#//sorry this turned into a mini fanfic but
simiansmoke · 1 year
It had been the usual twilight hour - one that DK often spent in a make-shift gym along the ocean shore a few steps shy of one of the kingdom's many boardwalks. To call it a gym was a stretch as it was more of a fallen coconut tree next to its stump, but that was all that was needed to bang out some bench press sets.
One moment he was getting ready to go for a PR with Diddy to spot, but mainly to add more weight onto the tree, and the next - he was being showered in the distant heat of the approaching burning castle. Ah great, what did that bozo want? Catching his little buddy's gaze after shaking loose of the sky scene, DK nods. They had been through this sort of drill before. "Grab Dixie and keep'em outta town. I'm going." Not waiting to hear of any protests, DK turned and raced off with knuckles thundering the salt-washed wooden roads. The city had just started showing signs of awareness to the sky visitors when he reached the bottom of the capital's towering fortress and began to climb.
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It was a lot quicker to reach the top by kart, but he had more than enough power to clamber up and hoist himself over the edge. "Dad, hey Dad!" He hollered, figuring Cranky would be out and gathering some security to deal with the unannounced invasion. Once he found his balance, he caught a glimpse of his dad a ways off, cross-armed and peeved behind the iron bars of his personal sized cage.
"Yes, yes I'm aware." Sounding more inconvenienced than worried (the old bastard), Cranky squinted down at a device strapped to his wrist and tapped. "-and your response time was far from your last record, might I add!"
"Is this really the time to time me?!" DK huffed, regarding the group of squat invaders in their red rain slickers and hockey masks worked on hooking the cage to a pulley system that would lead it up to the floating base. "Hey! Step a-way from the old man...-!" Having begun his charge forward, and bowling through several minions in the process, he was close to leaping on top of the cage and ripping it open from the top when a rather spikey Koopa slid a spear through the bars to press against the Kong king's cheek. Cranky himself didn't seem to notice, but he was pretty gifted in the art of becoming a statue to the point where he scared the shit out of DK at times walking down a corridor filled with them.
"Stop there! That's as far as you go."
"...seriously?" Poised halfway on one arm, a fist curled tight at the end of the other. "What are you losers doing here anyway? Let my Dad go!"
"All in good time, all in good time." The Koopa assured and gestured toward the platform lowering to the cobblestone roof. "You are wanted in the main hall. We will escort you." As if on command, a few of the shy guys approached DK from all angles.
"Uh huh, right. YEAH right." The Kong snorted, slamming his hands on the ground hard enough to rumble it and cause a few of the poor shy guys to fall over cursing. "Why would I do that for?"
"Forgive the boy, he's a bit on the slow side." Cranky side murmured.
"Because! Bowser has demanded an audience, and if you don't go - your King will!"
A long pause later fraught with a side-long look towards Cranky's cage, DK heaved a sigh of annoyance, gaze dropping to his knuckles. "...fine, I-"
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"Just take me up there already, the boy is no negotiator for this kingdom." Cranky interrupted, ornery as always and inconvenienced by the unexpected drop-in.
"Ugh! Can you like, believe in me for five seconds, Dad? I might let you out when I get back!" His fur twitched furiously as the shy guys slid up by his side again. He wanted to slap them all off the platform as they all headed up, but the Koopa's spear still remained in place by the side of his prisoner. The brief flicker of concern in Cranky's eye is the last thing DK sees before turning his head to regard the gap between platform and base that he hopped to and scrabbled up on his back legs.
It wasn't a long walk to whatever the main hall was, but he was a tad pissy when he got there. Mainly because the shy guys thought he needed six different ropes tied around him (like seriously is there one looped around his thumb too?) Standing on his back legs just to upset the little shits holding onto the ropes tied around his wrist (and partially drag them into the air) DK huffed. "Seriously - I said I was coming, dude. What are these even for?"
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rue-dixon · 2 months
Chilchuck's family
Entire timeline headcanons:
This uses what little canon information we do know about his past. And me trying my best to fill in the gabs with other information from my person physical copy of the manga and Adventurers Bible.
His wife will be referred to as Bellana Sams.
Quick background:
Chilchuck's family was quite big. He had 4 siblings, 2 older siblings, a brother and sister whom he didn't see much because they were on their own by the time he was born. He would occasionally see his mother receive letters from them and would see them at holidays but that was about it. Chilchuck's mother was a nice woman, but often too busy working to give him much attention. He was mostly fine with that as a child since he preferred to be alone anyways. His father on the other hand was a drunk, and he rarely saw him smile. Chilchuck often thought he most likely got his sharp tongue from him. Chilchuck has practically no memories of his father being sober. And although he never hit him or his mother or siblings. He was very mean with his words, never missing an opportunity to insult anyone of them. But Chilchuck still found it in his heart to care for his father, mostly due to the stories his mother would tell him when he was young and sober. Chilchuck's two younger brothers came shortly after him. Although they were never close or had much of a relationship. Due to all three of them having to work as soon as physically able to support their family and themselves. They practically worked for what they ate. Since their father "retired". His family often struggled because of this and he remembers being hungry a lot. Which is probably why not eating for 3 days in the dungeons didn't bother him so much when he was an adult. When they did talk however, it was mostly to make fun of each other. His youngest brother often made fun of him and Bellana as kids. Referring to her as "his girl." Which angered Chilchuck and his brother found it hilarious. Overall, Chilchuck's family life was very distant. Everyone just simply existing in the same space. And once Chilchuck's father drank himself to death when he was seven years old, the family seemed to somehow grow more distant. This is most likely the reason Chilchuck struggles with vulnerability and his emotional wellbeing even far into his adulthood.
Bellana's family on the other hand was the exact opposite. They were simple farmers who lived down the street from the Tims family. She had a younger brother whom she loved very much, was very close to, and protective of. And was always secretly touched with how good Chilchuck was with him, and how much her brother seemed to always love him. Her mother was a loving woman, her father a hard worker but good family man. Who was always unnecessarily tough on Chilchuck for no apparent reason. Her brother was always up to mischief. But they were relatively close as siblings. Both her parents were pretty old fashioned, and took their traditions seriously. Their family followed "the old ways", no magic, hard work is good work, etc. Altogether the family had a warm atmosphere to them.
Childhood friends
⁃ Chilchuck Tims and Bellana Sams met when they were little kids. Went to school together and were neighbors.
- They met under an apple tree where Bellana made fun of Chilchuck reading, who was studying different languages. Bellana had been climbing the tree, trying to get the better apples at the top when Chilchuck sat down at the foot of it. Not realizing she was there, he started to study. Bellana watched him for a few minutes. Before taking an apple and tossed it at his head. "Ow! What the- who are you?!" "What are you doing?" "I'm teaching myself another language, duh!" "... what a loser."
- They didn't get along at first, they found each other annoying. Bellana constantly teasing him and annoying him. While Chilchuck would scoff and say she's just a dramatic girl. But the more time they would spent together in school and just in close proximity, and the older they got they got along better. Bellana got bored of teasing him. While Chilchuck started to feel more empathy for Bellana instead of finding her annoying. So they became friends. Getting closer and closer the older they got. Until they were practically spending every day together.
⁃ Chilchuck was always well mannered and mature. But had a sharp tongue and quick temper. While Bellana was passionate and easily moved, with a heavy attitude and a quick fuse. But upheld her and her families reputation and traditions. Always finding her image always important.
⁃ as kids, Chilchuck would tell Bellana his dream of exploring dungeons. He'd fantasize about being an adventurer. Making more money than most halfings and living a life most people only dreamed of. She'd say that he's being silly and no way a half-foot could do that. He'd get frustrated with her, and she'd tease him. Eventually he stopped talking about it and she assumed he grew out of it. "One day.. I'm gonna be an adventurer. And lead people through dungeons..!"
⁃ Chilchuck thinks he first unconsciously started to fall in love with her around age seven, when his father had passed away. And although he wasn't close with him, and he was no model father, he was still his father. With the way his family dynamic was, no comfort or solidarity was provided to anyone. During the funeral, as he was being buried, Chilchuck stood and watched. Everything seemed blurry to him, his mother's sobs in the background as his older sister held her. His older brother burying him. As his two younger brothers trembled with anger on his other side. He wasn't sure how he felt. If he should be sad? Relieved? The death happened so fast. That was until he felt from behind, a small hand gently grabbed his. He didn't need to look back to see it was Bellana's. She got closer to him when he didn't push her away and gently hugged his arm. Showing her silent support. For whatever reason, this made Chilchuck realized this was real. And began to cry. Bellana held him. And helped him through the rest of the grieving period. He felt that this was the first time someone cared for him like that.
⁃ around the age of ten, Chilchuck realized he had feelings for Bellana. He denied it for awhile. Hitting himself when he'd catch himself admiring her. Saying that it's normal, that he was a boy so obviously he would find her attractive! It was normal and didn't mean anything! They were just friends. Bellana realized around age eleven. Realizing how her cheeks would heat up when he stood so close to her that she'd have to look up to meet his eyes. And how everything she does seems to be better if he's by her side.
⁃ one night when they were both eleven, their village held a big party to celebrate the new year. It was a big banquet outside. Starting at sundown. First they'd eat then dance until sunrise. On an outdoor dance floor decorated with banners, balloons, candles and fire lights. The village had them every year. But this one seemed special to them.
⁃ Bellana was talking with her girl friends on the dance floor about who they hoped would ask them to dance tonight. When Bellana was asked, she bashfully said Chilchuck. Her friends criticized her, saying Chilchuck was very shy and seemed rude to most. But some said they see the appeal (saying they liked that he was tall.)
⁃ That same night, Chilchuck couldn't keep his eyes off her. She was wearing a new blue sun dress her mother made for her. And he thought she looked beautiful. Thinking about how the low lights with the light blue dress seemed to make her glow. That's when one of his brothers noticed this, caught on quickly, and tried to get him to ask her to dance. He refused, saying he couldn't. This caused his brother to get annoyed and shoved Chilchuck into Bellana.
⁃ Chilchuck was of course a mess, and basically the convo went like this. "B-Bel..! You- uh.. would you- I mean- uh you wanna- (cursing in a different tongue.)" "Are you... asking me to dance, Chil..?" "Uh.. yeah...?"
⁃ About a year later and a half later, another party/festival was thrown. Their village often had stuff like this, and the two would go to every one of them together. Drinking and dancing had become their thing. And it wasn't long until the whole village new of the young love birds. People were now just making bets of when they would get married. but they had been doing that since they were kids.
⁃ this time, Chilchuck walked her there, brought her a flower, she wore a brand new yellow dress with her nicer jewelry. Since it was a special holiday for the half-foots.
⁃ the two did a lot more drinking this time; being thirteen, so close to adults no one really cared. They both got pretty drunk by the end of the night. And danced until morning. But even when the party shut down, they still wanted some more time together. So they went for a walk. Finding their way to Bellana family's barn. They had laid on the hayloft. Looking at the stars through a hole in the roof and talking. where the alcohol got the better of them. And ended up making love in the hayloft out of wedlock. Which is l considered very taboo for their hometown.
⁃ Bellana noticed her period was late about three weeks later. And was already experiencing symptoms since half-foot pregnancies only last 4 months. Such as vomiting and fatigue. She told Chilchuck right away. Who was shocked but slightly (extremely) panicked.
⁃ Bellana was extremely upset, she cried and was convinced her parents would kick her out. And that they'd be shamed, and their child would be shunned from the village. So Chilchuck said they should just get married. if they got married now people wouldn't find out. Bellana didn't really like this, since she always wanted a nice wedding and not a rushed one, even if it was Chilchuck. And wanted Chilchuck to propose to her properly because he loved her, not because they had to out of obligation. But Chilchuck reassured her he always wanted to marry her anyways. And might as well do it now rather than later.
⁃ so they had a very quick wedding which was basically the papers and I dos with the witnesses being her parents and his mother.
⁃ Bellana's parents were suspicious of the sudden quick wedding. Especially since they weren't even fourteen yet. But they didn't want to think their daughter would do something like that. Meanwhile Chilchuck's mother didn't really care, having five kids and all, two of which were married and living in on their own.
⁃ a couple weeks later when it was clear Bellana couldn't hide her pregnancy anymore she told both families. Her mother was happy, but her father was suspicious. He had always been not so approving of Chilchuck to begin with. Thinking his daughter deserved better than an emotionally distant locksmith who already had drinking problems before fifteen. This caused many fights between Bellana and her father.
⁃ Since she was pregnant, Bellana's parents let Chilchuck stay with them for awhile.
⁃ one night when just the two of them were eating. Bellana said she wanted to move out of the village when they were both fourteen. Chilchuck was surprised, and asked if she was sure. She said despite the wedding the villagers caught on and weren't happy. That she wanted a fresh start, and her parents being so overbearing was hard on her too.
⁃ Chilchuck always wanted to leave and explore dungeons as his dream job. So he agreed, he brought the idea up to Bellana, but she said she didn't like it. She said that it was no time to chase his silly childhood dream. So he didn't bring it up again. Being a locksmith was fine for now.
⁃ Bellana was on the shorter side while Chilchuck is quite tall. Meijack got his genes and was a bigger baby. That made the first pregnancy harder on Bellana. By the 4th month she found it hard to move and breathe. Chilchuck took off work just so he could stay home and take care of her during these times. Despite her strong protests against it saying she's fine.
⁃ when he was finally aloud to see his daughter he cried a bit. Bellana was sleeping. When she woke up she asked if he was disappointed it wasn't a son. Chilchuck said no, that having a son or daughter meant nothing to him. Bellana felt touched, and loved how Meijack looked like him. She came up with the name Mei, Chilchuck picked Jack. So there came Meijack Chils.
⁃ Two months later, being parents was a lot harder for them than they were expecting. one night when her parents were gone, And Meijack was finally in bed. They sat down and drank together for the first time in a very long time. They had too much to drink.
⁃ Flertom was conceived that night.
⁃ when Bellana realized she was pregnant again she was pissed at Chilchuck for several days. Who felt bad, saying he really tried to pull out in time but in his drunken state had totally forgotten.
⁃ when they told her parents, her father got upset. Saying they were going too fast for not even being adults yet. Bellana and her father argued at the dinner table. He brought up Chilchuck's job and saying he couldn't support her or their kids financially or emotionally. Causing Bellana to storm out.
⁃ Chilchuck stayed, nervous. That's when her father talked some sense into him. Saying that if he wanted to be a good husband and father, he needed to get his issues with being emotionally vulnerable and open under control. Which actually helped Chilchuck. And along his wife's second pregnancy, he worked on himself for his new family.
⁃ Chilchuck and Bellana talk, and decided that they'll wait until the second baby is born until they move. They're from the northern continent in small village in a half-foot territory. They decided to move to the eastern continent, where a decent sized half-foot city was. And they figured it wasn't too far from home. Since their children deserved to see their grandparents at least on some holidays. And there were many dungeons in the eastern continent, which is why Chilchuck agreed but he didn't tell Bellana this.
⁃ Bellana's second pregnancy was a bit more draining since her body hadn't fully recovered from the first one. One night, she woke up with an intense fever. This caught Chilchuck's attention, he cooled her off with some cold rags. She went back to sleep, but he stayed up all night watching her. She still had a fever in the morning so he tried to get her to go to the doctor. She refused saying she's fine, after some back and forth she gave in. They went to the doctors, and were told that she would be more likely to get sick than last time. Being her immune system was still down from the first pregnancy.
⁃ this pregnancy wasn't as hard on her body physically as last time. But she got more frequent and intense fevers and sickness, and it was harder to eat than with Meijack.
⁃ Bellana felt very insecure this pregnancy. Chilchuck could see this, but didn't really know how to handle it. He wanted to tell her how beautiful he thought she still was, but was often too shy and awkward to do so. So instead he'd bring her flowers and candies when he came home from work everyday. And held her closer to him at night.
⁃ Chilchuck turned fourteen while she was pregnant with Flertom. Bellana is a couple months older than him, she turned 14 in the two month gap between pregnancies.
⁃ bellana felt bad she couldn't do more for his birthday being so pregnant. But she made him a cake, and his signature gloves that he always wears. Chilchuck loved them obviously and wore them almost everyday he worked for years.
⁃ the two bickered a lot during the second pregnancy. Although Bellana doesn't remember them very well due to exhaustion. Chilchuck however did, but tried not to hold a grudge. Which was very hard for him, being his character to often do so. But he made an effort for her and their marriage. They were never serious arguments, just petty disagreements about small things.
⁃ her birth was like the last one. But this time Chilchuck argued to stay in the room with bellana. Which made her mother's opinion on him turn sour. But Bellana got him to leave finally saying he needed to take care of Meijack.
⁃ Bellana's parents didn't take the news that they were moving well. Chilchuck's mother was hurt but accepted it and wished him well.
⁃ bellana and her father got into a big argument. Where it was revealed they knew the whole time of the premarital sex and marrying out of obligation and they were trying to ignore it. Which is why they were not very supportive throughout the pregnancies or marriage.
⁃ her father actually said that he didn't believe they married out of love, and that they would be divorced in two years and she'll come back to them with both of the kids. (Which is actually part of the reason Bellana lived with Flertom during their estranged period. Because she didn't want to prove her parents right. It was also a reason she didn't get a full on divorce as well and it was more of a break if anything. Besides the obvious, that she still loved Chilchuck and wanted things to work. But her father's words did have some influence lol)
⁃ Their moving day got sped up because of that. And ended up catching a merchant in the early morning that would bring them to the harbor, which they took a ship to the eastern continent. They had a long talk on the ride there. Where they both admitted they didn't regret the girls or getting married, they just wished it came later in life.
⁃ They moved to a more populated area towards the west. It was closer to mixed race territories, but where they actually settled down was in a half-foot town. Since it was a bigger and more populated area, they could purchase a house instead of building one. They bought a decent sized one with the money Chilchuck saved up. But it only had two bedrooms. So the girls would have to share.
⁃ for a few years when the girls were young he just worked as a simple lock smith. It was hard, but some days it barely got the family of four by. This is when he habits of not eating as much as he should started. Wanting more for his girls and wife. Bellana often protested but he would put his foot down. Eventually it became clear he needed more than what he was bringing to the table. So he started dungeon work, very much against Bellana's wishes.
⁃ When he first brought it up it was a huge fight. Her throwing at him "you have two daughters to think about?! You're going to just go off and die and leave them fatherless, and me, a widow to raise them on my own?!" But soon she couldn't protest any longer. They're not many jobs he could do since they lived in a more mixed race area. Not many jobs paid good for half-foots. So she agreed. But he'd only do light work. Which is what he did for awhile. He'd tag with adventures on small dungeons, lock pic, translate, and be a better pair of eyes and ears. It was on these small trips that he learned about traps. Almost getting caught a couple times had scared him enough to read up heavily on them. And when he went out again he could put these things he learned into practice. Being the fast learner that he is he picked it up in no time.
⁃ funny enough Puckpatti was also unplanned and more or less an accident. But just as welcomed and loved as the other two girls.
⁃ they were doing good for awhile. It wasn't until Puckpatti was born a year after they moved that he started to really panic.
⁃ although since they were away from the village and away from her mother. Chilchuck not only finally got to be in the room for his daughters birth but was actually the one to deliver her this time. He was nervous as hell and was panicking like crazy when her water broke. But soon he went into full serious dad/husband mode. Putting the girls up in their room with toys and snacks telling them not to leave unless they had to. As he stayed with his wife. It was easier obviously because by this time Bellana was a pro at this.
⁃ as much as Bellana being pregnant made him want to work more. He knew he had to cut back to take care of his wife and young children. He cut back in work more and more the later into her pregnancy. But the second the baby was born went to working much more to make up for lost time.
⁃ he was horrified of the thought that his girls would go hungry. Or that his children would have to get jobs young like he did to feed and clothe themselves. He started going into work alcoholic mode. He was going deeper and deeper into dungeons everyday. Staying later and later, longer and longer. To where he was no longer coming home to his family every night, but instead every few days. But he would leave almost immediately the next day or two days.
⁃ this greatly effected bellana of course. Causing her a lot of stress and anxiety. Not to mention the girls missed him more and more everyday. As did she. So once night she sat him down and had a talk. She discussed how it was hard doing this alone. Especially that he was never around. He understood, and started taking longer breaks in between jobs. This was good for everyone, and was nice for awhile. But in order to do this, Chilchuck had to go deeper into the dungeons for more money quicker so he could take these longer breaks.
Raising the girls/dungeon work
⁃ Because he was going deeper into dungeons more quickly. It was harder and harder each day. But he never died on these small dungeons, since they weren't like Thistle's where they had a spell on it. And weren't as dangerous either.
⁃ it was around this time he started drinking again. It was slow, and only really did it after jobs and when the girls were asleep. It was more like a hobby for him at this time. Since he's not actually an alcoholic like his father is. Alcoholism is partly a genetic trait, and he wasn't sure if he had inherited it from his father or not. But since he seemed to be able to control himself, and was able to think and look forward to other things throughout the day. He assumed he was in the clear.
⁃ When he spent his time at home, he spent most of his time with his girls. The first day he would come back he'd spend all day sleeping. Where Bellana would tell the girls not to bother their father, because he needs his rest. They always whine but understand. Because the next day he'll spend the whole day with his family. He'd also help around the house with chores and anything else while he was there. Which Bellana would also tell him he didn't need to do and it was her job, his job was to provide. But he'd always argue that he couldn't just sit there while everyone else was working. Despite her protests, she's always happy he's willing to help. Sometimes she does have to have certain jobs that she holds for him, because she'd rather he do it.
⁃ Meijack caused her parents a lot of worry when she was younger. She was always a shy kid, hiding behind her parent's legs when meeting new people. But that was normal for some children. When she was a baby she rarely cried and rarely made noise. Even as a toddler, while Flertom was babbling nonsense away at a young age, Meijack was quiet. If she wanted something she'd hum and point, drag her parents to what she wanted, or put something in their hand to communicate. This greatly worried them, especially Bellana who would cry to Chilchuck at night wondering why her daughter wasn't talking. Chilchuck would comfort her, saying she was probably just a late bloomer. And if not, and she really was mute. They'd get through it together, and figure out what they'd need to do for her. Finally, when she was about three, she said her first words. Which were "more please" durning dinner. Bellana was so happy she almost cried. As Meijack grew older she got more confident with her speech with her family. But was very quiet in public and basically never talked in wide social situations. Finally at four they took her to a doctor where she was diagnosed to have selective mutism.
⁃ When Puckpatti was younger, she got bullied a lot. Mostly for being small and what other kids considered "dumb" because of her carefree, airhead like attitude. This really hurt her self esteem for awhile. Meijack being the over protective sister she was, would defend her, tell the kids off especially if they were older. And would start walking with her to school. Flertom was less confrontational. But if she saw it happening she would step in. Normally though she'd just comfort her little sister. This obviously upset her parents. Chilchuck would be angry and Bellana upset. She'd tell Puckpatti that the kids were just jealous, and that's what kids do and they're cruel. Chilchuck would want to talk to their parents, but Bellana would worry that it could disrupt the peace. Luckily it never got physical, and it only lasted when she was really little. It was gone by the time she was in her teens. Which reminds me of this dialogue: "Dad, am I ugly?" "Of course not. You're the most beautiful girl in the world."
⁃ Chilchuck would tell the girls lots of folklore from their homeland when he was home. Although most of them wouldn't have happy endings, and would end up scaring the girl. Bellana would fuss at him to go easier on them. But he would argue that fear is how they learn and it would keep them safe. He would tell stories of trolls that would take kids that wandered too far in the woods. Fairies that steal your sweets if you don't eat your vegetables. Mermaids that would drown you if you swam too far in the sea or lakes even. But, he would also tell them stories of the dungeons with the purpose of keeping them away from the dungeons. Stories of an adventurer who thought exploring dungeons would be fun, and him never comes home. Obviously that terrified them, because he goes in dungeons. And for awhile they were more clingy and terrified of him not coming home one day. Where he has to give them the talk; "I've always come home before haven't I? And I'll always come home after."
⁃ Chilchuck had a bad habit of yelling and losing his temper quickly. Mostly when they would do something that could've gotten them hurt, and he got angry out of worry. But after he calmed down, he'd always apologize to them, and calmly explained that he just worried about them because he loved them. And didn't want to see them get hurt, then tell them what they did was wrong or dangerous and why they shouldn't do it again.
⁃ when they were only babes, Bellana discussed with Chilchuck how she'd like him to teach them some of the other languages he spoke. Since he knew seven whole languages and her only three. So growing up he'd talk to them in multiple languages, Meijack learned three fluently and parts of two. Flertom also learned three and parts of one other, (and ended up learning dwarfish herself later on.) but Puckpatti only learned one extra one since she never took her father's lessons seriously.
⁃ when Meijack and Flertom were young. One night they couldn't sleep because Bellana and Chilchuck were arguing in the next room. Flertom earlier that day had learned that they were both born the same year their parents got married. Meijack had memorized their wedding date due to a previous conversation. Being a bit older, they did the math with Meijack's birthday and the wedding. And revealed she was probably conceived about a month before than. Flertom made the comment of "you made them get married before they were ready. No wonder they fight all the time." Not thinking anything of it. Because of this, Meijack has actually blamed herself as a child (irrationally of course) for her parents issues for awhile. When they could fight she secretly wished she wasn't born, thinking it was her fault.
⁃ at ages four and two ish, Flertom had found a black, orange and white calico kitty. She brought it home and begged her mother to let her keep it. Meijack and Puckpatti saw this as well and joined in. Also wanting the kitty. Chilchuck was on a job at the time. So Bellana said it was up to their father, since his money would ultimately be the one paying for it. But she made it clear she wouldn't be taking care of the cat, and it would be the girls' collective responsibility. They agreed and waited for their father to return. Letting the cat stay with them til' then. When Chilchuck finally came home the very first thing he saw was a cat being shoved in his face and all three of his daughters' big puppy eyes. With a "daddy can we keep him. Pleeeeeeeease." Chilchuck wanted to say no at first, but seeing them all beg him like that wore him down. And he reluctantly agreed. He was the stereotypical dad who didn't want the cat but ended up loving the cat. The girls argued on a name, but eventually settled on Pebbles.
⁃ the girls favorite toys growing up were, a lock box and a few spinners for Meijack. A red dragon plush that had dried rice in it for Flertom. And a doll with button eyes and yarn hair for Puckpatti. Which Chilchuck all kept in a box in his workshop when they got older. Filled with more of their toys and some baby clothes and blankets they liked as well.
⁃ Meijack had some more problems too growing up. As Chilchuck slowly started to spend more and more time in the dungeons. Leaving for weeks and weeks at a time. Rumors around their town started to circle. The other parents would talk. Gossiping, saying he must not love his wife. And dungeon work must be an excuse to stay away from home. That Bellana must be a mean wife. That he must find his children irritating. Etc etc. which of course trickled down to the children. Who would make fun of Meijack and Flertom. Laughing at them saying their father doesn't really love them and is avoiding them. Flertom would just cry, saying they're wrong. While Meijack would get angry and violent. Ending up getting into fights with other half-foot children. If it was another race child, she'd end up throwing rocks or sticks at them. She would get badly hurt, and of course in a lot of trouble. Bellana was furious with her when she was first dragged in by one of the parents. That is until Meijack broke down sobbing, telling her everything that had been happening. Meijack being Meijack, she didn't tell her parents about any of this til now. This caught Bellana by surprise since she never acts like this, causing her to be softer. But the one that talked to Meijack most about this was of course Chilchuck, her having always been a daddy's girl after all. He would hold her, calm her down after her fits of rage, clean her up. When the parents finally got together to talk about what was happening. Chilchuck made it very clear that "his situation. His family, and his marriage were not a topic of gossip. And they should be ashamed of themselves for getting the children involved."
⁃ once they were old enough he tired to teach all of them trades and skills he knew. Such as lock picking, how to tailor clothing, haggling prices down, repairing things like that. Meijack obviously picked up lock picking very well. So as she grew older he continued to teach her the trade. Flertom surprisingly really took to haggling and bargaining. So much so that when her mother moved in with her as an adult, she ended up doing all the shopping because she could always get the seller to bring the price down. And Puckpatti, somehow learned from her father's lessons is how to have a good poker face and become a convincing liar. Chilchuck still isn't sure how that happened.
⁃ Flertom was a sensitive girl. She'd cry the most, was the most affectionate, and wanted to spend the most time with the parents. Chilchuck and Bellana referred to her as, "the little sweetheart." But said she had her mother's temper and father's sharp tongue when it came to it.
⁃ Puckpatti was always the baby. She gave them the most trouble growing up. Having the most tantrums as a child. If she didn't get her way she'd simply start screaming. She was especially hard on poor Chilchuck when he was taking care of her by himself. Sometimes even holding her breath until she got her way. When she would throw her tantrums, Bellana would deal with it by talking her down. And Chilchuck would simply ignore her til she tired herself out, then talk to her about what happened and what made her upset like his wife does.
⁃ when Meijack was eleven she told her parents she was feeling attraction to other woman, and not men. Flertom always had been a bit boy crazy. So it scared her that she never felt the things her sister did. But instead, seemed to get flustered when the pretty elf girls or half-foots would compliment her freckles and long, ginger hair. She told Chilchuck first, who was more excepting immediately with his more world and people experience. She was more scared to tell her mother. Bellana didn't get it at first, not understanding. But she wasn't prejudiced. Just didn't quite understand, not hearing something like that often. But after some time, and some talking with Chilchuck. She understood one simple thing, she loved her daughter and just wanted her to be happy.
⁃ as the girls got older and more independent. he didn't necessarily need to spend as much time at home. So he started moving back to doing longer dungeon work. Staying out longer, going deeper, not staying home as much anymore. It bothered Bellana at first but she kept quiet. Knowing they needed the money.
⁃ Meijack moved out a few weeks after she turned fourteen. Getting employed as a locksmith under a larger company. Chilchuck gave all his girls a sum of money to get them on their feet when they moved out. Flertom moved out a few months after her fourteenth birthday. Staying close to home, she got a job at a local tavern as a waitress. In an area popular among dwarves. Puckpatti stayed about a year after her sisters. But left when she was only twelve. Both Chilchuck and Bellana heavily protested, saying she should wait til she's an adult like her sisters and they did. But she argued saying they got married before they were adults so she should be aloud to move out. So despite her parent's wishes, she left. Neither of them really knew what she did, since she barely kept in touch the first year which heavily worried them. but soon she started sending letters, saying she was traveling with a group and she was okay. Later Chilchuck would run into her at a market where she was selling dragon dung. He was a little disappointed this is what she decided to do, but knew he couldn't stop her. In his own words, "it'll burn her someday." So he just reminded her that she will always have a place to come back to if (when) needed.
The island
⁃ About a year later Chilchuck wanted to retired and open up his own locksmith shop as a way to continue to support him and his wife, keep himself busy, and to save money to pass onto his girls when they both pass. But he was no where near the goal he needed to reach. This was around the time of the rumor of the island with a huge dungeon under it where you couldn't die had been going around local adventurers. So after a very, very, very long and hard talk with Bellana. She agreed to move to the island with him. Only really agreeing to it because apparently he wouldn't die. So they moved, more temporarily if anything, Flertom took over their old home.
⁃ One of the first jobs was where he was tricked to be used as bait for a succubus. This is the first time he went home and Bellana saw him truly terrified, and on the verge of tears. She tried to comfort him but he was practically inconsolable. She saw a noticeable change that night with him.
⁃ After that, he dove harder into work, and alcohol. He started the guild to protect half-foots. And started to be a bigger advocate for them, even though he had always been very outspoken against the harsh treatment towards his people. He became even more so.
⁃ so Bellana began to see less and less of her beloved husband. And every time he'd come home, he seemed different every time. Every time he came back from a job his attitude got worse and worse. He drank more and more. Where it went from just a hobby before to now a coping mechanism. Although he never ever laid a hand on her, and never insulted her or had violent outbursts of any kind. He was noticeably more cold and distant. Seemingly always something on his mind. He never shared what happened when he was away, which he did before hand as well. It didn't bother her much back then since he always seemed fine and came back with a smile. But now he was coming home with injuries she'd never seen before. And he was never home. He'd be gone for weeks, come home for only two days before he was gone again on average. Leaving Bellana alone in the house, on an island where she knew no one. Their affection of course dropped, they had barely made love since they moved there. And would barely be affectionate when he was home. Bellana quickly grew tired. Beginning to think that maybe he was finally growing bored of her, moving on or falling out of love even. The thoughts of another woman also crossed her mind.
⁃ along the way, Chilchuck met a group whom he quickly grew rather fond of. He told them happily about his beautiful wife and three daughters who were already all independent and living on their own.
⁃ one particular trip, they ran into a group of succubus. Two succubus had gone after Chilchuck, both blond beauties with long hair, light eyes and tall slender yet curvy figures. The group saves him, and immediately assumes that must be what his wife looks like! Chilchuck on the other hand is horrified, his wife looks absolutely nothing like that! But he figured they'd drop it. He questions his subconscious loyalty to his wife for awhile. Until he comes to the conclusion that they were just showing a sexual fantasy he had and nothing more. He still loves Bellana and she is still the most beautiful woman in the world to him. She is his wife and mother of his three kids. They were just a horny thought. Nothing more.
⁃ this isn't brought up again until the night the party meet Bellana. The party insisted they meet her, very curious about their young looking member's family. Eventually he agrees, seeing no harm in it. Bellana is delighted when he invites her to dinner with his coworkers. She thinks this could be the start for things to look up with them. That maybe this was him letting her into this part of his life. she gets herself all dressed up. A little bit extra to hope maybe she'll catch his attention and maybe even make love again that night afterwards. They hadn't in months at this point. But Chilchuck grumbles at her, saying it's not that big of a deal and it's just casual. It hurts her a bit but she pushes it away. Trying to understand where he was coming from.
⁃ Chilchuck was grumpy in the beginning of the night. But loosened up when he started drinking and talking to his friends. Bellana saw how happy he was smiling with his companions and even other woman that it hurt her. It made her feel insignificant, and that he was falling out of love with her. The attention she got from the men of the party, and how Chilchuck barely bothered to tell them to "fuck off she's taken." Hurt as well, but she felt she was being nit-picky. Until finally, one of the party members spoke up. Saying that she was nothing what they all thought she'd look like, since she looks nothing like his fantasy. Confused, Bellana asked them to explain. Whole Chilchuck's face dropped, he immediately aggressively shook his head, waving his arms wildly to tell them to shut it. But soon the whole party started to join in, finding it funny. They explained what a succubus was. And what they do, they explained, in great detail, how his succubus turned into naked woman with long, curly blond hair and blue or green eyes with model type bodies. Some, not even being half-foots. That absolutely broke Bellana, and in her mind confirmed it. Chilchuck had completely fallen out of love with her. He didn't even find her physically attractive anymore. And that maybe the succubus had even turned into his mistress.
⁃ Chilchuck tried to explain, saying it was nothing more than a fantasy he's had since a child. Soon the party laughed it off, and the conversation moved on. Chilchuck tried to forget about it and moved on himself shortly afterwards. But Bellana didn't say anything much for the rest of the dinner.
⁃ on their way home they night, she had completely shut down. Refusing to take his arm when he offered, barely looking at him, and answering in a short blunt tone as they walked home. Which Chilchuck remembered as her just being "moody." He thought maybe the party members had said something to upset her. Or she was just tired. So he let it go. Which hurt Bellana even more that he never even bothered to ask what was wrong.
- the next morning he was gone. That party had ended up planning another run, it was much shorter so he saw no harm in not waking Bellana up to say goodbye this time.
⁃ Bellana woke up to an empty bed. And the first thing she did was cry. She sobbed alone in an empty house all morning. Until finally pulling herself together. She made her decision. She was going to get off the island. She would go to Flertom, since she was closest. If Chilchuck didn't love her anymore like she suspected then fine. But if he did, then surely he'd come find her right? He'd come and they'd talk and they'd be able to work out their problems and be happy again like they use to be. Bellana didn't pack much, mostly just clothes, but by night fall she was on a ship towards the eastern continent.
⁃ a few days later she arrived at Flertom's aka her old door step in the rain. Tears streaming down her cheeks. Flertom was shocked, letting her in. Her mind went to the worse. Dad was dead. He either drank himself to death or was killed in the dungeons. But once Bellana explained Flertom felt sad. As a kid they seemed so in love. She had no idea they've had so many problems for years. The last year being the absolute worst. She didn't remember all the fights they had when she and Mei were young. (Meijack did however. Being very perceptive. But never mentioned it in typical Meijack fashion.) Flertom let her mother stay there again of course. Asking what the plan is. Bellana said she'd wait. For her husband? She didn't know. For her to move on. For Chilchuck to come find her. For another man to sweep her off her feet and make her feel young again. She had no clue. But she was just going to wait and see.
⁃ when Chilchuck came home to an empty home he immediately panicked. Freaking out thinking the worse, he looked all over until he found the letter on his doorstep. Opening it, half expecting some sort of ransom letter. He was relieved but confused. Once he read that his wife had, in Flertom's words, "needed some air". He felt angry, betrayed and confused. He didn't know what to do, so of course, he drank himself until he was black out drunk.
⁃ For months he was too angry with her to do anything but seethe at every passing thought of her. To him this was a complete betrayal. As time passed, he subconsciously realized that he probably was all his fault. That he pushed her away in hindsight. But he had too much pride and anger to ever admit that to himself. So instead of dealing with it like an adult, he just fully threw himself into work. Never home. He eventually cleared out the house of all personal belongings. Barely standing to stay in it. He rented it out, moved all the stuff down in the basement where he stayed. The most frequent person he rented it too was actually Bellana's younger brother. "Gotta say Chil.. I really thought you and my big sis would last. You always seemed like quite the love birds when we were kids." "For the last time.. we're not divorced. Just estranged. We're still married. There's a clear difference. Now let's stop talking about this." "Uh huh..."
⁃ meanwhile Bellana had tried to date a man again mostly due to the daughters influence. But it felt wrong, and she ended up ghosting the poor green-eyed bartender after three dates.
⁃ Then a year later he met Laios. He was planning to retire when Laios came to the guild wanting to hire a half-foot. Of course the obvious answer was for Chilchuck to go. But hearing that Laios wanted to go deeper, it seemed like a perfect excuse to get his mind off his marital problems. And we all know how most of that went. Three years later Falin got eaten and yada yada.
⁃ MANGA SPOILERS: after the kingdom rose from the sea. Chilchuck made it his job to help the half-foots get back on their feet. Partly another distraction. He started up the union again, to help put the half-foots back in work. It didn't take long with the new kingdom forming. So soon he was able to open up his shop like he wanted. Figuring it was still something to do and not just sit around in his misery. He decided to open it up in the kingdom instead since it was growing bigger by the day. And he would be the first locksmith shop. And also due to marcille's begging. He didn't bother seeing his wife again until Meijack had moved into the kingdom to work with Chilchuck.
⁃ Chilchuck had matured a lot since then. And mellowed out with the new quiet life. One night, he had invited all his girls to dinner at the castle. Heavily from Marcille's influence. But the other party members were curious about his daughters as well. Most of the night consisted of chasing Puckpatti away from Laios. Dragging Flertom away from Senshi. And removing Meijack from both Falin and Marcille. Marcille at dinner asked if he had talked to any of his other family members often. He had dinner with Flertom a few times and exchanged letters with Puckpatti, and seen her in passing once. She then popped the question about his wife, where he kinda shut down again. She scolded him, saying he said he would apologize to her after it was over. And it's been a year. He sighed and says she's right. He accidentally makes eye contact with Meijack. Who's staring at him intensely with a hopeful look in her eyes. He gets nervous and looks to the other side of him. Where Puckpatti and Flertom were both looking at him. Flertom with wide, teary eyes. And Puckpatti's bottom lip quivering. Those looks from his girls broke his heart.
⁃ that night he was up all night thinking everything over. He knew it was his fault. He knew he drove her away. He knew he had changed, and she didn't like it. He was finally able to admit it to himself. And he finally admitted to himself, that he did in fact, miss Bellana dearly.
⁃ within the next week. He traveled to their old home. He stood at the doorstep for at least ten minutes before finally knocking. Flertom was already home, so she answered. She was confused at first. Asking if he had sent a letter and she just missed it. He said no, and he was sorry for showing up unannounced. But he wanted to talk to her mother. Flertom looked shocked and like she was about to cry. She said of course and said she needed to go run some errands anyways (which was a lie) and she left. Despite Chilchuck saying she didn't need to. But he still appreciated the privacy.
⁃ Bellana was angry at first, not angry that he came. But angry it took him four years. The first words out of Chilchuck's mouth were. "I'm so sorry, Bel.." bellana asked what he wanted and he said to talk, but more importantly to apologize. She said fine, but she wanted to speak first. And she explained how she felt all those years. And explained what happened that night. He listened, her pointing out things he hadn't even thought of. And she apologized for not being the best wife at times. For starting fights when they were younger, and expecting more when he already did more than he could handle some days. He tried to tell her she had nothing to apologize for but she insisted she did. Then it was his turn. He explained what was happening, why he changed so much, and why it took him so long to find her again. And apologized for all of it. They fell into silence, when Bellana asked, "did you still love me..?" Which made Chilchuck felt like he was going to cry. Saying of course he did, he never stopped loving her and that even now he still does. Even during the years he was so angry with her and tried to convince himself he was better off, he knew deep down he still loved her.
⁃ she began to cry, and Chilchuck took her in his arms for the first time in years. They stood there and just cried with each other for awhile. Eventually asking what this meant for them. Chilchuck said he wanted to try again, but it was all up to her. She said she did too, but she wanted to take things slow. He agreed.
⁃ they started off seeing each other everyday. Going on little dates and outings. Chilchuck (eventually) introduced her to everyone at the party. Although he was very embarrassed, even more so as Bellana went out of her way to let them know how affectionate and "romantic" he was when they were younger. and telling them embarrassing stories about him and the girls as well. They also started having dinner as a whole family. Which was an adjustment for everyone. Affection was a little weird a first, not so much awkward as it was not knowing. Neither wanting to go too fast or make the other uncomfortable. They didn't sleep together again until about three months in. After about nine months of this things got back to almost how it was before. They moved into a one room cottage together a little ways away from his shop with a nice plot of land around it. Complete with a little white fence and everything.
⁃ about a year or two years. Chilchuck's prediction about Puck became true. Puckpatti's unserious attitude had gotten her into trouble. She got scammed out of all her money by people she had been traveling with, and robbed by a precious "business partner." And when trying to get back on her feet again, a group of fisherman she tried to get a job with tried to use her as bait for sea beasts. She managed to escape. And immediately went to her parents' home.
⁃ she collapsed into her mothers arms crying. Chilchuck was at work when this happened. Coming home to seeing Puckpatti wrapped up in a blanket as Bellana made dinner. He asked what she was doing here, and through tears she explained the situation. He sighed, he said he had warned her about all this. Not surprised but still sorry for her. Bellana scolded him gently, saying she needed comfort and empathy right now and not a lecture. He sighed and apologized. Then gave Puckpatti a hug. Saying she was welcomed in the home as long as she needed. Puckpatti stayed with them for a few months. Eventually finding a job at a flower shop. And moved out a few more months after working.
⁃ Meijack inherited Chilchuck's shop when he fully retired at forty-eight . She also met a big eyed, curly haired half-foot girl later in her life. Although they were never publicly affectionate, and were never married or even official courted. It was clear they were in a romantic relationship. They lived together above Meijack's shop. And really the only people who knew they were romantic was family. Everyone else in town thought they were simply friends and roommates. And really the only reason Meijack's family knew is because she was brought to family events and they were together for every holiday. And who brings their roommate to that stuff? Meijack took on an Puckpatti's son as an apprentice and would pass the shop onto him when she retired.
⁃ Flertom down the road eventually did meet a half-foot boy whom she quickly fell for. They had a very fast and messy relationship, and she ended up getting pregnant. They had a son, but he was unwilling to marry her. He said he just wanted to wait until he had more money. Chilchuck warned her, saying how he never liked the guy because he seemed to childish and not serious about her. That he thought her and her baby deserved better. and not marrying her was a red flag and she should be careful. Flertom got defensive, saying that he just wanted to provide for them. And that just because him and mom had a shotgun wedding doesn't mean she should. Chilchuck felt hurt but understood she was a grown adult. Flertom continued to work with the baby, Bellana baby sitting during the day. It was a boy named Kamkate, with the nickname Kammy. It wasn't until about a year later when Flertom got pregnant yet again that things went wrong. Her man still refused to marry her. So being done, and already having plenty or problems with him, (including suspects of him cheating,) she said he either marry her and start taking being a father for their children seriously. Or get out of her life. Fed up, he turned and walked out the door. Never to be seen again. Flertom struggled for awhile. Not able to keep up with everything as a now single mom of two, with a new baby girl named Starlea. Chilchuck decided to fund her money, enough the she wouldn't need to work and could raise her babies. Flertom was grateful, crying to him. Apologizing for their fight and saying he was doing too much. He told her to stop crying and that he would be a sad excuse for a father if he didn't held his daughter at her lowest point in life. Bellana also helped, going over almost everyday. Helping take care of the babies and teaching her all the things she's learned. Originally they had the last name of their father. But to be petty and since he clearly wasn't going to be apart of their lives, she gave their family names Chils instead. Chilchuck acted like he didn't care, but secretly he was flattered. (And proud because he knew he oneuped the shitty asshole that hurt his baby.) Once they were old enough for school Flertom was able to work again. About 2 years later she met a young dwarf man who was impressed that she was a single mother of two and was able to keep her and her babies afloat. Although it wasn't rich like her original fantasy he was a successful blacksmith. They fell in love, married, and later her children both learned the blacksmith trade. Able to make some pretty intricate stuff with their small hands. But despite getting married finally, Flertom kept their family names as Chils.
⁃ Puckpatti went through a lot of relationships through her life. With half-foots, tall men and even elves. Which caused her parents to be very worried for her. But despite this she never got pregnant. She took any get-rich-quick opportunity she could find. Constantly changing who she was traveling with and always moving. She didn't have a real job or even home for a long time. It wasn't until eveything went down and she moved back with her parents that she got her life together. As I said before she got a job as a florist. Very later in her life she met a grey-eyed tall man. It was nice for a while and they even got engaged. But it was broke off when he realized how badly he wanted children. It devastated her for awhile but she got back on her feet. She got a second job part time in a local book store, hired by an elderly gnome woman who was getting too old to run the shop. Eventually she took over when the gnome retired. 6 months later she met a blue eyes half foot who was a traveler from the north selling potions. He fell instantly for her, but she was cautious. But soon fell for him too. They got married about a year later and almost immediately had a son named Pepermac. Everyone was very relieved that she finally settled down to say the least.
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elliezato · 8 months
‪‪❤︎‬She's Jealous‪‪❤︎‬
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pairing: modern!ellie williams x reader
summary: Ellie gets jealous when she sees you kissing another girl
warnings: MDNI! cursing, drugs/alcohol, fingering, bathroom sex, public sex??
a/n: This is my first fanfic so idk how to feel about thisss. Also, I feel like this story isn't very original but I keep replaying this situation in my head, helpp. I'm open to recommendations! I will probably only write ellie x reader fics for now but let me know what you want and I'll write it! I get writer's block and need inspo!! Anyway... I hope you enjoy:)
♡︎.You and Ellie have been broken up for about a month now.
Parties have never really been your thing but your friend Dina has been begging you to go to one with her.
"It's been almost a month. You can't keep isolating yourself in your dorm like this."
You lay on your bed while Dina tries to convince you to go out tonight. She's right though. Things haven't been the same since you and Ellie broke up.
"Listen. Come to the party tonight. I hate that this breakup is holding you back. who knows. maybe you'll meet someone!"
Dina leaves and you make up your mind.
You change into a pleated mini skirt and throw on some baby tee you haven't worn since your relationship. Ellie liked it when you wore skirts and you knew that. Some part of you was hoping she would be there so she could see you. You apply a thin wing of eyeliner and put on your docs.
Later that night you walk into the party. The house smells of weed and music covers the sound of people talking. You see Dina and Jesse from across the room. They're drinking and dancing with a few other of your friends. You hesitantly walk over to join them.
"Y/N!! thank god you're here!" Dina hugs you with one arm and a drink in the other.
"Damn, this is the first time I've seen you out since... you know" Jesse laughed as he took a sip from a red solo cup.
You sat on the couch and drank as you watched your friends enjoy the night. You hated yourself that you couldn't get up and have fun. The air felt hot and there was nothing left in your cup. As you get up to get another drink you feel eyes on you.
There she was. Ellie stood there with a drink in her hand. Your heart sank. This was the first time you've been in the same room as her since the heat of the breakup. Her eyes were on you as you slowly walked past her to get a drink. You look at the ground as you pass her, doing everything you can to avoid eye contact. When you look up to get another cup, you see Ellie standing in front of you. As she opens her mouth she say something to you, you feel hands on your waist.
"What's a pretty girl like you doing at a party alone?" The girl looks you up and down with a soft smile on her face.
From the corner of your eye, you see Ellie take a sip from her drink and walk away. You feel yourself sadden as Ellie leaves your presence. Fingers run down your waist. You look behind you and the girl is still there. It's been a long time since someone has hit on you. Honestly, the last time you romantically got attention from someone was with Ellie.
"You alright? What's upsetting you baby?" The girl whispers in your ear.
At this point, you'll do anything to get your mind off Ellie. A new relationship isn't what you want but it couldn't hurt. You turn around and face the girl. You've never seen her before but she's honestly really pretty. It wouldn't be hard to distract yourself around someone this attractive.
"m'nothin" The alcohol is hitting you. Usually, you'd feel guilty flirting with anyone other than Ellie, but right now, nothing matters.
She pulls you closer by your waist and passionately places a kiss on your lips. The sudden proximity makes you tense. Her hand travels down your hips while the other grabs your face. Something about this feels wrong but you push the thoughts back.
"I'm sorry, I have to go. I came with my friend and promised I wouldn't leave her" You lied so bad, you almost cringed.
You remove yourself from the girl's grasp and take your drink as you walk away from her. The pain of the breakup is sinking in again. You wander around the party to find Dina but she's off with Jesse. There's no point in being at that party anymore. You down the rest of your drink and walk outside. The air is cold and dry. Snow falls gently as the music from the party echoes.
"What the fuck were you doing? Kissing another girl? Already?" Ellie stares at you with a joint between her lips.
"Ellie." You look at her in shock.
"We've been broken up for barely a month and you're already making moves on other women!?" She laughs under her breath as a cloud of smoke leaves her lips.
"Why do you even care. We're not together" You look at her with sad eyes. The tough act was never your strong suit.
She grabs your face with one hand and tilts your head towards her. You gasp at her touch. Snow falls down on the both of you. Your breath is visible in the cold air and the only thing keeping you warm is the heat of the situation.
"Are you trying to make me jealous, hmm?" She looks at you with lustful eyes.
"No! she kissed me..." Your voice trails off as you feel the touch of Ellie's fingers trace your jaw.
Nothing could've prepared you for this. The last time you two spoke was the breakup. This was a topic that was hard for the both of you. Clearly, the thought of the other stayed lingering in your minds. Her touch felt nice. You could feel yourself practically melting in her hand. The similar scent of weed got stronger as her face got closer.
"It worked." She takes one last hit of her joint before tossing it on the ground.
"What?" You look at her dazed and confused. Your eyes soften as her fingers trail down your neck
"I'm jealous." She admitted as she tightened her grip on your face. "Let's go back inside and show them who you belong to, yeah?" Ellie gives you a dirty grin.
You follow her back into the party. Even with Ellie, you didn't want to be back in there but that didn't matter in the moment. She walks through the crowd of people holding on tightly to your waist. You look over at her face a notice a cocky grin stuck to her lips. You can feel the eyes of the other girl you were with earlier staring at you. Ellie notices the girl staring at you. She grabs your face in front of her and kisses you. You pause as her lips touch yours. You missed this. Fuck. You missed her touch so bad. Leaning in for more, Ellie playfully pushes you away.
"God you're just as needy as I remembered." She pulls you away from the crown and leads you into an empty bathroom.
Ellie pushes you against the door causing it to shut behind you. Her lips passionately press against yours. You let your hands roam her figure. Fingers running underneath her baggy band tee. She grabs your hands and pulls them away.
"You're not getting it that easily" She glares at you as she takes your wrists by one hand and holds them above your head. "I'm going to make sure everyone knows how good I'm fucking you" Her breath is hot against your ear.
Her tongue explores your mouth and her other hand runs up your shirt. You let out a soft moan as her fingers draw circles around your nipple. She lets go of your hands and strips off your shirt. Her kisses move down your neck, leaving marks for everyone to know she you were hers. Her tongue reaches your nipples and she traces small circles around them. Her mouth moves further down your chest. Fingers moving down your waist meeting the hem of your skirt. She stops kissing your body and looks up at you. Her fingers slide up your skirt and meet your damp underwear.
"Fuck- You're so wet and I've bearly touched you" She continues kissing down your waist.
She pulls your underwear down your legs and throws them off. Her fingers finally graze your wet folds. She picks you up by your waist and places you on the counter. The granite is cold against your thighs. She sloppily kisses your lips as she inserts a finger into you. You throw your head back and hum at her touch. She grabs your chin and forces you to look at her.
"Look at me while I fuck you with my fingers." She glares up at you. Her face is desperate to feel you.
Your hands run through her hair as she pulls her finger out. She adds another finger and slams them into you. You hold the counter with one hand and the other pulling at Ellie's half-up half-down updo. You're holding in your moans remembering there's a crowd of people right behind that door. You close your eyes as Ellie curls her fingers inside of you, hitting the right spots.
"Fuck Els- s'good" You quietly whimper trying to hold back.
Tears are forming in your eyes. You can feel the warmth building up in your stomach. Ellie can feel you're close. She stops her motions and pulls her fingers out of your cunt. Your slick coats her fingers, dripping down her arm. She brings her fingers to your mouth. You clean Ellie's fingers with your tongue, whimpering for more action.
"I'm not going to give you anything if you're not going to moan for me. I want to hear you" Her fingers slide out of your mouth and find their way back down to your inner thighs.
"They're gonna hear" You bite your lip as your thighs press together.
"That's the point baby. Tell me how bad you've missed me" She keeps eye contact as she moves her face down to your hips.
She pulls your tighs apart, spreading your folds with her finger. Her tongue rests right above your clit, waiting for you to beg.
"Fuck- I need you Els. I need you to fuck me." You give into her commands wanting to feel her touch.
She finally complies and licks circles around your puffy bud. She thrusts her fingers into you once again while tasting you on her tongue. You squirm under her touch. Pornographic moans leave your lips as she starts to suck your clit. Tears fill your eyes as you look down at Ellie taking you in.
"You taste so good, I've missed your pretty pussy" She smiles against your folds removing her fingers.
The vibrations of her voice cause you to moan as you push her face closer to you. Her tongue slides down your folds and she pushes it into you. At this point, you're a moaning mess. Anyone who walks by that bathroom knows what's happening. Her nose gently rubs against your clit as her tongue fucks you.
"mmm~ i'm gonna fucking cum-" Your hips grind against her face.
She holds your waits pulling you closer. Her tongue slides out and sucks your cunts as her fingers push deep inside you. The heat in your stomach feels like it's going to burst. Only Ellie could have you panting and desperate to cum like this in a bathroom.
"That's it baby, cum for me okay?" She feels how close you are.
Her pace fastens as she gets you to release onto her fingers. Your hips buckle as whimpers and moans fill the room. She continues but slows her pace milking your orgasm. She licks the wetness from your cunt and you pant in her arms.
"I missed you" Your eyes look at her as she moves closer to your face, kissing your lips.
You can taste yourself in her mouth as she sloppy kisses you. She holds your waist and guides you off the counter. You're a mess. Makeup is running down your face and your hair is falling from the ponytail it was in. Eille was still completely dressed as she watches you put your clothes back on. She takes your hand and places a gentle kiss on your neck.
"You're such a slut for me" She grins as she places her hand on the door nob. "I don't want to ever see you tasting another girl's lips, got it" You nod in response.
You realized how hot the room was when Ellie opened the door and you felt the coolness of the party on your skin. She takes you by the waist and leads you back into the party. Ellie wore a cocky smile knowing she was the only person at this party who could get you moaning like that. Eyes were on you when people realized who was in the bathroom.
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bouncybongfairy · 11 months
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Rickety-Rickety Wrecked
Rick Sanchez x Fem Reader Smut
Summary: After recently getting a job, the illusion that high school status quotes and popularity truly mean nothing. You've been re-evaluating things that once made you bubble with excitement like sneaking out and partying. That being said, your younger sister informs you that she's going to Summer Smith's house party. Starting to feel like a senior citizen, you tag along and encounter Rick Sanchez.
Word Count 3.0k+
(!This is a smut fanfic, you’ve been warned!)
As you walked out the doors of the nursing home you worked at. Your hand was lazily searching for the keys that were undoubtedly buried at the bottom of your bag. After opening the car door, you let your body fall into the driver’s seat. It wasn’t just being physically but mentally drained as well. Tossing your purse into the passenger side and start the car. It was Friday and you were excited to finally have an entire weekend off. You couldn’t remember the last time you had any time to yourself. Pulling into the driveway, you weren’t surprised to see that your mom’s car wasn’t home. She works nights but will take every double shift she can get her hands on. You dropped the purse on your bed and immediately went over to shower. Even though you’re a Med-Tech you still will help residents with toileting among other things. While waiting for the water to get hot, you let your dirty scrubs drop onto the floor.​​ The water was scorchingly perfect, you could feel your muscles loosening. Using your nails, you scrub your scalp almost moaning from how nice it felt. The smell of the ‘honey crisp apple’ scented candle was only adding to the relaxation. Unfortunately that all came to a halt when your younger sister barrelled into the bathroom and turned on the harsh fluorescent lights.
“Oh my god, you scared the shit out of me!” you exclaimed. 
“Well sorry, you’re the one hogging the bathroom,” your sister remarked. 
“If you were patient and knocked I would have told you that I’m about to be done,” you said. 
“No time, Morty invited me to a party that Summer is throwing,” she said which made you throw the current open. 
“You’re going to Summer Smith’s party?” you questioned. 
“Yeah, I thought you were going to. Morty mentioned that Summer asked you. And plus I kinda already told my friend that you would give us a ride..” she said. 
“Girl what the fuck, why would I go to a party after working every day after school all week. Yeah she invited me but I wasn’t planning on going,” you huffed.
“Well, can you still take me?” she asked.
After you got out of the shower you thought about the fact that even your younger sister was going to be at this party. Even though you were still tired from school and the work week, you felt like staying home would just make you feel… pathetic. As soon as you got out of the shower you started getting ready. You haven’t done your makeup in so long that you almost forgot how to apply your lashes. You straightened your hair and threw on a jean mini skirt and a black long sleeve. It was weird looking in the mirror once you were all done up. You liked it though, it made you miss when you didn’t have to worry about work. When you went downstairs to see if your little sister was ready to go, she was equally as shocked at your appearance. After her friend arrived you guys took off to the Smith house. The entire house was completely lit up with lights, teens that were smoking on the roof, and of course, unknown species of life that were slithering and flying around. Your sister pestered you for 20 bucks then ditched you. You entered the house and immediately got greeted by the smell of weed and tobacco. It didn’t bother you too much though, you walked into the living room and immediately saw your old group of friends. They all screamed and ran over to give you a hug. You could tell they were all a little intoxicated. 
“What are you doing here, we had no idea you were coming!” Maya said. 
“Yeah I had the weekend off so I thought I’d come out,” you said. 
“Ever since you started working, I feel like I haven’t seen you in like forever,” Anna said. 
“Yeah I know, but it’s nice being able to save money. Especially because I could take some of that responsibility off my mom,” you said. 
“Don’t you miss going out though? You were literally about to get asked out by Brad. I mean like, you practically lost your status when it comes to school,” Maya said in a condescending way.
“If my status was based purely on me going to parties and hanging out with girls who are pretending to be drunk then I don’t think I want it. Too obtainable for someone like me, sounds perfect for you though,” you said, giving her a warm smile as you watched her smirk fade from her face. 
Now you remember why you stopped going to house parties like this. As you walked around you couldn’t help but notice all the sophomoric conversations going on. Things like bragging about having a roach from their dad’s ashtray. Or boasting about getting to second base with their girl. Honestly, it made you feel a lot older than you are. Making your way into the kitchen, you saw Summer standing there with Trisha. They both greeted you and complemented how you looked, which really lifted your confidence.
“Haven’t seen you in a while, stranger,” Summer said, giving you a red solo cup filled with an unknown liquid. 
“Girl you know I started working,” you said, smelling the cup and trying to identify what type of liquor it is. 
“Same, honestly ever since I started working at my mom’s shop, I feel like my childhood is officially over,” Trisha laughed. 
“God I’m glad I’m not the only one,” you joked back. 
“We were about to go up into my room and smoke, you wanna join?” Summer asked which you immediately agreed to. 
Her room was really nice, with pink coral walls and a bunch of different posters that covered them. Trisha and you sat down on her bed and Summer walked over and grabbed a bong from under her desk. She grabbed her desk chair so that she could sit in front of you guys. Trisha surprised you and pulled a blunt out from behind her ear. They thought this was your first time smoking but it wasn’t. When you work in a nursing home, sometimes the only thing keeping you sane is your wind-down time at the end of the day. After puffing on those for a bit, Summer pulled out a tray that had a couple of purple almost violet crystals. Without saying a word to each other, the two girls crush up one and then snort it. It took you back at first, the brazenness of how casually they were doing lines was a little jarring, to say the least. When you asked what it was they explained what kalaxian crystals were and what the high was like. Even though it was embarrassing, the factor that sold you was when Summer said they couldn’t be picked up on a drug test. Trisha was holding up the tray and Summer was walking you through what to do. 
“So like, when people do lines for the first time, most don’t fully sniff because they are obviously like, intimidated by it. But if you take a small bump then it’ll just burn and you won’t get the full high. So just go full throttle,” she said handing you the straw, the fact that the whites of her eyes were now blue made you nervous. 
However, the mix of alcohol and weed in your system was making you ballsy. You close your eyes and take the full line, dropping the straw on the tray and bringing your hands to your nose. As if that would’ve helped the burning sensation. Both girls were giggling as they watched you react, asking every now and then if you were okay. Your entire sinus cavity was not only burning but giving off an unpleasant taste in the back of your throat. The effects were immediate and you felt like you were defying gravity. Like if you really tried you could start floating away. You looked over at the two other girls who were dancing to the stereo Summer had in her room. Without them even noticing, you walked out of her room and made your way downstairs. You felt like everything was moving in slow motion and you were taking in every detail of everything you laid eyes on. The music was so loud that it felt like a heart beating in your ears. Panic and sensory overload were taking over and you could feel your heart began to quicken. After accidentally bumping into a girl, she turns around and tries to snake her arm around your waist. Obviously having a stranger try to grind on you in the midst of a panic attack was the last thing that helped. You broke away and made a B-line to the nearest door. You yanked it open and slammed it shut behind you. You were using your hand to cover your mouth in a sad attempt to stop your hyperventilation. 
“Medical emergency detected, blood pressure 148/96 and rising; Medical intervention advised,” a monotone woman’s voice spoke throughout the room. 
“Oh my fucking god, I’m fucking hallucinating… I’m overdosing I-I’m about to fucking die,” you have cried have muttered to yourself and you covered your ears. 
“You -buhrup- you’re not dying yet, what did you take?” a male’s voice asked. When you looked up, a blue-haired man was standing over you. Wearing brown slacks and black shoes. 
“You deaf? What -buhrup- did you take?” he asked again, taking your jaw into his hands and making you look up at him. Your eyes were still blue from the crystals and your jaw was now chattering. You were still crying and breathing heavily. 
“I told Summer to stop letting people take bumps of kalaxian. I have something, hold on.
“No- I don’t, I just needed a-a few minutes to catch my breath,” you explained, wiping your eyes and standing up, still leaning against the garage door for support. 
“Whatever, you’re lucky I’m trying this whole nice thing,” he said, going back to working on whatever it was sitting on his workbench.
“Sorry,” you said, walking over to his bench and asking if you could sit on the bench. He ignored you but also didn’t protest when you hopped on. Setting your purse down, grab your dab pen and take a puff. 
“You sure about smoking that?” he asked. 
“Weed is a vasodilator so it probably wouldn’t be the best thing for me right now but it can’t be the worst either,” you said taking another hit. 
“Did WebMD teach you that?” he asked.
“No, I learned that from my CNA teacher,” you said. 
“HAHA, do you enjoy wiping shit off of saggy balls?” Rick said followed by a fit of laughter. 
“Yeah, kinda hot,” you said, taking a drag. He looked at you with his eyebrow cocked which made you burst out into laughter, “you should have seen his face!” You said you are unable to compose yourself. He squinted his eyes, tilted his head down slightly, and scowled at you. 
Maybe it was the drugs but the look he gave you made your stomach feel like it was boiling. He again went back to tinkering with his invention. His side profile was strong, his lips were in a frown and he had liquor dripping down his chin. His hands were huge, making a screwdriver look like a pencil. His posture was horrible, practically hunching over the workbench. The blue long-sleeve he wore was slightly tucked into the top of his pants. You were watching his lower stomach rise and lower as he breathed at a very steady rate. He had dark under-eye bags that only added to an angst vibe that radiated off him. You wanted to make a move to indicate that you thought he was attractive but felt insecure. Taking a deep drag from your pen to give you a bit of courage, you kick off your heels.
The sound of them clattering to the floor made Rick look over, he didn’t move but instead shifted his eye to the side to watch you. When he didn’t give you the attention you were craving, you uncrossed your legs and let them hang in front of you. Rick set down what he was working on and turned to face you. Pressing his back into the workbench and just watching you. Biting onto the tip of the pen you take another big drag and blow it between your legs. In turn, he took a swig from his flask, almost like that was his move in this little game you were playing with each other. You set your pen down and pull your skirt up so that the jean material of your skirt was no longer touching the tabletop. Revealing the hip bands on your baby blue thong, he chuckled and walked over to you. He stood about a foot away from you and even though there was still distance between the two, it felt closer. You were intimidated by him and you couldn’t tell if it was turning you on more or not. Extending your leg out, you use your foot and untuck the front of his shirt from his pants. Exposing his happy trail that to your surprise was also blue. 
“So the carpet does match the drapes,” you giggle, which quickly turns into a gasp as Rick grabs your ankle and holds it up slightly. He was squeezing it so tightly but this only ignited a need that you didn’t know existed. 
“Should have asked if you were so curious,” he said, pulling your leg so that your ass was almost falling off the edge of the table.
He loosened his grip on your ankle and ran his calloused hand up your leg. Once he was close enough, he snaked his hand around your waist. The feeling of his hand touching your lower back made your back arch involuntarily. His crotch was pressed lightly against yours. You were so nervous that your teeth were chattering. His hands were now running up and down your lower back, almost like he was getting off from watching how sensitive you were to his touch. When you looked up, he was already looking down at you. This was something that was new to you and you weren’t quite sure what to do with your hands. Trying not to think too hard about it, you dip your fingers into the waistband of his pants and boxers. You pressed your nose against him, letting your bottom lip rub against his gently. You start pulling on the end of his shirt, prompting him to take it off. He shook his head in disagreement, so you pull away slightly and take your top off. He laughed and then took his shirt off as well. As if he had a look in his eye that said I’ll show mine if you show yours’. The fact that neither of you had to speak to communicate made you want to throw yourself at him. There were scars littered across his body, you traced one that was on his chest. Moving your fingertips to his arms, still admiring his old battle wounds. He was still watching you even though you weren’t making eye contact with him. 
When you finally broke away and looked up at him and couldn’t help but admire him. His frown lines, how dark his eyes were, and how his hair was sticking out in all directions. You smashed your mouth against him, unable to bear waiting any longer. He was such a good kisser, not messy and sloppy like the ones you’ve had before. He was aggressive but not overbearing, you wrapped your legs around his waist. Running your hands through his hair and around his neck. He moved his hands to his hips and began grinding against you. Your lips were starting to feel raw from how long he’d been biting and kissing. Moving your hands down to his pelvis you try unbuckling his belt. When he pulled away from you, a trail of saliva connected by the both of your bottom lips followed. He pulled down the front of his pants, exposing his dick. You pulled your panties to the side and he didn’t waste any time reaching down to feel how wet you were. He let out a hoarse moan, and let his forehead fall onto your shoulder. At this point you were aching with anticipation. Unwilling to take his teasing anymore, you reach down and line up his tip with your entrance. He takes the hint and moves his hands back to your hips for support. Slowly he started pressing into you, his mouth was slightly hung open. There was a slight stinging from how big he was but because he was starting slow, that feeling soon faded. He took a step forward once he was fully pressed into you. 
He kept himself buried inside of you for a while while kissing your neck. Sucking hickies and leaving bite marks all the way down to your shoulder. He slowly started rocking himself back and forth. You attach yourself to his neck, wrapping your arms around his neck and moan as he slides in and out. You were trying to buck your hip up in order to meet him halfway with his thrusts. Watching his facial expressions as he pounded into you was making you feel euphoric. Everytime you tightened around his shaft you could see his face scrunch in pleasure. At this point he was pounding viciously into you, your walls were becoming sensitive. You were sure that he was getting close because he was getting more aggressive. His thrusts were getting more sporadic, he reached up and grabbed a fist full of your hair. Forcing your head back, exposing your neck allowing him to continue marking you up.
You were whimpering every time his length pressed completely inside you. His face was red from how much he was exerting himself. Your arms were wrapped around his neck so he grabbed you from underneath your knees and pressed you against the wall. The change in position was enough to send you over the edge, going limp slightly as your pussy spasmed around his cock while you came. He let his entire body weight press against you as he came inside you. As you were cumming, you could feel his throbbing member spurting inside of you. When he pulled out he took his shaft into his hand and rubbed his tip up and down your folds. Enjoying the feelings of your warmth and swollen core. He set you back down on the top of his work station. You were still cross faded and don’t think you could walk even if you wanted to. Barely being able to keep your eyes open you use your arm as a pillow to ‘rest your eyes’ for a few moments.
Rick zipped his pants up and went to leave the garage, knowing you’d probably leave once you woke up. Maybe it was the recent encounter with Unity that made him feel like a douche. As if having careless sex with you was only proving her point that you were a bad guy. He took a deep breath and stood in front of the door for a while before turning around. Grabbing your purse, he took your wallet and looked for the address on your ID. After punching it into his portal gun and creating the green entryway to your house. He picked you up bridal style and carried you through the portal. He used his foot to move the covers over and set you down on your bed. Leaving your purse and shoes on the floor next to you before leaving.
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baileypie-writes · 10 months
Howdy! So when you see the movie, can you write a story of a fem reader and velvet, I know that this isn’t very specific, but I just need more fanfics about vels 😭
A/N ~ Of course! This was a lot of fun to write lol. I love Velvet.
~🎤Where’s My Hug?🎤~
Velvet x fem!Reader
Fandom: Trolls: Band Together
Reader: Female
Relationship: Romantic
Synopsis: Velvet’s “too cool” to admit that she likes your affection. Thinking that she didn’t like it, you stopped giving her so much, but that made Velvet upset.
Warnings: Reader and Velvet not properly communicating their feelings until the end, pretty cringe
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(Sorry for the low quality pic lol)
Velvet is not a very affectionate person. She hates initiating hugs and kisses, so she lets you do it. She likes the attention, but doesn’t show it. She’s “too cool” for that. Since she shows no sign of enjoyment from your acts of affection, you decided to tone it down.
But Velvet didn’t like it. She secretly misses being greeted with a gentle hug, and maybe a peck on the cheek. But, of course, she’s not going to admit it. So instead, she’s just gonna be grouchy.
As you were removing the plastic from the package of popcorn, your doorbell rang. You sprinted to answer it, knowing exactly who it was. As expected, when you opened the door, the green haired twins were on the other side of it.
You’ve known Velvet and Veneer for a long time. Veneer was your best friend, he always made you laugh. And Velvet was your girlfriend. You two had been dating for a few months now. Tonight, you guys were having a movie night. You insisted on watching your favorite movie. You found out the previous day that the twins had never seen it, and you didn’t think that was acceptable.
“Hey (Y/N)!” Greeted Veneer as he stepped inside, Velvet following suite.
“Hey Veneer!” You gave him a side hug.
Velvet rolled her eyes. Of course, she wasn’t gonna verbally admit that she was upset, but by looking at her face, it was clear as day.
She complained in her mind, thinking: “Where’s my hug?”
Any other thoughts were cut off by you gently grasping her hand.
“Hey, babe!”
She was caught off guard, making her face turn red. It wasn’t easy to miss on her paper-white complexion. She quickly turned her head, praying that you didn’t see.
“Hey.” She said, a mix of bashfulness and coldness in her voice.
~~~(Mini Time Skip)~~~
You were seated between the twins. Velvet on your right, and Veneer on your left. The movie had hit its climax, and the character that everyone else trusted had turned on them.
Veneer gasped loudly. “What!? How could they!” You laughed at his dramatic reaction. So typical of Veneer.
You started patting his shoulder, jokingly comforting him. Velvet sighed. It annoyed her so much that you were giving her brother more attention. She scoffed, and snatched the empty bowl out of your hands. “I’m gonna get more popcorn.” She said, the annoyance clear in her voice, and exited the room, shutting the door a bit too aggressively.
She startled you a bit. You wondered why she seemed so upset. Once her shadow disappeared from the gap under the door, you paused the movie, and turned to your left.
“Hey Veneer?”
“Yeah? Something wrong?” He responded, a bit concerned.
“Have you noticed that Velvet’s been a bit…. you know…. grouchy lately?”
Veneer rolled his eyes. “Girl, she’s my sister. Of course I’ve noticed.”
“Okay, so…. do you happen to know why?”
He scoffed. “Yes I know why! I thought it was obvious! It’s because you’re not giving her much love anymore, duh! Gosh, you can be so dense sometimes.” He rubbed his hand down his face at the last sentence, clearly done with your stupidity.
“Wait what? I thought she didn’t like it when I hugged or kissed her! She always looked so bothered.”
Veneer laughed tiredly. “It’s like she doesn’t even know her.” He mumbled loudly to himself as if you weren’t right next to him. “Lemme tell you something about my sister. She pretends not to like something, even though she really likes it. Need I remind you of your guy’s whole love story~~?” He said the last two words in a teasingly dreamy way, and twisted his arms to make the shape of a heart.
You looked back to before you and Velvet were dating. Veneer was right. She pretended not to like you, but in reality, she fell harder for you than you did for her. You felt like a complete idiot, and a terrible girlfriend.
“Oh my gosh, you’re right! I’m so stupid!” You dropped your face in your hands. Then, you felt Veneer’s hand on your back. Before he could say anything, though, the door opened, and Velvet came in with the previously empty bowl, now full of popcorn. As soon as she sat down, Veneer popped up.
“Oh boy, am I thirsty! I’ll be right back, I’m gonna get some water!” He said, before zipping to the door. His tone made it obvious that he was lying. He was never good at it. Before he was completely out of the room, he poked his head in, and gave you a wink.
After she heard the door close, Velvet turned to you. “What was that about?”
You let out a halfhearted chuckle, before taking a deep breath. “Hey Vels, I’m really sorry.”
Velvet was slightly started by the genuine apologetic look you gave her. “About….?”
“I thought you didn’t like hugs or kisses, so I stopped giving you them. I didn’t know that it would bother you so much. I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
Velvet sighed with a hint of relief. “Just…. don’t do it again.” She crossed her arms, turning away as she, once again, began blushing. But this time, you noticed. You smiled, and gave her the tightest hug.
“I won’t. But we should get better at communicating with each other. We don’t want something like this to happen again.”
Velvet let out a loud “Uuuugh.” Before responding.
You laughed, before grabbing her face, and pulling her in for a kiss. One that Velvet, for once, reciprocated.
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adrienneleclerc · 5 months
Hey there I was wondering if you could write for Henry Cavill and can it be something like y/n is kind of a newly famous younger singer and is on the Graham Norton Show with Henry and you know he’s always kind of been objectified which kind of makes me sad so maybe Graham mentions that y/n is a fan of Henry and he assume it’s mostly about his looks but y/n asks Henry about gaming and stuff like War Hammer and stuff and he’s really happy that it’s not just a bout his looks and it’s a cute moment as they bond about that stuff and maybe turns a little flirty. Hope that makes sense x
This is so cute! I have watched some Graham Norton interviews with Henry Cavill and I have looked up about War Hammer to make it as accurate as possible, Y/N will be 28, I believe that age gap is good, 12 year age gap like my parents’, hope you like it! Like always, it will be Hispanic Reader because you didn’t clarify ☺️
Nerds in Love
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Henry Cavill and Y/N bond over their love for Warhammer and World of Warcraft in the most unlikely place.
Warning: no warnings.
A/N: im sorry if I keep mentioning Eiza González in my Henry Cavill fanfics but she is literally the only Latina that can be linked to him, the only other Latina is technically Shakira and I don’t think they even talked. Also, I LOVE Becky G so she will ALWAYS be like a reference when it comes to outfits or songs when writing about “singer! Reader”
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Y/N was in the recording booth, recording her new song.
“Soy muy buena niña, 100 de calificación, tengo todo bien resuelto, vivo chill de vacación, cerveza, billar, dados, tacos son mi tradición, pero tú eres idiota.” Y/N sang but her manager made a signal to stop and the backing track stopped, Y/N took off her headphones. “What’s going on? I thought it was sounding really good.” Y/N got out of the booth.
“It was, it really was, my dear, but I got a call and Graham Norton wants you on his show as his musical guest.” Y/N manager, Milagros, said. Y/N got a water bottle out of the mini fridge by the soundboard.
“Graham Norton? I didn’t think I was popular enough with the UK crowd, I just started.” Y/N said, drinking water.
“Your song was in a movie, you gained a lot of fans from that. Plus, you’d be surprised how many Europeans LOVE Latinas. Would you be interested? He wants you in 2 weeks.” Milagros said
“I don’t know if I can, I don’t even watch the show.” Y/N said.
“Well, i thought you’d be interested since Henry Cavill will be one the guests.” Milagros said, she turned to leave the studio.
“In 2 weeks, right?” Y/N asked.
“Yes! Okay so Henry Cavill will be there with Eiza González, and Henry Goulding. I’m gonna make the call, continue recording, this song is going to be a hit, I know it.” Milagros walked away to make the call.
“Okay compa, do we start from the top?” Y/N asked, stepping into the booth.
“Yes, that would be preferable.” The music producer said.
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Y/N was backstage getting her makeup done.
“Oh my god, I’m so nervous. I’ve seen what people have said about Renee Rapp and how she has no media training, these people will rip me to shreds.” Y/N began to panic to Milagros.
“A ver, mi niña, cálmate, You’re going to be great, you’re going to sing your heart out, sit with the Henries and Eiza, and answer some questions that Graham might have about your musical journey. You’ve been working for this, you’ll be great.” Milagros said. Y/N was wearing a decent performance outfit that’s also TV appropriate.
“And welcoming the Latin Pop Princess of the moment, here’s Y/N L/N singing her hit, ‘Arranca’” Graham announced and Y/N walk out on stage wearing this.
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She sang her song and everyone applauded. Y/N walked over to sit next to Henry Goulding.
“Y/N, that was a spectacular performance, honestly.” Graham complimented her.
“Oh thank you, I was very nervous, this is my first TV appearance.” Y/N responded.
“Does not seem like it. I’ve heard that you are a big fan of Henry Cavill.” Graham said.
“Oh yes, I really am.” Y/N responded, nodding her head excitedly.
“Are you a fan of his shirtless movie scenes?” Graham asked and Y/N laughed a little before catching a glimpse of Henry who looked a little uncomfortable with Graham’s question.
“No actually, I became a fan of his when I discovered that he’s into Warhammer as well.” Y/N replied and Henry looked at her.
“Really?” Henry asked.
“Yes! I’ve collected quite a few, sometimes I just don’t have the time to paint all of them so there are a few figurines left untouched.” Y/N said.
“Whenever you finish painting, we should play together sometime.” Henry said.
“I’d like that a lot actually, it’s a dream come true to okay Warhammer with the great Henry Cavill, are you kidding?” Y/N said and there a few laughs.
“So Y/N, you’re still new to the industry, only being signed for what, 5 months? How did you get discovered?” Graham asked
“Well, my friend was holding this fundraiser because she runs that performing arts school in New York, the one Timothee Chalamet went too…” Y/N started and there were cheers in the crowd. “Yeah, Timothee is popular, anyway, she needed to replace a performer who got sick, she knows I sing, so instead of playing world of Warcraft that night, I was singing on stage and this woman, who is now my manager, came up to me with this tall guy and said I had a really great voice and if I was interested in becoming a singer.” Y/N said.
The last 6 minutes of the show was just Y/N answering questions because she is new to the industry. When the show finished, Y/N was walking backstage when she felt someone touch her shoulder. She turned around and saw Henry.
“You play world of Warcraft too?” Henry asked.
“Yeah, I do. Along with The Witcher, it’s actually the reason why I became a fan of you. I know I said it with Graham, but it’s awesome that there’s a celebrity with the same hobbies as me, you know? Besides, it’s fun to surprise people who only see me as a pretty face.” Y/N said.
“Yes, I feel the same way, a lot of people see my body and they become a fab of me because they think I’m hot.” Henry said.
“I mean you are hot, but you are so much more than that.” Y/N said
“What do you feel about getting dinner with me right now?” Henry asked. Y/N looked down at her outfit.
“Let me change and I’ll let Milagros know.” Y/N said.
“I’ll wait for you outside the door so we can leave together.” Henry said and Y/N went to her dressing room and told Milagros everything.
“Ay mija, Im so excited for you. Have fun, tell me everything.” Milagros said, giving Y/N her change of clothes.
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Y/N walked out and saw Henry on his phone. He looked up as soon as he heard the door open and close.
“You look great. Let’s go.” Henry said, holding out his arm so Y/N could hold on as they started walking out of the studio.
The End
I hope you like it! I was thinking of a part 2 where Henry and Y/N are on the show again and Y/N sings “So American” and they just talk about their relationship. If you think that’s a good idea that is
Taglist: @warriormirkwood
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licorice-tea · 2 months
The Captain Who Loved Me (1/2)
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x reader
Content: Angst, Reader is hurt/unconscious (briefly), reader tries to run away from their problems, ends up in a dangerous situation, themes of fear/ danger!, fluff afterwards, sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors!
Word Count: ~1.6k
A/N: Hey… Sorry it’s been so long! My life has been busy, to say the least. Borderline chaotic, but I don’t want to make it out to be a bad thing when there are so many amazing things and people in my life right now. However, there have been a few personal events that have made me less motivated/ less focused on writing. I’m sorry for making you all wait for updates/ requests, but I genuinely am just lacking a lot of interest in writing fanfic at the moment. Still, J appreciate all of your support so so much <3 It makes my day when I go on this app and see that people are still enjoying things I’ve written! So, I hope you enjoy this one too. (Part 1/2 bc i want to do a shorter ending.)
Part 3
Law hadn't thought that when you said you would “go,” you wouldn't really try to leave. And in all fairness, neither had you. You just started walking away from him, way too peeved to even look back or slow down when you heard his stuttered “wait!” And when you got back to your cabin, you picked up a backpack. Then you had filled it with only the essentials (the same way you would pack to go inland for a day or possibly longer.) And finally, with no purpose in your plan besides getting away for a little while and clearing your mind, you headed below deck to the Soldier Dock System.
Franky named this deck the Soldier Dock System because, as he had once explained to you, all of the smaller vehicles housed within the Sunny are like her soldiers. The memory makes you smile as you quietly open the door and close it behind you, then stroll along the small walkway until you spot what you came down here for in the first place: The Mini Merry 2. She bobs in shallow water and seems to call to you; “Get in! Let’s go!”
You’re too tired to make the right decision, so you quickly open channel 2 of the dock system, drop your bag into the passenger seat, and climb in after. An opening on the side of the Sunny lets in higher waters, which carry the Mini Merry out to sea…
“Have you seen y/n?”
Zoro’s head snaps up to the other swordsman. The two don’t converse much outside of what's necessary, so he's surprised to see the equally stoic man standing over him while he “naps” (keeps watch) in the crows nest. He shakes his head.
“Aren’t you supposed to be keeping watch?”
“Yeah, on the ocean. Not my own crew mates.”
Law scoffs, and mutters; “Thanks for nothing.”
Zoro can tell the other captain is annoyed for some reason, and decides to throw him a bone. “Traffy!”
“Check the lower levels. They might be hanging out in someone’s workshop… or whatever.”
Law regards Zoro with a suspicious gaze, but it soon turns to one of quiet thanks. He nods and leaves through the hatch in the crows nest.
Cool sea air hits him stronger than expected as soon as he exits the confines of the crows nest. With one hand and both feet planed (somewhat) firmly on the rope ladder, Law leans back to view the weather. A storm is brewing on the horizon, which shouldn’t be any problem for a ship as massive and advanced as the Thousand Sunny. The navigator/thief had briefed everyone on board on the gloomy weather that night after dinner, and though Law had been too distracted by thoughts of you, he had managed to pay a little bit of attention for the sake of important information. You hadn’t been at the impromptu meeting regarding the sea and sky’s conditions, so he had just assumed you were probably resting in your cabin already. No reason to worry over your safety if you were already fast asleep, right?
But as Law continues to survey the waters surrounding his temporary residence, he spots an anomaly. A tiny boat, rocking on the water as the ocean seems to send more violent waves its way. With squinted eyes, Law observes the miniature ship. It’s hard to see through the oncoming rain, but he can make out the lone passenger’s bent knees. They’re apparently trying to brace themselves as they struggle with the steering mechanism at the front of the boat, and their hair is whipped every which way about their face by winds that must be much stronger that far out at sea. It’s hard to make out their features because of the rain that comes down in sheets over their mysterious figure, but when he finally catches a glimpse of their face, Law’s heart drops to the pit of his stomach.
He watches in horror as, what he now recognizes as your ship, is tossed back and forth on the tumultuous waves. You look over your shoulder and back at the Sunny, before you lose your balance. But your head seems to be struck by something at the front of the ship during your short fall, based on the way you first wobble, almost find your footing by leaning forwards, then jolt backwards. Law yells your name at the top of his lungs, but you do not move.
When you open your eyes to find yourself tucked into your bed, you think nothing of it. That is, until the throbbing pain in the center of your forehead reveals itself to you. Then the memories of a storm all come flooding back: the freedom you had felt in your first few moments in open water, alone with your thoughts. How quickly that sense of calmness had turned to panic as the weather changed in an instant, leaving you to desperately try to steer back towards the Sunny in a boat no taller than yourself. Slipping on the small deck, only for your head to hit something and… black out. And you remember Law’s voice, too; he had sounded so distant that it must have been your imagination .
The soft creak of your bedroom door draws you from the rush of memories, and you look up to find Chopper making his way into your room with a tray. He doesn’t realize your eyes are open until he’s set it down on a bedside table, and climbed up onto your bed with a stethoscope in hand.
“Y/n! You’re awake!” he gasps.
You offer a weak smile and attempt to sit up, but the reindeer gently pushes you back down. “Chopper… What happened?”
“You had an accident during the storm 3 days ago-“
“3 days ago?”
“Yes, Nami briefed the crew on it. But then Traffy found you on the Mini Merry 2, a mile from the ship!”
“I- I didn’t know there would be a storm…”
Chopper frowns while placing his stethoscope on your chest. You take 2 deep breaths in and he nods to himself before simply sitting beside you. “What were you doing out there?”
You shrug, “I just wanted to clear my head.”
He pays your arm, “I don’t know what’s going on between you and Traffy, but he cares for you a lot. He used his devil fruit to save you in the middle of the ocean, which… could have ended badly.”
This strikes a chord within you. Of course you knew Law cared for you to some degree, but knowing that he put his own safety on the line to help you in your time of need… Perhaps it was wrong of you to assume he was selfish and cold for refusing to admit what was so glaringly obvious to everyone else. What is now so clear to you, too.
He loves you.
“Oh… And is he-“
“He’s fine, but I prescribed him some much needed rest from coming in contact with sea water.”
Chopper finishes examining you and gives you some pain medication for your head, then leaves you alone to properly wake up and get yourself together. To no surprise, your alone time doesn’t last long as an influx of visitors find their way to your cabin.
First are Nami and Robin, who knew you were awake from hearing your voice through shared walls. They come with a small bouquet of flowers from Robin’s garden in a pretty little decorative vase, and each make themselves comfortable in your room. Though the door is closed, Luffy excitedly barges in soon after, followed by Usopp, then Chopper again. He scolds the two young men for disturbing your peace and possibly riling you up, but you assure the even younger doctor that it’s more than fine. Because, in your opinion, there’s nothing like your nakama’s company to raise your spirits. Zoro must have wandered in at some point and decided to take a nap on your floor, which you only realize when Sanji opens the door and hits the swordsman’s leg when he (gently) kicks it open. They resolve to only glare at each other for a moment before Sanji hands you a cup of something warm and sweet, “For someone warm and sweet.”
The 8 of you spend some time chatting and enjoying your company before you find the courage to ask, “Where is everyone else?”
“Jimbei is steering the ship-“
“Brook is keeping watch-
“And Franky is working below deck. Something about improving the Mini Merry 2… But that’s not really what you wanted to know, is it?”
You feel your face heat up as you meet Robin’s all-knowing eye and shake your head “no.” She smiles at you and giggles pass between your crew mates.
Your friends file out of your room (or are ushered out by Nami and Robin, rather, who insist that you should get some more rest.) But soon enough, there’s yet another knock at your door. Your breath hitches, as you feel you already know who’s on the other side…
“Come in.”
Taglist: @augustanna @lavanderdreamve @pinksaiyans @khaleesihavilliard @jennapancake @pinki-minki @loserbee14 @theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction @nyxlai @mrs-monkey-d-luffy @pi-crust @bookboyfriendssaveme @dark-swedish-suitcase-blog
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aemondloverr · 6 months
Not Safe For Work
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Pairing: MiguelxFemReader!
Summary: You are an esteemed scientist who works in the spider society Alchemax in Nueva York. Miguel O'hara is your best friend and coworker who happens to have a high sex drive this week. You tease him until he can't take it anymore.
3.1k words (Kind of unedited :b )
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, P n V, no protection! + rough(ish) sex (wrap it before you tap it irl guys pls), Switch!Miguel (but mostly dom), creampie, oral/fingering f receiving, slight choking!, Dacryphilia, pet names (Cariño, Hermosa)
A/N: Sorry it took me so long to write this😭School was kicking my ass and a lots been going on. But anyways, I hope you guys enjoy my first ever fanfic and please please please write me requests in my inbox!!!!
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Miguel couldn’t get his mind off of you.
It felt strange for him to admit that, even though he was your best friend. For him to admit that he was craving you, that he was feeling needy, it felt so…embarrassing. He wakes up to the thought of your body every morning, ashamedly stroking himself in the shower before work and imagining his hand was yours. But he wanted more than just the sad release of his own fist. He needed you
You arrive at work early, wearing your favorite new formal suit. Your short pencil skirt especially, was tight in all the right places, accentuating the shape of your body. It had only become your favorite suit because you noticed it got Miguel the most hot and bothered compared to your other outfits. Over the last few weeks you’ve been wearing slightly more and more revealing things, breaking the lab safety code. Off the shoulder and cleavage-showing shirts, skin tight dresses, mid thigh and mini skirts. Your heels especially were a violation of the safety code with them being tripping hazards themselves. Walking into your shared lab, bag in hand, you see Miguel and walk over to his desk
“Hey Migs” you whisper in his ear, bending over to look at his computer as he types. He immediately stops typing when he feels your warm breath on his ear. He gets flustered and feels his breathing quickening before taking in your sweet scent. “Hey, what's up?” he murmured back, a smile creeping onto his lips. His eyes scanned you from head to toe subconsciously.
“What are you working on?”
“Just going over some test results… what are you doing here so early anyways…?” he replies softly
You arrived early to get the jump on the large pile of files you had to do pertaining to the lab testing “I have some more testing to finish up and a shit ton of files to fill out for it too.” you rested your arms around his neck, your breath still tickling his cheek and chest pressed against his back
Miguel's breath hitched. Savoring the feeling of your warmth around him, he swallows the lump in his throat and shifts in his seat. His pants start to feel a little too tight. Leaning forward slightly, he tries to hide the fact that you’re already starting to turn him on. This was going to be a long day for him..
Throughout the day, he had to restrain himself. You’d do little things that “unintentionally” turn him on. Every time you bend over, your lace panties show from under your short pencil skirt. Whenever you walk, your ass and thighs jiggle. Your bra is just barely a size too small, making your boobs slightly spill out of your half unbuttoned dress shirt. The way you purr his name drives him crazy. He felt himself becoming more aroused with every passing moment. His eyes follow the gentle curve of your hips, watching you walk around the lab doing your testing.
He steals glances at you, often staring for almost too long. And of course you noticed. You noticed even the slightest things about him. How his gaze drifted to your lips and their wet appearance when you applied your lipgloss. The way you walked across the office, when you bend over to pick something up and he turns his head. He felt guilty for looking, but he couldn’t help himself.
He imagines how you look naked, though your suit doesn't leave much to the imagination. He imagines what it’d feel like to be inside you, or to have you riding his face;How you'd sound moaning his name from your pretty lips while he eats you out. He wants to know what it would feel like to sink his teeth into your neck, to make you feel so good you cry. His hard bulge strained against his pants but he tried not to show it. You weren't getting the verbal reaction you wanted out of him so you came up with an idea. Suddenly there was a light thud. Your lipgloss fell onto the floor and rolled somewhere.
“What was that- oh” You bent over, getting on your knees to look for it underneath the desk. You groan in frustration and arch your back as you reach your arm under, “struggling” to get the lipgloss. He notices…but this time, he could barely hold his composure.
His pulse was racing.
His palms were sweaty.
His breath was shallow.
He couldn't believe this…It was just a simple excuse to drive him crazy, right?
Your arching back, your exposed ass…You didn't want to pick up the damned lip gloss. He realized you did this on purpose.
A small moan escaped him at the sight of under your skirt. Miguel grips the arms of his chair firmly while his toes curl in his shoes at the slight friction against the fabric.
“God damn it…”
“Miguel…you okay?” when you hear something like a moan out of him, you become concerned, or at least that’s what he thinks.
“You're doing it on purpose aren't you…” he chokes out.
“What are you talking about..? I don't-” You’re “confused” by what he's saying and you get up from under your desk, seeing that he's turning red and has sweat dripping from his forehead.
Immediately, you walk over to him feeling his face and forehead to see if he's hot. “What happened to you? You’re burning up.”
“You happened to me…You keep on teasing me on purpose. The way you bent over, the suit you wore today, the way you keep touching me…don't act like you don't know what im talking about”
He doesn't want to scare you off with his desperateness but he's struggling not to bend you over his desk and just take you right there.
You struggled to think of an explanation quickly as he called you out “Well I just-” He caught you in a lie.
“You're not making this easy for me” he whispers, his breathing quickening. At this point he could feel himself throbbing.
“I never expected you to react that strongly…” you say under your breath folding your arms and looking down at his sitting figure.
With you standing between his open legs, he traces your body with his fixed gaze, unashamedly this time. He pulls you by your wrist and rests his hands on your hips, caressing your body up and down slowly. He holds his forehead to your stomach and groans in frustration as the sweet smell of your perfume clouds his thoughts
“No puedo más- no puedo más-” he mutters under his breath
He’s interrupted by your knee coming in contact with his crotch between his legs and his mouth falls open to your proximity. “Fuck-” he inhales sharply. He clenches his jaw so tight, he's sure he almost broke a fang. You smile as you finally get the verbal reaction you were waiting. As Miguel rips open your dress shirt, the buttons fly off, kissing around your stomach and giving in to your efforts to tempt him.
Your heartbeat quickens and your breaths become slightly labored. This was exactly what you wanted; For him to be at your beck and call. Standing up slowly, he went from looking up at you to looking down at you. Your figure was significantly smaller than his and he towered over you by more than foot. Miguel becomes more desperate by the minute, not hesitating to ravage you, kissing your neck and whispering in your ear how much he needs you. “Te necesito tan malo…” he muttered. (I need you so badly…)
He throws the stacks of paper off of his desk while still kissing your neck and his large hands lift you up onto it, gripping your hips tightly. You let out a slight moan of content while holding his head to your neck. His lips trail kisses down your neck, to your breasts where he takes one nipple into his mouth. He feels you shudder beneath him as he continues to tease your nipples while his other hand finds his way under your skirt, rubbing your clit through the fabric of your panties and tights. Miguel could feel the fabric becoming soaked
After leaving your chest with hickeys and bruises, he slowly gets onto his knees, now looking up at you again, silently asking if it’s okay to continue. You give a slight nod and lazily, he starts to pull down your skirt but just after, he impatiently rips a hole in your tights and pulls aside the thin white lace panties you were wearing. Your expensive tights are now in ruin because of the man down on his knees for you.
“Miguel those were expens-oh god…” The sentence faded into a slight moan.
You brought your hand down to his hair pulling slightly as he worked his way down, kissing your stomach again. You’re surprised when he throws your legs up over his shoulders and it makes your walls flutter around nothing while he nips and bites at your inner thighs, leaving behind dark reddened marks. He lifts his head up slightly to say:
“I’ll buy you new ones cariño, I promise”
He immediately buries himself between your legs again. This time instead of kissing your thighs, he works his tongue. He licks a stripe up the length of your cunt, tongue flicking against your clit, earning whimpers and moans of his name from your sweet lips. “Miguel…” You instinctively buck and grind your hips against his mouth. His mouth and chin were wet with your slick but he didn't care because God did he love the taste of you. He ate you out like a starving man, slurping up every bit of your juices.
In fact, he really was starving. He was always eager to taste you but never knew how to admit it to you. His hands gripped the outside of your thighs tightly. Miguel pushes his tongue inside of you and tilts his head up with a lustful look in his eyes. He pulls back slightly, with a string of saliva between his mouth and your wet entrance. He swears he could get himself off and cum in his pants just by hearing you moan and squirm against his face.
Suddenly his thumb gently rubs circles over your clit and slips 2 digits inside you. You gasp in surprise, arching your back and grabbing a fist full of his hair. You pushed his face further between your legs as he worked his tongue and fingers in tandem;They pumped in and out of you at a fast pace, all while he was sucking at your clit.
Your legs close in around his head and heat pools rapidly in your lower abdomen, spreading like wildfire while your legs start to shake. Strings of curses leave your mouth as your orgasm approaches, but just as you feel your release sneaking up on you, Miguel takes out his fingers and pulls his face away with a slight pop. He ended your high rudely.
“...Fuck!...Miguel? What was that for??” you exclaim before you barely catch your breath
He licks his two fingers clean of your slick
“Don't worry, I’m not done yet.”
He hastily loosens the buckle of his belt and in one swift motion pulls down his boxers and dress pants, freeing this hardened length. Precum was already dripping from his aching tip.
It’s risky to be fucking out in the open of his office like this but after how you made him feel, he needed this. You both did. Miguel pushes your back down onto the desk and its sudden coldness makes you shiver. Eager to be inside of you, he steps between your legs and holds up your already shaking thighs and positions himself at your entrance.
As he eases into you, he pushes your thighs further and further in towards your stomach, completely exposing you so he could see the way your wetness coats him. You gasp and your walls tighten even more so than before
“Fuckkk you’re so tight…” he groans
Miguel buries himself inside of you before pulling out and thrusting back in again at a painfully slow pace. You could tell he was getting you back for the teasing you put him through the entire day. But just when you’re about to ask him to speed up, he does. It's like he read your mind. His hips thrust forward into yours. As eager as he is, he's trying to restrain himself so he doesn’t end up hurting you by accident.
He has to be at least 8 or more inches;Quite girthy too. Every time his cock slammed into you, his tip hit your cervix. It was almost too much to handle, but you tried not to say anything. Well…it's not like you could anyways. He was fucking you dumb and you couldn’t even form sentences. Your body felt like it was burning up at the core and his office desk creaks beneath you with each thrust he makes. You just hoped the walls weren't thin because if they were, that was a one way ticket to getting fired.
Miguel bent forward while still pounding the life out of you, kissing and nipping at your chest again. It sends you over the edge. “T-Too much Miguel…” He pulls his face away and looks at your expression, distorted with pleasure, sweat dripping from your forehead and eyes rolling back. He puts a hand gently around your throat. “You can take it querida, just a little longer~” he whispers into your ear and you moan in response, mouth agape. He feels so good that you start to tear up.
“Shhh…You're doing so well for me…” He hushes and praises you with his sweet words as his thrusts become sloppy and unrhythmic and you’re both nearing your orgasms. A white ring of your mixed juices forming at the base of his shaft
The noises of his hips slapping against your ass and the lewdness of both of your moaning fills the room. Still holding your thighs to your stomach, he leans forward and rests your calves over his shoulders so he can drive himself deeper into you. He then reaches down between your legs and rubs your clit roughly, chasing his high, eyes rolling back in his head as he feels your walls contract and squeeze his cock. “I want you to look at me hermosa…I wanna see your pretty face when you cum for me” he groans
He knows you're close so he positions himself to be brushing your g-spot every single time he pumps into you. Your thighs shake and you press your nails into his back but he's too pussy drunk to care. You scream out his name and tears fall from your eyes as your orgasm rips through your body. With the way you were sucking him in, and the moans you got out of him, you were practically milking him. Seeing your body spasming, writhing in pleasure under him, all while you look at him with tears in your eyes, god that really does something to him.
Miguel growls as he feels your orgasm wash over you, pushing deeper into you, hips shuddering. His own orgasm soon follows, pulsing hotly inside you as he groans out his warm release, eyes squeezing shut while he mumbles incoherent spanish and pathetic moans into your ear. The two of you are panting and exhausted and he lets his body collapse on yours
“You did so good for me” he whispers and litters your face in kisses
He pulls out slowly with a groan, a stream of his cum flowing out from your slit and onto the desk. You both made quite a mess
“You’re so pretty when you cum for me, you know that?” He smiles seeing your flustered reaction and takes your sore calves off of his shoulders.
“Miguel!” You playfully slap his shoulder. “You shouldn’t say those things…”
“Even prettier when you cry too” he teases
He laughs at your response and kisses your face one more time “Come on lets get’s get you cleaned up”
Miguel helps you sit up on the desk and grabs a small towel from his half bathroom, damp with water. He spreads your thighs apart and wipes them off along with his desk, looking down at you with a soft expression on his face.
You wince at the coldness of it but appreciate his gentle gestures. You never thought he could be so gentle. He was always stern and serious, always rough.
“Sorry, I’ll try to hurry up.”
After he cleans you off, he cleans himself off and dresses again. He gives you one of his lab coats since y’know…he kinda ripped your clothes earlier. He thought it looked so cute on you, oversized and almost dragging on the floor
Carrying you to the couch of his office, he kisses your forehead and covers you with a small blanket so you can rest your body. He really did a number on you. You don’t even think you’ll be able to walk for a for a few hours…
“You should try and sleep. Ill wake you up in an hour or so”
“But what about the testing-”
“Don’t worry about that. I’ll take care of it”
You nod and he looks at you almost lovingly and brushes the hair out of your face. He stayed by you until gave in to your exhaustion and fell asleep
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A/N: I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED MY FIRST FANCICTIONNN 🫶🏾 (Dick so good he put you to sleep LMAO) I dont actually know when Ill have the time again to write but I’ll keep you all posted. Please please please leave me advice and most of all requests for inspiration!! 🙏🏾See you in a while!!
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thelargefrye · 1 year
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pairing : ateez x f!reader (separately)
genre : idol au, headcanons, each member has their own mini genres and tropes, future dad!ateez au
warnings : language, a nose bleed (jongho), some members are longer than others! sorry! also i’ve never been to a fansign so i’m only going by what i think happens 🥲
note : a remake and return of the mr. housedad series! been thinking about this for a while, so yep! here it is, enjoy… feedback is appreciated
how you and ateez met, setting your future in stone.
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KIM HONGJOONG x ARTIST!F!READER ( fake dating, strangers to friends to lovers )
you felt stupid for some reason. like you should have never agreed to doing the blind date your friend insisted on setting up for you.
mainly because right now you are getting stood up, it’s been twenty minutes past the time you were suppose to meet your date and now you just feel silly. maybe you should just go home.
“um, excuse me, are you y/n?” a voice asks behind you and you turn to see probably one of the most handsomest men you have ever seen.
everything about him was just so put together. his split hair being eye catching and his outfit just being so stylish makes you feel underdressed if you’re being honest.
“yes! I’m y/n, are you hongjoong?”
“haha, yes i am, sorry i was late. i got caught up with work,” he says before he’s walking you towards the restaurant doors. “shall we go in and talk?”
you nod and can’t help the heat going to your cheeks as he opens the door for you before following close behind you into the restaurant.
“to be honest, i only agreed to this date because my friend has been pressuring me to try and date,” he says and you feel an odd twist in your stomach. he didn’t even want to be on this date.
so that’s why he was late, you think to yourself as you nod at his words. granted at first you weren’t that excited to be going on a blind date, but you really did want to get out there and start dating.
“my friend insisted i go on this date as well. she tells me that maybe going on a few dates here and there would help with my creative block that i’ve been in for the past few months,” you tell him with a laugh and he nods at your words.
“i hate creative blocks,” he says as he runs a hand through his split colored hair. “what do you do for a living?”
“i’m an artist. i do a lot of commission paintings and illustrations for children books. i also do paintings for myself and a few galleries here and there when they want me.”
“you’re an artist? that sounds amazing,” he says and you notice the immediate stars appearing in his eyes and you feel a sudden boost in your ego. “i think if i wasn’t so in love with music, i would definitely have become a painter.”
“hey, i suddenly just had an idea,” hongjoong says which quickly earns your attention as you look up from your food. “this might seem crazy, but what do you think about pretending to date?”
“pretending to date? what do you mean?”
“well it’s obvious that i’m not interested in actually dating and you’re in a creative block, so what if we help each other out. we pretend to date so i can get my friend off my back and when we do hangout, i help you try to get out of your creative block. a win-win if you ask me.”
god, what kind of fanfic are you living in right now. fake date an idol? that sounds like a recipe for disaster, but you can’t ignore how tempting it sounds. you really do need to get out of your creative block soon in time for the next exhibit and maybe doing painting based on love could be a good thing to try.
“okay, let’s do it.”
hongjoong smiles at your words before saying, “can’t wait to fake date you!”
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PARK SEONGHWA x IDOL!F!READER ( strangers to lovers, nct added member )
you looked so pretty, sitting there along with the other hosts is what seonghwa thought as he watched you from where he was sitting with his members. he licked his lips, stars in his eyes as he still couldn’t wrap his head around seeing you.
his members would tease him later but he didn’t care. you’ve been his celebrity crush for a while now, even back when he was a trainee, he’s adored you.
and recently he found out that he was your ideal type. he felt like it was a huge ego boost. he wanted to talk to you, but at the same time he was nervous.
some of his members — i.e wooyoung and san — told him he should give you his number while they were in the show. he tried arguing with them, telling them no and that he honestly couldn’t because what if you rejected him. he couldn’t handle such a rejection from you.
“you should just try it, hyung, i’m sure she’ll say yes,” san said and once they all took a break in filming it was san who pushed seonghwa over towards you.
“hi, um, i’m ateez’s seonghwa,” he says and cringes at how he chose to introduce himself.
“oh, hi, it’s nice to you meet finally you seonghwa! i’m nct’s y/n,” you say as the two of you bow to each other.
“i just wanted to say that i’ve been a big fan of yours for a while and wanted to know if you would want to hangout sometime?”
you look surprised by his sudden question and seonghwa wonders if maybe he crossed a line, but your words are quick to make him think otherwise.
“o-of course! i would love to hangout sometime!” you say and seonghwa can’t help but find you extremely adorable in this moment.
“do you… maybe want to exchange numbers?”
“yes, sure, of course!” you say and seonghwa laughs at your response as he pulls his phone out while you do the same. you two are quick to exchange numbers before the producers are calling for everyone to return to the spots. “i guess we’ll talk later, right?”
“great, good luck on your group’s performance!” the two of you wave before you walk off and seonghwa can’t help the lovestruck feeling that over takes him.
“soooo… how did it go?” san asks coming up to the eldest member with a sly smirk.
“shut up,” seonghwa says before shoving san slightly and walking back to join the rest of the members.
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JEONG YUNHO x GAME DEVELOPER!F!READER ( strangers to lovers, dad!yunho )
you were use to being alone. especially since you started living abroad in korea away from your friends and family you had grown up with and cherished. you often relied on memories to keep you company, but recently one of your coworkers told you a solution to your loneliness.
“a dog?” you had only thought about getting a pet a few times, but concluded that maybe getting one while being abroad wasn’t the best idea. your job wasn’t always the most stable as any game you and your team were working on could get cancelled last minute. plus you were still slowly trying to figure out how to take care of yourself, let alone a dog.
“you should think about it! there’s an adoption center nearby, so maybe check it out sometime,” they told you and only agreed to think about it.
and think about it you did because the next thing you knew, you were making your way to the adoption center.
you were going to adopt a dog.
you decided that maybe it was for the best to adopt a dog, maybe having someone else to take care of would make you less lonely. and of course it would get you out of the house more…
and that’s exactly what is happening three weeks after you adopted a cute labrador retriever named lily who you just immediately connected with. she has a lot of energy, that’s for sure but you don’t mind.
that’s actually how you found yourself at the park, playing fetch with her. throwing the bright yellow ball and watching lily as she goes and retrieves it.
you watch as she runs back to you, ball in her mouth as she drops it in front of you. picking it up, you toss it and your surprised by how far it goes. watching the ball land in the ground and roll to a complete stranger, a black cap on his head and mask pulled up over his face. the stranger picks the ball up right as lily comes barreling towards him.
“wait, lily!” you shout as you watch her pounce the man and you immediately take off towards the two. “oh my gosh, i am so sorry!”
the man laughs as he shakes his head and gives lily the ball. lily turns to run back to you, but seems surprised and happy to see you right there next to her.
“no worries, i probably shouldn’t have picked the ball up,” he says and even if he’s wearing a mask, you can tell he’s smiling from how his eyes crinkle.
“still i am so sorry, i just adopted her and we’re still learning,” you say, feeling an embarrassed heat take over your face.
“really, don’t worry about, but if you still feel guilty how about you take me to get some coffee? i know a good dog friendly café that’s nearby,” he says as he bends down to pet lily.
wow, he’s smooth. “o-oh, uh, sure! um, i’m y/n and this is lily!” you say and cringe at how a little too excited you seemed.
“i’m yunho.”
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KANG YEOSANG x FASHION STUDENT!F!READER ( idol and fan to friends to lovers )
you actually managed to get into a fansign. and one for your ult group nonetheless. you were so excited that you almost threw up, twice. but you didn’t! then as the day drew closer, you got more nervous. you were worried about what would happen if you accidentally made a fool of yourself in front of your favorite group.
oh god what if you tripped! no, don’t think like that because then you will definitely trip.
when the day finally came, you made sure to dress cutely. despite knowing that none of the members would probably remember you, you still wanted to look cute so that you could look back fondly on this memory.
however, what was suppose to be a good day with meeting your favorite group soon turned into probably the worst day you’ve had in a while.
first you had to chase after your cat after she managed to escape your apartment. then you miss your bus by a second — you literally watched it take off as you were running down the crowded street to make it. so in a hurry you grab a cab in order to take you to the fansign. thankfully you managed to grab a cab fairly easy and arriving there was also just as easy.
however, it started going down once again when you tried to enter the fansign and the guard stops you.
“sorry this is a fake ticket,” he says before handing you your paper back. you’re completely shocked as you look at him.
“w-what?” you are easily pushed aside by the other fans behind you and you let them as you are still in shock. you were scammed into believing you had actually won a fansign with ateez.
what kind of cruel world is this you think as you walk outside the building and onto the steps. you know you probably shouldn’t be sitting here, but your legs don’t allow you to go any further. even after the fansign started, you find yourself still sitting on the steps. you can only faintly hear ateez from inside along with all the lucky atiny who didn’t get scammed.
when the fansign is over and all the fans had seemingly left, you find yourself on a nearby bench. you can’t help but look at your ateez album and wondering how this day that was suppose to be a great one turned out to be so… disheartening.
“excuse me,” a deep voice startles you from your thought and you turn to see… yeosang standing next to you. “did you go to the fansign?” he asks, gesturing to your album.
“o-oh, no, i didn’t. i had a fake ticket,” you say before you quickly wonder why you are explaining it to him.
“oh, i’m sorry…” he says trailing off before you watch something click in his head as his whole face lights up, “do you mind if i take it for a moment?” he asks, again gesturing to your album and you willingly hand it over. “what’s your name?”
once he has your album, he motions for you to say before he dashes off back into the building. it’s several minutes later when he returns and hands you back your… now signed album.
“thank you for supporting ateez,” he says with a small bow before a man — who you assume is his manager — calls for him and yeosang is soon disappearing back into the building with a small smile and wave as a quick goodbye.
what… just happened? you look at your album, quickly opening it and flipping through the pages to notice how each member had signed it. however you notice something different when you get to yeosang’s pages.
“sorry you got scammed, but hopefully this makes it better! btw you looked cute, so smile okay? xx-xxx-xxx”
did you just get kang yeosang’s number?
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CHOI SAN x COLLEGE STUDENT!F!READER ( idol and fan to friends to lovers )
no way. no fucking way. this was not happening. there was no way THE choi san was standing right in front of you while you dressed like an elderly woman. not that there was anything wrong with dressing like an elderly woman, but meeting your bias while dressed as such was not ideal.
“oh? are you the exchange student my grandma was talking about?” oh shit, his grandmother talked about you to him.
“u-um, y-yeah, i’m y/n,” wow, smooth y/n, real smooth.
“ah, well if you need help with anything while i’m here let me know,” he says with a smile before turning and walking away leaving you a little dumbfounded.
you watch him walk back into the room that is only just down the hall from yours and felt your heart jump down to your stomach. holy crap, choi san is staying only a few rooms from you. what kind of fanfic trope is this?!
this had to be a dream, this had to be anything but real. you refuse to believe it. you slowly closed your bedroom door, walked over to your bed, and grabbed your pillow before screaming into it.
these next two weeks were going to be interesting, that’s for sure.
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SONG MINGI x WEBTOON ARTIST!F!READER ( strangers to friends to lovers )
mingi felt weird. not weird in a bad way, but just felt… weird. actually he wasn’t really sure how to explain it. his mom had asked him to go greet their new neighbor who was his age.
was this her way of trying to get him to start dating? to have him meet her new neighbor and have them just… fall in love?
but even if it was weird, mingi didn’t argue or question his mom and so that’s how he found himself standing in front of your door ready to knock and introduce himself.
when he did knock, it took a few minutes before someone eventually came to the door. and mingi won’t lie, you looked like you hadn’t seen another human for a few days with how disheveled you looked.
he wasn’t trying to judge you or anything, but it was quite obvious.
“can i help you?” you ask after you both stood there in silence for a few moments.
“o-oh, um, i’m mingi. my mom lives next door and wanted me to give you this as a welcome present,” he says presenting the kimchi he almost forgot he had in his hands.
you glanced down at his hands and noticed the container of kimchi. he seen you hesitate for a moment before you took it with gentle hands and that was probably the softest thing he’d witnessed from you since meeting you less than five minutes ago.
“thank you,” you said before going back into your apartment and closing the door behind you.
“so how did it go?” his mom asked once he returned. mingi still felt like the interaction happened a little too fast for his liking.
“it was… okay. she’s seems… interesting.”
“good! maybe this could be the start of a new friendship!”
“yeah, a new friendship.”
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JUNG WOOYOUNG x IDOL!F!READER ( strangers to friends )
“just talk to him, y/n, what could go wrong?” your group member insisted as you both stood near the vending machines at music show.
“a lot could go wrong and then i would just end up looking stupid in front of him and never be able to show my face in front of him again,” you told her and she gave you a pointed look as if to say really? but yes, really!
“come on, y/n, why don’t we go visit him and his group under the guise of giving them our album? maybe then you can get the chance to talk to him,” she suggests and you are about to deny it when she stops you and drags you back to your group’s dressing room.
which is how you all end up knocking on ateez’s dressing room door, your group’s album clutched tightly in your grip. when ateez’s manager opens the door, your leader bows and introduces you all and tells him how you wish to gift ateez a copy of your album.
“hello, we are visage,” you all say in unison before ateez is quick to also introduce themselves.
“we were just wanting to gift you all a copy of our album,” your leader says before gesturing to you who was still tightly holding onto the album.
your other group member gives you a light push which makes you step forward. your eyes flicker between wooyoung and the album before you’re quickly holding the album out for the dancer to take. could you have been any more obvious about your feelings? probably, but you didn’t want to think about it.
you really wish a giant hole would open up on the ground and swallow you up right now. wooyoung only smiles as he takes the album from you and you step back in your spot between your members.
your leader and hongjoong speak a little bit more before your group leaves and once back in the safety of your dressing room, you collapse onto the leather couch. again, can a giant hole just please swallow you up. you lay there for several minutes, just accepting that you probably made a fool of yourself in front of your crush.
ding! you look up and at your phone to see you got a text from an unknown number
‘hey this is wooyoung! love your dance covers let’s hangout sometime and film one together!!!’
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CHOI JONGHO x PRODUCER!F!READER ( co-workers to lovers )
jongho felt his jaw dropped when he was told that you would be working for kq and especially with ateez. how the company managed that is beyond him, but he’s not complaining.
of course his first time meeting you could have gone better than him causing you a nose bleed, but alas not everything goes as plan.
jongho doesn’t even remember all of what happened. one minute he was waiting to record his lines when he had to use the bathroom. so when he opens the door, he opens it smacking you in the face and watching you fall to the floor. your bag falling and papers scattering around you and jongho feels like his soul should have left his body.
“oh fuck, i am so sorry, are you okay?” he asks quickly bending down to help you pick your stuff up when he looks over to notice some blood dripping down your nose. jongho feels even worse as he immediately tries to help you even quicker. “oh god, your nose is bleeding! again, i’m so sorry!”
“i-it’s okay! i wasn’t paying any attention. i should be the one apologizing,” you say as you take a tissue out and attempt to stop your nose bleed.
“i can’t believe i gave my favorite producer a nose bleed,” jongho mumbles as you can’t help but laugh at how cute he is acting. the pout on his face doing wonders to make him fit into the role of the maknae, that you are well aware that he doesn’t always fit into.
“i’m your favorite producer?” you ask, eyes shining and jongho realizes that you heard him.
“y-yes, i love a lot of your songs even your solo stuff. your first album has always been a personal favorite of mine,” he says as he helps you stand, your bag now in his hands as he gently opens the door for you.
“well i’m a fan of your voice,” you say as you take your bag from him, “and i can’t wait to work with you jongho,” you say before walking into the studio and leaving jongho by himself in the hallway.
“she likes my voice.”
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tag list : @invuwrld @frankenstein852 @watamotee33 @kawennote09 @mixling-blog @marahleiwhen @kpopnightingale @harry-the-pottypus @rdiamond2727 @sanniesbum @marvelahsobx @khjcoo @mysticfire0435 @exfolitae @kryybebe @dementedaly @simonswhore @cvpitvno @kangskims @moonm1st
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roseeyes · 2 months
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Hey guys, I’m new to writing this kind of fanfic so take it or leave it and let me know if you want more
Summary: Logan Howlett is your new roommate in a New York City mutant base. You want to learn more about him but he’s not ready to open up yet.
You just walked Into your new shared living space with your realtor bestie Amara who is currently trying to sell you this flat in the NYC mutant base.As you walk in you see two hot middle aged men sitting on the couch one with burned skin the other had fluffy hair and a chain around his neck. “Hi I’m Wade and this is Wolvie I mean Logan oopsie!” Wade is laughing while holding Logan’s whiskey up in the air Logan growls at Wade trying to get his alcohol back because he can’t do anything sober.
Hi im y/n Amara didn’t tell me id have two roommates . “oh I live Nextdoor Logan is your roommate but we will see each other a lot I promise” wade says, he looked you up and down taking you in he can’t help but notice how your tits are practically popping out of your crop top.
Amara says I’ll let you meet your new friends while laughing and walking away. you look to Logan first noticing his gruff and mean look softens when he looks at you. Logan slightly smiles asking you if you want anything to drink he usually could never get this hot and bothered over a girl but you were different he needed to know more of you . You nod while smiling you immediately know you need to get Logan alone with you so you could learn more about him.
“I’m going back to my flat but I’ll see you tomorrow wolvie and friend don’t have two much fun without me!” Wade says while making a sexual innuendo with his fingers. Logan scowls but you notice that he definitely has some sort of a soft spot for wade.
“Sorry about him” Logan says in his gruff and deep voice
It’s ok he seems really friendly. “if you can call that friendly” Logan says while snickering to himself.
When you go to sit on the couch you notice Logan’s claws and ask about them Logan explains he’s part of a group called the X-men you explain how you are also a mutant with the ability to heal in record time and you can’t die. Logan says that you should meet Charles soon that the X-men could use a girl like you which makes you blush.
Logan explains how this building was built to help protect mutants from the outside world and that’s why you both decided to start living there.
As you get to know some of who Logan was and the night went on you eventually stopped chatting deciding to go unpack in your room. The trashy reality tv show wade had turned on slowly blended into background noise while Logan fell into a deep snoring sleep on the couch.
You unpacked your cute mini shorts and your brandy Melville fits while thinking back to why you decided to move here to the New York City mutant base was it for work as a mutant hero or something more you needed to know more about Logan Howlett you knew that there was more to his story that a drunk cranky middle aged mutant wolverine. What was his story and how did he get those long metal claws?
You walk out into the living room seeing that Logan was still fast asleep noticing a long metal chain dog tag hanging from his neck out onto the couch.
Walking over you know that it must be a clew to who he was in his past. Without thinking you approach his snoring body to pick up the tag to get a closer look staring at it you see a number and his nickname Wolverine etched into the metal. What could it mean?
All of a sudden Logan growls loudly waking up his claws stick out one of them going through one of your hands you wince in pain the skin on your hand already starts to grow back. The chain swinging back to Logan’s neck. You try to calm Logan down wondering what could have possibly made him wake up in this way.
You hold Logan and try to tell him he is safe and that no one is trying to harm him after about ten minutes of this he calms down and you sit together at the kitchenette “I’m sorry Bub is your hand ok?” It’s fine you say as Logan pours you a cup of the leftover whiskey that he was drinking earlier even though you don’t drink you reluctantly sip it down to make Logan feel better.
“What did you want to see my chain for?”Logan asks. I was wondering what it’s for since usually people where those who were in the military. “I wasn’t in the military but you could say I did my time to get the piece of metal.” You could tell Logan wasn’t ready to open up quite yet since you had just met each other but it still made you sad that he didn’t want to tell you his past. “I’m going back to sleep now I’ll see you in the morning” you say while walking away back to your room. Logan looks at you with a sense of guilt and hunger in his eyes he’s never met anyone so kind and gentle before he feels awful for hurting you. Later that night you awake to hear the fridge open laughing to yourself hearing Logan get more beers for himself.
I can’t wait to learn more about Logan tomorrow you smile to yourself excitedly knowing that he will soon be an open book to you it just takes time.
Let me know if you guys want me to continue this or not because I already have a storyline in my head for this I also want to say that this will eventually lead to smut but I want to make it a slow burn also I will include more of wade. Xoxo
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rainydayz-nstuff · 1 year
Adventure Time
You can probably tell what I’m mostly going to be posting about 🫤 Anyways, this is briefly based on my own AT fanfic that I have.
So here is Finn x Ice Kings Kid! Reader (How you met)
Let’s start off with how you appeared since you’re human. Gunter found you while messing around in Ice King’s ‘research lab’
It was actually Simon’s old lab.
You, with very out dated clothes, were stuck in an Ice Pod where you’ve been asleep for many, many, years.
Ice King heard Gunter’s ‘wenks’ so he found both Gunter and a sleeping human
At first he asked Gunter if he had made a statue, then he opened the pod and you… nearly fell on your face.
Ice King caught you and realized you were still knocked out, and he kindly brought you to his bed and laid you down. He spent the next few hours pacing around the room and staring at you while he ate trail mix
When you woke up, he was chomping away and he was completely zoned out. Like, his pupils were huge.
You stared at him before blinking slowly. Finally, Ice King glanced down at you while letting out a hum. You locked eyes before he shrieked and started choking on his trail mix.
“Oh! Geeze, I’m sorry!” You instantly apologized.
Ice King recovered while taking deep breaths. You were now sitting up and he could tell you were kind of young.
Then, an idea hit him.
“I’m going to adopt you!”
“… You gonna what?
Ice king is now officially your dad (here you go people with daddy issues)
He teaches you how to play the drums, the keyboard, writing fan fiction, ruling the kingdom, how he’s gonna kid nap possible wives-
You just let him rant on and on because he seems happy to talk with you
He’ll also offer to kidnap anybody you may be interested in, he doesn’t judge.
MAKES A CROWN FOR YOU! It never melts, and it looks like a mini version of his!
Cried the first time you wore it in front of him
Okay, onto the rest-
He set up a coronation to officially welcome you to the kingdom as his child.
Sends out posters, invitations, notes tied to rocks, and some people actually showed up (over half are kidnapped princesses because why not?)
Finn and Jake showed up because they found out about this coronation and thought it was a trick to lure in princesses or he kidnapped someone and was going to make them stay in his kingdom forever.
Right as the official Ice crown was to be placed on your head, they kicked the doors open and stopped the ceremony.
Ice King, like usual, got mad and instantly flew in the air to use his powers.
He flew up too quickly and knocked himself out when he hit the ceiling.
Before you could rush over to your dad, Finn grabbed your hand and whisked you away like a bride
He gave you a reassuring smile to try and convince you that you were now safe
It didn’t make you safe
“Hey! Put me down!” You struggled to get out of his grasp. “Seriously, who are you?!”
Finn stopped running before he sat you down. Your shimmery light blue, bordering white, outfit matched the icy floor. “My names Finn, and that was Jake.”
His toothy smile and heroic pose made you stare at him blankly before you turned around. “I’m going back to see my dad.”
Finn’s face fell and he tried to grab your arm. “Hey, wait! Don’t go back there, it’s dangerous!” He tried to warn you, but your brushed him off.
“Don’t care. My dad just got knocked out, and I don’t think Gunter knows how to use bandages.”
After marching back inside, you found your dad mumbling to himself. And Gunter was stuck in bandages.
After getting the little guy out, you helped your dad and picked him up to bring him to his bed.
All the guests had left after the ambush so you changed out of the ceremony attire, and then put on normal clothes only with the crown on this time.
Finn, very interested in who you are, spied on you and noted how… familiar you seemed.
You had never met before, but he felt like you were something he was missing.
Then he realized you were human.
He outed himself when he gasped before he also fell to the ground and made a loud crash.
You stood tall over him while he stared up at you. Your eyes glared down at his nervous form.
“Get out of here.” Your voice laced with venom, but oddly enough… he blushed.
Finn stuttered a bit while you raised an eyebrow. He then quickly got up, grabbed your hand, kissed it, then ran away
You never told your dad what happened, but you still didn’t comprehend what just happened.
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nhothicket · 4 months
I decided to do both some art and a fic because you asked so nicely!! Thank you for the nice ask, I hope this is what you were looking for ^v^
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I couldn't come up with a good title for this fic whoops.
Words - 1.4k
No warnings, they're gay and they act gay
Summary - Etho finds himself dragged away from the safety of his tour bus and into the den of very scary and very cool rockstar, Bdoubleo.
"Wash up on your six." Pause lightly elbowed Etho with a snicker. "Comin' right for ya."
"Hurry up then." Etho tried to push his bandmates into the bus, but the chase was over before it began.
"Etho!" The threat approached.
"Beef, move-"
"Sorry man, you're on your own." Beef climbed on and turned to give him an entirely unapologetic smile. "You guys have fun now."
"Hey-" The bus door shut right in his face. "Beef! Pause! Hey!"
"Ethooo!" Two arms slung around his neck from behind, awkwardly pulling him down and backward. Etho gagged and turned around. Face to face with the tiny menace of the festival grounds. "Long time no see!"
"Hey, Bdoubleo."
"So formal, you're no fun, sweetheart." Bdubs puffed his cheeks out. "It's been like a y- like whole year, c'mon, loosen up!"
"It's been a few months and I'm busy."
"No you ain't. I saw your buddies ditch ya." Bdubs offered up all the charm he could muster. "Wanna hang out in my van?"
"Not creepy at all." Etho's protest was weak willed. He leaned down and ruffled Bdubs' hair without even thinking about it, it came as a second nature at this point. "Yeah, sure."
"You just can't deny me. I'm irresistible!"
"Your sarcasm is no use!" Bdubs dragged Etho across the lot to his shabby old van. Etho would judge, but if it weren't for Beef and Pause, he'd be touring out of the back of his ancient pickup. Bdubs threw the back doors open and hopped inside. "Didya see my set this morning? I know it was a bit early for someone like you."
"Of course I did." Etho gracefully ignored the last comment. Perched on the edge of the trunk, Bdubs' enthusiasm was contagious, his prideful smile was so genuine it made Etho smile a bit under his mask in a shallow imitation. "Loud as always."
"You know it!" The back of Bdubs' van was surprisingly clean. Two seats sat on each side and a mini fridge was pressed into the back corner. A soft mat was rolled up opposite to it, presumably Bdubs' bed. Bdubs got up to flop onto a seat and pat the spot next to him. "Beer?"
"Uhh..." As soon as Etho sat down an arm settled around his shoulders. "Yeah, sure. Why not?"
"That's what I like to hear." Bdubs opened up his little fridge and tossed Etho a can. He refused to remove his arm from Etho's shoulders and instead used his teeth to crack his own can open, kicking the fridge shut. "Off with the mask! I'm not some fanboy, I'm the real deal! Itsh been so long, I've missed seeing your dopey face."
"Bold words coming from the goofiest solo act I've ever seen."
"I am not goofy! I'm hard!"
"Oh?" Etho pulled his mask down just to show Bdubs his smug smirk.
"Don't- don't give me that! You know what I mean!" Bdubs growled. "I'm a rockstar!"
"You were like decades ago."
"And still going strong!" Bdubs took an obnoxious gulp from his beer. "You are awfully mouthy for a man who plays a freakin' keytar, what decade is it for you?"
"You'd know, old man."
"I am not- Okay, old lady! Fresh outta the 1600s!"
"That's my name! Don't wear it out, Ethel!"
They glared at eachother for a moment, locked in a silent staring contest. Bdubs and his obnoxious doe eyes were forever unbeatable though, and Etho was forced to blink. A very ungraceful winner cheered and crushed a can to further punctuate his manly dominance.
"I'm never forgiving Pause for telling you."
"Aww, but its so cute." Bdubs pinched Etho's cheek. "What, your parents wanted a girl or something?"
"Sure, something like that." Etho sipped from his beer, sliding a bit down the seat so Bdubs could more comfortably pull his charm. As small as Bdubs was, it was always comical watching him stretch to take up the more dominant flirting positions. Etho knew he'd sit there with his arm up around his shoulders until it went numb if that's what it took.
"You haven't told me you missed me yet."
"I forgot I even knew you."
"Ouch! Rude." Bdubs leaned closer and winked. "I think about you all the time."
"Yeah, because you're the most jealous person I know."
"Guilty as charged!" Bdubs chirped. He easily slid right back into joking when his attempt at flirting was met with more banter; Etho wasn't sure he'd be able to recover that quickly himself.
"Plotting my downfall, huh?"
"I'll get you some day."
"I'm rooting for you."
"Thank you, sweetheart! You're always on my side." Bdubs tapped his can to Etho's. "To ruining your career."
"To ruining my career."
The pair fell into a lull, Bdubs kept chatting, but it was mostly white noise. Bdubs talked just to talk and Etho listened just to listen. It was only a few beers later and the lull transitioned into a comfortable buzz. Bdubs got a bright idea. He reached over the seats in the middle of the van, clumsily pulling over his decorated acoustic guitar.
"Any requests, Easy?"
"Anything but one of your own." Etho absent-mindedly dropped his arm around Bdubs' shoulders, reestablishing the connection that had been broken when the shorter man went to get his instrument.
"You are so mean to me." Bdubs puffed his cheeks out as he thought. "We should do some music together sometime."
"You'd be eaten alive." Etho considered the reputation Bdubs had. "I can see it already— you fighting with all the people online."
"It'd be worth it." Bdubs played a few random chords. "We could do a love duet."
"With Pause? I'm not a vocalist, Bdubs."
"You didn't deny being in love with me."
"I wouldn't have to love you to sing a song with you."
"I'd write it about us, baby."
"Uh-huh." A brief silence started to build, but Bdubs quickly broke the tension with a snicker, Etho followed suit. "You're an idiot."
"C'mon! You got a good voice. We could do an epic rock ballad."
"I'm good."
"Your loss!" Bdubs turned back to his guitar, but Etho could see the mischief brewing on his face. "You still like Paramore?"
"Don't play it."
"I learned a song just for you!"
"Don't play it, Bdubs." He already knew what the sappy romantic had in mind.
"You are so unappreciative. I go out of my way to learn a nice song from the 'music' you like." Bdubs threw up air quotes and Etho just rolled his eyes. How a man who'd sold his soul to the system could stand to be so critical of what counted as music was beyond him.
"Give me your guitar."
"No!" Bdubs got two chords out before Etho pulled it from his hands. "Hey! Hey! Give it here!"
"I'm not letting you try to serenade me with a song you heard on the radio."
"You know it would work! C'monnn!"
"Absolutely not." Etho held the guitar away from Bdubs, but regrettably, he couldn't hide his smile when his mask was around his neck.
"You come into my house! Sit on my bed! And dare disrespect me like this?"
"We are in the back of a van, Bdoubleo."
"My home away from home!" Etho leaned across the trunk and dropped the guitar onto the other seat. Bdubs immediately tried to lunge for it, but Etho caught him in a bear hug before he could even stand up. In fact, being hugged instantly stopped Bdubs in his tracks. "Woah, hey- guess I didn't need to serenade you at all!"
"Sure." Etho pulled away so he could see Bdubs' face. Alcohol warmed cheeks, dark eyes, and a stupid smirk.
"Like what you see?"
"Shomehow, you manage to dry text when you talk." Bdubs rolled his eyes. He leaned up and kissed Etho, his patience worn thin in his buzz. Etho pulled him closer. "I missed you."
"Me too." Etho finally admitted. They sat with their foreheads pressed together.
"You could afford to text back more often, I know you ain't that freakin' famous."
"Isn't the anticipation more fun?"
"Don't play coy! I know you're just lazy."
"Guilty." Bdubs pressed a flurry of kisses to Etho's jaw.
"You're lucky I even allow you in my pre- in my presence, I don't usually kiss fans."
"It's a good thing I don't care much for sellouts then."
"Kiss my ass."
"Ohh, the bad boy said a curse word."
"Get out of my van, I'm sick of your stupid face already." Bdubs grumbled. Yet, his arms stayed locked around Etho's waist. Etho made no attempt to change that.
"Gonna be at our set tomorrow? It's past your bedtime."
"You're worth stayin' up for." Bdubs cooed. "Better dedicate a song to me."
"We'll play twinkle twinkle little star for you."
"On your nerdy little fake guitar?"
"On my nerdy little fake guitar."
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moonlightndaydreams · 5 months
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The Country Club
student (adult aged) Minho x older fem!reader
a/n: This has turned into a few random scenerios.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8
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Minho is addicted to you. After he had that first feel of your pussy around his cock, he can't stop thinking about it. He lays in bed with those torn panties of yours, the ones he ripped from your body before he plunged deep into your cunt, draped over his face while he fucks into his hand. He remembers back to how easy it was to slip inside you. Fuck, he hadn’t even had to prep you, you were so wet and ready for him. Yet you’d been so tight.
He inhales the scent from your panties. He’s decided. Next time he’s going to taste your sweet little cunt. Make you shake all over his face. Suffocate him while he drinks up every single drop.
He cums into his hand with a groan. One day he’s going to pump your throat full of his cum too. Actually, he’s going to fill all your holes at some point.
Minho visits the country club every afternoon and on weekends in the hopes he’ll get a chance to feel you again.
He watches you as you play tennis with the other snobby rich folk. He watches you in the restaurant, sipping your fucking expensive wine. He is looking, waiting for a chance to do those rough things to you again.
His perfect chance arrives one afternoon when you emerge from the swimming pool area, where you’ve been sunbathing, and head into your personal, private changing hut.
With a quick scan of the area to make sure no one is watching him being a creepy ass stalker, he sneaks in after you.
There you are sitting on the little cushioned bench, your wide brim hat the only thing you’re wearing.
“Well Minho. I was wondering when you’d find me again.”
A/n want to be tagged in this what seems to now be a mini series? Let me know.
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I am so sorry if you’ve been tagged in this previously… tumblr is giving me a headache and not tagging ppl properly 🥴
@channieandhisgoonsquad @noellllslut @itsseohannbin @kangnina @weareapackofstrays @xxkissesforchanniexx @enjaken @queenmea604 @queen-in-the-shadows @bethanysnow @vanillacupcakefrosting @straykidsholicleigh @fun-fanfics @number1chanstan @jisuperboard @3rachasdomesticbanana @newhope8 @chuuchuu1224
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sanjoongie · 8 months
𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕧𝕖: 𝕄𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕪 𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕜
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🥀Au: Fanboy Au, Fanfic smut writer! Wooyoung, Idol! Reader
🥀Pairing: Jung Wooyoung x Reader (f)
🥀Genre: Smut
🥀Rating: 18+, Minors Do not Interact
🥀Author's note: the following takes place within a world where Wooyoung is a smut fanfic writer and you, an idol pretending to be a male called 'Mingi' and his bias, are his friend
🥀Trope: loser to lover
🥀Summary: wooyoung is just a loser guy in the 2000's and you're the hot 2000's girl that's considering letting him go down on you... at a cost, of course
🥀Kinks: Mommy Kink, oral (f), face sitting, degradation kink, smothering kink, bdsm safe signals to stop and go, inexperienced! woo, experienced! reader, sub! wooyoung, dom! reader, riding Wooyoung's nose
🥀Word Count: 1,278
🥀Betas: @mejuii
🥀Day Eleven: Somnophilia 🥀Mini Masterlist 🥀Day Thirteen: Uniform
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You took a deep breath. It wasn’t like you hadn't read some of Wooyoung’s stuff already, you had been hella curious after seeing Hongjoong’s nsfw fanart. So you just put yourself in the mindset that Fleur, which was your stage name, was you and the male reader was Wooyoung, because why not? And then you began to read.
📼Wooyoung’s Fanfic☎
All Wooyoung wanted to do was go to the cute candy store and get something to munch on while he gamed later tonight. Yeosang bought the new Twisted Metal Black game, and he invited him and San to play. It was just supposed to be a drive there in his Ford Focus, pick up the snacks, and then get out of there. But for the past twenty minutes straight, he couldn't stop looking at the barbed wire tattoo that was peeking out of the cashier’s short shorts as she restocked some of the bins.
When you turned around and noticed the nerd in glasses was staring at you, you rolled your eyes dramatically. ���Take a picture. It’ll last longer.”
“I-I’m sorry,” Wooyoung stuttered and proceeded to drop the bags that he had already made. The various jelly beans, soft gummies, and gumballs spilled all over the floor. 
You snapped a bubble of gum angrily. “Really? A couple minutes before closing, and you’re gonna do this to me?”
You spun around to go find the broom. This was the worst shift you had ever had, and once you had to entertain a birthday party of four year olds with sticky hands. 
“Wait, I can help!” Wooyoung chased after you. Your annoyance, your anger, was making him feel some kinda way. 
“Don’t bother,” you spat over your shoulder, “You’ve already made a mess. Probably would make it worse.”
Wooyoung couldn't help but pursue you, like a moth to a flame. He couldn't pull himself from you. 
So when you stopped abruptly and smacked into the back of you, yelping in surprise, you couldn't help your own burst of anger. You pushed him by his shoulders. “Get away from me, you freak!” You shouted in disgust.
“I can make it up to you!” Wooyoung pleaded desperately. 
His glasses had fallen off when you pushed him. You tilted your head. Wait… was he kinda… hot?
You pulled your hot pink Razr phone from your back pocket and pushed the side button to see the time. It was closing time. So you stomped over to the front, flipped the sign from open to close, and then went back to Wooyoung, who was still lying in the center of the aisle with his candies all across the floor. 
“You’re probably only good for creaming in your own pants,” You sneered. Wooyoung stared up at you with his mouth open in surprise. You shoved his glasses back on his face. “Prove me wrong.”
“Yes, Mommy,” dropped from his lips before his mind could catch up. “I mean!--” His face was red with embarrassment.
You rolled your eyes but began to unbutton your shorts. “I knew you were a freak. Do you know how to give head or not?” You huffed.
Wooyoung pushed his glasses up his nose, still in shock. “I--I don’t think I--”
You let out a noise of frustration, having unzipped your shorts and revealed the black thong underneath. “Nevermind, I should have known better.”
“No please!” Wooyoung protested, a hand reaching up to halt you from doing back up your pants. “You can sit on my face, right? I can try? Please, I want to try.”
“God, you really are THAT desperate for pussy?” You demanded.
Wooyoung swallowed, and you watched his Adam’s apple bob. 
“Fine,” you grumbled, “But you’re going to call me Mommy, like earlier. You know to tap once to go and tap twice to stop, right? What am I saying? You don’t know shit. Listen, I am going to grind my pussy on your face and hope for the best okay? If you can’t breathe just tap my thigh twice and I’ll let up.”
Wooyoung nodded his head so enthusiastically that you thought his glasses were going to fall off again.
As it turned out, Wooyoung’s nose was perfect for grinding on. He clumsily licked at your wet folds, slurping and moaning, which only added to the allure of allowing some virgin nerd to eat you out. His arms wound around your legs, his fingers sometimes tracing the raised bumps of your barbed wire tattoo. 
Just to test out if Wooyoung had actually listened to you, you sat down harder on his face, covering his nose and mouth with your cunt, bucking your hips into his nose and tongue, watching with cruel eyes as his breath was cut off. Wooyoung’s eyes widened, but his tongue didn’t stop, and you were actually impressed. Eventually, you felt a tap tap on your tattoo, and you eased up.
“Please, Mommy, do that again,” Wooyoung begged.
“I don’t think you can handle it.”
Wooyoung practically shoved his face into your cunt, tongue flat and head worrying on your clit. You gasped as he actually showed some brains, alreading picking up some technique as you grinded against his face after hours in the candy shop. 
You grasped his long hair tightly, keeping him buried in your pussy. “Can you even get Mommy off with that clumsy tongue of yours?” You cooed mockingly, “Am I going to have to do all the work myself?”
Wooyoung whimpered, and you glanced over your shoulder. His baggy jeans were tented, and he was humping the air for some friction. 
“Poor baby, you got a hard on? Guess you'll have to deal because Mommy always comes first, right?”
Wooyoung nodded, nudging the bridge of his nose against your clit and making you moan. He tapped twice again and when he pulled away the second time, he was gasping and his face was an absolute mess. And if you were being honest, he looked hot and debauched with his glasses fogged up.
You rode Wooyoung’s face until you came, your thighs shuddering under his arms and his chest swelled with pride as your wetness spread across his tongue and he lapped it all up, making happy, eager noises. You pushed his head back with a French tip manicure in the middle of his forehead before he started to make you feel sensitive.
You pushed upwards to get up, but Wooyoung's arms clung to you. “Liked sucking Mommy’s candy that much?” You mocked him.
“Please give me your number,” Wooyoung begged, all semblance of pride gone. 
“Mmm, I don't think so, loser,” you declined. You untangled yourself from him. You adjusted your thong, careful of your freshly eaten out pussy and pulled your shorts back on.
“I'll do anything,” Wooyoung insisted, wiping his face with the back of his hand.
“Please don't make this more awkward than it already is,” you said with a look of disgust.
“I'll come back every day and you can smother me with your pussy,” Wooyoung pleaded. “Mommy,” he added belatedly.
Well, there were perks to having a guy eager to eat you out every day.
🎤Back to Reality✍️
“Hey,” Your group mate patted your shoulder. “It's your turn to get your hair done.”
You smiled shakily and tried really hard not to squeeze your thighs together. Your next few hours of filming your music video were going to be torture. But if you just thought about how happy Wooyoung would be that you beta read for him, it would be worth it.
And maybe if you slipped in a little something about androids, Wooyoung would think he manifested it in your new music video.
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🥀Day Eleven: Somnophilia 🥀Mini Masterlist 🥀Day Thirteen: Uniform
this au is always for @smallfrye, she claims it, it's hers 💞
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juliasturnz · 2 months
“My teenage dream”
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🜸 - this fanfic is requested again, @monroesturnns !! Make sure to follow her!♥️
★ - summary:
you and Chris haven’t been more then just friends.. you always had a crush on him, later that night you and Chris have a really deep conversation and some things don’t go as planned.
༆ - warnings!:
kissing, cussing, slightly sexual touch and use of alcohol (lmk if there is something else that triggers u!)
✫彡 - writers note :)
hi guys i just wanted to thank you all for the nice comments and follows, it means alooott thank you again 💖
★ - other role again!:
good friend chloe.. Good friend? Idrk she is js the type to leave you behind at a party..
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。
You are going to this huuuge party, it’s so exiting but you haven’t been to a party in a long time so you have no idea what to expect.
You are wearing something that will make a guy completely crazy.. a mini dress and your ass-cheeks are slightly visible. You’d always love to dress that way and you still do, but this old friend of yours is organizing it, he has always been nice to me but something is just feeling different.
Chloe has been texting you nonstop, ‘stop fucking texting me, oh my god!’ You say when she send you at least more then 10 messages. She has been telling you about the party for a hour long, ‘I’m getting ready rn I’ll be there in a half hour.’ You send her a voice message, I don’t feel like typing rn bc the black wand from my mascara is basically glued in my hands. Even when you send a voice message she just ignores you and talks further about boys and again the party.
When you finally type ‘I’m done’ to your yapping friend she finally stops talking, ‘okay I’ll be there in 20 minutes!’ She yells through a voice message. Your phone finally has been stop going off, until a familiar number pops up it’s Chris. You are texting with him while your doing your last things like putting on a perfume, checking your bag if you have everything and a few things more. Only a little time was left and he asks you if you want to face time.
‘Hey Chris, how r you!’ You act like you haven’t been talking the last 10 minutes, you kinda forget how well you guys went along and he basically starts acting with you ‘oh I haven’t spoken you in a long time y/n how are you?’ He looks at you through the phone with a little grin right before you two start busting out laughing. ‘Do you wanna take a little shot before the party?’ he asks you with a smile on his face. You take a good look at his face, hm he hasn’t changed a lot only his hair. You catch yourself looking at his blue eyes through the screen. ‘Oh wow.’ You cover your mouth when you realize you said that out loud. ‘Huh? Is there something wrong?’ He looks at you with a confused face and give you a little smile. Oh fuck do you think he noticed. Before you freak out and just stand there in silence you hear a ring from the doorbell. ‘I-I am sorry Chloe is here I’ll see you at the party bye!’ ‘Oh uh bye!’ I really hope I didn’t make thing weird.
Before you could even open the door someone has been screaming on the streets ‘hurry up we gotta go!’ You hear her high pitched voice so you hurry up before she starts yelling. ‘On my way!’ I think she heard me at least I hope so.
when you arrive at the front door she’s already speaking about the party and the fact that we have to hurry even though we had about 10 minutes left. ‘Can you hurry? We need to go there quick!’ ‘Chloe we have literally 10 mi’- she interrupts you immediately ‘no? We need to hurry like right now!’ ‘Girl calm down’ you whisper to yourself, you definitely don’t want her to hear what you were saying, bc that would 100% cause drama.
you put on one last time your favorite cologne and again deodorant and leave the house with Chloe talking about boys once again. ‘Girl you need a man in your life, you’re kinda boring.’ She casually says and turns around to your face completely in shock. What did she just say? ‘You heard me, we are going to find you a man tn.’ ‘What I don’t n’- once again she cuts you off
The rest of the car ride y’all stay silent which is surprising, normally Chloe would be either talking shit, brag about her “amazing” boyfriend or either talk about parties.
You arrive at Chris’ big house, ‘dang this mf has a big house!’ You stand right in front of a big mansion with already drunk teenagers in the front yard and the sound of music that hits your ears. ‘This is gonna be amazing!!!!’ Chloe is literally screaming. You just follow her in silence to the front door.
Before you could even ask her a thing she is already standing with her “amazing” boyfriend and her other friends, you look around to find someone to talk to bc no way your going to be standing with them. You look around and catch a glance from someone across the room and the someone is Chris. He looks so good, even tho he only wears a pair of baggy pants, a see through blouse with a light blue tie. Just perfect. He catches you looking at him and walks over to you. He is only a few inches away from you when you start apologizing right away, he makes you nervous. ‘Look I’m so sorry about what happened when we’- ‘shhh it’s okay, don’t think about it too much. I know you stared at my eyes,’ ‘well yes your eyes are pretty gorgeous.’ You look at him with a little shy but a naughty smile on your face. ‘Should we take that shot then?’ You follow him into the kitchen.
It isn’t really busy in here, but you’ve never seen this much red plastic cups around you. Chris catches your looking around mostly at the amount of red cups that are just laying around. ‘Please don’t mind this fucking mess.’ He kinda looks disappointed, ‘the way you said that sounds promising.’ You grin at his face still scanning almost every cup. ‘Anyways should we do 3 vodka shots?’ ‘Sounds good to me.’ You give him a warm smile as he fills the fancy shot glasses.
He hands you the pretty full shot glasses and looks at you and says ‘to the pretty woman in front of me.’ You blink twice, did he really said that oh my god. ‘You heard me.’ You giggle at his reaction and let the strong drink fall back into your throat. ‘This shit is disgusting.’ ‘Do you want a martini? I can make one for you.’ ‘Oh okay mr bartender.’ He giggles at your reaction.
You drink your martini while he has just a casual Pepsi, ‘so what brings you here tonight?’ He looks up at you with a very flirtatious look, ‘tbh like actually, even though my “friend” dragged me into here.. you.’ You keep looking at his now lightened up eyes. You can’t help but stare at them for a while. He interrupts your intense look, ‘wait what do you mean “friend”?’ He always seems to aks you things in a deeper level, something always felt connected between the two of you. Well she’s just idk not really my friend idk what she is.’ He gives you a worried look, ‘it’s okay I’m here.’ He lays his hand on your shoulder, what makes you tingle by his touch. ‘Thank you.’ ‘Ofcourse anytime.’ your curiosity bottles up ‘why did you even invite Chloe in the first place, not to be rude but she isn’t nice at all.’ ‘Oh my god is your “friend” Chloe?’ ‘Yeah I guess, why?’ ‘She cheated on me.’ He blurred out. ‘I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to bring i’- you’re being interrupted by her storming into the kitchen. ‘Ugh I need more drinks,’ she looks everything but sober. ‘Oh no here come Chloe you need to rest.’ Chris helps you with her, you bring her upstairs to a free bedroom. ‘What a surprise.’ He stands in the doorway after he helped you let her lay down in a strangers bed, kind of waiting for you and watching you while you tuck Chloe into a strangers bed. ‘I’m so sorry about what she did.’ You turn your face to his face. ‘You don’t have to be sorry about this, but why are you even her friend, she’s such a dumbass.’ ‘She helped me through a rough time, but she became popular and she forgot about me.’ ‘Damn I’m sorry.’ He walks up to you and give you a hug out of nowhere. ‘It felt like you needed one.’ You sink into his shoulder and start sobbing out of thin air. ‘Hey hey, your okay your here with me come.’ He takes you to the bathroom to help you fix your perfectly done makeup.
‘You are really pretty you know that.’ You couldn’t focus on anything rn but his pink lips. ‘Oh your needy.’ He gives you a whole different tone. He leans into a kiss. You kiss him back right away. His hands fall on your waist and moves down to your thighs and while he squeezes them just the slightest bit. This was the best kiss you probably ever had. There is going so much through your head rn, “his lips are so soft” “he smells so good” “his lips taste just like vanilla” when you stop the most perfect kiss ever, you kind of wake up again. ‘You are a really good kisser mr bartender.’ You would never said this in any universe, it might be the drinks you had or the strong confidence you got while you were around him. ‘Am I? Should we get another drink then?’ You follow him to the kitchen again.
you surprisingly hold his hand while you walk through the dancing, drunk or smoking people. But trust me you definitely got eyes on you. When you and Chris reach the kitchen you fall back into the cheating topic, your friend. ‘And then she just cheated on me.’ You catch a little tear that flows down his cheek. ‘I’m so sorry Chris, you honestly don’t deserve that.’ You get of the barstool and hug him tight and go with your fingers through his soft hair. ‘Do you wanna take a walk or smth?’ He removes his head from your shoulder. You nod right away, ‘don’t you got to focus on what’s happening inside of here?’ Your kind of worried someone might literally burn the house down. ‘They’ll be alright the most of them are drunk anyway or Nick and Matt will take care of it, I hope so.’ he shrugs his shoulders and takes a Pepsi. ‘Oh okay then, should we go?’ ‘Yes.’ He sticks his hand out and you and you hold his hand while you walk out of the front door, holding each others hand.
He takes you to a small beach just at the end of the block, ‘it’s beautiful here!’ You can’t help but keep looking around even though it’s already night. ‘I know right, this place brings me so much peace.’ You and Chris are still holding hands, he looks down at the hands holding each other and slightly squeezes your hand. He gives you that one smile you missed a lot. ‘I love your smile so much.’ His cheeks turn slightly pink in the bright moonlight. ‘Should we just sit down and talk, I just wanted to get away from those people. I don’t know why I invited the half of those people. I didn’t wanna be rude yk?’ ‘Trust me I know. He lets his hand go while you nod at his first question. You keep on knowing exactly what he means in different scenarios, ‘I know exactly what you mean.’ You can’t help but keep on saying.
You are having such a great time with Chris, you missed this a lot. You reach the topic from the friendship between you two. ‘I really missed this,’ he looks at you with a sudden serious look. He is speaking exactly what you thought not even 20 min ago. ‘I really did too.’ He looks at your lips and kisses you once again. ‘Y/n I really love you, but I can’t keep you on a friend level. You make me so happy, you know me on a different level and I feel so co’- you interrupt him what kinda makes you feel bad bc those words were so beautiful. ‘I wanna be your girlfriend Chris. Your little speech was so beautiful btw.’ That makes him giggle a bit. And he kisses you in the bright moonlight at the beach once again.
🜸 -
Hey beautiful human🤭 make sure to like this post and comment if you wanna be tagged in my upcoming fanfics! I love you so much, you are loved <3 take care!💋
@chrisslut333 @chrissslut @chris-slut @chrissv4mp @chrisshotdog @hollandsangel @ineedchriscock @chaossturns @sturnslcver @stuniolvs @sturnioloshacker @sturniolonmc @sturniolo-fann @sturnioz @sturniololvrrr @sturnzsblog @sturnzsun @sturnsdoll @sturnsbaby @sturnsblunt @sturnsstars @sturnzwrld @sturnzyolo @sturnzluv @pepsiboyy @pvssychicken @p4lxouterbanks @strawberrysturniolo @bernardsbendystraws @whore4cherrycoke @strombolicious @urfavstromboli @mattsfavbitchhh @mattstattos @mattsturnswife @mattsgf @mattsdirtylittlehoe @hoeformatt @hoesformatt @monroesturnns
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queenendless · 6 months
Giddy Giant
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Working on new content for here on other stuff like P3R and maybe YGO in the future but its mostly JJK still for now. Anywho — !
Lee!Satoru Gojo x Ler!GN!Reader.
Short fic piece on established relationship, tickle madness/fluff, foot tickles/worship. The moment I saw the official artwork, my inner ler demanded content.
Sorry for my personal kinks/fetishes and it's fine if it turns you off from reading this but honestly I wrote this in like 2 days ... yeah inspiration comes and goes and works in odd ways so sorry about that.
Downing a bunch of coffee with mini marshmallows would satiate the sweets addicted Satoru Gojo for the time being.
But after finishing a week’s worth of work exorcizing curses, it would make even the one at the apex of sorcery get exhausted.
So cups of that cozy warm beverage only knocked him right out.
To see him out of his usual work attire and into more casual clothing was nice. Having no blindfold on meant his bangs hung freely in his face.
Laying down on the couch meant his long slim legs took up most of it, with his big dawgs pressed against the couch arm.
You peaked over the couch, smitten at the breathtaking sight of your partner fast asleep, feasting on how irresistible he looked.
Now that he's back in your shared home, that meant he trusted you enough to let his Infinity down and recharge.
But after being apart for so long, you wanted to hear his genuine melody right away.
The carefree laughs he gives off to everyone else was always for show or mockery due to his bad personality.
And yet, around you, his persona as the strongest could be dropped. To you, he's just Satoru Gojo, your partner, free to unwind.
For you, plopping on the arm rest those grippers pressed up against, your favorite unwinding method went underway.
His face scrunched up a bit, underlined by quiet grumbles as you stroked a finger up and down one sole before his other foot came in to brush your ghost touches away.
You grinned slyly, repeating the same brush stroke to the other sole, watching in silent glee as those strewn lips started stretching.
Tenderly rubbing his bridges in circles, your hands went all spider-like as they scratched at them next.
His legs shifted as his head craned back against the other armrest, humming some deep chuckles behind those now curling lips.
Slowly wiggling your digits into his arches had him kicking, nearly hitting you, but you sprung off the arm rest, when you froze.
“If you wanted to get a session going, you could have just waited until after I fully rested up. But attacking me in my sleep with my guard down like that … sneaky little ler you~”
Despite getting caught, Gojo's slanted eyes danced with mirth, peeking from underneath his arm resting against his forehead. He then propped those feet up on the armrest, waving them temptingly, waiting for your next move.
Gently kneading that velvety foot with ease made you relish in how soft they felt despite the man moving around so much and kicking the shit out of foes and the like. Your thumbs wiggled deeply into his silky skin, licking and smooching, for his taste is one that could never be topped.
He craned his head back as his adorable giggles left his open mouth smile, plopping his spare foot atop your noggin. “Does using you as my new footstool earn me anything?”
“Careful what you wish for.”
Releasing your current target, you pulled his other foot off your cranium before squeezing it in both your hands, gentle nibbling on his squirmy taunting toes had him giggling louder, kicking his spasming free leg out in response.
“Maybe I should have asked for this kind of treatment the moment I got back.” He chortled through his words, squirming as he sat up now, pulling his free foot out of your reach to flex it. “Though I'd rather you sit your cute little fanny down if we're gonna keep going.”
Smooching the ball of his foot, you freed it as you curled up on the empty cushion spot, snatching up the other foot, cradling it still before lathering those toes in the same sultry treatment as you gave the previous five, working your tongue in between them, earning a guffawing Gojo squirming in his spot.
“If it means I can keep doing this, fine by me.” Your breathy words made him shiver from the tingling touch to his slick skin.
“Can't believe being the lee in this can feel this good. Receiving this kind of worship from you is interesting. Though it'd devastate my very soul if I reflexively hit you by accident~!” He dramatically cried out before breaking out into full blown howling as you sat on his calves to slide all your fingers in between all his toes, attacking the pads and stems in your vibrating frenzy.
“That's a risk I'm willing to take – AAH~!”
You suddenly yelp as Satoru slid his hands underneath your top from behind, kneading and pinching your flesh, jolting in his grasp while letting out many shrieks yourself.
“Bad move to turn your back on your prey ... Y/n.”
Your futile attempt to pull away from him drove him to pull himself in until he literally splayed up against your back, leaning down to chuckle sinisterly right in your blushing ear.
“This is where you're weak, right~?” His teasing only heightened the ticklish sensation as his hands slid down to cup your jiggly belly and vibrate those sculpted fingers of his crazily, bringing out a stream of high-pitched howling and frantic limbs flailing outta you.
“I'm down for switching our roles right about now. You're not the only one who's missed the sound of our laughter.” He littered your face with butterfly kisses in tune with his fingers digging into your hips, making you laugh harder. “Especially yours.”
“No fair! I was just getting started!” You whined through your cackling when his lips began buzzing into your neck, earning spouts of screams and squirming from you.
“You've been a fabulous tickle monster thus far, Y/n. But now, let your dear Toru return the favor~” His devious laughter mingled with your guffawing as his lone digit jiggled into your belly button.
His unrestrained laughter filled up the room with yours, caging your legs between his own. Shedding tears from the ticklish overload, you were smothered by his unbridled warmth, tickles and all.
After a while spent becoming puddy in his dexterous hands, he stopped, letting you sag against his chest, shivering from his ghost touches, tired giggles leaving your parted lips.
Nuzzling his nose against your tear-stained hot cheek, he licked the salty goodness off your skin. Satoru beamed with affection for you, pecking your lips lovingly with a giggle of his own. “Good to be back in your arms again, my beloved ler.”
He fell back against the couch so he could lay there with you entangled in his arms, your legs intertwined, as you nuzzled your tired face against your makeshift pillow that is his chest, finally settling down with a smile of your own.
“Welcome home.”
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