#//spiderling and recluse!!
onenicebugperday · 2 years
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@raeloganthesonic06fangirl​ submitted: Oklahoma again! Have a lot of nice bugs to share since last time, including a fly I rescued from one of our cats after they spat it out and still was buzzing around, and an unfortunate recluse that somehow died in an old dish before we noticed it while making rice pudding. Also worth pointing out: These mantises, a centipede that scurried across the floor yesterday, a velvet ant and a Wolf Spider with bunch of babies on her back. And a cute moth and leafhopper.
All great! The one you called a leafhopper is actually a katydid. Loooove the velvet ant and the mantids! And the wolf mother. RIP to the recluse :(
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deluxebug · 2 months
🕷 This one really small spider I found in the bathroom about a month ago molted recently. I was sweeping and swept up a dead bug from the corner, and found a tiny spiderling running after it. It had been scavenging. So I put it in a small box with a little soil and a small capful of water. I've been feeding it. I know everybody always thinks they have a brown recluse, but I do think it looks and acts like one. It's mostly a solid tan color, the legs are arranged in similar proportions to a recluse, and it's made a sort of messy set of cobwebs it rests in. When I feed it, it actively hunts instead of using the web to catch prey.. It's just so small I still can't see the eye arrangement, and I don't see the fiddle. Even after molting, it's still barely as big as my fingernail. I'd take a pic but it's too small and I can't get proper focus. I will just keep feeding it 😤 Grow FASTER
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proteckd · 4 months
🕷️ Interesting Facts About Spiders You Might Not Know! 🕷️
Learn more:
Spiders are truly fascinating creatures with some incredible abilities. Here are some detailed facts about them that will blow your mind:
Diverse Species: There are over 45,000 known spider species worldwide, and they inhabit every continent except Antarctica! 🌍
Super-Strong Silk: Spider silk is one of the strongest materials in the world, being 5 times stronger than steel of the same diameter and incredibly flexible. 💪🕸️
Limb Regeneration: Spiders can regrow lost limbs during their molts. This amazing ability helps them survive despite facing numerous threats. 🦵🔄
Mostly Harmless: While most spiders are venomous, their venom is generally harmless to humans. Only a few species, like the black widow and brown recluse, can cause serious harm. 🏥
Unique Hunting Techniques: Not all spiders rely on webs. Jumping spiders actively hunt and pounce on their prey, while trapdoor spiders create hidden burrows to ambush insects. 🏃‍♂️🍽️
Sensitive Setae: Tiny hair-like structures called setae cover spiders' legs and bodies, making them extremely sensitive to vibrations and air currents, helping them detect prey and predators. 🔍
Breathing Systems: Spiders have unique respiratory systems, including book lungs and tracheae, which allow them to breathe efficiently in different environments. 🌬️
Orb-Weaver Webs: The classic orb-shaped web, made by orb-weaver spiders, can capture various prey, from small insects to larger creatures. These webs are often rebuilt daily. 🕸️
Parental Care: Some spiders, like the wolf spider, exhibit remarkable parental care, carrying their egg sacs and even their spiderlings on their backs until they're independent. 👩‍👧‍👦
Environmental Indicators: Spiders are crucial for indicating environmental health, as their presence and abundance can reflect the conditions of their ecosystems. 🌿
Next time you spot a spider, take a moment to appreciate these incredible creatures and their vital role in nature! 🕷️✨
#SpiderFacts #Nature #IncredibleCreatures #Wildlife #DidYouKnow #Ecology #SpiderLove #NatureLovers #interestingfacts
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jdubqca · 11 months
SPIDERLING #poem #poetry #arachnids
lost inside your own skin you decide it’s best not to go out tonight opting to keep company with recluse spiders and a bottle of red everything is muted including a full moon wrapped inside a fog calling all arachnids to come out of the closet and feast until content https://jdubqca.files.wordpress.com/2023/11/spiderling.mp3 november two thousand twenty-three copyright j matthew waters all…
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rat-control-au · 2 years
What Causes Spiders To Invade Your House?
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Spiders are common pests that can cause fear and discomfort to many people. They can also be a nuisance, particularly when they hide and build unsightly webs. If you have a spider infestation, it may be best to consult with spider control services Ipswich. These pest control professionals aim to reduce the spider population in your home by using various methods.
 There are several reasons why spiders may appear in your house, including:
 Searching for food
Spiders may come into your house in search of insects or other prey that they feed on. Insects such as flies, mosquitoes, and moths are common prey for spiders, and if these insects are present in your residence, it is likely that spiders may follow them inside.
 Some species of spiders are also attracted to indoor plants, which may harbour insects and provide a source of food.
 Seeking shelter
Spiders may seek shelter in your house if it provides a suitable environment, such as a warm and dry space. Spiders prefer warm, dry, and dark places with plenty of hiding spots, such as cracks and crevices. Closets, basements, attics, and storage areas are some common places where spiders may seek shelter in a house.
 Certain types of spiders, such as house spiders, cellar spiders, and wolf spiders, are known to be more commonly found in houses.
Some spiders may enter your home to mate and lay their eggs. Female spiders may seek out a protected and secluded area to deposit their egg sacs, which contain hundreds of spiderlings. Common hiding spots for egg sacs include corners, cracks, and crevices, as well as underneath furniture and behind wall hangings.
 If you notice spider egg sacs in your house, it is best to leave them alone or contact spider control services to safely remove them. Some spider species, such as black widows and brown recluses, can be dangerous to humans, so take precautions when dealing with spiders in your home.
 Attracted to light
Some species of spiders are attracted to light sources, including those inside your house. This is because spiders are naturally drawn to prey that may be attracted to light, such as moths and other flying insects. If you leave your lights on at night or have bright light sources near windows or doors, spiders may be more likely to enter your home in search of prey.
 Seasonal changes
Some spider species are more active during certain seasons, depending on factors such as temperature, humidity, and prey availability.
 For example, orb-weaving spiders are more active in the fall, when the temperatures are cooler and there are more flying insects around. Wolf spiders and jumping spiders are more active during the summer months, when temperatures are warmer and there are more insects and other small prey available for them to hunt.
 Some spider species may also be more active during the spring or winter, depending on their life cycle and environmental conditions.
 Accidental entry
Sometimes, you need to call spider control services because spiders may accidentally enter your home through small cracks or gaps in doors or windows. This is particularly true for spiders that are more active outdoors and may wander inside your house by mistake. For example, some spiders may be attracted to outdoor lights at night and accidentally end up inside your house.
 Once inside, spiders may stay if they find suitable hiding spots, food sources, or environmental conditions.
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wsstandsfor · 2 years
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send me a  ✿  and i’ll fill out the template below. bold for things i could definitely see or want, italics for things i could see or am unsure of and striked out for things i don’t want or cannot see.
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  / [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other
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ruthlesslistener · 5 years
...I wonder how much chaos baby Hornet would have caused among the nobles of the infamous 'reclusive, serene Pale Court' if she ever skidded into the throne room during a Very Important Meeting, crashed into the Pale King's tail, tripped, and started begging for him to pick her up (all while calling him damnable things like 'daddy' or 'dadda')
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sarah-sandwich · 4 years
Happy FFWF! What are some of your favorite Fics you’ve read?
Oh boy now you’ve done it. Here is my all-time favorite fic ever
Hail Mary by galaxysoup
Take one newly human ex-angel on the run from Heaven. Combine with one mysteriously resurrected and increasingly pissed off Mary Winchester. Add overtones of Apocalypse. Shake well. 
Yes it’s a supernatural fic! Yes it brought Mary back from the dead long before the idea was even a twinkle in canon’s eye! Yes Cas and Mary are BFF Goals! Yes the plot is Unique! Intriguing! New! Fun! Yes it is everything canon spn wishes it was and can never be! It opens with the following:
Hail Mary 1. a prayer for intercession, also known as the Angelic Salutation 2. a desperate, last-ditch attempt to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat
Can I just say how perfect it is? Thematically? It’s so...UGH! It literally gives me chills. You’ve resurrected all of the old emotions. OKay I will talk about something else now.
More favs:
Bureau of Badass by Chemicallywrit and miceenscene
The Adventure Zone Roller Rink and Arcade opened in 1979 and has been struggling ever since. There is really only one thing that keeps the doors open, and that is roller derby.
Aka, the Late-90s-Roller-Derby AU that no one asked for but you're getting anyway.
It’s so good! It’s so good! It’s all found family and 90′s nostalgia and is so so good! I don’t really even read fics for the Adventure Zone? This one is just that good.
Bury the Lead by @marywhal
Taako’s senior year at Neverwinter High could be going better. Faced with a choice between joining the school’s floundering newspaper or being expelled, he opts for a career in journalism.
Lucretia, the paper’s editor, kind of wishes he'd gone the other way.
Since I plugged B.o.B. I have to plug the only other Adventure Zone fic in my bookmarks. Do you crave tomfoolery and hijinx? Would you like to see what sage advice Taako provides via newspaper column? Do you long to watch Kravitz and Taako fall in love in a pretentious coffee shop? Is found family your jam? Or should I say pudding? Specifically pocket pudding. Do you have a yet unresolved desire to learn what the heck kerning is? Read this. Read this read this read this.
From the Top by garamonder
Miles let go. Peter B. Parker closed his eyes as he dropped back through the rift, heading home.
It would have been nice if he’d ended up there. Instead, the veteran hero makes an unintended pit stop in another Peter's universe - one where he's an Avenger, of all things.
(Takes place in the MCU, post-hypothetical-Avengers 4)
Good good Spidey fic. It's got the humor and the high-stakes and the heartfelt moments and the redemption and the satisfaction of a happy end. So so so good.
May Parker's complete guide on how to raise your Spiderling. by embarrassing_myself
Nobody ever gave much thought to where Peter would end up if anything were to happen to May.
Except of course, May.
So when circumstances change it's up to May Parker to teach Tony how to be the best possible parent in a very short (and unfair) amount of time.
The only May dies fic I’ll ever love. My notes on the bookmark are: Shut up and drink your respect May Parker juice. Best fic. Saddest fic. 14/10 would allow to curb stomp me emotionally again.
Untethered by Vixen13
Lord Peter Parker is the last of his family's line. He lost everything to the war when he was only a child and has been raised in the care of the palace ever since, leaving the other nobles to look at him as nothing more than a burden on the king's charity. When the leader of the reclusive nation of dragons, Chief Wade Wilson, came before the king to demand payment in the form of a wife, the nobles saw a perfect opportunity to solve two problems at once. Peter had his money, land, family, and now his nation taken from him. Moving forward, all he can do is hope that he will survive in a world so drastically different from, and far more dangerous than, the one he's always known.
I don't have words? Just...so good? Character development like woah! Worldbuilding like WOAH! Why isn't this a book book???? And there are DRAGONS. This fic. Oh man this fic.
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crazycinemas · 5 years
Anything For You Peter Parker x Reader
So this is for the wonderfuls @unholyhaz and @spidey-waffles11 writing challenge, congrats to you both! My prompt was “Hey, hey, stop that”. 
Kind of an announcement, may be the last time I post anything for a while. I’m going back to school and have to have that as my top priority. I’ll try to keep writing and posting when I can, but that probably won’t be very often. 
I hope you guys enjoy! Let me know what you think, and thanks for reading! 
You're cleaning up after dinner when you notice something on the ground, making you scream. Jumping away, you nearly fall over the open dishwasher. You hear Peter running down the hall towards you, sliding to a stop in the doorway. 
“Y/n, what happened, are you okay?” You stare at him with wide eyes. 
“There’s a, there’s a-” You slowly back away from the sink, taking a deep breath. 
“Baby, what is it?” 
“There’s a spider by the sink!” 
Peter bites his lip, fighting off a grin. “It’s okay, Love, he’s not going to hurt you.” 
“You don't know that!” You run into the hall, grabbing the first shoe you see before running back to the kitchen. “It could be a black widow, or a brown recluse, or some other poisonous monster!” You stare at the spider from across the room while Peter tries not to laugh. 
“It’s venomous, Love. If it bites you and something bad happens to you, that’s venom, not poison.” You look up at him, nodding aggressively. 
“See! It’s venomous, it has to go away!” You start slowly moving towards it, raising the shoe, but Peter runs and grabs you around your waist, lifting you up and away from the spider. 
“Hey, hey, stop that, don’t kill him!” He gently takes the shoe out of your hand while you slap at his arms. “He’s not hurting anything, except maybe getting rid of some of the bugs that keep eating your houseplants.” You look at him, exasperated. 
“Peter, it’s a spider! You know I hate spiders!” He cringes internally, but sets you down on the table, standing between your legs. 
“Baby that doesn't mean you have to kill it, we can just catch it and let it outside.” You glare at the creature, still in the same place in the floor by the sink. “Want to help me?” Turning to glare at Peter instead, you shake your head. “Yeah, I didn't think so.” He smiles at you before turning to the spider. 
Getting a glass out of the cabinet, he places it over the spider, which doesn't move. He slides a piece of paper underneath it, and the spider tries to climb up the side of the glass, making you squeal. 
“Peter, he’s moving, don't let him out!” Peter laughs. 
“Y/n, he’s not going to hurt you. He probably wants to leave as much as you want him to. I’m sure he’s more scared of you than you are of him.” 
“I highly doubt that,” you mutter. Peter picks up the spider in the glass and turns towards you. 
“You're sure you don't want him to stay?” He gives you a mischievous grin and you glare at him. “Look at that fuzzy face, he looks like a sweetheart, and I’m sure he’d be a quiet roommate.” You shake your head, eyeing the spider. 
“Peter, if you don't take that insect outside I’m leaving and I won’t be coming back until it’s gone.” Peter grins and turns towards the door. 
“It’s an arachnid, but we can't have you leaving, so I guess Mr. Spider here has to go.” 
You scoff. “Mr. Spider? Isn't that a little formal?” Peter shrugs. 
“He might have a spider family with little spiderlings running around somewhere.” You roll your eyes, shivering at the thought of more spiders in the house. 
“Just take him outside please, Peter.” He smiles at you before walking out the door, returning a few minutes later with an empty glass. You hop off the table and wrap your arms around his neck. 
“Thank you for rescuing me, Baby.” He chuckles, resting his chin on your head and his hands on your waist. 
“Anything for you, Love.”
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authoressofdarkness · 5 years
Broken Years
Notes: Hello all! I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the crazy response I got to DG and all the welcome and support from the fandom! I love you all too! I don’t have an official summary for this (or title, really, I just came up with that on the spot to post it, lol), but it’s loosely based on a whump prompt sent to me by a friend. The line from the prompt itself will probably come up next chapter. Anyway, basically, this is six or so years post snap, but as if Pepper and May had disappeared, and Peter and Tony didn’t. So, the rest will basically be explained in story. For now, I hope you enjoy, and hopefully I’ll have the next part up soon!
Everything hurts. 
He’s not thinking clearly, he knows he’s not. He’s lost too much blood, and he’s been swinging for so long, and really, everything hurts. He just needs somewhere to curl up and rest for a while... or maybe curl up and die, based on the extent of his injuries, but he’s not really lucid enough to know which is more likely.
So when he starts to run out of web fluid and sees the lights of the familiar tower telling him he’d made it back to Manhattan in the distance, he heads for it. Maybe he should have realized just because it’s no longer in use doesn’t necessarily mean it’s abandoned in the sense of at least security, but honestly all he’s worried about is not crashing somewhere he’ll be found publicly. 
So he just swings up to the tower, into the first window Karen says he can get into without having to break it open. He swings through, and immediately collapses, unable to even land on his feet. He curses himself, but stays on the ground, trying to gather his strength to move.
Things since half of everyone disappeared have been hell. He’s alone - he’s been alone, since May disappeared - and he’s one of the only super-individuals still bothering to do anything about the state that the Earth was left in. Naturally that makes him a target, and while he’s used to being kidnapped by now, it doesn’t make the pain any less every time it happens. 
This time has been particularly bad. He doesn’t know how long he was there. He only knows it’s been days, if not weeks, and that he hasn’t eaten or been allowed to sleep properly and his body is on the verge of giving up. 
He’s past the point of his enhanced healing working, and he knew that when he decided to fight back. But he had to get out of there before they could kill him or actually fulfill the murmurings he’d heard about the possibility of moving him somewhere more secure. If that happened, he’d never get out. So he fought.
To say the fight on top of the injuries he had already sustained nearly killed him would not be an understatement. He’s not entirely sure he’s not going to die, even if he does manage to move. But he knows he definitely will if he doesn’t. 
So, slowly, he moves to his hands and knees on the ground, groaning at the pain every movement causes him. He’s vaguely aware of the ever-growing puddle of blood around him now that he’s sitting still, but there’s little he can do about it. He can barely move as is.
Barely, but it’s enough to let him raise a shaking hand and pull off his mask, to shift himself against a wall when he knows he won’t be able to hold himself up a moment longer. There’s so many things he needs, but right now he’s just trying to focus on not blacking out, because he knows if he does there’s a chance he won’t wake up. 
But it’s a battle he’s losing quickly. He’s breathing so hard it had to look like he’d just run a marathon, even though he hadn’t done anything more strenuous than swinging for... well, long enough he shouldn’t be breathing like this. But his vision is blacking out and he’s not getting enough air and so he just lays there, trying to ride it out, barely lucid enough to know it’s fruitless. 
Help comes in the form that he least expects. 
Tony shouldn’t even be in the city right now. He’s honestly tried to avoid it at all costs, since the snap, but in the same sense, he still has obligations to fulfill. Pepper is gone, and it’s not as if there’s anyone else he trusts to run SI. So he’s CEO again, and with that responsibility, he does have bare minimum obligations to meet. Attending a huge ass meeting every couple months in person is one of them, even if he doesn’t like it. But at least it’s only one he has to show up for and pretend to be a put together person for a little bit. 
These days, he’s a recluse, and he makes little effort to hide it. He stays out of the public eye - and mainly stays out of public, if he can help it. 
But he’s still Iron Man, even if he doesn’t do the superhero gig anymore. No one dares mess with him still. 
So imagine his surprise when- 
“Boss, an intruder has been detected on the 87th floor.” 
Tony straightens, looking at the clock. It’s three-something in the morning. Of course he’s still awake and tinkering in his lab - because what else would he be doing at three am - and maybe it’s the sleep deprivation, but he really can’t believe what he just heard. Who in their right mind would try to break into the tower? And how in the hell had they succeeded? 
“Fri, you got eyes on them? How did they get in?” 
“Yes, boss. It seems that the intruder came in through an open window on the floor. No damage detected, although-“
“There’s no way in hell someone climbed through an open window hundreds of feet in the air,” Tony interrupts, torn between irritable and disbelieving. 
“It might be possible for this individual, sir. According the my files, the intruder bears a remarkable resemblance to one Peter Parker.” 
“The Spiderling?” All irritation disappears, replaced by worry. Of course he knew his true identity; he knew most of the few remaining heroes, by name if not personally. He’d always been interested in Spider-Man. After the Snap, when it became apparent he wasn’t going to stop but that Tony had no interest in going back into the hero business, that was when he’d done the digging and figured everything out. He’d even made him his new suit - anonymously donated, of course. “Is he injured?”
A pause. “Appears so, boss. He’s not looking great. My scanners detect massive blood loss, six broken ribs-“
“Fuck!” Tony is on his feet in an instant. “Don’t you think you should have lead with that? Christ. Save the injuries list. Call the closest authorized medical professional. Tell them it’s an emergency.” Even from that first snippet he’d heard, he could tell it wasn’t going to be good. Whatever happened to him might explain why he’d been off the grid the past two weeks. Still, even if it didn’t, he wasn’t just going to let the kid die. 
He’s thought he’d already majorly failed at his job in all the ways that counted, but as he steps into the elevator with his heart pounding, he realizes maybe he still has a few things left to lose. 
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spideypoolbigbang · 6 years
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For ease of access we’ve compiled a list of all the teams and their creations in a google spreadsheet which can be found here. We’ve also placed those same links under the cut!  In addition to the masterlist, we also have a wonderful collection on AO3 of all the fics for this year. Please check it out when you can! Thank you again for this wonderful first year and we hope to see you all when sign ups open for SPBB 2019! A huge thanks to @jdragon122 for the banner!
Title: De Testis Absentia: On the Absence of a Witness
Author: @nimohtar  
Artist: @limeonik Rating: Teen and up Warnings: None
Final Word Count: 11,339
Summary: In Ancient Rome, Petrus Bennio Pacor lives under the generous patronage of Antonius Ennius Starca. When Antonius’ witness in a court hearing fails to appear, Antonius invokes a law to summon said witness - but sends Petrus to do the deed in his stead.
The witness? One Vado Vinstinian Vilsoni, a former soldier currently trying to eke out a living in the poorer area of the city as a debt-enforcer - and wholly uninterested in the rules and regulations of Rome.
Somehow, Petrus must persuade Vado to do his duty; Vado intends to avoid it as long as possible…especially if it means Petrus continues to come calling at his door.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Make Myself Believe
Author: @common-white-dude
Artist: @mere-mortifer
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No major warnings
Word Count: 20142
Summary: Omegas had always been trained in special institutions to be good mates for the Alpha that chooses them. Omegas are supposed to do whatever their Alpha says. No questioning, no second thoughts. No freedom.
For Peter Parker, life had always been horrible unpredictable and erratical, and he had thought that the only constant in his life will be being a servant for his mate.
However, even that won’t even be as Peter had thought. Not after he ends up with Wade Wilson, an Alpha that seems to like to behave on the exact opposite of what Peter had learned all his life.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: A Study of Stairways
Author: sparkstarthetrashcan (@sparkstar-trash)
Artist: @ninja4646
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Major Character Death
Word Count: 14,696
Summary: Wade Wilson is a bad student. Poor grades, no attention span and not a soul to help him. Even if he tries to study he’s always distracted by his phone or a supernaturally attractive boy who showed up out of nowhere, whispering answers in his ear.
Peter, almost got into Harvard, Parker spends his time tutoring students. He’s smart enough and he’s got nothing else to do, so he might as well. But Wade’s different. He doesn’t seem to want Peter for his brain like everyone else, Wade cares about him.
Problem is, Peter isn’t normal. He’s a ghost.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: TheRealDeadpool posted
Author: JessJesstheBest (saywhatjessie)
Artist: Sophie (temporary-teddycup)
Rating: Teen and up
Warnings: No Major Warnings
Word Count: 6,133
Carly Shep @Spider-butt Sooo… has anyone else noticed how cozy Spider-Man and the Merc with a Mouth seem to be lately? (14 retweets, 74 likes)
Or the Isn’t it Bromantic comic run from the perspective of in-universe social media.
Fic Masterpost  | Art Masterpost
Title: Searching for the World
Author: @Salios
Artist: @Chez
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Violence, Blood and Gore
Word Count: 15k+
Summary: Fallout!Au
Peter is a mutant from a vault looking for help saving his uncle, who is interred in a failing cryo pod. He makes his way from his vault in Queens to Manhattan to Stark industries, the driving force behind Vault-Tec before the war. But being a mutant he know it’ll be a difficult trip. Ends up getting held up and Wade, being a nosy asshole, steps in. Offers his services and Peter accepts though he has no idea what kind of payment Wade is expecting
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: His Apartment, His Safehouse
Author(s): @flowery-musings
Artist: @x3nia
Rating: teen
Warnings: slight angst, talks of suicide and depression, deadpool-typical speech and violence
Word Count: 5297 words
Summary: In one universe, Peter considers the place his apartment. In another, Wade considers the place his safehouse. Confusion ensues when Peter, after a tiring class day, meets what appears to be the one and only Deadpool, standing in his apartment, who he knows to most certainly nothing more than a fictional character
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: I Need to Tell You Something
Author: Pineau_noir
Artist: AhumokIo
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No archive warnings apply
Word Count: 21k
Summary: Coming to screens worldwide this February.
When Peter Parker was 15 he was bitten by a spider on a school trip. The next day he woke up a little… changed. His whole world was turned upside down.
Both figuratively and literally.
As in, he was upside down, hanging off the bed, clinging to his now ruined bedposts. With his brand spankin-new tentacles.
Eight of them to be exact. Yes, apparently in Peter’s universe, the evil scientists at Oscorp spliced an octopus’ DNA with a spider. A spider who decided to snack on Peter.
To try and have what passes for normal, he moved in with the Avengers. But almost five years of living with the Hulk, Captain America, and Iron Man are definitely not the norm for most people. Add in a flirty leather-clad mercenary, who keeps trying to feed him, and he knows his life has veered severely off-course. He thought he knew how to handle the strange things in his life, but he never expected Deadpool.
Starring Peter Parker as Spider-Man and Wade Wilson as Deadpool, with music by Carly Rae Jepsen.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: That Which Binds Us
Author(s): @343enderspark
Artist: @catsauceeartofficial
Rating: Teen and up
Warnings: Temp Character Death, Comic Book Violence
Word Count: 9193
Summary: Normal people just feel emotions from their soulmate, which get stronger as they get closer. Hardly inconvenient.
But of course it’s not that simple for our dear boys. Wade’s good ole time in the Weapon X program turned those handy emotional feelings into a pretty little white box that likes to keep him and Yellow company. Poor Peter got the short end of the genetic lottery, being one of the rare humans that feel their soulmate’s pain instead of emotion.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Different Strokes
Author: @thatvixenchick
Artist: @amazing-spiderling
Rating: E
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Word Count: 8494
Summary: Peter’s just trying to live his life as a normal omega — as normal as an omega can be after being bitten by a radioactive spider. What he certainly did not need while out of costume and quickly falling into heat was to run into Deadpool. Alphas usually didn’t take kindly to what happened to Peter during his unique, super-powered heats. Turns out, Deadpool is the absolute opposite of upset about it.
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Title: Petey, we did it, we outran the Blob
Author: @joaas
Artist: @onthestraightandnarrowpath
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Word Count: 29, 731
Summary: Deadpool just wants to find and kill the guy who turned his face into the biological version of a Jackson Pollock painting. Is that too much to ask for? Apparently it is, because the Avengers just won’t let him be and get his revenge in peace. Also, Spidey keeps showing up and calling him Wade like they’re best buds now or something, what’s up with that?
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: And Words Are Futile Devices
Author(s): SordidDetailsFollowing
Artist: Nanakoblaze
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Word Count: 30k
Peter doesn’t think he’s lonely. He’s too busy to be lonely. He’s twenty-two, working on his PhD and holding down a shitty job at the Daily Bugle, not to mention his nightly extra-curricular activities. He’s too busy for friends, and he’s certainly too busy for romantic interests. And yet, shockingly, apparently everyone in his life thinks he needs to stop being an anti-social recluse and get laid.
So Peter enters the wide, wonderful world of online dating. He doesn’t expect to find his soul mate, or even a friend, and he’s definitely not looking for hook ups. He doesn’t know what he’s looking for, really, until one Wade W. Wilson catches his eye and captures his heart with risqué dog pics and a concerning obsession with cannibalistic serial killers.
This is a love story. A sweet, inevitable journey towards each other. There is humor, and melancholy, and a touch of both gravitas and levity to the weeks that trickle by. But really it’s just an account of the slow, magnetic movement of Peter towards Wade, and Wade towards Peter.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Spidey Spidey, Give Me Your **** (Love, Suckers. Love.) Anyway… I Got A Bad Case Of Loving You… (Or The One Where Peter is a Nurse But Not In a Kinky Way)
Author(s): Lilian
Artist: Lizardyne
Rating: E
Warnings: No archive warnings apply
Word Count: 5k+
Summary: Nurse Parker is sent to make sure one of the patients in his hospital is recovered enough to be discharged. He doesn’t expect to recognize the scarred man as Deadpool, his sort of friend/college/person he might have certain feelings for.
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Title: The Hearts in your Eyes
Author: BloodthirstyMerc
Artist: Cynspidey
Rating: E (explicit)
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Word Count: 72k+
The day Peter meets Deadpool is the worst day of his life.
After trying so hard to forget his presumably long-lost heartmate, Peter finally gives into the feelings he’s acquired for Wade, the one person who’s unintentionally helped him mend his broken heart.
Miscommunications lead to Peter thinking that Wade had found his heartmate while they were together, resulting in him spiralling into a self-destructive depression.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: The Firsts and the Last
Author: Violet_arabian
Artist: Moemai
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death
Word Count: 20k
Summary: Peter managed to survive the Vulture, get in good graces with Tony Stark, and finish the school year in a neat bow. Finally, his life as Spider-Man had begun. Sure, he still took care of petty theft and the occasional grand theft, but he had also been acknowledged. Which meant that there were more big-time baddies to fight and wounds to tend. Yet, for some reason, no one told him that villains or anti-heroes would be so infuriatingly persistent.
From the start of his senior year to the next three chapters of his life, Peter faces dark alleyways, high rooftops, close calls, and family time. All while dealing with Deadpool, unaware of the heavy and dark future looming above them.
Fic Masterpost | Artist Masterpost
Title: What you need
Author: Neonbat
Artist: Chez
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: None apply
Word Count: 18,158
Summary: Peter Parker, for lack of a better description, is having a shit time. An incident at school leads him to rash decisions and when he finds himself in the middle of New York alone and at night, he knows he’s in trouble. A mysterious man rescues him in a tight spot and despite Wade being kind of terrifying in his own right, he turns out to be the friend Peter needs, and in the end, the one Wade needs as well.
Fic Masterpost  |  Art Masterpost
Title: we were never supposed to make it half this far
Author: scarlett_starlett
Artist: milkshake-sprinkels
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: Implied/Referenced Underage, Implied/Referenced Underage Drinking Word Count: 16k Summary: High school is rough. Uncle Ben is gone and being bullied has always been a problem for Peter Parker since he was little. But being best friend-adjacent to Midtown High School’s hunky quarterback star Wade Wilson is probably one of the few shining moments in his otherwise unlucky life—even if Wade is friends with Flash, his childhood tormentor, and distressingly straight (since, y'know, Peter has more-than-best-friend feelings for him. But that’s all part of that Parker Luck™)
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Turning Tides
Author: @snarkysnartes
Artist: @amazing-spiderling
Rating: T
Warnings: A/B/O, Pining, Jealousy,
Word Count: 5k
Summary: Wade Wilson really didn’t believe in true mates until he met Peter Parker. Now, now he knows that they’re meant to be and he wants nothing more than to show Peter and his kingdom that love.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Feral
Author: MsCaptainWinchester
Artist: Nhrive
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Torture (off screen), Stalking (past), Sexism, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Full-Shift Wolf-On-Wolf Sex, Mpreg, Discussion of Potential Miscarriage
Word Count: 48k+
Summary: When Peter comes across a skinny, sickly feral wolf in the woods while he’s out hunting, it’s hard to remember that the wolf is a person, too. An alpha, and likely a dangerous one given his size. The wolf was Peter’s Snarly, his giant, scared wolf he takes care of, gives head scritches to, chilly river baths, and treats. So many treats.
What he doesn’t know, what he could never have guessed, is that his sweet Snarly is the most wanted alpha in the kingdom, Alpha Killer Wade Wilson. As the two of them begin their strange courting, will Peter be able to come to terms with Wade’s dark past? Or will that past come knocking on his door to remind him?
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Don’t find no one but me
Author(s): @Garsloup
Artist: @Aredesification
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Word Count: 30K+
Norman Osborn is an asshat. Peter knew that much, but he didn’t expect the man to jeopardize a viable research just because Peter is the best and  – in his opinion – the only viable option to be in charge of his own project. But the CEO seems to be out for blood, and if Peter wants to pursue his project he has to mate with an omega. This looks like a terrible idea, the worst to be honest. Until it doesn’t.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: This Title Makes me Jurassic
Author(s): Milkshake-Sprinkels
Artist: Kirago           Banner by @jdragon122
Rating: Pg-13, Teen and Up
Warnings: No warnings Apply
Word Count: 6000
Summary: As the COO of Oscorp Industries, Peter Benjamin Parker is in charge of the biggest project yet, the Indominous Rex. When things start going array, Peter must call upon his old flame and renowned dinosaur handler, Wade Wilson. With Peter’s niece and nephew, and Wade’s Daughter, they must save the park from annihilation.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Through Dangers Untold and Hardships Unnumbered
Author(s): Born To Be Wilde
Artist: ginogollum
Rating: Teen audiences and up
Warnings: kidnapping, drinking, swearing, mild violence, weaponry, bugging, mild gore, vomit.
Word Count: 20-25k
“Spiderman kidnapped a child?”
“I know right! Well technically he took her into super protective custody because there’s this drug lord trying to kill her to get to me so Spidey nabbed her from my apartment and hid her away and then he’s going to put her with a new family. It’s all very complicated and grey area and a bit like that David Bowie movie.”
Actually it’s exactly like that David Bowie movie. TDUAHU is the first instalment in a three book series, How Are You Enjoying My Labyrinth? All spideypool, all labyrinth. This first story has Wade having to traverse New York through problems and pitfalls all to bring Ellie home. But will Peter, who of course is sure he is doing the right thing, be able to keep Wade away for the full 13 hours? And will everyone be able to keep their feelings in check?
Will post later due to emergency. Please check back at a later date!
Title: Healing Invisible Scars Author(s): @hey-im-amber @enocca Artist: @amazing-spiderling Rating: Mature Warnings: implied rape, drugging. abuse and homelessness Word Count: 6k Summary: Wade is an omega who’s escaped his past alpha who has done everything he could to break him. Homeless, a kind stranger invites him home and tries to help the omega as well.as he can. But with Wade hiding his past, how long can good things stay good? Peter tries to help but he refuses to think this kindness comes without a price.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Picture This
Author(s): @RansomNoteworthy
Artist: @Thelastpinecone
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Temporary Character Death
Word Count: 13k
Summary: Spider-Man and Deadpool are just acquaintances and occasional colleagues. But when Spider-Man is photographed being rescued and carried by Deadpool, the resulting media coverage means very different things to Peter and Wade, when everyone assumes they’re in a relationship together. A fake-dating, acquaintances-to-friends-to-lovers story, with all the humor and angst SpideyPool can provide, as Peter deals with his growing feelings and Wade copes with a very unpredictable relationship, and the Avengers are judging the whole thing from the sidelines.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Wade Wilson’s Super Awesome Mixtape of Love to Peter Parker
Author: sadieb798
Artist: Black Sodas
Rating: E
Warnings: Temporary Character Death, Gore, Canon Typical Violence
Word Count: 15K
Summary: There’s a body lying on his carpet.
Peter’s breath catches in his throat, it feels like his heart just took a swan-dive into his stomach and landed with a plop.
Oh God, oh God, his brain chants frantically. He immediately lurches toward his desk, reaching for his phone, but he overcompensates and knocks it off. He watches, breath caught in his throat, as it falls to the carpet with a soft thud and bounces under his bed.
Peter immediately dives for it. The phone’s not very far from him, so he doesn’t need to stretch as he reaches for it. His fingers grasp the beveled corners and he pulls it towards him. Instinctively he looks up, and instantly regrets it.
The white lenses of a superhero mask meet his, and blink.
“Hey, how’s it going?” Deadpool asks, his voice gravelly as he waves a hand.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Off the Record
Author: @crookedswingset
Artist: @c0njidraws
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Sexual Content
Word Count: 130K
Summary: Peter Parker is a corporate lackey whose sole job is to root out problem executives who waste Oscorp’s money and time. Wade Wilson is a reserve Avenger on the hunt for a prize even Iron Man couldn’t nail down–the real identity of everyone’s favorite webhead. Too bad most people think Spider-Man is Harry Osborn.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: A Different Life
Author(s): mxximum-effort
Artist: adumbtree-draws
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Word Count: 10.7k
Summary: Peter Parker and Wade Wilson’s marriage was over before it even had a chance to begin. But now, twelve years later, Peter Parker is almost-happily in a relationship with Harry, about to get married to him. He receives a letter informing him that Wade Wilson is filing for divorce- they’ve been married all along. Suddenly, Wade is back in his life, and Peter can’t help wondering what life might have been like if he’d stayed with Wade. As they navigate their divorce, and their current failing relationships, the pair find themselves falling for each other once again.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Alone: The Death of a Hero
Author(s): Raxwend, Anonygod
Artist: MagniloquentChanteuse
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Major Character Death
Word Count: 17739
Summary: Six months after a devastating war between the United States and Canada over a new form of renewable energy Peter Parker is moving through life feeling like an empty husk. Now that most of the population of New York has been infected with a debilitating disease created by Canadian scientists, he finds himself feeling less useful as Spider-Man as he patiently waits for Tony Stark to develop a cure for the disease. While he still tries to be the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, his self appointed duty has become increasingly difficult as he faces those infected. The infected have become insanely violent, lashing out at anything that moves with unbelievable strength for a human as they are fueled by one primal instinct: fighting. Peter is torn between trying to fight those infected while ensuring that they are still safe for when Tony releases the cure, and a mercenary that he’s fallen in love with that tries to convince him it’d be better for everyone if he just ends their suffering.
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onenicebugperday · 3 years
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@pastachip submitted: The only one I'd like an ID for is the first spider, the others are just for fun. I love seeing wolf spiders with their babies! The other spider, you can kind of see it in the photo but it's abdomen looked shriveled. Is that just how it looks, or was there something wrong with it? All of these guys were in west TN
Lovely friends! The first is a brown recluse, and likely a female who has just laid eggs, I think, given the shriveled abdomen. She's also missing a leg, but that doesn't bother them. Do you know I've NEVER seen a wolf with her babies irl? Very sad. Thank goodness I get to live vicariously through submissions.
Before anyone panic-comments about how dangerous it is to have a brown recluse on you, let me just say that bites are rare and bites that need medical attention are even more rare. They're very unlikely to bite unless they need to do so defensively, and that's not likely if it's just crawling unhindered on your skin. That being said, their bite can potentially be dangerous, so exercise caution and don't handle with bare skin if you can help it, just in case :)
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All of the dark sides had animal traits. Patton knew this. He knew Deceit was a snake and Remus was an octopus or squid of some sort, getting a straight answer from him was impossible, but he had never thought about what Virgil was. 
    His kiddo didn't have physical attributes like Deceit's scales and didn't wear any animal symbol like Remus. Patton had never even seen Virgil show interest in any type of animal. 
    Patton questioned Logan and Roman about his thoughts over dinner, Virgil had gone to visit Deceit, and Logan and Roman both gave him a confused look. 
   "We thought it was obvious, Pat," Roman said. Logan agreed with a short bob of his head. Patton frowned, attempting to think of any time Virgil had given hints to his second species. 
   "Patton, what emotion does Virgil represent?" Logan asked suddenly. Patton didn't understand where the question came from or where it could be going but he answered anyway. "Yes," Logan nodded. "Fear. There is one creature that Thomas fears." 
   Patton blinked and then looked to Roman. He felt the realization dawning in his mind as he seen the concerned look on Roman's face. How could he have missed this? The webs all around his room, the stitched spider, the aversion to peppermint and cinnamon and even hissing. Thomas had only just learned that tarantulas hissed when Anxiety first started appearing.
    "Oh!" Patton said, voice strained. Logan gave a mildly panicked looked to Roman who was quick to try to calm Patton down. 
     "Hey, come on padre. No matter what Virge is he isn't going to hurt us," Roman said. Patton stilled at the words. "I know that it can be scary, and that's why we decided not to tell you directly, but Vir-" Roman cut off from the harsh glare Patton was giving him. 
     "You knew about this for so long and didn't tell me?" Patton demanded. His stood up, crossed his arms and gave the other two his best disappointed dad look. "Did you think about what would happen if I made cinnamon rolls? What about peppermint tea? Did you even ask what other issues he has?" 
    Both the Logic and Creative side looked sheepish. "What if he senses vibrations like spiders do? What if he needs special care?" Patton continue to ramble in his concern, he didn't notice Virgil arrive. 
   Virgil's eyes danced from the unfinished, barely touched, dinner plates to the two wide-eyed sides. He heard Patton talking rapidly in that admonishing way of his, a bit of panic mixed in. It was all the clues he needed, something was wrong. He hated wrong. 
   He stepped protectively forward and voiced his arrival. "What's going on?" All three sides looked at him, two in shame and one in concern. 
    "Virgil, Kiddo, we were talking," Patton started out with a comforting tone. "Is there anything different we should do to help you?"  
  Confusion crossed Virgil's face as he glanced at all of them. Logan cleared his throat and began to clarify. "Patton has brought it to our attention that after discovering your more animalistic traits we didn't offer to accommodate you. If there is anything you'd like us to do to rectify that then please let us know." 
  Virgil opened his mouth, closed it. Then again. Once more. Finally a choked, "What?" managed its way through his dry throat. 
   Patton cooed and reached to pull Virgil in for a hug, pausing just before reaching the reclusive side. Virgil easily leaned on, complying to Patton's request. "We were just discussing if you had any special abilities or needs. I mean… a spider… that must be cool, yeah?" Patton's words were halted, voice betraying the slightest bit of fear he felt. Even the word spider made his heart squeeze painfully against his chest but his eyes were so earnest and full of warm concern. 
   Virgil blinked a few times and then smiled, because he was so stupid. He hadn't wanted to scare Patton, but Patton would never be scared of one of his friends, his partners, his kiddos. He would only be scared for them. "I'm fine, Pat." The reassurance was said with sincerity, spoken in a soft voice meant not just for Patton but for the other two as well. 
   Patton pulled away enough to smile up at him, excitement shining in his eyes. "I can't believe I didn't figure it out sooner!" 
   Virgil laughed and Roman snorted. "Honestly," Virgil began, "neither can I." 
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the-daily-spider · 5 years
Brown Recluse
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All right, look at this awesome dude and get ready to be EDUCATED!
These crab lookin guys usually only get around .2-.8 inches.
Although they’re usually brown, they can range in color from off-white to almost black and the abdomen and cephalothorax aren’t always matching in color.
These little weirdos, unlike most spiders, only have 6 eyes on their heads. I tried googling it and poking around a few websites but it appears that the reason why they evolved this way is Unknown.
Brown recluses live about 1-2 years, reaching adulthood at two years of age. They usually have several egg sacks during this time, each hatching about 50 spiderlings.
These spiders are truly resilient, and can survive up to 6 months without food or water, which considering this is 50%-25% of their lifespan, that’s pretty amazing.
These spiders are one of the most venomous out there. Although in most cases the bites aren’t serious, in some rare cases they can be fatal. Despite this, these spiders almost never bite, and will instead flee from danger if at all possible.
Average people don’t really have to worry about a bite from these doing harm, as most fatalities occurred in children under 7 or people with very weak immune systems. The majority of brown recluse bites do not cause any symptoms.
Brow recluses live in asymmetrical webs where they have shelter, usually in dry and undisturbed places which they leave during the night to hunt.
Overall, these spiders are just shy little guys who won’t bite unless they’re literally being forced to. They get a pretty bad rep in media but with a little education it’s easy to see past this and learn to respect them.
Also, they’re tiny. Are you really gonna be terrified by this teensy little dude?
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12 Interesting Facts About Spiders
Spiders have adapted to almost every type of habitat and are one of the most diverse populations on the planet. They are essential in all bionetworks except your house. So, if you come across a spider family in your abode, don’t hesitate to contact spiders pest control London professionals. They are experienced and offer same-day spider pest control services to resolve the issues at the earliest.
The spider facts below will teach you more about these eight-legged crawlies, some of which may appear in your backyard this summer and fall.
 There are spiders everywhere!
This may frighten you, but according to research, you will never be more than 10 feet away from a spider.
Don't worry, most of the time they're hidden away in some crack or crevice, minding their own business.
 All spider species produce silk.
There are approximately 40,000 spider species, and they all have one thing in common: they all spin silk. Plus, as spiders evolved, so did their ability to manipulate silk. A single spider can give birth to up to seven different types, each of which serves a different purpose, such as capturing prey or spinning webs.
 Spider silk is extremely tough.
Yes, you read that correctly; spider silk is extremely strong. It may appear weak and brittle, but this is only due to its thinness. A spider's web is 5X stronger than a strand of steel of the same thickness. A spider web made of strands as thick as a pencil is also thought to be capable of stopping an aeroplane in flight!
 Not all spider bites are dangerous.
There are a few venemous spiders that can bite you and cause severe health complications . However, the vast majority of spiders have small teeth and cannot bite humans, and if they do, their venom is ineffective.
Unfortunately, being bitten by a spider will not transform you into Spider-Man! That is not a side effect of their venom.
 Spiders have blue blood.
Spiders, unlike humans, have blue blood.
There is a scientific explanation for this unique feature. In humans, oxygen is bound to an iron-containing molecule, which is responsible for the red colour of our blood. Spiders' blood, on the other hand, has a blue colour because the molecule to which oxygen is bound contains copper.
 Male spiders enjoy giving gifts.
Some spiders enjoy not only serenading their potential partners with a dance but also offering a gift wrapped in silk to sweet talk their way into a date.
On the other hand, a few male spiders can be quite sneaky and cheap at times. Instead of flies and other insects, they provide a low-cost substitute, such as scraps of leaves or old gifts that haven't worked with other female spiders.
 Female spiders have a voracious appetite.
Unfortunately, this is not good news for male spiders.
Depending on the species, the female spider may eat the male spider before, after, or during copulation!
Were you aware that this sexual cannibalistic behaviour inspired the names of widow spiders like the black widow?
 Females have the ability to lay up to 3,000 eggs at once.
Females lay eggs in one or more silk sacs. The degree of care provided by a female spider for her young varies from one species to another. Some female spiders die shortly after laying eggs, while others share prey with them or carry spiderlings.
 Spiders have unusual muscles.
To be honest, the way a spider's muscles function is quite fascinating. Their muscles can only tuck their legs inward, not extend them out. Spiders will push a watery liquid through their legs to help thrust them out again to avoid this problem.
As there is no fluid being distributed to retract the legs of a dead spider, they are always curled inwards.
 Spiders have nearsightedness.
Most spiders have eight eyes, but the brown recluse spider has only six. Spiders have a primary set that can generate images, while secondary sets can only detect light and shadow. The secondary sets of eyes are thought to be derived from the compound eyes of a common ancestor of spiders and insects.
Spiders cannot see far into the distance, even with all of their eyes. Nearsightedness is a problem for humans, but spiders' habits make being nearsighted unnecessary. They wait for prey to become entangled in their webs and use silk trip wires to warn predators away.
 Jumping spiders have the ability to jump up to 50 times their own length.
When hunting or fleeing a predator, jumping spiders can make very nimble actions and leap multiple times their body length. This is made possible by an internal hydraulic system. Jumping spiders can change the pressure in their legs, causing a springing motion that propels them upwards and forward.
 The 'daddy long-legs' you see may not be a spider.
The term "daddy long-legs" has been used for a wide variety of pests, of which one is the spider. Crane flies, cellar spiders, and harvestmen are all referred to colloquially as "daddy long-legs." Crane flies are agricultural pests that have very long legs and can fly; cellar spiders are only found in cellars; and harvestmen are classified as arachnids, but they lack silk glands and venom.
If you suspect a spider infestation in your home, contact a licenced spiders pest control London professional who can identify the species and recommend same-day spider pest control service or treatment steps.
Some species are toxic to humans and should only be handled by a trained professional. Same Day Pest Control London is a renowned company and offers reliable pest control services across London and the suburbs. Contact us to learn more about spiders or other pests that infest your property!
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thesafepesticide · 3 years
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Spiders The United States is home to hundreds of spider species. Though black widows and brown recluse spiders (also known as violin spiders) are two exceptions, very few spiders endanger humans. Spider diets consist largely of live insects, including many common garden pests. But when spiders make their way indoors — or surprise family and friends on your patio — they disrupt households nonetheless.
Spider Identification: 
Spiders belong to creatures known as arachnids, which include ticks and scorpions but not insects. Adult spiders range from pinhead size to several inches across, with colors and markings as varied as their sizes. While insects have six legs and three main body parts, spiders have eight legs and two primary body parts—immature "spiderlings" hatch from egg sacs as miniature versions of adults.
Spiders don't damage plants, so they're less evident than insect pests. Some types spin insect-catching webs in intricate patterns or irregular cobwebs, but others forgo webs and hunt their prey instead. Often, the only sure sign of a spider infestation is seeing them in or around your home. They're often found in dark, moist hiding places that draw insects near.
How to Control Spiders:
Large spider populations indicate other pest issues. Spiders go where their food source is plentiful, so managing insect pests is essential to control. Effective treatment targets spiders and the insects they eat before they make their way indoors. We offer a highly effective granular product to create a barrier of protection around your home. This product kills spiders and more than 100 insect pests by contact and keeps protecting for up to three months:
Sevin® Insect Killer Granules treat lawns, gardens and foundation areas. Apply the ready-to-use granules with a standard lawn spreader in a 5- to 10-foot band around your home's perimeter. Water, the treated area, immediately to release the product's active ingredients.
Garden Tech® brand also offers liquid products to treat lawns, gardens, foundation plantings, and your home's foundation up to a maximum height of 3 feet. These highly effective, non-staining products kill spiders and more than 500 insect pests by contact and keep working for up to three months:
Sevin® Insect Killer Ready to Spray simplifies thorough coverage of plants, lawns and your home's perimeter. Just attach the container to a normal garden hose. It mixes and measures the concentrated formula automatically as you spray.
Sevin® Insect Killer Concentrate, used with a pump-style sprayer, allows for economical, precision coverage for lawns, gardens and home perimeters. Measure the concentrate with the convenient measuring cap and add water. Then mix well and spray all surfaces thoroughly.
Tip: Inspect your home and seal any foundation cracks and crevices where spiders may follow insects into your home. Keep foundations free of leaf debris and other insect hiding places that attract spiders in search of food. Always read product labels and follow the instructions carefully, including guidelines for pre-harvest intervals on edible crops. Read More: https://thesafepesticide.com/spiders/?feed_id=455&_unique_id=611265374b27c
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