#//also i've been dropping hints but uh. russet's issues with his family have been building for A While
kitakami-zorua-kin · 6 months
Sorry for just - vanishing for a while, heh. As you can see I'm back now though! Just - between packing for spring break, and... everything going on, I just... Turned off my phone for a while. ... it feels wrong to complain about everyone else having a bad time but i just... i can't help and it just - felt like something crushing my chest and pulling out my heart and there was just. everyone was so upset and i couldn't do anything it felt like dying - i shouldn't complain about my emotions when other people are having a hard time. just.. being too sensitive again. i haven't gone through anything nearly as bad, i shouldn't try to make things all about me... But! Uh! Spring break! :3 I'm going to volunteer at the dragon sanctuary Dray and I usually volunteer at over breaks since... neither of us particularly want to go home, usually. heh... I'm still excited! Because I get to work with the Noibat colonies again! There's usually only a handful of Noivern per Noibat colony, and those are the colony leaders! Fights between them can get pretty vicious - ah. Oops, rambling again - my bad! I like Noivern and Noibat...
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