#//like he's not SUPPOSED to have it. A lot of what Diluc yelled That Night; and just what HAPPENED really stuck with him
dutybcrne · 1 year
For Kaeya, people who are exceedingly sweet, even naturally so like Barbara, absolutely make him severely uncomfortable. He can deal with people who possess sharper attitudes like Rosaria and Diluc just fine, and is alright with those Jean and Lisa who know to scold and rein him back when needed, but someone he percieves to be too kind always set him on edge.
#hc; kaeya#//Of course their are exceptions#//Like Klee#//He can bear with her sunny disposition bc she is just a bab#//The world hasn't hurt her yet; and he will do anything to protect her sunshiney smile#//With folks like Barbara or even Noelle though; he's disconcerted by the seemingly unconditional kindness they offer him#//In some cases like with other people; he will highly Doubt it's truly so; and be On edge the entire time#//In those two's case; it just feels WEIRD being cared for so kindly. Esp with what secret he's holding#//Doesn't feel like he deserves it; and sometimes; the care even feels invasive and suffocating enough to make him panic a bit#//He can't stand that#//Couldn't stand it from Jean for days after Diluc fought him and left; still can't stomach her approaching to talk about That Time#//Will outright RUN from her if she tries; even if it had been bc she tried to reassure/help him#//ESP bc she tried to reassure/help him#//Lisa's flirting was a-ok by him bc it didn't feel too cloying; then having her around and getting to know her was more comfortable#//And got him used to her brand of care#//He does want to be treated kindly and sweetly; but when he gets it; he doesn't know what to DO with it#//Even from Addie. He wants her affection especially; but when he gets it/gets doted on; he feels guilty about it#//like he's not SUPPOSED to have it. A lot of what Diluc yelled That Night; and just what HAPPENED really stuck with him#//Traveler throws him for a loop; bc they ARE too kind. But also Snark at him. So it's a mishmash of emotions with them#//With Jean; at least he has a professional barrier he can file her kindness under#//Traveler? Nope. They are friends. They are travel companions; they are besties; co-conspirators#//They make his stomach flipflop about and his heart lurch and leap#//They are so very dear to him; only they could send him into utter Turmoil; then ease it in one conversation
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water-to-drink · 2 years
Be a Gladiolus in a Field of Belladonnas pt4
(Summary): After your sudden disappearance from the face of Tevyat, some people take the time to discuss their next move
Part 1 Last Part Next Part
✧ Masterlist ✧
(Characters): Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli, Nahida, Venti, abyss prince!Aether, traveler!Lumine, Paimon
(Warnings): Not proof read, characters might be ooc
(A/n): I didn’t think a lot of people would enjoy this little idea, but hey I love writing stories and I hope you guys enjoy the rest that I have planned out
∘◦ ✧ ◦∘ means flashback
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It’s been a few weeks after your detainment and escape things have changed at the Dawn Winery, the once cheery mood you brought was now replaced with one of bitterness
The entire household have refrained from bringing up any mention of you so to not upset anyone, especially the master of the house
He’s taken up to locking himself in his study, completely drowning himself in work. It’s gotten to the point where the servants would urge him to eat a proper dinner instead of the small meals he would request sparingly
It looked like today would be just like that until a servant Moco announced that Diluc had a visitor
“Hello Diluc.” Kaeya said as he waved while leaning on the doorframe
“Agghhhh! Leave, I’m in no mood to deal with you!” Diluc grunted
“Aww don’t be like that, is it so wrong to see how my dear brother is doing?” The blue haired hand said as he sauntered towards his brother’s desk
“If I entertain you for 5 minutes will you leave?”
“Make it 10, then I’ll leave.”
“So how have you been doing?”
“Good, I suppose. The knights have came to my door multiple times but haven’t but haven’t arrested me yet.” Diluc explains as he leans back on his chair. “I figure I should thank you for that.”
“I’ve been trying to explain that you don’t pose a threat to anyone, but ever since the failed execution and the traveler’s betrayal everyone’s been really tense.” Kaeya leans in towards Diluc. “Apparently the Creator is going crazy just looking for them.”
“By ‘them’ I assume you mean Mentir? If you’re here to get any information on their whereabouts then I can’t help you.” Diluc crossed his arms. “But I would assume you know their location when you were the one who aided in their escape.”
The cocky smirk on Kaeya’s face still held on but a slight panic flashed in his eye
“Whatever do you mean, dear brother?”
“Don’t play dumb with me,” Diluc asserted as he got out of his seat and was eye to eye with his brother. “I know you helped Mentir along with someone else!”
Kaeya’s face fell flat and began to make his way towards the window
“Throwing accusations that severe, are dangerous Diluc,” Kaeya feigned as he threw the curtains, after drenching the study in darkness he walked towards the door. “with how things have been, one wrong comment could cost someone their reputation or worse their life. He continued as he opened the door and looked down the hallway to see if someone was listening in. Seeing no one, he closed the door and locked it from the inside
Kaeya walked back to his previous spot and looked Diluc with a serious expression that is rarely seen
“I remember we always used to try to listen in on dad’s conversations but never heard a sound, I’m pretty sure I could yell at the top of my lungs and no one would hear.” The captain commented
“What are you getting at?”
“I’m just letting you know my appreciation for the soundproofing of this room.”
“That has nothing to do with you abetting the escape of a criminal!”
“Isn’t referring to Mentir as a ‘criminal’ a bit too harsh, I would assume you would call them something a lot nicer considering you opened your home to them.”
Diluc harrowed his eyes at Kaeya, getting ready to summon is claymore if need be
“Think about it, why would you a social recluse, let a stranger into your home who you just met in the forest at night?” Kaeya said as his movements became increasingly more genuine, a complete contrast from his controlled and practiced movements he would do when interrogated people for information. “Unless, their was something about them that felt familiar to you, an aura they radiated that you experienced before…” Kaeya put his hands on the desk and leaned in towards the redhead on the other side. “Like when you were used as a vessel…”
“Are you implying that Mentir is the Creator?!” Diluc spat back, his body language getting more visibly tense
“I’m not implying, I’m downright saying it.”
“If you knew Mentir was the Creator? Why didn’t you tell me about this?”
“Their name is (y/n) and I thought you wouldn’t want any information from a ‘heathenistic Khaenri’ahn spy’ dear brother.”
“Is you dropping this bomb on me the reason why you’re here?”
“I’m here to ask if you know the whereabouts of their Grace.”
“I don’t know, as I said before I would assume you have some idea on their general whereabouts.”
“That was the plan, Lumine was supposed to contact me when she found a safe place for them.”
“I could report you to the knights for spouting such blasphemous claims and conspiring against this ‘faker’ as you so claim.”
“Hehe. I know you won’t do that, want to know why? Because I know you and your sense of justice wouldn’t let you live with you turning me in.” Kaeya explained as he got up and walked towards the door before stopping and turning to Diluc. “And most of all, you don’t want to get rid of the remaining family you have left. Because no matter what we have between us, we’ll always be brothers. Least that’s what I think.”
As Kaeya walked out the door Diluc was left alone in complete darkness and with his thoughts
A truly awful combination
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In the neighboring of Liyue, two archons walk through Tianqiu Valley. The oldest and youngest of the Seven walk side by side admiring the scenery the region has to offer
“Your nation is magnificent, Mora.”
“Thank you, Buer. I’ve formed this nation into what their Grace would’ve liked.”
“What was the Creator like, before they died?”
“They were an amazing person, they had a wisdom and philocaly that I haven’t seen in any other being.”
∘◦ ✧ ◦∘
“Your Grace! Yahoo!” A high pitched voice called out
You turn your head to see Barbatos waving towards you and Morax
“Barbatos! How are you?” You gave the god a bright smile that rivaled the brightest of stars
“Wonderful, thank you very much.”
Morax scoffed at the laidback nature the wind god would often have when addressing you, seeing the behavior as childish at best and sacrilegious at worst. But you gave a little chuckle showing no contempt
“I see you brought your lyre, do you have a song you want to play?” You asked
“Why yes, your Grace! I actually wrote a song just for you.” Barbatos spoke
The deity readied his lyre and became playing his tune with the upmost care and passion. His fingers pluck the strings with grace he rarely shows
Once the ballad ends the smaller god looked at you expectantly
“Barbatos, that was lovely!”
“I don’t know why you entertain such foolishness, your Grace.”
“Don’t be like that Morax. Everything on this planet is beautiful in its own way.” You held your hand up as a crystal fly began to land on a finger. “Even from the most vibrant gardens to the moss that grows on rocks.” The crystal fly fluttered its wings as it flew away.
“Everything has a right to exist how it wants to exist.” You said as you watched the creature flying further out of sight
∘◦ ✧ ◦∘
“The sadness in their eyes is something that will never leave me no matter how long I’ll live.” Zhongli ended
“Ohh…” Nahida said as she looked down. “They seem to be very different from that, person.”
“They truly are but there is another reason why I called for you.”
Zhongli extended his hand and a petal appeared out of thin air. The petal didn’t appear to resemble any of the fauna native to Teyvat, it was light gold color and looked to be it was just plucked from the flower
A bright light blinded Nahida, shielded her eyes from the intense brightness
“You can open your eyes, Buer.” Zhongli spoke
Following his instructions, Nahida opened her eyes and was greeted by the sight of a massive library. The shelves nearly reached the tall ceiling, all containing books of multiple formats, including hardcovers, scrolls, stone tablets, you name it
“This domain once belonged to our Grace, but fell into mine and your hands when they fell.” Zhongli explained as he ushered Nahida to follow him. “In your previous form, you helped collect manuscripts pertaining to the Creator.”
“This collection much be very extensive, it puts the library at the House of Daena to shame. I would love to read at least a percentage from here!”
“Thank you, Buer. Once this issue has been resolved you’ll be free to read anything from here.”
Nahida was a bit too excited to notice Zhongli stopped walking and bumped into him. She took a step back and saw what the two were standing in front of
A door with an unknown symbol on the front of it
“What’s behind this door?” The dendro archon asked
“I don’t know, we’ve tried to open it but to no avail. The door was here when I first came here. I was hoping if there’s anything in the Akademiya that would give us some insight on how to open the door.”
“I’ll see what I can find. I do hope that we can see what this door is hiding.”
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The months in the abyss changed you, the once scared outlander transformed into a resilient fighter, both physically and emotionally.
You mastered sword fighting thanks to the training you had with Lumine. Once getting little nicks every time you and the traveler exchange blows, now someone who can keep up with her
Along with that one could say you radiated the same level of command your doppelganger had, but the thing that separated you from them is your compassion
You treated everyone as your equal, never holding your authority over the heads of everyone else. You showed respect even to the hilichurls and mages, never dreamed of raising a hand to anyone who displeased you (as if anyone would ever try)
“(Y/n)!” A high pitched voice brought you out of your thoughts
You turned around to see Paimon and the twins following close behind
“We’ve been looking for you all over the
“Paimon can you stop calling the Creator by their name, it’s very disrespectful.” Aether reprimanded
“It’s fine, I prefer it if you use my name anyway.” You explained
The floating fairy looked at Aether with a smug grin on her face
“Is there anything you want to talk to me about?” You asked
“Ahem! Well I came to see how you’re adjusting to life here, I can be very hard on those who just came from the surface.”
“I’m doing great actually, I wasn’t expecting to get used to being here this quickly.”
“That’s good to hear, I heard from Lumine that your training is coming along nicely.”
“Well, what can I say? When I have the renowned traveler teaching me.”
“Ohh stop it, you pick up the sword very quickly I ran out of things to teach you.” Lumine said trying to hide the blush creeping up on her face
“Lumine’s right, it’s almost like you wielded a sword before and were really good at it.” Paimon added
“You think so, hopefully I’m quick to learn abyssal magic.”
“I don’t think that would possible?” Aether said
“Why is that?” Lumine asked
“Because abyssal magic is a lot more complicated to control than the 7 elements, it would be easier if you learn said elements first.” The prince explained
“Really…?” You said as you stroked your chin. “Okay, then let’s get to learning the elements.”
“Uh, do you know what that would look like? It would mean that you would have to go and be out of the abyss.” Aether advised
“I can’t stay here forever, and I certainly can’t let that tyrant go punished. And besides…” You clasps your hands behind your back and leaned in towards the blond guy. “I’ll have you and Lumine with me!”
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@tartarsaucechi1de @chuuya-brainrot
If anyone wants to be on the taglist, just say so
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a-random-weeb · 1 year
hi could I request a “bsd/Genshin impact men when their s/o flinches in an argument?” Thanks!!!!!
Absolutely! I don't know too much about genshin impact but I know enough. Just sorry if the characters are a little ooc.
I didn't know if you wanted oneshots or headcannons, so I did what I wanted to for each character. If you want me to redo one in a certain way feel free to ask :)
Characters: dazai, Chuuya, Diluc
All that can be heard are the sounds of yelling and screaming. Dazai came home, teasing you and being more annoying then normal, and it didn't help that you had a bad day. You kept telling him to leave you alone but he wouldn't, so you snapped and yelled at him, and so, an argument ensued. He's yelling at you, but it gets to the point where he actually looks scary, and so you flinch. He freezes, taking a second to process the fear in your eyes, but once he does, he pulls you to his chest, clinging to you tightly "i-im so, so, so sorry belladonna, I shouldn't have pissed you off like that after you had a bad day!" You cry into his chest and he buries his face in your hair. He picks you up and carries you to the living room where he cuddles you in the couch "I'll do better, I promise..." he whispers softly, and you both pass out on the couch.
"I-Im sorry!" You choke out, but feeling your own anger slowly bubble up inside you. That's how it started, the worst argument of your life. You too went back and worth, yelling, for at least an hour until Chuuya finally loses it completely. He smashes a glass cup on the floor and it shatters everywhere, that's when you flinch. He notices, but doesn't react and first, too caught up in this to relise how scared you were. It wasn't until you backed away did he relise he screwed up. You two stand there in silence for a good 30 seconds before he slowly reaches out to cup your face.
"I-Im sorry..." he mumbles as he begins to cry, pulling you close "It wasn't supposed to be like this, I know you were just trying to surprise me with a nice meal, even if you failed and burnt it and yourself...." he grabs a cold cloth and holds it to your burn. He spends the rest of the night tending to your burn and apologizing, and when you forgive him he cuddles you all night.
Genshin impact
SMASH! You knocked over some of the wine glasses at his bar while fooling around.
"You were careless!" He yells and the argument slowly escalates into something, much, much worse. Dilucs not one to scream, but at some point in the argument, he screamed at the top of his lungs "JUST SHUT UP!"
A look of absolute horror crosses your face as you back away, flinching. All that can be heard is a deafening silence. You were so hurt... tears began to spill from your eyes as he stares at you in shock for a moment before to cup your face in both his hands, wiping your tears as well as mumbling apologies. You also apologize, after all, you broke a lot of glasses, it was your fault.
"It wasn't completely your fault, I lost my temper instead of helping anything..." you both clean the glass up and go home, passing out in eachothers arms.
I don't think I know enough about any of the other genshin men. I mean, I know kaeya too and I tried to write for him, but it turned out way to cringe and ooc, but I hope you enjoyed anyway!
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1800-page-not-found · 2 years
“Love” - Diluc x Fem Reader Angst
Sorry for not posting for a while, life’s just been a bit hard these days. I suppose I’m putting my feelings into this oneshot as I’m writing. Hope you enjoy.
TW:emotional abuse, toxic relationship, suicide (hanging, drowning)
summary: did you really think a man like diluc would truly love you? You were a fool to think so.
When his father died, you were on his side. Making sure he always had a shoulder to cry on. You tried to mend the two brothers together. But i suppose this is all an arranged marriage can do. It was a foolish decision to ask if you could marry the heir of the Ragnvindr clan because you loved him. You were so…blinded by love. A one sided love story.
Here you were, crying. Alone in your bedroom, which you shared with Diluc. Yet he was nowhere to be found. Why? You were always there for him in is dark times. You did everything for your husband. So why couldn’t he do the same? You thought the two of you were on at least good terms…why?
Ah…perhaps you were now useless to him. You did after all get in a fight with your parents. All those years of pent up emotions…they all flowed out. Last night was so vivid.
-your pov-last night
“ME? I GAVE YOU ALL THESE OPPORTUNITIES. YOU SHOULD BE THANKFUL YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT.” Why?..I never asked for this. I just-I just wanted to make you happy…
“THATS RIGHT. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY BACK BECAUSE IM RIGHT. I KNOW WHATS BEST FOR YOU [NAME].” My mother walks in. “Dear, let me talk to our daughter alright?” She said it in such a soft tone. Ah. But then father left the room. Mother glared at me.
“Archons, you cant ever do anything fucking right for once! Where did I go wrong huh? Is it my fault that you became like this? What did this mother do to have a failure as a daughter?” I remained silent. How could you? “You know what-I don’t care anymore! You are just like your father. I can’t deal with your shit anymore. I don’t care! I’ll disown you if I have to.” Ah. I see. You must hate me lots, right mother? Alright then. I’m tired. I’m tired of everything. You win.
-3rd pov-present time
you looked at the noose that laid in your room. Peace is so close…you walked slowly to your death. A step on the stool. You slowly rested your face onto it. It feels like…home.
the bedroom fire slammed open. “I’m home.” Diluc sighed, taking off his coat. He still didn’t notice what you were doing. And so you continued. Then you kicked the stool, letting it tighten around your neck like a scarf. “What the-“ diluc turned his head to the noise. His eyes widened as you were slowly dying. Why did you look so happy? He rushed to cut the noose. “WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING? HOW COULD YOU DO THAT? DO YOU KNOW HOW SELFISH THAT IS?”
…selfish? Right. That’s what you were. So fucking selfish. You looked at diluc, lifelessly. A red mark appeared onto your neck. Diluc sighed. He had no time for such nonsense. Ever since his father died, it was no longer the same. He became unable to love. You were merely a business transaction to gain power. “I do not have time for this [name]. If you’re going to act dramatic, do it in a different way. Just don’t taint the Ragnvindr name.” Right. It was always about the outside. But you were at your final straw.
“I’m tired diluc.”
“So? I’m also tired. Do you see me acting dramatically like you? What do you even commit to in this household? Stop acting like a child.”
“I don’t care anymore. I hate tou. I hate everyone and everything. I was a fool to love tou. You are unloveable diluc. No one will love you like I used to.”
he sighed. What kind of fucking nonsense were you spewing? “Whatever. Just do your part. Contribute to the family.”
right. Diluc Ragnvindr has no empathy for anyone. You walked past diluc, out to the door. “What the fuck are you doing?” He grabbed your hair and pulled back. You looked at him with tired eyes. “I don’t know. Alright? I’m nothing without you. Are you happy now? No-you know what? I want a divorce.” You walked away.
it wasn’t very far, but the pond (or river?) was so clear… you took a step in. The water was cold. But it felt soothing. Relaxed. Soon, the water was up to your shoulders, drowning your nightgown. Then you submerged your head.
deep and deeper you go. Down to the bottom of the pond. Death feels…nice.
-one week later-
[name’s] body was found dead, floating in the pond near the Dawn Winery. Diluc was…distraught. They only ever care when you’re gone. He could no longer focus on his work anymore. Your family…they didn’t care. You just became a liability. You no longer were an asset.
the traveler was traumatized. After all, they were the one to find your dead body. Hey! That’s alright! The traveler can do anything!
well, that’s what the people of mondstadt but look how you turned out. Aether was also loosing his “will”
this was boring, the writing sucks too. My eyes are going to be puffy when I wake up…I hate crying.
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gravessyard · 2 years
HCs: you feed from someone other than Kaeya
Notes from the crypt: Inspired by this comment made by @naomireyes155, here are some headcanons with that scenario
Tags: GN!Vampire!reader, vampire themes, implied cheating, misunderstanding, light smut
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• Kaeya is understandably upset, whining and throwing a mini temper tantrum on the bed that he's supposed to be resting on after a particular night where you may have taken a little too much blood from him.
• To be fair, it was another night of passion that just kind of got lost in said passion. In the heat of the moment you had taken way too much from him and he ended up limp before he could reach his release and you panicked.
• He was saved, of course, but then the realization that he'll need lots of rest to recover what was lost hit you like a truck and you couldnt help but sulk and pout over temporarily losing your food source. You thought of going back to hunting boar but you shudder at the thought of downgrading from a taste you have already gotten accustomed to, so the next best thing has to be a temporary host while yours is recovering. Like hunting prey, you surveyed the sea of drunkards at Angel's Share, trying to determine who would be the best candidate to temporarily quench your thirst. The knights were particularly loud and rowdy, celebrating some event you couldnt be bothered to pay attention to while your sharp eyes scanned over their faces.
• Disappointment was etched onto your face the more you surveyed them, each one dumber than the next and you flop on the bar counter with a dramatic sigh, catching the attention of the redhead attending the tavern. "Whats wrong?" He asked in fake annoyance, he knew that you were in cahoots with his brother so he was lowkey concerned about your low mood. You inform him of your current predicament and he hums, throwing a drink together that he slides over to you, a bloody mary.
• "Well... if you have no other options then I wouldn't be opposed to helping you", he says after a beat of silence, and you have to repeat the sentence in your mind a few times before you process what he actually said. Diluc?? Volunteering??? It was as if Celestia itself opened up to give you a rad high five, your dumb blood-deprived brain didnt hesitate to take him up on his offer, as long as its done your way. And by your way, you meant using his wrist to feed as opposed to his neck, since neck feedings are strictly for Kaeya and his pleasure.
• Right there, in the middle of the bar you latched yourself onto his wrist, since its not considered intimate by vampire standards you had no issues in doing a public feeding, but you forget that there are drunkards inhabiting the tavern, and some had loose lips. Within 24 hours Kaeya had gotten the gossip that you were sucking Diluc's blood, and he was pissed. The rumors that were circulating were talking about how you had tossed Kaeya aside to favor Diluc's blood, so it was akin to you cheating on the Cavalry Captain with his vigilante brother. You were met with a furious Kaeya at the door, tears in his eye and still in a nightshirt, you noticed he wasn't wearing any pants but you didn't have time for naughty thoughts after he slaps you across the face and screams at you for cheating.
• The argument is exhausting, you're yelling back and forth at each other, screaming insults you never mean and tearing into each other's insecurities to try and make the other submit, but neither of you stand down. Kaeya is distraught, scream-crying about your apparent infidelity and you're crying in desperation to try and make him understand that wrist blood doesnt have the same implication as neck blood. Your throat is sore from trying to get him to understand that you'll always want his blood, but a vampire still has to eat.
• "Your blood tastes better than Diluc's because I love you Kaeya!! You're the one I want to spend the rest of your life with!", you admit in a desperate shriek, and the air is filled with silence while Kaeya stares at you wide and teary eyed. The tension seems to melt away, and Kaeya sniffles before he lifts his hands to his face, hiding the grin that was growing on his face. Your frustrations morph into confusion when he starts to giggle, softly at first before it turns into him snorting and laughing softly, the hurt in his eye turning into mirth.
• "Fucking simp", he snorts before you realize he's no longer upset and tackle him onto the floor to beging apologizing for earlier, pressing kisses against his skin and gasping at the sudden poke of his hips against yours. Bedroom sex doesnt seem to be your guys' thing, as you're once again stripped bare underneath him in the living room and mewling at every roll of his hips against yours, grinding against you at an agonizingly slow pace. He's half punishing you for trying to look for another host while also showing you how elated he is at your sudden confession of spending the rest of his life at his side. As a vampire, its evident that he'll die way before you will, but your confession still meant the world to him, as he knows he'll have your individed attention for a long while, and he's selfish.
• There are new bite marks on Kaeya's skin, as well as a glittery new ring on his finger, but he looks like he's feeling good as new, showing up to the knights headquarters much earlier than was anticipated and happily sitting in meetings with newfound energy. The rumors that once circulated around town died down, new rumors popping up that talks about the Darkknight Hero targeting anyone who is talking bad about you behind your back.
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merakiui · 4 years
May I please have some platonic comfort headcanons about Diluc finding out the verbally abusive domestic situation his young worker in the tavern is having? Like the young worker has dead eyes but tries to hide their situation behind a smile. You can ignore this if you wish!
Platonic Comfort with Diluc HCs
cw: descriptions of verbal/domestic abuse
You’ve had a rough day filled with many unexpected disasters. You woke up to the stove on fire because your parent had forgotten about the food; then when you were busy cleaning up after another family member, who berated you about many things, you were handed a grocery list and forced to gather everything with your own money.
Along with that, you could hardly carry everything on the list and you ended up taking two trips between your house and the market. And when you got home, a harsh scolding was in order, which left you on edge for the rest of that afternoon.
You aren’t sure why you haven’t moved out yet. You’re of age to support yourself, but it would be difficult to live away from your family for a number of reasons. For one, the lot of you are tight on money so everyone who can work works in order to scrounge up enough to pay for utilities, rent, groceries, and any other necessary fees.
The only time you can relax is when you aren’t at home, but even relaxation is a rarity. You had to get a job as soon as you became eligible to work and so you chose something relatively close, which just so happened to be the tavern Diluc runs.
You didn’t actually know of Diluc before you were hired, but you are familiar with the business he owns. Your first conversation was awkward and if you could go back in time and redo your interview you would.
But he seemed charmed by your good-natured personality and drive to constantly do your best, so you were hired on the spot. It was an impulsive decision on Diluc’s part, but he’s glad he chose you because you’ve proven to be quite the diligent worker.
Night shifts aren’t the best thing in the world, but you enjoy them because it allows you to spend time away from your home and the toxic situation that looms between you and your parent.
Perhaps it’s because of the terrible luck you’ve had all day, which causes your mind to wander between shouting matches and insults spewed in the heat of the moment. As a result, you fumble orders, lose track of who wanted what, and nearly almost spill alcohol all over yourself and the customers.
Even your coworkers are worried on your behalf; you’ve never been this clumsy before and even though it’s hours before your break one of them offers to cover for you. 
Now you’re sitting alone on the second floor of the tavern, in a dimly lit corner with your head lowered onto the table. Most, if not all, of the customers are confined to the first floor, where they can delight in one another’s chatter and the melodic hum of a bard.
The setting is lively enough, yet you feel absolutely miserable. You wish you could just sleep the rest of this day away. Your tips are less than what they were last night and that’ll definitely be another reason for your parent to yell at you. As if you’re to blame for their financial situation.
The floor creaks under the weight of footsteps, but you don’t lift your head. You hardly register the person slipping into the chair across from you, sliding a plate of cheese and crackers and a drink your way.
“You should eat. It won’t help if you’re working on an empty stomach.” It’s Diluc, your boss, and your head pops off of the table while you struggle to apologize. He holds up a hand to stop you, nudging the plate closer towards you. “Go on. It’s on the house.”
“Okay... Thank you.” You take a sip from the glass; it’s grape juice. “If you’re here to fire me, I understand. I haven’t been doing my best here and if we get any complaints it’s because of me. I’m really sorry for—“
“I’m not here to fire you. We all have our bad days. The least I can do is provide some form of help.” Diluc is pleased to watch you snack and calm down, memories of this day slowly crawling to the back of your mind.
“I want to make it up to you, but I don’t know how. If you want to take money out of my pay, go ahead. It’s what I get for being so unfocused tonight.”
He frowns at your words, shaking his head in disagreement. “It’s obvious you’ve had a difficult night. Why don’t you take this time to get yourself together? I’ll have someone take care of your work for the time being.”
“But that would make me useless! I don’t want to sit here when I’m perfectly okay. I can work. I will work,” you protest after shoveling another cracker into your mouth.
“Are you okay?” The question catches you off guard and you’re enticed into spilling the truth; you’re not okay. You’re stressed and tired and so sick of everything. A smile forces its way onto your face despite the groggy look in your eyes.
“I’m fine. You don’t have to worry about me.”
Diluc sighs. “You’re not obligated to come in here with a smile. I don’t mind what mood you’re in as long as it doesn’t compromise your work ethic. But you’ve been doing your best since I hired you. There hasn’t been a day where I was unhappy with your work. It’s all right to take a break every now and then, so don’t feel pressured to hide your feelings.”
You’re struck dumb by his words. You’ve shared conversation with Diluc before, but he’s never said anything of this nature to you before. So maybe you can blame your teary eyes on this bad day, oddly comforted to know that he cares.
“You...” You’re wiping at your eyes, refusing to cry in front of your boss. “Thank you. I don’t know what else to say. Honestly. This—you don’t know how much better that makes me feel.”
He’s compelled to smile. You’ve always been a hard worker, but sometimes you push yourself a little too hard. “Take all the time you need up here. We’ve got plenty of staff downstairs.”
“If you say so...” It doesn’t feel right to accept such kindness, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t need this. “Again, thank you.”
“If you’d like to be alone, I’ll leave. But if you would prefer some company, I could stay for a few minutes. Whatever will help you feel better.”
You could elect to keep to yourself, but you’re worried your thoughts will eat you alive if they’re left with you. So you accept the latter of his offer, quietly saying, “I hope you don’t mind...”
“Of course not. I could use a little company myself. It’s been a tiring day.”
“Was it that bard again? The one with the braids?” you joke and when his eyelid twitches, you can’t contain your laughter. “He’s like a cat! You feed it a bowl of milk once and suddenly it thinks that bowl will be there every day.”
Diluc quirks a small, barely visible smile at that, content with the fact that your mood is already beginning to improve. “I suppose he is rather troublesome like that.”
You’re smiling again, but this time it’s one filled with genuine amusement. And Diluc’s happy to see that. He hopes that whatever it is you’re going through won’t last forever, but with the way you yawn and rub at your eyes he can’t help but worry.
He gets up and makes his way to the staircase. But before he disappears down the steps, he looks at you and says, “If there’s something bothering you, you can always tell me. I’ll do what I can to help. So don’t burden yourself, okay?”
Words fail you in this moment and you’re reduced to a nodding mess, tears threatening to fall again. You couldn’t have asked for a better boss.
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vibing-and-writing · 4 years
kidnapping scenarios
A/N: hey! so one day I was super inspired and wanted to write a series of scenarios with genshin impact characters.... but i feel like if I’ve lost some inspiration for it so I decided I’m just gonna post the two I have finished!! also these are both suuuppper self indulgent but i had a lot of fun wrtiting these!! the traveler is also gender neutral ;3 i’ve never written for Kaeya so I hope its not too ooc. as always feedback is appreciated! hope you enjoy ;0
Summary: A drabble based on how Diluc and Kaeya would react if they found out you got kidnapped by Abyss Mages! 
Warnings: | Kaeya: a lil angsty, depiction of a panic attack | Diluc: N/A |
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- Diluc  Ragnvindr-
It was supposed to be a simple commission. “I’ll be back before sundown!” you yelled over your shoulder as you walked out of the tavern. 
“Sundown” his ass. 
Diluc had been waiting for you for four hours pacing around the tavern until he couldn’t take it anymore. “They’re a really good fighter,” he told himself, “they probably got lost again.” But the reassurance was in vain. The moon was high in the sky and there was no sign of you anywhere in Mondstat. Chugging the last bit of alcohol, Diluc picks up his weapon and packs some food for the road, and sets off to go find you himself. 
When he goes to your commission location, the only thing left is a demolished hilichurl village, parts of the huts aflame and sword marks up and down the archery towers. But he does notice one thing. It’s so minute, Diluc almost walked right over it. There is the faint elemental trace in a circular shape. An abyss mage. With their teleporting ability, it was probably easy for them to overwhelm you with hilichurls before trekking you off to some far off base. Diluc can feel the anger and disappointment coursing through him. Anger for how the Fatui could touch a hair on your precious head and being disappointed in himself for not looking for you sooner. He had failed as a protector of Modstadt’s people, and he’d burn anyone that gets in his way to find you. Hell has no fury like an angry Diluc and it only took him half an hour to track where they took you.
Sneaking behind the bushes, Diluc can see you tied by rope covered in ice, struggling to get free. The abyss mage’s voice is shrill and echoes through the camp of hilichurl minions. “What are you planning, traveler? You know you are not from this world.” Diluc can see you roll your eyes, your body shaking. “I already told you I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you answered, your voice unwavering but hoarse. Diluc props his sword up next to him from the bush. Your gaze snaps to the gleam in the bushes before moving back to the abyss mage. Luckily, the abyss mage doesn’t notice and shoves his staff near your throat. “Don’t play games with me, traveler. You know something and I’m willing to use violence to force it out of you.” Diluc can hear you chuckle even through the relief that flashes in your eyes. “If it’s violence you want, then that’s what you’ll get.”, you say, as Diluc launched himself at the abyss mage with a battle cry. Using his Pyro, he melts the rope off of your body and hands you a Sunsettia before yelling over the sound of battle. “Stay put! I’ll come get you when it’s safe.” The abyss mage and hilichurls run around the camp chaotically, not prepared for Diluc’s rage. 
By the time the fight ends, the camp is nothing but ash. You had stayed put like Diluc told you, munching on an apple you found while you waited for him to loot the camp. Diluc crouched next to you, his voice soft. “Are you okay?” Diluc asks, his hands reaching towards your face to rub your cheek. You give him a small smile, your voice raspy but still happy. “Yeah, I’ll be okay. Thanks for looking for me. Sorry I missed our date.” Diluc smiles, for the first time since you left this morning and plants a firm kiss on your forehead. After the range of emotions both you and Diluc had been through, the day had come to a peaceful resolution, as you walked hand in hand back towards Mondstast, safe and sound.
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>< Kaeya Alberich ><
At this point, Kaeya just wants you back in his arms. 
He knew sending you into a dungeon, especially without him being there was a terrible idea. You had been sent to investigate a dungeon that had highly suspicious activity going on, and for the past three hours, he’d been pacing back and forth in front of the dungeon doors. To not make up feel incapable, he let you walk in on your own, sending you off with flirty words of encouragement. Now all he wants is to bust into the dungeon and whisk you away from this cruel world. 
Doing just that, Kaeya slams open the doors of the dungeon, his heavy footfalls echoing through the space. Any unlucky slime or hilichurl that gets in his way is graced with an icy glare, making quick work of the first rooms of the dungeon. But then something sparkly catches his eye. Picking it up, he notes it’s a piece of your favorite cape, and his heart starts to ache. When he first entered the dungeon, he held onto hope that you were just taking your time or you went adventuring, but this confirmed his fears. Staring at the scrap of fabric, his thoughts begin to spiral as he jumps to the worst scenarios. They’ve taken you to a distant nation and he can never save you. You’re being tortured and you’re alone and you’ve lost hope. You’re sitting in some fiery pit, your spirit and his care burning with you. Feeling his anxiety grow, he tries to do those breathing exercises you taught him, but he can see his own breath due to the temperature he created. Standing still for a moment, he remembers a distant conversation you had about this very instance. “I hope you know I’ll always try to save you,” he had told you that night, his voice resolute and determined. You giggled at his dramatics, your hands tracing his eye patch gently. “I know,” you answered simply. “Because I’d do the same.” Breathes evening out, Kaeya feels his anxiety ebb away, letting in a renewed sense of determination and simmering anger. They fucked with the wrong knight. Grasping his sword with resolve, Kaeya sets on his way to find his beloved and prays that the poor souls that hurt you beg for mercy because he doesn’t plan on giving them any.
The air in the dungeon is frigid, and even before you can see Kaeya you know he’s coming. Glancing at your tattered clothes, and knowing Kaeya as well as you do, you knew he would find you sooner or later. For a guy with an eye patch, he’s very observant. And you also know he knows how to make an entrance. The floor around the metal door keeping you captive freezes before shattering with a loud clang. Pieces of metal crumple to the floor before you see Kaeya’s silhouette. Slowly, walking in, you can see frozen tears gathered near his eye, as he grabs keys he got from who knows where and the cuffs around your wrists fall. Grabbing one of your hands, he brings it to his lips, as new tears spring from both your eyes. “I told you I’d save you,” Kaeya says, his voice cracking with emotion. Wiping his tears with shaky hands, your smile lights up the dark cell. “I always knew.”
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jade-parcels · 3 years
Modern au careers
For Kaeya, Jean, Zhongli, Ningguang and Venti
Something quick between longer posts!
Kaeya would totally rock being a police officer you can’t convince me otherwise
He and Diluc went though the academy together. Diluc dropped out and took another career path which left Kaeya feeling kinda betrayed cause they were going to be awesome cops together! That was the plan :/ oh well
He’d excel in the police academy, he’s physically fit and fast which makes it easy for him to go through training
He won’t be a captain/commander for a long time since that’s a high position that takes years of testing and promotions to get to so for now let’s just settle for officer
He loves being out on the road doing real police work! There are plenty of times where he has to sit at his desk to write reports which he doesn’t exactly enjoy but oh well, it comes with the job
He won’t be promoted for awhile since he’s only 23 but man oh man, he’s been on the job for 2 years and he already has the best stories of chases, public interactions and just general stories about messing around back at the station
Kaeya isn’t exactly supposed to but when the K9 is in the building, he’ll neglect his work to go play with the dog :’)
He doesn’t have a long term plan, he’s taking things one step at a time and loving every minute of it
She’s also a police officer, she ranked very high in the academy and graduated the year before Kaeya! They work at the same station
Jean and Kaeya work together a lot! They are even partners most of the time! They have a lot of laughs but Jean is really the one keeping Kaeya in charge
Her goal is to be the chief of police one day! The first female chief in a looooong time
She takes her paperwork seriously, she almost never makes mistakes. Additionally, she patrols populated areas so citizens will see her face and she can chat with people! She wants them to trust her! And she wants to learn about the people she has sworn to protect
There are female bosses above her who she really looks up to and aims to impress! She hopes they’ll be the ones to promote her too :)
After her long shifts she’s always happy to come home to her sister Barbara to tell her alllll about what she did at work that day! She’s Barbara’s biggest role model so Jean strives to do her best at work in order to come home to tell Barbara all about it
Barbara has her mom drop her off at the police station on the weekends to bring lunch for Jean! They eat together in the break room away from everyone else to catch up! Jean also helps Barbara with her schoolwork when she can :) she’s a great older sister
A history professor who looks....really good for his age
He’s 40 but he doesn’t look a day over 25, all of his students either want to date him or hate the way he drawls on for hours
He’s super qualified for his job, he’s studied in China, Japan, Russia and Italy, he knows pretty much everything anyone would need to know about history
He specializes in Chinese history though and even teaches a Chinese history course for honors students who are truly interested in the subject
Zhongli is super patient with his students though he can be strict when he needs to be. If he sees them falling behind he’ll meet with them after class in order to figure things out “if you need more time to finish these papers, I can give that time to you. However, I would hope you take these seriously. Education is important. Not only that but you paid to take this class, I’d hate to see you fail...’
Zhongli is a father of two, Xiao and Ganyu and failure in school is not an option for either of them lmao Zhongli helps them with every subject. Failing math? He’ll get a tutor. Failing english? Don’t worry, he’s multilingual and will help. Failing science? He’ll stay up all night watching videos about chem or bio in order to reteach it to his kids the next day.
He loves his kids very much...he has tons of pictures of them on his desk at work and he constantly gets notifications saying he’s almost out of storage on his phone lmao
M’lady <3
Ms. Ningguang is a super successful businesswoman. She is super into the stock exchange, she is constantly buying and selling stocks
She is also the CEO of a luxury makeup brand. She took over the position and turned the basic, bland brand into something truly special
She’s been on the cover of many magazines all over the world with her success story! She went from wandering the streets as an orphan to a wealthy businesswoman.
Ningguang has a gorgeous house and two, luxurious sports cars. Dayum...You go girl!!!!
She sponsors multiple orphanages and plans on adopting kids when she settles down a little cause she is constantly on the move, she doesn’t have time for a kid right now...though she would love to be a mother :’)
Venti has multiple jobs and his additional job history is hilarious to look at because this man gets bored too easily!! So he’ll just...quit spontaneously
He’s had 3 past jobs as a bartender and got fired from all 3 for excessive drinking, he worked at a dog shelter for a month and quit because a dog puked on his shoe, he was a receptionist for a dentist’s office and was fired for yelling at an old lady (she deserved it though!!), he worked at a Target for 4 months and quit because his coworkers gave him too much stuff to do (they did not but he felt like they did)
He’s really done everything!! He has plenty of good stories to tell at the bar with his buddies!
Now he’s a songwriter. Well, he’s been a songwriter for a long time but now it’s official
But being a songwriter isn’t exactly...profitable for him yet. So he’s holding down 3 jobs. A Starbucks barista, a KFC cook and a Khols cashier. He’ll get you that sweet, sweet khols cash baby!
Is he successful? No, not yet but he will be!! Hopefully!! He makes a lot of money when he sings at bars or restaurants so he has a lot of faith in himself!
Venti is the definition of a free spirit so who knows what he’ll be doing in a month from now!! He sure as hell doesn’t know lmao
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malleux · 4 years
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☆ Day 1 - Prince Zhongli ☆
-> zhongli x fem!reader | royalty!au
-> fluff, conflict
-> warnings: mild cursing, fighting and blood, talk of human selling
-> “pick a prince” masterlist
a/n: day one! how’s everyone feeling about mr. zhongli? personally, i’m rather intrigued 👀 i hope you enjoy! sorry this is posted a little late at night, i didn’t realize how busy this week would be when i scheduled my event!
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The library was somewhat of a safe space for you. It was where you ran when the burden of an entire country rested heavily upon your shoulders, giving you an outlet to simply live.
After the slightly traumatizing dinner your father had hosted with your seven suitors, you ran to the library. You knew your mother, who was also rather uneasy about the entire arrangement, was there and that provided yet another layer of comfort that you so desperately needed.
Your mother read stories to you that night- uplifting tales that did at least a little bit to lighten the mood you were in. She read book after book, not once stumbling over her words despite your tears staining the paper and making the words smear across. It was as if your mother had read these books to herself numerous times before, trying to comfort her own mind when she was put through a situation similar to your own.
She didn’t put down her books until you had cried yourself to sleep. Then, your mother gently laid you against the plush velvet of the couch, draped a light blanket over your form, and kissed your forehead, bidding you goodnight and wishing for a better tomorrow.
☆ ☆ ☆
“Um, excuse me?”
You scrunched up your nose and huffed, pulling your blanket closer.
“Princess? It’s well past morning. You may need to get up.”
Who the hell was talking to you?
Albeit reluctantly, you yawned and opened your eyes, sitting up to stretch. Suddenly, you were looking into a pair of amber eyes. They seemed to glow in the dim light of the library, looking at you with slight concern.
“Wh- who’s there?” You mumbled, scooting back on your seat to shy away from the man’s gaze.
“It’s- it’s Zhongli. Just Zhongli. We didn’t see you at breakfast, your father is a little upset.”
“Shit- I missed breakfast?” You were wide awake in an instant.
“Such language is rather unbecoming of a princess, don’t you think?” Zhongli’s smirk gave away his playful comment, and you couldn’t help but laugh a little as well. “Anyways, as far as your father is concerned, I saw you earlier this morning. You weren’t looking too well so I sent you to take a long bath to relax. After breakfast, you showed me the library, which leads us here.”
You sighed in relief, thankful that Zhongli had practically saved your ass from a long lecture. He outstretched his hand and you took it, allowing him to help you stand up fully.
“Why don’t we take a walk through the market? You can tell me more about yourself and spend some time away from the stressful castle life.” Zhongli offers.
“Gods, yes, please.” You agreed, and allowed the polite prince to whisk you out of the castle.
The market was bustling at this time of day. It was early enough for the sun to warm the faces of your citizens, but cool enough to not scorch those who may venture away from the shaded roofs of the market stalls. You held tightly onto Zhongli’s arm as he browsed the goods your kingdom had to offer.
“This is a beautiful necklace, Princess.” He held up a dainty neck piece, the emblem of your kingdom hanging delicately off of a small golden chain.
“Buy it then.” You mused. Zhongli had been window shopping for a while now, and yet you hadn’t seen him buy a single thing he claimed to like.
“Unfortunately, that’s not possible.”
“Uh, why?” You quirked an eyebrow. With how Zhongli acted and dressed, you were sure he’d be able to afford everything in the market twice.
“I, um, seem to lack the funds.”
Maybe not.
“Aren’t you a prince? Shouldn’t you have money?”
“I suppose- anyhow, look at the gems over in this stall. Do you believe they’re real, or are your citizens being scammed by a merchant?”
He was avoiding the question.
You didn’t understand. If he was a prince, then his financial situation should be rather promising, right? What was there to hide? Unless, he wasn’t actually a prince?
No, you shook your head. Your father wouldn’t have invited him to the castle if his background was even slightly sketchy.
Where did he go?
Zhongli had disappeared from the gem stall he was at previously. You looked around the area, trying to scout him out. He should have been easy to find, standing out amongst the rather bland clothes of your citizens, but you saw nothing.
You began getting a little worried. You were dressed down, wearing a cloak and a hood that shadowed your face from most people’s views, but you were still a beautiful young woman. Even your lovely kingdom wasn’t a stranger to crimes.
Pushing forward, you started to make your way through the crowd. You considered just going back to the castle, but Zhongli didn’t know his way back. You had to find him. The only way he could’ve gone without you noticing was forward. Your forcefulness while moving through the market streets didn’t go unnoticed as people began giving you glares, whispering harsh comments as you shoved past. You couldn’t care less, you were on a mission to find Zhongli and go home-
You cursed as arm shot out and grabbed your bicep, yanking you between two stalls and into a narrow alleyway. Even more hands grabbed at your clothes and mouth, trying to keep you from yelling out.
“You look like you’ve got it real good.” A harsh voice spoke against your ear. You shuddered. A cold object rubbed against your cheek and you felt a contrasting warmth trickle down to your chin. Whether it was blood or the tears you were trying to hold back, you couldn’t tell.
“What’s in that nice little sachel you’ve got there?” Another hand grabbed at the bag around your torso. “I bet you’d be just fine without it.”
He pulled it off of you and threw it to the ground, letting a third man rummage through it. You stayed quiet, afraid to let out even a whimper as the first man pulled the hood of your cloak back. You heard his breath hitch a little bit.
“Now this is a sight.” You could hear the smirk in his words. “The little princess, all alone, with no knight in shining armor to help her. Forget the bag, she’ll go for a pretty penny worth way more than anything in that shitty old thing. C’mon, Princess, let’s get movin’.”
“You’ll have to get through me, first.”
Tears of relief fell from your eyes now at the sight of the very man who had inadvertently gotten you into this situation in the first place. He stood in the entrance of the alleyway, the sun shining behind him as if he were some god, appearing for the first time to come save you. Some broke, secretive, oddly polite god.
The first man sneered. “Yeah? What are you gonna do? Can’t get that dandy little suit of yours dirty.”
Zhongli practically scoffed. “I could deal with you lot without even wrinkling it.”
He rolled his sleeves up. “Let’s see about that.”
He charged at Zhongli, swinging his fist wildly at the prince’s face. Zhongli dodged the punch, stretching his leg out and sweeping the man’s legs out from under him. He fell to the cobblestone beneath him and Zhongli stepped on his chest, pressing his weight onto his body until he was gripping his ankle, begging for a break.
The second man came next, leaving the third, scrawniest man to try and hold you back. While Zhongli was dealing with him, you snapped your head back and smashed into his nose. The guy let go and grabbed onto the definitely-broken cartilage, practically helpless as you swung at his face again.
You backed up from him and ran into someone’s chest, jumping when their arms wrapped around your shoulders once more.
“Easy, Princess.” Zhongli’s deep voice immediately soothed your guard. “I apologize for losing you.”
You turned around. “I lost you.”
“No, no,” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small bag, handing it to you. “I thought you were occupied looking at the gems, so I snuck away to get this. I didn’t realize you’d go all over looking for me.”
Zhongli placed the bag in your hands and you opened it up. In it, the necklace he had shown you earlier. You smiled at him and held it out to him, turning around so that he could put it on. The feeling of Zhongli’s fingers against your bare neck sent a small shiver up your spine- one you wouldn’t mind feeling again.
“Thank you, Zhongli.” You smiled at him, “But, if you didn’t have any money, how did you get this?”
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.” The prince replied. “Come, you’ve had an eventful day. I think tea and a nap is in order.”
He held his arm out for you once more and you took it, leading the way back to the castle. You couldn’t help but gaze at the man through the side of your eye, grateful for the sweet gift.
You quit wondering how he bought it when you noticed that he was only wearing one expensive earring, as opposed to the two he had started out his day with.
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shawtynagito · 4 years
Aethers grand Halloween special! a wrath over the adults wallets! Pt 1 😩
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"Trick or Treat!" Aether yelled, pounding at the door in front of him. The people of Liyue lacked the spirit for Halloween.
The door opened slowly as a grumpy looking boy peeked his head out of the door.
"... What're you doing at my house at this hour?" Xingqiu blinked, rubbing at his eyes. He was just like a big baby. "And what is the meaning behind your outfits?"
"It's Halloween!" You huffed. "Give us a treat or get tricked, that's how it works!" You explained. "And the outfits are for fun!"
"I have nothing." He spoke, quick to shut the door. "Please do trick me later."
Aether went back to pounding on the door. "You can join us, then! It'll be fun!" He announced.
The boy swung the door open this time, his eyebrow twitching. "You're going to wake up my father."
"Paimon promises your dad won't wake up if you join us." Paimon announced, a cheeky smile on her face.
The boy let out another sigh. Reluctantly stepping out of his house.
"You have no cool outfit." Aether pointed out before crossing his arms. "How disappointing."
"Paimon has to agree.."
"Do you think the Heir of the Guhua Clan walks around in his pajamas?" He sassed, furrowing his brows. "No. The answer is no." He answered before any of you could say something dumb.
"He's so grumpy when he's tired!" Paimon pointed out, eyes wide. "A.. Tired grumpy Guhua geek!"
"Your names are getting weak." You shook your head. Aether could only agree.
"Hey, why is he leading us? He won't know any good hotspots!" Paimon spoke, ignoring the insult as she pointed over toward the blue-haired boy.
"Heheheh, I am simply gathering new people to bother in the middle of the night." He explained, turning back to the three of you. "This is another Halloween tradition, right? Bothering others when they are trying to sleep?"
"... So petty! I'm getting shivers!" Aether shook, running his hands up and down his arms.
"Yeah, I could almost drown from all the pettiness!" You added.
"Wamin restaurant? Who are you going to fetch here? Pickup food?" Paimon questioned as Xingqiu made his way over.
"Have you never heard of Xiangling? I thought she was a world-class chef." Xingqiu sighed. Rapidly smashing the ringer at the front.
"Oooh! You know Xiangling?" Paimon blinked, "Paimon thought you were always busy reading some book!"
The boy fell silent for a moment before letting out a sigh. "I am human, as well. I need to eat."
"Oh, right." Paimon nodded.
It took Xiangling a moment to appear at the front, looking disheveled.
"I had to run over here! My ringer is connected to my clock at home, so I came as fast as I could-" the girl blinked as she processed the familiar faces in front of her. "Oh, what're you guys all doing here? A gathering?" She smiled, "I can make us some yummy Slime Parfaits!" She drooled.
"We are here to retrieve you for the night of tricking or treating others." Xingqiu interrupted with a smile.
"Trick or Treating others..?" The girl blinked. "I don't know what that means, but if I can find ingredients, I'll join!"
"Oh, you'll find some very sweet ingredients." Aether nodded, knowing her, she'd probably find a way to incorporate candy into her dishes.
"Sweet! I'll join you!" She smiled, skipping her way over toward the door, leaving her restaurant completely unattended to.
"The next place we're going may be to scary for thee flying dog, just a warning." Xingqiu warned with a smile, leading the group of you to a rundown cathedral. Much like the one in Mondstadt but in much... Worse condition.
"Paimon's not a dog!" Paimon protested, however, her words went unheard as she stopped herself right outside of the doors of the buildings.
"What's wrong, Paimon? Just a few more centimeters and you'll be inside." Aether encouraged.
Xiangling and Xingqiu pressed on further into the building without fear. As the three of you stayed back.
"No way Paimon's going in there! I'm staying right here!" The girl pouted, kicking her leg in the air.
"Should've left you to drown." Aether mumbled before walking further into the building.
"Hey! Stop being so mean to Paimon!" The girl chased after him in a flash of courage. You slowly joined them.
"Be banished from this world, and settle your soul to rest..." A new voice mumbled out, a random, yet long-lasting flash filling the air.
"Brrr, Paimons cold all of a sudden! What happened?!"
Xingqiu emerged from the shadows out of no where, a smile on his face. "Just a quick Exorcism." He explained. "Nothing to unordinary."
"Oh, just an exorcism..." Aether mumbled. "Just an exorcism?!?" He repeated, however more urgent.
A new boy appeared alongside Xiangling, clouds of cold radiating off the light-haired boy.
"Hello." He greeted. "I get a lot of reports of paranormal activities on Halloween. There's high waves of spiritual energy on this specific night..." The boy mumbled, "sorry for not getting to you sooner."
"No problem, it's only been a few seconds." You shrugged. Paimon frantically tugging at your spare coat.
"This should be my last job for the night. I suppose I can join you all." He offered.
With that, the six of you set off to the nearest, that you knew of- rich guy.
"Childe, open your door!" Aether commanded, pounding on said persons door. He knew a lot of people...
The door swung open, a brown-haired man standing at the doorway. "Heya. What brings you here- and all these other kids...?" He mumbled, his eyes combing through the number of children at his door.
"Trick or Treat!" The lot of you yelled.
Childe stood still for a moment before he let out a small laugh. "Haha... Trick or treat, right." He mumbled, slowly shutting the door.
"What's a trick or treat?" You could hear his muffled voice say.
You all stood outside of his door for a moment, waiting for the man to reemerge.
He returned to the door, with a smile.
"I don't have candy." He spoke. "Besides, why would you trust candy from a guy like me?" He hummed, eying the boy beside you.
"Just give us something." Aether spoke.
"Right, here." He nodded, handing Mora left and right. It was an overwhelming amount, actually. "Have a good night, don't get yourself into trouble." He warned before shutting his door.
"Sounds like he really wanted to get rid of us..." Paimon mumbled. "But now Paimon is stinkin' rich!"
"I was in need of Pocket Money for the night." Xingqiu hummed, causing everyone to glare at him.
"We get it, you're rich!" Paimon yelled.
"I would say we should stop at Zhonglis place, but he probably wont have a thing to give out..." Aether spoke, rubbing the back of his head as he walked down the trail.
"And Ningguang is to busy being her rich self." Xingqiu huffed, crossing his arms. Repeating something along the lines of 'dont talk badly of others'.
"Let's head to Mondstadt! They always have a lot of good stuff on Halloween!" You announced. "I grew up there, and the amount of stuff they give out is crazy! Plus, I know of a few people to bother!"
"Why does this place smell so badly of smoke?" Chongyun asked, his eyes scanning over the building he stood in front of.
"I don't know, but it's probably a good place to cook.." Xiangling drooled.
"Oh, that's just Bennett being Bennett." You grinned before approaching the door, knocking on it lightly. However, the door caved in, falling onto the floor.
What a flimsy door!
Everyone's thoughts behind you resonated.
A white-haired boy walked over to his door, simply picking it back up and placing it back into it's doorframe.
"Hey, [Firstname]!" The boy greeted with quite a big smile for someone who's door just broke. "I was waiting for you!" He grinned, leaning over to the right, picking up a classic pumpkin bucket.
"I like your hot dog costume!" He complimented.
"And I like your mummy costume." You smiled.
"Have you gotten anything good yet?" He asked, slapping on protection gear. His bad luck kicked in exponentially on Halloween.
"Some filthy rich guy gave us a crap ton of Mora!" You spoke, lifting up your bag so he could get a look. "You can have some." You offered, pouring a good amount of your share into his bucket.
"Thanks a bunch, [Firstname]!" He grinned, finally securing the last piece of equipment before he turned to the rest of the people accompanying you.
"Oh, are these new recruits?" He grinned, overwhelmed over the amount of new people around him. Usually, people avoided him like the plague.
"They're all people that're gonna trick-or-treat with us! Cause I'm forcing them!" Aether stepped up, hands on his hips. He looked quite proud.
"Paimon just goes wherever he goes because Paimon is bothersome like that." The fairy smiled, hands behind her back.
"Huh, alright, cool!" Bennett grinned. "Have to warn you though, my unluckiness might spread to you guys."
"Paimon isn't too concerned, I don't think anyone else is, either."
"Speak for yourself..." Chongyun sweatdropped. "I don't have a good feeling about this..."
Xingqiu let out a laughed as he shook his head. "Oh, dear Chongyun, what's there to be so scared of?" He asked, placing his hands on his hips.
Chongyun let out a groan of irritation before looking around the place. It took a while of walking to get here, so he might as well check the place out.
"Who are you guys?!" Amber's voice echoed throughout the place as she appeared out of no where. "You guys don't look like natives."
"Ever hear of tourists?" Chongyun sighed. "I was forced here by my friend... Who was forced here by your honorary knight."
"It's me, I'm the honorary knight." Aether spoke, making his way over to the both of them.
"Oh, I see.." She hummed, reaching into her pocket. "Take these." She spoke, offering some... Granola bars.
"Granola bars, deadass?" You deadpanned before turning away. "What a let down.. Last year you gave me a crapton of candy..."
"Well, this isn't last year! And I'm on a budget here!" She huffed, her lips settled on a pout.
"Whatever... I bet Diluc and Kaeya have a ton of candy and are competing on who has the most because of their undying sibling rivalry!" You grinned, hopping away from the rest of the group.
"Hold up, [Firstname]!" Bennett called out, rushing after you to only end up rolling down the stairs. Thank God for protection gear....
Diluc, of course, was attending the bar. Cause he never had anything better to do, and Kaeya was off in the corner, being kind of creepy...
"I forgot it was Halloween." Diluc sighed, crossing his arms at the sight of the children pouring into the room.
"Just like how you forgot about fathers legacy." Kaeya smiled, his voice loud so everyone in the damn place could hear it.
"Damn you.." Diluc seathed, furrowing his brows. "Did you remember what day it was today?" He asked.
"Of course I did." The man smiled, standing up from his seat. "I'm not quite the slacker you are." He boasted.
"Then hand us our candy." Aether demanded. Holding out his bag.
"Yeah!" Bennett grinned. "If you don't mind..." He added on sheepishly.
"Of course..." Kaeya coughed, looking around the area. Snatching a bag of candy someone had left behind while they went to the restroom.
"Here... Share it between all of you.." He smiled, pouring a generous amount into the bags being held in front of him.
"A witch, a mummy, a cat and a hot dog... How....." He looked off to the side, "original..."
Silence filled the air for a moment before he changed the subject. "And... Who are these three? What are their costumes?" He asked, attention on the three people forced to come over here.
"I am Xingqiu... And my costume is... Ready for bed." He bowed awkwardly.
"Chongyun... I'm a... Sumo wrestler..." The light-haired boy blinked sheepishly.
"I'm Xiangling and I'm... I'm..." She grumbled, scowering her brain for an idea. "I'm a pirate!"
Kaeyas uncovered eye widened. "A pirate...?" He asked quietly, analyzing the girls outfit.
"Uh oh.." Paimon sighed, "she's gonna get caught!"
"That's an interesting view on pirates you have..." Kaeya nodded, quickly placing the bag back down as the owner had made their way over.
"Have a nice night, children." He smiled, waving at the lot of you.
"You didn't remember Halloween for shit." Diluc coughed, causing Kaeya to look over at him.
"Of course I did."
"Fischl? What are you doing out here, I thought you said you were going to stay indoors tonight?" Bennett asked the blonde girl as she walked down the steps from the Adventurers Guild.
"Haha... That was Oz, silly child." The girl lied, laughing into her hand.
"I'm right here," Oz spoke, his voice was pretty deep.
Fischl let out a puff of air as she crossed her arms. She was so close to committing animal cruelty right then and there.
"... That was a few hours ago... Now is now..." She explained with a cough. Looking to the side.
"So then... You can join us in trick-or-treating now?" Bennett asked.
"Hah! Trick-Or-Treating... Why would I do something so childish?" She scoffed.
"Yes, oh so childish of you to have a bag full of candy, right?" Xingqiu hummed, his gaze fixated on the bag she held.
"Oh, this?" She laughed, draping it over Oz in an instant. "He's a big fan of candy... To bad because I'm giving the candy out..." She lied.
"Oh, great! Can we have some?" Aether asked with a smile. Of course, he knew that she was lying, but like... He really wanted candy.
"Um, haha... Right..." She nodded, "only one for each person... Monstadt has... A lot of people..." She hummed, handing out a single piece to everyone.
"How generous." Xingqiu sighed, stuffing the thing into his pocket. "I hate smarties." He grumbled.
"I don't get a lot of free stuff, Halloween is the coolest!" Bennett smiled. "So is my birthday... But that comes every four years... If you think about it, I'm only like... Four years old..."
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watanabes-cum-dump · 3 years
Genshin impact characters and songs that fit them???
Just to clarify: Characters can appear multiple times, this can also apply to groups, and yeah
Dainsleif - Soldier (Fleurie) 
He was a knight in the royal guard, and the chorus “Soldier keep on marching on/ head down till the work is done/ waiting on the morning sun/ soldier keep on marching on” 
It just seems so fitting since he’s immortal and roaming the lands now. It’s sort of like “Don’t give up hope yet” and I really hope Dain doesn’t lose hope. 
Kaeya - Set Me Free (Nico Collins) 
Kaeya singing about how he wants to run from fate. Nuff said. 
Ragnvindr Brothers - Achilles come down (Gang of youths) 
I know that Achilles and Patroclus were lovers, but the great thing with a lot of love songs is that if you show a different imagery you can show siblings. 
Both of them are depressed as hell and I doubt they would want one another to die. 
“Achilles, Achilles, just put down the bottle/ Don’t listen to a word you’ve consumed” Works for Kaeya for obvious reasons. And “You crave the applause, yet hate the attention/Achilles your act is a ruse” fits Diluc for some reason. Idk. It just works
Ragnvindr Brothers - Empty Space (Reiinary) 
This song is originally a SheRa (?) song and it’s just so sad. Just listen to it and you’ll get what I’m saying. I know that I have the Ragnvindr brothers on this list a lot, but I really want them to end up on better terms by the end of Genshin since I had my heart ripped out of my chest by Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying in GDC. Let the siblings be happy for fucks sake. 
Khaenri’ah as a whole - The Plagues (Prince of Egypt soundtrack) 
Idk why but I see the destruction of Khaenri’ah going two ways; 1) a bloody fucking massacre in one night, or 2) A slow downfall due to curses from the archons like the plagues from Moses’ story from the Bible. 
I imagine maybe Dain being Moses and telling the gods to stop the slaughter, like yelling at them on a cliff while Khaenri’ah burns in front of him. 
Also the archons as the choir (that’s actually supposed to be God in the movie which is pretty fitting) that say “Thus said the Lord” as in the “lord” their talking about is Celestia’s will or something. Because they can’t disobey Celestia’s orders.
If I were to animate this,  I would make the archon’s these imposing black silhouettes with eyes glowing their respective colours so that it would make Dainsleif and Khaenri’ah as a whole seem small and weak compared to them. 
Khaenri’ah trio - Cradles (Sub Urban) 
Mainly because of the “Fire’s spreading all around my room/ the world’s so bright/ it’s hard to breathe/ but that’s alright” because I just like the idea of having Dain watching as Khaenri’ah burns. 
“I see the world through ink and bleach/ Cross out the ones who heard my cries and watch me weep” works really well for Dain??? I mean think about it, his mask is the ink, and he’s “crossing out” the archons. 
Also because of the sort of music box sound is sort of childish, and Kaeya and Albedo have a lot of trauma from their childhood so it could work. 
Archons - They’re Only Human (Death Note musical) 
Idk why??? I just eh??? I originally thought Venti as the female voice, but I think the Tsaritsa would fit better since she turned against the other archons. Idk who would be the male voice though since we don’t know what the other archon’s are like and Venti and Zhongli just wouldn’t work for it. Maybe one of the harbingers??? 
Xingqiu x Chongyun - Russian Roulette English demo cover 
It’s just such a cute song and really gives me highschool au friends to lovers vibes. Idk just fits
Kaeya x Albedo - Sweater Weather (The Neighborhood) 
Ah yes, our two disaster bisexuals to the Bisexual Anthem.™ Idk I just picture them at the beach just being all lovey dovey and maybe even a little spicy. 
If I animate it it’s gonna be black and white and a modern au of course. No questions asked. 
Beidou x Ningguang - Everybody talks (Neon Trees) 
Just because they’re both pretty famous figures and people would talk if they got together. Also the way the singer sings the song just sounds kinda fruity?? Like idk what it is about it but it is definitely not a straight song. 
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sparklyicecube · 3 years
Papa the falcon
A Genshin Impact parody of Pokemon 3: The movie
Starring (loosely equivalent to):
Diluc as Molly
Master Crepus as Papa
Falcon as Entei
Kaeya as Delia
Disclaimer: This storyline was curated and fanfic made based on my understanding and own headcannons of things from both the Pokemon movie and Genshin Impact that were never confirmed in canon. 
The main character is also Kaeya, though it had quite a bit of emphasis on Diluc, this is a Kaeya-fic and a lot of it is in his point of view.
Diluc lay in bed as he and his father looked through an expansive picture book. This book was about the divine beings of the world, immortal creatures who watched over Teyvat. 
“This section shows the archons. Of course, it is a bit old so the ones we see are the original Seven from all those years ago.”
“Woah!” Diluc cried, “Murata looks scary.” 
Crepus laughed, “Indeed she does. But this is a Monstadt book so maybe the illustrator was biased.”
They flipped through the pages, where flashes of sea serpents and old gods, befallen in the archon wars went by, DIluc being more and more interested. 
“What’s this one called?” Diluc asked, pointing to one that sprouted pristine but deadly crystals all over the battlefield. 
“I don’t know, son. There are many things we don’t know about the archon wars, this book is only speculation.”
As the page flipped to Diluc’s favourite section, on the four winds and most importantly, Lady Vanessa, the Falcon of the West. Diluc’s eyes lit up.
“Lady Vanessa!” Diluc ecstatically pointed to the drawing, as though his papa didn’t already have a knowing smile and gazed down at him with utter fondness. “You know papa, you’re a lot like Lady Vanessa.”
“Oh am I?” Crepus asked with a chuckle, “That is praise of the highest order.” Diluc giggled as Crepus picked him up, “Well, the best part of being a falcon, is that you can fly!” With the small child on his back, Crepus stuck him arms out both sides and ‘flew’ his son around the room, throwing him into the air and catching him with utmost dramaticsm. 
A knock came at the door. 
The two paused, Master Crepus went over to answer it, while Diluc had depressed into himself.
“Master Crepus, Elliot is here to see you.” With a bow, their butler stood aside and another man came into view.
“We have a lead, we found an entrance into the Thousand Winds Temple.” Crepus looked back at his son with a pained look in his eyes, Diluc already knew what was about to happen.
“I have to go, son.”
“But when will you get back, papa?” Diluc asked, as Master Crepus picked up the child and placed him in bed, tucking him in as apple-tucked as he could.
“As soon as I can. Be good for me okay?”
Diluc watched as his papa kissed him goodnight, walked towards the doorway, turned off the lights and closed the door. 
Chapter 1 - Papa
Diluc watched from his window out of the Dawn Winery, as a carriage pulled up into the driveway. As his small legs pitter-pattered down the steps he raced out into the doorway.
“Papa!” He yelled, coming to a stop when the carriage door opened and Elliot gave him a sympathetic look. “Where’s Papa?” Diluc demanded, a bit desperately.
“I’m sorry Diluc.”
Diluc sat with his back on the railing, listening to the adults talk downstairs. They talked about how sad it was that they couldn’t even retrieve the body and that poor Master Diluc was now completely alone.
Diluc heard everything. He had a handle on some of the things his papa was researching, ancient gods in ruins with mechanisms too complicated to understand, except Papa was able to understand it. 
As night fell and Diluc found himself unable to sleep, he found himself going over to his dad’s notebook and flipping through the pages.
“Where are you papa?” Diluc muttered to himself, determined not to cry. “What happened?”
Scanning through the scribbled handwriting, he stumbled upon a page with copied texts, ancient ones. He had learned some ancient writing out of curiosity, which his dad was more than happy to teach, and when turning to the next page a green slip of paper with a curious shape slipped out. The paper also had ancient words on it, and Diluc supposed it was a sigil of sorts. 
Diluc took out a pencil and paper out of the notebook, he began copying the sigil. 
“I want papa back. And mama. I want my family back.” Diluc felt tears roll down his cheek, plopping onto the pages with his own little writing. 
The sigil started glowing, with its strokes lighting in a gold light and basking the room in a bright white. 
Suddenly, there was a strange creature that poured out of the sigil, rising above the small child who was looking up in wonder. 
“I know you! You’re a god, aren’t you?” Diluc watched as the large, golden entity swirled around him, assessing the small child. “You resided over geo, and can make entire crystalline structures right?”
The creature continued assessing the child, seeming to fill to occupy the large space that was the main hall of the winery with a dark, golden fog that seemed to get heavier and thicker by the second.
Diluc considered something, then asked in a more ‘dominant’ voice, “You’re powerful right? I want my papa. Can you do that?”
The entity grumbled. Diluc was unsure of whether it had a face, but amidst the now darkening room, Diluc saw a flash of light, and a large falcon swooped through the room, landing on his waiting arm. 
“Papa?” Diluc had shiny eyes and a hopeful face. “Papa! It’s really you!”
“Papa?” Asked the falcon in a low, grumbling voice.
“Yeah, you’re my papa!”
The falcon looked down at the red-haired boy, whose long hair currently fell down freely around his shoulders and whose eyes looked at him with the happiest expression a few-second old falcon had seen.
“If that is what you wish.”
The floor then gilded with a crystal lacquer, spreading out from where Diluc was at an alarming pace to reach the walls and crystallising in large, translucent chunks as they grew upwards. 
Diluc heard a thump, then another, then another as his butler and other staff burst through the door, shocked by seeing their young master sitting on the ground with a large, hostile ancient being swirling around.
“Everything’s fine Butler, I have papa with me. You can go.”
The butler was highly concerned by this point, “Master Diluc, your father is dead.”
Diluc’s eyes filled with tears, “I have papa with me, you can leave.”
“Master Diluc-” “LEAVE!” Diluc shrieked, and as if the entity was attached to him, the thing howled in the faces of the staff, blowing them right out the door then crystalling the door shut. 
The maids tripped over their nightgowns and the winery staff stumbled as they hurried out of the mansion as fast as they could, with the crystals nipping at their feet. Once outside in the open air, they still could not stop as the crystalline structure seemed to engulf the building’s outside as well, covering the windwheel asters and eternalising them, freezing their movement making them look like carved, delicate figurines. The expansion did not stop there, covering the grapes that decorated the outside and creating such a bubble around the place that one could only imagine how much space the actual mansion occupied.
Diluc, in the meantime, had brought his papa to his room, where he laughed and giggled at the falcon’s swoops and swirls in the skies. 
“It’s a shame you’re so small. I’d love to ride on your back as you fly.”
The falcon flapped in mid-air, staring down at Diluc’s face. “If that is what you wish.”
The falcon then started growing in size, until it became big enough for Diluc to happily jump onto its back and fly around his large room, with squeals of glee and happiness. 
Diluc leaned his head onto the falcon’s feathered back, “I love you papa, I want this to last forever.”
Chapter 2 - What do we do?
“You said what was surrounding the child?” Elliot was a bit stressed. Afterall, if his thoughts were correct then the young boy might have just summoned one of the most destructive gods of the archon wars.
“Calm, Elliot, what is that being?” Asked the Grand Master in his low voice. 
“Well, it is a divine being whose wrath the ancient god of Sumeru had incurred. It had power over the element geo, as obvious from the crystals growing around the winery. Though not much info remains on them, the god is said to grow powerful on the imagination, and used the fears of the people to create their greatest nightmares.”
“Imagination? That is concerning.” The others looked over at the Grand Master, not understanding his statement.
“What do you mean, Grand Master?”
“Well, whose imagination is stronger or more powerful than that of a child?” The room went quiet, as this revelation settled.
“What are we to do?”
With shovels and visions in hand they smashed through the crystals, destroying the pristine flowers and making a pathway towards the winery.
“What are they doing?” Asked young Diluc, watching from his window. They crushed the pretty space that the mysterious god had made for him, and he felt tears bubble up into his eyes. “Leave us alone!” He yelled.
Just the wish was the command of the entity, for the shovels were snatched up by the crystals, as though conscious, and the tendrils of geo grew more and more hostile, making the people fear for their lives, running in the opposite direction. The geo crystals grew to cover the damage but not quite replacing it, for, to repair required much more precise power.
The Favonius knights huffed, scared from nearly losing their lives, reporting to the Grand Master immediately.
“This is bad, this is oh so very bad. I believe that young Master Diluc had only awakened but a part of the being, for it was destroyed many millenia back, but it seems that even the mere fragment is powerful yet.” Elliot fretted.
“Could we ask Sumeru for help?” Asked another high-ranking officer. “Sumeru’s god is the youngest out of everyone, the war we are referencing is not one that the country would be able to help us with. No. If I am to understand correctly,” the Grand Master had stood up and walked towards the window, where the crystals looked far away but painfully visible. “The entity seems to follow the will of young Master Diluc, in which case the solution is clear, though we only have one chance.” The Grand Master looked up, eyes dark, “We must convince the young master himself.”
Chapter 3 - Endless crystal
Kaeya felt his heart thumping in his chest, he never liked tight spaces and yet, here he was. The Ragnvindr butler was leading him through a secret passage, a well of sorts into the manor. The running water seemed to be untouched by the crystals, and with some effort, the door to the cellar burst open. 
“Now Kaeya, you know what you have to do?” The butler asked, glancing at the open door as if it would screw shut instantly, which it could. 
Kaeya nodded his head, his face trying not to betray his nervousness. He had memorised the floor plan and knew how to get to the hall and to Diluc’s room, whichever he might be in. 
“Good.” The butler hesitated slightly as Kaeya stepped through into the cellar, this child was the same age as Master Diluc, it was hard not to feel sympathy, “Good luck.” He said eventually. 
Kaeya heard the door close behind him, and the dreaded feeling of being alone hit him. The room was almost pitch black, which made Kaeya feel as uneasy as possible. The floor felt hard and smooth, undoubtedly lined with crystal. His slow and careful steps trod across to where he was told the door was.
He hit something. 
Kaeya carefully put his arms over and around where the object was, it was also crystal covered so it could range from a bottle with a lot of crystal surrounding it to a wooden box to a wine barrel. Stepping around it as carefully as he could, a thought crossed his mind that his direction might have gotten mixed up and he could not be going in the direction of the door anymore, and might be stuck here forever. Gulping an anxious lump down his throat he kept moving slowly and steadily.
Kaeya slowly felt along this object. It was taller than him, and very wide. Could it be the door? Kaeya slowly took the knife out of his pocket and tried to find a crystal that was more doorknob-like than the rest. 
Chink. Chink. Chink. 
Kaeya worked away at the crystal, hating how the echoes carried in the small, shrinking room that seemed to close in on him the longer he tried to sense it. 
Kaeya was getting desperate, he could feel the engraved metal of the door handle, but the majority was sewn shut. He was now not so worried about the noise he was making, slamming his tiny body into the door. The crystal cracked, worn by his chinks from his knife, and slowly, it was budging. 
When the first crack of light shone through, Kaeya felt as though he could keep going. Not like he had a choice. He continued slamming his body into the door, his left side now, he was sure his right side was completely bruised. When it got to a state that the door was open just enough for Kaeya to just squeeze through, Kaeya collapsed onto the floor and breathed heavily. 
His heart felt like they were going to pound out of his chest, closing his eye as he tried to regain composure and his bearings. He looked around. He seemed to be in the main hallway, and if that was so, then those stairs led to Diluc’s bedroom. Kaeya froze, the hallway seemed to host a swirling vortex, a large whirl of some muttering entity. With his eye widening, he realised that this must be the powerful being that the adults warned him about. Though he knew nothing about the being, he understood that it could kill him easily, though that held true for most people and things he met.
After calming down again, Kaeya made his way up, carefully walking up the slippery stairs to where Diluc’s bedroom was, the entity seemed not to notice him at all. When he made it, Kaeya felt a wave of nausea wash over him as he realised that Diluc’s bedroom door too, had crystals gluing it shut. 
Kaeya straightened up, if he had not been picked up by the Grand Master, then he would have died. With that logic, he was already living on borrowed time. Kaeya brought one hand up to the crystal and knocked.
Chapter 4 - Brother
Diluc looked up. There was someone knocking on the door. He slipped off of papa and walked over to it.
“Do you wish to get rid of him?” Asked the falcon.
Diluc stormed angrily towards the door.
“Who is it?” He asked angrily.
Kaeya, nursing his bruised knuckles, bit his lip.
“It’s Kaeya.” A small voice came. Diluc’s forehead scrunched in confusion. 
“I don’t know a Kaeya.” Diluc replied.
“How do you know? You’ve not seen me yet.” Diluc considered this, then turned to ‘Papa’.
“Papa, I wish to let him in.”
Kaeya felt confusion, who was this ‘Papa’? Wasn’t Diluc’s dad dead? And who was this strange man inside that he was talking to? Before he could address any of these questions, the crystals at the door melted away and the door swung open, 
Diluc and Kaeya locked eyes. Being about the same height, the two boys stared at each other with the same wonder and curiosity.
Diluc gave Kaeya a once-over. “Hello Kaeya.”
“Hi.” Replied Kaeya, with a small smile. “I heard you got your dad back.”
“Yeah!” Diluc ran over to the alarmingly large falcon sitting in the middle of the room. “This is my papa.”
Kaeya cautiously took a step inside the room. “He’s a really cool papa.”
“Isn’t he?” Diluc looked up at the falcon with bright eyes, Kaeya watched very closely.
“If he’s your papa, then I’m your brother.” Kaeya said, wondering if he was too bold.
Diluc paused, scrutinising him. “But you don’t look anything like me.”
Kaeya gestured to the falcon, “And papa is a falcon.”
Diluc considered this, then beamed. “Yes! You are my brother.” Diluc came over to Kaeya and took him by the hands, dragging him over to the bed. “There is soooooo much you need to learn, afterall, the Ragnvindr name is an important one.” Kaeya smiled in relief.
The two boys sat on Diluc’s bed, leaning on the falcon as though it was a pillow. As Diluc flipped through the picture book with Kaeya staring in awe, Diluc explained all about the legendary divinity shown in it. 
“The anemo archon, lord Barbatos, who presides over Monstadt, with his trusted four winds who together, ensures the country is safe and happy.” Read Diluc. Kaeya stared at the pictures, with characters of nobility and power. 
“This one’s papa.” Kaeya said, pointing at the falcon. 
“No, it says here that this is Lady Vanessa, who led the rebellion against the aristocracy and was the hero of Monstadt. Papa is just another falcon.”
Kaeya ‘oohed’ and pointed at the words next to the wolf, “What does this say?”
“This says ‘Wolf of the North, otherwise known as Boreas or Andrius’. Do you not know how to read?” Suddenly, Kaeya became very self-conscious. 
“No. Most children our age don’t know how to read. You’re special because you got to learn so young.” Diluc stared at him, Kaeya gave a look of sincerity.
“Well you should learn how to read. Afterall, you’re my brother. So learning these things are important. Right papa?” The falcon gave a sagely look and nodded.
“Papa doesn’t speak very much, does he.”
“Falcon’s don’t speak very much, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t saying anything.” Diluc leaned over to hug the falcon, “Right now he’s saying, ‘I’m not going anywhere. I love you two.’” Kaeya felt a lump in his throat.
“Really?” Kaeya asked, looking towards the falcon with unease. Diluc pulled Kaeya into the hug and Kaeya felt the warm body of the falcon press into his.
“Of course!”
Kaeya closed his eye as he sank into the hug. He could see why Diluc would want this. He really did.
Chapter 5 - The eye of the storm
An entire day had passed, the crystals were growing to cover an even larger portion of Monstadt and the Grand Master was concerned. There were several things that could have happened: Kaeya could have been rejected by Diluc, Kaeya could have not managed to get to Diluc to begin with, Kaeya could have offended Diluc, or Kaeya was still working on it. He sighed, for the fate of the country to ride on the back of such a young child was a huge risk, but one that they had to take.
Kaeya, who was teaching Diluc how to braid hair, was considering what his next step should be. He had succeeded in bonding with Diluc and establishing his place in this ‘family’ and next he should work on removing that entity. So far, a few things seemed clear:
Diluc knew that Kaeya wasn’t actually his brother and the falcon wasn’t actually his papa. But considering the fact that there have been people who could turn into falcons that is taken as truth in Monstadtian folklore, Diluc might consider it a possibility that this is actually his papa.
“Do you miss papa Diluc?” Kaeya asked, as the two were half-asleep in the bed.
“So much.” Diluc replied. 
‘Papa’ has a warm body uses the term ‘if that is what you wish’ several times. Diluc is then able to order him around and even the crystals around based on that.
“What’s a windblume?” Kaeya asked, after Diluc had mentioned it several times.
“That’s the fun of it, no one knows what a windblume is. It is a mystical flower that thrives in the harshest of weather and in the strongest of winds. Some people say it’s a dandelion or windwheel aster, but I think it’s small lamp grass.”
Kaeya cocked his head, “Lamp grass?”
Diluc studied him, “Papa, could you get us some lamp grass?”
The falcon nodded, “If that is what you wish.”
Just a bit later, Diluc had gotten the falcon to collect a variety of flowers, from dandelions to calla lilies, where Diluc was explaining all about them.
Diluc can create “dream-worlds” that Kaeya is very unsure about.
As Diluc fell asleep to Kaeya softly stroking his head, Diluc muttered, “I gotta teach you sword fighting.” As Diluc’s consciousness drifted away, a new Diluc manifested.
“Who are you?” Asked Kaeya, a bit unsure.
“I’m your brother, silly. Now come on.” Dream Diluc (at least, that’s what Kaeya thought he was) pulled on his arm and Kaeya ended up being dragged onto the Falcon. 
The Falcon leaped up and flew, with Kaeya bracing for an impact that never came as it sped down through the floor and into an entirely new landscape. 
There was a floating island that was decked out with bright green grass and a bright blue sky that looked like it came out of a picture book. They alighted on the island where Diluc turned to face Kaeya. 
“Today, we learn sword fighting.” Kaeya was confused but then quickly put a confident smile on his face. 
“Okay brother. But one problem, we have no swords.”
Diluc smiled, “Well that’s not a problem at all.” Diluc stretched his arm out and with a glow, a long, pretty sword manifested in his hand. He stretched the other one out to achieve a similar effect and tossed it over to Kaeya. 
Kaeya caught it easily with a laugh. “I forgot, this is your world and you can do anything you want. Where do we start?”
Chapter 6 - The hard truth
Kaeya sparred with Diluc for a while, finding the sword to be light and easy in his hand. He found he could manipulate it quite well, actually, and quickly got the hang of these techniques that Diluc was teaching him. Just then, the falcon came over, in small form now, like an actual falcon.
“I have spotted intruders trying to get in.” 
Diluc wrinkled his nose. “Those guys are so annoying. Make them leave.” The falcon nodded.
“Wait,” Kaeya grabbed Diluc’s arm. Diluc looked at him, “What did the intruders look like? Do they have swords? And spears?” The falcon paused and turned to him. 
“They might be Knights of Favonius!”
Diluc’s eyes lit up. “That’s perfect! Let’s go meet them and we can spar with them!”
Diluc grabbed Kaeya’s arm and the two got onto the expanding falcon, sitting on its now giant form comfortably. 
The three bounded down from the floating island, which Kaeya noted is actually a collection of floating islands with golden bridges connecting them. As they bounded downwards, Kaeya looked up and noticed that the island they were on before also had a golden bridge that seemed to connect to higher in the sky. Perhaps to the bedroom, Kaeya considered, curious. 
As they alighted onto the lowermost island, Kaeya could see that there were indeed four Knights of Favonius soldiers who were here. 
Kaeya felt uncomfortable, he only recognised one person, that one being the ‘Grand Master’. 
“Master Diluc!” One of the soldiers cried, as the two got down from the falcon.
“That’s me. Who here can sword fight?” Diluc and Kaeya’s sword’s re-manifested in their hands. Kaeya was unsure of when the swords had disappeared to begin with but wasn’t about to question it. Instead, he stood tall and confident with a smirk to match Diluc. 
Kaeya watched as the knights whispered amongst themselves and one of them stepped forward. 
“I can. Are you sure you want to duel me Master Diluc? I wield a greatsword and it deals much more damage.” Diluc’s eyes twinkled.
“A greatsword! Well then, I’ll use a greatsword too.”
Diluc’s sword disappeared in favor of a majestic greatsword, which Diluc wielded easily as if it weighed no more than his last one. 
“Understood. It will be one on one, when one is disarmed or held at vulnerable swordpoint, the duel ends.” 
Kaeya watched as the grass ground hardened into a duel ground, with markings on the ground to establish a sense of space. He also noted that the other three knights were sneaking off to hurry their way up the golden bridge up the islands. He didn’t say anything.
Diluc and the knight’s match was interesting. Diluc wielded his sword with much skill and power, with every blow being so overpowered that Kaeya abruptly was reminded that this was ‘dream’ Diluc. Just then, the knight’s sword came down with a crackle of electricity.
Diluc startled. “You have a vision!” Looking over at the falcon, he then declared. “I wish to have a vision too!” Just then, a shiny red glass orb descended into his hands, with gold metal work already welded onto it.
From that point on, the fight was practically over. Kaeya was surprised by how easily Diluc used his vision, as if he had worked with it for years.
“You’re pretty good, your father taught you well.” Said the knight, whom Kaeya admired for being able to stay composed despite his panting.
“He did. Come on Kaeya, we have more matches to get through.” Kaeya didn’t spare a glance at the knight, lest it give him away, and joined Diluc on the falcon.
“That was so cool!” Kaeya exclaimed, with them reaching the next island by the time he was done uttering just that sentence. 
“Wasn’t it?” Diluc grinned. They got off of the falcon to intercept the next batch of knights. “I hope you guys are more challenging than that guy, he was pretty easy.”
The knight’s seemed to come to another agreement. 
“I will duel you next, for I am the captain of the 4th order.”
“A captain?” Diluc asked excitedly, clearly hooked. “Well captain, we’re not duelling. It’s going to be two on two!”
Kaeya felt a cold, glass orb appear in his hand. Giving it a closer look, this vision had a light frost with the cryo symbol and the metalwork had cute little wings on them, which he supposed was the Monstadt style. 
The second knight stepped up, Kaeya noted that the Grand Master was conveniently slipping past. 
Kaeya readied his sword as they began the battle.
The battle was fairly easy, Diluc and Kaeya’s visions being opposite accounted for any weak spots there could be, with Diluc burning through the dendro of one knight and Kaeya freezing the hydro of the other. Kaeya noted that he was having a harder time than Diluc was, who was clearly finding this too easy and only taking this long to test out his pyro moves. The knight Kaeya was fighting then tried to talk to him. 
“Any progress?” 
Kaeya felt his head swirl, yes he was having progress but, did that really count as progress? Kaeya felt his balance get shifted off and a small ‘ah’ was let out as he fell backwards onto his bum with a small thump.
“Kaeya!” Diluc was right next to him in a heartbeat, though Kaeya was completely unhurt, Diluc seemed furious. 
Without any words being spoken Kaeya was picked up by the falcon gently and lifted up, the falcon’s wings beating as it carried him higher. Kaeya just managed to find the time to look down at the battle happening where he just managed to see a flaming falcon and Diluc’s bright red hair before he was carried through the floor of the bedroom. 
Kaeya felt a strange anti-climax, as the noise and liveliness of before became the peace and quiet of the bedroom. The falcon gently lay him onto the bed where Diluc was still sleeping.
“Are you okay?” Asked the falcon, staring into him with black beady eyes. Kaeya gave a big, childish smile.
“I am. Thank you, papa.” Then he threw his arms around the falcon. 
Was Kaeya okay? His head was spinning with trying to grasp how this world worked. More than that, which Kaeya was unsure whether to admit, he felt so conflicted about being loved. He had never been loved before and to have two  people  (well the falcon was iffy) that cared about him was very overwhelming.
Kaeya stared at the cool, cryo vision in his hand. Was it real? His sword was gone. Kaeya placed the vision on the bedside table and looked over at Diluc, who seemed to not be having a very good dream. Was that because of him?
“Diluc, Diluc wake up.” Diluc’s red eyes blinked slowly.
“Kaeya?” He asked. “Good morning.” Diluc yawned. Kaeya felt a pang of fondness go through him. If he was born in this family, well, Diluc had many troubles as well, but maybe he might not be as broken as he already was.
Just then, the Grand Master came into the room, ascending from a hole in the floor that Kaeya was sure wasn’t there the first time he had come in. Kaeya peered over and saw the tint of gold that probably came from the golden bridges over those floating islands. 
Diluc looked over at the Grand Master. 
“Hello Diluc,” He said, kneeling down to match the height that Diluc was, sitting at the side of the bed. “How are you feeling?”
Diluc shifted uncomfortably, Kaeya scooted slightly closer to Diluc, which seemed to make him feel more at ease.
“I’m fine, thank you. And you?”
The Grand Master laughed easily, with a warm smile. “I’m fine, thank you. You don’t have to be that formal Master Diluc. I’m here to help you after all.”
Diluc, whose arm seemed to be twisting its way around Kaeya protectively, replied with “We’re happy here. We don’t need your help.”
“Is that so?” Asked the Grand Master, a twinkle in his eye. “What about the big, scary, entity in your hallway? Do you know about that?”
“Yea! They gave me my papa and my brother.”
“Hmm. And do you know what it is?”
Diluc narrowed his eyes. “It’s an ancient god that was present in the archon wars. Papa was researching it. We don’t even know its name.”
“Very good! Your papa taught you very well.” The Grand Master gave a sad smile, “I miss him very much.”
Diluc seemed to respond to that, Kaeya got the sense that he might have been trying to hold back tears. 
“What do you want?” Diluc asked in a smaller voice.
“Well,” the Grand Master started, “Let’s start with removing that entity from your house.”
“NO!” Diluc yelled, in a hostile voice. He now had a vice-grip on Kaeya. “You just want to take my family away!”
“I don’t want to take your family away.” The Grand Master soothed in a calm but slightly rushed voice. “It’s just harder for people to take care of you while it’s here.”
The falcon had now come over and put itself between the Grand Master and them.
“You are making Diluc upset. Leave.”
The Grand Master had stood up now, trying his best to stand his ground. 
“Diluc, that thing is dangerous. You must know about how it almost destroyed Sumeru. We need to deal with it before it destroys all of Monstadt too.”
Diluc quieted.
“That thing, will destroy all of Monstadt?” Asked Kaeya in a small voice, making sure to inject some fear into his tone.
The Grand Master turned to him, “Yes. But not if we fight and subdue it now.”
Diluc turned to look at Kaeya. “I don’t want you to go.”
Kaeya clasped Diluc’s hands. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” Kaeya bit his lip. “Diluc, think about your real papa.”
As Diluc’s face softened and sniffles started, a BANG made everyone in the room flinch, as Diluc’s bedroom door crashed open, revealing a dark, brown vortex of what used to be the hallway with some wisps of smoke starting to pour in.
The Grand Master did not hesitate in pulling out his bow and arrow, letting one fly resulting in a low rumble that Kaeya likened to a cry.
The two kids were scared now, as the Grand Master ran toward the thing, arrows flying. 
The falcon took one look at the two boys and also set off, engaging in the battle as well. 
The bedroom was huge, so the ancient god would take awhile at this speed to reach the far end of the bed that the boys were sitting on, but the fear that paralysed them was petrifying nonetheless. 
Kaeya broke out of it first. “Diluc, Diluc look at me.”
Diluc looked at Kaeya, which was hard to do as sounds of bloody murder kept enticing the two to look at the battle. 
“You’re going to be the one to win this battle.”
Kaeya nodded. “That thing needs you to wish. It needs your imagination and your wishes to win. So the more you think that it’s scary the more it is.”
Diluc nodded slowly. “What should I do?”
“You need to wish that it will go away. You need to believe that papa is strong.”
“But isn’t that counterintuitive?”
Kaeya shook his head. “Papa is made from that thing right? But papa is on our side. So if you think that papa is super strong and that god is super weak, then that is what will happen.”
They two locked eyes, and Diluc stared at the determined look in Kaeya’s eye and nodded. 
“Yeah! Papa is super strong! You know once, he managed to defeat five ruin guards allll by himself.”
Kaeya nodded fervently. “And he’s really fast too!”
“Yeah! He always races me, and let’s me win, but he can run at super speed. He knows everything too! He can beat archons as easily as-” Diluc snapped his fingers, “That!”
Kaeya forced himself not to look at the fight, doing that will only tempt Diluc and may break this streak of belief and hope.
Kaeya and Diluc flinched, though neither of them got hurt. The two looked up to see the entity hissing and recoiling as the swirling dust seemed to just instantaneously clear. Diluc’s toys and books which were previously strewn across the floor were blown haphazardly to the far ends of the room.
“Are you two okay?” Asked the Grand Master, rushing over to them.
“Yeah.” Diluc said, with a shuddering breath.
Then there was a light.
“Diluc, Kaeya.” It was the falcon. In its huge, glowing form.
“Papa.” Diluc whispered, staring up at the bird. “Are you going now?”
The falcon nodded its head. “That will be what is best for you two. But don’t worry, I will always be watching over you.”
The light that made up the falcon seemed to disperse, with the crystals fading along with it. The crystals seemed to retreat from the room, with the entire house being more or less unscathed except for where the last battle took place. Kaeya breathed a sigh of relief. 
He turned to Diluc, “Diluc-”
“Kaeya!” Kaeya found himself in a tight hug.
“It’s okay! Everything’s fine now.”
Diluc sniffed, “I’m so glad you’re not gone too. You didn’t leave me.” 
It hit Kaeya that Diluc might have thought that he was a ‘dream’ or ‘made up’ brother similar to his ‘papa’. Kaeya wrapped his arms around Diluc.
“I’m not going anywhere. If-if you’ll have me that is.” Diluc pulled away from him. “I mean, I’m not your real brother I’m just,” Kaeya took a breath, “I’m just some orphan off the street.”
Diluc shook his head. “You’re my real brother. Some people have different versions of what family is, but if you’re not my family, no one is.” Kaeya felt his heart throb. Maybe they could get through this together. 
“Also, to make everything absolutely clear, I was well alive and existed looong before that god came in. So yeah.”
Chapter 7 - Things get better
Kaeya was at first unsure of whether he was accepted here. Afterall, he had only been Diluc’s brother for a total of two days technically, and now that everything was ‘over’ he was scared that he’d have to leave. It seemed that Diluc too, had that exact fear, and was very defensive and protective of Kaeya when the adults talked to them. 
The two became inseparable, and though Kaeya got his ‘own room’ he continued to sleep in Diluc’s bed. 
They enjoyed playing around the winery where Diluc continued his quest to integrate Kaeya and get him up to speed with the ways of the Ragnvindr. He taught him how the wine is made and brought him all around the house. Kaeya felt pretty happy. Afterall, this felt like a sweet, peaceful life. Could he have this?
A week on, and the two are sparring with practice swords near the lake, when Diluc freezes (not literally) and Kaeya easily disarms him. 
“Is something wrong?” Asks Kaeya, looking back.
There are two adults, walking towards them. A lady with flaming red hair and a man with a warm smile. Kaeya sees Diluc, with teary eyes, run towards them, it was Kaeya’s turn to freeze up now. 
Kaeya broke through the shock and started walking towards them, dropping his shoulders and arranging himself to look as childlike and small as possible.
“I can’t believe you’re back!” Diluc beamed at them, then grabbed Kaeya who was standing at the side, looking awkward. “Also, mama, papa, here’s your new son.”
Kaeya stared up at the parents with a sheepish smile. Was he out of place? He had somewhat bonded with falcon-papa, not actual-papa! 
Diluc narrowed his eyes, “When everyone left me, Kaeya was the only one who was here for me. So he’s my new brother.”
“Hi~” Kaeya greeted, his face betraying his nervousness.
“Hi Kaeya. Now child, where did you come from? Is Diluc holding you hostage? Where are your parents?”
Kaeya shifted uncomfortably, “It’s a long story.”
“He’s an orphan.” Diluc supplied helpfully.
The parents gave each other a look that clearly said: “We should talk to the Grand Master.”
As the family made their way back inside, Diluc grabbed Kaeya’s arm and beamed at him. Maybe everything does get better, eventually.
AN: I recently watched the Pokemon Movie after becoming addicted to Genshin, and this setup fit Kaeya and Diluc far too well to not be written down. They cured my writer’s block (for this fic anyways) and I had a lot of fun with adapting the world to fit. Hope you guys enjoyed it!
(Also the chapter’s are unneccessary but make me feel like I’ve written a lot so let me get away with it please)
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surelynotshirley · 4 years
Kaeluc + Chongyun, Venti
This was something I worked on for the play diary fic I have on AO3 during the Geovishap event but I didn’t finish it, and I don’t really think I will. It seems to be heading down the path of an action fic and action scenes are already not my forté so I’m not sure if I want to expend the time and energy on something that’s supposed to be a low effort kind of deal. I still did work on it for quite some time so here is what I have:
When Lumine asked Chongyun if he would be willing to go investigate certain areas of Liyue for traces of Geovishaps, he said yes in a heartbeat. Even if he hadn't been requested by Lumine, he probably would have taken it upon himself to seek out and exterminate the monsters. Or been dragged by Xingqiu on Xingqiu's own self-imposed quest of chivalry.
The Geovishaps are a dangerous menace to the populace and already, Bubu Pharmacy's swamped with people who have been injured by them. According to Xiangling, anyway, who heard secondhand from Hu Tao.
"I'll ask some of my friends from Mondstadt to go with you," Lumine had said.
"Mondstadt?" Chongyun had echoed. "Wouldn't it be better to ask people from Liyue, since we know the geography more?"
"Well, yeah, but a lot of the people who are suited to explore the area are busy with their own investigations," Paimon had explained. "So we had to ask people from Mondstadt to fill in."
"I see," Chongyun had said, nodding to himself.
The Geovishaps' territory seems to encompass Liyue's entirety, which is already a large country for a small handful of elites to cover. It makes sense to ask for aid from foreigners, and it's even better if they're acting out of a sense of friendship, rather than trying to force Liyue into any kind of political debt.
"I'll be sure to buy them some food from Wanmin Restaurant after everything is done," Chongyun had promised, raising his heavy Mora bag and jangling it about.
Paimon and Lumine had given him a thumbs-up before Chongyun headed out to the outskirts of Liyue Harbour. It would be a simple mission, he had thought at the time.
It doesn't take him long to find the helpers from Mondstadt. They stand out like sore thumbs.
A red-haired man in dark clothing is standing on the bridge, leaning against the wooden railing. His gaze is focused on the dog circling around his feet, its tail wagging so hard Chongyun can practically hear it whirling from the other end of the bridge. Next to the red-haired man is a short boy — probably around Xingqiu's height? — wearing green and white. He is drinking out of a white gourd in his hand and Chongyun races forward when he realizes what it was.
"Wait, wait!"
The red-haired man looks up and pushes himself away from the railing. "Chongyun?" he asks. He pronounces Chongyun's name a little strange — he places too much emphasis on the 'yun' — but Chongyun nods quickly. "My name is Diluc Ragnvindr. I was asked by Lumine to help you in —"
"Ah, wait, hold on," Chongyun says nervously, raising up a hand in apology. "I'm really sorry for interrupting, Mister Diluc. It's just that your friend is drinking cooking wine."
"Oh," Diluc says.
The boy in green pulls the gourd away with a loud exhale. Chongyun winces at the alcoholic stench that assaults his nose and he covers his face with his sleeve. The boy's face is red and his eyes are unfocused, swaying unsteadily on the spot.
"That's the stuff!" the boy says, sounding remarkably articulate. "Oh, hello! I'm Venti! This is Diluc! We're here to help!"
"Please, you don't have to yell. I'm standing right here," Chongyun says.
"I already told him why we're here," Diluc says.
Venti's only answer is a loud laugh and Chongyun is struck with a sense of déjà vu. He is pretty sure he had to go through the exact same song and dance from Diluc's position just the other day.
It seems that Venti and Xingqiu have more in common than just their height. At the very least, Xingqiu has no interest in alcohol.
"We're just waiting for the last person in our expedition to arrive," Diluc explains. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out an expensive-looking pocketwatch. Venti tries to reach out for it and Diluc simply raises it out of his reach. It's like watching someone deal with a particularly mischievous cat. "She's not someone who's normally late."
"Maybe she got distracted by some sticky honey roast on the way."
Diluc pulls a face but he doesn't deny the possibility.
Chongyun stretches to try and peer into the pocketwatch and Diluc lowers it down so that Chongyun can easily see the time. The two of them ignore Venti's loud pout at the blatant favouritism. It's just a little past noon, when more people would be out and about on their way to and from lunch. It would be disastrous if a Geovishap is to show up at this hour.
"Should we maybe just go ahead and leave a note?" Chongyun asks.
"Maybe," Diluc says. He clicks the pocketwatch shut and places it back into his pocket, staring up at the sky. "We can wait another fifteen minutes and then we'll leave."
"Sounds good to me!" Venti says, raising his hand up in the air.
Chongyun imitates him but Diluc doesn't even look at them. He lowers his hand shyly.
"There's no need for that," an unfamiliar voice drawls out and the three of them turn as one to see a dark-skinned man dressed in furs and leather stroll up to them.
He stands out in the most ridiculous fashion, not only with his natural looks but also with the way his clothes practically cling to the lines of his lithe body. Chongyun instinctively takes a small step back, and yet another one when he feels hot anger rise off of Diluc. If he hadn't noticed the Vision hanging off of his waist earlier, he would know for sure now that he's dealing with a Pyro user.
"Kaeya," Diluc growls. "What are you doing here?"
"Oh boy," Venti says. He reaches into his cape and pulls out from out of nowhere yet another gourd. How he managed to keep such a large bottle hidden away, Chongyun has no idea. Venti notices Chongyun's stare and tips the cooking wine at him. "You want a sip?"
"Ah, no..."
"Your loss."
"Amber was called away on an Outrider mission," Kaeya says. He spreads his arms out theatrically and shakes his head. "And so kind old me decided to lend her a hand. As her superior, of course. "
For a while, Diluc doesn't say anything, giving Kaeya such a murderous look that it's surprising he hasn't been incinerated to a crisp yet. When Diluc finally speaks, his voice is measured and low. He's obviously putting in a great effort to sound as cordial as he can.
"If it's just a Geovishap or two, the three of us are more than enough to defeat them. You could expend your energy on patrolling the site the monster was last spotted, in case civilians accidentally wander into the area."
Kaeya nods. "That's wise. There certainly is a lot of people milling about."
He does not openly agree or disagree with Diluc's suggestion and Diluc shifts his weight.
"So can we trust you to handle securing the area."
It's worded like a question but Diluc's flat tone implies that he meant it as a command.
"Oh. Don't worry about that," Kaeya says, waving his hand in a clear sign of dismissal. He ignores Diluc's irritated tsk. "There's nothing I can do about accidentally getting people involved if you're there with that Vision of yours. So I might as well focus on backing you up on the field."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I mean that you —"
"Okay, wow!" Venti interrupts and both Diluc and Chongyun startle.
Kaeya was so distracting that Chongyun didn't even remember there was a third party with them. Or, he supposes, he technically is a part of said third party. But if Venti is willing to be the peacemaker then Chongyun has his back. He has no idea what's going on between Kaeya and Diluc but if Venti has no qualms about sacrificing himself for the sake of the greater good, the least Chongyun can do is make sure his death isn't in vain.
"Isn't there anything a little sweeter to drink? This wine is getting a bit too spicy for me."
Chongyun's newfound respect for Venti crumbles.
Kaeya laughs and he gives Venti an overly friendly pat on the shoulder. "Well, that's cooking wine so you're not really supposed to be drinking that. There's a lovely restaurant that offers violetgrass liqeur, and it's considered a bit of a local delicacy around these parts."
"Go on, go on!" Venti exclaims, his eyes shimmering like stars as he stares up at Kaeya like a lovestruck maiden. "What does it taste like?"
"Hm, I've never had it myself, but I hear that it's sweet and floral, like you're sucking honey directly out from a flower. If you hold it up to the light, the colours swirl in the most beautiful patterns, like you've trapped the night sky in your glass."
"It sounds amazing," Venti says dreamily. "I would very much like to try it before I go back to Mondstadt. Let's hurry and get rid of the Geovishap so we can go to the restaurant."
"Oh, I can't really drink," Chongyun says, raising his hand. "I'll still go though."
"More for me!" Venti says.
"They offer a virgin violetgrass cocktail that's sweetened with mist flower nectar and mint for anyone who can't handle their drink," Kaeya says, giving Diluc a bright smile.
Diluc crosses his arms and taps his fingers against his elbow like an annoyed cat flicking its tail. He doesn't reply but Chongyun nods to himself. So Diluc also can't drink alcohol. A small sense of kinship wells up in him at the thought. Finally, some common ground with at least one member of this enigmatic band.
"We're wasting time," Diluc sighs. He seems to have given up on trying to chase Kaeya away for now. "Let's go."
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riskeith · 4 years
oh right! i forgot that you can see the ask while responding hehe. i wish that was the case for moi as well because i have all our convos screenshotted because of this.
(actually not really? like my appearance is super girly and i like ~girly~ things but i also love the dudebro culture.. it do be like that. wbu?) WHY DID THE TSUKISHIMA IS NOT A TR*MP SUPPORTER SEND ME.... now who the hell would even say that and be serious... some people man i’m telling you.
diluc 🤝 razor 🤝 fischl animals over their heads.
oo.. you sparked my attention.. will def check it out. i was too busy playing last night to read anything but Today I Will.
OH YEAH I’VE SEEN THOSE cyberpunk is such a messy game sndhdkdhfjsk. HOLY SHIT THAT TRAILER MADE ME SO EXCITED! sjshdkdjfjdk god this game is so amazing yet fucking huge... how the hell will it fit any phone if it keeps getting bigger and bigger..?
nooo don’t worry i’m having fun tbh. and i’m super motivated too so that might be the case. also i switched the dub to japanese just before venti’s story mission and i’m loving it so much. thankfully there isn’t too much battle yet to distract me but god i love all their voices so far. venti... hinata finally started to actual fly. i like diluc’s voice too! love his actually, super fitting for his character. 🥺
WOULD KEITH LOOK LIKE THIS IRL... he probably would 😭 greasy boy lived in the desert his hair is probably so bad 😭 what kind of mullet would you want though? like s1 keith or s7 keith? or do you have a specific kpop artist’s hair you wanna replicate? OOO.... rock star? 😳💢 what’s your clothing style if you had to describe it? also what are your thoughts about tattoos and piercings? since we’re on the topic of punk rock hdjdsksj.
idk why i find your beef with slow songs so funny aksjdhdjdhdjsk like i can just imagine you groaning bc a song doesn’t pick up the pace lol (omo...... where would we go? 😳)
treasure hoarders are fun to fight bc they just cuss you the fuck out sjdkdkshd. i like when they yell at you yet they’re so weak like fuck off dude. THE HILICHURLS ARE KIND OF CUTE YOU’RE RIGHT especially the ones that dance or sleep and you interrupt them... 🥺 personally i like fighting the slimes i think they’re adorable. they just bounce and their music isn’t too loud or annoying. you know what i fucking hate? goddamn ruin guards i can’t stand them and their aggressive music dhdjdkshs. their drop rates are shit but hilichurls are also the most common enemy, right?
after dinner? aww. same! it’s such a nice way to wind down; a cup of tea and some candle lights.. i love all of those flavors Except matcha, it just doesn’t work for me kdhddk i feel like green tea tastes like grass.. sometimes i drink it bc it’s healthy but i’m Not happy. otherwise i’m like you i drink practically everything. mostly black tea though because that’s what most common in my culture i suppose. djdkdj i used to be so good at drinking water but since i’ve been at home a lot it’s been getting worse... i do have a water bottle by my side always bc as much as i drink other things clean water is important too! are you good at drinking water?
do you know about the euphoria make up style though? it’s super colorful and lots of glitter and abstract shapes it’s so amazing and it would fit xiao so well. like imagine him in bold aqua and purple make up with lots of shimmer... 🥴
hehe, can’t wait to hear from you! <3 (and yeah! no i figure i’ll just keep it so you’ll at least know my name.. we’ve been talking since oct it’s only fair.. right?)
ghdgkjdfg i do be taking up your photo gallery tho <33
(:o! i reckon i’m pretty much of a tomboy, tho i’m definitely stereotypically girly too.. but sometimes i have a hard time relating to other girls so hsfjdhfksd) FHSKFSD yeah ikr like.... sometimes it really aint that deep there are no other sides to it LOL
i hope you enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!!! i sure did i reread it as well a few days ago ahaha
IKRRR I REWATCH THE TRAILER AGAIN EVERY NOW AND THEN JUST BC LIKE,,,, THE HYPE. that’s actually a good point tho lmao like??????? buys a phone/device JUST for genshin fhsdkjfhskdfs
nice!!! hope you enjoy the japanese dub hehehe. and omg that’s so cute 😭😭😭 he’s tobe flying now... and yasss diluc’s VA is really popular too his voice is 👌 sehr gut
FHDFKJSDHK EWWW. yikes i don’t remember his hair but i think s1?? it was shorter then right... “tidier” lol i feel like at s7 it was kinda outta control fhskfjds. and yeah!! https://twitter.com/worldsbestmulet/status/1186534890415644673 < he was my insp for a bit bc we’re both chinese so i think realistically i could look somewhat close if i tried fhskjfhds but also https://i.pinimg.com/originals/de/7b/fc/de7bfc8c52603abd7c69dc558c9c8bfe.jpg is what i showed my hairdresser when i wanted an undercut hfksdjfds. my clothing style is legit just: whatever’s comfortable. it’s pretty much all sports branded clothes fhskfjsd and i live in my hoodie + trackies lollllll. but last year w uni i wanted to step up my fashion game (rip) and i wanna buy more street style clothes!! they’re just... quite expensive lmaooo. what’s yours like? 
and i like them!! when i was 14 i wanted to get a tongue piercing FKHDSHFKSDHFKSD but i never did lol. but i did get a double helix piercing in dec finally!!!!!!! i think i’m done now tbh (aside from that i only have my lobes pierced) but yeah it’s not a big desire of mine. i had a dream once tho where i was decked out in piercings and thought it was very Cool. as for tattoos, i’ve always wanted to get one! and last year i was lowkey toying around with the idea of getting a sleeve but realistically i cannot bc well. med. (if anyone reading this has a good stable well paying job for me that’ll allow me to quit uni... hmu FHSFHDSFKJSD) you??
FHSKDFHDS yeahhh it’s so awkward when people are recommending me songs and it’s slow bc im just like “mm yeah it’s nice.” and if it does actually pick up the pace then i’m like “i liked the fast parts” FHSDKFSD. (wherever you want to go baby 😉 wait omg..... read running on air that just have me.. roa vibes HFKJDSHFKSHFKSD) 
yes!! i love those hilichurls sm... AHAHAHH i used to hate ruin guards too but now they’re actually one of my faves dhfdskj. you know what’s so annoying tho. dendro slimes when i don’t have any pyro users on me. or when i can’t find them and the music has just started up out of noweher hfdskjf. yeahhh i think they are but :(( you can’t tell me “dropped by lvl 60+ hilichurls” and not have them drop it for me.. 
ahaha that’s fair!! i adamantly did not try anything matcha until like 2018/19 and then wow. a whole new world opened up to me and now i only get matcha whenever i go places fhdskj. ooft... yeah i’m really good at drinkng water it’s the only thing i drink lol... and i’m always just drinking and refilling my cup and giving myself an excuse to leave my room fhskjds.
yeah i think i have an idea! mostly just zendaya in the song thumbnails fhskdfjs but i am picturing a lot of glitter!! that image wow...... his colour palette is so 🤩🤩
(omg since oct... has it been that long already 😳 but okay if that’s what you’re happy with!! i promise i won’t accidentally out you here ahaha. also! when you reach co-op send me your UID in a separate ask!! i’ll delete it after i add you im just paranoid about you sharing your uid anywhere public hfskdjfhsd) 
babe.. this thread https://twitter.com/seungjinphobia/status/1349001013978533890?s=21 no thoughts head empty.
omg 😭😭😭😭😭😭 i cannot... their dynamic is literally xiao: someone’s gonna die >:( venti: of fun! :D JHFSKFHDSKJFSK i can’t take it someone stop them!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhdkjfhaofisdhliajdfhdsjkfhgsliudfhasdkjhdasjgadsj
hope your day has been wonderful so farrrrr OH ALSO I FINALLY MADE MY GENSHIN TWITTER FOR CHONGYUN... will share over co-op maybe.. i haven’t really set it up yet hfskdjds
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