#//send an ask or dm if you'd like to plot / rp!
dazzelmethat · 5 months
Me: -folds my hands in front of me all seriously- I think I'm ready .. to return to the world of lit rp.
I'll likely go back to RPrepository but before I do that I wanted to send out an ad to mutuals;
If you're 20+ years old and interested in lit rp with me send me a private message. I mostly rp ocs but I don't mind if my rp partner writes with ocs or preexisting characters.
More information for requirements below the cut:
About me: I'm 29, you can call me Daz (she/they) and live in the a Central Time zone.
Length requirement: at least one paragraph (5 sentences) per post. Most of my own posts will be around 4ish paragraphs.
Posting requirement: At least once a week. I can either post once every three days or a few times a day depending on my energy and mood.
Writing preferences: I write my posts in third person Ask me as a dm to send a writing sample if you need one. Any triggers can be discussed over pms once we have set up how to communicate.
Communication: I have rped over both Google docs and discord. We will have to set up a chat over discord either way to plot and chat.
Setting preference: I prefer fantasy or historical as a setting because I find researching history for rps fun. I can be convinced to do rps in modern or future settings.
Rating preference: I'm still a bit shy when getting to know new friends so the rps will be SFW. Any sexual scene would fade to black. Once we are good friends we can talk about NSFW stuff if you'd like.
Character preference: All of my own characters will be preexisting. I very rarely create ocs just for an rp. But I don't mind if your oc is new or old. If your own ocs live in a world you worldbuilt I might eventually create ocs for it or make aus for my preexisting ones. All of my ocs are humans/humanoid.
OcXCannon?: As stated above I am more interested in roleplaying my own ocs. I do not mind if my rp partner decides to roleplay a cannon character they are fixating on.
Plot preference: I'm more interested in meeting other creator's ocs first. Seeing who gets along with or hates my own characters. Once we find out who gets along or conflicts with who it'd be easier to come up with more intricate plots. It is easiest for me to write in a romance, horror, buddy comedy genre. Though I can try to write other genres I would probably lean back onto those three.
Bonus for artist rpers: I'm autistic so speaking through drawings is an easy way to get to bond with me quickly. Sending doodles back and forth gets me immersed in the world. Drawing isn't a requirement however, I just thought I'd mention.
Send me a message on tumblr so we can exchange discords if you're interested!
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jeremiahofphilo · 1 month
//Little update: catching up and assessing active threads.
Active threads under cut! If you're not on the list please let me know so I can update my RP tracker! Otherwise if you would like to plot, feel free to toss a starter or start a DM, also feel free to send an ask, ask meme (check the ask meme tag) or just generally bother Jer however you'd like.
Tumblr media
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ask-ikevamp-faust · 2 months
I’m so glad you know my heart and soul only sing for you, my love. You truly have nothing to worry about… besides the fact that I’m not going to go easy on you now that you’ve responded so deliciously to my teasing. Perhaps I’ll slip you a scandalous note over breakfast, sit on your lap, or even sneak some heated kisses throughout the day, only to pull away when you begin to respond. I’m relatively small and fast, so even if you chased after me I’m sure I could try to slip away. You seem like you'd enjoy the thrill of hunting after me anyways.
For the collection sets, I was mostly looking at the Navy collection, as it matches your dark blue and rose gold preferences. However, I completely agree with your desire to expand our horizons. That being the case, I also love the aesthetics of the French Raw Silk, Rose Gold Classics, Sage Green and/or Scarlet Princess collections. What do you think of those?
Hearing about pet play from you is very interesting. As I've mentioned before, our pasts are tragically similar in some ways. I've had to be fully responsible and completely in control of myself from a very young age. So, for me, submission is a very pleasurable but highly conditional thing; I could act as a dominant figure for anyone, but I'm only able to submit to someone I fully trust and respect. The list of people that meet the criteria is not long, but you happen to be on it.
I agree that the cage and the bowl would be a bit much, but I’d be lying if I said your interest and description of this kink didn't intrigue me. I'm happy to explore it more with you and I’d certainly wear the accessories, even if it was just to dress up for you. Funnily enough, my friends have described me as a rather cat-like person, so that would be a rather fitting choice. I can be very aloof and analytical around strangers or enemies, but I’m warm, cuddly, and curious around those close to me. However, even if it isn’t tied to pet play, I definitely do have a breeding kink….
Master is a wonderful choice, and I do love the description of the fantasy. It’s not silly at all; it’s actually almost exactly what I had pictured. The other that I had in mind fits more closely with a classic scene from literature, except, of course, you’d have my full consent beforehand.
On a moonlight night, the vampire creeps through the window to sink his fangs into the tender neck of the maiden who has caught his eye, rousing her from the depths of slumber into his wicked embrace….
If it piques your interest, I can always describe it more in depth. How does that sound, my soul?
- L
(Before I shove my foot directly into my mouth, for “things I’d like to include” are you asking which kinks I plan to touch on? Or just general plot things? Either way, I can absolutely let you know. I’m genuinely enjoying the rp, thank you 🌙admin! 💜)
(Questions to recipient from admin)
Before I continue the in-character response there is something I want to discuss.
I realize there’s probably reasons you’d like to remain anonymous, I respect that. However, if the contents of the exchange go deeper into the NSFW topic, I begin to have a concern about age. Mainly that because it has been anonymous, I can’t verify anything. Seeing an age in someone’s bio/pinned post is the most I can do to verify age. I don’t want you to reveal yourself in a public way, especially if that’s not something you’re comfortable with. It’s also not something important to anyone else except to me as admin, so I am requesting a private DM in order to see your bio/pinned post. It would honestly stop my overthinking and give me peace of mind.
I’m sure you saw, I’m currently working on a detailed “NSFW rules” specific post. Until I finish that I’ll have to address things individually but this is the way I’m going to approach NSFW content with anons moving forward if they desire content further than suggestive/flirty. I hope you can understand my perspective and that this doesn’t discourage you from sending anything else.
Thank you 🌙💙
PS: To answer your questions, both things actually. A list of kinks would be great! And then I’d appreciate it if you could give me an overview on how detailed you’d like the NSFW rp to go. On a spectrum, I guess the lightest would be just discussing kink interest and sharing ideas, on the other end however it’s a more detailed exchange on the sexual encounters between the parties involved. If it’s easier, you can just respond to this in DM as well.
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sleeping-hashira · 2 months
Blog Rules:
Tumblr media
No hate what so ever. If you send any form of hate or wanting to start an argument, your ask will be deleted.
Spam likes are okay but please don't spam my inbox.
Please be patient with me, I'll respond fast at times and others really slow as I may be busy.
Memes are fine, love em. I love a good laugh here and there.
Please don't shit on or just blantly be rude about my oc because it's disheartening and just disrespectful.
Absolutely no comship, proship, or anything along the lines of that. I want nothing to do with that shit. It'll result in an immediate block.
Roleplay Rules
Role playing with your ocs is 100% fine with me. I love having my oc intereact with other people's ocs.
Don't have a very oved powered oc that somehow blocks a gust of wind blowing. That ruins the role play and I will immediately stop.
Nsfw is okay but ageless/minors pleass so not intereact with those types of roleplays.
Crossovers are fine! I don't mind them. Just be prepared if I'm unsure of the fandom your crossovering with.
If you'd like to plot down an actual rp starter, DMs are open!
If you cannot reblog then please don't have an rp as I don't have my inbox over crowded.
Other than that... Have fun!!
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Question for mod!
If someone wants to rp with you using an OC, do they have to send you the character info beforehand or? I know you prefer to not be DMed so I thought I'd ask this way. I hope you're doing well <3
Oh? An OC? Hehhehe... you can RP with me with an OC.
If you have a blog and you're going to be using the blog for RPing then -
If there's pinned information about your OC, then you don't need to provide me context or information about your OC and we can unravel your OCs lore through RPing.
If you would like to create a specific plot or storyline, you can DM me and we can discuss how we can do it. Most of the time people just go with the flow and there are some who have a list of specific scenarios they want to RP. I am open to both.
If you'd like to stick to Anon -
You can still follow the same as above. I don't need to know a lot about the OC and I can uncover their lore while RPing. But if you think there are some essentials that I need to know about your OC, you can DM me :3
Pre-existing relationships -
If you think your OC has a connection to Jiyan, please let me know before hand so that I can RP as Jiyan accordingly.
Pre-existing romantic relationships with non canon characters will not be encouraged because Jiyan barely knows about the OCs and I wouldn't know how to RP as him in this case.
However, OCs of age can request a ship with Jiyan. You can let me know that through DMs or you can naturally let it unfold as the roleplay goes on. Please be warned that any ship with Jiyan will be a slow burn.
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sasori-rp · 5 months
Roleplay Rules
Hi there and welcome to my blog! Please keep in mind the following rules, when interacting with me. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
General Information
This account has 3 different functions:
OOC Posts and Reblogs
Asks/Interactions/Reblogs/Posts in character
Roleplaying Semi-Lit/Lit/Novella
I will tag each of these functions accordingly. Keep i mind that my older posts (before 12.05.2024) have not undergone this change and may thus not have these tags.
OOC Posts and Reblogs
As the name suggests, this is just me having fun sharing memes, fanart, fanfictions and so on. These posts will be tagged as #Mod speaks and #Mod reblogs. If interacting with people via comments, I also use //mod to clarify who's speaking, as well as )) at the end of my messages in DMs. If you want to ask me a question/make a request for me perosnally, please address we with "Mod", so I know whom you're targeting.
In Character Interactions
A big part of this blog are my RP interactions with Tumblr users or other RP accounts in character. You will find a lot of One-Liner-Style Roleplay Posts on here. Character reactions will always be tagged with #Sasori RP. Additionally, all my answers/reblogs/posts in character will be written in red font.
As of now, there are no limitations to Asks. You can ask a question or hop straight into RP if you want. Keep in mind though, that if you wish to start a longterm RP, I'd prefer you to contact me via DMs, so that our back and forth doesn't clutter my feed for an extended period of time.
Feel free to tag me on any posts you'd like Sasori's reaction to.
The short-term interactions are open for anyone to reblog and interact with.
Don't forget, that Sasori is an impatient, rarely polite rogue who turns people into puppets for fun. He'll likely not be nice.
If I don't reply to you right away, that can include the following reasons: I haven't seen it yet, I need to think of a good reply (I value accuracy), I'm too busy with life rn, or I may have overread it. Please never assume I ignore you on purpose or out of malicious intent. I will get to you, I promise.
Roleplaying Semi-Lit/Lit/Novella
If you're interested in longterm RP, please contact me via DMs or send me an Ask, so that I can contact you. I'll discuss the plot and ideas with you, exchange requirements and will decide eventually, if I'm down or not. I don't have a lot of time, therefore I don't want to commit to too many Roleplays at once. I also only commit to Roleplays, that personally inspire me. For everything else, such as RPs that aren't fully my cup of tea, for crack interactions and similar things, I offer the short-term interactions I mentioned above.
As of now, this committed type of RP will be tagged as #Longterm RP for the time being. Perhaps I will come up with a better solution in the future. Despite it being RP, it will not be coloured in the before mentioned font colour, so as to increase the readability of long walls of text.
The Long-Term Roleplays are closed threads. Only the person whom I've agreed to RP with, is allowed to reblog the posts.
General Rules
Everyone is welcome on my blog. Regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity and age. Keep in mind though, that this blog may contain content for mature audiences, such as violence, cursing, sex and occasional (written) gore. I will try my best to tag sensitive posts as mature.
-> I know it can be annoying that all the fun accounts are minors DNI, so I try to keep this blog as open as possible, so that people under 18 get the chance to ask their favourite character questions as well. Be aware though, that I also post mature content. Interaction at your own risk.
I value open communication. If something is making you uncomfortable or upset, please tell me. We can then talk things out and work out a solution.
I'm not available for any hate speeches/angry rants/passive aggressiveness etc. If you try to involve me in any of these things, regardless of whether it is directed towards me, my friends or a stranger, I will block you. This blog is a safe space. If you have something important to share, you can do so in a constructive manner.
That said, for all those who have heard of the Anon Drama of the past few months: I am no longer involved with the people in question. I have cut contact with them for my wellbeing and sanity and do not want to be associated with them anymore. If you have questions on the topic, please contact me privately, I'll gladly give you a heads-up. Do not send me updates, screenshots or posts about things that may or may not have been said about me. I have moved on. Should you not have heard about the Anon Drama, thank your guardian angel and ignore this point.
I do not do Longterm RPs with OCs at the moment. That may change in the future. OCs are however welcome to send me Asks and make reblogs for me to react to in character.
Keep in mind that me and my characters are two separate people. Their actions and beliefs do not equal my own, neither do I hold grudges against anyone whom my characters may have insulted.
Lastly, have fun! This blog is meant to bring joy to both me and all those who love Sasori, so don't hesitate to interact. I love each and every question I receive and I am thankful for everyone who allows me to indulge in some fun and games with my favourite characters.
That's all from me for now! Thank you for reading my rules. I wish you all a lovely day and much fun with this blog.
- Your Mod
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shisui-uchiha-rp · 5 months
Roleplay Rules
Hi there and welcome to my blog! Please keep in mind the following rules, when interacting with me. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
General Information
This account has 3 different functions:
OOC Posts and Reblogs
Asks/Interactions/Reblogs/Posts in character
Roleplaying Semi-Lit/Lit/Novella
I will tag each of these functions accordingly. Keep i mind that my older posts (before 12.05.2024) have not undergone this change and may thus not have these tags.
OOC Posts and Reblogs
As the name suggests, this is just me having fun sharing memes, fanart, fanfictions and so on. These posts will be tagged as #Mod speaks and #Mod reblogs. If interacting with people via comments, I also use //mod to clarify who's speaking, as well as )) at the end of my messages in DMs. If you want to ask me a question/make a request for me perosnally, please address we with "Mod", so I know whom you're targeting.
In Character Interactions
A big part of this blog are my RP interactions with Tumblr users or other RP accounts in character. You will find a lot of One-Liner-Style Roleplay Posts on here. Character reactions will always be tagged with #Shisui RP. Additionally, all my answers/reblogs/posts in character will be written in blue font.
As of now, there are no limitations to Asks. You can ask a question or hop straight into RP if you want. Keep in mind though, that if you wish to start a longterm RP, I'd prefer you to contact me via DMs, so that our back and forth doesn't clutter my feed for an extended period of time.
Feel free to tag me on any posts you'd like Shisui's reaction to.
The short-term character interactions are open for anyone to reblog and interact.
If I don't reply to you right away, that can include the following reasons: I haven't seen it yet, I need to think of a good reply (I value accuracy), I'm too busy with life rn, or I may have overread it. Please never assume I ignore you on purpose or out of malicious intent. I will get to you, I promise.
Roleplaying Semi-Lit/Lit/Novella
If you're interested in longterm RP, please contact me via DMs or send me an Ask, so that I can contact you. I'll discuss the plot and ideas with you, exchange requirements and will decide eventually, if I'm down or not. I don't have a lot of time, therefore I don't want to commit to too many Roleplays at once. I also only commit to Roleplays, that personally inspire me. For everything else, such as RPs that aren't fully my cup of tea, for crack interactions and similar things, I offer the short-term interactions I mentioned above.
As of now, this committed type of RP will be tagged as #Longterm RP for the time being. Perhaps I will come up with a better solution in the future. Despite it being RP, it will not be coloured in the before mentioned font colour, so as to increase the readability of long walls of text.
The Long-Term Roleplays are closed threads. Only the person whom I've agreed to RP with, is allowed to reblog the posts.
General Rules
Everyone is welcome on my blog. Regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity and age. Keep in mind though, that this blog may contain content for mature audiences, such as violence, cursing, sex and occasional (written) gore. I will try my best to tag sensitive posts as mature.
-> I know it can be annoying that all the fun accounts are minors DNI, so I try to keep this blog as open as possible, so that people under 18 get the chance to ask their favourite character questions as well. Be aware though, that I also post mature content. Interaction at your own risk.
I value open communication. If something is making you uncomfortable or upset, please tell me. We can then talk things out and work out a solution.
I'm not available for any hate speeches/angry rants/passive aggressiveness etc. If you try to involve me in any of these things, regardless of whether it is directed towards me, my friends or a stranger, I will block you. This blog is a safe space. If you have something important to share, you can do so in a constructive manner.
That said, for all those who have heard of the Anon Drama of the past few months: I am no longer involved with the people in question. I have cut contact with them for my wellbeing and sanity and do not want to be associated with them anymore. If you have questions on the topic, please contact me privately, I'll gladly give you a heads-up. Do not send me updates, screenshots or posts about things that may or may not have been said about me. I have moved on. Should you not have heard about the Anon Drama, thank your guardian angel and ignore this point.
I do not do Longterm RPs with OCs at the moment. That may change in the future. OCs are however welcome to send me Asks and make reblogs for me to react to in character.
Keep in mind that me and my characters are two separate people. Their actions and beliefs do not equal my own, neither do I hold grudges against anyone whom my characters may have insulted.
Lastly, have fun! This blog is meant to bring joy to both me and all those who love Shisui, so don't hesitate to interact. I love each and every question I receive and I am thankful for everyone who allows me to indulge in some fun and games with my favourite characters.
That's all from me for now! Thank you for reading my rules. I wish you all a lovely day and much fun with this blog.
- Your Mod
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bloomin-plume · 5 months
Hello! Welcome to my Masterpost!
You can call me Blossom or Kat, I'm 25+ and I'm always lookin' for writing buddies! So feel free to like this post or DM me if you're interested!
thanks for checkin' it out either way, if you do!
⤹ ˚₊‧ I hope you have a wonderful day `*:;,·♡.°
𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 ℤ𝕠𝕟𝕖 :
→ Hawaii Standard Time
→ My schedule is admittedly unpredictable except for Tuesdays 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm and Saturday and Sunday 9:00 am -12:00 pm, I will not be around at those hours.
ℝ𝕠𝕝𝕖𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕪 ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕗𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕤 :
→ I prefer to have a server on discord so we can talk about our sillies all we want in designated channels, and also have the option to have more than one rp going on at once if we are so inclined {I am usually so inclined}
→ 1x1 {Im not opposed to group rps if they're small, I just get a little overwhelmed sometimes}
→ I love to do fandom based roleplays but I also LOVE to do fandom-less roleplays :)
→ Oc x Oc {Its not often that I will rp a canon character (if it happens I prefer oc x cc and I almost always will want to double up)}
→ BxG {Its just what I'm most comfortable writing as far as romance, I'm sorry if that bothers you. In any other genre I will do any gender pairing}
→ Semi-Literate to Literate writing lengths {and always in 3rd person point of view}
(Im willing to try novella but I'm still learning how to maintain that length long term, I'm willing to try if you'd like though!)
→ Please talk to me outside of our roleplay, I can't vibe with the "just writing no friending" situation 🥲
{I need to discuss the sillies or I will perish}
→ I don't need a heads up before you vanish but it is extremely appreciated when possible
𝕋𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤 :
→ Detailed bedroom scenes
𝕆𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕋𝕠 ℕ𝕠𝕥𝕖 :
-I can deal with a little touchy feely stuff, but anything too in depth is outta the question for me, sorry 😔
→ I'm not a fan of supernatural/magic themes
-Magical girl type stuff and mermaids and fairies are like passable, but for the most part it makes me uncomfy, I'm open to discussing more in depth my likes and dislikes though, I like fantasy settings and plots
→ I may feel inclined to draw our OCs, and I might ask before hand, but sometimes I end up mindlessly doodling familiar faces so if you're not a fan of that
𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞𝕤 :
I don't think I'm the right person for you 😂
→ I have a lot of characters who speak languages I don't speak (mainly Japanese and Spanish, I know some but I'm not fluent yet) so I apologize in advance for any bad translations 😂😭🙏
→ I talk a lot lol
and I usually tend to send messages even when I'm fairly certain you are busy or not around so if I'm talking too much or sending too many messages let me know please-
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𝙴𝚖𝚘𝚓𝚒 𝙺𝚎𝚢 ;
❤️ 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 1-20 𝙾𝙲𝚜
💬 𝙸 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚊𝚗 𝙾𝙲
🤷‍♀️ 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚗𝚘 𝙾𝙲𝚜
💔 𝙸'𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝙾𝙲𝚜 𝚞𝚗𝚜𝚞𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚏𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚢
* 𝙸 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢 𝚊 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖
+ 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚏𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙸 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚁𝙿 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚢
<> 𝙾𝚌𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚑𝚢𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚒𝚡𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝙸 𝚍𝚘 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖
(don't let this one dissuade you from asking to rp it, its on the list for a reason lol)
━━━━━━༺˚₊‧ ༻ ━━━━━━
{They are in alphabetical order}
→ Adventure Time ❤️<>
→ Avatar ❤️
→ Avatar: The Last Airbender ❤️*
→ DC ❤️*
→ Encanto ❤️*+
→ Haikyuu ❤️*<>
→ Inuyasha 🤷‍♀️*
→ Jujutsu Kaisen 💬
→ The Legend of Zelda 💬*
→ Miraculous Ladybug ❤️*<>
→ My Hero Academia ❤️*
→ One Piece ❤️
→ Ouran Highschool Host Club ❤️*
→ Over The Garden Wall 🤷‍♀️*
→ Overwatch ❤️*
→ Spiderverse ❤️*+
→ Studio Ghibli 💬*
→ Tokyo Mew Mew ❤️*
{ There are other fandoms I’m in, I just can’t remember anymore haha}
*List of Characters I play*
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𝙴𝚖𝚘𝚓𝚒 𝙺𝚎𝚢 ;
>:) 𝙸 𝚊𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗
:) 𝙸'𝚖 𝚏𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚕𝚢 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚊𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗
:') 𝙸 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚙 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖, 𝙸'𝚖 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝
━━━━━━༺˚₊‧ ༻ ━━━━━━
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Sokka :')
Toph :)
Zuko :)
Garfield Logan >:)
Jaime Reyes :)
Harley Quinn :)
Dick Greyson :)
Wally West >:)
Barry Allen :)
Bruno Madrigal >:)
Camilo Madrigal >:)
Pepa Madrigal :)
Alma Madrigal :)
Isabela Madrigal :)
Tsukishima Kei >:)
Tadashi Yamaguchi :)
Asashi Azumane :)
Kenma Kozume >:)
Inuyasha >:)
The Legend of Zelda
Link :')
Ravio :')
Miraculous Ladybug
Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste >:)
My Hero Academia
Katsuki Bakugo :)
Fumikage Tokoyami :)
Hanta Sero :')
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Tamaki Suoh :)
Kyouya Ootori :')
Mitsukuni Haninozuka >:)
Over The Garden Wall
Wirt >:)
Angela Ziegler >:)
Hana Song :)
Hanzo Shimada :')
Hobie Brown >:)
Miguel O'Hara :)
Peter B. Parker :')
Studio Ghibli
Howl Pendragon >:)
Jiro Horikoshi >:)
Tokyo Mew Mew
Ichigo Momomiya :)
Minto Aizawa >:)
Lettuce Midorikawa :)
Quiche :)
Pai :')
Tart :')
Feel free to request other characters as well, if I can play them I will try haha
As I said before, I'm extremely partial to playing OCs so any canon character I write is liable to be at least a little out of character if not more than a little lol, but I will try my best :)
Slowly I'll likely post my HCs for each character !
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askvladdraculatepes · 2 years
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"Welcome to my blog, mortals! Please, stay a while, and ask me any questions that are on your mind." Hello! Welcome to Dracula's ask blog. All the art on this blog is drawn by me, and I try my best to answer asks as frequently as I can. Please have a look at the rules down below to know what is and isn't okay when interacting with the blog! I greatly look forward to all your asks. :D [RULES] ~ NO NSFW ASKS. I am personally not comfortable with nsfw asks and if they are sent, they will for sure be deleted. Please refrain from sending me such asks
~ NO DISCRIMINATION OF ANY KIND. Any discriminatory asks (be it racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableist or something else) will not be tolerated. This blog is a safe space for all.
~ EXPECT HEADCANONS AND DEVIATION FROM CANON. There isn't enough information to fill in all the gaps for Dracula, so I've made him a mish-mash of the games and show lore with my own ideas sprinkled in on top. If it deviates from show canon, it's likely because it either originated from the games or is an idea I personally liked.
~ PLEASE BE KIND AND RESPECTFUL. I'm just one person who's trying his best, I'm not perfect and will make mistakes. Please go easy on me, I'm just here to have a good time with the awesome people that interact with my blog.
~ MESSAGE INBOX IS ALWAYS OPEN. If you want to chat to either me (the admin) or Dracula directly, my dm's are always open! I love a good chat and encourage it.~
~ DO NOT REPOST MY ART. Reblogs are fine, but I work very hard on my sprites and drawings. I don't want anyone to repost them (especially without credit) so please be mindful of this!
~ OPEN TO RP'S. Want to plot a longer rp with Dracula? I'm always down for that! Just hit me up for some plotting and we can get things started. I'll do my best to be mindful of you during rp and will always make sure boundaries are respected; I want everyone to feel safe when rping with me.
~ OC-FRIENDLY. I encourage oc interaction and enjoy talking with and roleplaying with oc's a lot! Don't be afraid to bring them here if you'd like.
~ REFRAIN FROM ROMANCE ASKS ABOUT ALUCARD. This is a personal strong boundary for me that I'd really like to not be crossed. I've gotten asks like these before and, since I portray Alucard as aroace, they make me very, very uncomfortable. Please do not send me such asks.
~ MULTIPLE DRACULA VERSIONS AVAILABLE. By default it will be the post-show Dracula that replies to your asks. However, you can also send questions for:
Future Dracula! (To talk to him, adress him as Future Dracula)
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Past Dracula/Mathias Cronqvist! (To talk to him, adress him as Mathias)
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Bat Dracula! (To talk to him, refer to him as Bat Dracula/Bat)
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Wolf Dracula! (To talk to him, refer to him as Wolf Dracula/Wolf)
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I love all of you very much, thank you for reading and stopping by!!
Sincerely, Valentine/Adrian (The admin)
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altosk · 8 months
respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag others that you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
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MUSE NAME: Raven w/ sideblogs for Karol, Vicious and my oc Kai
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: tumblr dm's is fine but i don't mind giving out my discord if asked.
EXPERIENCE: ahhh i've been rping since early teen years. raven's being one of my oldest muses.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: i like a little bit of everything. drama and angst are always a treat with some fluff to bandaid it. i love writing fast paced scenes even if i may not be the best at writing them. the flow of learning how to write fighting and combat is suuuper fun. getting more into the steamy stuff... i don't mind writing some but i get shy when it gets a little too xxx. especially on public tumblr blogs haha.
PET PEEVES & DEALBREAKERS: i've always been the worst at this as i don't feel like i've been too picky with things.
Don't judge my ships. Unfortunately, I had someone talking shit behind my back once but a friend had told me about it. Ever since then I kind of don't do ship content on Tumblr unless we talk it out in private and plan it out but if my ship is a notp to you, that's fine. You will be blocked without question if I find out that you weren't honest to my face. xoxo.
Pls don't become upset with me because of my pace of rp I'm saaaaur slow. While most of my beautiful friends and followers are understanding with this, it is just a thing that's always worried me. Hah. Raven is also definitely priority over my other side blogs, his muse is the strongest.
PLOTS OR MEMES: both are fun. i need to post more meme prompts honestly but I looove sending them to people if one resonates with me. I generally avoid the NSFW ones ha ha. I love plotting with people, too, so never be afraid to pop into my dms.
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: I feel like I always do like.. medium sized replies LOL! But I am fine with all sizes !! I definitely take shorter replies/threads to be more goofy threads for joking around, being a lil silly. We do a lil trollin.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: I always get the most creative juices at night. I've never been much of a morning person and then my job takes a good chunk of my afternoon. Sometimes I try to squeeze in a bit of writing whenever my brain has got the tippy tappies. I also spend a lot of my mornings before work playing Frontlines PvP on FFXIV.. so.. yeah.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: I sure hope not !! The only character I've really ever resonated with was Bennett who I use as my OOC Icon. For a short time in my life I did heavily project on my OC but since then he's gotten much better characterization and I've definitely taken a step away from leaning on him mentally.
tagged by: @serabellyms (thanks for tagging blows keesses) tagging: my usual victims @bravewolfvesperia, @voidtouched-blue, @musesofawolf, @the-leyline-directory, if you guys want and anyone else who wishes to fill this out.
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mistralxsoul · 8 months
respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag others that you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
tagged by: @bravewolfvesperia tagging: i think a lot of people have already done this so I don't know who to tag (and also anxiety LOL) i dont think ive seen @charmsol do this but i cant keep up so sorry for the tag lol. Q_Q
ROLEPLAYER NAME: I mostly go by Natty tho can also go by Crest too!
MUSE NAME: Flynn Scifo (for now........)
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: You can always DM me on Tumblr or if we've been mutuals for a while, I don't mind sharing my discord!
EXPERIENCE: I've been roleplaying for a very long time but its been a while since i've rped on Tumblr so im relearning a lot of the etiquette lol Most of my rp was through discord.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: I like any genre honestly. Fluff, comfort, angst, drama (ic, not ooc of course LOL) high tension, love it all! Of course, when it comes to sensitive content, I would like to discuss that before hand just to make sure both parties are comfortable!
This list will probably grow as I establish myself on Tumblr rp again but the usual tbh?
-No Force shipping. This goes both ways. I do ship Yuri but I would of course like to discuss that with the mun first if you are wanting to do a ship. On the other end, I will not automatically try to initiate a romance with a Yuri rper if we have not established that that is what we want. As other other ships, I usually like it when things establish naturally. If the muses seem to be getting along well, hit me up! Ask me! I'll let you know how the Flynn muse is feeling at that moment! But other wise, I just like relationships to develop naturally. (hopefully this makes sense LOL)
-No God Modding. If our muses fight, lets discuss via DMs about the outcome of the fight. And to be honest, I kind of usually determine my muses moves via dice roll to keep my muse from performing perfectly all the time. (I also hope this makes sense LOL)
PLOTS OR MEMES: If you have a plot idea? PLEASE send it over, i wanna hear it SOOOO bad! But I also live for any type of meme you send my way.
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: I can do either! I usually try to match my current RP partner so I dish out what is given to me! You do not ever have to match my length if you can't. Sometimes I do like to ramble. But I do try and keep it equal if i can.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: I usually do my replies in the afternoon or at night. I'm usually at work in the day time and sometimes I'll work on replies when I dont have anything going on in the office but I can't post them until I get home.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: I'm sure if I sat here long enough, I could probably find some similarities! I probably share Flynn's hot-headedness LOL Or his more personal, inner traits LOL But hey, our muses always carry a part of ourselves right?
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bravewolfvesperia · 8 months
respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag others that you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
tagged by: @altosk tagging: @mistralxsoul, @ourvoids, @ervaurem if you haven't done this, @pclitesse if you do these!
ROLEPLAYER NAME: Shi (ShiShi is fine but I tend to go with Shi. if you're thinking Shinon from a ninth and tenth entry in a particular franchise, your brain is in the right place. namesakes and beloveds, friends)
MUSE NAME: Yuri Lowell (and assorted others on my Tales multimuse)
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: depends how often we talk. Tumblr DMs is easiest if we have brief conversation/plotting. Discord is preferred if we're starting to have regular conversations/lengthy conversations. I'm open to talking to people more though if they're interested, so if you do want to talk or gush about our muses or games, feel free to ask for my Discord! we don't have to already be talking a whole lot if you do want to move to Discord.
EXPERIENCE: I've been RPing for like, idk, as long as I can remember, but I started on Tumblr specifically around 2012. Before that it was things like ye wee old forums, messengers, etc. Tales experience is the same thing because I used to RP Tales on forums LOL.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: a mix of everything more or less. I like fluff and happy things mixed into angst, and if there's no room for happiness in a specific thread/situation, I like to have gentle/soft/emotional aspects littered around. I also try to just follow my muse's whims, so if anything suddenly spikes his rage meter, that's what we're goin' with folks.
(this isn't as scary as it looks I'm sorry LOL)
ignoring my rules and asking to ship with me when your character's name is not in my ship list (yes, this includes OCs. if OCs aren't mentioned it's very likely because my muse has a very specific romantic inclination and chemistry won't trump that the muse is already leaning toward someone/other people by default. should be obvious but I literally recently on another blog had someone completely ignore that muse's ship list and still send me an anon to ask to ship with me (and the whole thing was indicative that they only wanted to write with me to ship and didn't really see my muse as their own muse but just as another tool in the shed). my ship list tends to be very tiny for any muse and I prefer it that way anyway because it wards off the idea that people are only writing with me to ship. I love shipping with certain pairs, but I don't write explicitly for that and am much more comfortable with the idea that people aren't following me to ship with me/going into things assuming they will be able to convince me into it when they would have presumably read my rules and know their character is not on that list. again, as in my rules, one-sided your-muse-likes-mine is totally fine - just don't get mad when it remains one-sided because you were warned. if your muse is on the list (for any of my muses), yes, it means I'm open to discussing it/writing it./being receptive of it.
disrespecting other writers plain for everyone to see on their dashboards. this includes saying vague shit like "there are no good (character name) muses out there". that is very much not the same as "there are no writers for this character/I can't find any of this character". that's a very intentional dig at certain character writers and implies they're not good enough for you because nobody writes that character the way you want them to (versus simply expressing a desire to write with a certain character but not finding anyone who writes them).
using my muse as a blank slate who is just a base directly off the game you probably played if you're here. if any of you have paid attention to my threads with a specific Flynn (hi Natty!), you are probably aware my muse is heavily influenced by canon side material. that stuff is a core part of my muse. my muse is not just a rip taken right out of game-only canon. the more I write, the more formed he becomes as his own individual muse. if you cannot respect that and will consider it "ooc" for my muse not to be a blank slate direct rip from canon every time I write with a new muse, that's a hard dealbreaker. (on that above note, for any Flynn writers who are unfamiliar with the canon side material that Flynn is a primary part of (i.e. very directly relative to things that affect my muse), I do not hold that against you and am completely willing to work things out with you! that shit is hard to find and is JP media only. there's a slew of side content for Vesperia that the west never got so I know many if not most people won't even know a lot of it exists)
PLOTS OR MEMES: I do both, but I'm more likely to be able to work out plots with characters either in my muse's canon(s) or muses from other Tales games ("canons" is things such as canon side material, Tales gachas Yuri is in, etc). if I don't know your character well (canon or OC), memes tend to work better. I find it difficult to plot specific things out when I don't know a particular series well or at all. that said, I'll write with people who know my character and are okay with using one of his verses even if I don't know your character/series. I love memes for writing, but I will definitely struggle to actually plot if I don't know the franchise. I also love randomly sent memes just for the sake of writing things!
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: long. short for me is like three paragraphs and I just physically can't find myself doing less. things like one-liners might pop up in dash commentary and such, but for actual threads, I write long replies because that's what comes to me. sometimes motivation really hits me with muses my muse feels close to and you might end up with a ten+ paragraph reply, so uhhh... sorry about that in advance (and my paragraphs can get bulky so doubly sorry in advance!). typically this stuff happens in more emotion-driven threads though.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: NIGHT! NIGHT! NIGHT! I'm a night owl in general, but my writing energy tends to go yeehaw on me at night.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: uhhhh uh uh for legal reasons i probably should not answer that. :)
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ircnwrought · 1 year
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*cracks knuckles* ❤️, 🦄, 🔑, 🛍 !! xo // @manupropria
❤️ my first roleplay memory
the very first roleplay i ever did was a tumblr submission based thg simulation in like 2012 lmao !! we all had ocs and there were tasks that we had to submit posts for (what we did during the day, what our interview answers were, etc) and the mod would throw them all into a single narrative story that was posted once a week where you'd see if you made it to the next week/task. the experience made me think of other ways to start writing on here and i joined a closed modern au hunger games group writing annie shortly after ( she's my oldest muse since i still write her !! )
🦄 the best thing that’s happened to me in roleplay this year
is it a cop out answer to say that i'm still incredibly proud of how much i've grown as a writer this year and in the 11 years i've been writing? i came back to rp in 2021 after a several year long hiatus at the suggestion of @heygutlcss & worked really hard to cultivate a space that i'm proud of and comfortable with. even some of the growth this year, like becoming okay with cultivating my muse lists more often ( once upon a time i would have NEVER dropped muses as much as i do but look at me now lol ) and making more of an effort to reach out to people , is a testament to how i've worked on managing anxiety and making this a fun place to be and enjoy after some bad experiences chased me away.
🔑 my favorite type of threads
i'm a hoe for all the threads. i think my favorite tend to be in the 2-3 para range since i can reply to them more often ( longer and i usually have to wait til weekends or several weeks later to come up with things ) and can still add a good bit of detail ( i am LONG WINDED okay i admit this ). i love fluff and angst equally but i always want my threads to focus on the personal dynamic between characters. how are they growing ?? how are they changing ?? how are their words and actions going to affect one another ??
🛍 the one thing i wish all of my followers knew about me
i have been told on more than one occassion that i can come off as intimidating. i'm not sure what i do that gives off that impression, but i would love followers to know that i'm really just a big nerd that likes to yell about things in caps on disco/dms. if we're mutuals, it's because i WANT to write with you and talk to you. i want followers to know that it's totally okay to message me, send memes, like starter calls, etc even if we've never spoken or plotted with each other in the past. it will seriously make my day.
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phoenix-of-jade · 11 months
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Roleplaying rules
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The rules for roleplaying with my Muse are very simple:
✨This is a mature 18+ RP blog as the stories can go into all levels of details. I don't shy away from anything as long as you don't ask me to write gross topics.
✨Choose whichever style of roleplaying you want: it can be novella type writing, dialogue based writing (in which our Muses interact through message threads or asks), private messages roleplay (in which we dm each other in case you are shy or want the story to stay private).
✨The type of relationships that our Muses can pursue can be anything from friends, enemies, frenemies, lovers, friends with benefits, platonic relationship, familial bond (for example if you want our Muses to be siblings or cousins in a group RP), etc.
✨I'm usually the type to like cute, wholesome stories with fluff and adorable interactions (my strong games are writing romance and comedy), but I won't say no to angst, drama or action either (sometimes it can happen to catch me in an angsty mood, so yeah, I can def write heavier stuff too). Oh, and smut is perfectly fine with me, only thing to consider is that I might not know all kinks out there, but I can adapt fairly easy if you tell me what you'd like my Muse to do.
✨This is a side-blog, so unfortunately I won't be able to follow you back, so I hope this isn't an issue.
✨NO force shipping, please! Xuan is a rather complicated Muse compared to other Muses I have, which makes romancing him a rather difficult task, so don't expect any lovey-dovey stuff from him right away. I also take the chemistry approach, so if there's chemistry between our Muses, we could maybe talk things out through DMs for an eventual ship, but please, don't assume things beforehand.
✨No bullying and no hate topics! Everyone should be nice to everyone and I'm trying to create a friendly environment, so I won't partake in topics involving harassing or slandering other RP accounts. As for the RP stories, we can pursue heavier topics, but please don't turn those into the main focus of the plot.
✨I like the idea of separate universes for each roleplay so in case more people want to pursue my Muse romantically, they shouldn't get jealous/feel as if their Muse is cheated on with another person's Muse since the stories won't intersect. We can do group RPs too, but for the instances in which there are more universes intersecting, we need to decide this beforehand to establish the relationship statuses between the Muses involved.
✨We can interact between Muns too, I am always open to making new friends so don't hold back from sending me a message if you want. ^^
✨I am a university student in my last year, so my schedule is pretty hectic, so replies will most likely be slow, but I will try my best to reply in due time to our threads! If it takes me longer to reply, it might just mean I am busy with working on homework or projects, or that I am stuck at my lectures or seminars (during the week). In no shape or form would I ignore you.❤
✨I am an artist, so from time to time I might update this blog with original artwork for my Muse and other Muses too. If a drawing isn't credited as belonging to someone else, it means it's original artwork drawn by me and I'll most often point it out through an A/N in the post, so if you want to repost my artwork, please ask for permission beforehand and always credit me in your repost. Other than that, reblogs are okay in my book for anything that's on here.
Well, I guess that's all. If need be, the rules shall be updated with a simple edit.
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ghostlytalkin · 1 year
blog like yours are so toxic because half of what you post comes without any sort of proofs. and once it’s out, it always cast doubts on the people involved. but you’re just after the popularity and not trying to help anything. really toxic.
Some of the things I post, yeah don't have proof. I can for sure do better about looking into things before posting as well. But then again it either comes to me or I have a feeling and go looking. Or I post it asking for proof. Sometimes admins of rps actually message me and we talk about the asks and they can clear things up.
I honestly don't care about the popularity I'd rather get things known about truly toxic rps or rpers. My messages are always open and I've talked to plenty of people in ims/dms about things and heard from admins of rps, heard from rpers, actually helped an rper figure out who was sending hate messages/death threats to them because of a little slip up they did. You'd actually be amazed about the things that I don't post. And I actually have been looking a bit more into things as shown in some asks.
My blog isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea, and that's fine. I don't have many followers and I am still posting regardless of follow count. If I cared a ton about follower count I'd get back on my old indies that people really liked, but frankly I don't because I don't have the desire to be popular, just an information well. And I'm happy to retract things if they are proven to be misinformation. I've talked to literally two rp admins today alone.
If you're unhappy with me posting, block me. Then you don't have to see what I say unless you're actively on my blog, reading what I post. If calling out rps that allow abuse plots, r*psit, nazis, and the works to be played or calling out rpers that constantly push boundaries and disrespect people even when told about it is me being toxic I guess that's a matter of opinion. I know some people don't even think about this but I've also posted retracements or statements being like "hey we've talked, this is the gist of it." so people can make their own informed decisions.
Don't ever hesitate to message me and be like "hey this is misinformation here is the proof." I'm happy to listen and to talk to people behind the scenes and make a post owning up to being wrong if I am in fact wrong. Just cause I'm a bitch in my responses doesn't mean I'm 100% a dick in private messages.
Have the day you deserve! Hopefully it's a good day and you can process and do what is healthy for you. My private messages are open if you want to come off anon and talk.
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your-sweet-cookies · 2 years
Roleplaying rules
The rules for roleplaying with my Muse are very simple:
✨This is a mature 18+ RP blog as the stories can go into all levels of details. I don't shy from anything as long as you don't ask me to write gross topics.
✨Choose whichever style of roleplaying you want: it can be novella type writing, dialogue based writing (in which our Muses interact through message threads or asks), private messages roleplay (in which we dm each other in case you are shy or want the story to stay private).
✨The type of relationships that our Muses can pursue can be anything from friends, enemies, frenemies, lovers, friends with benefits, platonic relationship, familial bond (for example if you want our Muses to be siblings or cousins in a group RP), etc.
✨I'm usually the type to like cute, wholesome stories with fluff and adorable interactions (my strong games are writing romance and comedy), but I won't say no to angst, drama or action either, only thing is that I am not that skilled with writing fights.^^' Oh, and smut is perfectly fine with me too, only thing is that I might not know all kinks out there, but I can adapt fairly easy if you tell me what you'd like my Muse to do.
✨Multiship blog, even if this OC was built with Niragi in mind as the LI, she can be pursued by other characters too.
✨No bullying and no hate topics! Everyone should be nice to everyone and I'm trying to create a friendly environment, so I won't partake in topics involving harassing or slandering other RP accounts. As for the RP stories, we can pursue heavier topics, but please don't turn those into the main focus of the plot.
✨I like the idea of separate universes for each roleplay so in case more people want to pursue my Muse romantically, they shouldn't get jealous/feel as if their Muse is cheated on with another person's Muse since the stories won't intersect (Kukki will always be loyal and devoted to her s/o in each universe). We can do group RPs too, but for the instances in which there are more universes intersecting, we need to decide this before hand to establish the relationship statuses between the Muses involved.
✨We can interact between muns too, I am always open to making new friends so don't hold back from sending me a message if you want.^^
✨Just like Kukki, I am a university student too, so my schedule is pretty hectic, but I will always make sure to reply in due time to our threads! If it takes me longer to reply, it might just mean I am busy with working on homework or projects, or that I am stuck at my lectures or seminars (during the week). In no shape or form would I ignore you.❤
✨I am an artist, so from time to time I'll update this blog with original artwork for my Muse and other Muses too. The art present on this blog is original artwork drawn by me, so if you want to repost it, please ask for permission beforehand and always credit me in your post. Other than that, reblogs are okay in my book for anything that's on here.
Well, I guess that's all. If need be, the rules shall be updated with a simple edit.
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