#//i'll erase time/date stamp later
james--harrington · 7 years
House Hunt || JElla
Tagging: James Harrington & Ella Jameson When: 5/28/17 Where: Their future home. :) Notes:
"Turn in here. It's got to be this one. That's the realtors car." Ella nodded toward the large tan house and  propped her sunglasses on top of her head as James parked their car in the stone driveway. "It's uglier in person." She noted, feeling unhappy with it right away. "It's 4,500 square feet of ugly."  This was their third house they'd seen that day and Ella was feeling tired, cranky and swollen and completely underwhelmed by the houses being shown to them.May 29, 2017
"Did you say 4,500?" He looked at her in disbelief. "Why can't we look at smaller houses? Especially ones where the price is under a million. He'd been doing these with her for a couple hours. "We can always look at that house in my neighborhood. It's only two thousand square feet but the kids won't be  able to do damage for a couple years:" he tried to be optimistic but all these houses intimidated him. There was just so much to look at....
"Don't worry about price -- why do you want a smaller house? So we can move once the kids are older?" Ella shook her head,"No way. I want to have space and not move again unless we want to." She looked back at the house in front of them, "should we go in this one or just nix it since it's ugly?"
"With a smaller house you get people closer together. That's how it was growing up for me. Shit sucked with my mom but I still was there to keep an eye on her and my sister because we were so on top of one another." He knew this part would be difficult between them because they had different upbringings. He wanted her to be happy and comfortable with their home and she was the one paying everything up front until he sold his. "I guess my compromise is a decent backyard, big kitchen and a garage big enough to keep a project or two in it." James turned the key and pulled it from the ignition. "Come on. Lets look inside. What do they say? Never judge a book by it's cover. It can be the same with this place."
Ella furrowed her brows,"Are you afraid you're going to lose me?" She laughed,"We can still be close even though we have a large home, babe. Trust me." The woman nodded,"that's good with me." She gave the house another look,"well fine but we'd have to remodel the entire front."
"It's not that, El," he said leaning over to kiss her lips. "I'm just a guy who got used to a certain way of living and I'm sure there's some truth to that. I won't let those kids have a moment of privacy. They'll probably try to lock me out but I'll take down their doors," he laughed and dropped his head. "Can't you see if it'll grow on you?" He didn't think there was anything wrong with the exterior.May 30, 2017
"I have a feeling in their younger years we will be the ones locking ourselves in our room begging for privacy." Ella said with a snort of laughter,"but I like your plan for when they're teenagers." Unbuckling, Ella sighed deeply,"I suppose."  At that moment the realtor came out and waved. "She better have a cheeseburger in her hand or I'm going to be double pissed." She muttered opening up her door.
"Are you serious? Do you mean we should move the cribs to our room and turn the nursery into, I don't know, a man cave maybe?" He ran a hand through his hair and chuckled at himself, before watching the realtor. "Is it part of the house showing process to feed prospective home buyers?" James climbed out of the car and went around to the front, waiting for her to join him.
"Hey if this place doesn't have room for a nursery and a man room, then it's really out of the running."  Ella studied the women. She was young and had a figure like Ella once did. "It should be if they're very pregnant." She grinned over at James to show she kidding. Kind of. Ella got out and joined James, taking hold of his hand. The realtor, Rachel, smiled and welcomed them. "First impressions?!" Ella made a face. "Hideous. But I've been told not to judge a book by its cover. Plus isn't this a little too mediterranean  for you J? I thought we wanted a craftsman style?"
"Oh. Yes. Sorry. Please forgive me. I forgot you've got your eye on a place that's half the size of a palace." He made a joke about it because part of him wasn't sure about a big house. He understood they'd need the room but it was an adjustment for him. One of the many he's been through in the last few months. James held Ella's hand and he listened to her speak and his eyes rounded, looking at her. "I do want that. But I do want to look at the house types of houses that Rachel has to show."
It was funny James thought it was so big because to Ella it seemed modest. Certainly nothing to write home about. Ella had grown up with knowing both sides of the track but had grown accustomed to a lavish lifestyle. Ella gave a dramatic, relenting sigh at James and Rachel led them into the house listing off everything the place had to offer. "It looks dated." Ella commented. "It's only six years old." Rachel said thumbing through its listing. "Still looks dated." She grumbled. Ella pointed her manicured toe at the carpet,"this definitely has to go. And the kitchen is a total gut job, huh baby?"May 31, 2017
Just like the other houses James felt completely flabbergasted at how she went about everything. The house looked fine to him. How was it dated exactly? Then he wondered if she thought his house looked like it needed a complete remodel. He didn't say anything because he knew he had to watch his words in front of the realtor. James, instead, nodded his head and went to look for the garage, which should be near the kitchen. That's how it was with the the places he looked at before he bought his bungalow.
Ella traipsed into the kitchen as she watched J go off, her nose scrunched,"the appliances are nice but I hate the color of the granite." A few more pokes and Ella went to go find James when the realtor told her where the garage was. She opened the door and peeked her head in,"Hey. How's the garage rate?"
There was a work bench in the garage and James took an immediate shine to it. He knew not to get his hopes up when it came to this house but he thought he should make the most of it. That was until the door opened and he saw his very pregnant girlfriend there. "It's up there," he said with a smile. When it came to him it didn't take a lot to please the guy. "Not that I should get my heart set on it. Something tells me you'll find at least another twenty things wrong with this house even before we make it to the second floor."
"Yeah? You like it?" Ella asked, with a small grin, happy to see James in his element. "The kitchen is --" the woman trailed off at James' comment, her brows pulling together. "Um, wow, okay. Yeah. Maybe I will. I have a particular taste and this place isn't it."  She felt herself getting defensive.
He noticed her stance and how she responded to him and he should apologize. James went to the door, where she stood, and laid his hands on her arms. "Baby. I want you happy. And I shouldn't have insisted on us looking into this house when you were turned off by it from the get go."
Ella shimmied out of his grasp, ignoring the first part of what he said, "No, you shouldn't have and then to make that comment? That was rude, J, like I'm some spoiled brat."  Ella turned, her belly leading the way,"I'll meet you in the car." She knew she was pouting but her hungry and tired self didn't want to waste any more time on a house she didn't love.June 1, 2017
And there she went. James was left in the garage and he was certain he had to tell Rachel this house wasn't for them; which he knew was obvious but still placed him in an awkward position. James found her in the living room, on her phone, and he broke the news about not exactly feeling this house. She said she had a couple more to show them and James wanted to groan. Instead he continued to be his charming self and said to put a pin in it to see if Ella wanted to look at more. He left and went to his car, climbing in and dropping his forearms atop of the steering wheel. "I'm not saying you're a spoiled brat, El. You want a house that feels like home and that wasn't it for you," James sat back. "You want to call it a day or keep going? She has more to show."
Sitting with her arms crossed over her belly, Ella looked over when James got in. She nodded, feeling herself soften slightly,"Exactly. I knew by just seeing the outside of this one it wasn't for us. Sorry if that's weird or whatever." Ella sighed, "we should at least see one more today. We're low on time before I won't be able to scoot around so easily." Which was a scary thought in and of its self with how big she already was. As if on queue the babies started moving and Ella made a face as some kind of limb jabbed at her ribs. Rachel came out then, "the next place is only five minutes away, you wanna check it out?" Ella nodded vigorously, ignoring the pain, "yeah, lets go."
Was he content with so little? All the things she pointed out in this house, and and the one before, didn't register to him and he thought, for a moment, that they'd not get a new place and have to stay in his house until the babies were in pre-school. That idea amused him because it'd never happen. El would make sure of it. "Let's hope this next one has a nicer outside," he said, taking her hand to kiss before smirking. James pulled from the spot and followed Rachel to the next house.
The way he handled Ella calmed her quickly. Even his joke about the outside, "Yeah yeah yeah." She said putting her sunglasses back on, "let's hope." Rachel was right, he drive was short but the neighborhood was pristine and the houses all with character and very well kept. "This looks nice." Ella commented, noting that they were all craftsman style. She didn't mind an older home as long as it was remodeled.  She happen to like the charm that came with the older homes of this particular style. The realtors car stopped in front of a large updated looking home.  There was a porch and two car garage attached to one side and a small sweet front yard. "First impressions?" Ella asked to J.
The house looked like the type you find in front of a home catelogue. Could he see himself living in such a place? Twenty years ago he thought he'd never get out from under his mother's roof and now here he was, next to a woman he loved and who was very pregnant with their twins. Life was funny that way. "I think it's nice. I can picture us playing with the kids in the yard and the garage is the right size." He hoped it had a workbench inside.. "It's still too big for me but I think anything bigger than your townhouse too big." he said with a chuckle. "What about you?"
Ella smiled at the thought, surprised she could see the same thing. "Nah, it's not too big.. I think it looks perfect." Her whole demeanor changed,"I can't wait to see the inside!" Once the cars were parked they met Rachel on the front lawn who went over the details of the five bedroom, four and half bath, fully updated home. "Oh! We will have a room for guests - thats great! " Ella complimented, immediately thinking of her sister. The woman noted the swing on the porch ,"does that stay? I want it to stay." She looked up at J, "you do too, right baby?"
I can see why James always wants to touch it and kiss itJames walked beside El, his hands stuffed into his pockets and it was as if he saw a complete tranformation; compared to the other home they visited. He removed a hand and wrapped his arm around her shoulders to pull his girl close and kiss her temple. "We want it to stay," he told Rachel and went to walk into the house, taking Ella's hand. That was a lot of rooms and bathrooms. He never lived in anything with more than three rooms and one bathroom. Who was to clean all of this? Yet he figured El had that all planned out. "What's the square footage?" He asked, curious about this.June 2, 2017
Beaming up at James, Ella was so pleased he agreed with her. She let him take her hand and followed him into the house where they were met with the most beautiful entry way. Built in shelves lined the way into an open living room and to a large staircase. Everything was bright and open. "What was it? Like 46- 4400 something like that I think." Ella was completely enamored. "Oh, J, look at that fire place!"
James let out a low whistle but was taken out of it when Ella pointed out the fireplace. That was one item he never had growing up. They had a small heater that they tossed coal into, but living in California you never really needed one. He went to it and laid a hand on the mantle. He unintentionally had been keeping himself from getting excited about the houses they looked at; mainly due to how large and expensive they were, but Ella's excitement rubbed off on him. He turned to look at her but his eyes set on the large kitchen. Where he went to on his own.
When James joined Ella couldn't help but think of how their babies stockings would look hanging from it and how she'd have their decorator put it together. She was about to say something about it when James wandered off and Ella smiled to herself knowing the large gleaming white cabinet kitchen and monster eat at island was awaiting. She followed behind him after a beat, gasping pleasantly when she saw the view to the fenced in back yard. A set of two French doors off the back opened into a wide patio and a perfectly groomed back yard. "This property couldn't be any prettier." Rachel commented, "and there is nothing to do update wise unless it's preference."  Ella beamed at J,"kitchens pretty."
He was in his own world, imagining the type of meals he could prepare in here. Everything was in pristine condition and he had his sights on the gas range. It was the type he'd seen them use on the cooking shows he watched and James realized El said something to him. "Huh?" he started and he felt he heard the word kitchen in there and smiled with a head nod. "What are they asking for this house?" He braced himself for the price tag. He knew Ella would be fine with it but for him he would prefer to put that money into savings for their kids' college funds.
Rachel doubled checked her papers, "It's listed at 1.6 and it just hit the market three days ago and will fly out of here. We have to bite on this one fast if  you want it." Ella clasped her hands together, "Oh! Thats not terrible." she said brightly. That meant Ella could pay cash for the house. "Well, I think we should look upstairs before we commit, but this home is stunning. Nice job." she gave a nod of approval and smiled at James, "Wanna go check out the master, baby?"
"1.6?" his eyes rounded. He knew it cleared a million but not that much and he stared at how casual Ella was with this. Words disappeared from his vocabulary and he brought his attention to his girl when she asked the question. Did this place have gold pipes? Fuck. "Uh. Yeah. Let's-" his words were going slow because his brain was trying to wrap around this, "check it out." he chuckled. "Fuck." he mouthed out while he looked down, hoping they didn't catch his curse word.
"I'll give you guys a minute and meet you in the bonus room that's a must see!" Rachel said pulling out her phone. "Take your time." Ella started for the staircase, taking James hand, "Oh my god, J, I'm in love. What a big difference from the last place right?" Ella had grown up in a house almost twice this size once her mom remarried. Their taste had been almost sterile and museum like and while Ella loved a big home she vowed to make her future home feel warm and comfortable; quite the contrast to her current town house but she knew her babies deserved it. Ella looked up at James, "Do you not love it? You're quiet..."
"I-I like it, El. The price left me stunned," he said as soon as it was the two of them. "You're gonna have to give me a minute here, babe. It's one thing to look at these expensive houses but to dish the money out for one." he shook his head, still in awe. James looked at the stairs and then around the entry. He could see things happening here. That was evident and he supposed that, with time, he'd get used to being in a house like this. Even seeing it as his home. He placed his hands on either sides of Ella's face and brought her forehead to his lips. "All of this will grow on me. I promise. I'm happy when you're happy and I can tell you're ready to pop from how excited you are to get started on this place."
"I know, its a big price tag, but we can definitely afford it, baby. You dont need to stress." Ella stepped closer to him, sliding her arms around his waist. " lets hope I don't pop." she grinned. " But I think this house does make me happy.  At least so far. It feels... right. Is that weird? Is that just my hormones talking?"
She was so sure about this and James knew she was. Ella wasn't the type to go into something unless she was 100% about it and he needed to trust her. Shit. There were so many changes taking place in his life and it felt surreal to be doing this. As if this was part of some crazy dream. "Not your hormones, sexy," he said, giving her that smile she loved. "Just your heart. You see a future here and I can, too."June 3, 2017
Ella melted when he smiled and it took away any doubt she had. After giving him a lingering kiss, she nodded toward the upstairs,"C'mon, lets go see where the nursery could be." Hand in hand they walked up to the second floor and peeked into the bedrooms and bathrooms and it was one of the last ones before the master that Ella opened and cooed. "Aw, J,"she swallowed feeling herself get emotional, " this  would be it, its close to us and bright and there's room for two cribs.."
Two cribs. He knew they were essentally to have two of everythng soon and James noticed the sheen in her eyes. He kept her close and kissed her temple, then cheek. They would be parents in no time and in a new home with new responsiblities and new...well, everything. Everything was essentially new to him other than his life at the garage. But for El, everything was changing, including where she set her career roots after she was ready to return to work. "This is perfect, babe," he said, voice deep and maybe with a hint of emotional as well. "I can see you going crazy in here with all those ideas from that one site you look at a lot."
Ella nodded,"Pinterest." She cried happily, swiping at her eyes. This made everything feel so real and she only hoped that they would get this house and be able to make it their first home together. Ella wrapped her arms around J the best she could and soaked in the moment for a quiet minute. "Alright, lets go check out the master and then go talk to Rachel?"
"I hope the walls are thick in the master. Don't want our kids to be traumatized about the noises that come from mommy and daddy's room," he said as he slid his hand onto her ass and gave it a gentle squeeze. "So this is the place? The one where we're going to raise our family and grow old in?"
"James!" Ella laughed, "oh my god." She rested her head on his firm chest, "I --I think so. I loved it the moment I saw it. But if you have any reservations we can talk about it. But,I ," she grinned besotted, "I kind of love it."
"I'm only stating the obvious, El. Actually I hope these windows are thick too. Airplane glass thick. All the neighbors will know just how often we go at it," he was merely joking with her but he liked the way she got whenever he did that. James, walked into the master and even though he stood in the room his eyes were on the large bathroom to the side of it. "You can fit a family in there," he said. Then, remembering her question he said, "Nope. The only thing with me is the size and price. But that's more on me than anything."
Ella blushed, "J! We are not going to be those neighbors!" She laughed, flustered. Maybe they would be. The master was big and roomy and while the bathroom was stunning, the his and her closet was a show stopper. Almost as big as the one Ella had currently. She smirked, pleased. She met J back in the bathroom and hooked her fingers in the hem of his jeans, playfully walking him against the vanity. "I love this. Imagine all the good sex we can have in that tub." She grinned, leaning up and capturing his bottom lip with her teeth.June 4, 2017
"If I start imagining these things then we're going to put Rachel in a very awkward position downstairs," He said, feeling her kiss on his lips while his fingers skimmed the sides of her dress. James turned around to see what he was leaning against and turned back with a chuckle. "Better be careful, El. You know what happens when we get near a counter."
Ella nodded, biting down on her own lip now, then,"I do know.." Her hand traveled down to the front of his pants where she could feel his bulge on the other side. "We only need a few minutes.." With her other hand she traced the outline of his belt.
Ella seemed pretty deadset on this house so, technically, it was theirs now and they able to do whatever they wanted in here. James looked down at what her hands were up to and he found himself pressing into the palm of her hand. "Few minutes? Looking for a quickie then?" Since she was touching him, he was going to do the same. James completely ignored the wide open doors and focused more on lifting the skirt of her dress up so he could hook the sides of her panties to pull down.
"Well, I don't want to make her too suspicious." Ella smirked, starting to undo his belt. "But we have to make sure these counters work for us if we're going to buy the place right?"  She closed the space between them as much as she could with the belly between them and kissed J hungrily . Quickly she worked on his pants, undoing the button and pulling down the zipper so she could slip her hand down the front of his boxers to get him hard.
There wasn't a whole lot of time and James felt her panties drop away from his fingers. "Would it be a deal breaker if they don't live up to our expectations?" he asked, moving his hands to her hips and moving himself away from the vanity to turn them around so he could pop Ella onto it.  If he were without a shirt he imagined Ella would have loved the look of his muscles in his arms as he hoisted her up. "Get me going again," he said, wanting her hand back on his cock. His fingers went underneath her thighs and he lured her closer to the edge so he could push into her as soon as he was ready.
As soon as Ella felt her underwear hit the ground she stepped out of them,"We would have to renovate." She joked, holding on to his shoulders as he sat her on the counter. She shimmied her dress up a bit so she could spread her legs for him so he would easily fit between them. Ellas hand wrapped around his length and she pumped him the way she knew he liked while she leaned in to nip and suck at his neck as she did.June 5, 2017
It was a good thing he didn't need much in the way of a warm up, not when she was touching him and ready to go. James took another step forward, breathing heavily through his parted lips, and he took her hand away to place on his shoulder. His attention dropped and watched as he took himself in hand to rock his hips forward enough to feel the press of her opening. He wanted to play with her, get her to that level of arousal before going in but when something needed to be done quick...So he pushed forward, still going slow and returning his eyes to hers. He couldn't believe they were doing this. But fuck, it was hot.
Ellas fingers dug into his shoulders as she felt James sink into her with ease. Looking at each other as he did, turned her on ever more and she whimpered as James came to a hilt inside of her. He could fill her up with inches of himself to spare. Ellas legs wrapped around him, keeping him nice and close."fuck." She muttered, starting to roll her hips against him.June 6, 2017
"Why do I feel like this will be that bathroom incident all over again? The one from your Christmas party," he could smell her perfume and feel the soft strands of her hair brush against his cheek as he watched their bodies move together. "If it is then Rachel is in for quite the show," James' fingers sunk into the skin of her ass as he kept her planted on the edge of the counter.
The thought of that made Ella pause for a moment but she quickly recovered as she focused on the pleasure at hand. Not that the bathroom incident had been bad but the repercussions certainly had been. Ella breathed into James' shoulder; the harder they went the harder she breathed, starting to bite at it, to keep from moaning too loudly.
There was the pressure of her teeth, lightly padded by his shirt but not by much. James could hear her breathing around the bite and as much as he shouldn't he decided to add something more to drive El wild. His hand went up and cupped her breast, kissing at her neck and the cheek. He kept going until their mouths connected and James rubbed at the front of her blouse; honing in on her nipple to tease it through the fabric.
"Jesus," she breathed, her breathing getting more sporadic as James fondled her ever growing breast. She wanted to feel more of him too; it was only fair after all. Ella moved her hand to his hips and dragged them up under shirt, running them over every part of him she could reach. She loved how J knew how to turn her on and how he knew all the curves of her body that even clothed he could  hone in on the exact spots she needed to be touched.  She moaned into his ear to let him know how much she liked it.
James was used to them doing this in the comfort of one of their homes and, in a way, this was theirs as soon as Ella paid for it, but he found himself getting a little ahead of himself by whisper, "Fuck, baby.  You get me so hard," The words pressed into her shoulder before kissing at the fabric. He brought his scruffy chin across until he settled into the crook of her neck. He needed to up his game to get them to their points quick. This wasn't something they wanted to get caught doing. Or was it...?
One thing was for sure, everything was more sensitive now that she was pregnant which meant quicker arousal and more intense orgasms. Ella was getting there and reveling in his words and touch; her hands made there way up to his hair where she entangled her fingers in it and pulled on it helplessly. "Harder, harder," she begged, her brows knitting together.June 7, 2017
"Babe," he said as he tried to not talk into her skin but he was panting so hard that he found it hard to move from the spot, "I go any harder then that realtor will hear you," he said but he found himself caving seconds later because fuck, he couldn't deny giving her what she wanted. James' eyes pressed shut for a moment as he thrusted firmly into her, feeling their bodies press while his cock tried to get his woman to feel all the pleasure she'd been craving. Him too, because damn he loved whenever they did this.
Ella was about to pout but then in true James fashion he gave her what she asked for. She whimpered loudly as her body bounced up and down on the cold granite from the thrusting of his cock. Now he was hitting her spot and with every movement she got closer and closer until finally the heat in her core couldn't take it any more and she felt herself come undone around James. She leaned into him, her nails digging into his muscular shoulders, her head back, eyes shut as she moaned through her climax forgetting in the moment where they were.
Shortly after Ella's moan graced his ears, James joined her. His own sounds were muffled by her neck and he gave her a couple passionate thrusts before groaning her name and a couple of swears into her perfumed skin. As he kissed her, trying to chase away the redness his beard left in its wake, he noticed something move in the bathroom's mirror. Something from the bedroom but it was gone before he could turn to look. "Shit. I think Rachel saw us," The chuckle that came from him surprised James and he dropped his forehead to her shoulder. "Suppose we better tell her we'll take it."
Hearing James join in made Ella give all her energy into their orgasms. As she felt him fill her up she swore under her breath at how amazing he always felt. She was basking in the feeling of him pulsating inside of her, her head pressing onto his chest when James mentioned Rachel might of caught them. "What?!" She hissed, her head popping up. "Seriously?"she looked around J but no one was there. "Jesus." She grumbled, trying to keep the panicked laughter out of her voice. Ella motioned to his dick, "Out! Out! We have to get down stairs." Ella smoothed at her hair, trying to regain composure.June 8, 2017
Things needed to go fast and James pulled out, finding the sensation odd as he already started to soften a little and she was still slick with everything. He ducked to grab her panties before working on himself. "Guess we're the ones to give her a showing instead of the other way around," He found humor in this even though Ella looked a little disheveled from what happened.
Sliding off the counter, Ella took her panties from him  and carefully put them back on; slower than normal with her balance being off a bit. "J.." Ella groaned at his joke, a small smile playing on her lips. "She probably thinks we're two horn dogs now and is afraid to work with us." She pulled her dress back down over her ass and smoothed the front, giving herself a once over in the bathroom mirror. "God, I look like I was just fucked." She muttered.  "C'mon."
James was following her, adding a little extra to his step because he felt good. Not the whole getting caught thing but because he they unexpectedly had sex and it was clear as day he pleased his woman. They went down the stairs and he took a moment to enjoy this. This would be their house soon and he will be going up and down these for the next how many years he had left on this Earth.
Ella tried to pull it together the best she could. She walked with authority in her Louboutins even though her wet panties were a reminder of what just transpired. Ella spotted Rachel in the kitchen and cleared her throat before she approached her. Still not sure if she had been caught Ella tried and play it off casually. "Well, we really like it. We want to make a full priced offer."
When he reached the bottom of the landing, James followed Ella into the kitchen and stood nearby with his hands on his hips; eyes on the cabinents and appliances. He could see a lot happening in this one room of the house. He knew that he'd be the one manning the stove for a majority of their meals but that was fine with him. He enjoyed it. It still blew his mind to hear her say that they'd go for the full price one. He was used to people who wanted to haggle but she knew what she liked.
Rachel didn't make eye contact with Ella at first, as she seemingly aimlessly flipped through papers. However at Ellas offer her whole face brightened, "Oh! That's-- that's wonderful! I'll draw up the paperwork right away!" Rachel looked between Ella and James smiling  as if to confirm the decision and Ella noticed Rachel's eyes leaving their site line of James face and drifting down to his crotch Ella was about to get huffy when she realized why; James white boxers were poking through as his fly was completely open. It was damn well surprising that James wasn't catching a breeze on the base of his cock. Rachel was trying hard to focus on her phone now and listing the next steps and Ella tried to get J's attention with her eyes.
His hand went to push his hair behind an ear and he bent to look at the cabinents to see how deep they went. James pictured fitting his cookware in there and when he stood back up he looked to Ella with a smile, but there was something off with the way she looked at him. He cocked his head to the side, raising an eyebrow as he mouthed out "What?" The smile on his face remained but it wasn't as big as before.
"So I'll tell them you'll put in a 1.6 all cash offer right?" Rachel asked, still not looking up. Ella nodded, eyes still glued on James. "Yup." Ellas eyes drifted to his crotch once she had his attention.  Making a face and motioning to it with her head she wondered if J would get it. If she had to she would pull it up herself. Clearly their plans of being stealthy were all shot to hell. She wondered what they would do once they had two tiny people living with them all the time!June 9, 2017
What the hell was she going on about his brows together as he was about to ask what again but then he followed her eyes and realized what was going on and James noticed that both of them had their eyes on his crotch and his clearly visible boxers. Hopefully that was all that was visible. He turned and zipped up, moving to behind the counter to just cover everything the waist down from any further attention.
Ella closed her eyes, giving a small shake of her head and James zipped up his pants if for nothing than being slightly embarrassed. Oh well, Ella thought, she was in love and horny as hell almost consistently with this pregnancy so Rachel would have to deal. At that moment Rachel's phone rang and she stepped into the other room to take it. Ellas face broke into a smile "you think you could have put your dick away?!" She hissed, starting to laugh.
When it was the two of them he kept to the counter. "I didn't realize he was doing one of those encore performances," he said while doing his best not to laugh.  "Think she was wondering how good I am?" This question came out before he caught it and James hoped that it wouldn't be met with a hit to the arm or something. It was all said as a joke anyway. "Hopefully she's too distracted by the fact you're paying full for this place. Seeing my cock was just the icing on the cake for her." Now he laughed because it was honestly too ridiculous.
"James David Harrington!" Ella scolded, feigning shock, "It doesn't matter if she's wondering how good you are because your cock only has one pussy to please from here on out." She gave him a pointed look. Regarding the last thing, Ella jutted out her chin, "she should be so lucky. But let's hope she feels that way and doesn't tack on some crazy new closing fees." She gave a roll of her eyes.
He couldn't remember the last time he heard his full name said in such a way. And, for a moment, he realized his mother never was the scolding type and Ella possibly was the first. Maybe. He laughed and held his hands up, "I know it belongs to you but it could've livened her day. Hell. She has a story to tell now to her friends," James didn't know how closing costs worked or if it could be hiked up. "What will you do if there's a higher amount?"June 10, 2017
Ella gave a nod in agreement, "Damn right its mine. And I'm sure it livened up her day; it always does that for me. She just better not get any ideas..." walking closer to James, Ella wrapped her arms around his neck ,"I was teasing babe, if it's more it's fine. Please don't stress about this okay?"  Ella pecked his lips.June 12, 2017
"She's gonna have ideas. She did see how I was given it to you upstairs," His hands went to her hips and he placed his thumbs partially on her growing belly. There was an obvious gap between them but it didn't stop him from kissing her. "I'll try not to. My thing is wrapping my head around that price tag. I'll get over it."
A pout crossed Ellas face; she hated thinking of J with anyone else - especially since she didn't feel as attractive as usual.  She felt An anger that was unwarranted toward Rachel as if she was trying to start something by seeing her and James have sex. Ella tried to push it aside, "It'll be great. " she assured him. "We won't have a mortgage and that will feel really good."
Why was she giving him that expression that always made him think he was denying her something she clearly wanted? Or did he say something that she didn't like? "I never been without a mortgage payment," he mused. "I do need to pay my part as soon as my house sells."
"It's no rush, we can just put that money into the twins education fund or something. I'm really not fussed." It was sometimes hard for Ella to really relay how money was not a big deal to her. Her back account would allow her to buy this house ten fold but she knew James wasn't used to that and tried to see it from his perspective. Rachel came back in; clearing her throat loudly, and  wearing a big smile on her face. "I just got off the phone with the seller;they love your offer. Barring no complications - you guys have got yourself the house!"
"No shit?" He said to Rachel, as if he didn't believe her. Of course they accepted. It was the full offer. James expected some type of back and forth, like he has with his own house but this was smooth sailing. Wow. He looked at Ella and the the kitchen. They got a place and it took close to no time. Which was fortunate for him because he worried they'd go through many and she would hate different things about them.
Ella's eyebrows raised, "Really?" She sounded as surprised as J. This seemed too perfect. Rachel explained the next steps and getting the inspection taken care of but ella was hardly paying attention. Her eyes met James' and she broke out into a large smile, "Oh my God? Did we seriously just get a house?"June 13, 2017
James didn't expect Ella's surprise and he laughed. "Looks like it, babe." He went to her and wrapped his arms around her body, kissing the crook of her neck as he held her backside close to his front. "We're getting everything in place to start our family."
Ella knew there wouldn't be anyway someone would turn down a cash offer of that caliber but it still felt surreal. "This is crazy." She mused shaking her head and dabbing at her eyes that had started to water. "I'm so excited, baby."
When the tears showed, which was hard for James to see but the action of touching the corners of her eye and he went around. He was about to ask Rachel if they could have a moment but the woman took a step away from the kitchen, ear to the phone and he laid all his attention on El. "I am, too. I can fit half of my house on this bottom floor alone," he said with a joke before kissing at her forehead. "When do you want to start the moving?"
Ella looked up at James quiet for a minute and then burst into tears suddenly unable to contain them. "Is this the right one? What if we're wrong? What if the babies don't like it?" She wasn't really sure where the tears came from but this seemed to happen a lot lately. "And I can't pack because I'm too fat and we can't have movers touch all our stuff because of germs and do you think my Range Rover will fit in the garage?" She cried, tears pouring down her face.
James expected more tears, but not with the fear and anxiety that accompanied it. He brought her in as close as he could and kissed her forehead once again. "Baby, we'll get the moving figured out. Your car will have no problem fitting in the garage and the babies will love the house because they'll have the best memories in this place." He wanted to bring her back to the happy she felt before. "You're not fat. You have two very important people in here and you're making sure their cared for."June 14, 2017
Ella sniffled as she listened. "And you like it for sure? I don't want you to hate it and then hate me for making you live here and then the babies hate me too.." the tears started again and it still shocked Ella how her mood shifted so drastically from one moment to another. It was one thing she didn't particularly like as  she was used to always being sure and confident and steady.
"Yes, I'm sure. I'm not crazy about how expensive it is but I know this is about the home and not the figure. This" he waved a hand around at the house, "is our home. I saw how your eyes lit up and I can imagine our family here," he returned his hand to her waist and ducked his head just enough to catch her eye. "Besides we already christened the bathroom and we should see about doing that in every room of the house before the babies are here," he said in hopes he'd get a smile from her.
Holding on to his arms while he talked, Ella could feel herself calming down. She had felt like this was home the moment they pulled up to it. That had to count for something. She nodded,"You're right," she agreed in a small voice. Then laughed softly, sniffling a bit, "There are a lot of rooms..."
"And I may not have the same amount of stamina I did when I was a eighteen but I'll manage to keep up with you so that we hit every room. And the backyard. Garage will have to wait until we have your Range Rover." He kissed her, pressing their forheads together. With a breathy, deep voice he asked, "Are you doing better?"
James had been more than accommodating of Ellas rampant pregnancy sex drive. She couldn't get enough  and  no matter what time of day J let her have her way; including her strange desire to give him daily six am blowjobs. A small hiccup escaped as Ella got steadied back out and she nodded again. "Yea, I'm better." She kissed him back, "thank you."
"Good because this is a good thing that happened and we should celebrate," he waited for her to pull away just enough before he swooped in to kiss her lips; tasting faint saltiness from her tears. "I'll let you dress me in one of those suits and we can go to a nice restaurant. I know how much you love me in a suit."
"You will?" Ella asked brightly. She struggled not to get emotional again. "I love you. So much." She couldn't help gush.June 15, 2017
"As long as I'm guaranteed this smile, I'll do anything," he said honestly. The man was smitten by her. It was a truth he realized long before. "Should we tell Rachel we're decent? She's probably loitering about waiting on us." He figured they may need to go to an office next to do all the necessary paperwork.
"Wait wait." Ella said, holding tight to his arm for an extra moment. "One more kiss." Popping up on her tip toes Ella leaned in and kissed his soft lips that were lined by his scratchy blonde whiskers of his beard. She could kiss him a million times a day and it still wouldn't be enough. Gently pulling away and offering him the smile that he seemed to love so much she gave a nod,"Alright, now let's go find Rachel."
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