#//then get pissed off and overpowered. suddenly remember to have weaknesses and deal with the fallout later.
vagabondfromkanto · 7 months
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//I've noticed that most people have a rule about godmodding and/or powermodding in their rules. Decided I also need one, with a twist.
The twist being "My muse's canon main superpower as per the finale is the power of endless 'NO U' and I will not hesitate to use it if you start bullshitting" ✨
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meganshinsou-tm · 5 years
Vermilion. (m)
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↳ chapter three: a helping hand
❧ genre:  pro-hero’s bakugou/kirishima, poly, happy ending
❧ chapter warnings: none
[multi-chap masterlist] [previous chapter - next chapter]
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It had been about a week since you and your crimson eyed friends went out for dinner that night, and you may or may not have gotten a little buzzed from the sake. You rarely ever drank, but Bakugou was in a challenging mood and teasing you all night, so like any other time you didn’t back down. Unlike the blonde though, you were a lightweight and all you could remember was him and Kirishima bringing you home and Bakugou carrying you up to your apartment with what seemed to be a slight smile on his face.
As you sat at your work desk now, going through police reports that bored the hell out of you, you wished the night could repeat itself, other than not remembering much it was still fun. At the moment fun is what you needed because now you were more stressed than ever since you received an eviction notice a few days ago stating you had two weeks to find another apartment. To say that put on damper on your usually bright and bubbly personality was an understatement, and it didn’t go unnoticed by your two colleagues.
“Fuck this, I’ll finish searching through this junk later,” you sighed to yourself, pushing away from your desk and getting up, heading out and towards the training room.
Bakgou saw you walk in and head to the locker room, wearing the same blank and stoic expression on your face that you wore the past few days.
“What crawled up her ass lately?” He questioned himself as he stretched.
A few minutes later you walked back out of the locker room, in your workout gear, hair up in a messy bun. Bakugou eyed your body the entire time, how the matching black tank and leggings shaped every pliant looking curve of your body, until you noticed him, making him look away and force down his blushing red cheeks. You shrugged your shoulders and walked to the other side of the room and began to stretch yourself, not once saying a word to him. He found it odd, usually the second you’d see him in the training room, your eyes would light up as shit-talking spewed from your mouth. He didn’t want to admit it, but the fact that you didn’t today made him feel slightly disappointed. It actually pissed him off and Bakugou wasn’t one to shy away from confrontation, so finally he groaned and made his way to you.
You were sitting on the floor with your legs spread open, as your torso stretched forwards, your elbows touching the floor beneath you.
“Oi, princess!” Katsuki so loudly addressed.
Hearing his footsteps approaching, made a drawn out and tired sigh escape your lungs. “I don’t need this shit right now,” you thought to yourself, not giving the blonde a glance.
“I know you hear me, we sparing together today or are you still being a stuck up brat for no reason?”
Katsuki was now crouched down in front of you, giving you no chance to not look at his handsome smug face. One elbow propped on his knee as the opposite arm hung between his legs. The tank he wore showed off the definition of his biceps and broad shoulders, and your eyes may have lingered on them for too long before you shook your head.
“Not today Bakugou, I’m not in the mood.”
You stood up and walked away from him, heading towards the track that enclosed the training area, putting your earbuds in and starting to jog. A deep breath left your chest as you felt distance between you and the explosive blonde, for some reason you thought he’d just leave you alone. 
Out of nowhere you felt the earbuds being plucked from your ears and your phone being snatched, followed by a slap on your ass, making you yelp out and grab yourself as you stopped in your tracks. Bakugou was jogging backwards with a shit eating grin as he waved your phone around.
“If you want it back, come and get it!”
Just as your hands started to glow red, getting ready to use your telekinesis to grab your phone from him he laughed, “No quirks you shitty girl, earn it!”
You growled at him in frustration before taking off in a full sprint, making him face forwards and accelerate. The two of you ran hard but you quickly caught up with him, he sensed you behind him getting ready to snatch the device from his hands and as you did he dodged to the side. You growled and lunged towards him again, your feet failing you as you tripped, pulling Bakugou down with you. It worked out in your favor however, it caught him off guard, letting you pin him quickly before he could get up and take off. Your hands were tight on his wrists and your knees had him trapped, he could’ve easily overpowered you but something wasn’t letting him. 
His crimson eyes looked up into yours that were burning holes into him, you looked pissed, a sight he’s never seen. Sure he’d test your patience sometimes just to get a rise out of you, but you were never legit mad at him.
“I’ll be taking that now, and if you could kindly fuck off for the rest of the day, I’d be even more grateful for that!” You hissed at him, snatching your phone from the ground beside him and going to stand up.
Bakugou growled and quickly pulled you down by your shirt, slamming your back onto the ground and quickly straddling your own hips with his body. You went to sit up and punch him but he caught your wrists and quickly shoved you back down to the floor, pinning you like you did him. His teeth were barred and eyes narrowed.
“What the fuck is your problem huh, you've been a real bitch lately!”
Even though it was no use, you tried to free yourself from Bakugou’s grip, squirming and groaning. You wanted nothing more than to be alone, to wallow in your own issues at the moment but instead this asshole was keeping you from that.
“Get off me Bakugou, it’s nothing!”
He scowled, letting you know he didn’t believe your words for a second, his grip on your wrists tightened.
“That’s bullshit, you’ve been short with everyone around here lately and sulking at your desk!” He replied angrily. 
His sudden interest was bringing up every emotion you were trying so hard to suppress, the feeling of failure as you couldn’t even pay your own bills or seem to move up the ladder at work; anxiety from having to find another apartment so soon or else you’d be homeless, and at the moment anger because someone like Katsuki Bakugou was confronting you about it. Your chest tightened and your head turned to look away from his burning gaze as you tried to calm your breathing before a full breakdown ensued in front of him, the last person you wanted to let see you cry was him, fearing you'd look weak. Suddenly, you gave up trying to fight him off, letting your body go limp.
“I just have a lot going on right now Katsuki, please just leave me alone to deal with it okay?”
Your voice was quiet, defeated. 
It made Bakugou’s grip loosen slightly, you looked so helpless and broken under him. It made him feel like shit that something was clearly bothering you to the point where you hadn’t even smiled or laughed in the past few days, two things that he had grown to enjoy but wouldn’t admit to. ‘Why the fuck do I even care,’ he thought to himself.
“Look princess, we both know that I’m not going to let you off that easy. Now tell me, what’s going on, m-maybe I can help,” Katsuki strained, voice soft now and sounding like he genuinely cared. This shit was new to him, he’s never really … comforted anyone.
You finally looked back at him with a hopeless expression, “Unless you know of a cheap place for rent, I don’t think you can.”
Blonde brows furrowed, his head shaking in a way letting you know he needed more elaboration. You sighed, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth and looking anywhere but straight at him.
“I’m getting evicted from my place, I have less than a week now to find somewhere else to go. I’ve been stuck at my desk ever since I got here, so I don’t have a lot of money to really even live on my own at the moment. Happy now?”
You sighed and let your head fall back onto the floor, feeling embarrassed.
“Move in with us!”
The words just came out of Bakugou’s mouth without thinking, you looked up at him with wide shocked eyes and parted lips. The same damn lips that would haunt his dreams every so often, or cross his mind out of nowhere; the same damn lips that were starting to become the bane of his existence.
“Y-you fucking with me Katsuki?”
You finally answered back, breaking Bakugou’s thoughts. His eyes looked away from you, as he thought to himself. Was he serious? What the fuck were these feelings that were making his chest tight, making his mouth go dry and palms sweat more than usual.
Bakugou was able to force all that weird shit away, long enough for him to actually think clearly about what he suggested. Him and Kirishima did have a three bedroom home that was more than spacious. Their high-school friend Denki was supposed to room with them as well but he went and fell in love like some idiot and moved in with his boyfriend, boyfriends? The plural term sticking more in his brain.
Since then the pair didn't bother looking for a roommate, they didn’t really care because everything was split between them, plus they never met the right person, until now. He knew Kirishima wouldn’t mind at all that he asked you to move in with them without consulting him first, especially given the predicament you were in. That idiot would see it as being ‘manly’. But did Bakugou himself want you to move in with them? That would mean having to see you at his own home and not just work, never getting a break from you or being able to truly distance himself like he needed to. At the same time though … he wanted to help you, something in him wanted to do everything he could, just to have you back to normal and smiling again, even if it did mean making it harder for him not to fall for you.
Bakugou grit his teeth and breathed deeply, sealing his own fate and knowing it would be the end for him.
“No, I’m not. We have an extra room that you can have. Me and the overgrown puppy already split everything, if you want then you can move in and we’ll just split everything three ways, that should be easy enough on you.”
“Why are you trying to help me?”
Of course you considered Bakugou a close friend, but not once did you think he thought the same of you. Even if you noticed how he was softer towards you, had a little more patience and was maybe a bit more chipper when you were around. But on other days, there was no ignoring how he acted like just the sight of you made his skin crawl, how his jaw would clench when you touched him a certain way. So why would he offer to share a home with you, why was he being so…thoughtful?
Bakugou shrugged his shoulders, “I-I don’t know, we’re f-friends right, don’t you do dumb shit like this for a friend?” The blonde chewed on the inside of his cheek and looked at you, he went rigid when you softly smiled and clicked his tongue, looking away and jutting out his lip. “Plus - if I didn’t ask you, then fucking Kirishima would have so don’t think you’re special or some shit. And don’t act like you wouldn't fucking love seeing our faces every waking moment of your life princess!”
‘And there he is,’ you thought to yourself, huffing a laugh and rolling your eyes. This seemed to satisfy him, as he rolled his eyes back.
“Okay then, but only because you basically demanded I do!” You chuckled.
You then looked around and saw the other heroes in the training room looking at the two of you with mixed expressions on their faces. Making you brows rise in and cheeks turn red.
“Uh, Katsuki, I know me being underneath you like this is a huge turn on and all, but can we do this some other time, everyone is staring at us!”
Bakugou looked around himself and chuckled before ordering everyone to mind their business with a "This ain’t a free fucking show, fuck off," and released your wrists finally. He stood to his feet, stretching out a hand to help you up. You took it as he pulled you from the ground roughly, bringing you extremely close to his broad chest and making your nose brush the tip of his.
“So close,” you screamed in your head.
Bakugou was definitely taller, making you look up to him as he looked down on you tilting his head, his ruby red eyes and that smug grin making you melt as your hand stayed gripped in his. His warm breath fanned across your cheeks, making you bite your lip and butterflies dance in your stomach as you leaned in closer, inhaling the sugary scent that always permeated from him. The blonde grit his teeth and squeezed your hand once you released your lip, his red eyes drinking in the teeth indention's on it and his mind going hazy from how badly he wanted to lick them away.
“Dammit (Y/N),” he cursed under his breath.
“Hey guys, uh – what’s going on?”
A cheerful and warm voice called out to you and Bakugou, breaking his gaze from you and making him release your hand. Your heart sunk a little as a disappointed expression crossed the heroes face, your fingers wanting to reach out to his as your hands fell to your side but didn’t. You swallowed and replaced the sad look with a smile, turning around to see an equally smiling Kirishima walking towards you.
Bakugou stood beside you and ruffled your hair as he looked at his friend, “We seem to have a new roommate shithead!”
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melodiouswhite · 5 years
Jekyll’s batshit bride
“-Could we begiiiiin again?”, Lisa sang sadly. “Once upon a dreee-”
“Alright, alright, I will tell you, but stop!!!”, he groaned.
Lisa and John exchanged a victorious look.
“Don’t get smug”, Jekyll muttered, “You’ll hate me after this.”
Lisa took his hand and said: “Henry, I could never hate you.”
John nodded: “Neither could I.”
Jekyll smiled bitterly. “You’ll change your mind soon”, he promised.
When he had finished his explanation, the lab was filled with awkward silence.
Finally Lisa cleared her throat: “Alright … so it’s this way now. Guess we’ll just have to deal with it. No point in running away from it.”
Jekyll looked up. “You’re not turning me in?”
“Don’t you hate me?”
Both of them shook their heads.
His eyes filled with tears. “But … but … Hyde … I did all these horrible things … I’m a monster!”
“No, you’re not. Don’t call yourself a monster. Those bastard board members had it coming. It’s their fault you had to do this to yourself”, Utterson protested.
Jekyll bit his lip. How could John be so convinced of that?
“He’s right. You’re not a monster”, Lisa said gently and wiped the tears from his eyes. “From the start I knew that you’re not like the others. That’s why I fell for you. I love you. I don’t care, if you have Hyde. You’re you and Hyde is himself. Maybe he’s frustrated, because you try so hard to get rid of him. Perhaps if you respected him and treated him like a person, he would at least be a little less mean to you.”
Jekyll’s eyes widened. He had never seen it that way. Once again, his fiancée was the person who understood. However-
“But … do you still want to marry me? Even though you know that I could do unspeakable things to you as Hyde?”
“Yes. Don’t worry about me. I’m confident that I can handle him.”
“We need a plan, though”, John agreed, “What do we do about Hyde? How do we deal with him for now?”
Lisa’s face darkened. “We do it Carew Style.”
The wedding was the happiest day in both Henry’s and Lisa’s life.
They were finally married.
And now came the dance after the ceremony.
“Mrs. Jekyll, may I have this dance?”
“Dr. Jekyll, you may have every dance!”
John was talking to Danvers Carew, who had of course been put into the picture as well (”I would turn you in, but those twats deserved it”), conversing about whatever.
Lisa didn’t care.
She was dancing in her new husband's arms and everything was sunshine and rainbows, as usual, when a woman gets to marry the guy they love.
Anyway, they were waltzing happily, when suddenly Henry tensed up and let go.
Something was wrong and John and Lisa noticed it immediately.
“Henry? What is it?”, he asked in concern.
Jekyll groaned something in his ear and the lawyer’s eyes widened.
“Oh crap!”
“Get me out of here!”, the doctor gasped, “This can’t be happening! Not on our wedding day-”
The rest was drowned out in pained screaming.
Lisa, John and - everyone, really - watched in horror, as Jekyll slowly and painfully transformed into his evil self. Although it could be safely said, that Lisa, her father and John were the calmest people in the room - as you would expect from someone who knows the truth.
Hyde wasted no time in taking the new wife hostage and making the ordinary evil threats of killing her, should anyone do something.
What he didn’t account for though, was that Lisa was not only not scared - she was pissed off beyond mortal comprehension.
Before anyone knew what was happening, she had elbowed him in the stomach, tripped him and was pinning him down, twisting his arm over his back.
It was a pretty hilarious and preposterous sight, how the petite woman was pinning down such a huge guy, but it was really happening.
He was sputtering profanities, but immediately fell silent, when she held a knife to his throat.
“So you’re the creep, who’s screwing with my husband, huh?”, she snarled angrily, “And on top of that you have the nerve to ruin my special day? You must be fucking suicidal!”
Danvers Carew applauded. “That is my daughter! Give it to him, Lisa! Destroy him!”
Lisa shrugged. “I can’t, he’s still kind of my husband.”
Hyde growled something that sounded suspiciously like: “Fuck you!”
Lisa’s rage intensified and she twisted his arm, until it almost broke and he screamed in pain. “YOU’RE FUCKING WITH THE WRONG BITCH HERE!!! YOU RUINED MY WEDDING DAY AND NOW YOU’RE GONNA PAAAAAYYYY!!! GIVE ME MY HUSBAND BACK, IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!!!”
John spoke up: “Give him back. We know he’s in there. And that’s your luck, because otherwise we would fucking kill you. Lisa could easily snap your neck. As for me, I have a gun and a sword cane and I’m not afraid to use either.”
His tone was levelled and dangerously calm.
Hyde growled something under his breath, then he began to shrink and turn back into the more shapely form of Henry Jekyll.
“Henry?”, Lisa inquired softly.
“It’s me”, he whispered back. “Can you please let go, my crazy angel?”
She let go of his arm. Then she and John proceeded to help him get up.
“Are you alright, Henry?”, John asked worriedly.
Jekyll smiled back. “I am now. Thanks to the both of you.”
“Sure, you mad scientist”, John replied with a broad grin.
“Anytime, my love”, Lisa said sweetly.
They turned around to see a corpsely pale Simon Stride staring at them, as if they were some kind of freakshow.
“You ... you monster!”, he choked out and pointed at Jekyll, “You freak! You crime against nature, you danger against society! You ... You ...”
“Go on!”, Lisa interrupted him with a hiss, “Keep insulting my husband! I dare you, you self-absorbed twit!”
The arsehole secretary now proceeded to gape at her. “And you ... who the hell are you?! A crazy fury like that isn’t my Lisa!”
“She never was your Lisa to begin with!”, Henry snarled and wrapped his arms around his wife possessively.
Lisa glowered at him. “And what did you expect? That my talk about not being weak, obedient and sweet was just a woman’s rambling? Well, have I got news for you - you’re wrong! Henry accepted that and that’s why he’s my husband and not you! Besides, he’s the cutest thing in existence.”
Jekyll grinned. “And you’re the hottest woman in the entire Empire, especially when you get badass like this!”
“Oh, you cheeky devil!”, she giggled.
“YOU’RE BOTH MONSTERS!!!”, Stride shrieked.
Now it was Danvers Carew’s turn to be pissed.
“Dafuq did you just say about my daughter and son-in-law?!”, he snarled. Then he attacked.
John - who had left them for a bit to call the coach - joined them again, to inform the bride couple, that the coach was there and Lucy was waiting for them.
The doctor smiled happily. “Well then, my dear angel! Allow me to sweep you off your feet!”
Then he swept her up in his arms. She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Her father spoke up again. “Henry - you better treat my daughter like a queen!”, he said, while strangling Stride.
Henry laughed: “Oh no! I will treat her like the goddess she is!”
Then he carried his wife off.
“How was the wedding?”, Lucy asked curiously, as the coach drove further and further away from the church.
Jekyll sighed: “It was wonderful, until Hyde ruined everything.”
John smirked: “But it was totally worth it to see Lisa turn into a total badass! She almost broke Hyde’s arm, yelled at him and held a knife to his throat, until he backed out. Then Sir Carew choked Stride and it was all priceless.”
“In a church?!”, the prostitute asked incredulously.
The other three nodded.
“And you actually managed to overpower Mr. Hyde?”
“Yup”, Lisa said, “I was trained in combat ever since I was small. It wasn’t that hard.”
Lucy pouted. “I wish I had seen it.”
For a minute, everyone was quiet, as the coach drove on.
Then Lisa spoke up, turning to John and Lucy. “Sooo ... now that you know just how crazy the two of us are ... are you still in for a polyamorous relationship?”
“Of course”, Lucy smiled, “After all, I have you now to protect me.”
“And I will be the voice of reason between all of your madness”, John joked and everyone laughed.
Jekyll stopped laughing, when he felt Hyde stir inside him.
“Your wife is mad!”
Guess you two have that in common, he thought back drily.
“I like her!”
Oh no.
“I think I could get used to this!”
Jekyll smiled crookedly.
Just remember today, should you ever feel the urge to tick off Lisa Jekyll.
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Could you please do another set of HCs about meeting their femS/Os ex-boyfriend but with Bakugou, Shoto, and Hitoshi
Sure, definitely! Thank you for requesting!
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Katsuki Bakugou
The only thing more fiery than his explosions are his personality so everyone around him tries to make sure they don’t piss him off in some way or another, or they’ll get blown up into another dimension.
Now, since he’s got together with his S/O who’s a real angel, at least around her, he learnt how to behave non-hostile. More or less because he can actually feel at ease around her, like he doesn’t have to constantly have his guard up or be a strong hero.
He honestly enjoys just about anything his S/O loves, be it gardening, reading, playing video games, dancing or anything of the sort, as long as it makes her happy and he gets to see it. Hell, if he feels like it, he’ll actually join her in whatever hobby she’s invested at the moment.
Her smile always made his heart skip a beat and unlike his usual condescending grins, his face actually managed to calm down, looking unusually peaceful and content.
Their date was supposed to be a a nice trip to the mountains, a place with fresh air and only nature where they could both relax, enjoy the beauty of the world and also train their Quirks as best as they could.
Everything was going fine, they stopped half-way through their hiking to their destination since they found a nice clearing where they could spar and help each other develop or better their Quirk special moves.
As she tried to practice her most effective move with Katsuki’s help, he managed to parry it and sent her flying, hitting the ground and laughing at her obvious mistake, reassuring her boyfriend that she’s okay and unharmed, when suddenly, a condescending chuckle echoed through the forest.
As Katsuki was there to help his girlfriend up, a boy around their age walked out of the forest, smirking in superiority at them.“Ehhh~? What is it, S/O? Still as weak as usual? Crying to be saved?”“What the hell are you doing here?!”“What, are you surprised to see a true hero in front of you? I can give you an autograph if you ask very nicely.”“No, no, no, no! I never wanted to see you again! Why are you literally everywhere I go?!”“Oh, you know you need me in your life. You might be messing around with this lowlife, but you know, deep down in your heart, that such a weakling like you NEEDS me!”“GO! AWAY!”
Hearing someone talk in such a degrading way to HIS lover really made Bakugou get more angry than he has ever been in his entire life (and we all know he’s always angry).
Calling her a weakling when she’s the strongest person he’s ever met? Saying that he’s a lowlife?
Such a patronising jerk with a God-Complex needs to be eradicated.
With a growl full of rage, he lashed out at the jerk, throwing the most powerful explosions at him, easily overpowering him and making him run away scared with his tail between his legs.“Tsk. That fucker better not bother you again, or I might just beat him up until he goes on his knees to apologise for being such a lousy cockroach.”“Thanks for that Katsuki. I…I guess I really didn’t want to actually deal with that bastard ever again.”“You won’t have to. If he has anything in that thick skull of his, he’ll know not to mess with me or my girlfriend.”“Aww, you’re such a sweetheart! Thank you, Katsuki.”“Shush. Don’t mention it.”
She only grinned at his adorable face and hugged him tightly, finding it adorable how he actually tries to escape from her grip, even if he secretly loved the affection.
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Shoto Todoroki
Sweet Todoroki loves his girlfriend with all his heart, even if he doesn’t really know how to show it really well, but bless his heart, he’s trying his best, learning and asking for advice from his older siblings.
He may not outright say it, but receiving hugs from her and her kissing his cheeks are the things he loves the most that she does, and in turn, he thinks kissing her forehead and hands are the best way to show her that he loves and respects her with every fiber in his body.
He loves intimate places where he can just relax with his S/O, just the two of them, nice and quiet, reading a book, drinking some tea and all that. He enjoys the classic, traditional Japanese things, so he’d love to take her to a nice festival where they wear pretty yukatas and there are lots of little festival-game booths and traditional food stalls.
When he sees her in her gorgeous f/c outfit, with her hair in a simple but stylish updo with the pin he gifted her on her birthday, his face becomes red as a tomato and freezes on the spot for a second, just admiring her beauty and be like “Damn, SHE is MY girlfriend and SHE is an absolute GODDESS!”
Since they’re both training to become heroes, they always manage to ace all the little games and earn lots of cool prizes, making all the stall-owners forbid them to play, much to their amusement.
As they were walking around and munching on some dangos, they hear a voice calling out for her, making her turn around confused, with the dango in her mouth.“Oh, woaw, you never lay off those sweets, do you, S/O? Its starting to show.”“Do I know you?”“What, you don’t even remember your own boyfriend?”“My boyfriend is next to me, you weirdo. He’s gorgeous and smart. You don’t seem to be like that in any way.”“So that’s why you got all dolled-up like that? To impress this…This guy?”“It’s a festival, of course I’m gonna get prettied up.”“Okay, fine, whatever you say, what do I have to do to make you come back to me and ditch this wannabe weirdo?”“I don’t know, just about run away, jump off a cliff and never bother me again?”“Wha-”“And don’t insult my boyfriend again, or there will be hell to pay.”
The ex-boyfriend tried to touch her, but Shoto was quick to grab his wrist and freeze it, glaring at the ex with everything he had, seeing fear in his eyes.“S/O’s beauty is ethereal and not for peasants like you to gaze upon. Leave now or else I will make your cells freeze and slowly die.”“Y-You freak! Let me GO!”“Only if you won’t ever bother S/O again.”“Fine, fine, I won’t!”“And take back your insults.”“Fine, I apologise! Sorry, uh, S/O!”
Shoto only nodded and used his fire-side to melt the ice, watching as the jerk ran away for his life.
The girl only kissed Todoroki’s cheek and held his hand, leading him to a nice place where they could watch the gorgeous fireworks together.“These fireworks are amazing! Thanks for taking me to this festival, I’ve never been to one before.”“The fireworks may be beautiful, but your beauty surpasses anything in this world.”“You’re such a sweetheart, Shoto.”
She leaned her head on his shoulder, holding his hand tightly and looking up at the sky, enjoying every moment of that night with her beloved.
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Shinsou Hitoshi
Shinsou is an amazing guy with a Quirk that makes everyone make jokes that he’d make an amazing villain, which only piss him off to no end and make him strive and struggle as much as he can and even harder to prove to the world that he’s actually a hero and wants to use his powers to save people in need.
Dating Shinsou was something neither he nor his girlfriend expected any time soon, but they are both enjoying every bit of it, finally feeling like they met someone who understands them and is there to support them through the good and bad times of life.
He’s a straightforward and pretty stoic, not caring much about the others around him, so if he wants to tell his girlfriend something, he’s going to be direct, but try not to look like a jerk or someone without emotions.
He absolutely loves cats and in some ways, he’s really cat-like himself and after his S/O realised that, she knew exactly how to make him smile and purr-
By scratching him under his chin or playing with his fluffy hair.
It really calms him down and he’ll just lay his head on her lap, at her mercy, letting her do what she wants with him.
Since they love cats so much, he’d suggest for him and his girlfriend to take care of a kitten and even volunteer to the nearest pet shelter, just to be around kittens. 
There, he could just relax with her playing with his hair and casually pet kittens and play with them.
What they weren’t aware of was that by some annoying coincidence, in that same day, her ex-boyfriend also decided to come over and look for some pet to adopt.“Well, I wasn’t expecting that. You and some creepy zombie weirdo taking care of some cats. How disgusting.”“Why…Are you here?”“What, am I not allowed to get a pet just because you are here?”“But you hate animals! My puppy was afraid of you! She would run away whenever she saw you!”“Yeah, well, your dog was absolutely STUPID! Just like you!”“Don’t you dare insult my dog! She’s an infinite times smarter than you will ever be!”“Who do you think you are trying to control my life?! You’ve always been like this! Possessive and controlling as if you’re some Queen whatever who knows it all!”“N-No, I never did that! All I ever did was try not to let you control my life! I have my own life and rules, which you never accepted!”“My way was always the better way, I was only trying to help!”“By abusing me?!”
But before he could say anything else, he just stopped abruptly, looking dead ahead.“Apologise.”“I apologise for my words, S/O.”“Now slap yourself as hard as you can.”“Is this right?”“Yes. Because you deserve it.”“I deserve it.”“Now, leave this place and never return. You won’t adopt any pets. Ever.”“I will leave now.”
The guy left in a very robot-like way, leaving her blinking in confusion, then looked at Shinsou who, despite his stoic, bored face, had rage burning in his eyes.
Realising that he used his Quirk to save her, she hugged him tightly, scratching his chin and smiling up at him like a kitten.“See, Shinsou, dear? Your Quirk is absolutely amazing! You really saved me back there.”“Hm, no big deal, really.”“It was a big deal. Shinsou, you are my hero!”“Your…Hero?”“Mhm! My very cute, kitten-like hero that I love very much.”“I guess I like how that sounds. Say it again.”“What? You like it when I say that you’re my hero~?”“Maybe I do.”“Well, you better like it, since in a few years, you’re not going to be only MY hero, but everyone’s hero!”“That’s gonna fun. But until then, being your hero is what I treasure most.”“I love you, Shinsou.”
By that time, he was already cuddling a kitten, his head on her lap, enjoying her playing with her hair and silently purring in happiness.
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theguardiansseries · 6 years
From the Beginning Chapter 4
Bonjour, mes chers! Sorry for such the long wait! I was getting back into school and my job and boy is life getting exhausting! Midterms just passed, however, so let's hope I can get a little bit of a routine going here again.
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Summary: Danny Fenton was a simple, sixteen-year-old teenager who loved fast food, video games, and getting a B on surprise pop quizzes. He’s also the half-ghost teenage hero Danny Phantom who defends Amity Park from ghost attacks on a daily basis. Somehow, the ghost attacks make a lot more sense than crushes, friendships, and falling in love with someone he is definitely not supposed to be falling in love with. It was a lot easier to separate Phantom and Fenton before, but now it’s getting harder the more he learns about himself. Just who was he? The dorky son of scientists who loved the stars or the hero that protected the town. He’s starting to feel like he won’t like the answer. (Iambic Prose) (Prequel to Guardians and Partial Show Rewrite)
<<First Chapter>> <<Last Chapter>><<Next Chapter>>
Chapter Four
“Have a good day at school!” Yelling back a garbled-out goodbye through whatever he had shoved in his mouth, Danny quickly made his way down the front steps of Fenton Works before running towards the school. As much as he would love to fly there, it was way too cold to even bother with this early in the morning.
God, winter break was both too short and too long, sometimes. It seemed like both minutes and lifetimes ago that Danny’s winter break was starting, and he had been trying to ignore the holidays with everything in him. Maybe he was under some Christmas curse and learning Ghostwriter’s lesson had finally broken it or something. Ugh. He’d have to wait an entire year to find out.
It felt like way too long since he had been back to school, though, and a small part of him was honestly looking forward to just hanging out with his friends and being a normal teenager – well, as normal as a teenager could get considering the ghost powers and everything.
Idly thinking on maybe going back to visit Ghostwriter when he needed help on his homework, Danny didn’t slow down his quick pace until he was getting close to the school steps, catching his breath as he felt every inch of happiness leave his body as he stared up at the now familiar building. He was definitely back at high school, at least.
“Incoming!” That loud cry was all the warning Danny was given before he suddenly had a best friend wrapped around his shoulders. Danny was eternally grateful for his ghost strength, because otherwise he and Tucker would both be collapsed in a pile of snow. “Danny! Buddy, pal, friend, chum, sport-”
“Who did you piss off and who are you hiding from?” Danny probably shouldn’t encourage Tucker’s crazy behavior, but it was hard to hold in laughter when Tucker was shifting and moving around him like a demented squirrel.
“Me? Piss someone off? Danny, please, come on. I’m the most likeable person in this entire school. I really don’t appreciate-”
“Foley!” Biting his cheek to stave off his laughter this time, Danny felt Tucker slap him on the back before he was given a crazy grin.
“And that’s our cue to get to homeroom!” With that, Tucker was pulling him along, Danny easily letting him as he kept an eye out for the color black. Somehow, even with him keeping an eye out, Sam still managed to sneak up on him enough to almost give him a heart attack.
“Jesus, Sammy, are you trying to make me use my ghost powers?” Danny accepted the hug anyways, getting a face full of a furry hood that was attached to a coat and had a sheen to it that made it look like it was forever stuck between being black and being purple. It was probably some fake fur made of human skin or something like that, too. “At least Tucker gives warning.”
“And I give you impromptu training. You’re welcome.” Damn. He really had missed these two. Like, yeah, okay, he hadn’t been that long since he had seen them, but still. “So, I believe you were catching us up on some ghostly poem drama last night before we ended the call?”
“Oh, yeah, right. There’s not much to it.” Danny used the rest of the walk to class to quickly explain the basics of what had happened over Christmas with the whole poem incident. When they dropped into their seats in homeroom, he was completely unsurprised to see that Tucker was holding back laughter and Sam was looking offended.
“A ghost messed with my memories? I mean, I’m glad the town didn’t really remember that mess and they don’t hate you again or anything, but is that why I can barely remember what I did over the holidays? Oh, that’s so-”
“Hey, hey, Ghostwriter isn’t all that bad.” At the look he was given, Danny gave a weak little shrug and half of a smile. “What can I say, I made a new friend. Doing the whole apology thing and spending time at that library probably made it the funnest winter break I’ve ever had.”
“Dude. Now I’m offended.” Tucker, very dramatically, held a hand to his chest. “You don’t count our winter breaks as fun?”
“Last winter break you almost had us thrown in juvie.” That had been an interesting one to explain if nothing else. It made kind of a funny story. At least, to them, it did, but not so much for their parents when they had picked them up at the local courthouse jail or whatever it had been. “You have your own category of fun.”
“I still can’t believe there’s a ghost out there that can control us all like that.” Leave it to Sam to stick to the heart of the matter. “Are we sure he isn’t going to do that again? I mean, we can barely even remember what he did.”
“You’ll probably be fine as long as you don’t piss him off,” Danny shrugged. “I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty good with never again angering the guy who can control reality, although Clockwork did mention there were limits to his powers.”
“It’s because he’d be overpowered, otherwise, and the universe knows that isn’t fair,” Tucker said solemnly. Danny was a little disappointed that Sam beat him to it when it came to kicking Tucker’s chair. “Hey! No kicking in class!”
“You don’t have any proof.” Sam crossed her arms and smirked at Danny. “Let’s get back to the true heart of this matter where you befriended a guy version of Jazz.”
“I did not!” Thinking on his week with Ghostwriter, though, and what he had learned about the guy, Danny supposed that maybe he kind of sort of maybe kind of had. “Shit. I totally did, didn’t I? Well, you know what, he might be a kind of friend, but he’s still annoying!”
“Hey, at least you have another ghost that isn’t out to hunt you down or kill you or anything.” Tucker finally got his chair perfectly straight before Sam nudged it just a bit to the left. “Dammit, Sam!”
“It is nice to have another friendly ghost on our side. Like, yeah, okay, he’s a little weird, but… He can actually be pretty fun.” Danny hadn’t thought discussing books could even be fun until he and Ghostwriter had almost destroyed a couch arguing about one of the books.
“Fun, huh?” Sam raised a single eyebrow which, really, how the hell did she even manage that? Danny bet she practiced it in the mirror. “I can tell since you spent an entire week with him.”
“Whoa, hey, no, I spent five days with him.” That didn’t really sound all that much better, but Danny was on thin ice to begin with.
“That’s a school week,” Tucker piped up. “It counts and there’s no way I believe that you were just ‘organizing books’ for an entire week at that place. Spill it. What else did you do over break?”
“Settle down, students.” At Lancer’s voice, Danny let out an explosive sigh and slumped in his seat. Thank God.
“I never thought I would say this, but thank God, class is starting.” Both his friends choked on a laugh, Danny smiling himself. It was nice for things to be normal, again. “Hey, wanna hit the mall after school?”
“Oh, hell yeah! I hear Techtopia has a sale going on.” Oh, Tucker. He would never change. “I’m sure there’s probably a deal going on at the Hot Topic there, too.”
“Please,” Sam snorted, looking toward the board at the front of the class before glancing back. “There might be a new year sale going on, actually.”
“Mall it is.” A little time to be just a normal teenager was just what the three of them needed. Besides, after ghost hunting, the mall was harmless as could be.
“Right. Note to self. The mall is never harmless.” Danny dragged himself out of the pile of store merchandise he had crashed into it and waved at the scared cashier at the counter. “Sorry about that. Send a bill to the mayor, I guess? Sorry!”
“None can stop the all-powerful Technus 2.0!” Oh, God, Technus was worse than ever before. Danny seriously might lose his mind if he had to keep this up for too long.
“Yeah, yeah, all hail the megadork. I seriously can’t believe your upgraded form is just you with a mullet. Where are you from, the eighties?” Dodging the electronic wires that came after him, Danny grinned at Technus and tried to make himself as annoying as possible. At least he was used to being used as a target, unlike everyone else here. “Ooh, did I hit a sore spot?”
“You will be the first to be crushed under my might, ghost child!” Eugh. That was probably the most annoying moniker he had yet. Well, he guessed his break really was over now. It had been nice while it lasted.
“Yeah, yeah, master of technology. Hey, you know what? It’d be more impressive if you actually ever managed to win!” Quickly dodging a blast of energy, Danny gulped as he felt the searing heat just barely brush his arm. God, he really needed to work on never getting hit by those because they hurt-
“Ah!” At the cry of pain, Danny quickly snapped his head around, eyes wide at seeing Valerie on the floor and sitting up with a hiss of pain.
“Oh, I’m gonna break you in half!” Feeling energy pour into his hands, Danny unleashed half a dozen blasts all at once, viciously pleased when most of them managed to hit Technus on at least some part of his body. “Well? You’re after a fight, aren’t you!”
So, alright, maybe Danny had the tendency to jump the gun and get too angry and protective and all that, but he was trying to keep the ghostly stuff away from his friends! They shouldn’t have to worry about stuff like this when he was supposed to be here taking care of it!
“C’mon, Technus! You wanted a fight, didn’t you?!” Readying more energy, Danny narrowed his eyes when he saw Technus looked intrigued. That was never a good look. He would know, too, after growing up with scientists his entire life.
“Interesting.” Technus’ gaze flickered to Valerie and Danny was attacking again at once. The last thing he wanted was for ghosts to put together that Valerie was the Red Huntress. They were less forgiving on ghost hunters than they were on him. “Oh, don’t worry, ghost child, I haven’t forgotten about you.”
“Dude, could you sound any more like a super villain?” Dodging the wires that snapped for his ankles, Danny grunted as he was hit with a blast strong enough to send him crashing into a huge stack of boxes and god that fucking hurt. Pushing himself up and catching his breath, Danny frowned when he saw he had changed back. “Ugh, why do you never work when I need you to?” Stupid powers.
“Danny?” Freezing at the voice, Danny blinked up at seeing Valerie looking down at him with raised eyebrows and, yeah, right. Phantom crashed and Fenton appeared. Right.
“Ah, hi, Val. So, uh, hey, those ghosts gone yet? I was trying to find Sam and Tucker and suddenly boxes were falling on top of me.”
“Yeah, they’re both gone.” Valerie gave a laugh and held her hand out, Danny smiling as he let himself be pulled to his feet. If nothing else, Valerie had a nice laugh. “You okay?”
“Just another day in Amity Park, I guess.” Danny gave Valerie a quick once over, relaxing when he saw that she was just fine. Technus’ blast didn’t seem to do any real harm to her, which, good. “You good? I saw you go down from that one ghost’s attack or whatever it was.”
“Knocked off my feet, I guess, but I’m good.” Valerie’s smile seemed to soften before she suddenly stepped back and dropped Danny’s hand and oh, yeah, that- Huh. He had forgotten they were even holding hands in the first place. “So, uh, you were looking for your friends?”
“Yeah- Yeah. I was. Sam and Tuck. My friends.” Danny really wished he could clone himself some days, just so he could slap himself. He just was never sure how to act around Valerie some days. She was kind and sweet and friendly and had a pretty sharp wit and she was also a ghost hunter who absolutely hated his guts with everything in her.
“Right.” Valerie looked away and Danny was about to move before he heard her clear her throat with a rough cough. “So, um… You’re good at Chemistry and everything, right?”
“What?” At the dry and sour look he was given, Danny gave a slow nod. “I mean, yeah? I usually get by with a low A or sometimes a high B. Why?”
“I was wondering if maybe we could meet up in the library some time and you could run me through a few things? Petricoff is making it way harder than it needs to be.”
“Ugh, I know, tell me about it.” Danny loved science, don’t get him wrong, but that demon that taught the science classes as Casper was pure evil. She probably really was a demon. Danny wouldn’t have been surprised. “But, uh, yeah, sure, I can help.”
“Great. Exchange numbers?” Valerie was already holding her phone out with a new contact pulled up, Danny fumbling to do the same with his own before they swapped. “Thanks. I know I haven’t been the nicest friend lately.”
“We all have our rough spots. I mean, it is high school.” Was he alive? Did Technus’ last hit kill him? Because he was exchanging numbers with one of the more popular girls in school and she was honestly smiling at him.
“Tell me about it,” Valerie laughed, taking her phone back and tossing Danny’s to him. It was a close save to keep it from dropping, Danny slumping in relief as Valerie laughed. “Hopefully having scientist parents pays off.
“Yeah.” Okay, so, yeah, maybe Valerie was the Red Huntress and all that, but she was still pretty amazing, and she actually seemed to like Danny. That alone was an impossible miracle considering the only people who had ever really liked him in his entire school career was Tucker and Sam.  
“So, hey, do you need to meet up with your friends right this second, or do you maybe wanna grab a bite to eat real quick? I was about to grab something before the whole dick measuring fight took place.”
Choking on a laugh, Danny silently nodded as he followed Valerie back towards the food court. Sam and Tucker would be okay for a while yet, and, well, maybe it was time to move on from his puppy crush on Paulina. Valerie’s dad had taken her suit away after that whole Pariah mess, after all, so Danny would be perfectly safe dating a ghost hunter.
Heh. Dating. It was the time for New Year’s Resolutions and all that Jazz stuff. Maybe he could make a resolution to try a little bit harder to be a normal teenager. Sure, he should probably be worrying about Technus getting away, but he could let his parents handle it or something. They were the professional ghost hunters, after all.
“You know what, Val? Grabbing a bite to eat sounds great right now.” Food did sound pretty great but being just an average Amity Park teenager sounded even better.
“You’re pretty chipper all of a sudden. Should I worry about you being possessed by a ghost or anything?”
“Nope. Just possessed with some good company.” Grinning at Valerie’s startled laugh, Danny felt something in him relax.
A little time as a normal teenager was just what this new year could use.
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edream93 · 7 years
I'm so happy you opened prompts again that I just had one prompt idea how would Uma and Harry meet if it wasn't for the Isle (also if Ursula hadn't died on the end of the little mermaid)??
Hi anon! I’m really happy that I was able to post this as my last prompt of 2017. I actually really liked the ideas that this prompt brought up for me and had to stop myself from turning this into another Huma multi-chapter story like “I’m Hooked On All These Feelings” but I want to first finish that one and then focus a bit more on “We’ll Light the Fuse” before coming back and fleshing out this story a bit. 
Anyway, it was super fun, so thanks anon! I hope you enjoy and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
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Well…Harriet did say he would somehow manage to find a stupid way to die.
And now, tied to the mass of a purposefully abandoned ship as a living sacrifice, he had to begrudgingly agree that she may have been right. Despite, that, he still struggled like a bat out of hell to get out of his damn binds.
“Stop struggling boy! Ursula hates for her things to be bruised,” his father shouted with a drunken slur from a boat that was slowly being rowed back to shore by his bumbling first mate, Mr. Smee. “Or at least when they’re bruised by anyone else other than her,” he cackled.
“Damnit, damnit, damnit!” Harry hissed bound too tightly to the mass that there was no way for him to reach the knife he always tucked into his boot, cursing his fate of being born to a selfish man of a pirate.
Damn Triton for dying.
Ursula, Triton’s banished wretch of a sister who had attempted revenge on both Triton and his youngest daughter, Ariel, now ruled in his place.
And the other kingdoms of Auradon, too afraid of how easily the mer-people of Atlantica bowed before their new ruler, trembled on their shores.
That’s how the sacrifices started. That’s how Harry Hook found himself as the latest sacrifice for the dreaded sea witch.
The sky darkened suddenly, storm clouds engulfing the sun, the once smooth waters turning rough and choppy and rain poured down relentlessly. Rain smudged kohl lined eyes widened as he felt an indescribable presence, an overpowering presence, that would make even the strongest willed of men fall to their knees.
Ursula had arrived.
“Hm…what poor unfortunate soul have they brought me this time?” a female voice purred over the sound of the storm.
He tried to look over his shoulder, to see the hideous creature that would be his end, but his movements were once again limited by the tight knots his father had tied him up in (damn drunk).
“Oh, a jawline that could cut glass,” the voice purred behind him, a finger coming from behind him stroking his jaw with surprising gentleness. “Bet all the girls just loved you, pretty boy. Makes me wonder,” the voice murmured thoughtfully as a long tentacle tipped his head up, finally bringing him face to face with his end, “who did you piss off to wind up as fish bait for the dreaded sea witch Ursula?”
Harry blinked. And then blinked again. And instead of answering the question posed towards him, he responded back with: “Yer a much prettier lass than I was expectin’”.
She smiled, unoffended, brown eyes sparkling with mischief, the tentacle under his chin moving up slightly to give a slightly less than gentle but not bruising tap to his cheeks. “Ah, ah, ah,” she tisked. “Answer my question, pretty boy. Why were you chosen as my sacrifice?”
Harry snorted. “Why is anyone chosen as a sacrifice? Me da wanted to get rid of me” he spat, turning his head away as much as he could to glare angrily at the discarded hook that laid tauntingly in his field of vision.
He expected her to laugh, to taunt his stupidity, his desire for his father to truly acknowledge him as his son. Instead, the rain stopped and the sea calmed and her hand was gently turning his head back so that his gaze was back on her. “He doesn’t deserve you,” she stated with such fierceness and conviction and just…understanding that he couldn’t help for a moment to believe that what she was saying was true.
“Hm, I suppose the once banished sea-witch Ursula would know. Triton being yer brother and all.”
“Uncle,” she chuckled, the mischievous glint returning to her eyes as she swept some of his hair out of his eyes. “And before you ask the question that I know you’re inevitably about to ask, I’m not Ursula. I slipped her her own poison years ago. But I do want to make you a deal. Follow me and I’ll give you purpose. Follow me and I’ll make sure that you never feel weak, worthless, or lost again. My seas will be yours. My ships, yours. Your enemies will be mine and together, we’ll make them regret ever looking down on you.”
“That sounds like a mighty fine bargain, lass,” Harry grinned. “What do ye want me to do in return?”
“Not much. I promise. No tricks like my mother. You just need to remember one thing. One name,” she said before leaning in, her cheek brushing his as her lips whispered like a song one word that he would prove to never want to forget against his ear, “Uma.”
And that moment, and every moment afterwards, he said her name like a beloved prayer.
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jongdaeslut · 5 years
series: meet your maker (2/?)
pairing: jongdae/jaejoong
rating: explicit
warnings: dubcon, forced homosexuality, jaej being sweet when he should just be an asshole
summary: jongdae goes through with a dare and ends up with a dick in his ass rip jongdae
notes: this is supposed to be uncomfortable to read. it is for me. fixed up some from the ao3 version, so i’ll have to go back and cross-post the better version THERE at some point. enjoy the blatant use of italics i guess
baekhyun and chanyeol successfully drag jongdae to his first frat party almost a full month after the blowjob incident.
“what’s the point of joining a frat if you don’t take advantage of it?” baekhyun had questioned him.
“they’re fun!” chanyeol had told him.
“minseok will be happy if you come,” baekhyun had said, and chanyeol had nodded in agreement.
and so, a few hours after jongdae had let himself be talked into a potential run in with kim jaejoong, jongdae’s stuck in an adolescent game of truth or dare with a few of his brothers. the king of creeps himself watches them with mild interest from his seat in the corner of the room, drink in one hand and cigarette in the other.
jongdae pretends he's not there.
(he’d come up to them when they’d arrived, greeting them all warmly, but as baekhyun and chanyeol walked away, he’d closed in on jongdae. “it’s good to see you again,” he had told jongdae under his breath, voice low, so that only jongdae could hear him. jongdae had promptly booked it to the alcohol.)
and now it’s baekhyun’s turn, and much to his delight, jongdae’s his victim. “truth or dare?” he asks, lips turned up into a grin.
“dare,” jongdae tells him, not only because he’s not a little bitch, but also because baekhyun is notoriously invasive and jongdae has something to hide.
as expected, baekhyun’s face falls in disappointment. “damn it. i dare you to…” baekhyun hesitates, momentum gone when he realizes he doesn’t have any ideas. “shit, um… give me a minute.”
“dare him to sleep with me,” jaejoong pipes up, grinning. there’s a twinkle in his eye that makes it seem like a joke, but jongdae has a sneaking suspicion that he’s dead serious.
“don’t you think that’s too much?” he objects, and jaejoong cocks his head and looks at him as if to say i disagree.
baekhyun blinks. “no, yeah, yeah!” he giggles drunkenly. “sleep with jaejoong! i dare you!”
for a moment, jongdae is dumbfounded, but within a few seconds, his shock has turned to anger. “baekhyun, what the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“that’s what you get for calling me a slut just because i’m bi!” baekhyun cheers, words slurred. “a dick up your ass, bitch!”
“i already told you, that’s not what i fucking meant!” jongdae bites out. “i’m not having sex with jaejoong!”
“then pass,” baekhyun sniffs. “coward,” he says, pretending like he’s trying to be quiet, but he knows it’s loud enough for jongdae to hear.
“i’m not a fucking coward,” jongdae says, suddenly indignant. “you know i’m not.”
“i don’t know that anymore,” baekhyun says, “considering you’re too scared to fuck jaejoong.”
“i’m not scared to fuck him. i just don’t fucking want to.”
“then do it!” baekhyun says. “fuck him!”
he’s clearly trying to egg him on, but jongdae’s pride is pricked, and his first instinct is to protect it. “fine! i fucking will, then!”
baekhyun looks smug, and the reality of his mistake quickly comes crashing down around him.
“shit. shit.” he turns on his heel and storms into the kitchen, making a point not to look back at his petty asshole of an (ex) best friend or meet the eyes of his trashy senior brother.
he pours a cup half full of vodka, fills the rest of it with the first bottle of whatever that he gets his hands on (which turns out to be sprite - not something he would have gone for, but not the worst option, either), and gulps it down despite the blatant refusal of the soda to even try to challenge the alcohol sharing its cup.
he shouldn’t have fallen for baekhyun’s bluff. baekhyun knew how to get on his nerves, knew how to get him to react, and jongdae wasn’t fucking drunk enough that he didn’t know better than to sink to baekhyun’s level.
“fucking idiot,” he mutters to himself.
“you or him?” a voice asks as an arm wraps around his waist, thumb immediately playing with the waistband of his jeans, and jongdae tenses instantly. “i almost didn’t think he’d go for it,” jaejoong says conversationally, ashing his cigarette onto the kitchen floor’s deteriorating linoleum. “but i guess he wanted to piss you off, huh?”
“do i really have to deal with you right this fucking second,” jongdae groans.
“don’t be mean,” says jaejoong. jongdae can’t see his face, and he’s glad for it, because he suspects jaejoong might be pouting. “i’m here to offer you a better deal than what you got.”
“there’s no way you’re letting me get out of sleeping with you,” jongdae says shortly, “so i don’t know what you think you have that’s going to interest me.”
jaejoong chuckles. “you’re right about that. but you can either take my dick in your asshole, or you can stick your dick in mine.”
oh. that does get jongdae’s attention. “you’re serious?”
“sure i am. your friend didn’t specify whether you had to give it or take it until after he made the dare, so i think there’s some leeway here.” jaejoong leans in, lips almost brushing jongdae’s ear. “i’m gonna give you a chance, babe.”
jongdae stays still, not wanting to waste his only out in this situation. “what’s the chance?”
“let’s make a bet,” says jaejoong. he lets go of jongdae and reaches for his abandoned cup. “what were you having?”
“what’s the bet?” jongdae asks.
“all business, i see.” jaejoong digs through the bottles on the table until he sees something he likes, then pours it in. “i’ll tell you what, you can even pick. try for something you think you’ll win, i don’t care.” he grabs another bottle, and examines the label before putting it back down. “i’ll have more chances to get you in bed, anyway.”
a faint feeling of nausea hits jongdae, and he scans the room desperately, eyes finally settling on baekhyun’s new best friend, unbalanced even while standing still, drink sloshing out of his cup with his messy, animated gestures. “there,” he says, “chanyeol.”
jaejoong turns around and follows jongdae’s gaze. “who?”
“that tall, skinny guy. with the big ears.”
“ohh, him.” jaejoong nods in recognition. “he looks like he could fall over at any second. so what’re we betting on, how fast he passes out?”
“no, we’re betting on whether or not he pukes first,” jongdae tells him. “i think he will.”
“then i guess i have to say he won’t, don’t i?” says jaejoong, and they stand together and watch to see chanyeol’s next move.
every story jongdae’s heard from baekhyun says that chanyeol has a weak stomach, so when chanyeol passes out on the couch first, it’s a devastating shock. jongdae swallows, his throat dry. “guess he learned how to drink.”
“guess so,” says jaejoong. he passes jongdae’s cup back over to him. “this is for you. seems like you need it. i’ll take you home in a bit - i think things are close to winding down anyway.” he leans down to an open cooler and grabs out one of his favorite shitty beers, then leers at jongdae. “see you then, babe.”
“right,” jongdae says blankly. “see you.”
he takes a sip of the drink. he thinks it’s probably good, but for some reason he can’t taste it.
they’re barely through the door before jongdae asks if he can have a drink.
“sure, take your pick. clean glasses are on the dish rack.” jaejoong leans against the wall, watching as jongdae grabs a shot glass. “although i’d rather you were sober,” admits jaejoong, crossing his arms. “i want you to remember your first time with me.”
“such a romantic,” jongdae mutters. if this were any other situation or any other person, he might feel the same, but he’s completely sure he doesn’t want to retain a single memory of what’s about to go down. his solution is to grab the nearest bottle of liquor and pour it into the shot glass, not bothering to check the label. he tilts his head back and the glass with it, quickly swallowing down its contents.
it’s whiskey, it’s too strong, and it’s exactly what he needs, so he pours another shot and takes that too.
“you done?” jaejoong asks. “or are you just planning to drink my alcohol and pass out on the couch?”
“just wait one fucking second.” he pours one last shot - rule of three, he thinks, third time’s the charm - whatever bullshit phrase that gives him an excuse to down one more drink, he’ll take. So he finishes that shot too, and slams the glass down on the counter with more force than would ever be necessary. “alright. i’m done.” he pauses. “hold on a second. we’re not fucking on that couch, right? because if we are, i swear to fuck -”
“we’re not fucking on the couch,” jaejoong interrupts him. “but i did clean it. i told you i’d do it before the next time you came over, remember?”
“yeah, i remember.” he squints at jaejoong, as if staring at him intently could reveal the man’s true intentions. “did you fucking plan for this?”
jaejoong shrugs. “if you call waiting for an opportunity and taking it once it comes planning, then sure.”
“you’re a fucking scumbag,” he tells jaejoong.
jaejoong doesn’t seem particularly bothered by the insult. “i get that a lot. come on.” he secures jongdae with an arm around his waist and begins leading him through the living room. “let’s get you in bed.”
jongdae keeps step with him obediently, if not totally willingly, because damned if he’s gonna let baekhyun’s dare get the better of him. he’s less interested in upholding the terms of the bet with jaejoong, but the sleazeball is muscular enough to overpower him easily, and jongdae thinks he wouldn’t really have a choice in the matter even if he tried to argue.
so he doesn’t - just lets jaejoong sit him down on the bed, grip his chin firmly and lift it gently (as if he gives a shit - what a laugh), and take him in for a moment.
“you’re such a cute little twink,” jaejoong says. there’s something strangely akin to affection in his voice, and it feels wrong. jongdae wants to argue, tell him to shut the fuck up, i’m not gay, and i’m certainly not a twink, but jaejoong’s lips are already on his own, so he’s silenced even before he gets the chance to voice his complaints.
he tastes like cigarettes soaked in some unholy mix of vodka and tequila. it’s fucking nasty, and jongdae recoils, pulling out of jaejoong’s grip in the process. “your breath is disgusting.”
for the first time, jaejoong looks ruffled by his words. “that’s fucking rude.”
“yeah? well, don’t smoke, then. better yet, don’t kiss me. then you won’t have to hear me bitch about it.”
“shut the fuck up,” jaejoong growls, but his mouth retreats to jongdae’s neck anyway. he bites down on the flesh, and instinctively, uncontrollably, jongdae’s head lolls to the side, giving jaejoong better access.
jongdae needs jaejoong to know that this isn’t some sort of submission, though, that this is just his fucking weak spot (although that’s bad enough to admit), so he says, “don’t leave a mark.” it shouldn’t need to be said since jongdae doesn’t belong to jaejoong in any way, shape, or form, but jaejoong doesn’t seem to give a shit about any of that, so he figures he’d better take the precaution.
the sound of displeasure jaejoong makes vibrating softly against his neck is all the confirmation jongdae needs that he’d been about to ignore a boundary that jongdae shouldn’t have had to set in the first place. the victory feels sweet, so jongdae lets his eyes fall shut as jaejoong makes his way down his neck, teeth grabbing his skin, mouth sucking it firmly.
and then jaejoong pulls away, leaving the wet flesh where his mouth had been to go cold. jongdae opens his eyes to see what jaejoong’s doing instead, which turns out to be taking off his shirt.
“you can leave that on,” jongdae tells him, then pauses. “please feel free to leave that on,” he amends.
“nah, i’m good.” jaejoong tosses his shirt somewhere on the floor, then reaches down and grabs the hem of jongdae’s own, clearly intending to remove it.
“i want this on,” jongdae says, hands now at jaejoong’s, attempting to pry white fabric out of strong fingers.
“well, i want to see you,” jaejoong counters. his free hand comes up to push jongdae’s arms away (jongdae lets out a yelp of shock at the show of force, which is fucking embarrassing), giving him the opportunity to swiftly pull jongdae’s shirt over his head.
jongdae immediately crosses his arms in an attempt to cover himself, bitter over his exposure. “happy?”
“you’re such a prude,” jaejoong says fondly. “now take off your pants.”
“you do it, if you’re so fucking eager to see me naked,” jongdae snaps at him.
it’s petty and spiteful and clearly another huge mistake, because jaejoong looks pretty damn pleased by the suggestion.
“alright,” he agrees.
“wait, don’t -” jongdae attempts to backpedal, but jaejoong unzips his pants in a flash and shoves him down on the bed.
“lift your hips,” he tells him.
“i can -” jongdae tries to protest, but jaejoong interrupts him before he can even get the words out.
“lift them,” he repeats. jaejoong’s voice is firmer this time, eyes boring into jongdae, and he wants jaejoong to stop looking at him like that, stop looking at him at all -
so he does what he doesn’t want to do and obeys, feeling meek and pathetic as he does.
it pays off, at least, because jaejoong’s line of vision moves down to his crotch as he hooks his thumbs into jongdae’s underwear and curls his fingers into his jeans, pulling both them down past his ass, his knees, and finally freeing them from around his feet.
jongdae’s only half hard from the work jaejoong had done on his neck, but jaejoong’s gaze is appreciative regardless. he wraps his hand around jongdae’s cock and strokes it, working it to full hardness.
“you don’t need to do that. i don’t need to get off,” jongdae tells him, but doesn’t reach down to stop him, knowing that jaejoong would just knock his hand away.
“it’s more fun if you do,” says jaejoong. “besides, i’m not the type of asshole who just leaves his partners hanging… but that’s something you already knew.”
jongdae lets out a grunt of reluctant acknowledgement, because to be fair, jaejoong isn’t that kind of asshole. he’s a different, worse kind, but jongdae’s not going to split hairs about it with his dick on the line.
when jaejoong’s finally satisfied with jongdae’s erection, he releases his grip and looks jongdae up and down, lips curved in a self-satisfied smile. “you look so fucking good like this, baby.”
jongdae feels like gagging. “please go back to babe,” he says. “or, better yet, call me by my actual name. it may surprise you, but i have one.”
“i know that, jongdae.” jaejoong says it, tone a little snide, just to rub it in that he really does know. jongdae hates how it sounds from jaejoong's mouth, and he resists shuddering. “but right now,” jaejoong continues, grabbing a nearly empty bottle of lube from his nightstand, “you belong to me, and i’m gonna call you whatever the fuck i want.”
“i fucking hate you,” says jongdae.
“come on, babe, don’t be mad at me. your friend was the one who dared you to take my dick up your ass,” jaejoong points out. “i was nice. i gave you an opportunity to fuck me instead. we made a bet, and you lost it fair and square, so stop fucking complaining. now get on your hands and knees. i need to finger you, so let's make this easy.”
being on his hands and knees means that he won’t have to look at jaejoong’s awful, handsome face, so jongdae does rolls over and does it without a fuss. “you’d better not just stick your dick in there like it’s nothing.”
“i’m not going to hurt you,” jaejoong says. he sounds exasperated, and for a second, jongdae feels pleased.
but then jaejoong is applying the lube to his asshole. it’s wet and it’s cold, and jongdae hisses at the sensation.
three shots were not enough for this, jongdae now realizes. he’s not drunk like he wanted to be, barely even tipsy anymore, and now the sleaziest bastard he’s ever met in is life is seconds away from shoving his fingers into a hole jongdae only ever wanted shit to come out of.
and then, without any verbal warning, jaejoong’s slowly pushing a slick finger into his asshole. it shouldn’t be surprising but it is, and jongdae jerks away from the invasive feeling.
“stay still,” jaejoong tells him, grabbing his hips with his free hand. “i’m gonna make this good for you, i promise.”
“fuck you.”
“we can think about that next time.” jaejoong’s finger is all the way in now, and it feels fucking wrong. jongdae wants to pull away again, and jaejoong seems to notice because he leans forward and kisses the back of jongdae’s neck in an effort to sooth him. “i know it feels weird right now, but it’ll get better soon. just relax.”
jongdae doesn’t think it will, especially not if jaejoong acts like that (the feigned sweetness makes his blood boil), so he tries to rush the process. “add another.”
“alright,” says jaejoong, and jongdae feels pressure on the rim of his anus. that pressure quickly gives way to a painful stretch as jaejoong pushes the next finger inside of him, and jongdae inhales sharply. “don’t worry. we’ll take it slow.”
“fucking hurts,” jongdae grumbles.
“i know,” jaejoong says sympathetically. jongdae feels jaejoong pulls his fingers out and to his relief the pain recedes, but jaejoong’s fingers are quickly back inside of him with fresh lube. “there. that should be better.”
it’s not comfortable, but it doesn’t feel as bad as it did before, so jongdae lets jaejoong work his fingers in deeper with a wince as his only complaint.
“just one more.” jaejoong’s voice is strained with want, and jongdae can somehow feel disgust in his very bones. he lets go of jongdae’s waist, instead wrapping his hand back around his cock, finger teasing the head. “let’s get you used to these, and then just one more until i can be inside of you properly, fuck.”
in the end, jaejoong is right. it does get better, but it’s thanks to jaejoong’s hand twisting around his cock, not time spent having fingers up his asshole. still, jongdae gets used to it, and after some time jaejoong’s able to gently fuck him with his fingers. so jaejoong lets go of his cock and picks the bottle of lube back up from the sheets, again removing his fingers from jongdae’s hole in order to prep him for the next addition.
jongdae can’t stop himself from whining at the loss, and he feels himself flush to his ears.
“cute,” jaejoong says, chuckling lightly.
“fuck you,” jongdae says again in retort.
the process repeats itself, with jaejoong opening him up slowly, carefully, until he can move his fingers steadily in and out of jongdae. it feels like forever but then all of a sudden they’re gone, and jongdae hears jaejoong exhale shakily and the soft clink of his belt buckle as it comes undone.
“you’re gonna look so fucking hot on my dick, jongdae,” jaejoong rasps, and jongdae wishes he hadn’t asked him to use his name. he can feel the head of jaejoong’s cock pushing at his hole, and while it can’t possibly be more than he’s already taken, but his heart beats hard in his chest anyway. jaejoong pushes inside of him, and dirty, lube covered hand takes its place with its mate on jongdae’s hips. “god, your tight little asshole feels so fucking good,” he groans out.
jaejoong’s careful preparation had allowed for a smooth entrance, and even though it’s a tight heat inside of jongdae’s asshole, it’s nothing he can’t handle. his first thrust is slow and deep, and jongdae’s arms feel weak at the sensation of too much, so he drops down to his elbows to steady himself.
“you’re such a sweet little slut for me, babe,” croons jaejoong, nudging jongdae’s legs further open with his knees. “i wish you could see yourself like this. so fucking pretty and perfect on my cock.” he’s fucking jongdae properly now, thrusting firm and deep, and jongdae lets out a pathetic hiccupy moan that jaejoong seems to adore. “you even sound great like this. do you like my cock that much, sweetheart? your first time, and you’re still such a fucking whore for me. you’re even fucking back on my cock, you know that?”
jongdae doesn’t like jaejoong’s dick and he doesn’t like what jaejoong’s saying (most of all, he doesn’t like jaejoong), but he knows he's not being lied to. jaejoong knows what he’s doing, and the slick feeling of his cock moving in his hole actually does feel nice inside of him, even against the stream of dirty words falling from jaejoong’s tongue.
he squeezes his eyes shut and fucks back - consciously, now, wrapped up not just in wanting this to be over but the pleasure of what’s happening, too.
jaejoong’s thrusts start to lose their rhythm, become hard and staccato as they penetrate jongdae beneath him. his hand makes its way back to jongdae’s dick, intent on making jongdae come undone with him. it’s the one that was in jongdae’s asshole, so it’s foul as hell, but the lube lets his hand slide over jongdae’s cock with expert ease. “cum on my cock, baby.”
it's disgusting request, but it’s not long until jongdae’s body forces him to obey anyway. he spills into jaejoong’s hand with a wail, and jaejoong groans as he quickly follows suit, slowly pulling out as he makes his way through his orgasm. jongdae thinks he feels something warm and wet follow his cock out. he hopes he’s imagining it.
jaejoong lets out a satisfied sigh. “you did great, babe. let me clean you up so we can go to bed, okay?”
jongdae scowls at him. “i can clean myself up just fine.”
“no, let hyung take care of you,” jaejoong urges. “you’re going to be unsteady after that.” he offers jongdae his hand, but jongdae ignores it, pushes himself off the bed and walks towards the door. his legs are shaky, though, and he knows jaejoong can see it, so he doesn’t flinch when an arm wraps around his waist (he does, however, flinch when he feels jaejoong’s semen drip down his legs. the fucking psycho really came inside of him).
in the bathroom, jaejoong cleans the excess lube from his asshole and the cum from his legs (“although i’d love to leave it,” he murmurs, much to jongdae’s thoroughly expressed revulsion). jongdae’s more stable on the way back but jaejoong keeps his arm wrapped around him anyway as he leads him back to his room. “sleep over. i’ll take you back to your dorm tomorrow morning after breakfast.”
“no breakfast, and i’ll get myself home, thanks.” he digs for his boxers and pulls them on, but his shirt is nowhere to be found.
“so you’ll sleep over.” jaejoong sounds pleased.
“i’m tired,” says jongdae. “and you’re just gonna make me do it anyway, so whatever. shit, where the fuck is my shirt?”
“just wear this.” jaejoong pulls a t-shirt from a drawer and tosses it to jongdae, whose face is twisted in considerable displeasure. “i’m not spending ten minutes wandering around my room looking for your shirt, and neither are you.”
jongdae looks down at the shirt in disdain.
“lights are going off, so it’s that or nothing. just put it on and get in bed.”
“i’m sleeping on the couch,” jongdae tells him, voice muffled by the fabric over his face. it’s big on him. “i’ve had enough of you for one night. and for forever.”
“don’t be like that,” jaejoong chides, flicking the lights off and pulling jongdae back towards the bed. “you can be the little spoon. it’ll be nice.”
jongdae tries to squirm away, but jaejoong wraps his arms tightly around jongdae’s small waist. “fuck you,” he says for the third time that night, this time muttered under his breath.
“like i said, we’ll see,” jaejoong murmurs back, pressing a kiss to the back of his neck. jongdae cringes away from him, but jaejoong pulls him back in. “nighty night, babe.”
jongdae doesn’t respond, just closes his eyes and tries to fall asleep, trying to convince himself that he’s alone back in his dorm, and not here in jaejoong’s arms.
0 notes
monkee98 · 8 years
19 Days Omegaverse Chapter 6
Warning: NSFW
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 
The stench was overpowering and he could have sworn he felt his stomach start to churn. But at least here his own scent was hidden, he was sure no one would bother searching for him in a dingy alley next to an overflowing dumpster.
“Mo Guan Shan!? I knew I recognized that red hair”
Said red-haired omega looked up and was startled to find the blonde omega that tried sitting with him at lunch last week, “What the fuck, how did you find me!?” Guan Shan stared at the excitable omega, so much for hiding.
“I saw your hair, it’s pretty hard to miss especially in a dark alley. Speaking of which, why are you sitting next to a dumpster?” Jian Yi tilted his head in genuine curiosity.
“What’s it to ya?” the redhead grumbled into his arms which were crossed over his knees.
Jian Yi moved closer and his eyes widened when he noticed the unusual scent coming off of him.
“Are you going to go into heat?” the blonde gasped. It made sense now why he was hiding here where his scent was obscured, but aside from that, his scent was still weak.
“I-no…” he replied quickly, but Jian Yi’s suspicious gaze wouldn’t budge, “...maybe”
He watched as Jian Yi suddenly turn out of the alley, probably deciding that he didn’t want to be involved with him, he ignored the slight disappointment and fear that welled up inside him at being alone again.
To his shock the omega called out to his companion who was apparently on the other side of the street, also just carelessly yelling out into the streets that he was about to go into heat, and something else after that he did not catch.
“Hey! What the chicken dick was that?!”
Jian Yi turned and shushed him before pulling out his phone and flinging it across the street.
Mo Guan Shan just stared in confusion until the other omega turned back to stand over him again.
“Is that why you’re hiding? You shouldn’t be out here by yourself” he reprimanded the troubled omega, “and don’t worry, the streets are pretty empty here” he reassured after he saw the look of utter horror on the redhead’s face when he remembered that Jian Yi just yelled across the street that he was in heat.
The longer he stayed here the worse it would get, and it was only a matter of time before Guan Shan’s scent would overpower the stench he was using to hide it.
“I took suppressants...but they started to wear off sooner than I expected” Mo Guan Shan mumbled in his defense.
“Then we have to get you out of here before some strange alpha finds you” Jian Yi stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world, and had it been anyone else he was addressing those words to, it would have been. But Mo Guan Shan could find no reason why this boy should want to help him, the one time they interacted Guan Shan acted straight up rude, and he acted no differently now, so why on earth would he want to help him?
“No you don’t, just leave me alone, I don’t need your help” he narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the incomprehensibly kind omega in front of him.
“Well, maybe you don’t need my help, but I know someone better” Jian Yi beamed.
Mo Guan Shan furrowed his brows, “Oh yeah, and who’s that?”
“You will see” the blonde hummed.
Just as he said that they both turned to see a tall broad dark haired figure step into the alley.
“What the fuck is he doing here?” the redhead exclaimed, but Jian Yi simply turned and left to rejoin his friend who had just crossed the street.
“What are you doing out here Don’t Close Mountain? Don’t you know you’re not supposed to leave your room, you’re just asking for trouble” He Tian’s deep voice seemed to fill the small cramped space.
“It’s none of your business, just leave already” the omega sneered at the dark haired alpha above him, turning his head away.
“No, you are coming with me” He Tian reaches out to grab Guan Shan’s arm. As soon as he made contact the redhead flinched back in pain, his eyes widening in fear.
He Tian narrowed his eyes at the omega who had averted his gaze to the end of the alley instead.
“What was that?” He Tian asked as he stepped closer and slowly crouched in front of the tense omega., as if any sudden moves would cause him to flee like a wild animal.
“N-nothing, don’t touch me so suddenly you bastard” Guan Shan grunted, still refusing to look at the alpha.
“....Did you get into another fight?”
“Yes you did. Who was it?” He Tian snapped, his eyes darkening dangerously.
“I told you, that's not-”
“It was She Li wasn’t it, what did he....or should I ask what you did to piss him off?” the alpha demanded. For some unfathomable reason, this omega had a habit of getting involved with the wrong people, and this would not be the first time She Li was involved. Although he knew it was him anyways from the vulgar scent that he left on the omega. Then again, that could just be all the trash they were sitting next to, it was hard to tell.
Guan Shan gulped, the alpha could somehow always see through him. It was frustrating how He tian could read him like an open book, but when he tried to figure anything out about He Tian, all he got was an impenetrable brick wall.
“It was nothing, why can’t you just leave me alone?” Guan Shan started to feel tears prickling at the corners of his eyes, really not wanting to deal with him right now.
He Tian reached out and gently wiped a stray tear off the horrified omega’s face.
“I want to know what happened. But first, you are getting into the car”, He stood and carefully pulled the redhead up with him.
“Wait, you have a car?”
“It’s not mine. My uncle lets me use it over breaks” He Tian continued to pull the omega along across the street to the parked car. He opened the passenger side door and pushed Guan Shan into the seat and closed the door before going around to the other side and settling into the driver’s seat.
“Alright, you better start talking”
“...Where are you taking me?” Mo Guan Shan mumbled, refusing to answer his question.
“My place. Don’t change the subject” He Tian shifted the car into drive and eased into the lane., not taking his eyes off the road.
“It doesn’t matter…” Guan Shan insisted, turning to look out the passenger side window.
“I could smell him on you, and you’re about to go into heat” the alpha urged, his temper beginning to bubble through the cracks.
“H-he didn’t actually do anything, so it’s not a big deal” the omega frowned, nervously wringing his hands in his lap.
He Tian stopped at a red light and shot a glance at his passenger, “What happened to your arm then?” he pushed.
“That….”, it wasn’t something he wanted to remember, the harsh grip on his arm keeping him in place, the way he was forced into a corner, he was very lucky to have somehow escaped. He knew it was stupid of him to not stay home, then go and over exert himself after taking suppressants because he had promised to help She Li today. He detested it, but somehow he always managed to get caught up in whatever that snake was scheming
He Tian could feel the anxiety rolling off the omega next to him; he tightened his grip on the steering wheel and swore to himself that next time he sees that abhorable snake he’s going to make sure he never dares think to come near Guan Shan again.
“Alright, we’re here” He Tian bit out, still aggravated by the thought of She Li’s hands on the omega. Not to mention that without the stench of alley he could catch the hints of heat coming off the redhead.
He pulled the keys out of the ignition and stepped out of the car, Guan Shan hesitantly followed him into the building. The two got into the elevator and He Tian hit the button for the top floor, Guan Shan stuck to the corner of the elevator farthest from the alpha. He chanced a glance at He Tian taking notice of his hard set jaw and the tightly balled fists at his side.
“Hey….you’re not planning on actually…” unable to finish the sentence, the uncomfortable omega pressed himself closer to the wall, still eyeing the alpha.
“What do you think?” he drawled as the elevator doors opened. He exited without sparing a glance at the redhead, he opened his door and headed straight for his bedroom.
Guan Shan stopped at the door, “....Why?”
He Tian turned around, finally looking at the omega again. Guan Shan had his arms wrapped around himself, his eyes searching for something in the alpha’s face. He Tian stepped closer to the omega, reaching behind him to close and lock the front door.
He didn’t move away, staring fixedly down at Guan Shan he brought his hand up and cupped his cheek.
“The answer to that should be obvious Mo Guan Shan”
The omega was momentarily thrown off guard by He Tian using his full name, but recovered enough to ask, “Then, why me?” not daring to move, “you could have any omega you want”
“So I have you” the alpha insisted, moved his other hand to grasp Guan Shan’s hip, his eyes darkening as the scent of heat became stronger.
Guan Shan could feel his defenses crumbling under the alpha’s heated gaze and addicting scent, he could not deny anymore that he has secretly been longing for this, for him. But he did not want to be used and thrown away, which he absently found ironic considering he was just picked up from behind a dumpster.
“But how am I….I’m not someone who should be with someone like you” Guan Shan couldn’t understand what He Tian saw in him. He should be with someone like Jian Yi, someone who’s kind and gentle, and just generally more omega-like. At least that’s what everyone would expect him to choose.
He Tian pulled Guan Shan closer, narrowing his eyes in warning, “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” he growled.
Guan Shan tore himself out of He Tian’s grasp, “You know exactly what the fuck I mean. I’m just your fucking cook, your damn errand boy that you know you can pay to do whatever shit you want…. You should have a gentle and innocent omega, not-not a screw up like me” he bit his lip as tears prickled his eyes, hating himself for still wanting to throw himself into He Tian’s arms regardless.
He felt his heat coming back, he wasn’t even sure why he was fighting it anymore, there was no escaping this. He just hoped He Tian wouldn’t regret this when it was all over.
He Tian growled angrily, grabbing the omega by the back of his head and roughly stealing a kiss. Mo Guan Shan, helplessly melting under his lips, moaned encouragingly as a thick fog seemed to take over his mind.
The redheaded omega let out a small whimper when He Tian pulled away suddenly, “And who the fuck wants an omega like that?” he hissed.
Mo Guan Shan looked up at He Tian with desperate eyes, the alpha wasn’t even sure if his words were registering anymore, not that he could bring himself to care at the moment.
He Tian slipped a hand under the omega’s thighs and behind his back, startling the omega by lifting him off the ground, cradling him close to his body as he moved towards the bed.
Mo Guan Shan kept his eyes on the alpha the entire time, desperately hoping he was planning on making this unbearable heat go away, “He-He Tian…” he stuttered, reaching for the alpha’s neck.
“Yeah baby, I know” he soothed the omega, deciding he loved the desperate way Guan Shan called out his name as he placed him on his bed, “Don’t worry, I’ve got you”
He kept close to the omega, not liking the way his eyes watered in fear when he had moved away slightly.
“It’s okay, I’m not going anywhere Guan Shan” not that he could even if he tried, he was barely keeping his voice level, his hands twitching to tear off their clothes and get inside him already.
But the omega was constantly seconds from breaking down, his insecurities left on full display, his heat distracting him from maintaining any of the walls he usually had around himself. The last thing He Tian wanted to do was hurt him.
He Tian slipped a hand up Guan Shan’s shirt, the other one tangling itself in fiery red hair as he leaned down to kiss the omega.
He ran his hands over a muscled stomach and toned pecs, he’s considered muscular for an omega, seeing as most kept a softer figure. But Mo Guan Shan never fit into the omega mold anyways, and if he wanted to he could probably hold his own against a lesser alpha, though helpless against stronger ones like He Tian or Zhan Zheng Xi.
“....hurts….He Tian….fuck it’s hot…” Guan Shan groaned languidly, writhing and pressing his legs together, trying to dispel some of the discomfort, though without success.
“It’ll be over soon baby” he promised sweetly.
Mo Guan Shan leaned into the caresses and let He Tian yank the shirt off, glad to finally be free of the suffocating fabric. He kissed back eagerly when the alpha’s lips reconnected with his own, reaching his hands up to grapple at the broad body beside him. He reached down to He Tian’s crotch, grabbing at the hardness through the fabric of his pants.
“Shit!” He Tian pulled back, startled, and jerked his crotch away from the omega’s touch.
The omega’s expression changed into one of confusion and hurt, he thought that was for him. Did He Tian not want him after all? He couldn’t help the anxious tears leaking from his eyes, if He Tian left him now there was no way he would recover.
“Why…..I thought..” the omega’s voice already thick with tears, his heat amplifying his emotions.
He Tian moved back in quickly, running his hands apologetically over the omega’s face, “I’m sorry baby, you startled me” the alpha normally would not have minded letting Mo Guan Shan touch him, but, at least for today, he wanted it to be about the omega.
He Tian sat up and pulled his shirt off over his head, moving so he was between the omega’s thighs. He watched the omega’s eyes roam his bared torso, his hands fisted in the sheets, unsure what to do with himself, probably terrified of being pushed away again.
He Tian reached for Guan Shan’s hands, bringing them to his lips then moving them into his hair. He Tian smirked at the curious frown on his face, moving his own hands to cup the omega’s butt and gave it a squeeze, earning a startled moan from the omega. He suddenly ducked his head to mouth at the small omega cock through the fabric of his pants.
Guan Shan arched his back, fisting his hands in He Tian’s hair, “A-Ah, Tian….feels good….more”
He Tian wouldn’t dream of denying this omega, he pulled Guan Shan’s cock free and easily took it all into his mouth. He worked quickly, knowing the first release would ease much of the omega’s discomfort.
Mo Guan Shan did not last long under He Tian’s skillful tongue, crying out in release only moments later, his hands falling from their grip in the alpha’s hair. It did not relieve him completely, but he it cleared up some of the fog from his brain.
Guan Shan looked down between his legs and saw He Tian raising his head, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and smiling when they met eyes. The omega threw his arms over his face to hide his blush.
“You didn’t have to do that” Guan Shan grumbled.
“Of course I did, anything to make you feel better” He Tian replied fondly, grabbing his arms and prying them off his face.
“Is something wrong?” the alpha asked his voice laced with concern when he saw the omega’s red face and how he wouldn’t meet his eyes.
“Are you going to leave me after this?” the redhead whispered his words so softly He Tian almost didn’t catch them.
The alpha frowned, “What are you talking about?”, he had a bad feeling about where this was going.
Guan Shan focused his eyes on some distant point past He Tian’s waist, “You’re not actually going to….shit….m-mate me….” he bit his lip and turned his head into the pillow, humiliated by the disappointment showing through in his voice
“....Guan Shan, is that what you want?” he asked carefully, taking the omega by the chin and turning his head to face him.
“You don’t-I” Guan shan swallowed heavily, “I don’t want you to regret it….” his voice small and hesitant.
He Tian sighed and nuzzled the omega’s neck, running his nose over the scent glands there, “Baby, I just sucked you off and swallowed your cum. So you tell me if that’s something you want”
The omega’s blush intensified at the alpha’s words, remembering the feeling of his hot mouth and smooth tongue.
“I’ll only do it if you want” He Tian added, moving away from Guan Shan’s neck to look him in the eyes and show him that he was being completely serious.
The omega bit his lip again, growing uncomfortable again under the alpha’s intense gaze, he really did want to be claimed by He Tian, but few omegas could say that they didn’t, he wasn’t anything special in comparison to them.
He Tian watched the omega’s internal struggle, he was sure he already knew the answer and what was causing his hesitation. Guan Shan just needed a little encouragement.
“Baby, who wouldn’t want a mate like you? You can cook, your scent should come in a bottle, you got a cute butt-”
“What the fuck?!”
“-you’re gorgeous, your hair-”
“Shut up! And my hair looks like rust”
“-reminds me of a sunrise” He Tian finished softly, he ran his fingers through the short red locks bringing his hand to the rough shaved part of his head, resting his forehead on the omega’s.
“I want you Mo Guan Shan. Just say the word and I’m yours”
“....Yes” the word slipped out before he could rethink it.
Next thing he knew his pants and briefs were gone, probably thrown into some obscure corner of the room and there were lips moving on his. The heat began to rise in him again, he could feel the already plentiful amount of slick between his thighs flow again.
He Tian flipped him over, and pulled his hips off the bed, he pressed an affectionate kiss to the omega’s lower back before ridding himself of the rest of his clothes. He sighed in relief when he finally freed his erection from its uncomfortable confines.
He lined himself up, and leaned over his body to whisper into the omega’s ear, “You ready baby?”
Guan Shan shivered at the warm breath at his ear, not trusting his words he simply nodded, grasping the sheets in a white knuckled grip.
He Tian finally pushed in with a satisfied growl, moving in until their hips were flush against each other. Guan Shan moaned in encouragement, wiggling his hips indicating he wanted He Tian to move already.
He Tian couldn't hold himself back as he began to move at a near bruising pace, not that the omega was going to complain.
“F-Fuck, Guan Shan….you’re mine now” He Tian growled into the omega’s neck.
Mo Guan Shan moaned, a pleasant feeling washing over him at He Tian’s words spoken so close.
He rocked his hips back to meet the alpha’s thrusts shakily, those words bringing him nearer to the edge; the omega turned his head to try and face the alpha.
He Tian admired the omega’s alluring expression, his cheeks beautifully flushed and his eyes glazed over in lust and desire, leftover tears pooling the corners. It was so unlike the usual frown or scowl he always wore, he honestly couldn’t pick a favorite.
“Tian...bite” he begged, wanting nothing more than to finally be claimed, something he doubted would ever happen to him, before today.
The alpha wasted no time in granting his wish, digging his teeth into the flesh right at his scent glands, he could feel his knot swell, close to release himself
Guan Shan’s hips stuttered in their movement as he buried his face in the pillow to muffle his cry as the pleasure became too much to bear, spilling onto the sheets beneath him, “He-He Tian…” Guan Shan gasped trying to get his alpha’s attention but he was too far gone.
He Tian only got a few more thrusts in before he was filling his omega, his knot swollen and secure inside him. He took care not to collapse on his omega, instead rolling them onto their sides so he could hold Guan Shan from behind. running his hand over the omega’s toned chest, feeling the slowing heartbeat underneath.
Guan Shan had the sheets gripped in his fist and was biting his lip anxiously. He Tian frowned, wondering what was worrying him, they were mated now and he had agreed to it, the bite….
“Shit…” It would have been hard for He Tian to get his bite while they were in that position, it will probably hurt more now than if they had done it while they were still fucking, “After the knot goes away you can mark me” he quickly told the omega, feeling guilty that he had forgotten.
“...Won’t it hurt?” Mo Guan Shan mumbled, he wanted to mark He Tian too, actually had to for the mating to be complete.
“Don’t worry about that, you want to claim me too right?”
Mo Guan Shan opted not to answer that question, if he was okay with the pain then the omega wasn’t going to complain now.
The omega struggled to stay awake, his body demanding rest before his heat inevitably peaks again. It didn't help that He Tian’s relaxing scent and body heat were surrounding him.
A few comfortably silent minutes later He Tian was able to remove himself from Guan Shan, slightly startling the omega who was still trying not to fall asleep yet. He Tian moved back a little to let Guan Shan roll onto his back, taking the opportunity to steal a quick kiss.
“Ready?” He Tian was leaning over the omega, his hands on either side of his head.
“Just hurry up so I can go sleep” Guan Shan yawned, blinking sleepily.
The alpha lowered himself, offering his neck to the omega who placed a hand on his shoulder and wrapped the other around the nape his neck.
He Tian winced when he felt Mo Guan Shan bite down, relaxing when he felt his tongue licking up the wound. As soon as he was done he lied back down beside the omega, pulling him onto his chest so the omega’s head was resting right over his heart.
They fell asleep quickly neither feeling the need to exchange anymore words; both feeling satisfied and looking forward to spending the rest of the week together.  
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