#:( he looks a lot paler wtf
skinandscales-if · 1 year
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Noodles Night
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lueurjun · 1 year
hufflepuff boyfriend heeseung
feeling really inspired these days idk why, hence why the frequent posts. i might do a written scenario on this too. also lmk if you want more hogwarts enhypen. this is also really long so i’m very sorry about that but i’m running on no sleep it’s 5 am and i’m tired so pls if it’s bad cut me some slack aasdhfkfkdl enjoy
idc what anyone says lee heeseung screams hufflepuff to me
maybe bc i’m a hufflepuff and i want that man in my house
let me have my moment
for the sake of this you guys are also in hufflepuff because this was an impulsive burst of motivation I DONT HAVE A LOT TO WORK WITH RIGHT NOW PLS LET ME LIVE
change it in your mind if you’d like
anyways we’re going for the you fell first, he fell harder trope
i mean who wouldn’t fall at the mere sight of him?
you began harbouring a little crush on him during third year
specifically during potions class when he took the fall for you against snape after you messed up the shrinking potion
he wasn’t even mad. he just gave you a small smile and told you ( gently) to be more careful
you never messed up ever again because if lee heeseung tells you to be careful YOU BE CAREFUL
anyways yes from then on you’re all heart eyes for him any interaction leaves you a bumbling mess
he once sat down next to you in the great hall and you damn near drowned yourself in pumpkin juice
he didn’t reciprocate your crush until fifth year
he’s a lil slow but hey! we got there in the end
his crush specifically started after he got sick and had to spend some time in the hospital wing and you went to great lengths to get past madam pomfrey JUST to give him your notes
you’re an adorable little magic try hard for him like who would go to great lengths like you? no one heeseung should put a ring on it rn
or else i will
you’re very good at hiding your crush ( for the most part other than the fact that you freeze whenever he’s around ) but you’re not completely hopeless
heeseung, on the other hand, is absolutely hopeless
anytime you’re in the vicinity this boy becomes a blushing mess
literally heart eyes for you
you notice that he’s acting different and at first it scares you because suddenly he seems distant
and you start panicking
so you go to sunghoon
bad idea
“is heeseung mad at me?”
“yes. he hates you.”
cue jake stepping in with a wild look of panic on his face
sunghoon just sips his pumpkin juice and goes: “funny”
it wasn’t funny you almost cried
little baby hogwarts student riki who follows them around found it hilarious tho
jake is like a stressed out father
“riki nishimura eat your toast!”
and you’re just confused because you heard jake call you heeseung’s soulmate in a moment of stress
heeseung is blissfully unaware of the turmoil at the dinner table when he strolls into the great hall
though he goes paler than nearly headless nick when he sees you, his precious little soulmate, surrounded by the group of demon spawns he calls his friends
he manages to go even paler when you stand up and march towards him with a look of determination
and he’s taken by surprise when you yank his tie and drag him out of the great hall prompting many hoots and whistles from your friends
poor heeseung just wanted some breakfast
you pull him into a quiet corner and he’s absolutely petrified
“do you hate me?”
you surprise yourself with how blunt you are
it takes a moment for the question to register in heeseung’s mind and when it does…he starts?? laughing
like manically
him? hate you? that’s the funniest joke he’s ever been told
then he catches onto your ‘wtf’ look and realizes that you’re serious
mortified. sickened. DEVASTATED at the fact that you think he hates you
“no-no! oh my god! no no. i don’t hate you? HATE YOU? ME? Goodness no! I’m sorry I made you feel that way-it’s just…you make me nervous and you’re really good looking and i think-no i KNOW! I KNOW i’m in love with you. please don’t hate me”
honestly you aren’t sure what you was expecting but it definitely wasn’t that
you’re at a loss of words because holy shit
lee heeseung likes- no! no he said loves! he loves you
there’s no words that come out
instead you dry heave and heeseung nearly sobs at the fact that he made you almost throw up with his confession
and that makes him dry heave
so there you both are in the corridor continuously heaving
jake, sunghoon and riki are peeking around the corner watching the whole exchange
one looks perplexed, and the other two look absolutely delighted
“bet you five galleons heeseung throws up first”
“you’re on”
“you are not betting on our friends failure! and riki stop gambling you’re like six”
anyways back to the shit show which is confession land
both of you manage to keep down the contents inside your stomach much to the dismay of sunghoon and riki
“i wasn’t- i got nervous!” you try to explain
“it’s completely fine! i wasn’t meant to confess like that and i already knew you weren’t like-into me—“
sunghoon has had enough
bro pops out from around the corner
“they’ve liked you since before merlin was even cruising around! just date already and spare me of this torture!”
everyone say thank you to sunghoon because after his help, the two of you start dating
finally! this took longer than i anticipated-i got carried away very sorry! okay continue
the professors definitely shipped it and had bets on you both
snape owed mcgonagall twenty galleons
even dumbledore was in on it
holding hands under the table is an absolute must
heeseung does this thing when he senses you getting a bit stressed out in class where he’ll rub his thumb over the back of your hand
finding you both curled up together in the common room is a regular occurrence
you’re both devastatingly awkward but in the cutest way
that’s also really painful to watch sometimes
cue your friend group watching you get all blushy and flustered after shamelessly flirting with each other
“someone break them up before i avada kedavra myself here and now”
dragging heeseung by the tie is a common occurrence
and he has a thing for walking behind you gripping the sides of your shirt or robes
you’re both terribly protective of each other
if anyone hurts heeseung’s feelings, oh boy! not even voldemort would be able to stop you
“did they just insult you, hee? i think they did. HEY YOU! SAY THAT TO HIM AGAIN AND WATCH HOW FAST I RIP EVERY HAIR OUT OF YOUR SCALP, YOU TOAD!”
and if anyone upsets you? oh boy.
he literally shaved someone’s eyebrows off for making you cry. man knows no consequence when it comes to protecting his partner
you both get really shy about pda
so that means whenever you want to share a peck, one of you will hold up a book to hide your faces
making out in the restricted section is a must
the two of you start sneaking off and it becomes noticeable to your friends
“where are they?”
“probably swallowing each others tongues”
when they finally investigate they find out that the two of you have been sneaking off to read muggle stories to each other in the abandoned bathroom
even moaning myrtle cringes at how in love the two of you are
the two of you are really happy
and everyone else is happy that you’re happy
“dibs on naming the future child!”
“sunghoon you are absolutely never naming our baby”
“why not? sunghoon jr lee has a nice ring to it”
you manage to compromise and agree to let sunghoon be the best man at your wedding
he did get the two of you together
perhaps the two of you should repay the favour and find him a match?
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cazimagines · 3 years
Could I request Laszlo reacting to his wife dying in child birth? Sorry if that's too dark, I enjoy your writing and was in such an angsty mood :)
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Warnings: Death, Sad Laszlo
A/N: As I got to the main part (you'll know what part) terrible things by mayday parade started to play and like the timing was so perfect because it fits so well and now I am sobbing.
Extra A/N: Okay literally out of every song on my sad playlist it's choosing all the ones about or that can be associated with death, this is unfair. First 'Terrible things', then 'if I die young' and now 'all I want'. Wtf.
- You and Laszlo were so excited to start your family. You still remember the moment first moment you told Laszlo you were pregnant. You don't think he had ever kissed you as passionately as he did at that moment. He was crying tears of joy as he managed to rest both his hands on the slight bump.
- He became so protective of you, being extremely cautious about everything you did so that you were okay. His arm would be constantly wrapped around you, helping you to new places as it got harder for you to move around.
- Every night he would whisper to you how excited he was your child to be born. He would tell you all the things he planned to do with the child, places he would show them, books he would read, all that he would teach him. In his life he had always been searching for some purpose, it's why he started the institute but he had never felt more like he had found his purpose when you told him you were pregnant. Everything just felt right.
- He'd shower you in kisses every day, telling you how wonderful you were, how beautiful you were. How he loved and adored every little thing about you. John often remarked that he never thought he would see Laszlo expressing his feelings so much until you came along.
- Unfortunately, Laszlo was not at home when your contractions started. You and Sara were having a tea party in the garden when you felt your water break. She managed to guide you into the living room to lay down on the bed, where she managed to call John who rushed to go and fetch Laszlo from his work
- You were screaming in pain as you clutched Sara's hand tightly, it was one of the worst feelings you felt. You wanted it to all be over but the shock waves of pain kept crashing into you and you were beginning to feel so weak. There was a ringing in your head as your eyes became blurry from the pain as you tried to breathe in and out. From the side of your eyes, you could see Sara become paler as he gathered lots of sheets to try and stop the blood from staining the sofa. She didn't know much about giving birth but she didn't believe there should be as much blood as to what was currently coming out of you
- Laszlo had never sprinted so fast to his carriage. After John ran into the room he was in with Theodore what was happening he had charged into it and told Cyrus to get him back to the house as quickly as possible. Already a lot of time had been lost with how long it had taken for John to be informed and then to find out where Laszlo was and rushed to get him.
- As he arrived pain stuck his heart as he heard your shouts of pure pain even from outside the house. He quickly barged into the house, frantically looking for where you were. Usually, men waited outside the room for the baby to be born but he couldn't bear being away from this moment, plus it was unlikely they would be able to get you to a hospital in time and he was the only one even slightly qualified to deal with this.
- He was at your side the whole time, letting you clutch his hand tightly as you squeezed. He kissed your forehead lots of times reassuring you that you were doing great and that it would all be over soon as he anxiously watched where you were pushing. There was so much blood, more than there should be and he didn't need to know from Sara whispering to him 'something is wrong' but everything would be okay. They had to be. They will be.
- After hours the baby emerged. John helped Laszlo pull the child, which was a girl out, and positioned her in his arm. Laszlo's eye sparkled with joy as he looks down at his daughter. 'Look y/n' he mumbles, bringing your daughter over to your side but as he looked back up at you, panic gripped him. You were barely conscious and the ghost of a smile was on your lips as your half-closed eyes looked over at Laszlo holding your child in his arms.
- You shakingly lifted your hand slightly, whispering to Laszlo to hold your hand. He passed your daughter to Sara as he clasped your hand. He started begging you to stay awake, to keep pushing through and that you would be okay as he covered your hand in kisses and clasped it tightly to his chest. His eyes swarmed with tears as you shook your head slightly. 'I love you Laszlo' you whisper before your eyes finally close and your hand goes slack in his.
- He screamed, cried, let out all sorts of noises as he clasped your body, pulling it over to cradle in his arms. Sara and John quickly left the room taking your daughter with them so that Laszlo could have this moment of peace. Tears flowed out of his eyes and fell onto your ever-growing cold skin. He kissed your forehead, closing his eyes as he whispered at you to come back, that he couldn't do this without you, but you never did.
- For the next month Laszlo was an echo of himself. He hardly talked to anyone or interacted with any of the kids at the institute. It was as if a part of himself switched off the day you died. What was supposed to be the happiest day of his life became his worst. Sara stayed around the first few nights looking after your daughter as Laszlo grieved but after a while, she had to go. Laszlo wanted nothing more than to be with his daughter but every time he looked at her he felt the pain of losing you come straight back.
- He blamed himself entirely for your death. He was the doctor he should be done more to ensure your safety, he should have never left you alone that day. It was stupid of him to ever consider working when you were due, if he had been there he could have taken you to a proper hospital. John tried to tell him that it was just a cruel twist of fate and there was nothing else Laszlo could have done but Laszlo refused to listen. He was to blame, that was sure.
- Laszlo hired a nanny to help look after your daughter. He knew in the state he was he couldn't look after her, he needed help. He assumed after a few months he would be able to take on more of a parental role for her but the pain never faded. Especially as the more your daughter grew the more he realised she was a spitting image of you.
- It was like she became another child of the institute. He would watch her play with the other children but he was almost a stranger to her. After missing out on those early years of bonding he just didn't know how to anymore. He desperately wanted to, he would push all the pain he felt inside to try and to talk to her, ask how her day is, even try to take her out to the fair which he thought she might enjoy. But his mind always wandered back to imaging doing all these things with his daughter with you. In the awkward silence between him and his daughter was the reminder that you were no longer there.
- In the end, he had to settle to knowing he would never be as close to his daughter as he truly wanted to, he had to watch her be happy from the side as he slowly caved inwards from his grief.
A/N: I'm so sorry
TAGS: @shrekboobies @arianalilyblack @wonderwoman292 @zemosimp420 @lieutenantn @neoarchipelago @cable-kenobi @edencherries @faustlyaccused @julyvegan @prestigious-tea @hannahbal-the-fannibal @my-blood-is-maple-syrup @competitivepomegranate @mywinterivy @xxlumos @cathana2264 @ajokeformur-ray @nev3rfound
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macaronnya · 2 years
Fresh(?) Impressions (6)
Other parts: |Trickstar| |UNDEAD| |2wink| |Ra*bits| |Akatsuki| |fine| |Ryuseitai| |Knights| |Valkyrie| |Switch| |MaM/Double Face/Crazy:B| |Eden| |Alkaloid|
Hello Enstarries~☆ fine, the most flavourful group so far, is here and B O Y do I have a lot to say about them. After quite a while, I'm getting used to seeing Anzu not actually talking and the vibe of the game. Also, I'm positively surprised by how much you can modify the lives. For some reason, often times, my fingers won't register (even though I debuted as a rhythm game player with them) but my hands are too small for my thumbs to reach everything comfortably. So, to be able to adjust the position of the half-circle is very convenient! The displayed text during a live seems to have gotten smaller, though. Not that it bothers me much. Btw kinda late, but the overall impression score isn't mathematically made of the other ones. We don't do math here except for gems.
DISCLAIMER!: Everything said here is for entertainment purposes only and not meant to attack anyone. This is not an accurate description of any characters but my subjective rambling for fun, so please don't take it too seriously. (Just to be safe, I'm kinda scared of elite idol fans) Also, you will hear me mention other games a bunch of times bc I'm that bad and uncreative at explaining and I'm still grieving A3!EN's shutdown. Eng is my 2nd (or 3rd?) language fyi.
Without further ado...Let's Ensemble!☆
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fine is.....honestly, idek where to begin. 1. It seems to be this absolute high ranking unit, that the main rookie unit (Trickstar) is supposed to overthrow. 2. Besides being an elite unit, it is also filled with elite kids. 3. There seems to be a hierarchy where it goes Eiichi > Tori > Yuzuru and Wataru is somehow just vibing them. & 4. The unit used to consist of Eiichi, 2 members from Eden and one from Switch but smth happened and they broke up (their song still goes hard though). 5. They seem kind of pretentious and 3/4 might be rude at first. And I'm not going off of their status rn.
Now that the things I can't really connect in a nice text are out of the way, let's go a bit slower. Their uniform is some fancy formal wear in light colory ivory and blue. Everyone is actually wearing the same thing without any kind of individual distinction except Tori that little snowflake. Since the vibe is smth along the lines of "We are the absolute good and perfect" and smth smth heavenly, I guess it makes sense to omit individuality, as it would disrupt the peace or harmony. It's pretty, elegant and pleasing to look at. Every uniform is tailored to the characters but somehow I find that these go specially well with their hair color. Orchestra leaning music is also fitting for the overall theme and it's pretty OK I guess. I do like a a few but it's no strong feeling for the majority (as I don't really listen to them often). My favs are The Tempest Night and Genuine Revelation.
6/10 - definitely not average or even near it but I have quite mixed feelings about them, mainly the members not the music
Eiichi Tenshouin
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Komaeda (Danganronpa 2) but make him the opposite of a hobo and in idol version. Ok, so he basically caused a whole war within the idol industry or idol course bc he loves idols so much and holds them in high regards, that he wishes to weed out the "bad" ones or smth like that? (I'm guessing in the latter half) Princely characters that aren't baby are never to be trusted too so easily smh I'm sure he has a soft side to him and all that, he reformed after all?, but he just UNINGED, MASTERMIND, 🙂 Nice voice though. And he does look pretty, kinda. The models are kind of paler than the cards so his hair color looks like mayonnaise but he looks nice otherwise. Besides that, I can pick out that he's very very very goal driven and thorough. Less of an authorative air than Keito but scarier. A gay the fandom collectively does not respect.
4/10 - first one to be lower than the default 5 bc....look at this
Wataru Hibiki
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AMAZING L'Oréal model right here. I love his hair, so long, so pretty. Does he take care of it by himself? Either can only do this hairstyle or can do a ton wide variety. No in-between. Literally an amalgmation of Nagi (Idolish7), Tenma & Homare (A3!). He's loud, unapologetic dramatic, determined, confident and born for the stage 🌹 Would throw roses and and confetti before he goes into a room. Though, you would hear him before actually seeing him. Has the Yoosung (Mystic Messenger) voice clip. You know the one 😭 Also, completely fine going for a married woman, if it weren't the mother of one of his collegue. Isn't there a theory that he is actually an imposter of the real Wataru and might be brothers with Hajime bc same hair and eye color? Wouldn't be the first look-like-siblings-but-aren't pair.
7.5/10 - I don't actually like him that much and he'd even be kind of annoying to be around but he's just really AMAZING
Tori Himemiya
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Brat. Himedere. Annoying. Literally a child. Who let this sassy lost child around? Seeing himself so grown up and mature but still thinking it's possible for everyone to like him, the naivety. He knows his charm and uses it to his advantage but toddlers can do that too. Also entitled. Idk man he's very childish and childlike (two different things). Thrives on attention. I guess I can see his goodwill, he did get sad that he can't inspire new idols, even though he is so loved and popular. And he probably has other nice sides to him. But I just can't stand overly💖 cutesy🤗 characters🌷. Especially the smug ones. He's what I thought Ra*bits would be (thank god they're not). I don't think he's stupid or an airhead, though. Average academically and in general, just....child. Not a bebi but a baby.
3/10 - yes, he's lower than the one who caused a war, I like his solo song for some reason
Yuzuru Fushimi
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You, who bears the family name of my other Nr.1 in A3!, 🤎Omi Fushimi🤎, are highly likely not worth it. No hate against him, he just seems pretty unassuming (not like Omi started like that as well for me...). I take it he's one hell of a butler. He wakes up for work, he eats work, he breathes work, he dreams of work. Another hobbyless person. Maybe working is his hobby? Considering how much serving someone encompasses. Not sure if he's actually from an influental family as well. Does Toru appreciate him? Is it like a childhood friend servitude or really more business like? I can't tell if he's a generally polite person or if he's only like that to people he thinks deserve it. His hair color is pretty, I suppose.
5/10 - if he was a seasoning, he'd be salt
I don't know man. I've heard a lot but as I mentioned in my first post, it's all mostly out of context, so my impression is likely quite skewed. I had so much to say in the beginning I had to seperate it in two paragraphs for easier reading, which is a first. The most group ever.
This is the beginning of the not so normal groups. But what even is normal anyways, right? Good thing the biggest group is only 5 members. I wouldn't want to go over tumblr's 10 pic limit. WAIT, THE LOGO PIC!!! Oh, well....
Anyways, that's the end for now. If you wanna share what you thought of it or so, keep in mind to be respectful and that it's just for fun! Until next post y'all~☆
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no see i wanted you to keep going its great!!!! haha. and yeah same about being on here w her and leaving then coming back lol. what was your old url i may have followed you??? and i feel like i know the poetry you mean and while i am white that is absolutely insane to hear because i also read it as being about his blackness????? did white bandom really manage to whitewash that??? like maybe its because (unlike a lot of ppl on here it seems like) i have real life black friends around me all the time and grew up with black folks but i find it strange even still if just from a critical thinking perspective djdjsjxjsj. like i am pea brain but STILL wtf lol. anyway... re: the photoshopping.... what is his actual skintone? im kind of confused by the photos you posted in regards to the editing bc i just really don’t understand saturation etc rip. ANYWAY feel free to ramble more i literally adore learning about it. like i dont need more whitewashed pete content i want who he really is. it makes my heart so full i love him so much ���
im glad you enjoy hearing me ramble about this haha!!! i had a couple urls that i was known by. i was deadnarrival, soulpunkboxes and diykordie at various points in time, although the last one was the one i deactivated under. i went by just mellie at the time, although now i go by dils more often (though mellie is still my name and is short for my full first name, amelia)
wrt the poetry, its possible that people didnt so much as miss the blackness as much as they didnt feel qualified to bring it up at all?? and while its fair to not discuss it, it was really alienating for no one to even mention race at all. i wasnt friends with any black fob fans at the time, the ones i knew of had moved on bc they felt kind of unwelcome, which is pretty common in all subcultures, so i was just like reading people talk about how sad and emotional it was like he was some kicked puppy and then reading this poem full of tangible anger and resentment and frustration and a desire to fix the world and a desire to not be part of whats broken and it was like. damn. yall just see sadboi shit?? wild.
ANYWAY to address your questoon about skin tone, to tldr, saturation is how bright a colour is. 100% saturation is pure colour, while 0% saturation is pure grey, so lowering the saturation makes colours duller. exposure is the amount of light a photo, so low exposure makes a picture look too dark, and high exposure makes it look too bright, and can make everything look white, or at least much lighter. so lowering the saturation makes colours duller, raising the exposure makes the image paler, doing both... ya.
but here are some pics where petes not edited or isnt super pale!!! as a rule of thumb on the red carpet or next to people who are darker than him pete will probably look darker. black fob fans pass these around like currency lmao. these are mostly early pics bc theres definitely more later ones but these are what i have saved.
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that last one is a super special rare pic of pete when he was in arma playing cards outside of a convenience store. his melanin is POPPIN.
something that compounds this is that a lot of filters on social media like insta and snapchat are live action whitewashing. like itll be like "beautify✨" and then you r 5 shades lighter and your nose is slimmed down.
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crystalirises · 4 years
Clouds V.2.
Help girl, I think I’m confused./j
I swear I posted this??? Huh??? I can’t find it on my blog? Bruh???? 
Sorry if I did post this and this becomes a repost, I just can’t find the original post (am I being dumb wtf???)
Anyway... uh... second version of the Clouds fic I posted. Again, sorry if this is a repost I literally am so confused rn. Help ;-; (did I delete it??? omg I can’t remember whut)
It can also be found on Ao3 but Tumblr is being weird for me rn so I can’t add the ao3 link ;-;
Edit: I found the original post but it doesn’t appear unless I click on the fundy tag on my own blog but if I look at just the blog it doesn’t appear... I am so confused tumblr what did I do.
So, same warnings as the previous Clouds fic.
TW: Poisoning and Major Character Death
The pitter-patter of his footsteps echoed loudly against the cobblestone, wringing his hands together he wondered if it would be too inconsiderate of him to cancel at the last second. Ghostbur would be here at any second. The thought only fueled the terrible anxiety that had taken over him the moment Ghostbur had suggested his idea. He should just pretend he was sick... Yeah. Yeah. He could do that, right?
His ears twitched at the top of his head, drooping as he recalled that today was supposed to be a happy one. Phil had come over and Eret had shown him around the castle as Fundy watched from behind the corner. Phil had given nothing away, his lips set into a thin line as he took in the stone walls of the structure. Fundy felt his heart pound at the recent memory, he really thought Phil was going to refuse.
"As you can see, there's plenty of room here for Fundy. I was actually planning to give him this entire wing of the—" Eret was a great host, a perpetual smile on their face despite the tense atmosphere between them and Phil. Fundy didn't know how Eret could keep their calm when he was over there panicking.
"That's enough, Eret. I've seen enough." Phil's voice cut through the air. It was the only time he's spoken since the tour began. Eret turned to face him, their flurried movement muffled by the soft red carpet beneath their feets.
"What's the verdict, then?" Eret's voice was soft, a hint of their own nervousness coming through his tone. Fundy was shaking. He liked Eret. He really did. But Phil... He didn't know what Phil knew about Eret but—
"You're a kind person, Eret, and I can see you've put a lot of thought into this adoption thing." Phil let out a sigh, gesturing to one of the rooms. "Shall we look at the papers then?"
The two disappeared into the room, leaving Fundy to his thoughts. Eret had left the door open a crack, an invitation. Fundy couldn't bring himself to hear Phil break the news that, no, he wasn't getting adopted. Not if Phil had anything to say about it. Fundy sat down in one of the alcoves, forlornly gazing out the window at the clouds that drifted into view. It felt as if an eternity had passed before he heard the creak of the door.
He looked over at the two, a warm grin on both their faces. "You'll be a great parent, Eret. Take good care of him." Phil patted Eret on the back. "If they ever do you wrong, Fundy. Don't ever hesitate to tell me."
And with that, Phil walked away, declining Eret's offer to escort him out the castle.
He looked at Eret - his dad? mom? ren? - disbelief on his face as he realized that it was over. He... He had a parent again!
"D-dad?" The word felt foreign against his tongue... but it felt right.
Eret smiled, opening up his arms. "Come here, son."
He practically jumped into his new parent's arms, a happiness he hadn't felt in a long time bubbling from within him. "Thank you."
Fundy awoke from the memory, a smile had climbed its way to his face as he thought of the events of the morning. He wanted to spend the rest of the day with Eret but Ghostbur paid him a visit. The ghost looked pale - well paler than a ghost should be - he flickered in and out of view so fast that Fundy thought his mind was playing a trick on him. Fundy expected that visit, but he didn't expect what Ghostbur wanted to say.
As blood seeped from the ghost's chest, he had fallen to his knees (uh... Fundy wasn't sure if the ghost tail could be counted as knees), begging Fundy to give him one last day to be a father. If it had been the old Wilbur, Fundy would have said no. But... He couldn't help but pity Ghostbur. He was trying so hard to fix his mistakes… and it wasn't like he knew what he had done in his life. How could Fundy leave him in such a desolate state?
He should have said no. What would he even say? There’s so many things he wished he could say. But Ghostbur… he wasn’t Wilbur. Wilbur was gone, replaced by a pitiful remnant of the man’s spirit. Maybe he should just leave and say he was sick—
“So— Fundy!”
Shit. Too late to go back now. A shiver ran down his spine as the ghost’s presence made itself known, Ghostbur’s low voice causing him to jump a bit as he turned to look around. Ghostbur had a soft smile on his face, his complexion paler than before. Phantom blood clung to the man’s yellow sweater, dripping every so often only to dissipate the moment it reached the ground. Fundy could only hope that Ghostbur’s blood didn’t end up inside the picnic basket he was carrying.
“Hey. Hey, Wil. So, what’s with the picnic basket?”
“Oh! I was wondering what we could do today and then I remembered. Remember when you were younger and we would have a picnic near the riverbank?” There was a glint in Ghostbur’s eyes, Fundy swears he’s seen it before. “I… I thought we could do that.”
Fundy doesn’t have the heart to tell the ghost that... technically… the only person who’ll be eating was Fundy. He sighed, nodding as an answer to Ghostbur’s question. “We used to do it with mom.” He does not miss the way Ghostbur’s smile disappears, grief flickering on the ghost’s face at the mention of his old love. The sad emotion faded just as quickly, replaced by that infuriating smile as if nothing had just happened. “Lead the way then, Wil.”
“OH! Right!”
Ghostbur floated beside him, the cobblestone pathways gave way to wooden bridges and wooden bridges gave way to grassy plains. Fundy wondered why Ghostbur wanted to have their picnic away from New L’Manburg when there was a river nearby its borders. He would ask… if the ghost didn’t keep changing the topic every second. Ghostbur alternated between telling what he had done that day to what Fundy had done that day. Fundy could hardly keep up with the conversation at all. It was almost as if the ghost was rambling.
“I helped Niki with her bakery today—“
“Oh? That’s great, Wil—“
“Have you talked with Niki recently?”
“Well, I—“
“Oh, I also had a small chat with Phil!”
“Uh huh.”
“He eventually had to leave for something, mentioning Eret and a meeting…”
“That’s probably cause—“
“You like Phil, right?”
“Yeah, Wil can you pick one—“
“Oh I also picked some flowers and some berries today.”
“That’s great, Wil.”
“I made you a salad!”
Fundy tuned out midway, seeing as Ghostbur didn’t really care for what he had to say. He looked up into the sky instead, watching the clouds float by, their ethereal presence soothing him a bit. He began to trace their edges, imagining a world within the clouds. If he looked closely, he could almost see a cloud that looked just like a salmon. He felt a sharp pang in his heart, a memory from his childhood echoing from the recesses of his mind.
“My little champion, look at you. When did you get so big, huh?” Wilbur held him closely to his chest, a calloused hand caressing his hair as they made their way through the grassy field. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, a beautiful day… a peaceful day. “What present do you want, huh?”
He looked up, the clouds that floated above their heads looked like the marshmallows that his uncle Tommy had once given him. He pointed at one that looked suspiciously like a flower, “Clouds.” Wilbur laughed, holding his son closer.
“You deserve the world, Fundy.” He placed a small kiss on the top of Fundy’s head. “Someday.”
“Hurry up, you two!” His mother’s voice drifted across the field, the sunlight tangled in her long red hair. She had gone ahead to unpack for the picnic. Fundy could remember her smile, her deep love for him… but… he… he can’t recall what she looked like���
“Fundy?” He tore himself away from the memory, his mother taught him to see the shapes in the clouds, didn’t she? there was a cold hand pressed against his cheek, Ghostbur’s eyes peered down at him from above. The steady noise of a rushing river registered in his ears, how long had he zoned out? He moved away from Ghostbur’s touch, the heat returning to his cheek. “We’re here.” The ghost gestured to the idyllic spot they had stopped at… it almost felt familiar…
“Huh. Sorry, I was… thinking.”
“It’s alright, so— Fundy. Here, sit down.” Fundy looked at the patch of grass his father had pointed to, the picnic basket having been placed down beside it. “Are you hungry? Now, we both know I’m not a great cook but I… tried my best with the salad.”
Fundy hesitantly looked inside the basket, nightmares of Wilbur’s… less than stellar cooking coming to mind. The salad looked dangerously pink, a multitude of berries mixed into the strange creation. Fundy looked up, the chill of Ghostbur’s eager gaze eventually forced him to take the salad out of the basket. He tries not to jump as Ghostbur claps his hands together, spinning mid-air with an almost manic glee.
“It… looks great, Wil.”
No, it did not look great, but… Ghostbur seemed so happy, and Fundy hasn’t even taken a bite yet. Ghostbur giggled, floating down to sit beside Fundy. “It took me a while to gather everything I needed.”
Fundy looked at down at the pink mess of a salad and shakily took a bite. He tries not to gag at the bitter taste on his tongue. Ghostbur looked so happy and he didn’t want to ruin the poor ghost’s efforts. He sighed, shoveling more of the muck into his mouth. The sooner he finishes eating, then the sooner he can get back home to Eret. Ghostbur hummed beside him, seemingly satisfied as Fundy continued to eat.
“You know…” Ghostbur’s voice broke through the silence. Fundy looked up, shaking his head a bit as the world blearily spun around him. “I… don’t like Eret.”
“Wil… the papers were already signed, okay?” Fundy nearly snarls. He didn’t come here to talk about this. “It doesn’t matter what you— I-I thought you wanted to spend time with me!”
Ghostbur blinked down at him, his mouth agape in surprise. “W-wha— Of course I do! I-I’m just… I-I don’t see why you need another father when I’m right he—
“Okay, okay, that’s enough, Wilbur. It’s been fun, it’s been great. But if this is all you wanted to talk about then I’m leaving.” Fundy sighed. He didn’t know what he expected, but he had heard enough. His head was starting to pound… he turned to stand up, “You know what, Wil—“
He shuddered, falling back onto the ground as the world faded into a blur. He felt weak, his head beginning to ache… was he… was he sick? He shivered, curling into himself as a wave of nausea rolled over him.
“Wha— Wil… What did you—“
“I’m sorry, Fundy.” Ghostbur floated into view, a halo of white around his form as he placed a cold hand on Fundy’s head. “I… I tried! I want you to be happy Fundy but I just... Eret? You want Eret as your dad?”
He felt those ghostly hands gently caress his hair, exhaustion seeping into his veins. “It took me a while to find those foxgloves… Niki almost caught me… b-but you have to understand, Fundy, I’m doing this for you!”
“I—“ Fundy whined, his headache worsening as his vision began to blur. He felt so tired…
“I know it hurts, but I promise it’ll be over soon.” Wilbur let out a small huff, wrapping his arms around Fundy’s shivering form, wishing that he could provide some semblance of comfort. “I’ll be here when you wake up. Just… you must be tired, huh?”
Fundy cried as Ghostbur began to hum a familiar tune.
‘I don’t want this.’
‘I don’t want to die like this.’
‘Why did I trust you, Wilbur?’
Fundy began to weep, Ghostbur’s constricting embrace the last thing he feels as he finally falls into sleep.
“It all started on a day like any another”
Fundy woke to a bloody red sky.
“All the salmon had swum to the sea”
The sun was setting in the distance.
“When my lover she darted, away from the stream”
Fundy felt the soft grass that tickled against his skin.
“With a heart that she’d taken from me”
The clouds were beginning to drift away.
“And my chest though it ached, there was hope”
Where was he?
“A little beacon of light”
He knew that song. He looked up, a familiar silhouette stood nearby.
“Though my sunniest days were now stolen away”
There was a satisfied grin on Wilbur’s face.
“Hello, son.”
“I still had our son by my side.”
I am so confused I swear I posted this ;-; (maybe I deleted it idk...)
So yeah this is the second version, hope you guys liked it! Sorry if this is annoying, I’m trying to sort out some stuff on Tumblr cause some of my posts are just *poof* ;-;
Anyway, bye bye.
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urlocalbunny · 4 years
Headcanons of the boys with a pregnant mc??
1/3 that Knows What Might Be Happening Before You Do™ "Holy shit, you're pregnant?" he yelps out of nowhere. Truth is, you don't know wtf he's talking about.
Sniffs the air around you and then gets those dog zoomies in human form. He just runs around the house and comes back into the parlor, looking at you and saying "I'm going to be a fucking father!"
When he calms down and sits, you ask him wtf is going on and he says "I can smell your hormones and you're pregnant?"
You might pass out but no, not with the Super Dad™ looking out for you.
After you actually confirm with a very disgusted Ethan saying something like "ew you both fucked" and leaving, he's going to be overprotective of you.
No running down the stairs. No hard training, just jogs. Not too much. No swords, missy! No running in the hallways, no beer, no to staying in cold baths like you do, no getting sick, eating is a MUST and he's going to play with you in wolf form so you're never down, no stress too, if you want some space, your man's got you, he'll go do something. You're going to have to eat even if you're a chalice.
He will hunt more and eat animals to save your blood and just drink to complete his diet. He might even give you some of his blood once a month.
Gets super excited when the baby moves. Loves them because they kick Ivan's head when he tries to listen to your tummy.
When you're about to give birth he also senses first. Whimpers like a puppy and scoops you up, taking you to the room and doing as planned. Won't leave your side and when he sees your baby's first ever blink, he cries quietly. Will thank you so much.
He's also going to put up the cutest room of all of them. There will be some flowers, nice windows and many fur comfy sheets and the crib is bigger than him. No one knows why.
He is 2/3 that Knows What Might Be Happening Before You Do™. He was under the suspicion that something in your body was changing. He just couldn't put his finger on it.
But then in one night where you both were sleeping together he turned his face upwards and he started to think about how calm the last days had been. His hand caressed your waist lovingly to soothe you when you stirred a little in bed. Your shirt rode up and he was a little weirded out by how your skin seemed thin to the touch.
Almost as if your belly was growing. In fact, he noticed that it was, but it was so little...
He sat up with his back straight like the wall and gasped.
He decided to try and find out without alarming you, but his mind was already making scenarios where your baby would grow up to be an amazing adult and you'd love a great life together.
Is super careful with you, makes sure you're always lively and he chooses some of the softest fabrics for the baby. Sometimes he smiles to himself and closes his hand where the baby moved.
Gets scared when the baby makes weird shapes on your tummy and then giggles. They're so energetic and seem healthy!
When he sleeps, he is always looking forward to meeting his kid again and again, even if they still didn't make it to the world.
Will read you so much poetry and try to make you relax as much as you can.
Will be silent during the birth. Just whispering how proud he is, a wavering smile on his face and tears of pure joy staining his cheeks. When he feels the baby's face, he will gasp. They're so small and delicate. Even if he could see, he could never capture with him brushes how pretty his child was.
3/3 that Knows What Might Be Happening Before You Do.™ He's a demon, for God's sake! (ba doom tssss)
I headcanon that Beliath can feel people's life energy because if demons such as him and Leandra don't know which prey is worth all the power usage and time, life would turn dangerous. It's a basic power to a demon: feel how many people there are in a place by their energy. He will sense your mood swings and most importantly, he will sense a change in your energy.
He's going to be final about it when he gets in the kitchen after helping with the garden to find you sitting with a very creeped out Aaron in the kitchen, eating a beef bigger than your head like your life depended on it even if you had no urges to eat anymore.
He would try to feel for your energy and then he'd sense something like a second presence.
He'd frown deeply. "Aaron, come closer to me." He'd say looking at the floor. "I don't know what's happening to them. They just said to bring meat back home and forced me to make this stew." He said.
"I wash hoongry!" They snarled with their mouth full. Beliath, however, was paler than usual. When Aaron moved, the presence didn't fade. It was inside of his s/o.
You'll be the prettiest pregnant in the world. You'll get jewelry, healthy meals, massages, pedicure, hair care, pretty clothes and he'll even do your makeup when he senses you're close to give birth. He's always making sure you're treated like royalty and you'll never have to stretch your arm out fully.
He'll be very loving and protective. After you give birth he'll find you to be the prettiest person he's ever seen and that's final.
When you're giving birth he's going to be your biggest motivation. He will squeeze you hand and tell you to keep going. Someone like you can pull this off without any doubt.
He doesn't cry much, just a few tears. He's just too mesmerized to ever focus on crying. Your baby is the epitome of beauty. And they smile often. He laughs at their gums.
Part 1/2 of the Clueless Until Something Weird and Fucking Scary Happens™ crew.
He'll only realize when your tummy is growing. He will think you're getting chubby and will blush: you'd look so cute and soft.
but then, in one of these nights where he rests his head on your tummy, it kicks his face!
The both of you will tell almost like the "Stop! I couldda dropped my croissant!" Dude. Now he thinks you're sick!
That is until Ethan, with his eyes bigger than saucers bc he was deceived with the story that you have a strange illness comes to check up on you and then he just rolls his eyes and deadpans, "So, you've knocked MC up and now you want to say they're sick?"
After that, he is even more worried. Looks at himself in the mirror every day for the next nine months thinking that he is going to be a god-damned father. But doesn't let up. Your kid will have a room ready in five days. Seeing him and Beliath putting a crib together is priceless. Bel gets his head smacked with his part of the wood pieces often.
"love, there's paint on your hair. Over here." He's never going to be composed. He's blushing and rushing to the bathroom to clean it.
When the baby is about to come into the world, he's going to ball his eyes out. More than the baby. The baby might give him a stank face for stealing his moment.
Sole member of the group "I Knew From The Start But I Just Denied It Because How Tf Will A Crazy Bastard Like Me Help My Pregnant Partner Raise a Whole Entirety Of a Child?"
He's trying his best to brace himself to be a father. But he just can't imagine not making it harder for you. How was he supposed to teach a kid how to live if he wasn't prepared to go on after 80 years himself?
One day after lost sleep, he will look at himself in the mirror thinking he's just that war doctor that isn't mentality stable. But then it will click: he IS the war doctor. He had made many difficult choices and saw life fade in front of him. He always made the difficult choices. Always chose who was going to live. And he was going to do it again. His child would fucking live. And he was going to make sure of that.
Getting exercise just the right amount, eating right, waking up early and resting early under Ethan's supportive and determined gaze, that's how it would be. Even if he was always taking care of you, he was bracing himself for the possibilities, for be your doctor when you gave birth, for watching over the baby. That's all he could do as he didn't know how to be more than a friend to your baby. If your baby ever loved him.
But as the months ran long and short at the same time, he watched your every gesture. The way you talked to the baby. The way you'd caress and poke your tummy lightly creating little rhythms when you sang. The way you'd mock him when you didn't realize he was there and say he was such a worried and careful father. Saying things the baby would love about him.
Was it possible that even without him seeing a good father on himself, you were actually... Excited?
After that, he went softer still. He'd be mesmerized when the baby moved, when he imagined their tiny hands closed in fists as they ran through the house. Would they be a troublemaker? They could definitely get along. He found himself closer to you, earning and waiting to see what they could do. How they'd change his perception of things even more.
He might not know what he wants for your baby, but he knows what he doesn't want for them and you're definitely with him in this. That's a start, right?
The kind of dad to say the kid's tummy looks like a watermelon. Scares you saying he's giving him some ugly name. Laughs a lot at you and says he's so happy.
Part 2/2 of Clueless Until Something Weird and Fucking Scary Happens™ crew.
You see, you know when there are these pregnant women that have really small tummies and then the baby suddenly punches some room for themselves out of nOWHERE and grow? That was it.
He was like "aww look at ur tummy hehehe kiss kiss cute!"
But then in one of these days, he rests his head on your tummy and the baby is like "oof get off of me I'm sWEATING" and then they jAB HIS HEAD.
He jumps up so high and out the bed that you would mistake him for a long ass frog. He points at your tummy and yells "ETHAAAAAAN"
Ethan isn't even rude seeing how terrified he is. Aaron barges in and then suddenly is full of grow ass men watching your man-kicking tummy. Turns out you were just pregnant. Maybe he'll try yahoo answers? Goooosh, this is hard.
When he collects his thoughts, will be more responsible, shy and clingy. He planned this once in his life before, so he's very happy that this happened now that he's sure of you. You put up with him this whole time, he is sure you're gonna be a good mommy too.
With every single piece of clothing the others bring, he gets more and more excited. Confides in Aaron a lot and when he tells the wolf that he can be the godfather, he literally howls and lifts him up. They might cry in the woods.
He is very soft and he will give you support when it's time for the birth. He just won't cry like Vlad bc after the baby cries and Ethan sighs blissfully he passes out in relief. Ethan groans. But takes care of him anyways. He suddenly got softer after the announcement. He seemed to bond with Ivan... But dONT TELL HIM THAT.
He's also going to make u listen to classical music for your child to be born Smart™ and a Person Of Culture™.
Actually very serious and emotional. Vladimir could never with all his crying.
Your kid is gonna grow up very sweet, but not the type to sit down and be bullied or dismissed bc they'll only know that from their father honestly. I stan your baby
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augustraine · 4 years
being friends to lovers with kaoru featuring third wheel hikaru:
you officially meeting them walking to an after school activity and kaoru ran into you trying to get away from an angry tamaki with hikaru
hikaru thought it was hilarious
kaoru did not
“I’m so sorry!”
VERRRRY embarrassed
you recognized them from your class because they're loud and obnoxious 🙄😒
they took off when they heard tamaki yell
you could hear hikaru making fun of kaoru while they were running away
when you saw them again hikaru actually saw you first and nudged kaoru like an asshole while haruhi rolled their eyes
poor baby was a lil bit red when he saw you
exchange numbers this time
kaoru texted you when he was done with the club
you guys didn’t stop texting till it was late
y’all really hit it off omg
hikaru was jealous tho
it was funny to him when his brother was embarrassed but now boy wants attention
hikaru starts to like you when he catches you trying to pull a prank in your friend
“need help?”
you and hikaru become best friends like that 👏
sarcastic besties
kaoru surprised but happy his brother finally likes you as much as he does (but hopefully not as much boy is starting to REALLY like you)
you suggest that you go to the host club and they BEG you not to
boys don’t want to see their friends expression when they find out what really goes down in the club
they're also lowkey surprised you HAVENT already been to the club but they're thankful
you say you won’t go but do anyways because you’re evil and very curious why they dont want you there
one word.
you can’t get the voice of kaoru saying “hikaru!” out of your head 😪💔
they were LIVID
you were also livid
you definently do think it’s hilarious tho
sometimes when your bored you mimic how kaoru says hikaru and they glare at you.
well kaoru definitely glares at you hikaru snorts everytime you do
second time you went there haruhi waved to you and you hung out with her
tamakis ecstatic haruhi had a “girl figure” in her life now and yall find it weird asf
you keep going to the host club to be entertained but not in the way it’s intended
you and haruhi have the one normal conversation yall can in the host club atmosphere and watch tamaki chase the twins before the twins drive you home
some times at the club you and hikaru bad mouth the guests (but mostly tamaki)
“did you see how they did their hair?”
“i would rather die then do that to myself”
you actually learn fashion tips from him when he makes fun of someone
you're actually very thankful hikaru has never said shit about you because SHIT IS THAT BOY AN ASSHOLE LMAO
kyoya tells hikaru to get back to hosting🙄🙄
the day theres finally some devopment with you and kaoru is when the club is low on flowers and makes yall get more from the garden club
kaoru kept seeing you glancing at a certain flower
and being the sweetheart he is when you weren't paying attention he asked if he could have it to give to you 🥺
when he gave you the flower the way your eyes LIT UP
he was very glad he saw your expression jesus he will forever remember it
smiling he asked what your favorite thing about the flower was
you, BEAMING, explained why and got a little embarrassed after you realized you were rambling and ended with you just like beautiful things and you're glad you get to be around them.
kaoru nodded and said that’s how he feels about you
it took a second for both of yall to process what he said
he then starts digging a deeper hole for himself by saying how he didnt mean he just wants to be near you because you're beautiful and how APPARENTLYYYYY you're an amazing person but you dont buy it 🙄🙄 LMAO
you decide to and his misery and put you're flowers down (while rolling you're eyes obviously)
he looks at you thinking he’s dead and also puts down the flowers he’s holding (like holy shit how much does the host club need)
you walk to him and kiss him
kaoru.exe has stopped working
he doesn’t know where to put his hands after the kiss turns into making out
you have to put his hands where you like
when y’all are done boy is a blushing mess
you pull away smiling but obviously seeing the opportunity you ruin the moment by mimicking how he says hikaru cause your the reason why your friends can’t have nice things
he groans
you have to run to catch up
kaoru doesn’t speak to you for the rest of the day 😪
he’s questioning why he likes you💔💔
you tell hikaru what you did
he thinks it’s hilarious
and oml obviously hikaru knew that you liked kaoru 😒
you and hikaru have weekly sessions or "meetings" as you call them when tamaki is mad yall are splitting off from the group mid hosting LMAO
yall basically both do each others nails and complain about tamaki being annoying 🙄
he talks about whatever the new trend is and you both tell each other drama
yall fucking love it fr fr
but hikaru found out you like kaoru ‼
hikaru despite popular belief knows when kaoru likes someone
so he wasn’t surprised when you said kaoru liked you because duh the fucker already picked up the signs
hikaru tricks you guys into going on a date
yall FINALLLLLYYY come out happily together after the third time
tamaki is more happy than you guys are because yall “found true love” or something 🤨🤨
you and kaoru pretend to break up in front of tamaki a lot
he always believes you guys for some reason!?!?
hikaru laughs about how stupid tamaki is
honestly your friendship with the twins is just playing jokes on everyone
because y’all are assholes ‼‼
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Platinum Cherry Blossom - Kujo Jotaro (2/2)
Fa Mulan - Reader Li Shang - Kujo Jotaro Fa Li (Mulan’s mother) - Bruno Buccellati (You had it coming...) Fa Zhou (Mulan’s father) - Leone Abbacchio (Godamn it, me...) Little Brother (Mulan’s dog) - Ghirga Narancia (Wtf am I doing?) Grandmother Fa - Guido Mista (By this point, you can go ahead and throw me out of the window) The Matchmaker - Trish Una (Sorry, girl, I never liked you) Chi Fu (Annoying Advisor) - Enyaba The Emperor - Joseph Joestar General Li - Sadao (Jotaro’s dad that’s not busy playing the sax anymore) Shan Yu - Dio Brando Yao - Jean - Pierre Polnareff Ling - Kakyoin Noriaki Chien-Po - Avdol Muhammad  Mushu - Iggy Cricket - Sex Pistols (Mainly #5)
This is so much fun omfg, hope you’re enjoying the ride as much as I am!!!
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After such an exhausting day, she just wanted to take a well deserved bath to scrub off the dirt and sweat, while Iggy kept looking left and right, worrying that someone might see her.
She obviously didn’t want to stink like some corn chip man, so she jumped into the water, letting the cool feeling sooth her sore muscles, telling Iggy to stand watch if he’s so worried, as he wouldn’t stop pestering her.
“Yeah, yeah. Stand watch, Iggy, while I blow our secret with my stupid girly habits! Pffft! Hygiene!” Iggy farted next to #5 shamelessly.
However, just as he said that, some cheers could be heard from the distance, and a pair of heart patterned briefs were thrown at Iggy’s head, only to notice the 3 idiots throwing themselves in the water.
As Avdol jumped, he made a canon-ball, making it look like a tsunami took place in the lake, as the girl looked at them horrified, using a lily pad to hide her face while silently swimming behind a rock.
“Oh, hey, it’s Fugo!” Polanreff pointed out, making the girl grin awkwardly, taking the lily pad away from her face. “Oh, uh, hi, guys! I didn’t know you were here!” she tried to do a masculine voice. “I was just washing. So now I’m clean, and I’m gonna go. Bye-bye!” she chirped, trying to hide even more behind the rock. “Aww, come on, don’t leave! I know we were jerks to you before, so let’s start over. Hi, I’m Kakyoin.” he shook the girl’s hand, dragging her forwards. “And I’m Avdol.” she heard the other man say as she unconsciously hit her hand on his chest as she tried to take it away from Kakyoin’s grasp. “Hello, Avdol.” she said softly, before covering her face, realising that Polnareff was butt naked on top of a rock. “And I am Polnareff, King of the Rock! And there’s nothin’ you girls cand do about it!” he put his fists on his hips, rocking proudly. “Oh, yeah? Well, I think Fugo and I can take you.” Kakyoin did some silly karate moves. “I really don’t wanna take him anywhere.” she declared, swimming away to the shore while covering her chest. “But Fugo! He challenged us, we have to fight!” Kakyoing gaped at her. “No, we don’t really have to. We could just...Close our eyes and swim around.” she tried to swim closer to the shore, only to have Kakyoin follow. “Awww, come on, don’t be such a gir-...OUCH! Something bit me!” he shrieked as Iggy bit his butt. “Eww, what a nasty flavour...” Iggy spit in disgust. “AHH! WATER MONSTER!!” he gasped, swimming the hell away from there.
She then took advantage of the commotion to whistle for her horse to come and help cover her up as she left to the shore.
“Boy, that was close...” she sighed, putting her towel closer to her. “No, that was vile!” Iggy brushed his teeth with a lot of mint tooth paste, only to start chewing on coffee gums. “You owe me big!”
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“I NEVER want to see a naked man again.” she declared as she started squeezing her hair of water, her horse rolling his eyes, agreeing with her.
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Only as if on cue, however, the rest of the soldiers started running and cheering naked past her, making her stare in shock and horror at the display, while her horse and Mushu were already dead inside.
“’Ey, don’t look at me, I ain’t bitin’ no more butts.” Iggy groaned, getting away from there.
As they walked back to her tent, they noticed Jotaro and Enyaba arguing, the hag throwing crude, poisonous words at the young captain, completely undeserving, and as soon as he left his tent, trying to cool off his head before Ora Ora-ing the advisor with Star Platinum, she tried to smile at him.
“Heey, I’ll hold her and you punch!...Or not.” she tried to cheer him up, but he only gave her a glance before walking away. “For what it’s worth, I think you’re a great Captain!” she spoke louder, hoping it would help in any way.
For a split second, he stopped and spared her one more glance, before going on his way, making the girl smile softly.
“Heey, I saw that!” Iggy looked at her with a knowing glint in his eyes. “Huh? Saw what?” she blinked, looking at him with confusion. “You like him, don’t you?” he asked, with a weird smirk. “No, I -” she tried to deny everything, but she was quickly cut off anyway. “Go to your tent!” Iggy scolded, but she could only smile back at where Captain Kujo stood before going to sleep.
Without her knowledge, Iggy and #5 made the masterplan of writing a scroll from the General, informing Enyaba that he needs Jotaro’s troops, and then went to make a dummy out of spare armor and cloth, found a random panda bear and went to deliver the scroll to Enyaba, who was out, taking a bath.
Of course, Iggy had to sass the annoying hag, speaking to her aggressively, while the panda went up into the tree, seemingly “vanishing” altogether.
And so, Enyaba rushed to Jotaro, telling him that they are needed in the front, and the next day they packed everything and made their way to the fight.
“For a long time we've been Marching off to battle” everyone started singing, trying to get their mind off the long road.
“In our thundering herd We feel a lot like cattle” Polnareff sighed, hearing the cows moo in the distance.
“Like the pounding beat Our aching feet aren't Easy to ignore” the rest continued their chant.
“Hey, think of instead A girl worth fighting for” Kakyoin smiled, putting his arm around his 2 friends ”Huh?” Y/N looked at them weirdly. “That's what I said A girl worth fighting for I want her paler than the Moon with eyes that Shine like stars” Kakyoin sang, showing a scroll of a beautiful lady, imagining kissing her.
“My girl will marvel at My strength, adore my Battle scars” Polnareff flexed, imagining as he would boast to his beloved.
“I couldn't care less what she'll Wear or what she looks like It all depends on what She cooks like Beef, pork, chicken, mmm” Avdol wondered, smiling softly.
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“Bet the local girls thought You were quite the charmer” Polnareff smirked at Y/N as they passed the river.
“And I'll bet the ladies love A man in armor” Kakyoin flex, his clothes filled with so much water, making him buff like Jotaro, only for him to deflate quickly.
“You can guess what we Have missed the most Since we went off to war” everyone sang happily, watching the women work in the rice fields.
“What do we want?” Kakyoin asked, hyping everyone up.
“A girl worth fighting for” they all chanted, as Y/N realised some girl were batting their eyes at her, making her blush and walk away.
“My girl will think I have no faults” Polnareff flexed once again.
“That I'm a major find” Avdol grinned as they all got closer to Y/N, waiting for her verse.
“How 'bout a girl who's got a brain Who always speaks her mind?” she tried, but they quickly stuck their tongues out.
“Neaaaaaah!” they laughed, continuing their own verses.
“My manly ways and turn of Phrase are sure to thrill her” Kakyoin fixed his hair with a charming smile.
“He thinks he's such a lady killer” Polnareff nudged the girl as he slapped the horse, making the poor red head fall face first into the mud.
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“I've a man back home who's Unlike any other And that’s my son!” Enyaba boasted, thinking about her son.
“Yet the only boy who'd Love her is her son.” Polnareff mocked the hag, earning lots of chuckles.
“But when we come home In victory they'll line up At the door” they all chanted as the 3 started making very beautiful snow-women.
“What do we want?” Kakyoin asked once again, as everyone was grinning and cheering.
“A girl worth fighting for” they all sang simoultaneously  “Wish that I had” Kakyoin enticed everyone for the last time.
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“A girl worth fighting for A girl worth fighting” everyone was cheerful, until they stopped in their tracks, realising that the whole village was burnt to the ground and everyone, including women and children, were dead.
Everyone was dead silent as they tried to search for survivors, but the only thing they found was a little puppet that belonged to a little girl, and General Kujo’s helmet, which only made them realise the massacre that took place, slaying his father.
Everyone gave Captain Kujo his space to mourn in silence, watching him use his father’s sword as a grave, putting his helmet on.
“I’m sorry...” the girl made her way to the Captain, resting her hand on his shoulder, offering her condoleances.
Composing himself, he gave her an appreciative nod before going to his horse, mounting and informing everyone that the Huns were moving quickly and that they were the Emperor’s only hope, so they had to go through the pass.
Before she left, she put the little doll to the General’s grave, offering a small prayer, then rushing to catch up with everyone, despite the exhausting snow.
On their way, as Y/N was guiding her horse along the way, a firework was sent through the carriage, and upon further inspection, Iggy had to blame #5 for his own mistake.
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“What happened?!” Jotaro galloped to her, staring with a mix of emotions. “Uhmmm...” she was trying to explain how a dog lit a firework, but she had no time to answer. “You just gave away our position!” he yelled at her, and as if on cue, he got shot by an arrow that he was too slow to realise to stop with his Stand, and he fell off. “GET OUT OF RANGE!” he ordered everyone.
As they all tried to run away to cover, more and more fire-lit arrows were sent their way, one of them hitting the carriage, which made the poor horse jump around in fright, and it took 7 people to save the cannons and get the horse away from it, as Y/N jumped on it, riding away, only for the carriage to explode, making the horse and the girl fall over.
“Oh, sure, save the horse, not me. Thanks.” Iggy glared at her as he fell down.
She started running to where everyone else was, helping them fire the firework cannons until there were none left, as Polnareff shot it before Jotaro could stop him.
As the smoke cleared, an infinite army of huns were battle-roaring, and all Jotaro could tell his soldiers was to prepare to fight.
Yeah, as if that was going to lead in anything but defeat.
They watched in horror as the army started descending back at them, and as Jotaro was getting everyone ready to fight, Y/N noticed a snowy mountain peak she could use.
Without telling anyone, she started running closer to the middle of the battlefield to aim better, taking out her Stand and shooting a massive fireball at the peak, not caring about how much everyone was shouting.
Thankfully, she managed to hit it just as the blond enemy reached her, but unfortunately, he was quick enough to slice her torso. Jotaro was there too, but it was too late for any battle, as she grabbed his wrist and ran away from there, not wanting to get stuck in the avalanche, but even that, even with them riding on Y/N’s horse, it was no use, the snow was simply much faster than humanely possible.
She could hear Iggy yelling out her name as he snowboarded down the mountain on a shield, but as soon as she noticed a semi-conscious Jotaro was being taken away from her, almost falling down the cliff, she used her Stand to grab him by his armor, pulling him on the horse with her, and also, Iggy and #5 jumped on.
With the failed rope-arrow that was shot by Polnareff, she shot it back at them, thankfully him catching it, as she used her Stand to keep her horse and everyone safely. She could only watch in happiness as Polnareff and Avdol used their own Stands to get them back on the surface, as Kakyoin’s Stand’s tentacles secured them even better, helping to pull them up.
“I knew we could do it! You the man! Well...Sort of.” Iggy cheered in victory, praising the girl.
As they were pulled to safety, they left Jotaro and the girl some air by backing away.
“Yare Yare Daze...Fugo, you are the craziest man I’ve ever met.” Jotaro got into a sitting position, looking sternly at the panting girl. “And for that, I owe you my life. From now on, you have my respect. It’s not often I see someone with a Stand, especially as powerful as yours, or that can be used to do such witty tricks.” Jotaro put his arm on Y/N’s shoulder, praising her gently. “Let’s hear it for Fugo! The bravest of us all!” Kakyoin cheered loudly. “You’re the King of the mountain!” Polnareff put his arms up in the air as everyone chanted and Jotaro helped her to her feet. “Fugo! What’s wrong?!” his eyes widened as the girl cried in pain, putting her hands over her stomach, falling back to the ground. “He’s wounded! Get help!” he ordered, seeing blood seeping through her clothes
He tried to call out her name more, but she fainted on the spot, not able to keep more of her strength.
They quickly put on the medical tent and had her inside, the doctor working on her, and just as she briefly regained consciousness, the physician went outside, whispering something to the captain, while the trio was waiting, almost as burnt, to see if their friend was okay or not.
Shocked at the news, Captain Kujo stormed inside the tent, seeing as she slowly and weakly fluttered her eyes open.
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She looked at him with a soft smile as she mustered enough strength to raise, only for the blanket to fall off and reveal her bandaged chest.
Poor Y/N realised she was screwed in that instant.
“I can explain!” she tried to reason, but just then, Enyaba also burst into the tent. “So it’s true!” she screeched like a banshee. “Jotaro, wait, please-” she tried to call out and explain, only for the hag to drag her out of the tent. “I knew there was something wrong with you! A woman!” she took off Y/N’s hair from the bun, making everyone gasp as the hag threw her on the snow. “Treacherous snake!” she kept spewing venom at the girl. “My name is Y/N! I did it to save my father. I never had any ill-intentions, I promise!” she pleaded to Jotaro, but the hag kept shrieking. “HIGH TREASON!!!” she echoed through the mountain. “I didn’t mean for it to go this far! I just didn’t want my injured father to have to die!” she begged for understanding. “ULTIMATE DISHONOUR!” she continued screaming around, annoying the brunet man. “It was the only way, please believe me! I couldn’t send my little brother, he’s barely 5 years old! And my father can’t even walk without a cane!” she almost started crying on the ground.
Jotaro looked at the girl on the ground, looking at him with pleading eyes as she kept the blanket around her, and he made a decision. He strutted to her horse, taking her sword and walked to her, while someone had to restrain her panicked horse and Enyaba had to scold her 3 friends that were freaking out and trying to plead for her life.
Seeing the look in his gorgeous aquamarine eyes, she realised the had no life ahead of her, so she hung her head down, awaiting decapitation... Only to see her sword in front of her.
“Yare Yare...You put me in a horrible situation. A life for a life. My debt is repaid.” was the only thing Jotaro could say as he turned his back to her, unable to look at her pitiful form, commanding his troops to walk away, leaving her there, alone and wounded. “But captain-” Enyaba gaped at his decision, only for the man to take her by the neck of her robes, glaring at her harshly. “I said. Move. Out.” he growled, throwing her away harshly.
All the girl could do as she watched everyone turn her back to her, was to get dressed and spend the harsh night with her companions, as she was wallowing in self pity, hatred, disappointment and a gazillion of other emotions.
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“I should have never left home...” she sighed, looking with dead eyes in front of her. “Hey, come on, don’t say that. You went to save your father’s life. Who knew you’d end up shamin’ him and disgracing your ancestors and losin’ all your friends? You know, you just gotta...You gotta learn to let these things go.” Iggy tried to explain, while also close to tears. “Fuck the ancestors and all that honour shit...Also...Maybe...Maybe I didn’t even go for my father. Maybe that was just an excuse. Maybe all I really wanted was to prove that I could do things right...So when I looked in the mirror, I’d see someone worthwhile....But I was wrong. I see nothing.” the girl shed a tear, throwing away her helmet and huddling closer to her blanket.
Poor Iggy tried to make her feel better by joking around, saying the helmet wasn’t clean and that’s why she didn’t see what she desired, but she couldn’t even look at him, because of the shame.
“Okay, maybe we’re both frauds. The ancestors didn’t send me, they don’t even like me.” Iggy sighed, looking annoyed at her. “That makes both of us.” she managed to whisper. “I mean, you risked your life to help people you love. I risked your life to help myself. At least you had good intentions.” Iggy tried to console her, earning a little smile. “Huh?! What do you mean you’re not lucky?! You LIED to me?!” Iggy gaped at #5 who was crying on the helmet. “And what are you, a sheep?!” he yelled at the horse in frustration. “I’ll have to face my father sooner or later...Let’s just go home.” she sighed, looking down. “Yeah...This ain’t gonna be pretty.” he agreed with a self-deprecating groan. “But don’t you worry, okay? Things will work out. We started this thing together, and that’s how we’ll finish it. I promise.” he hugged the girl with a wholesome grin. “Thank you, Iggy. I needed that.” she smiled, kissing the top of his head.
As Y/N was readying her horse to go home, she heard a loud roar, and upon further inspection, she saw the Hun leader, Dio Brando, was still alive, along with some of his trusted men, making their way to the Palace.
She quickly jumped on the horse, ready to alert everyone, before Iggy stopped her by clearing his throat.
“Home is THAT way.” he pointed with his paw in the opposite direction. “I have to do something!” she reasoned sternly. “Did you see those Huns?! They popped out of the snow! Like daisies!” Iggy yelled at her to get her shit together. “Are we in this together or not?” she asked for the last time. “Well, let’s go kick some Hunny buns!” he smirked, along with #5, as they both jumped on her horse and made their way to the palace.
At the Palace, there was a huge festival, to celebrate the Heroes of China who managed to defeat the Huns, Captain Jotaro being in front of everyone.
However, the girl galloping there earned quite a few gasps from her peers.
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“Jotaro!” she called out, riding besides him. “Y/N?” his eyes widened at the sight of her. “The Huns are alive! They’re in the city!” she warned him quickly. “You don’t belong here, Y/N. Go home.” he grunted, riding further ahead. “It doesn’t matter, I’m here to warn you! I saw them in the mountains, you have to believe me!” she, once again, tried to reason with him. “Why should I?” he glared at her, speaking in a low tone. “Why else would I come back?!” she asked, frowning at him as she blocked his horse with her own. “You said you’d respect and trust Fugo, so why is Y/N any different? You think she’d lie about something as grave as the Huns?!” but the man looked away from her, galloping further. “Keep your eyes open. I know they are here.” she warned her friends as she rode away from there, thinking up a plan to alert someone who would believe her.
In the middle of the plaza, where the Emperor’s stairs were, everyone was gathered, watching the fireworks and cheering.  She saw Jotaro and the others making their way in front of Emperor Joestar and as she tried to warn random citizens, she realised that, once again, her words had no meaning, as she was a mere woman.
Emperor Joseph waited until the drums fell silent, so he could speak for everyone present.
“My children, Heaven smiles down upon the Middle Kingdom! China will sleep safely tonight thanks to our brave warriors.” he spoke as everyone started cheering loudly. “Your Majesty, I present to you the sword of Dio Brando.” Jotaro bowed in front of the elderly man, showing him the sword of his enemy. “I know what this means to you, Captain Kujo. Your father would have been very proud.” however, just as he was going to get the sword, the nasty hawk, Pet Shop, snatched it away with a loud screech, making everyone gasp in shock.
Up, on the room, disguised as one of the dragons, the sword was given to Dio Brando. As if on cue, the huge red dragon was torn apart, many more huns getting out of there, fighting the soldiers, while 2 of them stole the Emperor away, and many others guarded the inside of the palace.
Only Dio’s taunting laugh could be heard everywhere.
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Jotaro and his soldiers tried to use a stone statue as a ram and open the doors, but it was to no avail. As soon as she realised they were wasting time, she ran up to them, whistled for their attention, telling them that she has a much better idea and to follow her.
Of course, her 3 friends shrugged at each other, and with large smiles, they rushed after her, letting only Jotaro the Fool bother with the impossible stone statue.
She took away their armors and gave them women clothing, hairstyles and make ups, and so, they all used their sashes as whips, looking at each other confidently, mischievous glints in their eyes, ready to take action...
And hopefully keep the fruits replacing their boobs on their chest, unlike Kakyoin’s moving apple.
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They used their sashes to climb up the pillar, just like they did before with the weights, grinning at each other, only for her to feel a tap on her shoulder as she was tying of her sash on the pillar -
It was Jotaro, looking at her with a confident smile, using his cape to replicate what she was doing, obviously proud with her witty plan.
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The 4 of them looked with glee at their captain as they started climbing up the pillar with ease, ready to take down the huns and save the Emperor.
As they reached the top, they could see 2 huns looking alike guarding the balcony where the Emperor was held captive.
“Okay, here we are. Any questions?” she asked them in a quiet voice. “Does this dress make me look fat?” Polnareff asked, fixing his dress. “Yes.” Kakyoin chuckled, only to earn a slap.
And so, Y/N and the 3 ‘women’ started walking towards the huns, giggling and looking at each other.
“WHO’S THERE?!” one of the brothers asked loudly. “Concubines.” the other one replied with a disgusted look. “Ugly concubines.” he rolled his eyes, lowering his weapon. “Awww, he’s so cute!” the girls giggled behind the fan as they got in front of the brothers, and while they managed to charm one of them, Kakyoin’s half-eaten apple- boob fell from his robes, and for some reason, Pet Shop noticed Jotaro hiding and facepalming at the scene as well.
Thankfully enough, the stupid Hawk could do no further damage as Iggy started biting and munching on it, making it looked like a featherless chicken as it tried to fleed the scene in embarrassment.
The charmed older brother bent down to pick her apple, only for everyone to take out their boob-fruits. Avdol his his watermelons on their heads, making them hit each other, Kakyoin shoved the un-bitten apple in Sett’s mouth, hitting his legs, making him fall to his knees as he hit him with a well aimed head hit, while Polnareff was getting rid off Vanilla Ice and Y/N was fighting Anubis, using the bow to strangle him, yelling out for Jotaro to go ahead and rescue the Emperor, as he was the only one powerful enough to do so, nobody knowing Dio’s Stand powers.
Up there, Dio looked at the elder Emperor, hanging upside down, saying a mocking “Boo!” as he jumped down on the railing, looking down at him with a mocking grin as he ordered the 2 D’Arby brothers to guard the doors.
“Your walls and armies have fallen and now it’s your turn. Bow to me, Joseph Joestar!” Dio ordered loudly.  “Sorry, Dio, but I have some sad news for you. Your next line will be : I tire of your arrogance, you old jeezer! I said BOW TO ME!...Am I correct?” Joseph smirked, feeling proud for using his younger self’s gimmiks. “I tire of your arrogance, you old jeezer! I said BOW TO ME!....Huh?! What the-” Dio sneered in rage, realising that he fell into the old man’s trap and so, he put his sword to the Emperor’s chin, only for him not to flinch. “No matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it. Or so my grandfather Jonathan, the previous Emperor, said.” he shrugged, feeling confident. “Then you will kneel in pieces!” he was ready to to stab the man, only to have Jotaro use Star Platinum to throw open the doors and punch the enemy away from the Emperor.
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Taking out The World, Dio punched Jotaro out of the balcony, but he was quick to grab the pillar and rotated well enough to jump and punch him with his own fists, straddling him. In retaliation, Dio punched him back, getting on top, and so, they wrestled for dominance back and forth.
While Jotaro was trying to defeat the enemy, Y/N told Avdol to rescue the Emperor and get him to safety, while she tried to think of a way to aid her Captain.
She showed her friends the rope with paper lanterns, and apologising, Avdol used his Stand to pick up the Emperor and slid down the rope using his sash, while Dio roared in anger, giving Kakyoin and Polnareff enough time to slide down the rope as well.
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“THE WORLD!” Dio yelled, and the next thing anyone knew was that Jotaro was on the ground, bleeding, and nobody had any idea how that happened. “Y/N, come on, hurry!” Polnareff kept yelling at her, but she couldn’t let the man she grew so fond of die by the hands of the enemy.
As she saw Dio approaching, she quickly picked up Dio’s discarded sword and cut the rope, giving Dio no chance to get closer to the Emperor. Everyone was cheering for that success, while Dio could only stare in shock and horror at the infinite crowd, not able to spot the Emperor no matter how hard he tried.
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“You! You took away my victory!” Dio roared as he used the hilt of his sword to punch Jotaro again, picking him up by the front of his armor, ready to stab him in the heart. “NO!” Y/N yelled to take away his attention, as she took out her Stand, burning his cape. “I did!” she declared, looking at him sternly as she pulled her hair up to show that her and Fugo were the same person. “The soldier from the mountains. Oh, so it looks like you’re finally approaching me!” Dio gasped in complete disdain seeing the person in front of him, and so, he threw Jotaro away and started chasing after her, as she left the balcony, locking the door.
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Of course, it was to no avail, as his Stand was powerful enough to punch through the door, and so, she had to run even more while thinking of some new scheme.
“So, what’s the plan?!” Iggy managed to catch up to her, and as soon as he realised she had no idea what she was doing, he gasped in horror. “YOU HAVE NO PLAN?!”  “Hey, I’m making this up as I...Go! Iggy!” she grinned at her companion as he used his Stand to fly himself and #5 to the other tower in front of him.
Just as he got away, Dio jumped next to her, punching away pillars, even the one that she managed to climb on, which in turn, broke through the wall, and she almost fell, were it not for her Stand helping her back up on the pillar.
The only thing she could do was jump and grab on one of the wooden ornaments of the roof, climbing up on it, while waiting for Iggy to fire away the fireworks.
She managed to get up on the top beam of the roof, and looked in the horizon, picturing her plan unfold, only for Dio to punch through the roof behind her, making her squeal in shock and walk away from him.
She tapped herself for any weapons, realising that she couldn’t rely much on her Stand, since it wasn’t as powerful as Jotaro’s or Dio’s, but the only thing she found was her fan.
“It looks like you’re out of clever ideas.” Dio smirked down at her mockingly, as he stabbed through her fun.
Shockingly enough for him, she closed the fan and twisted it away, managing to easily disarm him and get his sword, getting in a battle stance.
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“Not quite! Ready, Iggy?” she yelled, noticing her companion in the far back of the roof, a huge firework roped to his back. “I AM READY, BABY! LIGHT ME UP!” he cackled as the girl used her Stand to fire up the firework. “Bold of you to assume I can be defeated! THE WO-” he tried to say, but the girl started punching him, using his sword to stab his cape through the roof, rendering him unable to move, as the firework blew him away into the Firework tower.
The last thing echoeing throughout all China, that night, was a high-pitched “WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY” left by Dio Brando, the now defeated Hun Leader.
And then he died.
“Get off the roof! Get off the roof! GET OFF THE ROOF!” she kept yelling to herself, running away, as she was thrown off the roof by the explosion, and Iggy managed to get to her just in time, getting her down on the ground to safety.
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Well, not quite...
The Sand for his Stand quickly got used, and he dropped her, making her fall on Jotaro, and they both hit the ground, soon followed by Dio’s sword and Iggy with #5 who kept crying.
“DID YOU SEE HIS DUMB FACE?! Hahahaha! You, #5, are one lucky bullet!” Iggy grinned, chewing on some well deserve coffee gum.
And so, the sky was filled with fireworks of thousands of shades and colours, everyone cheering for their greatest enemy’s defeat.
“That was a deliberate attempt on my life! WHERE is she?! Now she’s done it! WHAT A MESS! STAND ASIDE! THAT creature is NOT worth protecting!” Enyaba screeched in rage, her hair barely escaping being completely burnt, as she walked down the stairs, hitting Jotaro with her cane, all while her friends and the captain were glaring at her. “She’s a hero.” Jotaro glared at the hypocritical old woman. “‘Tis a lying snake!” she retorted in disgust. “She’ll never be wroth ANYTHING!” she grinned at him condescendingly. “Listen, you fucking hag-” he picked her up, ready to use Star Platinum on her, but the Emperor’s voice boomed as he also descended down the stairs, looking sternly at everyone. “That is enough!” he spoke, catching everyone’s attention. “Your Majesty, I can explain-” Jotaro wanted to protect the girl, at least this time, but the Emperor raised his hand for him to be silent and for everyone to step away, allowing the girl to step forward and bow down lowly in front of the Joestar.  “I’ve heard a great deal about you, Y/N. You stole your father’s armor, ran away from home, impersonated a soldier, deceived your commanding officer, dishonoured the Chinese army, destroyed my palace...And!” he kept trailing on, making everyone cringe at everything he was saying, fearing for the girl who could only look down in shame and guilt. “And...You have saved us all.” he spoke in a much gentler voice now, patting the girl’s head, as he, shockingly, bowed to her, making the hag follow his action, but bowing on the ground, followed by her friends, Jotaro, who tipped his hat at her, before kneeling in front of her...
And the whole China bowing down on the ground for her.
“Enyaba?” Joseph called out to his advisor. “Yes, Emperor?” she quickly asked. “See to it that this woman is made a member of my council.” Joseph smiled gently at the girl, making the hag gape at his orders.
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“Member...WHAT?! B-But-...?! There are no council positions open, Your Majesty!” she stammered over her words, feeling sweat go down her forehead. “Very well. You can have her job. After all, she is the...To quote her, ‘Treacherous Snake’ that sold valuable information to Dio Brando.” he chuckled, making us all gasp. “Wh-Wh-WHAT?! H-How could you p-possibly insinuate s-something like th-that?!” Enyaba stuttered, trying to say something. “My spies found enough proof. And, to go even further, your next line is going to be : That wretched girl planned it all, just to steal my position!” Joseph smirked, awaiting the result. “THAT WRETCHED GIRL PLANNED IT ALL, JUST TO STEAL MY POSITION!” she kept hitting aimlessly with her cane, only to stop abruptly as 2 guards picked her up. “Throw her in jail, for now. We will away public execution, a fate fit for a traitor and a liar. Until then, we should celebrate our true heroine.” the Joestar declared as his lackeys removed the hag from that place. “With all due respect, Your Excellency, I think I’ve been away from home long enough.” she smiled up at him with thankfulnes. “Then, take this.” he took off his star necklace and put it around her neck. “So your family will know what you have done for me...And, this.” he handed her the sword. “So the world will know what you have done for China.” hearing those words, she couldn’t help herself and she threw her arms around the unexpecting man, who only laughed mirthfully, patting her back in amusement.
After she was done hugging the Emperor, she went for a group hug with her lovely 2 friends who stood by her all the time and still looked as gorgeous as any ugly concubine would.
When it came to walking in front of Jotaro, however, the man was looking at her, trying to find out what to say.
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“Yare Yare Daze...You...You fight good.” he patted her shoulder awkwardly, looking away, not without catching a glimpse at the girl’s disappointed face. “Oh...Uh, thank you, I guess.” and walked away, getting up on the horse. “Come on, darling, let’s go home.” she patted her horse as they descended the stairs, taking in all China’s cheers.
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As soon as they couldn’t see her anymore, the Emperor stepped next to his Captain, clearing his throat.
“The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.” he tried to sound wise and all, but Jotaro only looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “I’m saying, go get her, already! You don’t meet a girl like that every dynasty!” he advised, pushing him to go after her, as he only chuckled, put on his Emperor hat and left the place.
It took a while for her to return home, but the first thing she saw was her father, sitting on the same stone bench under the Cherry Blossom, looking at the pond, waiting for her return, as the flower petals kept swaying in the wind, reminding him of his daughter.
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She softly stepped in front of him, making him gasp out her name in disbelief, almost fearing that he was hallucinating or seeing ghosts.
“Papa, I brought you the sword of Dio Brando.” she quickly kneeled on the ground in front of him, passing him the enemy’s sword. “And the crest of the Emperor!” she took off the necklace, giving that one to him as well. “They are gifts, to honour our family.” she tried to explain, unable to read her father’s expression.
As she hung her head, Abbacchio could only shed a few tears, throwing away the gifts and falling to the ground, hugging his daughter tightly to his chest.
“Silly girl, to hell with honour and whatever, it was all my fault that you went to war, only for my sake and my stupid words, nailed into my brain. The greatest gift and honour is having you as my daughter, Y/N.” he declared, caressing her cheeks, wiping away her tears, yet unable to do so for himself, before putting her in yet another loving hug. “I missed you so much, you have no idea.” he kept stroking her hair, trying to sooth her, as they both let all their emotions flow with no blockage. “I missed you too, papa...So much...” she ushered, hugging him tightly, not realising that the other family members came as well.
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As Bruno could only sigh, feeling his heart finally at peace, seeing his daughter and his husband finally reunited, safe, getting along, and happy, the same couldn’t be said about the grandpa, who scoffed in annoyance.
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“Great! She brings home a sword, veeery useful. If you ask me, she should’ve brought home a man!” Mista looked at the man next to him in annoyance, only to be interrupted by a rough voice.
“Excuse me, that Y/N live here?” he asked, holding the helmet to his chest.
The 2 men could only stare in shock at the man who magically appeared in front of them, able to only point at the girl and her father who were embracing each other in the garden.
“WHOO! Sign me up for the next war!” Mista grinned, not being able to peel his eyes away from the Captain.“Well, I suppose the Acenstors are finally doing their job.” Mista blinked, almost as if struck by lightning. “Now I have to start wedding preparations! Pistols, get ready for a nice feast!” he grinned from ear to ear, getting a hold of Bruno’s sleeves. “Come on, give them intimacy! Let’s go!” he dragged the younger man away from there.
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Jotaro walked in front of Leone, nodding respectfully and tipping the front of his hat in front of him, trying to figure out what to say.
“Yare Yare, to think I’d actually be doing something like this...Ahem. Honourable Abbacchio Leone...Uhmm...Ah, Y/N.” he noticed the girl peeking stepping from behind her father’s tall figure. “You...Forgot you helmet.” he tried to hand her the helmet, only to stop mid-way, giving it to her father. “Well, I suppose it’s actually your helmet, isn’t it?” he cleared his throat awkwardly. “Go get him, girl.” Leone whispered in her ear, patting her hair, nodding at her to take the reigns in her hands.
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“Would you like to stay for dinner?” she stepped in front of him, taking the helmet in her hands, smiling up at him. “Would you like to stay forever?!” Mista’s voice echoed throught he garden, making them hum in amusement as Bruno’s voice followed, scolding the man for being a hypocrite and spying on them. “Dinner would be great.” he smiled down at her with a tender smile that he never offered anyone but his mother. “Great.” the girl grinned at him, taking him by the neck of his armor and getting him to her level, kissing him tenderly. “Nice, very nice. But I think I liked the sight from back at the Palace...If you catch my drift.” the girl smirked mischievously, winking at him. “Yare Yare, what a troublesome woman.” he chuckled, putting his hands on her face and pulling her in another, even more tender kiss.
What they didn’t know what that the party already began at the shrine, as Iggy hit the gong for all the Zeppeli, Speedwagon and whatever other ancestors they had to join, all while annoying the hell out of Kars.
Somehow, Iggy hit himself enough to bounce back and find himself on the shrine stairs, and soon, Narancia’s childish giggles could be heard as he started running around him, and Y/N bent down to kiss the top of his head, thanking him for everything he’s done for her.
Of course, the chickens followed Narancia to the shrine.
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charmergirl2468 · 5 years
Past Life AU!
Blue Lions
Alright, so I got this idea from looking at fanart in the Ashe tag that featured the blue lions in their school outfits and in modern attire. The basic premise is that the game is essentially everyone’s past life and in modern day they’re past lives are starting to leak in.
He’s still a prince of Fargaus but the monarchy has sort of become figure heads while other politicians help make decisions. Dimitri gets final say but he definitely knows shit gets filtered out.
He grows up with the dork squad of Ingrid, Felix, and Sylvain because I want those shenanigans!
He still gets ptsd and survivors guilt, but it’s from more of a 9/11-Ish event. Like he was at a political building when it got bombed to shit.
But since it’s modern day, our boi gets some mcfucking therapy and meds and he’s properly taken care of. He still gets audiovisual hallucinations but he’s more easily able to cope
Then he started getting dreams of his past life. His therapist can’t make heads or tails of the dreams since it sounds fucking bonkers. They try and say maybe it’s an elaborate relapse but Dimitri knows that isn’t the case
He tries to deal with the dreams, and the eventual flashbacks that happen, by himself. He didn’t think anyone would believe him if he tried to explain it.
He does eventually tell Dedue and, hey howdy hey, Dedue’s been going through the same Ra damn thing!
Baby boy is an online voice actor who does fantasy roles in RPs like Minecraft Diaries. He’s definitely got a knack for voicing protags!
It’s mostly freelance work as he goes to culinary school. While he does live with lord Lanato, who is more of an entrepreneur, he wants to make money on his own than beg for it.
In the past, me mostly shop lifted from places like Walmart so he could feed his younger siblings. Lanato actually catches him one time and he’s like “this child is an awful victim of circumstance, I’m adopted him right fucking now”
When he starts getting all the dreams and flashbacks, he shrugs them off as his online work bleeding into his psyche. He’s played plenty of knight-like characters for that to be true.
He’s a fucking Instagram influencer and you all know it
He mostly posts selfies, albeit with a different person in each photo.
Nobody really calls him out on it because he’s not a scumbag about being with a lot of people and he’s upfront about it so it’s like even if someone’s mad at him, it’s their fault since they knew going in that he’s a serial flirt
He does have a private account on Instagram and Tumblr so he can be a fanboy without anyone getting on his case. He ended up becoming Bernadetta’s friend without knowing it :P
He doesn’t think much of the memories from his past life, since they pretty much the same. The biggest difference being that he’s straight in his “dreams” and open Pan in the present
Once Felix confides in him about his own dreams is when Sylvain realizes its a Problem(tm)
He’s a trans man and I will stand by that
After Glenn’s death and Rodrigues being a boomer, he nopes out of there and lives Sylvain. Oh Sylvie will get on his nerves, but he’s tolerable
He does stuff like fencing and mma fighting, basically anything to do with old school fighting
He freaks out when he starts getting memories from his past life. He’s never really cared for history or the Holy War. So once he starts getting dreams and flashbacks of that time in gorey detail, he’s emotionally fucked up for while
She’s an ADHD icon an I stand by that
She mostly hyper fixates on magic and magic history. She’ll try to do spells but modern magic is really small scale so the most she can do is blow a small gust of wind or light a piece of charcoal
She also brushes off the dreams, concluding that her hyper fixation was getting the better of her
When Mercedes told her about her own memories, she knew shit was going down
She’s a devout believer of Sothism (that’s what I’m calling the religion)
Her dad kicked her and her mom out when she told him she’s Heteroflexible. He didn’t care if it was a small percentage, gay is gay
She found comfort in a progressive and caring church
She knows Emile exsists but doesn’t know anything about him. She can’t even afford a DNA test to find out so she resigned to being shit out of luck
When she starts remembering the Death Knight and Emile she freaks out because A) this is what my brother is like? and B) I know nothing of my brother so how is all this info in my head!? Nani the fuck!?
She’s kinda stuck with her dad trying to be a “nobleman” with arranged marriages and shit. Our Girl Ingrid is just “it’s 2020 dad, all that nobility bullshit doesn’t matter”
She also does mma fighting, but she’s more serious about getting into mma tournaments and stuff then Felix
She’s secretly a horse girl, but doesn’t say shit about it because she doesn’t want to be reduced down to a stereotype
She has more of a low key freak out since she’s started to remember Pegasi first and that’s a “wtf!?!?” Situation all on its own
He works as part of Dimitri’s secret service except he’s not so secret. Dimitri sees him as one of his best friends and if a prince can’t bend the rules for friends then wtf is the point?
He also low key helps make sure Dimitri is fed and taken care of because the poor boi will forget his meds and will need his friend
He doesn’t think much of his memories, rationalizing it as his brain being weird. He then thinks otherwise when Dimitri goes paler than paper when he casually bring it up
I’ll do the other houses separately so it’s easier to digest but I already love this Au!
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idkhyuck · 5 years
My First and Last- A Renjun Soulmate AU
A/N: OKAY SO I REALLY WANTED TO TRY MY HAND AT A CHEESY SOULMATE AU BECAUSE I FLIPPING LOVE SOULMATES. idk if i hate this or not, feedback is appreciated and i’m going to post it in parts so this is only part one. I cried like a baby writing this so i hope i’m able to get the emotion i was trying to convey across. A Song i recommend listening to while reading are Berenstein by the Band Camino. just to get a feel for the longing and need. 
I remember the day I turned 18 I used my ID to go to see a  Soulmate fortune Teller. All of my friends went out drinking with their soulmates. They all met theirs young. My best friend Julia; Met hers when she was 7 Charlie moved in next door and they met each other and cried because they were freaked out at what was happening.. Meeting you’re soulmate is a huge thing. You live you’re whole life waiting for this. They both can’t tell me what they felt because they barely remember it. Julia said her heart started racing and her eyes blurred out and refocused.  Usual cliché shit, The dilated eyes, the heartbeat. I just knew there had to be more to it.  Imagine spending most of my life with Julia and Charlie who can’t live with out each other. That’s another thing. Apparently being away from you’re soulmate once found is physically and emotionally painful. Old people often die in pairs because they can’t handle the pain of their lover dying. My parent’s are so hopelessly in love it hurts. Everyone around me is in love. I was a hopeless case. I honestly thought all of my teenage years I didn’t have a soulmate. I was meant to live this hopeless lonely life all my life and never know the feeling of “true love”. It sucked because kids never wasted time dating because you’ll find your one, someday. I’ve read tons of books and stories of people choosing who they fall in love with. I longed for a world like that, until I went into that fortune teller’s shop.
“I can tell you three facts about you’re soulmate.” She told me as she sat me in front of her. She looked at me, through me? Idk it was a weird experience.
“He appears older than he is.” She said. How much older could he be? I wondered to myself. I hoped it wasn’t a gross age gap. “He’s adored by many people.” Adored? Like by his family? Friends? Or like famous? “He will die shortly after you meet.” What?
“a-“ I started
“of course It’s a bit foggy, but this is what I see right now.” She said as she blinked her eyes back to herself?
“die?” I asked
“oh my dear, That’s how life is sometimes, you are a strong girl, I know you’ll be okay.” She said. It’s been 5 years since then. I now know who “he” is at the age of twenty three. I’ll never forget the moment I saw him. I was watching some music videos with my friends, They were discussing the differences of K-pop groups. It was a usual night at the dorm. I was 21 years old and in my third year of my degree. I was a business major, so I was always swamped with homework. I wasn’t really paying attention to what they were playing on the TV, I heard this voice and I Just had to look up. There he was, My soulmate. My heart started racing, I felt nauseous, My eyes could only see him. I wasn’t overcome with emotion like many say you’re supposed to be. But like it was as if someone had turned off the entire world around me and all I could see and think was SOULMATE. I blinked a few times, I’d finally lost my mind. This Korean boy was my soulmate. How? This can’t be. And he was going to die. No. he couldn’t, I wouldn’t let him. If I never met him he would never die right? He was the most beautiful human being I’d ever seen, My entire being literally throbbed upon the thought of him dying. I don’t even know his name. I looked up
“y/n? you okay?” Julia asked
“uh, yeah. Who is this group?” I asked, I just noticed how shallow my breathing was, My voice sounded so ragged.
“are you sure you’re okay?” Julia asked she sounded far away, as My soulmate had just started singing again.
“who?” I asked, my voice was tiny. I lifted my shaky hand up to point at him on the TV
“HOLY SHIT! y/n?” Julia said coming over to grab me. She knelt in front of me. “That is your soulmate isn’t it?” She said trying to hold my hands that were vibrating. I could see the other girls now intrigued, The video paused on him now. I looked up and it hurt to look at him, it hurt but I couldn’t pinpoint where, or why. Wtf the was happening to me. I tore my eyes away to look down at Julia, I nodded. “oh my god.” She whispered. awhile back I had told her what the Soulmate fortune teller told me, She was waiting for this. We had plans to move to LA after graduation with hopes of finding my soulmate in the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. That was the first night it hurt to be away from him. I spent the months after researching soulmates. They were still such a mystical thing to us as humans. Apparently there were studies of long distance soul mates having phantom pains. That would explain the why my body constantly ached. I watched how hard he worked, I grew to love his music, I picked up on the Korean so easily, the Chinese was something to be desired. I grew to love him, and I didn’t even know him. Studies also proved that once someone acknowledges their soulmate the other is able to feel it even If they haven’t met yet. I often wondered if he felt me. I know he’s dreaming of me. That’s a huge thing there are so many stories of one-sided love lorn soulmates longing to get to theirs but can’t at the time. Like when you pass on a busy street or something like that The one who doesn’t know often had dreams of their soulmate until the day they meet. There’s so much we as a human society know about soulmates. I was now apart of this society. I had my soulmate. The one thing that the fortune teller had wrong was he’s actually not old. He’s currently 19 years old, She got that wrong. I hoped and prayed she got the other thing wrong. I’d lie awake at night longing for him, I did not expect that. I cried myself to sleep many a night because it physically hurt to be without him. Julia was living her happy life, Sleeping with Charlie every night, Kissing him, feeling him, being near him, Getting to spend the rest of her life with him. As much as I longed for him I didn’t want to meet him, If I never met him he’d live his life out. How can the one person in the world that is meant for me be so ill-fated because of me. I was his harbinger of death and I hated it. I’d rather live my life never knowing him than to have to lose him one day.
 Despite my constant protests, Julia had convinced me to come spend the summer in Seoul. She hated seeing how much it hurt me to be without him. He had to be looking too she said. He was in the middle of a comeback right now so there we’re lots of promotions and shows around town. I saw a few billboards with him on it. I really didn’t have a plan, I wasn’t going to stalk him, he dealt with that enough. So after I got settled in at my apartment, I spent a few days a week at the café in his companies building. So many girls dreamed of meeting their favourites here. They’d pass through at some point right?  A few weeks passed with no luck, but today was extra busy, The staff had begun to know me at this point, My favourite staff was working today, She always let me use the Staff bathroom. I had just ordered my coffee and put it on my table I had taken out my book for the day when the urge to pee hit me. I went and asked her and she gave me the key. I was walking down the hall it was passed the room where the idols would film their things. I was kind of anxious today and I didn’t really now why. It was bugging me, I didn’t want to leave early, They were supposed to be here today. I splashed some water on my face and went back out, I locked the bathroom door behind me and heard a gasp behind me, I instantly felt chills throughout my entire body. I slowly turned and saw him standing there, I swore I blacked out for a millisecond. I froze, my legs felt heavy, My heart was racing.
“dreams. Y-y..” he said
“Renjun.” I said my voice shaky, I looked at him, he was getting paler by the second, I reached out to grab his hand, He reached out to me, our eyes never leaving the others once. The moment his hand touched mine, I felt every single emotion possible, relief mostly, pain, Pure happiness. I couldn’t help but cry. I didn’t notice I was crying until he reached down to wipe my cheek. My skin was so hot, his fingers cold to the touch. He was handling  this so much better than me.
“soulmate.” He said quietly
“y/n” I said quietly my voice shaky
“y/n” He repeated. “it’s okay.” He said and in the moment life honestly was okay. I felt so content just being near him. This is everything I could have ever wanted in life and more and it hurt me that I might not always have this would i constantly live with this fear in the back of my mind. I was sobbing at this point, He pulled me into his arms and held me there. Shushing and cooing at me telling me it was going to be okay. I had never felt more okay in my life than I did in his arms. I totally understand why Julia and Charlie were always holding onto each other.
“hey!” Someone said from behind us, The furious stomping, I looked up and saw Renjun had tears streaming down his cheeks too now. He wiped his eye with his sleeve and kind of hid me behind him.
“it’s okay.” He said in Korean.
“why?” The person asked
“she’s my soulmate.” He said his voice cracking slightly.
“what?” The person was shocked. “can’t be?” he said I peeked out and saw a tall guy I’m assuming was a body guard.
“bring her up to the practice room please?” He said wiping at his face. “She can’t go back out there now?” he said in perfect Korean. Wow I hoped I sounded like that when I spoke to him. “please?” he asked sounding small. The guard nodded. Renjun turned to me and started in English “he’s going to.” He started pointing all around “go up stairs with you.” He pointed at me and up
“I understand you.” I said my korean not as confident, his face lit up. “Are you sure this is okay?” I asked him
“I don’t know.” He said “I just know I don’t want you to leave.” He said “please go with him and wait for me?” He asked. I couldn’t say no to him, it hurt me to even think of ever hurting him. I nodded and followed behind the man. He silently led me through the back halls of the buildings. He opened a door and said
“wait here, they won’t be long.” He said “I’ll get you a guest pass.” He said then left. He returned not even a minute later with a pass “don’t do anything stupid.” He said then he was gone. I looked around, I’d seen these exact practice rooms so many  times on my computer watching him. I finally met him, He was so absolutely stunning in person, His voice was like it was made only for me to hear. He was perfect. I didn’t want to lose him, ever. I sat there trying to process everything I was feeling and all I knew was that I wanted to be in his arms again.
 He walked into the practice room, with a bottle of water and my coffee and book, How did he know, Was this a soulmate thing? I thought to myself.
“y/n” he said “how old are you?” he asked me
“23.” I answered.
“Noona.” He said taken aback, That was so cute, my health literally melted and flared up at the same time.  He came and sat beside me. “did you know?” he asked I nodded “For how long?”
“two years.” I said
“the dreams.” He said quietly eyes wide looking at nothing in particular then up at me “you’re even more beautiful in person.” He said reaching out to touch my face, Then shying away. “how are we supposed to do this?” he said thinking aloud.
“I don’t know.” I said “Please don’t be shy.” I said “it’s been two years.” My voice sounded tired and needy and I hated that he had that affect one me already. His eyes looked at me wide, The he looked down at my lips, Then he slowly leaned in, or I leaned in. I honestly don’t know. His breath mixed with mine as our faces were just centimeters apart.
“I think I love you.” He said before his lips met mine, The lightheaded airy, hot feeling that was rushing through my veins went into overdrive. I  reached up and held him behind his head. I wanted to open my eyes to see if there world really was disappearing around me like It felt like it did. Were we actually transcending into another universe together. Hopefully one where we could always feel like this. His arms wrapped behind me pulling me into him. I was going to pass out yet today I was sure of it. I pulled away much to his dismay, His whine barely audible. I looked at him, His cheeks flushed, his lips swollen and red, his eyes lit up like a galaxy. I looked down at his shaky arm that was wrapped around me. His breath was as rough as mine felt.  A smile came up on his face as he tried to steady his breath “Yeah, I definitely love you.” He said rubbing my back slightly.  “Where are you from?” he asked
“America.” I said. “I love you too.” I said, his cheeks flushed a little deeper at that.
“I feel like all of this is so backwards.” He laughed quietly laying his head back against the wall.
“When you have time we can go talk about whatever you want.” I said “I want to know you.” I said sounding needy again, I hated how easy it was to tell him this stuff. “I’ve spent two years only knowing you in here.” I said holding my phone up. I stretched my legs out in front of me and leaned back against the wall.
“come with me?” He said holding is hand out for me. I grabbed it, it felt like it was meant for me and only me, like I could never hold anyone else’s hand ever again. “I have the day off now.” He said laughing. We stood up and he led me out of the practice room to a stair case. I watched him as he walked up the stairs. He was so delicately beautiful. A few flights later we were on the roof, There was a bunch of lawn chairs and tables on the roof. He led me to a table that overlooked the city around us. I sat there and he sat across from me. He looked out at the world then at me. “wow.” He said. “I always wondered what it would be like.” He said. “Tell me how it went for you?” He said I explained the whole thing to him and how much it hurt me and how much I worried about him constantly and I was basically just pouring my heart and literal soul out to him and it was so easy and he looked at me with such deep expressions he was feeling everything I felt, he was real, this was real. as disorienting as it was to be here feeling all this at once It was so incredibly comforting to be near him, to be with him. He held my hand across the table, He’d bring it up to kiss it softly every now and then. I wondered if the intensity of his touch would wear off or would it always be like this. I wondered if he felt it this intensely too. “Tell me if any of this makes sense?” I said “did you feel me like they said you’re supposed to?” I said. Looking down then up at him. He looked at me his cheeks reddened.
“I felt everything.” He said “The first time it was insane, it wasn’t intense like everyone said it was.” He said “I just felt lightheaded and a little sick to my stomach.” He laughed “I thought I hadn’t eaten enough or worked too hard.” He said “it wasn’t until that night I had a dream.” He said looking at me in the eyes “I’ll never forget this first dream.” He said “I was onstage, crowd screaming, the guys around me. I slip and fall and everyone is gone, the crowd, the guys, the crew. It’s dark the lights are shining in my eyes. They couldn’t focus for a long time. Like you know when you take a picture of lights and they’re all glowy? Yeah that’s what my eyes were doing bouncing in and out of focus like that. Then I see something coming towards me from behind the light. I’m trying to hard to see what it is. Then I see, and it’s the most beautiful human in the world.” He said looking at me “I needed to get to you, I needed to be near you, I couldn’t reach you, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t yell for you to come to me. I was opening my mouth and nothing was happening. You looked so lost. So scared, So alone. It hurt me. This dream haunted me for the first little bit.” He said “Then the dreams would change. I would be walking down this dark road trying to get to you. You were always just out of reach.” He said “not matter how much I wanted to get you I couldn’t In some of the dreams you’d tease me. You’d look right at me, through me and I couldn’t do nothing about it. I’d feel so vulnerable and lost in these dreams. In others I was just desperate” he said, His ears reddening. Desperate to touch you, and hold you and kiss you and hear you and Feel you.” He said “feel this.” He said holding our hands up “and so much more.” He said My heart was steadily pounding in my ears, I wondered if he could hear it, if he could feel it. I pulled one hand free and placed it on my chest
“can you feel it?” I asked sounding a little breathless. Was this him? Or me? Are we currently feeling each other? He swallowed hard and nodded placing his hand on his chest. “will it always be like this?” I asked him. “this can’t be healthy.” I laughed.
“I don’t know.” He said laughing quietly. “Tell me about you.” He said “I want to know everything.” He said looking at me, his eyes a glow. The sun was lower in the sky but not quite setting yet. It created a good afternoon glow. I started from birth and made my way up from there. He’d laugh like I was the funniest person in the world, His laugh was the most beautiful sound I’d ever seen. Everyone I was ever attracted to in life lacked compared to him. His boyish features, His soft eyes, I’d never seen true beauty until I met him in person. Our conversation came easy. We had so much in common, our childhoods were told as if we lived down the road from each other. His stories would bounce off of mine, or mine of of his, Our lives interconnected through these innocent memories where we had no idea we’d ever meet in this way, or at all. We were both lonely teens. He often wondered if he would be able to be with his soulmate because of who he became. He wondered if I saw him at his shows and he missed me. He’d always look into the crowd at his events. He’d look around at the airport. He was constantly searching for me because he felt like he failed because he didn’t see me when I saw him. He felt like he failed as a soulmate. He felt every ounce of sadness I felt when I was longing for him. He longed for me to find me and apologize. And he did apologize and it hurt to see him think he wasn’t enough. I wasn’t sure if I should tell him of the fate I was told of for him? Was that against the rules? Were there rules? He’d hurt enough already, I didn’t dare want to hurt him more let alone live without him. It could be wrong anyway.
“you’re sad.” He said looking at me worried, I couldn’t hide nothing from him now but I’d damn sure try and hide this for the rest of my life.
“you can never fail me.” I said. “ever. I hope I never fail you.” I said. “please always be here with me.” I said as tears started welling In my eyes
“I’ll always be with you now.” He said “we’ll never be apart.” He said reaching for my hand and pulling me up and towards him. He sat me across his lap. I felt so small in his arms and safe. and scared for him in this moment. I wanted nothing more in life than to protect him forever. He held me close to him, I could hear his heartbeat syncing with mine. His hands holding on to me at my hip, My one arm wrapped around him and I leaned into him. The nape of his neck warm, I kissed his pulse point and felt is on my lips, I hoped I’d always feel it there. The tears were falling steadily now. “don’t be sad.” He said to me in the softest voice. “you’ll be okay as long as I’m here.” He said. He had no idea what he was saying and how much it really meant to me, or maybe he did. “I’ll love you forever.” He said as he turned to kiss my lips softly. My hands immediately found his hair, I ran my hands through the ends as we kissed softly. His nose bumping mine. His hands holding onto me tightly. This kiss much more innocent than our last one but still had just as much of an effect on me as the first. My stomach was in knots as I tried to stop the tears and let him comfort me. I shouldn’t be here, I shouldn’t have come. His poor soul didn’t deserve me, I didn’t deserve him. His lips meeting my lips with growing intensity, his hands gripping me tighter, My breath coming in harsh breaths now as I had stopped crying. He kissed up my cheek and down again. I leaned my forehead against his, His breath cool on my damp cheeks.
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livelovelaug-h · 6 years
Sad truths
Sam x reader
Summary - I'm not really good at these. Finding out who kills you is a very big surprise. Who is it? And how? Hmmmm big plot twist at the end.
Warnings- angst. Stabbing?
A/n: this is for @waywardrose13 1k challenge!! #Rose1KChallenge. My line is in bold and is "" in the future ....do I make it?" "No". Also Not my gif. Probs some spelling mistakes.
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Where were you? Wtf back at the bunker? Okay....
You started walking towards where you heard a voice. You were in the doorframe of the kitchen peeking in you saw dean and Sam.? Weren't they just with you. They seemed older though? How? We're you in the future maybe? Dean walked away back to his room Probably. You felt someone tap you and you turned around and let out a big gasp. That person looked just like you. ... But a lot paler.
"where am I? Who are you?"
"you're in the future. I'm you".
"Whaaa...... Are you so pale and their not?"
"because your-". And then she disappeared and you woke up to Sam staring at you.
"what did you do to her?."
"nothing I'm telling her, her future."
And how would you know that.
Currently you were tied up with Sam by someone you've been tracking down for quite some time. Her name is Ava and apparently a superhuman that knows a lot of stuff. She wasn't really doing anything wrong but you were supposed to get her and bring her to God aka Chuck. You guys walked in there and Dean tried putting handcuffs on her so here you guys were now. Except she Zapped Dean back to the bunker- lucky him. Right now she says it's about you and Sam. You & Sam have been dating for about 2 years. You guys met on a hunt and it was love at first sight- I mean of course it was for you, he's hot.
Sam: What do you want from us?
"I know you guys are going to try and kill me and I can't have that happen."
"for the 20th time we're not going to kill you" you said.
"I think that may be true but I have to tell you guys that's your futures not looking to good".
"yeah? And what is that supposed to mean?" Sam asked.
"I'll gladly show you".
There you were back in the bunker standing now the library. The older Sam and Dean were at the tables researching. You and Sam stood far away from then and Sam looked very confused. "This is where she took you before?"
"yes". "why do we look- oh yea the future. Okay. Now what?"
"idk I guess we just wait".
"what happened when you came-"
" ... "
"what ?" You felt something tap your shoulder again and you turned around to see the paler self you again.
"Sam this is-".
"You yeah I get it. But why is she/you so pale?"
" wait - so in the future ....do I make it?"
"no. And you'll be surprised who will kill you".
you felt sick to your stomach i mean you knew you would die kinda young but soon-ish? You looked over at Sam with a questioning face
"that's right" she says.
"wh-what??" You say.
"Sam kills you" Sam tightens his jaw.
"I would never kill her".
"🤷 sometimes you have to do, what you have to do."
"how long into the future is this".
"oh this is 7 years... But you've been dead."
"how long?"
"I'm afraid i already said too much."
"oh come on cut the crap" Sam says to her.
"fine it's your funeral. Literally"
Now here you were In some weird room that's huge and white. There's dean In a chair and you and Sammy. There's a guy with a knife up to dean's neck-
"who do you pick Sammy? The girl or your brother?"
"neither we're all leaving here alive. I'll give you anything else you want."
"bad answer." He says while cutting some of Dean's throat.
"okay." He says and walks over to you and strokes your cheek. "What about her?"
"don't!". Hmm "you better choose before I come back".
"Sam what are we gonna do about this?"
"can you get out of your ropes?". "Ughhhh, no."
Sam tried his hardest to get out and so did you. "Come on, come on" Sam whispered.
The guy came back-
"did you decide?" "fuck. off."
"I thought so" he used a spell and his eyes lit up & so did Sams, it turned a dark green.
"here" he handed Sam the knife. "Kill the person you choose".
Sam Walked over to you and just stabbed you.
Your mouth dropped down.
"no" Sam whispers. Everything fades back to where you were with Ava & you guys weren't tied down anymore. You kinda wanted to cry and as you look over towards the girl she disappears.
"where did she go" you asked out loud.
"I dont know."
".....well we should, um we should head back."
"yeah, hey y/n that's not gonna happen okay-"
"its okay Sam. we can't do anything about it he made you do it." you said about to walk away when he grabs your arm. He has tears in his eyes.
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"hey, no it's not okay because I'm going to do everything in my power to not let that happen even if that means me not working on that case then so be it. I can't lose you."
"I know Sam. I can't lose you either. We'll find a way."
Then you felt it- his lips on your lips in the most needy passionate kiss ever. The one where he thinks he's going to lose you. You both knew theres Probably nothing you could do but at least you get about 6 maybe more years and that's all that matters. You had an idea.
You pulled back "come on, let's go back home."
He interlocks your hands and walks to where the Impala was parked.
"hey are you guys okay? where is she?" Dean asked.
"well.. she disappeared." You said.
"how did you guys get out ?" "She let us go"
"are you okay" "were fine" Sam says and walks away.
"what happened?"
"it's nothing really. I'm going to go take a walk I'll be back soon."
"Okay?" Deans says and you walk out. You have been crying for over two hours and you saw a missed call from Sam but you couldn't answer. You were battling yourself weather or not you should do it now later. But the longer you wait the more painful it will be.
You put the box in the ground and waited.......
"ah yes what can I do for you y/n" a demon said.
"I want to make a deal."
"What kind of a deal?"
"I want you to erase Sam and Dean's memories of me. "
"why would you want to do that?"
"because I need to. Now are you going to or not?"
"what's in it for me?"
"what do you want?"
"hmm good question but I think you-"
"not my soul pick. Ill work for you or I'll help u get some souls".
"Sounds good, we'll arrange something. I'll go get the Winchesters memories erased and the angel of course."
"yes thank you. And take all my stuff out of there." He nods his head. With the small swoosh that's when it really hit you and you cried so hard that no sound even came out.
The next morning-
You went to a diner to get some coffee of course you haven't slept and you went way across town so you wouldn't run into the love of your life that you couldnt have and his brother. You were getting sugar packets when you dropped some on the floor and when you went down to pick them up your hand touched another hand.
"oh I'm sorry I didn't see- ".
"Sam?" You gasped also instantly getting tears in your eyes.
"Do I know you, you look familiar?"
Tears started falling down "no you don't" you whispered but loud enough for him to hear and walked away. This is going to be hell.
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despairforme · 6 years
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Some summer / beach things for the boys. @grimmjxw 
Nnoitra doesn’t tan. He gets sunburnt - and then his skin peels off. Because of this, he’ll look even paler than usual compared to Grimmjow ( who does get a tan in summer?? ).
Nnoitra doesn’t like walking around shirtless ( and most of his shirts are black rip ), so even when they’re at the beach and it’s burning hot, he won’t undress. He doesn’t wear shorts either - he wears pants. It’ll have to be REALLY warm for him to consider undressing. And it doesn’t exactly make it any cooler that Grimmjow is hot as fuck when he is shirtless...
While Grimmjow enjoys water and swimming - Nnoitra actually can’t swim. He does own a pair of swim trunks, but he has only used them once - and that was for wading. Grimmjow can swim all he wants... Nnoitra will only wade in the shallows to cool his feet.
Nnoitra’s favorite thing about going to the beach is that there are so many ice-cream stalls, and he always gets watermelon sorbet. So while Grimmjow cools himself off with swimming in the ocean - Nnoitra eats an ice cream... Or six.
.... Watergun fights....... With Nnoitra buying a gun for each of them and then it’s a full out war on the beach with lots of innocent people as collateral damage. 
Sunscreen is one of those things Nnoitra doesn’t understand ( how can that shit protect him from the sun? ), so he never uses it, and it’s probably best if Grimmjow doesn’t either. Nnoitra won’t be able to watch Grimmjow rub himself in with lotion without getting a hard-on.
If it’s really warm, Nnoitra will immediately hug Grimmjow when he’s done swimming ( and he’s still dripping wet ), to cool himself down. The result is that Grimmjow gets warm af again... And will probably need to go for another swim.
If ANYONE dares make any remarks at Grimmjow’s missing arm ( it’s pretty visible if he’s shirtless at the beach after all? ), Nnoitra will not hesitate to cause a scene. Let Grimmjow enjoy himself without having people comment on his arm wtf???
During the warmest days, Nnoitra will steal someone’s parasol and lay beneath it, flat out on the sand, mouth open, panting - and have Grimmjow spray him with a water gun.
Nnoitra really does wanna try to swim but... Who is gonna save him if it doesn’t work out... 
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bookio · 3 years
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The Pisces (2018) by Melissa Broder
Obsessed over her ex-boyfriend, Lucy breaks his nose when finding out he met someone new. Given two ultimatum, to either go to legal court for the nose or sign up for serval months of women's therapy for her "Love Addiction", Lucy picks the latter. Her sister offers her to stay at her beach house in exchange for Lucy babysitting the sister's dog.
Between group therapy sessions, Lucy attend serval awful dates with meaningless, boring sex. She feels lost.
During late night beach walks, she sometimes meets a beautiful man out swimming. He's cute and charming, and she is able to be open with him in a way she hadn't before. He however is always in the water, because of his heavy wetsuit, he says. His name is Theo.
After many meetings and finally kissing, the mysterious man finally shows her the truth. He is actually a merman! Lucy who feel very connected to him wants to try make this work though.
Their relationship is sexy and cute and sexy and romantic and sexy. Just wow, i'm in awe. Who could have thought, a merman. With help of a wheelbarrow, they are able to snuggle up in the beach house. But Theo is afraid of dogs and the sister's dog hates fish, and try attack on sight. This leads to Lucy constantly giving the dog sleeping pills to be able to have sex with Theo.
During this time, the ex have been sending lots of desperate "I miss youu" to Lucy, and with the therapy at it's ends meet, she tells Theo she might go home soon to never return again.
Theo gets heartbroken and disappears at sea for serval days. While Lucy awaits him, she keep drugging the dog and even finds out that the ex-boyfriend doesn't want her back. His new girlfriend is pregnant and he is just showing cold feet, wtf.
When sister comes home, the dog has died of an overdose. It's unclear if she told her the reason why, but i doubt it because Lucy keep saying she never had anyone over, even though we know she did.
The merman comes back, and Lucy says she chooses him over everything. Theo, now paler than before and eyes grown dark says they can be together if she joins him in the waterworld. Lucy agrees, and confusingly packs a bag and dreams of her new life as a mermaid. BUT when they prepare to go into the water together, Theo ties a rope around her wrist.
He says it's because human bodies will reflexively struggle for survival and try to reach the surface again. Confused, Lucy realize she will not turn into a mermaid but that Theo is a siren, and need blood/souls to survive or something. She asks how many he got so far, which he honestly says 17 bodies.
Realizing she is not special, Lucy angrily breaks up and they part ways for good. Her final reflections of reconnecting with her sister and herself as a single woman is her main priority from now on.
I'm so surprised by this book, it's really good?! Finished those 298 pages in just 6 early hours. 5/5 stars
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A Girl Called Owl (2017) by Amy Wilson
I'm a big fan of Frozen, that's why I picked up this book based on the cover, thinking it would be some sort of knockoff Elsa story. But to my surprise it's more like a... DreamWorks Jack Frost fanfiction?
Owl is a normal high school girl, but one day she realize she has ice powers! Her mother confesses that she entered the magic realm with a secret spell (she randomly found a magic book one day) when she was teenager and spent one single day with Jack Frost. Oh boy.
I know that the Jack Frost character is old as time, but the way he's described is suspiciously similar to the animated character from 2012. At the beginning of chapter 14, Owl even googles his name to find out that wow, there's a movie about him being "a guardian". HMMM.
Owl goes looking for Jack and they meet through her mother's old spellbook. He doesn't believe she's his daughter because he hasn't planned for one or something. They dance in the snow, he is handsome. His best friend North Wind shows up, he's also handsome for some reason. Owl is happy to have a dad again.
Owl tells Jack that she's "half fairy, half winter spirit", but fairies hasn't been established in this book (yet) so i can't figure out if she's lying or if it's a script error? He doesn't even react on it.
Meanwhile, in high school. A mysterious exchange student shows up. He dress in punk clothes and have a scary mohawk hairstyle. He approach her with cryptic "I know who you are". Turns out he's sent to spy on her, he's a tree nymph that can control the wind. Okay.
Owl is forced back to the magic realm because it's illegal for spirits to mate with humans (so she's not a fairy anymore?) and she's the proof a deed like that has been committed. So Jack's sent to some secluded place and she is to try out his job. Jack still denies that he has a daughter.
She fails miserably because she angry over Jack not accepting her, she freeze too much and almost kill people but stopped by Jack himself. He then recalls Owl mother, "oh i thought the woman who visited me was just a dream of my imagination" (p.210). What.
They have a meeting with Mother Earth and they figure out that punk guy's boss, "the count of Autumn" has been jealous of Jack's winter. So he planted a magic spellbook infront of a pretty human to cause problems for him.
Mother Earth clears the arguments and Jack promises to visit his daughter sometimes, but work comes first. And Owl is sent back to her mother in time for movie night.
Btw, Owl has a human best friend called Mallory, who's parents are going through a divorce which basically works as a page filler for the non-magical events. At the end, she's like "wow my best friend is half-fairy, half winter spirit" which by now has been clear not to be??
And oh, her name is Owl because her spirit animal is an owl. But Jack Frosts spirit animal is the wolf, because why not.
It's written oddly like something I would write in high school. A young girl turns out to be magical and the exchange student is also special and every guy we encounter are either old or handsome. I'm obviously not the target audience but it was a nice little read anyway. Made me nostalgic because my young self stories basically all looked kind of like this haha! 3/5 stars
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Can you write the Connor x Internet friend! Reader as a fanfic. I would love it if you did.
Message Me || Connor Murphy x Reader (PART 1 OF 5)
requested : yep prompt: n/a pairing : connor murphy x reader warnings : suicide plan mention additional notes : reader is female, based off of a Connor X Internet friend reader headcanon by @watch-the-whole-world-disappear, they meet on tumblr, connor runs an Edgy™ Aesthetic Blog, WHICH I RUN BTW, NOT THAT THERES ANYTHING ON IT YET BUT YEAH FOLLOW ME AT @connor-fvckng-mvrphy lmao it’s a Connor roleplay blog
Bored. Bored. Bored.
Bored is such a boring word. In this moment, you’ve never heard a word that describes you so much.
You scroll listlessly through your tumblr, liking random images and quotes from this one aesthetic blog that you follow. Your eyes wander, not that you’re finding anything interesting, until you come across an interesting poem.   
I have to get this off my chest before I straighten every crooked object offensive clutter distraction OCD nervous as fuck I’ll pull out every hair or tear my fingers off If I don’t figure out how to look in your eyes without screaming
I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I can’t remember anything before you I can’t imagine anything without you I want to live the rest of my life with you
But only if you think I’m cool We should just kill ourselves
‘Interesting,' You think, 'Edgy, but very interesting.’
This guy (girl? other?) seems interesting. Relatable. You click on their name, intrigued.
At one click, you fall in love with the account. You follow on first sight.
According to his bio, his name is Connor and he’s seventeen. His posts consist of black-and-white photos of chipped nail-polish, of pale wrists with even paler scars zigzagged across the stick-thin appendage. Quotes by Poe, little poems like the first one you read. 
He’s tortured, you know. But you can’t bring yourself to message him, like the little stalker you are.
Hours of pouring over his account turn into days, days into weeks, until finally you have been an avid fan of his for a month. 
And then it all comes crashing down.
One day, you refresh your page, bored, and there’s a new post from him. Literally must have been posted not even a minute ago. 
this is not going to be a great week or year or life or anything inbetween i thought for a millisecond that i had found a friend a kindred spirit but you fucking tore it up
fuck you, E.H. your friend too go ahead and laugh laugh all you want but will you be laughing when the school shooter is dead?
You’re worried.
This poem…was not like the others.
This was angry. This was raw. This was…this was real.
You bite your lip. Your eyes flick down to the tags.
#suicide plan #goodbye
Shit. Your eyes widen and you click on your inbox, typing in a message frantically
you hi I know you don’t know me but I just saw the tags on your newest poem and im freaking out please please don’t kill yourself I’m sorry it’s just your poems are really relatable and help me a lot and i feel like I’ve gotten to know you through them and oh my god you probably think I’m so creepy I’m so sorry
You wait, terrified, for a response.
One minute.
Two minutes.
There is no answer, and you bury your head in your pillow and try not to cry. You can’t help it, your shoulders shake with wracking sobs. You probably failed at saving this guy, you failed so bad. You suck, oh god, you suck.
After another five minutes of sobbing, you hear a loud ding from your phone, and you blearily stare at the screen through unshed tears.
connor-fvckng-mvrphy im flattered I didn’t realise that somebody actually read my poems or my tags or cared or…
You gasp in relief, fingers tap-tap-tapping out a reply. 
you OH thank god I thought that you had… Are you okay?? thats a stupid question omg I'm sorry
connor-fvckng-mvrphy im fine actually…i feel much better. thanks for, you know. caring.
you Anytime! I’m [y/n] btw
connor-fvckng-mvrphy connor
you i know thats creepy oh my god;sorry
connor-fvckng-mvrphy it’s fine ig I mean it is in my bio so??? its chill
you :)
connor-fvckng-mvrphy so this might sound weird but ???? you’re…pretty cool. i just looked over your account and wanted to know well you know want to talk more???
you wow im??? Really???
connor-fvckng-mvrphy yeah i mean you helped me there,,,like a lot,,,
you id love to !!!!
You talked almost every day. When you got down to it…he was a sweetheart. He was kind. He got you.
connor-fvckng-mvrphy do you think, like… well ever get to meet each other?? imean you’re a really great friend now and??? id like to meet you.
you i wish but we live like eight hours away from each other…
connor-fvckng-mvrphy ill drive to you!
you calm down, connor…lmao we don’t want you burning out on the way
connor-fvckng-mvrphy :( I don’t even know what you look like…
you i don’t know what you look like either! XD
connor-fvckng-mvrphy shit well if I send you a picture of me will you do the same?
you sure ig
connor-fvckng-mvrphyme.jpg my sister took the photo so,,,
connor-fvckng-mvrphy id prefer handsome but I’ll take it your turn, missy.
you hnnghhh okaybewarnedIlooklikeapotato.jpg
connor-fvckng-mvrphy … holy shit
you bad???
you no no no I am definitely not wtf you need your eyes checked?
connor-fvckng-mvrphy no way you’re fucking adorable i think /I’m/ in love you cute lil motherfucker
 connor-fvckng-mvrphy we should swap phone numbers
you and skype??
connor-fvckng-mvrphy fuck yeah
you oKay !!! im [skype/name] and my number is [number]
connor-fvckng-mvrphy my Skype is the same as my tumblr and my phone number is XXXX XXXXXX
you saved and I just texted you too :)
connor-fvckng-mvrphy 'hi Connor!!!!’ with a bunch of happy emojis? dude you’re just,,, thats really fucking cute
you wh y???? do you keep calling me cute I’m???
connor-fvckng-mvrphy because, as it turns out, i have a really cute best friend
you best friend?? awww connor!!!
connor-fvckng-mvrphy yeah yeah you’re literally all I have, [y/n]
you you’re my best friend too!! i really wish i could meet you…
connor-fvckng-mvrphy  me too…hold on a sec
you connor??? you okay???
connor-fvckng-mvrphy my sister just walked in and was being a dick, being nosy about who I’m talking to and not believing that it was a friend. She thinks I’m talking to my dealer. i fucking hate her sometimes
you do you?
connor-fvckng-mvrphy …no but she thinks I do. It’s easier to let her.
you *internet hug*
connor-fvckng-mvrphy Fuck…that’s cute.
 As time went on, you found yourself more and more drawn to Connor. His photos could always make you smile, and nothing brightened up a shitty day more than clicking on his Skype name and watching him answer a video call, smiling dopily at the camera.
And also as time went on…you slowly began to realise why.
You were in love with him. 
Fuck, you were in love with a guy eight hours away. A guy that you had never met in real life. What do you do?
…You continue pining for him over a distance, of course.
You watch yourself in the screen, waiting for Connor to pick up the Skype call. Soon enough, he does, and his grinning face fills the screen.
“Hey, [y/n].” He greets sleepily - it’s like, midnight over there - and rests his chin on his hands.
“Heya.” You wave at the camera, grinning sheepishly and a little shyly. The thrill of actually seeing him rather than just a message still gets you.
“It’s almost Valentine’s Day, huh?”
“Yep! Any special girl that you had in mind?” You ask, a hopeful smile plastered on your face.
“No, well…actually…” He furrows his brow, and your heart drops.
“Is she pretty?” You ask, concealing your jealousy. You could be there for him.
“She’s cute. Like, really fucking cute.” Connor says, watching you carefully.
Truth be told, Connor felt the same way. He was absolutely crazy about you, but he didn’t want to ruin this adorably heartwarming friendship you had.
To wake up and have no more *internet hug* messages or cute little reminders…it’d ruin his life. You were absolutely the only thing keeping him going.
You talked for ages, until it was about 2:30 on his end. Before long, he was getting tired. 
“I should go soon.” He says drowsily. 
“Mmmm.” You don’t want him to go. “Night, Con.”
“G'night.” He yawns. “Love you.”
You freeze. He freezes and hurriedly leaves the video chat.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Connor slams his head on his desk, pissed off. “I fucked up. I fucked up.” He mumbles.
A small chime comes from his computer and he bites his lip, glancing reluctantly at the screen.
you i love you too!!!!
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stalker216 · 7 years
mike the killer creepypasta
okay first i’m not that kid that liked to go places but after i met this girl i changed a lot. so i see this girl on my way to school i didn't care if i was late so i stopped to talked to her i asked “ hey you okay?” then she replied “ not really my life is ruined and i’m ugly as hell” i sat next to her to look at her then i noticed she was wearing a black dress and she was paler than me but she looked beautiful so i told her “ hey your not ugly in fact your really pretty i got to go to school but ill see you around by the way my names Michael” before i left i heard her say “ my names Jane!” i went to school and got bullied.....again then when school was over i walked to work and made about 20 a week so i was saving up for a car but so it was the same thing id wake up,take a shower, grab a peace of toast walk to school, stop to talk to Jane, go to school, get bullied, walk to work, talk to Jane on the way, go to work, make 20 bucks, walk home then go to sleep but one day she was waiting for me then when i sat down she giggled saying “ hey no need to go to school today i have something to show you.” i nervously fallowed her because of the knife then she showed me a body but i wasn't really fazed because i work a place the people fight sometimes..McDonald's so she told me to pick something so i ate its heart then walked to school but i grabbed a water so i can hide the blood on my mouth as i was washing my face the school jock pushed my head against the mirror “ hello bitch” i replied angerly “ dude wtf man you could have killed me!” he got cocky and said “ oh what you gonna do bitch?!” i punched him in his mouth and slammed him on the sink but i stopped when Jane yelled “ Michael stop!” i let him go and walked out then she helped me with my school work but in my head i asked myself “ how did she get here?” then she walked me to work then on my birthday we stopped by the hardware store and she got me a chainsaw for a present so i walked to school with it in my backpack (at my school i had a huge one) so after the jock cornered me again his friend looked a Jane then pinned her to the wall then johnny said “ you wanna fight bitch if you win you keep her if i win shes mine” i yelled “ LEAVE HER ALONE!” then he got cocky again and his friend kissed her so i grabbed my bag yanked Jane from his friend then they fallowed me home this time so i started it then cut johnny in half so his friend ran begging me not to kill him but i killed him too so it started my life 
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