#//even a supposed demigod can have dumb moments
astrumborn · 1 year
"...Lucen? ......Why is there a bite taken out of this bar of soap??" Roako is confused and holding a decorative soap bar with a sizable chunk out of it.
Their face was still contorted in disgust at the initial taste of the soap! Now they were embarrassed too!
"..Well...I didn't think of it as soap....at first. "
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skzsauce01 · 2 years
The Depths of Your Love
Synopsis: After a fight with your boyfriend, you escape to the lake to clear your head. Or, you don’t deserve a boyfriend as loving as Chan.
Warning: mentions of weapons, scars, inadvertent self-harm
Word Count: 2.1k
Pairing: son of Poseidon!Chan x child of Ares!reader
Camp Half-Blood AU Masterlist
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Technically, you’re not supposed to be here. It’s nearly midnight, the half moon’s shining image rippling across the mostly still surface of Canoe Lake. If Mr. D catches you, you’ll be cleaning the pegasus stables for a week, and that’s if he’s feeling generous tonight. But water has always calmed you, and after the fight you had with your boyfriend, a plunge into the cold depths is desperately needed.
You unlace your battered combat boots, leave them on the wooden dock that is in need of repair, and sink to the bottom of the lake. The naiads living there know you well by now, and they know to leave you alone. You inherited your father’s famous temper, and though you rarely bark at them, no one ever wants to cross a child of Ares.
That’s how fights always start between you and Chan—your natural, Ares-given constitution to blow everything out of proportion because no matter how hard you try, the rage bubbling inside can’t always be contained. Chan (rightfully) decided that Minho won the sword fight and then your siblings laughed at you for losing to Minho and your anger just… burst. You don’t believe in ugly screaming matches, so you gave him the cold shoulder all day and pointedly sat as far away as you could from him during the campfire song. It was petty and dumb, but petty and dumb is better than angry and reckless.
You poke a finger into the silt and write “I’m sorry,” like Chan will be able to receive the message. You’re pretty sure you spelled ‘sorry’ wrong, but it’s not like he’ll know the difference. As you draw little stick people with swords, you let out an involuntary sigh, making bubbles rise to the surface. A brave naiad swims overhead and pops several, and you let out a few more just to make someone else happy. He loves the naiads so much. With no one in his cabin to guide him, they taught him all about Poseidon’s powers and even the long history of the sea when he first arrived at Camp Half-Blood. They just tolerate you. The moment he’s near the lake, they swarm him for the latest news.
You wipe away your gruesome picture and write whatever the dyslexic equivalent of “I’m sorry, I love you” is. Your hand lands on a piece of driftwood, and you idly transform it into a spear. If you had used a spear in that fight, you would have won. You can beat Changbin with a spear and a sword, so how in Hades did Minho win? He must have cheated. Or Chan lied because Chan always—
You growl, turning back the spear into wood and discarding it back into the depths. All too familiar irrational feelings arise, and you settle for swimming in circles rather than shadow boxing. As you carve through the water, focusing on the fluidity of each stroke, your body forgets its anger and remembers its need for oxygen. You’ve spent two summers expanding your lung capacity, trying to stay underwater as long as you could with Chan, but it’s not enough now.
When you finally can’t take it anymore, you race upwards. The naiads observe you closely to ensure that their favorite demigod’s favorite person won’t drown. Are you still his favorite person? Your heart pounds, and your lungs burn. When you finally break the surface, gasping wildly for air, you don’t even bother trying to keep quiet. The night is a different kind of cold from the water, and though you think you’re numb, the impact is deliciously icy. For a second, everything terrible about the day feels like nothing compared to this. You savor the moment, churning the water below you with your legs to stay afloat, watching the wind gently stir the waves above.
However, the sound of footsteps on the dock makes you pause. You’re about to dive back into the deep before noticing that the silhouette looks familiar. It’s not Mr. D, but gods, it’s Chan who is possibly worse.
The water is his father’s territory and thus also his, but you retreat into it. For someone who accidentally starts a lot of fights, you’re strangely afraid of confrontation. You can’t out-swim him, so when you feel him approaching, you grab a stalk of a nearby plant and turn it into a trident.
“Woah there, easy,” he says, his voice distorted in the water. “I just want to talk.”
He throws his hands up to placate you or to show that he’s unarmed. Whatever the gesture means, you keep a tight grip on your weapon. Even though he means no harm, all your senses are on high alert since the naiads, fiercely protective of him, now circle you like prey. They hover around him like guards, and his worried face makes your stomach twist into knots. When he moves closer to you, you edge backwards and point the trident at him. Keep your distance until you can go in for the killing move, reminds the spirit of your father that lives in your head. You’re usually good at keeping it at bay, but your mind is muddled tonight.
“Please, let’s go up and talk,” he pleads. “I’m not mad.”
What kind of person wouldn’t be mad after what you did? A lump forms in your throat, heat crawls up your cheeks, and if you’re not careful, you’ll be adding more water to the lake. You try to focus on your breathing and the currents around you, but the instinct to attack is too strong.
Go, go, go!
Chan notices it before you do, and a jet stream forcefully knocks the trident out of your grasp. The two of you stare at each other, him with concern and you with guilt. You want to sink to the bottom and let the naiads bury you in the dirt. You almost hurt Chan. Chan who never did anything wrong, Chan who insists on loving you after all the stupid things you do.
Your eyes sting when you point up to the surface. Ares doesn’t cry, so Ares children aren’t built for crying. They grit their teeth and steel their spines and pick up weapons because at least fights are real and tangible unlike feelings. As you swim up, the lump in your throat grows, and by the time you’re breathing air again, you’re bawling. Apologies stumble out, red and raw. You don’t think you’ve cried this hard since you broke your collarbone during your first summer at camp.
“It’s okay,” Chan murmurs. He pulls you into his arms and rubs soothing circles on your back, or attempts to. Your wet t-shirt makes the motion difficult. “I know you didn’t mean it.”
But you did. You wanted him to feel the same betrayal you felt, however wrong it was.
“I shouldn’t have done that. Avoid you and shut you out,” you clarify. Saying it aloud makes it easier for you to handle, despite how much your pride burns. “You were right, and I couldn’t accept losing, but I never should have avoided you and shut you out. It’s my fault, I’m sorry.”
“Progress,” he softly says. “You’re doing your best, and I’m proud of you for that. Remember when we first met? You’ve come a long way.”
Coincidentally, the day you met Chan was also the day you broke your collarbone by falling off the climbing wall. In the middle of your race, he accidentally stepped on your hand, causing you to fall onto the hard ground, and in-between your tears, you flung every name in the book at him while he looked away apologetically. You knew an embarrassing amount of insults for a twelve year old. After two years and after coming to the epiphany that you didn’t want to be like Ares all the time, you finally worked up the nerve to apologize to him for the incident.
“I don’t ever want to be that person again. I think the gods stopped whatever they were doing to listen to me yell at you.”
He brushes away your remaining tears, chuckling when you instinctively shy away from his touch. Years of training have made you accustomed to hands on your limbs and torso, but your face is different. Only Chan is allowed to get up this close to you, and he always manages to make you flustered.
“You definitely left an impression on me,” he says. “But hey, things got better. You’re getting better. The you from five years ago would have done worse things than give me the cold shoulder. Just because you messed up once doesn’t mean you have to punish yourself for it.”
“Not punishment. I was just trying to clear my head.”
He knows it’s the truth, but your idea of clearing your head often leads to stupid things happening. More specifically, he doesn’t like you staying in the lake for too long with no one around on account of the time you almost drowned trying to set a new personal best for how long you could hold your breath. He says you push your limits too much.
“Hurting yourself, intentionally or not, counts as punishment,” he gently says.
Your skin prickles at his words, and a heavy stone drops into your stomach. Under the moonlight, your old scars from training glow white. Swords, spears, knives—you have your own little arsenal right on your skin. And in your lungs, memories of murky water and being set on fire. That’s the purpose of training and quests, isn’t it? There will always be war, and you need to be ready for it when it comes to Camp Half-Blood. Victory goes to the best.
“I’m fine,” you say, too quickly for it to be convincing. You drop your arm to your side like the water can wash away the past. “I’ll be fine. You worry too much.”
After a moment, he replies, “Take it easy, alright? It’s about the little steps.”
“I’m sorry,” you murmur again because you don’t know what else to say. There are too many things to untangle, and those two words seem to cover most of it. “Am I forgiven?”
“There’s nothing to forgive, but promise me you’ll talk to me next time. I know you don’t want to end up screaming at me, but at least I know how you’re feeling and how to fix it. Don’t ignore me again.”
“There’s nothing to fix, for you at least. It’s all on me,” you tell him. However, you hold up your pinky finger more for mortal ceremonial reasons than anything. “If I’m ever upset, I’ll talk to you next time and always, I swear on Styx.”
Oaths on the River Styx are not to be taken lightly—a fate worse than death if you were to ever go back on your word. You have no plans to, but the gods are watching now, and so is Chan. He’s bewildered, and the lake involuntarily churns as a result.
“That’s… a lot.”
“It’s what you deserve.” You take a deep breath and place your hand on his cheek. He doesn’t shy away like you but leans into it. “It’s a promise to you that I’ll keep trying no matter how hard it gets, and it’s a reminder for me that I can’t keep running when it gets hard. I’m doing it for you, but most importantly, it’s for me.”
Being the best means being self-reliant. Chan has been your ward for three summers, ensuring that your temper doesn’t get too explosive and that you swallow your stubbornness when the situation calls for it, but he can’t be your ward forever, no matter how much he wants to.
He tries not to smile, but the corners of his mouth twitch. “I just told you that it’s about the little steps.”
“I know, but you know me. I prefer all or nothing. You’ll be there with me, right?”
He places a chaste kiss on your forehead. “Of course. Now, let’s get out before Mr. D comes by. As much as I love the water, I don’t wanna get turned into a dolphin.”
You laugh and follow him back to the dock. The night chill is different now, no longer a desired numbing but an assuring sign that the world is in order. As you lace your boots on, Chan pulls the water off your clothes and skin, leaving you cold but dry. He holds you at his side on the slow walk to the cabins, and you realize how much you love the sensation of him beside you.
All is well, and all will be well.
A/N: The other stories aren’t as angsty as this, I swear lol. Also, thank you all for the interest shown when I posted the masterlist! I hope you all enjoy reading everything in the coming weeks <3
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demigod MC Series: Hestia
This is another eternally virgin goddess, so we're doing another pseudo-demigod by adoption (like we did with Athena).
Demigod MC: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena, Hades Pt. 2, Poseidon, Ares, Hestia
Hestia is the goddess of the Hearth, Home, Architecture, Domesticity, Family, and the State. She's high up there (firstborn of Rhea and Cronus), but several factors have led to her falling into the background when compared to the other (flashier) Olympians. She swore to never marry, rejecting proposals from both Poseidon and Apollo, and is something of an antithesis to Aphrodite.
Honestly? He thought they were exactly what they were after. A weak human with no experience in the magical world what-so-ever.
Well… He was half-right.
On the surface, this is a pretty weak human. They don't have super flashy powers or a divine birth from the gods… but they do have a very protective adoptive mother.
The brothers had just settled in for their first dinner with the new human when the goddess herself strolled into their dining room, asked who was in charge, then dragged Lucifer away by the ear!
She's not even his mother, yet he felt the intense urge to apologize and put himself in his own room… Oh, the humiliation… at least she did the same to Diavolo…
The Prince was only able to calm her down by promising absolutely NO harm would come to her child… on their heads...
By the time the goddess finally let him go, Lucifer was about ready to shackle the MC to his wrist so nothing could touch them but he settled on keeping them with him like an assistant of sorts. They were in charge of helping him with the paperwork so he could keep an eye on them. 
What he didn’t expect was for them to be so… good at it? They could keep his offices clean, they managed his daily schedule, fixed up the House, and still have time to bring him tea and sweets every night!
They could even reign in his brothers somehow… They weren't strong or intimidating, but one or two mildly unhappy words out of them and everybody would be on their best behavior.
Was everyone positive they're only human...?
As much as he hated to admit, he may have a slight deep case of falling for the housekeeper… He would make a move, but well…
He has Beel to contend with first.
Okay so, watching Lucifer get dragged out by the ear just like Raphael used to do to him was hilarious!!! The whole room got a good laugh! 🤣
Until Hestia glared at them and suddenly they all felt like they'd disappointed someone important….
And all that fuss over some dumb human??
So what if they made amazing food?
So what if they could clean the entire mansion in a day?
So what if they were the walking equivalent to a warm cup of cocoa on a winter's day??
So what if they were just the kindest, sweetest thing in this godforsaken hellscape and he would throw himself in front of a bus to keep them safe-
-Wait, when did that happen?!?
Seriously, Mammon's attachment to the MC came out of NOWHERE to him. One day, he was threatening to eat their soul and the next he's freaking out when they stub their toe!
He swears they have to have some kind of magic about them! A charm, or a spell, or… their lovable smile and warm, loving hugs...! 😊
Damnit!! They're too cute!! He needs them to go away but also never leave, thanks. 😒
In all seriousness, though their kind nature puts Mammon's tsundere self at a bit of a disadvantage, his protective instincts shoot through the roof whenever they're involved.
Naturally, that means his day is spent running them away from hungry lesser demons or shielding them from Beel and Lucifer's tug-of-war matches… He's a busy guy these days. 😖
They're so… so… MOE!!!
That was his immediate thought when Mammon brought them home. He was expecting a defenseless human, but not one that could have stepped out of one of his slice-of-life manga!
To be honest, his instant thought was try and find a place to sit them on his shelves with the rest of the adorable characters he loves… 😅
And that was before they even opened their mouth! Five words into their introduction and he was ready to get their face on a t-shirt!!
Honestly, combine their natural cuteness with their household skills and they made for perfect waifu/husbando material… 
Not helped by the fact they found one of his maid/butler outfits while doing the laundry one day. Not only did they ask if they could wear it, they actually non-ironically liked it and started wearing it around the House!!
Oh he got cornered by Beel, Lucifer, and Mammon separately that day because they thought he was using them for fetish fuel… But it was their idea, he swears!!
I mean… He didn't discourage them or anything either but still…
If Beel hadn't claimed them on Day One, Levi might have eventually thrown his hat in the ring too... Oh well… he can pine from a distance… What else is new? 😔
He has a video of Hestia dragging Lucifer out of the dining room on his phone and it's one of his most treasured possessions now. 😌
He is perhaps the only person in the House who was not at all impressed with their little human.
So they could cook? So could he. So they can clean? That's not impressive. They could manage a household? Big deal, he's more or less been in charge of the same thing for centuries!
As far as he saw it, there was nothing the MC could do that he couldn't do as proficiently or even better. There was nothing remarkable about this human at all!
… except for one thing.
That maid/butler outfit of Levi's? The one they like to wear around?
It has cat accessories…
Either they don't notice or they don't mind it but they essentially walk around the House cleaning things with little kitty ears attached to their head and a bell on their collar…
Dammit… Why did Levi even buy that?!?
Satan ended up getting in trouble for enchanting their outfit to give them REAL ears and a tail "accidentally..." Lucifer strung him up by his toes, Beel gave him a black-eye, and Mammon still calls him a "perverted cat freak" but it was worth it, he says, worth it!!
Oh Beel…
Asmo saw Beel's feelings for the MC coming from a mile away. He didn't even need to confirm it with a sniff check, he had them scented by the end of their first night!
Lucifer, on the other hand, now that was a surprise... 😏
Ask him a century ago if Lucifer would ever consider a human lover, godly mother or no, and he'd have laughed! Yet here he is, giving gifts and sneaking whiffs of their adorable new housemate!
Of course, that's causing some commotion because they're pitted against each other, but Asmo finds it kind of cute honestly. 
Beel and Lucifer aren't fighting, not for real. The whole house knows Lucifer would win in a real brawl, but neither of them actually want to hurt the other… They're far too close for that.
So Beel tosses Lucifer around with kid gloves and Lucifer holds back considerably against Beel. It's pretty much just two brothers who love each other squabbling over the same toy… 🤭
Honestly, Lucifer might have bowed out by now and just let Beel have them but now his pride's on the line… thus an endless tussle between family and the sweet MC is in the middle, clueless to it all!
Tragic, is it not? But it certainly makes things more entertaining around here! (Good thing too since Beel beat him to the punch… If it's a fight against those two, he'll have to keep any of his own affairs with the MC under the radar... 😏)
He has claimed this one. Full stop.
For a bit of perspective: when Barbatos needs cooking tips, he calls Hestia. Hestia, the Divine Master of All Things Cooking. Hestia, the goddess who raised this MC… 
Needless to say if they have any magic at all, it's in the kitchen.
If food is the way to Beel's heart, this MC has claimed his heart, soul, and probably all of his vital organs. Their food is astounding!! Always perfect every time and so good it brings him to tears!
It started the night of that first dinner, prepared by MC. He was too busy scarfing down the table to even notice a goddess showed up and then he proposed to the MC with their own pig roast by meal's end!
They said no to marriage, but an instant pact agreement suited him just fine.
Beel didn't waste a single moment before he started treating them like a potential mate, territorial aggression and all, but there was a bit of a catch… He kept the MC totally oblivious to it.
Surprisingly, Beel's can turn the "They're MINE" part of his brain on and off pretty well. He's nothing but sweet and cuddly to the MC when they're around and even with his brothers!... as long as they don't try anything.
The moment he caught whiff that Lucifer might be pursuing them too, it was on. Suddenly the two brothers who almost never fight were in competition against each other! But of course, both have an unspoken rule to never do so in front of MC.
And now poor MC believes it's common for demons to "play wrestle" like puppies and hugs are traditionally supposed to be so hard they could snap spines… 
And it doesn’t look like they'll be backing down any time soon… Oh dear...
You know what? For once, everything goes exactly to plan for Belphie!
No really, this MC has no hidden powers, no magic horses, not even Demon Nip. They are a helpless, trusting little human who just wants to help their big teddy bear get his twin back!
So, you know how it goes. The charm, the lies, the treachery and all of that. He even gets to kill them!! Oh, happy days!! 😁
Come to think of it, they did smell an awful lot like Beel… But who cares, as long as Lucifer suffers right?? And this whole "living together in harmony" crap fails, right?!
Beel went ballistic. Lucifer did too, but Beel was what really hurt…
Belphie can safely say that in all of his life, Beel has never physically attacked him. Not once, or at least, not with intent to kill… 
But when the sixthborn's fist went crashing through the wall right by his ear that day, he knew his brother's first instinct was to aim for his head… and his second was to miss, as he still loved him, but only by just a little.
What the hell did he just do??
Thank their father for Barbatos and all the funky time stuff he can do because bringing the MC "back" snapped his angry brothers right out of it. 
Things should have been smoothed over at that point but as everyone was finally settling down for tea, Hestia made another appearance in the House… this time carrying a butcher's knife!
Time fix or no, Diavolo had promised her no harm would come to MC and at least one continuity of them DIED… so punishment was now on Lucifer and the Demon Prince himself!
Belphie, in a rare case of guilt and an expression of brotherly love, offered to take their place since it WAS kind of all his fault. His gesture softened the Goddess of Family juuust enough to lighten his sentence from execution to hard labor.
And thus, the MC had their own housekeeping assistant for a whole year, complete with bitter reluctance and a matching maid outfit! Cat-theme and all!!
He's sending nightmares to anybody who laughs… guaranteed. 😒
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
Make a wish
Paring: Solangelo 
Summary:  Will Solace is celebrating his 17th birthday, he just wishes his boyfriend was there to do it with him.
A/N:  lakjsljgklj: So I SWEAR i will finish wrtiters month, things are just really hectic because the holiday is ending for me soon and I'll be a student once again meaning I'll revert back to my schedule of posting weekly :( That said HAPPY BDAY TO WILL, a character that isnt seen and referenced as much as they should. Absoloute dumb smart person icon and thanks to @solangeloweek. sit back, relx and enjoy Will solace's bday week! <3 from Persephone!
Read on A03      Masterlist
“Happy birrthhdaaayyyy dear Williammm,” the Apollo cabin sang in a - honestly not very- harmonious tune. He cringed as he heard his full name being belted loudly throughout the entire cabin. He was finally 17. He had survived 17 years of life as a demigod and here he was celebrating them with his entire family; everyone who he would ever want on his birthday.
Except for one.
Nico Di Angelo- his boyfriend of 2 years and who was one year his junior- was not in attendance for Will’s birthday party. He had expected as such; afterall, he had been on an important quest for the past 2 weeks and his return was not expected soon.
Nico had brought this up before he left for the quest, telling Will of his worries that he would not be able to witness or be present for his birthday and at the time, Will had seen how desperately this quest needed his boyfriend and so selflessly, without hesitation, he comforted Nico and told him that it didn’t matter.
But now, as the moment was passing, he couldn't help but feel that he was lying. He was so pathetically wrong because deep down, it did matter and what was worse was that Will was almost definite that Nico also knew this.
Alas, he could not dwell on who wasn't here and instead he turned back to his cabin and blew out the candles, masking his face with the graceful smile that he so often forced upon his face, to the point where it had become a second nature.
“Make a wish Will!”
He nodded and smiled and perhaps, perhaps if anybody were to inspect Will’s smile any closer, they'd notice his eyes only creased in an attempt to hide the tears and that his smiling mouth was actually a painful grimace as he closed his eyes and wished for the one person whom he wanted most in the world.
The lights went out, in an epic flutter before the smoke, whilst invisible, made its mark through its tinge in the air, contaminating it ever so slightly. However, to Will- whose eyes were already weltering up with tears- the gentle tinge was all he needed for tears to start rolling down his cheeks.
He couldn't help but attempt to hide his face- he was 17 for goodness sake it was his birthday party! He couldn't cry now, not on a day when he was supposed to be so happy and most definitely over such a pathetically petty reason such as ‘my boyfriend isn't here’.
But no matter what, as the darkness set over him and all the other campers within the cabin, Will couldn't help but feel his mind overwork himself. If Nico was here right now, would they be by the lake? Would he be opening his gift from him? What would Nivo have got him?
He was so wrapt up within his own thoughts that he barely noticed the soft glow emanating from his own skin- it was gentle and solitary- the glow only appeared in one place- the left side of his chest; right over his stylised sun tattoo and more importantly, his heart. The glow seemed to pulse with his heartbeat, slow, steady- and the absolute tune of sadness itself.
Sadness is not fast, is not beautiful nor poetic as poets love to fantasise. It’s harsh like the wind against you as you grip your clothes and its unpredictable like the weather; it can cloud over the sunniest day and it’s sad moans echo through the howls of thunder. Sadness is not the absence of happiness nor is it the direct opposite but it’s like an addiction, it’s not a single emotion but a clamour of the worst- anger, depression, frustration, emptiness.
So when Will’s sad heart beat glowed with every sad beat, it was almost as if he was singing the melancholy melody within the cabin itself. Everyone was aware that Will missed Nico but to see one of their siblings- the one whom the most amount of responsibility was placed one, from such a young age nonetheless- made them all the more eager for the surprise they had in the dark.
“Sunshine?” A soft, slightly concerned voice from out of the darkness whispered. Nico had only seen Will’s heart glow once in his entire life - and that was when…
Tear stained and grieving, Will turned around to find the source of the familiar voice.The lights weren't on, but somehow the candles beside them on the cake were and in the softly illuminated room, Will could clearly see the slightly concerned, slightly smirking and 100% beautiful face of his boyfriend.
Will paused and rubbed his eyes; he wasn't so sad that he was seeing things, right?
“No, I’m not a figment of your imagination, Solace,” Nico clicked his tongue. His hands raised up to hand Will a present. “Happy birthday, sun boy.”
“Ni-co?” Will slightly hiccuped as he attempted to hide his tears, afterall- he looked kinda ridiculous now that NBico actually was here the entire time.
“You missed me that much?” Nico tilted his head, “ Maybe I should make surprise appearances more often.”
“I thought you were on a quest, trying to not die, forgetting the fact that it was my birthday.”
“I don't think you can put those last two facts under the same category as if your birthday and me not dying are even on the same level.”
“Obviously.” Will sighed as he rested his hand against Nico’s cheek. “My birthday is of the utmost importance.”
Nico rolled his eyes and gave Will the benefit of the doubt, knowing that only moments ago, Will was seconds from being so heartbroken he would have collapsed. He went on his tip toes and gave him a brief peck on the cheek as he slipped the gift into Will’s hands.
“Happy birthday Sun boy,” Nico murmured against his ear as he watched Will- his smile glowing- hastily unwrap his gift.
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barbarianprncess · 3 years
“Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.” and “Nobody’s seen you in days.” that would be inchresting 👀👀
for mari my beloved, 
(aka @chironshorseass ) 
as you know this sort of got away from me. one second i was writing a drabble of angst, the next I'm on the 16th page with no end in sight. so this maybe isn’t what you were expecting but have 5k of post-botl/pre-tlo pining idiot besties who are in love :). 
(also this hasn’t been beta’d and i'm welcome to volunteers i just finished and got so excited i had to post.)
(dear one anon who asked for 'forget it you're a fucking asshole' too, if you're reading this, don't worry yours is coming too i promise)
(final s/o to @posallys for letting me scream about them)
24 hours
read on ao3
enjoy <3
Percy is fucking exhasted.
He was supposed to be back at camp four days ago. The deal was he’d spend weekdays at camp to plan and train and weekends at home to relax. But, he kept putting it off, opting to keep the weight on his chest that’d been pushing him down since last summer bearable, and not crushing the way it always was at camp. So, when he gets through the barrier, aside from nodding hello to Beckendorph and Silena, he makes a beeline to his cabin. He manages to keep his eyes down until he’s standing at his porch steps- and that when he sees her.
Annabeth is pacing on his balcony. She’s wearing jean shorts and her camp shirt, but instead of her typical ponytail her hair is in two intricate braids that reach her breastbone. She’s muttering to herself and wringing her hands together and for a moment Percy forgets. He forgets the past year and all the arguing and the bitterness and he sees Annabeth is worried about something and he reaches out as if to hold her. To wrap his arms around her and tell her that everything is going to be alright.  
But then he remembers.
He retracts his hands.
He clears his throat and Annabeth startles. Her grey eyes are as intense as ever and he can almost see her defences come up. He hates that it's because of him. Annabeth is the first to break the silence.
“Hey.” Her voice is small but clear. Not yet vulnerable, but gives Percy the sense that it could be soon.
“What’re you doing here?” He isn’t sure he said it out loud until she ducks her head and flushes.
“Nobody’s seen you in days.” It’s not the accusation he expects. It's also not an answer to his question. Just an observation.
“I’m here now.” He says it like it’s an invitation. He then becomes incredibly aware that he's still looking up at her from the bottom of the steps, so he grabs his duffel, bounds up the stairs, and opens his cabin door. He hesitates and meets her eye with another silent question. She answers by stepping inside.
He drops his bag by his bed and turns on the light. The air is charged with unasked questions and unfinished conversations. He can’t stand it. He’s about to attempt small talk when she says something that nearly knocks down where he stands.
“I miss you.” She’s wringing her hands again and she won’t look him in the eye, but takes his silence as confusion.
“That’s what I came here to say, that I miss you.”
Percy isn’t sure what to say. Percy isn’t sure this conversation is really happening, she’s broken so many of the fragile rules they’d been following all year. He’s 98% sure this is a really vivid daydream to cope with…. well everything.
He decides that on the off chance this is real he should play it safe so, he states the obvious.
“I’m here. We’re here, together. We’re together and-” She cuts him off and begins to ramble.
“Strained and awkward and it's like there’s this chasm between us of all these things from last summer. From our kiss, to you dying, and then you not dying, and Rachel, and Luke, and Luke being Not-Luke, and it’s like we can’t have a conversation anymore and that sucks ‘cause..”
She pauses for the first time to look up at him and her eyes are shining.
“You’re kinda my best friend. And I miss you. Everything sucks and I'm tired of fighting. And I really miss you.”
Percy’s too shocked to say anything. It occurs to him that he should respond but he can’t find the words. All the unspoken rules they had in place and Annabeth had just steamrolled right through them. Percy realizes his mistake in staying silent as Annabeth flushes and turns to leave.
“Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.” And oh no Annabeth had just swallowed her pride (which he knows better than anyone is no easy feat) to say everything he’d wanted to hear and he can’t let her walk away.
“I miss you too.” The words tumble out of him, clunky and a little awkward but earnest. Annabeth stops and faces him, eyes suspicious in the way that breaks his heart a little bit.
“Yeah. Really.”
Annabeth exhales and shoots him a tremulous smile he hasn’t seen in forever, and oh he’d forgotten what it did to his chest when she did. Before he does something stupid like tell her he thinks her smile is the best this he’s ever seen, he clears his throat.
“So…. this chasm you said, what do you propose we do about it?”
“24 hours. For 24 hours everything that I listed before is a non-issue. After that we can go back to…..whatever it is we’re doing now. One day, where we’re just two friends spending a day at camp together..”
“Best friends.” He corrects without thinking. She rolls her eyes, and he almost giggles because he’d missed her eyerolls too.
She holds out her hand to shake, all business-like and gods he missed her.
“Best friends. 24 hours.”
He takes her hand. Her shake is firm, her palms are warm, her eyes are bright, and she is beautiful.
“Where do we start?”
Apparently it starts with homework.
After he asked where they’d begin, Annabeth had flashed him a wicked grin, damn-near dragged him off the porch, and made a beeline to the Big House. Before last summer, Annabeth had been “tutoring” him. Once a week they’d head down to the Big House and spend hours combing through myths and legends, practicing Ancient Greek, and all things Demigod 101. It probably wasn’t ever that useful considering Percy barely remembered any of it, but Annabeth had always insisted. After last summer they’d non-verbally decided to take a break from it (eachother), and they’d never started back up.
Usually he’d halfheartedly complain that it was pointless and say some form of ‘I know enough to not die and that's good enough for me’ every five minutes, but today he nods dutifully along as Annabeth talks animatedly about Orpheus, and Theseus, and all the other -eus’s. He’ll ask a dumb question that they both know he knows the answer to, but she answers him anyway. He watches the wisps of hair that refused to be tied down, and counts the tiny sunspots across her nose and the way she wrinkles her eyebrow when she forgets a name.
It’s not terrible. It’s kinda the opposite. He’d forgotten that she made studying not terrible.
He’s so screwed.
The stables are almost empty when they get there.
After 2 hours of studying, (one hour of studying, one hour of laughing and talking and calling it studying) Annabeth declared it was his turn to pick the activity. Tired of sitting still Percy lands on tending to the pegasi. It was one of his favorite things about camp plus he got to teach Annabeth something for once. Annabeth was comfortable enough around them but she never spent anytime with them that she didn’t have to.
When they entered the barn, Blackjack gave him a look and he blushed remembering all the times he’d come to the stables with Beckendorph to vent about how much he missed Annabeth, (He didn’t even know horses could give looks but here we are) and silently told him it was a long story and to be cool. Annabeth had stopped next to one of the cleaning stations and was looking at him expectantly. He cleared his throat and they got to work. He showed her how to brush them and how to get tangles out of their manes, where to scritch them and where not to scratch them. He showed her how to check their feathers and make sure their wings were healthy and how to get them to be still enough to check.
Annabeth was excellent with them, gentle hands and kind eyes. Whenever she approached one she would look them in the eye and talk to them like the intelligent creatures they were. Each time she got started taking care of a new steed she’d gently reach for the muzzle and say in a soothing voice:
“Hi, my name is Annabeth and I'm going to groom you today. Don’t worry, I'm friends with Percy, and he taught me exactly how to take care of you. If I’m doing something wrong, let him know and he’ll tell me how to fix it. I promise I’ll do my best to make sure you feel like a brand new pegasus.”
Frankly, it was fucking adorable.
Pork-pie had taken a special liking to Annabeth, telepathically asking Percy if she could groom him more often. When he told this to Annabeth she’d beamed and enthusiastically agreed to come down whenever she could. Percy had off-handedly suggested that they take them out for a bit and Annabeth immediately started to release Pork-Pie from his stall.
They flew over camp for what could’ve been minutes or hours. He was lucky that Blackjack could fly himself because Percy couldn’t take his eyes off his flying partner. Her braids held firm, but a few rebellious curls were now whipping with the wind. The atmosphere combined with the speed they were flying, made her cheeks red and splotchy. Her smile is brighter than the sun, and eyes- gods her eyes were going to be the death of him. The sun and her mood (he had this theory that her eyes changed color based on her emotions) had made them almost blue, they are full of laughter, and Percy adores her. And when she directs her sunshine-smile at him, Percy can’t help but smile back.
(He doesn’t stop smiling until they land.)
As they're putting their pegusi back in their stalls, Blackjack decides to give him some advice.
“I know I don’t understand all of your fragile human emotions, but I know enough. There’s a lot of bad in this world of ours, and from what you’ve told me about this war business it's only gonna get worse. You gotta make the most of the good.”  He tilts his head over to Annabeth who is cooing at a preening Pork-Pie.
“You and ladyboss, you’re good together. And really nothing else matters.”
He doesn’t have time to even think about a response when Annabeth is walking over from Pork-Pie’s stall, and telling him it's time for a picnic.
(“What did Blackjack say to you? You looked kinda flustered when I got you.” Percy almost drops the plate he’s piling with food from the buffet. He’s gotten three pointedly confused looks at the sight of him and Annabeth together and not strangling each other and a thumbs-up from Grover. He and Annabeth are getting their food and then they’ll go sit by the beach.
“Oh,” He clears his throat and goes with the first thing he thinks of. “Blackjack calls you ladyboss.” Good that's good, not technically a lie either.
“Huh. Weird.” Annabeth, seemingly satisfied with this, returns her attention to the grapes she is adding to her plate.)
“Where do you go?” Annabeth asks. She’s sitting next to him in the sand brushing crumbs off her fingers. They had been eating and watching the ocean in comfortable silence and Percy furrows his eyebrows in confusion. “Lots of days when you’re at camp for lunch and sometimes dinner you just disappear for hours. And I know you aren’t going home because your stuff is still in your cabin. Where do you go?”
It’s not an accusation, just a question. Percy gets the feeling she doesn’t want to know so she can disturb, she just worries. Percy knows her. He knows she’s always planning for the worst and she needs to be able to get to him if there's an emergency.
(It strikes him that she notices when he disappears and he feels guilty but also just a little hopeful. Because she misses him as much as he misses her.)
He stacks their plates and rests them on the blanket they’d been sharing. Percy stands up and holds out his hand, gesturing for Annabeth to do the same.
“C’mon, I’ll show you.”
He tells her to close her eyes. She gives him a skeptical look but obliges and holds out her hands, a silent request for him to guide her. It’s almost easier to take her hands in his without those trademark eyes on him. But it’s not any less intense. As soon as their fingers interlock sparks of electricity lick up his arm. Now that her eyes are closed he can look at her face up close without fear. Her curls had gotten more unruly as the day went on, and the ringlets that framed her face blew lightly in the ocean breeze. He leads her slowly towards the ocean, using his powers to dry any spot she walks on. He sees her brows furrow when she notices how far they’ve walked towards the ocean without their feet getting wet, but she doesn’t say anything. He parts the water for her to walk through, and when the water rises above their heads, he forms an air bubble that moves with them, keeping them dry. When they get to a good spot, squeezes her hand signaling for her to stop with him, but tells her to keep her eyes closed. Then he closes his eyes with her and calls out to the ocean's creatures, making himself a beacon.
Here I am, he thinks. The son of Poseidon.
Come to me.
Minutes pass.
“You can open your eyes now.” He whispers.
She does, and lets out a soft gasp, “Oh, Percy.”
He smiles and looks out at the scene before them. He’d come down here after a particularly bad day and just wanted to sit in silence. It was an accident, calling the creatures to him. Subconsciously, he must have sent a message along that he was feeling alone. And all sorts of sea creatures - from greek monsters and to great white sharks to your average cod had flocked to him. And he didn’t feel so alone. So now, whenever he couldn’t take the human world, he’d come down here and talk to the fish.
This time he’d actually concentrated on getting a message out and they did not disappoint. He couldn’t count all the animals that had heeded his call but it was a sight to behold. He had willed some glowing coral from the deeper ocean to stay in that spot, which created a multicolored tint to everything around them.
Normally they come right up close to him, but this time they were hesitant. And as he listened to the creatures and heard more than a few whispers of Athena and stranger, he’s suddenly reminded that she’s the only person he’s ever done this with. It’s his favorite place, and she is the only other person ever to see it.
“It's okay guys, she’s a friend.” He reassures them. When he looked back at Annabeth, her mouth was still hung open and she was staring out at the scene in front of them in wonder. He smiles at her dazed silence and uses the hand he’s still holding to tug her up to the barrier of the bubble. The first creature willing to accept Annabeth is a baby spotted dolphin. He swims towards the clumsily with eager fins and pokes at the barrier with it’s snout. Annabeth's eyes widen in fear and look up at him and it takes a second to realize she isn’t afraid of the animal, but of their bubble popping.
“Don’t worry, the bubble won’t break unless I break it myself, and it’ll last however long I want it to.” He reassures her. He senses her hesitation so he guides her hand up to meet the snout of the baby dolphin who seems fascinated with Annabeth herself. He reaches his snout and head bumps directly into the spot on the bubble where her palm is placed.
Annabeth lets out a laugh, the kind of laugh that sort of bubbles out of you without warning and it’s the best thing Percy’s ever heard. He watches as the shock fades for her features and she pets the infant creature through the sheen of bubble keeping them dry. The animals begin to warm up to Annabeth as well, and as soon as they figure out she’s not some evil Athena agent sent to destroy the ocean, they join in on the fun. Hundreds of ocean creatures of all sizes begin doing tricks, nuzzling up to the flexible barrier, all vying for Annabeth’s attention. Annabeth herself is happy to oblige. Ever consistent, she introduces herself to each creature she meets. She smiles and laughs and reaches out to all the animals she can. Percy is happy simply to watch her and keep the bubble up but then she turns to him, eyebrow drawn together in concern, pointing to a particularly awnry seahorse, and asks what it's saying.
“He says his name is Frank and that he’s ‘too pregnant for this shit.’”
Annabeth stares blankly.
“His words not mine.” Percy offers hands up in surrender.
Then she snorts and then they’re laughing, they’re laughing harder than they have in years, and it's that kind of hysterical laugh where everything around them makes it more funny, and soon Percy’s clutching his stomach and Annabeth is beet red.  As soon as it subsides enough to get words out Annabeth is shaking his arm saying “Do that one! What's he saying? Oh my gods what even is that? Does that one like me? That ones majestic, what's his name? Oh Percy, look!! Look at that one!”
So he translates and they laugh and he teaches her different species and Annabeth nods along like it’s very important stuff. She pets the baby dolphin through the bubble and listens intently to all the animals telling her stories, even though she can’t understand a word until Percy tells her what they said. And when it’s time to go he sees the tears in her eyes and tells Percy to promise the baby that she’ll visit all the time, even though they both know she can’t.
(Apparently the baby dolphins name is Arnold, and according to his mother, he was so enthralled by Annabeth because when he first saw her he thought she was an angel.)
(Percy thinks he’s not too far off.)
(“That was incredible Percy. Thank you so much for sharing that with me.” They had been walking in silence as they made their way back to camp using the bubble, enjoying the afterglow of their adventure.
“Yeah, of course.” She smiles at him and looks ahead.
He’s not sure why he does it but without looking at her he reaches out and ever so carefully, and brushes her fingertips with his.
Her breath hitches, but she doesn’t say anything.
Then suddenly, miraculously, her hand tilts and their fingers are interlocked.
And there's no pretense of guiding her somewhere, they’re just….holding hands.
And it's perfect.)
Percy thinks if he’s not in love with her, he’s pretty damn close.
Because this feeling, the one he gets in his chest when he looks at her, is what love feels like.  
When they resurface, they’re met with twinkling lights and the last three stragglers singing softly at the campfire. It’s almost time for lights out.
Oh no.
Annabeth seems to be coming to the same realization, as she clears her throat and lets go of his hand. He misses her fingers immediately.
“So, I guess we should start heading to bed.” She looks at him, hopeful but he’s stuck. Stuck in the feeling of dread at the idea of waking up tomorrow and not having his best friend. Suddenly the idea of leaving her side is so unbearable he can’t speak.
“Goodnight, Percy.” She’s turning around and backing away when the words lodged in his throat come unstuck.
“8 in the morning.” She turns giving him a ‘what are you on about’ look.
“That when you came and got me at 8 in the morning. We agreed on 24 hours. It's only been 12.”
She smiles slow and wide, “You know you're right, that math checks out.”
“We had very clear terms. We even shook on it.”
“Yes we did.”, she nods gravely. “It’s a binding agreement, we can’t just ignore it.”
“So what do we do?”
She flashes a wicked grin. “You aren’t the only one with a secret spot.”
Percy arrives in the Big House 20 minutes after curfew was called, exactly as Annabeth had instructed. He felt her presence before she re-materialized in front of him and in a low conspiratorial whisper tells him to follow her.
They sneak down to the basement and Percy is confused when she keeps walking towards the corner. She lifts up a floorboard and starts climbing down a ladder. She beckons him to join her and when he makes it down the ladder, he can’t help the smile that breaks out. It’s a sort of underground attic, complete with a worn dusty couch, blankets and an old TV.
“I found it my first year at camp by accident. I was down doing chores and one of the broom strings got caught under it. I didn’t have many friends except for….” She lets him fill in the blank rather than say the name out loud. “And when he wanted to be with kids his own age, I’d come here. There's only five movies down here and I memorized them.” She looks down at her shoes. “I know it’s not the sea floor but..”
“Are you kidding? It’s awesome. What are the movies?”
They dig around and end up finding two more that apparently seven-year-old Annabeth did not think worth the time. They watch Die Hard first, (“Oh my Gods I can't believe you haven’t watched Die Hard. This is a travesty. It’s a classic Annabeth.”) then Pulp Fiction, ("I can’t believe it, all the shit you gave me for not seeing Die Hard, and you haven’t Pulp Fiction?? You absolute heathen!") and Clueless. ("What? It has to be full of violence and toxic masculinity to be good? It’s a good movie Percy, shut-up.") Before he knows it, it’s 3:54 am shaking with hysterical silent laugher at Annabeth's impression of Dionysus.
“Oh my gods oh-OH! Do you know what we’ve got to do?”
“Uh-oh, what?”
She grins impishly and a little deliriously. “We’ve gotta go to our spot.”
“Ah, of course. Yes, our spot, totally.” He says in a voice he hopes is neutral, in an effort to gage if she’s serious.  
“Oh my gods.” She gasps, offended.
“I can’t believe this.”
“You can’t believe what?”
“You forgot our spot.”
“I’m sorry Annabeth, until four seconds ago I wasn’t aware we had a spot.”
“Oh my gods. I can not believe this-” He can tell she’s messing with him, and not actually mad.
“Annabeth, just tell me where it is.”
“I simply can not believe this, you absolute heathen-”
“Stop calling me a heathen, and tell me where it is.”
She smiles, “I can show you.”
“Oh, of course! This is our spot!”
Annabeth chuckles, “I told you.” They’re standing at the edge of the forest at the tallest of the rock clusters to the far left. It's the one they used to go to after their first quest, the place where Annabeth taught him the constellations. The place where he made his first real friend. Not people he hung out with to avoid getting picked on. Not a searcher who happened to like the demigod he found.  His first real best-friend.
They climbed up easily and lay down looking straight up at the sky. Annabeth points up at the floating memorials, and Percy dutifully recites the legends of how they earned their place in the sky. They're shoulder to shoulder and their fingers graze each other for longer than necessary. And slowly they lull into comfortable silence, arms overlapping, at some point Annabeth's head lands on his shoulder. Percy freezes for a while, staying absolutely still as if she’s a wild creature who could bolt at any moment. But then he relaxes, and she relaxes and he’s pretty sure she’s asleep until she takes in a shaky breath and whispers, “Hey, Percy?”
“We’re gonna be okay right?” He can tell she's trying to mask the vulnerability in her voice. And he can’t see all of her face from the angle they’re laying, but her nose is on his collarbone, and her hair is tickling his chin.
He closes his eyes, and he thinks. He thinks about Luke and Rachel and how nothings been the same since Percy blew up that mountain.
He thinks about seeing her for the first time, grey eyes wide hair falling off her shoulders and how even after everything he just went through, he felt safe. He thinks about ‘you drool when you sleep’, and the way she looked at him when he was claimed- awestruck and pitiful at the same time. He thinks about rolled eyes, stamped feet, and frustration always just under the surface. He thinks about silent truces, and letting guards down, and shared oreos in the back of a mobile zoo. He thinks about sweaty palms gripping each other in the Underworld, and shaky hands giving him a good luck camp necklace. He thinks about camp fires, stupid jokes, learning about the stars, and how the just fit.
He thinks about postcards and iris-messages, and how she punched Matt Sloane square on the nose. He thinks about how despite the arguing and the confusion about Tyson, she was always there when she needed him. How she didn’t hesitate to sneak out of camp with one of the first species he ever learned to truly fear, because he asked her to. He thinks about her in a dress and how tongue-tied him in guinea pig form. He thinks about her broken sobs and how she clutched at him in their underwater bubble. He thinks about winning a chariot race, the softest of cheek kisses and how in this world of gods and monsters, she’s the only thing he was really sure about.
He thinks about how she was the first girl he ever danced with, and how light everything felt when she was around. He thinks about how it felt strangely familiar when she fell off that cliff, and how only days later realized that it was the same desperation he had when Hades took his mother. He thinks about how gutted it was when he found out she was thinking about joining the Hunters. He thinks about his visit from Aphrodite and how even though she changed form, her hair smelled like lemons the entire time. He thinks about when he saw her on that cliff it was like the sun came out. How he saw her face and it was smudged with dirt and cuts but she was alive and he could breathe again. He thinks about how his throat closed up when he thought Artemis was going to pick her for the Hunt. He remembers how when they danced on Olympus, for a song she was prettier than Aphrodite.
He thinks about planning a movie date, and how he discovered Annabeth doesn’t get any less pretty when she’s mad at him. How she sat right next to him at dinner and how when she fixed his armour, his neck burned wherever she touched him. He thinks about falling in a whole and holding her hand and how they’d done it before but it felt different that time. He thinks about ping pong table meetings and how he became aware of the fact that he’d follow her anywhere. He thinks about the determination in her when she faced the Sphinx, and how the same fire was in them right before she kissed him. He thinks about how she tasted like smoke and salt, and how for the 3.2 seconds that his lips were hers, the first thing he thought was ‘we fit like this too’. He thought he was going to die but it was okay. It was okay that he was going to die, because he had gotten to kiss her. He thinks about Calypso’s Island, and how he dreamt about her every night. How when he crashed his funeral, she held like she couldn’t bear to let go and how that was fine with him. He thinks about the blur that was the labyrinth, full of unshed tears, words that cut, and how despite all the scream fights and the terror, and the barely contained rage, none of it lessened the fierce protectiveness he feels for her. How despite it all, she's still the best thing that's ever fucking happened to him. He thinks about the last line of her prophecy, and how she thought it was about him.
He loves her.
He’s not sure if he’s in love with her because he’s 15 and he hasn’t exactly had time to date around but he knows that for a fact. Knowing Annabeth, loving Annabeth has made him who he is. She is burned into his DNA. Somehow the 12 year old with princess curls and eyes that cut, crawled under his skin. He knows he’s done the same to her, even though they’re both too stubborn to say it out loud. They could never really leave each other, even if they tried.
So Percy shifts so he can see her face in the pale moonlight, brushes a curl out of her face and says,
“Yeah. It’s us Annabeth. We’re gonna be alright.”
She smiles soft and real because she knows him, so she knows he means it. He’s not sure who reaches out this time, but they're holding hands and staring at the sky in a silence that speaks volumes.
They stay like that until it’s sunrise and they have to sneak into their respective cabins. Looking at stars, fighting sleep, and forgetting about the rest of the world.
(They hold hands all the way back to her cabin.)
(He doesn’t stop smiling the whole way back to his own.)
if your still here hi! thank you for reading. send in prompts from this list, or any sentence starter you want to read. ask box is open for those and if you just wanna say hi :)
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
Mitsuko said goodbye to Selviya and went to play with other kids. Then suddenly, Kya appeared floating with his wings and then he landed next to Mitsuko.
Kya- hey Mitsuko, what are you doing? :3
Mitsuko looked at him with disgust but decides to answer
Mitsuko- nothing much, the game was way better before you arrived 😒
Kid- were are playing hide and seek :D
Kya- that’s cool! Can I join the game
Mitsuko- no
Kids- YESSS!!
Mitsuko- (are u serious?!)
Kya- okay, I’m counting, and the rest of you hide
Kya starts counting the numbers, while Mitsuko and the other kids started to hide themselves. Mitsuko didn’t know where to hide, so she saw Selviya and asked her for help
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Selviya smiled at her then Tells her to come with her to Her home-town moirvdonne, Mitsuko eagerly accepted and goes with her. leaving Kya all alone.
“Hehe i wanna see the look on his face when he realised we’re gone hehe” Selviya chuckled
“Nah he’s too dumb to realise!” Mitsuko added, Laughing with her
Kya Still counting,unaware that Mitsuko is gone and only kids are hiding. He wasn’t playing for the kids, only for Mitusko
*In Selviya place*
Selviya and Mitsuko Happily travelled to another City into another dimension Moirvdonne City.
“Hey! Lets go to my Favourite diner! It has the best Milkshakes!” Selviya Began, Mitsuko nodded
“That seems lovely!” Mitusko innocently added
The two get inside the diner, Unusually it is empty today, nonetheless They’re going to have milkshakes
“Selviya your back!” The Worker said
“Hey! Lance Hows things going!” Selviya asked him
“Better! So.. I suppose the usual?” Lance replied
“Nah i’m here for Milkshakes!, i’m going to have strawberry Milkshake and you Mitsuko?” Selviya muttered
“I’m going to have Chocolate Milkshakes!” Mitsuko uttered
“2 milkshakes coming right up!” Lance Declared
Mitsuko and Selviya sat on the table near the window, Selviya favourite place. Mintues later Lance came with their orders.
“Here you go snowflake!” Lance Says, while looking at Selviya
“Thank you, Sir lancelot” Selviya chuckled, Mitsuko Chuckles
“Ahh You got me! Like the fellas use to call me” Lance happily responded.
“Sure i did, Lancy” Selviya winked, then takes a sip of her Milkshake.
Mitsuko takes a sip too, she is surprised that this Beverage is amazing, beyond her imagination. She loves chocolates and she loved this even more. She loves everything about this place. Moments later people come inside the diner, the bells on the door started ringing , Meaning that people are coming. Mitsuko stopped drinking to look at the window. She saw the people walking, new strange places. She loves this place. The only place she know is the sky temple. But this place is amazing, there are alot of people, Alot of buildings. Even there are pets, Cats dogs and such. This place is Amazing and full of life and energy
“The milkshakes is delicious, and i like this place thank you Selviya!” Mitsuko Said
Selviya smiled at this, She knows that Mitsuko never been to much places like her. Knowing that Mitusko is kid and it’s dangerous to let a kid wander alone with himself/herself.
“Your welcome Mitsuko! I’m really happy that you liked The milkshake!” Selviya Responded, Smiling to her.
They stayed for a while, cleary Forgetting about Kya.
“Lets go Mitsuko! Lets take you home!” Selviya announced. Before Getting out the diner, Selviya paid then took Mitsuko
“Come again snowflake!” Lance yells
“Hehe! Will do Lancelot!” She yells back
They go back to The sky temple, Chuckling Because they remembered they Left Kya waiting, But they forgot about something, the demigods Raiden and Fujin..
“There they are!” Kya yells.
Selviya and Mitusko gave him dirty looks.
“So where were you been you two?“ Raiden asks as he Crosses his arms, Fujin along with him
“We went to have milkshakes!” Selviya Answered truthfully, Mitsuko nodded
“Hmm And when someone go for a beverage They take too long?” Raiden Argued, Cocking up an eyebrow at her
“Yup! Thats me!” She playfully answered.
“Then you must be an easy-going person, Who clearly Lacks self preservation instincts. Its too dangerous when you go out and take too much time, let alone taking a child with you! Selviya levsloky be warned if you want to do this again you may do it alone, leave Mitsuko out of this, she is a child and she is important!” Raiden declares, Clearly being patient with her.
Selviya didn’t reply, she didn’t reply because she is comprehending, what just happened. she knows its a bit risky but they’re making a fuss about it.
“O-okay?, I know you that you worry sometimes, But i’m not the saviour For nothing let alone a piece of a magical, Celestial being you don’t need to worry!” Selviya assured, Fujin Had enough of her, Enough of her arguing, enough of her arrogance, she bores him to death with her being a half Celestial.
“So you are a celestial huh? What do you want us to do? Bow to you? Worship you perhaps? What exactly is your point Selviya, you are arrogant like Frost no! Worst than Frost I don’t know how can Subzero tolerates you, Just leave Mitsuko alone! You can visit her at the sky temple but don’t take her with you. you bratty girl!” Fujin coldly scolded her, Mitusko is a bit scared
“Chill paps, Why are you Angry?” Selviya Asked
“Forget about Taking Mitusko and thats final!” Fujin warned, as he pressed his finger on her. Clearly angry
“Okay i get it get, sheesh, Overreacting much!” Selviya Added, as she slapped his finger off of her.
“Jerks!” She mentally whined, then left
Mitsuko is sad, because They Harshly Judge Selviya And making her leave, Like Arien. she just can’t understand why they are doing this they’re making her lonely by Shoving people out of her way.
Selviya of course didn’t forget Mitsuko, she does not care about the jerks, she will keep visiting her. Its just they misjudged her, they don’t know her that much and they Even lectured her about Lacking of self preservations.
The end! I like Writing about these kinds of chapters.
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thebigqueer · 4 years
A while back you mentioned something about the Apollo kids parents meeting up every one in a while and Apollo running into them during one of those times. Do you think you could write a lil fic about that?
ahhh yes that’s one of my favorite headcanons!!
thanks for the prompt, and i hope you like this! and, as always: i do little to no editing on these fic prompts, so don’t be too judgmental as you read through them. they’re definitely not my best work but i just can’t ever be bothered to look back aslkdjslfkd
this will be in first person because idk i really loved apollo’s pov in first person so i hope i do his character justice lmaoo
also as i was writing this i’m not gonna lie i felt really bad for apollo all he wanted was to have some time with his children 😭
also!!! we are!!! so starved!!! for dad!apollo moments!!!! bro can we just!!! see more dad!apollo moments!!!! come ON rick!!!! i didn’t realize how much i wanted them until i wrote this halskjfaslkjf 
I will say, I wasn’t quite sure what to be expecting when I came down to the mortal world today. It definitely was not to find out all of my exes regroup annually to mock me. 
Since becoming a god again, I’ve made it a personal promise to come down every once in a while. I’ve grown quite attached to these mortals, especially to my demigod children. After all, my own descendants are the best of all living beings; it’s only fair that I come and talk to them every once in a while. And, believe it or not, being around mortals helps me, too. It makes me find comfort in a world where lives may be short but lives are lived; as a god, I only ever exist. 
When I was human, though, I truly lived. It was exhilarating. Now that I am a deity again, there’s a hollowness that resides in me.
Sometimes coming down to this mortal world helps me simulate that experience of being human again. It helps me feel less lonely up in my world of immortality and timelessness. 
The sun blazes overhead as I traipse along to my cabin after just meeting with Dionysus. The insufferable bastard beat me once again at pinochle and would not stop gloating, so I decided to storm away from the wine god before he could start beating my ass in Uno.
However, as I approach my cabin, my rage ebbs away. My demigod children stand around the entrance, talking in hushed voices, and my heart bursts with warmth. It has only been a few weeks since I’ve last seen them, but each time I do, I feel only a flush of pride looking at them.
“My children!” I exclaim. “I’m here once again!” 
They all jump as if I’ve scared them. For a moment, no one says anything. Then they break apart and each of them offer me a shaky smile of their own. 
“Hey, Dad,” Will says, his voice a bit higher than I remember.
I step forward, happiness flooding over me. It hasn’t been too long since I’ve seen them but it certainly feels like it’s been millennia. “How are you all?”
Kayla pushes a pack over her shoulder. “We’re... good. How are you?”
Her words carry a bit of hesitation as if she’s nervous. Suspicion crawls over me. I cross my arms and respond, “I’m good too. Why do you have that bag over your shoulder?”
Austin, Will, and Kayla all turn to each other, sharing a look of panic. A shiver runs through me as I realize they’re up to something. I smile. “Ohhh, are you planning something? A prank, perhaps?” I rub my hands in anticipation. “Can I get in on it?”
Austin raises a hand and scratches his head. “Um, not quite. We’re actually... going somewhere.” 
Panic seizes my heart and I rush forward. “Going somewhere? Where? Like, a quest?” I reach out to my children and hug them, feeling each of their bodies in my arms. “Why did no one tell me? Oh, gods, what if I never see you again?” Tears well up in my throat. I’ve only just come down to the mortal world, and they’re already leaving for doom?
“No, no, no!” Kayla exclaims, pushing against my arms. “Not like that, Dad! Not a quest. We’re just going out to the city. No need to worry.” 
Relief washes over me and I laugh, taking my arms away from them. “Oh, that’s great! Are you going somewhere fun? Can I come?”
Before any of them can answer, a familiar demigod steps out of the Apollo cabin. They step towards Will and hand him a pack of ambrosia. It takes me for a moment to remember that it’s Nico di Angelo. He opens his mouth to speak to Will, then stops when they notice me. “Oh no,” they mutter. 
“What do you mean, oh no?” I ask, the claws of suspicion creeping over my skin once more. “What are you three up to? Is Nico coming with you?”
Nico whispers to the three, “You haven’t told him?”
“Not a good time,” Kayla hisses.
“Well, I guess now is a better time than never,” Nico says. They turn to me and state blatantly, “They’re going to meet their parents in New York City.” 
Kayla and Austin smack their faces and Will sighs. “You could have let us say it,” the blond mutters.
“Better to know from a child that isn’t his,” the child of Hades reasons, shrugging.
I blank. I was not quite expecting that response, and definitely not so casually. I stare at the four demigods quizzically. “Oh? I suppose that’s fair. But all three of you? All your parents know each other?”
“Um, well... they’re kind of friends,” Austin admits. “They... communicate often.”
A wave of humility washes over me. I will admit, it’s a little bit embarrassing knowing that the three people you’ve had children with all know each other and actively communicate. I would have suspected they’d feel a bit awkward with each other, but I didn’t quite expect they would be actual friends.
I tip my head in a sad nod. “I see. Well, I hope all three of you have fun today!” I’m trying not to sound too upset, but it’s a little bit hard when you’ve come down to the mortal world just to find out your children are going to be going into the city far away from you.
“Hey, Dad, we can hang out later!” Will suggests, a kind smile balancing over his lips. But he’s only saying that out of pity. He feels bad for me. This makes me crawl in further into myself.
“Yes, that sound alright,” I promise, feigning a smile. "But, really, don’t feel bad.” My shoulders rise and fall in a shrug. “The last time I met your parents their careers were becoming quite busy. I suppose you don’t see them as often as you’d like, is that correct? And at this point, you’ve been seeing me even more often than your own mortal parents. It’s only fair that you have some private time with them.”
A tense silence tightens the air around us. Austin shifts on his feet. After a moment, Kayla says, “Well, we better go. We’ll see you later, though!”
A cold fist seizes my heart.
Will winces. He reaches over and squeezes my shoulder. “We’re sorry to leave you like this, but we didn’t expect you to come by today. We can definitely do something later, though. The three of us will be back by six. Nico’s going to do ghost stories tonight, too, so maybe you’ll want to hear those.”
I wave my hand dismissively and try on a smile that doesn’t quite fit right. “No, really, don’t feel too bad. I’ll come by later and we can do a movie night together after Nico’s ghost stories. I’ll see you later! And have fun!”
They all glance at each other hesitantly, then seem to come to a collective agreement. “Thanks, Dad,” Austin says, pulling me in for a hug. The other two do the same, then all three demigods wander out into the sun, aiming for the exit out of camp.
Nico stares at me, eyebrows raised. “So, what are you going to do now?” Picking at their jeans, they add, “You’re Apollo, so I’m expecting that you will be doing something stupid.”
I frown. “Those are brave words for a demigod to say to a powerful deity.”
“You’re too mushy at this point to pulverize me. They’ve made you soft.” He means it as an insult but their eyes glimmer. A smile laces his mouth.
I offer them a smile back. “Well, I suppose you are correct. I shall see you for your god-tier ghost stories.” 
Nico shakes his head and turns to leave. “Please never reference modern things ever again.”
A little bit later, I’m balancing on a chair at a pizza shop in New York City. I’ve chosen the disguise of a businessman, mostly copying the image of a fairly attractive man I met on the way. Perhaps I will go and look for him after I’m done stalking my children. 
The scent of pizzas swirl around me, contaminating my nose. The excited chatter of families and friends surround me. Some afternoon sun pours in through the open windows, offering the entire pizza place a relaxed look.
Somewhere to my left, a large group eats and talks, laughter echoing from their table. All my children are sitting to one side of the booth, while the adults loom over them on the other. Will’s bright blond hair gleams blindingly as the sun washes over his locks. 
I wasn’t quite sure of what I was expecting from all three of my exes. Perhaps more gray hair, some wrinkles over their faces. No doubt all three of them have those, but they each look at peace, happy with life. There’s a brightness in their eyes as they gaze at their children. 
I understand that look. I feel the same pride when I see all three of them. 
Envy roils inside me. I’m not sure why, considering that I see the three demigods more often than they see their own mortal parents. Perhaps I’m just nervous that they adore their mortal parents more than they care for me. 
But I wouldn’t blame them if they did either. I’ve spent too long only caring about myself. A coil of embarrassment wraps around me.
But I’m changing that now, aren’t I? I wasn’t the best parent, but I can only hope my children are seeing that I’m here for them. I only want what’s best for them.
Another burst of laughter erupts from the booth, and I turn my head, straining my ears to listen. Naomi’s silky voice echoes over them: “...and just as he got up he tripped over himself and fell on the ground. Honestly, I have no idea how he could have been a god, but he sure was dumb.” Naomi sighs. “Maybe that’s why I thought he was so adorable. People just constantly try to impress me. He did, too, but at least he was failing. He may have been a god, but he seemed almost human the night I met him.”
With a shiver, I realize that she’s discussing the moment she met me. Red hot embarrassment spreads over my face. Gods of Olympus, that was a terrible evening for me. I was just so awestruck by her performance. She literally made me come down just to see her perform. I could barely contain my excitement when the show was over!
Will’s sunny voice stands out, amusement lacing his voice. “Speaking of dating, tell us about your new girlfriend. I don’t remember you telling me about her too much at our last Iris message.” 
My eyes widen. Girlfriend? I wasn’t aware Naomi was queer! A pang of guilt stabs me in the heart. What else don’t I know about my loved ones? I know I haven’t quite kept up with her, but shouldn’t I at least know this about her? 
Shouldn’t I know anything about the three of my exes?
The chatter continues for a bit longer. The adults discuss some more dating history, especially surrounding their humiliating encounters with me. I cower behind my newspaper, feeling only the heat of embarrassment under my skin. Why must I be such an idiot?
Perhaps this is why my children don’t seem to like to me too much. Because I only ever do things to embarrass them. Maybe I’m just a loser of a father.
As I wallow in my own pity, the conversation turns another direction. My ears strain a little more. This time Latricia is speaking, a whisper of nostalgia brushing through her words: “He sure was something. But I think that we can all agree on something: I’m glad he came into my life. Without him...” Her lips quirk into a smile and she brushes her fingers over Austin’s. “Well, without him, I don’t think we’d have each of you. He really brought light into our lives.” She sighs. “He may not have stuck along too much, but you three make it sound like he’s getting better. I’m just glad that... that you’re getting to talk with him again. It seems like he really is starting to care about his children.” Latricia’s eyes rove over all three children, eyes glimmering with satisfaction. “I’m glad he’s seeing you three in the same light as we do.”
My ears turn hot and a red blush coats my cheeks. She’s right; I do appreciate them. Without my children, I don’t know how I could have managed to get through everything I did. Even now, after all that’s happened, it feels as though I have nothing better to look forward to than knowing how amazing they are. Tears stab my eyes. 
And I almost jump out of my seat when someone calls, “You can stop hiding behind that newspaper, Apollo. We know it’s you.”
The voice surprises me so much I pop right back into my typical godly form, chiton and all. I’m already so embarrassed that I barely even realize that I’m half naked in public now. Grimacing, I stand and offer an awkward wave. “Ah, hello.”
Darren Knowles smiles at me, a knowing sparkle in his eyes. “You thought you were being stealthy, didn’t you?”
It’s been a while since I’ve really seen Darren, and the years have certainly aged him. Yet there’s still a flutter in my chest as I look at him. He doesn’t look so bad; he’s probably in his thirties or forties. I smile. “Well, I thought my godly powers would help disguise me.”
“Not as well as you thought,” Latricia remarks, smirking at me.
“How long have you known I was here?”
This time, Kayla speaks up. “Dad, we literally knew you were here the moment you got here.”
I blink. “And you didn’t call me out?”
Will shakes his head. “We wanted to see what you’d do. Gotta say, I’m surprised you didn’t do anything too spontaneous. Good job.” 
He’s teasing me, but even then I feel a brush of humility come over me. “Well, I have to say that I didn’t quite know you three only come together to make fun of me.”
Naomi waves her hand in a dismissive manner. “Only to make sure our children know how lucky we are to have them.” Her eyes rove over me, almost as if judging how much I’ve changed. “I haven’t seen you in a while," she notes.
The three adults share a look, carrying a silent conversation with each other. Will, Austin, and Kayla watch me as if they expected me to do exactly this. Austin laughs. “You really don’t take no for an answer, do you?”
I shrug. “I just... I don’t know. I know I already see you three often enough, but I suppose I just wanted to see how things were going. Especially with your parents.” I glance at them, my cheeks blooming red. “I haven’t exactly been the best parent in the past. I just want to apologize. And let you know that your children... Well, they’re some of the most extraordinary people I’ve ever met. You’ve raised them better than I could ever have.”
Silence lingers in the air, waiting for someone to make the next move. Then Darren gestures to the food before them. “Why don’t you sit? I suppose we’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”
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thefloorisbalaclava · 4 years
pragma - part thirteen
Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morales x Female reader
Warnings: canon-typical violence
A/N: I’m not a fan of this chapter at all but I hope someone out there likes it. I wanted to do a chapter from Frankie’s POV and then one from reader’s POV just to touch on how each of them are faring with this whole thing. I glossed over a few things from the movie because I didn’t want this to turn into a full on summary but...yeah. Here it is.
Summary: Frankie hates how quickly everything went downhill but he’s fighting through to get home to you.
pragma masterlist
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Frankie was already over this. He couldn’t think of the reason he agreed to do this. His hands shouldn’t be holding a rifle, they should be holding her.
And he wondered what she was doing now. The worst things always came to mind. What if her ex decided to come back? What if he hurt her?
Or what if something bad happened to her all because he was here and not there? She could easily go off and find someone else while he was gone. Would she do that?
His comm crackled to life as he stood hidden in some brush overlooking the place where this money supposedly was, but he could hardly make out what anyone was saying. He just wanted to be home. He wanted to be holding her.
They had made a plan on when and how they would get into the heavily-guarded home then met up again somewhere safe. I mean, if there was a such thing as safe.
It was downtimes like this when he would pull out the picture of her and just stare at it. Her smile. That’s all he ever thought about. Oh, and the way she laughed without holding back around him. Sometimes when he closed his eyes, he could see her standing right in front of him. Sometimes he saw her the way he did as Pope drove away: on her knees and crying into her hands. He had done that. She cried because of him.
“Hey, man, have a drink.” Pope slapped him on the shoulder, shaking him from his thoughts.
“Nah, I’m good.” He looked back down at her picture and ran his finger over it.
“You miss her?” Pope asked.
“What do you think?”
“Right. Dumb question.”
“What are you moping about, Fish?” Ben asked suddenly and now all eyes were on him.
“Nothing.” He shrugged and tried tucking the picture away before anyone saw but it was too late. Ironhead had stood and took the picture from him. “Give it back…”
“Hey, isn’t this-"
Frankie snatched the photo back. “Yeah, it’s her.” He put the picture away and avoided their gazes but that didn’t stop the barrage of questions and comments.
“I thought you two broke it off years ago.”
“Didn’t she, like, run off with another guy?”
“Didn’t she break your heart?”
“She’s hot man. Damn. She always has been.”
Frankie slammed his hand on the table then stood and walked away. Pope walked over a few moments later and tried to smooth things over.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly as Frankie stood on the balcony and looked up at the moon. Is she looking, too? He thought.
“Not as sorry as I am,” Frankie responded and Pope knew he wasn’t talking about what just happened.
“She loves you,” Pope started.
“Yeah, I know…and I fucking left her. Alone.” He kept looking at the moon. “You know, her ex-husband beat her, man? I broke his fucking nose.”
“He deserved it but…why are you telling me this?”
“Because all I can think about is something bad happening to her while I’m not there, because I’m not there. What if that fucker decides he wants to hurt her again? She’s alone, Santiago, and I left her that way.” Frankie had never really liked himself all that much, but now he hated himself.
“Nothing is gonna happen to her, okay? She’s a tough one. We taught her everything we know, remember?” And it was true. They both had taught her how to fight and defend herself.
“Still, I gotta get home to her. I fucking…love her.”
“You’ll get home. This’ll be easy, you’ll see.” Pope clapped him on the shoulder again and walked away.
Easy it was not.
First there was the money. Getting into the place went off without a hitch, sort of. But then there was no money. And they had all seen the picture of it. Where the hell would it be?
“What does that smell like to you?” Pope asked, sniffing around the room they stood in.
“Like a serious fuck-up,” Frankie said. He was angry and rightfully so. If all this was for nothing then…
They broke through the walls and found millions of dollars. Every. Fucking. Wall.
But that’s where the trouble began. The fucking money.
Tom got too greedy and tensions flared. This was not what he signed up for.
No one ever told him that this mission would have him flying a helicopter in dangerous conditions. Nor did he think that he would be walking along the side of a mountain with a fucking burro, but wonders never cease.
And late at night as they sat in the rain and freezing cold, he would carefully take her picture out and stare at it then he would look at the moon, if he could see it. He could be at home in bed with you. Warm. Soft. Loved. That was all he wanted right now. The guys would give him shit sometimes but he didn’t care—he wanted his girl.
He was tired of killing and tired of being shot at all for some money that they had lost most of anyway.
And then they lost Tom.
That definitely wasn’t supposed to happen. As selfish as it sounded, Frankie couldn’t stop thinking about what if that had been him. What if he had died and one of the guys had to bring you that news?
“No,” he said out loud, making the other guys look at him.
“What?” Pope asked.
“I need you to focus.” Pope was wound up tight and ready to snap but so was Frankie.
“I’m doing the best I fucking can, man! None of this was supposed to happen and now look, we have nothing to show for it! Our friend is dead because of this fucking money!”
“Calm down, Fish,” Ironhead said but Frankie only glared at him and walked away.
“Put the fucking picture away, Frankie! We don’t have time for that!” Pope yelled.
“Fuck you!” Frankie was on edge the entire trip but now he was about ready to go over. Everything had gone wrong. It was nearing the end but he had no idea how to deal with everything that had happened. They were speeding through some part of the jungle after a kid tried to kill them. “We should’ve killed that kid.”
“We’re not killing anyone else,” Pope said.
“Ben better be there or I’m fucking killing people!” Frankie shouted as he drove. Ironhead was the most level-headed, telling him where to turn and what to do. They spotted Ben with the boat—their ticket out of this mess. Over the dune and straight into the water, they all hopped out, shooting and being shot at as they carried the money they could along with Tom's body. As they sped away, he refused to look back. He couldn’t wait to leave it all behind.
Frankie wondered what she would think when she saw him like this—he had his hair cut and was clean-shaven. She was the only thing on his mind even with the stacks of money sitting in the middle of the table.
They had all decided to give their shares to Tom’s family and leave it at that. Even if they hadn’t, Frankie was ready to give it all up just to get home to her. He signed what he needed to sign and walked out into the busy street, breathing in the air and letting out a sigh of relief.
The other guys joined him soon after and they said their goodbyes.
“What are you guys gonna do now?”
“I gotta get home,” Frankie said, waving around the picture of her. “Got someone waiting for me.”
“Go to her, hermano,” Pope said as he hugged him. “I’m sorry for…all of this. For taking you away from her.”
“I get to go back now, don’t I?”
“And in one piece so she can’t kick my ass,” Pope joked.
“If you ever come home, I’m sure she’d have something to say to you,” Frankie said with a sad smile.
“Don’t make that face. You’ll see me again. Besides, I’m sure she’ll keep you so busy you’ll hardly think of me.”
“Take care of yourself,” Frankie told him.
“Claro que sí.” Pope hugged him one more time and Frankie finally turned and walked away. He had just said goodbye to one of his best friends and gave away over a million dollars but he felt nothing but relief and happiness.
Home. He was going home. And the love of his life would be waiting for him. Everything that happened was behind him now and as he put her picture back into his pocket and tapped it, he smiled.
Soon they’d be looking at the moon together again.
Tags: @cable-kenobi @saltywintersoldat @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @pedrosdoll @psychobillybunny @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @keeper0fthestars @mrsparknuts @thinemineours @huliabitch @synystersilenceinblacknwhite @lavenderl3mons @mrscrain-x7 @fioccodineveautunnale @gooddaykate @themilkface @tiffdawg @ms-dont-care @mus1caln0tes @awesomefandomsunited @seawhisperer @virtualxjournality @badassbaker @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol​ @lokiaddicted @forever-rogue @sloantravels​
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bunkernine · 4 years
am i the only one who feels like Coach Hedge was almost completely unnecessary? Like, not to come on your blog and complain but I feel you would understand or be able explain why this angry war goat with zero personality traits was Rick's satyr of choice
Coach plays pretty well to say that not all nature spirits are calm or timid the way Grover initially was, plus he momentarily peeks into the life of an older satyr, with his whole “i was sent to wilderness because the council saw me fuck up and i’m getting old”.... But my whole issue is that most of the characters could’ve improved if Riordan just wrote a side story for them. Like, maybe he’s searching for Leo with Jason and Piper because those three are the kids he’s supposed to be protecting, and he has to act more serious to comfort those two, while  dealing with fucking up again, but LOL he’s also wearing a baby carrier and Chuck is teething. like... short stories really could make a character and build relationships that don’t have time in the main series but instead we got... nachoes. 
Anyway, here’s what Coach Hedge could’ve done (and this is primarily lost trio based as he was their protector but later applies to the rest of the scooby gang):
He could’ve played into the father role for the lost trio. Jason and Leo didn’t grow up with parents and probably could’ve used an actual adult to depend on, while Piper gets the attention she wanted, as well as her having an adult to talk to about her demigod issues 🥰 This works pretty well ESPECIALLY with a milder Millie to balance out Hedge’s roughness and play as a hesitant mothering figure
Found family with the lost trio is very important but like.... Hedge could’ve and should’ve been apart of that, if he explicitly mentioned having empathy bonds with them. After Jason dies in TBM, having Hedge off-handedly say “I’m getting too old for this, it’s too much” or something, would’ve been VERY cool to see, because it shows, A, sign that yes, being a demigod can wear down even the most excited souls, B, there was actually some love shared between them all over the past year, C, how satyrs react to the death of their protected
On the flip side, him on the Argo could’ve show the kids, that not even adults have it figured out and that literally no one has any clue what’s going on, and living longer doesn’t mean you’ll figure it out. And like, the only reason why this doesn’t really work is cause no one paid too much attention to Hedge anyway so... dunno
Could’ve served as a better mentor to the kids. Idk, scene where he trains Piper or teaches her about his dumb healing Gatorade. Probably could’ve did more with Frank, but that seemed a little last minute anyway. hazel probably could’ve had some fun asking about horses and nature and horses and magic and horses and horses and hor-
In all honesty, Hedge could’ve been left home at CHB, and there could’ve been points where the Lost Trio IM’d him 🤔 like that scene in HoH where they figure out that the prophecy was for them, could’ve just had Hedge figuring it out with them. At the somber moment, when they realize someone is probably going to die, Hedge interrupts, a little pale in the face, with some “YEAH BUT NOT IF I KILL GAEA FIRST” and then they slowly laugh, Piper meaningful thanking him with her eyes or some shit i dunno, but like, something about those three feeling frustrated and calling back Hedge to talk, and while he’s totally useless, it always made them feel better
So.... I also typed that last point knowing that in TLH, literally every time Hedge speaks, Jason gets annoyed, and it’s the funniest thing ever. Hedge would say something, and Jason would go 😐 and say the equivalent of “That’s Great, Gleeson.” I just think that’s a funny dynamic considering it’s Jason who doesn’t have much of a problem with people but DAMN when Coach speaks, he’s all 😐🙂😐
I forgot what this ask was saying, but yeah, it’s probably just to contrast Grover, but like, idk Hedge could’ve been interesting... That short story would be hella cool too, cause while they’re sad about losing their friend, he looks down at his baby and thinks about losing Chuck and Mellie, and how Hedge felt Leo die cause of a link, and he just says something like  “have I ever told you guys how I ended up at Wilderness? The real story.” .... something like that, you know?
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lifeofroos · 3 years
Part 58: Fanta Shokata, better known as ‘blue fanta’ because it is blue. Percy likes it because of stereotypes.
In short: Nico gets therapy from Dionysus. In this chapter, Nico goes to the Jacksons’ house with something to tell Percy. The story is also on AO3 and FanFiction.net! And in Tumblr tags like Dionysus, Nico di Angelo, Percy Jackson etc!
This might be crazy: Chapter 58: Fanta Shokata
‘Sixteen already!’ Sally Jackson exclaimed as she let me into the apartment. ‘Unbelievable!’
‘Time flies,’ I snickered. She sighed. 
‘Wait here, I have something for you.’ She walked into her apartment. ‘Oh, but do come in! Percy will be here soon and Estelle is awake. Paul is just getting her dressed.’
I walked after her, into the living room. There were toys everywhere, which made it look smaller than it actually was. I had to push a few plush toys from an armchair before I could sit down. 
I stood up again a second later. ‘Do you need some help?’
‘No, just stay there!’
‘Are you sure…’ I walked closer to the kitchen. Sally looked into the living room. ‘My house, my rules, and I say you stay in the living room.’
‘Ah.’ I nodded and walked back to my chair. 
A moment later, the door opened and I got up once again. ‘Who…’
Percy barged into the living room, with his coat and shoes still on. ‘Nico! Good afternoon!’
‘Shoes off!’ Sally screamed, and he left once again. 
Percy just sat down (without his shoes) when Paul came down the stairs, with Estelle in his arms. She was curiously looking around. 
‘Nico!’ Paul greeted me. He waved one of Estelle’s arms around, which made her giggle. ‘Welcome!’
‘Yes, thanks, hello to you, too.’
‘So, how was your trip?’
Before I could answer Sally came into the room, with a giant chocolate cake. 
Percy tried to hide his excitement and failed miserably. Estelle cooed and stuck out her hands. ‘Doesn’t that look nice, Estelle?’ Paul muttered to her, while bouncing her on his leg. 
Sally looked at me. ‘What do you think?’
I looked at it with my mouth open. ‘It looks so pretty…’
‘Well, thanks!’ She smiled wide and put the cake on the coffeetable. ‘Of course, I did not want to overwhelm you, you did not come here for a birthday party, but you did turn sixteen, which is such an age, so…’
Percy sighed. ‘Mom…’
‘I love it, Sally, thanks a lot,’ I said, with a little smile. 
Percy rolled his eyes, which got him a strict look from his mother. He quickly looked back at the table. 
‘Yet, there was something you wanted to tell me. That’s why you came here,’ Percy said, while Sally began cutting the cake. 
‘Eh, yeah.’
‘Eh… yeah, maybe we can first eat cake?’
‘Good idea.’ Sally shrugged and cut off four pieces. She put the largest piece on my plate. ‘He needs to grow,’ she explained, before handing it to me. 
Percy slowly nodded, a little sad. I felt bad. He needed to grow as well, eighteen or not.  
I didn’t feel bad enough to give up my cake. I needed it more. Sally gave me a fork and I shoved a big chunk into my mouth. It was good - not that I had expected anything else. Sally Jackson could probably make cooked rat taste good. 
I took another bite, and then another one, until Percy stood up. I lowered my plate. He walked into the kitchen and came back with a jumbo bottle of Fanta Shokata, better known as blue fanta. 
‘Anybody want some?’ He looked around the group. 
Paul shook his head. He was feeding Estelle a few tiny chunks of cake, which she seemed to like. 
Sally rolled her eyes, but I shrugged and nodded. ‘Sure.’ Dionysus had given me so much weird stuff to drink last year, I could probably take blue fanta.
He handed me a glass and I took a sip. ‘This tastes better than I thought.’
‘It’s amazing.’ Percy looked at his cup like it was the best thing in the world, even though his mothers’ cake was right there.
‘It’s… alright,’ I said again. I took another sip, before putting my cup down and taking another bite of cake. I looked at Sally, who winked at me. Yeah. She knew I liked her food better.
‘Do you feel sixteen already?’ Sally asked, when I was almost done with my cake. 
I put down my fork and shrugged. ‘I don’t know if I am supposed to feel a certain way,’ I admitted. ‘I still feel like some guy.’
Percy slowly nodded. ‘Yeah, that doesn’t really change in a day.’
‘I mean, technically, for you it did.’ 
He shook his head. ‘Nah. You might think so, but really, I was still Percy. It is not like I was suddenly a way better person. I was still me, I was still a dumb kid, I was still unsure of my life.’ He sniffed. ‘Yeah.’
I nodded. ‘Yeah.’ Although I could not totally agree. Percy wasn’t some normal dude, even if he wanted too.
Yet, of course he didn’t want people to think that. What did it make him feel that people saw him as a massiah? 
Dionysus would probably say I should not worry about someone else right now. Maybe he was right. I had enough time to talk to Percy later. 
‘Yeah, I understand,’ I said again. ‘Can I have another slice of cake?’
I got another slice of cake and so did Percy. After that, he got up. ‘Okay, now…’
He tilted his head and did not go on. ‘Mom…’
‘Oh, did I forget to tell you?’
‘Forget to tell me what?’ Percy looked at her. 
‘Gods. Two kids and I forget everything. Today one of the staff members from Camp Halfblood had to come bless the house again, because of the sanctum.’
‘The sanctum?’ I looked at Sally.
Percy answered: ‘Our house is a sanctum for demigods on the run. Every once in a while, someone has to come bless it, so the monsters can’t find it.’
‘There is only one person in our camp who can bless things.’
‘Indeed.’ Percy nodded towards the hallway. ‘That is why we are taking the fire exit out of here.’
‘It’s okay, mom.’
Sally sighed, while she looked at me and shook her head. I smiled. 
‘Let’s go, then,’ I told Percy, while we walked to the hallway. 
‘Thanks for the cake, Sally!’ I yelled over my shoulder. ‘We’ll be back soon!’
‘Of course, of course! Bye bye!’
Percy threw me my shoes before he put on his own. I grabbed our coats and we bolted upstairs, to Percy’s room.
‘He’s there, right?’
‘Totally,’ he answered, while we stepped onto the fire exit. ‘Yet, we aren’t. I actually took two cans of Blue water, it is all blue, it is nice, and we’ll drink it while talking. Now, what did you want to talk about?’
A/N: Continuing this story in the next chapter! 
Also it was cannon Percy had an entrance to the fire exit stairs in his room right? I think they said so in Battle Of The Labyrinth.
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Angst 1 for Jason? I'm feeling like some sad lightning boi I dont know why but ye
Hello darling Anon! Thanks for the prompt and I hope I did you well🥺 dis is hella angsty
Jercy Masterlist
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Jason Grace doesn't have enough fingers to list how many things he's done wrong in the last month.
1. Losing his best friend
2.Losing his girlfriend
3.Being unable to help all the demigod's he's promised
4.Letting Reyna down by not coming back to SPQR
5.Dammit he can't even put on his fucking shirt the right way.
Holding in a scream he tugs it off and flips it so the tag is on the inside. He's proud of himself for not ditching clothing altogether, ditching life altogether. There is so much temptation in taking to the skies and floating for the rest of his days. It's not like anyone would miss him, would even notice he was gone. And maybe it's for the best. It certainly wouldn't be unexpected. For years he's wanted to be anonymous, just another one of the Campers. For years he's secretly rejected his titles as Son of Jupiter, Praetor of New Rome, Slayer of the Black Throne. He shouldn't complain now that he's ignored, unwanted.
There's a knock at his cabin that he pulls him out of his self-deprecating pity hour. Checking to make sure he has his pants and shirt on and his head firmly on his neck he grabs his sword and opens the door.
"Jason!" Will Solace gasps, "Please come it's Nico!"
His heart turns to stone, lungs become useless masses, "Let's go." He manages to breathe, "Brief me on the way."
They sprint through the camp, uncaring of the shouts and greetings coming from every side. They don't have time. It seems ever since they had defeated Kronos the clocks spin uncontrollably; hours are seconds and minutes only exist in the afternoon and nobody knows if one week is seven days or three blinks of an eye, if years are twelve months or a century.
"A breach at the west border. Monsters we've never seen before. They just snuck up on us. Nico's been raising the dead to fight but I'm afraid he's not strong enough yet. Not after the war. He'll burn out soon and they'll overwhelm him." Will gasps.
"How many?"
"Twenty maybe twenty five?"
"You call anyone else?"
The Son of Apollo shakes his head as they sprint around the corner, "Percy is in school he only arrives tomorrow. Clarisse is gone to visit her mom and there's so many Campers in the infirmary. The rest are the little ones."
"How fa—" Jason beholds the scene in front of him and every nerve in his body shut down.
There in the middle of skeletal warriors and black shadows is Nico Di Angelo. All around them are scaly four-legged vipers hissing and spitting. One opens its grossly enormous jaw and snaps it around a skeleton with a sickening crunch. Another skeleton pops up in the exact same place and with a rattling, he supposes is a scream, attacks the monster.
"NICO!" Will screams, trying to catch his boyfriend's attention.
The Son of Hades although dangerously powerful is grey and heaving as if the sheer force of his summonings are turning his own body to it's bony structure.
"Go!" Will shouts at him.
With a nod, Jason pulls his sword out and steps into the ring of the dead.
Gods these things are a hundred times more terrifying up close. Sharp teeth and poisoned spikes on their tales and oh gods jagged claws to top it all off. But he's fought armies before and survived. This will not deter him. So with the force of Zeus and the strategies of Jupiter flowing through his muscles he brings his sword down on the first creature.
It shrieks and his ears ring like a bell clanging in his skull. But the head thumps to the ground and the monster crumbles to dust.
Decapitation then.
He sidesteps the swish of a tail, chopping it off as it goes past. First mistake. Three tails grow back and he knows one drop of poison will be enough to end him. He vaults into the air using the wind to push him as high as possible and then he's slamming in the body of the creature and sawing at its head.
His foot slams into the ground as the monster powders underneath him. Second mistake. His ankle is broken and there's three more of these things advancing towards him.
He bites down a scream as he attempts to walk. It's no use. Stand here and fight it is. Summoning as much lightning as he can, blue eyes sparking maliciously, he looks directly into the first of them and slams five thousand volts of electricity into its brain. Before he knows it's dead he's onto the next. This time he bides his time, let's it come closer and when he can hear its ugly breathing and feel its lack of heat he stabs his sword into its neck and watches it bleed black.
The third monster is clever, it's learnt. But Jason doesn't know. So he gathers all his strength and waits for it to pounce. By now Nico is a few meters away, holding his own but pale beyond healthy. The monster shakes its body, scales rippling in the afternoon sun. It takes one step closer. Jason grips his sword, holds the power thrumming in his fingers. The monster moves again and he swears its smiling.
He turns to Nico, "You good?"
Third mistake. The monster let's out a vile screech and slams into them.
"NICO!" Someone screams. It sounds like Percy Jackson. But that can't be right. Percy is in school.
The creature's tail swipes at the Son of Hades.
Jason can't move as it's claws wrap around his throat.
I can't do anything right, he thinks. Those talons pierce his skin. The world goes black.
"He's a fucking idiot."
"Lay off. How was he supposed to know?"
"Maybe if he wasn't so caught up in trying to make friends he would have been able to do something."
"Leave him alone."
"Alright you lot, get out of here. I'll call you when he's awake."
Jason tries to open his eyes, tries to say something, anything. But he feels a prick in his neck and reality fades away.
"Is he awake?"
"How long does this take?"
"He had a broken ankle and a slit throat. Maybe a little patience is in order?"
"I still think we should send him back."
"That's enough! It wasn't his fault and we will stop acting like it.".
The Son of Jupiter groans, blinking into the world. Everything hurts. Everything. And the light above his head is blinding.
"What the hell happened?" He rasps.
"You almost got Nico killed is what!" Someone snaps.
He blinks trying to find the source of such bitterness. "I what?"
"What the fuck were you trying to do saying hi in the middle of battle?"
The room finally shifts into focus and he sees three faces staring at him intently, varying degrees of anger and relief in their expressions.
"Well?" Hazel looks at him, "What were you trying to accomplish? Were you actively trying to get him killed? I know you didn't trust him but trying to kill him Jason? I thought you got passed that after Cupid. Nico told me he trusted you."
"Hazel!" Percy Jackson glares at her.
"I'm—" He chokes, "I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure he was okay. I— I didn't know the monster would try to get both of us." He's crying now, red hot tears spilling onto the white sheets of the infirmary bed.
"That's the problem Grace, you don't think." There is so much pain in her voice.
"Im sorry," He sobs, "Is he okay? Is he— is he—"
"He is fine Jason," Will says softly, "He managed to jump back before the tail swiped him. He's actually really worried about you. We all are."
He doesn't know what to say to that. He doesn't even know if he deserves that. Hazel is right. If he hadn't distracted Nico they wouldn't be in this situation. It was dumb luck that Nico managed to get out of the way. If he hadn't. Oh gods, Jason would have been responsible for killing his friend.
With that though he turns over in his bed and heaves straight into the trashcan.
"Everyone leave us." Percy's voice is soft, but there is an unmistakable command in it.
The buzzing of the infirmary hushes as people file out and Will gently clicks the door behind him.
"I didn't meant to distract him," Jason cries.
The Son of Poseidon clasps their hands together and looks into him, "I know Jase. I know."
He breaks down, sobs wracking his aching body. He can't even keep his head up. And the tears are ever flowing. He can't breathe, he can't breathe, he can't do this.
Percy hops onto the bed and takes him into his arms. They sit there for many moments, the sound of his crying disrupting every inch of the silence.
"I can't do this anymore Percy."
He feels the demigod stiffen and he's afraid he said too much, has pushed another person away. But then his head is being tilted up by a soft hand and he's looking into oceans.
"Tell me what's wrong."
"There is no-one left and I cannot do this alone."
Something sparks in those emerald green eyes.
"You have never been alone Jason Grace. When the world is dust and the gods can once again become mortal, you will find that only one thing still exists."
"What— what is that?" He hiccups.
"Love. You cannot be alone if you have love."
His eyes pool with tears, fall to the floor, "Lies. There is no love."
"You have forgotten my friend what it feels like. And that is no one's fault but ours. We should have been there. Should have helped you, seen the signs. I should have known."
"Why you?"
"Because I know what it's like to have everything you've never wanted and bear the burden anyway. And when I left I added to yours. I'm sorry for that. I got selfish, wanted to know what it was like to live. But that meant you suffered."
"It's not your fault. I just thought I was stronger than I am."
"You are strong. You are so strong because you are still here. You took the nature of the gods and made it your own. Took the burden of everyone in these camps and carried it on your shoulders."
"Thank you," He mumbles, getting lost in the seas, "For saying that. When did you get so philosophical and wise?"
Percy cracks a grin at that, "After Tartarus I started going to therapy. I think you should too."
He mulls it over, flips the idea around in his mind, "Okay."
"And maybe..." The black haired boy pauses, "Maybe you should come with me to Montauk for the winter holidays. I think you could use a break from all the hero stuff."
"Really?" His eyes widen, staring at his friend.
"Really. Annabeth is in Cali to spend time with her dad and my mom and Paul are just going to spend some time at home with Estelle. I could use company."
"Won't you dad like blast me for being in his territory?"
"I'll talk to him," He smirked.
"Okay. That would be great!"
Percy gives him another squeeze and then jumps to the floor.
"Rest easy Grace."
"Jackson," He stops the demigod in his tracks, "Thank you for this. I needed it."
"We are alive Grace, and we are enough." Those green eyes are intense, filled with emotion. "Remember that."
Jason nods and when he finally succumbs to sleep once more, his soul takes a deep breathe and exhales a new beginning.
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1heartfanfics · 4 years
Do you remember somewhere in Blood of Olympus Percy gets poisoned by that underwater guy I cant remember the name of? If you do, can you do a story where someone unlikely takes care of him? If you don't, I completely understand😊
Yes omg, another example of Rick Riordan being one of us because after that incident he talks about Percy having to go throw up several times. It was Kymopoleia and Polybotes who poisoned him.
 Side note though, I kind of hated that scene because Riordan made Percy so useless even though he was in his domain while Jason, who was very much out of his, was the hero. I’m not saying Percy has to be the hero all the time (although he is the main character really so like kind of) but I love the way he was always written as being so powerful (near water especially). Like at the end of House of Hades Nico says that Percy is the most powerful demigod he’s ever known, so I just felt like it was dumb for him to be rendered useless so easily in that scene. 
Anyway, enough of my rant. Here’s the part you came for:
TW: spoilers for blood of olympus I guess and depictions of vomit
“Percy are you okay?!?” Jason yelled, darting over to him once the poison dissipated. 
“Gah, yeah I think so,” Percy coughed and sputtered, stumbling around in the water.
“Alright, come on, lets get back up there. Hopefully the Argo II is okay,” Jason said. He could feel the air getting thin. His wind storm was thinning. 
“Could we, uh, maybe not mention exactly what happened down here? The son of the sky god saving the son of the sea god underwater thing?” Percy asked. 
“Yeah, sure bro,” Jason nodded, smiling sympathetically at his friend. He understood where Percy was coming from. They were supposed to be the leaders of this quest, but Jason seemed to just keep getting knocked unconscious, needing rescued. He’d felt useless many times along their journey. 
“Great. Thanks,” Percy said, still sounding out of breath. Normally he could breathe underwater just like it was air but he seemed to be struggling right now. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Jason asked, “You’re looking a little green,” he said. He was sure it was more than just the tint of the water that was tinging Percy’s face. 
“Mhmm, fine,” Percy mumbled, stroking upwards to swim toward the surface, but his limbs weren’t coordinated enough so he didn’t go anywhere. Jason reached through his air bubble to grab Percy’s arm, willing the winds to take them to the surface before they ran out of air. 
Jason gasped for air as they reached the surface, not having realized just how shallowly he’d been having to breathe. He managed a few deep breaths, finally filling his lungs, before Percy suddenly gripped his arm. 
“Jas-” Percy said frantically, before his body convulsed and he vomited into the water.
“Oh Gods, okay,” Jason muttered to himself, kicking forward to move behind Percy. He wrapped an arm around his waist to keep him afloat while he brought up his stomach contents. Jason knew Percy had looked pretty green. 
Percy was limp against him, which worried Jason. Normally he could keep himself afloat just by willing the water to support him, but he was clearly in too bad of shape to even use that power, which was concerning. He didn’t seem to have it in him to even keep himself up the normal way, by kicking. Percy slumped forward of Jason’s arm, almost pitching into the water completely. 
“Ookay, come on. We’ve gotta get you above deck Perce,” Jason said, pulling Percy back against his chest until his head was resting on Jason’s shoulder. He kept one arm wrapped firmly around Percy’s waist, using his other arm to swim toward the boat. 
He managed to get them over to the Argo II, which took a lot longer than he’d expected. It hadn’t looked that far, but with Percy’s dead weight it felt like miles, and he was exhausted. 
“Gonna need a little help here,” Jason panted as they reached the ladder. His muscles were aching and his breath was coming in gasps. 
Thankfully, Percy seemed to have recovered some, because he was able to grab the ladder, hauling himself out of the water. Once he climbed to the top he leaned over and offered Jason a hand, pulling him the rest of the way to the deck, where both boys collapsed. 
Immediately, all of their friends rushed over. A myriad of hands pulled them both up off of the deck and into chairs. Percy forced his eyes open, wincing as his vision swam (pun intended), making him feel dizzy and sick all over again. 
“What in Hades happened down there?” 
Percy blinked a few times, taking some slow deep breaths until the worried faces of his friends came into view. He forced himself to focus on the calming motion of the waves below him, trying to settle his stomach, which was still churning queasily. 
“It was the goddess Kymopoleia. She was working for Polybotes. But we got her to turn against him and help um, help us kill him. But Percy got poisoned. My uh, my venti cloud protected me from it I guess,” Jason explained, still breathing hard. 
His friends all murmured a collection of sympathies and sighs of relief, but Percy couldn’t focus on any of them. He still felt too sick. 
“Where’s Annabeth?” he croaked. 
“She’s helping Leo man the wheel while he does some repairs,” someone answered, Piper maybe. 
“Maybe someone should go switch her out,” Jason said, glancing worriedly over at Percy. He needed his girlfriend right now.
“No,” Percy said quickly. “No don’t worry her,” he shook his head. 
“Are you sure?” Hazel asked, placing a hand on Percy’s arm. Jason was right, he really didn’t look so good. 
“I’m fine,” Percy insisted, although his ashen complexion said otherwise. “Could someone just help me to my room?” he asked weakly. 
“I will,” a small voice spoke up from behind the rest of the group. Nico?
Everyone parted for him to come forward, looking surprised. He didn’t really speak all that often. In fact, they often times forgot that he was even there, lurking in the shadows. 
“Come on, let’s go,” Nico said, stepping in front of Percy. He grabbed Percy’s wrist, pulling his arm around his own shoulders to prop him up. Although Percy was still a handful of inches taller than Nico, he was stronger than he looked, so he began to half drag half pull Percy down the hall toward the below deck quarters. 
“You doing okay?” NIco asked when Percy let out a soft groan, leaning even more heavily on Nico. 
“Not feeling so hot,” Percy shook his head.
Nico realized how chalky Percy’s complexion had become, mouth hanging open slightly and his eyes unforced. He had his free hand clutched to his stomach, hunched forward over it slightly.
“Are you going to throw up?” Nico asked, putting the pieces together. Percy nodded miserably, rubbing his hand back and forth across his stomach.
“Okay, come on,” Nico began dragging Percy again, this time with the destination of the bathroom instead of his room. 
“Ohh my stomach,” Percy moaned. His hand moved up to cover his mouth, fighting back nausea.
Nico pushed their way into the bathroom, lowering Percy down onto the floor in front of the toilet as gently as he could. As soon as Percy’s knees hit the ground he lurched forward over the toilet and heaved up a mouthful of seawater and green sludge. The poison, Nico thought, wincing. 
“You’re okay,” Nico said, crouching down behind Percy and placing a hand on his back. He was surprised to find that Percy’s clothes were wet, which he’d failed to notice before. He must really be feeling bad if his powers couldn’t even keep him dry. 
Percy continued to pant over the toilet, clutching the rim with white knuckles. Nothing happened, though, so Nico pulled him away from the bowl to lean against the wall behind them. 
“Let’s get you into some dry clothes and in bed,” Nico said, positioning Percy’s arm around him again so he could get him up.
“Nooo,” Percy groaned, shaking his head, “Feel nauseous.”
“Yeah you were poisoned Percy, might take a while to wear off. I’ll put a trash bin beside your bed, okay? You need to get some rest,” Nico argued, hauling Percy’s limp body off the ground with some difficulty. He was all dead weight now. 
Nico and Percy managed to slowly limp their way down the hall to Percy’s room, which he had to admit, instantly made him feel a bit better, Just to be surrounded by his things. 
“Here, get changed,” Nico said, tossing Percy a dry t-shirt and a pair of shorts. While Percy got out of his wet clothes, Nico pulled the trash over to sit beside Percy’s bed, laying a towel underneath it just in case his aim was off. 
When Percy was finished he helped him climb into bed, pulling the covers up over him to still his shivering. This poison had really done a number on him it seemed. He watched as Percy closed his eyes, clearly exhausted. 
“You need anything else Percy?” Nico asked, leaning against the wall. Percy cracked an eye open to look up at him with an expression Nico had never seen on him before, fear. 
“Could you-? Could you stay? Just for a minute,” Percy asked quietly, averting his eyes. He sounded so young, despite being almost 5 years older than Nico. 
“Yeah. Yeah of course,” he said, moving to sit at the edge of Percy’s bed as he closed his eyes again. 
Nico had a feeling that Percy and Jason hadn’t exactly been honest about what had happened on their underwater adventure. Whatever really went down, it had clearly shaken Percy up pretty good. As much as Nico looked up to Percy, it made him feel slightly better about his own life to know that even someone as strong and as brave as Percy Jackson had his vulnerable moments. 
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iamnotoriginalphil · 4 years
Lying is the Most Fun (Loki x f!Reader) - Part 8
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Synopsis: It’s time to face the music back home.
Words: 1615
Warnings: none
**GIF not mine**
You rested your head on Loki’s shoulder, your arms wrapped around his neck, swaying to the beat of the music. He was humming along, a surprise given you thought this was a pretty recent song in Earth’s history. You didn’t expect Loki to know any chart topping songs from the last year. His arms were tight around your waist as he led you.
It had been a beautiful wedding. Your sister had been radiant, Brad looking handsome in his suit, and Jake had managed to not be such a showboat for the ceremony. You had cried. You’d admit it. You weren’t ashamed.
You’d found Loki sitting with your mother. You’d never seen him look so handsome in a suit and tie. He’d smiled at you when your eyes had met as you walked down the aisle. You hadn’t seen him all morning, spending your time with the rest of the bridal party getting ready.
Now, with all the speeches done, and the first dance out of the way, you were refusing to move out of Loki’s arms. Tomorrow you would have to return to your daily lives, and you’d have to explain to your bosses about this change in your relationship. But tonight, you could forget there was anything other than this going on. Tonight, you were just a normal person at your sister’s wedding, enjoying the company of the man you were falling in love with.
He stopped humming, looking down at you. You lent back to better look at him. He was smiling.
“Yes, my love?”
“Can we stay in this moment forever?”
“Whatever you wish.”
He twirled you under his arm then drew you back to his body. He lent down, capturing your lips with his. You sighed into the kiss, relaxing against him. He drew back but you kept your eyes closed, trying to follow him. He chuckled.
“Love,” he murmured.
You hummed, blinking your eyes open. He cupped your cheeks, running his thumb over your cheekbone. You wondered if you looked as happy as you felt.
“We are going to have to discuss what happens tomorrow,” he said.
“Can’t we just keep ignoring it? Just for a while longer?”
“One more dance.”
You rested your head on his shoulder, listening to the music. He wrapped his arms around you again, tight enough to have your body pressed against his. He began humming along to the violins again, the melody soft in your ear. You smiled.
You sat in the chair, your leg bobbing a mile a minute as you ran your fingers over your palm. Loki was sitting across from, looking bored. He was looking right into the camera in the corner as if he were on the Office. You knew his exterior was often a mask for the emotions going on beneath the surface, but you would have appreciated him looking even a little unsure about the coming meeting. You’d never seen him look so calm.
The door opened, the hinges squeaking. You looked up from your hunched over position, letting your hands fall. You found your boss staring down at you. You sighed, standing up, following as he held the door open for you.
You sunk into the comfortable chair, crossing one leg over the other. You pushed your hands under your thighs, hoping to keep them still for the coming interview.
“What the fuck am I meant to make of this?”
You squeezed your eyes shut, taking in a deep breath. You opened them again, your superior officer’s face tight with what you assumed was anger. You could understand why he felt that way. You would if you were in that position.
“Seriously (Y/N), what the fuck is this?”
“It’s all there,” you said, “I tried to make it as clear as possible,”
“Am I supposed to believe that you have fallen in love with a homicidal demigod from Asgard?” he demanded.
“I don’t think he’s homicidal,” you said, “just bored, and… sad.”
“You’re off this assignment,” he said, leaning over the desk towards you.
“I know.”
“And don’t think you’ll be able to see him.”
“I assumed as much.”
“Not until we can ascertain whether he has used his magic on you.”
“If he had letting me file a report was a stupid mistake on his part. If he was hoping that I’d let him go then this was a sure fire way of making that never happen.”
“Loki is many things but not stupid.”
He considered you before sighing and dropping into his chair. You watched him run his fingers through his hair. You waited, knowing he needed time to process.
“How did this happen?” he asked.
“I asked you not to send him with me,” you said, “but when you’re pretending sometimes it becomes too real.”
“You can’t seriously be blaming me for this.”
“No, I’m just explaining the catalyst,” you replied, “but there are days when he is the only person I see. And you know when you spend so much time with another person sometimes these things happen. This can’t be the first time you’ve seen this.”
“Sure, but usually between recruits working undercover or in a team. Not whatever this is.”
“I can’t help it, Sir. I understand if you never want me to see him again.”
He buried his head in his hands. You lent back, knowing you might be fired for this. People had been fired for less.
“You are so fucking lucky.”
You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He looked up at you, shaking his head as if you had managed to slip out of a very tight spot through sheer dumb luck.
“Aren’t you going to ask why?”
“Why Sir?”
“Because two days ago I was sent an order to release Loki,” he said, “I suppose his good behaviour convinced one of the higher ups to let him out. A car is coming to pick him up in an hour. He’s being sent to the Avengers.”
“Of course he is.”
“And unless you’re a smartass I’m going to be sending you to the base there.”
“Because you’re our best agent to handle him should something go wrong.”
“So I’m not in trouble?”
“I wouldn’t say that,” he said, giving you a small smile, “you’re going to be working as Loki’s handler in the Avenger’s Institute. I wouldn’t say that’s getting away scot free.”
You laughed, relief flooding your body. You got up from your chair, shooting him a smile. He gave you an answering smile.
“Go put his mind at ease.”
“Thank you, Sir. Thank you.”
You pulled the door open. Loki inclined his head towards you, but otherwise showed no sign he’d noticed you. You grabbed his hand pulling him to his feet. He quirked an eyebrow at you but otherwise said nothing.
“Come on, you have some packing to do.”
“Some packing?”
“You’re getting out of here. And so am I,” you said, “you’re being let go.”
“I’m what?”
“The higher ups are giving you back your freedom. You must have been real nice at some point.”
“I’m being released?”
“You’re being released.”
He picked you up, swinging you around. Your shriek morphed into a laugh as he hugged you tight. He lowered you back to the floor, kissing you deeply. Your laughter was muffled but you couldn’t stop.
“I do not wish to take anything. Let us leave now,” he said when he’d released you.
“A car is going to be sent for you. It’s gonna take us to the Avenger’s Institute.”
“What?” He pushed you back from him.
“I’m being sent to those do gooders?”
“If it’s any consolation, your brother isn’t there,” you said, “we believe he’s somewhere on the coast of Australia.”
“They’re trading one cage for another,” he spat.
“But I’ll be in it with you,” you said, “and you won’t be forced into anything.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, love.”
“I’ll always be with you.”
He pressed his lips together to keep from saying anything else. You sighed, pushing your fingers into your hair.
“I’m guessing this is the kindest thing he can do after find out about our relationship,” you said, “I call it a win.”
“You’re not being forced to live with a group of people that would rather see you dead.”
“They might, given our relationship,” you pointed out.
“I will not let them try,” he hissed.
“And neither will I.”
His eyes bored into you. You stared up at him, crossing your arms over your chest. You raised your chin, waiting for him to pass judgement on you.
“The way I see it, this is the only way for us to be together. If you don’t want that then you can refuse,” you said.
“Of course I want you,” he said.
“Then you’ll do this,” you said, “for me.”
He cupped your cheek, pulling you forward a step. You looked up into his blue eyes, wanting for his answer, needing him to say it out loud.
“I will do it, but only as you are the one asking it of me,” he said.
You pulled him down for a quick kiss, then pushed him back a step. He looked down at you, pouting.
“You might not want any of your stuff but I do.”
You turned on your heels, walking away from him. You let him wrap his arm around your waist, ignoring the looks of other agents walking by. He pressed his lips to your temple and you smiled to yourself.
It might not be in the way you thought, but it looked like you were getting your happy ending after all.
Tags: @sheridans-dynamos​​​​​​ @tumultuous-love​​​​​​ @juniperbab​​​​​​ @internetgremlin​​​​​​ @true-queen-of-mischief​​​​​​ @sev7en​​​​​​ @fleurs-en-ruines​​​​​​ @lokilover2000-blog​​​​​​ @hakuoyuki​​​​​​ @el-eldritch​​​​​​ @foreverbeingthunderbuddy​​​​​​ @fuckthatfeeling​​​​​​ @libellule2001​​​​​​ @thefallenbibliophilequote​​​​​​ @smollest-soybean​​​​​​ @jessiejunebug​​​​​​ @cxstl-e​​​​​​ @paulsonix​​​​​​ @sadwaywardkid​​​​​​ @alcoholic-muffin​​​​​​ @eveybitch @subtlemalice​​​​​​
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olyia-stories · 4 years
A response to @teasockschocolate ‘s AU about the soulmate AUs in the PJO universe. Since this is a companion piece it doesn’t matter which one you read first, but make sure to check out @teasockschocolate and @demigodsanswer out.
Annabeth hated soulmates.
Ever since her dad met his, Annabeth’s life had just gotten worse. Admittedly, she and her dad hadn’t been particularly familyish, but it had been the two of them. He used to let her fall asleep in his arms while he worked on his thesis paper, he took her out for icecream in the park after his classes, and he would ask her opinion on which human models to put on his battle of the Somme replica. They had been fine on their own. They didn’t need Lori.
The only reason her dad even liked Lori was because the first thing she said to him was written on his arm. And not in the “he tattooed it on because he loved her” thing, but because it was a silly soulmate mark. Annabeth just couldn’t understand why her analytical father would rely on a process for choosing who he loved as flimsy as “the universe decided for us.” And clearly, the universe got it wrong. Lori was awful.
All Lori ever did was complain about everything Annabeth ever did: “Frederick, tell Annabeth to stop playing “science” in the living room.” “Frederick, tell Annabeth to stop drawing on herself.” “Frederick, tell Annabeth to go to sleep.” “Frederick, if you don’t tell Annabeth to stop getting out of bed, I will.” Lori only saw Annabeth as a stain that needed covering up.
Then the monsters started attacking. Of course, they were attacking because Annabeth was a half-blood, but it’s not like she wanted them to come. But Lori blamed her.
“There must be something you can do,” Lori was talking to Annabeth’s dad. Annabeth should have been asleep, but the spiders were too much for her. Lori went on, “Don’t look so shocked, I know you tried to get her mother to take her back, all I’m saying is that maybe someone more like her could take her off our hands.” Annabeth stood very still, she had not known that her dad had tried to get rid of her, she thought he loved her.
“Lori, I don’t know what to do, Athena sai-“
“Athena isn’t here!” Lori cut Annabeth’s father off. “Even Athena didn’t want that girl. I think it would be best for our boys if we found a new living arrangement for Annabeth.” Annabeth didn’t wait around for her father’s response; she knew he would give in he always gave in to Lori.
Annabeth was not going to give Lori the pleasure of sending her away, and she didn’t want to live a moment more under the same roof as her stepmother. Annabeth decided to leave.
She didn’t know where she would go, so Annabeth wanted to be prepared. She grabbed a marker and made a packing list on her arm. With the list on her arm, she quickly packed her backpack. She pulled on a hoodie and snuck out her bedroom window. It was on the second floor, but the window opened onto the porch roof and from there she shimmied down the gutter. And just like that, Annabeth was free.
“Child, in order to be a successful demigod you must be skilled in a wide-range of activities.” Chiron studied Annabeth from where he stood on the porch. Annabeth had come to complain. She didn’t understand why the camp made them climb lava walls, and swing swords at straw dummies. She just wanted to spend time in the Athena cabin’s library. She had never seen so many books, and she wanted to read them all.
“But Chiron, knowledge is power! Therefore, I should spend my time learning as much as I can.”
“Ah but knowledge is power; you must learn as much as you can, which includes being knowledgeable in fighting and survival tactics. Now I believe your cabin is going to the forge for arts and crafts, you should hurry along.” Annabeth thought about what the centaur had said while she walked to the forge. She decided She would start by learning archery. She wrote it on her hand, so she would remember to ask her siblings to teach her later. For now, she was going to create a masterpiece.
Annabeth lived year-round at camp, so she had independent lessons during the school year. Chiron trusted her siblings to educate her, but they quickly realized that she was capable of teaching herself so long as she had the right books. So, they let her alone. Annabeth would read, and write notebooks full of her discoveries, and when she came up on things she wanted to study further she would write a note on her arm to look it up later.
Finally, she met him. The person she had been waiting years for. This boy was who Chiron had told her about. He was going to take her on a quest. Well, he would once he stopped drooling in the med ward.
Percy Jackson would get a quest; Annabeth was sure of it. He was the son of Poseidon, one of the major gods, that was the deal. Chiron told her she would go with him on a quest. She HAD to go with him.
So, when Percy was taken to the big house she was right behind him. She had on her magic Yankee’s hat, a gift from her mother when she made it to camp the hat made the wearer invisible. She listened to Chiron explain to Percy the war brewing among the gods. She watched Percy enter the big house and listened for his footsteps recede up the stairs before she took off her cap.
“Blah ha ha!” Grover yelped. “You can’t sneak up like that Annabeth! You’ll give me a heart attack!”
Chiron sighed, “I suppose you were listening to all of that?”
“Yes,” she respected Chiron too much to lie to him. “I want to go on this quest.”
“Annabeth, you know that it’s Percy’s right to choose his companions,” Annabeth was in the middle of formulating a convincing argument when Chiron added, “But, I will tell Percy that you have volunteered to go, and if he wants to choose you, you may go. Child it will be dangerous, and I would rather both of you would stay at camp and train. I fear, however, that peace will only return to the Olympians when the bolt is returned. The quest must happen.”
Annabeth nodded. Satisfied with Chiron’s promise she waited for Percy to come back down. She was going on a quest
Annabeth still didn’t regret volunteering for the quest. It quickly went up, down and sideways and veered left from there. They have so far blown up a bus, wrecked a statue garden, ruined a national landmark, almost died by mechanical spider, and now they were heading south in the smelliest truck on the highway.
The animal fumes must have gotten to Annabeth because she found herself talking to Percy about her dad. She plucked at her dad’s college ring as she talked. “I guess my dad never really wanted me. He met Athena while he was working his way through grad school. She admired his dedication and helped him develop his thesis. To reward him, she pulled me out of her thoughts. He wanted her to take me back. But he took care of me. Once he met his soulmate, Lori, he decided he didn’t want me.” Annabeth glued her eyes to the ground. She found it easy to talk to Percy, but she couldn’t look at him and tell him what had eaten at her heart since Lori said those stupid soulmate words. “He had her and then they had their kids and they were that meant-to-be family. I was just in the way from them being perfect.” Annabeth stopped. She needed to collect herself, she hadn’t talked about her dad in years.
“I’m sorry.” Just two little words, and yet they made her heart soar. Percy put so much emotion into his voice, it was clear that he had experience with family issues. “My mom had a soulmate, but I don’t know who it was. It’s not my stepdad, that’s for sure. I think it could’ve been my dad.”
“Gods don’t soulbond.” How could he believe in soulmates when his mom had to put up with his stepdad? Poseidon couldn’t have been his mom’s soulmate. She winced, “sorry, that was mean.” She hadn’t meant to be rude, but she struggled to be anything but critical about the soulbond.
Percy shrugged, “S’fine. It’s true.”
Annabeth thought for a second, then asked. “What about you?”
“Do you have a soulmate?”
Percy clutched at his wrist. “Yeah, I do.”
Annabeth wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but this confession still surprised her. She looked into his eyes and asked, “Really?”
“Do you?”
“No.” at least, she never thought enough about soulmate marks to check. “What’s your mark? Do you know your soulmate?” Annabeth didn’t know why she wanted to know, she just had to learn all she could.
“Uh,” a blush crept up his face. “it’s a writing one and no. I’ve, uh, never talked to her.”
“Why not?” If it had been Annabeth, she would have found out who it was. Even if she didn’t believe in soulmates, having someone you can communicate with without speaking or technology, that could be useful.
Percy shrugged, “I don’t know…”
“You should.”
“Maybe someday. I’ve got enough going on now.”
“That’s true.” She paused, then added, “I think soulmates are pretty dumb.”
He gave her a strange look. “Why?”
She felt his defenses rise. “Believe in them all you want. But wouldn’t you rather choose who you be with? The universe shows you one person and that’s it. And isn’t it doomed to fail? The expectation of who someone wants their soulmate to be is always going to be so big that they’ll never live up to it. It’s just setting both of them up to be disappointed.” She had thought this argument through more than once.
“But it’s the one person that the universe is saying is perfect for you. I think that’s pretty amazing.”
Annabeth knew she wasn’t going to change his opinion. “Good luck. I’ve never seen a soulbond work out.” Feeling like her last sentence was a bit gruff she offered, “I don’t mean to… discourage you.”
He raised an eyebrow. “I mean, that doesn’t encourage me.”
She knew it, she had let her bitterness show. “Maybe the people I’ve seen just haven’t cared as much about it. You haven’t given up.”
He smiled. “I’ll make sure mine works. Even if it’s just so you can be wrong about something.”
Annabeth didn’t think much about that night on the zoo truck. The summer passed, and the school year came. She decided to try living with her dad again. She studied like she was back at camp, writing notes on her arm, reminders, and doodling to pass the time in class.
San Francisco felt calmer than when she was little. Her dad’s house felt normal. No monster attacks at first, but Annabeth couldn’t help but feel on edge. She was just waiting for the bubble to pop.
She was in her Algebra class when she felt it, a burning sensation on her left palm. It felt like she was bitten by a spider. Annabeth yelped. The classmates gave her a weird look, but that was normal. She was the only seventh grader in a high school class.
Annabeth looked down at her hand and saw a little blue dot on her palm. It looked like a pen mark, but Annabeth hadn’t put it there. Annabeth thought back to the summer, when she had shared a hay-filled ride with Percy, and he had shared what his soulmate mark was with her.
Annabeth couldn’t be sure, but perhaps she did have a soulmate. She needed more evidence; a stray pen mark didn’t prove anything.
Perhaps she should pay Percy a visit.
Getting up to Percy’s fire escape was the easy part. Calculating which window was his based on the outside of the building was more difficult. Annabeth climbed the fire escape ladder and peaked into his window, she had her Yankee’s hat on, so he wouldn’t see her watching. She had to know.
Annabeth pulled the cap off her pen and drew a little flower on her arm, while she drew, she watched Percy’s arm. There it was, her little four petaled flower. She smiled. Why did this knowledge make her happy? Percy was her best friend, but she didn’t like him like that… did she?
Stupid! Annabeth that was stupid! Why did she charge the manticore? All she had on her was her Yankee’s hat and her dagger, and she jumped a monster. She should have known better, but when she left the gymnasium and saw Percy there. His shield up and his sword out, she knew in that moment that if anything happened to Percy, she would never forgive herself. She did the only thing she could and distracted the manticore. She didn’t realize that he would simply take her. That Luke wanted her, but he didn’t want her like Annabeth had always hoped. He was using her as bait. She was how he would catch a goddess.
Annabeth needed a plan. But she could barely breath, let alone think. The weight of the sky was literally threatening to crash down on her, and all she could do was kneel under the pressure and hope Luke would come to his senses. She felt a prickling on her arm, when she looked the words were written out in red pen, “We’re coming.” Her arms surged with strength. Suddenly the weight of the world felt lighter. She knew who that was writing on her arm. Percy knew she was alive. He was coming for her. She wouldn’t give up. She couldn’t.
Annabeth knew Percy was in trouble from two blocks away. She could see the smoke billowing up from Goode high school. Annabeth and Percy were supposed to go on a date to the movies, she had taken the LIR from camp into the city that morning to meet Percy after his high school orientation.
Unfortunately, plans were void whenever Percy was around. She saw the smoke and hurried up the block just in time to see Percy jump out onto the street from a window, followed by a red-haired girl. She had freckles everywhere, and paint stains on her clothes. Annabeth wondered who she was while she watched the girl pull a marker out of her back pocket and felt the tingling sensation as the girl wrote her number on Percy’s arm, and Annabeth’s right arm copied it.
She stared dumbfounded at Percy, before turning on her heel and leaving the red-haired girl behind. She hailed a cab and waited for Percy to catch up. She crossed her arms, hoping to hide the thick black numbers. The cab came. They sat in silence.
How could she be so stupid. Soulbonds never worked out. She was a fool for thinking maybe they could overcome all the evidence she had collected saying otherwise.
Percy cleared his throat. “Could I… call my mom?” right, she had probably heard about the fire, his mom would be worried. Annabeth wished she had someone to worry over her. She fished her phone out of her pocket, careful to keep her right arm at her side. He quickly finished the call and handed Annabeth her phone. She again kept her arm close to her side. “Cold?” His voiced broke through her thoughts.
“Just… since you’re…” He gestured to her folded arms.
She had hoped to quickly pass the cab ride in silence. “No.” she answered truthfully, hoping to stop the conversation there.
“Oh.” Percy continued. “I, uh, have a jacket in my backpack if you want.”
“No.” she couldn’t let him see the stupid number on her arm, and she didn’t want to talk to him. She turned towards the window and watched the familiar landscape of Long Island to take shape.
As soon as they got to camp she ran to her cabin. And pulled on a sweatshirt. She only hoped the marks would soon be gone, and that she hadn’t been too obvious.
The mountain exploded behind Annabeth. She didn’t let herself cry. Percy was a powerful demigod, and resourceful, and just plain lucky. He would make it out. She was sure.
She made it back to camp on her own. Hoping the whole way that Percy had beat her there. But no one had seen him. She tried not to notice her friends giving her pitying looks and hoped every day to see her seaweed brain crest the hill or walk out of the ocean. It got harder to hope as the weeks came and went. Annabeth pretended she was fine. She led her cabin through their activities always glancing towards the ocean, hoping to be the first to spot him. He didn’t show up.
The day with its tasks kept her mind busy, but the night was hard. She couldn’t sleep. She tossed and turned, trying to make a plan that would bring Percy home. She decided to write him a note. She put the pen to her hand and tried to think of what to say. But everything she wanted to write down seemed to swirl in her head. She instead wrote, “Hello?” That’s as far as she got before she couldn’t see with the tears welling in her eyes.
Two weeks passed, and still no word. Chiron decided to hold Percy’s memorial, to send him off properly. Annabeth stood at the fire pit and put the green silk cloth on the flames. She choked on the words, “He was probably the bravest friend I’ve ever had.” And the stupidest, “He…” she looked up at that moment and saw the impossible. What she had been waiting to see for weeks. “He’s right there!”
Annabeth vaulted up the amphitheater steps. And hugged him tight. He was alive!
It was August eighteenth. Percy’s birthday. Annabeth paused for only a second before writing out on her arm, ”Happy birthday.” She knew who was on the other end of this connection now, and she didn’t care about her data that said otherwise. She wanted Percy to know, she wanted them to work out.
“Thanks.” Was all he replied, and somehow that was all she needed. She couldn’t wait to see him again; they were going to make it through together.
Annabeth couldn’t believe this boy! How could she have ever liked him. They were standing near the tetherball court. She couldn’t believe he wanted to talk to her about his mortal friend Rachel. Sure, last summer she’d been helpful in the Labyrinth but that didn’t mean that she and Annabeth were friends. “What do you want me to say?” he seemed to put a lot of trust in this Rachel girl. How could he be so ignorant. She was a mortal, mortals don’t have visions. And besides he was just using this as an excuse to run away. She looked him in the eyes and spat out what she was thinking. “You’re a coward, Percy Jackson!”
Why had he never said anything. She was certain he knew, and their world could end any second. Beckendorf was proof of that. Why couldn’t he just talk to her! Why did every conversation turn into a shouting match? Why did she open her heart and let him in, when she knew that soulbonds never work. She couldn’t look at his green eyes anymore, she stormed away towards the strawberries, giving the tetherball a good whack as she passed it.
The war was over. They had won! And Rachel was now the new camp oracle. More importantly, Percy had turned down immortality. She was sure. She wanted to him to be her soulmate. She found him in the pavilion, lost in thought. She got out a pen and wrote out, “Hey.” He looked down at his wrist, then turned around to find her.
“Hey.” He had a little grin on his face, she smiled in return.
“Happy birthday.”
“What?” he looked puzzled.
she silently cursed herself, did she get the day wrong? “It’s August 18, You’re birthday, right?”
He nodded, and she let a breath out, she offered him the misshapen lump of birthday cake. It was delicious.
After a few minutes she couldn’t keep herself from asking what had been on her mind all summer. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“About what?” Annabeth couldn’t look at him, she was too scared. “I… I didn’t know for sure. If I was yours. And then last year… There was just so much else going on.”
Annabeth finally looked at him, she softly said, “I know, I thought I didn’t have one. I mean, I wrote on myself all the time when I was little.”
“I know,” he laughed, “I thought I was going crazy.”
“Why didn’t you write back?” She had to know. “When you said you had one… I thought it was someone else.” She didn’t say all that she was thinking, that she had hoped he didn’t have one, that she had liked him even all those years ago in that truck.
“I didn’t know what to say. But no, it was always just you.” Those words, the same way she had felt. Now she knew, Annabeth through away her caution and kissed him. He tasted like salt.
**Edit: I read the original fanfic on @demigodsanswer‘s blog but the AU “Whatever Souls are Made of” is by @teasockschocolate
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ghostmartyr · 5 years
SnK 120 Thoughts
A Fleeting Moment.
You blinked and missed it.
Is there some sort of deadline that I am unaware of? Because I think this is the second chapter in a row that reads so YOLO that it carries the desperation of a death soon at hand.
Yes, that’s right.
This chapter.
Is a Zekesona.
Maybe it’s because I’m a heartless monster, but my predominant thought throughout this chapter--well, fine, we’re getting to the real one later, but mostly my thought was wow, we’re really just diving straight in to the plot magic.
I’m not going to stop calling it plot magic.
Starting out it might have been a deliberate attempt to avoid the grammar of all things Paths, but at this point... it’s here to make the plot go. Sense is optional.
Zeke, you’re fucking killing me.
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Let me. just.
Let me attempt to form words with my fingers. Or my head. Or anything at all. This chapter has beaten me. I read it, I consumed the information, and so help me, I think if I let myself, I would never stop laughing over this.
It’s not funny, it’s just.
This, as we have here, is the pinnacle of everything wrong with letting the Yeager Bros take the wheel of a car that is not only missing seat belts and brakes, but perhaps also a functioning wheel.
In the world that is still sort of maybe occupied by sanity, there’s. Zeke.
Holding his brother’s decapitated head.
While he and his brother have an extended Inception dream sequence to manage the fact that Eren should really be very dead.
Really, I could probably spare a few minutes on that, but I don’t want to, because the logistics of how dead Eren is, exactly, when years have to pass in the plot magic in the seconds it’s been since his head was shot off--
I feel like someone shot my head off.
So okay.
A dream level up, the fight goes on in excruciating slowmo.
Meanwhile, Zeke and Eren are.
Okay, yeah, can’t do it. Nope.
This is not a criticism of the writing, as of right now. Like, I have my severe hysteria because of course Zeke has spent his Inception time growing to surpass the chains the First King adorned himself with, and of course, for some unholy reason, those chains bind Zeke at all despite him rightly pointing out he’s not of the Reiss branch and Zeke not actually being the Founding Titan.
Those are things I am noting, and I am completely failing to have a reaction to them because my entire jaw is in pain from holding back laughter, but that is not my present comment.
My present comment.
Is that these two are fucking morons.
I do not mean that disrespectfully. I mean it with the full sincerity of someone who is absolutely okay with the text making them fucking morons.
But holy damn fuck these kids do not have a clue what they’re doing.
Zeke first meets Ymir Fritz when he nearly dies in an unexpected near-incidental suicide. That’s when he has his first hands-on experience with Paths.
Sorry, plot magic.
So um.
Both Eren and Zeke plan to finally make use of the Founder’s power by showing up at this place. They don’t know that at the time they make their plan, because it’s still new to them, they just know that they’re going to hold hands and stuff and somehow things will happen.
Eren thinks the things Zeke wants to happen are bullshit.
Zeke thinks the things Eren wants to happen are bullshit, despite having no clue what those things even are.
And like.
Neither one is getting what they want, because Eren can’t actually use the power he’s journeyed all this way to get, because if this were a real anime, Zeke would have pink hair of warning. Zeke’s royal blood matters more than Eren having the Titan.
Sort of.
Zeke can dismantle the chains on the Founding Titan that attach to him for some reason, but Eren seems to still be required to pull the trigger. (ETA)
So if Inception-verse did not exist, Eren would have just gotten whatever it is he’s after, which would be bad for Zeke by measure of it not being what Zeke wants, but because Inception-verse does exist, they have all the time in the world, Zeke has the means to get what he wants, only technically he doesn’t really because he still needs Eren to agree with him and that hasn’t happened yet.
All of this work.
Good fucking what.
Once more, this is not a criticism of the writing. I think it’s very fair for Zeke and Eren to be interacting with forces beyond their understanding, and screw it all up badly. In Eren’s case, that force is some weird demigod demon who possibly sold their soul to the devil. In Zeke’s case, it’s the will to live.
Both very confusing things. It is perfectly reasonable for them to be having difficulties.
-pre-corpses screaming in the background, only in slowmo because the moment of Eren’s head being blown off hasn’t actually passed-
-Falco steaming in the dirt-
-all Eren’s friends risking their lives so they might maybe use the Founding Titan to fix this all up-
You can tell Eren and Zeke have a doctor for a father, because their elaborate plan depending on thousands of years of history and starting international incidents fails in the face of basic common sense.
No, I’m not done.
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These would be the people who would change the world.
This is why, when you were ten, your mother was already telling another ten-year-old to look after you. BECAUSE SHE KNEW. SHE KNEW THIS IS WHAT YOU WOULD CHOOSE TO DO WITH YOUR LIFE.
I’m sorry, I know I should be making comments on other parts of the chapter, but this is all just so typical, and so blisteringly obvious an outcome, and.
Well, we got a lot of nice shots of Grisha and his family. Yay.
No no no no no, no, I don’t want that.
The thought occurred that this probably is one of the many functions of the plot magic’s oddness around people remembering things they shouldn’t, and blah blah blah Eren crying at the start of the series, but...
Grisha sees Zeke for a moment. Just a moment, but he taps into their link in the Paths.
If Mikasa goes back to watch the memory of Eren sleeping while he’s supposed to be collecting firewood, I have objections. I don’t know what they are, but there’s a visceral reaction of how dare you if that’s where this is all heading.
But you know, that’s for people who do things like speculation about things that aren’t related to people with the last name Reiss, so not my problem.
Anyway, the flashbacks are not a surprise. Grisha loves Eren. He makes his mistakes with Zeke, and comes to regret them terribly. He becomes a better man, and leaves his obsession behind to hold his new family.
This explains what happens the night he kills the Reiss family very well.
In that moment, he must have felt, so keenly, that this is all his fault. He walks away from the Founder. He leaves his mission. He leaves the power behind.
The walls fall, and in the hands of the Reisses, the Founder can do nothing to assist.
His wife dies.
The obsession returns, and Grisha’s last act is saddling Eren with all of his mistakes. Because he learned from his old ones, but he found that those lessons just destroyed the new life he comes to love. Grisha abandons his cause, and Carla dies. Eldians die. Marley creates more victims.
How many people suffer needlessly because Grisha hesitates?
That’s not a burden he takes to well, and the Grisha in these memories never wanted his last moments with Eren to be what they were. It’s one more piece to the insanity that took hold that night. One more tragedy.
When Kruger gives Grisha the Attack Titan, he tells Grisha to love someone inside the walls. The instruction becomes to make a family, but its root is in love. The important part is that Grisha loves someone. Otherwise, the cycle continues.
Grisha loves his sons. He abuses one and nearly ruins him, and takes the next and loves him properly. That’s the son who rejects the idea that they should all die. He’s been given a life that he understands has glory in even its beginning moments, and understands how horrendous it is that Zeke would remove generations of future moments.
The problem that continues, however, is one that I imagine we’ll be addressing with future flashback episodes.
Zeke loves his little brother. Until time allows otherwise, he takes it for granted that his precious little brother will see things his way. He needs so little convincing to bring Eren into the fold. Even before he knows how much control he truly has, he fully accepts Eren.
He doesn’t know Eren.
Eren knows Zeke, because the truth of Zeke’s heart is in this plan.
He knows Zeke, and doesn’t do anything with that knowledge.
Eren and Zeke use each other to reach this place, and in the end, their failure to be there for one another results in neither one being able to wield the power that their union creates.
There might be love there, but it’s the ruined kind Grisha bestows on Zeke. Control is what matters. Reaching the end is what matters.
“Your wife. You child. Even someone on the street. It does not matter. Love someone inside the walls. If you can’t, we’re doomed to repeat it all again. The same history. The same mistakes. Again and again.”
The mistake Eren and Zeke make is the opposite of the one their father chooses in this memory. He puts his love for his family over his mission.
Eren and Zeke prioritize their mission so deeply that they might as well be strangers, no matter how often they refer to each other as brothers. Of course it’s a disaster.
The audience has been waiting for Eren’s side of this story for years, because we’ve watched him grow up. We’ve watched him struggle and triumph and lose himself, and none of that was enough to establish the train of thought that led to these choices that Zeke is so proud of him for making, so it’s been a known thing to us that he’ll have some sort of eventual reveal (which we’re still waiting on; this chapter just does us the favor of confirming that we are waiting).
Zeke wants to confirm Eren’s mindset before they kick things off, since he has the luxury of time in this space.
He never bothers to confirm Eren’s thoughts out in the living world. Not actively. Eren lies, and Zeke lets it pass as enough.
These two never try to help each other. They use each other up.
Zeke can swear to be there for Eren, can swear to set him free, but he does not see who his brother is, and Eren, knowing exactly what kind of person Zeke is, chooses to ignore that in favor of playing the long con.
They fail.
They fail their family by failing to see them as such, and so fail every other task they sought to accomplish.
The story’s forcing them to deal with that now, since they have so much time, but it is so easy to see why this happens. They’re desperate, and they grab their lifelines, and they decide that if there’s something wrong, it can wait.
In the metaphor, that’s fine. They need to stop drowning.
But they see each other as a lifeline before they see each other as siblings.
Grisha sees Zeke as a tool before he sees him as a son.
The same mistakes, over and over.
Some more familiar than others.
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We’ve reached the above thing.
What I’m referencing is that really, all through this chapter my only concrete thought was Eren looks a lot like Frieda. Naturally not greatly evident in the shot that’s actually relevant to why I’m bringing it up. Why should I get nice things.
Like. A lot. To the point where it starts to feel intentional, not the result of my brain linking everything back to the Reiss lands. Eren’s hair doesn’t part like Grisha’s or Carla’s, and conveniently we’ve got the comparisons readily available. He has Frieda’s. The young woman his father took the Founding Titan from.
After a long series of consensual (with heavy sarcastic quotes, yes, but putting that aside for the moment) sacrifices, Frieda and Eren are the first in recent history to have their consent overridden. Frieda’s ripped to pieces by Grisha, and has her family slaughtered by him. Hours later, understanding nothing of either Titan he’s inheriting, Eren takes up the mantle.
Eren first sees Frieda through her eyes, looking in a mirror, and I absolutely know I’m reading too much into this, but give me a sec of indulgence. I rarely get to talk about Frieda in these posts.
Frieda, the one who Eren really does look bizarrely like, is Zeke’s foil.
In the two shots above, we have an older half-sibling using their powers to convince their younger sibling to see the world they want them to.
Zeke’s having his difficulties, but Frieda has none.
Frieda has a loving relationship with her little sister, and touches her head to Historia’s gently.
Zeke bashes his head to Eren’s forcefully.
Frieda loves Historia. She has no reason but love to come and pay her visits. She helps her learn to read, she rides horses with her, and provides her company.
Historia has all those memories taken away. Their relationship only exists on Frieda’s terms until five years after Frieda’s death.
In an attempt to keep this post from turning into me shouting about how the Reiss family is symbolic of the manga as a whole, and Historia needs to come back and rightfully re-dethrone Eren as the main protagonist, I’ll be brief:
Frieda screws Historia up.
She adores her little sister, but in a world without Frieda, Historia is left with neglect and an overwhelming sense that no one wants her to be alive. Frieda routinely takes away the memories that prove that belief wrong. For complicated reasons that a teenager shouldn’t be expected to handle, but Historia’s problems are still actively exacerbated by Frieda forcing her will on Historia.
Eren has more say in what his brother’s trying to pull, thanks to his own plot magic, but we see the problem, with the same dynamic.
Zeke loves Eren.
He can’t see past his view of the world to see Eren well enough to try to do what’s best for Eren.
This is not a collaboration. It’s two people fiercely opposed who have put that argument off until the last possible second rather than approach one another as equals.
Eren’s head is blown off. He’s due to be dead.
Zeke is still trying to rescue him from his own free will.
Love without respect is useless. It’s what turns the emotion selfish.
I’m torn on what this chapter means for future chapters, because I don’t see how Eren and Zeke are moving past this roadblock without finally dealing with the issues that landed them here, aaaand theoretically that means that Eren’s plan wins.
I guess we get to look forward to what that means if that’s the case.
But Eren’s head is still kind of. Not. On his body.
Which makes me think that whatever decision makes it out of Inception, it’s probably going to be one that alters the reality they’re playing with, and that is really hard to do satisfyingly.
Those are problems for another month, though.
I have trouble calling this chapter good, because a lot of it is. well, what did you expect when you chose to do things like this? There’s some satisfaction in the fact that the characters are truly being respected as the numbskulls they’ve behaved as, but that does little to make the overall situation better.
Thankfully, emotional flashbacks pander to my needs directly, so this will be a satisfying trainwreck, but, uh.
Local siblings don’t listen to each other on family roadtrip down memory lane, feat. apocalypse in the background. That is the chapter.
It needs to be drawn as the Renaissance painting it clearly is in spirit.
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Of Hearts Breaking and Thunderstorms
Summary: A cloudy day in Malibu reflected Piper's exact feelings about what she knew she had to do. It didn't mean it hurt any less to turn this date into... a breakup.
Find it on: ffnet | AO3
It wasn’t a typical Californian day. Gray clouds covered the sky, hovering above the sea and turning it just as gray. The wind was chilly, making it feel like it was less than 65o out and forcing Piper to actually wear a hoodie. It might rain soon. The sand was lifeless.
Definitely, December wasn’t a postcard month in Malibu.
Still, Jason had bought them both ice-cream, which they now enjoyed on the beach. Well. Enjoyed was a bit of a strong word for Piper, since she felt like her head might explode at any minute from her turmoil of thoughts and doubts.
“I’ve a question for you.”
Coming from your boyfriend, that sentence was enough to set anyone into red alert mode; although, she debated, would that be such a bad thing?
“D’you remember that place I told you about?” Jason went on, animatedly. “In New Rome? With the brownies?”
“Yeah.” Her voice sounded far away. She wondered if he noticed how distracted she was.
“Well,” she caught his smile with the corner of her eyes, “one block over there’s this really nice restaurant that serves the best Italian food I’ve ever had – and we’ve been to Italy, even though we didn’t really enjoy the local cuisine. Anyway. I was thinking…”
The way his voice trailed off had Piper finally turning to look at him. She noted the slight blush on his cheeks and the way he was fiddling with his spoon, swirling the final pieces of his chocolate ice-cream. She noted how nervous he’d gotten. Then she remembered what day was approaching and cursed internally.
“It’s not, like, one of those super expensive Italian places where people wear suits and stuff, don’t worry,” he quickly explained, mistaking the meaning of her panicking face. “But it’s nice. I thought we could do something different. You know, for our anniversary.”
There it was. The word she didn’t want to hear.
It was ridiculous. She had dreamed about the time she would reach her first anniversary with Jason. She would plan something nice for them, something other than getting ice-cream from the street parlor or popcorn and a movie at her place. She would be over the moon.
She wasn’t, though. She wanted to ignore it completely. As it had gotten closer, she had dared to hope that Jason would be a stereotypical boyfriend who forgot anniversaries, but he wasn’t like that. He was… excited. He was trying to make plans.
Gods, how was she going to do this?
She turned to him sharply, noticing she had been staring at the ocean again and not answering him. Her ice-cream was finished, the empty cup next to her on the sand, so she busied her hands with the grains underneath them.
“Do you wanna do something else?” Jason offered. “It’ll be over break, so we can do whatever. If you don’t wanna go all the way to camp, we–”
“No!” Piper cut in. “That’s not…” That’s not the problem.
“It’s no trouble. I can get Tempest to take us. He’s probably hanging out close-by, with the weather like this. Or we can stay in, if you want? I could try to cook you dinner again.”
The image of Jason with an apron full of tomato sauce, holding a spoon over the stove while freaking out about water spilling from the pasta pan, nervous smiles and apologies for making a mess, filled her mind. He had been trying to cheer her up after another failed search for Leo. The meal had actually turned out alright, but he had freaked out during the preparation and refused any help. It had been adorable.
“… or something else?”
Poor thing, he looked so lost. She couldn’t do this to him.
“No! I – I just – I can’t!”
The effect of her outburst was instantaneous. What was left of Jason’s nervous smile melted away completely, as if his whole body sagged. At the same time, though, she could see him tensing up, and it physically hurt her. The sky seemed to darken.
“I’m sorry,” she buried her face in her hands and tried to put her thoughts in order so she could talk to him. She repeated, “I can’t.”
They were silent for a few moments, and then Jason said, in a careful, controlled voice she thought her would never use with her again, “Can’t what?”
“Do this to you.”
Piper heard him sigh and put his ice-cream cup down on the sand. When she finally got up the courage to look up, he was the one staring out at the ocean, eyes far away and face set. She knew that look and she didn’t like being the one to cause it.
“Before you say anything,” she started, “you didn’t do anything.”
He grimaced. “Was that the problem?”
“Then what is?” He looked at her, those electric blue eyes piercing into her soul. You’ve been weird for weeks. Is it about Leo? Because you know you can talk to me. We’re going through this together.”
“It’s not about Leo.”
“Then what?”
Piper wanted to give him an honest answer, because he deserved at least that from her. He knew what she was doing right now. He knew where she was going with the conversation, and he was obviously hurt. She needed to make sure he understood her reasons if he was ever going to forgive for this. And she desperately needed him to forgive her.
She shrugged, lost. “What are we doing?”
With a sarcastic tilt of his head, Jason glanced down. “We were eating ice-cream and enjoying this cloudy day on the beach.”
“No, I mean…” She sighed, frustrated, and hugged her legs to her chest. “With us. What’re we doing?”
“Dating, Pipes. Because we love each other.”
“Because Hera told us we do?”
They had talked about this before and she knew where Jason stood, which is why it was no surprise that his face closed off and he turned away. “We had a deal.”
Right. The deal he’d made the night the Romans had left Camp Half-Blood and he’d sneaked them up to his cabin’s roof. He had kissed her and said that they would be rewriting their story from then on – no Mist memories, no amnesia. A fresh start.
Except they couldn’t have a fresh start.
“I wish it was that simple,” Piper said, feeling her eyes getting wetter. “I wish I could just… forget those memories of us she planted in my brain. But I can’t! I can’t just… ignore the fact that she – and my mom – just looked at us and thought we’d make a good couple, and then they just pushed us together!”
“Nobody made me be with you.”
“You can’t know that. You can’t!” she added when he gave her a look. “We can’t erase our memories of all that manipulation and start fresh. It’s a fact – from the moment we met, we’ve had preconceived ideas that we should be together. We never had an objective look on things!”
Jason closed his eyes behind his glasses and Piper’s heart squeezed hard in her rib cage.
“I never did anything I didn’t mean. If I say I love you–”
“I know that. I know you.”
“Then what, you think I don’t know what I’m feeling?”
“I don’t know myself!” she finally burst out, the backs of her eyes burning. “This last year was pretty crazy, play? And I know how hard it was for you, to miss a chunk of your life and wake up with amnesia on the other side of the country. But you’ve known your whole life that you’re a demigod. You’ve trained for this since you were a literal baby. I didn’t have the luxury of having time to get used to this.”
Jason was watching her with careful eyes. She still had so much to say and explain, but her head was a mess and her words betrayed her, especially if she met his hypnotizing gaze for too long; gods, why did she have to be so in love with him? She couldn’t stop now – finish what you started, McLean.
“One moment I was on a bus trip with my boyfriend and my best friend, the next I was falling down the Grand Canyon and there was this huge prophecy on my shoulders. My recollections of the past few months were apparently a lie. And throughout all of that, I was only sure of two things: Leo was my best friend and I liked you. That’s it. That was all I knew.
“Now the prophecy’s over, and Leo’s gone, and I just…” she shrugged, hopelessly. “I was just – I was thrown into this world and I had to readjust my image of myself. But the way it readjusted… I mean, even before we started dating for real, I was with in a way. I don’t know how to be me without being with you, and I don’t like that.”
Piper loved him, she did, and he deserved all the praise he got. But she was not – repeat, not – going to be defined as Jason Grace’s girlfriend. Maybe someday… when her head was on straight and she was sure of herself… she wouldn’t mind standing next to him. Now, though…
“I don’t know who I am either, you know,” Jason said like an off-comment, but Piper felt the bite nonetheless. “Seeing both camps and wanting to belong in both. I was raised a Roman – I wasn’t supposed to be tempted to leave some of it behind.”
“That’s different.”
He raised his eyebrows at her.
“I also have that,” Piper continued. “I’m half Greek goddess and half… what? Because, for the Cherokee, your heritage comes from your mother, so what am I, really? This whole gods business is messed up – I think all half-bloods go through at least one identity crisis. I…” she searched for the right words. “I can’t be defined by a person.”
“Did someone say something to you?” Jason turned his body a bit more to her. “Is that what triggered this? By the gods, Piper, you’re not defined by your relationship with me. Nobody in their right mind would be dumb enough to even think such a–”
“I am! I’m the dumb person!” The revelation seemed to strike Jason speechless for a moment. “It’s me, okay? I realized that I’ve been defining myself like that ever since I entered this world. Who am I if I’m not in love with you? If I’m not Leo’s best friend? If I’m not that girl who uses her powers to steal things? I don’t know the answer! And I can’t figure it out if I’m still with you!”
Even though Piper was pretty sure that Jason had picked up on where the conversation was going from the start, it apparently didn’t soften the blow. She felt it too, saying it out loud, like a cold claw closing around her heart. The clouds above closed in, nearly turning the day into night and the wind picked up. A storm was definitely on its way.
Jason blinked a couple of times and turned to the ocean. She couldn’t read his expression – he was wearing his mask of indifference he’d perfected over the years at Camp Jupiter. At last, he said, “Okay.”
“I just need some perspective.”
It wasn’t okay. Piper had to remind herself why she had to do this in the first place, because all she wanted to do was throw herself at him and be held in his arms while he kissed her over and over and over.
When the silence felt too suffocating, she said, “I know it’s not fair to ask, but you’re my best friend too. I don’t think I can lose you. Not after Leo.”
There was no emotion in his voice and it made her want to scream at him. Actually, she wanted him to scream at her. Or something. She wanted a reaction; anything to show her how he was feeling. It was a done deal now, though – Jason had closed himself off and nothing was going to pry him open at that moment.
“I guess I’ll just…” his voice cracked and he cleared his throat, moving to grab his forgotten ice-cream cup. He kept his head down, not meeting her eyes. “I’ll give you your space, then.”
“Jason…” But he was already getting up and leaving.
Piper knew it was going to hurt, as much as she knew she had to do it. However, actually watching him physically walk away from her broke something in her chest and a sob escaped her lips. Suddenly, the weather was fitting – cloudy, windy, cold. And if thunder and lightning rumbled above and followed his retreating figure… well, she just knew she would never enjoy a thunderstorm quite the same way ever again.
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