#unfortunately the chunk i have still hasn't been attached yet
aparticularbandit · 6 months
and another chapter of oafc into the fic backlog.
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bit-b · 10 months
Hey bit it's ya boi Honkity
Just wanted to ask do you have any tips for streaming I was thinking about it
Been streaming for a good chunk of time, so I got a few tips.
First off, try not to obsess about numbers.
When you first start out, you will likely have NO ONE watching you. Maybe a couple close friends, but that's it.
It's a harsh reality of a beginner streamer. Maybe your audience hasn't found you yet, or maybe you need to hone your performing skills. Whatever the reason, there will be MANY days where you will be streaming to ZERO people.
On the other side of that coin, don't obsess about making that number higher. Or be upset that you don't have as many people watching you as you usually do. ANY number of viewers is a blessing. It means you found people that like you and are willing to take time out of their day to watch you.
Second tip: Don't do it for the money.
There are some people that can make a comfortable living doing livestreams. And that's great! But not everyone can be so lucky. You very likely won't reach that kind of status.
But in the event you do, you also need to remember that at the end of the day, your viewers are human beings. Ones that have their own lives and responsibilities to tend to. And they need money just as badly as you do. So any donations they give is an act of great generosity. Be thankful for it. And don't demand your audience to do it.
Next tip: be yourself.
Some folks can put on stellar acts for the camera. But not everyone can. So the easiest way to put out a genuine, relatable personality is to just be YOU.
Relax, and treat livestreaming like sitting down with your friends to chill and hang out. In essence, that's kinda what you're doing anyways.
Follow up to that: Be safe.
It's important to protect your identity online. Especially if you're gonna put yourself out there as an influencer.
There have been many unfortunate cases where online personalities get bullied, harassed, and stalked by creeps in their community. Sometimes, they do it OUTSIDE the internet space. So it's very important to only tell people things about yourself that won't lead them back to who you are IRL.
On top of this, parasocial relationships are a MAJOR risk with livestreaming. People may become TOO attached to you and start believing they're a very close friend.
It's your responsibility and best interest to keep those people in check. If any parasocial events take place, remind your audience that you are NOT their friend. Put up a strong wall that you will NOT allow any random person to cross.
Finally, have fun! What I mean by that is:
It can be VERY tempting to lean into internet trends and look for the most popular things to cover. And this isn't a BAD thing, per se. Sometimes it's good to hit that pop culture vein and be relevant. It can help you have traction with algorithms and get more eyes on you.
That said, you won't enjoy streaming if all you're doing is trend chasing. If you don't do things for yourself every now and then, you won't like the platform you built.
So, think of things that sound fun to you. And if those ideas get you excited, GO FOR 'EM!
When you have fun, your audience can sense that. And sometimes, even when the audience isn't interested in the thing you're doing, they'll still hang out just to see your enthusiasm.
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