#//i'm like 5'6 or 1.68m !!!
galaxysharks · 2 months
I just googled Warrior Nun's actresses heights for a drawing and apparenlty Lorena Andrea is only 1.70m (5'7 feet) ? And Olivia Delcán, Toya Turner and Silvia De Fanti are the same heigh, 1.68m (5'6 feet) ?
Which means Lilith is wearing plateform boots or something like that most of the time, as is Mary, because they're dramatic like that.
Meanwhile Alba Baptista is 1.59m (5'2 feet) and KTY is 1.65m (5'5 feet), so my vision of Beatrice being tall is an illusion caused by Ava being really smaller than the other, she's just average sized.
Imagine Ava discovering that Lilith cheats on her heights, she would never stop teasing her. Lilith would get back to her by stealing her things and hiding them somewhere on high shelves where Ava can't see them.
(Of course Internet isn't a very reliable source, especially when there are several sources announcing several different heights for one person, but I'm still shocked.)
Lol heights are hilarious.
In the cast of Carmilla, the characters Danny and Kirsch had a line of tape on the floor that they weren't allowed to cross because their head would go out of frame.
Honestly, tall is more a vibe than a physical characteristic at this point. Like Bea has tall vibes, but is even called petite in canon.
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v-eats-bugs · 9 months
Thanks for tagging me @cyberholic77! This is the first cyberpunk community thing I have been tagged in and it means a lot 🥹
I'm going to use the V that I am bringing into my friend's Fallout D&D campaign because he has been on the mind a lot, and I think he is my silliest V! The general idea for him is he is still a person who lives and grew up in the Fallout universe, but his personality and interests and stuff like that are a clear homage to V from Cyberpunk 2077.
"...V. It's just V."
His full name is Vault Copperhand. The last name is just a family thing, he doesn't have a copper hand. (yet?!?!) He was named Vault by his parents before the war even was a thing, but he isn't really sure why they did that.
"Please just call me V, okay?"
His life goal is that no one finds out about his dumbass name. 😭
"Transgender man."
"I'm a... Gemini, yes a Gemini. My birthday is June 10th. My late wife would read me the horoscopes in the paper before the war. Not sure I believe them, but it was a nice time."
He says he doesn't really believe them, but if the paper said he was going to have a troublesome day, he would be much more wary than usual.
"5'6 at least the last time I checked?"
1.68m for non-Americans ;) he's a bit shorter lol.
"I think the word is bisexual? Gender isn't a big thing for me, life's too short to worry about what's in a person's pants."
He had a wife, but post coming out of his vault, he has had a series of flings. He is a bit of a slut <3
"Oh man. I haven't had a good slice of watermelon since before the vault. I should see if there is any way I can find some."
He's had some yucca and cactus fruit since coming out of his vault, but he loves the sweet flavor of watermelon.
"Fall is the best. Not too cold, not too hot. "
He loves weather that lets him wear his favorite jackets without freezing.
"I like the smell of daffodils when I can find them."
"Freshly washed linen. Nothing beats that soft feeling of clean fabric on skin."
"Black coffee is good."
"Sleep is for the weak. I only need a few hours to keep going."
He lives a pretty nomadic lifestyle. If he can set up his hammock, he is good to go.
"Cats, they just feel like a calm presence in the wild world."
"Always wanted to see some other cities. New York or something like that."
He loves the open road, but cities always draw him in.
"I like the tin man in the Wizard of Oz is cool I guess? I don't really watch movies."
He's not much of a movie guy, he has too much energy to sit still for very long. He'd rather be working on something with his hands.
"You only ever need one good blanket when it's made right."
The vault V is from is in Vegas. The experiment was that everyone's consciousness was uploaded to a computer for hundreds of years. I chose this because it's like mikoshi >:)
I'm tagging: @ashesfordayz @elvenbeard @mail-me-a-snail @swearingcactus @glitchinginthegarden
Of course there is no need to do this if you don't want to! Thank you again @cyberholic77 for tagging me!
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Info-Dump: Main Character
Acknowledgement - Yes the two below CONCEPTS are AI generated... BUT they will not be shown/used in the story. These are just being used as "place-holder" examples of what I'm thinking the main character's face(s) could look like.
The "plan" is to try my hand at pixel art for the illustrations of my project. (Wish me luck)
Yes both characters have basically the same backstory (which I may tweak), as they are the male or female version of the same general character.
Annabel - (Anna) Female / Age 20 / Orphan / 5'5"(1.65m) / 120lbs(52.16kg)
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(Concept image generated using PerChance-text-to-image)
Anna lives in abject poverty. Her mother died in childbirth and while her father was a loving and genuine man, who approximately two years ago was killed in a lumber harvesting accident. Her health is poor as is her personal hygiene due to her having to live in what could only passingly describe as a shack. Due to her situation and the tiny size of her home village there is really no prospects in the way of opportunities or marriage to improve her situation.
Alexander - (Alex) Male / Age 20 / Orphan / 5'6"(1.68m) / 120lbs(54.43kg)
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(Concept image generated using PerChance-text-to-image)
Anna lives in abject poverty. Her mother died in childbirth and while her father was a loving and genuine man, who approximately two years ago was killed in a lumber harvesting accident. His health is poor as is his personal hygiene due to him having to live in what could only passingly describe as a shack. Due to his situation and the tiny size of his home village there are really no prospects in the way of opportunities or marriage to improve his situation.
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imabillyami · 11 months
✨ 15 Questions & 15 Mutuals ✨
Are you named after anyone? Birth name wise no (my birth name isn't Billy - I know shocking-), the one I picked after coming out? Billy? Yeah. Has to do with one of my favorite songs, it's a whole thing.
When was the last time you cried? About a week and a half ago? I'm due for a good cry session soon.
Do you have kids? Nope.
What sports do you play/have played? Footie when I was younger. Then disability shit happened and I switched to pro swimming. Not doing that anymore though. I am a trained lifeguard though - y'know if they ever need someone plus-sized for another Baywatch remake, I'm ready.
Do you use sarcasm? Excessively so.
What's the first thing you notice about people? Their general vibe, really. Their voice. Also on a more surface level eyes, nails and teeth.
What's your eye color? Brown.
"Scary movies" or "happy endings?" Happy endings (or at least hopeful ones) all the way.
Any talents? I'm quite good with words. So finding the right words in any given situation, especially when it comes to making people feel safe and heard. And I dunno if it counts as a talent, but I'm really good at admitting when I was wrong and apologizing for my mistakes.
Where were you born? very small town in northern Germany (like... the equivalent of a tiny US bible belt town I'd say)
What are your hobbies? Writing, cooking, coffee dates and quality time with friends, gaming, watching and talking about my hyperfixations, traveling, swimming, taking walks
Do you have any pets? sadly no, never had any either, cause my parents wouldn't allow it and as an adult I’m too broke, but I consider my grandparent's dog my dog
How tall are you? 5'6" ish (or in different measures somewhere between 1.66m and 1.68m)
Favorite subject in school? English, German, Music, History
Dream job? If I knew, my life would be a million times easier. I haven't figured that one out yet.
thank you so much to @afterdarkprincess and @jeyuwuso for tagging me! I apologize for how long this took me to get back to oops.
tagging (if you've done this one already or don't wanna do it, feel free to ignore this) @usosthetics @taydaq @shanie-the-komania-toyaddict @darthsyd-ious @romanreigns @catboymansion @rollinsland @southerngirl41 @jj-dyl @jackforshort @jeyusos-girl @jobikinn @jeysbvck @sikoazayn @crxssjae and anyone else who wants to join in :)
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dogstxrsirius · 2 years
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Growing up, Sirius was slower to grow than most of his classmates, and he was on the shorter end of the height spectrum for years. But he has always carried himself with an air of confidence and inherently good posture that lended itself to appearing taller than he actually was. Once he did finally hit his late growth spurt, he really grew into himself.
He may still give off the effect of being taller than he is, as he carries himself well, but Sirius Black stands at about 5 feet 10 inches ( 1.78 meters ). Sirius doesn’t really dwell on his height or how it affects his day-to-day life, but he does find that he enjoys his height now compared with when he’d been a bit shorter. Maybe it’s because of the slight ego boost that comes with looking down on the world, but Sirius prefers his current height.
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andthatisnotfake · 5 years
18, 19, 24, 56 🖤
Thank you so much for asking! You're such a sweetheart!
18. do you miss how thing were a year ago?
Not at all. I may have problems now, but I still feel like I'm moving on with my life. A year ago I felt stuck.
19. have you ever been to New York?
Yes, twice. Love the scenery and the culture, hate the people and the smell. Totally want to go back, though mostly for Broadway.
24. height
1.68m. I think that's 5'6??
56. favourite food(s)
Pizza, ice cream, chocolate, my mom's lasagna, pancakes, cake, and my absolute favorite, breaded steak with mashed potatoes and peas.
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