#//and maybe some small thingies afterwards but not much progression like the galactic hideout or the gym or whatever
drampas-trainers · 1 year
<<This post was brought to you by Poryphone™ Porygon-Integration technology. Thank you for using Poryphone™>>
<<Good night everyone! It is very late, but we just arrived in Eterna City! Both Miss Solaria and Miss Laura are very tired and this Poryphone™ has to charge so i will be brief>>
<<During the trip through Eterna Forest, i could not get any reception, which is why there were no posts yesterday>>
<<We will give you an actual update tomorrow, but we plan on staying in Eterna City for a while because we heard it is just beautiful.>>
<<We also want to explore the forest a little bit more, and of course Miss Laura wants to challenge Gym Leader Gardenia for her second gym badge!>>
<<Good night!>>
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