#/nsfw text
…would anyone be interested in nsfw headcanons for the lumpytouch where’s Waldo series-
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citrinitxs · 3 days
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ALBEDO has his own preferences, but if you ask him...
... He certainly won't mind experimenting with the human body. People of all genders are not a bother, so as long they catch his interest long enough. To think someone so calm like him would have such thoughts...
Well. Far be it for him than to enact on his urges every once in a while. A shame that he can be quite the sadist in bed.
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gibbearish · 3 months
re: your post about vaginismus. idk if that's specifically what i have but i definitely have some sort of pelvic floor disorder going on and i was wondering if it's not just an option to never ever partake in any sort of vaginal penetration ever? everyone always acts like you HAVE to treat it by, you know, putting things in your vagina. but i am just not okay with that even remotely even a little bit ever at all. i would genuinely consider any kind of penetration to be sexual assault and would never ever consent to it, not even for medical purposes.
i tried pelvic floor therapy that involved "external" work like breathing & muscle exercises but it really felt like it wasn't helping and was so unjustifiably expensive that i honestly feel like i got scammed :/
i've even spoken to two separate sex therapists about it and all they did was tell me my feelings were valid but never actually offered any helpful insights or advice, leading me to believe they've never encountered anyone like me before, like i'm maybe the most uniquely messed up person in the world to the point that not even sex therapists—whose whole job (i perhaps falsely believed) is helping people with sexual issues—know what to do with me.
so what is someone like me supposed to do?
so before i say anything else, i do just want to offer a disclaimer that i am not a medical professional and everything i say should be taken with a grain of salt, everything im gonna be saying here is speculation based solely on the things youve said and my own personal experiences. i also want to add my generic "if youre in the united states, do everything through planned parenthood" advisory here, they have excellent service and idk how they vet their references but it's kept me from having bad experiences through them so far, so it seems to be working and i highly recommend going through them for anything sexual health related if you have the ability.
now, with that out of the way, on to some more specific advice. so firstly, no, you do not have to treat it. your body is yours and you choose what happens to it. however, that doesn't automatically make every choice a healthy one. you could choose to never brush your teeth or go to the dentist, and anyone who tried to pin you down and forcefully clean your teeth would in fact be assaulting you, but that wouldn't change the fact that we brush our teeth for a reason yknow? it's your body and your choice, and you are allowed to make unhealthy choices if you want, but you should be able to ackowledge them as what they are. and i understand penetration can be scary and hard, believe me, but there are genuine health reasons for doing so. pap smears are how they check for cervical cancer (i just got one done today!), and even outside of that there are things that can cause major problems if left unchecked. for instance vaginal atrophy can make the walls of the vaginal canal dry out and stick together, and if that happens for an extended time with nothing to separate them, those walls can then fuse to and grow into each other. in severe cases, the vaginal canal can fully seal shut, the worst case i read about was a woman in an old folks home who had atrophy from menopause and no sexual activity, so she only found out when the growing skin sealed her /urethra/ shut.
i'm not telling you these things to scare you, but just to hopefully give you some perspective on why medical professionals are so insistent about it. the purpose of invasive tests like pap smears is to prevent having to do much more invasive work down the line to fix things, like cancer treatments or surgically reopening your pee hole. and that's not to say if you don't try to treat yours, those will 100% happen, my point is that if youre not able to work through this fear, you simply won't be able to take those preventative measures. like i said, its your body and you choose what happens to it, but like. there is a legitimate reason for people wanting treatment for vaginismus beyond just sex, i know some people do come at it from an angle of "rrgh sex is what makes us human you must be able to have sex ragagagahg" which is obviously fucked up, but a lot of it does actually come from a place of genuine concern for your health. also, this is just a sidenote, but the breathing and muscle exercises /do/ help, however if youre unwilling to consent to penetration then they don't really have a way to check if it's working and give you pointers on which exercises would actually help you the most. obv you know your situation better than i do so use your best judgement as to whether other factors point to it being a scam, but as someone who's been through that therapy i can confirm that those steps are a normal part of the therapy for it and aren't useless. it's just that therapists can only really help as much as you let them.
and with that, i want to move on to something else, and i know i said this before but i want to reiterate that everything im about to say is entirely speculation. that being said, im getting the feeling that maybe youre not being entirely truthful with yourself about this. you say that you don't want penetration and would never consent, but youve visited multiple doctors about it and are now reaching out to me for answers too. im not sure if the reply i got on that post to a similar tune around the same time was also you or not, but if it was then you reached out through multiple channels as well. and to me, that says that maybe you /do/ actually want to try treating it, but are being held back by fear. whether that fear is due to the previous bad experiences youve had or something else in your past, i couldnt tell you, but given all of that and esp the "maybe i'm a uniquely messed up person" part, i get the feeling that youre not as ok with having it as youre saying you are, and as id wager you mightve told those sex therapists? like. that to me doesnt sound like the statement of someone who is content with the way their body is functioning. to me, it sounds like you are unhappy with having this disorder but your previous attempts to resolve it have stalled out or gotten you nowhere, so youve convinced yourself you're fine with it rather than risk another failure.
because here's the thing. im very careful when talking about this disorder publically not to say that it makes one broken or that sex is a necessary part of being human. and ive been paying closer attention to how misunderstandings like these happen lately, and ive noticed that you can usually learn a lot from people based on what they get defensive about; "if the shoe fits" is a saying for a reason, after all. so when people read my post simply offering resources to those struggling with treatment and come away from it hearing "you are broken and should fix this," it tells me that that interpretation was likely already in their mind before they started reading, that that was the lense they were already viewing my words through. so when they hit a part that seemingly confirmed it, they got defensive. and again, this is all 100% speculation, i know nothing about you beyond this ask and can't know if this is accurate or not. all I'm saying is like. really take some time to sit with your feelings about this disorder and assess if you genuinely are fine with having it. idk if this was included in the version you saw, but in one of the additions to that post i mentioned that like. for a long time i felt the same about my disorder, i'm transmasc so there was something validating about only being able to do sex like a gay man, of not physically having the vaginal option, but. after a while i realized that was just a bandaid for me, an excuse to be ok with it rather than an explanation. whether i wanted to do it "the girl way" or not, i didn't like not getting the choice.
and that's a theme ive actually seen repeated in the tags of that post a bit, ive gotten comments from quite a few ppl saying "i'm ace so this shouldnt matter to me. And Yet...👀" because. like. its your body!!! you want to feel like you have full control over it!!!! choosing not to have sex or not to allow penetration can feel fundamentally different than basically having it dangled in front of your face your whole life but just out of reach. like, there are a bunch of people out there getting treatment because of this post specifically so that they can be ace but Harder. so like. idk, i think what im trying to say it that like. you dont have to try to make yourself be ok with penetration for any reason if you dont want to. but to me it sounds like having the choice could being you peace. reading your ask back, i notice that you didn't actually say youre ok with having this, just that youre vehemently /not/ ok with penetration, and idk. to me that sounds less like peace with where youre at and more like fear. and i think dealing with that fear might get you much further in accepting this part of yourself if just trying to be ok with it on its own isnt getting you anywhere.
now, all of that aside, if that speculation is wrong and it is just outside pressure giving you conflict, that gets a bit more difficult and idk how helpful my advice here can be. my first thought would be to try reaching out to a regular therapist rather than specifically a sex therapist, that way if your aversion to it turns out to be like trauma related or smth, they could help you deal with it, whether by helping you unwind that aversion or by figuring out why external opinions are influencing your self-image so much. other than that, maybe just. try really driving home that its not the penetration aversion thats giving you problems, but your feelings /about/ the aversion? im not sure how you brought this up to them but therapists can sometimes do this thing where they latch on to one specific idea and ignore what youre actually telling them, so i can imagine them getting easily sidetracked into thinking the conflict was about the penetration itself so when you said you were ok with not doing it, they were like "oh! cool well problem solved then, they just needed validation that theyre allowed to not want sex!:))!!!!!" which. sucks massively that that can happen, but therapists are human too and are not immune to having their own internal biases. either way, unfortunately without knowing more about your specific situation+therapist experiences, i don't think i can offer much specific help? it could have just been issues with those specific therapists, or it could have been like with the breathing+muscle exercises where there was something more going on behind the scenes that you werent aware of, or it could be that your issues with this are entirely unrelated to sex which is why sex therapists werent able to help. i would encourage trying more therapists, but i also very very much understand the mental exhaustion involved with that whole process (currently procrastinating setting up my own therapy appointments because my last three have sucked, so seriously, i /very/ much get it kwbfksbfkd) so i get it if that advice rings hollow. i will say though, ive heard from a friend who's currently in therapy that good therapists will indeed ask follow up questions and actually dig up the part thats bugging you, whether you entirely want to give it up or not, but i don't know if that translates for sex therapists. i should hope so but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who knows. either way though, them not being able to help does not mean youre uniquely fucked up, it just means that they werent the therapists for you.
the only other idea i really have is to just like. maybe familiarize yourself with signs of cervical cancer? i know very little about it myself so i dont even know if there are other external signs, but id assume yes and that people dont just Randomly Drop Dead One Day. so i would research like. what pains to keep an eye out for, changes in urinary habits, things like that, bc if it were me i think that would probably help me feel better abt the whole situation would be knowing i had a backup for the medical aspect.
this got really long and idk if there's a tldr that could do it justice but i think if i had to condense all of this down i would say that no, you are not broken for having this disorder and you do not have to fix it if you don't want to, but i kinda get the feeling that you maybe do want to? however that is entirely a guess that could easily be wrong, so if it is, then i would reach out to a non-sex therapist, because either way it does sound like these feelings are effecting you negatively quite a bit. you deserve to genuinely feel happy with your body, not to feel like the most uniquely messed up person in the world, and a good therapist can help you get there regardless of where those feelings are coming from.
but yeah, i hope this is helpful in some way and that the speculation was ok, it just. really sounds to me like your feelings on this might be more complex than you're letting yourself feel. and i hope that in the event i am wrong, i offered enough possible alternatives to still be helpful 💕 best of luck
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cutelootsuit · 2 years
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the eggest event that has ever taken place 
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sycoraxophone · 2 years
the big boys are married but the bigger boys are fwb
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fallershipping · 1 year
Adult Oriented Headcanons (+18)
Won't get too wild, but wanted to see how the Mature filter worked! Plus, I'll keep this under a read more.
Explicit language ahead! Please be advised before reading!
Both: - Neither Looker nor Anabel are more sexually dominant than the other. - They are relatively vanilla or start off vanilla at the very least. - Both agents have never been in a relationship before each other. They're not exactly inexperienced or awkward at sex either, though they did learn a lot over time. - Both are headcanon'd to be under the Ace Spectrum? Specifically Demi, I guess. - Sex, let alone romance, wasn't something either really thought about or if they did, didn't see it feasible due to their Interpol careers. - Looker and Anabel do masturbate though. Faceless fantasies started to become not so faceless when their feelings began to bloom, however. - Have definitely fucked in Interpol's HQ at least once.
Looker: - Big spoon - Cuddlebug. He loves holding Anabel close to him subconsciously. - Loves body exploration. He's a very handsy man, tracing every inch of his lover. Seeks out sensitive spots. - Service Top usually. - Very, very vanilla starting out, but he gains a couple of kinks through osmosis. Or as if he's leveling up. - Particularly, light bondage, use of toys, but most important of all, Roleplay. He's very fond of Roleplay. - He's very gentle, only really hard if asked. - Keen on practicing aftercare, or scooping up Anabel in his arms and carrying her to wherever he feels fit. - Really enjoys it when Anabel's using sweet, food scented shampoos and body lotions. - sometimes bites. not hard. but he nibbles. - He is vehemently against hurting, causing pain, or getting hurt himself. Hard pain turns him off. Gripping hair or skin tightly from pleasure is fine, just no forceful tugging or scratching. - Looker has an uncut penis, and is relatively well endowed. - He bears some scars on his chest due to previous altercations that Anabel sometimes mindlessly traces with her touch. - He's also fit and muscular. Not supermodel skin tight-- he's very natural looking. Anabel is very, very fond of his naked form. - Erogenous zones are neck, chest, and groin. Melts under kisses.
Anabel - Little spoon - Also a cuddler. Likes to rest on top of Looker as if he was Snorlax. - Kisses and teases a lot, trying to incite a reaction out of Looker through light, soft sensations. - Power Bottom usually. - Has a bit more sexual boldness than Looker when exploring fantasies. - Also into roleplay, but specifically... Breeding kinks, feral undertones, anything that rouses Looker to be at his full potential - Got Looker into light bondage and toys. And breeding. - Praises her lover, caresses him, constantly shows him through her actions that he is loved and appreciated. - Likes to wear nothing but Looker's trenchcoat to tease him rather coyly. - likes it when looker bites her;;; - Doesn't like pain either, but also doesn't like being seen like an object or degraded in a misogynistic manner. It really doesn't make her feel good at all. - Anabel has a petite frame and thinly built, not muscular. - Her breasts and butt are fairly smaller than average, yet plush and "oh so cute" according to Looker - Soft skin. "absolutely, delightfully kissable" according to Looker - Erogenous zones are neck, inner thighs, and breasts/nipples. Tends to be noisy from physical affection.
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valleyrunearchives · 2 years
So I'm writing a Stranger Things Steddie fic that's on the... very NSFW side. I thought I'd post my brain child where I thought this up at 2AM last night to try and build some hype for it but uh... As I said it's very NSFW so...
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Be warned of the content below! (OBVI!)
Steve has something bad of an oral fixation. Always has suckers, Gum, pens, his fingers, etc in his mouth. 
Eddie, who he's freshly dating, notices but doesn't really think anything of it. Just assumes it's a comfort habit thing and steadily supplies him with hard candies and other things to suck/chew on. 
Steve attempts to suck Eddie off several times while they're together at Steve's house but Eddie always pulls him back and tells him he doesn't have to if he's not comfortable, knowing it's Steve's first relationship with a guy and thinking that he just wants to try it to get it over with or wants to try to please him or smth. 
Steve gets really frustrated and upset with each denial which confuses Eddie who still thinks it's just a comfort thing. Tries to win him back with more candies and stuff
Eventually Steve can't take it anymore. 
The next shift where Robin and Keith aren't there and he's running the store himself, he purposely waits until Eddie comes in before taking a lunch break. Throws a sign up on the door that says "out to lunch" and locks it before dragging Eddie into the bathroom in the back
Eddie thinks they're about to have some big blowout fight based on the thunderous look on Steve's face until he pushes Eddie's back into the wall and drops to his knees; Practically starts tearing Eddie's belt and jeans off.
Eddie finally understands what's going on and immediately starts trying to dissuade him before Steve glares up at him while stroking him into hardness and says, "Shut the fuck up. Eddie. I've been dying to get your cock in my mouth for ages now. I'm not waiting anymore."
Eddie is stunned to say the least so Steve takes the opportunity of his silence to dive his mouth onto his cock. Eddie moans at the feeling but then notices Steve's reaction. Also moaning softly with eyelids fluttering with bliss.
It finally hits him that this is something Steve LIKES which just turns him on even more. 
For his very first time being on the giving end of a blow job, Steve is good. Really good. Bobbing his head at a good pace and tongue constantly on the move around the head and shaft of his cock. Not the neatest he's ever had but certainly the most enthusiastic from a newly bisexual guy.
And then… Steve goes down further and further and further until his nose is pressed against Eddie's pubes while Steve moans around him in what can only be absolute ecstasy.
Steve has no gag reflex and can deepthroat like a champ and apparently loves it and Eddie is going to die!
Tangles his fingers in Steve's hair and tugs it with a deep groan as his toes curl tight in his shoes. When Steve moans again just as blissed out as before, Eddie realizes that he also likes having his hair pulled. 
This man is going to literally kill him dead in the bathroom of Family Video. 
Eddie guides Steve's movements with his grip on his hair while Steve moans and slurps away happily, hands now resting solidly on Eddie's thighs while letting Eddie practically use his mouth.
Eventually Eddie warns that he's going to come and tries to pull Steve off him. Steve refuses with a glare and tries to take his cock back deeper into his mouth, digging his tongue into Eddie's slit for emphasis on what he wants.
Eddie takes the hint for what it is and slams back into his throat deep, cumming hard down it with a harsh moan. He watches through hazy eyes as he cums as Steve's own pretty eyes roll back with a pleased whine, a few tears escaping the corners of them. 
He pulls back after a minute to catch his breath, nearly blacking out as arousal rushes him again seeing Steve swallow his cum then lick his lips as if it was the best meal he's ever eaten.
Eddie drags him up, kissing him filthily and whispers against his lips to let him return the favor.
"No need," Steve smirks, pulling one of his hands onto his crotch. He's going soft and there's a tell tell wet stain slowly seeping its way through his jeans. "I really like it when you fuck my throat," he whispers like it's a big secret. 
Eddie is going to die again.
Steve steps away on slightly shaky legs before fixing his mussed up hair in the mirror.
"I've got to get back to work but uh…" he smirks at him again, shyer this time, "maybe you can come over to my place after I'm done with my shift? I'd really love to do that again when we're not on a time crunch. And maybe… more than just that?"
Eddie doesn't reply with actual words at that. Just a thumbs up and some kind of mumbled phrase of acceptance if it can even be called that. 
Steve untucks his polo shirt of the day from his jeans and pulls the hem down over the dark spot on his jeans. He leaves Eddie in the bathroom with a promise to see him that night, a smile on his lips that are still swollen, red, and slightly spit shiny from their previous activity and eyes half lidded in content.
Eddie waits until the door is shut before sinking to the floor from legs still too shaky after everything that happened.
He really is going to die. Cause of death: Steve Harrington being way too sexy for his own damn good!
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Lewis being the more dominating one during sex
And Mystery the fucking 100 year old Kitsune is the more subby one, I can just imagine Lewis looking seductive as he ties Mystery up with a cyan blue rope as Mystery blushes hard and has a ballgag in his mouth.
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Be real with me.
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cutelootsuit · 2 years
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norman bates as a woman who i need and woukd destroy
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gibbearish · 10 months
me: oh boy oh boy my injection assist thing should be arriving today
the mail: oops! all vibrator
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loves4ge · 3 months
sending them nudes in the middle of an argument !
incl. nanami kento, sukuna ryomen, toji fushiguro
mdni ❌😔
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