#//im so glad i didnt forget about this card/headcanon from when i saved it motnhs ago lol
margseliserobbie · 3 years
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[card written in present day, hidden in a drawer which is found by Seb 25 years later]:
Dearest Roo,
I’m not quite sure when you’ll find this card.. whether it be today, tomorrow, or fifty years from now. Typically, I’m always far too excited to give you gifts and cards and can never seem to wait. I think of a surprise for you or buy you a gift and immediately text, call, or just tell you “I got a surprise for you!” It’s because I always have and always will love spoiling you. I always love putting a smile on your face and constantly reminding you just how much you mean to me. I figured I’d try something different for a change and see how long it takes for you to find and read this. Very daring of me, I know.
Currently, the year is 2021. Our card tradition is quite new. (All thanks to our breakup last year and me drunkenly picking out a Christmas greeting card in October to apologize for calling you a fuckboy.) We’re secretly married, and the world doesn’t know yet. Soon. Right now, it’s just you, me, and Axel but we’re hoping to grow our family any day now. We’re trying (wishing and hoping). Oh and we can’t forget our pups: Boo, Belle, and Buckbeak. What else? Well, we’re considering settling down.. Axel really helped us to realize it’s okay to slow down a bit. Who would have thought we’d ever slow down our work schedules? Okay, to be fair.. we haven’t slowed down quite yet, haha. But we know we will soon. We’re in the beginning stages of building our forever dream home in Australia. We decided that’s where we’re going to really settle down. So far, we decided we need a tennis court, a big pool, a biiiig bath tub for all our bubble baths, a huge washing room with at least two sets of washers and dryers for all the laundry we’re sure to have with the amount of kids we want. Our forever dream home will have enough rooms for all our babies, plus a room for your mum, plus a couple of guest bedrooms. When did we get so over the top?! Haha.
If you’re opening this card tomorrow... sorry. I suck at hiding and need to work on my skills, haha. I’m hoping you find this in at least five years from now. I hope you’re reading this with that adorable smile on your face and reminiscing. I hope you’re able to read this card with no interruptions from our 10,000 kids ;) haha. Okay, if it’s five years? Maybe three kids. Four total, for sure. Should I do this? Should I guess what life is like as you’re reading this five plus years from now? Maybe ten? Maybe more? I won’t put a limit on it, because I really don’t know!
Okay, I imagine you’re an Emmy winner, thanks to the Tommy Lee project and then some. Oscar winner. Two time Oscar winner. Golden Globes, BAFTAs to match. Full sweep, baby. I imagine you’ve made history as the longest running Marvel actor, playing Bucky in films that broke box office records. You’re still and always will be handsome as can be. I know I’m still wondering how on earth did I get so lucky to call you my husband. You’re currently laughing and shaking your head as you blush, reading this. Still not good at taking compliments, are we? Some things never change! You’ve started producing because you realized you have a talent for it. Our dream of doing projects in Australia has come true more than once. We’ve done more children’s films/shows because we want our babies to see our work. Children films/shows have equally become our passion because family is so important to us. Our family.. well, I know for sure we at least have one girl and she’s an absolute daddy’s girl. She has you wrapped around her little finger and you can’t even deny it. You’re extremely happy we made that agreement in 2020 that I’ll be the strict one for the girls, and you’re the strict parent for the boys because you could never say no to our baby girl. Like I said, three or four kids total. Maybe five.. we never were good with birth control. Axel is all grown up and cooler, chiller than ever. He still has his Aussie laid back attitude and absolutely loves living in Australia. He’s in his element. He looks JUST like daddy still, and still admires you more than anyone. In my mind, he’s still our best friend and thinks we’re the coolest parents ever, haha. We’ve renewed our vows a couple of times over the years because we just can’t help ourselves. Our love knows no bounds and we’re still incredibly cheesy and mushy. We’re still leaving each other silly inappropriately timed cards for every occasion: big or small. Our “rules” are still going strong. ;) Maybe we even added some fun ones in there. We still can’t cook for shit, no matter how hard we try and technology? We could never keep up. The one thing I not only imagine, but I KNOW? No matter how far into the future you’re reading this card, we’re still ridiculously in love. Just as in love, if not more (is that possible?), as the moment I’m writing this card. And let me tell you, we’re really, ridiculously, insanely in love as I write this card. We’re pretty much obsessed with one another, haha.
I’m writing this card in 2021, but I know I’m probably still a rambling mess when it comes to expressing my love for you in the future. You’re probably laughing, realizing some things never change. 
I love you so much, Mr. Stan. I love our life together now and forever. I know this letter will be proof that we never have and never will want to do life without one another. 
I love you to the furthst moon and back,
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