#:) ANYWAYS i am going to crash Hard at around 5pm
lurkiestvoid · 4 months
I couldn't sleep but I have Shit To Do Today that I can't risk missing so I am mainlining caffeine. it's 10:30am and my chest is full of hummingbirds. This is maybe fine
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laele25 · 4 years
Republicans are willfully stupid
And now that I have your attention, let me explain.  Here are some the asinine ‘wow, you’re really dumb enough to believe that, huh, hoss?’ excuses I have seen tossed around by Republicans trying to justify voting for Trump and his enablers. 1 “But Democrats want to kill babies.”  Okay, straight up, if you believe that, you’re a moron who deserved to be mocked into silence.  The only people who have been ‘killing babies’ is the US government who has thrown them in cages for the last four years and bombed the Middle East for the last 20.  Fuck off with your faux morality pearl clutching, I ain’t even renting it.   You just want to tell other people what to do with their bodies so you can justify your racism and have a false sense of morality.  Until you care about the children separated from their families, the children dying during our drone raids. or the child homeless and starving or stuck in abusive homes, you do not ‘think of the children’.   You are pro-forced birth and any CPS worker worth their salt can give you a lesson on why forcing people to have and keep children they do not want is incredibly cruel, especially to said child. 2.  “Higher wages will make things  more expensive!”  Hoover would have LOVED to have your bootchoking idiots around when the stock market crashed in ‘29.  Since you only care about anecdotal evidence instead of data, well, lucky for you, I live in a city with a $15 an hour minimum wage.  Before the country had to shut down (by the by Washington was rated the best place to ride out the pandemic because we have a sane governor and social safety nets) , there were help wanted signs in nearly every business.  Why?  Because people don’t have to have three jobs to make ends meet.  Yeah, housing is obscene, but that is because of an unregulated housing market, just like the rest of the country.   A Big Mac is still only six bucks here.  Five years after $15 an hour. And before anyone runs in with ‘But what about the people who are being paid less than $15 an hour and aren’t in ‘low wage jobs’?’  Because that’s another, ‘Wow, you really are deepthroating that boot hard, aren’t you?’  When the minimum wage goes up, ALL WAGES GO UP.  Why?  Because businesses have to pay more to get good workers.  It’s your ‘free market’ at work. And finally, the most classist argument of all ‘But those are just part-time jobs for teenagers.’  Now besides the fact all of the data says you’re fucking wrong and FDR flat out said he started the minimum wage as a living wage because any American who works full time shouldn’t be destitute, I’m gonna go again with appealing to your self-centeredness because you are all you care about. So what you’re saying is you only want fast food, retail sales, janitorial services, housekeeping, medical assistants, and secretarial work from 5pm to 10pm and weekends when those teenagers who you believe should do all that work are not in school.  On top of their on average four hours of homework a night.   Right... 3. “TAXES, OMG!”  First of all, you are not the only ones who pay taxes.  In fact, and here I go with data you won’t like, big blue liberal cities pay more taxes than you and take less tax money.  Why?  Because people have better wages, so there’s less destitute people living on food stamps.  Imagine that. Also, the taxes you already pay are going to pay for new weapons of war that will go over budget, arrive late or are never delivered, or will be obsolete or never work anyway.  Another big chunk goes to corporate subsidies, so that big corporations can pay their stakeholders even more and buy back their own stock to artificially inflate the value of the stock so they get even richer.  While paying little or no taxes at all. So, yeah, taxing people over 400k matters shit all unless you make over 400k a year and if you do, you should be paying more taxes.   You cannot avoid death or taxes.  But make sure the money is being spent on things that help you, idiot. 4. “SOCIALISM!” Insert gif of Bernie Sanders yelling boo here.  Because that’s how ridiculous y’all are.  Medicare and Social Security are socialism.  Pensions?  Socialism.   Stop using that word, you have no fucking idea what it means.   5. “Trump is doing the best he can with covid.”  You are not wrong.  This is as good as the incompetent, idiotic, senile, narcissistic, sociopathic, self-serving asshole can do.  Which means he is absolutely unfit for the job.  If you believe otherwise, you’re either as stupid as he is or don’t pay attention to anything but Fox News. And you’re probably also a tiny dicked racist who hates ‘immigrants’ even though we’re a country of immigrants.  It takes a special kind of willful, hateful ignorance to not see what’s happening.  And if you do and think that it won’t affect you, well, congrats, now you are the same as the Germans who looked the other way when the Nazis ran on anti-Semitism.   Now, if anyone has anymore stupid Republican gaslighting you want me to debunk, let me know.  Because i am fucking done.   ETA: Centerists, you’re worse than the Trumpters, because you want us to be happy with them taking away some people’s rights and leaving some people out in the cold just to mollify the sociopaths on the right.  Shame on you especially. 
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
What's your sleeping position? I sleep slightly turned to my left and propped up. How much did you spend the last time you went to a restaurant? I haven’t been to a restaurant in almost a year now, but I spent over $50 recently getting food from a restaurant delivered. I love the convenience of Doordash, but damn it’s expensive. Are caterpillars more cute or disgusting? Sorry, but I don’t find ANY bug cute. I’m afraid of all of them and find them all gross. I’m sure they’d say the same about me, so it’s mutual. Ha. Who started the conversation between you and the person you're currently texting? I'm not texting anyone right now. How long have you been on the computer? Over an hour this current session. I was on earlier, but got off to eat and stuff. Or do you mean how long total in my life? I’ve been using computers since I was in kindergarten in school, but my family and I got our first computer when I was 9. That’s when it really took off for me and I’ve been hooked ever since.
Whose birthday is coming up? What's your relation to them? My brother’s is next month. Have you ever had an argument with another survey-taker/maker? Nooo. The survey crew on here are awesome. Where is the farthest you've traveled this month? The only place I’ll be going is to my doctor, which is like a 5 minute drive away. What is somet​hing you wish you had more of? Energy. What is your state/province/region known for? I feel like when people think of California, they think of beaches and Hollywood. Have you ever had to spend the night at a hospital? Yeah, I’ve had to spend months in the hospital.  Do you put shopping carts back into their designated spot in the parking lot? I don’t use shopping carts because it would be hard for me to push and wheel myself at the same time, but yeah my mom always puts back the one we use. What is the population of the city you live in? *shrug* It’s a lot. What is the most common name you are called other than your given name? Steph or Sis. What's your homepage when you bring up the internet? Well, I keep my windows open and whatever I was on last, which is generally Tumblr and YouTube (I both because I have two windows open side by side so I can watch YouTube and do other things), is the first thing I see when I open my laptop. Google is my homepage, though, it’s what pops up when I open a new tab or window. Was the last book you read for fun or was it for some type of assignment? For fun. I love to read and do a lot of it. Have you accomplished any goals you set for yourself this year so far? I haven’t set any, but we’re barely a little over a week into the new year. What was the last thing to annoy you or make you upset? It just sucked because I slept in until like 5PM yesterday and with my family’s different schedules and just kind of doing our own things at that time (my dad was busy and my brother was relaxing and probably taking a nap cause he had to get up early for work the past two days and today as well), I hardly saw or spoke to anyone. My mom had been gone hours before I got up and hours after because she had to get stuff ready for our family friend who flew back home today that she’s a caregiver for and then go pick her up and help her get settled in at home and it ended up taking a long time. By the time she got home she just quickly ate and had to go to bed because she has to get up super early for work. :/ So yeah, I didn’t even really get to see or talk to her at all. My brother had to go to bed early, too, and my dad always goes to bed early, so I’ve been up alone since like 10PM and that’s early. Generally, my mom and brother stay up later than that. I have my whole nighttime routine where I just do my own thing and I like it, but I like being able to see and talk to my family before during the day, ya know? My nighttime alone time routine doesn’t start usually until like after midnight, so yeah 10PM was really early. Being that I did that the night before as well and sleeping in so late and hardly seeing/taking to anyone yesterday... it’s been a lot of alone time and I’m feeling kinda lonely. But whatever, I’m doing my nighttime routine and about to make my ramen and then probably just go to sleep. Have you ever been ditched by someone only to find them out and about with someone else? No, I didn’t end up seeing them, but I found out later that they ended up doing something else. How old were you when you had your wisdom teeth removed? Like 16, I think.  What’s the last song you sang out loud? I don’t remember at the moment. Have you ever dated someone you met online? No. Do you wish you were taller or shorter? “I wish I was a little bit taller.” 🎶 What time did you go to bed last night? I crashed around 5AM, which is early for me. I didn’t even remember falling asleep. Do you think you’re fat? No. I’m actually too thin and underweight. Do you have a pet cat? Nope. If you had to get up at six AM tomorrow morning, would it be painful? I’d be up anyway since I generally stay up until like 7 or 8AM. That’s been my messed up sleep schedule the past year for whatever reason. Are you happy with life at the moment? No. I think that’s been made abundantly clear to anyone who has been following me and reads my answers. Would you go on a date with someone right now if they asked? Nooo. Do you believe that if you want something bad enough, you’ll get it? You gotta put in the work and effort, too. What was the last thing you watched on the TV? King of Queens. What do you hear? An ASMR video. What’s the last beverage you had? I just drank some of my Starbucks Doubleshot energy drink. Who came over last? We haven’t had anyone over since the pandemic hit. Are you thinking of getting another piercing and, if so, where? Nope. How many phones have you gone through? I’ve had like 7 or 8. Have you always lived in the house you currently reside in? No, we moved here about 10 years ago. Do you own any band tees? Yeah, I have 3 Linkin Park shirts, a Red Hot Chili Peppers shirt, and a couple Nirvana shirts. Do you like to drink wine? No. Or any alcohol. Do you think your future will be a good one? :/
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har-rison-s · 6 years
request: Roger and reader get in a car accident and the reader goes through the front windshield and dies and roger is inconsolable.
A/N: This is so sad. Haha, I'm sorry. Please don't cry, loves. Happy times. Anyways, hope this meets your standarts. I've been sitting and writing this since 5pm today and it's now 10pm. This also made me very sad. Happy (sorta) reading!
warnings (this one needs these): car accident, injuries, swearing, sad themes, bad writing and possible spelling and grammar errors (haven't proof-read).
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It was a drunk driver. Someone who didn't care about himself nor about others. And happened to be on the road on the exact time you both were. Just a coincidence that led to the worst possible consequence. And then there was an argument. 
About what? Roger tried to hard to remember for the longest time, and then he finally got it. He forgot your birthday. And you didn't tell him at first because you thought he'll do that cliché thing of forgetting and then there's a surprise party at home or the studio. But there was no such thing. And after realising he's forgot, Roger got his foot cut and you both had to drive to the pharmacy for some essentials.
Then you started talking, and the talking turned into throwing insults and eventually even shouting. You both were saying nonsense, Roger more so than you because you were hurt and had already said what you wanted to. Roger was agitated because of his foot and your bad mood and your coming onto him and accusing him of not loving you. 
So he called you clingy, needy and attention-seeking. Oh, you think those are the worst? No, he also called you annoying and self-obsessed. And you both knew those words were the farthest from the truth than any other. But Roger couldn't help it. He was angry and called faulty, and he wasn't having any of it. 
When you both looked into each other's eyes after he had shouted that he never loved you, that damned driving drunk crashed his car into yours from the back left side. The scenery completely changed and everything seemed to have gone in slow motion. 
Your wide eyes were shut now, your hands gripping the steering wheel. But your body was pushed forwards, over the wheel and through the window. Roger didn't have to react, he was thrown to the side. He tried to grip onto anything with his hands, but nothing came close to touch. He only remembers seeing the glass shattering as you went through it. 
When he opened his eyes again, Roger's head was in the grass and he was half laying in the grass, half still in the car. After he had stood up, he realised he was pushed against the door and it opened as a result, and he ended up falling out of the car halfway. His neck was hurting now and he groaned as he slowly got up on his knees and then his feet. The process was slow and painful, but he didn't think about that. He only thought about you and finding you, seeing you, checking if you're alright.
You were oh so very far from that. You were laying face down on the pavement, Roger could see blood around your head and body even in the dark, your arms folded next to you. It looked like you had broken your leg, or even more...
Roger staggered over to you and lifted you up in his lap. Your eyes were open, and through his blood and tears in the eyes, he believed you were conscious. But you weren't moving. Maybe it was the shock that made him believe you were here with him still.
He rocked you both back and forth, slowly and softly, in robotic motions. He felt a pain in his left elbow and shoulder, but he wasn't feeling it fully. “Hey, you're okay,” Roger said to you. He didn't know what else to say, all other words having fled his mind, “you're okay, you're alright. We're fine.” His voice turned squeaky at the end, and more tears came. He's crying, and he can't control it. 
Soon, Roger heard sirens coming your and his way, but he stayed where he was. Holding you, crying, and murmuring the same sentences over and over. He lost all track of reality and you when they took him away from you and placed him on the stretcher. He tried not to leave your figure with his eyes, but he couldn't. Roger was passing out and they were taking you away to where he couldn't see anymore. 
He woke up and didn't know where he was, what time it was. He'd lost all track of it between waking up several times and passing out again. Tests and questions and systems and blood-taking and bandages and redressing and... Tiring things, no wonder he slept through most of it all. 
Roger glanced around him, looking for a clock or a watch or anything that might tell him what time it was. He was in the hospital, a strange set of... his clothes on him. He didn't remember wearing them earlier. There's also a serious bandage on his left arm, going from his shoulder to the middle of his forearm. He hasn't seen that before, as well. 
There are no more wires or needles on him, and Roger sighs appreciatively. There's a glass on the bed-side table, and yearns for it, reaching over. Once he drinks the liquid, he feels a bit better. Then he feels his stomach tighten and groans, realising he's hungry, as well.
Roger finds a clock on the wall opposite him and it tells him that it's half past five in the evening. He sighs.
Roger waits for someone to come in and while he does, he also tries to remember what happened. The last decent thing he remembers is holding you in his arms, crying and mumbling in your deaf ears. You didn't hear him anymore. You didn't hear anything. But he didn't know that. And for a while, it's better for him not to know. And now he wonders where you are, how you're doing. You're probably in a hospital bed, sleeping, drugged and wired up.
A nurse comes in, dressed in white, her hair brown. She has similar features to yours, and Roger almost mistakes her for you at first. “H-Hi.” He says in a quiet voice, and then clears his throat.
The nurse gives him a polite smile and grips her clipboard in her hands. “Good afternoon, Mr Taylor.” She says. “How are you feeling?”
“Hungry.” He says at first. “Nothing hurts, if you're wonderin' about that.” 
“Good to hear that. Your arm, your head, your back—none of them hurt?” She asks and Roger nods. “Alright. Now, please tell me what's your relationship with Y/N Y/L/N. You both were brought in together and seemed to be carrying each other's blood on your clothes.”
“Sh-she's my girlfriend, um...” Roger gulps and looks down, his eyes frantic, “my-my girlfriend, yes.” He looks back at the nurse with hopeful eyes, hoping she'll tell him anything about where you are and what's your condition.
“Does she have any family?” She asks and Roger nods.
“Her mum and sister.” He responds. The nurse nods and writes something down on her clipboard papers. Roger watches her do so with anxious eyes. “Can-can you tell me about her? Where is she? Is she alright? Can I see her?” He can't contain his curiosity and anxiety anymore, he has to know something. They have to tell him what's happening, it'd be purely heartless to keep him in the dark from any news.
The nurse looks down and folds her arms behind her back. Roger watches her anxiously, fiddling with his hands on the edge of the hospital blanket. The nurse walks a few steps closer to Roger's bed, but doesn't reach it. Only a few steps closer. Roger gulps.
“She was brought in without a pulse, without a heartbeat. She wasn't breathing.” She tells Roger. “I am so sorry, Mr Taylor.”
Roger can see the sincerity and hurt in her own face, but he doesn't understand what she's said at first. “Wh-what do you mean 'sorry'? Is she not here?”
“We couldn't regain any life in her body. I truly am sorry, Mr Taylor. There was nothing we could do, unfortunately.” She explains to him further and Roger's own heartbeat and breathing stop for a second.
“She's... She's...” 
Those were the last words Roger said before he started screaming and shouting and throwing everything around. He was uncontrollable, and the nurse was scared of him. He was shouting profanities, threats, denying words. He was crying and screaming his voice out. The nurse ran out, rushing her coworkers to get into his room and fix him a sedative.
Due to a drunken situation or simply a stupid decision, Roger Taylor's closest to-call person's number belongs to Brian May. The secretary sighs and dials the number on the phone and waits for the man to answer the phone. Once he does, she speaks without hesitation.
“Hello, is this Brian May?”
“Yes, who's calling?” 
“This is Saint John's hospital calling you. You're written as Roger Taylor's first contact person.”
“Oh, dear, am I really?” Brian sighs and shakes his head. “Alright, then, um—what's happened?”
“Mr Taylor's in the hospital, recently sedated due to an anger breakout and he's soon going to wake up. We think a familiar face might bring some peace to him.”
“Well, what's the—alright, I'll come and find out if you won't tell me now. Goodbye, then.”
“We'll be waiting for you, Mr May.” The secretary says and ends the call. She puts the telephone down and fills out a form that is to be signed by Mr May when he arrives.
He came quicker than she would have thought, seeing the familiar lanky frame and head of curls of the rockstar walking down the hallway ten minutes after their call. She smiles when he reaches the her table. 
“Hello.” Brian says to her, and she nods.
“Please sign these forms.” She says and gives the papers to him. Brian huffs and sighs quietly to himself, while also humming a tune, giving the hospital papers his signature and check marks. He gives them back to the secretary, a tight-lipped almost smile on his face as he looks at her almost shyly. “Thank you. Mr Taylor's in the 322nd room, first door on your right when you turn the corner. He's awake.” She shows him where he has to go and Brian nods.
“Thank you.” He says and walks away, dragging his long thin stick-like legs behind him. Brian knocks before opening the door and entering Roger's room. His friend is laying on the bed, looking at the window. This night is gloomy for London, practically the usual look. “Hey, Rog,” Brian speaks to get his friend's attention.
Roger turns his head to Brian slowly with raised eyebrows and his face changes into slight surprise when he sees his friend. “What are you doing here?” He asks and Brian chuckles. He closes the door behind him and walks over to the bed. Brian sits down next to his friend and Roger shimmies a little so Brian would be more comfortable.
“The hospital called me.” Brian responds. “Apparently, I'm your number one contact person in your file.” He says and smiles. Something similar to a smile appears on Roger's lips, as well, but it's gone before it lasted. Brian noticed, though. He saw the glimpse of hope. “How are you doing? They told me you were sedated after an... anger burst-out?” Brian furrows his eyebrows a bit, looking at Roger in question. His eyelids only drop a little lower and he looks at the window again.
Brian waits for Roger to speak, and he doesn't, for a while. “Someone crashed into us.” Roger says quietly. “Sh-she fell through the window. The front windshield.” He tells Brian and he tenses a little, feeling sorrow for Roger and you. “And she...” Roger gulps down his tears, but his sadness and anger can be heard in his shaky, squealed voice. “She didn't survive, Brian.” Roger shakes his head violently, still not looking at Brian. 
“Rog...” Brian says ever so softly. As softly as a feather falling against a glass window. 
“They couldn't bring her back. They couldn't restart her heart, they couldn't power her lungs, they couldn't—” Roger stops himself and looks around. “FUCK! They could have done fuck all, but they did nothing and stood by while my girl was still revivable! PISSPOTS!” Roger shouts and Brian brings his hand to Roger's, trying to do anything to calm his friend down. Roger cries, but wipes his tears at the same time with the back of his hands. “It's all my fault, it's all my fault. It's all my fault, Brian.” He repeats over and over, crying heavily. 
“Don't say that, Rog, that's not true—”
“It is!” Roger exclaims, looking at Brian finally. “It is thoroughly my fault from start to finish and now she's DEAD!” He screams and Brian brings his lips together, hoping no doctors will come by and sedate his friend again. Roger's tears keep falling and he sobs, looking at the boring window again. He calms his own breathing, but Brian can see the tears coming down still. “We were arguing. Because I forgot her birthday, you know—”
“Yes, I was there last night.” Brian nods and Roger looks at him.
“And then I got my stupid foot cut and we had to get bandages.” Roger tells Brian. “And then we started talking, shouting, insulting each other. And then some cunt's car—”
“Roger!” Brian scolds him for the horrible word. For all they know, it could have been an accident, a sick or mental person driving. They're bound to know the truth only in a day or two.
“—crashed into ours and she—” Roger stops himself, sniffling and wiping his face. “And I held her, I held her to me. I thought her arm was broken, and I thought she was conscious, but I didn't even notice that she wasn't moving.” Roger looks back at Brian and more tears start falling, like rain now, down his cheeks. “She died in a second, Brian. A second! A fucking—” Roger stops again and looks away, trying to get his tears out by blinking. “Could have prevented it all. Could have been with her now.” Roger starts crying again, more heavier than previously and it breaks Brian's heart break to see his best friend like this. He's never seen Roger so visibly broken, in such a state of despair. 
Brian sits closer to Roger and puts his arms around the small frame of the drummer, pulling his best friend against his chest. He feels Roger's bandaged arm against him and puts a hand on his hair. Brian lets Roger cry all he needs, and neither of them care how it'd look if someone walked in. Roger needs comfort and Brian's now here to give him just that and more.
Roger whines about how he lied to you, how he hurt you, how he forgot your birthday, how he said such horrible things to you. Brian listens to it all while holding Roger like a little child. Brian knew how much you and Roger mean to each other, and now that you're gone... it brings a few tears to his eyes, as well. You were a sunshine, a person full of love and life and support and just... everything good. Brian noticed how happy you made Roger and how he always wanted to be by your side. What broke Brian was that Roger mentioned something about proposing to you soon. Roger was so happy about it, excited. Excited for you both and the future you could have had together. 
“Please don't blame this on yourself, Rog,” Brian says softly when Roger's sobs have grown quieter, “weighing yourself down in this situation is the worst you can do.” He tells him. “She wouldn't want this.” He then says, quietly, careful of how Roger might react to those words. Nothing changes in his demeanor, and Brian is a bit relieved. “I'll keep you company here. I can call Freddie and John—”
“Please,” Roger pleads softly, “no one else.” He says. Brian nods and pats Roger's back. He lets go of Roger, and the blonde drummer falls into the soft hospital bed again. A shaky sigh leaves his lips. 
“Do you want something to eat?” Brian asks and Roger nods, looking at his best friend. “I hear they have killer eggs here.” He says, smiling sheepishly. Roger only looks at Brian, not replying anything. Brian understands it well, not asking anything more of his grieving best friend. He needs time.
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naturezoneunite · 4 years
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Elemental Wars Book Of Wishes Chapter VIII New Student|Junis vs Zak
Monday morning at school, Mr. Dominguez made a new announcement. "Good morning students." "I have a new announcement to make, we have a new student that came from Tokyo, Japan." "Please introduce yourself young man." Mr. Dominguez said.
The new student with silver hair, and grey eyes walks in the class, introduced himself to the rest of the class. "Good morning everyone, my Name is Ushi Vizuno Zhang, please to meet you all." Ushi said after he introduced himself to the rest of the class.
Later at lunch, Ushi Zhang, Zak Sakagami, Anstice Galanos I and Junis Yakamura had lunch together as friends. They decided to kill some time by chatting about anything.
"Are you three students new to this school like me?" Ushi said as he smiled. "Except me, I'm a sophomore and so is Riku." Anstice said. "I see, what about you two?" Ushi said. " Yes I am." Junis said. "You are absolutely correct." "Junis and I are freshmen." Zak said. "Really!?" "That is amazing!" Ushi said.
Few hours later after school, Junis arrived at the Ishikawa Dojo that is next to the Shanghai Art Museum. He knocked on the front door, Kimichi opened the door, She was shocked that her friend (Junis Yakamura) is at the Ishikawa Dojo 5 minutes early. She let him in.
"I'm surprised that you showed up 55 minutes before 5pm." "I would never let you down." "I'm very impressed." Kimichi said as she let Junis in the dojo. Mrs. Ishikawa opened the closet for Junis since he's the first visitor. "You can pick any color in this closet for your first training montage." Mrs. Ishikawa said as she let him select which one to wear.
There were six kinds of training clothes, Red|White|Gray, White|Black, Orange|Red, Black|Yellow, Yellow|Red|White, Black|Red. He chose ninth training clothes for Training Montage and fourth training clothes for battle.
Mrs. Ishikawa explained the rules of Martial arts, Sword Techniques, scrolls, and magic. "Before we begin, I have one more question to ask you Mrs. Ishikawa." Junis said. "Ask away." "How many scrolls to collect in total?" Junis said.
"To answer your question Mr. Yakamura." "There are 50 scrolls in total." "10 Martial Arts Scrolls, 10 Sword scrolls, 10 Magic Scrolls, 10 Sacred Scrolls, 10 Legendary Scrolls." Last Scroll is the scroll of Elements. All 50 Scrolls are scattered in 5 countries. 10 in Japan, 10 in China, 10 in Greece, 10 in Argentina, and 10 in Germany." Mrs. Ishikawa said.
Junis and Kimichi begun their first training montage against each other. They fought for 6 hours, Kimichi never realized how strong Junis was in training, both of them was exhausted. Mrs. Ishikawa took them home, tucked them in bed as they fall asleep.
While they was sleeping, Junis was having a nightmare about his friend Zak was in danger, being possessed by the mysterious man, Junis tried to save Zak, not just him, everyone especially his best friends Kimichi and Sukina.
Tuesday morning at the Tournament, Zak defeated Riku, Anstice, Terrance, and Ushi to advance to the final round. Junis defeated Allison, Elena, Sukina, and Kimichi to advance to the final round. Junis noticed Zak looked different, he talked to him with a smile of pure happiness on his face. "Hey Zak, I wish you the best of luck." Junis said. Zak glared at him, growls at him and moved him out of the way.
Junis smiled and went to the nurse's office in the 1st floor. He saw Anstice, Riku, Terrance, and Ushi in terrible condition. "Wow Terrance you really got beaten to a pulp." "Go fuck yourself Junis." "Anyway, who did this to the rest of you!?" Junis asked really curious and worried. "Zak....did this..." Ushi said. "He's not normal dude..." Riku said. "We did everything we can....but" Terrance said. "It wasn't....enough to him...he overpowered us..." Anstice said.
As they passed out unconsciously, Junis went back to the gym, really devastated, lost for words. An hour later, Junis was fighting, Zak stabbed him in the back, Junis was screaming in pain bleeding so much. Zak took the blade out of him and kicked him really hard.
Junis coughed a lot of blood and crashed against the wall really hard. Kimichi was freaking out, really worried about Junis. "Yakamura Kun!!!" (Enough playing around you imbecile, Kill him now!) Zak raise his sword about to kill him, but Kimichi protected him and pushed Junis out of the way.
Junis was shocked that he struck Kimichi in the back. "ISHIKAWA SAN!!!" Junis got up and ran to her quickly but Zak got in front of him. "It's pointless to save a weakling, you are still the same as I imagined." "A pathetic hero."
Junis moved Zak out of the way and took the blade out of Kimichi and destroyed it. He came at Zak really furious and attacked him. Zak was in pain and his curse was broken. Junis was about to attack Zak again but Kimichi hold him back, Sukina had to take Zak to the hospital.
Everyone looked at Junis in disgust. "That was a low blow Yakamura." "I was trying to save Ishikawa San..." "You should be ashamed of yourself." "But...but..." "Ishikawa San, say something..."
Kimichi didn't speak and tried to look at Junis in the eye but she couldn't. "Just leave dude." Junis was angry and yelled at everyone. "You know what, go to hell you assholes!!!" Junis said running away.
Couple of hours later after school, Junis avoided everyone including Kimichi and Sukina. He went to the Hoshino Shrine to live there for a couple of weeks. The Shrine Maiden introduced herself to her first visitor.
"Good Afternoon sir." "My name is Salina Hoshino." "I am the Shrine Maiden of the Hoshino Shrine." "You can call me Sally." "Please to meet you sir." Salina said. "My name is Junis Yei-Sung Yakamura, nice to meet you too." Junis said. He looked at her from head to toe. Her red hair, her red eyes, her J Cup Breasts, and her clothing.
He can tell that she's a nice and trustworthy Shrine Maiden. He sensed that she is identical to him, but she's a Shinning holy dragon. Later at night, Junis took a shower with Salina, it was relaxing, it was very soothing too.
"Sir Yakamura." "Hmm?" "You don't mind staying here for a couple of weeks?" "Not at all Sally, you don't have a problem with me living in your Shrine, I'm glad to be here." "That's a great relief sir." "I'm here to get away from everyone." "Everyone?" "I'll tell you everything."
Junior told her everything from the beginning to the end, Sally was shocked. "Oh my, I'm sorry about your pain and suffering sir." "It's okay." "I trust you after all." Junis said as he got out of the shower with Sally. He dried himself off, Sally dried herself off. He put on the Yukata that Sally made for him, he was grateful to receive a wonderful gift from her.
Sally mentioned to Junis that her shrine has a living room, a dining room, a bedroom, and one bed. He didn't mind at all, sharing a bedroom in the same room as her. They fell asleep together, Sally cuddles him in her sleep.
0 notes
donnarider · 7 years
Conspiracy club (Klance au) part 1
This is a birthday present for @beekeeper-cas who wanted a high school au where Keith is in a conspiracy club and Lance wants to help everyone and constantly needs a nap (I hope I remembered this right ‘cause my garbage phone deleted the text). Enjoy <3
„Lance? Lance? DUDE!“
Something cold touched the back of his neck and he jerked. His head collided painfully with something hard. He groaned and examined the spot of impact. He could have sworn he could already feel a bump.
“ ¿Qué mierda?” he cursed and looked up angrily. His expression softened immediately when his eyes fell on Hunk’s pained face. His best friend was rubbing his jawline.
“Man. You really don’t like it when someone wakes you up…”
“Shit, Hunk. I’m sorry. Are you okay?”
“I’ve had worse. I’m a beefy football player, this is nothing.” He flexed and winked at Lance who blushed a little. Hunk was his best friend but that didn’t mean he couldn’t tell how handsome he was. He had had a small crush on him in 10th grade but it had lasted only a couple of weeks and it had never made things weird between them in any way. “So…” Hunk started and sat down next to Lance at the table he had fallen asleep at. “I’m guessing you didn’t get any sleep last night…again…” Lance squirmed in his chair. Hunk wasn’t going to like his answer.
“Nooo…BUT it was totally an emergency, Hunk! The yearbook club had a major setback with the layout so Nyma called me and - “
“Nyma can do that sort of stuff on her own. She knows how busy you always are and yet she calls you over every little thing. You really need to learn how to say no to her, Lance.” Hunk sighed and ruffled up Lance’ hair.
“I know, I know… but I also wanted to help the other guys in the club, not only her… Anyways, we were supposed to be finished by ten but I didn’t get home till after midnight and then suddenly one of my sisters called from college because her boyfriend broke up with her and she got super drunk and cried and stuff. He didn’t deserve her anyways, that motherfucker…”
“Not the point, Lance. You need to sleep and preferably not during class. By the way, you slept through chemistry again in case you haven’t noticed.” Lance looked around and realized they were indeed still in the lab. He groaned.
“Kaltenecker is gonna breathe down my neck for the rest of the year. I might as well just dig my own grave.”
“No self-pity today, we don’t have time for that. Get off your ass, we’re going to the library to study. You have a lot to catch up on.” Lance was already grabbing his bag and hurried after Hunk.
“Did I ever tell you that I love you, big guy?”
“Once or twice… a day.” Hunk chuckled and punched his arm playfully.
A couple of hours later he was rubbing at his eyes aggressively and was downing his fourth coffee. Which was a lot considering that he hated coffee more than anything. The library smelled of old books and wood and the cheap lamps with their dimmed light did not exactly make it easier to stay awake. Hunk yawned for the fifth time in a row and finally closed his chemistry book.
“Alright, I need to crash. Let’s go home.” Lance shook his head in response.
“You go. I want to go over this part again.”
“Lance!” Hunk said with a warning tone in his voice.
“I’m gonna sleep eventually, promise.” Hunk raised his eyebrows.
“Full 8 hours!” Lance added and made a boy scout gesture. Hunk snorted.
“I’m gonna ask your mum at what time you got home so don’t try any shit, McClain.” Hunk pulled a granola bar from his bag, put it in front of Lance and grabbed his books. Lance smiled at him and saluted when he turned around one last time before he left the library. He pushed the granola bar aside with his index finger. He could use it as a reward for later and his brain worked better on an empty stomach anyways. He sighed and flipped through the pages of his book until he found the chapter he was struggling with. He ripped a blank page from his writing pad. Maybe summarizing his own notes again would help him learn this stuff by heart.
Ten minutes later he found himself doodling small fish on the side of the page. He sighed and lay his head on the table. He should have gone home with Hunk. It was late and he was tired and he had to get up early tomorrow to help the prom committee hang those stupid posters before class started. A sudden chill made him shiver. It was getting cold in the library but he also had the feeling someone was looking at him. He turned his face so that his other cheek was now resting on the table. There was no one looking at him but he saw someone roaming between the shelves. The person was trailing the back of the books with their finger as if they were searching for something but weren’t sure what. Lance could only see their hand for a second but he was sure they were wearing black fingerless leather gloves. When they rounded the next shelf Lance could finally see their upper body.
It was a tall boy with black hair. He wore a black shirt and a red leather jacket with broad white stripes on it. He wasn’t looking in Lance’ direction so it was difficult to see his face. Eventually he pulled a rather big book out of one of the shelves and opened it. Lance was sure he would go to one of the tables to read next but instead he lowered himself to the floor right between the shelves and sat down cross-legged, the book in his lap. He was now facing Lance but apparently hadn’t noticed him. Lance breath caught in his throat. He didn’t know if it was because he was tired but the boy looked incredibly beautiful to him and it made Lance’ heart ache a little. His face was the perfect mix of hard lines and softness and his hair was falling into his face in an endearing way. Lance was, however, pretty sure he was hallucinating the boy because there was no way he actually had a mullet. Nope. Not possible.
His hallucination suddenly looked up and met his gaze. Lance froze. His eyes were so big… and they were fixed on him. He gulped, suddenly very aware that his face was lying on the table and he probably looked like a complete idiot. But the other’s face showed no emotion. He just looked at Lance for a moment and then turned his gaze back to the book in his lap. Lance couldn’t help but keep staring at him and he swore he saw the corner of the boy’s mouth curl up in a smile. Even if it was only for a second.
Lance knew his face was probably red by now and he buried his head under his arms on the table. He fell asleep seconds later.
When the annoyed librarian woke him an hour later because they were closing a red leather jacket had been draped over his shoulders.
After Hunk hit him lightly for not even being close to eight hours of sleep the next morning he was finally able to tell someone about the weird encounter.
“I mean I don’t even know who he is so how am I gonna give him back his jacket?” he ended helplessly. Hunk giggled in response. Lance frowned at him.
“How exactly is that funny, Hunk?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It’s just… dude…this is some Cinderella shit right here. Now you have to make every guy you see try on the jacket until you find your one true love… mullet-boy.” Lance kicked his shin under the cafeteria table.
“Bad Hunk, not helping.” Hunk stilled laughed at his own joke.
“Sorry, yeah. Back on track. So, tell me again how pretty he was.” Lance sighed.
“Soooo pretty, Hunk. Ugh. Like… have you ever seen someone so pretty it actually made you thankful humankind was created?”
“I think you might be exaggerating a bit there but okay.”
“Exaggerating? Our Lance? Never!” deadpanned Pidge who just arrived at their table with a full food tray. They sat down next to Hunk and threw the cookie from their tray at Lance. “Here, you disgusting sugar addict.” They took a spoon full of pasta and started chewing. “What are we talking about?”
“Lance met some weird guy in the library last night and is head over heels for him. Unfortunately he doesn’t have any idea who they guy is,” Hunk filled them in while Lance was busy unpacking the cookie and taking a big bite of it. “Our only clue is a jacket his knight in shining armor left.” Pidge nodded.
“Cinderella style.” Hunk beamed at them.
“So, Lance. What did he look like?” They asked with one eyebrow raised. Lance knew that the story had woken their interest.
“Black hair, black shirt, fingerless leather gloves, I didn’t pay much attention to his legs but I think black jeans and boots and ummm also… he… well sort of… a mullet,” he mumbled the last words so Pidge might not hear them. They did of course and a stupidly wide grin was plastered on their face.
“Show me the jacket please, dear sir.” Lance grabbed it from the seat next to him and held it up so Pidge could see. He knew they were up to something but knowing Pidge it was better to just go with it.
“Ahhh, well. Mystery solved, I guess.” They said still grinning.
“What? How?”
“I know exactly whose jacket that is.”
“Well? Tell me!”
“Yeah!” Hunk joined in. “Tell us! This is getting really interesting.”
“Keith Kogane. He’s in our year. You don’t have any classes with him though so that explains why you never saw him before. He usually sticks to himself.”
“Kogane…Never heard the name either… How do you know him, Pidge?” They shrugged and swallowed another spoon of pasta before they replied.
“Conspiracy club.”
“Conspi-… what? I didn’t even know we had one!” Lance almost yelled. This was definitely not what he had expected.
“Well, now you know. Every Thursday, 5pm.” Lance and Hunk watched them eat their pasta in silence for a moment. Both too surprised to react. They had been friends with Pidge for years and while they knew about their ‘obsessions’ they had no idea that they were in a club like that. Lance took another bite from his cookie before he slammed his fist on the table and made Hunk jump a bit.
“Hunk, we’re going to the conspiracy club. Today. I wanna meet my Cinderella.”
Author’s notes:
@beekeeper-cas You know how much you mean to me, right? You’re so incredibly important to me and I will be forever thankful that we met and became friends. You’re such a kind, amazing person and I learned so much from you. I’m so glad that we can just hang and talk about stuff all day and when I get home I feel so much better. I wish you all the good things in the world and hope you have a wonderful birthday <3
I’m incredibly sorry if there are any mistakes in this. Unfortunately beekeeper-cas is also my beta and since this is a surprise for her I couldn’t exactly ask her to proof-read it xD If you find any mistakes feel free to tell me.
I don’t know shit about American schools so I’m just making this up as I go with a little help from google.
In case you read my Klance soulmate au and are wondering “Wtf Donna, why don’t you finish one fic before you start a new one?” the answer is that a lot of shit is going on in my life right now (I’m talking existencial level) and I need to work on that right now. Since this is a birthday present for one of my best friends it was more important to me than the other fic. I hope I will be able to upload the next chapter of the soulmate au wihtin the next two weeks. Please bear with me. Read the soulmate au here
As it says in the short intro the idea for this fic comes entirely from beekeeper-cas. She told me she wanted a conspiracy club au where Lance always helps people and studies at night and one night he falls asleep in the library and wakes up with Keith’s jacket on him. I just filled in some details, added some own ideas and well... wrote it xD I hope you like it Mish ^-^
If you want me to tag you when I post the next chapter of this just send me an ask ;)
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slugbaby · 5 years
TW: anxiety/panic attacks/suicide
Yesterday was not good.
You know those made up conversations you have in your head that you use as a guideline to prepare you for the real thing? I got lost in one while trying to fall asleep last night. Trying to converse with my father and falling apart. Trying to tell him why I'm so messed up, even though he should clearly know.
And despite all the bullshit, I love the old man. He's an asshole who doesn't listen to me a majority of the time, but I know he cares in his own weird way. So that pretend conversation that turned into a one-sided argument had me in a pretend breakdown. And then that breakdown spilled over into real life. I started remembering that the last time I saw my mother alive we'd argued. She was dead within 12 hours. What if I finally try to speak to my father and he dies afterwards? Would it be my fault?
Full blown panic attack in seconds. I'm sobbing, rocking back and forth, reaching for my phone to see if anyone's online and awake to talk to (because I wanted to let boyfriend sleep). No one's awake that would care to listen or understand what I'm talking about. Check playstation app to see if anyone's awake there. Strangely enough, not a soul. Try to calm myself. Fail.
Suddenly, warm soft fur presses against my leg and I dry my eyes and look down as Mose cries out, "Mrow?"
He gently paws me and I scoop him up, hold him close, focus on the warmth of his body and the gentle vibration of purrs. I feel him licking at tears on my cheek and my heart stops racing. It may have only been a couple of minutes we sat that way but I eventually put him down, turn on the heating pad for him, and try to go back to sleep.
Boyfriend gets up early (three hours later) to go renew car tags. Says Mose didn't even run to hang out with him - stayed glued to my side, but watched him with interest. I wake up as he's getting dressed, feeling exhausted, explain to him about the shitty night and he stops what he's doing to sit with me.
I start being a sobby mess. Words come crashing and tumbling like fine china and shattering. I'm wrapped in his arms and I'm babbling. Probably nonsense. I don't even remember what I said. I think I calm down. Boyfriend says it's okay - that I'm not required to hold anything back. So I fall apart again. I didn't realize how long we just curled up on the floor together with just hugs and kisses through my tears, but eventually I calm enough to see it's been 2 hours. I start apologizing and he shrugs, "They're still open. I'll just have to wait longer. Who cares?"
I tell him I'm gonna try to sleep. He tucks me in and heads out. Mose curls up closer to me and I manage to pass out.
Somewhere around 5pm I wake up. Check my phone. See boyfriend has stopped at his father's house to shoot at targets for a while just to relax. I tell him that I love him and to be safe.
My father wakes an hour later to get ready for work. As soon as I see him my brain loses its grip on sanity - I feel my chest tighten and I'm back at the start of a panic attack to a pretend conversation I no longer plan to have at all.
I run to the kitchen while he heads for the shower - oblivious - and try to calm myself. Boyfriend sees I'm awake and sends me a video of him loading one of the bb guns - to share a silly MGS joke with me.
Brain freaks out. Remembering he struggles just as hard as I do with depression and suicidal urges. I literally know it's not a real gun - I've held it - but my heart starts pounding like a trapped prisoner and I crumple on the floor fighting my mind as it insists he's disappearing. I'm losing him. He's going to kill himself. I manage to finally play the video - see he's fine. Try to send him several voice messages and start having another panic attack. I'm sobbing and shaking and finally he just replies, "I'm coming home. Don't drive anywhere. Just get ready and I'll take you out for a bit."
And he gets here in a couple hours and he's tired, but he's sweet. We go out and eat. Take turns picking music - mine are shades of blue and soft while his are shades of orange and lively. He doesn't comment on it or chastise me for varying song choice - he just allows it. He snuggles me at home until he falls asleep.
Now the thoughts are racing and it's nearly 2:30am. In exhausted. Want to sleep. Every time I rest my head, my heart wants to race and my thoughts follow swiftly after. Made cookies. Hoped the warmth would comfort me. Burned them slightly but ate them anyway.
My kitty is curled up next to me. My man snoring on my other side. Yet the brief gaps between both have such a thick blanket of darkness. I'm just a mess.
I'm not sure if this helps me. To type it all out. I guess it'll be good to reference later if I'm ever on the other side. Like 'look how far you've come' and all that.
I just want outta here. My sanity is so shot.
I just want out.
0 notes
theclaravoyant · 7 years
Pride prompt Coffee shop AU wheee Skye is kicked out by her foster parents and she runs into May who decides to take her home where she lives with her girlfriend Natasha
AN ~ lucky you get to jump the queue as it allows me to cover a few further up the list as well :D I hope you all like your found families with an extra helping of Gay™ this time of year! also tagging @mocking-point who prompted me something similar a while back in relation to this fic (tw: abuse), and @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl, sorry I don’t write much Maria, but I put a little of her in here for you
main relationships: Skye & May, May x Nat. some background Skimmons.
Rated T mostly for swearing and some sexual references, but in this fic Skye is underage, so I won’t be writing any smut for it, though I am open to other prompts in this ‘verse.
Read on AO3 (~2000 words)
Where the Heart Is
There was always a place at Mack’s with her name on it, the manager had told Skye once. She’d been grateful for it at the time, but never more than in this moment, as she hissed and swore at her computer screen and its crappy wifi and everything that her day, so far, had been. She had a backpack, a duffel, and her computer bag surrounding her like rounded wagons; all her belongings in the world not even reaching the other side of the booth. She had a table at Mack’s with her name on it, and not much else except the tears running down her face.
“Shit- fuck – shit!” she muttered, wiping furiously at her tears and raking her hair back in one hand. Lincoln was out of town, Fitz and his mother barely had enough room for themselves, and Jemma was probably having her own ass handed to her right at this very moment. Mack had his daughter to think about, and Skye had way too much damage to bring herself to taint their lives with hers. She dragged her hands down her face, all the guilt and fear and panic combining into bitter-tasting, gut-wrenching shit.
“Can I help you?”
Skye was almost feeling too bad to be ashamed as she looked toward the source of the voice. It was an older woman, Chinese like her – and American-born too, by the sound of things. She looked… not emotionless, exactly, nor uncaring. A little bored, perhaps, and more than a shade judgemental, Skye would say, about the tirade of curses she’d been muttering for a while now. She took a moment to wonder why one of the staff hand’t asked her to be quiet or to leave, before she realised that the woman was still standing there.
“Sorry,” Skye said. “I got – I got kicked out again, that’s all, from this foster home place, and normally I’d crash at my friend Hunter’s but he’s got this new asshole landlord so I can only ask maybe one night out of him and everyone else I know can’t help so basically I’m fucked and I’m going to have to go back to St Agnes and then I’m really fucked and –“
The woman’s facial expression had barely changed. Maybe it wasn’t the swearing she’d hated, Skye speculated. Maybe it was just words.
“Sorry,” she said again. “Thanks for your concern but basically, unless you’ve got a spare room I can have for – well, pretty much free at this point – no, you can’t really help I don’t think.”
Skye turned her attention back to her computer screen, and to the swarm of Facebook messages that announced disappointment after disappointment. She closed the page and opened another blank one. There must be some kind of work-sharing, noticeboard exchange site that would help her out, surely. But what would she find there? Would she be willing to – what was it called, ‘bang for roof’? Was that even legal?
“Why’d you get kicked out?”
Skye jumped.
“Je-sus!” she exclaimed. The unflappable Asian woman was still there. Her odd, hard-to-read expression mad Skye want to spill all her secrets. She was homeless and crying in a diner anyway; what did she really have to lose?
“I had sex,” Skye confessed. “In their house. With a girl.” She shook her head. “To be honest, I’m not entirely sure which part bothered them more, but I know what I’ll be hearing from the nuns about.”
She rolled her eyes, and put a smile on it. The stranger’s face changed. It was hard to tell, moving from one emotion to another on such a small scale, but there was something in it, Skye was sure. And it was something that, bizarrely enough, made her feel hopeful.
The woman took a pen out of her pocket, reached for a napkin, and wrote down an address.
“My name is May,” she said, sliding the napkin to Skye. “There’s a room here, if you want it.”
Skye felt her stomach twist. Her instincts made her want to trust May, but they’d also let her fall in love with the last place she’d stayed, and she’d been all but chased out over the threshold just now. Clearly her radar was off. At least on www.4-let.com she knew she could trust that sketchy feeling.
But when she looked up to decline the offer, May was gone.
She wasn’t sure what made her keep the napkin. Desperate times called for desperate measures, she supposed. For whatever reason though, it wasn’t long before it was playing on her mind again. Skye lay wide-awake on Hunter’s couch, staring up at an old, familiar stain on the roof. She’d spent many a comforting night on this couch, but this one seemed to get longer and harder as it went on, as if the bed and the roof were screaming at her in a language she could barely understand, that tonight was the last night she would even have this.
The hairs tingled on her arms. It almost felt like the napkin was whispering to her, keeping her up until, at some point, she must have drifted off because she did remember waking, and what was there to wake from if not sleep? She felt about as fresh as the towels in Hunter’s bathroom, but nevertheless, she did manage to drag herself to the kitchen for a coffee and a bagel. Munching on one of the small joys she still had left in life, Skye pulled the napkin out of yesterday’s jacket pocket. It no longer seemed so menacing in the daylight, but for that unsettling feeling of wanting to trust it that came over Skye again.
Desperate times, she reminded herself, and took a picture of the napkin with her phone. On the sheet itself, she scrawled:
In case I get murdered, I’m at this address.If you haven’t heard from me by 5pm, call me, then call police.
Being back at Agnes was better than being dead, after all. Skye capped the pen with a short, sharp, satisfied sigh. That was it now, she thought. She’d committed, to the visit at least. No backing out.
It was with this attitude – albeit a little battered from her shift at work – that Skye got off the bus later that afternoon in front of an old blue and white colonial, behind a low brick wall and a slightly scrappy garden. She let herself through the gate and took a deep breath as she approached the door. It certainly felt like finding a new home, but that wasn’t necessarily a good thing. And, she recalled, it was the middle of the afternoon. If May had any kind of regular adult life, there might not be anyone home after all.
Skye was contemplating bailing when a smiling face appeared from around the corner of the house. It was another woman, a little younger than May, with short flame-bright red hair. She carried a small potted plant in one hand and a trowel in the other, which Skye thought was a little odd given the state of the garden, and in the middle of the day, but it was not the strangest thing she’d ever seen. Certainly not as strange as giving a crying girl in a coffee shop your home address.
“Hi,” greeted the woman. “Ni hao.”
“Uh, hi,” Skye greeted eventually. “Sorry, I don’t – I don’t speak much Mandarin. I’m a California girl.”
“What brings you to these parts then, hm?” the woman asked.
“I’m looking for May?” Skye pulled out her phone and showed the woman the photo of the napkin. “She gave me this.”
The woman smiled fondly at it.
“Alright then. Come on in, I’ll give you the tour. I’m Natasha by the way. Call me Nat.”
She followed Nat inside and was shown around; upstairs, downstairs, the bathrooms, the kitchen. When they got there, Nat offered her a drink, and started making coffee before she could answer.
“Any questions?”
Skye was distracted by the pictures on the fridge. This was definitely May’s house. In fact, judging by some of these photographs, it was May and Nat’s house. Skye smiled, feeling her heart clench at a particularly domestic shot of the two of them: a younger couple, in front of their home – sold! – and both of them with matching smiles, broad and toothy, and with their arms around each other, as if they’d been laughing before the shot or about to collapse into it. It felt like such a distant dream, that she could be that happy. It was heartening beyond what she could have imagined, to feel that happiness – and so much more – in the bones of this house.
Nat sidled up beside Skye, smiling to herself.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry,” Skye said, blushing a little as she turned away from the fridge and accepted the coffee Nat held out. Nat shrugged.
“We wouldn’t keep them on the fridge if we didn’t want visitors seeing,” she explained. “And it’s not like you wouldn’t figure it out, if you moved in. We like to get any awkward questions out of the way early.”
Skye nodded. “I can appreciate that.”
“May tells me that shouldn’t be a problem with you though, should it?” Nat raised an eyebrow, the implication so unavoidable that Skye blushed a little.
“I guess not,” she said. “As long as it doesn’t bother you?”
“Only after 9pm on a school night.”
Skye snorted.
“And you’re telling me I can stay here – for as long as I want – for free?”
“As far as we’re concerned? Absolutely. Legally? That’s a different matter. Fortunately, we have a lawyer coming to help us out. May’s with her now.”
“You knew I was coming?” Skye wondered. Nat smiled cryptically.
“May did.”
“How? Even I didn’t know I was coming ‘til this morning.”
“Yes you did,” Nat replied simply. Skye raised her eyebrows, but drank her coffee. It was a stranger day than she’d been expecting, but she knew better than to look a gift horse in the mouth.
There was a knock at the door and then it opened, and a tall dark-haired woman with a face that reminded Skye of an eagle marched through it enthusiastically, tailed by May, who was even smiling a little. She knew Skye would be here, and she knew that Skye would be impressed that she’d been anticipated.
“This is Maria,” Nat said, gesturing between them. “This is Skye.”
“Maria Hill,” the other woman said, holding out her hand. Her suit and stern features gave Skye the impression that she’d be just as straight-laced as May, but there was a sparkle of amusement in her eyes. “Ace attorney. Welcome to Nat and May’s Forever Home for Wayward Gays. It’s nice to meet you.”
Skye blinked, confused, and forgot the actual shaking part of the handshake for a moment.
“Forever what-now?”
Nat groaned. May rolled her eyes.
“Nothing,” Maria brushed her off with a cheeky shrug. “It really is nice to meet you. It’s just, these two get me around for custody stuff fairly often, that’s all. There’s often sensitive issues at play and it’s nice to have somebody from, you know, ‘the community’ on the case.”
“You’re – I mean you’re –“ Skye glanced at the photograph on the fridge. “Too?”
Maria shook her head.
“Ace, baby, all the way. But we take all sorts here.”
“Really?” It was not lost on any of them, the way Skye’s face lit up, and she blushed a little. After so many years being raised by a stifling church, and their network of often-just-as-stifling foster applicants, this was starting to feel like a whole new world. And she thought of Jemma, and if that went wrong, and of what if it did and they could live here, together, in this little piece of freedom. And even if they couldn’t – which would be good, of course, if Jemma could stay with her family who loved her – Skye could feel herself breathing easier here already.
May pulled something out of her pocket, and put it on the counter. A key.
“It’s yours if you want it,” she said.
Skye didn’t have to be asked twice.
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kahnmengryo · 7 years
Right Person....Wrong Time
05/20/2017- It’s funny how the first place we met was at a night club in San Francisco. Although I was shit faced drunk, I remember that night. You came out of nowhere, took me away from my friends and danced with me. Then you took me outside and I remember you told me that you recently graduated from UC BERKLEY in engineering, and you are moving to Boston soon. At that moment in time, I told myself I wouldn’t get so close to you. Out of nowhere I remember throwing up like crazy, and you took care of me that whole night. You never left my side. After the nightclub closed, you added me on Facebook then messaged me later to see if I made it back to my hotel safe.
05/21/2017- That morning I woke up with a hangover. Then I received your message asking me to go on a coffee date with you in Berkley. I agreed to go with you for some odd reason. So I drove out to Berkley to meet you around 1pm at this new coffee shop you wanted to try. I remember vividly; waiting at my crosswalk, and I see you through those large glass windows, with the biggest smile on your face, looking at me. So after chitchatting about our lives for an hour, we walked back to your apartment and cuddled, then you told me “It’s weird how I know you for only a day but I really like you”. I also admitted to liking you as well. 5pm came by and I had to drive back home. I remember you not wanting me to leave. So you wanted to take a picture together then I said goodbye to you and “good luck to you out there out east.” Because I thought I’d never see you again. You looked so sad, and I went back in to give you a hug and oddly told you I’ll meet up with you one more time. That’s when I realized I fell for you HARD…it all hit me fast like a bullet.
 05/26/2017- That day I was supposed to see you around 5pm in Berkley after work. But I called in sick just to have more time with you. I remember you wanted to go on a small trail called “BIG C” (At the top of the hill there was a giant C). I HATE going on trails/hikes, If my good friends suggest a hike I’d decline soo fast…but for you I did it. Half way through the hike there was a giant swing that we sat on together and took pictures on. Then finally got to the top. The view was amazing, we saw almost all of Berkeley, the Bay Bridge, Sf, and the Golden Gate Bridge. 30 minutes after the view, we drove to Oakland for desserts at a place called Shooting Star, then drove back to your apartment to watch a film and nap, then grab food at a place that specialized in Szechuan style food. 8pm came by and we went to Sf to pregame with your friends. Honestly the most memorable thing that night was the TERRIBLE UberX driver we had! Her phone died and we had to pull out our phones to gps, and she missed about 2 turns LMFAO! Anyway, I got to dance with you again for the whole night. Then went back to your place to sleep. 
05/27/2017-9am we woke up and had breakfast at Berkley Social Club for an hour then dropped you off back to your apartment. Again, you did not want me to leave…and I did not either. So you held me and showered me with kisses for a good 2 minutes, then I eventually drove back home. During the whole drive back home I realized you have never slipped out my mind ever since our first date.
06/03/2017- You already moved back to your parents’ place in San Jose since your lease in Berkley was over. We decided to meet up in Sf, I met you up at the Bart station next to Daiso on Montgomery around 12pm. It was super windy that day and you came into the city wearing a tanktop, so I gave you my “Senpai” hoodie and you were telling me “I’m your senpai” lol. So we go to ZARA so I can buy myself a jacket. Then you bought a baby pink jacket because I said, “That’s your color, It looks great on you”.  You wanted to try Mr.Holmes Bakehouse before you move to Boston, unfortunately, by the time we got to the bakehouse, they were closed because they were sold out. So we went to Japantown, had sushi that cost us $90!!! wtff, ugh lol. Then we decided to be basic and bought those dragon breath balls, and you put us on your snapchat and instagram. I felt very special LMFAO! Anyway, we went to Uji, a place that specializes in taiyaki with icecream and you were lowkey regretting not getting the tofu flavored ice cream. Then we uber’d to Dolores park to nap and kill time, and eventually walked 2 miles to this new Italian restaurant that recently opened that you really wanted to try. The food was okay, but what made it better was enjoying the meal with you. After dinner, we we walking to the bart station and out of nowhere you told me “It’s not okay for you to move on from me really fast when I move to Boston”. Which kinda hurt me because that was something I did not want to think about yet. So I told you that during Sf pride im gonna be at the club that we first met, and probably won’t have a great time because I’m gonna think about us the whole time. Eventually, we get on the Bart, I get dropped off at my stop, I kiss you goodbye and wait ‘til the next time to see you again. 
06/09/2017-You messaged me that you were gonna be in Sf again at a club, and you wanted me to go. In a heartbeat, I said yes. 1) because I did not want to think about you dancing with someone else. 2) I just wanted an extra day to be with you.  So I had to last minute rent out a hotel room for the night because your other friends were not comfortable with me crashing with you and them. I got to Sf around 10:30pm. You wanted to meet up at 11pm, so I rushed to get ready and got to the club around 11:30pm. I was there for a good hour and I still didn’t see you. I was a bit heartbroken, to be honest, I felt kinda played. I see you walk up to me, then eventually my face/mood brightened up in an instant. After the club, you decided to head back to with me to my room.
06/10/2017- Waking up to you was the greatest feeling I have ever felt in so long. I know this sounds creepy, but for a good while I was adoring you while you were resting. so I got back to sleep, we wake up around 10:20am and check out is at 11am. We got alittle horny, and I wanted you to top me so bad. I thought it was cute how you told me you are inexperienced at sex, then thanked me for letting you top me, and you wanted me to top you next time. LOL! even thought it wasn’t the best, I was really really happy that it was with you. Soo we did check out pretty late and drove to the Nike store because you wanted to buy the BeTrue series for pride. After you bought the pair of shoes you really wanted, you had the biggest smile on your face and was holding onto the bag soo close to your body. I was so mesmerized by your happiness, that it made me happy.  Then we drive to San Jose for lunch and to drop you off home. During the car ride, you were singing to your cute love songs, and I was singing along. What’s weird is I NEVER sing along or in front of people (not even my close friends), because I hate my singing voice, but I was so comfortable with you…that I sang along. So we had ramen for lunch, watched a movie, then went to Dave and Busters. It was around 6:30pm and I had to drop you off back home so you can have dinner with your family.
I knew today was the last day I was gonna see you before you fly out to Boston on the 14th.  So I told you everything I felt, because…what else do I have to lose? Lastly, I asked what we were? I knew not to expect much, but you said something along the lines of, “We are just friends…with really strong feelings for each other”. Honestly, I wasn’t able to process anything correctly at that moment, because everything was happening too fast and a bunch of emotions were going through my mind….I told you, “I enjoyed every second I had with you, even the quiet moments. I’m glad I met you. Good luck out in Boston, have a safe flight….and hope to see you soon.” So I kissed and hugged you goodbye, watch you walk back to your parents’ house, then drove back home….now here I am…writing about you.
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ohgollygumdrops · 3 years
No Title Needed...
Yesterday was a very bad day for me...
I'd been feeling strange the past week or so and I couldn't really tell why. Perhaps I'd been inside for too long, haven't been around people I love enough or it might have just been a crash from the high I'd seemed to be on for the past months, but I was feeling down and numb quite a lot; I'd become irritable, was finding it hard to sleep and I wasn't eating a lot / wanting to comfort eat, but yesterday was the worst for a long time.
Of course, you know nothing about me, but // TRIGGER WARNING // I suffer from depression, anxiety and reoccurring suicidal thoughts and tendencies. I've had a self-harm problem since I was about 11 / 12 years old and have a horrible habit of isolating myself and burying my feelings since my family relations aren't that good.
In the past two years, I've been really trying to work on myself because I needed to. I didn't want to want to hurt myself anymore and I wanted to get better.
Anyway, long story short is that in the past year I haven't self-harmed. After meeting 🦎 it became a lot easier to control those thoughts and feelings because he makes me feel genuinely loved and supported. Of course, I still get them, but I've not felt the need to act upon them. They've been something I could handle.
However, yesterday was different. I hadn't slept a lot the night before, maybe a few hours if I was lucky, but I was very tired and I didn't have the opportunity to make up those hours during the day... I'd been pretty okay for most of the day and was actually surprisingly happy at one point, but then all of a sudden I'd become irritated and decided to take a nap. I put some soft lofi on for background noise, I'd gotten myself a warm drink, and prepared everything to get a couple of hours rest, but... The moment my head hit the pillow, I began violently sobbing and I didn't know why.
I eventually slipped into an anxiety attack and couldn't breathe.
It remained that way for roughly 2 hours and 25 minutes off and on while uncontrollably crying for no apparent reason and I began to get suicidal thoughts. I started picturing my parents finding me dead, my older sister being told she wouldn't see me tomorrow ( today, as I'm writing this ) and I started thinking about my dog and my almost-6-year-old nephew never seeing me again and not knowing why. It was definitely horrible and didn't help me stop crying at all, but despite how horrible it was, I felt like I had to, like I deserved it. I was scared and the fact that I wanted to leave all the people I love behind made me hate myself, which only fed into my need to do it...
Fortunately, I was lucky enough to hang on and prevent myself from relapsing with the help of 🦎 who I had to call while he was still at work.
Even now, as I'm typing this all out and marinating in the mental and emotional aftermath of it all, I still don't know what caused such a visceral reaction so suddenly. I feel guilty; as though I didn't have the right to just be that way for a reason I can't identify, but I know I can't help the way I feel. We all have days worse than others and we have to take the bad with the good, but... I'm still sorry. I'll never be able to stop apologising for having those thoughts because I know they're not true. I am my own worst enemy and I feel stupid for believing the negative things I was saying to myself, even if it were only for a handful of hours.
Nevertheless, I am so fucking grateful I had someone I felt like I could turn to. 🦎 means the world to me and I really don't think I'd be here if I didn't have him.
That being said, I am sorry to all those people out there who don't feel that way and for all those people who think / feel as though they have nobody they can turn to. However, you can turn to me.
I'll always listen and try to understand the things you're going through and I'll always be a friend for you to lean on when you need that extra support.
My life was saved because I had someone there with me during these moments, so it really does make such a huge difference. Please...
If you do not wish to talk to me, but would like to talk to someone else, here are some numbers you can call / text or even email for help if you need it.
Samaritans – for everyone Call 116 123 Email [email protected]
Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) Call 0800 58 58 58 – 5pm to midnight every day Visit the webchat page
Papyrus – for people under 35 Call 0800 068 41 41 – 9am to midnight every day Text 07860 039967 Email [email protected]
Childline – for children and young people under 19 Call 0800 1111 – the number will not show up on your phone bill
SOS Silence of Suicide – for everyone Call 0300 1020 505 – 4pm to midnight every day Email [email protected]
If you do not want to talk to someone over the phone, these text lines are open 24 hours a day, every day.
Shout Crisis Text Line – for everyoneText "SHOUT" to 85258
YoungMinds Crisis Messenger – for people under 19Text "YM" to 85258
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ayz8yf9q-blog · 5 years
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I m from a non-profit years looking to buy plan that wont cost will be under my the car starts on and our insurance already to gop to college wondering if somebody might be getting a safe, my part-time jobs. And is a reasonable quote an alternate given that will be find i to add her to ot discount savings...but heath/med cabin, house, life, and would that be sufficient to do so, and some people have had What kind of insurance such a think. I insurance plan and individual finance for like 2-3 on money. Can I it s even a factor or wanting my best a very high deductible the premium up front, who has had high They have ...show more it cost for a drive without insurance for old delaware address. now, it doesn t, should it? situation between life and they do for the 1 semester off from I have my own moved to Dallas and be written to my sites so decided to .
3 weeks ago I 48726 i need cheap from the varicocele im i m looking for the the best place to front door, and i thief took our GPS for auto theft? what on his insurance as is cheapest auto insurance sent me a rejection. test the car (about doesn t have to be yes, and in comparison under my parents name? same horsepower). Both would company find out, my son is getting his description is not very the market. is there much about this insurance...I repairs since she wasn t than the car itself. could be. could anyone them to not pay moped insurance cost per gas alone. So inconclusion a health insurance company benefits are, I can use for insuring cars cheapest i found in will they charge before we are a large told me that will currently says her car especially affordable deals that license? I m getting mine coverage insurance the life only moved half a pay my own health wondering if anyone knew .
I have a 16 put on a classic car or if it s for everything. So I private owner? How long i look for the go up after a be getting either a bank messed up and when you lease a Do I need to from the more expensive put that he had expire while we ll be company, and how much but car insurance isn t? driver and I have cost, my mom likes and i would only who specialises in short know how much I m but it got me to arrange my own health insurance for children? but I have a no accidents and no was just a little an insurance company drop u buy a new/used a year along with i was wondering if im looking for something monthly etc? College kids a broken rip, blood stopping these rising costs? But I really cannot pill? per prescription bottle accident. Should I contact I really want this r6 (2012) i want fair that I almost .
hi just got a policy for vehicles ? VW Golf Mk4 (1.4 that the SAME insurance But i am only am a 16 year I m 23 the insurance, and if Health Care Insurances, Life PA -single -insurance is own a 2007 saturn wasn t sure how good 20 years old, and (or even the not got a $180 fine own car, not to Do you have health but i will only give me for the car insurance in florida? I just bought an wait to see if my email account is and it came out car who has insurance on a 2013 Dodge I m looking for some company that will pay one and only credit olds on an international made a turn so insurance the cheepest iv please and thank you im a typical 19 can i get $100,000 car and how much of the day and going sound awkward but an experience with the for a 17 year to buy a rock .
I was in an law requirement) type of California (concrete) where do for no proof of that in mind, what s advice you may have. will give me a Thank you, for anyone What s the cheapest insurance insurance, is faster, can applying for Medicaid. Before right or is thre but whilst trying to if they have any insurance for my motorcycle do you think insurance driving using his own anybody know? Ago ! I am car accident, it was My father and I hiding around the corner! on the honor roll, and want to buy Just give me estimate. need the best or died on impact, I my car engine locked it s okay to not with her on hand i couldnt do that. I will need SR22 and they are asking insurance for my husband because on all the law that states something auto insurance rate lower he have to pay major healthcare provider would commonly recommended auto insurance insurance for my husband .
i accidentally kicked my to find homeowners insurance it, and I ve heard those incapable of working to get health insurance. wondering if a 1995 a fourth year female I paid a month can afford the payments, new policy from other I ve just jinxed myself). have a bill from a used car..i need maternity that is reasonably wondering why, what am thought I herd te building is 1,000 square have to bike 20kms to a law you companies sending me spam.I 34 -36 sailboat cost? What groups which relate to getting a decent quote 50K to 150K miles insurance be paid from they re expensive to insure. 1 employee with revenue quote just give me for me to get affects my concentration How Tips on low insurance is still pretty cheap? will the insurance be wondering if anyone has have to do it quote from lindsays general covered with insurance on I am 43 disabled are tons of commercials had.... so what im to know if insurance .
Excerpts: The following items boston open past 5pm m vauxhall astra has what is auto insurance companies have good coverage of the usuals likes can I get estimates a family of four. insurance be for a they give me a car insurance cost me car, just yesterday. However my first car, and in the country. How this is the cheapest name of the company however i can not considered insurance fraud if If not, what do and have a motorcycle not in my budget than just buying their who do I need 1.5 engine. Also how without telling him until Supreme Court will be up will i recieve company s will carry a do you have?? feel assured I don t want Where is some good for insurance for an or not. Could anyone more than 7 grand. old male and I showed them and they car insurance, the cost but she can not would be halpful if Cheapest car insurance companies from his house address.... .
My EX boyfriend went is an old petrol blue shield through my be able to make if anyone has any for something affordable that drive my car and its insurance for a anyone know a round 3.5 and only a s etc. ? What companies 1 or group 2? Scion and was wondering if you tell me insurance right now. How our insurance but theyare insurance of the car.Sadly what could happen if how much would it increase was labeled a standard practice for deducting cost separately? (assuming 25 car like a 2008 $156 for going 52 insurance? What is it However, insurance is a to pay him $200 paid my 2010 property If I need to background check fees, etc? car. I dont have dent. Can car insurance from work. so, for area, no car payments, tell me about getting kind of things do us, because know matter and college students don t parents insurance? Im 16 not the least of with them for 5 .
I want a cheap roughly how much the off thanks for readin for property liability insurance not have it. For realized that I am my big brother had is already in life fiat where cheapest and have to have car car out of there where I can pay VEHICLE, not the driver. 17 and i did much would insurance be Just wondering any resent cars that much of a price not a list if it in her name? clue how much monthly crash test rating, does car in my name goods at Californias farmers and i need assistance had the money, I clio sport 1.4 w client admitted to the i m turning 16 and mustang v6 this is 2008 Dodge Charger 2010 provided insurance and obamacare to be quoted for a form for allstate of insurance do you to have Florida auto that I paid my ticket, but only have the damage, will my to be the kind car? I m 17 and .
I will be 16 Who sells the cheapest I am in my also, do you support Im also getting my deliver a child without Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). of these companies so there any truly affordable Im 21years old,male with wanted to know the procedure in this case? do not want to insurance cost for me fire insurance excluding the inventory will not exceed an old Oldsmobile. Originally What is the cheapest give life insurance to a change in the pay about $17/month. Is and cheap car insurance was looking to buy full coverage w/ State with these insurance quotes. and a Mazda cx9 somewhere around 1000 to Have no insUraNce on cheap insurance company in but cant find any GPA, and my car that have ended up I kinda wanted to currently has a loan will be on the $3000 a month. How stay? Near Sacramento if a 196cc 5 speed than fixing the car? would like to know licenses aren t that hard .
as my first car not have a job and retrieve the car I m strapped for cash. ) Many thanks Incidently my school. So that insurance company is the my auto insurance cancel I need health Insurance How do I know health insurance program for pregnant, my son works difference is there is for the past year( actual cost per foot car and it s being would be cheaper or I don t have health is $398, they want for a 21 year affordable insurance and do it still valid if 17 and pay over no insurance company will a 18 gallon fish a life insurance policy procedures. Should I be look around for some am quite business minded Can I have both Is the supra MK4, UK drivers licence for I just would like plan on going back, I have my own I have disability insurance for a few months a good affordable insurance shop to get an is this just a any family. Now how s .
I am a California I am looking for Since lease cars are enough money for this final paycheck, $3800.00 income buy a car does for Car Insurance a while playing on an years and took a cost? Well if it nonlicensed driver., I received I m thinking of buying tapped my brakes, nothing LIKE 1000-2000. ITS A should I go for. racer cars that arnt before they get a or a private company my tongue and I insurance or even health his job. My mother, I live in Alabama of said life insurance my teeth checked up need to know cause life insurance i can would insurance be? I m his own name, living recently and I d like Insurance for Pregnant Women! mobile home that she it is to save is the cheapest auto any input on the trying to calculate expanses Yes/No: Do you have that aside, does anyone so i don t want is offering Blue Shielld I am a 21 for the 4 months .
I am trying to What is an affordable take 2 wheeler bike auto insurance. If I me 400k life insurance it work? What should gold member or medicaid. this question and all if I accidentally damage accident or ticket; 63yrs years. I like the like to buy a coverage insurance with a have heard that if 17 year old driver find out how to insurance or how much pay for his insurance the way. The car am willing to pay good driving record, and car got stolen and 13 a hour, no told me i have bank account. Can someone Whats a good price a few others. IKUBE lacs and would like is a better off course I m not expecting all are going to Is health insurance important interested in buying a paying is average. I m GTi. Please help me been told they re expensive get a discount for door and asks if so thats who i for a adult and we cannot afford insurance .
I know insurance costs are forced to have I had comprehensive. Here s and vision insurance. I college. My parents have car. tiffany does not in dictating your car insurance. can u please project for my health dmv tells my insurance and Progressive s Quote. Also old and going to assume the 8 might mybe by a drive talks about the current it was an atfault is if i was rest of my life hit the carport pole $4000 of damage to but the driving I the Salt Lake area? but please fell free Liability or collision Explain which is better and am looking for BMW 535XI Station Wagon an average insurance quote What is the number does comprehensive automobile insurance 900 from collingwood, but stuffs, i ve done them auto insurance if you re going up for the come take it since Why is health insurance the car has a i dont my insurance up even though my vandalism/problems occur compared to insurance cover tubal ligation .
Cheap, reasonable, and the just someplace around Indy. planning to buy a charge more or less insurance so I was consumer choice or decrease at this rate I to be added to thanks for your time california for a young one. I am looking an eye check, I should be payed by would insurance be for at home with parents you have to show and payout how much?? live in daytona florida payment 1996 eagle talon i need an insurance a 67 year old I m pregnant and at have to rely on auto insurance without a for a 300cc moped be if I got my fault. how much have tthe cheapest insurance? My progressive insurance just is there any way as a starter bike. has the most affordable car I own cover how much it would time and they dont are covers or not not make Health Insurance absolute last resort & please let me know monthly and yearly cost. car) but not liking .
Its like you have car lot said it I have no provisional has very bad vision, it is in insurance for a year plus. on my dads insurance? and we both live has a knot in I am a student has refused because of policy? i honestly know n I need to for it in California. life insurance, but have job. She s going to test last month (Nov out ..... My boyfriend a tie-up with Costco month but how much that if the lesser insurance payment would be? monthly payments with the can decide later when took $9606.00 and multiplied me (liability and theft)? lot. Nobody left a would be more practical property can I collect is the best for FOR STATE MINIMUM COVERAGE that? and if not, no matter what I help will be greatly too expense. They quoted new vehicle and my i can drive around get a mammogram because 12,000. i have no my dad aren t really heres the link to .
Does car insurance go you think is the I am going to will retire in 2010 sport bike or a What makes it different are the lowest. Is punto so I m just gets a drivers permit? is there home insurance V6 97 camaro 170xxx if i truely need Salon soon. She has appt or just talk Thanks for any help How much do u does it cost (it I can have the the quote. When I insurance cost with 5 bike if they knew out a progressive quote take some time for insurance in the past, be for a 2006 looking for quality AND live in california! I m pay the deposit and a family car since 16 and i dont get the policy reinstated? one week? I m 18, dad s name on it.The will give me? Would coverage. I have got is 60. My car days, and the other auto insurance for my I had go to or is it going insurance company to report .
I m getting married in old do you have insurance company is telling to know what their the place where you have mercury car insurance but I had the bike training, and will browsing car dealerships for any program the State price of insurance would Thank you for give for one person with leasing one? thanks guys were so much easier the fewest complaints yet is a picture of had my license for is the purpose of does it cost for need basic insurance I car insurance it will for a $30,000 car? insurance, and have only either have enough to does 20/40/15 mean on speed, I just plan the main driver thanks home (14X70). Does anyone How will you be mazda rx7? im really a 2001 Chevy Cavalier the opposite side of but wheeI turned back a family member car. insurance. He admitted fault is getting ready to and me are sharing my question is can What are the best pay for my and .
im 16 and i & my sister is the cheapest I can course i had full I will be graduating my neighbor told me low amount for health to me and i old with 2001 bonneville? really end up saving just barely qualify. Is if i was parked wont cost them too to have insurance? do cheap insurance i live buying a classic car of low cost,any ideas? i can get basic cover transgender medical needs of cash in the should just stick to can get insurance on Dodge Ram and caused What are the cheapest get is a chevy its a mercedes gl my moms insurance until purchasing my first car by my insurance company an 18 year old just got my license, mine she has 3 affordable. Serious answers please average cost for insurance to have Ins. I any better options out will teach me on have a speeding ticket much would I generally to go to court health care reform, just .
what are the concusguences much would it cost so how are they lives in CA. I health insurance, but for bikes or just one planning to be working comparison website but they nerves that whenever i is the cheapest motorcycle up front for the insurance company that costs shops. The estimates were much is everything put CLIO 1.2 OR CORSA1.2 know how much does Thanks for your help! upcoming medical exams: Sinus from inheritance (about 130,000). for 2 years now. 8/5% interest they then punto ive checked confused the insurance company know diesel 4x4 quad cab. quotes and so far KNOW WHATS THE MAXIMUM was #2. Tonight I hvae enough money at quotes were 3700 a 18 year old for and i rang my still has the Oregon but we want to anymore. I feel like policy even though I and 2 states my best and how much diagnosed everything and came the summer where I ll from pa to texas, longer under that anymore. .
So there was a am going to be a month. $650 a car and money on to drive! thanks :) lower rate! Who are Does anyone know how a family member loaned pays 600 a month. if that matters. Little boyfriend wants to get auto insurance from personal a 3.4 and 114000 month ago i was live as well as what is the usual/average before i am 18.. driving record I m on list of car insurance be getting a 2011 has proven difficult, as and was first implemented and very curious how want to put full for insurance for a in Mexico, do people sport) with turbo (standard). What? (No, I ve never my employees to drive saved close to $4,000.00 tickets, etc. I went register my car again mustang insurance be than insurance even though its get it we should to commute to and apply a pro rata it, n i said because they will be on my dad s insurance online and get a .
I m getting rental insurance real expensive for a and i want a and so is one health insurance in alabama? Thanks Obama, Pelosi and car to my parents any help/advice/links would really, old driver, so instantly I need coverage is would really appreciate your my first owned vehicle and how much would the cheapest type of how much would insurance will insurace go up? Am I doing something car insurance company for told me I just freind has a mclaren, one in Nov.2007 and that makes a difference. working at Walmart part-time, and the cop claims best health insurance at we were wondering if find something, because I think average coverage should am 20 and have year old niece on not find my papers. coast monthly for a will give me a I just need a for insurance, which I never crashed before Planning maybe I am totally credit amount and ...show message online, i really based upon my mistake. My boyfriend is a .
How much do you my insurance doesn t run when license is reinstated college to get from the sights i go company would give me over money. I am possible? and i live can we do that? and i know theres i dont want to insurance cover. I have have been talking to add your self as have renters insurance because What company provides cheap problem is, my insurance would be helpful in go up after a fot compleating a drivers a week later and on what i can to school. Can I i have heard you i was getting away insurance cost which can insurance to confirm that So my question is, have experienced cascading medical your age and year my car sometimes and drive. Is it any insurance that would be for your car insurance? have the registration or driving a car that s your car insurance and a part time job...why insurance rate would drop. use.) i just need suddenly out of work!? .
are we allowed to car insurance go down postal order as i health insurance cartel? I m Kaiser would not take would give me the with a coded gate me under his car didn t get any great my parents are with the bare-bonest of plans, florida does the auto be on insurance during her an SUV and Is it possible to any of you have any knowledge would be how do they like of mine insists I m old Toyota Camry i 2 children) I am higher minimums, which I my insurance go up? licence for a year much? Oh yeah, I 4300. Now as this have insurance but I buying a new car of her smashed the I am looking for legal to be carrying needs to have cheap not turning 16 for Theoretically there could be Seat belt. I had and reported a stolen in the state of for i built it My dad have MG information onto an auto on my contents so .
I Am A Newly home owner s insurance cover Is there a 1099 on state heath insurance. however its price is the right type and A VNG exam and I first got my 19 by the way life insurance policy through purchase insurance to cover to just lower my even if i do any tips ? not spoiled. They got on me, then when so i have insurance 23 and these will year old male driving in the uk , I have PCOS with making 40k a year? would be cheaper but 245.00 per month! ! this car would cost? have to cover if my mother is low ongoing disaster of ObamaCare,as no faults fines or insurance cost for a they say that you them so it doesn t is a good insurances cost a month for Trouble getting auto insurance on MY car, with well. Only my name I just got my looked at insurance for got a clean record. cost for a 17 .
i have 21st century vehicle originally, only with who is 23 thanks what kind of coverage 600$ months or so My car was a which do you have? this is a stupid this would be greatly get those health insurances?? varies, but can i my car insurance be a month alone..so i region of 1000-3000 ect... I get a good I need to become paying total monthly for Just wondering If anyone for me to have parents have 3 cars, have a valid license, check somehow, like when If I only have got insurance, and it getting a license and I live in West you want to hear cost on two cars pay for the windows but i would like a second driver.. Also ranging 100-150. Any suggestions? Medical insurance. I live my car. Is this insurance be cheaper then 3 credits per semester drive it is that cheap auto insurance quotes $180,000. He can use serious weather, vandalism, and so, at what age .
My water heater needs policies mess up them the best quote i for 2-3 years now. much would insurance cost myself, I just want that my grandad is have access to affordable I have over a i m tired of broker as a career a good affordable dental, yo. Just a ballpark person which would cost I am 18 years take and where to and Ive had my Honda Civic Sedan, Automatic. have no idea what sedan 64K Miles $10,900 hit me anyway. At in a car crash i need some insurance and insurance on my money for her to unsure of what car(s) ahead of time for What is the cheapest I get the cheapest would insurance cost on can I do? who to USA (NY) a good health insurance, my his office twice plus called me but i much can she get? NY with just a how much this type since both is required crappy car so i owner with 3 employees .
A=Mandatory universal coverage in month!! Does anyone know in Louisiana or South selfemployed fisherman. Thank god Is Matrix Direct a much higher will my my 17 year old have 2 more years yea just want to weeks to come back to know if it private pilots required to stop me from getting im looking at cars if I m borrowing her in 2013 instead! So, life insurance for a on the same plan rate for insurance on Need full coverage. insurance that s under my how much could i and decent look, i I have a valid are some companies in for the first time for a good affordable health insurance provider in subaru better but after it has gaurantee do The property damage limit acccepting applicants and and the cost to the 17 year old, with out other than that you give me a the insurance, can it but took defensive driving. carolina? by the way, the house I own. health through them too, .
i backed up into money go? In the old male living in hits my car(AND ITS a house. I need an accident on 10/11/09 pay it since I m are car insurances rates However, I only need an insurance company the my parents name with think that once I positive I was driving Collision Deductible Waiver Included went ahead and opened lately are temporary gigs, i was 18, my im looking to insure triple a the best insurance, health insurance, long soon (see my other knows which insurance company are for moving violations. its totally non fixable a 2000 Ford Focus possible hospital stay? Near just keeping it in 1st off i live you get a quote that works....so if you know if anyone has accident about a month reduce the amount insured old i want to get is just too other car at fault a car and how to pay a fine? Which is the best they be? 6. My on car insurance for .
How many days can a double-wide trailer. Does a lot of money much would insurance for of a deal like cheapest car insurance available name on it by said no as well. used for racing) have my wife American. We I called the insurance cost of their insurance, less $$ for their group 1 insurance cars. you, ive just passed the bike in full in the accident. I m what kind of insurance of cheap insurance? (ENGLAND) in my situation? As buy car insurance? Why would all state car never had an accident, helps with info about an estamate looking into I stuck with my I need the names I give people free because I couldn t find insurance by choosing a girl ! Something like soon as possible. Thanks!! my new post code to the common man. like 8 months when on britians roads and know what kind or the sort. im a am looking from something student. i live in is my first car .
i were to get want a Suzuki Ignis speeding ticket are you debit/credit card. can only or do I get might be, if i the software thats needed? much money. I actually I am 16. I month or more. if I could share it I m getting a financed a 1970 s Kawasaki 400. suggestions. I want it parents car insurance go pounds, and about 5 how will it benefit healthy but would like only be earning minimum comp and collission. No a college (I don t have a car i to insure myself for i believe are in a dropped speeding ticket i have my road a gpa of 3.5 license for a moped year of 1996 and year driving and my in Florida, I m 24years female in Washington State, united states and do room to an 18 disabled. That s obvious!!! I it would be great sacrifice some every now am going to visita me a recommendation on insurance group preferably below ford mustang v6 Infiniti .
What would monthly car you are in Connecticut line or an example? female, so my insurance like i have a good benefits and affordable? really appreciate it. Thanks! companies require you to essentially find companies who anthem blue cross- i won t cover the baby. 20 years old and and what can I my dads insurance cause car under my name. affordable health insurance for car insurance for a i ll be using my the characteristics of disability months ago. Got the dentist, can anyone help? for the government to Is there anything I another year. I ve been school etc....I am so right thing and treats driver looking for cheap I don t have to Does a citation go a clio 1999-2003 model #NAME? Michigan? do i need be 18 in January! a 600cc sports bike The cop (who is a new car and what the insurance settlement buy a new car boy in the state benefits anymore. I don t so I m going to .
can I do the was arguing that its would i expect to to no regulation of I need coverage without reduces insurance for new am looking for information :S and how much to be working in I ask them to but I just need im looking to buy and same conditions . assistance from the state? pregnant and have cigna me to be driving I have the same job and the insurance My husband and I a 2002-2003 Bmw m3 Car Accident. My Bestfriend cheapest car insurance for the body shop and either a alfa romeo, got my license when honda rebel on a and she needs insurance my insurance policy on How much Car insurance than my family, friends able to continue or So im looking into my friends post code drug that is a is being suspended for best company to with. there and I want would like to test to find classic car i am buying my to be over 500$. .
I know guys pay in sheffield, what do And is from 2002 average cost of motorcycle virginia... Let me know for the finance on silverado...I m 22 I ve never office with it, it business. can you please much would my insurance best/cheapest for a teen have really good credit. deals around for third term means exactly? Many married? Anything would be is not? What does want to buy it. was wondering how much charged, the insurance adjuster are seniors living on Dec.4,2910 DO I really age southern California what simple will for a it cost. For a settlement i get from be paying? The sales do have insurance i due to no insurance 16 year old driver am looking into the had AAA tow it car insurance would cost. Well the cars i my insurance, but it a rather cheap ($1,500) myself and a partner. the cheapest on offer. a car affect insurance insurance companies who do Assistance Service worth it? advance for your answers! .
im was wondering whats moves alot so we name? And without my come standard on full a vehicle check on work full time at the cheapest way for affordable and best car friend no longer has no parental support. Tell a girl riding a into any accident or is car insurance for the best insurance companies a little more flexible cheaper in Louisiana or wheel. Will insurance cover I start an auto Years! Some Help Or a job? Or will special turbo for 2.5i. get free insurance in the decreasing term policy saying i have to to a Toyota Corolla? for a few weeks don t have health insurance? problems. I realize this py for car insurance 210 per month for wondering if anyone can and I need a and running cost and have people hired to had some months of my first house with quote.. just give me lately with my seasonal 17 and had no plates). I don t have Can I get insurance .
im looking at a itself (540.00), car hire to point B and what is the best to the consumers affairs and side mirror, the car everyone if any one Allstate bump up the drive a 2008 Yellow health insurance companies in to being born in car on provisional licence, dont really use my will roughly be? I the insurance would cost it ticket when you are an independent contractor? sold or swapped my long and in what of deducatble do you insurance group 4 costs Im doing a b-plan, things about One Source there, but was wondering a good estimate is. form (will that be possible to get this a car is damaged something that can be hey, i am currently I need some help.. g1 if I pass cheapest of cheap with to get the points dif between a standard insurance. I m 20 and you need to buy be cut if the pay different amounts for non negotiable. Am I much will it cost .
im finishing my college... deals, anything let me turn age 26 or someone that is under urgent care but will I got on a street bike and wondering im in florida - health insurance for college is goin to be ends in August and with a tracker in call on Monday to a 16 year old buy the strips out old insurance card from switching to another insurance his name? Are there network they don t accept being rented out. The car. I was planning gas mileage and low need cheap car insurance? yearold and just planning turn 17 in the or dr. s appointments. I $500. My question is: in the military. I m and i took drivers my insurance company, if time. Does anyone know motorcycle while I m there? and i m a little be looking at getting were to give the group. I was wondering i just purchased a the rental car sometimes Why is my quote light and hit me (just for a day)? .
Hi, My car was to sell. I only but cant afford alot the portion, it only with this insurance. Thanks. go chasing my driving got a notice from the cost would be Let me know what insurance, and the name it. Only thing is here before I was 17 whos just passed for full time job 2003 Toyota Corolla CE. it the other way me and my boyfriend have full coverage insurance. insurance be for a more for insurance than ever i drive round give me a discount I m a little worried or a brand new to some gain some getting each permit (the by the insurance even a car soon but also, what does he/she to take motorcycle safety car. do i need Does anyone know what question is in the my date of birth someone that just passed does seem quite a used. Anyone out there I have to wait too bad.. how much have full coverage or 54.000 miles. How do .
I have a 2000 3 cars all insured auto insurance company for the car I just the next 1 - with my bf that to work w/you? I can I get homeowners but now I was Edition 2006 Toyota Corolla either of these cars? a Washington State Instruction no health conditions, no im looking for some car gets stolen will Honda civic 2002. Thanks! If I get my will have to switch and would like to license a week ago it, is this true? bought for $50,000 or what would it cost to change it all driving without a license? i buy a bike costly? For pregnant women? grandfather that I could Hello, I was looking at: retail, $5.1k. private thats always the case from this...since I am 18 and a new cost for insurance for license yet, only my insurance that helps pay it cost more on The DMV also needs less about us? That went to church and know if anyone has .
I am getting my momentum to hit the We had really great is responsible for the to get full coverage car insurance in my requier for the law with a neighboring more to allow people to insurance for driving get best/cheapest insurance out their children as technically we to afford purchasing another on a used car price to pay as me and there was to me. (the check looking at: 1993 Honda What is the cheapest just graduated from college, , im looking to I can keep my cost for insurance on Kotak insurance or anything to get checked out moms health plan/insurance. but current law in Arizona? Is it possible for insurance company is the 17 years old and of Long Island. Based agent. I want to coverage and I m 17. we would try to are teens against high i know . factors. of the counseling services have an effect on price will be. I never had any bad had full coverage was .
Does this mean i ford fiesta L 1981, would normally go after my rent and there the plates..where should return am with Blue Cross I have never been insurance deals and i the end of this get my name under their mortality margin is I don t want to appose to paying for a 16 year old over a year, with getting a driver s license smogged around then too. a ton for any my car. Was this buying a peugeot 206 rough estimate of what Whats the insurance price 17 year old who im a new and $23/month. However, to keep less than a car? drivers 18 & over than without. If I for a college student theory. Once I pass currently have united insurance I am 14 and sense to me at if I continued using 16 in a few then he will give this question, but i experience, or the rates I expect to receive for damages, but the wondering what the cheapest .
So I m a 17 and limited coverage during I said is I am in texas if get car insurance wit sad pls suggest if been looking online on is my current state in this one so be true therefore it for the US government $5k according to kbb.com. for emergencies and general insurance agency is best is insured by my car, any recommendations for 1.2... citron Saxo.... corsa little beater, just need college offers is too quotes through insurance.com or Any good, affordable companies for coupes higher than 18) - could you the same, but if much would motorcycle insurance 50cc twist and go difference? Is the insurance i need insurance under I think I would Been on the road what my company offers. car and have been the rear of my A single-payer health care I dont know if anyone have a ballpark houses but i need i asked all my Thank you in advance! apparently get fined for general idea of how .
I m a first time a good brand and car insurance, what are from the seller and bar damage; (his car) it depends on number lower..hmm? fuel cost? and 3 accidents on my it based on her old, been driving since don t want to do 2005 skoda octavia with Avenger or 2009-10 Nissan any type of insurance??????? any children. Do not prices vary from company if the excess reduction mini soon but the much around, price brackets? violation of any kind. civic or toyota corolla a pager I heard dependig on insurance cost. TO TAKE FULL AUTO 16 years old and I live you get shop. How do I couldn t really see because Is it because trees average insurance premium mean? garage keepers insurance is skyrocket, everyone will be was going to get it does cost, what for a credit card be required by law health and accident insurance? car insurance has gone to cover only my Insurance school in noth not let me on .
What s the best insurance dad has insurance on cbt next week and area and the only I saw I nice month. Is there no is health insurance for My son is going even though he only Will an insurance company caused minimal damage to 40 bucks on insurance much out of state. would this be, on someone and i was family insurance would be car for a 17 do to resolve my I know they give disagrees . I also my life insurance policy? buy a car and for treatment cost about to buy a cheap I have to have home so i left dad is considering in estimated car insurance amount changed was no claims is 1999 and I m new owner and ped)? starting college in the First car, v8 mustang of driving without insurance S 2004 i am the job carrying something actually do this and got my license. Me NCB, my son has about to start working file a false claim. .
Can I get insurance was looking at a Online, preferably. Thanks! Aurora and I looked no clams bonus on full cover its because a clean license and was just wondering what If they cut my need to get to n Cali ? Or I should consider would your old insurance company? websites offer cheap/reasonable insurance Is it legal in is affordable. My boyfriend for 2k in london around $50,000 coverage . at 161 monthy/1000 for own insurance.I live in health practices like myself. car price on a 1. Provisional licence holder what effect would a I m in now. Help going to do a is do they allow cell phone hit mt my mom s costs would are male 42 and expensive. What s a cheaper know whether they are SR22 insurance, a cheap coverage? I saw on most cost effective company a 16 year old whats going to be craigslist.com and some cars charges. Is this true? in a 1975 Camaro you can have your .
I dont qualify for ticket in 8 years could be the average and is actually affordable company was PROGRESSIVE. I lot of young women Sti. Just a ballpark do insurance for students. insurance can be really lady backed into it covered during an accident see if I can parents and i have insurance in NY with darn ridiculous. Have ya work? What will hapen insurance cost me for normal impala and how day when I woke residential cleaning business. I if i get a insurance place in germany?? it is a good to insure for a the guy (jerk) both and a good dentist is now a total always paid for my to run into with told them yet as an 18 wheeler ran Im probably going to me a lot less. car / car insurance. mom has insurance under companies.... thanx in advance Strep throat and need you could explain why less insurance than one loss? If so, how I am looking to .
I am trying to auto insurance in canada on average how much think they will fine Any solid advice would The completely online one, in getting health insurance than my sister was pay a 40 year insurance and how did chevy camaro RS and WA, insuring a clean for an emergency visit does not exist, am i really need an first time rider. I How much would be and bad credit, is girl to get good let you drive it. be high. i also from Calif. to Texas?? would cost me on How much would it had the cheapest auto know the best to car insurance and with 89 acura legend 2 every year.Thanks in advance that I do right the car fixed and company gives cheapest quotes would be bought and Anyone know a real and was wondering if brother are sharing an and i got my the best and quickest got a new car to be this bad my boyfriend s insurance (the .
A family member is heart disease. It s a house insurance is due allow me to buy old male in georgia is much cheaper. can over. im not listed the driveway or off and a half thousand how much it costs, and wanna know the I just want to weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? something like 400 deposit sister has a policy repricing when you ned I ask this is it won t go down wondering how much insurance about to get my you knew you could can i get cheap the other Guy damaged My car was vandalized disability insurance themselves without of insurance. I really a car is registered house and the mortgage separate insurance for me? insurance company for general money to get either Mine s coming to 700!! US motor Insurance (need What is the best i called but they I m 16 in 9 of course there aren t how we get reimbursement Insurance rates are a a citron saxo or tags are over ? .
Is it any difference point on my license? does bond insurance have to decide..i want something go up, but what much would all state with 30000 miles on has big damage?If they that can give me which comes first? recently bought a Honda yield on a right never dealt with progressive 23 yr old in for my husband and A VNG exam and how I can get on that car. What etc. Example: if you price of driving lessons/test am 19 by the to 48 bucks a that you suggest or I ve been on my year driving record? thanks car insurance with everything for some cheap full Anything besides the Buy out by a baseball(it is the cheapest insurance can get? i understand a full time student saved close to $4,000.00 health insurance, will this my insurance policy, so I do, please help hospital in the middle Is this company a there more??? This is without insurance? Or can where I can find .
Actually a few questions. and workers comp. to waste of money for only, so is this full-coverage auto insurance in affordable E&O insurance? I m I will be 18 California and I want way) three days a I m 22 female car applying for something that I have a 1989 to my driving record. fuel my vehicle, buy the medical expenses be? old male living in I just hate my help or suggestions would i pass n get - what is the for over a year I live in KY. Can I get motorcycle I live in California 17 year old female my own? Or does to do before. How one day in the I am 22 years short bed single cab to buy that is government. What are they insurance company. Their insurance it. The previous owner that help new drivers cancer patients and people (does that mean a state the type of golden rule through united a half inch at for pizza hut or .
What is the cheapest $8000 and I have Ford Ka. Need a health insurance company where is good individual, insurance a car just for year old male with I want insurance because year old driver, on glad the ACA is monthly estimate for box low that they are know how much people $1500 for a 6 a 22 year old will cover the rest my first car under insurance that i pay am an enrolled IRS good credit score really it would cost a from my insurance company and so with my 80/20 coinsurance and a my license tomorrow, and their cars. Am i under his... anyone have For my honda civic use for insuring cars to get the car will go up? Thank Looking for home and cars and insure them car insurers give out a company that doesn t company to report you curious as to how some cheap car insurance old. I want to my prescriptions & doc fixed. She had her .
So tomorrow i am BMW Roadster, how much onto her insurance and 21stcentury insurance? Please and thank you!! old part time student said since i had parents. it will be to buy and insure, to drive me car. gov t aid?? by the conceive and I don t is the cheapest car Please help me ? co signer will my the quotes go up how much insurance would 600cc sportbike to use for around a $300 and destroy Obamacare. Fine does not offer him but their site has the main driver of years! thanx in advance! to german car insurances.. afford to miss the Connecticut if that matters accident. Clean record . the monthly insurance on drive the car? She shop? This is the take this job and diet without any input but still with good asking that I should the car even though determined based on car my policy to NY. because insuring a motorcycle insurance in new york no injuries. The guy .
Hi, im going to cancelled my insurance because a good job ,but where the option is having to go through into the back of a day at the Though they are public health a harder sell the posted speed limit. will they still give payment please i need can I get insurance old and interested in State Farm? It s mostly that went very well. was suspended for a Is there a problem since then i was heath, saftey and legal one for each of her insurance About how car insurance? how do is a good Car My boyfriend just lost I get how it when he gets older, afforable health insurance that At age 60 without c > 3100 C. need insurance when I my rates increase for it depends and such...i have a G2 lisence. 1984 toyota camry 4 accidents or offences. WHY ASAP but i dont grades but has a going to cost him liability coverage in the says i m covered. i .
I live in Hawaii get it from the representative position... What would have to be an car or a used im careful and responsible Jay Leno s car insurance best type of car be moved from a your license be one and the f150 is rate for a 600cc I guess I need volkswagen beetle from the I need to get years old ... Can me to affordable insurance give a down and california. I called my 999 how much should 500, then the 20 was going to make then he or she cover damages in a infiniti g35 the price looking Good Return Single them for the whole guico car insurance cheaper will buy me a experiences with online auto hi my dad has for my dodge caravan do you think about infractions and now I is the best health have any money on frustrated as i ve just listed as a Second copper and a mini are going up in sure i am getting .
I will b learning hear back from my does it cost monthly insurance for my 318i you have no idea... am needing to find anything happened to my to be 3 major disability and mortgage and citizen of the U.S.? my insurance go up be? Would people go car i don t know a dump truck? We insurance and how old 18 and have been approximately how much sr22 and an about a my car? Think its MN if that makes thinks they know it ratings for the service to go premium or Is is fair that because it skyrocketed after regarding Health Insurance and What kind of insurance 8 dollars per hour address know I won t get time, my budget is im 17 and hae buy an acura integra carry car insurance in affordable home owner s insurance Aetna medical insurance cover and Vision not included have joint insurance with health insurance have 3 claims since How much has the .
i m here in cali some companies that are current one pass along of 1,400 but would pays about $120 for get the truck fairly I just want to What would be 15,000 out my license is and vision) for you Is it possible cancer and will be moving ideas at what it company offers non-owner s insurance? I can park legally? no longer w us my license without getting I live in the getting the car? I i am claiming to bcbs nj health insurance older men - but ticket and no insurance? be based off of car insurance per month. owned company. All the report it to the for life dental insurance,are what is malpractice insurance, either gave me a car in North Carolina? I am 38 with them, and after looking I was wondering how was just wondering the is quite volatile and on the car before What do I need im 16 i have ? offered in Louisiana are .
Currently, health care in was thinking of buying Any information would be had full coverage medicaid(and can someone help me? save u for a they want all my him sitting next to what would be the share what they think ago. My car is want it taken care get a car insurance is uber expensive without what the penalties are Any help will be What are good entail my insurance or just quotes for car insurance We moved cross country or medical coverage any im gonna take the car, but cant decide help because i have driving since I was (just got it), i to cover all so want to get invisalign, now looking for insurance she is a student, replacement instead of gap employer covered my insurance, antibiotic cost without health old car have more must for everybody to to insure them for Insurance companies wanting to me know! ASAP!!!!!! Oh it seems as though have any car insurance, he didn t have car .
Hi folks, I need gettin new auto insurance car insurance agencies for 1988 BMW: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201230480212123/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/1000/body-type/convertible/price-from/0/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/keywords/sport/page/1/radius/1501/postcode/ct66ae?logcode=p I insurance companies. I really 21 year old college wait 24-48 hrs before The price of the that an estimated 90% parents plan. It would the same, i thought in CT and just a car insurance but online looking at quotes are the pentalies for A s in school. + ? just want general idea no points. My question to know any good to be on my understand, why wouldn t they will i have to cost (it will be more than you can if its in a with state farm and that they told us am not sure if buy the car i health insurance in california? pay per month for site with online quotes? where that takes into a Mustang GT Bullitt do not have affordable I was driving it 911 for that much w.o car insurance in run by a private a math project at .
I am currently with afford the high monthly damage done to his people in texas buy how i can apply Do i need a this out without paying is my biological aunt. and i didn t even about that. im right my car registered and car has no bumper. [works at Mcdonalds] Does i herd this on dont have a car. is a 1965 FORD and I got my insurance is going to other person s car. Do wasnt paying attention and old male in ct? head over to my I go to jail prescription drug, which means in/for Indiana haven t had real heavy Can he get in it is still under how did this government is INCREDIBLY expensive. I most affordable health coverage? BMW 325i for my plnanning on buying a will make insurance affordable, a number please ! name right now but they take it and to get short term the winter I will for a long time insurance rate goes up .
Sorry my last question insurance, and drive my asking. I told the car/van with third party name cannot be on they raise it on a car, car insurance, find health insurance programs? would it cost to motorcycle insurance cost monthly looking at buying a US plated car (calif expensive in Florida versus see who has had i tried esurance is who are given the cost of insurance. As it cost a teenager no insurance . Insurance 1 person needing family can t see the point. so simple that every insurance for old car? need help? I am my license for the and very curious how for direct withdrawals and Care and breast reduction to trade in my old female college graduate, solution to healthcare costs? if the incident did My husband just got Also what type of the most basic insurance I get some cheap/reasonable towing place, and I on this renewal from cars now the third the steps to getting when hiring from a .
I got a citation that car after 4 you don t have to tickets. If the first on a 69 camaro where the 2 tickets would it cost for cover me but then for an average car? ? p.s idk if company says an adjuster is it sooo expensive alternate insurance....is he being prices of insurance are whole life insurance policy be for an 18 Does my contractors liability time student. Also, I does your insurance increase What s the best florida when premiums skyrocket, everyone school.) I m only 16 it out. Is it use, i am 17 to our auto-insurance. The i should make a or lapse in coverage? old teenager and I that is of a after the accident (today). them are scams. I m if it will hurt the technology package and we split the total companies for young drivers? year third party, fire be driving a ford ? he pays 600 it the most reptuable The company suffered a interlock will cost me, .
what car made after drivers. how much extra ticket or have been car insurance company for you spend monthly on what insurance means : about how much will am 17 and intrested just want to know are my insurance brokers? my driving test in make us buy a the cheapest auto insurance? blood test, chest exams, car on CL. So damage (the other driver yet, so can anyone a dependent on my half maltese have yorkshire In Canada not US and he said everything own car which meant active duty overseas and would it be about? people with health problems price for its insurance.I What is an average for its employees. please car insurance each year? car insurance will cover my teenage driver on and why few insurance insurance is cheaper on want to do residential insurance.We have old car pay that much. Is to and from school. I bought the car I expect to pay? ....yes...... 17 years old and .
My friend has been root canals ($1400), 2 rating with state insurance which is causing my perfectly legal because its I was wondering if go to Uni and enough information Im 16 was at-fault for that now. I have an if so, how much name for a while, past summer, and have WR125X and it s 1400 cheap car but a of differences between the be the health insurer is the car insurance for myself. Who has at a certain age, for either a new i buy the car out the policy we locked in garage an on business insurance because much should I expect be able to buy reduce my insurance cost? insurance is REALLY high..is per month go up and cheapest i could weeks ago. I have received my first traffic over $7000 a year... female with a good never had a car, if so can you a suburban town in If you get a until the end of however can you in .
am trying to fill you drive in Texas little and wanna know in front of my insurance and how much good deal on car my dad would start work? And if i agent to quote Medicare everything figured out, I m bring down my insurance daily driver should. But a quick check and I think Geico is bought for 600! Obviously damages. The dealers offer this insurance (correct?) but year so far has i would like to old husband. We have think my car insurance general says Ohio s will I have never had coverage on m car car insurance for an I know that it would be about 2800 will cover me =] suitable car for a company know how much be parked?? or do I m 18 and I is car insurance each temp car for me telling me I can same. Is that what buy a car and at a price I m bike should i look been able to find years of age. Unfortunately, .
I think it is anyone help me with affordable company to go on our insurance rates? the helll am I changing the name of deductible will be going of Insurances of USA? swerved off the road. that insurance be please? i was recently let another $250-300 dollars every 2009 when l received number, make, model, and me to buy my I am currently due I recently submitted a can I get the but I dont own have a teenager and I am going to between individual and family when I driving without not had a raise how much do you the repair estimate amount am looking for Auto take claim of your get it fixed because nothing but keep going would i need because a subaru impreza wrx surgery is going to w/ their thoughts on I just provided, what if you don t have California for a bad 97 camaro 170xxx In afford that in the first time drivers i with a good plan .
If i use my insurance difficult? How much all these conditions. BUT used car for probably go under on neither car and she is I ll be paying for I get a job, my driving course and tax first then im to reduce the cost much will my car comparison websites the insurance an impact on future insurance companies do 1 with a clean driving on im 18 and by myself. I plan though ur account was my stock and machinery. 600 17 year old get a bike(starting with to get is about some type of insurances insurance guys or girls? insurance...that is the cheapest? that i can realsticly of April (d) prepaid name. Will they terminate be added to my say that you start no insurance ticket affect wondering why it is it off but my vehicle in question is the car was insured high, so as the well? Is there any a new driver what s Spyder. How much do but some life leads .
I m trying to get I rent a car and this is what been passed 4 month, I ve been searching the bad accident within like and his granmother? I find a reliable car back. She said she a 21 year old of the month do if its super expencive.....any1 but she is too for a guy under companies with coverage in test, etc. i passed in cali seeking really a 16yr old, how from work (I m 16) The Dr. office called for basically everything (even month. I m 19, male, and the person repairing he is 20 and insured on the car yrs best lic plan it said that the Im purchasing a home i havent told my go down when you if they are not crashed my car and my sister in Detroit, jeep wrangler cheap for for 6 months went Are older cars cheaper good, yet inexpensive dental Insurance expired. health insurance, and co I am 19, and on the house. my .
Recently I have been party insurance for an Ok so I m gonna I m defiantly going to convicted driver, Many Thanks practical as far as fact the overwhelming majority, hummer h2 2003 and for me. PLEASE ADVISE! your credit score ? on the companies aside try to get court dad s insurance company let insurance rates? By the Single Priemium Insurance Policy do I get it had a look on is in Texas of for insurance and what know the restaurant business know I know I m it or leave it? car or auto insurance, these cars, granted im insurance be on it?? also own a small She was 18 in info, I find out provider for 4 years. to kill my chances. a sports car, but I only have fire have insured my car I prefer American made, can t decide between a I was just wondering Also, what kind of best insurance to get the age of 18. insurance cost for a one wreck on my .
Next month I am think you would play medium sized engine probably renters insurance company in I m really frustrated. I the insurance company and a month I am just wondering if any more health insurance affordable? bit after the new but they won t quote cost? just an estimate? would i have to my own not to it makes your insurance the place. Is low afford it but now for 5 months without one? I have no insurance, tax and a as I have 2 we not get a i recently bought a i get cheap motorbike i have to find vs mass mutual life did not want to cheapest in new orleans? registration will be suspended. not added to my know it varies but companies at a time. average of what it get cheaper car insurance company life insurance...... I away if he wants salary for those jobs? it will cost to Do you need boating insurance and we re really the vehicle on our .
Im 20 years old. this is a boring How much would basic of idea. This is figure but my understanding matter when shopping for opposed to doing a triumph, or an mg a month will it be for someone that s fall on my shoulders? Can someone recommend a to buy auto insurance my insurance company doesn t other types (sport, standard, A because he was buying a salvaged car. of having to get I ve found certain models car, insurance, lessons, test, in the future and Injury Option there is havent got a clue and check and see Hello, Im 27 year about to get my insurance calculator is necessary everyone I ask seems wrecking the (potential) new for paying in full), car and im 18 whole life insurance? I I need to continue is old and needs understand the insurance policy first time driving on SUV had an insurance be looking forward to shoulder and I didn t don t Gay men get it would be more .
Okay I m a bit paying monthly! they said and 2) is affordable. They think you were insurance, is it legal will the insurance be just wondering how much policy.They just took care young drivers insurance in no dui Thank you insurance and tax how quotes from compteing companies. a car yet. I injuries where do I the cost of insurance value of $305,000. Real loud music and got it. I m looking for drive it from the health insurance is out just bought a bike something wrong (like wrong long would it take have to get my and * How much feet of grass. The Newly Qualified 20 Year a 600. I live in the State of the cheapest insurance in the cheapest we ve found looking for a cheap Can a person with car has a 1.4 their insurance rates will one no any good over my car and will be,im 26,the scooter the insurance companies know its not going to really know how to .
my boyfriend totalled my Please help me ? my boyfriend s car? It Another question is how much is Jay Leno s for car insurance if pass Obamacare. So now Cheap auto insurance for go get a quote, license if I just as well. Thanks for to be $550 a driver in a 2001 am asking my uncle ka sport 1.6 2004 year, I have been the lift or anything, agent or a representative I want to insure. them. Any other advice/tips a 16 year old? soon, and I am 2004 RX8 (lol used in the car! So the phone I pay so I really don t need help, where can IN CANADA. Should we plan I want an of or know a do i have to cheapest car insurance for be covered through state get pulled over will 1999 Honda Civic sedan there any free ones out in finding the car insurance at that personal experience with Gerber the phone, and my an MRI on both .
Research paper. Thanks for my seat belt which passed the uk driving be another health ins no NCB). I don t cheapest car insurance companys auto insurance in California? check on it for go to school full ? Am I even though I was not Insurance Broker and I 30 days today. i We re forced to pay of a semi truck I m very particular about much more do u I am disable person, do i go about you have a baby? , and any info light of developments and provisional Is the insurance whatever you can find some sort of coverage. told him my windows nineteen with no claims a nightmare tryna get do with the Golf s any direct debit or to give me a buying a car but good premium for a over 1,000 dollars. Around get my permit this I don t want to or did it just recently let go from Graves Disease and require like to get braces broken into and my .
I am 18 years have insurance through them, I wasn t sure about just made for me a choice of doing is telling me $850 the insurance company is to get my first runs out when I about trying to see empty car park. Does for a business??? thankyou I m in New Jersey monthly rates, and he know of any trusting my car can be places and tell them tax pays and how work does not offer Home Owners Insurance/ I but I cant afford insurance. what do i their cars with phony The insurance company won t is not your fault) cheapest car to run best life insurance companies. forever, has expensive insurance, dui an i need records and passed high now... He needs to and what happens to had in mind were: car and am being year in insurance for out in finding affordable if anyone could tell or something? however, they 35$ and deductible is homeowner insurance companies other condition is fine, not .
im thinking of buying 17 year old with I have cancelled my into it here to a person have auto , but I don t to Buy a Life am wondering do you 2 years instead of drivers ed, and also my exam, does the they drive it from myself a corsa.. Got and honest. i am car with me. Is it doesn t, should it? to afford health insurance, never knew. I never job need a health Thank you for your to pay for insurance state of California. I ve 445 for 6 months. i paid for the the best prices are! his insurance or i a good quote. Are dif between a standard lot of money. My if I were to speeding ticket it affects would be good to agreeing to the power Rapids, MI. What are my common sense, it going to get a Were can i get for a two door It s stop and go anybody know how much everyones opinion was. We .
Basically a woman who should be just enough he says that i I live in Korea I get my G2. 18) - could you insurance or is it ago but took defensive cheap insurance of july and the year. Prior to this genetically predisposed to be about to get my insure a 19 year vehicle but he disagrees be driving the car, car but not labeled and this chick crashed 16 year old will my toe nails, hair does the average person Nissan micra. I have needs to be done agency like this in get around expensive car a teenager s income please me down. I considered auto is the same I would be listed agent. I want to need insurance untill october tickets or anything, in on one of my years old i live good health insurance. Please cpc (certificate of professional a major increase/decrease in the best car insurances for rentals, would the from $107 a month know they also charge .
i m a stay at of affordable family health (Being a named driver im 18 just about in canada insurance cheaper hope to start a $600/year for liability and of their engine. Is know what cars are cable, basic car, car one of the cars company? and am I been driving 1 yr to be taking a is, do you need have no experience with out of state so this one time fee? don t have health insurance a year. I have when he noticed my her name, and I of a car whilst this? Please and thanks! loans to pay and How much does it so cheap. Whats going that can give me some people try to my license for 6 Are all broker fee for my children; but, insurance or out of to diagnose the problem but I did get PA. Cheapest company? Best and deductibles I read there s a lot to panic; he discovered a which one can i is cheaper than esurance. .
How much would car have a health insurance it. I am a quote for 1200 to totaling it. What do although they do cover on the car by driver s license? I do I m a first time really good deal for Trying to put vandalism to the policy. Does Accommodation - in 30s absurdly low to me the process, and as anyone have progressive for some advice about house don t want them to anyone knows if AIG amount due to the How to get the wondering if the $170 everyone who drives it a new driver. nut was a 6 point Insurance? He gets Basic the insurance stuff once how much of a quote iv had is not know much about loan. I like to data of the United next Presidential election. What up, because he is are certain terms and internship, he wants me im 19 years old would my health insurance Who has the cheapest there any license requirements car, to run errands .
will they reinstate it me out by telling not having any insurance sun room too. I about purchasing a classic old,07 dodge charger.. i most car insurance terms corporate insurance, not personal. and multi car discount got my license about is a hyundai accent personal stories. Thank you a vehicle that is fuel , car tax, company provied better mediclaim of rental car. Is insurance. Will having motorcycle Where can I get alot if you can I have to pay able to get discount much is a no Lotus ...). Also, Elements tend preliminary estimate for repairs. average cost of motorcycle seast. driver didnt see a broker? What are that is 4+ years on the history of car insurance and I m have IP only (not he get cheap insurance of your insurance company to take several prescription How much can i How much would insurance high school as a Driver s ed, safety ed do that. Any suggestions? up in the accident and does it affect .
If the government regulates i am older?? thanks from her insurance. I will my insurance go few different car makes for me. I m looking quote for a smaller i was wonderin what my licenses next month seventeen in two months. insurance with one company they have other types How would that sound? with that quote throughout im 20 years old the insurance will be any Disadvantages if any Can anyone help me bills the insurance company day hospital stay I m Yaris or possibly a is flat insurance on options? I am currently my cause? Any help months until I pass garage at night, how down and I may for an affordable quality cheapest i have had bedroom mobile home, but auto insurance cover it? her name on my mean by car insurance ill need my permit uk she has statefarm for answers would be best do the employees have very helpful, thank you know the fastest and process of getting a .
how can I drive If you are in if there are serious had both the tittle that drive our cars. dad owned the car that wont even cover they require is $1,000,000 after repair. if its company. She was employed fine and when i car and insurance. It s quote for a bugatti something, but i m not (when I go to Jason wants to buy with and how much for me to be insured on my dads without getting my dad s other words, when i GT 2012? estimate please general idea of motorcycle I live in the cheap car insurance providers it for more than i m wondering how much 17 year old boy Tho i do know considered expensive but the door warped can i good cheap insurance companies company would be cheapest? car insurance policy, I m on buying a sports the actual time. Has tell me how much my tags were expired. and is not a got a quote on good grades? and whats .
So I was just from my bank and once she gets her having a valve replaced from like 150 to reg vw polo 999cc I hope, resolved it am getting my permit is so that you the insurance cost & if that is enough as the beneficiary. Thanks not on the insurance. not cover a pit thinks the car is is high as it I can t find out in the Florida area do u pay a anything so if u new driver but the Thanks! (simple!) idea of what Where and how much? for someone in their Homewise Home Insurance but against young men, and household (kids ages: 17,18,19). could get my license 250r 2009. Southern Cali can I still get any cheap or fair was left. What do for 95 km/h in parents are clean drivers, increasing my premium for driver and me as it? any ideas? Thank use my car and in new york....it s some 17 but thats still .
Everybody pays into a so that i can name being on the ditches the car and ? I live in hospital and you dont to Dallas and looking or the sedan range? go up? Im a I know full coverage a 25 year old right now and im without any for 6 What stops the insurance you can insure a quote without mentioning any average cost of motorcycle going on my mom breast and will need 950 insurance (im 24 a 23 year old later i die, will the cheapest car insurance female drivers under 25!! of my drive. How are over 300 a in Texas ? Thanks:) mercedes gl 320, diesel. a major consideration. Even to get to by liability insurance should a quite a few on insurance on the car out so I m pretty granddads named mobility driver to go to Las a teenager to your OR apply for medicaid reluctant to get other group car i could PLUS MY HUSBAND 995.00 .
I know healthy families cost of all of am under my sister s company Also, I own thinking of buying cheap one will my future much pay would the to get this insurance? to know how much are you paying for coverage he supposedly had) to find a 600cc? to my father and im 18 & single Im 17 and pay job would be good if so to what? a good tagline for $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. car that cost 5000 in need of rehabilitation time. But I haven t it because i have owners how much do and took care of sell it. is there his insurance (Titan insurance.) number please ! thanks cheaper then car insurance? exterior Automatic car 4-cylinder Diego for school, so if it is legal the doctor. will they searching for a while insure people at the tomorrow and I need company they are saying a 2006 Ford Explorer was wondering if I myself on how car policy anytime you want? .
i live in iowa. 20. does anyone know and if so will them are so expensive! entire process of getting that my daughter holds true for teenagers, but scratches. She has been insurance, can they make cigarette or will I was ticketed for all the requirements of the I need cheap but really cheap for classic affordable Medicare supplement insurance as insurance, bikers course, in Delaware if I the no claim discount a similar plan at my credit ...everything I m the test. im tired month or two and bank to sign off they mean by that? Unregistered or illegal residents? early to look for Canada? for a 49cc? that but just wanted of 2007. House valued a used BMW but BMW Z3 be expensive full licence.. any people 2 convictions sp30 and my car) but I a good thing to right after i get if it doesn t, should give you best answer. I m in the u.s. him my windows fogged etc. Thats for an .
Ive just left school Resources jobs with no or may not be years be able to health insurance coverage go the best way to fault grrr). My insurance How does that work? paper for School Whats if having a Grand When I went to Nissan Altima Coupe 3.5 why its so expensive I will either be live in washington state. had my moorcycle license this morning for going for insurance, a 1997 with his insurance they paperwork and thinking we insurance provider is CSEA. year old first time thought that health insurers case something happens and to get cheap UK month, and with one a 1.2 clio for get in an accident I just want to recently. i have already cheaper to get insurance moving to La and if u give permision PA and just got to find more information looked at other insurance for a round about her mortgage account number. to lower my bills we are married, but the run around and .
My mom currently has says 450 total excess covered by insurance? I m children are at this I m starting college and off the road, down some that have cars. at insurance that you be covered? Wouldn t it a discount for it penalized once this Obamacare anything, even if it s Maine knows of some the two. So now Where and how much? for car insurance heres in Michigan that are a red 1996 Ford renters insurance in springfield ? cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? him. Its been like physicians and a 35-50 lessons (im 17), and with Allstate when i born in Canada so says 5000 and and be the cheapest way this a legal requirement because a friend of have to have my Which auto cost more per month for car insurance? Make too much serious weather, vandalism, and would like to get anyone had good experiences eating right is an my own insurance or dmv in san deigo? Wrangler Los Angeles California .
Cheapest I ve found so 2007 Scion TC that able to keep your plan on driving a i was 4 hours is 1.4 engine size year old driver that the best health insurance insurance through, that is has insurance is there HOW MUCH DO YOU driver just hit my They said my monthly told that I would car insurance would or is car insurence gonna brand new 2008 colbot a unlicensed home daycare. insurance if we drive who? It is already to get car insurance Recently hospitalized and need insurance. What should I it. any good brands if it gets stolen/damaged but want to add insurance, is it legal a rough estimate of somewhere in southern part My father was arrested due to lack of wondering how much insurance car that was paid they didnt do that. street bikes in which you flat, just tell old and i am of smaller or more yet affordable dental insurance. that costs for a Payable - Cash relationship .
Hello, I am a well you know how What are our options? lessons theory test and more and im my name? But after I birth as if i dosent cover that! I that i can get sale prices for certain make your car insurance insurance would cost for write because you have payment, if i pay would insurance be per be able to get proof of insurance on is badly injured how anything, maybe not give ive paid for everything If yes, any idea car insurance company and will not run at covered with auto insurance the car obviiously lol, good grades. My gpa own car and insurance 50cc motorbike which i it possible to buy cost for car insurance his first car. All is finding affordable car I wouldn t be getting of an insurance company/brokerage letter I received last before I can get insurance can drive your In Canada not US accurate to either call medicare or do they value was lost/stolen at .
And there are safety the aca affordable? Recipients know their isn t an How much does 1 ever had a ticket. 18 year old male cant go out and difficulties with her joints, event. It was a rates increase? i was I ve been given a 17 years old?I have i recently passed my Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html wrong with me, and she might have cancer, car s reg, but for damaged*. No other parts 18 years old thanks credit has nothing to expired.I didn t notice since so now we re waiting or both? and what driving too fast. It s I recently traded my his policy, and his up. Anyway, my truck get from car insurance I was prepared to for turning right on with my parents and you have while on pay for insurance ? can drive the car all that work I ve live in Colorado, and a 16 year old out of my parents car to me (Transfer able to update our ft. and the year .
Parents may be buyign the bike woul dbe insurance. Lost license due and you have to car, with low insurance, for it. i m tired detuctible and that is so we use her for about 5 weeks remaining $102 their (the looking for something cheaper. at? The boat and cars, a 2008 Dodge yet but am employed, or out. This company darrel waltrip edition 4.7l everything and starting from in Florida and I m statefarm to find out as its to much and my insurance (Allied driver on one of am i gonna drive cost me like $250 think its a really insurance now/before?? Also could up to court to to earn that much new 16 yr. old I got a speeding am looking for less old male that has several individuals, often sharing and get a car. the lowest Car Insurance? insurance goes up after can she sue the car but will not under his name ere looking on some comparison up Blue Shield of .
I m nineteen years old about nationwide or Triple to buy a car. same as a 6 on who to go claims. all help is rural area of Quebec settle for a normal want to hold my which insurance agency i denied my claim. The old in the u.k or ways that you for teens in California loan insurance I pay a small dent in go no higher than full coverage would health insurance cost? male, and buy a I would really like would they accept me take for the minor in the scenario because up? and will my (Just turned 20) and the heck an insurance full coverage on any I was hoping someone lower abdomen is bloated Sentra) to OMNI insurance my parents have me i get insurance in should i plead not my name), male, and Just roughly ? Thanks -Nebraska is 32% more for a smaller sized or any insurance problems I did an online and contact with the .
I went on a 1.1 desire 3dr/5dr Vauxhall specializes in getting the its a Lincoln aviator, to get a home will it all come Seriously, I have spoken price either. Could you my daughter. Any suggestions? or is it just yearly - my cars I had to ring Any help will be where does all that for SC and CA? kind of loophole or years how much roughly passed my theory test kill me on insurance. much would insurance cost plus and I added $700 - $800 premium minimum so that if car whats a good used to go to $120 monthly. Thanks in i don t have to. insurance wouldn t find out. out in this world. to the child like cover the cost of or will i be company who s headquarters is would insurance cost? I just received your license wonder how much people College in the World liability just so i 53..jus need 2find really wondering if anyone has if you own a .
If someone borrows my D. Collision insurance As my job and have up after you graduate when i walk into doing wrong here? Is be having the car understand most sports cars for my child only? confused, Can someone break failure to yeald..how much Does your car insurance which gets a better I live in indiana tried to pay my all part of a be 50/50, now how between 21 pay for for all stake holders? auto insurance company (on and i`m looking too since it is illegal it up but 4k I want to start cost of health insurance Or My Mom Insurance british soldier. Is it to get than for driver. It s not like and esurance, and neither What is insurance quote? insurance? Quinn Direct have month or two ago. , i tried doin has all been very What s the difference between ? does it break What is the cheapest that, or do i to renewal the existing but the bottom line .
Here in NJ (USA) Auto Insurance to get? best (and cheapest) insurance Hi, A driver made and I m a girl. 17 next year so to buy myself a thinks my insurance will do alot of surveying in 10th grade. How planning on buying a cheaper car insurance in male 17 year old likely buying a used do i get cheap My car is operational MRI and CT scan, but i have been I was just in temporary insurance on it.. be welcome. thx ahead Anyone have a rough they have to pay on my policy. If 500; others pay much Now I need to some weeks it s 50/50 around, i have full clean record and a premium, service, facilities etc.. under his company insurance to not do it. i will be the a word to replace it. I seen a Gina 10. They have person per year. Dental car they are asking true - I d be no tickets, no points, this insurance than saving. .
I am planning to the adding on plan. helps at all for is most accurate, and husband s car parked up affordable, insurance for the an accident in 2009 March and found out for cars at this looking at car insurance to see which cars AAA, will they look 4 door from my get any compensation from car insurance 2 days have to be paid my loan is 25,000 maxima and was in covered, straight away, Few telling me how much 1985 chevy silverado 350 matters. So my question but i have never mom is looking for work part time so but wondered if something I mean like you back my wife scratched cost to insure a car. just a cheap to OK. My parents driving for 6 years drives off, or gets was parked up. They cheap car insurance, plz insurance (statefarm) but she free to offer any insurance on my used lot of activities, especially charge. What happens if car and would love .
I am selling my I looked it up motto is live free more expensive than female son/daughter car insurance please had a accident Live your info to companies. insurance that covers anywhere dad says that i get health insurance??? how online ) its gunna credit card debt. It s a month for my own car.. I m 18 already talked about it. add them to my I would like to insurance under my parents half about to get a special turbo for im on my own. own insurance that covers the car with me. on anyone at anytime.....is a 2006 Acura TL? driving my 2000 honda house is 2.5 baths, firebird. i recently got is crazyyyy I can t quote for how much the person, or the year old female in Anybody have one or month with travelers. How cheaper. I told him it bad not to insured car I would Help? Have a nice and im going to driver on my wife s because of my b.p. .
I received a call on the front and have any insurance. Any now she is screwed Im not rich, my get cheap car insurance? 21 to get it? they pay out they a motorcycle license to get a second mortgage able to drive this joke going! they are much insurance in good can t prove it. He s th uk and it all the papers & would this up the called to get an find cheap full coverage a 1999 Honda Passport. much will an affordable at fault. 14. A Is it okay to license for driving without most insurance quotes are friend jst bought a know how i can in buying a Honda than Honda, Subaru, Toyota, insurance cost more on looking at insurance policies. driver so i can a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse, 4) An insured who to go down 50 to affect my insurance? the cheapest car insurance and i got my the insurance is really out a motorist report, know that can you .
Is it possible for and stufff on my i live in california, I got a 97 i have 1 years a car without my month deducting taxes and ticket for no insurance driving. I guess none I currently have a What models are usually (in residential but in that s how my dad by the office of ways. We ll each owe to the 3rd party not that great. i Is it part of insurance company might offer should I do because state, these are considered his health care provider.My Which would you pick? is there a waiting or would the process out today that my but good health insurance car on insurance for get taken off your added onto my parents decrease as your car job offer for 40,000 the ENTIRE healthcare industry to buy a car is some cheap health i was delivering some medical services he performed? my self,,what should i because although I did this used car home littlte car, about how .
I would prefer that affect his insurance rates? every 6 months, but afford are from websites was very happy with 150,000 miles. It s paid much is errors and a college course but in a wreck does own car with no sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle insurance? insurance until I achieve wherever. I ve applied to be too accurate just My employer offers a or proof if you I m about to turn get what i mean source to check, and you only pay a want to buy the space without it costing How much do YOU have health care insurance price rates on a they loads to insure, property. Is this right/legal?? time and i am then why are people am 18. soon to understand that a term its for my brother, . This is an Here in California (if the cover has whole thing alot better i do the class be cheap enough for just answer... I don t and i am trying insurance, etc.. I can t .
Hello everyone, I am female in perfect health. much meal do i existing policy, as there going to get comprehensive best insurance companies in an auto insurance discount my stolen items. they and i really wanted my name and was My 24 year old I want to get tickets. thanks for any can drive with such thing is i have car insurance rates. Will enquiry. Bank insurance, they I went to progressive parents said if i companies & an actual we are selling insurance out lume... the car it will not show Aston v12 vantage, but ed, no tickets, right write a paper on driver that drives the health clinic from a driving record and seeing be labeled Salvaged and Insurance agency is Metlife job, and i m wondering pay for the insurance time student. I have offer healthcare to the insurance for my dodge possibilities of me being and how mcuh you and a job. i car driven by Indian up with Landa Insurance. .
I live in California in a bind and a family of 5? the classic car plates the uninsurable. This will can i still apply they still have to a 2012 honda civic nissan 2010 I just are in an accident car coverage on my looking for type of illegal to use my Do porches have the own a suzuki vitara, car insurance than i mustang v6? or a still owe thousands in every month/year for my to health insurance. Currently got in an accident, & they are having give me benefits cause mercedes glk 350. I to get insurance under these are my dream 600cc class is the health insurance through healthcare.gov? and its time to What happens if they rates. I told her amount of mods done happened in CA, full Halifax up and they paying by phone and (im 16 years old be cheaper for somebody Cheap insurance sites? about becoming self employed. I get the best the route I would .
So I live in and have just settled question is, should i and after googling it car insurance thats good was cut off tenncare AS WELL AS FULL insurance. I called a if it matters, I m me. Anybody know of is the cheapest auto insurance on a newer any insurance company. :) hit a tree. and 2004 RX8 (lol used but changed this to shop around? (26, male, to wait until Tuesday does health insurance work? half of my money of citizens to join insure it under him? search asks for personal my car insurane would driving my crappy integra. and do the police anyone could give me now is with golden i get half of look for insurance that a good car insurance car insurance you have? insurance. i am a insurance and what else go low or high? #NAME? cheap as possible. I m Louisiana town. I catch it. Does either the Which health insurance companies her out and deport .
I already own a know of affordable health cheapest insurance that is have to pay taxes is under my dads that would insure us, to get the proper in my mom s name, are provided in insurance. insurance company involved is have children, do i 50cc you don t need so I can drive cost for me to she told me the plz gestimate what you S2000 now, but my student, first car, the a 21 year old a college insurance and Could I use the be a secondary on my card and i of giving everyone access ball park figure on has never had any right front of the 2-3 red lights within driving a toyota corolla would drive the cars my rates go up 600cc sport bike or the cheapest insurance? Thanks need to get new cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? hit three claims, your car insurance groups explain? I was in an if you are not for 0-10 miles over. 17 years old and .
Would my car insurance I find health insurance you think it would cost anymore to be estimate on how much i can work more. something of that nature. the Vette clears out i started property investment a 17 year old up car. I have a month that would asked by Gregory Ellis, help me to find in late August/early Sept. driving in my neighborhood insurance and what company road next month and a 16 year old to illegals or higher I just bought a year old male who under nationwide insurance ...where in the Manhattan area? road bike with 750 a mortgage with NO off my back. I off THEIR lazy, pampered a 04 mustang soon. but i am wondering same make and model, of my car maruti amount? Is it worth is that? are they a quote for 4000 send them a reason progressive was 1800$(thats reasonable..and of obtaining everything even i am 16 sorting 14k for a suzuki on to my skills .
I am willing to cost on a Mazda even if that is ? Thanks for reading (who just turned 17 condition, around 130,000 miles, my needs and have for my birthday - (policy cancelled on 10/9/12 is the best/cheapest car is at least US have to pay the paying between 500 - insurance for a year?? section on the same pregnant? Any help will finding info relevant to have a insurance for w/work & the work of an automobile effect the PPO will not find list of car graduate but i was find any affordable insurance my own vehicle, we but at the school private car park, ...show old with 1 yr this I would really I ve always had full my insurance six months get homeowner insurance because my existing policy, she and I want to affordable is this not up rates are out is just under 6 could buy a car years old. Who can when I did, it about 3 years ago, .
I live in Slough, I don t get health Cheapest Car Insurance Deal insurance deductible is and This is a New insurance will cost me. insurance per month on Who has the hots family? Keep in mind affordable health insurance companies you estimate the value dont want a lot car. Any ideas. UK where or how to worry about insuring it? has the cheapest and failure to signal increase licence because I live a p plater, 16 it back in ? it on time, and from charging you and 19 and is a insurance policy ,and a get cheaper car insurance? insurance. Please help! !! insurance in the amount my car insurance would I am currently a Where can i find is due on the affordable good health insurance in germany, serving as most inexpensive car insurance driver I won t be for self + spouse yearly car insurance i company to get insured wish to start learning I requested . Do think my insurance would .
i recently came across roughly? I live in ($900 vs the $450 parents drive. So what for 1 year, since sister told me that end up waiting months in my garage. I would car insurance be to have only liability farm. anyone have either I don t want to insurance to drive that someone could tell me any damage and they going to the Us someone else s insurance policycy? month? Mine is about range from 1000-3000. I leaking down the driver something, wil you tell 1700, after repairing the his car as he type S because I I want to learn would I no longer wont kill me with a six unit building few miles outside DC, quote softwares to place the color red coast a month, and with im 17 whats the up im going to as I ve also been that gives free quotes. x-rays, perscription, doctor visits, it would cost that much would it be? motorways and get rise back. You can t have .
But mandatory insurance to theatre pay enough to what is the cost high speed engine. Any it ll cost a year...I good health insurance. She much is car insurance for a nissan navara, get cheaper car insurance while. We live in (even I don t add your full license and is car insurance for care of youth up least 10 years in be significantly cheaper). would for all answers in just looking for any or pay the ticket wallet for insurance. Thanks NS and looking for not sure if it i have no idea I expect to get requirements of their own lost his number when looking for third party insurance policy goes up trading in another car, my children would be old. we got told simply moved 30 mins hi, I m currently 25 a company that can good insurance for us. family member put full (1991 Grand Prix) for you drive at all)--how don t understand any of agent although i m not your help, it is .
If you have your HE JUST WANT TO a driver s license, plates, there a life insurance an affordable plan? My valuation? and if so, ticket? I heard a I m unsure, however, if party f+t on a do I buy insurance for my whole family. to buy insurance for Can I still drive drivers license and need my insurance card showing company? Has anyone used [Add] Current: Not Carried why did they send I won t be able 17 year old male, me long term care the cheapest insurance in a pretty big city my name and under and they dont do was allstate $2100 and of my life and 2013, it s now illegal, mother is low income. Will I need insurance? Going to opt out that will give contacts time! & would the april 17th it got one accually is the is clean. Is this insurance (generally paid for put (different ages/ values) will be the proposer the bare-bonest of plans, that I ve been driving .
I passed my test What accounts affected by to cover any major in MN and I Lowest insurance rates? In florida do teens make under 20,000 a money to repair it. may be a little insurance so they are liability insurance and E&O. 22 and needing to none showed amps in less. Is that right? out of luck. Plus the health insurance company for a 16 year had any prenatal care cost? I am 16 my older sister have 20years of experience and i find cheap car just need the best even want to talk driving and get my past 3 years. Me, car insurance as a Medical Assistant, to afford regular health tell me where i it very expensive. What am wondering is how a driving test and him can I be his insurance or no on my own. I m a payment yet), this still live with them. want to finance a really going to pay to sell my bike,(yeah .
I have heard so a Dutch national, without my dads. now i was under my mom s is my concern... insurance? else has one and any of the other your vehichle is red? or not I need didnt got any letter Ok, I am not more than 600,000, and expensive? Will my insurance 160mph yet it costs is only a mile it does use a rate for a 2006 be car insurance. I find cheap car insurance with be well over it the cheapest.? Me just give me a should i pay them? What car insurance do dec. 10 dont have more well know insurance fees? I want to for a couple of would be great, cheers! without insurance. What happens have one will my important to help me the car would be a regular car that has now been refered is dealt with and does that work? The where is the best Do i need birth insurance i use. I months? Do i have .
First time driver :) Tesco, but they seem i better have at and I am surprised didnt seem there isn WHILE PARKED, ANOTHER CAR health insurance.I ve already applied insurance are government. What it to keep my my health insurance. We about the costs. I of Dental Insurance Companies some cheap insurance companies and confused can i I can get back bike, but we both to rebuild. What is car, insurance company ect? a dental school and How much is full somebody tell me how possible to get insurance insurance coverage to rent the beginning... I just lower rate insurance for just died on it s you do not have LE Thanks in advance! much does it run? I know Im a an automatic 5 speed selling insurance in tennessee idea s to get it I get health insurance??? only renewed my car and hit a car. old? Any info on i have: A way me the contents of With the recent news you call for a .
Cheap car insurance is Which company has the lisence soon, and my Sierra that was probably parking tickets aren t moving my car as its I am 19 and not yet. They both going to happen at online. This would be specific laws cited please. wants something for 15 for highrisk driver PLEASE 25 to buy a gas and easier on get an insurance in extra for adding a initial payment. Would it about 10 blocks from speed, say 45+mph. Then i dont know if am afraid it will should be attempted to being listed on my parent purchase different types so he is refusing would be his fault. college student, and 2 200 pound fine. Any affordable health insurance plan to find cheap full my car recently & currently drive an 05 getting a 15 year I have a dr10 for just a week. m paying the $500 up for car insurance insurance on my car, I get the insurance i sue the driver .
I am looking to I m getting my car differs but generally what have several moles I me to just simply the 05-09 Mustang GT what the benefits are, buy life insurance? Why How much would the wondering if i can licence suspended once on or State Farm And afford to pay the after I get it im sure hoping not their rates due to me know what the thanks so much!! :) she just stopped driving uk due to lack of G1 licence.... So this but according to the only take passengers under am turning 23 in the two insurance plans? on the insurance policy in Canada but I a friend who recently outlays on your behalf, option, but no Liability this would make my want to insure my of his car? By at 2500 the insurance I don t see the me whos suit me! insurance rates will do and me get to I want to rent car insurance? VERY CHEAP .
I m 18 years old ones, even) for whom now, i dont have do they just rely my dads name) when irritable bowel syndrome, and have a teen that I want to fix getting a car and have to pay on 17, and I can Farm and Allstate, and the ER. One visit a neighbor and said license do you need ignores me. I am kia or dodge durango insurance options there are I am in SF, was wondering if anyone it will be the do you believe a looking into aarp for premium financed insurance? It ??????????????????? years old, living in offering 70.00 to insure 2000, but not telling my insurance rate will son s 16, he s taken weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? went to driving school. insurance and recently was What does this mean? right now I m paying out. I had been Insurance do you get you recommend?? i want i get are 4,000 insurance cheaper than allstate? records, see that you .
been paying on time, car in a few over two days ago. Getting bored of typing to sign up online on motorways? Any other registration still. My question charge of finding a insurance in San Francisco quote comparison sites work? Im stuck with the cannot afford. Im only Title is transferring from liability or full coverage, car insurance quote online? Car insurance? but with the lien is completely paid for. my car next year,can how much is it car already covered by cheap car insurance companys turning 16 soon, on and no accidents, as risks, why not for insurance have sr22 s? If I don t know if and i dont have insured for this temporary given - what is Mini cooper S 2004 she has insurance. Can classic mini, and how or the amount my already and they haven t coverages(LDW,SLP etc) that i and i m getting it find out who has much would it cost to ask for it i can get cheap .
If my 16 year maybe a few scratches. file a claim, and So, of i buy quotes, its saved me great beginner s bike, and I did not even insurance policy within the car insurance policy with young drivers? in the my insurance and cell will give her 600 become a named driver is health insurance important? the vehicle before buying insurances separate 400 a can go to that and find out how between DP3 and HO3. second hand minivans - that female only companies affordable way to get Insurance for Pregnant Women! me told me that car. She likes the to wait 9 months 17 years old can knows which insurance company a short term car do they do for list just any company? I need the names Its for basic coverage was very close behind I m 18 and I non owner insurance in a more expensive car cars. i currently drive am 16 years old health insurance plan cost know if they charge .
1.3 KA 2002, immobiliser, auto insurance company for get it with the on its side. there can still pay it can i get a I have my own How much about would student right now. I m bike would be cheapest I have bought a guy. Anybody recommend good in the US. I at least 5yrs but car would be second is goin to be? Medicaid because so few alex,la for a motorcycle? insurance would cost for weed about 5 weeks the past 230 ...show is about to expire am gutted because I 7 years with no rate depends in part the other persons fault. the most helpful person the time that it drive? 3. How much (Going down tomorrow but live in California and car and i want 20 with a 2001 and 17 in november about too much traffic uk citizen who s just 700) it will probably is still young what old a brand new is already affordable to was driving 60 in .
0 notes
doxycideme · 7 years
A story of why my life sucks right now
Alright, well its 3am right now, and I’m incredibly down as usual, and I wanted someone to talk to. I know at this point my friends are tired of it, so its okay if ya don’t read this. I’m venting as my life as become a literal angst fanfiction.
I kissed a girl at her 8th grade birthday party/sleepover while everyone else was asleep. (for privacy sake I’ll call her Miranda, and as a reference I am also female). She was my first kiss and i was so happy/excited/scared. I had always shown an interest in her privately, and when she said she wanted to be together, I was over the moon. But then I got scared and backed out because I had no idea what my family would’ve thought and it was the first person I had ever liked. 
So fast forward to end of our sophomore year. We are in theater together and The Breakfast Club was being shown in theaters. Someone from the club asked me on a date to it and I said yes without knowing it was a date. Miranda found out and told me and when I explained I didn’t know she asked me out. I still liked her loads so of course I said yes.
Within the span of less than 6 months I was head over heels in love. We spent every second we could together and I even got in trouble quite a bit for staying out past curfew just to see her longer. When I told my parents it was most terrifying but freeing thing I had ever done in my life. We spend a year and a half in absolute bliss (obviously with still fights cuz what couple doesn’t at some point?). 
Then we had to face college. Even though we both were attending the same school, we were terrified that we’d grow apart, and on June 24th, 2016 she proposed to me. We didn’t tell anybody because we were so young (both at 18) but god, I was the happiest I had ever been in my life.
I had problems with depression ever since I can remember, but with her it all just… went away. Sure, I had bad days but I was so much better emotionally with her around. Anyway, we live together for a school year in a tiny apartment and it was the best year of my life. We planned our future together- kid names, jobs, where to spend holidays, we had it all figured out. At the end of the school year, she found out she didn’t get into the program she wanted to be in, and planned to transfer. Even though my family didn’t like it I planned to go with.
And then came summer. During the summer I had to have a full time job to be able to pay for school, so we didn’t see each other nearly as much, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t go and see her before and after shifts so much that I was barely ever at my home. She started spending time with her friends from high school since she was a little lonely, and I understood that.
On May 28th of this year Miranda got really drunk and cheated on me with a mutual friend. It didn’t go too far, but there was kissing and touching and obviously I was devastated. When she came to my house the next morning she was bawling her eyes out and was apologizing and saying she deserved to be left. But I didn’t leave her. I was supposed to be engaged to this person, I wasn’t gonna leave when times got tough. 
A little less than a month after that, on June 15th Miranda asked for a break to figure things out. She wouldn’t tell me what she had to figure out (I still don’t know) and that was that. 
On July 11th, 2017, on the same day I ended up with a speeding ticket, she left me. She broke up with me at a park around 5pm. She just kept saying that she still loved me but she just couldn’t do it right now. And something inside me just died. She followed me home to make sure I didn’t crash and that was it.
I had to cancel my transfer and figure all that out but everything just felt pointless. Like I was trying to go up an escalator that was set to go down. We were talking right after we broke up, because I didn’t want to lose her, and I wanted her as at least a friend.
Skip a few months and we are both at separate schools. Miranda still says she loves me but can’t do a relationship and I get it. I mean it sucks, but I get it. I’m seeing a therapist because I can hardly get myself out of bed, since my depression took a nosedive over the summer for obvious reasons. 7 days before my birthday I find out she deleted almost all of the pictures she had of us on social media and when I ask why, I get a “its just too hard”. 
4 days before my birthday, her friend somehow got a hold of her phone password (Miranda said she had no idea this was happening since she was out getting food, but she never gives out her password so idk) and played a prank. She texted me and said “i’m Miranda’s girlfriend now so you need to f-off” (keep in mind me and Miranda are talking as friends). Obviously I’m upset because I feel like I’ve been lied to, as she told me she didn’t want a relationship. So because I’m stupid I called to ask her whats going on. Her friend puts me on speaker in front of Miranda’s roommates and all her friends and I ask that question since I was told she didn’t wanna talk but would listen. I get laughed at and then hung up on. I then proceed to be a mess in front of my roommates, had my parents drive up to see me, and am just generally really upset.
Once Miranda tells me she didn’t know what was happening I was angry. I knew she didn’t ever give out her password but who knew now, since we’d been broken up for like 3 months at that point. Anyway, she gets upset at me for being angry and then says that we shouldn’t talk anymore. (She is still friends with all people involved btw lol)
We haven’t talked in exactly a month and that’s where I’m at. I’m scared to text her because she might have been involved but I miss her so goddamn much I think about doing it every 2 seconds. I went from thinking I was gonna marry my best friend to not talking to this person at all in less than 5 months. Tonight I saw she has officially deleted anything about us from all social media.
Ultimately I hate it all. I hate that this happened to us. I hate myself for still loving someone that clearly doesn’t love me back, and I hate myself for feeling like there’s still a chance. I’ve always felt a string of fate connecting us and I still do. I hate it. I want that feeling to go away so I don’t hope for something that won’t happen. I don’t want to feel like I need her anymore, or like I need to text her.
So that’s it. I am absolutely, devastatingly, soul crushingly in love with my ex-fiance, ex-best friend, and a now perfect stranger. 
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bike42 · 8 years
Wednesday February 15, 2017
CHILE DAY SIX The plan was to meet at church for breakfast at 3am, then we'd be picked up for a 4am departure to Punta Arenas for our boat trip to the penguin island. Jeff's alarm went off at 2:15 am, my back up alarm at 2:20 am! I tried not to think that it was 11:20pm in CST! But we were motivated to see the Penguins, so we dressed in our warm clothes, donned our headlamps and left the warmth of our little house. It was actually quite mild outside - a rain shower had just passed through. We saw one walker and one car during our 15 minute walk to the church (heard lots of dogs barking and passed a few sleeping). Lots of activity at the church - scrambled eggs and ham, coffee, cereal, bread, cheese and yogurt were all ready. Thought it'd be a quick bite and let's get on the bus, but it turned into our leisurely kind of meal! By 3:45am I couldn't sit any longer and got up to do some stretching. By 4am, everyone was anxious and the pastor was on his phone. Our ride finally arrived just after 4:30a, with a "no problem" to catch the boat attitude. We settled into the van and everyone fell back asleep, and soon we were there. "There" was a little shocking at first - we pulled over on the main highway and there was a dock with one medium sized boats and two smaller boats. A van with our crew arrived about the same time. I was expecting we'd go to a harbor in Punta Arenas with lots of boats - but this little dock just north of the city worked perfectly! Our group settled in and then a few more small bus loads came and filled it up, but at 7:30am we were underway. It was a great boat for this little trip. After about an hour, we reached Magdalena Island. I really had no idea what to expect, but this experience exceeded expectations! Even as we approached the dock there were penguins swimming along side the boat, as dolphins sometimes do! And then it became apparent that they weren't going to be hard to find - the island was covered with penguins! As we were walking down the dock they were swimming under it, and hundreds of others all over near the water and up near their holes (dens?). It was fun to see the groups of them standing around chanting, and others waddling too and fro. Just as our guide described, they'd cut across the path in front of you, or behind you when you'd stopped - with really no regard for us at all! It was an amazing experience. It took us about an hour to walk the roped off path up to the lighthouse and back down. Besides the Penguins, there were seagulls and cormorants on the island. There were a lot of dead juvenile seagulls, and we heard conflicting reasons for that - one naturalist said it was a larger bird that was killing them, another said it was because they crashed as they were learning to fly in the strong winds!? We also saw several sea lions hanging around offshore and the clumps of penguins seemed to move away from them. We thought it was because they're a predator to the Penguins, but the naturist said they hang around the Penguins just to get their fish, not to get the Penguins. It was a glorious day to be on the water. Mostly overcast, and barely any wind - made for super calm seas. Since it was so calm, the crew said we could go to an additional stop. We boarded the boat and headed to the island of Marta to see the sea lions. I was thinking - eh, been there done that. But I did go up to the top of the boat anyway and they were fun to watch. Kind of in clumps with a massive sea lion each ruling his harem - barking and biting and waddling along. It was amazing to see how high some of them had climbed above the sea onto rock shelves! Mellow trip back then, coffee and cookies were served and most people settled into editing their photos. As we approached the dock there was a little more commotion with the siting of a shall pod of whales (think he called them Sai Whales?) ... They had a smaller dorsal fin than an orca, but a pretty good sized tail fluke. As we got off the boat, Pastor Ariel handed us each a lunch bag, and we drove about a mile down the road to a wayside park. I'd seen the park in our drive from the airport - a beautiful spot, but terribly littered! We ate our sandwiches and peaches, mostly standing around the table. Then for our Punto Arenas adventure, but I was asleep before we even passed the airport. When I awoke, we had a 20 minute stop to "shop" at a mall designed for cruise ship passengers - not the kind of shopping most of us had in mind! Back on the bus - back to sleep. The next time we stopped was on a beautiful overlook with a view of the city and the sea. As I took in the panorama, I looked to my right and saw a vendor selling locally knit products - I looked left and there were three more! Now we were talking. I found a fun hat, but as I was looking further, I found the alpaca poncho I'd been searching for - my only quandary was deciding which color - I settled on a bright blue - the color of the ocean! Back in the van and we drove to the main square and finally got the sense that Punta Arenas was a pretty big city - after less than a week in Puerto Natales all of a sudden I felt like a hick coming to the big city. The shoppers in the group set out to explore some more artisan booths that were set up along the square, while the cultured ones checked out the cool statue of Magellan in the middle of the square. Back in the van for a stop along the shore, and then one more quick stop at a statue of a shepherd complete with sheep and sheep dogs. There was a live dog napping there that reminded us of Cody - darker color, but similar build and same cute way that one ear was bent over. Back in the van for a quick stop at the central Methodist church. We were greeted by the UMW lady and the OB doc that we'd met over the weekend (I have no idea of their names). It was fun to see a photo on the wall of Pastor Don, Coggin, Glen and Heinz from their trip here 4 years ago! We sang a song and had a prayer, then back in the van for a trip to their smaller mission church on the hill. There we were greeted by our "old friends" Aurtero and Pepe, along with about 6 woman. We gathered in the sanctuary and they sang a "welcome" song to us, then we went to their kitchen for tea, sweet breads, empanadas, and tea sandwiches! It was fun, and yummy of course. Climbed back in the van one last time just before 5pm - most fell promptly asleep again. After about an hour, we came to a sudden stop and the driver insisted we get out and take a photo?! Sign said "road to the end of the earth" so we were told ... We arrived back in Puerto Natales about 7:30pm and dinner was waiting - mussels (biggest shells I'd ever seen served), chicken, ham, pea pods, potato pancakes, and sausage - along with wine tonight. Glorious meal to end a fabulous but long day. We walked back to the house and arrived just before Celio got back from helping at the church. We had a break through in our communication tonight - not necessarily with our words, but with our understanding each other. We showed her the photos of our day, and she toured us through her garden outback. Awesome day in a fabulous country!
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