time to talk to them like this.
"But you don't even look like Daedalus," I protested. "I saw him in a dream, and..." Suddenly a horrible thought dawned on me.
"Yes," Quintus said. "You've finally guessed the truth."
"You're an automaton. You made yourself a new body."
"Can Rachel see that?" Magnus asked. "Does he even have a skeletal system in there?"
"She didn't say anything to me," Percy sounded a touch awed himself by the idea. "I bet she could have made a wicked cool painting about it though."
"Percy," Annabeth said uneasily, "that's not possible. That—that can't be an automaton."
"The amount of things she keeps saying isn't possible like her mom isn't an immortal goddess who sprang out of her dad's head," Nico said in exasperation.
"We all take things at our own pace," Will shrugged, deciding against bringing up the fact some people were more comfortable with certain topics than others so as not to put Nico on the spot.
Quintus chuckled. "Do you know what Quintus means, my dear?"
"The fifth, in Latin. But—"
"This is my fifth body." The swordsman held out his forearm. He pressed his elbow and part of his wrist popped open—a rectangular hatch in his skin.
"That's terrifying!" Alex said in the most jazzed voice.
Jason started poking at his elbow in worry he could be an android and not even know it.
Underneath, bronze gears whirred. Wires glowed.
"That's amazing!" Rachel said.
"That's weird," I said.
"Does anything impress you Percy?" Thalia scoffed. She really wished she'd seen that in person.
"Recognizing Tony Hawk," Percy sniffed and took an imaginary sip of wine. Thalia smacked 'it' out of his hands and Magnus quickly kept reading before that turned into a whole slap fight.
"You found a way to transfer your animus into a machine?" Annabeth said. "That's...not natural."
"See, she gets it!" Percy wished for the gazillionth time she was here so she could high five him and call him a seaweed brain for understanding her point or something.
"Oh, I assure you, my dear, it's still me. I'm still very much Daedalus. Our mother, Athena, makes sure I never forget that." He tugged back the collar of his shirt. At the base of his neck was the mark I'd seen before—the dark shape of a bird grafted to his skin.
"A murderer's brand," Annabeth said.
"What's the marketing like for that brand?" Alex smirked. "Murder two kids get this free? Did Athena make that up on the spot especially for him?"
"Really not funny Alex," Will said in complete disapproval.
"Sorry, kind of," Alex shrugged. He was struggling not to think of Quintus as a two-faced traitor right now.
"For your nephew, Perdix," I guessed. "The boy you pushed off the tower."
Quintus's face darkened. "I did not push him. I simply—"
"Made him lose his balance," I said. "Let him die."
"Don't you give him any slack Percy," Thalia nodded approvingly.
"Could cut him a little slack," but Will's was mostly a mutter out of the corner of his lip to nobody. He was sure Daedalus regretted many, many things he did and didn't do over the course of that many lifetimes.
Quintus gazed out the windows at the purple mountains.
"Who said they were purple? What?" Magnus knew he was not caught on the right detail there, but that was a weird description. His brain was probably still broken on anything else really.
"It's not literal Magnus, just light refraction and junk," Percy shrugged, "trust me, they looked it though."
"I regret what I did, Percy. I was angry and bitter. But I cannot take it back, and Athena never lets me forget. As Perdix died, she turned him into a small bird—a partridge.
"Why do the gods keep turning kids into things instead of, you know, saving them," Percy asked the girl who had once been turned into a tree.
"Not stepping on Hades's toes?" She shrugged, "makes for a better life story? They want credit for inventing the most shit? Why would I know that Percy?"
"At least I got the all mighty and wise Thalia to admit she didn't know something," Percy shrugged that was answer enough.
She branded the bird's shape on my neck as a reminder. No matter what body I take, the brand appears on my skin."
I looked into his eyes, and I realized he was the same man I'd seen in my dreams. His face might be totally different, but the same soul was in there— the same intelligence and all the sadness.
Percy vividly recalled the first time he'd met him was defending his dog, the innocent good girl, and wearily shaking his hand. The first time he'd dreamed about him had been right after his first tumble into this maze.
Which was the true man to be believed? The imprisoned old guy who had grown bitter enough to murder after losing everything, or the guy who had let Annabeth get away with a whole conversation over breakfast? How long did you have to be alive before one turned into the other, if that was even possible?
And how the heck did he go to the bathroom in between each new body?
"You really are Daedalus," I decided. "But why did you come to the camp? Why spy on us?"
"To see if your camp was worth saving. Luke had given me one story. I preferred to come to my own conclusions."
"I really hate that I find that a noble and valid answer," Jason frowned.
"Yeah, yeah, open-minded, blah, blah, he should have asked us first and believed us!" Percy still scowled this guy had come in disguise and unsure if their camp was worth saving the moment he'd arrived.
"So you have talked to Luke."
"Oh, yes. Several times. He is quite persuasive."
"I haven't heard a hint of that," Magnus huffed, "he's mostly just been a pest."
Percy's heart sunk though as he couldn't fully agree. The way he was going about it was wrong...but that arena to Poseidon his dad had never put a stop to...Calypso...there were to many things in the gods name that would never sit right with him...
"But now you've seen the camp!" Annabeth persisted. "So you know we need your help. You can't let Luke through the maze!"
Daedalus set his sword on the workbench. "The maze is no longer mine to control, Annabeth. I created it, yes. In fact, it is tied to my life force. But I have allowed it to live and grow on its own. That is the price I paid for privacy."
"I want to go home now," Magnus decided he'd officially hit his limit of overwhelmed. He didn't care 'home' was a sleeping bag in the park and no secure source of food.
There was a sentient maze tied to some guy's life force who may or may not doom the home of his cousin. This was his limit.
"That took much longer than me," Percy gave him a sympathetic nod. "Good to know your limits," he then happily mocked Jason, who gave him a casual grin.
"If we knew how to kick you guys out without it being a major concern we would," Thalia sighed. Agitating a Titan into doing it didn't seem like a bet even they were willing to play though.
"Privacy from what?"
"The gods," he said. "And death. I have been alive for two millennia, my dear, hiding from death."
"Man, I can't even blame him after everything he's been through," Alex couldn't help but sympathize. The number one reason he wasn't stressing about getting up top was the privacy away from Loki.
"But how can you hide from Hades?" I asked. "I mean...Hades has the Furies."
"And that's just one of many," Nico said with an ominous smirk. The kind that made his face flicker in shadows and send a thrill of fear up all of their spines. Nico wouldn't be killing Daedalus for his soul or anything like that, but he still wasn't fond of the guy who had cheated death and gave his dad a bad name.
"They do not know everything," he said. "Or see everything. You have encountered them, Percy. You know this is true. A clever man can hide quite a long time, and I have buried myself very deep. Only my greatest enemy has kept after me, and even him I have thwarted."
"I think thwarted is to strong a word," Jason sniffed. "He's been relentlessly after you and still scheming away."
"I can see why Daedalus likes tag so much, he really doesn't want to be It," Percy frowned.
"You mean Minos," I said.
Daedalus nodded. "He hunts for me relentlessly. Now that he is a judge of the dead, he would like nothing better than for me to come before him so he can punish me for my crimes. After the daughters of Cocalus killed him, Minos's ghost began torturing me in my dreams. He promised that he would hunt me down. I did the only thing I could. I retreated from the world completely. I descended into my Labyrinth. I decided this would be my ultimate accomplishment: I would cheat death."
"And you did," Annabeth marveled, "for two thousand years." She sounded kind of impressed, despite the horrible things Daedalus had done.
Percy debated for a moment before deciding he wouldn't take his fist bump back, but he would have been sure she'd see his 'you need better roll models' look this time she'd missed while ogling him.
Just then a loud bark echoed from the corridor. I heard the ba-BUMP, baBUMP, ba-BUMP of huge paws, and Mrs. O'Leary bounded into the workshop. She licked my face once, then almost knocked Daedalus over with an enthusiastic leap.
"That's got to be one of the best feelings in the world," Alex's smile looked different when he talked about Mrs. O'Leary, a kinder expression than his usual slightly mocking grin. "When your pet shows up from out of nowhere and you didn't call them. They just wanted to be where you are."
Magnus couldn't help but smile right along with him, a feeling he suddenly knew he'd never take for granted again.
"There is my old friend!" Daedalus said, scratching Mrs. O'Leary behind the ears. "My only companion all these long lonely years."
"You let her save me," I said. "That whistle actually worked."
Daedalus nodded. "Of course it did, Percy. You have a good heart. And I knew Mrs. O'Leary liked you. I wanted to help you. Perhaps I—I felt guilty, as well."
"Guilty about what?"
"That your quest would be in vain."
"He decided you guys were a lost cause that fast huh?" Magnus looked a little offended on the Camp's part...and also like he kind of understood where Daedalus was coming from.
"What?" Annabeth said. "But you can still help us. You have to! Give us Ariadne's string so Luke can't get it."
"And hopefully burn it," Will shivered.
Jason's eyes brightened with understanding though, and dread. Where had Kampê been in that arena? Off to fetch her honorable position?
"Yes...the string. I told Luke that the eyes of a clear-sighted mortal are the best guide, but he did not trust me. He was so focused on the idea of a magic item.
"Does it have other properties, or was he just refusing to believe a mortal could be of help?" Magnus frowned.
"Wasn't there for that conversation," Percy huffed.
And the string works. It's not as accurate as your mortal friend here, perhaps. But good enough. Good enough."
"Where is it?" Annabeth said.
"With Luke," Daedalus said sadly. "I'm sorry, my dear. But you are several hours too late."
Sizzling anger washed over Percy as he realized why Luke had looked so happy in that arena. They'd been to late.
He wondered if Daedalus had stalled for time. If he'd looked at the door to his workshop hoping they'd show up and have an excuse not to be a traitor.
He also wondered where Luke had kept that string. Had it been his shoelace the whole time?
With a chill I realized why Luke had been in such a good mood in the arena. He'd already gotten the string from Daedalus. His only obstacle had been the arena master, and I'd taken care of that for him by killing Antaeus.
"Well the obvious solution here is, stop being so good at killing monsters Percy," Thalia smacked his shoulder.
"I'll get right on that," Percy sighed.
"Kronos promised me freedom," Quintus said. "Once Hades is overthrown, he will set me over the Underworld. I will reclaim my son Icarus. I will make things right with poor young Perdix. I will see Minos's soul cast into Tartarus, where it cannot bother me again. And I will no longer have to run from death."
Damn if that wasn't a persuasive argument though, Will sighed. How was it Luke had probably only read Daedalus' stories while dreaming of nothing but Kronos's schemes and still managed to say the exact right thing to get him what he wanted?
To much practice is what it was.
"That's your brilliant idea?" Annabeth yelled. "You're going to let Luke destroy your camp, kill hundreds of demigods, and then attack Olympus? You're going to bring down the entire world so you can get what you want?"
"Hades would be pisssssed," Jason said with confidence. "We already know he doesn't want that at all, and then someone usurping his throne! Oh, this guy's in for a bad day when he hits the Underworld."
Nico wasn't sure if Jason meant Luke or Daedalus, but either way he was going to be surprised at the outcome.
"Your cause is doomed, my dear. I saw that as soon as I began to work at your camp.
The fact that he never referred to it as our Camp, as his Camp bothered Percy. Like he'd never given the place a chance, or refused to let himself be attached to anything. He remembered first waking up there, how insane it had all felt, how alien everything seemed...and yet he'd already considered the place home before he even realized it. A feeling that all Half-bloods should share no matter how old they get.
There is no way you can hold back the might of Kronos."
"That's not true!" she cried.
"I am doing what I must, my dear. The offer was too sweet to refuse. I'm sorry."
"So what I'm hearing is we need to violently cut out his sweet tooth," Alex sneered.
"If you think that'll help," Magnus sighed in a long-time resigned voice for somebody who had only known him a few days.
Annabeth pushed over an easel. Architectural drawing scattered across the floor.
Nico felt that in his core. He wondered if Tyson had wanted to shove something over too after he'd rescued Briares.
"I used to respect you. You were my hero! You—you built amazing things. You solved problems. Now...I don't know what you are. Children of Athena are supposed to be wise, not just clever. Maybe you are just a machine. You should have died two thousand years ago."
Instead of getting mad, Daedalus hung his head. "You should go warn your camp. Now that Luke has the string—"
Suddenly Mrs. O'Leary pricked up her ears.
"Someone's coming!" Rachel warned.
"Rachel's hearing is as good as a hell hounds confirmed," Alex said with one of those diabolical smiles that meant nobody knew what he was going to do with that information.
"Or worse, the maze warned her," Magnus shivered like he half expected her to become possessed by the place staring at its secrets to long.
The doors of the workshop burst open, and Nico was pushed inside, his hands in chains.
Magnus's voice stuttered in surprise while Nico fought hard not to scowl at all of them. He didn't owe anyone an explanation for being weak and getting caught! That Minos had led him right into a trap and he'd been to stupid to realize it...
To Nico's shock however, no one did any such thing. Will in fact leaned forward in his seat. Not much, but enough his arm was dangling close to the collar of Nico's jacket and sending chills up his neck.
Then Kelli and two Laistrygonians marched in behind him, followed by the ghost of Minos. He looked almost solid now—a pale bearded king with cold eyes and tendrils of Mist coiling off his robes.
"All the easier to stab," was all Thalia seemed to hear.
"Is this like one of those if you wish hard enough your dream comes true?" Percy mock whispered out of the side of his mouth.
He fixed his gaze on Daedalus. "There you are, my old friend."
Daedalus's jaw clenched. He looked at Kelli. "What is the meaning of this?"
"It's called a double cross," Alex said with almost pity. "It's what happens when you make deals with monsters and traitors."
"Luke sends his compliments," Kelli said. "He thought you might like to see your old employer Minos."
"And here Daedalus was just complimenting Luke on his good persuasion skills," Jason said snidely. "See, this doesn't sound very persuasive. You'd think a smart guy like Luke would know the greatest inventor would be more helpful to have on your side than a grumpy old ghost."
Nico cleared his throat but uneasily offered, "I assume Minos tried to drive Luke insane when he first ventured into the maze and Luke struck this deal with him all the way back then. He would have already been under Kronos's favor and had the weight to hold up a deal like this."
Jason still felt like the obvious answer should be to double cross the ghost then, not Daedalus, but he noticed Thalia swallowed bile at this so casually being talked about, so was grateful Magnus didn't stick around for any details.
"This was not part of our agreement," Daedalus said.
"No indeed," Kelli said. "But we already have what we want from you, and we have other agreements to honor. Minos required something else from us, in order to turn over this fine young demigod." She ran a finger under Nico's chin.
Percy gave an exaggerated shudder as he tried to give Nico a sympathetic smile about how intoxicating and awful that must have been, before he did a double take and asked, "hey, were you-"
Then he shut his mouth just as fast with a guilty look at him and Thalia. Right, wait for him to volunteer if he'd been attracted to the pretty demon.
Nico was touched beyond words at the level of self-restraint Percy had just shown in regards to him. Not enough to answer a truth that really should have been an early indication he had not looked back on fondly about himself.
He had not found the empousa appealing in the slightest. He had not fallen for her charms, and wanted to be as far away from her as possible. All he'd felt were Percy's green eyes asking if he was okay. Nico had wanted to be beside him, wanted to prove himself worthy. Her horse and roses smell had been pungent and entirely unappealing to him like a girl with way to much perfume on he'd wanted to cough and retreat from.
"He'll be quite useful. And all Minos asked in return was your head, old man."
Daedalus paled. "Treachery."
"Get used to it," Kelli said.
"That doesn't sound like a very school spirit kind of attitude," Will said in as snooty a voice as possible. "I thought we were all in this together at Goode!"
"To many cartwheels must have dislodged her brain out of her ear," Alex scoffed.
"Nico," I said. "Are you okay?"
He nodded morosely. "I—I'm sorry, Percy. Minos told me you were in danger. He convinced me to go back into the maze."
"I am really, really glad you guys are okay," Will's voice shook with nerves like he wasn't saying this with full knowledge they were all right in front of him and this had happened years ago.
Nico still wasn't quite used to hearing that, but he found himself smiling at Will this time, at least acknowledging he'd heard it with still no idea what to say. Will's smile felt like an answer anyways, just like usual now.
"You were trying to help us?"
"I was tricked," he said. "He tricked all of us."
I glared at Kelli. "Where's Luke? Why isn't he here?"
"Vengeance will be swift," Alex savored.
"Good to hear you defending the kid's honor back then," Jason agreed with a forlorn smile.
Nico was a miserable huddle of black jacket, and it wasn't a stretch to figure out what was causing this jumble of painful emotions. His only friend for months had just betrayed him, he'd given up the idea of getting his sister back, and the outcome of everything he was going through was Percy realizing he was to weak to take care of himself.
The she-demon smiled like we were sharing a private joke. "Luke is...busy. He is preparing for the assault.
Thalia's eyes felt strained all at once. Like she wanted to sleep, but she knew the moment she got up from her comfortable spot the feeling would vanish. A breath shook past her lips, and the moment was gone.
She knew it was coming back soon.
But don't worry. We have more friends on the way. And in the meantime, I think I'll have a wonderful snack!" Her hands changed into claws. Her hair burst into flame and her legs turned to their true form—one donkey leg, one bronze.
"Percy," Rachel whispered, "the wings. Do you think—"
"Get them," I said. "I'll try to buy you some time."
And with that, all Hades broke loose.
"You were right Jason," Nico managed a chuckle. "Hades would have been pissed at his kingdom being broken loose. Percy is way to liberal with his choice of words."
"I think of Hades as a naturally pissed and yet helpful guy who would be happy to see his kingdom break lose to get one guy back," Percy insisted.
"Then you need to study more," Nico rolled his eyes. 
"Hard pass when I'll live it eventually," Percy scoffed.
Annabeth and I charged at Kelli.
The giants came right at Daedalus, but Mrs. O'Leary leaped to his defense.
Nico got pushed to the ground and struggled with his chains while the spirit of Minos wailed, "Kill the inventor! Kill him!"
Nico sighed, if that wasn't the story of his life right there. Pushed aside and associated with nothing but death, nobody's concern.
Rachel grabbed the wings off the wall. Nobody paid her any attention.
Nico gave himself a good mental shake though as he heard that. Rachel was off doing her own thing that certainly saved all their lives. The lowly mortal none of the monsters had thought to pursue key to their escape. He had made himself be seen.
Kelli slashed at Annabeth. I tried to get to her, but the demon was quick and deadly. She turned over tables, smashed inventions, and wouldn't let us get close. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mrs. O'Leary chomp her fangs into a giant's arm. He wailed in pain and flung her around, trying to shake her.
Daedalus grabbed for his sword, but the second giant smashed the workbench with his fist, and the sword went flying. A clay jar of Greek fire broke on the floor and began to burn, green flames spreading quickly.
The chaos, crashing and smashing of a fight, speckled blood, and heavy thick smoke lingering in the nose just didn't have the same echo in here like it did in Percy's mind. Magnus's voice was shaky, he was waiting for somebody to get really hurt, like Annabeth. The silence of the room was a defining kind of noise all its own as everyone except Percy held their breath to see how to get out of this.
Even Nico. He couldn't seem to get the idea out of his head this next display of his powers was going to send someone into a screaming fit about having him around.
"To me!" Minos cried. "Spirits of the dead!" He raised his ghostly hands and the air began to hum.
"No!" Nico cried. He was on his feet now. He'd somehow managed to remove his shackles.
Nico watched his hands carefully, suspiciously, to make sure they didn't start phasing in and out of existence without his permission. His first instance of shadow traveling, of being able to turn to pure liquid darkness. His anger at Minos had been absolute. A true testament to what would ultimately happen to an entity he did have a grudge against.
Something he was afraid of letting happen to anybody if he wasn't careful with himself.
"You do not control me, young fool," Minos sneered. "All this time, I have been controlling you! A soul for a soul, yes. But it is not your sister who will return from the dead. It is I, as soon as I slay the inventor!"
Spirits began to appear around Minos—shimmering forms that slowly multiplied, solidifying into Cretan soldiers.
"I am the son of Hades," Nico insisted. "Be gone!"
Minos laughed. "You have no power over me. I am the lord of spirits! The ghost king!"
"No." Nico drew his sword. "I am."
"Oh, snap," Alex said with pure delight. "Ghost fight?"
"Ghost fight," Nico agreed with a weary, yet proud smile. A victory he wouldn't exactly say he was proud of...and yet it was the first time he'd truly claimed his identity and knew he had to stop hiding who he used to be and accept who he was.
He stabbed his black blade into the floor, and it cleaved through the stone like butter.
"Damn Nico, you ever stuck that thing in a microwave to see what would happen?" Percy asked in a tone of one who might have some experience with that.
"Not many microwaves down in the Labyrinth to test that Percy," Nico frowned and clutched his sword tight in case he was getting ideas.
"Never!" Minos's form rippled. "I will not—"
The ground rumbled. The windows cracked and shattered to pieces, letting in a blast of fresh air. A fissure opened in the stone floor of the workshop, and Minos and all his spirits were sucked into the void with a horrible wail.
Nico's breath looked a little ragged coming out of his chest. His dark eyes glittered as he watched the book and those in the room carefully, darting to Will too, but last.
Will really wanted to kiss him right now but thought that might be inappropriate and seriously debated if he cared for several moments before Thalia said casually, "thanks for that by the way. I know this ingrate never said that."
"If I thanked every person who saved my life, my mom's wrist would cramp from all the letters," Percy sighed.
"You'd make your mom write the letters?" Jason looked at him with the kind of moral disdain he'd seen all his life in teachers.
"You're right," Percy conceded, "I'd type them and not bother to see what got spell-checked correctly."
The bad news: the fight was still going on all around us, and I let myself get distracted.
Nico actually blushed. Percy looked awkwardly away from that flush of coloring and decided he didn't want to ask.
Alex made a whooping noise of laughter to add to it all anyways, "how have you never died in a fight? Every life or death instance you've been in you notice the randomest things."
"Very talented friends and some mild talent with a sword," Percy shrugged.
Kelli pounced on me so fast I had no time to defend myself.
My sword skittered away and I hit my head hard on a worktable as I fell. My eyesight went fuzzy. I couldn't raise my arms.
Which made Alex's joke not so funny when it almost came true a second later, but Percy only seemed mildly concerned as he scratched at his neck and glanced hopefully at Nico again like he expected that sword to pierce right through her next.
Nico didn't particularly want to admit he'd fallen to his knee, his head dizzy from such a blast of his powers and hadn't even noticed he was about to die.
Kelli laughed. "You will taste wonderful!"
"I still think he'd be to salty," Magnus wrinkled his nose in disgust. "I can't imagine the seasoning you'd have to add to balance straight."
"A recipe book I pray never hits the shelves," Percy agreed.
She bared her fangs. Then suddenly her body went rigid. Her red eyes widened. She gasped, "No...school...spirit..."
And Annabeth took her knife out of the empousa's back.
"Atta girl," Jason looked so pleased and disappointed all at once he couldn't be patting her on the back. "That was perfect synchrony, using you as bait, that spectacular timing."
"Hands off Jason," Percy laughed along, remembering spitting out monster dust that had a bit of a kick to it and seeing an angel in resplendent golden hair above him with the most intense gray eyes as the point of her knife followed every mote to the floor to make sure the deed was done.
With an awful screech, Kelli dissolved into yellow vapor.
Annabeth helped me up.
Will shook his head at what an odd sentence that was to include. It was just implied that's what had happened next, like glossing over every time they stopped to swat a bug away or sneeze and brush dust off their face. A silly detail that everybody knew had happened and there really was no reason to point it out.
I still felt dizzy, but we had no time to lose. Mrs. O'Leary and Daedalus were still locked in combat with the giants, and I could hear shouting in the tunnel. More monsters were coming toward the workshop.
"We have to help Daedalus!" I said.
Thalia pressed her lips tight together upon hearing that. It was one of those moments she would have been at odds with Percy, trying to push him out the window with or without the wings for suggesting they save the traitor to their camp. It was very black and white to her.
And yet.
She often wondered if Luke had tried reaching to Percy for help, what Percy would have done. Luke had tried appealing to her and Annabeth, but there was to much history, to much resentment to get anywhere.
They'd only been friends for less than a week...but Percy might have helped Luke better than she ever could.
"No time," Rachel said. "Too many coming!"
She'd already fitted herself with wings and was working on Nico, who looked pale and sweaty from his struggle with Minos. The wings grafted instantly to his back and arms.
Nico had never been aware of the prejudice Zeus might have to children of Poseidon being in the air enough to be worried if that applied to him too. He swallowed gratefully nobody had stopped to point that out right then.
"Now you!" she told me.
In seconds, Nico, Annabeth, Rachel, and I had fitted ourselves with coppery wings.
The resemblance to Nico and Icarus had been uncanny at the moment, and Percy shivered now as he felt them graft into place minus the hot glue gun. The sound of swords clanging, the feeling of doom still licking up every inch of his skin as he surveyed that room one last time. The architecture designs curling up into black nothingness, Rachel's face a ghastly pale.
That room had been full of death, and as eager as Percy was to escape, everything about it made him want to stay and save what was going to be lost.
Already I could feel myself being lifted by the wind coming through the window. Greek fire was burning the tables and furniture, spreading up the circular stairs.
"Daedalus!" I yelled. "Come on!"
He was cut in a hundred places—but he was bleeding golden oil instead of blood. He'd found his sword and was using part of a smashed table as a shield against the giants. "I won't leave Mrs. O'Leary!" he said. "Go!"
"Oh gods," Alex touched his chest in shock at how much that meant to hear. He'd really wanted to like Quintus just for his dog, and he'd proven to be a very mixed man of honor and tragedy.
"The only depressing cliche I think my life has ever dodged," Percy smiled, his eyes still troubled even as he made a joke. "I don't think the dog dies." He winced, but it was a hopeful stabbing pain to his brain that he was right.
There was no time to argue. Even if we stayed, I wasn't sure we could help.
"None of us know how to fly!" Nico protested.
"Great time to find out," I said. And together, the four of us jumped out the window into open sky.
"Yeah, I don't recommend that Percy," Magnus looked up. The amount of times someone in this room had told him that could have filled a whole page.
"I do! Learning to fly on the way down builds character!" Alex said confidently as he snatched the book away.
"This guy would climb a mountain during an earthquake," Percy frowned in concern his mortality never seemed to be a major concern around here.
Oh, right, he was alive. There was no tension of that anywhere except his own head.
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ghostiegirl56 · 1 year
Genshin Multifandom Drabble/Rant
Ok I know I mentioned having twisted x obey me chapter 2 done but I had another idea for a mixed fandom fic.
Blame my amazing persuasive skills to convince my friend to play genshin and then her wanting to talk about lore while co-oping.
Kinda spoilers for genshin. Like not really just for a few voice lines and which twin is Canon. (Khaenria'h gets mentioned twice so eh)
I'll be referring to Canon (aether as protag and lumine as abyss
So like Aether hasn't been able to find Lumine for 500 years (talk about giving it a boy look). But what if it's because different worlds keep summoning him and when he gets put back he just keeps getting disorientated.
Like he's searching dragonspine for Lumine, gets summoned to another game/anime and then he's plopped back into schneznya. Doesn't help that lumine's hiding in the abyss.
This has the opportunity for nearly 500 different fandoms and Aether's stuck with them for maybe a few months or heck even a year.
And even more potential for a prequel of the twins visiting each place before arriving in teyvat.
Anyway back to the how of Aether being yoinked, say when first travelling through the other worlds Aether (being the doormat he is) left maybe an artifact that can temporarily bring (the assigned twin) to the other world for like a year and then saying like
"if you ever need help again don't hesitate to call".
And when you consider that not every world they travelled to probably had magic. Those artifacts would never get used and instead be like a family heirloom because A:
Every family has some sort of crazy heirloom that you have to question if it's cursed.
And B:
If two people with magic descended from the sky that's God and you don't (theoretically) call them lightly.
But also at least Aether canonically has all his power sealed and the way visions work mean their use is limited to teyvat (visions need elemental energy and the specific formula for elemental energy is likely only found in teyvat). If Aether's statue powers work the same...
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He's just some regular dude who got summoned probably because of someone's desperation. Like the world could be ending and this almighty being that has seen the birth and death of stars (which is surprisingly canon) who descended hundreds of years ago is now a magicless, crop top wearing twink (affectionately) who needs his sister to tell the Macca's employee he asked for no pickles.
I imagine in some worlds they've accidentally started a whole religion around them (more reasons for Celestia to be haters).
This could also apply to Lumine and that's why she spends so much time in the abyss, to make up the time she lost on her summons. Since 1 teyvat day is 1 abyss month (if I remember correctly).
Also if I had a twin and they disappeared on me for 500 after I slept for long enough that (twin in question) pissed of a higher being that sent literal gods to destroy the place. The next time I see them it's a fucking tackle hug them for abandoning me and cause I'd miss them.
The fact Aether is so chill and somehow sane about this implies either A:
He has no capacity to be upset (proven wrong by the chasm quest)
Or B:
This has happened before.
Which lead onto a new headcanon of Lumine and Aether travelling worlds and they'll just randomly fight like
"Noooo it's my turn to overthrow the gods"
"Nuh uh you defeated my evil organisation so I didn't get my full turn"
Soooo after all my ranting basically. Aether or Lumine getting dragged to worlds only to be plopped back in teyvat after their summoning artifact runs out of time.
Obey Me The exchange program
So back to the multifandom part. Imagine that a twin (I'll use Aether as my example) is selected for the human world exchange program due to probably being known for magic in ancient human history books. Then one of two things vould happen.
Barbatos succeeds in summoning Aether because its Barbatos.
or 2
new backstory for a brother of choice, having been given a summoning artifact at somepoint and coming in clutch to summon Aether. Which creates a nice little reunion
and part .5 Paimon can come with and be surprised about archons sharing names with the demons.
If its option 1 I can imagine Aether learning about how much of a dick the brothers father is. Then going like
"Where his he? He needs to know that wasn't right"
(Aether is tired alright pretend its exam season)
Lucifer: "We fought him and lost what makes you so sure you can" Aether: "I've done it before. . ?"
Even if it wasn't specifically Obey me's god. Like it could be and this is how the brothers find out Aether is potentially older than them. Also Aether could totally tell them all these stories about gods he's fought and that its a common thing in each world for someone to fight god.
idk I think that could reasure the brothers.
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petalpierrot · 1 year
Big Eidys (and Rahadin) session last week 👀
The party got a few crucial items on their short time traveling, so they went back to chill with the dusk elves.
When they arrived at the camp Eidys received 2 letters. One from Baron Vargas and the other from Lady Wachter. Lady Wachter invited her to stay in Vallaki and The Baron asked her to aid him in a matter.
Eidys (being a noble moon-elf from Evermeet) was a bit suspicious of their motives at first but ultimately went to Vallaki
Since The Baron lived closer she took a trip there first and bumped into Rahadin.
Rahadin was glad to see her and told her he was also on his way to the Baron's house, only he was there to collect taxes.
As they are talking Eidys spots a chain around his neck (as in he is wearing the ring she gave him 😭 I was normal and okay about this, naturally)
Rahadin tells her that because his tax collecting might put The Baron in a bad mood she should speak with him first, but Eidys insists his work is far more important than her courtesy visit.
Their exchange was really like "Oh, I could charm the crusty old Baron." "Yes, Lady Eidys. I believe you could." (She for real called him crusty)
Rahadin then asks if he could escort her to the Baron's but doesn't insist on it. Eidys takes him up on his offer without hesitation.
They both arrive at the Baron's and are let in and led to the "den" area, where they have a few moments to chat.
then this happens:
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Legit made my heart so full.
She asks him how things are at the castle, making small conversation. Rahadin notifies her that things are "As well as they can be" and in hushed tones tells her that he is taking care of Escher, which made Eidys happy (Escher helped her escape and Strahd found out, and Esher was imprisoned in the crypts. Eidys felt very guilty about that when she found out from Rahadin.)
after that exchange, The Baron arrives. The Baron is a bit surprised that Eidys arrived "alone" without *his* escort (In the letter he detailed that if she were to accept his invitation she should seek out Captain Izek Strazni. Eidys was feeling a bit naughty so she didn't do that.)
Eidys tells him that she brought her own Escort (Referring to Rahadin) but that that didn't matter right now, and he should deal with his more important appointment (the tax thing)
Eidys proceeds to watch Rahadin roast the shit out of The Baron.
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After Rahadin leaves Eidys asks what the baron needs of her, to which she is asked to investigate the disappearances of some of his servants and strange sparks being seen. She, as a wizard (Bladesinger) is intrigued by this request and agrees to investigate.
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enoiocean · 1 year
‘chapter one’
Across the lake, sitting on small hill you could hear the sounds of only the cicadas and the small waterfall flowing. The boys dormitory is quiet, illuminated by the soft glow of path lights and neon signs that flicker in the distance. The cool night air is still, shadows dance across the pavement, cast by the occasional Willcon secretary walking by.
        Dominic couldn't get her name past his lips like a slur, he watched from a far as she placed her brown lips onto a man. They kissed as if they'll never see each other again after they depart. As beautiful as she was, her dark femininity was a cover thrown over the soul. Dominic knew. She bit at his heart, picking it apart with her hands and threw the remains back in his face.
Dominic thought of her beauty as moonlight in a quiet garden. In his journal he referred to her as the moon because when darkness appears, she begins to rise.
It took strength of a thousand bulls for Dominic to not scream down from his bedroom window. Something in him knew she picked this spot because she knew he'd watch over her, she felt his almond eyes burning a hole through her skin. It was dark but he saw the man's hands traveled to her backside. it was now Dominic that was going insane.
" Close that window 'Dom, you're letting bugs in." drowsy from just awakening; his older brother startled him slightly with his words." it's three am...why the fuck are you awake this time?" He continued.
" no reason..just letting some air in my room." Dom began while taking one last glance at the two than slid down the window. "..i got hot." he finished, the now curious man rubbed his eyes and came further into his brother's room. There rooms were connected but only a wall separated them.
Seeing the temperature was a little warmer but that wasn't it. The look on his brother's brown face was knowing, Dominic let out a sigh of fatigue.
Eden approached his window, his arms crossed and a hum left his lips. " Dad already told you about her Dom-"
" When you started talking to Arya you didn't listen to dad so why the hell should I?" Dominic felt like the last couple months even years were just about defining her name. It was poison to his religious parents and the society they lived in.
" Arya didn't do what Cherry did Dom!" Eden stopped himself from getting any louder. With security walking the halls, he didn't want to cause madness.
" She sells drugs."
" Cherry slept with a teacher. A grown ass man." The jabs of his words knocked Dominic, Eden didn't have to go low but that was big factor people knew about Cherry.
" Out of all the people in this family i would think you'd have some sense but i guess i was wrong..cherry was fourteen, that man r-"
" Enough. " A voice that could hush a crowd and make them afraid came over the room. The two looked over at the door, Dominic grimaced to himself. His father stood in a solid red robe, his face was straight. Staring darts into his sons.
"Your mother is coming to town, I'd like the both of you to act accordingly." Mr. Hyde had a
presence that made you fix your posture. He was a man with a lot of power and put fear in people's hearts, his sons being the prime examples. Dom thinks his father is unbearably lonely , There's a quiet echo that seems to follow along behind him. Dragging like a prison ball chained to his ankle, or maybe That's just Dom projecting, maybe he's the prison ball. Opening his mouth and hoping the right words will fall out before he closes it again.
" You still seeing that little girl?" Mr. Hyde's voice was no longer low, he raised it just a little for him to strike fear. Dominic wasn't a afraid.
" Dad, Dom and i where just ta-"
" Go to your room Eden." Mr. Hyde told and with a faint yes sir Eden tracked back to his room. leaving Dom who was prepared to argue with his father. That's the only kind of thing they did these past couple of months.
" Boy, when i'm talking to you, you look me in the eyes." Dominic hesitates, he glanced at his text book and the thought of swinging it at his father crossed his mind but he didn't let his intrusive thoughts win. His brown eyes met his fathers hazel ones, Eden got blessed with those along with anger issues. Dom got his mothers attitude and face.
" I'm not seeing her at the moment." Dom didn't mean for it to come out as sarcastic but the anger in him made it seem that way.
" She's a whore just like her mother." Mr. Hyde waved his hands , indicating that he was fed up . "..A bad influence, you promised me you wouldn't go back near her-"
" I promised you that you wouldn't see me with her, you don't see me with her right now do y-" A burning sensation cut Dominic off. His face slightly turned and he stumbled.
" You respect me. "
Dominic said nothing, he looked back at his father, He wanted to scream.
"You and your mother have that same sorry look. You both make my life harder than in needs to be." Mr. Hyde also had words that'd cut you just as deep as his glare.
" If i see you with her again i'll send both of you back home. Promise me you won't go near her again. " He continues raising his finger. Dominic didn't break promises, his father knew that, He always used it against him.
" I-"
" Sir, you're wife just landed. She's on the phone." A faint voice interrupted, Mr. Hyde turned quickly to the young man in a suit and nodded.
" I'll be right there Wyler, thank you-"
"She doesn't sound pleased sir. She wants to talk...now." His assistant hinted that Gloria Hyde was in one of her moods and Dominic smiled to himself. Not just because a small moment happened to save him but the fact that's he's going to see his mother after months of just calls.
If it was up to Gloria  she would never step foot near Willcon or near her husband, But her close friend heard how beautiful the campus is in the spring and wanted to have her bridal shower there. Mr. Hyde hated the idea but realized he'd be getting paid so the no turned into a forced yes. His money hungry ways were passed down to his kids because Eden and Dominic both got jobs at the event. Dom's being more high paying than Eden's.
Mr. Hyde sighed to himself then turned to his son. He looked over his face in disgust, " you heard what i said...goodnight" With that, he turned from his youngest son and accompanied his assistant in the hall. He whispered towards him before he closed the wooden door.
Dom glared darts into that door before plotting down on his bed, His phone lit up from a unnecessary notification, He saw the faint 3 am and groaned. His mind didn't go to complaining about being up this early, it went to him curiously wondering why Cherry was out this late.
" I hate that nigga man. " A voice came storming through the shared room. The door opened and three men came in , in there pajamas. Eden shared a room with two other guys because there was no more room at Willcon. Dominic was lucky that he got the single bedroom, barely.
" He don't even know Cherry man. that's fucked up" Tracy grumbled, He was a boy with long dark hair he had it in a small bun for now, He wasn't as out spoken as his cousin Quincy who said anything that came to mind like Eden, thats why they were so close.
" I mean listen, let's not act like what he's saying isn't kinda true-"
" Get out." Dominic finally spoke with feeling. Eden slapped Quincy's  head for his words.
" Sorry but i'm not gonna sit and lie to you like these niggas are about to do." Quincy shrugged everyone in a way grimaced at him.
" Shut up nigga." Eden brushed him off and Tracy laughed.
" He can't force me to stay away from anyone in a grown ass man." Dom said and they looked at him. He was bouncing his leg up and down quickly. Eden walked over to him swiftly and sat next to him,
" Dad just doesn't want you to end up like he was...in bad things..because of cherry's mom-"
" Cherry's not in bad things, Eden! She's nothing like her mom." Dom exclaimed turning to him, Eden hushed him slightly and Dominic scuffed.
" Well her 'hanging' around Sam for the last couple of weeks isn't really helping." Tracy told, Even though he's all for sticking up for Cherry she's been making bad decisions lately.
" Better pray she's not putting shit it her nose with him." Quincy mumbled casing Dom to glance at him.
" What?" He said while walking closer to Quincy, he held his hands up in defiance.
" Sam and the people he fucks with are on that buga' suga' . That's why his ass always so fidgety" Quincy explained.
" Except Arya, she only does..weed" Eden chimed in not helping the situation because his girlfriend is known to work with Sam. Dom sighed to himself while rubbing over his face.
" You know Dom' you should come to one of my yoga classes sometime. " Tracy perked up and Dom slowly looked at him.
" When the fuck did you start a yoga class?" He asked.
" They're letting the people with high grades start clubs, so i took the opportunity to start one...to spread some peace." Tracy told and Quincy and Eden frowned their faces.
" You still in that spiritual phase?" Quincy joked and Eden laughed like always.
" It's not a phase Dirt neck."
" Whoa??" Eden exclaimed through laughter and Quincy narrowed his eyes thinking of a comeback.
" Thank you for the offer i'll try to stop by." Dom smiled tiredly and Tracy nodded.
" Great, Cherry pops in every now and then. So you can come with her..it's Tuesdays in the gym. Starts at three."
" She never told me about your yoga class." Dom told as he frowned his eyebrows.
"She usually just comes to sleep on the mat, She said it's her only time of peace." Tracy says and Dom nodded slightly now concerned.
Dominic Zoned out of the conversation when they started talking about a party they planned on going to tomorrow night. The parties at Willcon were hectic, so many drugs and drinks. Dom enjoyed some of them but the way exams are going he wanted to hold off on partying until the summer.
His phone buzzed two times indicating that he had a text. He reached to his night stand seeing the small notification and smiled to himself.
meet me at Joe's in 15?
you're paying btw
As Dominic was about to send his response he made his way out the main door.
Lovely even. Dominic thought this even in her madness. She sat in front of him, not a hair on her head was ever out of place , her lips glistened with the remaining gloss she applied all the time. It faded due to the fries she ate; Cherry tried not to complain to regular people but she didn't think of Dominic as normal, Maybe a superhero. He's somehow always there when there's danger in her life.
She gave him a puzzled look. She put her french fry down. "I wanna know what you're thinking about when you look at me like that. "
Dominic blinked back. He cleared his throat. "my mind wonders, i'm listening to you. "
"What are you thinking about right now ?" Cherry asked, watching him with narrowed eyes.
"You clean your room? " Dominic retorted, his slender fingers picked up his fork. Completely ignoring her question. He could tell her ADD got the best of her when her presence perked up.
" Actually yes! i'm proud of myself." she smiled at him, Dominic gave a proud smile back.
" I'm proud of you Cherry."
" Thank you..you know Sam said the same thing? I like those words."
A name was finally put on the 'mysterious' guy. She didn't tell him anything about the new person she was talking to. Only gawked about the things he's been buying her.
Dominic didn't need to ask because he knows the name always comes out accidentally.
" i shouldn't have said his name, you're giving me that look."
" What look Cherry? i'm listening to you." He shrugged slightly, he watched as her posture change. It wasn't so perked anymore, more hunched as if she began to feel embarrassment.
" They said he's into some bad shit." She mumbled and Dominic kept his same expression.
" you believe them?" He knew, Dominic knew the guy and saw him before around Eden's girl. He was the guy you go to if you needed something illegal. He planned great parties, Dom gave him that but the things he's heard about Sam were insane. Knowing Cherry the insane news was probably a natural aphrodisiac.
"well shit 'Dom." She pushed her plate away and crossed her arms over her chest. "You're the only one who hasn't given me problems about him yet. Are you about to give me problems?"
"Of course not." He sighed. "..same guy different body though."
She rolled her eyes. " He's not the same-"
"i'll be happy to compare."
"All of the stuff i've been through i'm mature enough to know better." she said. " I know when a guy is not genuine, he may be bad but he's good to me. Him being like the rest.. That's not what this is about. Be honest with me here."
She was right. Dominic looked away, afraid she'd read his mind if they locked eyes for too long. He stared outside the diner window, rain settled on the campus. people walked in pairs or groups, huddled in with umbrellas. 
Cherry leaned across the table and took his hands. Her warm fingers and soft palms grounded him. He pulled his gaze from the scene outside. Here she goes, roping him
in more making him feel more emotions than once. some more keen than others.
"What is this about?" she asked him. "What's the problem?"
The words wouldn't come. They sat in his brain, locked behind some wall, and though he pushed, they wouldn't move. then it slipped.
" You're dating watered down versions of him." He said, He gasped in his brain. Dominic watched her eyes frantically glance between his. Him being the man that took away her innocence. Sometimes his words were not always beautiful, sometimes they hurt. Cherry frowned, letting go of him .
"I'm tough." she said faintly.
He nods. "I know you are."
"I can take care of myself." She sat back roughly.
"You have," he says. "You still do. You always will. I've just joined in, too. Now we take care of each other."
" What about you?" Her question made Dominic's eyebrows perk.
" What about me?" He asked and Cherry didn't respond instantly, Her eyes traveled over his face. She remembers the first time she saw him, Learning that he was forbidden because of his father drew her into him even more. To many he looked like a corrupt angel - almost preternaturally handsome but with a soft quality that hinted at unspoken depravity. He was an unforgettable, if unnerving, face that lent itself to being cast as masochism even dreamlike.
Cherry didn't want to ruin him like she's done with other boys in the past similar to Dominic. So she kept her thoughts as gracious as possible. Even though he was the boyfriend of her wet dreams some nights.
" Why aren't you never complaining about women?"
" Women are great i don't need to complain-"
" You know what i mean Dominic, i know you have a girl you have your eyes on." Cherry narrowed her eyes in skepticism.
There's so many things Dom could say at this moment but an annoying trait he has is keeping his emotions in. " I'm too busy for a girl " he said while breaking eye contact.
" busy with what?" she asked not believing him.
Dom chuckled. " if you actually came to class you'd know we have an exam coming up in seminar." He said and her eyes widened frantically taking out her phone.
" You're lying to me? That bitch didn't tell me anything about an exam!" Cherry huffed as she went to the contact of the guy she's been getting to do her work. Dominic shook his head looking at her.
" No wonder you haven't came to me for help anymore." He uttered and Cherry shot him a quick glance.
" Because you actually make me do work, He just does it and i just turn it in." With that cherry tapped away on her phone not seeing the the slight shift in Dom's mood.
" You'll never learn that way, You have to know the basics to pass the exam. You need to a least study. " He voiced making sure he didn't sound like his father with his tone.
It made Cherry look up " Me and Sam study. We studied tonight. " She smirked putting her phone down.
" I'm serious Cherry."
" I am too." it went silent the two looked at each other. Dominic adored Cherry but times like this he wished he could say what's really on his mind. He wanted to suggest she stopped hanging with Sam if he's not helping her reach her full potential. That would just end up with them going back and forth.
" Don't cry to the when you have to take Saturday school." And with that he pulled out his wallet ready to put money down and leave. He knew what he said struck something in Cherry when she grabbed her tote bag aggressively. She roped the strap over one shoulder before standing up.
"Fuck you. " she snapped a little.
Dominic wanted to grabbed her hand and hold her back like in one of those cliché movies he adored so much but when the noise from the bell of the dinner sounded he knew he was too late. He pushed his plate away and dropped his elbows on the table before cussing under his breath.
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sarah-dipitous · 2 years
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 63
No Rest For the Wicked/The Shakespeare Code
"No Rest For the Wicked"
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: It was recap and Sam promising Dean he's not gonna go to hell :/
Dean is making saving him so fucking difficult. I mean, he's not WRONG about the dangers of both of them going after Lilith, but still.
Sam...summoning Ruby was one of the no-no's.
I want to apologize first to everyone who voted "No" to me listening to Carry On Wayward Son over and over on finale days. You guys were right. This will not stop me from listening to only that song on finale days. I meant to watch Doctor Who on my lunch, but ended up scrolling tumblr while that played for a whole hour.
Dean is making saving him so fucking difficult. I mean, he's not WRONG about the dangers of both of them going after Lilith, but still.
Sam...summoning Ruby was one of the no-no's.
I didn't expect a knock down, drag out fight between Dean and Ruby...but god damn. That was pretty fucking brilliant of him, steal the knife and lure her into the devil's trap
Omg, this little girl playing Lilith is both adorable and terrifying. She has all the sweetness of the best behaved child yet the front of her dress and her hands are absolutely drenched in blood. Amazing.
I love how much Bobby loves these boys. He's not gonna let them off easy, but he also won't stop lookin out for them <3
No. Cuz like them singing Bon Jovi in the car shouldn't be so cute. But it's fucking PRECIOUS...til Dean thinks too hard about the lyrics
You know, all this time and it's the very first time they've gotten pulled over
It's really CONVENIENT that Dean can see demon's real faces now...
Of course it's not the little girl anymore...
Oh...oh, listening to them say goodbye without saying goodbye...I hate it. I hate it SO MUCH. Yes, even fully knowing there are TWELVE more seasons...
It's...weird that they're running from the hellhounds like IMMEDIATELY after Dean told Sam that Sam has to let him go...I mean, yeah, death by hellhound sounds and looks terrible, and Hell sure isn't gonna be fun, but, like...I dunno
Maybe you need to stop hesitating to kill demons, Sam. It wouldn't have saved Dean, but you would have at least gotten rid of Lilith.
God. I cannot WAIT for tomorrow!!!!!
"Been On My Mind...": My final contractually obligated entry. Huh. So, Sam does get a kiss from Lilith, I guess...in Ruby's body
"The Shakespeare Code"
Nooooooo, I just remembered this episode has a [fandom redacted] reference in it. I mean...we're talking about, what, 2007? So, it's understandable, but I'm really ugh about it being there
I love that the Doctor has the same attitude toward the TARDIS as I have toward him "oh let's just take the fun and the mystery out of everything. martha, you don't want to know. it just goes"
The Doctor got really lucky (alien attack aside...that was gonna happen no matter what) things just kinda worked out bringing Martha back to 1599, but brushing off her very valid concerns suckssss
Narrowing my eyes at the "London never changes" comment from the Doctor after Martha looks for confirmation that the actors playing female roles were "men dressed as women." Especially with the my first comment...it's just close enough. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT, you know? WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING?
Martha, I respect the hustle, but...clearly this is your first time traveling in time. You were so worried about the butterfly effect before, what happened, my dear?
Honestly, if one of the greatest and most revered writers of all time looked at me like that, I'd have a grin like Martha's too and...also probably spout off a bunch of nonsense right in a row
So...is it not actually aliens? Is it actually actually witches??
Oh! It's an "only one bed" situation. Poor Martha...she's so underappreciated by him. No...not underappreciated, completely UNappreciated.
Yeah...Didn't actually think it was witches. Wrong show for that.
I love when the acting is so camp, but that's what's being called for so it fucking WORKS. Shakespeare being controlled by the one witch (I'm gonna call them that til they give me a species name...). His face looks so dopey but it still works. And only because this is Doctor Who.
It's always entertaining when they have famous authors as characters and they get inspiration whether plot or turns of phrase from this adventure.
I'm not sure how much thought went into the motivations of these aliens...okay. Okay. They DO want to bring more of their species to rule over Earth. I really thought these were the last three left, and they didn't seem as immortal as the Daleks.
...there's more than one...🤢 again...I get for the time period it was written. It just sucks to hear it.
I can't wait to encounter whatever the Doctor did to upset Queen Elizabeth I.
Episodes Since the Doctor's Last Genocide Attempt: 2?? (Is it genocide if they're not dead but locked away in a crystal ball forever?? I guess there's always the CHANCE of escape, but unlikely)
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not-krys · 2 days
[Repost] Two Roads - Miri x Lucifer
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Part of this set of WIP Wednesdays
Sometimes, you just gotta write up a good old-fashioned bicker-fest. It's good for the soul, methinks.
Raw, incomplete writing down below the cut. As stated above, Miri and Lucifer are arguing, but they're only doing this because they love each other, really. Inspired by Nightbringer Lesson 35 so spoilers for that and a lil reference to my other Miri/Luci fic Bittersweet
Miri knew that she likely wouldn't survive this surprise train ride with Lucifer, one way or another. And Lucifer was going to get his way, regardless of her answers, she knew that as well.
If only she could tell him the truth. That she was from the future, that she was going back to him, to him and his brothers in the future, where she truly belonged. She had already sworn to secrecy with Solomon as it could disrupt the flow of this timeline's flow (or something, she still didn't understand a lot about time magic or time travel), but Lucifer was making it very difficult for her to keep her mouth shut. First at the bookstore with his declaration that she should be a teacher at RAD, then inviting himself along with the train trip tickets she had won, guaranteeing the two would be alone 'to talk', picking out an outfit for her to wear to dinner, and finally, the final straw, choosing for her at dinner without her input.
She probably should have taken a page out of the Anti-Lucifer's book and cursed him with how angry he was making her, but, for all of his… childishness, let's call it that, she knew why he was doing it and that made her eyes prick with unshed tears.
If only she could tell him the truth, maybe then he'd back off. He'd agree to the pact again and she could finally back home… back to him… back to her normal….back to the Lucifer she knew. Her Lucifer.
She looked down at her ring, his ring, feeling heartsick.
"You're not eating, Miri." Lucifer's deep, familiar voice interrupted her thoughts.
"Sorry, but not getting a choice in the matter has soured my appetite." She refused to look at him.
A sigh.
"Still angry, I see."
"And whose fault is it I'm angry to begin with?"
"And stubborn."
"Thanks, I learned it from the best."
"You're being ridiculous." she heard the sound of a knife scraping against a plate. "Just stay in Devildom. You can be happy here. You already are."
"I can't stay."
"Why not?"
Another sigh.
"'Because' isn't an answer. Try again."
She finally turned to look at him, her brows furrowed. "Isn't wanting to go home enough of a reason?"
"Where is your home?"
"The… the human realm."
"You hesitated."
"You had to think of the answer. It wasn't the first thought that came to your mind, was it?"
"What does it matter? I'm a human, so that means I'm from the human realm, duh."
"Where is your home in the human realm?"
"It's… it's a big realm."
"Is it now?"
"Yes. You probably haven't heard of it."
"You're dodging the question."
"Why do you want to know? Are you going to going to follow me home?"
"As tempting as that sounds, you can't return without my help. And you still haven't answered me."
"Yes, I have."
"I want to go back to the Human Realm. What else is there to know?"
"Where is this place in the Human Realm that you want to return to so badly?"
"Why does it matter so much to you?"
"You're still not answering me."
"You're not answering me!"
"Fine, let me ask a different question." He held out his fork towards her, close to her mouth.  "The people you want to return to. What are they like?"
"What are they-"
"They must be special to you. So, tell me about them. You've told me about this bitter coffee lover in your life. Let's start with him."
Miri, startled by the sudden question, didn't notice that Lucifer had slid a piece of his bicorn into her mouth until she started to chew. She looked at the Ring of Light again, lost in thought. 
"At first, he was pretty scary. Intimidating. I was a stranger to him that was imposed onto his family, but he tolerated me. That's how it started anyway."
Miri pressed her fingers close to her right ear, where Mammon's pact was. The lines were invisible when she wasn't actively using her pacts, but she always got a slight tingle when she thought of the brothers.
"And I was… nothing but trouble for him. Sticking my nose in where I shouldn't and all that. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?"
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bayleaf-2 · 1 year
Hi so I didn't make any coding progress today, hence why I didn't post anything, but I did draw all day! Lotta info incoming so here! Here goes! I already did transcripts and stuff for a friend who has some but not all context and I'm. Very very tired so sorry gang but I'm not adding additional context. Also some of the tone might seem weird, cause again, directly to friend and not tumblr
That being said, big thing first! Started some design mockups for Arc 5, character notes included. Got damn the compression on this is bad sorry gang.
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The first one is how Lyra looks literally the day after the campaign ends! That design's title is "The worst of it" because I don't know for sure how long that'll last, for multiple reasons (How long Lisp can fuck with Ioun's ritual until the library notices, how long Lyra's in this state of "make it to the next day" grief, etc) but I do know that this is their lowest point, so it feels best to label it as such if I don't have another reference point to label with, at least for the time being. The bullet points are as follows:
Feels dysphoric (outfit helps)
Now that they're not rushing through everything and actually have time to think about how they feel and also don't have to wear high tier armor all the time, Lyra realizes that she's not…actually happy being in such boxy clothes, among other things. I hesitate to go into any more detail cause I don't wanna trigger anyone else's dysphoria, but they change into a looser, more fem outfit. I'm realizing now that the silhouette still looks similar because I'm not as good with drawing clothes, but imagine it's like. Flowy and soft rather than boxy and thick. (Yes this is bc I wanted to give her a design changed but I also realized they'd want the same thing, it's been like. months)
"One day at a time"
Kind of explained before, but I'll elaborate a bit more just cause: They lost their entire family. They lost like 3 out of 4 of the people most important to them. He's almost 300, so he's probably lost someone before, but not like this. Not because of something so world changing, not with the world itself almost waiting for her to get over it so she can help fix everything (or at least that's how she feels.)
Feels bad seeking comfort from or being comforted by the library
The library is something that's connected very strongly to Ioun! He feels like Khunoth and Emily would be furious at him for that, Emily especially. Now does Lyra need to talk to someone? Absolutely. Is he gonna feel any less guilty? Not really.
2nd mockup: Titled "approximately winter" because iirc the campaign started at like…the tail end of summer, and it's been about 3 months (2 months of travel time and 1 month of Actual Shit happening) but don't quote me on the exact timing. Hence the approximately. It could be the beginning of winter, or the end. I also wanted to encompass the whole season to leave wiggle room time-wise for the emotional recovery aspect.
Dysphoria gone! Yay! A combination of them feeling better emotionally and the thing that was causing it being gone. She's more confident again, yippee!
Quest full-time? Maaaybe by this point, he's spending most of his time outside the library going on Kate's quest and looking for the book. Again, it's a timing thing. I imagine once they're in a good enough state for it, they go like. Full detective on it and have a notebook dedicated to their findings and stuff. Additionally, if this is the case, they probably go by Elion at this point! For the record, if any of her family members were still around, she'd probably prefer that they call her Lyra.
Old party members find her Speaking of which! If any of the people from Elion's other parties were to find him, they would've found him by this point, most likely. It's been a while since the godslaying ended and the funeral's happened so word's gotten out about who was involved. Now, based on my memory (but the last time we got recognized was a while ago) people knew the names of the godslayers, but not the faces. There are people who've been tracking the party, but that's a small group, I think. So Elion's party members miiiight not know she's a godslayer unless she tells them? Again, questionable how much the general public knows, and we've been getting adventuring parties sent after us so. It could go either way.
Sorry if this is like. Unfollowable without context, I might fix it in the morning. I also will say, the reason old party members is getting brought up at all is because a friend wanted to hug Lyra after hearing what happened to them and I said ":v she- she's been in other parties, you could have one of your characters know her iyw-" and they said yes, so I'm trying to think about it now, just for funsies XP
There's more art, but with how long this post already is I'm just gonna post em separately.
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