#//andrea plz
babyeater29 · 1 month
Guys what if instead of Cry of Fear it was Cry of 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂
Instead of Simon Henriksson, it would be 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Henriksson
Instead of Saw Runner, it would be 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Runner
Instead of Faster, it would be 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝓲𝓮𝓻
Instead of Sophie jumping off a building, it would be Sophie 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 off a building
Instead of Doctor Purnell, it would be 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Purnell
Instead of Simon taking antidepressants, he would take 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 𝓔𝓷𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓻𝓼
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dontblamethewitches · 3 months
she absolutely has seen us clowning since like the last four tours about her doing marys song and she did it and to her MAN
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raye-sim · 1 year
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the worlds most awkward chess game.
Andreas and Neveah’s brothers didn’t get along, but she appreciated him trying to give it a shot. Frederico straight up didn’t like him, but Marcelo came around to him after Andreas impressed him with a game of chess.
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murdrdocs · 2 months
i might have already asked this so if i did plz disregard this LOL but can you write a fanfic that’s like luca and reader at the Ever funeral together (they met there in training) and they get to tell everyone that they are engaged? once again if i already requested this then ignore lol
i rarely ever write fluff anymore so i wanted to write this :) pure fluff; slightly anxious reader w/ LUCA (the bear)
underneath the perfume, you're nearly positive that you reek of anxiety. you've been trying to mask it, attempting to keep your eyes off of your ring finger and make eye contact with the other chefs around the table.
you're interested in their stories, you really are. between bouts of giddiness fluttering through your body at the memory of how much your life has changed recently, you're listening to them speak. laughing at their jokes, eyes widening as they dish out secrets you and luca theorized over late at night back in copenhagen. it's an honor to be here and you don't want to take it for granted.
but there's a fucking rock on your finger and you can't stop staring at it.
"if it comes up tonight, we can tell them. if not, let's just keep it lowkey. we don't wanna take attention away, right?"
it was your rationale. when you were staring in the full length hotel mirror, adjusting your dress and your jewelry and your hair for the millionth time, and luca just lifted your left hand and kissed the back of it, staring at the piece of jewelry he picked out.
"whatever you say," he told you at the time, seeming unconvinced even as you balked at him and asked what does that mean?!.
but you understood now. anytime there was an opening in conversation, a moment where laughter died down and someone waited for the next person to speak, you wondered if you should speak. not to make a joke about how luca and carmy were when they worked at ever, or to groan over the memory of working on a dish that gave you a little bit of fame, but to flash your left hand and grin at everyone around you.
luca's hand lands on your knee and it's then that you realize that your leg was bouncing.
sorry, you mouth to him, a sheepish smile settling on your lips.
he just leans over and presses his lips to your forehead.
somehow, by the grace of god perhaps, you make it through the entire dinner without blurting your announcement out for everyone to behold.
the night is almost over, ever has been celebrated, things went well, and you're standing in the kitchen with everyone else. a wine glass in one hand, luca's hand intertwined in the other, your bum pressed into the edge of the counter.
everyone else has their eyes on the sign. every second counts.
you've seen it enough times by now, you lived by that motto when you were younger, it sits above your front door back in copenhagen. instead of staring at the engravings once again, you're looking around. staring at the counters, remembering a younger and more nervous luca standing at them, right next to an assured and calmer carmy, and how you stood on the other side of him, trying hard to concentrate on the unethical amount of peas.
you rest your head onto luca's shoulder, nestling into his side when he throws his arm over your shoulder.
you look up at him, smiling gently, maybe about to say something if you could think of something to say, but then chef terry enters the kitchen. she's not your boss anymore, but you feel the need to impress her. this act of affection in front of her makes you nervous, until she looks down the line and lands on you two, a softer smile on her face as she tilts her head.
"oh," she says, smile breaking into a grin. "that's new."
you take a second, your eyebrows furrowing.
"chef terry—" luca's quickly interrupted.
"andrea," she corrects, her eyebrows lifting and a stern—but calm—look on her face.
"andrea," luca begins. "we've been together for a while now, actually."
"well how long have you been engaged?"
quiet. it's quiet in the kitchen. not the silence from before, that silence was saddening, chefs saying their goodbyes to a place that has changed their lives. this silence is different. it's still, it's processing.
then their reactions move down the line.
"wait," it comes from sydney first.
"holy shit."
"shit! let me see, let me see."
"there's no way."
"clearly there is a way."
then finally, andrea. "so i'm guessing not that long. what, don't tell me none of you noticed. look at that ring." she approaches you, taking your left hand in hers. she ogles at your ring, eyes wide and curious. "well done, luca."
you can hear the shyness and pure love in luca's tone when he responds. "thank you, chef."
andrea doesn't correct him.
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mirandyficlists · 2 months
Hi hi,
I’m looking for some long fics like around 100k+ fics or somewhere around that word count range. I’ve already read Truth and Measure, We Had Our Seasons In the Sun, and Escorting Your Heart. They were all pretty long and I think slow burn which I loved! I’m wondering if you have any more long form recs plz 🙏🏻🙏🏻. (No fantasy AU’s, I just read a long one and I want to be retransported back into somewhat canon universe or modern!!)
Thank you for all your recs especially with your holy grail list. I’ve been reading up on those too.
Hey Kidlet
Glad you're enjopying the lists. Here's the Hundred K+ Fic list. Some of the newer ones may not be on it. And of course they're not all canon, but they're pretty damn good. Heh
Mirandy Epic Fics   100K+ word fics
A Flawed Fragility by TheLadyHoll WIP  https://archiveofourown.org/works/1110087/chapters/2234698
Avoiding the Inevitable by Siegiray WIP https://archiveofourown.org/works/29843895/chapters/73431984
Beyond the Call by DuWinter Comp  https://archiveofourown.org/works/23850346/chapters/57321025
Bliss by Emeraldorchids Comp https://archiveofourown.org/works/1386226/chapters/2903335
Broken Bridges by teenybirdy Comp  https://archiveofourown.org/works/14744666/chapters/34088693
Can’t We Just Fall by Bast_Sloan Comp https://archiveofourown.org/works/23426995/chapters/56148409
Engrave Our Names on Tomorrow by Needled_Ink1975 Comp https://archiveofourown.org/works/7363228/chapters/16724908
For the Better by Naralanis WIP  https://archiveofourown.org/works/3515237/chapters/7729160
Hope  by Wizbang WIP https://archiveofourown.org/works/17986799/chapters/42487895
It’s All Relative by Hawkbehere  Comp https://archiveofourown.org/works/5884348/chapters/13561771
Letters to the Editor by teenybirdy Comp https://archiveofourown.org/works/11585013/chapters/26034699
Like Andrea Series by Ginstan   Comp (Like Andrea, Like Family, Like Life, Like Love, Like-Glimpses) https://archiveofourown.org/series/1940092
Miranda’s Guilty Pleasure by teenybirdy Comp  https://archiveofourown.org/works/11674536/chapters/26273862
More Than Just Baggage by the Literary Assassin Comp https://archiveofourown.org/works/13465689/chapters/30870186
Not Everyone by spacedmuch Comp (Not Everyone, Pure Shores, Somewhere Only We Know, Guess Whose Coming to Dinner?)  https://archiveofourown.org/series/209687
Securing the Devil by teenybirdy Comp https://archiveofourown.org/works/12709275/chapters/28983408
Small Favors Series by Chillyflame Comp  (Small Favors, Interlude, Beautiful Things, Here to Stay, Good Fortune)https://archiveofourown.org/series/188030
The Lady & Her Dragons by Bearblue  WIP https://archiveofourown.org/works/21738811/chapters/51860098
The Science of Sex byCharlottepriestly Comp https://archiveofourown.org/works/15082802/chapters/34970867
The Trouble With Coffee by 2Demented Muses Comp  https://dvlwears-prada.livejournal.com/tag/title:%20the%20trouble%20with%20coffee
There’s Freedom in Deception by StackofBooks WIP https://archiveofourown.org/works/1300096/chapters/2699059
Truth and Measure by Telanu Comp https://archiveofourown.org/series/43794
Walking On a Dream by Pure_Ecstasy6  Comp  https://archiveofourown.org/works/18313298/chapters/43348466
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diddyrivera · 9 months
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additional resources to marxist feminism:
living a feminist life by sara ahmed
the rise and decline of patriarchal systems by nancy folbre
this bridge called my back: writings by radical women of color by cherrie moraga and gloria anzaldua
delusions of gender: how our minds, society, and neurosexism create difference by cordelia fine
close to home: a materialist analysis to women's oppression by christine delphy
(pdf) the feminist standpoint: developing the ground for a specifically feminist historical materialism
(medium) on women as a class: materialist feminism and mass struggle by aly e
(sagejournals) capital and class: the unhappy moments of marxism and feminism: towards a more progressive union
(substack) the marxfem pulpit by abigail von maure (earth2abbs on tiktok)
if anything else related to marxist feminism, just let me know :)
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additional resources to eco feminism:
gossips, gorgons, and crones: the fates of the earth by jane caputi
parable of the sower by octavia e butler
neither man nor beast: feminism and the defense of animals by carol j. adams
bitch: on the female of species by lucy cooke
fresh banana leaves: healing indigenous landscapes through indigenous science by jessica hernandez
the intersectional environmentalist by leah thomas
right here, right now by natalie isaacs
feminism or death by francoise d'ealibonne
violent inheritance: sexuality, land, and energy in making the north american west by e cram
animal crisis: a new critical theory by alice grary
unsettling: surviving extinction together by elizabeth weinberg
land of women by maria sanchez
sexus animalis: there is nothing unnatural in nature by emmanuelle pouydebat
windswept: walking the paths of trailblazing women by annabel abbs
andrea smith - rape of the land
andy smith - ecofeminism through an anticolonial framework
carolyn marchant - nature as female
charlene spretnak - critical and constructive contributions of ecofeminism
heather eaton - ecological feminist theology
heather Eaton - The Edge of the Seat
janet abromovitz - biodiversity and gender Issues
joni Seager - creating a culture of destruction
karen warren - ecofeminism
karen warren - taking empirical data seriously
karen warren - the power and promise of ecological feminism
l. gruen - dismantling oppression
martha e. gimenez - does ecology need marx?
n. sturgeon - the nature of race
petra kelly - women and power
quinby - ecofeminism and the politics of resistance
rosemary radford ruether - ecofeminism: symbolic and social connections
sherry ortner - is female to male as nature is to culture?
sturgeon - the nature of race
val plumwood - feminism and ecofeminism
winona laduke - a society based on conquest cannot be sustained
if anyone has any other recommendations related to eco feminism, plz let me know :)
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additional resources related to trans feminism:
the empire strikes back: a posttransexual manifesto by sandy stone
(chicago journals) trapped in the wrong theory: rethinking trans oppression and resistance by talia mae bettcher
(philpapers.org) trans women and the meaning of woman by talia mae bettcher
the transgender studies reader by susan stryker and stephen whittle
if anyone has other recommendations related to trans feminism, plz let me know :)
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additional resources related to anarcha feminism:
the anarchist turn by jacob blumenfeld
we will not cancel us and other dreams of transformative justice by adrienne maree brown
burn it down: feminist manifestos for the revolution by breanne fahs
reinventing anarchy, again by howard ehrlich
anarcho-blackness by marquis bey
a little philosophical lexicon of anarchism from proudhon to deleuze by daniel colson and jesse cohn
joyful militancy by nick montgomery and carla bergman
wayward lives, beautiful experiments by saidiya v. hartman
we won't be here tomorrow and other stories by margaret killjoy
writing revolution by christopher j. castaneda
paradoxes of utopia by juan suriano
twelve fingers by jo soares
for a just and better world by sonia hernandez
if anyone has other recommendations related to anarcha feminism, plz let me know :)
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crypt1d-cr3ature · 5 months
My take on fem! Alastor! (Alissa? Allison? Andrea? Alessandra? What should her name be?) I did my best to stick to 1930’s fashion and silhouette while still making her clearly Alastor. Plz enjoy the speedpaint ❤️
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tornrose24 · 1 month
I was at Deviantart looking at the wraith forms of Andrea and Emmie but I was wondering if they react if they become wraith and even as far visiting the ghost world. Bonus if u do the sketches plz.
I'm not doing requests right now. I actually did do a wraith form of Andrea for that story swap/Amphibia AU.
I'd imagine Emmie would like it and be really excited. Andrea... honestly I'm not sure. She'd be freaking out for a bit but then would be chill.
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knickynoo · 5 months
Music to Write to Master List
I rely very heavily on music when I'm writing and have curated a handful of playlists over the years and discovered several albums that really help me get into Writing Mode and set the scene. I thought I'd put together a post sharing some of my favorite instrumentals. (These sources are also fantastic for wandering around aimlessly while intensely daydreaming, btw. I know this from personal experience)
Everything under a cut, since this will be long. All included links will redirect to Spotify, but I'll include titles and artists so they can be found elsewhere.
Full of beauty/emotion/hope
• The Musical Journey by Jonas B. Ingebretsen: cannot stress enough how much I love this one. It's the entire hero's journey in a single album. It is PERFECT for sending your little Mind Blorbos on a quest. Highly recommend listening to it in order and all the way through. His recent album, The Musical Journey Pt 2 is also great.
• Pinnacle by Steven Coltart and Marcus Warner: Some gorgeous music in here. In particular, "Stories of Hope" and "Earth" are two of my favorites.
• Coming Home by Soundcritters
• The First Five Years by Denny Schneidemesser
• Emotion by Keith Merrill
• Unfolding Beauty by Stephen Tait & Tom Tideway
• Letters From Earth by Colossal Trailer Music
Tinged with sadness and full of longing
• A Way Home and The Traveler by Omar Raafat
• Disaster is Restless by The Defiant Heart
• Better by Now and Somewhere Else by From Somewhere Quiet
• Drift Ten by The Echelon Effect
• The Stories We Forgot by Andreas Kubler
• Believe by James Paget
Jam-packed with action
• Epic Action: Fight to the Last Ship, Distorted: Rock and a Hard Place, Strength to Believe, and Blaze of Glory by Epic Score: these are just 4 of the over 40 albums they have, so seriously, check them out for all your action and adventure needs. The Rock and a Hard Place one is a top fave of mine.
• Grimoire by Soundcritters
• Time Traveller by Peter Roe
• Future Heroes III by Future Heroes
Rife with crimes/mysteries/secret missions
• Crimescene by Soundcritters
• The Truth Has Been Redacted and Conviction by Luke Richards
• Crime Thriller Score by Dylan Love
• Mission Tension 1 and Mission Tension 2 by Stephen Tait
• Mystery Solved: Film Noir Detective Jazz by Various Artists
Filled with pirates/generally take place on the water
• Drowning Abyss by Colossal Trailer Music
• Set Sail for the Golden Age by Anti Martikainen
• Oceans by Marcus Warner
• Pizz and Pieces 2 and Pizz and Pieces 3 by Thomas Howe, Stephen Tait, and Tom Tideway: Please listen to these, please please they are so delightful and bouncy and perfect for characters Partaking in Shenanigans
• Awkward Comedy Beds also by Stephen Tait and Thomas Howe: I have no idea what that title means but the music is amazing and silly plz listen
• Pomp and Whimsy and Pomp and Whimsy 2 by Howe/Tait (from above) and Alexander Rudd: for when you want silly antics but like...more proper. "Mischief at the Manor" and "A Royal Kerfuffle" delight me.
• You know what? This whole list is from these same artists, so just check it all out. Special shout out to How Very British and Cheeky Beats
Yeehaw! Giddyup! and so on
• High Noon: Vintage Cowboy Music of the Old West by Various Artists
• Vagabond by Gary O'Slide
• Americana Blues and Rock by Thomas Howe and Stephen Tait
Back in Time Babeyyy
• Vintage Jazz Instrumental by Vintage Cafe
• 40s Instrumental Music by 40s Instrumental Music (lol)
• Instrumental Love Songs of the 50s by Various Artists
• 50s and 60s Wild Guitar Instrumentals by Various Artists
• 60s Instrumentals for Dances and Groovers by Various Artists
• 70s Instrumental Greatest Hits by Various Artists
• 80s Instrumental Greatest Hits by Various Artists
Sorry, no 90s because I didn't like any of the instrumental collections
• Music That Hurts by Me: a collection of some of my favorite instrumental pieces that make me feel like I've been punched in the gut and am being turned inside out. But you know. In a good way. Favorites include "Sometimes" by Goldmund, "Places I Remember" by Kristoffer Wallin, and "Stop Everything! It's Snowing" by Good Weather for an Airstrike (that last one in particular is good at making me sob for some reason)
• Writing by Me: This is my gigantic writing playlist that contains a huge mix of some of my favorite "mellow" instrumentals. Many of the above listed artists are on it, but it contains, um...a whole lot more. It's 102 hours long, and has assisted me through many a writing session over the years.
And there you go. I hope that other writers & daydreamers find some things they can take from here and add to their own playlists :)
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Hihi! My brothers and I were bored, so we wanted to join in on this social media thingy! There are three of us, but I'll be mainly taking over! Because colors are pretty, we're color coding things! Yayyyy!
Little bit of info on us!
💜 Me! My name is Asapitos, and I'm a Pomefiore student!
💛 Andreas! He's in Savanaclaw! (If ya wanna talk to him it’s best to ask! He’s usually off doing “pretty boy things”)
💙 Iason! He's in Ignyhyde!
We're all second years, and we're triplets! Like the name states, we're technically Idia Shroud's bodyguards... but he's fineeeeeeee. Unless the tiny Shroud calls for us. We like the tiny Shroud
More stuff will be added later!
If ya follow us, prepare yourself! We will bug you!
Please no NSFW, it’s icky and we no no wanna!
Talk to us whenever! We like having friends!
Mr. Idia if you see this, nuh-uh. No you don’t
(Edit added! 7/18) Open to shipping with other OCs! Just DM first plz!
We also kinda write different! But if more than one of us is doing a post thingy we’ll color code that too!
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overheard-in-hlc · 10 months
[in the groupchat] andrea: pretty sureijust got glass in my foot olivia: take it out emma: no leave it emma: livens up the place mia: andreas foot is so boring mia: andrea if someone asked me my top three most boring additions to this world id say your foot that you have to shank with glass so people find it more interesting mia: are you ok emma: andrea plz repoinsd andrea: what would you do if i died of glassy foot and that was the last thing you said to me andrea: what if i got so mad that i forgot there was glass in it and stamped my foot and it shot up into my brain and died stephanie: i just laughed so hard i heard something click in the bakc of my headim scared
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taringill · 1 month
Saw your post about Casey jr and his girlfriend Andrea having a kid in the future named Cody and I'm desperate to see a reference for him and any other future rise kids of your other rottmnt couples plz!
Hi. Thank you, I am very pleased that you like my work and are eager to see the next gen❤️ BUT! Please wait. I don't have anything ready right now. What I have already drawn a long time ago, and this is very little, I need to redraw. In short, I still have a lot of work to do. Plus, I have some more ideas that I really want to implement! I'm taking my exams and graduating from school this year, I'm going to be busy. Accordingly, there is less free time for drawing, but I will try to finish everything as soon as possible.
In short, guys, the rise next gen should be! Just wait and don't push me, please!!! I hope for your understanding🙏 And I have every right to post it whenever I want. Thanks!
This is how the mini announcement turned out😅
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whatudottu · 1 month
I have my own headcanon(it's kind long so buckle up plz 😅sorry) that after the entire shit agreggor the andromeda 5 got therapy which was actually paid by the plumbers and bivalvan kept in touch with raad and galapagus along with Andreas to some extent the tech level on his planet isn't very high and he has trouble with understanding tech most of the time sadly they didn't talk with pandor that much cuz he is still criminal they (at least bivalvan and raad) decided to file document so that most universal news reports will leave them the hell lone and stop pesting them by asking what happened when they were being hunted by Greg galapagus's people were quite understanding about what happened and never pestered him about it and Andreas family were just happy that he was back
Haha, everytime I see this ask I always see it when it’s too late to respond to it for whatever reason :P sorry about that lmao-
I also think that the Plumbers (at least initially) provided a therapist for all the trouble, though maybe they don’t fully trust their competence thanks to Aggregor stealing them out from Plumber hands (Andreas would be ambivalent about the Plumbers since he was kinda assumed dead and thus not assisted by them beyond watching one be killed in the shared cell), so either whatever therapists they had on staff offered referrals for xenopsychologists in the area or the Andromeda 5 had to actively seek their own independent therapists. Since I see the Andromeda 5 staying on Earth at least as temporary asylum while the Plumbers or someone else figures out an intergalactic route to send everyone home, if they were ever gonna get therapy might as well share the one who gets to have a collective context to work from, so why not use my therapist oc Chio :P I’d say honestly my version of Andromeda 5 probably was going to return home, but between the long wait (because damn it’s a novelty to go across galaxies and it’s one a bad guy just so happened to afford and access) and maybe P’andor having to serve his sentence for the crimes he committed on Earth, they probably ended up just staying for their own individual reasons and thought this band of weirdos they’ve formed might’ve been missed if they DID return home.
I will say I have steeped myself in my own little headcanon sphere revolving around the Andromeda 5 both as individuals and taking a gander at their species and planet (we here and whatudottu incorporated LOVE ant biology talpaedans), so thank you for sharing your version of headcanons for the Andromeda 5, it’s lovely to see what directions different folk take with undeveloped worlds to fill them out.
Oh but universal news reports, I didn’t even think about THAT! Hah, as awful as it would be realistically imagine if there were true crime girlies of the intergalactic community (hell, even just planet based communities) that were kinda commenting live on the disappearance and presumed death (or even assumed to be the criminals, since Galapagus was one of two folk to be attacked by Aggregor and the other left a body, not to mention the fact that P’andor is literally trapped in a prison suit if he wasn’t just freely given he could’ve ‘escaped without a trace’ and be a hot topic for a bit), and then when 5 separate planets’ mysteries ended up being linked to each other!? Even if a majority of the Andromeda 5 doesn’t trust Plumber therapy, they’re certainly gonna need that witness protection!
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bigahhhcho · 2 months
any of my n8tives got Andrea Chato? hmu plz 😩
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bunnydoobles · 5 months
old info board thingy!!
okay, so i saw these little information arcana boards around and i made one for Andrea a long time ago because i liked answering little questions for him and giving him cute depth and details and whatnot! the sprite is REALLY old (at my first time drawing Andrea digitally) but here ya go!
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here's what it says if you can't read it for whatever reason!!
SEXUALITY: Homosexual
BIRTHDAY: March 5th
HEIGHT: 5'5 (165cm)
OCCUPATION: Magican Apprentice
SCENT: Roasted Pumpkin Seeds and Parchment
VOICE: It's smooth, but anxious.
Very loud when provoked.
MAGIC CAPABILITIES: Has a knack for potions, luck charms, disguising spells, fortune telling, small illusions, practically anything he can be taught.
Lepis (Familiar and platonic soulmate)
Coventina (Mother)
Derian (Father)
FAVOURITE DRINK: Elderflower Citrus Oolong Tea
FAVOURITE STARBUCKS: Usually only goes to get a chocolate cakepop, but enjoys a Javachip latte from time to time.
FAVOURED SPORTS: Baseball, softball, kickball... Anything that involves hitting things and bases.
RIDE: Na'vi River Journey
FAVOURITE MANGA: Ouran High School Host Club (guilty pleasure)
i love my silly apprentice character, please feel free to ask anything about him (no srsly plz ask, im begging of you, hes my silly boy and i wanna rant about him)!!
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divinedxsign · 8 months
open to: f/nb relationship: anything except one-night-stand plz
The water from the shower was hot enough to almost scald her skin, but it was acting as a distraction, keeping her mind on something other than the awful week that she’d had. So lost in the feeling of the water hitting her skin was she, that Andrea didn’t hear the bathroom door opening, didn’t notice they were in the room until sound of bare feet hitting the damp tiles was audible behind her. The redhead didn’t get the chance to turn around, however, before arms wrapped around her waist, Andrea’s breath catching in her throat.
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