#/i hold this moon lady out to u very politely basically
nulltune · 2 years
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idk why but i'm feeling !!! damn festive!!!! soo i'll cope with an inbox call! 😳✨️ will def be winter/christmas related jsyk -winks- and i'll be capping at aaaa lucky seven! WAIT I'M GETTING MORE HYPED AS I SEE THESE LIKES TYSM 🥺🥺 CAP REMOVED NOW!!! GO WILD GO FREEEE COME 2 MEEEE as usual, multis don't forget to specify ! <3
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ink-flavored · 5 years
11/11/11 Tag Game
Tagged by the lovely @bookenders ! thanks!
1. Would you rather know every language on Earth except the one of the country you currently reside, or know every word and definition of every word in your native tongue?
2. You are now allowed to own any animal with the guarantee that you’ll be able to take care of it properly. Who’s your new best friend?
3. What’s the most ridiculous thing on your bucket list?
4. You have to be handcuffed to one of your characters for a week. Who do you pick?
5. What 3 famous people, living or dead, would you most like to chat with?
6. What’s the worst nickname you’ve ever gotten?
7. Do you believe in ghosts? Why/Why not?
8. What’s the best day of the week?
9. Best and worst things you’ve ever bought?
10. You can ask one question, and have it answered completely truthfully – no strings attached. What do you ask?
11. What’s a random piece of trivia you know?
Tagging (no pressure!): @royalbounties, @rainy-rose, @cataclysmic-writer, @isanyonetoknow, @frankenstienn, @rrrawrf-writes, @qelizhus, @tenacious-scripturient @surroundedbypearls, @farrradays, @blueinkblot, and anyone else who feels like it!
 My answers below the cut!
1. What’s a writing tip or piece of advice you stand by 100%? What’s a piece of advice/tip you stand by 0%?
One tip I always stand by is to never let anyone dictate what you write. Criticism has its place, and sometimes that place is in the garbage. If you’re not happy making a change someone asks you to make – or tells you that you “should” make – then you have absolutely no reason to do it. Your vision is yours.
Really, I hate any “tip” that tells you to never do [x]. Only very, very rarely are they actually useful, and what most of them are trying to tell you is to not use [x] until you fully understand how to write without it.
Adverbs, for example. There’s a difference between using adverbs for something like “shouted loudly” and “smiled sadly.” The former is redundant, the second adds character to a scene. Adverbs aren’t evil – but if you don’t know how and where to use them, it makes your writing weaker.
2. What’s your primary concern when starting a new story?
The plot. I’m a terrible outliner, and a lot of my ideas come with only the most basic of arcs before fucking off and leaving me to world-build for the next 6 months and do nothing else.
3. What’s your favorite literary device?
Ooh, tough one. I’m a huge fan of foreshadowing – writing and reading it – but symbolism is so cool too.  And metaphors! Ugh! Too many cool ones, pass.
4. Who is your favorite artist? Have you ever written anything inspired by their art? What was it? If not, would you ever? What would it be?
Although, I will say my recent art trade with my (very cool) friend @/malikbishtar was EXTREMELY fun!! You can find [my half] here and [their half] here!! That particular trade was fanfic/fanart respectively, and I would 100% be down for doing that again or for an original trade with somebody else!
As for writing something out of the blue based on somebody’s art, no I’ve never done that. I’m very shy about posting my writing online (I always have been), especially unsolicited writing for other people. I’ve certainly been inspired by people’s art, but I’ve never “done” anything about it, if you feel me. Maybe someday!
5. Are there any tourist traps in the world of your WIP? What are they?
YES absolutely. Especially in The God-Dragon’s Wife. Because the population of Syo-Lang (most of it anyway) is so religious and devoted to the God-Dragons, there’s a huge market for touring sacred spaces, cities build elaborate temples in hopes of attracting locals and visitors alike, you’d swear there was a “who can hold the biggest parade in honor of Keungkai” contest when the new year comes around. It gets absolutely crazy.
6. What do you love about your writing style?
I really like my description. As much as I like to complain, I think it’s the strongest part of my prose writing.
7. What do you love about your own personal style?
Over the years, I’ve slowly leaned into the idea that the only person who has to like what I wear is me. So I’ve started wearing more jewelry and crop tops and in general a lot more stuff that shows skin because I feel comfortable in it. And it’s been awesome! I’m having the best time!!
8. In what kind of environment are you happiest?
One that’s quiet and lets me write whenever I want. Also a cat. It should also be raining.
9. How would you write a coffee shop AU of your WIP?
Oh this is the perfect question. The immediate two I have ideas for is TGDW and Dragon Raising, for wildly different reasons.
The God-Dragon’s Wife, obviously, it’s because ~romance~ and I love these two. Xinya is totally an important political person or whatever who comes to this one coffee shop because it’s like 2am because it’s the only place open and she needs a break from paperwork. There’s exactly one (1) other person in the shop that isn’t an employee, and it’s this woman (Yu-Qi) sitting on one of the tables – like on the table, not in a chair – and she says, “the moon told me we’re going to be married one day.” Because it’s 2am and Xinya really does not have the energy for this, she just goes “that’s nice” and continues about her business. Except she is not left to herself for long because moon-lady is insistent on striking up a conversation. Xinya indulges her politely and leaves very fast. But she keeps? Going back? To the coffee shop??? To talk to Yu-Qi???? And doesn’t really get it until it’s too late and she goes oh no. Anyway, someone needs to write that for me once the book is published sdfghjk
For Dragon Raising, I’m just imagining Hayden trying to run a coffee shop while also having to bring his pet dragons to work because he can’t leave them alone in his apartment and it turns out they’re very helpful in the kitchen. A slice-of-life, dragon café story. I’d read it.
10. Sweatpants or leggings? Why?
Depends! I live in Florida, so wearing sweatpants outside is usually a bad idea, but I wear them when I lounge around inside all the time. I prefer leggings when I go out, so I don’t die of heatstroke.
11. What feeds your creative energy?
C O N S U M I N G.
But for real, I get creativity by sucking in media and spitting back out my ideas. Whether that’s a show, a movie, a book, a comic, a game, literally whatever, I get so much inspiration and energy by seeing what others have done and incorporating it into my own works. Even if I dislike it, I can look at whatever made me go sour and think, “Okay, now I know what I won’t do in my next idea.”
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