#:) thank you for the ask! xo
rosylamb · 1 day
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♥︎ Hello friends! ⊹ ・゚゚・。ᡣ𐭩 🎀
As we enter a new season, I thought I should properly say goodbye to the former one with this last outfit of the day ♡
So here is a fun swim look :3
Old Hollywood was my inspiration as this suit felt very Marilyn Monroe ! The lace on top is so sweet as well ♡
(I kept it classic with a ribbon and a braid, but if I wanted to look more vintage Veronica Lake waves would’ve been cute)
I have not been posting or speaking much as my mood is most quiet, and thoughtful these days — but I will share an outfit once every season or perhaps on holidays if i can manage ♡
Wishing you love, joy, cupcakes, and sending the warmest hug — thank you for all the kindness and support! I hope everyone has a blessed day ♡ XOXO
🖤 ⊹ ・゚゚・。ᡣ𐭩
♡ ‧₊˚ 🎀 ・゚゚・。 ♥︎
🤍 ⊹ ・゚゚・。ᡣ𐭩
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fractalkiss · 1 year
Hey I think I just sent in the wrong prompt number😭 I wanted #42 mortify for Lewis Hamilton X Lance Stroll
Sorry 🫣
for "mortify", lewis/lance (+ george), lance/fernando
The first thing Lewis thinks is 'bullshit'. Not plausible, not happening, he never heard or saw anything, and if he doesn't let on that he had, George will too. Lewis is good at not noticing around George, not his expressions, the set of his jaw clenching too tight sometimes, George's back ramrod straight.
Years of this and George is just who he is, and he can't help it. So he keeps looking sideways at Lewis as the elevator takes them down, George for the pools and Lewis to the gym. George is wide-eyed as ever, but terrified. Lewis would have laughed, really—he's stayed with other teams at hotels throughout the years, and he's seen worse at 4.30 am, skies outside a shimmer between light and dark at the end of a long night for some people. The fact that he concludes having seen worse only makes what just happened more messed up in a sense, but it's true.
"You and Lance talk sometimes?" Lewis asks, because George is dying to say something, can't keep it in; George exhales out so sharply between his teeth it almost looks painful for him. He laughs, slightly dazed.
"Yeah. No, no, actually, not too much," George amends. "Do you?"
"Not much, anymore," Lewis says.
"Anymore?" George asks, with interest.
"Stroll's a good kid," Lewis says, and George blinks, like he never knew that, or has just had his view shaken twice or something. Lewis remembers Lance had been easy to read, nervous, excited, but it'd been years ago in his rookie year, and Lewis had made conversation with him and Esteban because they'd been exactly that. Hopeful and young. It's always good to make some people feel welcome.
"D'you talk to both of them, sometimes, or?" George goes on, like he's fishing, lingering before Lewis has to go down the left corridor to the gym.
"No, mate, not Alonso either," Lewis says, feeling himself grimace saying his name and watching George swallow at the sound of it, utterly bizarre, like it only makes what they'd seen real; Lance grinning so wide in a way that Lewis never thought him capable of, sly, playful and warm with something so palpable it can make anyone feel embarrassed just looking, sharp of Lance's teeth bright and turned down to Fernando's face. Fernando's hand was tucked comfortably over Lance's waist, fucking bizarre. Took a fraction of a second for Fernando to drop his hand too after the elevator door opened at the top floor to the buffet deck where Lewis had been waiting with George. Lance said hey first to them both, Fernando's half-smile and nod at them tight and cordial as they slipped past. His eyes had been warm in the same way, too.
"Let's leave that to the Constructors' and the track, yeah?" Lewis says, and George laughs again, strangled, relieved.
They part ways, finally.
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lavendarneverlands · 3 months
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to 10 of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better 💕💕
tysm ily2♾️ anon💕💕 & right back at ya🫶
I love Tumblr🥹 the fact I can talk about the fandoms I love with so many others (esp. since I don’t know anyone & y’all are SUPER creative/invested) — truly been the best experience (esp. in read alongs on @acourtofquestions)
Sending so much happy, cheery, luv 2 all y’all amazing humans out there!😊🤗 (listed + many more)
@lynnsthoughts @antvwinderbaum @somebooksbelonginthesinbin @romantasyreader28 @shadowhunters77 @archerons-elain @mysterylilycheeta @theauroragalaxy @impossibelle @glitterpennotes @highladyelenna
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itbmojojoejo · 5 months
Do you have an all-consuming interest you have yet (or are afraid?) to share with us here?
If so, why not?
If not, why? (LOL!)
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Charlie 🤣 that gif is me rn (is this the lotr ‘will you wear wigs?’ Reference?)
Uhhh I’m not sure. Maybe I do and have no wish to share it, or maybe I don’t because I really am just that boring?
Inbox me (1) thing you want to know about me.
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jerzwriter · 17 days
Hello, I hope you're doing well. Have a nice day, friend 🩷 I appreciate you and your presence in this wonderful fandom. Keep it up, sunshine!!
Hello Sweetie,
Thank you for the lovely note! I've been feeling so absent lately, and this really made me smile. Thank you for being a positive, bright corner in our fandom, too! You're so appreciated!
xo 🩷
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pushing500 · 1 year
hey!! if it’s not too much of a problem to ask, do you use a lot of mods for your rimworld game? i got inspired to boot it up again after seeing some of your posts and was kind of disappointed by how different my playthrough was
I have quite a few mods, yeah. I just counted them all, and there are eighty-seven (87) active mods in this playthrough. Is that a lot? I feel like some people play Rimworld with thousands of mods and would say I don't have a lot, but maybe other people would say I have too many. I don't think there's enough, frankly, but I get stressed adding new mods partway through a game, so I'll finish this colony up and rejig the modlist for the next one.
I also have all the DLC content and stuff if that affects anything.
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the-kipsabian · 1 month
What is DBru?
death by roll-up! clothing brand by chris brookes :)
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poisonedfate · 7 months
maybe 63 with post Morgana magic Morgwen if you want to of course
hi! i'm just going to immediately apologise about how angsty this is, because that's probably not what you wanted. but sometimes women just happen to be angry and in love, so. yeah :D
prompt: “Maybe I can’t fix you, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to try.”
send me prompts
Gwen didn't know what to do. She was angry, hurt beyond her wildest imagination, betrayed, she was all of those things, and yet. She missed her. Forgetting Morgana wasn't anything she was willing or possibly even able to do.  Selfishly, she missed the Morgana that she had known, the one she had grown to love. Maybe it was the other's kindness that she remembered so vividly, though of the love she could no longer think of. Or maybe it was her understanding of the pain that Morgana carried, the anger that flamed hungrily within her. She never knew exactly how dark it was, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't recognise any of it. 
Perhaps it didn't matter now, even if Morgana had followed her willingly, she might as well kill her right there when she finally woke. Gwen's love stuck stubbornly to her, but to say the same about Morgana's? No, there was no reason to believe Morgana's had stayed. And yet, and yet, and yet. Every bone in her body ached for the other, eyes wondering back to her every couple of moments, as Morgana slept, recovering. Gwen craved to touch her, ever so lightly, just to make sure was real. Even if she didn't quite know her anymore, something, somewhere in her, still acknowledged Morgana as hers. "Gwen," she whispered, almost too quiet to hear.  A flash of cold ran through Gwen's spine at her own name, as she leaned closer, hand hovering above Morgana's, but just as suddenly as she had spoken, she fell back asleep.  It was another couple of hours before Morgana woke. Gwen had left her at that point, unable to take the sight, the gut feeling that this might be the last memory she would dare to keep, want to keep, echoing through her. She hadn't gone far, of course, merely a few steps, just enough so she could breathe again.  "Gwen," Morgana spoke, though her voice was much louder this time, as well as emptier.  She expected at least some kind of fear to set in, but it never seemed to come, as she stared at Morgana, waiting.  "Thank you," the other continued, much of the same, "I can't ima- can't understand why you decided to do this, but thank you." Gwen could only huff a laugh, as Morgana made her way to the door.  "Ever at your favour, my lady," she spoke, hurt, or maybe it was spite, bubbling up in her. Morgana stopped, eyes now turned back to her, staring. Something in her face changed for just a moment before her features darkened again: "What do you want me to say, Gwen? That I'm all better now? Because of your blind, misguided kindness? Because you helped me?" she spat. "No. No, I don't, because I did it for me. Whatever lo- feelings I have or had are all mine, none of it is yours anymore, so, no, I don't need that. I don't know you, Morgana, not like this," the two of them were standing close now, Gwen's cheeks burning.  The anger in Morgana's eyes battled her hurt, Gwen knew that, she could see it, because despite it all, everything she said to Morgana or herself, she did still know her. "Liar," she whispered.  "What?" "Liar," Morgana repeated, louder this time.  "You don't get to-" "Yes! I do! Because I know. I tried. Gwen, I tried, I wanted to rip away every little bit of myself that I had left with you, to get it back, keep it to myself. I knew I couldn't just stop, but I could keep it, right? But no matter what I did, no matter...," she closed her eyes, breath heavy. "It's no use. It doesn't fix anything, doesn't change anything, but you cannot lie to me." Right then, standing there, listening to her, Gwen decided that she would try exactly that. Maybe she really couldn't fix her, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to try. 
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shukakumoodboard · 6 months
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double bingo i love him so much he's so dumb and he's also the best mf character don't look at me rn im emotional
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lookedlikethebins · 6 months
ahhhhhh yes im so excited !!!
honestly me too!!! i was reading through the draft last night expecting to have to sew a lot of holes closed but it was 90% there!! just had to add a little bit and now i hope to start proofing and Being Critical About Sentence Flow during my lunch today!
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ilostyou · 1 year
i am FREEZING oh my god
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rosylamb · 1 month
Dear friends,
I would appreciate a small prayer right now if you would not mind. I’ve been feeling really sad.
I think I just feel very small, scared and alone right now.
Thank you very much if you do pray, and for caring! I give many hugs in return, and will try to talk more when I can ♡
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larlarmojo · 8 months
drop this sunflower🌻into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy! lets spread a little sunshine ☀️
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alright everyone, say bye bye to cruz now
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itbmojojoejo · 3 months
I got to thinking about Bowie covers and suddenly recalled one I used to listen to all the time almost 20 years ago...
A cover of Ashes to Ashes by A Perfect Circle, recorded live. Not sure if you've heard it, but I've always dug it.
This had me within the first 30 seconds, I am a guitar fiend.
Lady Grinning Soul is probably my favourite, followed closely by Within You & Under Pressure.
Little Mojo lore - the song played immediately after the first dance at my wedding was Magic Dance, my in-laws didn't know what to do with themselves as my entire family burst out into song and dance 😂
Ahem, anyway, yes, I love Bowie and have an Aladdin Sane skull pendant on my necklace.
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verymuchablog42 · 1 year
u watched xo kitty? talk to me abt ur thoughts!
omg hiii, esme!! i hope you have had a lovely weekend :)
i did watch xo, kitty on Friday and it was actually really good, i was surprised! i liked both of the "to all the boys I've loved before" movies even if they were a little cheesy (my greatest flaw as a consumer of media is having little in the ways of taste when it comes to film and television lol), so i was expecting xo kitty to be similar
imo it was better, which was a great surprise! i thought the plot was fun and quirky, i loved kitty and seeing more of her as a character. im a slut for fake dating, but seeing it from the pov of someone outside of the relationship was a great twist (also the fake dating not being beneficial for both parts). i thought the soundtrack was well thought out, which i always love
i LOVED the exploration of kitty's realization of her feelings for Yuri and the fact that Dae wasn't what she wanted/needed any more. i thought Yuri was such a convincing, well thought out character, seeing her growth was a really fun journey. the side characters were fun to get to know without it feeling crowded, if that makes sense?
overall, it was very light and fun, so it was the perfect binge to balance out the Yellowjackets episode i had watched that morning 💀
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