#//haha dont worry! i love novels~
barebevil · 5 months
Exordia spoilers
God and the devil and heaven and hell are all real
angels are real and one of them falls to earth and becomes a starship
political in the extreme, what else did you except from a seth dickinson joint
veeery heavy on jargon. very technical. very heavy on pop culture references too like justtttt on the edge of come on now but i think he gets away with it. i think its kind of charming
trying to think of a concise way to say that math is deeply poetic and romantic. I love math. seth dickinson loves math. if that that sequence of the metaphor of that one axiom in the monster baru cormorant genuinely moved you then i think you should give Exordia by Seth Dickinson a shot
its PACKED. its busy. a novel with little to no breathing room. all the time something happens. lots of really existentially devastating stuff
do you want do spend 20 hours with some of the worst most self righteous infuriating bisexual war criminals ever committed to the page? I say again, give exordia a shot. when i say the worst i do mean you'll hate them for real. but dont worry lots of really terrible shit happens to them. like you'll meet a guy and think god i hope he gets shot dead cus he really deserves it and then he does very much get shot. some of them more than once!
yes they're all horny. its a seth dickinson joint dont make me say it again
nobody in this is GOOD so if you want somebody to root for. well its full of people you can root for but you wont be doing it because theyre good you're doing it because to want them to stay alive so they can make each other worse and more miserable a little more
i wasnt kidding about the spoilers so like at your own risk keep reading. ok. ending this thing on a threesome was soooooooooo brave. and by brave i mean hot. and by hot i mean seth dickinson my friend seth dickinson said im sorry for doing all that and not letting my characters fuck even once. have a threesome. in the final 30 pages or whatever. idk the page number i listened to the audiobook. and i said thank you seth dickinson i love you i love you
and its funny. existentially depressing, kind of horrifying, really exciting. and FUNNY. like HAHA funny.
but seriously if you are particularly sensitive to themes of genocide or of nuclear extinction proceed with caution. i say this as someone who is quite sensitive to themes of nuclear extinction. it scares the shit out of me i'll be honest!!!!!!! there's a non zero chance that this book will make you sick to your stomach. several times. so like. beware
And i mean one thing was clear throughout the whole thing even when i got lost in some of the jargon. Seth Dickinson can WRITE. like he can WRITEEEEEEEE. he can write. goddamn
yes theres a milf
yes i have a crush on the snake alien
any questions?
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lynn-tged-posting · 19 days
tged webtoon ep 158 spoilers and thoughts but mostly it's just me laughing my ass off and also speculating on what happens, im still working on the novel but ill finish it soon trust <- has like ten billion different things she wants to do at the same time
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javier you absolute fiend you ,,, you've learned so much,,, /aff
i figured that javier would tell them at least a semi-truth, or something like that to tide over the count/countess,,, their expressions here made me so worried for a moment,,,
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LIKE THESE UUAGHGHHGHGHHHH that kind of anticipation is terrifying tbh like "has our son been dead this whole time, have we been living w someone else??" and the imminent grief looming over that thought i think got translated really well here the blank irises and the shadowed face im so ,,,, ueueueueueue
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insane genuinely fucking insane i couldn't stop laughing HAHAHAHAA like this is completely absurd but the fact that it's coming from javier, someone who the count and countess completely trust at the moment, someone who's been by lloyd's side this whole time,,, PELASE HAHAHFHADHFDHSHAHA
the count and countess reacting too got me giggling a storm HAHA
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also also early webtoon lloyd makes an appearance again i think it's really fun that the artist gives him the hairstyle from back then, before they changed his hairstyle heehee
oh his undershirt is also missing that X that's usually there in the current tged style too i didnt notice that at first but another little callback!!!
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I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY TO THIS LIKE HE DIDNT HAVE TO but i guess it did kind of knock the count/countess out of their stupor bc by seeing something so insane from javier they think javier rlly regrets giving lloyd BRAIN DAMAGE LAKJDFSHDF FUCKING BRAIN DAMAGE
i did see some ppl say that its kind of odd that they thank javier for this and thats fair yeah i dont think id be ok w finding out "oh one of my loved ones gave another one of my loved ones MEMORY LOSS"
but i think it could be that they're relieved to find out (or are inclined to believe) that their lloyd is "still alive" - he's just changed, not dead (except he is dead, so javier succeeded in fooling them without telling very severe lies)
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honestly with how their expressions were they were probably expecting the worst, esp w all the evidence stacked against lloyd. can u imagine that despair, realizing that the person you've finally come to love is not the person you thought they were?? that the person you thought you had a second chance with, wasn't that person at all? i bet all those regrets were washing over the count and countess all at once,,, and then the relief that comes when it's revealed (when they're lead to believe) that no, it's the same person. this second chance was with the same lloyd, not someone else. that's still their son. oooooh imagine the relief, the realization that you don't have to mourn, you don't have to grieve for a death that happened under your nose
i think that's why they reacted this way, instead of worrying over javier wacking lloyd upside the head; like, what matters now is that lloyd frontera is alive (to them) and that both lloyd and javier have grown and changed themselves and the estate for the better. that the child and the knight they raised have a bright future and isn't that what any parent wants?
tho ofc they dont realize that their assumption is not the truth, but well they dont need to know that,,, for everyones sakes,,, nice play javier
when lloyd shows up and we saw this panel i thought we were gonna have a nice moment between the two of them where lloyd thanks javier for covering for him and hiding the truth but then-
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and then lloyds conversation with the count/countess after PLEASE
yknow this is kind of like that bargaining strategy where you propose something completely absurd and crazy so that the other party says no, but then you offer your real request that is objectively tasking but the other party thinks of it as lesser than the former request so they'll grant it . whatever the heck that strat is called thats what this feels like HAHAHAHA
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lloyd says "all i need is for you to stay healthy" and god that fucking. hurts ouw ouuuhhh owiee oww BUDDY U CAN HAVE BOTH U CAN PROTECT UR FAMILY WHILE ALSO RELYING ON THEM!!! LLOYD!!! LLLOOOYYYDDD
and yet of course this is smth that suho!lloyd would say ,,, he wasnt able to help his parents w their struggles back then but now he can and now it's all he wants to do ,,, i cant even explain how emo this exchange makes me i can't quite put it into words even after a whole day of sitting on this,,, especially after the events of 157 like lloyd im worried abt u!! he doesnt even realize he doesnt even realize the overwork the possible spiral that can come from trying to preserve this aghhh AAGGHHH
sorry for losing it anyways moving on, the title effects linking yippie!!! it was super fun seeing all the teams and all the people he's brought together,,, truly this was our greatest estate development /j
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AND THEN AND THEN the last reveal of this episode THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN HELLO!@?!?!??!@?!?@?!@! OH MY GOD
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raphael looks a litte different here i could've sworn he was a turtle /j
BUT YEAH HOLY SHIT WOW i mean it makes sense, if theres a hell theres probably a heaven, and there was that line that javier said where he was like "alicia liking lloyd is more ridiculous than suho actually being an archangel" MAN I SHOULDA SEEN THIS COMING LMAO but im still excited to see where this goes
like the jewel of truth construction being ILLEGAL? what r they gonna do??? like,,, take the parts away?!?! how will lloyd avoid their like, divine punishment or whatever?? is it considered a crime to start mythical construction??? i wonder what their ruling will be
also the exiled student guy (forgot his name) and lupellan what r they up to will this interfere w them?? or with lloyd? a lot of stuff lined up oh GOD lmao
anyways thats all for right now, as always i yap more on my twitter if youd like to see more shenanigans from me, see yall next week!! !!!!
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ace-in-hyperspace · 2 years
The WinTeam brain rot is real, y'all. I've watched the episode twice now, and I'm sure I will again before Sunday. My thoughts are all over, so bear with me. The amount of foreshadowing they did the first episode, I love it!
Warning! Potential spoilers ahead! I've read the novel. And am looking at the scenes in the trailer.
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While talking to Tul, who we now know to be one of Win’s friends, Tul tries to get Win to agree to take him on his bike. Win responds with the above statement. From the novel, if I'm remembering correctly, Win bought his bike with his own money, so it's the one thing that is truly his and, because of this, is protective about it. In the trailer, we see him taking Team on his bike. As far as we know, Team is probably the first one (outside his family?) who Win has let ride his bike with him.
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Win's bike? He's protective over. Team? He's getting protective over, but has to observe first. See whether or not it's smart to go after Team. We know he will become protective over Team. So allowing Team on the bike, that's huge. It's showing that Team is special.
The conversation Win and Dean have on the beach is so so important.
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If you watched UWMA, we're used to carefree, easy-going Win. Here, he's showing insecurities, showing that he's hiding a lot of things close to his chest. Dean says to him that if Win ever finds someone important to him, someone special, that Win would do everything to keep him with him. Win has to turn away from Dean upon hearing that, and visibly swallows, thinking. Win knows this, that if he found someone like that, he would do whatever he could to love them and be loved by them, because he desperately wants that. I'm sure he's thinking about what happened earlier with Team. He already showed concern for Team after his foot was cut.
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I dont know about you all. But that's not the face of the vice-president worried about his junior. That's the face of someone who is worried about the one he cares about, or will care about (he's going to get there, and knows it). Team intrigues him. He's watched him, and decided he wants to know him more than what Team shows to everyone else. So here, after knowing each other a little more than a week? 2 weeks? He's already so concerned for Team.
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But here? This is right after saving Team. Win is terrified. Yes, he's yelling at Team because of what just happened so there's anger mixed in. But overwhelmingly, terror. To show Win worried about Team so early on, that means this scene is going to be *chef's kiss.* Because some time has passed, they know each other more, Win is probably falling in love, if not already in love with Team by now. Just from his expression, he's conveying so many different feelings, Never do that again, Don't you understand how much that scared me, Don't you understand how much you mean to me, Don't you understand that I'd be destroyed if something happened to you?
I'm sooooo excited to see their story unfold. And see how Win and Team fall in love with each other. They're going to provide so much comfort to one another ❤️. There's my rant, haha. Please please someone talk about them with me. I have too many feelings.
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urnumber1star · 3 months
omg yeah im working on a novel too!!! im young as well lol mine's called Daughter of Blood and Blessing (DOBAB) which i know is lengthy but all the other names are taken ;^;
i LOVE UR TRIO'S DYNAMIC. they're so funny! literally iconic pookums <3
my 2 main characters are Eiroh (air-oh) and Xiduma (zye-doo-muh). Eiroh's a trans boy with *substance abuse trauma* and Xiduma was beaten, watched her mothers die, and survived in a rough city for four years and started to love killing people... its like a medieval-fantasy-makebelieve thing. (SORRY FOR THE YAPPING)
if u ever wanna rant abt ur story im always up for it :) and if you ever need editors/beta readers i'd be honored!!!! have an awesome day!!!
DONT WORRY I LOVE THE YAPPING!!!! And I'll gladly hear about your story as well. It sounds like a trip :] Oh joy, VIOLENCE lmao
[/j I love stories like that] Thank you about the trio! I love them too haha. Have a wonderful day! I'm always available if you want to rant some more! :]
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angstflavoured · 2 months
I'm about half way through writing a CharPim fic (currently stands at just under 7k words) but I'm worried I'm gonna second guess myself enough that I never finish it. How should I hype myself up so I don't chicken out?
honestly I am like the GOD of not finishing fics, so I wish I could give super solid advice, but I'd be lying if I said I was the person to go to for this. Just try your best to power through it and don't get too caught up on it being perfect. A lot of the time I dont finish bc I feel like it isnt coming out exactly how I like and I need it to be better, but most of the time other people won't even notice and will just really like it and not think twice. The bar is always 5 pegs lower than you expect it to be HAHA people will love whatever you put out. Just remember that youre doing it for free, simply out of love for the media. It doesnt need to be a publish worthy novel, it's just supposed to be fun.
If you do finish, I'm excited to read ittt when it finally comes out !! Best wishes, hope it goes smoothly for you and comes out how you want it to 🌟
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arcaneyouth · 4 months
For your OC prompts! How about something Old, something New, something Borrowed, aaaand I’d say something Blue but I’m pretty sure I already saw you prompt an OC for that one haha
not to worry i have 400 ocs so i have plenty of blue guys to talk about <3
Something old:
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talk about old, this is some older art that i want so badly to replace but also i dont do anything with them anymore so there's really no need. anyways hiii this is one of my oldest ocs! before i started making the deathspeaker, i was actively writing my """""novel""""", Lilith. it sucked ass but it was awesome. this is yijun! they were the head of the rebel group the protagonist found herself in, and over the course of the story yijun slowly revealed that they couldn't give less of a shit about changing the status quo or fighting for freedom or whatever the hell. no. they used to be a GOD. and they will stop at nothing to feel that power coursing through them again. it just so happens that getting that power aligns with killing the emperor. as soon as they get it back tho they start killing. baby me was OBSESSED with them they used to be my favorite oc for real. so, they're a couple hundred years old, they're one of my earliest ocs, and i had to show off old art for this. thats 3 for 3 babey
Something new:
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(art/design by @rainecloud020604)
one of my newest ocs, tho it's already been 5 months since i got them, god i miss buying adopts and making ocs every week that shit was great. anyways, it's a silly lil gamer! he is sooooo cute and lovely and perfect and working hand in hand with an extremely hostile lovecore entity that's taking control of a lot of people. she thinks its really cool and awesome and that anyone that doesn't follow it is a fucking idiot. i love this lil shit. it needs a name if there are any suggestions c:
Something borrowed:
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(robot design by @hershelchocolateart)
I feel like aiden fits this prompt for reasons unrelated to their actual story. cause y'see, i made aiden because i was so so so so so so so so so sad I didn't win a character design raffle on toyhouse. so. i took inspiration from the design and made my own guy. they're not really a bootleg of that raffle design or anything, i did just take the vague vibes and built off of that. but still they fit the prompt cause i sure did borrow some ideas when i made them c:
Something blue:
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(art/design by @hershelchocolateart)
THE SILLYYYY!!! this guy doesn't have a lot of plot stuff figured out yet, but they are a member of this story's magical girl squad that's working to take down a god <3 they switch to their kitsune form by doing a long magical girl transformation and they don't let you skip it you have to watch the whole thing every time. they also need a name and im looking for suggestions,
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charlybird · 1 year
okay so i feel like an idiot talking about it but maybe youd understand. since bill isnt all that terribly liked either. but like i love strauss. i dont know why. i could never hate him. so many people do though. how the heck do you handle that, the slander. of others. out there. see like said i feel stupid but i cannot help the fact that the little austrian man is my special interest
haha I struggle with it a lot actually. I've loved fictional villains all my life and it's silly that I even feel bad about it. I'll admit I'm not crazy on Strauss but it's mainly because I hate his missions. He's definitely one of the odd ones out in the group but that's kind of the point. He works because he kind of contradicts what Dutch is meant to stand for. Pretty much the whole game is just pure moral confusion. Literally the whole group are outlaws and bad people in some way. Some characters less bad than others obviously but there's always been this weird thing online where people get rude to others over a character they hate. But I get that even seeing these people saying bad stuff about characters you like can make you feel weird. And I don't mean simple stuff like "oh I really hate this character because x y z" but when people feel the need to reallllly slander them. I guess there's always that worry that these people will hate you for liking them. And people can do whatever they want on their own page but yeah I don't really know how to deal with it. I tend to just avoid fandoms as a whole for many many reasons but this is one of them. I recon people who love Micah have the hardest time ahaha. Again I don't particularly like Micah, I think he works as a character and I love his voice actor. But I also don't feel the need to sit here bitching and bitching about how much I hate him. But I guess some people do feel that need to hate vent on their own page. Also, I remember when I first found out about Bill's bad side I did have a gut reaction where I almost dropped him, but after a few days I realised that talking to him in game and drawing him just make me happy. And I'm not going to give that up just because he's an unliked fictional character. So if Strauss makes you happy, then you keep liking him! I'm sorry for this novel of an answer
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nevsclowntown · 2 years
Shisui Uchiha for the "send me a character" thingy please 😊 (and Itachi too, if you like 👉👈)
Thank you sm for the ask ♥ (Sorry it did get longer than expected and it also features Itachi)
Uchiha Shisui
First impression:
I was met with Shisui as I discovered malignedaffairs artworks and I didn't know anything about him apart from the fact that he looks gorgeous and that Itachi and him look breathtaking together.
Impression now
Ahhh Shisui. I think Shisui is REALLY really interesting as a character, despite the fact that we have so little information on him. But based on the info that we have about him I'm interested.
I watch a naruto youtuber and he has talked about the info we have on Shisui - apparently from the light novels.
Shisui did kill his best friend - or was in some way feeling responsible for killing his best friend - out of jealousy. The best friend he had before Itachi. Malignedaffairs made a comic about it as well and in there Shisui let go of his best friends hand and the fall ended up killing them. Now in canon we don't know HOW it happened but it is canon that Shisui let his best friend die (or killed them) out of jealousy for their strength and acquired the mangekyo that way.
Also, I think this bit of information is from the light novels? I don't remember, I watched it in the youtube video and can look for the source but yk, just for this ask I'll just talk about it like that. Anyway, Shisui had parents. I don't really remember what it was about his mother, but his father was bedridden and Shisui had to take care of the family, shoulder all of those expectations and make money etc. However, his father wasn't only bedridden but with the increase of his sicknesses, he ended up forgetting who Shisui was. He forgot that he had a son. And as heartwrenching and terrible this is - it was Shisui who basically ... didn't give a flying.
It was also Shisui who lied to Danzo to get Itachi into the root. Because in Itachis root trial, Shisui basically did the job and said Itachi was it - which brought Itachi into the root on Shisuis side.
I DONT KNOW. Shisui is already so complicated and complex from these bits and pieces of info. I love hot malignedaffairs painted the picture of Shisui being afraid of himself occasionally, worrying he'd end up hurting Itachi as well as he did for his former best friend.
Also Shisui having so little emotions left for his family and basically recruiting Itachi into the worst part of Konoha. The only person Shisui has ever really cared about was Itachi, from what we can guess and see and I think it's just interesting.
Shisui turned out to be something that I never expected from seeing those great artworks, there is so much behind a character we've literally seen ... 2 minutes.
Sorry for the ramble, this is totally unfiltered and chaotic but I have a lot of thoughts on Shisui that I wont be getting into too deeply now.
I'll leave it at that.
Favorite moment
We have ... so little on him :(
But probably that Shisui instead of just giving his eye to Itachi normally to use against Fugaku or to ... go there and use his remaining eye on FUGAKU, the way they had planned - just rips it out and puts it in a crow to follow Itachi around.
I won't get too much into the whole Shisui taking his life part but I thought it's hilarious how his decision-making goes.
Idea for a story
I'd love to explore how things would have turned out if he didn't die - obviously. And how the relationship/friendship between Itachi and him would have continued.
And if they would have managed to stop the Uchihan revolution.
Also, tbh, bc I'm a huge fan of ShiIta, I'd love to just take closer looks on their relationship itself and how they are stuck to one another.
I should read more on them - but currently I'm so stuck in reading everything elated to HashiMada that gets into my hands haha
Unpopular opinion
Not sure if these are unpopular, because I haven't seen many people talk about him :(
Shisui isn't really kind or empathic - he masks a lot and has troubles connecting to the emotions of others and himself. The only person he cares about, in the most possible way for him, is Itachi. In extension of Itachi he also cares for Sasuke - but only as far as it affects Itachi, not for Sasuke on his own.
He's good at hiding these things but to other people he's often coming off as ... a little off. Like that there's something not quite right to him. Except for Itachi - Itachi loves him and thinks he's great the way he is tbh.
Favorite relationship
Itachi and him !!♥
You can do so much with them and considering that we have barely nothing to none information about Shisui, everyone can freely put anything on him and we get such a variety of ways of them!
Favorite headcanon
Shisui barely let's anything through and things rarely shake him to his core. As I said, he's not really in touch with himself but I love the idea of malignedaffaris on how he's struggling with the death of his former best friend and in times where Shisui DOES get a hold on himself and can reflect on his actions and this ounce of empathic inside of his body grabs his ankles - he's terrefied of the things he can do and holds onto Itachi. He doesn't express these things often but when he does, it all just comes spilling out of him like a waterfall and Itachi does nothing but hold him and listen and reassure him that he's not worried or afraid of him.
Uchiha Itachi
First impression
I watched Naruto as I was a kid for the first time. I was like 13 and everyone thought Itachi was the coolest and for that simple reason I loathed him. Haha.
I thought he was way too overrated and everyone was obsessed with him for his strength and his cool color combination and his aloof personality and I hated that.
I rewatched Naruto at the beginning of this year and I didn't LOATHE him anymore, but I generally disliked Itachi. Mostly for the things he put Sasuke through and because I wasn't really ready to dip deeper into the reasons for the way he acts.
Impression now
Yeah okay, don't touch me or my bby. I love him now. BUT not for the reasons the people I knew loved him. Bc I, don't think that Itachi is cool at all. Or aloof. Yes he's got a pretty neat color combination going for himself - black and red does work with any Uchiha. But I don't see him as super distant and badass and unbelievably strong.
I like Itachi for his weakness. And all those coolness-reasons are actually quite sad at the end, because Itachi also puts up a lot of acts that he seems so untouchable to stay safe while at the same time he's shattered into so many pieces on the inside.
Also, I think that Itachi isn't a genius at all.
I think Itachi is actually absolutely stupid - because the decisions he has done and the roads taken have always been the worst possible option.
Give Itachi two options to choose from:
A: the good path
B: the bad path
and Itachi finds a way to choose
C: the absolute worst route you can go
I made a WHOLE powerpoint about the decisions Itachi has made and why they are as stupid as they are. I do cut him the slack of making those decisions mostly when he was 13yrs old - but even as an adult he keeps doing things that don't make sense AT ALL.
(id put down the efford and show this pp someday, but its in german and so long it’s just too much haha)
To me personally it's hilarious when people say he'd be a good Hokage because he'd ruin Konoha in a day and a half.
I love him, with all my heart, but god he's an idiot.
Favorite moment
I have many favourite moments of Itachi, but nothing beats Itachi catching a chicken.
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Idea for a story
Ahh, I don't know tbh. I love to put Itachi in the AU's my fiance and I have.
In our next gen Au, Itachi kind of returns as an upgraded Edo-Tensei but only for the reason to finally reconnect with Sasuke and live a quiet happy life without the need for violence. He deserves some peace. He also goes and travels with Kisame lol.
In the omegaverse Au that is mostly centered around the founders (which is why I talk about it as the omegaverse founders au) he is also there. Actually, because it's an au, everyone is there. And Itachi's basically left to raise Sasuke and Shisui is on his side.
I'd also like to see stories where Itachi was saved instead of killed by Sasuke or where he would have made different (BETTER) decisions.
Unpopular opinion
I think Itachi is an absolute idiot. (affectionate)
Favorite relationship
Romantic? It's Shisui and Kisame!♥
Platonical I can never get enough of Itachi and Sasuke bonding as siblings. Uchiha siblings having me in a chokehold all the time.
Favorite headcanon
oh this is hard. I like to think that Itachi likes things like tarot reading - esoteric things. He doesn't do that himself - like he's not the one reading cards but he likes to get them read once in a while.
Thank you so much for your ask again! - Sorry this got LONG
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koqabear · 9 months
Hello, I am here to excitedly rave about Only You Darling and shower you in well-deserved compliments. Anybody else reading this, stop if you haven't read Only You Darling as there will be SPOILERS.
First of all, your writing is brilliant, I wish I could come up with plots like you do. I have so many fics that I start writing and then I don't know how to get from A to B or what should happen next and just give up.
I have read Only You Darling (and also What The Body Wants, the whole concept of that fic >>>) twice now, and I'm sure I'll read it again in the future. My first read was a wild ride, I was so invested, I thought what if it's Yeonjun and Beomgyu but nah, then I when Soobin came into the picture I was sure it was Soobin and then it was Beomjun! Every time I thought i had it figured out, you had me doubting myself. I loved all the twists and turns and the way I was so stressed after everything went down and the reader was living in that house, the imagery that you created was amazing. I have to say that it's the best fic I've read on this site. Hands down. I don't think I've read such a well planned and fleshed out fic in maybe a decade (not to show my age haha), after I was done reading I felt as if I'd just watched a movie. I don't even get through thriller novels, I always get bored with the pacing or the writing, but you had me in the palm of your hand.
I'm sure I have more thoughts, but right now they're just a blurred mess of excitement and awe. Thank you for sharing your work and making me excited about reading fics again. I am slowly making my way through the rest of your stuff, I'm sure I will be back to word-vomit on you about other stories in the future!
HAIIIIII HIHIHI OMG IM SOOOO SORRY I TOOK LITERAL MONTHS TO ANSWER THIS 😭😭😭🙁 i saw it and wanted to make sure that i had time to answer all your points but then i KEPT FORGETTING ABOUT IT 😭😭 but please know that i really appreciate feedback like 🫶🫶🫶 getting a review on oyd always makes me so happy and you really delivered with this 
full response under the cut :]
AHHHHSJDBSKDB BUT THANK U OMG 💔💔 when i first started writing on here i’d neverrrr thought i’d be writing long fics so consistently… even 10k was a huge rare accomplishment to me akzbwkdjs,,, it takes time to really figure out what works and what doesn’t with writing methods but… i wish you the best of luck with all your wips and i’m sure you’ll be able to have a breakthrough someday with any you might be struggling on !!! i believe in you !!!
YOU’VE READ OYD TWICE. Oh… my heart T_T idk but like,, i’ve never really been able to grasp the concept that people actually.. reread my stories. That’s genuinely one of the most flattering things to hear in my opinion bc 😭😭 to hear that i’ve managed to write a fic that’s worth being read again is mind blowing to me algskldgh (also thank you !!! WTBW is forever near and dear to my heart <3)
It’s always so satisfying to hear that my attempts on tricking the readers were successful hehe :3 it was one of the major things i was worried about tbh,,, it took a lot of thinking on how i would introduce soobin’s character and how he would be involved, so im happy to hear that my work paid off ! and imagery was something that i learned was very important while writing oyd; it really makes or breaks a scene, imo. Especially in those final cabin scenes,,, AGH idk im so giddy to have it pointed out tho bc i do put a little extra love and effort into my imagery :3
AWWWWSLDKGHH UGH YOU’RE JUST. im gonna sob. The best fic.. dont say that to me im crazy 😭😭 but aggggh it makes me feel so appreciated and seen to read that you think it’s well planned like :(( i remember how much effort i put into that fic omg… that story is my baby im afraid 
Again, thank you so much for taking the time to write such a sweet review, and im sorry i couldn’t respond to it sooner 😭 comments like these are sooo motivating and validating, i seriously can’t explain how happy it makes me <333
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cosmignon · 1 year
4, 9, 23, 25 for Ellie?
4. Do they enjoy baking?
She does a lot actually! Bernadette works in a bakery* and I said in-comic she used to let Ellie watch her work. She was just old enough that Bernadette was starting to actually teach Ellie how to bake, but then wouldn't you know it the curse started to affect her about a year ago! And so that couldn't keep going. Ellie is so sad she can't bake she thinks baking is fun!!!
*(which is why I went with the last name Baker iirc? they could've also been the Carpenters since that's John's job but I liked Baker better, so just assume husbands can just take their wives' names dont worry abt it)
9. When they're sick what do they do to feel better?
She's the kind to just quietly go curl up in her bed and sleep until she's better. She also tries to reread stories she likes a lot bc its hard to start a new book (if she even has a new book to read, that's rare). If she's feeling real bad she likes it when her mom reads to her instead.
23. How would they want to die?
I think she'd either have a very safe answer of drift peacefully to sleep or maybe she'd have a fantasy novel inspired idea of "oh wouldn't it be romantic to die in the arms of your love 🥺"
also this seems like a question that'd come up while hanging out with the dock crew friends so they'd think that answer is sappy haha
25. Do they have a daily/nightly routine?
In the morning she makes her bed, at night she cleans up any of her books or toys that might've moved from their usual spots
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anathemafiction · 2 years
anna i love youu dont you worry your pretty brilliant little head the hype hasn't died at all❤️❤️I'm practicing restraint by not reading the extended demo so i can read all of it when the full game gets released haha but its difficult🤧idk if you've been asked this before but what are your favorite books? like real books.
It's very hard for me to pick a list of favorite books, I love so many of them! My interests and obsessions tend to shift over time, but looking back, some titles have always stayed with me. For different reasons and with different depths but these books, no matter how fresh they are in my mind, left an impression so I suppose these are my top 5.
I'll put them under a read me more because, by God, it got extremely long! 😄
In no particular order:
I love dystopian books, and out of the ones I've read, this is the one that I always come back to. It's not a feel good book - it's the very opposite. There are scenes in it that made me physically uncomfortable, scenes where I wanted to stop reading, and characters that deeply disturbed me. 
But that's exactly the point. It's a dark, harrowing tale where the main character isn't a hero, and it's a tale that perfectly encaptures what George Orwell lived through and witnessed. You can feel the claustrophobia, the control that Big Brother has on every single thought of his subjects, and the narrative is so well written that I felt afraid whenever Winston did something that he wasn't supposed to. I felt as paranoid as he did. 
Just a masterpiece of dystopia, and I can see why it's considered a classic. It's not a horror in the traditional sense, but what could be more terrifying than the totalitarian empire of Oceania?
One Hundred Years of Solitude
I'll admit: I've tried reading other works of Gabriel Márquez, but I didn't enjoy them very much. This one though... this one, I have a hard time putting into words why it marked me as it did. But damned, it really did. 
The story follows not a character but a family. We accompany the Buendía family from the first generation when they settle in Macondo, to the very last descendent. And we feel the years and time move forward while eerily, oddly, staying exactly the same. Time is not a line but a circle that is bound to repeat itself - fate acts on the grandpa in the same way it does on the grandson. And each person, each generation has its struggles and victories, but they're always connected to the ones who came before. It's so hard to put into words the fatalism of this tale and how it makes you feel - and think of your own history, your own family, your own culture. 
It's been a while since I last read it, and many details of the story are blurry in my mind, but I will never forget the ending. I remember I couldn't see the words, for tears were spilling out of my eyes and I could barely breathe because everything leading to that last page is a masterclass on how to write. I don't know how Márquez did it, but he wrote one of the best, maybe the best, endings I've ever read. 
The book is also a window into life in Latin America, for the town might be fictional but it's obviously influenced by Latin countries. The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende (another book that I love, but doesn't make the top 5 by a tiny margin) or, to be fair, any book by Allende, is the only other piece of media I can think of that gives such a raw and clear account of Latin America.
Memorial do Convento
José Saramago is my favorite author, I think I've read all his books, and let me tell you, it was very hard not to fill this list with his works. But if I must choose only one, then it's a no-brainer: it's this one.
The story follows the making of the Mafra monastery, a construction only made possible by the gold and diamonds the Portuguese crowd imported from our colonies in Brazil. It has both a macro scope - the monastery's construction - and a micro one; the love story of Baltazar and Blimunda, the novel's "protagonists".
Like pretty much all of Saramago's books, it deconstructs and critiques the rich's exploitation of the poor, the sacrifices and importance of free speech and freedom of thinking, and, especially, the corruption of the Church. All written in his unique style that always has me reading with a smirk on my face and endlessly in awe of the masterfulness Saramago has of the Portuguese language - there's no one like him. The man makes the Portuguese dictionary his personal toy. 
There's a chapter I particularly love. It's called The Epic of the Stone, on which a group of 600 men and 400 oxen carry an enormous stone from the quarry to Mafra - a journey that took 8 days and cost the lives of several men. This was done because the king wanted a beautiful balcony, and they didn't want to cut the stone into several, smaller parts - it had to be one big, magnificent piece. 
There's not a better metaphor for how the rich are built on the back of workers. For how, despite History saying that it was King João V who build the monastery, it was actually the hundreds of unnamed men who did it. 
I could go on and on about this book. It's beautiful and tragic and perfectly satirizes the darker side of not only my nation's history and government, but Europe at large.
The Lord of the Rings trilogy
I know, it's cheating, but I really can't separate the books! It's LOTR, on its whole, and I'd go as far as to throw in the Hobbit too because I adore it almost as much. 
To be honest... what can I say about them? I love, love, love fantasy - I've spent so many hours in my childhood devouring fantasy books - and of all the ones that I love, none can quite reach Middle Earth. It's magical. I have a hard time explaining it, Tolkien's work feels like home to me. 
I love the theme of perseverance, of believing even when you're in the darkest of nightmares. Of having hope that the sun will always rise, and if it doesn't, then you'll face death not without fear but refusing to lose yourself to desperation. 
An army of merciless, grotesque orcs is coming, and there's so little hope, but you still pick up the sword. It's a lesson that I try to take with me - maybe not apply it in such a dramatic way, of course, but in my own daily struggles and my fears. A little hobbit made it to Mordor, despite all the odds, despite all the pain - and he saved the world. 
Maybe there's some hope for me too?
The Graveyard Book
I... adore this book. If One Hundred Years of Solitude has the best ending I've read, then this book has the absolute best beginning. 
"There was a hand in the darkness, and it held a knife."
I'm getting chills from it. The book is a treasure, both in the way it's written and the story itself. It's whimsical and light, even as it touches subjects as heavy as mortality and what it means to be alive. The main character and all of the characters, even the villains, are so well written. I am a massive fan of Neil Gaiman, and I think this is one of his best works. 
This book is deceitfully simple, but it's one that I think about from time to time. Maybe because it's about themes that have always fascinated me - and I've always feared too. Life and death, seizing the moment, and, most importantly, the importance of moving on. I don't know, it's a story that I carry with me. 
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stuckasmain · 2 years
The inherent fear to come from Bill being cast in The Crow reboot. Knowing damn well it’s going to lead to hoards of girls losing their minds over him and completely dumping the themes and plot from their brains as he’s the hot actor of the minute. It terrifies me. The story is something absolutely personal. It’s a love story, it’s a process of grief, it’s so many things and Brandon put so much into being true to the character. The original movie put so much effort into following the graphic novel, to referencing the smallest little things like Eric’s scar or the shells in his hair. Hearing about the reboot, how they’re going to make Hollywood style “changes” for no reason other then thinking they’re cool, subversive or breaking molds when it’s a smaller group. The Crow both the movie and graphic novel has a cult following of largely Alt people, quieter people etc and I’m getting worried. The amount of people who are going to flood in and only be able to see “haha Hot guy, cool explosion” terrifies me beyond words.
Now , dont mishear me. I’m not saying you have to have some deep connection and be able to analyze the smallest detail of a 30+ year old comic or have to be a certain person etc etc but I’m just saying there’s a reason people really don’t want this to be rebooted. Both from Brandon’s passing (and him giving possibly one of the best performances I’ve seen ever.), it’s original close connection with James, it’s standing as a story. It’s not something that should be rebooted for a buck. Especially considering it’s small, close following- it’s popular enough but never quite ‘mainstream’ beside its cursed reboot’s and the occasional YouTube video. I don’t want to downplay Bill as a actor, I just don’t see it. Using a popular actor gets a lot of buzz but usually ruins story telling? In that you can’t detach the actor and just see them and not a character. Why reboot the original? Which was SUCH a good movie with a lot of heart behind it, and dedication to being faithful, strong performances and killer soundtrack. I’d reboot some of the sequels… which all had really good concepts at their core but ultimately were twisted into something- Hollywood- by studio meddling and the fact it was the early 2000s which was a breed of its own.
My point is, if the remake actually.. goes through, is made and before all related media and spots get taken over by fans of a actor. (My true fear is that people will watch purely because their attraction to the actor and lose sight of- basically everything else? And it just turns into him. How hot. How cute. How sad it is to see him cry etc.) watch the original. If you can get your hands on the graphic novel I couldn’t recommend it enough. It’s such a good, heartbreaking story that - if this blog isn’t clear enough- I devoured and dissected and could forever. (. Highly recommend special additional for panels/segments added back in) There’s a lot to appreciate with it and a reason so many people love it.
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gureshinlover · 3 years
/SHinya: why were we fighting again? Guren: to save the world. Shinya and others: haha cringe lol (I LOVE THEM SM)
Mahiru: *kills like at least 50 people in that room* Guren: Here i am mahiru, tell me how to save you!!!!!!! (they also fight like 5 years old “You cant save me” “I can” “no you cant”-)
mahiru its not the right time to be hot im about to hate you
SHE S PULLING SHIGURE’S HAIR :(( anyway shigure x mito moments when shigure falls and mito gets worried “Shigure-san!!”
mahiru’s like “why are you touching some other girl’s breasts in front of me” I-
here we are with the question “what’s the meaning of life” again (said by mahiru)
Shinya’s smile after mahiru talking- I can stare and cry at that smile for hours
GUYS SHINYA CALLED GUREN CHARMING I THINK OR EVEN MORE LIKE “that’s what makes him attractive/ that’s why i’m/we/you(idk) drawn into him” and repeated it to mahiru, “that’s why you’re attracted to him right”(he was talking about why guren is a stupid and  never takes the “right” way and rabbits blah blah”
Shinya: Which one do you choose  mahiru, right way or guren
Mahiru: And what  did you choose shinya?
Shinya: I chose guren. It’s stupid right? You can laugh all you want. But you’re jealous right? AAAA
Mahiru: ...yes
Shinya: you can still make it, christmas isnt over yet. Forget the right path and accept weakness.
these were already in novel but i’ll translate again:
Shinya: ahh damn it. it’s game over huh 
Guren: don’t talk!! I’ll give you all my power...
Shinya: Guren...
Guren: shut up!
Shinya: guren please listen
Guren: i said shut up!!
Shinya: ...I’ll die.
Guren: You won’t!
Shinya: ...I will
Guren: NO!!
Shinya: ...but... it was   fun. Meeting you.. all of you... playing games...
Guren: Please shut up!!
Shinya: i found the meaning of life.. Meeting you... And like a softy running away... I’ll die (I didnt also get here but the japanese for softy is  甘ちゃん) -and then he says another thing i didnt understand but ends with “isn’t this my win?”) we said we’d stay alive together and win, right?
Guren: ahh we did...
Shinya continues: and don’t get angry... if you get angry it’s our loss... Even if i die... like softies, like weaklings, let’s die together..(OH MY GOD SHINYAAA) if we do that that’s our win, i decided so.
and it’s the chapter’s end huh... I don’t want to see the next chapter and guren kissing mahiru and stuff but i’ll be busy redrawing these pages all the time anyway so idc/
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ijustwantagoodurl · 2 years
it has been 10 months since i've asked you about my cdrama question. i'd just like to update you on my journey so far...! unfortunately. i've gone in the complete other direction and am caught up on the official svss novel releases and currently reading mdzs. thank you nonetheless for your power in pushing me into this (haha get it like in svss whe
oh no 😂 haha honestly thats so fair of you, but BESTIEEE I just finished reading the 2nd svsss volume bro...that shit be HITTINGGG I honestly really enjoyed like, not only the world building but that feeling of like?? Yes we're reading SVVSS but were also filling in gaps for Immortal Way or whatever the og was called and idk that feels nice ngl . LOVE the gay bitchy drama its so good, ESP when shang qinghua is like!!! A plot point guy!!! Liu Qingge getting a disciple!!! People loving shen qingqiu bc shen yuan is SO loving and caring despite his best efforts not to be...AUGH
also!!!!! Thanks for coming back to update me bestie!!!!!! Dont worry about woh lol, you'll get there when u get there <3<3<3<3
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oyasuminto · 3 years
Ok but what do their good & bad ends look like? Don't feel pressured to be to descriptive simce doing both for 4 OCs can be a handful. - 🥑
You find her apartment without much trouble, the pomegranate-themed mezuzah catching your eye very quickly. When Fuwa opens the door, you notice that she looks... well. She may not be dressed to the nines, and she still looks ready to bolt at any second, but the circles under her eyes are faded, and her frizzy hair looks well-cared for, pulled into a simple ponytail. Then there's her smile.
"I... um..." Fuwa shakes her head and instead wraps her thin arms around you. "Thank you..."
She's gonna throw up. Fuwa takes deep breaths, a clammy hand clamped over her mouth, the other shakily typing out messages. Fuck, it's all her fault, it's always her fault, she never should've expected someone like you to deal with all her bullshit. She can't bring herself to look at the messages Toast, xyx, lady, and salo send, they probably hate her for this.
im sorry im so sorry is the last message she sends before locating the leave server button.
You couldn’t miss her even if you tried. As if her usual bright fashion style wasn’t enough, Lovelace is pulling a neon pink floral print suitcase behind her, heeled boots clacking against the airport’s floor. When she spots you, you’re pulled into a tight hug, the warmest hug you’ve ever experienced, if you’re being totally honest. When she pulls away, you finally get a close-up look of that radiant grin of hers, the one you admired during every video call.
“Oh my God!! You’re even cuter in person! This is, like, the best day ever!”
She’s never liked seeing her server friends fight, she’s never liked seeing anyone fight. It hurts especially bad today, she can feel the stress gripping her insides, tearing her apart. She doesn’t bother asking you for another call, you made your opinions about her neutrality quite clear the night before. Lovelace lets loose, almost incoherent as she takes sides.
...and I cant do it anymore, I love you guys but... Lovelace doesn’t even finish the message. She can’t.
You’re greeted with not one but eight people; Pollen’s parents and siblings crowding around to get a look. Their youngest brother is holding up a sign with your username on it. With their usual grin, Pollen rushes over to you, grabs you by the arm, and eagerly introduces you to their family, listing off names, ages, and hobbies. With a grin, they press a brief kiss to your cheek, taking the chance to whisper right in your ear.
“Don’t worry, babe, we’ll have plenty of alone time, I promise~”
They flinch every time their father coughs in the next room. He’s never been in the best of health, but the sudden deterioration strikes fear into their heart. Pollen briefly hovers their fingers over their keyboard. You wouldn’t be interested in hearing about it, they know you wouldn’t. Nobody needs to hear about Pollen’s issues, they’re just dragging everyone down.
you guys dont need to worry about me anymore, its all good, maybe we’ll meet again? haha! They’ve made the right choice, haven’t they?
Your knuckles barely even touch the door before it swings open, star looking tired but happy. Her daughter is in her arms, grinning and welcoming you in an excited manner that only a toddler could manage. You’re quickly ushered inside, star apologising for all the children’s toys scattered on the floor. You don’t mind, though, it just adds a characteristic charm to her apartment.
“Bun-bun was so excited about you visiting, she’s been talking non-stop about it for the past week!”
Maybe everyone’s right! star’s a grown woman, one who has a toddler to worry about. Can she really afford to be wasting her time with a web novel? Talking to people she can never meet? She should be taking charge of her life, focusing on work, maybe even finding a second parent for her little girl. Yeah, it’s like her ex always said, she’s just an immature brat. God, she’s so stupid.
i’ll miss you guys, but, i think it’s time to move on, thank you, for being good friends :) star doesn’t let herself cry until her daughter leaves the room.
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oswildin · 3 years
Hi! Can I get an MCU ship? I'm female, straight, Gemini, INFP-T, I'm 5'4, and I am 21, in my last year of university in communication arts.
Despite my age, my friends say I act like a mom (constantly concerned and worried for friends most of the time) and have the mind of an old lady, I'm an empath and an ambivert but leaning towards introvert. I don't drink alcohol or coffee. (Milk, cocoa, or orange juice is my alcohol lol)
Shy and awkward with ppl I dont know much or ppl I just met but if we click, I am a completely different person, more talkative too, calm and graceful but chaotic if that makes sense XD but I do know when to be serious
I'm kind and patient, very understanding, considerate and thoughtful of others, I have a habit of putting other's priority over mine most of the time, which kind of results in me keeping things to myself a lot and then stress out (but I'm working on it XD) quite emotional too, the type that cries at every sad scene or movie I watch
Helping ppl makes me happy, whether that'd be giving advice or just being there for them or listening, but I will not tolerate those who take advantage of my kindness or disrespect others, esp ppl I care about, I rarely insult ppl, so if I do, that means my patience ran out
My friends say I'm very optimistic and hopeful and they always feel like "they're with a musical character" which I'll take because I love singing! I love music in general and I really love vintage clothing and aesthetics! I also like to read books (mostly fictional, Tolkien books are my fav, esp The Hobbit) watch movies, draw, work out, and just learn random things!
I like learning, I'm more on the theories and philosophical side though, I am very bad at math or anything dealing with calculations and numbers, I also have interest in learning languages, mythology, and astronomy, I love the stars and like to go to planetariums and museums when I have time, I just think the universe is just so fascinating and I just like to have fun in general!
I am an animal lover, and I love kids, very dedicated to playing with my adorable little cousins. I daydream a lot, I love the fantasy genre so my imagination goes wild haha
A Black sheep in the family, and the youngest and only daughter too, so I kind of grew up independently most of the time.
Very much into giving and receiving hugs and amusement parks, I also have quite a sweet tooth, mostly for cookies and brownies, so I love cafes and pastry shops a lot.
My fav Marvel movies are mostly the Captain America series (don't make me choose, I love them all) Captain Marvel, Spiderman Far From Home and Thor: Ragnarok!
A song that I love and sing a lot is Moon River by Audrey Hepburn and Your Song by Elton John
Favorite quote would have to be "There is some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for." And a word I associate myself with is "Hope"
I apologize for such a long post, please take your time! Thank you in advance and I hope you have an amazing day! Take care 💖💖💖💖
I ship you with… Mobius!
Things Mobius loves about you:
• Your ability to make him smile with your singing. He can always hear you before he sees you.
• He loves how you’re kind and caring towards others, even though yourself may not have always experienced such things.
• Your independence and no need for a knight in shining armour. You can look after yourself, hold your own and above all still look after those around you whilst doing it.
• He’d often find you sneakily watching a film at your desk, or reading a novel. ‘Do you want some popcorn with that?’ He’d sassily ask.
• Mobius instantly warmed up to you, although it took you a little longer (a day and a half) he won you over. Really he was just a giant Labrador.
• You’ll often agree to help others with their work load, in turn over working yourself, which he lectures you about every time, but he knows you’ll still do it, because you’re that kind of person. He admires it.
• Occasional sneaky trips from the TVA using the Tempads to visit other worlds. You were always amazed by them.
• it was definitely a slow burn with you two. It seemed everyone around you could blindly see you two were in love, but neither one of you realised.
• Until you thought you had lost Mobius to pruning.
• Then you spiralled. Realising perhaps he was more than a friend.
Your BFF: Loki - He would find you mildly irritating at first. You were way too cheery and nice. And your singing annoyed him. But eventually he began to realise you were a good soul and you often chatted about mythology and how bonkers it all was with their Loki compared to him. He could also see you two idiots were in love. Of course, he tried to play his tricks to get you two to realise it, but it never worked.
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Your Theme Song:
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