#//dw i love random asks id never ignore one!
comphetforreal · 2 years
okay gonna do the WHOLE march tc challenge in one go lets go boys
R will be in red, M in blue and T in yellow, general stuff in purple
1 - if you could change one thing about your tc, physical or personality-wise, what would it be?
i wish R was kinder ngl, as much as i like to go ooooo hot sexy dominant man, hes kind of like an genuinely scary rude teacher sometimes, i wish he was just Kind Of Strict, he doesnt actually teach me but i hear if youre good and actually try in his class hes nice to you, the other day my actual crush/best friend (like My Age dw) asked him about isomers coz they want to take chemistry a level and he acc got excited and told them abt it :( /pos
I WISH M WAS MY FCUKING TEACHER, bit late now considering its year 11 and i am NOT doing chem a level, ugh hes just so nice i love him sm
with T ngl like i wish she was more considerate about trans stuff, okay so no like, shes not a bad person, just a few times she’s made comments that are, a bit uncomfy like she was like oh i dont get how someone can be a man and a woman which i get coz shes like 40 smth years old but lol </3 we ignoring
2 - are they "your type", or was falling for a person like them completely unexpected?
T is a milf so- /j
as in im not sure, i dont rlly have a Type, so idk for any of them tbh
3 - if they were an ice cream flavor, what would it be?
R - peanut butter ??? is that even a flavour idk
M - Vanilla.
T - salted caramel or like pineapple/mango
4 - imagine you have a whole weekend to spend with your tc. what would you guys do?
i like to fantasise about T like helping me with spanish and being rlly happy at my interest in the language and how good i am at it, but that sounds like a really sad way to spend your weekend,
hmmm, like if we could do anything? ngl it would be so nice just to sit and chat with her, maybe go to a cafe, go on a walk, smth cute like that
for R idk, honestly again just talking, a walk, going to a cafe, maybe going to a shop? just looking at stuff, just the simple things really
for M, im imagining going for a ride in his car, like windows down, the suns setting, music playing, wind blowing our hair about, and again, ik im boring but, just talking about anything and everything yk
5 - what's their biggest talent?
as in T is bilingual which i think is amazing but tbh she IS a spanish teacher, she is spanish but learnt english as her second language, she’s also rlly funny i love her :)))
6 - be honest: would you guys be a power couple or not?
me and T FUCK YEAH
me and M would just be like father and his awkward son we wouldn’t even BE a couple
me and R would be like old couple that argue all the time but at the same time hes very hot, idk i cannot imagine him as anything else than Hot Teacher Man
7 - if they knew about your feelings, would they confront you about it or ignore it?
since none of my feelings are romantic it isn’t as bad here, if T knew about my weird emotional attachment to her she would just be like aww then move on w her life tbh
M again might think it a bit weird i’m so attached to him since weve spoken ONCE but overall would just be like aww cool ig and move on
R would just be disturbed and confused as to why this random lesbian he’s never spoken to has decided he as a man is hot
8 - are they a good singer?
i have never heard any of them sing but i think T would be decent enough to like do some karaoke for fun or sing along to some songs
help i feel like M is kinda bad, yk when someone has one of those voices where you just Feel like they cannot sing
R’s voice is rlly deep so i think he’d be able to sing super low and it would be Sexy
9 - if you could choose an outfit that your tc had to wear every single day, what would it look like?
T has this one rlly nice dress that’s like a white shirt on the top and a long navy blue skirt, i think smth like that
M literally wears a white shirt with dark blue trousers and tie EVERY SINGLE DAY i guess id choose that, id want it to be what my tcs would be comfortable in
R would look rlly hot in a hoodie and jeans ngl, i think we in the tcc have agreed that teachers in casual clothes is somehow hot
10 - are they more academic, artistic, or athletic? what about you?
M is defo academic, on his linkedin that me and my friends found he was saying how he has such a love of learning and loves to know new things 😭😭 /pos
11 - do they inspire you as a person?
no bcos fr T inspires me to like, not be a spanish teacher, coz id rather die than be a teacher, but i’d love to be a tutor and help people with spanish, also as a person she is super funny and kind and it’d be so cool to be like her, and also i want to be fluent in spanish too, not necessarily bcos of her but she’s like a reminder to keep working at it
M kind of inspires me too, in the way that he has such a love of learning and genuinely loves teaching which is amazing and also he is a very kind person from what i know like he always helps students outside of class if they need, whenever the school does charity events he always donates and encourages us to as well if we can, and tbh he’s rlly polite like he always holds the door open for ppl and overall has such a nice approachable vibe, tbh i think i have never met a Man who is a genuine nice person before so i’m a bit in shock /hyp
12 - are they an early riser or a night owl?
OMGGG M once said he always gets up early and prefers to do stuff before work coz that’s when he works best
i dont acc know about R but he definitely SEEMS like a night owl
13 - have you ever made each other angry or upset? if so, how did you reconcile?
no actually, but ngl in my first lesson with R, it wasn’t an actual lesson, he was covering my english lesson for some reason ??? but he shouted at some younger years who had to come in to get smth and i nearly had a panic attack coz i was so scared of him !!!! 😁 /s
tbh i don’t think he was actually that scary but i was already upset and in a bad place mentally that day so i think him shouting rlly loud set me off coz like i was literally shaking and i was writing out my notes 😭😭
14 - do you ever find yourself imitating them, either consciously or unconsciously?
yes i imitate T so muchhh, the way she like gestures and stuff i always do
15 - what do you think their love language is? what's yours?
with T she definitely seems like a Quality Time kind of person
I think M is acts of service or quality time
R would be acts of service, tbh i don’t rlly know what mine is so 💀
16 - have they taught you anything that isn't school related? valuable life lessons, insights on how you feel about yourself, etc?
M has honestly just given me hope that not all cis men are horrible people /hj
17 - what would they have to do to make you lose feelings for them?
be like seriously bigoted, either that or relentlessly give me or my friends sanctions for nothing
18 - are they introverted or extroverted? what about you?
T is definitely extroverted
I think M seems extroverted but in reality is an introvert, either that or hes an ambivert, like yk in the middle
R is an introvert for sure
19 - who's more likely to start rambling about their interests while the other listens?
me. i talk so much. it is embarrassing.
not to my tcs but just in general 🙁
i feel like M would talk for ages tho like rambling about stuff
R maybe as well if it was like explaining smth to me
20 - do you feel guilty about having feelings for your tc?
with T not rlly, it’s just im a bit emotionally attached but don’t feel Bad
same w M really it’s just i think he’s rlly cool
with R i feel SO BAD that ive made this poor man, who’s never interacted with me in his life, my personal victim of my comphet 🙁🙁 ik i cant help my feelings rlly but still
21 - are you insecure about them liking another student more than you?
with T kinda yeah, like i wanna be her favourite ;-;
i kinda am already tbh but ygm?
22 - what kind of hairstyle would you love to see them in?
i like T in all hairstyles but i rlly love when she does half up half down or in a bun but also when her hair is down, tbh her hair looks so good all the time aaaaa shes so pretty
23 - do you think they trust you?
idk, as in, i think T trusts me in the way that, if she left the classroom i wouldnt cause havoc and misbehave, and she knows im not gonna cheat or slack off, and id only be like not trying if i was horribly depressed, but she wouldnt tell her half her life story ygm?
25 - have you ever drawn them or written about them to vent your feelings?
nah this is so embarrassing but this is Teacher Crush Tumblr so idc
i have an ed and sometimes i imagine M and/or R having one too to help me feel better, or like them going through similar stuff to me in order to help me cope
26 - how do you feel when you're around them? are you so nervous that you can't concentrate, or do you just feel happy that you get to spend time with them?
with T im just happy coz shes super cool and nice
with R i am a bit terrified tbh but also sometimes i just wanna stare at him but am scared of being caught
with M ngl the few times ive been in a class w him i kinda wanna get his attention,,,, its the crave for male validation *sigh*
29 - have you ever tried to get over them?
tbh none of mine are proper romantic feelings so no <3
30 - if someone nice your age showed up in your life and you caught feelings for them, would you move on from your tc?
i have a crush. who is my age. xe has a girlfriend.
again none of mine are romantic feeling just weird attachment so
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pizzcboy · 8 years
*the arrow misses Glen's head only by inches and hit the walker between the eyes before it could bite him* (hello ^-^ ignore me if you want)
    If he had a nickel for every time he almost got nailed by an unidentified flying object, Glenn would probably be rich. Unfortunately, money has no value these days so he wouldn’t really be wealthy, at least not in a materialistic kind of way, maybe he could be rich in spirit instead. Anyways, the arrow that so narrowly avoided his face nearly made him jump like a cat, quickly pulling out a pistol that had been precariously hidden under his shirt..
    That’s when he heard something heavy fall to the ground behind him. It was a walker. The arrow that previously missed him was lodged dead center between its eyes.. A perfectly executed attack, he’d never seen such precision before.. Despite the fact this stranger killed the walker that had nearly taken a chunk out of him, Glenn still kept his pistol out.. Better safe than sorry..
Tumblr media
“Hey thanks for that! Didn’t even realize it was behind me–”
                                                                                              || @prplhawk ||
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