#:) excited for more beliefs
blueper-saiyan · 6 months
I have a firm heartfelt belief that neither Goku nor Vegeta is at all normal for a Saiyan but some of the ways that they’re weird overlap perfectly, so they’re both convinced that they’re normal and that’s just what Saiyans are like
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zeebreezin · 3 months
Wanted to write out the consequences (TM) of Shaw accidentally entering the wrong story arc & then having @the-dye-stained-socialite ‘s Elias accidentally drive him insane during their current plot line, sooo… short Drabble-y thing incoming.
There was stillness after Elias left the townhouse, a vague semblance of quiet. The taste of iron still lingered on Shaw’s lips, his heartbeat heavy in his ears. He watched Elias’s departure with an unfocused look in his eye, before Shaw’s gaze settled on nothing at all.
Despite being well and truly awake now (wasn’t he?), crimson visions still felt more tangible than reality. It had been months since that night had been so clear in his mind. The cobblestone streets, the screaming. She was trying to apologize, wasn’t she? Shaw couldn’t remember why anymore. All he could recall was the sensation of blood coating his hands through a filthy handkerchief as his daughter bled out on the street. There was so much blood.
So much red.
He was bleeding now (no, he couldn’t be.), a stab wound oozing from his side. Elias’s hands had trailed the blood across his form. A half dozen handprints and stains, brushed across his forehead, his hair, his hands. At least, that was what his bedroom mirror showed. (None of that was real. At least, not here.) Shaw couldn’t pull his eyes away from his reflection, watching unseen hands smear crimson even further. (He made a terrible mistake.) He couldn't feel much of anything, either. (It was agonizing.)
Shaw had known there would be consequences, of course. At the time he hadn’t cared. Chessboard be damned, for those he cared for, he would do what he could. He tried to hold onto that conviction, but it was quickly swallowed under the pain. (Why her? Dear god, why is it always her?)
He watched a phantom hand brush a loc of his hair back, unblinking. It was difficult to find a thought that wasn’t smothered in the pain of the past or intoxicating carmine. (Shaw was screaming, somewhere.) There were tears budding in his eyes. He wanted so badly to believe that it was a mistake. That it wasn’t Elias’s fault. They wouldn’t do this to him. Not knowingly, not willingly. He wanted to believe that very, very badly.
Something else was leaving him, too. Flowing freely from the wound in his chest, trailing towards the mirror’s edge. Something important. (Let it stop.) It didn’t feel like other times where Shaw’s mind faltered, the sudden slip behind the mirror in a flash of mania and cosmongone-gold. His reason was being bled out of him, sanity spilling onto the hardwood floor. The hands were more physical, now, as they painted his throat in red. (He would do anything, now. Just make it stop.)
It was a slow and exquisite torture, lulled (dragged.) into madness by bloodsoaked hands, too locked inside his own memories to fight back. But there was nothing he could do anymore, was there? Queen takes rook. He slips away. With any luck, another could finish the game in his stead. With any luck, they could save them.
The sensation of finally falling through glass was almost a mercy, when it registered. Shaw wouldn’t be home for a very long time.
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martyrbat · 1 year
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hm hm hm i feel like this will be really interesting to read with the knowledge of korra and how that effected her instead.... because korra (from my limited knowledge so i could be talking out my ass here) knew she was the avatar at an early age and DID get that community. she had katara and her parents, she had her mentors, she was isolated from the real world during so and perfected the elements other than air (which i kinda recall her struggling with and how its the opposite element of earth so im excited to see if those kinda play out :3) and she was more eager to be the avatar and the excitement and significance it brought (which was a bit clouded by her being sheltered but also would have been expected more before the war impacted things)
i also remember matty saying kyoshi struggled with earth bending (which im super excited to get to and see/see her journey and how it will differ) but!!! i just think its really fun how theyre kinda off the bat setting up this expectation and new grounding for readers who have a past grasp of the avatar universe. even as someone who isnt super familiar with the lore, i know enough to recognize that oh! thats something new!! so just kudos to the writer(s?) for just setting this up to be something very different and in a natural way :3
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rmu-vincent · 7 months
Dear Mr. Edgeworth,
I was honoured to discover that you have noticed my post regarding the mythology of the g-districts. For now, it is my pride and my joy, given the time and amount of thought I put into it; however, at the same time I worry if I came off as, what people these days call "unhinged" for my ramblings. Have you any further thoughts? You seem to be a person who is knowledgeable about these sorts of things.
I give my thanks and wish you well in your studies.
– @voorice-corp
Dear Ms Seraphine,
Thank you for the flattering words and kind wishes, I sincerely appreciate your message.
First of all, I would like to mention that your dedication to carefully putting together such a clear and concise piece of detailed analysis is worthy of respect. Please be informed that your writing strikes me as elaborate and thoughtful, and I enjoy reading your thoughts. I recall your discussion of the Leviathan under one of my posts; I might not agree with all of the statements there, but I cannot deny that you seem to be a great debate opponent.
Secondly, please note that I have never been the one to rely on mythology and fairytales, so my opinion is affected by my general beliefs. Myths are integral to any culture, and ours is no exception. However, with the rapid development of technology and the constant changing of our world, those stories, to my mind, are outdated at the very least. It does not matter if there was a Great God or a Liveiataan, what we have now is the present and our freedom of choice. Of course, some people are not ready to create their own destiny and choose to blindly follow the directions given by others. Ultimately, I would say that there definitely are some people who are more likely to succeed in life, to "ascend Arrat," as you put it, but it is only their choices that determine their fate.
Still, I would like to point out that you referenced Liveiataan as "a symbol of power and perfect government". It is not my place to discuss it in terms of religion, as I am the farthest one could be from believing in any sort of dieties both because of my stances on life and my predominantly non-religious peers (out of people I know, the one connected the most with mythological concepts such as God would probably be Victor, who is not actively practicing any religion), but I could assess it in relation to the book Leviathan. According to Thomas Hobbes, the perfect government is absolute and thus provides the ultimate form of safety for its people. There are those who have the right to choose and those whose faith is to obey orders. Hobbes mentions God imposing the ten commandments as well as other rules, but ultimately failing to realise that to hear his words, people would have to break his regulations; Liveiataan being the force that is able to challenge God himself makes sense.
In conclusion, I am much more knowledgeable on other subjects, but I am always open to reading and discussing matters similar to these. Your writing is delightful, and I look forward to seeing more of it in the future.
Best regards,
Vincent Edgeworth
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razzle-zazzle · 7 months
(Between AU) Poppy might see Branch while on her rescue mission and decide he needs to be rescued too? If he’s the most Bergen-like a troll can be, she’s the most troll-like a troll can be, so even if they have similar goals they probably won’t get along whenever they first meet. Without knowing Branch is coming behind her, Poppy would probably be more careful going through the forest, so you can use that to mess with the timeline of her arrival however you want? Maybe she could meet Bridget first, and you could contrast her decision to try to make Bridget happy with Branch and Gristle’s determination to be unhappy together? Branch being a Bergen prince will probably affect her perception of both Branch and the Bergens as soon as she learns about it too, though idk how
On the subject of Poppy's journey to Bergentown, I've found myself with two options:
Option One: Poppy Goes Alone.
Through sheer wit and determination, Poppy manages to make her way through every obstacle thrown at her. Basically the "Get Back Up Again" scene but she manages to escape the spiders at the end with the same strength and wit she used to escape every other danger. She's already pretty well equipped to make the journey in canon, so it's not implausible for her to make it all the way on her own!
The main benefit of Poppy going alone is that her determination gets repeatedly challenged. Her main arc in the movie is learning to temper her limitless optimism without giving it up completely, so even though she makes it to Bergentown successfully and with a smile, she's a little worn down by the journey.
Option Two: Poppy Gets a Buddy
King Peppy was pretty against Poppy going out to Bergentown alone. Sure, she left regardless, and she still would, but that doesn't mean she has to be alone.
In this option, her buddy, being another member of the village that isn't Branch, would take a more supportive role instead of Canon Branch's opposition to Poppy's optimism. Poppy would find herself tasked with protecting her travel buddy (it would be a team effort at multiple parts ofc), playing into her role as Princess and future Queen of Pop Village. The constant danger wears her down, but she has a voice coming along believing in her wholeheartedly and doing their best to cheer her up. It'd give Poppy more energy, but it'd also give her more pressure to have a smile on her face when she reaches Bergentown.
In this option, the Troll I'd pick to accompany her would likely be one of the Snack Pack. Smidge would be interesting with her strength, Suki would be fun, Guy Diamond could be really funny, and there's also Satin & Chenille or Biggie... but I think I would probably go with Cooper as the Snack Pack member that Chef fails to grab, in this option. Largely because of the headcanon that Cooper was adopted by Peppy, which regardless of whether Cooper's taken by Chef or not is going to be canon to the Between AU. Having her little brother along would give Poppy someone to reassure her, but also someone for her to be responsible for both as a Princess and big sister.
So far, I'm leaning towards Option One.
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mothslimes · 4 days
hate having interests hate hate hate
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some opinion online: if their relationship turned romantic it would cheapen it so much
me: 😡😡😡
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untilyouremember · 2 months
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Let's Do It Already!
Available digitally (included in Viz subscription)
Available in print
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raplele · 1 year
I think she's really the one!!!! I know I said that about the other 5 but this time it's different !!!!!!!
it's gonna work out once and for all and then I'll never be lonely again
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torgawl · 1 year
"love should be warm... but to you, it's become a form of punishment"
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if renfield 2023 causes renfield to get the fucking wednesday eddie munson treatment i am going to become a proud renfield gatekeeper btw. dwight frye renfield is my bestie you will not slander his name like this
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I'm in my "disillusioned with taylor swift" era.
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maddymoreau · 9 months
(Im traumatized from the weird subset of Fallout fans who act like people who like Vulpes are morally bankrupt irl >~>; )
(。•́︿•̀。) I’m so sorry you’ve had to deal with that!
While I only got to see him briefly Vulpes was an extremely interesting character! Him and the Legion leave a VERY strong first impression with the slaughtering of Nipton’s people and the lottery system.
I won’t lie for a few minutes I had to sit and contemplate if I wanted to support the Legion.
Until I remembered their beliefs and had to bonk myself over the head to stay focused.
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kaerinio · 8 months
thinking about how . . . when dany was pregnant with rhaego, she rode her silver and planned to ride until she went into labor. thinking about how . . . dany would 100% ride on drogon's back until it's impossible for her to ride.
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i keep seeing screenrant articles and stuff (most recently) that are all "*gasp!* the toymaker has fixed continuity in doctor who by saying that actually it's all a mash up of different timelines!" and every time i'm just like yeah???? that isn't new that's literally the entire show
#el speaks#doctor who#dw 60th#google has long since figured out what I'm into#(apparently it's doctor who and archaeology and quantum mechanics in case you were wondering)#and i am occasionally a sucker for that specific kind of clickbait that's like#NEW STUDY SUGGESTS UNIVERSE MAY ACTUALLY BE TWICE AS OLD AS WE THOUGHT#where you can just take one look at the headline and go#nah#nah that's preeeeeeeetty obviously a massive exaggeration of conclusions made by a single preprint#maybe a chance that the authors would agree with the headline because they're going a little out there#but probably even they would say it's an exaggeration#the REAL exciting stem headlines are like#we found the first aperiodic monotile (it's shaped like a hat)#that's when you know you've found the good stuff#(the actual headlines about that were much less funny but I don't remember any examples because they weren't very interesting)#sometimes less interesting headlines = more interesting stories#but also sometimes i just want to read some dumb shit that's completely nonsensical but also 100% completely benign#because you know what? sometimes ya just gotta get way too into string theory and that's fine#fringe physics beliefs generally have utterly no impact on one's actual relationship to the world around them#and anyway how big can the overlap between people who care about this shit and people who believe this shit be?#wait what am i talking about now? i started out talking about doctor who#oh well#that's what the internet is for
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girlscience · 2 years
okay okay okay okay. I KNEW that the fight between Luffy and Usopp was going to be different from the rest of the show so far and I knew I was going to have thoughts about it but oh my god I did not expect it to FEEL so different. Like up to this point they have faced some fucked up people and had some serious fights, but the Strawhats themselves haven't really felt serious. This alone feels like it legitimized Luffy's captaincy and proved how the crew will trust and follow his decision making. (which is why I really really love Zoro's part in it because even Luffy was having a hard time doing this and Zoro told him he couldn't waver because if he did who could they trust? and I have so many feelings about that) Anyway, this was really the first incident related only to the crew themselves that has felt actually serious and I really appreciated that.
#I also liked seeing all the other responses to the fight as well#Nami clearly doesn't understand and just wants them to apologize and get along again but she's still siding with Luffy because he is captain#Sanji understands more but he also clearly would prefer for them to just talk it out but I feel like he does think Usopp is in the wrong#in a way that Nami doesn't and he is still following Luffy#and then Chopper... I don't feel like he fully understands but I think his issue stems more from a crisis as a doctor#and feeling it is his role to heal everyone and suddenly he is unable to care for someone he loves#However I do think that in part his experience with almost being taken by the foxy pirates really cemented him as never ever leaving#the strawhats so even though it hurts him he isn't going to do anything that he feels betrays the crew and i feel like he found a good line#of respecting his beliefs as a doctor and also still following luffy#I think Zoro saw this as necessary and knew Luffy needed something that cemented him as captain and he knew there was no other way#for luffy and usopp to work out their disagreement. also he has only been following luffy this whole time and he feels the rest of the crew#needs the level of devotion he has to luffy so if usopp doesn't feel that and wants to leave? he says go.#if you aren't willing to follow no matter what you shouldn't be here. also i think he is mad at usopp for making the rest of the crew have#to go through all this and watch it happen.#i am very excited to see all the fallout from this and how this arc goes and how they get back together#i am also super super excited for the robin plotline#i know farrrrr more about the usopp plot in this arc than robins so i literally don't know what's going on with her right now#and i'm super excited to find out#one piece
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