#//So tight; as if he’s scared if he lets her go; she’ll disappear
dutybcrne · 5 months
Need smth to heal the soul
Now imagining Adelinde still squooshing Diluc’s face in her hands, bc no matter how old and rough’s tough that man may get, he is still her baby. Her dearest son boy. Her sweet little angel (forget that he has Murdered)
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lunajay33 · 1 year
Summary: Reader gets separated from everyone when the prison falls and almost loses hope she’s been looking for the group for 2 years
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The prison was attacked by the governor 2 years ago, well atleast I’m guessing it was around that time since the world ended keeping track of time was hard
I’ve been wandering around ever since looking for Daryl, I missed him more than ever, being without him hurt me everyday but I still had a part of him
“Mama!” Willow called as I walked with her in my arms, she was almost 2 years old now, I found out I was pregnant a few weeks before the prison fell I didn’t even get to tell Daryl and he may never know now
“What’s wrong baby? We have to be quiet remember” I whispered
Thankfully she was never a loud baby
“I’m hungry mama” she said as she laid her head against my shoulder
“I know sweetie, here I’ll give you the can a peaches only if you promise to give me one!” I said as I reached into my pocket to give her
She opened up the lid and chewed on the peaches I found in an abandoned house
“Here mama!!” She smiled as she pressed a peach against my lips
“Thanks love!” I said with my mouth full
I’ve been so hungry I’ve given her most of the food because she was at a crucial stage of growing and I’d do anything for her
We came to a stop at the end of the road to a big metal wall that circled something but I heard voices in there! Maybe they’d take us in
“HELLO!” I called out that’s when I heard guns clink and people above the wall looking down at me with guns raised
“What do you want?” A guy with ginger hair called out
“Do you have room for two more? We’ve been wandering around for 2 years” he looked at me then at Willow in my arms
He disappeared, that’s when the gate opened
“How did you find this place?” He asked
“I was just walking hoping to come across another house to get some food, it’s just been me and her for a while I just want a safe place for her to grow….please” I said as I looked down at willow who looked scared she wasn’t use to other people
“Okay you can come in but you’ll need to talk to our main guy he says who can stay” the guy said as he stepped aside and let me in as he closed the gate behind me
I was shocked, this was actually a normal town this is the perfect place for willow, and there were kids running around
“Look Willow! You can have friends here baby!” She smiled as I placed her down on the ground
“Is she safe to play with them?” I asked
“She’ll be okay! It’s safe here”
“Go on willow go play!” She was excited and ran off with the kids they looked excited to have another kid to play with
“I’m y/n by the way!”
“I’m Abraham!” The ginger said
I was waiting with them by the gate for their leader to come back and judge if we could stay that’s when the gates opened and I heard the rumble of a motorcycle
A car and motorcycle came in and I couldn’t believe my eyes, I ran up to the motorcycle as he got of the bike
“Daryl is that really you?” I asked as he turned to look at me
He looked at me and pulled me into a hug, I could hear him cry
“I can’t believe it’s ya, I’ve missed ya so much, I looked everywhere for ya” he cried as he pulled back to look at me
I was crying now too, I placed my hands on his face and pulled him into a kiss
“I looked for you too, I’ve been looking everyday, but I found you” I smiled as he wiped my tears away
“Mama! I made friends!” Willow screamed as she latched into my leg
“Awe I’m glad baby!” I said as I kneeled down to her
Daryl kneeled down in front of us and looked confused and a little hurt
“And who’s this?” He asked but he had to know she looked just like him, his blue eyes and dark brown hair
“Mama is this daddy, like from the photo you showed me?” Willow asked before I could answer him
“Yes willow this is your dad, Daryl meet willow, she’s almost 2!”
Daryl looked like he was gonna cry again, she jumped in his arms and he held her tight
“It was scary being pregnant and alone out there and then I gave birth to her alone but she’s always been a good quiet kid! She takes after her father for that” I laughed as willow pulled back and giggled
“I’m sorry I didn’t find you”
“It’s okay daryl I’m home now”
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cheynovak · 12 days
Texas sky – part 8 final
Summary: Y/N, a former cast member of Supernatural, had left Texas for LA several years ago, citing career reasons but also escaping unresolved personal issues. During a reunion party in Austin, she reconnects with Jensen Ackles, who is still married to Danneel but also struggling with his own difficulties.  He confronts Y/N about her sudden departure and their past, hoping things might turn out differently this time.  
Warnings: Hurt, friend to lovers, old love rediscovering, marriage problems, cheating, anger, fluff, ...  
English is not my first language   
*This story is my own original story, please do not copy my work, reblog/comments/likes are appreciated* 
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The tension in the air was thick as we neared the court date. Every conversation felt weighted, every look from Jensen carried a burden I wished I could take from him. I knew how much this was eating him up inside. The divorce hadn't been finalized yet, and Danneel wasn’t letting go quietly. She’d made it her mission to drag him through the mud, and the constant fear of losing his kids consumed him.
Our relationship hadn’t been easy lately. The stress from everything going on had taken its toll, leading to ugly fights that neither of us wanted. Some nights, after a particularly bad argument, Jensen would leave—disappearing into the night to sleep in a hotel room. Those nights were the worst. I’d lie awake, replaying every harsh word we exchanged, crying into the silence until he came back in the morning.
When he returned, he’d always be so apologetic, his eyes heavy with guilt. And I’d apologize too, because I hated fighting with him. We’d promise each other that it wouldn’t happen again, but deep down, we both knew the pressure of everything was pushing us to the edge.
Now, with the court date looming at the end of the week, Jensen was on edge like never before. He paced around the house, lost in his thoughts. Danneel had been throwing everything she could at him, and I could see the toll it was taking. He was too kind, too decent to stoop to the same level. He wouldn’t play dirty, even though she did. I admired his integrity, but I feared it might not be enough in a courtroom where emotion often swayed the outcome more than fairness did.
One evening, as we sat together on the couch, the weight of it all pressing down on us, I reached over and grabbed his hand. He looked at me, his green eyes clouded with worry.
“I’m scared, Y/N,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “She’s threatening to take the kids… I don’t know what I’d do if that happens.”
I squeezed his hand tighter, wishing I had the perfect words to comfort him. “Jay, you’re a good father. Anyone who sees you with your kids knows that. You have to trust that the court will see it too.”
He shook his head, his jaw tight. “She’s relentless. She’ll do anything to make me look bad. I don’t know how to fight her without becoming someone I don’t want to be.”
“You don’t have to become like her,” I said softly. “You just have to show the court who you really are. The man who loves his kids more than anything. The man who’s always there for them, no matter what.”
Jensen sighed, leaning back into the couch. “I just want this to be over. I want to be with you, without all this hanging over us.”
I nodded, understanding his exhaustion. I felt it too. The constant strain had tested us in ways I never anticipated. But through all the fights, all the late nights spent crying, I knew one thing for certain: I loved him, and I wasn’t going anywhere.
“We’ll get through this,” I said, leaning into him, resting my head on his shoulder. “One step at a time, okay? You’re not alone in this.”
“I don’t deserve you,” he whispered, his voice barely audible, heavy with emotion. I looked up at him, my heart aching at the vulnerability etched into his features. I leaned in, pressing my lips to his in a soft, slow kiss, letting every touch linger, wanting him to feel the depth of my love.
He melted into the kiss, his breath shaky as he exhaled. “I could say the same thing, Ackles,” I murmured against his lips, pulling him closer. His arms tightened around me, and I rested my head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. As we lay there, wrapped up in each other, my thoughts drifted to his kids.
I had started to love them too. It wasn’t easy at first; Danneel had made it clear she didn’t want me anywhere near them. But eventually, despite the tension and everything that came with the divorce, I met them. And as far as this complicated situation could go, it went better than I ever expected.
The kids had needed time—time to adjust to the idea of their dad being with someone else, time to warm up to me. But day after day, moment by moment, things began to get better. I remembered the first time I’d met them. The cautious glances, the way they stuck close to Jensen, unsure of how to approach me.
But slowly, they opened up, bit by bit. A shared laugh here, a game of cards there, until the walls began to come down. Now, when I thought about them, it was with a warmth in my heart I hadn’t expected.
“I was thinking about the kids,” I said quietly, my fingers tracing small patterns on Jensen’s chest.
Jensen's brow furrowed in thought as he processed what I was saying. “If we’re going to be together and if the kids are going to be spending more time here, we definitely need more space. And it has to be a place they feel truly comfortable in.”
He seemed to hesitate, confusion crossing his face. “You mean… the girls could temporarily share a room, but we’d need more space eventually? Are you saying you want to move?”
I nodded, looking at him earnestly. “Well, if we’re going to stay together, I want them to feel welcome. I want them to feel at home. It’s important to me.”
Jensen’s expression softened as he took in my words. “But you just bought this house,” he said, a hint of concern in his voice.
I shrugged. “I can sell it, or put it up for rent. If it’s not the right fit for us, then it’s not the right fit. I’d rather make sure we have a space where the kids feel settled and where we all feel comfortable.”
Jensen looked at me, his eyes searching mine. “What about my place?”
I hesitated, then spoke carefully. “Even if you get the house, I don’t want to live in the place you built with Danneel. It’s important to me that we create a new space together, one that feels like ours.”
He nodded, understanding my perspective. “Yeah, I get it. I want the same thing. We’ll find a place that feels right for all of us.”
We lay there in silence for a moment, the weight of our decisions hanging in the air. The idea of moving, of creating a new home, was daunting but also exhilarating. It felt like a step toward building something new and beautiful out of the chaos.
The courtroom was filled with tension, every word and gesture heavy with the weight of the stakes. Danneel's accusations were relentless, her presentation of photos and selective memories painting a picture that was far from the truth. The judges, though professional, couldn't completely hide their skepticism, and I saw the disapproval in their eyes when Danneel's claims about Jensen's infidelity were laid bare.
When Danneel's eldest daughter took the stand, the atmosphere shifted. Jensen and I exchanged glances, a mix of hope and dread in our eyes. Her testimony was a beacon of light amidst the chaos.
Despite her young age, she spoke with surprising clarity and honesty. When asked about her preference, she didn't hesitate. “I like Y/N. She makes Daddy happy,” she said, her voice clear and sincere. She continued, “Daddy started to smile more last year.”
The courtroom fell silent, the gravity of her words sinking in. The judge’s eyes softened slightly, and I noticed a shift in the atmosphere as the testimony resonated with the room. Jensen’s lawyer, a seasoned professional, leaned over to offer a quiet word of encouragement.
“Her testimony about you only being happy last year is a good sign,” the lawyer said, their tone hopeful. “It should help prove that he’s been faithful and a good father. We’ll need to build on this to make sure the judge understands the full context.”
I watched as Jensen’s face showed a flicker of relief. It was clear that the support from his daughter meant more to him than anything else. The lawyer’s optimism was a small comfort, but the reality of the situation remained daunting.
The divorce was final, almost everything split in half, except the brewery, Jensen had to buy Danneel out, price also settled by the judge. The kids would spend week on week with each of them since we claimed we wouldn't move out of Texas.
We drove home, Jensen stopped in the middle of the road and jumped out of the car.
Jensen’s emotions were raw as he paced the road, his breaths coming in uneven gasps. The finality of the divorce had hit him hard, the weight of it all crashing down now that the process was over. I watched him, my heart aching for him, and I reached out, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
He stopped in his tracks, turning to face me with tears glistening in his eyes. For a moment, there was a silence between us, filled with the echoes of everything we had endured. Then, he closed the distance between us, his lips crashing into mine with a fierce, passionate intensity that spoke of relief, love, and the end of a long struggle.
“It’s over,” he murmured against my lips, his voice breaking with emotion. “It’s finally over.”
I pulled him close, holding him tightly as his tears mingled with mine. The pain and turmoil of the past months seemed to melt away in that moment, replaced by a deep sense of shared relief and hope.
When we finally pulled back, our breaths mingling, I looked into his eyes, seeing both the exhaustion and the renewed determination in them. “We did it,” I said softly. “It’s behind us now.”
Jensen nodded, his expression a mix of gratitude and weariness. “Thank you for sticking with me through all of this. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
I cupped his face in my hands, brushing away a stray tear. “We’ve been through so much, but we’re stronger for it. And now, we can finally start looking forward to our future.”
He smiled, a genuine, relieved smile that seemed to lighten the weight of his past. “Let’s go home,” he said, his voice filled with a renewed sense of purpose.
“Let’s start building that future."
Let me know what you think, like, share or comment <3 If you liked this, please check out my masterlist for other stories.
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anonymouse1312437 · 4 months
Hey it’s me again with another idea for a fic. Sorry it’s Javi Gutierrez AGAIN i just can’t get over him. So in the movie he’s supposed to been seen as “dangerous” to the public eye and he actually has good aim and shot 3 guys in a row! I was thinking about if Reader and Javi (already in a relationship) are out together but a situation happens where she separates from Javi (maybe she goes to the bathroom or Javi gets “a business call” (call from Nicholas Cage)). Then some guy goes to talk to reader and protective Javi barges through and puts on his tough act. Scares the guy off and for the rest of the day Javi makes sure she’s stuck to him like glue. Sitting on his lap while clutching onto her like a bear, scanning his surroundings for anyone who looks her way like a bodyguard, holding her hand so tight as if she’ll disappear at any moment or maybe instead of walking side by side he just straight up carries her around. Then at home he just turns back into his happy teddy bear self wanting to sleep, watch/write movies, enjoy readers affection, and eat (maybe reader makes him a marmalade sandwich as a thank you (paddington reference)).
Night out!
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Tonight is the night Javi said he is going to take me to the club. I am excited to see him dance and just be his happy self away from work. I think maybe this might be a really great long night as long as he stays true to his promise of not ruining it with his job. I love what he does and how excited he is to work with his idol Nicholas Cage but, he talks about him twenty-four seven. If he brings up the movie with him one more time I might rip my ears off and mail them to Nicholas Cage as a grand gesture of eff you. I just need a tiny break from hearing it and Javi promised me he would give me that tonight.
“You look wonderful.” I heard Javi say as he approached behind me.
“Javi I am not even ready. I am still in my pajamas. We aren’t doing anything until tonight.” I said and smiled at him.
“So what. You are always beautiful. No matter how you look. You will always be my beautiful girl.” Javi said and kissed the top of my head. I turned to face him and I smiled up at him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into me. He placed a quick peck on my lips and pulled away resting his hands on my arms.
“I made you some brunch my sleeping beauty.” He said and I felt my eyes widen.
“You didn’t have to do that for me Javi. I should have made you breakfast. I am sorry I slept in a bit late today.” I said still hugging onto him.
“No, I enjoyed it. I made a big breakfast for you. I made us some eggs and bacon. I made the toast you like. I even cut up some fresh fruit for us.” He said looking all giggly. I wish he hadn’t made anything because he isn’t the best cook. I just have to keep my head up and try not to make a face when I bite into the eggs and bacon. I hope they are not raw.
“Thank you my handsome Javi.” I said and then kissed the tip of his nose and let go. I walked out of our bathroom and into the bedroom to the closet.
“No, don’t worry about that right now. The eggs are going to get cold.” Javi said and grabbed onto my hand. He pulled me into the kitchen without letting me protest. Even with such a large house we were there in record time. The smell was amazing. Is he sure he is the one that cooked? I looked over at the table and noticed nothing was burnt. I am a bit shocked. I looked at the bacon and it was not raw or too crispy. It was perfect.
“Oh Javi this looks and smells amazing.” I said and went to my chair. He ran up behind me and pulled the chair out for me. He has always been such a gentleman. He pushed the chair in with me in it and smiled at me. He made his way to the seat across from me and that’s when I noticed the fresh flowers in front of me. Tulips. They are my favorite flower.
“Javi, did you get these flowers?” I asked and his smile grew wider.
“Yes, I am glad you noticed.” He said. I felt my cheeks heat up.
“Everything tonight is going to be perfect now that I know you have those beautiful rosy cheeks.” Javi mentioned and I could feel the heat in my face deepen. I heard a phone go off and he dismissed himself. Great here we go. A perfect moment completely ruined by the awful thing. He appeared a moment later and showed me he denied the phone call.
“Nothing is going to ruin today for you mi amor.” Javi said.
“Oh, what if it is important?” I asked.
“Then whoever it is will leave a message. Don’t worry today is about us. I haven’t even shown you the next thing I have set up for us. Eat up.” Javi said and I hesitantly started to eat the food. It was surprisingly delicious. Everything was perfectly seasoned.
“Javi, don’t get me wrong I absolutely loved everything about this brunch but, are you sure you made it?” I asked giggling a little bit.
“I may have ran us out of groceries but yes I did. I kept having to redo some of it as I was making it. I am surprised you didn’t wake up with how bad the bacon crisped earlier. Last night must have exhausted you. I just kept studying some of the videos I found on your facebook page until I got it right.” Javi mentioned and I felt my heart swoon for him.
“You are truly perfect Javi.” I said and he smiled and began to blush. I finished the food and snacked on some of the fruit when I noticed he was finished as well.
“Good come with me.” He said standing up and motioning me to follow him. I felt a little plump after eating everything but, I couldn’t help it. It was amazing. However what I walked into was our living room turned out and made up of a fort like structure. Our couches were pushed to the side and a air mattress was placed inside the fort with some beautiful gold bedding. It looked like a pillow mountain on top of it as well. Chocolate strawberries and wine were placed in the middle and the movies were set up for us to watch. I looked at the screen and noticed all of my favorite romantic comedies on the screen for us to cycle through. Candles were lit all around us and right now I could just jump on him and never let him go.
“Oh Javi. This is very beautiful.” I said. I didn’t realize he was going to give me a day of this.
“Is it? I didn’t know which bedding to get. I went and bought a new one for this and a lot of new pillows. I wanted today to be perfect for you. I even got stuff to give you a massage and do your nails if you would like.” He said and looked at me with a smile.
“This is all very amazing Javi. I am truly grateful for you.” I said and walked over to him and embraced him in a hug. He lowered his head and I felt his lips brush against mine before he kissed me. It was such a passionate kiss that I felt it go from my head to my toes. It was amazing and I didn’t want it to end but, he pulled away.
“I picked out just enough movies that are your favorites that by the time we finish them all then it will be off to dinner and then the club.” Javi said and I made my way into the fort. I climbed onto the mattress and made sure he followed in behind me. He put on the fist movie which was 50 first dates and held me through every movie. I dozed off again after three movies but it was because he was massaging my head while feeding me those chocolate covered strawberries. He is going to be the death of me. He loves to feed me if I let him.
~Time Skip~
“Babe wake up. It’s time to get ready so we can make the dinner reservation.” Javi said lightly shaking me.
“Okay. Alright I am awake. I will go get dressed and run a brush through my hair really quick.” I said and he smiled. We both got out of the fort and he started to blow all the candles out and turned the tv off while I went into the bedroom to the closet and saw a beautiful dress hanging up. This is new. It was a deep green. He knows how much I love this color against my skin as well as a brand new pair of gold heels. He has some good taste. I put them on and walked to the bathroom and brushed my hair. Yesterdays curls were still in tact so I decided to through on a bit of lip gloss and mascara. I looked beautiful. I walked out of the bedroom and back into our living room and noticed that most of the fort was taken down but, what really caught my attention was Javi. He was in a matched suit to the dress. He stopped and looked at me. I heard him suck in a breathe.
 “You look incredible.” Javi said and smiled at me reaching his hand out.
“You look amazing Javi.” I said I felt my eyes widen. He looked truly amazing and handsome. I grabbed his hand that he reached out. He helped me out of the house and into the car and we drove off to the club. We heard the music coming from inside and it was a mixture of old school music and the most current beats. It is something that I rather enjoyed but, Javi is not always a fan of the new school music. I heard something vibrate and I looked at Javi.
“Did you bring your phone?” I asked him.
“I did but, I won’t use it. I promise.” Javi said.
“Then why would you bring it?” I asked.
“In case of an emergency and to keep track of time.” Javi said. I closed my eyes and felt a bit uneasy about him having his phone but, there is not going to be much of a difference like most nights.
“I promise I won’t destroy what has been an incredibly relaxing day for us beautiful.” Javi said and I felt his hand grab onto mine. I want to believe him but, if Nicholas calls and pretends it is an emergency I know how he will react.
“Let’s go inside.” He said and I went to open my door but he stopped me.
“Wait.” He said and got out and ran to my side of the car. He opened the door for me and helped me out of the car. He was always a gentleman.
“Thank you Javi.” I said and smiled at him.
“You are very welcome beautiful.” He said and I felt the heat rush to my cheeks again. He really does know how to make me blush. I adore this man.
He escorted me inside the club and walked himself over to the bar and retrieved a couple of drinks for us and made his way over to me. He was already dancing along with the music and I smiled at him. I started to sway my hips into him after taking the drink and taking a sip. He wrapped an arm around my waist and kept me close to him.
“You truly are an amazing dancer.” Javi whispered into my ear. I smiled at him until I felt something vibrate against my leg. He looked down and grabbed his phone out and looked at me with big apologetic eyes. For the love of god. I know he is not about to answer the phone.
“I will be back in one moment love. He said it is important. I promise not to take long.” Javi said. We just got here and now I feel like this night has been soured. I watched him as he walked away from me and out of the club. I tried to shake him from my thoughts as I continued to dance. I felt someone grab on me and I turned around and saw someone pulling me into dance with them. At least they thought I was an attractive woman. Granted they might have drank a lot.
“Sorry that he disappeared on you. I will happily take his place until he gets back to keep others off you if you want.” The man said.
“I don’t know he can get rather jealous.” I said to the stranger.
“I would let his soak in the jealousy. My boyfriend is in the bathroom with someone right now. Mine as well have someone to protect you from the creeps around you.” He said and I smiled. Oh he is gay. This should be fun.
“If you are sure this is what you want to entangle yourself in then very well.” I said and wrapped my arms around him and proceeded to dance with him. Over the music I heard someone huffing and puffing. I felt eyes in my back and I grinded into my new dance partner.
“I hope that is okay. I know you mentioned having a boyfriend.” I whispered into his ear.
“Honey enjoy making him jealous. He should not have left someone so beautiful alone. Especially knowing who he is. He has quite a bit of enemies out there who would love to get their hands on you.” The stranger said.
“What is your name?” I asked and I felt him lower his head into the crevice of my neck.
“I am Antonio but, you can call me Toni.” He said. “May I assist in helping you get him jealous?” Toni asked.
“Yes, I suppose.” I said and then I felt his hands lower to just above my ass. I felt his lips attach to my neck and then his head lifted up and I saw him smirk at someone behind me.
“I apologize for what I am about to do.” He said and then winked at me. He dropped his right hand to my ass and squeezed it. I tried to hold back my smile and laugh because now I know for sure Javi is watching. What I didn’t expect was the bear of a man coming towards Toni and I.
“I don’t think Javi is the only jealous one.” I said and he looked toward the direction I was staring.
“Thank you for also helping me doll. I should get to him before your man see’s.” Toni said and walked away after pecking my cheek quickly.
In just a moment I felt Javi behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.
“Who were you dancing with?” He said into my neck.
“A man who understands how I was just left unattended. That’s all.” I said and I knew it was going to upset him.
“I am sorry he said it was an emergency.” Javi said trying to plead to me and his grip grew tighter on my waist.
“And was it?” I asked. I turned to look at him and noticed his gaze turn away from me for a moment.
“Oh, so it wasn’t an emergency but, yet I managed to dance to a few songs with that man. Maybe I should go and entertain him some more. Maybe he won’t have such an absurd obsession.” I sneered at him. His grip on my waist tightened and then I felt him pull me after him. He found a empty booth at the club and pulled me into his lap.
“You will not entertain anyone but me.” He said looking into my eyes.
“Why is that? They don’t answer unimportant calls when promising me they won’t answer.” I snapped at him. I felt his hand caress my face and reach the back of my neck and pulled my face closer to his. I felt his lips on mine and he kissed me harshly.
“I am sorry. I should not have answered but, I had to be sure. You know how much I love you.” Javi said and I felt my heart swoon at his words. His arm tightened around me again and he refused to ease up any.
“Javi that kind of hurts.” I mumbled against his lips.
“Deal with it.” He said and continued to kiss me. I tried to pull away but his hand on the back of my neck was tight.
“If we were not here in public I would prove to you right now why you shouldn’t be entertaining anyone else but me.” Javi mumbled against my lips letting me have a moment to catch my breath.
“Javi, ease up. He is gay. He also was making his boyfriend jealous. You have a jealousy issue dear.” I said smiling at him. His eyes widened and then he turned me around to face the crowd. I leaned my back against him and he held onto me tightly. We stayed like that for a good half hour drinking before he dragged me to the car and back home.
“I can’t believe you let someone grab your ass to make me jealous.” Javi said as we stepped into the house.
“That was a bit surprising to me as well. It worked though. Pay attention to me again Javi. Since your friend arrived I hardly get any time with you. It is always about him. I just miss your attention.” I said and stepped into him.
“You have my attention now.” He said peering down at me. “Let me show you how much attention you have from me.” He said and grabbed ahold of my face again before kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he walked me backwards until my back hit the wall. He never pulled away and I could tell where this was going to go.
(Sorry if this is not the picture you had in your mind. I have been out of writing while recovering from surgery.)
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warpfive · 2 years
okay, second try. b'elanna + being protective of reader on an away mission !
b'elanna torres x reader
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CW: gn!reader, creepy alien
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she absolutely doesn’t hide her emotions very well. you’ve always had an easier time than most when it comes to looking past b’elanna’s hot temper and knowing how she’s really feeling. her anger doesn’t always come out because she’s pissed off - it’s also when she’s scared, frustrated, confused, sleep-deprived, hungry…
so when you accompany her down to some backwater planet full of thugs and she loses sight of you for a few minutes and finally spots you after thinking the worst, her mood instantly flips.
b’elanna demands to know where you went. you tell her you weren’t very far, just inspecting a compound being sold in one of the vendors - that was the whole point of the mission, wasn’t it? potentially finding another source of fuel for voyager? not having to rely solely on a single energy source?
you’re right, of course. b’elanna just doesn’t want to admit how worried she got when you disappeared, even if it was for a few short minutes. but she knows what happens in these kinds of places if you aren’t careful - and to be quite honest, if it comes down to you or some magical power source for the ship, b’elanna is going to choose you.
so she’s careful. always has one eye on her tricorder and the other on you (she’s good at multitasking - every engineer has to be.) none of these aliens have ever seen a klingon before but they seem smart enough to veer away whenever one is glaring at them from across the market if they stray too close to you, innocently trying to do your job.
but one man was foolish enough to try. b’elanna wasn’t sure if it was you he wanted, or your technology, or both. his grip on your arm was too tight to be friendly. the sneering look on his face causing a frightened one on yours, and you didn’t even have enough time to try and reach for your phaser before b’elanna was on him. a clean, hard punch against his jaw while yelling out obscenities managed to scare him off. b’elanna wanted to do more. she hung back because you touched her shoulder.
“thanks,” you tell her. “i told you to stay close,” she answers. “i know. you’re right.”
she thinks you’re placating her. the reflex to keep arguing surged, but she pushed it down. if she caused a fight, you might want to drift away again and this call was much too close. b’elanna tempted to have voyager beam you back up, and just as her hand came up to tap her badge, you gasped at the tricorder, grabbed her arm, and pulled her in the direction of the energy signature. 
of course, as luck would have it, the material you found was compatible with voyager, but wasn’t a great long term solution. b’elanna gets a little annoyed, feeling like the away mission (and the danger it put you in) was all for nothing. next time they come across some shady place, she’ll have to ask the captain to keep you onboard.
but you didn’t see it that way! later that day, when you two were tired and discouraged, you talked about how nice it was to get away from the ship, just the two of you. b’elanna scoffed, not believing that you actually had fun in that hovel and being grabbed at by dangerous creeps.
you simply replied that you knew b’elanna wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you. and if that wasn’t enough to surprise her, you continued in saying that spending time with her, even in an awful place like that, was enough for you.
and b’elanna decided to scrap her idea of talking to the captain.
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eremiie · 3 years
how do you think aot would kiss their s/o ————
how aot characters would kiss you;
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eren kisses you like he’ll never get to kiss you again. it’s full of passion and every emotions he’s feeling at the moment and you can feel it too somehow— it’s usually always like this as well. when he’s angry you can feel it, when he’s sad you can feel the sadness, when he’s giddy you can feel it. it’s like he’s pouring everything into you with that kiss, his hands are grabbing onto you somewhere, you can feel him breathing on you, it’s like you’ll disappear any moment.
levi kisses you like he needs it. don’t get me wrong, it’s gentle and it almost feels like nothing is there, almost feels meaningless, but i promise you that kiss meant so much to him. he wished your lips could’ve been on his for longer, and even sometimes when you’re ready to pull off his lips linger on yours for a bit more. it’s almost too soft, like he’s gonna hurt you, and you need to ask for more if you want it, cause he’ll give you more. 
armin kisses you like you’re the most fragile thing on earth. he cups your face, starts by kissing your forehead, then the tip of your nose, and you can hear him giggle before he connects your lips together. it’s so soft and it’s only a peck at first— and then he goes in for more and he might get a little carried away. he’s just so infatuated with you, and he’s studying your lips and how they move against his so he can remember it.
jean kisses you like he’s lovesick. it’s so romantic, and it almost pains you how sweet it is. he tried his best not to fuck up your first kiss that it was corny in the most adorable way, and everytime after that you can still feel how you felt that first time he kissed you. he’d take you by your hips and press you against him so he can feel your warmth, smile down at you before connecting your lips— and it feels nice, it’s not too forceful but it’s not delicate either. it’s this perfect balance that you can’t shake and it fills you completely. he’d peck the corner of your lips or your cheek after and you can’t help but bury your face in his chest because jean!
connie kisses you like he knows there’ll be moments like these again. he knows there’ll be moments like these again, so each kiss is rare and it’s never too much. it’s always impulsive, you’d both be laughing at something and he just leans in for a kiss! just like that. it’s so quick that it’s almost a peck, it’s a little sloppy and your teeth clash— like neither of you really know what you’re doing but once again, there’ll be moments like these. you can make it better next time. (news flash, it’s still the same!!)
reiner kisses you like he’s scared. it’s like he thinks he’ll mess it up— he takes your hand in his and leans in so unsteadily, continuously looking up at your eyes to make sure it’s okay, that you want to kiss him. at that point just grab him and connect your lips together. when you do he melts into it so flawlessly, like he was made to kiss you, and it almost feels natural at that point. he almost sounds hungry for it, like he’s been wanting it for the longest time. he’s groaning because he’s filled with euphoria at the way your lips dance together, and because his love for you is so unshakeable. albeit him kissing you so nicely, when you break lips through his pants of breath he’ll still manage to ask “was that okay?”
porco kisses you like he doesn’t want to. it’s kind of funny because the way he rolls his eyes when you ask contradicts how he grabs onto your shirt and pulls you as close as possible to him when your lips meet. i said reiner’s felt hungry? porco’s is hungry. like he was craving your lips and didn’t have the balls to kiss you himself. it’s rough, it’s messy, but that’s how he likes it. and he hopes you do too because they’ll most likely continue to be like that, especially with that yearning look he gives you.
colt kisses you like he was overcome with fidelity. it’s so domestic. his kiss makes you feel the future, and it’s a determined kiss, like him letting you know he’s not going anywhere and you aren’t either. he’ll wrap his arms around your shoulders and pull you against his chest, kissing the top of your head before he pulls you back a little to really kiss you. somehow he makes this kiss tender, yet at the same time it’s hard— or more so heavy with zeal.
zeke kisses you like he’s has something up his sleeve. it’s a little odd— it doesn’t feel too loving. but no worries, he shows you he loves you in other ways. he’ll hold your chin and pull your face to his and sometimes he’ll lift his glasses to the top of his head before he connects your lips together. it’s a tad bit sensual at first but he’ll slip his tongue in. he never fails to slip his tongue in. it’ll search your mouth and once he’s satisfied he pulls back with a string of saliva connecting the two of you that he’ll break with his finger before putting his glasses back on and continuing what he was doing like it was nothing. catch the little things, like the small smirk that stays on his face after. or the little “hmph.” he manages to make. he’s satisfied. he hopes you are too. 
mikasa kisses you like she never has before. somehow everytime you kiss it’s like it’s her first time, and it has to be the cutest thing ever. she gets all shy— and that strong woman you know so well suddenly conceals herself. she’ll adjust her clothes because they suddenly feel too tight on her, her face is flushed and she feel small when she taps your knee. you already know what she wants because you know enough about this side of her, so make it quick, a softhearted kiss that’ll satisfy her. not too long because she might burst! you can feel how she loves you through it, and it leaves you feeling equally as pleased.
sasha kisses you like it’s a game. it’s cute and cheery, she’ll drop everything just to feel your lips against hers because it feels good. she’ll lean in and bump noses with you before pulling back with a laugh, her hands on your knees to stable herself as she kisses you for real. she’s laughing into the kiss but those laughs melt away into pleasure. it’s nice the way her lips move against yours, and it makes you giddy. it makes your heart warm and it fills you with pure adoration. 
hange kisses you like they haven’t ever in their life. it’s nice to watch, the way she perks up when you start leaning in and the tilt of her head. you almost laugh in her face. she’ll scramble to take her glasses off and push her bangs out the way, and she’s waiting for you to meet her lips. sitting with her feet tapping the floor in excitement. and when your lips do meet their eyes open again for a split second before they topple you over and kiss you like it’s a feeling they haven’t felt. and she experiments with your lips, kissing every inch of them. she’s mesmerized. it makes your heart burst and you’ll almost want to cry with pure joy at the fact that she’s yours.
historia kisses you like she’s trying to tell you something. it’s almost motherly, it’s a confirmation of her love— like she’s telling you that she loves you. she’ll pull you close, and the way her eyes flutter shut before she touches lips with yours is heavenly. her eyebrows are a bit furrowed, like she’s wary the kiss won’t be satisfactory, but that crease between her brows disappears and her hands settle on your arms, dispelling her passion unto you. these are the best kinds of kisses with her. because if it’s not this, it’s a little cute peck to the cheek that leaves you wanting to feel her skin on yours again.
hitch kisses you like she was craving you. she’ll crawl on top of you, and if she can’t one of her body parts will be touching yours. it’s her charming smile that’s alluring, and that small upturn of her lips that tells you she knows what she wants. and the two will kiss, but somehow that ravenous feel only lasts for a little bit. she’s quenched and it’s only her love for you left behind that becomes evident in how she slows down her lips against yours. it’s intimate and the two of you only pull away when you’ve ran out of breath.
annie kisses you like she’s kissed you one time too many. its you who puts in the work, but you can feel the twitch of her lips and it’s quite pleasing to feel. you know you’re getting under her skin in a good way, you know she’s melting at the fondness of it all. sometimes she even scoots a little closer to deepen the kiss— but she never asks for more or gives you more, even if the both of you want it. well, you never get time to ask for more because she’s trying to distract herself or leaving the room right after. it takes a while to get used to the bored expression she still manages to have even after the two of you kiss. but although her eyes are still half lidded and jaded, she’ll refuse to make contact with you, and her cheeks will begin to redden. and that’s how you know she liked it. that’s how you know you still got it— and it’s endearing. don’t worry, she loves you. 
pieck kisses you like she’s giving you something you need. maybe it’s the way her hand comes up to your jaw, the way she shakes her head at you with a overly sweet smile before kissing you. it’s almost overwhelming, the way her lips move alongside yours so skillfully. they slot together almost perfectly and she’s bleeding this warmth, this comfort that you absolutely soak in. you just wanna pull her against you and never let her go, and she’s feeding you her love through this kiss. i guess it is something you need— at least something you’ll wanna feel as many times as you can.
yelena kisses you like it’s something worth earning. the tilt of her head, the quirk of her brow. but nevertheless she’ll lean down and press her lips to yours. her lips barely graze yours at first, and it’s you who has to complete the kiss. who has to pull her hands from behind her back and wrap them around you while you try your best at wrapping them around her shoulders. it’s then the kiss becomes somewhat fervent. she’ll kiss you harsher, sounds elicit from her here and there despite her trying to keep her composure and make it about you. she’s in love with you— the facade broke faster than she could blink, but it was nice seeing her get gushy for you, kiss you like you’re a drug. only, she’d return to that calm put together demeanor right after, and you can’t help but pout. you’d get her again next time.
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zafirosreverie · 3 years
Mi eterno amor secreto (Julieta x Fem!Reader) Epilogue
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first part
a/n: wohoo!!! we’re finally here!! Thank you so much for the support and the patience!! I love you guys!
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You took a deep breath as you slowly saw the town appearing in the distance. God, how much you missed it, your beautiful Encanto. Life outside it was…interesting, it definitely taught you a lot! But you couldn’t find another place to call home, no matter how much you tried. 
Even after you and Julián broke up (you ended in good terms, tho. You just were better as friends), you decided to continue traveling the world. But you always felt the need to return. So, after thinking about it for a long time, you decided it was time. You wanted to go home. It didn’t have anything to do with the pair of brown eyes you dreamed of every night since you left. 
If you were honest, you didn’t know what would happen. Would you even be welcomed back? Well, the mountains already let you in, so it was a good sign, right? But more than that, what would she think about you coming back? Your feelings for her never disappeared (that’s why you really didn’t care when you broke up with Julián), but would she even still want to be your friend?
“Just a way to find out” you thought and continue your way
The weather was nice and you smiled at the thought of Pepa being happy. You missed her and Bruno too! They were also your friends, you even brought gifts for them! If they accepted them of course. You stopped at the river thought. You didn’t know what to do. Should you go check to see if your old house was still there? Should you go to the Madrigal house and see if Alma accepts you back in town? You didn’t know. 
You jumped and turned to see Bruno hidden behind a tree. You smiled at the sight of him and wished to run and hug him, but you knew that he could get scared. So you just waved at him and waited until he walked up to you. 
“Hi Bruno” you said “I missed you”
“You did?” he looked surprised for that 
“Of course! Life isn’t the same without your stories”
“I’m sure you found better ones out there” he said but still smiled 
“Nope, not even close. No one has your touch” you promised. 
You two giggled and you silently asked him for a hug by opening your arms. He hesitated for a moment before closing the distance between you two and hugging you tight. He missed you too and had been waiting for this moment for years. 
“I got you something!” you said giving him a small box “But you don’t really seem surprised to see me” you raised your eyebrow
“Thank you” he said softly, taking his gift “W-well…when you left, Pepa asked me to see if you’d ever come back, so…”
“You knew I would” you smiled when he nodded “I’m assuming your sister hates me”
“Which one?” he asked “Pepa was mad, and she’ll be again when she sees you, but I’m giving her 3 minutes before she hugs you tightly”
“Good to know I won’t be hit by a lighting today” you joked “...and Julieta?”
Bruno stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. You felt guilty coming back to you.
“She…she was hurt. She still is” he said “I…I’m not sure how she’ll react, it wasn’t clear in the vision, but I know she still looks outside the window, hoping to see you…She’s still waiting for you”
He gave you a moment to think about it. You felt a weird mix of hope, fear, guilt, and love. She was still waiting for you, she still cared about you! But you left her, you didn’t choose her when you had to, what if she wouldn’t forgive you? But you couldn’t back down now, not when you finally had the chance to see her again, even if it was for her to yell at you. It would be worth it. 
“And your mother?” you asked softly
“She’s waiting for you too” he said 
“I had to tell her, right?”
“Oh no…is she waiting for me with a belt?” you half-joked
Bruno laughed and shook his head. You two fell into an easy conversation while he accompany you to his house. It was as if time never passed. 
Pepa stormed into Julieta’s room, making her sister jump. The redhead locked the door and ran to her. 
“Pepa? What’s going on?” 
“She’s back” Pepa said, a cloud forming above her “She’s back in Encanto”
“What?” Julieta felt her heart stopping. No, her sister couldn’t mean…you couldn’t be here “A-are you sure?” she asked
“Julieta, Y/N’s back!” The redhead grabbed her sister by the shoulders “She’s downstairs talking with mamá!”
Before the brunette could say anything or even register her sister’s words, her mother’s voice came, almost as if she was waiting for Pepa to say those words.
“Julieta! Come here! Someone wants to see you”
Pepa looked at her older sister, the cloud becoming darker and darker. She was excited to see you again because you were the only one who ever followed her silly games or asked her to dance in the rain, but she was also angry. You hurt her sis!
“Do you want me to scare her?” she asked “I can throw a lighting next to her”
Julieta smiled at the redhead’s words. She was really lucky to have such an amazing sister. But she wasn’t sure she wanted her to scare you. Not after all these years waiting for you to come back. 
She tried to forget you, she really did. She tried to bury the feelings she had for you, but they just grow stronger with each year that passed. She just wanted to go out of Encanto and look for you herself instead of waiting for you, not knowing if you’d even come back someday. But now you were here, waiting for her downstairs. And she didn’t know how to feel about it. 
“I guess we’ll have to go downstairs,” she said, taking Pepa’s hand “And we’ll see what happens”
The redhead just nodded and let her sister guide her. She knew by the way Julieta was squeezing her hand, that her sister needed her now more than ever, and she swore that even if she missed you too, she’d kick your ass if Julieta said so.
You giggled as Alma continued to look at you, commenting on how much you have changed, how big you were, and how beautiful you have become. It was nice to see that the usually stern and cold matriarch still had a soft spot for you. 
But time stopped when the two Madrigal sisters entered the kitchen. Pepa was taller than the last time you saw her, but she still had that childish sparkle in her eyes. She seemed conflicted to see you like she wanted to run to you but something was holding her back. 
Probably the brunette that was hiding behind her. 
Julieta seemed unable to look at you. You could only see the part of her that wasn’t covered by Pepa’s hair, but she seemed a little shorter. You were going to say something when, three minutes later, as Bruno said, Pepa couldn’t contain herself and, leaving her sister on her own, threw herself at you. You were surprised but quickly wrapped your arms around her.
“Omg, omg, omg, omg, omg, you’re here!!!” she squealed “I missed you, I missed you, I missed you!!!”
You couldn’t help but laugh when she spun you around. Some things never changed, and you wouldn’t have her any other way. It was Pepa’s charming after all.
“I missed you too, fire girl” you said, using her former pet name
“I’m going to kill you for leaving us!” she growled “but after I hug you a little more”
“Works for me!” you laughed. 
The rain was already falling on you two, and you heard Alma scolding her daughter for it, but you couldn’t care less. Until she whispered something in your ear.
“Juli was really hurt. Hurt her again and I’m really going to kick your ass”
You gulped and only nodded. Pepa finally let you go and step aside. You offered her the gift you brought her and smiled when she ran to the other side of the room to open it. You then looked back to Julieta, who had her eyes pinned to the floor. 
You heard Alma whispering something to her other kids and saw Bruno dragging Pepa out of the room by the corner of your eye. But you didn’t really pay attention to it. All you could think was that she was there, in front of you. She was real. 
You approach her carefully, not knowing if it would be welcome. You really didn’t want to scare her. Julieta couldn’t help but shiver. All the feelings she had for you, good and bad, were suddenly blooming in her skin. It was overwhelming. 
“Hi” you said softly 
“Hi” she answered
Then silence. The two of you felt a little awkward, and it hurt you because this isn’t what you were. This isn’t what you had. It felt wrong having to be so careful around the person that was your other half.
“I missed you” you said “I really did” 
Julieta wanted to say she missed you too, but the words just wouldn’t come out of her lips. Why couldn’t she talk to you? Why couldn’t she just confess it all?! She lost you once because she was too scared to speak, and she promised herself that she wouldn't make the same mistake twice, but there she was, unable to speak. 
What do you do when words fail? You act. 
She took you by surprise when she tackled you, almost making you fall. It took you a few seconds, but you returned the hug as tight as her. God, you missed feeling her in your arms. 
You stayed like that for a few moments before you felt something warm and wet on your shoulder. She was crying. But when you tried to push her to look at her face, she squeezed you more, so you let her there, allowing her to find the comfort she craved for years. 
Julieta cried for minutes, too scared to let you go, in case this was a dream and you’d disappear. She let years of missing you out and she let the tears wash away the pain. You were here, you really choose to come back to her. You choose her this time. 
“I’m sorry” she sniffed when she finally pulled away 
“For what?” you frowned. It was you who had to apologize, not her.
“For not being brave enough. For letting you go. For being too scared and pathetic and not getting the courage to tell you how I felt. I should have stopped you, I should have begged you to stay with me. I should have said that I love you”
The brunette couldn’t stop the words. They just decided to come out at that moment, and if she was honest, it felt right to say them. No matter how surprised you looked, no matter if you’d push her and leave again, she just had to say it. 
But you didn’t push her. No. You cupped her face in your hands and smiled. It took her a moment to realize what you were going to do. In her defense, who squeezed someone’s cheeks after they just confessed? The rudeness. 
But you didn’t stop at that. Nope, you decided to bring all the childhood weapons and started to leave small kisses that quickly turned into little sucks all over her now red face. Ugh, she still hated it. 
“Y/N! Stop!” she said and tried to push you. But you were still stronger.
“Say it again” you said “Say it again and I’ll let you go”
“Say it, Juli!”
“I love you! I love you! Now let go of my face!”
You giggled and stopped kissing her, but you didn’t let her go. You stared into her eyes lovingly. 
“I love you too” you whispered 
Julieta gasped “You do?” 
“I do” you nodded “I told you I’ll always find my way to you…I just wished it didn’t take me so long”
“It doesn’t matter” she smiled, feeling the tears coming back “you’re here now.” 
“And I’m yours” you smiled
“I’m yours too” she answered “We’re soulmates, after all”
“we’re soulmates” you nodded.
You asked for permission before she nodded and closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around your waist to pull you closer. You closed your eyes too as your lips met hers and the earth met the sky. Years of missing each other were erased and all you could feel was her warmth and how she fit perfectly with you. Two pieces of the same heart meeting at last. 
When you broke the kiss, you didn’t let go of her cheeks, because those cheeks were yours! Julieta giggled and rolled her eyes fondly, promising you that all of her was yours as long as you were hers, A deal you gladly accepted.
Because between us
There is no distance, no time, no space
Our love will always be eternal.
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Julieta tag: @emril-osvigne
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earlgreydream · 3 years
| wolfstar x reader | smut |
anon requested. marauders fucked you extra rough the night before and you wake up with a pain by your stomach. you have cervix trauma (your cervix is bruised... & impact play/knife play w the marauders but they accidentally push you too far and you end up having to go to the hospital wing...
a/n: these requests hit me so hard in the face and nothing would’ve prepared me but here we go because I want to make my angel babies happy
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“That’s how you want it, hmm?” Remus teased, kissing your neck, and you squirmed in his arms. You suddenly felt embarrassed by your boyfriends’ teasing and you regretted your brutal honesty.
“Don’t laugh at me,” you whined.
“We’re not laughing, bunny.” Sirius smirked, and Remus slipped out from behind you, tying your wrists to the headboard. They may not have been laughing, but they were certainly amused, and excited.
You’d had a stressful week, and you had shyly expressed to your boyfriends that you wanted to blow off some steam with some particularly rough sex. They were always ones to push your limits and melt your mind, but you rarely asked for it overtly. When you wanted it, you favored the approach of being a brat and teasing them until they ravaged you. 
You immediately began to tug at the restraints, getting used to them. Remus and Sirius watched you with feigned disappointment, watching your pathetic squirming.
“Already struggling? We’ve not even touched you yet.” 
You stopped immediately, turning to look at Remus pathetically. He came and knelt between your legs on the bed, skimming his hands up your body and feeling you.
“Silly girl, you ask for things and then struggle when we give them to you,” Remus mocked gently, and when you opened your mouth to object and defend yourself, he slapped the inside of your thigh. 
“We’re going to mark you up all pretty with bruises, make your body like a painting,” Sirius hummed, biting your skin lightly as he fondled your chest, getting you wet and squirmy. He was rough with you, liking to hear little pained, pleasured noises. It was all teeth and pinching, hickeys dotting your skin. 
Every time you made a noise from Sirius’ torture, Remus landed another slap to your body, leaving red handprints and light bruises rising to the surface. He knew how hard he could smack you without truly hurting you, and you trusted him, even if it frightened you in the moment. 
You squeaked as Sirius’ teeth grazed along your breast, lightly biting down on your nipple. He smirked and Remus pinched your clit, making you jolt. Sirius laughed darkly at your reaction, reveling in the sight of your torture. 
They continued on for much longer than you had anticipated or desired. They finally let up when you were begging them to fuck you. You were exhausted with pent-up need, and you wanted to release it and let your stress fade.
“Oh, bunny, are you all needy for our cocks?” Sirius teased, lightly pinching you and making you whine.
“M’so achey, I need you,” you pouted, desperate tears welling in your eyes.
“Crying for us to fuck you like a cockslut,” Remus rarely joined Sirius in degradation, but you were living for it. It was making arousal drip down your thighs and onto the bed sheets, and you pushed your hips up into his hand.  
“Be patient.” Remus lightly smacked your sex, pulling a choked moan from you. 
“Who do you want to fuck you first?” Sirius asked, grabbing your jaw and forcing you to look him in the eyes. 
“Remus,” you whispered, earning a smile from the other boy. 
“Siri,” you whined when he pulled away from you.
“What, bunny?”
“Kiss me?” your eyes widened, and his stormy eyes softened slightly, dropping the bratty dom act. He leaned in and gently kissed you, swallowing the noise you made when Remus bent your knees to your chest.
“Fuck, daddy,” you yelped as he didn’t let you adjust, forcing himself into you all at once. 
“Pretty girls don’t use foul language like that. You know better.” Sirius smacked your cheek just hard enough to sting. Your eyes watered from the impact, and you hated that you loved it. 
“M’sorry,” you got out between Remus’ rough thrusts. He pulled nearly all the way out of you every time, hitting deep. You knew he went easier than Sirius, and your mind was spinning with adrenaline and anticipation. You were tight around him and the slight burning slowly eased, but didn’t disappear as he kept fucking into you.
“Play with her clit, Pads, let her get off at least once tonight. She’s been good taking all that,” Remus instructed the other boy. You tugged at your hands, wanting to grab the sheets to ground you as Sirius rubbed quick circles on your clit. He knew exactly how to touch you to rip an orgasm from you as quickly as possible, and you were coming within minutes, squeezing tightly around Remus as he continued to thrust.
“No more, Siri, please,” you begged as he stimulated you, and Remus pushed his hand away as he sheathed himself fully in you before pumping you full of his seed. He came deep inside of you, and you moaned loudly at the sensation. 
He pulled out of you, undoing the ties at your wrists. You went limp, and Sirius smirked. 
“No, bunny, you’re not done. C’mon, on your knees.” He flipped you face down and dragged your hips back, pulling you onto your knees and elbows. 
“I want to hear you scream.”
Without warning, Sirius was slamming into you from behind, somehow going even rougher than Remus had. His thrusts were fast and powerful, hitting deep parts of you that you didn’t even know existed.
As promised, Sirius had you screaming into the mattress, your fingers clawing at crimson sheets. Remus was making out with him over you, and you shuddered from the delicious pain that spiked through your body. You were moaning and whining, barely able to hold yourself up before he was done with you. 
You were relieved when Sirius finally hit his orgasm, the snapping of his hips against your ass ceasing. Your breathing was ragged and uneven as he let you down, Remus helping clean the three of you up. 
You collapsed when Sirius let go of your hips, curling up into a ball in the bed. Your entire body was throbbing and aching, and exhaustion seeped into your veins, dragging you into a heavy sleep. You were content, the stressful week gone, and all that was left was the feeling of your two boyfriends.
The boys took care of you affectionately before curling up in bed with you, pressing kisses to your cheeks, even in your dreamy state.
You struggled to wake up, your body feeling heavy with lethargy. Remus tried to get you up, and you refused to move from the warmth under the duvet. You were aching between your legs, and as you moved, you felt a sharp pain shoot deep in your belly. A whimper escaped your lips, and the boys teasing as they tried to get you up disappeared.
“Y/N, darling, what’s wrong?” Sirius softened at the noise of discomfort you made.
“Just give me a minute.”
The boys looked at each other but let you get up slowly. You needed to be in potions this morning, unable to miss the second half of the lecture from the day before. 
You were able to ignore the pain for a while, but by the end of class every movement sent a sharp jolt of pain deep inside of you. 
“Siri, I can’t,” you breathed, gripping his cloak. He fretted with worry, cursing himself for not letting you stay in bed.
“What is it, bunny?”
You put your hand on your abdomen, and he frowned, looking around before sighing. Sharp pain interfered with your focus, and you silently threatened to cry if Sirius didn’t help you. 
“Let’s get you to Pomfrey. Can you walk?”
You shook your head, and he let you onto his back, carrying you to the hospital wing. He’d alerted Remus, who met the two of you down in Pomfrey’s exam room. Remus’ expression was clouded with worry, and you felt guilty for scaring them. 
Pomfrey ushered the boys to wait on the other side of a screen, and Sirius leaned against Remus’s chest as they waited. Pomfrey had a look on her face when she moved the screen back, and they saw you drinking a potion behind her. 
“Y/N’s cervix is bruised. There isn’t much I can do other than give her the pain potion. She’s got to let it heal, so no more trauma to it. She’s fine, but she’ll be in pain for a while.” 
Both boys’ eyes widened, and you were red with embarrassment. Sirius couldn’t bite back a smug smirk, and even Remus looked rather pleased. You rolled your eyes at them, embarrassed that they were so proud of their work on you.
Once the three of you were back in your dorm, they were tearing into you.
“Can’t take cock as well as you thought, bunny?”
“We’re so big we just break you.” Remus was laughing, and Sirius had a grin plastered on his face. 
You covered your face in embarrassment, and Remus pulled your hands away. They wanted to see you blush as they continued their teasing, lightly pinching your sides.
“Told you we were going to destroy that little pussy,” Sirius giggled, and you hid your face in his sweater.
They continued their teasing, even while they got you snuggled into bed in their oversized clothes, making sure you were as comfortable as possible. Pomfrey’s potion had taken the edge off, but hadn’t alleviated the pain. You shifted a few times before Sirius got into bed with you, settling you between his legs.
“I’m sorry, darling.” Sirius finally relented, kissing your temple.
“I’m okay. Just maybe not that hard next time.”
Remus kissed you then, promising to be more gentle in the future. He apologized, and you kissed him sweetly before watching him go back to class. Sirius gently massaged your sore hips and legs, getting you to relax against him.
“You could’ve told us it was too much,” Sirius said, kissing your temple.
“I liked it, I was lost in it, didn’t realize how hard you were going.”
He kissed up your jaw before catching your lips, scolding you lightly for not paying attention to your body before finally letting you rest and sleep it off.
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marvelous-harry · 3 years
A blurb where Harry is away for work n so is Florence but reader has book meetings so can’t go with any of them, one of them coming back on break surprise after a few weeks and reader hasn’t been taken care of herself at all like no food in fridge, being very concerned reader begging not to tell the other, angst
Home Alone Harry/Florence/Reader Words: 1.9K Summary: With Harry off on tour and Florence off shooting a movie, a series of meetings for your upcoming book leaves you home alone in London for a few weeks... it results in a lot of takeaways.
Jerking awake as I heard a noise, I sat up and looked around the bedroom, my heart racing in my chest. Hearing another noise, I dived onto the other side of the bed and pulled out the giant knife I had put under it before holding it up as I jumped out of the bed.
Quickly grabbing my phone, I ran over to the bathroom and closed the door, locking it quickly. My hands shook as I tried to get it open and dial 999.
The door to the bedroom squeaked as it was opened.
"I called the police!! And I have a knife!" I screamed as aimed the knife at the door.
"Oh god, babe. It's me!" Harry called out as he rushed over to the door. "It's okay, it's just me. Please tell the police not to come,"
Putting the knife down, I opened the door and punched Harry in the arm hard. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! Almost gave me a heart attack!" I groaned as I clutched my chest and took a deep breath. "Fuck,"
"I'm sorry, babe. I didn't mean to scare you just surprise you. Surprise!" Harry said as he opened his arms.
Taking a step closer, I hugged him tightly. "I'm very surprised. I've missed you!" I mumbled as I breathed in the smell of him.
"Did you tell the police to not come?" Harry asked as he rubbed my back.
"I never actually got as far to call them. My hands were shaking so bad, I think I only managed to dial 9," I replied as I looked at him with a smile. "For how long are you home?"
Harry smiled back and stroked my cheek. "Just a night. Have to fly out tomorrow at 3,"
"Not very long," I said as I tried to keep the smile on my face. For a split second, I almost wished he hadn't come cause now I had to say goodbye to him again. "What time is it anyway? I was sleeping when you tried to kill me," I pulled back and walked over to the bed.
"It's four in the afternoon, why were you asleep?" Harry asked as he stepped into the bathroom to grab the knife. Making a note of the mess, he turned off the light and looked around the bedroom, noting the mess in there too.
"I might have fucked up my days and nights a little," I said quietly as I grabbed the chocolate wrapper on the bed and threw it into the bin, blushing as I saw all the other empty wrappers in it.
"Why are you staying up so late? You can't be sleeping all day. It's not good for you," Harry asked as he came over and put the knife on the nightstand before taking a seat next to me.
I shrugged and looked down into my lap.
"Are you having nightmares? Staying up late watching tv?" he asked as he put an arm around me.
"Your shows don't start before 2 or 3 usually and then I'm too excited after it ends so I usually stay awake an hour after it ends," I whispered.
"Baby," Harry said as he made me look at him. "That's why you're staying up? You've seen the show in person several times and you'll be seeing it several times more. It's very sweet but you need your sleep,"
"It's different!" I protested. "I have to see what you're gonna wear and every show is slightly different! And what if something happens? I need to know. I want to see every show. I feel like I'm there with you when I'm watching and I don't miss you as much,"
Harry sighed as he pulled me in for a hug. "Baby,"
I whined as I snuggled close. "Don't be mad! I haven't broken any rules so you can't be mad!" I told him as my stomach rumbled loudly.
"We'll discuss this later cause you can't keep staying up all night. Let's go downstairs and I'll cook us something," Harry said as he gave me a little kiss before standing. "Let's bring down the garbage that's up here so we can throw it out, and let's open a window cause it's very stuffy,"
"Okay," I mumbled as I walked over to the windows and cracked it open. Picking up the bin, I picked up a few more pieces of garbage before following Harry downstairs.
"We can order in? I'd love Chinese. Or Indian!" I quickly spoke up as I remember the state of the kitchen and the fridge. "You don't have to cook, you just got here," I smiled and grabbed his hand.
"It's okay. I'd love a home-cooked meal," Harry smiled as he walked into the kitchen.
"Okay, so, don't be mad," I said as I put the bin down and walked into the kitchen with him. Dirty dishes were overflowing in the sink and there were two bags of garbage just sitting on the floor, plus there was a stack of pizza boxes on the counter.
Harry took in the mess before heading to the fridge. Opening he saw that it mostly held just drinks and condiments, nothing to make a decent meal out of.
I bit my lip as I watched Harry close the fridge before moving silently over to the garbage. He counted the pizza boxes and looked at the bags which clearly showed all the takeaway containers.
"Baby," Harry sighed as he turned around and looked at me.
"I said don't be mad!" I whimpered as I pulled down the sleeves on my jumper and hid my hands inside.
"I'm not mad but I am worried. You're not getting good sleep and you're clearly not eating too good. The house is a mess," He looked at me concerned. "Are you okay? Have you been outside any? Gotten fresh air?"
I could feel tears stinging in my eyes and I had to look away cause I couldn't deal with the disappointment in his eyes.
"Come here," He said as he took a seat by the kitchen table and pulled up a chair opposite him.
Sniffling, I walked over and took a seat - looking down the whole time.
"Your health and well-being are one of the most important things to me. The habits that you've got going on right now aren't good for you, baby. You can't keep doing what you're doing," Harry said in a very determined tone.
"Please don't tell Florence," I sniffled as I looked at him. "I'll stop. I won't do it anymore, I'll do better but don't tell her," I asked him.
Harry smiled as he stroked my cheek. "We don't keep secrets from each other. You know that,"
Whimpering, I leaned against him and let out a little cry. "She'll be upset too. I didn't mean for it to happen but it's too difficult. I don't like being alone, I can't do it"
Harry wrapped his hands around me and swayed us back and forth lightly. "I know, baby, I know," he whispered. "I'm going to fix it,"
A few minutes later when I'd stopped crying and my stomach was rumbling even louder, Harry pulled back. "I'm going to order us some food. Can you be a good girl and take out all the garbage?" he asked with a smile.
Wiping my eyes on the sleeves of my jumper, I nodded. "Okay,"
Standing up, I grabbed the garbage bags by the counter and put them by the door before I started collecting everything else around the house. It was embarrassing just how much I ended up collecting and how many trips I had to take outside to get rid of it all.
Once I was done, I could hear Harry upstairs in the laundry room so I walked up the stairs slowly. As I stood at the top of the stairs, I sighed before walking into the bedroom instead of walking over to Harry. The bed had been stripped and the duvet was hanging out the window getting aired out.
"Fuck," I whispered as my eyes welled up with tears yet again. Hearing the door to the laundry room close, I sniffled and quickly wiped my eyes before turning around as Harry walked in.
"Food should be here within the hour. You okay?" Harry asked as he put the fresh sheets and blankets down on the bed.
"I'm fine," I replied as I tried giving him a smile.
Harry came over and put his hands around my waist. "Want to try again?"
I could feel my bottom lip trembling as I played with his cross necklace. "I'm really sorry," I stammered out. "You came all this way and I've ruined our time together cause I'm too stupid to function alone," I quickly put my hands over my eyes as I let out a sob.
Harry pulled me in for a tight hug. "Baby, you didn't ruin anything and you're not stupid!" he said firmly. "Do you hear me? You're so smart and clever. Plus any time I spend with you is priceless to me, it doesn't matter what we're doing,"
"You only have one meeting left right? Then you're going to come stay with me for a bit then you'll go see Florence. I'll talk to her about what's been going on so we can figure out the best way for you to be safe and happy at home until then," Harry told me as he rubbed my back.
I let out a loud sob and grasped onto him tightly. "No! I want to come with you now! I don't want to be alone anymore. I don't care about the meetings! Please don't leave me!" I cried.
Harry led me over to the bed so we could sit down and cuddle. "It'll be okay, I promise. We'll figure something out,"
"I'll see you in a week," Harry said as he stroked my cheek.
I nodded and gave him a little smile. "It'll go by fast I'm sure. Be there in no time, jet-lagged and ready to complain about the long flight,"
He glanced at his phone as it buzzed. "I can't wait. Remember, I've made you some meals, you can order takeaway one time and try and go to sleep at a decent hour," Harry smiled as he gave me a hug.
"I'll try," I whispered as I closed my eyes and hugged him as tightly as I could. "Now go! You don't want to keep your driver waiting!" I said as I pulled back and put my hands in my pockets.
"I love you," Harry said softly as he leaned in and gave me a gentle kiss.
Smiling, I kissed him back. "I love you too," I replied as he pulled back.
Harry picked up his little bag and opened the door. "7 days," he said as he stepped out.
"7 days," I said and watched him get into the car. Waving at him, I blew him a kiss before they disappeared from view. "It's just 7 days," I whispered as I closed the front door and locked it.
Turning off all the lights I grabbed the knife from the kitchen and headed upstairs. Crawling into bed, I ignored the tears running down my cheek as I put the knife back under the pillow and pulled the blankets over me. It was going to be a long week.
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avengerscompound · 3 years
The Pain in Serendipity - 21
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The Pain in Serendipity - A Captain America Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Steve Rogers x F!Reader, Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers (possible polyamory in future).
Rating: E
Word Count:   1908
Warnings: angst, blip stuff, smut (MF, vaginal sex)
Synopsis:   When Thanos snaps his fingers it takes your daughter and Steve Rogers’ first love with it.  Together you pick up the pieces, falling in love and building a family together.  Finding serendipity in your shared trauma.  When opportunity comes to bring back those who are lost comes with the risk of more loss for you both.  Is it worth taking the risk?
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Chapter 21
You were unsettled.
The words Pepper had spoken at the funeral had sat with you and you pawed over them as you had dinner with your family and the family of your family.  So many people who were all now connected with you, all sitting at the little metal tables in the cafeteria.  Your husband, and your children.  The biological parents of your children.  Your husband’s ex and his friends.  The room should be filled with joy because these people all loved each other, and yet instead there were a bunch of what-ifs and maybes.
You spent the meal trying to appreciate the people you had and figure out how you could be okay with what you had to come.
By the time you climbed into bed, you weren’t sure if you had any more clarity, but you did have some more thoughts about possible ways to keep everyone together in some sense.
You sat and watched Steve brushing his teeth through the door of the bathroom.  He looked exhausted.  It was a common state for all of you, but him more than most.  He was stretched thin and you wondered what had been going on in his head lately.  The funeral was the first day either of you had had a chance to just stop and let yourselves process any of this properly.  Each of you had been trying so hard to be the strong ones not just for each other, but for everyone.
Steve came into the room and crawled into bed with you, immediately curling into you and pressing his face into your neck.  You wrapped your arms around him and curled your fingers into his hair.  He wrapped an arm around your waist and you held him as he finally, after all this time, let himself be weak.
“I’ve got you,” you whispered, your fingernails grazing down the back of his neck.  “It’s okay, Steve.”
“Did we do the wrong thing?” he said softly.  “I feel like I traded lives.”
You shook your head.  “We can’t question it now.  It’s happened.  We have to make the best of it.”
Steve’s arms tightened around you and his lips brushed against your neck.  “I’m sorry I haven’t been here for you.”
You pressed your cheek to the top of her head and pulled him tight against you.  “It’s okay.  It’s okay.  I understand a lot is going on right now.”
He started to calm against you and you ran your fingers through his hair.  “Tell me how you’re feeling about everything,” you said softly.  “About the kids and your friends.  About Bucky.”
Steve let out a breath and pulled back to look at you.  “I’m scared about the kids.  I know that Ryan will be part of our lives, but I’m scared about losing the others.  Mark and Julia seem to be angry they’ve missed so much and that Isabella calls us mom and dad.”
“They are,” you agreed.  “And I don’t know what to do. She’s their daughter.  I know we adopted her, but it’s not like they had a say in that.  I’m hoping they come around and we can work out a way to be in her life, but right now they’re hurt and scared.”
“I feel like we’re giving up our kids,” he said.
You nodded.  “I know.  Even Callie saying that she’ll make sure J.J. will be in our lives feels like I’m giving him up.  I worry for them too because even if we do just look at what we did as taking care of them until their parents came back, they already went through their family disappearing, now they have to do it again?  It’s going to be hard on Bella.”
Steve nodded.  “I hope we can work it out,” he said with a sigh.  Neither of you said anything for a moment and he kissed your hands.  “We’ll be okay, won’t we?”
“I hope so,” you said.
“That doesn’t sound too comforting,” he said with a frown.
“I’m sorry.  I really do hope we do,” you said.  “I don’t know how I’ll survive this without you.  But - losing your children is a big reason for people breaking up.  Add to that that we got together because of them, and now your childhood love has returned…”
Steve dropped his eyes to your hands and took a deep breath.  “I worry about that too, and that I’m taking too long to get to know Alice and she’ll end up hating me.”
“She won’t hate you,” you said.  “She’s coping quite well considering how hard it’s been on everyone else.  Like she just has new friends in her life now.  I keep thinking I’m neglecting her because of everything else.”
“I know I’m not here a lot, but I promise you’re not.  You have a lot on your plate and the way you’re balancing everything… you’re my hero, sweetheart,” Steve said. 
You smiled and cuddled up against him again. He began pressing kisses to your neck as you ran your fingers through his hair.  “I hope we find out what the government decides the law is regarding people who have returned soon.  This whole thing would be a lot easier if we knew who legally had custody of the kids.  I mean - I don’t - I think we need to give their biological parents custody.  I think that’s the right thing to do, but if I knew we were protected for visitations I’d be able to relax.”
“I know what you mean,” he said softly.  “Either way, let’s hope that they realize we love her as much as they do.”
You nodded.  “I guess for now that’s all we can do - hope.”
He leaned up and captured your lips, yet as he kissed you, you couldn’t quite relax.  His lips moved along your jaw and you tilted your head back and tugged on his hair.  “Steve,” you whispered.
“Mmm?” he hummed against your skin.
“At the funeral when Pepper said that Tony would want people to figure out how to be happy and that he never did things the typical way, you looked at me and Bucky,” you said.  He stopped his ministrations and pulled back to look at you.  When he didn’t say anything you ran your fingers along his jaw.  “You still love him don’t you?”
It took him a moment to answer.  “Honey,” he said.  “I’m in love with you and I wouldn’t ever do anything to break your trust…”
“But?” you pressed.
“I do,” he said, dropping his eyes.  “Honey, you have to understand what Bucky and I had, we’ve known each other for almost a century, and we’ve always found each other.  We have a bond.  That doesn’t just go away.  And for Bucky, he didn’t have these five years.  We were engaged and then all of a sudden we weren’t and I was married to you.  We’re just trying to navigate this new thing.”
“I know.  I just think we need to be open about all this,” you said.  “We’ve had a lot to worry about and I think if we just try and pretend that feelings don’t exist while all this stress is on us is an invitation to disaster.”
“You’re right,” he said.  “And I wasn’t trying to keep it from you.  I just thought with the issue with the kids, we should deal with that first.  I would never - ever - act on these feelings I have.  I promise you that.  I’ll take back the stones, and we’ll get settled at home and then I’ll take time to figure out how I really feel about everything.”
You wanted to ask him; What if he realized that he felt more strongly about Bucky than he did about you?  But you knew the answer to that, and he was right, you weren’t ready to deal with that.  So instead, you wrapped your arms tightly around his waist and buried your face in his neck.  “I love you,” you murmured against his skin.
“I love you too,” he said and began to pepper slow, tender kisses down his jaw.  “I’m here, sweetheart.”
You tilted your head and captured his lips and he pushed you back onto your pillow, caging you in between his arms as he kissed you deeply.  You ran your hands up his back and clung to his shoulders as he ran his hand down your body and into your panties.  His fingers found your clit and rubbed it in tight circles.  A warm buzz began to travel through your body and you arched your back and pushed against his hand, trying to deepen that feeling.
As he rubbed your clit you worked your way out of your panties and kicked them away.  He moved between your legs and started to grind down on you.  You pushed his boxers down and tilted your hips so his cock slid up and down your folds
It felt like it had been too long since the two of you had done this and you hadn’t realized how badly you needed it.  You held him as close to you as you could and refused to break the kiss.
He matched your passion, running his cock up and down your folds.  The head of his cock rolled against your clit sending small jolts shuddering through you.  You reached between the two of you, wrapped your fingers around his shaft, and guided him inside you.
There was no rush to what you were doing.  It was deep and intimate, more about connection than release.  It was everything you had been missing and everything you needed.  With each thrust of his hips, his base rubbed on your clit, bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
Your first orgasm rolled through like a wave, slowly enveloping all of you, and making you break the kiss as all your muscles clenched in sequence.  Steve grabbed the head of the bed and began thrusting harder and faster.  You arched under him, moaning loudly as you dug your fingers into his arms.  You were so wet it made a graphic squelch sound each time he thrust into you.  He slipped his hand between you and began to rub your clit at the same pace he was fucking you.
Your second orgasm crashed through you, making your legs tremble and your body shake.  Steve’s hips began to stutter and with a deep groan, he thrust into you and came, spilling deep inside you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss as his cock pulsed inside you.  As it stilled you slowly let him go he smiled down at you as he slipped from with you and rolled onto his back.  You cuddled into his side and he wrapped his arm around you.  “I needed that,” you whispered.
“Me too,” he said.  “I’m sorry I haven’t been here.”
“It’s not your fault.  When you’ve returned the stones…”
He hummed and kissed our lips gently.  “How did I get so lucky to have you?”
“I think you deserve so much more,” you said and as the words fell from your mouth you realized how true they were.  He did so much for the world and all he wanted was to be happy.  He deserved a safe place to land and you vowed that no matter what happened, you would be his safe place, just as he had always been yours.
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Yandere Kel, Aubrey, Sunny, Hero and Basil jealousy HCs - Omori
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the whole gang is here. i honestly love writing jealousy hcs, they’re very fun! thanks for all of the requests, i’m glad you guys like my blog! :)
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[yandere Kel x reader]
-Kel is so bad at reading the room, it’s crazy
-if someone was flirting with you, he wouldn’t be able to immediately tell
-but when he does he’s completely ready to throw hands
-he’s more vocal about it when you both are actually dating, straight up threatening the guy in front of you
-he’ll also act overly loving towards you
-of course, some things would change if you’re relationship were still platonic
-mostly just less kissing, though
-other than that, it’s still a lot of flirting and arms around shoulders
-also hands around necks if the guy flirting with you doesn’t take the hint
-he’d also feel bad if he got jealous because he thinks that if he got jealous that means he wasn’t being romantic enough
-Kel is still very childish, but he does make an effort by going on more dates and being more clingy
-but other than someone explicitly trying to steal you away, he probably wouldn’t get jealous very often
-he mostly just focuses on what you’re doing, not what the people around you are doing
-but he would never hesitate to sock someone for you
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[yandere Aubrey x reader]
-definitely gets jealous very easily, all you have to do is get along with someone else
-she doesn’t even trust her own posy
-Aubrey constantly fears that you’ll leave, but would always try to hide it
-but when she gets jealous she won’t hesitate to scream and shout at whoever she’s irritated at
-it doesn’t matter who is making her jealous she’ll always swear and threaten them
-and of course,, you know,,,
-*spiked bat noises*
-yeah, she’ll definitely beat whoever into oblivion
-if she’s jealous of someone you’re close with, she’ll tell them to scram but will go after them once you’re gone they’ll be dead
-hopefully you don’t connect the death of your friend to the jealous rage of your gf
-or if you do, don’t call her out for it
-she’s one of the worst when jealous, not only will she be ruthless to the person she’s jealous of, she’ll also keep you away from others for awhile
-she’ll start to invite you to hang out once it’s late out or go out to more secluded areas of the park
-you don’t mind, right? i mean, you are all hers after all...
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[yandere Sunny x reader]
-*silent yet intense glaring*
-he also gets jealous often since he’s very lonely and your attention was one of the most (if not the most) amazing things to ever happen to him
-so when you give that to someone else, he’ll take it as a challenge 
-Sunny is probably the most unhinged when jealous
-he’s very willing to use weapons in broad daylight and he’ll also get the messiest
-also a bit of verbal fighting will be mixed in
-he’ll probably taunt them just to make them try and initiate the fight
-but one thing’s for certain, he’s not backing down
-he won’t really speak to you directly about his jealousy, but will hold your hand for the rest of the day
-hold him please, it’s all he needs right now
-also help him hide the body because you don’t want your boy going to jail
-he’s also the one to get jealous the most, hands down
-like, he isn’t the most insecure of the group, but he’s the most insecure of the group who lets you talk to others
-it’s kind of funny, he always tries his best to let you have friends but he ends up scaring them all away (on purpose, too. no way he just accidentally cut you’re friends with his knife)
-but believe me, he isn’t trying to scare you away
-he’s actually doing the opposite! he’s getting rid of people who want to ruin your relationship
-so please don’t leave him... please?
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[yandere Hero x reader]
-Hero will absolutely shove in their face how close you both are
-”hi, i’m s/o boyfriend/best friend” and then continue the conversation like that didn’t even happen
-Hero will also try to act like he’s the cool and charming one, just casually sliding in and showing that he’s yours and you won’t take anyone else
-but he really does just come across like an insecure maniac
-if they’re some sort of catcaller or flirt, you better believe they’re about to get a few punches thrown their way
-he’s one of the more protective of the group even if he isn’t as intense as Sunny or Aubrey
-but he would appreciate it greatly if you bandaged up his fists afterwards
-he always tries to get you out of there, not wanting any negative attention on you
-he’s also the most embarrassed about getting jealous and will apologize to you after for getting so worked up
-it doesn’t really change too much though because he’s definitely just going to jealous again and then he’ll act the same way again
-but he’s also the best at holding it in, he’s always so close to not getting in a fight every time he gets jealous
-he’s probably the best to deal with though, because he’ll try to make up for his jealousy by pampering you and giving you some of his home baked food
-he really does just adore you more than he’s ever adored anything in his life, so it’s only natural that he’s going to think that everyone is just trying to take you away and keep you all to themselves
-but don’t worry darling! you know Hero would never let anyone take you away from him
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[yandere Basil x reader]
-Basil is the most insecure but i’m sure y’all already knew
-he also definitely doesn’t have the guts to confront whoever is making him jealous so he just has to sit back and watch in horror
-and it’s even worse if he isn’t dating you!
-he can’t even run up to you and get you’re comfort because you wouldn’t even understand why he’s jealous
-but if you are dating, he’ll give you such a tight hug that you can’t breathe
-he’s absolutely terrified that you’re going to leave him forever and that he can’t do anything about it
-sometimes when he gets jealous from someone and he’s right next to you, he’ll hold you’re hand very tightly to try and hint that he wants you and him to get out of there as quickly as possible
-sometimes you’ll even get a quiet “...can we go please?”
-but that’s usually if you’ve been out for so long that he’s basically drowning in jealousy
-Basil does frequently get jealous, the only thing is that he basically always keeps you inside
-and if there’s no one to get jealous of than there’s no problem, right? :)
-i bet you that he sometimes will get himself jealous with his own thoughts though, so i guess you’re never safe :/
-probably the worst for you to deal with honestly 
-like, with everyone else, they’ll usually bother the person that’s making them jealous the most
-but since Basil is so scared of confronting them, he��ll just focus all of his jealousy on you
-that means you have to sit through all of Basil’s crying and begging for you to never leave every time you try to get up from wherever you and him are sitting
-and honestly, it’ll probably stay like that for awhile
-just him clinging onto you for dear life, acting as if you’ll disappear at any moment
-and it’ll stay that way until he feels better, and then you both can go outside again!
-and then of course he’ll get jealous again, because this whole thing is just one never ending cycle
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oyasuminto · 3 years
mayhaps m!kylar with a bully!fem!pc where our soft yandere boy finally snaps and drags the pc in the school closet nd,, breeds her? and as much as she hates to admit it she got addicted to his cock and keeps dragging him in the same closet for a quickie? 🥵👉👈
It’s just too easy to pick on that creep. He’s so tiny that she can lift him clear off the ground and slam him into lockers, he flinches at every sudden movement, and he’s such a fucking crybaby.
Some may call her cruel, a bully, and they certainly wouldn’t be wrong, but it’s not like Kylar doesn’t deserve it, especially after a pair of her underwear disappeared from her gym locker. She may not have solid proof that it was him, but who else would be creepy enough to steal a girl’s panties!?
The way he reacts when she teases him in other ways just cements it; he shudders if she gets a little too close while threatening him, just a brief flash of her panties leaves him awkwardly tugging his hoodie down.
God, he’s a loser.
Is she playing with fire? Perhaps, she’s heard stories about that little freak pulling knives, but he’s way too much of a coward to actually do anything.
She doesn’t even notice the storage closet opening, nor the small hand reaching out, until she’s grabbed and pulled with enough force to send her to the floor.
The freak is grinning as he pins her wrists in place and secures them with a zip tie. She could probably break through the cheap plastic with ease, but a slowly approaching headache and the glimpse of a knife make her reconsider.
He’s just trying to scare her. That’s it. He’ll wave that shitty little pocket knife around, act all big, and then run away all terrified.
Just like he always does.
She tenses when the metal blade is held just inches away from her throat.
“Y-You’re so mean to m-me,” he mutters, “but i-it’s okay, I can f-fix that...”
There’s a loud rip sound, followed by a sudden coldness on her pussy.
The remains of her panties are tossed into the corner of the closet, and it’s only then that the bully really notices the lack of light in Kylar’s wide eyes.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
She begins trembling and squeezes her thighs together, only for Kylar to pry them back apart and kneel between her legs, preventing her from trying again.
Kylar shushes her, two slender fingers forcing their way past her lips and pressing down on her tongue. “I n-need to teach you a le-lesson.”
He places his knife on the floor, blade still pointing towards her, and traces his now-free hand down her shaking body, over her breasts, stomach, and thighs, before finally dipping between and brushing against her pussy.
“You’re n-not a virgin, are you?” Kylar doesn’t wait for an answer before roughly thrusting a finger inside. “I’ve h-heard stories, seen t-things.”
She sniffles, trying to fight back tears. She can’t cry in front of the creep, can’t show him weakness. Maybe he’ll leave her alone if he realizes she won’t break.
“Still t-tight...” He’s talking to himself more-so than her, entirely enthralled in her pussy.
Christ, what a fucking virgin.
He withdraws his finger and licks it clean with a quiet moan. “...So sweet...”
With a lopsided grin, Kylar shoves his shorts down his thighs and pulls out his hardened cock, precum already leaking from the tip.
It’s bigger than she thought it would be.
The head of his cock rests against her pussy, threatening to penetrate.
He leans over her, forcing her knees against her chest and leaving her muscles burning. “Y-You’ll look beautiful f-full of my children.”
With that, he thrusts forwards, burying his entire cock inside of her.
Kylar’s movements are erratic, hips snapping against her ass as he watches every little change in her expression.
She hisses out something about it hurting, but the fingers in her mouth turn her words into nonsense gibberish. She doubts Kylar would care even if he could hear. The freak’s too far gone at this point.
His knife is still within his reach, one wrong move and the blade could end up buried in her chest. She wouldn’t put it past him, not when she’s realizing that the stories about him threatening people for the smallest things are all true.
Instead, she squeezes her eyes shut and pretends to be literally anywhere else. Pretends that Kylar isn’t whining and rutting against her.
But she can’t.
Every desperate thrust brings her crashing back down to Earth and slaps her with the reality that she’s trapped in a storage closet with some psychopath, one who seems intent on fucking his way into her womb, like some shitty hentai made for horny virgins who’ve never even seen a real pussy.
Of course he’d read that crap.
Her snarky thoughts are the only thing keeping her from breaking down, the sole thing keeping her sane.
By some miracle, Kylar’s cock strikes that one bundle of nerves that has her seeing stars.
“Th-That feel good? Make...make that f-face again.”
He angles himself in just the right way to hit her g-spot again and again and again.
She can feel her eyes roll back and her body go limp. The sudden rush of pleasure mixing with fear and pain is too much for her brain to handle.
And her mind goes blank.
When she comes to, it’s just in time for Kylar to pull her down on his cock, allowing him to cum deep inside her pussy.
He’s breathing heavily as he straightens up and pulls out. It seems like only then that he realizes what he did.
“I’m...I’m sorry! P-Please don’t t-tell anyone!”
Then she’s alone.
She doesn’t even bother to clean the cum out of her pussy or check her locker for a spare pair of panties, instead heading straight to the school roof, where all the other delinquents hang out. Several of them notice how disheveled she is; hair tangled, shirt partially untucked, wrists bruised, gait awkward, but none comment on it.
Whitney looks her up and down with a snicker. “What? Did you get shagged on the way here?”
“Something like that,” she replies, snagging a cigarette from Whitney’s packet.
Whitney lightly shoves her and mutters something about owing them a smoke. She just gives a noncommittal grunt.
The next few days are unsettlingly normal, and she fucking hates it. As much as it disgusts her to admit it, Kylar hasn’t left her mind, and it’s not in that I’m-gonna-beat-the-fucking-shit-out-of-you way that she thinks about most perverts. She’s addicted, to that fucking freak’s cock. One rough fuck in a storage closet was all it took, and now she wants more. Just one problem;
Kylar’s back to running away with his tail between his legs.
She ends up having to threaten a few people to get him in the right place at the right time.
The greasy creep is trembling when she slams him into a wall, obviously expecting some kind of violent vengeance.
Instead, his lips are captured in a bruising kiss.
“You’re comin’ with me, freak.” Kylar doesn’t get a chance to respond before he’s being pulled by the collar of his shirt.
Any students present in the hall move out of the way, assuming that the resident outcast is about to get his ass beaten again.
She grins when Kylar is thrown on the closet floor, much like she had been. He’s whimpering, tears pricking the corner of his eyes.
“Quit bitching,” she says, straddling the petite boy, “you’re gonna shut the fuck up and let me cum, got it?”
Kylar doesn’t resist when she pulls his cock out of his shorts, but his eyes do widen when she lifts her skirt to reveal a lack of panties.
“Not such a big fuckin’ man now, huh?” She spits into her hand and uses it to lubricate Kylar’s cock. “You’re some loser virgin! It’s not fuckin’ fair!”
Her head falls back as the loner’s cock finally slips inside of her. Kylar’s hips are already trying to hump upwards, but she holds them down.
“You’re my toy, that means I call the shots.”
Kylar ends up leaving the closet with a limp, a luminescent blush, and some very conflicted feelings.
It becomes a dirty little secret between the two of them. She makes it clear that Kylar’s body will never be found if he tells anyone, and there’s not a chance in hell that she’ll admit to becoming addicted to that fucking loser’s dick.
She has to keep up appearances, of course, so Kylar’s still being shoved around like always, but now there’s an added layer of sexual tension to everything she does, and Kylar knows that he’ll get to empty his balls in a warm, fertile pussy at some point that day.
It’s an odd dynamic, but it works.
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andreafmn · 3 years
Choices - Part 1
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Word Count: 3,913
Requested: by me; inspired by a TikTok POV
Story Description: After the snap (Y/N) and Steve decided to shift their friendship into a romantic relationship. After the Battle of Earth, and Thanos’s ultimate defeat, Steve had to travel back in time to return the stones, but what (Y/N) doesn’t know is he’s not returning. The man leaves to his best friend the hard task to break the news to his lover. But what will happen if Steve returns in an unexpected manner? 
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader
Part: 1/3
A/N: I just gotta say I only have spoiled knowledge of what happens in Endgame because I refuse to acknowledge its existence and I’ll never watch it. Anything I write that is not cannon, whoops. But this one-shot is inspired by a POV I stumbled upon in TikTok and I just needed to write. Had to divide it into two parts because it was getting too long.
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 It had taken 6 years and losing almost everyone we loved for Steve and me to admit our feelings for each other. After seeing our closest friends dissipate into fine dust we decided life was too short to wait for the right time. 
That was 5 years ago. Our relationship had been solidified as the years went on and the loss of Nat and Tony in the Battle of Earth only bringing us closer.
But something had changed. These past few days Steve had grown distant and quiet, only acknowledging me when we were in our bedroom or stuck in training. All I could attribute it to was that he was nervous about traveling to return the stones. Normally, he would talk to me about what was clouding his mind but nowadays he was acting as if we were strangers. 
Thankfully, I had a friend to occupy my time with. Bucky and I had developed a close friendship since meeting him back when he still was the Winter Soldier. Being part of his recovery was the catalyst to the relationship we have today. Losing him in the blip was horribly heartbreaking but it brought me and Steve closer. Now that he was back, I was able to have someone I could confide in the understood the Captain’s brain. 
“Hey, Buck,” I announced my arrival as I saw Bucky getting some water in the kitchen. “Couldn’t sleep?” 
“Not really,” he sighed. “The nightmares, you know?” 
He was right, I did know. Although I wasn’t blipped I had my own demons I was still battling with. “Yeah, I get it. I’m making grilled cheese, do you want some?” 
“Grilled cheese? At 3 am?” He chuckled. “What’s wrong?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Come on, (Y/N). You only eat grilled cheese at this time when you’re worried about something.”
“You know me too well,” I sighed. “It’s Steve. He’s been really weird this past few days.” 
“Weird how?”
“He’s been kinda avoiding me lately and I don’t know why.” A few tears were threatening to spill, but I did my best to dry them before they fell. “It’s like nothing I do is good enough, like he’d rather be anywhere but close to me. Does he hate me? Is it something I did?” 
Bucky got up from the chair he was sat in and wrapped me in a hug. I couldn’t hold off the tears this time. “There’s nothing you could do that would make that man hate you, he’s probably just in his head about traveling in time.” 
“I thought so, but why wouldn’t he talk to me about it. There’s not a single thing we haven’t been able to talk about up to ‘til now. What’s so important about this that he can’t talk to me about it.” 
“Don’t stress yourself over this, doll. I’m sure after tomorrow everything would go back to how it was.”
Bucky’s POV
And at that time I did believe it. Knowing Steve I really thought he was just nervous about the journey he had to take in the morning. That was until he said he needed to talk with me. 
“What is it, punk? You too nervous?” I chuckled until I saw the serious face he held. 
“I need a favor from you, Buck, and you might not like it.” 
“You’re scaring me, Steve. What’s wrong?” I couldn’t help but think that this had to do with why he was avoiding (Y/N). 
“When I go back today, I’m not coming back in 5 seconds.” 
“What are you talking about, Steve?” 
“I’m going to stay back and have a life with Peggy. This is my last chance to be with her and I’m taking it,” he ran his hands through his face. He knew what he was asking of me and he knew it wasn’t fair. “I need you to tell (Y/N) for me once I’m gone. She’s gonna need someone to lean on and I need it to be you.” 
“You can’t do that, Rogers. It’s not fair to me and it’s definitely not fair to her. (Y/N) loves you with her whole being. This is going to crush her.” He had been ignoring her out of guilt and he was leaving all these feelings behind in a couple of hours, leaving me to deal with the aftermath. “You know, she’s been beating herself over you avoiding her and I thought it was just nerves. But this is a new low; the Steve I know would never do this.” 
“Bucky, I’m sorry. I just think it’ll go over quicker if it comes from you.” 
“What you’re doing is cleaning your hands of a mess you’re making.” The anger was boiling inside of me by now. (Y/N) did not deserve this ending, she did not deserve to have her heart broken in such a cowardly way. 
“Please, Bucky. I don’t think I could tell her face to face.” He took a paper out of his back pocket. “I wrote her this letter, hopefully, it’ll help things to smooth over. Please, Buck, please. You have to believe me when I tell you the last thing I want to do is hurt her.”
I snatched the letter from his hands and guarded it in my jacket pocket. “I’ll do it only because I owe you my life and she’ll need someone once I break her heart for you. But, I get it.” 
“Thanks, bud. I know that for now, it must seem like a horrible thing to do but hopefully in time you’ll see my point of view.” I accepted the hug he offered. Although my head was telling me to be loyal to Steve, my heart was breaking at the thought of breaking (Y/N)’s. 
Before I knew it, Sam, Bruce, (Y/N), Steve, and I were standing in front of the machine that would be the catalyst of inevitable heartbreak. 
3rd person’s POV
“Well, this is it,” Steve whispered. They were standing to the right as Banner made sure everything was ready for Steve’s trip. 
“You know, it’s not too late to back out,” (Y/N)’s hands traveled to his chest. “We can have someone else go.” 
“It has to be me, (Y/N). But I’ll be back before you know it, doll.” His head lowered and left a deep kiss on her lips. They lingered for longer than usual, and she couldn’t help but imagine that there was an underlying message to it. “You know I love you, right? And I would never do anything to purposely hurt you, right?”
“Of course, Steve. I love you, too.” (Y/N) smiled and kissed him once more, allowing him to engulf her in a tight hug. “Be careful, okay? I can’t lose you too.” 
“I will,” he smiled. “Now, I’ve gotta go.”
“I know, be safe.” She smiled once more as she watched Steve get on the machine. She made her way over to Bucky, his arm circling her shoulders. “It’s just 5 seconds, right?” 
“Yup,” he smiled, ignoring the burning sensation coming from the paper inside his jacket. “Just five seconds.”
“Ready, Cap?” asked Bruce from behind the control panel. Steve nodded, one hand on Mjolnir and another on the case that held the Infinity Stones. “Alright, we’ll meet you back here, okay?” 
“You bet,” he responded. Two of the people present knew that it was a lie, but no one else had picked up on it yet. His head was encircled by the helmet and he stared at the two people that meant the most to him in this lifetime. Hurting them was the hardest thing he had to do, but he had been living for everyone else for too long. He decided that it was time to do something for himself. 
“Going quantum in 3, 2, 1,” Bruce announced. A breath hitched in (Y/N)’s throat as the time went down, all she had to do was brace herself for five seconds. Banner hit the button and (Y/N) had to blink various times to fully grasp the disappearance of the man she loved. He had vanished as quick as a thought, one second there and the next just a memory. “And returning in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1....”
Nothing. Bruce clicked the button and nothing happened. The body of Captain America was nowhere in sight. 
“Bruce, what the hell is going on?” (Y/N) spoke up, but she wasn’t sure if her voice was heard. Her mind raced a million miles an hour and she could feel her legs giving out. Had it not been for Bucky’s left arm, she would have crashed to the floor. Bruce stammered with his words, not knowing what to say. “Bucky, where is he, Bucky? Where’s Steve?” 
Bucky knew it would hurt to see her cry, but this was shattering his heart. Her body was falling limp in his arms and the tears were streaming out of her eyes faster than he could dry them. Her words were slurred but he understood the gist of it. She was hurt; she was betrayed; she was beyond heartbroken. 
“Come on, let’s sit down.” Bucky led her to the tent that was propped up behind them. “There’s something you should know.” 
“What is it, Buck?” She sobbed. 
“Please don’t hate me, but Steve is not coming back.” The girl looked up at her friend, not know what emotion she was feeling in the moment. Her tears stopped momentarily, needing to hear the words that would spill from Bucky’s mouth. “Steve decided to go back in time and have a life with Peggy. He needed you to know that he didn’t want to hurt you. He also left you this note.” 
Her shaky hands extended to take hold of the piece of paper Bucky handed her. She dried away the tears that were clouding her eyes and began reading. 
My dearest doll,
 If you are reading this letter, you know I am not coming back. I decided to take hold of the chance to have the life I would’ve had if I stayed in the 40s. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling in this moment, and I’m sorry for all the hurt I know I’m causing you. I need you to know that I never knew I could love someone after Peggy and I’m thankful for all the years we had together. I was in love with you and I still am, but I could not continue on knowing I have a chance to answer one of my biggest ‘what if’s. I could not go on in our life with the weight of my past on our shoulders, you deserve better than that. I hope you can pardon how big of a coward I am being in the moment, I knew I couldn’t do this face-to-face and you deserve at least a worded explanation of why I left. You are strong, amazing, beautiful, and deserving of all the love in the world; I’m sorry I couldn’t provide it. I want you to promise me that you’ll move on and be happy, even if it’s not with me. I also hope you don’t hate Bucky for being the bearer of bad news, he didn’t know until today and I gave him no other choice thant to tell you. If there’s someone that can understand what you are feeling right now, it is him.
I hope one day you will forgive me for this,
I love you until the end of the line.
She folded the paper back up and broke down once again. Bucky engulfed her in a hug and held her as she shook. “He’s gone, Buck. He went back to be with Peggy. I wasn’t enough for him.” 
“Oh, doll, I’m so sorry.” 
“Guys, we’ve got to head back,” Sam peeked his head through the tent, heartbroken by the view in front of him. “I’ve got her, Buck. Go get the truck started.” 
Bucky released (Y/N) into the arms of Sam Wilson, and left to start the car to head back to the tower. Sam ran his hands over the sobbing girl’s hair trying his best to soothe her. Even though he didn’t fully understand the situation she was in, he got the jist of it. After everything was packed back up, (Y/N) had fallen asleep in Sam’s arms, so he picked her up and laid her on his lap to not wake her. She would be needing all the rest she could get. 
“You guys good back there?” Bucky asked.  
“Yeah, she’s out like a light,” Sam whispered. 
“Good, she’s gonna need all the energy she can get to recover.”
“What happened?” 
“Steve decided to stay back and be with Peggy; left me to tell her the news.” Busky gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles were pale white, his anger building up inside him. 
“Wow, I never expected that from the Cap. I don’t think it’ll be easy for her to move on from this.” He looked down at the sleeping figure in his lap, wiping away the few tears that had slipped out in her slumber. “She might be physically strong, but she’s very sensitive and rarely gets attached.”
“I still don’t understand why he chose to do it this way. The little punk.”
The duo waited until Banner was inside the truck before leaving the spot they were in and back home. Unbeknownst to them, behind the trees, a figure stared at the scene in front of him with a broken heart.
It had been almost three weeks of robotic movements from (Y/N). She would wake up, sometimes eat, sit in front of a window and stare down the New York skyline; other times she would lay in bed wearing one of Steve’s shirts and sprayed the room with his cologne as she sobbed into his pillow. There were the nights that she drowned her sorrows in a bottle of whatever liquor she could find, until the other members started hiding the bottles. But that didn’t stop her from stashing a couple of bottles in her closet. Nighttime was always the hardest. (Y/N) had grown used to falling asleep in Steve’s arms and being engulfed in his warmth. Now, she thrashed around in a bed that was too big, too cold, and too uncomfortable.
The rest of the team had tried their best to lift her spirits, but nothing seemed to work too well. Sam tried his best to make her favorite meals, which she gave thanks for but rarely ate, pushing the food around in the plate; Bucky tried to entice some emotion by asking her to join him in clearing his list of movies to watch to catch up on the times, but she would zone out for most of the movie; Bruce would ask her to join him in his afternoon reading sessions, but every time she picked up a book she re-read the same page over and over not retaining a single word; Wanda would try her best to get her to partake in normal hygiene practices, which the girl had held off on for a couple of days, only getting her to shower every other day.
(Y/N) was a walking zombie, doing the bare minimum to survive.
But today she had woken up differently, her heart hurting a little less than the other days. She got into the shower, brushed her teeth, and even got dressed in her own clothes. It was three in the afternoon, but she was up. She was detangling her hair when her bedroom door opened.
“You’re awake?” Bucky said, startled to see a clean and awake (Y/N) in front of him. “Don’t mean to sound so surprised, but I came in here with the intention to startle you awake once again.”
The girl chuckled and continued her brushing. “Thought it was time to do something by myself.”
“Here, let me.” Bucky took the brush from her hands and started brushing through her damp hair. It finally smelled of her normal shampoo and conditioner, and not a mix of her hair oils and Steve’s cologne. The smell of strawberries and vanilla emanated from her head and Bucky couldn’t help but breathe in deep. His left hand ran the hairbrush through her hair as his right hand smoothed it down. (Y/N) leaned into his touch and smiled at the comforting strokes he was providing. Unknowingly, Bucky started humming a lullaby under his breath.
“What are you humming?”
“It’s a Russian lullaby I overheard one night while under HYDRAs hold. There’s not much I like to remember from those times, but this I don’t mind.”
“I like it,” she rocked to the movements of his hands and smiled as she listened intently to his humming. She couldn’t see him, but the veteran was smiling at her. It had been the first time she had shown any kind of emotion in the time that had elapsed. He finished her hair in a sloppy braid, not fully understanding the mechanics of the three-strand braid. “Thank you, Buck.”
“How’re you feeling today, (Y/N)?” He finally asked.
“I’m feeling better, don’t know how long it will take to get me to 100% but I’m feeling like a 45% today.”
“That’s good to hear, you know. It’s better than where we started.” He wrapped his arms around her from behind and she leaned into him, enjoying the warmth his body emanated. “So, what do you want to do today?”
“Have not gotten up to that point.”
“Well, Sam’s already cooking up something in the kitchen and I’m on the second movie of The Lord of the Rings, so we can watch that one.”
“Okay, that sounds good.” She smiled at the man that was next to her as they exited her room.
The rest of the team had gathered in the kitchen, working on ways to cheer (Y/N) up when they saw her emerge from the hallway with a small smile on her face. Everyone’s jaw fell open when they saw the girl looking partly human and with a spark of energy. It had been a while since she had resembled the (Y/N) they knew and loved.
“Guys, please pick up your mouths off the floor, your eyes do not deceive you.” (Y/N) joked.
“Glad to see you’re alive, (Y/N),” Sam spoke. “Come have some food.” 
She smiled at her friend and sat next to Wanda as Sam placed a plate of chocolate chip pancakes in front of her. Bucky served himself and her a cup of coffee and added the cream and sugar she enjoyed with her drink. She happily munched on the food as the people around her stared in astonishment.
Thankfully, the staring didn’t last long. Wanda and Sam had a quick recon mission and Bruce had some work to finish in the lab, leaving Bucky and (Y/N) to enjoy The Two Towers in peace. Bucky had the curtains drawn and the movie all set up as (Y/N) took out blankets and made a hole between all the pillows that adorned the couch. The duo settled into their spot and bundled themselves in the blankets, settling in for the 226 minutes of the extended version of the movie.
She wasn’t sure at what point in the movie she fell asleep, but she was woken up by Bucky softly shaking her awake. She mumbled something she didn’t even understand, so Bucky decided to carry her to her bed. (Y/N) had burned too much energy by being around too many people too fast. It didn’t seem like a lot but being around the whole team had taken a toll on her. The sun had started to set and so were the last slivers of happiness she had felt.
Bucky set her down on her bed, tucking the blankets around her. He turned to leave when a small hand wrapped around his right wrist. He looked down and saw a teary-eyed (Y/N) looking up at him.
“Stay, please.” Her voice was barely a whisper and it trembled slightly. She was the vision of the heartbreaking scene that had hurt him three weeks ago.
He smiled softly at the girl and went around the bed to climb in. “Today was hard, huh?”
“Yeah, I thought I was ready to go back to normal, but it took too much out of me. I feel so useless.”
“You are far from useless, doll. You’re hurting, darling, we all understand.” He pulled her in close and laid her head on his chest, the thin layer becoming wet with her tears. “It’ll get better someday, that’s the only thing I’m sure of.”
“How do you know?” 
“Because we all do, after a while we all get better.”
“I wish we knew how long a while was. Everything would be easier.” 
“I know, doll, but let’s take it all one day at a time. Just remember you’re not alone. You have me – and the rest of the team.” He cleared his throat trying to disguise the importance she held in his life. Bucky would have never said anything, but he had fallen for the girl. He held her already in high regard for the care she had given to his best friend, but his feelings had started to shift when she started caring for him while they were on the run.
“Thank you, Buck. I don’t know where I would be without you.” She laid a kiss on his chest and drifted to sleep with Bucky’s arm rubbing circles on her back.
One more week had gone by and (Y/N) had grown used to having Bucky sleep with her at night. He had helped her pack away all the things Steve had left in the room – specifically the cologne that still hunted her, – he started waking her up earlier and making sure she got at least two full meals a days before she went to bed, and he made sure that she didn’t spend her nights crying for a man he called his best friend.
All of Bucky’s efforts didn’t go unnoticed. The remaining Avengers had noticed how the ex-assassin cared for the broken girl, going further than the rest of them did. And his feelings for the girl did not fly by the mind-reading witch that currently stared at him preparing lunch for (Y/N).
“When will you tell her how you feel?” The redhead spoke, casually sipping on a cup of coffee.
“What do you mean, Wanda?” 
“What she means is that you’ve been in love with that girl for far too long and it’s time you confess already,” Sam jeered. “Nothing’s stopping you now.”
“Except for the fact that she’s still reeling from my best friend breaking her heart by going back in time and leaving her to be with someone else. I’m sure she’ll be jumping with joy if I confess right now,” he mocked. “Anyways, how did you know?” 
“You’re not very secretive about it,’’ Sam laughed. “You’re always in a sour mood but magically when you’re with her you become someone else. The White Wolf become (Y/N)’s puppy real quick!’’
“I am not that obvious with it.”
“Okay, lil’ pup.”
“Whatever. Anyways, it’s not the right time for that.”
“When will it be the right time then, Bucky?” Wanda inquired.
“I don’t know. But it’s not right now.”  He plated what he was cooking and headed to (Y/N)’s room. The last thing she needed at the moment was a new relationship, even if that’s all Bucky wanted. 
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bowieandqueen11 · 3 years
Karl Heisenberg As A Dad Headcanons
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Request: Would you happen to have any wholesome Dad!Heisenberg HCs? 👉🏻👈🏻 Your writing is absolutely wonderful btw! ❤️
Oh my goodness thank you so much my lovely!!! This is such a sweet request <3
If you enjoy, please comment and reblog!
(Gif credit goes to: @robotoco-fanart​, character and Resident Evil do not belong to me, all rights and credit goes to its creator)
At first, the man literally has no idea what to do with a kid. His idea of looking after children is to just to just let them go wild so they can go live in trees or whatever.
So, when his daughter first arrives into his arms at the factory, the first thing that pops into Karl’s head is whether he can ship the poor thing off to go live with Donna and her house of dolls because he thinks a baby would cramp his style too much.
Much deeper down inside though, right down at the fragmented shards that nestled and poked at the bottom of his heart, he was also worried for the kid. He knew he couldn’t give them a proper life. Heck, he could barely look after himself with his crazy family around. How was he supposed to protect a kid from Mother Miranda?
Although everyone was sure the frown on his face when he first saw the kiddo was one of distaste, in reality he was just really sad because he believed he could never be the father this child deserved.
Then one day, he decides to take a break from experimenting on soldats down in the basement levels of his factory to go up and check on the kiddo, mainly just to make sure Donna hasn’t let her crawl out of her crib and eat any important old documents or blueprints he left lying around his bedroom’s cabinet. But when he goes into the room, peering down with those falling glasses on the bridge of his nose into the little cot by the corner window, he finds himself scared.
For the first time in his life, something pains through his chest. But this time it isn’t horror, or arrogance, or repugnance, or fear anger hatred loneliness - no, this thing was warm, running jolts around his stomach until he felt almost queasy with the power of it.
Love. What he felt, for the first time in his life, was love. His little kiddo looked up at him with these big, kind puppy eyes - the same colour as his, and reached up to wrap her little pudgy fingers around his coarse, shaking thumb that leant on the wood.
And boom, that was it. Game over for vengeful Heisenberg. Cue protective dad mode.
(Although he was a little less certain when the little trickster grabbed his sunglasses from off his face, but that’s okay. He can make a new pair of those any time. But her, she was irreplaceable in his heart.)
Okay, but can you just imagine Karl holding his little daughter in like a little knitted blanket, coddled up against his ragged chest as he rocks her with tears in his eyes omg???
As kiddo grows up, there’s a protective ring of Lycans standing guard around the outskirts of the factory’s fields at all times, 24/7. No one from the village is allowed in or out under any business, which is where the rumour of the Lords being like vampires or werewolves begins (although sometimes Karl will pop down into the town and spend some time spreading rumours at the inn just because he likes to see people’s faces when they realise he is THE werewolf Heisenberg their family have told them never to go near.)
Kiddo isn’t allowed to go out anywhere near the village either unless Karl comes with her. When she’s young, he’ll have massive coats on the two of them so they don’t freeze in the snow that dusts the rocky ground with its tendrils, carrying kiddo on his hip. If she’s a bit older, he has an arm tight around her shoulder so she’s tucked just inside the edge of his trench coat, and he growls at any person that dares to look at her for longer than two seconds.
He spends a long time trying to make her first word dad - he sees it as like a source of pride that it should be. Sometimes he’ll sit her down on a workbench and just stare down at her all seriously, until his mouth drops open and he pulls a silly face to make her laugh. Then, when he works, he keeps on just repeating ‘dadda’ or ‘come on kiddo, you can say it’ but ends up being so annoyed when her first word is her trying to say Angie lmao.
For like a week he disappears, and Donna becomes worried about what he’s doing, and why there’s no noise or sound from him except smoky tendrils of steam and licks of fire bellowing out from the belly of the factory every so often. Turns out, as he sneaks in to kiss his daughter on the forehead one late night while she’s sleeping, and takes a moment to hang it over her cot, he was making a little mobile of two wolves chasing the sun and moon.
Since our man ‘works from home’, when kiddo gets to become a bit older he invites her down to learn the tricks of the trade with him. Mostly this just involves her sitting on a stool down in his office room with a bored looking face as he wildly and animatedly throws shards of metal into the pictures of Alcina and Miranda, explaining why she should never go near them.
In the end they’re both kind of knackered, so by the time lunch rolls through they’ve both laid down on a bench and fallen asleep on each other’s shoulders.
Although he’s not the best at showing affection, he is trying, he really is. This usually comes through as him reading bedtime stories to his kiddo, lying down on the duvet next to her and nearly shoving the poor child out of the bed. He totally gets coerced into doing silly voices for all the characters, and although he pretends to groan and roll his eyes he gets way too into it.
Usually, though, he’s the one to fall asleep first. Kiddo usually wakes up to find her dad still asleep against the headboard, with the book collapsed on the floor and Karl’s hat hanging half over his face as he snores.
When she’s younger, and Karl doesn’t want to go to family meetings, he’ll dress her up in his long coat and hat that hangs over her eyes and sends her off, laughing his ass off the whole while at the way the frayed fabric ends trail across the floor as she tries to walk.
He says Alcina is so tall anyway she wouldn’t notice the difference.
Most of the time he just takes her with her though, because despite how gruff and how much of a lone wolf he pretends to be he has pretty bad separation anxiety. She’ll just sit on his knee as he makes her laugh by pretending to mimic Miranda, telling everyone to shut up anytime she starts babbling, giving her his full attention.
He also says the babbling makes more sense than anything Alcina has ever said, which ends up with poor Donna holding the baby while the two of them tussle about the pews.
Also please imagine Donna roping him into doing tea parties.
He’s not a great teacher, so Moreau steps in. Heck, sometimes even Karl will be sitting next to his daughter on the floor in confusion because he has no idea what algebraic fractions are.
His daughter is the most important thing in the world to him, and he will do everything in his power to protect her from the outside world.
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xxtoothachexx · 3 years
I'd like an emergency ask Mitsuri and Giyu with a boyfriend who self harms
Giyuu and Mitsuri with a m!reader who self harms
a/n: I hope you’re doing well sweetheart, you can always send me a message if you need anything!! it’s a tough thing to deal with but you’re strong and loved, I hope this can bring some comfort
warnings: self harm! everything is under the cut
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Mitsuri felt awful when she learned that you were self harming, she didn’t understand why at first. You’re just so sweet and amazing in her eyes she could grapes what’d drive you to this
She couldn’t help but cry, you can’t blame her though. You’re the love of her life, the person that has her whole heart. She’d never want you to suffer or hate yourself
But she can’t say that she doesn’t understand. She’s been through her fair share of issues, hers were rooted in her appearance. How she was shamed for her body and had her heart shattered time after time
“Is it okay if I hug you?” She asked softly, her light green eyes still bleary and wet from crying. You nod and she pulls you close, hugging you as if you’d disappear if she let go of you for a second
She’ll listen to anything you say, absolutely anything. She just wants to help, and even if it isn’t much she’s still willing to do it. You have her full support any second of the day
She doesn’t bring it up much, too worried that she’ll scare you off. But she smothers you with so much love if you let her. She just wants to show you how much you mean to her
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He’s shocked, he can’t find the right words when you first tell him. He’s worried he’ll say the wrong thing or won’t be able to help at all, and he’ll never forgive himself if he doesn either
Just like Mitsuri, he has his fair share of knowledge and experience on possible things that could lead to this. His own past tears him up and makes him feel incredibly useless
But you feeling that way? He just can’t stand to imagine that. You’re his boyfriend, you’re absolutely perfect in his eyes. He loves you for everything you do and every aspect of you
He doesn’t cry, he’s a bit too shocked and concerned at first. In addition, he doesn;t want to worry or upset you. He just hugs you tight against his chest, running his hand over your hair
“I love you y/n, I’ve always loved you. And I’m so sorry for whatever caused you to do that to yourself. But I want you to know that I’m here for you and always will be.” He hums as he holds you firmly
Giyuu asks Shinobu for advice on how to help and brings it up with you. Whether or not you want to accept it is up to you, he’s just trying his best for you
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Blackberry Winters.
Part 1
Namjoon Werewolf Au !
Alpha werewolf!
Heavy angst.! Pregnancy, unrequited love, hate to love, prejudice, mental health issues.
There is a tide in the affairs of men, which , taken at the flood leads on to fortune. Opportunities had to be seized and made use of and you had to be bold and confident in order to lead your people to fortune.
Namjoon, as the head alpha of the Kim clan, knew this better than anyone else. Which was why he was here, in a meeting with alphas from the three neighbouring clans lining his boundary lines, hoping to get permission to access the seven or so aquifers that lay to the east of the packhouse.
The rains had been kind to them, the reservoirs were full but he wanted to make sure they had a backup plan just in case things went south in some way. His father had taught him that. Being prepared for the worst was second nature to him now. The land around the aquifers was rich and fertile and Jungkook had already let him plant tangerines and apples in the area for the little ones. The harvest was generally shared between the two clans and Namjoon was grateful for the easy camaraderie that the alpha of the land offered him.
The land belonged to alpha Jeon , a dear friend by all means and he knew that Jungkook would grant him permission as he always did . But still it was never a certainty. The council members had the final say and many of them held a grudge when he refused to marry Jungkook's sister last spring. That had been a no brainer for him. Junghee was beautiful but also like a sister to him, besides being incredibly intelligent. He didn't need a wife like that. And that was why he had picked, Jiah.
Sighing, Namjoon glanced back at the campsite where the women were gathered, sitting in small groups and laughing around a blazing fire while a few alphas hung about roasting meat and passing out moats of wine around . His eyes fell on his wife, timid and shy , sitting away from the rest and regret churned. He had been impulsive. She was ill suited to be his wife , and the last three months had been a bitter wake up call. Namjoon was well read, eloquent and bold. His wife was barely illiterate, with a stutter and shifty eyes that never met anyone's gaze head on.
He had chosen her because she had seemed docile and pliant and while she was definitely that, she was also ....at the risk of sounding rude and unkind, very very boring.
A simpleton. She seemed to know nothing about anything, content to disappear into the shadows, to hide and hang back and practically become one with the upholstery when he asked her to sit next to him.
It had been three months and they had barely spoken beyond a dozen words. It was awkward and stilted and just plain uncomfortable, sleeping with her. Sex was supposed to fun and passionate and filled with excitement and desire but with her , it was a chore he couldn't wait to cross off his list.
Leaning back against one of the poles holding up the makeshift tent, he watched her as she scooted away from one of the older omegas in the Jeon clan, the lady looking startled at the reaction. He shook his head in despair. He hadn't even wanted to bring her along but his mother had insisted. Something about her being young and innocent, too shy to stay behind with strangers for two whole weeks while he traveled to the Jeon's .
How was he supposed to explain that they were strangers as well ? That despite the label of mates, despite the fact that he had been the one to choose her, he felt nothing for her? Not even the idle curiosity one felt for strangers?
It was partly her demeanour, but mostly her appearance. She wasn't well groomed and it always made him frown. He had hoped that she would at least keep herself presentable, maybe hire the weavers to make her a few new tunics .
Something colorful and patterned like the ones the other omegas wore during festivities. The Kim clan had a lucrative fabric trade with the Min pack , and Yoongi and Hoseok always kept the most luxurious and vibrant silks and fabrics for him.
Jiah had shown a brief and fleeting interest in the luxurious threads, when his mother had brought her along to the tailor to get her wedding trousseau done....but the moment the young beta had asked her questions about her likes and dislikes, she had recoiled and went back into her shell. Namjoon had watched the whole scene, annoyance growing with every passing second. He wanted her to be pliant but also independent. Low maintenance . But apparently he would have to hold her hand through everything.
And that's when he'd begun to actively distance himself from his wife. He didn't have the time nor inclination to help her navigate her new life. He was busy, what with autumn coming to an end and the first chills of winter already beginning to permeate the air. The betas and alphas in the pack were already occupied with hunting enough meat to last them the winter, the women busy with curing the meat with spices and salt.....
He should have left her behind with them.
" A coin for your thoughts, Alpha Kim?"
Kim Jisoo came to stand by him, her scent of floral dust and vanilla cloyingly sweet on his senses. She had helped him with many a rut and he had always nurtured a sweet spot for the omega who was well versed in many languages. She was also one of the courtesans they had brought along for the evening entertainment. Jisoo slipped her hands through his arm and he smiled, letting her brush close to his torso.
His gaze went to his wife, who was staring at him, eyes blank and lips parted softly. She looked a little upset.
Which was understandable but still annoying. They weren't in love or anything and he wasn't cheating on her. Jisoo was a friend. He was allowed to have those. Jiah had no right to look at him with suspicion or with entitlement. He didn't owe her all her time. He wondered if she would react if he were to confront her now. As it is , he let himself stare right at her, half wishing that she would talk back to him.
But the moment their eyes met, Jiah looked away, entire body shifting as though in embarassment. He frowned , but lightly patted the soft fingers curled on his arm. He turned to Jisoo with a smile, taking in the pretty elfin features. The perfectly curled hair , threaded with gold and jeweler pins fell in soft ropes around her face, her lips tinted red and her cheeks brushed rose. She looked enchanting and unreal and he felt his blood stir in arousal, the need to feel her under him suddenly overwhelming.
He glanced back at Jiah and she looked a little green , her face ashen. His eyes narrowed when she shifted and looked around in a mild panic. Oh God, what was it now?
Irritable, he gently pulled away from the beautiful omega next to him.
" Excuse me, dear. I need to check on my wife." He said apologetically and she frowned staring at where he was looking.
"What's wrong?" Jisoo asked sharply but he ignored her, already moving to his mate.
Which was just as well, because the moment he reached her, her eyes rolled back and she toppled right into his arms.
She had fainted .
" I'm sorry we had to cut this short but I hope your mate feels better soon, hyung." Jungkook's voice was laced with genuine concern and Namjoon nodded, hugging the younger alpha tight.
Junghee looked just as sympathetic, next to him.
" She'll be fine . I tried to get her to stay but she's been panicking a lot and refuses to let any of the healers here examine her. I think she'll be more comfortable with your pack healer. " She said gently.
Namjoon nodded, glancing back at Jiah who sat side-saddle on one of the smaller ponies, her eyes wide and face still ashen. He had tried to tell her it would be okay , but she had insisted on going home. The stark terror on her face had unsettled him deeply. He didn't know why she was so scared of the Jeon healer? Could it be because he was a man? Whatever the reason she hadn't let him examine her and because he couldn't ask her to just forget about the whole thing ( he was still head alpha , he still had to set an example as a caring mate. ) Namjoon had been forced to arrange for their return back home.
He had left Seokjin and Taehyung behind to carry the talks on his behalf, and Jisoo stood a few dozen feet away looking annoyed as he gave her
an apologetic smile.
The journey back to the Main village would be a couple of days and he had packed enough food for the both of them.
As he turned back to mount his stallion, he caught a glimpse of her face as she stared at him.
She looked lost , apologetic and clearly upset.
And he wondered if he would have to spend the rest of his life reading her face, trying to figure her out.
He has no interest in either.
The journey became incredibly tiring, especially when the skies opened up on them. Rain Lashed the ground , intent on soaking the earth and Namjoon watched her shiver, trembling as they all huddled beneath the shade of some trees, blankets wrapped tight around her thin torso. Why was she so thin? Why did she look at food like it was poisoned?
They were only a mile from home but had to stop, the deluge was far too strong for the animals to see ahead of them.
Namjoon himself sat next to an omega from the clan. He recognised her as one of the maids his mother had given to Jiah.
" Is your mistress doing well?" He asked gruffly and the omega startled, bowing twice in respect before answering.
"I...she ... She doesn't say much, alpha." The girl blushed under his gaze, looking away nervously and he frowned, glancing back at Jiah.
So it wasn't just him, then. She didn't trust anyone. He stared at her till she felt the heat of his gaze and looked up, eyes wide like a startled bird, like one of the starlings that nested in the wooden beams of his hut. She looked surprised, then terrified, eyes darting away at once and he tried not to growl in sheer frustration.
He wondered if it was because of his face.
Namjoon had no large feelings about his looks but he knew he was far from beautiful. ( A/N : A whole lie , I know but please bear with me for the story :*) it was one of the reasons he had wanted a plain looking bride. But perhaps his own chosen mate had , had dreams of marrying a very handsome man? Perhaps she had been infatuated with someone like that , from the clan?
It wasn't a far fetched idea. But still, she had been free to refuse his proposal. When he had first met the clan's watchkeeper, old man Gong in the humble hut on the outer borders of the pack land, he had made it clear that it wasn't some kind of order. She was free to refuse.
But she hadn't.
She had merely bowed and agreed and promptly appeared with a satchel full of her things and followed him back to his own home.
So why did she continue to act like she was here against her will?
It irked him no end.
As the skies cleared, they began their trek again and Namjoon pushed thoughts of her out of his mind. He had to plan for the winter, make sure there was enough food and also make sure they had enough herbs and liniments and oils in the apothecary. Mind drifting off to the countless things he was responsible for, Namjoon forgot all about his awkward mate and the reason they were going back home in the first place.
Which is why, when they reached home and he took his bath, cleaning himself up and finally settling down to some delicious food from the kitchens , his mother's words made him drop the chopsticks in shock.
" She is with child."
Namjoon stared at his mother in complete shock.
Authors Note : I had this idea and just had to write it. Hope you guys enjoyed it.
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