#//hiyori likes dogs XD
mamadarama · 1 month
What do you think the 2wink cats look like? (I think they're mentioned in either Hinata or Yuta's 2nd idol story), I can't decide whether I think they're identical or not
On the one hand, I think it'd be funny if their dad thought they only had 1 cat until he saw them both together (the cats still live at home with their dad)
On the other hand, I think it'd be cute if the cats' colorings were the inverse of each other (like one black with a white tummy and the other white with a black tummy, for example)
Of course I also like the idea of the cats having colors that complete the other, if that makes sense. Like one is all white but has an orange stripped tail while the other is orange with stripes but has a white tail
HappyEle please show us the 2wink kitties! (And drop their names!)
hehe i like both of those xD for some reason ive always imagined one of them as a tortie and the other as a big orange guy and i figured they were both originally strays that the twins befriended when they were younger . maybe theyll bring them back to es someday. if enough people disregard the "no pets in seisokan" rule maybe theyll just give up and get rid of it lol . hiyori already ignores it in favor of keeping bloody mary with him and im pretty sure koga and subaru do the same with their dogs cuz i cant imagine theyd be okay with not having leon and daikichi with them. the twins seem like the type to ignore the rule as well
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hiyorisarugaki · 4 years
"Who would dare to call you vile or wretched, little one?"
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“Y’know, the organization ya serve.”
Okay, that was hitting below the belt. She decided that they maaaay have just changed their ways - only after Aizen had screwed them all over so badly, they had no choice but to let these vile things into their ranks. But, she had to let go of this grudge (read as: Hiyori will never let go of this grudge).
But... this guy had been an alright captain. He had actually welcomed them for saving the shinigami in the winter war.
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“... Yer so fluffy and cute.”
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shinayashipper · 3 years
So listening to Jin’s livestream, I just think... KagePro Youtuber AU... in which the Mekakushi Dan are youtubers:
Shintaro - music youtuber, mostly upload cover songs, but also his own self-produced songs on rare days... like, his anniversary with Ayano he would upload the song he made for her. He never shows his face in his videos, but he got popular because it’s known he’s Kisaragi Momo’s brother. (Momo also sometimes sing for his songs)
Ayano - DIY videos. Simple tutorial videos. How to cook simple dishes, how to sew, etc. She’s painfully average at it but seems to be having fun. Doesn’t have many viewers and her channel feels very homey and personal.
Seto & Mary - Traveling / vlog channel. They usually travels and go on trips together, they own the channel together. Besides that, their channel is also full of nature and save environment things. Sometimes also uploads home videos about their pets: a giant dog and a cute parakeet.
Takane - Gaming channel absolutely. And she’s Very Famous. She plays all kinds of games but things like APEX might be the ones she’s famous for. Sometimes Haruka appears too and they play together. Haruka loses easily but Takane always playfully and sweetly encourages him on. 
Haruka - Art channel where he uploads speed paints or drawings. Never showing his face in videos but people already know his face from Takane’s channel anyway. Not very immensely popular but not a small channel either.
Momo - She’s an idol so she’s the most popular of them all, even though this is her personal channel (not her idol or company channel). She uploads basically anything: vlogs, challenge vids, gaming, cooking, anything that interests her XD Sometimes member of Mekakushi Dan will appear on her vids, mostly it’s Kano. Her music videos and other idol-related things are uploaded on her official channel.
Kano - BEAUTY VLOG. Make up tutorials, outfits of the day, modelling vlogs, sometimes travelling vlogs or family vlogs. Also Very Popular. He got many endorsements from make up or beauty brands.
Kido - Not really a youtuber... she only had one video up in her channel because she lost a bet to kano. It was a video of her working out and practice kick-boxing... but it went Viral soon after... because... Kido... hot
Hiyori - Similar to Kano, she’s also a beauty channel, but far less popular than Kano. She’s known because her “Boyfriend does my makeup” video got Viral because Hibiya’s just hilarious. Hibiya doesn’t have a channel but he appears often in Hiyori’s. He’s the viewers’ favorite because he’s just Extra Hilarious (not that he’s hilarious on purpose XD)
Hibiya - Doesn’t have a channel but often appears on others’ vids, mostly on Hiyori’s and Momo’s. Poor boy always being the one getting pranked XD He has a twitter though, and he’s Super Popular there even tho he’s basically just sharing memes or any misfortunes he encountered in his daily life.
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
One Piece Chapter 1004 - Initial Thoughts
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We keep on rolling to 1004
Last time we continued with the fight as Luffy ran out of gas, leading to some hype and highly anticipated moments, so let’s see if they unfolded in 1004
Spoilers for Chapter 1004, Support the Official Release too!
A nice Chopper cover this time, looks like you get enough value for your money with that bag of rumble ‘candies’
The chapter title also raised a brow, lots of theories could indeed come to fruition
So of course, Speed is the ‘enemy ship’ that let Tama in, makes sense since she’s their master so they can’t pull the ‘you’re too young card’ on her
She’s also hard at work using her DF, Kibi Dangos all around!
Sometimes all a girl needs is a supportive family of a Tengu sensei, a pet dog and baboon, a tea shop grandma, a caring horse lady, crazy pirate brothers, a samurai aunt, a ronin uncle and your very own army of human/animal hybrids
Tama wanting to see Momo as Shogun was a pretty big statement too
I do particularly love that Speed, Gazelleman and Daifugo - who were all minor characters in the last 2 acts of Wano - are coming in big clutch for Tama, Oda doesn’t forget
Also funny is there different methods, Speed is all ‘this is a special dango that makes you stronger’, Gazelleman is just all ‘have this snack’ then there’s Daifugo that’s just ‘EAT YOUR DAMN DANGOS’
Over to Franky vs Sasaki though and Sasaki’s defence is pretty strong, but General Franky is also pretty strong too
Cheap shot though, the Armored Corps holding General Franky down to be charged by Sasaki, looks like this Flying Six member doesn’t share the honour rules that Franky does
Fortunately Nami, Usopp and Tama are riding in...aaaand they’re being chased
Nami and Usopp’s chaotic grins are great behind Determined Tama
And then Sasaki wipes his own men out XD
I have mixed feelings about Thunder Lance Tempo, on the one hand Yay Nami! but on the other Nooo Ulti!
Usopp as well using his salt sniping skills but this time with Dangos...another Thriller Bark callback in Wano...
Oooof, got him in the fleshy belly. I doubt he’s done though, if Ulti can take a lightning bolt through the chest then Sasaki can deal with a belly slice
Not looking good with Sanji though...well, depending on your point of view, should’ve used the Raid Suit
Maria wants Sanji to betray Robin? Ha, good luck with that
Sanji doing the badass face there too
Magical Squirrel Girl and maybe-maybe-not-CP0 Bao Huang has found the Scabbards though due to her mouse spy
Whoa now hold up, who as that Bird person with the eye tags that is an epic design!
Second floor treasure room huh? Guess that means no Yamato :/ shame
Wonder if Marco is the one keeping King’s hands full
That girl is wearing an earpiece for sure, maybe it’s a den den mushi earring, or an earworm SMILE....they do keep bringing attention to it
Maria to face down the Samurai, Sanji may yet get a reprieve
Ten people huh? Reminder that the Akazaya are only 8 at the moment; Kin, Denjiro, Inu, Neko, Kiku, Izo, Raizo and Kawamatsu, so that means 2 other people are tending to them
Hidden Person is the final panel
So...no Hybrid form this week...or next week, maybe not even next chapter. We seem to have used this as respite to show the movements of the lower floors, but right now we’ve only really covered Nami, Usopp, Sanji and Franky. This does leave open Chopper (and Drake and Marco), Brook and Robin, Carrot and Wanda, Jimbei and Yamato, on the enemy side we have yet to see movements from Queen, Hawkins, Apoo, Jack or Who’s Who either.
There was a lot of love about the chapter though, revenge of the Queen of Beasts! Tama is directly working to shift the black tiles white as she is practically absorbing Kaido’s armies into the alliance’s. Now the SMILE atrocities are on our side, but there is still the matter of the Tobi Roppo and the Lead Performers, but this is indeed a turning point CP0 may not have anticipated from their reviews last chapter.
As for the person helping the Scabbards, they do look feminine and have one long bit of hair drooping down, people are saying Hiyori though I wouldn’t put it past it being Robin and Brook, Robin would want to find a treasure room for any intel and her and Brook would attend to the Akazaya if they saw them, on top of this it can lead to the confrontation that Black Maria wants; Robin vs Maria. This could also bring Sanji back from his rough spot in the raid, he started strong but in the face of his simpness he fell from grace, but if he escapes Maria and is confident that Robin can handle the giantess then perhaps he can move towards other fights.
This being said, the fact that we left the top of the dome with Luffy exhausted and Kaido in Hybrid form does worry me greatly, who knows how long it’ll be before we see Luffy and Zoro again, and what state they could be in.
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Actually for me it's pretty weird that the most popular ship in Free! is Makoharu. I mean, they give me like zero romantic vibes, if not Rinharu I would've definitely shipped Sourin. It's the main reason I hated Sousuke when I watched 2nd season for the first time - I saw him as a threat for Rinharu (now I just don't like him that much, but I decided to let Rin has his best friend, lol). Maybe it's just me loving rivals to lovers :)
Well.. for me Free! was never that kind of anime where there are other ships, but honestly after several years of watching anime and lately discovering that people ship Wei Wuxian with Jiang Cheng I kinda lost my faith in people lol And yes, I also truly don’t get those ships, where there are zero romantic vibes, but I got used to seeing this already.
I think I’ve talked about Makoharu only once, I usually don’t do it cause as a ship it’s so illogical to me that I just don’t see the point of wasting time on this lol I feel like it’s gonna be long answer so I’ll split it and after “***” I’ll talk about my bro-rinharu-shipper Sousuke.
I’m not gonna throw a debate if it’s the most popular ship or not, but I just want to say that I don’t think that it's really called shipping Makoto and Haru, since firstly, let’s talk about Makoto as a character (which is the main problem in this whole thing tbh) cause from what I saw the Makoto the MH fandom created has nothing to do with the real Makoto. Like the dude is scared of dogs, ghosts, bees, water and I forgot what else; covers his eyes when he sees anyone even in swim trunks and gets embarrassed easier than a nun (apparently you can’t even unbutton the collar of your freaking jacket!!!!!!!!!!! oh lord!!!!!!); crumbles under everyone in this anime including Hiyori and can’t even talk back. 
And suddenly like half of this fandom thinks that Makoto is a dominant top apparently. We seriously laughed our asses off seeing that, I mean even my mom (who’s a teacher btw). I’m like... I have a sister who’s majored in psychology and I myself in literature (like I seriously promise we ain’t stupid) and we just seriously don’t understand.. In what Tarzan’s ass does he suit this description? Dude can’t even answer properly while being offended. Like maybe they like Makoto’s twin brother? Because real Makoto does not have any dangerous dark side, seriously, this ain’t “8 dogs of the east” lmao.
I appreciate their friendship at times, but I never was a fan of him, because I don’t really like people who treat everyone equally (friends and strangers) and think that some asshole deserves as much love as the closest friend. I just don’t understand this life position and don’t like those “world peace” guys anyway. I mean, that fish died moment in the books was when my brain died honestly. Like I get it, dude is sensitive, but... seriously?
And for me being kind is not really a personality. I mean, hell, sometimes it’s no good to be kind. There is a fine line between being kind and being a mop you know.
And sometimes his behavior is really cringy to me. Like during the funeral and during Haru passing out in the book and during many things that are very serious. I just don’t think he’s the person you can rely on at times. I mean at first I thought he’s a steady shoulder, but somehow in all serious situations he doesn’t do anything useful.
Like I might be in the minority here, but to me when you know very well that you panic in the ocean you don’t go there trying to save somebody, it’s not brave, it’s just plain stupid (like it’s not like the tent was far, it was fucking next to him, all he had to do is wake up a pro) so by the end we had to rescue two instead of one, just because he’s dumb af.
He also panics a lot which I really hate on people. I’m sorry but like panicking ppl are the only worst. It reminds me of one of my life situation when my sister was badly hurt and we needed to keep our heads cool to act quickly and do what was necessary asap. And I’ve seen ppl behave like Makoto in situations like this and man it’s seriously no fun, it’s annoying. Like when you need to help somebody and someone panics beside you it pisses you off. And he does it even in little things like when he yelled Haru in the ear while driving JUST BECAUSE A CAR IN FRONT OF THEM BRAKED I mean omfg I would seriously yell “shut the fuck up, you pussy!”
And it all honestly keeps getting worse and worse like the way he’s written, his behavior just buffles me so much. Makoto in s3 just murdered me tbh. Like he didn’t help with anything, he didn’t bring anything to the plot, you can just erase him, he only sat there anyways. And the way they pulled his “dream” out of his ass was just a second-hand embarrassment tbh. And he’s not even Haru’s emotional support anymore. He’s just... I don’t get it. There were literally scenes where he was third-wheeling or just forced into that looked laughable. 
Which brings me to the second point. From what I saw many of Makoharu fans are mostly Makoto fans, so they just want what’s good for him, and since he has no life goals whatsoever (like after he dropped his “I dream of making children like swimming” thingy like a hot potato and was like “training children.. but look at Rin and Haru” I really lost my last marbles watching him) they apparently don’t care for what Haru’s dream is and that he said openly that he wants a future with Rin.
Like I get that everyone has their tastes, but like what.. two people who are crazy about each other since twelve and blossomed a dream of having a future together and the thought of being with each other got them through and they finally have what they wanted.. this is not a trend anymore? Mutual romantic love is not a trend anymore? Like I even without novelization can see that (and I quote Rin word for word here) that “every time he sees Haru his heart beats so fast he can’t calm down” and quote “Haru sees Rin and he’s shaking, he closes his eyes desperately trying get rid of the image, but the pain in his chest doesn’t go away”.
I am personally very happy that Rinharu are finally together and will be doing what they wanted in their life by each other’s side, cause they’ve been dreaming about it for too long, they’ve been thinking about it for  years. So not wanting them to have that is very weird for me. And the argument that Makoto somehow better than Rin for Haru is so invalid, I always laugh. I guess it depends on what you want for yourself. But honestly like you guys better find someone who make you want to reach for the stars and make you heart skip a bit everytime you see him.
So I as a huge fan of Haru want my boy to fly and now I have all the canon proof for those who were blind that Rin is the only one (been said) who makes him feel that way. So all those anons who kept writing to me how relay with Sosuke, with Rei and what baffled me the most swimming with Ikuya was just as emotional for them can finally shut it (lmao I’m sorry).
Now... Sousuke, my bro, the first Rinharu shipper on the village who helped them to get together is a threat? Okay. Well, I actually like s2, there are some dumb episodes but s2 actually to me showed how rinharu relationships are different from anyone else. There are literally two whole episodes and several scenes of how the bROMANCE prevails over BROmance.
Sousuke and Rin have typical brothers relationship. From their secret handshakes “parent trap” style to the fact that they draw them exactly the same with his real brother. I mean I don’t know if anyone noticed, but in 3x11 they drew Sousuke doing the exact same teasing move with Rin, that his older brother did to him in 3x01, and it’s definitely not a coincidence. Which means he treats him like his little bro, and not just that. I have lots of proof.
You know, I had a friend back at university who had an older brother who she was very close with and she kept telling me about how he kept testing her boyfriends if they’re good enough... I mean Sousuke was doing it with Haru since Rin has told him that he has found his one and only. And it never ever looked like he was possessive of Rin and was like “he’s mine”, it was always like “he’s yours so make sure you make him happy you loser”, he even stalked Haru to see if he still swims alright which is really funny (like okay dad), so by the end of the season when Rin lovingly looks at Haru and says it was all worth it, Sousuke looks very content like he was sure that they’re all good now.
And that moment like in Yakusoku where Rin dropped Sousuke as soon as he saw Haru, I honestly don’t think it’s the kind of jealousy people think it is. It’s like if I asked my sister “do u want to see the new avengers movie” and she’d answer “sorry, I already promised to go with my boyfriend” (not that this would ever happen, but let’s imagine that she found herself her nanase) I would be fucking upset too, but I would kinda get it (if it’s a love of her life I mean). Or like literally imagine you lived with your best friend for years and suddenly she wants to move in with he boo. I mean it happens sometimes. But it’s not the jealousy really, he’s just sad because he knows that he needs to let Rin go and he won’t spend as much time with him as he did before. Sousuke knows how much Rin loves Haru, plus after he saw that Haru is as good as Rin told him, he started to like him himself so he was worried about both of them. 
And I love Sousuke, he’s our godmother. I’d rather have him on the international team than Ikuya but he sadly he doesn’t swim breaststroke or back and we only have one butterfly and one freestyle spot xD
I’m sincerely saying as a person with two siblings that I really don’t see it. It’s just there’s a huge difference between brothers and lovers. And you can’t call Harurin bros. It’s just laughable. Even if you haven’t read anything and just watched the anime.
I mean I think it’s easier to see if you try to imagine Haru in Sousuke’s place in any Sourin scene and see how it would’ve went then. Like do you remember when Sousuke asked for cola and Rin went to get one and there was only one can left so they rock-paper-scissored it and Rin won and drank it?
Now imagine if Haru was there in Sousuke’s place. I can tell you 100% that Rin would’ve just given him the can. And then he would’ve looked at him with that face he makes when he’s content just by watching Haru eat, you know.
I mean it just how I see it. And there are a lot of comparable scenes in s2 that bring me lots of evil joy, but I won’t tell lmao.
But as I said before to me there’s a huge difference between bromances and bromances. So I mostly don’t get most of these ships. I don’t understand anything in this world apparently lol but I only see Rinharu since the first time I’ve watched it, and then I’ve read everything and realized that I’m right, so I’m ok with all this xD 
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c-jay321 · 6 years
A to D & P to R & W to Z :)
 A:  Your current OTP:Izuocha without a doubt.
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind:A lot. Iida x Momo, IIda x Hatsume, Kendou x Momo, Mandalay x Eraserhead, All Might x Midnight XD (no really changed my mind about it, but the pairing is just funny to me)
C - A pairing you have never liked and probably never will:There are a lot for this one too but for now the only one I can remember is Mido--tsuyu
D: A pairing you wish you liked but just can’tEraser--Might maybe, or All Might x Nighteye
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why:
Sero--Mina because Krmna exists. 
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships:It used to be Krmna and Tdbku but now those ones are popular.... I kinda like Nejire x Tamaki and Bakugou x Himiko lol.
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms:
This kinda varies but:
Ryuko (kill la kill)
Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Rin Okumura (Blue exorcist)
Meliodas (nanatsu no taiza)
Kageyama Shigeo (Mob Psycho 100)
In no particular order.
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms:
Rin x Shiemi (blue exorcist)
Edward x Winry (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Yato x Hiyori (Noragami)
Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from:
Attack on titan
Bungou Stray Dogs
Yes I know that’s two uwu
Z:Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go:Uhhh Deku is literally the cutest shounen protag of all time and I don’t care what anyone says uwu. Also izuocha is like so freaking cute and I hope Hori gives them some kind of cute kiss scene like in the Marvel movies if he decides to make them canon assalkaslk;s
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momorabu · 7 years
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Ensemble Stars! Event Story - Kiseki☆The Preliminary Match of the Summer Live / Summer Live (Part 1)
One of the main highlights for the Ensemble Stars series is here! The continuation of the main story to the route of SS! Finally we get to see some opponents from the other schools in this one, mainly the mysterious Hiyori from ex-Fine that we’ve been hearing about~
As this story was a long one (over 20+ chapters TWT), I decided to split it into two parts~ This is Part 1 of the story, Part 2 should be up pretty soon when I finished writing it~ ^^
Anyway as always, the summary of the story can be found below. Translation may not be 100% accurate due to my poor Japanese skills~
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The story starts off with Makoto unexpectedly meeting “me” one day during the summer. “I” was out in the streets for a work related task, as the student council had asked “me” to purchase some items for them. As it was a rest day for “me” actually, Makoto worried that “I” might overwork myself and collapse at this rate. 
Since “I” was busy with work, Makoto guessed that “I” won’t be able to take out time to take a look at them during the Summer Live practice later on. He knew that ‘I” had received high ratings for “my” producing skills and had even more work now that “I” had to be the producer for other units as well. Even though Makoto said that he’s happy for “me”, he too felt abit lonely knowing that we seems to have gradually drifted apart now. (Aww~ Makoto TWT TWT)
(Makoto knew that “I’m” not their personal producer and was “everyone’s” producer now, but looking at that face T///T I want to be just your producer Makoto. *cough* sorry my fangirling side for Makoto seems to be showing here *cough*)
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“I” took out the support fan for Trickstar and started waving “it” furiously. Even though Makoto found that action to be weird, he knew that “I” wanted to express that no matter what happens, “I” would always be Trickstar’s fan. This pleased Makoto as he told “me” that he would rely on “me’ and valued “me” very much~ (as a producer I guess ^^;)
Since Makoto was quite free currently (before his practice in the afternoon), he asked “me” whether he could assist “me” in “my” work, since “I” might be able to have time to look at them practising if “I” managed to finish “my” work earlier. Makoto was all proud when he said that he had gotten stronger after getting training from Koga, and confident that he would be able to aid “me” in carrying stuff for “my” shopping. He hoped that “I” could rely on him more since he was a guy afterall, since he doesn’t want “me” to force on “myself” too much even if “I’m” in trouble. (Is it me or suddenly Makoto seems like a very reliable boyfriend now? OwO)
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“I” agreed to let Makoto come and help “me”, and just at this moment, we met Tsumugi at the train station, who was looking for “Hiyori” and “Jun” who had came from Reimei Academy. The Summer Live which was planned to be held next week was a collaboration event with students from another school, and today was the day where Tsumugi was tasked to welcome them and showed them around the the school. However, he had not seen them at all at the designated pick up spot and thus asked us if we had seen them around.
Speaking about Reimei Academy, Makoto mentioned that it was a newly built school, and had gained fame really fast recently and thus widely talked about on the social media. Trickstar would be participating in the Summer Live event as the representation from Yumenosaki Gakuen, and asked Tsumugi whether he was here because Switch would be participating in the event as well. However, Tsumugi answered that he was just here today because he was acquaintances with the students from Reimei Academy (and so won’t be snatching the representation seat from Trickstar XD) 
Just then, a phone call arrived for Tsumugi, and it was from the students from Reimei Academy. Hiyori was the person who was on the phone, and apparently he had saw some nice shops around here and decided to go shopping instead OWO” He told Tsumugi that he would head towards Yumenosaki Gakuen later on when he was satisfied with his shopping trip. This reminded Tsumugi of the times where Hiyori would break his promise in the past and randomly head out in the middle of the night to do some shopping. (Hiyori... sounds abit like he’s a shopaholic OWO”) In the end, Tsumugi told Hiyori that he would be heading over to the shop to pick him up personally instead and asked him for the shop name. (I think this was the few rare times that Tsumugi actually seems kind of frustrated with someone. Usually he seems like someone who could take in all kind of abuse and still smile, but not towards Hiyori I guess? ^^”)
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After the phone conversation, Tsumugi had to excuse himself as he had to head over to the shop to find Hiyori instead. Makoto asked if he’s alright, but Tsumugi answered that he’s already used to it since these sort of stuff already happened during his days in Fine. Tsumugi remarked that Hiyori was quite an annoying and “disastrous” person, and warned Makoto that Trickstar had to beware of him, since if they had let their guard down around him, they would ended up being twirled and led around by him as he pleased.
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Indication / 予兆 : Chapter 1 - 2
Hokuto was at the fountain area of the school when he was shocked by Subaru suddenly appearing before him. He lectured Subaru about telling him not to appear so suddenly, and also told him not to touch him since Subaru had rolled on the ground just now and had dirt on him.
Subaru remarked that rather than greeting him first, Hokuto was lecturing him instead and he seems to be in an agitated mode. Hokuto asked Subaru whether he was smiling confidently now, but rather than smiling, Subaru replied that Hokuto’s expression seems really forced and laughed at him for showing such an unnatural smile when he was part of the drama club. Hokuto asked Subaru to show him some gag (probably to cheer himself up on something), and the latter responded by saying that him and his dog Daikichi together would be “Omikuji Combo”. However, Hokuto did not get the gag at all and told Subaru that he’s not an Omikuji. (I had no idea why they’re suddenly talking about this topic though ><”)
Subaru explained why he was here, and that was because this area was part of his route where he would walk with Daikichi. Subaru mentioned that even Daikichi’s father had also walk this path frequently in the past, though it had already passed away now. Hokuto was strict as he told Subaru that this was not the place to walk his dog, and told him to head towards the seaside instead. Subaru tried to rebut but Hokuto stopped him once he had used the words “but”, and said Subaru had always used words like that to force his opinion on others, and remarked that he’s really quite stubborn. Subaru rebutted that Hokuto was the same too, and since they’re so similar together, Subaru hoped that they would always remain friends with each other ^^ Hokuto felt that they’re complete opposites though, as he doesn’t understand how Subaru views the world around him. 
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Subaru wondered what was Hokuto doing here in the school this morning, since the practice for Summer Live was scheduled to be in the afternoon. He was worried that he had remembered the schedule wrongly, but Hokuto assured him that he’s not wrong and instead praised Subaru instead, since it was a rare chance that he had actually remembered the schedule. 
Continuing back on the topic of Subaru’s walk with Daikichi, Subaru said that he had to do that because due to them being busy with preparing lives recently, Subaru didn’t have much chance to let Daikichi do some exercise, and that ended up with Daikichi getting fat. Hokuto felt that Daikichi looks cute when he was all round like this, and hearing what Hokuto had said, Subaru offered Daikichi to Hokuto to pat it, since Daikichi was a dog which likes to be pat. However, Hokuto declined and told Subaru that he had to leave now as he had a meeting of the Summer Live to attend to as the leader of Trickstar. This was why Hokuto was so strict to Subaru and didn’t his clothes to be dirtied earlier on. 
As the students from both school will be meeting each other in the afternoon to start practising for the Summer Live together, the meeting in the morning was a preparation towards that, where the leaders from both units would meet each other as the leader from the other unit had something that he wanted to relay to him. Subaru offered to go along with Hokuto, since he worried that Hokuto might ended up quarreling with the other party, claiming that if Hokuto gave him a notice that he’s in trouble and need help, Subaru would ignore the atmosphere and barged into the conversation to help Hokuto out. (Are you sure that’s not just causing disturbance Subaru? ^^:)
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Subaru still didn’t really understand what was the Summer Live was about and asked Hokuto whether he had knew anything about it. But Hokuto didn’t knew about the details either, since Hokuto was just called to the student council room yesterday via the PA system to notify that Trickstar would be participating in the Summer Live. Subaru remarked that when Hokuto was called to the student council room, it gave him flashback of the nightmare that had happened before DDD. Hokuto talked that it was because Trickstar had just been created and not stable at that time, so the members were easily swayed when the student council tried to disband the group, but things were different now, as Hokuto planned for them to gain a territory of their own in this school, grow as much as they can within the next few months, and head towards the SS at the end of the year. As their opponents would be people from other schools in the SS, the student council are their comrades now. Since they’re all idols in the same school, and and with student council showing support for them, Hokuto wanted to believe in the student council. 
Since they’re going to interact with students from the other schools, their logic of thinking might be different from them as students from Yumenosaki Gakuen. Hokuto warned Subaru to be careful not to embarrass himself when interacting with them XD With that, Hokuto bid good bye to Subaru and make his way towards the student council room.
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Indication / 予兆 : Chapter 2 - 3
Eichi greeted Hokuto when he stepped into the student council room, remarking that he seems to be in a good mood. Eichi himself was smiling from ear to ear, as he was pleased with how things were moving along smoothly currently, and remarked that matters were easier to be carried out when they’re being done in the dark, and that made Hokuto suspect whether Eichi was planning something evil in secret. Eichi claimed that he was not doing anything that’s evil, but trying to fulfill his dreams instead. He mentioned that the other party would be late to the meeting, and told Hokuto to sit down and wait for him in the meantime. 
Eichi offered some tea for Hokuto, but he declined it. Seeing that Hokuto seems to be quite nervous, Eichi asked him not to be so cautious of him as he wasn’t their enemy this time. Even though Eichi had not planned to spoil the Trickstar members as little children, but since Trickstar was representing their school in SS, Eichi had planned to give them back up as the student council as when required. This was why the Summer Live was planned, as Eichi had planned for it to be a practice for Trickstar before the SS, as they would be able to compete with their opponents before then. Eichi told Hokuto that he planned to give them more jobs in the future that suits them as the representation of their school and there would be further opportunities of them competing against other schools. If possible, they maybe even offered the chance to travel abroad for work related opportunities too. 
However, Hokuto revealed he had planned for Trickstar to participate more in dreamfes organised in the school. He mentioned because this was a collaboration event with other schools, even if they win or lose in this event, it won’t be reflected in their grades as they’re not under the dreamfes system. If Trickstar followed what the student council had planned and went onto participating other events not related to the school, he knew that their position in school would get shaky again as their reputation in school might get weaker and weaker. Eichi rebutted that this was all Hokuto’s imagination that Eichi is targeting Trickstar as their victims, and was surprised that Hokuto actually cares about school grades. Hokuto answered that this was because his parents love numbers, and had given him a scolding when they realised that his grades had dropped recently. Eichi told him that what’s important was the results as this school was one that decides one’s position by results and numbers, though partly it was due to Eichi’s work in the past.
Eichi tried to offer tea to Hokuto, but he declined it again, making Eichi sighed as he told him that he really needs to relax (and that Hokuto should really speak in a formal tone towards Eichi, seeing that he’s his senior ^^;) Eichi started talking about the tea was a herbal tea, which was made by herbs grown at Eichi’s house since his junior at the tea club - Hajime loves herbs recently. However, Eichi found that the tea were of a lower quality than what he had bought from the shops, and thus told Hokuto that he could have it to help him get rid of it XD (Don’t use people as a dustbin, Eichi~!! ><”)
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Eichi relaised that they’ve been waiting for a long time, and yet Hiyori had not shown himself. He signed and remarked that Hiyori was someone who had always not abide to the time that they were supposed to meet. He continued on and told Hokuto that “Hiyori” was one of their opponents that Trickstar would be performing with at the Summer Live. As Hokuto might not remember who he is, Eichi reminded him by telling him that Hiyori used to be one of the students in Yumenosaki Gauken, but had transferred at the end of last year. His full name was Tomoe Hiyori and he used to be part of Fine, so Hokuto shouldn’t have forgotten about him, as Eichi teased Hokuto as “Hockey-mask-kun”. (Wait, Hokuto was Hockey Mask? I think I came across this name somewhere but I don’t remember it ><”)
Hokuto remembered that Hiyori was one of the two most popular members in Fine, and didn’t know that he had transferred since Hokuto only realised that he seems to have not heard any news regarding him for a long time. Eichi signed and advised Hokuto that rather than just focusing on himself, he should look around more of his surroundings as a leader. Back on the topic regarding Hiyori, Eichi explained that he was one of the main person behind Fine’s power at that time, and was probably as powerful, if not even more powerful than Eichi now as an idol. If Hokuto and the rest of Trickstar were not aware of him, they may ended up getting “eaten” up by him.
Moving on from Hiyori, Eichi mentioned about an idol group which he guessed that Hokuto must have heard about - Eden. Eden was a group that had the highest ratings among their era, the idol unit that was unbeatable. Eden was predicted to be the overall champion of SS, and thus Eichi felt that they would be Trickstar’s biggest opponent during the competition. Hiyori currently resided in “Eve”, which was greatly related to  “Eden”, so Eichi felt that his unit “Eve” would be great opponent for Trickstar to practise against before the SS.
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Hokuto was curious about the relationship between “Eve” and “Eden” as the current link that he could think of currently was how their unit names were all  related to saint literature. Eichi decided to reveal what Eden was about, it was actually made up of “Eve” and another unit “Adam” to form “Eden”. Saying that this resembles a robot, Eichi told Hokuto that they’re still researching on more information about them at the moment. What he had known so far was that the two units had came from two different schools, but both schools had came from the same idol management company. The two schools were “Reimei Academy” and “Shuetsu Academy”, with the two units “Eve” and “Adam” operating differently most of the time. However, when required, both units would team up to form “Eden” and carry out idol activities together.
Even Eichi felt that the “Fine” now won’t be able to match against Eden since that unit was really powerful with each individual having high skills being on their own. This is why Eichi hoped that they’re able to find out a way they can go against Eden by being the opponent of “Eve” and “Adam” separately first. 
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Since Hiyori was also part of Fine in the past. Hokuto asked Eichi whether he had an idea of how good he is as idol. Even though Eichi did knew how good Hiyori was in the past, there was a possibility that Hiyori had improved after he had transferred and gaining even more experience outside. He told Hokuto that compared to “Nagisa”, Hiyori was a much simpler person to understand, since he would just do things just as he pleased. Hiyori was also an easier opponent compared to Nagisa (who was hard to undestand and grab a hold of according to Eichi ^^;), since Hiyori was someone who was kind as a person from the royalty, and even if Trickstar landed themselves in the worst scenario... they won’t get “killed”. 
Just then, Hokuto heard footsteps approaching the room and started to get nervous, thinking that Hiyori had arrived. But it turned out to be just Mao, since he was just here to deliver some documents as requested by Eichi. Hokuto isn’t pleased that Eichi was making use of his comrades, but Eichi claimed that it was Mao himself who had requested some work to be done, even Mao spoke up for Eichi saying that he would feel better if he was abit busier and that this was the norm for him as he was part of the student council. 
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Eichi asked Mao whether he would like to stay for the meeting, but Mao said that such an important task should be left to Hokuto since Mao felt that this would be bad for his heart, as he mentioned that he was just a small civilian here.  (Oh no, Mao you are definitely not a small civilian ^^;) Eichi sighed as he mentioned again that Hiyori was really late, and wondered if he had returned home instead of coming here. (Hiyori was someone Eichi had found it troubling to deal with since from the past, as Hiyori had never did anything according to what Eichi had planned ^^;)
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Indication / 予兆 : Chapter 4 - 5
On the other hand, Makoto and “me” had finished our shopping and were at the game center. “I” teasingly put a cold drink at Makoto’s neck just to see his reaction, and offered him the drink as it was a hot day in the summer. Makoto had helped “me” by checking on the net on the stuff to be bought, and that helped to improve our efficiency to finish our shopping trip earlier than expected. Makoto was initially worried about the amount of items to be bought, but thankfully there was a delivery service being offered, and thus we decided to use that to deliver all the items that were bought to the school. 
Since “I’m” done with “my” tasks and doesn’t have anything “I” have to do later on, Makoto asked “me” whether “I’m” free, as he wanted to invite “me” to join him at the game center. He was worried whether that would be troubling for “me”, since “I” might want to head a cafe instead to pass the time before Trickstar’s practice in the afternoon. 
(Nono, that won’t be a trouble for me Makoto! I’ll go anywhere you want with you ^^)
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“I” agreed to accompany Makoto to the game center, and thus he explained his reason for wanting to head there. There used to be a very famous senpai at the game club, which Makoto had belonged to for awhile. (This was stated in “Rocket Start”.) However, the senpai had quit school to become a game designer, and was now in charge of producing a game finally. The game was a continuation of a very popular game series, and there was news that this game was now available at the game center. As Makoto had loved this game series, knowing that the continuation was even made by this senpai that he used to know, he was very interested about it and thus wanted to come here and try playing the game.
Makoto was very excited when he reached the game center, pointing out at various franchise. As the game center was near to Yumenosaki Gakuen, which specialise in producing idols, there were many crane games that has idols goods available at the game center. He tried to find if there were any crane game machines that has Trickstar goods available, but couldn’t find any of them unfortunately, and thus wondered perhaps Trickstar was not yet as popular as he had hoped so.
However, suddenly a guy called out to him, calling Makoto a “kuso megane”. (New character! Actually this guy was trying to talk to him moments ago but Makoto had not realised it at all ^^;) Makoto was shocked and... pretty much seems unhappy that this guy was interrupting his happy date with “me”. (Wait.. when did it became a date Makoto? Not that I dislike it... but I guess this pretty much confirms that Makoto does sort of was attracted / has a crush on “me”? O////O)
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Makoto had found the guy to be quite fierce looking and thus afraid that he was going to cause trouble for him. He was pondering whether he should hand over some money to the guy and apologised to him before running off for his life, but thought that that would make him look like a wimp in front of “me”. As being involved in a fight would be damaging to an idol’s image, Makoto was caution not to get himself involved in any conflict. In the end, Makoto was more worried about getting “me’ involved with this “delinquent” (so when did the new guy became a delinquent ^^”?), and decided that he shall just use money to pay him off. To his horror though, he realised that his wallet wasn’t with him when he reached for it. (Bad luck Makoto =w=“)
Turns out that the guy had approached Makoto because he had saw Makoto dropped his wallet, and had picked it up to return it to him. He noticed that Makoto seems afraid of him and knew that it was mostly because of his own looks that looked scary for others. The guy had also knew Makoto’s full name, which surprised Makoto as he wondered that perhaps they’re that popular after all. However, the guy quickly dashed Makoto’s hopes by answering him that he’s not that popular actually in the whole country, as in fact the guy had not known Makoto’s name at all before he had researched about him. Makoto felt scared when he heard that the guy had researched about him XDD (Hmm? Had he thought why someone will research about him?)
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This was then the guy realised that Makoto doesn’t seems to know about him at all, and decided to give him a little hint - He was a newcomer who had just become part of “Eden” recently, and thus guessed that he might have been buried by other more popular members. This was then Makoto realised that the guy was someone who would be collaborating with Trickstar for the Summer Live, and was worried about competing against “Eden”. The guy tried to assure him that they’re working together for a live event instead of competing, and he would be representing as “Eve” instead of “Eden” this time. 
As it seems that Makoto had not researched about him at all, the guy introduced himself as “Sazanami Jun”, and wasn’t pleased that Makoto does not seems to take him seriously as an opponent at all when he had taken out time from his schedule specially to come down here to Yumenosaki Gakuen. He told Makoto that he had hoped that he would do his research to find out more about who he would be performing at the live event, instead of waiting around for information like a little bird waiting for food. For Jun, the competition between “Eve” and “Tickstar” had already started even though there was still half a year more till the start of SS. He felt that it won’t be good to be in a close relationship with Makoto actually, and since he still had matters to attend to, Jun bowed as he began to take his leave. Makoto was confused and remarked that Jun was a “kid” that he doesn’t understand at all, since he could be all fierce and angry one moment, and suddenly being polite next ^^; 
(Somehow Makoto pissed Jun when he remarked that he’s a “kid”, as Jun clarified that they’re of the same age. I guess Jun doesn’t like being treated as a little kid ^^:)
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Makoto was still confused about the whole situation even after Jun had left, and also realised that “I” wasn’t with him the entire when he was talking to Jun. He was angry when he finally found “me”, and said that “I” should have inform him before going off by “myself”, since he had felt troubled and scared earlier on thinking that he was being pestered by a delinquent. (Sorry Makoto ^^: But you look cute when you're angry >///<)
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Makoto decided to get back into the mood of playing and made his way to the game machine which he wanted to try out with “me”. However, he was shocked to see that Jun was also there and playing the same game that he had wanted to play. (Talk about coincidence ^^;) “I” was oblivious to what had happened between him and Jun earlier on, and thus went onto putting the coins in for a new game at a machine near to Jun. Thus somehow it had became a VS game battle against Jun for Makoto, which terrified him since he doesn’t know how to use the controls for this game yet and Jun was scary to him too ^^; 
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Foreign Enemy / 外敵: Chapter 1 - 2
Mao had enjoyed his lunch after leaving the student council room, and while remarking that he had a great meal, Rei suddenly appeared and told him not to make such a comment like an old man XD This gave Mao a shock as he scolded that Ritsu should not appear at his foot like this as usual (he had thought that it was Ritsu was the one who had talked to him), and get an even bigger shock when he realised that it was actually Rei. Rei remarked that he felt lonely hearing that Mao had called Ritsu by his name, but decided to call Rei by his surname as “Sakuma Senpai”. 
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As he knew that Mao would be attending practices in the afternoon, he asked him whether it was alright for him to eat that full, but guessed that since Mao was quite young, he might be able to digest his lunch quickly before practice. Mao noticed that Rei seems quite tired, and realised that he should be sleeping at this time in the afternoon. Rei sighed and commented that though he was sleepy, it was too hot to sleep in the coffin in the summer. He wanted to look a place which has shade and was cooling, and before he realised it, he had wandered into the cafe terrace. 
Mao knew that an air-conditioner was installed into the coffin to defend against the warm weather, and asked Rei what happened to it. Turns out that the air-conditioner was out of order and had even ended up making the coffin flooded with water one time ^^; In the end, Rei had asked Madara for help to repair the air-conditioner currently. Rei commented that Madara was good at this area, whether it was repairing anything that’s mechanical, or making music instruments. (Madara, the guy with many talents +W+) Mao remarked that one should not judge someone by their appearance, since even though Madara looks huge and clumsy, he’s quite good with his hands ^^
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Rei commented that the tea club usually carries out their club activities in the cafe terrace, and thus there were times where Eichi (being part of the tea club) would actually approach Rei to have a conversation with him. He remarked that there were times where Eichi would actually have a serious expression on his face as he was thinking about something, and would even seek advice from Rei, to which Rei found it surprising and wonder perhaps it would rain XD He found that it was amazing that there would actually be a day where Eichi and him would actually work together (for the Summer Live I supposed?), and thus hope that their efforts would not come to waste. Mao agreed that he had found it hard to believe that it was the reality that he, together with the rest of Tricktar would be representing the school to particpate the SS. Rei told him that it was the reality that they’re living in now, and warned him that if they’re not serious about it, they might ended up get swarmed in by the hurricane of events during SS and being battered by it. He encouraged them to work hard and told him that he would be offering his support for them. (Aww~ Rei feels like a really good senpai ^^)
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Mao admitted that it was true that they still lacks popularity and skills currently, and that they might not be able to stand on their own without the help from others. Rei tried to encourage Mao that they might be able to compete with “Eve”, since they had more members than them, and the Summer Live event was held at Yumenosaki Gakuen’s turf so there would be more fans of Trickstar at the event. Rei wished that they would do well at the event, and remarked that if they’ve done a good job, he’ll reward them with a pat on the head ^^
Mao wondered that perhaps Eichi ahd worried and afraid if he doesn’t know much about their opponents, and thus requested him to find out more information about them. Even though Mao had managed to accumulate a huge amount of information, there was still details that were missing regarding them, since they still lack information of what skills they were good at or what kind of songs they were good at singing etc. Even if Mao had went through the whole data room, those information were hard to be found, and he guessed that perhaps it was because of Hiyori’s family who were rich and powerful had managed to protect those information from leaking. Mao now regretted that he had not keep a close watch at Fine’s performance during his first year to see how good the old Fine was at that time.
Rei felt nostalgic as he remembered that era. Fine were the heroes at that era, being the ones who had defeated the five oddballs, and the Trickstar members were still audience who had watched such an event taking place. However, things were different now, with Trickstar being created and even able to break the curse by defeating Fine and Eichi once. 
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Providing a hint to help Mao, Rei mentioned that even if the information were destroyed officially, there might still be another copy available in the secret underground library by Natsume. Rei told Mao that he could try asking for Natsume’s help if there were any information that he wished to obtain, and even gave him the permission to use his name if it helps to get Natsume to help them ^^ 
Rei also knew that Makoto was good at collecting information, and thus told Mao that if he had requested for Makoto’s help too, he would be able to get more information for Mao. However, Mao worried that this might distract Makoto from preparing and practising from the Summer Live, but Rei advised him that he should try to rely on his comrades more, since for Mao who was a normal human, this was something to be expected and normal for him to do. 
Just then they met Subaru, who had went out for a run now as this was the only time he was able to go for a run, seeing that they would be practise indoors in the practise room later on. Subaru asked Mao to join him for the run, but Mao replied that he was really full after a meal, and it would hurt his stomach if he pushed himself to run ^^; Even though Mao knew that Subaru was really energetic and the heat in the summer would not affect his spirit, he was still worried about him and told him to rehydrate himself by providing a drink to him~ (Hehe glad to see Mao taking care of Subaru here ^^)
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It was then Subaru noticed Rei, who had apparently made himself comfortable at the cafe terrace by lying on a bed. (Wait... Why is there a bed over there? ^^:) He was surprised to find Rei there, and asked whether Mao and Rei were in a good relationship to even have lunch together, since even though he knew that Mao and Ritsu were really close, he’s not sure whether Mao and Rei were considered childhood friends or not. Rei answered that because Ritsu doesn’t like him being too close to Mao (perhaps being afraid that Mao might get taken away from him by Rei?), Rei himself had to distance himself from Mao usually. He remarked that Ritsu doesn’t have to be so wary of him, as Rei would not steal Mao away XDD (Poor Rei ^^;)
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However, Mao thanked Rei for the information and even called him Rei-chan, which surprised and confused Rei greatly, and he remarked that he really doesn’t understand how youngsters were thinking nowadays XD Mao laughed and replied that he just wanted to do that suddenly, and even offered to carry Rei indoors as it seems that Rei was quite weak being shone by the sunlight at an angle. 
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As Rei was quite weak in the sun and it was the summer season, he said that he would need to see how the weather would be like on the event day itself to determine whether or not he would be able to make an appearance at the Summer Live. On the event that he might not be able to make it, Rei mentioned that he would support them in his heart instead.
As Rei was leaving, Subaru noticed that Rei had taken a tomato that was planted along the path and eaten it. He mentioned that the tomatoes were planted by Koga for Rei’s sake. (This is an unexpected side of Koga... Koga actually does gardening? OWO) 
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Mao offered to run along with Subaru now that he doesn’t felt that bloated anymore, as he wanted to be in the best physical condition for the practice later on. He wanted to run at a slow pace and asked Subaru to cool down, but Subaru got heated up instead when he knew that Mao was joining him for a run XD Mao was worried and told Subaru to cool down and think about the pace he was running, but Subaru said that Trickstar was a group who would only thinks things later on after they’ve charged ahead and do it, and even started running off first before Mao. Mao remarked that Subaru was indeed energetic to a point that he would worry about him, but it was also due to Subaru that had gotten his tension up again, and thus he ran to catch up with Subaru.
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Foreign Enemy / 外敵 : Chapter 3 - 5
As Hiyori was really late in arriving at the student council room, Eichi felt that it became a lucky chance for him to tell lots of stuff about “Eve” and “Eden” to Hokuto. However, if Hiyori did not appear in the end, it symbolised that “Eve” would not participate in the Summer Live, which might ended up in the whole event being cancelled. Eichi would not let that happen of course, as he planned to select another unit to replace “Eve” instead. He was pondering whether to choose either Valkyrie or Switch, since they would be good opponents for Trickstar as Eichi wanted the members of Trickstar to perform seriously (like in a war...? ^^;) Even though Hokuto knew that Eichi was praising them, somehow he felt that his words were like poison to him, and assured Eichi that Trickstar would always do their best no matter which opponents they’re facing again. (That’s the spirit Hokuto! +W+)
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Even though the Summer Live was only a one day event, Hokuto felt that the preparations for it seems to be quite a long one, since he had expected that it would not take that long to set up the stage and promote about the event. Eichi answered that though partly it was because that he cared about the live event (and thus willing to spend a longer time to prepare for it perfectly), the other reason was that he wanted Trickstar to spend more time in contact with students from the other school, since this was the first time they would be meeting students from other school and might have different school culture which they would need to get used to. Eichi mentioned that he won’t be hoping that they’ll get along really well together, since in the end they would be opponents who might ended up having to “kill” one another. (That sound scary Eichi TWT) Besides, Eichi felt that it wasn’t that long for the preparations, since they only have one week for it. (Welp, Hokuto, I’ll say that was short instead of long actually =w=“)
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Eichi told Hokuto not to care if the other party was someone who was older than him or part of the strongest unit, since he wanted them (Trickstar) to bark, bite and “kill” them with what they got. (Why did I feel that Eichi was describing them like a dog... =w=“) He was confident that after this week, they might be able to find some way which they could use to fight against “Eden” in the future. Eichi described that once they’re on the warzone, the true colours of people would show, and thus he hoped that Hokuto and the others would get into quarrels, anger the other party to make them show their true selves, adding on this was something that Hokuto is good at. (... Really?) Hokuto wondered whether he was really someone who would get into conflict with anybody easily, since Subaru actually mentioned the same thing about him earlier. (Ah, now I get why Subaru ask Hokuto not to get into quarrel with the other party in the meeting ^^;...)
Finally Eichi got a message from Tsumugi, who relayed the message that Hiyori would be arriving soon. He gave Hokuto one last warning, telling him that if he just stay quiet and accept everything that comes his way later on, he would get swept off by the other party’s talk and get gobbled up... OWO (Yikes) 
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And here comes the appearance of what they’ve been waiting for a long time for - Tomoe Hiyori~! He was glad that Eichi and Hokuto were actually talking about him, thinking about him, and actually spending their lifetime over him XD (That’s a weird way to describe it but I guess it’s true ^^;) 
Eichi lectured him about being late, but remarked that it was to be expected of Hiyori. He also mentioned that Hiyori has a loud voice, and seems that his appearance and words had given Hokuto such a shock that he had just froze in place... Hiyori felt that one should live for himself and as he pleased when he’s living in this place, and thus felt that speaking a loud voice is making full use of his lungs while he’s breathing and living ^^; He remarked that it was unexpected that Eichi was still living, to which the latter sarcastically rebutted him, asking him whether he was displeased to see him still living well. (Welp, these two... doesn’t seems that they like each other that much D:) Hiyori said that since he had now left Fine, he was not Eichi’s pawn anymore and thus even if anything were to happen to Eichi won’t affect Hiyori’s life anymore since Eichi was now not related to him. (Totally sounds like Hiyori wanted nothing to do with Eichi ^^;)
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Hokuto introduced himself as the leader of Trickstar, and would be working together Hiyori and “Eve” for the Summer Live event. Hiyori greeted him as well, remarking that he hoped that Trickstar would work hard this time to make Eve shine this time, which pissed Hokuto off. (As it totally seems to mean that Trickstar would be like back dancers of Eve in the performance, no wonder Hokuto was pissed off.) Eichi urged Hokuto to calm down and bear with in, as him being angry right from the start won’t help the conversation to continue on. However, he asked Hiyori whether he was indeed that confident of himself that what he was saying would not be different from the actual performance of his unit. Hiyori laughed back at Eichi, remarking that Eichi was still talking to him like he was high above him, reminding him that it was all Eichi’s imagination and things were different now. Even Hokuto could sense the sparks flying between them, and wondered how on earth were the two of them be in the same unit Fine in the past. (I guess it would be a miracle that they did not ended up killing each other =w=“)
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Even though Eich had arranged for Tsumugi to pick up Hiyori, Tsumugi himself were nowhere to be seen. Eichi asked Hiyori whether he had left Tsumugi behind, but Tsumugi answered that he had actually arranged for Tsumugi to bring the stuff that he had bought back to his hotel instead, since he had bought too much stuff and it was troublesome for him to bring all these stuff with him. (Then you should not bought so much Hiyori... =w=“)
Back on track to the topic regarding the Summer Live event, Hiyori proposed that he had a plan for it, and wished that the others would follow exactly according to his instructions. Hokuto immediately objected to it, since he thought that would be too one-sided as he had hoped that both schools were discuss over it to plan together. However, Hiyori rebutted that since this event was one that he, Tomoe Hiyori was tasked to participate in, he would not tolerate if the event turned out to be a normal and boring event. He revealed that he had only participated in this event as per the instructions from the idol agency (from the school), and truthfully speaking, he didn’t want to perform with them actually. He requested Trickstar not to be an obstruction to his performance, since if he found Trickstar to be an eyesore later, he would definitely kick them off the stage. (Hiyori’s threat!? How could he say that while smiling... *shivers*)
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Hokuto exchanged a look with Eichi, but the latter could only sigh and replied that he had already warn Hokuto earlier on that Hiyori was such a person. He felt an experience would work better for Hokuto and thus asked him to figure out what to do about this situation himself. (Eichi is not going to offer any help here ^^;) He gave a word of advice to Hokuto though, telling him that if he didn’t say anything to rebutt against Hiyori, Hiyori would just continue on with the conversation and does what he wants later on. He wished that Hokuto would try his best to negotiate with Hiyori, and fought hard for Trickstar’s sake. Eichi smiled and remarked that the war had already started, and if Trickstar let their guard down, their bones would be picked and they would be squeezed dry in the end. In order to protect his comrades in Trickstar, Eichi would need Hokuto to shine even more and break himself to protect the others. This was the task of what a leader should do. (I guess being a leader is definitely not an easy job...)
Hiyori was impressed with what Eichi had said, remarking that Eichi actually sound like a senior and had grown like a human. However, while noticing that Eichi had changed and become a much kinder and gentle person, he realised that he was not as shiny as he used to in the past, like how Nagisa is like now. Hiyori revealed that he really likes Nagisa, though he admit that it’s probably a one-sided feeling from him towards Nagisa, as Nagisa seems to be someone who lacked the ability to love someone. Even though becoming a part of “Eden” was the agency’s instructions, Hiyori admitted that the other reason was that he wanted to spend more time with Nagisa, and thus he doesn’t object to such an arrangement. (Hiyori was someone who won’t even want to spend one second with a person he doesn’t like, which Eichi dissed him that the other party must have felt the same way about him too.  I think they’re just talking about each other XD) (And... Hiyori sounds like he really likes Nagisa alot OWO)
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Eichi urged Hokuto to speak up, as since Hiyori was being arranged by the agency to participate in the event, he might not get a second chance to talk to him the next time as Hiyori would not bother to talk to anyone he’s not interested in, and thus it was best that Hokuto reveal everything that he had wanted to say in this meeting. However, Hokuto felt that what he says now would be useless against Hiyori, as he could feel that Hiyori was just viewing him from high above. He wanted Hiyori to first acknowledge Trickstar’s abilities and thus planned to show their skills and abilities to Hiyori during the practice in the afternoon. This surprised Hiyori, as he mentioned that most of his opponents would shrunk after meeting him once. Hokuto calmly replied that he was already used to people with high tension. (I bet he’s referring to Wataru as the one with high tension XD)
Just then, Hiyori realised that Hokuto’s surname (Hidaka) was very familiar, and also realised that his looks were familiar too. He then realised that Hokuto was actually his teacher’s son. Turns out that even Hokuto’s father was still active as an idol, there were times that he would be a lecturer at Reimei Academy. Hokuto didn’t seems surprised about this news, mentioning that his father was someone who doesn’t reject work very often. However, what he found puzzling was that his father would rather become a lecturer at another school rather than the school he had graduated from - Yumenosaki Gakuen. 
Hiyori mentioned that the school had tried to ask him several times, but it seems that something had happen during spring which made him changed his mind and agreed to become a lecturer over at Reimei Academy. Hokuto remembered that it was during spring that it was decided that Trickstar would make an appearance at SS, and wondered that perhaps this was the reason why his dad had made this decision. He wondered why his father would rather help to train his opponents, yet didn’t even praise his son of his achievement instead. (Hokuto’s father sound like a strict man...?)
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Hiyori sighed and told Hokuto that he hoped that he would not bring his family problems on stage. He mentioned that Mr Hidaka (Hokuto’s father) was really good at teaching, and hope that he would come to Reimei Academy to become a full-time teacher if he retired from being an idol. Hiyori started to feel interested in the Summer Live event, seeing that he would be able to perform with the son of Mr Hidaka. Hokuto doesn’t get why this gets Hiyori’s interest, but requested Hiyori to change his plans for Summer Live event. Unfortunately, Hiyori rejected it straight away with a smile XD (since it was too troublesome for him ^^;) However, Hokuto doesn’t listen to Hiyori’s reply either, and continued on that he would amend this plan to make sure that it fits Trickstar too. That pissed Hiyori off as he complained to Eich instead XD (Haha,Hiyori how does it feels when the same thing you’ve done to others bounce back to you? ^^:)
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Eichi just smiled instead to Hiyori and warned him to watch out for Hokuto, since Eichi himself was defeated by them (Trickstar) once afterall~ (Poor Hiyori went from being really hyper to being sad and disappoined since this was not how he had planned to be~ He looks cute like this though~)
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However, Hiyori quickly bucked up and announced that he’s going to take what he got for the Summer Live event then. For a moment, Hokuto could sense that Hiyori’s aura had changed and was impressed by him, thinking that there was no doubt that he used to be part of the heroes which changed the school... He knew that he shouldn’t let down his guard easily, since he would get “killed” anytime if that happens. 
As it was already noon, Hiyori’s stomach was growling with hunger, and suddenly proposed that they eat the quiche which he had bought just now while he was shopping. He started taking out a variety of flavours and urged Hokuto and Eichi to help themselves to it, even demanding Eichi to make some tea for him to go with the quiche. Hokuto sighed and remarked that it was easier fighting against the student council at that time since it was obvious that they’re their opponent, but against Eve and Hiyori, Hokuto doesn’t really know how to deal with them as it’s hard to decide how to fight against them. Besides they were supposed to work together for the Summer Live event this time. 
Hiyori was oblivious to Hokuto’s trouble as he was enjoying his quiche, remarking that this was a great day~ (with a word pun on his name ^^) 
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Even though it was just the morning meeting with Hiyori, Hokuto was already exhausted as it felt like he was dealing with two student council leader / two Eichi ^^; He could sense Hiyori’s strength as someone who used to be part of Fine, and somehow got fired up instead in the end ^^
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Communication / 交流: Chapter 1 
Back to Makoto’s side, he had enjoyed himself at the game center in the end, remarking that it had been a long time he had been able to play these games without worries. He had bought some ice pops from the convenient shop nearby, and offered some to Jun and “me”. As Makoto had bought a variety of flavours and these ice pops could be split into two, he suggested that we share the ice pops that way so that everyone could taste each of the flavours. 
(Ahhh Makoto was so cute when he offered “me” the ice pop, saying that this was the repayment gift for the drink earlier on ^^)
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Even though Makoto said that it was his treat or the ice pop, Jun insisted on paying for it. Makoto doesn’t listen to Jun and urged him to take the ice pop before it melts, so in the end, Jun accepted it with a thanks to Makoto. (The start of a beautiful friendship between these two guys? ^^)
Makoto remarked that Jun was actually really polite, to which he answered that since he was mostly in an environment where it was very strict to behave according to one’s position and rank, Jun had no choice but to be polite most of the time. But since Jun’s eyes were really fierce, he ended up scaring people most of the time even though he’s polite ^^; 
(Jun was also glad that he was able to have fun together with Makoto, and apologised for bothering him earlier on. Ah~ Jun really seems like such a nice kid ^/////^ He looks so cute when he smiles like this ^^)
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As Makoto was the one who had won all the rounds, he was relieved to know that Jun had enjoyed himself, since he thought it would be boring for him since he kept on losing. Jun thanked him instead for trying his best to beat him in the game, since his goal in coming to the game center was to test play this game at the game center actually. As Jun was not used to playing games usually, he doesn’t really know the game’s weakness and guessed that his review for the game would be a normal passerby who had never play games ^^;
After knowing the reason why Makoto had went to play that game, Jun noticed that Makoto had not realised that the theme song of that game was actually sang by Eden. Because the producer team of the game had requested Eden to play the game and provide some feedback about it, and since Jun felt that it would be rude to comment about the game without playing it, this was why he had came to the game center today to specifically play test this game. Makoto remarked that Jun was really amazing to be that committed to his work, and felt that Jun’s work to provide a theme song as an idol unit was really “like an idol”. (Well, they’re idols after all ^^;) Jun replied that unlike the idols in Yumenosaki Gakuen which specialised and focused on live performance, their school had a different style of work planned out for their idols (which I guess is related to providing theme songs for games, collaboration etc?)
As Jun doesn’t know the way to the school, he really appreciates that Makoto and “me” were bringing him along. Makoto had even planned to give him a gift actually, but Jun said that this was not needed since it would just add onto another item to his luggage ^^; He remarked that he had heard a rumor that the school was gradually decaying on the inside out, but Makoto assured him that the rumor was referring to something in the past, and things were different in Yumenosaki Gakuen now. 
Jun smiled in secret as he thought to himself that it was still too early for him to accept Makoto and the others to be of the same level to work with him. (That sounds abit scary Jun ^^;)
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Communication / 交流 : Chapter 2 
Back at school, Makoto rushed to the practice room in a hurry as he was late. He had thought that he had alot more time, and thus spent it having lunch at the cafe terrace. He wondered whether he had made things awkward between him and Jun and started to feel depressed whether he had messed things up in human relationships, and thought that perhaps it was all just his imagination thinking that he had gotten better in communicating with people recently. (Aww... Poor Makoto T///T Don’t worry, everything would be alright! *pats pats*)
Realising that it’s not good to have such dark thoughts like this, Makoto encouraged himself to buck up, and thought that Jun should be feeling even more worried and scared than him being in a place which he was not used to.
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Just at this time, he spotted Jun who was looking around curiously. Turns out that Jun was looking out for Sagami Sensei, and that reminded Makoto once again that Sagami Sensei used to be a very popular idol (though he now behaves.... unlike one ^^:). He offered to call for him for Jun, telling him that it would be easy for him to find Sagami Sensei as he was his teacher and he could always use his position as the broadcast committee member. (Are you supposed to use your broadcasting rights this way...? O.o) However, Jun denied the offer and clarified that he had instead felt better if he had not seen Sagami Sensei at all (Sounds like he’s on the lookout to avoid him instead), and told Makoto that they should head for the practice room soon instead. 
As they were making their way to the practice room, Makoto mentioned that it can be difficult navigating around the school as it was still expanding, and there were times that he ended up being lost in the school. Jun commented that this school was unlike theirs, which only had students in the idol course, and thus he felt that it was refreshing and interesting to him to see students from the normal courses. Even though part of the school seems old, Jun realised that they had very new and advanced facilities unexpectedly. He invited Makoto to visit his school next time to get “beaten up”, and Makoto replied that Jun must have felt really confident about himself seeing that Eden was the strongest unit in their era. He expressed his envy for Jun, admitting that most of the time he was always worried and feeling weak about himself. Jun revealed that he was just acting strong most of the time though, since if one shows signs of weakness in Reimei Academy, they might ended up being defeated by others really easily. Since he wasn’t a “special” student, Jun mentioned that he was actually someone who belongs to the lower rank in the school. (Sounds like a warzone over there D:) (Is it me or Jun and Makoto can be kind of similar seeing that both have their own weak sides?)
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On the other hand, Subaru was elated to have spotted “me” on the corridor and immediately flew over and grabbed onto “me”. Mao who was with him, gave him a lecture not to do it, as it worried him that we might both ended up falling off the stairs together. Mao also mentioned that since Subaru and “I” were of opposite genders, it might look like sexual harassment and thus warned him not to do that even though he knew that Subaru had not meant it in that way.
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Makoto noticed Mao and Subaru standing in the corridor and asked them why were they outside the practice room instead of heading into it. He thought that the key to the practice room was in someone else’s hands (deja vu moment for Makoto), but Mao answered that they had heard someone singing in the room, and felt bad for intruding the practice. Thus they decided to hang outside while waiting for the person to finish singing the song. 
Just then Mao noticed Jun who was standing next to Makoto and was able to recognise him, since he had already seen his photo from the information that he had gathered regarding “Eve”. Subaru was really curious to take a look at Jun when he realised that he was a student from the other school. Realising that Subaru’s surname was “Akehoshi”, Jun asked whether he was the son of “that” Akehoshi. (He’s referring to Subaru’s father.) Subaru asked Jun whether he would feel worried performing with someone with the name “Akehoshi”, but Jun replied that he was just surprised to know that he’s his son. He revealed that he felt that he was in a similar situation as Subaru, both being in trouble due to their “parents”. (Did Jun went through a similar family scenario as Subaru?)
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And that’s all for Part 1 of the story~ I do have many thoughts regarding this story, but shall leave them for the end of the story in Part 2~ 
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tippy-spiral-fan · 8 years
Tagged by @cariboumythos Thanks love!! Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 followers you’d like to know better if you wanna Name: Dawn Nicknames: Dawnie, Dawny, George, Bear, Mama Bear, Spiral... that's all I can think of! Zodiac sign: Aries Height: 5′6″ Orientation: ... HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA fuck if I know. I like who I like to varying degrees. Ethnicity: Not sure how to answer this...? Like my bloodline?? My bloodlines are German and Métis (French and Cree/Mohawk). Favorite Fruit: Watermelon I guess? Favorite Season: Autumn for sure! Favorite book series: Not really into books, honestly. Favorite Flower: Fireweed!! Or Alpine Milkvetch... Oh man; there are so many wonderful flowers!! *0* Favorite Scent: Pre-rain, rain, post-rain, gasoline, turpentine, blood meal, floral field on a hot summer day... there's a lot! XD Favorite Color: Silver! Favorite Animal: Bear (specifically American Black bear!) Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate for sure Average sleep hours: Pfft. There is no average. Cat or Dog person? I love both! Favorite Fictional Characters: Once upon a time, I should have had very few. Now I have an eternal list! XD But I'll just list a few; Feitan (HxH), Hisoka (HxH), Levi (AoT/SnK), Gon (HxH), Killua (HxH), Lawliet (Deathnote), Dazai (BSD), Hiyori (Noragami)... I'll stop here. XD Number of blankets you sleep with: 2, but I don't always use them... and a hoodie. And a housecoat. Dream Trip: My headspace world. XD But realistically, all the places I've wanted to go to since childhood; Texas, California, Germany, England, Ireland, Brazil, Egypt, and go again to the Rocky Mountains! Also to wherever my favorite Internet peoples are at the time of this dream trip! Blog Created: Fuck if I know. Number of Followers: 565 on this blog; a lot of them are porn bots though. If I were to add up all followers from all 6 blogs, I'd have 698 followers. Not tagging anyone because lazy.
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I was tagged by @zeldamaniac44 Thanks!!!
Name: Kaylee
Gender: Female
Star sign: Aries but I feel more like a Pisces
Height: 5′8
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff and proud :)
Favorite colors: Orange, blue, green
Favorite animals: DOGS OWN MY SOUL
Time right now: 2:53pm
Average hours of sleep: 6 or 7 mostly
Cat person or dog person: I REPEAT DOGS OWN MY SOUL
Favorite fictional characters: Holy crud okay so let’s go anime/cartoon. 
(in no particular order)
-FMAB: Roy, Riza, Ed, Al, Izumi
-Haikyuu!!: Asahi, Hinata, Nishinoya, Daichi, Suga, basically all of Karasuno
-Yuri on Ice: Yuuri, Viktor, Phichit, Minako, Otabek, Yurio
-Akagami no Shirayukihime: Zen, Shirayuki, Obi, Ryuu
-Noragami: Yato, Hiyori, Bishamon, Kazuma
-Voltron: Shiro, Allura, Keith, Coran
-Avatar: Zuko, Katara, Sokka, Aang, Iroh
Number of blankets I sleep with: Two- my sheets and my comforter
Favorite Musicians: LOL yeah okay let’s see... Sam Smith, Michael Buble, Panic! at the Disco, Sleeping at Last, Christina Perri, Eric Whitacre, Ola Gjeilo, Owl City, loooooots more
Dream job: Composer xD
When was this blog created: January 2016!
When did your blog reach its peak: I don’t know exactly how to measure that but one of my posts has 200 notes and I’m really happy about it!
Current number of followers: 601 WHAAAAAAAATTT  OH MY GOSH GUYS <3 <3 <3
What do you post: Well this is an FMA exclusive blog so... xD
Who made you join Tumblr: I made my personal back in 2012 because some girls at school were saying how cool it was
Why did you choose your url: It’s my absolute favorite quote from the show
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destinycreate · 8 years
Rules: Tag 20 amazing followers you want to get to know better!
Tagged By: @just-another-nerds-little-world o(^◇^)o
Name: Destiny *cough* yes my usn is so orignal ikr *cough*
Nicknames: Des, Dest, Desi (what my fam calls me lol), Desktop (insert deep sigh)
Star Sign: Taurus 
Height: 5′5″ / 165cm (?)
Sexual Orientation: pan/bi/something™
Hogwarts House: I would like to know the answer as well 「(゚<゚)゙??
Favorite Colors: black, white, grey, brown, blue
Favorite animal: All of them as long as they don’t try to eat me 。(*^▽^*)ゞ
Average hours of sleep: this year (since I’m being homeschooled) 9 or 12 hours, next year (when I go back to school) 6 to 8 hours rip ;-;
Cat or Dog Person: I like them both, but tbh I’m more of a cat person =^~^=
Favorite Fictional Characters: … Are you sure this was a wise question. because im serious when it comes to favorite characters
07 Ghost (haven’t finished yet lol): Teito, Mikage *cries in a corner*, Frau, Hakuren
Pandora Hearts (have also not finished rip): Oz, Gilbert, Elliot *tries to keep a straigth face. fails.*, Sharon, Break, Leo *screams*
D. Gray Man: Allen, Kanda, Lavi (and although Johnny’s not my favorite bless his soul)
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronichle: Syaoran, Tsubasa, Fai, Kurogane
Ajin: Kei, Kai, Kou, Shimomura
Natsume Yuujinchou: Natsume, Nyanko-sensei/Madara, Natori, Tanuma, Hiiragi, Matoba (?)
Tanaka-kun is Always Restless: EVERYONE TBH
Trickster: Kobayashi, Hanasaki
Yuuri On Ice: Yuri, Victore, Phichit, Yurio
91 Days: Avilio, Nero, Corteo
Aoharu x Machinegun: Tachibana, Matsuoka, Yukimura
Blast of Tempest: Yoshino, Hakaze, Mahiro
Blue Excorcist:  Rin, Izumo, Renzou Shima, Konekomaru, Bon, Shura (atm I don’t like Shiemi but I think by the end of it she’ll probs be one of my faves; also imo Yukio is shady af rn so idk)
Evangelion: Shinji, Kaworu
Bus Gamer: Mishiba, Nakajyo, Saitoh
No. 6: Shion, Nezumi
Code Geass: Okay I love Suzaku and Lelouch as much as I hate their guts
Free!: Haru, Makoto, Sousuke
FMA: Ed, Al
Haikyuu: Everyone from Karasuno, Fukurodani, Nekoma, Aoba Johsai, Date Tech, Shiratorizawa
Hamatora: Nice, Murasaki, Art, Ratio, Birthday
Hero Bank: Sekito
Hunter x Hunter: Killua, Kurapika
K: All. of. them.
Kaze no Stigma: Kazuma
Kuroko no Basuke: Kise, Kuroko
Kyo Kara Maoh: Yuuri, Wolfram
Noragami: Yato, Yukine, Hiyori, Kazume
Ouran Highschool Host Club: All the host club members tbh
Parasyte: Shinichi
Danganronpa: Nagito, Makoto, Chiaki, Kirigiri, Hajime/Izuru
Yu-Gi-Oh: Yugi, Yami Yugi, Kaiba, Bakura, Mokuba, Joey/Katsuya, Tristan/Hiroto, Tea/Anzu
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Jaden (my only fave rip)
Beyblade (original series): Tyson/Takao, Kai, Max, Ray/Rei, Kenny/Kyoujyu/Manabu
Persona 3 Movies: Makoto, Ryuji
Saiyuki: The Entire Main Cast™
Kids on the Slope: Kaoru, Sentarō
Sekai ichi Hatsukoi: Ritsu (if my spiritual animal was a human–)
Tokyo Ghoul(only a third through :re): Kaneki, Hide *groans*
Yu Yu Hakusho: Kuwabara, Hiei, Yusuke, Kurama
Voltron (2016-2017): Keith, Lance, Shiro, Pidge, Hunk
Skam (I’ve only watched the 3rd season so far): Isak, Nora, Jonas
Heroes of Olympus series: Reyna, Jason, Nico di Angelo, Hazel, Frank, Will, Percy, Annabeth, Piper
Children of the Red King: All the Kids™ I love them™ will all my HEART™
Raven Cycle: Who do? I?? not??? love?????
Video Games:
Persona 3: Minato, Ryoji
Persona 4: Souji/Yu, Yosuke, Kanji, Naoto, Nanako
Tales of Versperia: Yuri, Estelle, Flynn
Tales of Graces: Asbel, Richard, Sophie, Pascal, Malik, Hubert, Lambda 
Tales of Xillia/Xillia 2: Jude, Milla, Alvin, Rowan, Leia, Gaius, Elize/Teepo, Ludger Kresnik, Julius Kresnik 
Tales of Zestiria: Mikleo, Sorey, Zaveid, Dezel, Edna, Alisha, the turtlz in that one katz corner quest oh my god too soon namco way too soon
Final Fantasy: (note I’ve only played xv and watched a lets play of crisis core on youtube rip)
Angeal, Zack, Genesis, Sephiroth, Noctis, Luna, Prompto, Ignis, Nyx, Libertus, Regis
The Last Remnant: Rush, David, Emma, Irina
Uncharted: Nathan, Sam, Elena, Sully
Dragon Age: Alistair, Zevran, Leliana, Morigan, Sten, Ohgrin, Fenris, Merril, Avilene, Varric, Cullen, Dorian, Bull, Anders, Solas
DRAMAtical Murder: Aoba, Noize, Ren, Koujaku, Clear, Sei
Togainu no Chi: Akira, Keisuke, Motomi
… I feel like I’m missing some but at the same time I know this is already way too much rip
do i even know the meaning of the number 20 i don’t think i d
Tagging (if i tag you and you don’t want me to in the future let me know rip):
@pepperii , @trussarditonio , @tiredspacecadet , @phanstrash , @messofanotaku , @sociallyawkwardasexual , @dearlybelovedzack , @randomrandomnessofrandom , @riinerei , @vannaluv1321 , @magicsuga , @kanekuja25 , @nheira-vor , @yikes-my-dude , @hesitant-ufo , @magnus-chase-is-bae , @unravelingreality1206 , @dontcallmenubs  , @iprincezzinuyoukai , @yoursenpaisbitch , @showa-sensei
aaand anyone who reads this in passing =) i want to get to know everyone tbh XD
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frenchibi · 8 years
I got tagged 3 times in the last couple days – in an attempt to not spam you with separate posts, I’m just gonna put everything here under the cut :D Hope you don’t mind ^^
Thanks to @lalikaa, @anyadisee and @ghost--fox, you guys know I love these games :D
1) (thank you Lisa for this one!!)
Last Movie I Watched: Moana, for the third time (not sorry) – god, I LOVE this movie
Last song I listened to: Well… technically? “House of the Rising Sun”, played by my little brother on his new guitar (and sung by me xD)
Last book I read: I actually… haven’t finished a book in a while D: I did recently re-read one of my favorites though: The Hours by Michael Cunningham. It’s… incredible, in my opinion, for stylistic reasons :o
Last thing I ate: Popcorn at the movies :D I basically got called a heathen for liking salty popcorn… it’s not that I dislike sweet popcorn ok I just prefer it salty? (probably bc I can relate more ayyyy)
If I could be anywhere in the world I would be in: …here, actually. I like where I live, I like being close to my family and most of my friends? Although I’d love to travel back to London and to Dublin again :D And I’ve never been to any eastern countries, there’s a lot I’d love to see!!
Where would I want to time travel to: THE FUTURE :o
Fictional characters I would hang out with for a day: Uhmmmm do you want that list alphabetically, chronologically or in order of importance…? xD
Edward Elric (and WINRY?? RIZA?? OLIVIER???) from FMA The Seijoh third-years from Haikyuu Yato (and Hiyori :D) from Noragami The entire cast of Barakamon tbqh The entire cast of Avatar (both AtlA and Korra ahhh) THE CAST OF HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE please oh my god I love all of them so much, Howl is wonderful and CALCIFER IS SO PRECIOUS …the Ouran High School Host Club. Celty from Durarara (but only if she lets me sit behind her on her motorcycle) Soul from Soul Eater Hitsugaya and Matsumoto from Bleach (whooo, an old fandom making an appearance again!) Honestly I’d love to have Akane from Ranma ½ teach me to fight :D
2) Aya tagged me to post my 9 favorite albums of all time – which is really difficult?? Have a couple that I enjoy a lot these days:
1. Beneath the Skin by Of Monsters and Men
2. The 2nd Law by Muse
3. Oh Wonder by Oh Wonder
4. Smoke and Mirrors by Imagine Dragons
5. Symphony Soldier by The Cab
6. Storms by Hedley
7. Tyr by Black Sabbath (there’s my childhood coming through xDD I’m a mess of influences)
8. The Undertale Soundtrack
9. Hamilton: An American Musical by Lin-Manuel Miranda
(10. American Beauty/American Psycho by Fall Out Boy)
(11. Future Hearts by All Time Low)
(12. Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At the Disco)
(I’ll stop now sorry)
 3) Aaaand the last tag is from Mari, thank youuu!
11 facts about me:
1. I recently started keeping a bullet journal and it’s been a wonderful creative outlet?? I don’t know why I didn’t think of doing it earlier.
2. I’m obsessed with scarves and sweaters and TEA. I love winter and fall for these reasons, mainly :’D
3. I have entirely too many pieces of jewelry. I had a phase where I bought a LOT, and even though it’s gotten less, I’m still pretty awful at restraining myself. I own an estimated amount of 200 pairs of earrings and 50 necklaces? Whoops. There’s only very few pieces that are actually valuable though.
4. I’m the oldest of four, but my mom got remarried two years ago so now I have an older stepsister and a nephew who is the same age as my younger sister xD (...I am also the shortest. Out of all of us. Even my tiny grandma is taller than me ^^)
5. I have so many allergies. ALL the allergies. Don’t buy me flowers. Don’t introduce me to your pets. Don’t take me out to dinner unless you want to kill me.
6. I’ve had this blog for over 3 years (maybe even 4 now?) and I started out as a Supernatural blog… if you scroll back far enough in my posts… eh.
7. I love to collab on projects. Hmu. I know I’m terrible but please scream with me. I’ll draw, I’ll write – heck, I’ll even sing if you want me to :D
8. I’ve been wanting to make sideblogs for literal AGES but I’m not sure if I could maintain them and idk if people would be interested (in my original writing, in my art, in my singing) – also I really want to clean up the multifandom mess that is my blog atm :’)
9. The only sport I’m really good at is skiing, and I’ve been doing it since I could walk. I was a skiing instructor for three years before the school I worked for had to close. I have very few friends who know how to ski, so I don’t get to go often bc it’s kind of dangerous to go alone – which is why I always completely freak out when I DO get to go :DD
10. I was having a bad day today because I lost my ID and my car wouldn’t start – the cold drained the battery. These kinds of things tend to really get to me, which is super annoying :< And now of course I have to deal with fixing these problems :’)
11. I already answered one of these before, you can find it here. I seem to be mentioning the allergy thing a lot. Huh.
Aand that’s it! I guess I should tag a couple of people - please choose one or two or all of the above, if you want, or none at all :D Whichever you prefer xD (also obviously @lalikaa, @anyadisee and @ghost--fox you’re welcome to do the ones you haven’t done yet :D)
@missellaineous, @cheatos, @cheetahleopard, @who-broke-my-dog, @chxngsey, @heirxx, @astersandstuffs, @snowflakers, @warmybones :D
(also anyone else that feels like it?? Please feel free to say I tagged you~)
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
One Piece Chapter 987: Initial Thoughts
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Whoa Baby, this is gonna be big Chapter 987 is back and fans did not wait to translate it early like previous chapters, a colour spread as well telling us that this is a big one! So let’s jump in! Spoilers for c987, Support the Official Release!
So just to talk about the Colour Spread first; Jimbei finally on it! Also there’s some doggos, isn’t the pug like Crocodile’s thing? just a nice blue and angry red and dark blue ones. Also ALL THE FROBIN! Plus, Sanji has a huge number 3 on his shirt, Luffy’s shirt almost looks like the Gomu Gomu no Mi (kinda mix of it and his Dressrosa shirt) and the Polearm he used with Ace and Sabo as a kid! Jimbei’s kimono has dogs as well on it, can’t decipher Usopp’s shirt though ‘Good Usining’? Looks like a Cow-Gorilla though, Usopp beats Kaido confirmed!? Chopper seems to have a word on his shirt too but I can’t translate it. Odd though that Zoro doesn’t have Wado on him for this spread isn’t it? Just Kitetsu and Enma for the spread.
We see as Kaido remembers Oden and being cut, causing his scar to throb. It also seems implied that the Scabbards are using Oden’s Ryou, perhaps an inherited will kinda thing as they successfully pierce Kaido
Raizo though, you’re at the throat you have to follow through!
Kaido falling is the signal as the Samurai arise from the crowd, Robin and Jimbei though are not shown to blow their covers yet
Interesting though that Big Mom appears fine over whether or not Kaido got killed, that or she knows that won’t kill him. 
Ulti though is first to make it to Yamato, and she has a European-style Spiked Ball Mace it seems. The interaction is also interesting, other than Luffy calling Ulti ‘headbutt’ XD, seems like Yamato and Ulti may have gotten along before, thus her confusion about Yamato saying that the time to be Oden has come
Yamato is in full on forsaken mode too, surprised the goons still think that Yamato would be caring for Kaido after what they’ve seen, big ‘I’m not your friend, guy’ energy
As Ulti and Yamato tussle, Big Mom rolls up like a Final Boss to Luffy, giving Carrot and Nami a chance to escape the homies. Though I did consider Sanji and Brook saving them, I am quite happy that the women escaped themselves. Also Big Mom is trying to make this like some epic thing “I came all this way just to kill you”, like yeah we figured, not like you came here for a resort holiday XD
Back to Kaido though and he is legit hurt! Praising the Scabbard who encircle him for their plans, but he also tries to sow doubt. Noting that the pirates will betray them once they realise the odds are against them, I feel like this is a little flat though, especially since WB Commander Izo is like, right there...
Didn’t expect Kin’emon to have a ‘Luffy will be King’ speech but I’m here for it...even if it is an alarming death flag to talk about them dying
Big Mom of course asks the obvious ‘why’d you come’ question, and though Luffy’s ‘I’m gonna beat the lot of yas’ is a totally Luffy answer I did kinda hope he’d mention that part of it is saving Wano, especially so Tama won’t have to starve again. It’s also worth reminding that it was Law’s plan to go for Kaido, Big Mom was a pit stop due to Germa and Where Is My Baeju!?
I don’t think I can get enough of Queen’s shocked face XD though it does make me wonder what King, Queen and Jack will do for this raid. Regardless, the allies sprawl in by the thousands; Kid and Killer are still together, Zoro looks disappointed in the Gifters’ strength, interesting though is the panel underneath
That looks like Hawkins with Law doesn’t it? He only bought 3 of his crew with him and that looks like none of them (the trio are missing in general for this chapter), I would be here for Hawkins being on-side as you already know, so I hope it is him
The one that made me lean out of my seat, Marco and Perospero working together!? I wonder what led to that agreement, maybe something bigger than both of them is making its way to Wano too, or maybe Perospero just really doesn’t wanna work with Kaido
Small note but they showed that Giant Sword again outside of Onigashima, I wonder if it has a part to play
Kaido’s hurt but now he’s dangerous, accepting the challenge as he turns into his dragon form. But Luffy looks like he has to face down Big Mom first, leaving the first round of Kaido to the Scabbards
What a shot though, Dragon Kaido and the Scabbards in the snow and pale moonlight
And the Pale Moonlight is the focus, because all the minks are here and they can see it clearly, Su Long is coming!
now that was a big chapter, tons of juicy stuff to dissect I mean we didn’t even get to Chopper/Usopp and Shinobu/Momo stuff yet! Not to mention that we still don’t have accounts for Sanji, Brook and Franky, Caribou and that shaded person Robin and Jimbei were near. The two also haven’t made their move, but neither has Kaido’s commanders, BM’s commanders seem to have not been carried in by Perospero, Hiyori hasn’t pulled up nor has Speed or Onimaru like I’d hoped, Drake is still missing, Who’s Who didn’t make it to Yamato before Ulti. Like sweet jesus is there so much still to unravel! The heat is very much on, and though I kinda hope that BM and Luffy can reach an agreement too, it seems that Kaido is the final boss right now, but the scales can so easily change. Have to keep a level head about it though, Su Long doesn’t last forever and you can wear yourself dead, it’ll be interesting to see Su Long Inu and Neko but remember these are still Yonko, it’s still a stacked deck and they’re against Luffy and co’s favour. But it is a strong start for the raid.
However, still did not cry. The editor must be weak :P
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