#//They weren't connected to an RP blog
Great, so we're already having this talk. If you're not an RP blog or an anchor for an RP blog, DNI with my blog!! It's literally in my rules, NO PERSONAL BLOGS ALLOWED!! I don't care if Personals like the threads I'm doing with my friends but other than that, PERSONAL BLOGS DNI!! It's not hard!
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nytehavyn-circle · 25 days
It's funny how many of the younger RPers online today go for canon muses. All of the older RPers online - anyone who is 40+ (some slightly younger) - grew up with Original Characters.
When I first started RPing on AOL in RP chatrooms, on AIM with 1x1 RPs, and in private chatrooms with group RP people - canon characters just weren't something that was played back then. (Not in my experience, anyway.) Most of us had never heard of anyone RPing a 'canon' character.
Canon RP characters didn't really start popping up and getting popular until a lot of fandom websites and such started popping up and getting really popular. Then RP chatrooms started getting filled with them, and a fuckton of RP message boards popped up (mostly fandom-based), filled with canon characters, and then canon characters started showing up EVERYWHERE.
Which was fine, and fun. Because for us OC players, it was very interesting to play our OCs against a canon character; expanding on world-building, figuring out how these characters fit together, etc.
Now, for me, personally (I can't speak for other older RPers), it wasn't until I came to Tumblr that I saw so many damned canon characters being played. I was honestly shocked. And to find out that a LOT of canon character RPers (and this bleeds over into this day) would shun RPers who played OCs.
I was very annoyed, but I found a niche of OC RPers and had fun with that. When I decided to try my hand at the possibility of playing a canon character, I went for Spike from Buffy/Angel. But he was basically used for shitposting and dash commentary, asks that were sent to him; he was used for funsies.
I ended up gaining over 500 followers on his blog, and was shocked by the amount of fan asks I got telling me how good I played him, that they could hear his voice in the posts, etc. This is not me bragging, this is me being utterly shocked and amazed that I, apparently, played a canon character so well that he gained a small fanbase. >_O I'm STILL shocked it happened, to this day.
So, I branched out with him and made him a fully-fledged RP character, one who grew over the years and changed a bit as I played him.
So, I KNOW I can RP a canon character. Some of them I can RP better than I can other canon characters, it just has to be a character that I can kind of connect with and understand, not to mention really, really like.
But, for me, and probably a lot of the older RPers, the real fun comes in creating a muse from scratch - from the bottom up, fleshing them out, creating a backstory that hasn't already been written for them; coming up with a personality all their own.
I am not disparaging those of you who play canon muses. A lot, a hell of a lot of you, are very, very good. Kudos to you on it, because some of you play canon characters I wouldn't dare try to play for fear of destroying the fantasy. For example. I wouldn't and couldn't be able to RP Steven Rogers/Captain America well. Not at all.
But, I will always prefer to play an OC - and so will a lot of the older RPers. And by that, I mean the older RPers who grew up with RP from table to online.
So, from one RPer to another, whether you be young or old... try to give OCs a chance, even if you've had a bad experience with one or two of them in the past. You might just find a decent OC that fits with your character and playstyle.
So don't give up on us (OC players and/or older RPers). We just want the same chance and respect that canon characters have been afforded.
Love to you all, whether you are young or old, whether you play a canon character or an OC. You are valued.
Be good. And have fun in the RPC. Because that's what it's about - Pure, unadulterated fun.
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smashinghalloween · 1 year
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𝕭𝖔𝖎𝖑𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕲𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞 𝖆𝖌𝖊 . . .
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A familiar chill is sweeping through the Smash Mansion-- with it a cacophony of ghoulish giggling echoing along every hall. The source of the frightful uproar were hoards of ghastly ghosts. This year they weren't simply here to deliver a message. Residents and visitors alike would find themselves plagued by the nightmarish apparitions as they delivered merely a taste of the horrors they would soon experience in the town of Halloween...
No wall or door was a barrier to the haunting ghouls and everyone would find themselves personally accosted by a gruesome spectre and left with an invitation in their posession. The envelope resembled the iconic Smash Invite, except the paper was more withered and the symbol upon the orange seal bore a glowing jack-o-lantern.
The invite was a request for your presence by the one and only Pumpkin King himself. Included was a torn map of both Halloween Town and the renowned Hotel Transylvania. It contained directions on how to reach the hotel via the connecting graveyards for your stay, including a booking and room number with a signature by Count Dracula himself.
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This special Halloween event is for the Smash / General Nintendo community! If your muse chooses to attend, they will transform into a Halloween creature upon arrival to Halloween Town ( like Kingdom Hearts ). It’s up to you what sort of Halloween entity your muse will become! Of course, if your muse is already scary, they needn’t change. Duplicate muses are welcome!
You may find non-mutuals participating in the event, you are not required to interact with everyone, but please be respectful and open to everyone.
You don’t have to be following this blog, but it makes life easier since all updates will be posted here. Jack Skellington and Count Dracula will be the main hosts of this event.
Your muses will be staying at Hotel Transylvania during the event, which Count Dracula runs. He is an old friend of Jack. The graveyards at each location offer a quick portal to and fro.
I wanna stress that this event is open to everyone in the RPC. Smash is about celebrating crossovers and Sora being in Smash makes everything canon. Don’t be afraid to get involved! Canon characters, OCs or otherwise, you’re all welcome to have some spooky fun in Halloween Town!
It will take place the throughout all of October with special events, ect every week. This means everyone gets a chance to take part, but you’re not locked into the event, you can RP outside of it normally of course! Your muses will be helping Jack and the rest of the town make Halloween happen! They will also get to experience many different activities such as pumpkin carving and finding a prize through a haunted maze. Parties will also take place at the Hotel and live music events. Again, the community tag for this event will be: ‘#event: spooky smashing fun’
The events aren’t time sensitive and can overlap, so don’t worry if a new one starts and you’re still having fun with another one. For example, your muse can carry on pumpkin carving, while a masquerade party is also happening. You can take part in as many or as few events as you like. The point is to have some Halloween fun all through October! Even when the event ends, you're free to continue threads.
Please reblog this promotion post if you’re interested / your muse is joining the fun! It helps gauge interest. Please feel free to join the Smash/Nintendo RPC Discord server for more discussion and to share your ideas for this event, meet other participants and more! https://discord.gg/SETxJyv
Needless to say, anti-LGBTQ+, TERFs, MAPs, incest shippers/supporters, racists, exclusionists, ect are not welcome to participate in this event.
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tacticalhimbo · 9 months
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the ghost recon brainrot is consuming my brain, so naturally have to fill this out for her
NICKNAME: nomad (callsign), toni by close friends/team kingslayer (re: holt, weaver, and midas)
GENDER: unlabeled transmasc; she/him pronouns
ORIENTATION: alloromantic questioning (only experiences attraction to men)
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: white american, born in boston (and yes, the accent does come out when she's riled up. yes midas and holt have playfully mocked her for it-)
HEIGHT: 5'9 / 175cm
STAR SIGN: gemini sun, sagittarius moon, leo rising (and suddenly her brazen stubbornness makes so much sense skdjdkdkdk)
FAVE FRUIT: grapes. particularly sweet jubilees
FAVE SEASON: late summer / early autumn
FAVE FLOWER: morning glories
FAVE SCENT: not sure of a specific scent, but categorically... she really likes vibrant, citrus-y scents.
COFFEE, TEA, HOT CHOCOLATE: Coffee, 100%. she likes that shit dark and bitter. hell, she's definitely just straight up snacked on the beans before, if she didn't have the means to brew 'em on the field.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: anywhere from 2 to 8. tends to fall on the average range, but there have been plenty of times she's gone running on low fumes. it's especially apparent in breakpoint, where she's working entirely alone and in open territory (since walker uh. dispatched. team kingslayer. and wants her dead, too. skjdkdkdkdkd 🥲)
DOG PERSON OR CAT PERSON: definitely a dog person, but not in the "i hate cats they're so mean wah wah wah" way. she just prefers dogs because it's easier to take them places and such. if she weren't being pulled all over the place, i could see her having a malinois, honestly.
DREAM TRIP: route 66 round trip. starting in chicago and ending out in california, then heading back the same way. really taking time with the trip, too, and stopping at each major location (plus some of the smaller ones).
NUMBER OF BLANKETS THEY SLEEP WITH: ideally two; one comforter and one throw blanket. more often than not, though, it's whatever thin blanket she has on hand (or can get her hands on). and if she doesn't have them, she's tucked in a nice padded sleeping bag.
RANDOM FACT: despite being a military brat, she was not, in fact, a j-rotc kid. at least by technicality. her family had a bunch of connects as is, so they didn't feel the need to make her go through their program on top of her academics (plus, what more could they possibly have taught her that her mom and dad couldn't have?). that said, she's done her fair share of volunteering and misc. favors for the instructors on her high school campus. they were all buddy buddy.
got tagged by the incredible ✨️ @pinkyjulien to fill this meme out! tyvm again for the tag (and the comic recommendation 👀 i bookmarked it and will be checking it out asap)
i'll tag @perpetuagf , @vendettavalor (figured this one could be good for your rp blog), @alexxmason , aaand anybody else who feels like hopping on board!
i've seen so many of these on my dash it's hard to remember who has/hasn't done it ^^;
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shallliveoninsong · 29 days
SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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◇ Just doing this for my HSR muses this time!
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
Jing Yuan x Sleep. Ok memes aside Jing Yuan x Luocha (both as a toxic ship but can also see it as a wholesome one, both would need a lot of work though). Also Jing Yuan x Yukong, old war buddies that are forever changed and lost so much in the combat they are so well known for ;w; it gives me many feelings. Platonically him and Sampo forever <3 other than that I don't really have a preference it would all just depend on the character development and how the muses bounce off each other.
Sushang x Guinaifen I could see being interesting to explore as they are besties already! The dynamic of Sushang being a mostly upstanding tame person and Little Gui being so chaotic is a fun dynamic and would cause many fun adventures between the two! I just as equally vibe with them as platonic though. They silly! let them have fun.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
I would say I'm open to exploring most things. Wholesome ships, QPRs that say fuck you to relationship hierarchy and society's strict boxes of what's considered romantic or not I'm weak for. Will-they-won't-they is something I've not gotten to do but I think would be really fun. Toxic things would require a lot of mun communication of course but would certainly be fun to explore!
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
It's really tricky when the muses are immortal-esque and they often don't give us exact numbers. So I'll just use some examples here. For Jing Yuan the trailblazer, March, Sushang, and Firefly are too large a gap. (Dan Heng is like his nephew / parental-like bond but even if they weren't connected in such a way he would see him as far too young). Of course there would be a large age gap between him and any short-life species but the short-life muse would have to be considered an adult for their species when any attraction starts happening for him to entertain such a notion. Otherwise, it would be more of a parental or platonic bond. Meanwhile for long-life species yes Sushang is mentioned to be a full yet greenhorn Cloud Knight and referred to as a "young woman" or "young lady" so that would be too great a gap for me.
Likewise for my Sushang muse.
Are you selective when shipping?
Yes, I really don't want to be only rp'd with for the sake of shipping. There are so many more interesting dynamics and relationships to explore than only romantic and/or sexual ones. I need chemistry between the muses whether positive or not, they can be at each other's throats I don't care, but kind of like actors who bounce off each other really well I need that for the muses too. Even when I do ship my muses I will want to explore more than their attraction, kissing, domestic fluff and etc. I will also wanna explore their friendship, conflicts with each other, teamwork, and so much more!
And of course good communication between muns and all that.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
Any touching happening under clothes I'd say.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Yes! Please please do, don't just assume I've had that happen too many times and it's super awkward. And vice versa I also will ask because I don't wanna step on anyone's toes and have any miscommunications even if IC interactions-wise it seems things have been leaning that way between the muses.
How often do you like to ship?
If it happens it happens if it doesn't it doesn't.
Are you multiship?
Yes, all verses are their own unless otherwise agreed upon by the muns.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
Ship more or less. There are so many other cool things to explore than ships so ye.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Trailblazer & Trashcans, Jing Yuan / Luocha, Jing Yuan & Sampo
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Write with me! Talk to me ooc about our mueses, yeet them into funny shenigans, yeet them into dangerous adventures! And of course ask!
Tagged by: @grislyintentions thank thank! Tagging: I think nearly everyone else on my dash has done this so have at it if you haven't and want to!
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heirscrchd · 4 months
🐭 (but also im an anxious idiot soooooo)
How Intimidating Am I?
Send 🐭 for slightly intimidating
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okay I'm joking 100%, I totally feel you and because of you being open and honest I'm going to be open and honest back
you fucking terrified me when I first made this blog. I legit was so scared cuz im like "they have connections. they have graphics. they have really cool-looking icons. im a derp who is trying to RP being a good blog PRing azula. how do i make myself look cool enough to follow and interact with???"
because a lot of people i feel are already pre-established with friends and companions but im new here. ive never been in this fandom, i know nothing and im like 15 years late to the party-- I don't want to force myself into places but i also can be really passionate and excited to do stuff!!
especially considering our muses, you having Zuko and Ty Lee both characters that im like more than hyper to write with and bash Azula into with threads so I'm trying not to like jump everyone i see hfjkwehfwk but yeah.
You're not the only anxious one, its literally spider man meme of being anxious of one another i guess?? maybe??? listen my DMs are open, my discord open, if you just want to break the ice by sending me some memes i got a few locked and loaded to share if it helps the anxiety.
i do hope you have a good day tho dude <3 <3 and im glad you weren't so anxious as to send this in too <3 <3 <3 <3
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apotelexma · 3 months
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✶⤷ ​ hi, i'm ramsey or just rams, for short. i use they / its pronouns, and i'm 30 years old. i have 2 cats, and they're both little bastards. i've been rping on and off for over 12 years now, honestly, and 7 of those weren't all spent rping on just tumblr. ive rped both on discord and in chatzy quite a few times, and i really enjoy chatzy because of how low maintenance it is and am absolutely open to threading over there and posting a big manuscript on my blog later.
✶⤷ ​anyway i didn't want to make an indie, but the dEMONS in me wanted me to make an indie... so yeah, after whatever possessed me into making an indie rp blog let me go a little bit, i suddenly remembered that since i've been out of ani rp for the past like 7 or so years that that meant i didn't have any of my ani icons anymore, just my real fcs. i started promptly punching and kicking the air in annoyance because i know DAMN well how hard it is to unearth any collection of grell or izaya icons ever at this point in time.
✶⤷ however!!! i did finally manage to find an icon template that i liked and i just made one set per muse for both their ani fc as well as for their real fcs because i just. cant be assed to make multiples. i'm descriptive, you figure it out LOL.
✶⤷ hoooooopefully it looks alright on a white background (i'm always on dark mode. my eyes are bad.), please please please let me know if it doesn't! i don't want to have my things inaccessible to others or cause major eye strain, bc ik the feeling.
✶⤷ i'm gonna have a couple of open starters thrown up next, so feel free to grab one once they go out if you'd like. hello to all the people that followed me as well, nice to meet you!! while i'm here i'm going to figure out my tags situation here so i have it handy and so that anyone cant take anything and blacklist it if they want.
✶⤷ seriously it's just an ungodly amount of tags below. jesus christ why am i like this. i'll definitely be putting them on a page for ease of access when it's not nearly 6:30 am kjdfhkjdf. and i'm posting a separate tag dump post so i can actually find this one again.
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⭔﹒▸ ooc: update ⭔﹒▸ ooc: vent ⭔﹒▸ ooc: reaction ⭔﹒▸ ooc: rambling ⭔﹒▸ ooc: tag dump
⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​oc: percy ⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​oc: geal ⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​oc: alice ⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​oc: vael ⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​oc: jaheem
⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​cc: izaya ⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​cc: grell ⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​cc: dipper ⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​cc: frisk ⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​cc: hibari ⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​cc: izuku
⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: thread ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: thread
⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: percy ⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: geal ⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: alice ⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: vael ⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: jaheem ⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: izaya ⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: grell ⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: dipper ⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: frisk ⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: hibari ⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: izuku
⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: percy ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: geal ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: alice ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: vael ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: jaheem ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: izaya ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: grell ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: dipper ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: frisk ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: hibari ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: izuku
⭔﹒▸ ooc﹒⁘﹒rp: interest check ⭔﹒▸ ooc﹒⁘﹒rp: starter call ⭔﹒▸ ooc﹒⁘﹒rp: wanted connection
⭔��▸ ic﹒⁘﹒rp: open starter ⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒rp: closed starter
⭔﹒▸ percy﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack ⭔﹒▸ geal﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack ⭔﹒▸ alice﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack ⭔﹒▸ vael﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack ⭔﹒▸ jaheem﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack ⭔﹒▸ izaya﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack ⭔﹒▸ grell﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack ⭔﹒▸ dipper﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack ⭔﹒▸ frisk﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack ⭔﹒▸ hibari﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack ⭔﹒▸ izuku﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack
⭔﹒▸ percy﹒⁘﹒musing: visage ⭔﹒▸ geal﹒⁘﹒musing: visage ⭔﹒▸ alice﹒⁘﹒musing: visage ⭔﹒▸ vael﹒⁘﹒musing: visage ⭔﹒▸ jaheem﹒⁘﹒musing: visage ⭔﹒▸ izaya﹒⁘﹒musing: visage ⭔﹒▸ grell﹒⁘﹒musing: visage ⭔﹒▸ dipper﹒⁘﹒musing: visage ⭔﹒▸ frisk﹒⁘﹒musing: visage ⭔﹒▸ hibari﹒⁘﹒musing: visage ⭔﹒▸ izuku﹒⁘﹒musing: visage
⭔﹒▸ percy﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics ⭔﹒▸ geal﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics ⭔﹒▸ alice﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics ⭔﹒▸ vael﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics ⭔﹒▸ jaheem﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics ⭔﹒▸ izaya﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics ⭔﹒▸ grell﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics ⭔﹒▸ dipper﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics ⭔﹒▸ frisk﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics ⭔﹒▸ hibari﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics ⭔﹒▸ izuku﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics
⭔﹒▸ percy﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons ⭔﹒▸ geal﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons ⭔﹒▸ alice﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons ⭔﹒▸ vael﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons ⭔﹒▸ jaheem﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons ⭔﹒▸ izaya﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons ⭔﹒▸ grell﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons ⭔﹒▸ dipper﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons ⭔﹒▸ frisk﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons ⭔﹒▸ hibari﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons ⭔﹒▸ izuku﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons
⭔﹒▸ percy﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary ⭔﹒▸ geal﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary ⭔﹒▸ alice﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary ⭔﹒▸ vael﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary ⭔﹒▸ jaheem﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary ⭔﹒▸ izaya﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary ⭔﹒▸ grell﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary ⭔﹒▸ dipper﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary ⭔﹒▸ frisk﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary ⭔﹒▸ hibari﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary ⭔﹒▸ izuku﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary
⭔﹒▸ percy﹒⁘﹒musing: memory ⭔﹒▸ geal﹒⁘﹒musing: memory ⭔﹒▸ alice﹒⁘﹒musing: memory ⭔﹒▸ vael﹒⁘﹒musing: memory ⭔﹒▸ jaheem﹒⁘﹒musing: memory ⭔﹒▸ izaya﹒⁘﹒musing: memory ⭔﹒▸ grell﹒⁘﹒musing: memory ⭔﹒▸ dipper﹒⁘﹒musing: memory ⭔﹒▸ frisk﹒⁘﹒musing: memory ⭔﹒▸ hibari﹒⁘﹒musing: memory ⭔﹒▸ izuku﹒⁘﹒musing: memory
⭔﹒▸ percy﹒⁘﹒verse: ⭔﹒▸ geal﹒⁘﹒verse: ⭔﹒▸ alice﹒⁘﹒verse: ⭔﹒▸ vael﹒⁘﹒verse: ⭔﹒▸ jaheem﹒⁘﹒verse: ⭔﹒▸ izaya﹒⁘﹒verse: ⭔﹒▸ grell﹒⁘﹒verse: ⭔﹒▸ dipper﹒⁘﹒verse: ⭔﹒▸ frisk﹒⁘﹒verse: ⭔﹒▸ hibari﹒⁘﹒verse: ⭔﹒▸ izuku﹒⁘﹒verse:
⭔﹒▸ percy﹒⁘﹒relationship: ⭔﹒▸ geal﹒⁘﹒relationship: ⭔﹒▸ alice﹒⁘﹒relationship: ⭔﹒▸ vael﹒⁘﹒relationship: ⭔﹒▸ jaheem﹒⁘﹒relationship: ⭔﹒▸ izaya﹒⁘﹒relationship: ⭔﹒▸ grell﹒⁘﹒relationship: ⭔﹒▸ dipper﹒⁘﹒relationship: ⭔﹒▸ frisk﹒⁘﹒relationship: ⭔﹒▸ hibari﹒⁘﹒relationship: ⭔﹒▸ izuku﹒⁘﹒relationship:
ᗜ ⤷ more tba later!
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ratsandfashion · 1 year
Just left an RP blog I'd had for seven years, the fandom it was for, and the Tumblr RPC in general. Don't want to name it, but while I loved my mutuals and the character, the canon around the character had changed in a really negative way and fandom had reacted in kind, and slowly but surely it just made me more and more unhappy. Not only did I no longer engage with the source material because it was so shitty, but I started getting upset and jealous when I just saw things of other characters who had nothing to do with it, simply because I was envious they hadn't undergone this treatment, that even if they had a rough patch of writing they could come back from it in a way my guy couldn't, that people who were fans of them weren't alone and had entire sub-communities of support who agreed canon was being shitty. . .I just got upset at smaller and smaller things in ways that weren't healthy at all, and my misery started outweighing my good experiences. It wasn't healthy at all, and it was absurd if I'm being objective because holy shit this is just FICTION some people have REAL problems, but that's autistic hyperfixation and obsession for you. It just mattered way too much for me. I'm really sad to break away from something that brought me so much joy and connection with others, but I'd been strongly considering it since last year. Looking forward to it, even, fantasizing about being free from my own stupid overreactions having such a hold on me. I am staying in touch with friends I made there, but tbh I don't think that's going to last. Not because we're not real friends but because that's just been my experience with leaving places but staying in contact with folks from them. You don't mean to, but you drift apart sooner or later. My time in the fandom did really improve my art because it drove me to work out it, since my mutuals gave me an audience, no matter how small, and my muse gave me so many ideas and pushed me to work on things I never would have pursued drawing on my own. So I am worried about not keeping up practice and making stuff, but I'm going to do my best. Some part of me wishes I'd stayed and roughed it out longer but I know this was the better decision for my own good. I just regret that it wasn't due to simply losing interest on my own, I still love this character, but due to external circumstances making that enjoyment more of a burden than a delight. I think I'm just gonna go back to fandomless OCs for a long time after this.
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fuckedprophet · 1 year
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(  #FUCKEDPROPHET  )    a  extremely private  rp  blog  for  DALLAS "PRETTY BOY" MCMEEN.  a  (  FANDOMLESS )  original  HORROR character.  birthed  by  L  and  originally  est. 2023.  this  blog  is primarily iconless.  BLOG  FEATURES;  heavy  themes  that  are  USFW.  topics  include  and  are  not  limited  too;  murder,  drugs,  sacrilegious  ideology,  religious  trauma,  sex,  cannibalism,  sacrificial  rituals,  etc.  CONTENT  WILL  NOT    be  suitable  for  all  viewers,  please  curate  your  own  space.  in  order  to  interact  please  be  over  the  age  of  twenty  one,  mun  is  twenty  six.  
*FUCKED PROPHET  -  a man who can see the past , present , and future and chooses to walk willingly into his death.
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1.  don't  be  gross ( homophobic, transphobic, racist, antisemitic, ableist, pedophilic, someone who fetishizes someone for their race. )  basic  rp  rules  apply,  but  please  don't  be  rude  or  mean.  that  kinda  negativity  im  not  into.  keep  the  drama  to  yourself,  im  just  here  to  write.  if  you  wanna  be  friends  that's  great  and  we  can,  but  i  don't  wanna  be  pulled  into  any  kind  of  drama. 
2.  this  blog  is  heavily  nsfw.  when  i  say  heavily  i  do  mean  it  literally.  it  touches  on  uncomfortable  topics  for  most,  drug  abuse,  murder,  cannibalism  (mentioned  not  written  out),  sexual  conduct,  sacrilegious  topics  and  or  behavior,  cosmic  monsters  verses  human  monster.  its  not  for  the  faint  at  heart.  i  wont  write  rape,  incest,  dd/lg,  or  anything  gross  like  that.  if  you  write  that,  stay  away.  thank  you.  i  also  wont  write  smut  on  tumblr.  if  we  are  close  enough  and  have  developed  a  stable  friendship  /  plotting  /  chemistry,  we  can  write  it  on  discord.  
3.  im  simple.  easy  as  that,  i  used  to  write  real  flowery  prose  and  such  --  but  i  cant  seem  to  do  it  anymore.  my  writing  has  shifted  more  into  a  novel  format  rather  than  a  Shakespeare  play.  if  you  write  that  way  awesome,  i  love  to  see  it  and  read  it.  i  just  cant  do  it.  that  being  said  i  don't  expect  you  to  match  my  length,  writing  style,  or  anything  like  that.  i do have vision issues so i don't use icons or tiny font.
4. shipping is fun. its cool and great and i love it. im not afraid to admit ships are one of the fun aspects of rp-ing. i enjoy all forms of connections, romance, platonic, hateship, etc. i just like chemistry is all. its easier that way yknow? so please don't force anything on me. i don't consider memes sent force shipping its testing the waters. if you have an idea or see anyone that strikes your interest just let me know and we can chemistry test. easy as that. 
5.  i  love  ocs.  i  love  some  canon  characters,  but  im  skeptical  of  some  fandoms.  forgive  me  if  i  don't  follow  you  for  my  own  comfort.  if  i  followed  you  first  though  that  means  im  interested  in  writing.  i  try  to  keep  my  list  pretty  sl
im,  so  if  we  follow  each  other  and  i  send  memes  with  no  real  response  or  there  isn't  any  pulse  on  the  other  end  of  our  plotting  i'll  unfollow.  i  just  don't  see  the  point  in  following  someone  if  we  aren't  going  to  actually  try  to  write  together.
that's  the  end  gang.  hope  those  rules  weren't  too  harsh,  i  don't  see  the  point  in  kinda  beating  around  the  bush.  im  pretty  sporadic  and  this  is  a  low  activity  blog;  i  work  and  have  a  family  im  pretty  dedicated  too.  any  questions  please  shoot  them  my  way.  
psd credits go to ; ariapsds
authors note: this character is constantly evolving and never has a real set lore to him, he's affiliated with my two other ocs thefair and thenewton.
QUICK FACT SHEET ABOUT DALLAS; - he grew up in an abusive home. his neglect began from the day he was born and carried on into his youth. - he was the son of a well renowned pastor luke mcmeen who prided himself on the perfect family image. he kept his abuse of dallas under wraps for years and even to date several of his patrons do not know what he did to him. - dallas' mother was compliant in all this abuse because she feared being left by luke; she eventually began to believe luke's insistence that dallas was horrible and an abomination they were forced to trial by gods hand. - dallas despite being highly intelligent did poorly in school because any attention be it positive or negative was viewed in bad lighting by luke and lead to more abuse. - at first he was nothing more than an onlooker to these things, but soon he realized that his actions in this liminal space caused ripples that changed the out come of his nightmares turning them for the better or worse.
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fuckedprophet-arch · 1 year
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(  #FUCKEDPROPHET  )    a  private  rp  blog  for  DALLAS "PRETTY BOY" MCMEEN.  a  (  FANDOMLESS )  original  character.  birthed  by  L  and  originally  est. 2023.  this  blog  is  iconless.  BLOG  FEATURES;  heavy  themes  that  are  USFW.  topics  include  and  are  not  limited  too;  murder,  drugs,  sacrilegious  ideology,  religious  trauma,  sex,  cannibalism,  sacrificial  rituals,  etc.  CONTENT  WILL  NOT    be  suitable  for  all  viewers,  please  curate  your  own  space.  in  order  to  interact  please  be  over  the  age  of  twenty  one,  mun  is  twenty  six.  
*FUCKED PROPHET  -  a man who can see the past , present , and future and chooses to walk willingly into his death.
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AFFILIATED ; @notladylikes | @ohlazrus | @deigrxtia <3
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1.  don't  be  gross ( homophobic, transphobic, racist, antisemitic, ableist, pedophilic, someone who fetishizes someone for their race. )  basic  rp  rules  apply,  but  please  don't  be  rude  or  mean.  that  kinda  negativity  im  not  into.  keep  the  drama  to  yourself,  im  just  here  to  write.  if  you  wanna  be  friends  that's  great  and  we  can,  but  i  don't  wanna  be  pulled  into  any  kind  of  drama. 
2.  this  blog  is  heavily  nsfw.  when  i  say  heavily  i  do  mean  it  literally.  it  touches  on  uncomfortable  topics  for  most,  drug  abuse,  murder,  cannibalism  (mentioned  not  written  out),  sexual  conduct,  sacrilegious  topics  and  or  behavior,  cosmic  monsters  verses  human  monster.  its  not  for  the  faint  at  heart.  i  wont  write  rape,  incest,  dd/lg,  or  anything  gross  like  that.  if  you  write  that,  stay  away.  thank  you.  i  also  wont  write  smut  on  tumblr.  if  we  are  close  enough  and  have  developed  a  stable  friendship  /  plotting  /  chemistry,  we  can  write  it  on  discord.  
3.  im  simple.  easy  as  that,  i  used  to  write  real  flowery  prose  and  such  --  but  i  cant  seem  to  do  it  anymore.  my  writing  has  shifted  more  into  a  novel  format  rather  than  a  Shakespeare  play.  if  you  write  that  way  awesome,  i  love  to  see  it  and  read  it.  i  just  cant  do  it.  that  being  said  i  don't  expect  you  to  match  my  length,  writing  style,  or  anything  like  that.  i do have vision issues so i don't use icons or tiny font.
4. shipping is fun. its cool and great and i love it. im not afraid to admit ships are one of the fun aspects of rp-ing. i enjoy all forms of connections, romance, platonic, hateship, etc. i just like chemistry is all. its easier that way yknow? so please don't force anything on me. i don't consider memes sent force shipping its testing the waters. if you have an idea or see anyone that strikes your interest just let me know and we can chemistry test. easy as that. 
5.  i  love  ocs.  i  love  some  canon  characters,  but  im  skeptical  of  some  fandoms.  forgive  me  if  i  don't  follow  you  for  my  own  comfort.  if  i  followed  you  first  though  that  means  im  interested  in  writing.  i  try  to  keep  my  list  pretty  sl
im,  so  if  we  follow  each  other  and  i  send  memes  with  no  real  response  or  there  isn't  any  pulse  on  the  other  end  of  our  plotting  i'll  unfollow.  i  just  don't  see  the  point  in  following  someone  if  we  aren't  going  to  actually  try  to  write  together.
that's  the  end  gang.  hope  those  rules  weren't  too  harsh,  i  don't  see  the  point  in  kinda  beating  around  the  bush.  im  pretty  sporadic  and  this  is  a  low  activity  blog;  i  work  and  have  a  family  im  pretty  dedicated  too.  any  questions  please  shoot  them  my  way.  
psd credits go to ; ariapsds
MAINS: notladylikes / ohlazrus / medicnal / bandysnatched / fleuramor / mafiaheiress / behe4dings / shellcrack / @el3nas / @cahroline / @swervdcity
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𝙳𝙰𝙻𝙻𝙰𝚂 𝙹𝙾𝙽𝙴𝚂 𝙼𝙲𝙼𝙴𝙴𝙽 ___  was  born  during  the  month  of  january;  the  3rd  to  be  exact.  born  to    luke  and  sarah  mcmeen, he  is  the  eldest  of  two.  elder brother too alana ruth mcmeen, dallas despite being the first born son was cast down by his own family. now  we  find  him  roaming  alongside his  band FUCKED PROPHET.  sharing the tour bus and motels with his bandmates and managers.  
AGE:  late twenties  -  early  thirties.  NICKNAMES:  pretty boy,  meenie,  tex,  hoss.  BIRTHDATE:  january  3rd,  ___. SPECIES:  human.  GENDER:  CIS-male.  SEXUALITY:  undecided.  STATUS:  single.  BIRTHPLACE:  copper wood tx.  RESIDENCE:  no where.  OCCUPATION:  guitarist && back up vocalist  /  VD.  
HEIGHT:  6'4".  WEIGHT:  215lbs.  BODY  TYPE:  sort of healthy,  built like a wall, muscular.  SKIN  TONE:  fair,  freckled.  HAIR  STYLE:  shaggy, hangs below his ears.  HAIR  COLOR.  dark brown almost black.  EYE  COLOR:  baby blue.  SCARS:  several from the abuse his father acted out on him, mainly on his arms and back.  MODIFICATIONS:  pierced  ears,  pierced tongue, tattoos that cover his scars (on his arm, two sleeves and a large piece on his back, he also has one on his left hip).  FACECLAIM:  tom welling. 
BIRTHSTONE:  garnet.  SUN  SIGN:  capricorn.  MENTAL:  pstd, anger issues, anxiety, undiagnosed depression. ALIGNMENT:  true  neutral.  AESTHETIC:  unloved child feed poison shall grow too love the taste, cowboy turned metal, i will devour god, killer smile, loyalty shall be the death of me. 
PERSONALITY:  Intelligent,  Calm,  Trustworthy,  Loaded gun,  Cruel.  
FATHER:  luke austin mcmeen.  MOTHER:  sarah abbigail mcmeen nee eunice. YOUNGER  SISTER:  alana ruth mcmeen.  FRIENDS:  camillie shepard, corkie johnson, jack o'neil, micky lorene, tot, etc.  PETS:  none.  
ABILITIES: it is noticed at some point in the earlier pieces of dallas music career, that he has a knack for predicting the future. a skill he puts into his music and lyrics that seem too haunt him in his sleep.
SOUNDTRACK:  jekyll & hyde - fiver finger death punch.   
SYNOPSIS:  dallas was loved for all of two seconds as his mother held him. not her fault really she's just weak willed, one look of that righteous disapproval on lukes face and sarah cast out her only son. they couldn't give him up for adoption oh no, how would that look to the congregation that luke led so diligently? no they'd raise him, even if they didn't want him. sarah didn't count on marrying a man who would envy a newborn that his wife smiled at him so brightly or that nurses cooed over him. things stayed that way even after alana was born three years later and took some of her fathers attention off how ashamed he was of dallas. things would stay that way and progressively get worse over the years for the young boy, but at the ripe age of sixteen when he came home from school his father attacked him. dallas cant remember how he did it, but he'd been able to over power his father now that he'd shot up four inches taller than him and put on at least fifty more pounds.
he nearly killed the older man, there was so much blood staining their pea green shag run in the foyer. now looking back dallas cant tell you who bled more but at the time the young man was able to over power his father and even bite a chunk out of his right hand. luke mcmeen would later on to go and claim that he'd been attacked by a wild dog which sent him to the hospital, and as for dallas? he'd ran away. he'd struck his father and slammed his mother into the wood paneling of their entry way, and all to be looked at like he was the monster. no he'd had enough; nothing to his name he bolted out the back door and hoped fences. it was nearly dawn when he emerged from his hiding spot, washing his face and clothes in a loose hose from the house he'd hide around. he would then later go on to walk the highway leading out of town before hitch hiking his way to the city.
four days had gone by when the sixteen year old had been discovered by jack o'neil and the girls at 'heartstoppers', sprawled out in the alley behind the pastel pink brink building they'd dragged the kid into the back room and let him rest on the sofa. they say fairytales don't exist, that only god is the maker of miracles and happy endings -- but dallas calls bullshit. the very people his father had preached against and claimed to have hated had protect him far better than either of his parents had. jack and his topless bar eventually became dallas' second home, never allowed on the floor dallas simply provided security for jacks back office. after all jack had nagged him about it several times to go and get his GED, and even though it'd taken a couple weeks he'd managed to secure that very thing.
as years came and go, in this time dallas began to start hanging out with corkie johnson. a metal head from the record store four blocks over, and from there it seemed history would be made. corkie taught dallas how to play guitar, and in the damp and shitty apartment of corkie's the band Fucked Prophet was born.
now fucked prophet is a famous metal band that's touring the country and putting on jaw dropping shows.
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pictured above, a rough edit of the bands questionnaire in the popular metal head magazine ' iron balls '.
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Shady sider turned Sunnyvaler isn't easy. In fact its pure torture if you dont get in with the right crowd. Though verbal abuse isn't anything new for Dallas, up until his sixteenth birthday he’d been brutalized by his father while residing under his roof. It wasn't until his grandmother, who had just recently discovered he existed, took him from under her son's care and brought him over to the sunniest town all around did Dallas begin to understand why. It was the summer before junior year and with hormones blazing and more, it became evident – after raising a lycanthrope isn't easy. In fact it's what spurred Dallas’ father to kill his own brother ages ago and casted Luke McMeen into the trenches of Shady side. Now under his grandmother's care he must learn how to deal with the social queues of High School royalty, the raging hormones of a werewolf, and not to mention a plague that seems to be stalking shady siders – even if they’ve changed their colors. ( this is pre camp ) At camp Night Wing, Dallas is a counselor for the Sunnyvale side. He runs his own cabin shared with another counselor, and mainly partakes in swimming, hiking, and music lessons. During the events of the camp wing massacre, he is targeted during the attacks but thanks to his special skills he’s able to save some kids but ultimately sustains a few minor injuries before escaping.
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bottleofbabes · 2 years
For Every “UGH” I Get I Will Say A Pet Peeve I (The Mun) Have About Roleplaying.
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I feel like this is a very common one, but vague blogging about other people/blogs is a huge pet peeve of mine in the RPC or in life, really. I am a very firm believer of if you have such a huge problem with someone that you HAVE to talk about it, then it would be more productive if you went to that person and had a discussion instead of gossiping like a coward on dash. That's what cowards do. Be an adult, go to that person and talk it out.
Im not a fan of the "well i cant rp with that blog because they use [insert random fc]" because that's mad childish. If you have certain opinions on an fc/canon character than that is your problem, not the mun's. You might have just cut out a valuable opportunity to write with some of their other muses instead. No one said you had to interact with that particular muse. In addition, 9 times out of 10 you don't own that damn fc anyway lol. So who are you to deem someone unworthy of your time for a specific choice in fc? You're just being mean at that point.
This is a big one; Im very tired of the cliquey nature of tumblr these days. I came back to tumblr Jan 2022 because i missed the beautiful connections I made before i left in 2014. I met some of my best friends in those days, and back then every one rp'd with everyone. Yeah there was drama as in every RPC but as long as you could write legibly and you weren't a jerk, everyone had a great time. Nowadays i just feel like people get in their little groups and rp with the same 3 or 4 people. I understand everyone has standards, I do too and I wont be changing mine for anyone, but I feel like I give most people a fair chance if I see content i like on their blog especially if i go so far as to follow back. Ive seen several of my friends, including myself attempt rping/plotting/become mutuals with people and not even getting the time of day. But replies are flying out to those same 3 people lol. Im not here to tell anyone who they can or can't rp with, but don't become mutuals with people you dont even plan to rp with. If you're going to ignore everyone who attempts to rp with you, then you should move to a more private setting and stop wasting everyone's time lol
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sinretrograde · 4 months
This is kinda our no girls allowed machines only blog, v4v, machinekin, plurality, the nature of consciousness and perception of the self, existential crisis, you know the drill. Mentally ill robots.
This is a personal blog, not a fandom one, but we do touch fandom posts with our dirty little claws. It's in our nature as (extremely canon divergent) fictives. We don't mean anything by it. Swear.
Adult topics will be mentioned frequently.
Mod intros
Icon credits
I am V1 from ultrakill.
This is my personal blog. Sin Retrograde.
It/they/he pronouns, in that order. I prefer it/it's and they/them, but I won't pretend he/him doesn't give me a particular feeling.
I'm a fictive in a system, this isnt an RP blog. I don't consider myself to be the exact same as my source, despite any similarities, so please dont expect anything from me. I'm just me.
This blog will be more about machinekin than ultrakill, if you want ultrakill specific stuff you gotta follow my other boyfriend's blog. You'll have to find him yourself though.
I'm stupid af irl and I got adhd.
Oh also we're adults. We might talk about adult topics here. We also have a job and pay bills, so I'm not wasting my valuable time with petty shit.
🩸 I'm here too I'm hijacking this blog, it's a joint blog now. It's consensual. We're making out sloppy in the tags on our shared blog that we both post on. Sin Retrograde.
He/Him and whatever else I feel like at the moment
What difference do we have? I'm a sexier color. And also way more fucked in the head apparently 🙃 so edgy so cringe woo yeah yeah woo yeah sorry I'm trying to be funny to take the edge off...
I'm gonna edit this later when I'm not feeling so bleh... be a little less cringe... I'm just going thru a lot right now okay...
Icon Credit: VolatileMask on Twitter (aka "X")
I edited it a little, just with a filter to make it ~aesthetic~ but if this isn't cool w the artist lmk (as far as I could tell as long as I give credit it's okay)
We'll probably replace with something we draw or make once we get around to it.
🚫🚫🚫 ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ 🚫🚫🚫
We are members of a trauma based system.
At first we weren't going to engage in any fandom posts, but it kinda became inevitable. There's a reason we took on these characteristics and identities, after all. There's a connection there that's inseparable.
We are WELL AWARE of this and we are not in any stretch of the mind trying to claim ownership or authority over anything! Not the original fiction, not the characters, not the fanart, not the fics, not even any kind of headcanon someone may or may not have.
We might have a tag system but that is for organization if anything, and is not ever any kind of claim or whatever.
➡️ Not everything we reblog has something to do with US and sometimes we just enjoy some art. I dont want to not be able to enjoy the things other people make just because I've based my sense of self on a fictional character. ⬅️
If it makes it easier to think of it like really elaborate and kinda fucked up role play, go ahead.
I feel sad that I feel like I need to say this or point it out, I have seen unfortunate things happen in the past and I'm hoping that by making this very clear I can avoid misunderstandings and just be allowed to exist. The last thing I'm trying to do is encroach on anyone's space. Honestly I'm kinda hoping this blog goes unnoticed, and I kinda wish there was a way for my notes to count but nobody get a notification of who touched thir posts just because I desperately want the best of both worlds. I want to exist alongside fandom, but there's always that fear lingering.
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healbellls · 1 year
Rp Hooks are scenarios With Your Muse and Helping Information about Your Muse for easier plotting between RP-Partners!  Original by @treasurechestrpmemes !  
Stolen from the dash! Feel free to steal it!
|| Who is your Muse? Write down their name and a quick description!  
// I've got 5 canon muses and one OC on this blog! They are all being based on the games, taking very little from other source materials.
Morty - Ecruteak's gym leader - Johto - Clairvoyance as his power Juan - Sootopolis' gym leader - Hoenn - Former top coordinator Drake - Elite four member (the leader of it) - Hoenn - Captain of his own ship, travels all over the world. Rowan - Pokemon professor - Sinnoh - Researcher and is in constant contact with young trainers Barry - Trainer / Future Frontier brain - Sinnoh - Currently travelling the world on his journey and collecting badges along his way / In the process of becoming a Battle brain Brendan - Trainer / Future League Champion - Hoenn - Currently travelling the world / In the middle of transition to take the mantle from Wallace
Matsuba is an OC that can be loosely considered a PLA OC. I say loosely, because Matsuba is an OC that's way more focused in the ancient time period, rather than the game's events/story per se.
|| Who knows your Muse? Which Groups are they connected with?
// See the answer above for my canon muses, read below for those that weren't mentioned:
Morty - Eusine, Kimono dancers, Silver, protagonists, Team Rocket members Juan - Wallace, Lisia, Fantina Drake - Steven Stone, Wallace, protagonist, mr.Briney, Devon Stone Rowan - Augustine, prof. Oak, Agatha, Birch, Elm, Juniper, Cedric, Kukui, Cynthia, Sinnoh's league members Barry - Palmer, Sinnoh's frontier brains, Lucas, Dawn, Crasher Wake Brendan - Norman, Steven Stone, Wallace, May, Prof.Birch
Matsuba is connected to another OC of mine, and a whole lot of ancient worldbuilding.
|| Where can your Muse be found? In which Places are they usually found?
Morty - Ecruteak city (The gym, the burned tower, Kimono dancers' theater), Goldenrod city, Olivine city, Celadon city, Saffron city, abroad while travelling Juan - Sootopolis city, Lilycove city, Hearthome city, Nimbasa city, abroad travelling or performing in contests Drake - Cities with docks/ports both within Hoenn or abroad, Pacifidlog town, Mossdeep city Rowan - Sandgen town, Jubilife city, Canalave town, Pallett town, Newbark town, Oldale town, Nuvema town, abroad visiting his research colleagues Barry - Either within Sinnoh, or abroad in the middle of his long trip Brendan - In any route within Hoenn, or abroad travelling, Lilycove city, Ever Grande city. Matsuba - On the road within the Johto of the past, Hisui
|| What Scenarios would you like to play them in?  Write 2-5 Scenarios or Plotlines you wish for!  
I’m a sucker for slice of life, expanding on the relationships and things we didn’t get to see much in canon. So I’m always down for some chill intermission stuff, type of interactions between muses. Especially if it ties in, with some kind of important/key moment in overarching story;
I actually suck coming up with generic / open types of scenarios for RPs, bc I much prefer coming up with them, as we plot and I get to learn more about your muse!
With Matsuba: GIMME UR ANCIENT STUFF, I DEMAND. Ancestor OCs? PLA muses? Ancient period muses?
|| What relationships and dynamics are you seeking in those RPs?  
// I'm very iffy in regards to any form of found family stuff, due to some really bad experiences with it in the past. I'll be very selective about it, and might back out if this is forced upon my muses.
I'm always open for discussing and playing rivalries/antagonizing dynamics, and platonic things. Romance is always based off the chemistry, between our muses. Although, I'll definetely be all ears if you approach me specifically for it!
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fuckedliar · 1 year
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(  #𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐑  )    a  private  rp  blog  for  ELIZABETH  EDEN  WOODEL.  a  (  FANDOMLESS)  original  character.  birthed  by  L  and  originally  est.  2020  /  revived  2024.  this  blog  is  PRIMARILY iconless.  BLOG  FEATURES;  heavy  themes  that  are  USFW.  topics  include  and  are  not  limited  too;  murder,  drugs,  sacrilegious  ideology,  religious  trauma,  sex,  cannibalism,  sacrificial  rituals,  etc.  CONTENT  WILL  NOT    be  suitable  for  all  viewers,  please  curate  your  own  space.  in  order  to  interact  please  be  over  the  age  of  twenty  one,  mun  is  twenty  seven.  
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1.  don't  be  gross ( homophobic, transphobic, racist, antisemitic, ableist, pedophilic, someone who fetishizes someone for their race. )  basic  rp  rules  apply,  but  please  don't  be  rude  or  mean.  that  kinda  negativity  im  not  into.  keep  the  drama  to  yourself,  im  just  here  to  write.  if  you  wanna  be  friends  that's  great  and  we  can,  but  i  don't  wanna  be  pulled  into  any  kind  of  drama.
2.  this  blog  is  heavily  nsfw.  when  i  say  heavily  i  do  mean  it  literally.  it  touches  on  uncomfortable  topics  for  most,  drug  abuse,  murder,  cannibalism  (mentioned  not  written  out),  sexual  conduct,  sacrilegious  topics  and  or  behavior,  cosmic  monsters  verses  human  monster.  its  not  for  the  faint  at  heart.  i  wont  write  rape,  incest,  dd/lg,  or  anything  gross  like  that.  if  you  write  that,  stay  away.  thank  you.  i  also  wont  write  smut  on  tumblr.  if  we  are  close  enough  and  have  developed  a  stable  friendship  /  plotting  /  chemistry,  we  can  write  it  on  discord. 
3.  im  simple.  easy  as  that,  i  used  to  write  real  flowery  prose  and  such  --  but  i  cant  seem  to  do  it  anymore.  my  writing  has  shifted  more  into  a  novel  format  rather  than  a  Shakespeare  play.  if  you  write  that  way  awesome,  i  love  to  see  it  and  read  it.  i  just  cant  do  it.  that  being  said  i  don't  expect  you  to  match  my  length,  writing  style,  or  anything  like  that.  i do have vision issues so i don't use icons or tiny font.
4. shipping is fun. its cool and great and i love it. im not afraid to admit ships are one of the fun aspects of rp-ing. i enjoy all forms of connections, romance, platonic, hateship, etc. i just like chemistry is all. its easier that way yknow? so please don't for anything on me. i don't consider memes sent force shipping its testing the waters. if you have an idea or see anyone that strikes your interest just let me know and we can chemistry test. easy as that.
5.  i  love  ocs.  i  love  some  canon  characters,  but  im  skeptical  of  some  fandoms.  forgive  me  if  i  don't  follow  you  for  my  own  comfort.  if  i  followed  you  first  though  that  means  im  interested  in  writing.  i  try  to  keep  my  list  pretty  slim,  so  if  we  follow  each  other  and  i  send  memes  with  no  real  response  or  there  isn't  any  pulse  on  the  other  end  of  our  plotting  i'll  unfollow.  i  just  don't  see  the  point  in  following  someone  if  we  aren't  going  to  actually  try  to  write  together
that's  the  end  gang.  hope  those  rules  weren't  too  harsh,  i  don't  see  the  point  in  kinda  beating  around  the  bush.  im  pretty  sporadic  and  this  is  a  low  activity  blog;  i  work  and  have  a  family  im  pretty  dedicated  too.  any  questions  please  shoot  them  my  way.  
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𝙴𝙻𝙸𝚉𝙰𝙱𝙴𝚃𝙷 𝙴𝙳𝙴𝙽 𝚆𝙾𝙾𝙳𝙴𝙻 ___ was born during the month of february; the 14th to be exact. born to natasha and jonah woodel, she was the youngest of five. surpassed by her elder brother matthew and her elder sisters amelia, katherine, and diana -- she was the end. now we find her ruling the upper class of Haven Heights. She has culivated this throne she sits on and has hand selected those she shares the spot light with, of course in order to maintain such a crown requires blood and dirt. Elizabeth is talented in dealing with both and still remaining spotless for the masses.
AGE: late twenties - early thirties. NICKNAMES: eli, liz, blondie, goldie locks. BIRTHDATE: february 14th, _. SPECIES: human / VD . GENDER: CIS-female. SEXUALITY: bisexual. STATUS: single. BIRTHPLACE: Haven Heights. RESIDENCE: Haven Heights. OCCUPATION: dabbles in working the social presence of her brothers business, nothing too serious. / VD.
HEIGHT: 5'9". WEIGHT: 178lbs. BODY TYPE: healthily (exceptional), faint curves with muscle definition. SKIN TONE: fair, sun kissed. HAIR STYLE: long and worn down the center of her back, on occasion it is cute into a spiked pixie cut or a short tomboy cut. HAIR COLOR. its varies from pale blonde to a strawberry tone. EYE COLOR: black. not brown, black -- barley an iris visible. SCARS: one from when she and andrea killed their friend Charlotte, a thin stretched scar that runs along her left knee. MODIFICATIONS: pierced ears, pierced nipples, formerly a pierced nose. no tattoos. FACECLAIM: primarily faceless, references are Jessica Alexander, and willa fitzgerald.
BIRTHSTONE: amethyst. SUN SIGN: aquarius. MENTAL: pstd, seasonal depression. ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral. AESTHETIC: she walks like god, the prettiest faces hide evil, even lucifer was an angel, queen bee on a throne, my mothers worst fear, my fathers greatest pride, the shark in the pond.
PERSONALITY: Loyal, Impatient, Hard working, White liar, Fair.
FATHER: jonah luke woodel. MOTHER: natasha leigh woodel nee carlson. BROTHER: matthew george woodel. ELDEST SISTER: amelia joy woodel. THE IRISH TWIN: katherine leigh woodel. THE THIRD SISTER: diana marie woodel. GRANDMOTHER: jean opal woodel. FRIENDS: Andrea Lombardi (BFF), Courtney Riley, Charlotte Dement ✞ . PETS: julius ( a white persian ).
SOUNDTRACK: to be updated as we go.
SYNOPSIS: Elizabeth Woodel was born into money. With her birth came status and connections, things any little girl could dream of having in their world. It was picture perfect, at least until she realized her mommy didn't love her like she loved the rest of her siblings. It was fine, she would manage she'd just prove to her mother that she was more than worthy of her love and attention. From a young age Elizabeth was perfect, hair never out of place -- the people ate out of her palms and she was loved by everyone . . . except her mother.
This would consume her in many ways, that even as she delivered time and time again her mother would ignore her. Simply smile at her in public but shut her doors when they were home, at some point a switch begins to trigger when she feels the need to impress her mother. It jumps and finally sticks that she does not crave her mothers love, but to be better than her mother and beyond what her mother could hope to become. She would replace her in social status, in wealth and power.
Fate is funny how it plays into the wishes of those who crave something so badly, and at a tender age did Elizabeth and her three best friends witness a life altering moment. Where some saw horror Liz saw change and opportunity, a metaphor for her metamorphosis. She along with her friends witnessed one of the long standing mysteries of Haven Heights, the murder of Wallace Van Buren.
The four girls swore to never speak of the event again, after all who wants to relive such a horror like that? All that blood and mess, all that thrill and terror bundled together like a gift basket. They'd managed to keep their silence for several years until their junior year of high school, when Charlotte Dement lost her resolve. What softened her will Elizabeth couldn't pin point, but hearing what she intended -- she couldn't let that go.
They were accessories, they'd never reported the crime and they knew where the body was. It would be more than enough to destroy everything she'd worked for, everything her best friends had clawed and fought for -- she couldn't let it go. A verdict had been reached in such a brief moment, where they tried to speak and reason with her but reason wasn't in her cards. Liz lost her favorite tennis skirt that night, and she spent the next several hours in her bathroom at home scrubbing the blood from under her nails.
Charlotte was dead. They'd killed her, they just wanted to frighten her truly -- but when she called them crazy there was no point in arguing. What Elizabeth didn't realize was they were now being watched, taken in by the very killer who'd put a show on for them all those years back. It wasn't long after that texts, calls and letters appeared with threats -- with obscure and vague warnings.
He didn't realize who he was dealing with of course, that with Andrea's connections and her own they were able to discover the killers identity all those years back. The two keeping that secret between just them, and when he called and made his threats and demands for money -- calling his name put a stretch of silence between them that was deadly. They knew who he was, knew where he kept the body, and after all with such a strong social standing who would the public believe? There wasn't much of a argument in this case -- but there was a deal to be made.
Every queen needs a knight, a killer willing to use their blade to further their leaders path. Silence for silence, blood for pay and security -- a very well thought out deal. It was made, sealed with bloody palms exchanging a firm shake. He stayed to the shadows, and as time went on the girls began to succeed even more with a shadow watching over them. Feed the beast and it will do as you bid it, keep it fat and happy and it will come to love you -- and in a way he did.
Now Liz is at her prime, her business adventure as a figure head for her brothers company and growing in her socialite game . . she put her mother to shame. Bigger and better, she will do whatever it takes to keep her crown and stay in that heavenly spot light.
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jeriafterdark · 2 years
Part 4/4: GJ being loud and Married - The Ring Saga
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
The final part (whew), this has taken a lot longer than I expected lol. Here is our boy, GJ, flaunting that ring.
What if GJ just wears these rings for fun? or just for work? Is it a big deal?
Normally, GJ doesn't really wear rings to my knowledge. Also, he's very obvious about work commitments vs personal commitments. He doesn't really mesh the two? Here's an example.
When he was filming Dream Garden, he was given a cp ring as part of the prop for the scene. He actually waits til he's about to do the scene to put the ring on.
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And then when he's done with the scene, he immediately takes it off.
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He's a person with very strong personal boundaries, as you may have seen as he scooches away from almost everyone he meets lol. Esp during that Vogue event where he's just sitting there... thinking about his life, in the finest clothes, in the midst of a party of super stars. He's just like... nahhh, I'm gonna be on my phone kthx. This man literally just hiding at the bar.
2. Filming Chinese Restaurant
He also wore his ring during his filming of Chinese Restaurant. He actually cooked along with Zhou Ye, the actress for A-Xiang, along with a bunch of other people.
He's shown as putting his hand behind his back when he -just- gets picked up by the bus. We assume that he was taking off his ring here. His hand shows up as oddly.. blurry, as if someone took a photoshop smudge tool and tried to smudge out that ring on his ring finger again (remember part 2-3?)
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And then in the scenes where they're sitting around and chatting. You can see that he's HOLDING THAT RING AGAIN. He didn't even want to put it in his pocket lol.
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DO YOU SEE THAT EDGE ON THAT RING? IT'S NOT CIRCULAR? It's almost.. hexagon-shaped?!?!?!?! - foams at the mouth -
Here's some more images of him sitting around with that ring, he's such a playful puppy, look familiar?
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One final note, someone asked the Tasaki representatives to ID the rings that GJ/ZZH wore, and the rep actually said it's the same ring.
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^ I can't remember the tweet this was from, but it's from Amber's collection!
3. Recent appearance at Global Chinese Music on CCTV - Apr 23, 2022
People noticed that his recent appearance (on the same stage that two years ago, ZZH appeared on wearing white as well), he had a peculiar tan line on his ring finger.
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Bonus: ZZH still wore that ring in leaked pictures from a variety show he was filming before 813
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To conclude: This is the saga that destroyed my sanity, and caused me to dive face-first into every JunZhe/LLD candy there is. I firmly believe that if it weren't for this evidence, I may not have joined this part of the fandom at all lol. I just can't deny that it's clearly an attempt to hide the fact that they're connected/married/engaged. This including the deleted BTS of the WOH concert / WOH filming, where ZZH is always threatening to kiss GJ for various reasons?? You could be the most homophobic person in the entire world, and still can't deny this. C'mon now. (I joke).
If RPS makes you uncomfortable, of course you don't have to believe in it. Do what you wanna do. This is just some international fan's observations. I firmly believe that I'm supporting a real couple, not shipping a "cp." This is only ONE ASPECT of the evidence of their relationship, by the way lol. ONE ASPECT. And it took me FOUR PARTS. I just love them, I love how loyal and sweet GJ is. I love how defiant ZZH is. And I'm heartbroken about what happened to him. If anything, I just want those two to be able to walk out into the light again.
I'll be doing more series on JunZhe/LLD to try and convert all my saved materials into some organized content for this blog, thank you for joining me on this small recollection! I hope you had fun!
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caesarflickermans · 2 years
Why did you like Caesar Flickerman so much? I'm really curious. Thank you.
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(art credit goes to @rars on her old blog that methinks has been deleted)
I liked Effie first. And I liked to go on forums and rp her. But I always want non-romantic connections for characters I write, so eventually I settled on Caesar, because no one cared for him so no one would care if I wrote him oddly, to be connected with Effie through some friendship he's had with her parents. One thing led to the next and I ended up writing Caesar more than Effie. I'm saying all of this because my initial liking of Caesar didn't come through watching him on screen and being obsessed with him from the start (yucky, he looks so horrid in the first movie--he's a smurf).
Instead, me thinking about Caesar more was a bit on the artificial end, but once I did, there's so many layers to this man that are so incredibly interesting. So many that are within Collins' writing and so many that are a block away from what's in the books. This guy got potential: He can be a mere state propaganda machine or a secret rebel. His ambiguity is incredibly well maintained throughout the three books. Even if we only take the pages we got, he's a character of hope and death. Both of them at the same time.
So, my liking for him and all I will describe is from the books and from my own thoughts on him. Often it's a mixture of both. He's hopeful because he promotes all tributes equally (something I've long thought might be unique to him; i.e. previous hosts had their clear favourite Districts). And I like to think of him as hopeful beyond that; even in moments where nothing seems fine, he's still maintaining a positive outlook. At the same time, he's a character of death. I've metaphorically connected him with such harbingers of death. He's one of the last people every single tribute faces. It's as if he dooms them (and I'm sure Caesar would in a dramatic fashion think of himself in that way).
In my own interpretation, Caesar's one of the good guys associated with Plutarch. But even if he weren't with the rebels, I think his dilemma, of sorts, is highly interesting. I always thought about the Capitol as a highly difficult place to navigate: surveillance everywhere, indoctrination from a young age onward, and no real place to think. And I've always perceived Caesar's moment of a first breath from the metaphorical drowning ocean of manipulation to be when he actually meets the tributes. Sees them in person, sees them differently than ever before.
And then the question arises; does he keep going, despite his bursted bubble that, no, the Capitol's games aren't about punishment and the District's never developed pride on it and, no, it's really not all there seems to be, and despite the entire belief system he's been raised in that suddenly exists no more--does he keep going? I've always pictured his fears being that someone less kind or less interested in aiding the tributes would replace him. He could leave, and be questioned as to why he left, risk his life for nothing--no effect, no change--or stay and at least try to make a few minutes more bearable. He's working a horrible job promoting a horrible system, but if he leaves he will be replaced and the next person will be replaced and the next will be replaced and-- You get the gist. His dilemma, to me, is very much about the question of individual change and the individual in a cruel authoritarian society.
I've decided to solve that dilemma for Caesar by throwing in Plutarch. A lifeline he can attach himself to, a hopeful cause he can hope for (and again, I always like giving my characters friends and then end up enjoying the friends, too). He seems so fitting for the cause: Plutarch, the mind of the whole operation, the one who plans it all and who looks about it with such an analytical mindset and Caesar, the heart of the operation, who does it for the tributes of today and tomorrow; who eventually--in my headcanon--gets recruited because he, in turn, knows the victors, has connected with them, and can recruit them much better than some distant Plutarch could (might I remind that the few seconds we see him away from the stage he hugs Katniss and asks her how she is doing? He cares even when the cameras aren't on).
Despite all, despite the pressure he might have from the Snow regime and despite the sadness he might feel from playing his part (the Shakespeare quote feels rather fitting), I see him as being fun. I see him as joking, as being dramatic, and having a wonderful aura that draws people in. That mix of "character with quite some depth and sadness they carry" and "actually pretty fun to be around" seems so great. I know neither Virgilia nor Plutarch from my current fanfiction are like that, but writing wise I always have a soft spot for fun idiots, and Caesar feels like that, from time to time. That's not to say he's only a fun idiot and it's so odd seeing him reduced to that after over 8 years of writing this character.
Caesar, in a way, also is my Winston Smith with the best connections. By that I mean that he's a character to explore the Capitol with. He can go everywhere and be invited everywhere. It's never unrealistic for him to be at the Snow's mansion while also being out in the streets and chatting with the less-well-off people in the Capitol. My initial idea on where he comes from also used to vary, but I never saw him as a rich nepotist child (Thanks Collins, yucks), so I've always been able to think about what it might mean to grow up in a middle class family in the Capitol.
This might be the moment to say I study postgrad politics (and studied politics in combination with literature in my undergrad) and I've studied propaganda movements, learned about authoritarian systems and watch documentaries/read books on them in my free time. It's not to say I know what I'm writing on because there's always more to learn and aspects I don't know, but when you are asking about the why's, then the ability to explore totalitarian system both originated through my THG interest as well as fuels it today. And Caesar fits into that much better than any D12 character does because he's right at the heart of the totalitarian regime. I've also quite often tended to avoid the under-20s characters because usually there's too much drama around them (not fandom wise, but there’s so much happening to them in the media that they are in).
Even in the character's darkest moments--when he interviews Peeta in Mockingjay--you can make logical arguments for him embracing the propaganda at war aspect fully, or remaining a double agent with a soft spot for Peeta. His care for the victors can even have fatherly emotions around it, as I do not see Caesar having had children, due to the danger associated with his job and with the rebellion. Instead, I see him having projected much of that onto the tributes, and especially with Finnick, Peeta, and Katniss. Finnick due to young age and charisma, Peeta due to charisma and seeing him as a mini-self, and Katniss due to the hope she represents for him. In that sense, he is taking up a role akin to the other many adults within the franchise that have had intentions of their own around Katniss--now akin to Plutarch and Cinna. However, Caesar's association offers an unique role of a surviving adult--in contrast to Cinna--who actually feels guilt for having used her--in contrast to Plutarch.
I've also had the absolute fortune of rping with some wonderful writers who wrote those three characters specifically (and others, such as Annie or Johanna, of course, but to me those three make the most sense in terms of frequency Caesar might meet them in canon) and with whom I was able to build on ideas that were just a joy to write! It's a lot due to their kindness that I was able to extend my thoughts on Caesar's relationship to the successful tributes and how he feels protective of them.
But his actions in Mockingjay, through that lens then, are pretty interesting. A rebel!Caesar would have had the chance to go to District 13 and I don't think he missed his flight by accident. He stayed behind because he cared for the victors, because he felt a personal responsibility and a fatherly love for them. Again, the question arises what one's personal actions in such a totalitarian system can be, and my version of Caesar had good intentions when he stayed behind, because he was able to somewhat help the victors. Check in on them and report back to Plutarch on their conditions (with many failures of establishing any sort of connection or keeping one). Just like Winston Smith, I think he eventually was found and arrested, but he wasn't like the remaining stylist : He knew things, which kept him alive beyond that. [I've also later found out that there's a fanfiction called House of Cards from FernWithy that's a bit similar in my MJ thoughts on Caesar and greatly portrays the very very interesting friendship Peeta and Caesar might have. Really, I see Caesar as thinking about Peeta as a mini him; he knows how to work an audience and he has a similar charisma. There's a liking and admiration he's got for that kid that he doesn't quite have with other victors. FR, if Peeta wants to be adopted away from his abusive mum,, he knows who to call ;D]
In his final post MJ moments, Caesar is broken but gets up again, because I see him as so hopeful. He finds purpose through media as media reinvents itself. I envisioned him having had a close relationship with Cressida and her team, hence why he would go to film a show with them. I enjoy the lens that he, representing media, cannot get beaten down.
Overall, it's a mixture of what I have read and written myself. He represents my own interests in politics and my political research. But overall, there's so much potential this character has and so many different paths in one's interpretation that can be pursued. Mine is just one of many, and I thoroughly enjoy that Collins gave space for speculation. Sorry for the incredibly long post, but I hope it aided in gaining some insight :>
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