#:-3c ask away guys i don't bite
chonnysinferno · 11 months
oh ya if any of u want to send art asks / requests related to regretevator i'm open for them. btw chonny jash too but like. regretevator..... 🥺
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quitedisastrous · 1 year
@fallingstarsau since i mention dewcall a few times in here and i could use feedback on how she would actually act :3c
ok ok. milkwail plot progression between being hit by a car and tallshadow's clan introduction (unbeknownst to most of them). i didn't proofread this whatsoever. adding a read more for the slightly long post. i realistically shouldn't be manifesting this much lore with how much of everything is still grounding itself but if i don't let things out of the microwave it will eventually blow up
so, milkwail gets hit by the car, ends up in the medicine den, you know how it goes. so she's stuck in there, alive (i have faith in at least two of the mommyclan healers) but not exactly doing super hot. it takes a little bit, but things seem to look like they might get better. she's at least conscious and semi-lucid at this point. (<- probably a couple of explanations and rejections at this point. stuff milkwail thinks about but would never mention while fully up and aware. not enough to admit anything to condorscratch though, but enough to ask for her)
things are good until they aren't. infection sets in in her injured wrist--badly. fever sets in and she spends most of her time awake rambling and ranting, especially at her shadow. the healers can't seem to find anything that works and she gets worse, much, much worse. she looks like she's a whisker away from dying, too weak to ramble, too weak to do anything but lay there, really. and then--she gets better.
no one's sure what happened, but something must have worked. she's left with a still blown pupil, healing wounds that will eventually be covered by long fur, and a wrist that will probably never be the same, but she's alive, even if she still has quite some time to spend in the medicine den. but . . . something's wrong. things LOOK like they're healing, but the reek of infection does nothing but get worse. she's lucid but just so . . . nonchalant about everything. she doesn't talk like she used to, just the occasional few lines as opposed to the typical rambling or awkward one word responses based upon who she was with. she ignores cats that she would often greet and gift things to before, with little reason to do so. (aside from dewcall . . . probably. assuming the rejection was during the previously mentioned semi-lucid state, though i'm sure she would be aware of how milkwail wasn't exactly entirely lucid) she looks like she'll be physically okay but things are just so off. milkwail was the kind of guy to constantly be eating or drinking. now, she just takes a few bites of freshkill and occasionally drinks when reminded. she won't even look at her old favorite foods.
(of course, i'm sure most of you guys have guessed that it's just tallshadow. he decided to be a little silly when she was on the brink of death and just evict her from her own body. milkwail, unsurprisingly, panics and leaves (she assumes she just straight up fully died), running away aimlessly (she'll return soon enough. she just needs to be gone for the time since i'm sure someone would notice her spirit just. hanging around). i think i will simply be a little silly and say tallshadow is able to affect how he (and by extension, milkwail's body) is percieved, given how he is, hence the supposedly healing wounds still reeking. and um. yeah)
(i also don't know how well this would actually blend into canon, but this does give me the mental image of dewcall coming to the (correct) conclusion of milkwail being possessed, but immediately being hit with "i think you're having trouble accepting the accident, dewcall." everytime she mentions it) // me: hehe does anyone have any cats that would want to be friends with my silly little [grips your silly animals and forces them to experience things by virtue of me repeatedly hitting milkwail with a metaphorical metal pipe]
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Ethan! Have you ever seen Mateo and Blanche in heat before? If so, how were they?~ Did you help them, or you try to flee because you were too shy but the two vampires catch you? :3c
Ethan blinks to jump hearing the tone of the anon, he looks to them nervous but blinks to feel his cheeks flush. "W...what?! I....why are you asking me!? I don't know!" he waves his hands quickly sweating nervous. However, he knew it was a lie.
"...I....I have seen them in heat...it was...different. They usually are always happy and nice b..but...w.when they are in heat t..their s..so different..."
Ethan was panting running away but he was hiding somewhere in the house while gripping the cute t-shirt Mateo got for him. However, that's not why he was hiding.
"Where are youuuuuu? Come on, we won't bite too hard. Please come out..we need you.."
Today was heat season and both his boyfriends/lovers Mateo and Blanche were in heat. He knew since they were not themselves. Even if that's the case he was flushed with eyes wide to know they were looking for him. Both the heated dazed vampires were looking around the house but not the last one. Their bedroom.
Ethan keeps quiet to remain quiet before hearing the door open making him tense. Both vampires were in the bedroom. Mateo's eyes were glowing a bright dark red sweating but drooling wanting Ethan.
"Ethan..you can't hide from us forever sweetheart. We know your in here...." he chuckled already excited.
Blanche's golden yellow eyes were glowing too, his own fangs ached wanting to bite and tease their little princess. "He's right. Come on out...we won't bite...please? We just wanna have some fun.."
Ethan keeps quiet with his eyes looking down, his face flushed pink but he didn't move from his hiding spot hoping the vampires leave. He didn't leave but the two vampires were looking around but had a idea.
"Hmmmmm come on Blanche, our cute Ethan isn't here. We need to find him.." Mateo smiled but goes to go ahead to leave the room quietly but they didn't. Blanche opens the door then closes it. When he did that, both hide somewhere in the room to wait. In a moment, Ethan comes out of his hiding spot but saw they were gone.
"....S....seems they moved on. I need to get out of here before they catch me." Ethan sighed going to the door.
"Catch you?"
"Seems like we already did.."
Ethan's eyes widen hearing two voice that he quickly turns around to be pinned to the door. He winces to open his eyes but flushed right away. Mateo and Blanche found him! They were even worse now panting to their eyes glowing in the bedroom. Their skin coated in sweat.
"Finally~ We found you sweetheart.." Mateo said.
"Yes; we been looking all over for you. We were so lonely.." Blanche said as the two pull him from the door but not before Blanche locked the door to ensure he couldn't get out. Ethan got thrown on the bed with a squeak as he scrambles to sit up only for the two vampires to sandwich him in between.
"Oh no you don't...stay with us...we won't bite.." Mateo purrs now slowly holding his wrists to see Blanche get in between Ethan's legs. They were able to take in his scent, so sweet and nice. It made the two hiss excited.
"He's right. Don't run away. We need you so badly..you'll help us right?" Blanche said as Ethan was shaking flushed pink.
"..L..L..Listen y..you two, I know your in h..heat b..but please....you two are so r..rough with me. I don't know i..if I'm going to-Eek!" he tenses feeling a heated slow lick from Mateo from behind while Blanche licked the other side of Ethan's neck as the two vampires were growling in arousal kissing and touching him. Ethan winces feeling the affections but he leans back shaking.
"P..Please...you guys need t..to relax....I c..can't.." he begs but Mateo even chuckled to look at him.
"It's fine though. You look so delicious like this trapped between us..so why not relax?" he whispered but saw Blanche reaching to grip his clothes and begins ripping them to start kissing and licking against Ethan's chest.
"H..Hey, that wa-" that's when he got kissed by Mateo deeply while his eyes close feeling the two vampires kissing and touching him. Before long, Mateo breaks the kiss licking his lips.
"Don't worry..we will replace it. Right now...we want something and that's you...so lets play~" Mateo teased.
"I..I tried to run away from them b..but they were tricky...so I ended up being caught. T..though...I was stuck in our bedroom for a while as they were riding it out...I was so tired and yet..they were losing it.."
Loud weak moans was heard in the bedroom as Ethan was being forced to bounce on Mateo's cock, throwing his head back with Ethan holding onto him. He was twitching hearing Mateo's deep heated growls biting his neck with blanche leaving love bites.
"So good....He smells so good....his scent is driving me crazy.." Blanche whimpers kissing more of his neck with Mateo thrusting even harder taking in the scent too.
"I know. He's just too good...so tasty.."
"Ahhhhhhh ahhhhhh g..guys enough n..no more! I can't move my hips! It's t..too much!!" he moans only for Mateo to go even harder hearing a lustful weak moan from the other while he was taken.
"It's not too much grrrrrr your tightening up Ethan. You love this. It must feel so good..even when your trapped with two heated vampires. You are just so beautiful." he hissed only to quicken his hips as Ethan screams drooling.
"Ahhhhhhh ahhhhh t..too much..y..your tearing me apart..your hhaaaaaa naaahhhhhh!!!!! ahhhhhhh....." His tongue was hanging out with tears running down his chin till Blanche came to bite him drinking his blood but he was stroking his cock while lapping up his neck seeing him cumming a bit on Mateo's chest.
"Good boy, let it all out. Let us enjoy your meal~" Blanche hissed against his neck while Mateo lays him down now slamming down as Ethan was screaming throwing his head back taking it.
"Just look at you taking my cock so well. You really are so adorable Ethan.." Mateo growls but Ethan was too dazed to answer, moaning out while ripping the sheets.
"......I...I can't say anything else...I..It's too embarrassing." Ethan whispered hiding his face.
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gnomeicecream · 1 year
Ask game tagged by @suspiciouspopsicle
rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic? -10 -> very dissuaded  0 - don’t care either way  +10 -> very enticed  nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged.  Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Age gap: 0
I don't care. If its tagged the fic is probably doing something with the age gap and exploration of that dynamic can be fine. The number would go up if accompanied by other interesting tags.
Codependency: +5
People will go way beyond normal and sane when you start with a premise where they are already halfway to crazytown. When the fire hits the powder keg its gonna be good.
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: +6
This one can have similar feels to be previous, where emotions start out high but this time its possibly one sided. Is the other side prey being hunted, a glorified god caged on a pedestal, or a shrieking wildcat biting itself and anything around it to escape a snare it once walked into willingly? :3c
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): +3
This can be something of a crutch that writers less in tune with the characters internality will use to patch over the lack of depth. Sure he is happy sunshine but what else is he bringing to the table? And selflessness has been done so not just that. And sure this guy is somber but it he reserved due to upbringing, class, inability to communicate? Is he communicating with the sunshine one because he feels safe with them, they share social status, spicy brainedness compatibility? So its a -2 if only step one is done, but up to a 3 if used well.
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: +10
Shout out to all you allos out there, experiencing sexual attraction to someone everything else in you rejects. Couldn't be me.
My point of reference for this is Erik and Charles of x men fame. I am so sold on their differences being irreconcilable while the respect and love between them is so apparent. This trope can be brilliant because it can only work if both characters have solid motivations, so solid not even love is enough to shake it; that almost magic force of narrative inevitability. But wait, there's more! What if there isn't love? What if they hate eachother, hurt eachother with every touch? Clawing, primal fucking as another battle.
Friends with benefits: +4
Generally this is a tag for side pairing, gen fic, ships that are going to breakup for the main pairings, or the main pairing before the reason for them to get romancy with it arrives. Its alright.
Sex to feelings: +2
This one can pair nicely with the previous trope. So you thought this was casual, no strings? Reverse Uno fool! Now how do you navigate your existing boundaries, keep your cards close to your chest, come to terms with why your needs have changed while all still in the middle of it? The tropes a bit hard to pull off in new ways so I wouldn't say I go out of my way for it.
Fake dating/relationship: +4
This needs a good set up, a thread of ingenuity to keep things fresh, and some plot to get my attention. Why is the relationship fake? When does it become real? How are expectations communicated and revived? The entire story can't rest of will they or wont they alone.
Friends to lovers: 0
Well its one of the three options right? They don't know eachother and meet, they do know eachother acquaintances, or they are enemies/friends. So I guess saying I like one over the other is way too limiting.
Found Family: +5
Its nice to see the world expand beyond just the romance story. Your guys should have friends and have deep relationships with them. Each one should enhance the story and reveal a unique facet of the world.
Hurt/Comfort: +10
If I see the H lacking the C, I am liable to click away. I get some people like hopelessness, despair, unwinnable defeat just I am not able to shake those feelings off when the fic ends. Ahem anyway about the trope that is here! I can wade through a swamp of sadness if I know there's a lighted window come the end. This feels like a closer, more personal story, where the camera doesn't turn away after the credits roll. What consequences come about from surviving? And then the answer is love.
Love Triangle: +6
Does everyone involved actually have a reason to be here besides 1. the plot said so and 2. person hot? If yes you may proceed. I think scum villain handles this one very well! Liu Qingge loves Shen QQ because he saved his life and was kind, Yue Qingyuan loves Shen QQ because he has never had a time in his life he didn't love him, Luo Binghe loves Shen QQ because he chose him and loved him first. The conflict between these people isn't a bare bones "I want him" but genuine belief that the other suitors are not good for him because of the plot. (Well, Yue Qingyuan and Liu Qingge could work it out).
Poly, open relationships: +8
For the love of sausages, can people just agree to non monogamy when its an obvious solution? The one partner for all doesn't even fit in the real world much less in one made to throw these people at eachother. Do something rad with it.
Mistaken/hidden identity: +9
There is yet a trace of the true self within the false self. Another part of a character can be shown when they put aside who they think they are and should be. Who is in or isn't in the know? This can be so plotty and charactery!~
Monsterfucking: +3
Forgive me, I want to love this more then I do. I certainly don't mind it and the metaphor made tangible for alienation, otherness, spoopyness can really work. But I don't go "Oooo this has tentacles yes yes". The monsterness needs to serve a purpose in the story.
Pregnancy: +5
Its certainly a topic that is in the real world and can use some exploration in fiction. Who can and can't carry, who can and can't raise the resulting children, social expectations couched in terms of biological inevitability. I've seen some omegaverse fics that rock my world with how they turn the everyday alien with just a few twists and turns.
Second Chance: +10
This goes very well with a tragedy. Was it always going to be this way, with blood on your hands and at your feet? Or could you really have found a differnt way if only you knew then what you knew now? Who, what, are you really when set free from what bound you? Characters that come to mind are Kenshin of same anime name fame, Jin Guangyao or Lan Xichen of mdzs (wherein, notably, evil necromancer Yiling Laozu gets his second chance), Kim Dokja and co of Omniscient Reader, and pretty much the standard OS of all isekai and time travel fics.
Slowburn: +6
I love a good slowburn. The romance has time to establish that this is about who these two (or more) people are, rather then a hollywood 'this movie needs romance so kiss so they know who the leads are". Show me the gaps that these people coming together will fill, or the flaws they will bring out in eachother, or how the plot needs them both, not just one while the other is agencyless.
Soulmates: +8
I saw this done very well by esama with her fic Sun(something or another). As children, Bondmate 1 rejected Bondy 2 which hurt them so badly they devoted their life to destroying everything bondmate 1 had or cared for and you felt he was right for doing so. Like, yeah, yeah, thats got meat on it tell me more. It also explored other worst case bond scenarios, like what if your bond gets turned undead, or is in a coma? Then there is the 'au' type soulbond fic where because there is this magical fate, how does canon change? How does society change? There are so many ways to do it to, opt in or opt out, spoken, art, written, red or color threads. This trope leads to plot.
Whooowh that was a lot. Ok lets have @blondejaneblonde @lacertae-dreamscape @three--rings AND @leatherbookmark take this one on :D
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
You know what's crazy? The way you enjoy stuffing (soft and in the realm of realism/comfort for the character that gets fed) lines up with how I enjoy it just about perfectly. The only real difference i see is that I enjoy it sexually! That and I can still enjoy if the character is a lil uncomfy from being so full, but only if its bc they got carried away on the good food themselves, not bc I forced em to. Nothing a nap can't fix! No pain tho. Like I said, it's got to be soft! It's exactly what I'd want for Sal, to make him something delicious that he enjoys so much he might land himself in a food coma. It's just such a nice thought. Sal deserves to get to indulge in a big, delicious meal!!
I also really loved your analysis on the mentality behind the stuffing kink. I think you really hit the mark! It's just the natural desire to feed our loved ones (in this case, fictional loved ones!) blending with something sexual. It's honestly so fascinating.
Thank you 🍡 and Senpai so much for sharing your thoughts! You're so supportive Senpai 😭 I knew I could come to you about this!
>I'm happy to hear that I hit the mark with my analysis, and that the response was validating for you! 🤗💕 Sex and kink are such interesting and beautiful parts of the human experience, and I love that there's an almost limitless variety of subjects to explore within it. I'm also very happy that you guys are there to talk with me about it! I feel so lucky to have this kind of community and discussion on my blog fr 🥺💖💖💖
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>Ehehehehehe I told you! Just because I don't personally have a kink doesn't mean I can't think up fun things for it (its kind of what I do)~ >:3c 💕💦
May I also offer: The little moan of relief after the belt comes undone and that full belly is free to hang out, and the satisfied sighs ur fav makes while they keep raving about how good that meal was (the only problem they have with it is that it spoiled their appetite and now they can't eat another bite!) 😇
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mercuryislove · 2 years
I ALSO want to have funny question friday so I tried to think up some interesting questions.
If Anwei and Ciaran had the opportunity to be regular humans again, would they take it? Would the people around them want them to?
I’m sure that the Sovereign has a lot of enemies since he’s like thee baddest bitch, but is there anyone that he just absolutely cannot stand?
What would happen if Robin, Wren, and Dove got stranded in a remote area together? How would they handle that situation together?
as usual you ALWAYS come through with the excellent questions :3c
If Anwei and Ciaran had the opportunity to be regular humans again, would they take it? Would the people around them want them to?
ABSOLUTELY they would. They're both really sick of it. Being undying has its perks but it really loses its luster after 900+ years. Anwei appreciates it more than Ciaran does, partly because she was sort of religious way back when and still thinks of it all as some Big Deal and a Gift and like. a Blessing or whatever and has a serious sense of Duty about the whole thing. And Ciaran is more like “so I can jump off this cliff and be fine? I guess that's cool” and also “so does this mean I can't get stis anymore?” He definitely didn't ask for this life lol (technically I guess neither did Anwei but she adjusted it to it a little better and is also the only reason that [redacted for spoilers] anyway) Either way, they're both tired of outliving every single person they ever know because even with the fun parts of never dying, it DOES get miserable watching every person you ever care about wither away in what feels like the blink of an eye.
I think the only person that would have any apprehension about them mortalizing themselves would be like. Go-Eun but only because she would be too worried that they would instantly get something like the flu and DIE. Yixing would be like “please for the love of god be normal again because I already have so many years on you and I'm so so so so afraid of getting old alone PLEASE don't leave me behind”
I’m sure that the Sovereign has a lot of enemies since he’s like thee baddest bitch, but is there anyone that he just absolutely cannot stand?
It's true that he's the baddest bitch around and a ton of people hate his stupid sexy guts, but honestly he doesn't pay enough attention to anyone else to give a damn about what they think. He knows he'll outlive them anyway. BUT he does hold special hatred for people that try to double-cross him, question his authority, and/or fuck with his family. (technically Andhira meets all three criteria oops lol) Generally speaking, he just offs people that piss him off, but there are a few that are too important or risky to kill outright, so he has too seethe in silence for a few centuries until they end up killing each other in petty squabbles and he gets to watch from his high horse like “oh look how these low born fools destroy each other over and over while nobody ever lays a finger on me and my own” (this WILL eventually come back to bite him on the ass lol). The biggest thorns in his side are the twelve children of Ekion who are part of the third oldest family in the world (though these guys weren't technically BORN into their family the way the Sovereign's children were). He's been waiting for the opportunity to fuck their shit right up for like 600 years at this point and is getting so tired of waiting :c
What would happen if Robin, Wren, and Dove got stranded in a remote area together? How would they handle that situation together?
UM it would depend on just how remote the area is lol If they were like. lost in the woods, it would be no big deal because Robin is notorious for disappearing for three weeks at a time to go on solo backpacking trips in the middle of nowhere, and people always assume he's been eaten by bears and he shows up stinky and hairy on instagram in the middle of Wyoming like “hi everyone I just had the greatest camping trip of my life!!” So he's good at handling the fallout of getting extremely lost. Also his family lived in a VAN until he was eleven, so he's used to shit breaking down and getting stranded places (aka campsites in the middle of nowhere). Dove would immediately have a breakdown and if Wren had a cellphone signal, she would be taking pictures and texting them to her parents through the whole ordeal like “are you sure she's really related to us? She doesn't know the difference between east and west.” And then the two of them would end up fighting like cats and dogs. Meanwhile Robin has already fixed the car and/or foraged for clean water and fucking. berries or whatever and/or built a fire and shelter. This is just a regular Wednesday afternoon for him when you're the kind of person that goes WAY off trail to find so-called mythical crags (that don't actually exist but some old stoner dude at the campsite swore they did).
HOWEVER. If they were in a plane crash on a desert island situation, they would probably just go berserk and end up killing each other in looney tune style traps. Imagine that as you will lol
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jetsetlife138 · 4 years
DarkBeej continuation? ;3c moved to another prompt list this time! :D 5. "So tell me when you're gonna let me in." 55. "Don't you ever do that again." 61. "Is this too fast for you? Too fucking bad."
Paring: Dark!Beetlejuice x Fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Emotional Manipulation, Threats of Physical Abuse, Dub-Con, Stockholm Syndrome, Psychological Trauma
I hate Tumblr’s formatting. It always fucks with me. Sorry for any issues. Please enjoy! xoxoxo
“Are you hungry?” Beetlejuice asked as he magically summoned his clothes back onto his body after your intimate shower together. 
“Um, yeah, actually,” you replied, only now remembering that you had hardly eaten at all since you had gotten there.
“Well, let’s go into the kitchen and see what I can come up with,” Beetlejuice insisted, taking you by the hand and leading you out of the bathroom and through the dark hallway.
A paranoid thought clawed through your mind at that moment, and you couldn’t help but ask in terror, “You’re not going to poison me and kill me… are you?”
Beetlejuice halted immediately to stare directly at you. His eyes appeared to glow brightly in the darkness, reminding you that he wasn’t human, which made your stomach churn in fear. “Babe, you know I would never do that, right?” he insisted, caressing your cheek gently.
“It’s just… and please don’t get upset… you’ve hurt me quite a bit since I’ve arrived and I don’t know if you’re going to do it again. Please, Beetlejuice… don’t tie me up again” you pleaded, losing control over your emotions.
Beetlejuice’s heart shattered at the desperation in your voice. “Don’t you understand that I had to do that? I’ve explained this already. Weren’t you listening? I had to show you how deeply my love runs for you. I couldn’t show you that by simply telling you. You had to feel it for yourself. You had to experience every emotional cut, every stab, every bite, and every other painful encounter that I have felt for you. But now that you have, we can move on and you can understand. Unless, of course… you don’t?”
His question was a challenge, which you picked up on immediately. It was clear that you were pushing Beetlejuice too far with your honesty and you had to do something that would convince him once again that you understood his actions, as barbaric as they were.
With an animalistic impulse and a burst of strength, you shoved Beetlejuice up against the wall in the dark hallway before pressing yourself against him. Gripping the back of his neck tightly, you shoved your mouth against his, devouring him hungrily.
Beetlejuice hesitated for a moment, not fully understanding what was happening, but it didn’t take long for him to melt into the kiss and plunge his tongue into your mouth and explore it greedily.
The kiss was hot, heavy, and uncoordinated, but it was just what Beetlejuice needed. It was all passion and he held onto your hips, pulling you even closer. Absentmindedly, you began to grind your hips into Beetlejuice’s, the friction causing Beetlejuice to moan into the kiss.
Much to your bewilderment, you had started to lose yourself in the intimate encounter, even slightly enjoying the way Beetlejuice’s form fit against your own. When it dawned on you that you were letting your control slip away, you pulled back slowly, breathing heavily, wishing that you could see Beetlejuice’s expression in the darkness.
“Oh wow, gorgeous. That was… um… unexpected,” Beetlejuice sputtered. “I adore you, babe,” he concluded, lifting your hand to kiss the back of it tenderly. “Come on, let’s get you something to eat.”
Though you were grateful to have found a way to distract Beetlejuice from his flaring temper, it made you nervous. It was obvious that you had to use sex and affection as a weapon, but you knew that you couldn’t overdo it or Beetlejuice would notice. He wasn’t a dumb guy, but he was clouded with obsession, and you knew that you could use that to your advantage if you played your cards right. The only problem was remembering that it was an act and that you weren’t actually falling for the psychotic son of a bitch that kidnapped you and had put you through hell.
Beetlejuice had escorted you to the table nestled in the corner of the severely outdated kitchen as he started to raid the cabinets for something to eat. “As I’m sure you can imagine… I don’t eat. But there’s gotta be something in here that will hold you over.” Picking up a box from the cupboard, he inspected it with a grimace. “How does Mac n’ cheese sound?”
“That sounds perfect,” you assured him.
“Excellent! Obviously, I think it goes without saying that I’m not the best cook. I had to possess a guy to get this stuff, but it seemed pretty basic enough that even I could make it. I guess we’ll find out!.”
You were consistently confused when it came to Beetlejuice’s demeanor. It was almost as if he was suddenly normal and not a dead psychotic ghoul. There were no mood swings, no threats, and no gore obsession. If you didn’t know any better, you would think that you and Beetlejuice were actually friends. It was a very odd situation and you had to constantly remind yourself of what Beetlejuice was capable of.
As Beetlejuice started to prepare the food, the silence became uncomfortable and he decided to initiate conversation. “So, is there anything you want to talk about?”
You were hesitant to reply. “Uh, no, I’m fine. I don’t mind sitting here quietly.” Your attempt to sway him from further discussion didn’t go over well.
Beetlejuice turned to give you a disapproving stare. “Come on, hot stuff. You don’t have anything you wanna talk about? No typical breather concerns or questions about your new home or our future or anything? I seem to recall you being very chatty when you first arrived. So tell me when you’re gonna let me in, babe. Obviously, at first, you weren’t ready or willing to hear me out. It seems like you are now, so go ahead. Fire away.”
You considered his proposal for a minute. The first question you wanted to ask was where the exit was, but that obviously wouldn’t go over well. Ultimately, you had decided to start out with something simple that would help your connection to Beetlejuice. “I guess I’m curious about you. I really don’t know much about you. How did you end up here? What happened to you?”
“Ahh,” Beetlejuice acknowledged with approval. “Now we’re getting somewhere. It’s a long story, but I guess you should know.” He turned his attention back to the boiling pot of water as he thought back on his past.. 
“I had everything in life - or so it would seem. My life was pretty fulfilling. I spent a good amount of time traveling, graduated from Harvard Business School, attended Julliard, and ultimately ended up as an overpaid corporate lackey. But none of that mattered. Not after I met her.”
Unable to stop yourself, you swallowed hard as you failed to hold back your grimace. Luckily, he didn’t notice anything. “I couldn’t sleep, I wasn’t eating, and I fell into a depression because I couldn’t have her. She didn’t want me. So, I took her.”
You were grateful that Beetlejuice was currently focused on preparing your meal and wasn’t facing you to notice your appalled expression.
“You remind me of her in that way. You didn’t want me at first either. Remember how badly you treated me?” he asked, turning briefly to raise his eyebrows at you.
“I do. I’m really sorry about that, Beetlejuice. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
The ghoul chuckled and turned back to the hot stove. “That’s alright, babe. We’re past that now. You’re mine, and you’ll never leave me again.”
The way he said it so matter-of-factly sent a shiver down your spine. It was difficult to understand how Beetlejuice became so fucked up if he had supposedly lived such a charmed life. He probably didn’t even know that he was crazy, and you weren’t about to be the one to tell him that. No, you had to bide your time and play your part, which you thought that you had been doing pretty convincingly so far.
“Anyway, our relationship was doomed from the start and eventually I ended it all,” he finished vaguely, leaving you to wonder what that poor girl’s eventual demise was. The thought of it left knots in your stomach.
“And the rest is history!” Beetlejuice finished happily, pulling you from your thoughts. “I have you now. Something about your very existence drew me to you, and I don’t think that it’s a coincidence. We were meant to be together and I’m so glad that you’re finally here with me.”
The food was done at that point and ready to eat. Beetlejuice had placed an ample amount into a bowl for you, beaming at his accomplishment. “I hope you like it,” he said with a grin as he placed the food down in front of you.
For something as plain as macaroni and cheese, your stomach growled loudly at the appetizing smell of it and you were unable to stop yourself from digging in greedily, relishing as the food hit your empty stomach.
“Do you like it?” Beetlejuice asked earnestly.
After swallowing a large mouthful, you replied, “Very much, thank you, Beetlejuice. This is great.”
Beetlejuice grinned widely, happy that he was able to please his lover.
He allowed you to finish eating in silence as he watched you practically inhale the food. When you were finished Beetlejuice had cleared your bowl and held out his hand to you.
 “Come on, let’s watch some t.v.,” he insisted as you took his hand, surprised that there was a working television in the decrepit house. 
The two of you wandered into another room, which was pretty sparse apart from a big couch and a small t.v. As the two of you settled on the sofa, Beetlejuice managed to maneuver you like a ragdoll so that you were curled up against his body. Shifting uncomfortably, you were not at all enjoying the direct contact, but you knew that you had to suppress the unpleasant feeling.
“What do you wanna watch?” Beetlejuice asked, enjoying the way your chest rose and fell against him with each breath.
“Um, I’m not picky, whatever you want,” you insisted. Beetlejuice gave you a disapproving look to which you feigned a smile and reached up to press your lips lightly to his in hopes of convincing him that you were content sitting there snuggling with him.
It had worked just as you had hoped. Beetlejuice smiled in return and flipped through the channels until he settled on a The Exorcist. “You know… I’ve seen this at least a hundred and sixty-seven times, and it just gets funnier every time I see it.” 
Humming in acknowledgement, you had a hard time understanding what was so funny about a terrifying movie about demonic posession, but it must have somehow appealed to his sick sense of humor. 
As the two of you watched, Beetlejuice kept looking from the t.v. to your face to read your expression, probably making sure that you were enjoying yourself. Eventually, he relaxed a bit and allowed his head to rest on the back of the couch. After about an hour or so later, you could hear him breathing heavily, which soon turned into a full-on snore. 
Glancing up at him, you whispered, “Beetlejuice? Are you awake?” Shockingly, you received no response.
As carefully as you could, you unwrapped yourself from Beetlejuice’s clutches. It was surprising that he had continued to sleep soundly even after you had slipped out from underneath his heavy arms. Now was as good a time as any to explore your surroundings in hopes of finding a way out.
Beginning in the room you were currently in, you looked for any signs of a door, but just like every other room so far, there were no doors that led outside - nor any windows for that matter. The only thing you could find was a small vent towards the ceiling. It was barely big enough to fit your head through, so you knew that there was no point in investigating further since you couldn’t fit through it yourself.
Continuing your search, you inspected the kitchen to no avail. Even after searching the closets and cupboards to see if there was a hidden doorway, there was nothing remotely close to an exit.
Next, you began walking down the main hallway and inspected the rooms that were now unlocked, but much to your disappointment, they were only closets and other storage spaces. For every room you had checked, you had come up empty-handed.
Feeling discouraged, you sauntered back into the living room and sat down on the other end of the couch next to Beetlejuice. The light of the t.v. flickered across the room while you lay your head back on the couch, absentmindedly following the lines and patterns on the ceiling. You had to wonder how this place could have been built without any entrance or windows. There was no way. It couldn’t be done. You had to have gotten in there somehow. 
On top of that, who in their right mind would create such a depressing place? Though, you had to give Beetlejuice credit for finding the perfect hideout to stash away a kidnapping victim.
Lost in your thoughts, you continued to follow the patterns in the ceiling to calm yourself before Beetlejuice’s voice pulled you back to the present.
“Babe?” You bolted upright to see Beetlejuice staring at you with half-lidded eyes. “What are you doing?” he asked tiredly with a hint of suspicion in his voice.
“Nothing,” you answered too quickly. “I got up to--”
“Don’t you ever do that again,” he snapped, the harshness of his voice making you flinch. “I-I was just…” you stuttered, trying to come up with a good excuse. “You fell asleep and I wanted to give you more room to spread out. I didn’t want to go far, so I just stayed here while you slept. I didn’t think that would upset you. I’m sorry.”
Beetlejuice narrowed his eyes at you, making you want to melt under his heated gaze. “I don’t ever need space from you. In fact, let’s go lay down. We’ll have more in the bed.”
Begrudgingly, you stood up and shuffled over to Beetlejuice as he got up from the couch. You really didn’t want to go back into the bedroom, but you knew that there was no point in arguing with him.
At some point, Beetlejuice had changed the sheets and you were grateful for the fresh smell of detergent as you lay down on the soft surface that you had come to know so well during your time there. 
Turning back to your captor, your eyes widened at the sight of Beetlejuice’s bare torso. He smirked, knowing that this wasn’t what you were expecting. 
“Beetlejuice?” you asked quietly, your voice hoarse with anxiety.
Not bothering to give you a response, he instead crawled on top of you and pulled himself up so that his face was directly above yours, so close that your noses practically touched. Beetlejuice stayed there for a moment, searching your eyes with his own before he started to lean in.
Instinctively, you turned your head away, exposing your neck to the ghost, which he took advantage of and edged forward to delicately brush his lips over the soft skin of your throat.
Beetlejuice had looked up at you after he kissed your neck to see what your reaction would be. You had refused to meet his gaze, which didn’t bother him at all because he knew that you were enjoying what he was doing to you, whether you wanted to admit it or not.
He continued to plant soft kisses on his lover’s neck as his hands went from stroking your chest, to running through your hair. He became more forceful with his kisses until he switched to nipping and sucking, leaving marks on you to claim you as his own. Beetlejuice was marking his property and he could feel your body shudder beneath him at the sensation.
Beetlejuice slowly and sensually made his way back up your throat until his lips found yours again and he sucked on your bottom lip. It surprised him that you didn’t resist, but he was too pleased to be overly suspicious about it.
An internal battle was coursing through your mind. Obviously, you were disgusted, but if you had to choose between Beetlejuice cutting you open, or kissing you, the latter was the better option.
If you wanted to get Beetlejuice to trust you enough to let you have more freedom, you couldn’t keep fighting him. You hated it, but you would have to accept whatever Beetlejuice was doing to you. Not only that, but you would have to pretend to enjoy it. You weren’t sure if you could, but you had to try.
Once he was finished teasing your bottom lip, Beetlejuice wanted to see how far you were willing to let him go, so he pressed his lips softly to yours, not waiting long before forcing his tongue into his lover’s mouth with little resistance. Beetlejuice sighed into the kiss, relishing in the taste of your saliva, wishing that he could have that flavor on his tongue forever.
When your lips parted from one another, Beetlejuice pressed his mouth to your ear and whispered darkly, “You taste so fucking good. I want more of you.”
He noticed how you swallowed hard at his remark. He smirked and slowly pulled away, removing himself from on top of you, placing his hands on your shorts and panties before tugging on them. Beetlejuice paused, noticing your apprehension and grumbled, “Is this too fast for you? Too fucking bad,” he barked, not waiting for a response. “I love you so much. I would do anything for you. I want you to feel how much I love you.”
He continued to pull your shorts down until they slipped off of your legs, soon joined by your top, leaving you bare before Beetlejuice’s hungry eyes. He didn’t waste any time in kneeling back onto the bed as his mouth watered and lingered over your hot core. “Just relax, babe. I’m going to make you feel so good,” he promised as he eagerly parted your legs and pressed the tip of his index finger on your bundle of nerves. 
Loathing the situation you were in, you knew that you had to persuade Beetlejuice that this was something that you wanted, too. You didn’t know if you could do it, but you had to be as convincing as possible. 
When Beetlejuice started to rub small circles against your clit, you forced out a pleasured groan, causing Beetlejuice to halt his movements for a moment. You met his widened eyes with your own needy ones as Beetlejuice’s mouth hung open in surprise. “Did you just… Do you like this, baby?” He asked, anxious for a response.
Biting your lip, you hoped that it looked more seductive than you felt. “Mmnh, yes. Please… don’t stop,” you begged, your voice trembling slightly.
Beetlejuice released a breath that he didn’t realize he was holding. He couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face as he let your words wash over him. He had waited so long to hear you speak to him like that. He wasn’t about to waste another moment in case you changed your mind.
Sliding his finger down to your hole, he slipped in a thick digit while he leaned down to wrap his lips around your clit, sucking in lightly, swirling his tongue all around. “Oh god… fuck,” you groaned as you let your head sink into the pillows, closing your eyes tightly, trying to force yourself to enjoy this.
Beetlejuice hummed happily as he inserted a second finger, pumping in and out of your sex with vigor. Lapping up your juices greedily, Beetlejuice continued to eat you out like he was starved, earning soft curses and moans of approval, which only aroused him further. He tried to memorize the taste of you, delighting in the sweet and tanginess of your slick as he added a third finger, earning a choked sob from you.
“Mmnh, Beetlejuice. Oh god, I-I’m close,” you warned as your climax was drawing near.
Beetlejuice pulled himself off of you, earning a desperate look from you. “Not yet, babe. I’m not done with you yet.”
Surprisingly, you were actually disappointed when Beetlejuice stopped eating you out. You tried to tell yourself that it was just because he was really good at it, and that your acting skills were better than you thought, but a part of you wondered otherwise.
“I can’t tell you how long I’ve waited for this,” he commented soothingly as he pulled his length out of his striped pants, giving it a few pumps and smearing the pre cum over his length.
This moment was inevitable. You knew that. You were trapped and Beetlejuice had absolutely no intention of letting you out of there without some establishment of trust. Otherwise, you were probably going to die there.
Beetlejuice’s body quivered as he continued preparing his length, knowing that he was about to stretch and fill you to completion.
The ghoul crawled onto the bed and straddled you once more before bending forward and pulling you towards him harshly into a sloppy and needy kiss, to which you not only accepted but reciprocated in return. Beetlejuice was in Heaven, and he never wanted it to end.
He pulled back and gazed hungrily at you. “I love you so fucking much,” he whimpered as he positioned himself above you, taking his large cock into his hand once more as he gave himself more stimulating strokes. His eyes met yours as he asked barely above a whisper, “Do you love me?”
You knew you had to reply quickly, but you weren’t ready to utter those words, even if it was a lie. Beetlejuice would see right through that and his suspicions would make for a bad situation, which you wanted to avoid, especially considering the position that you were in.
Taking a deep breath, you finally answered. “I could love you… someday.”
Beetlejuice let the words register in his mind. No, you didn’t love him… yet. He knew deep down that it was probably too soon for that. You still barely knew him, but the fact that you were open enough to admit that you could someday love him was enough and he accepted it.
He smiled widely as he lined up his cock to your weeping entrance before pushing in at a torturously slow pace. As you were painfully and somewhat satisfyingly stretched, you emitted a satisfied moan. “Fuck, babe,” he groaned as he bottomed out, pausing to allow you to adjust to his girth.
A small whimper spilled from your lips as his length became sheathed inside of you. You couldn’t deny how good it felt, even if it was with someone you despised. He seemed to fit inside of you perfectly -- like he was made for you.
The ghoul started to lift himself once he felt like you had become more adjusted before he shifted back in, relishing in the feeling of being inside of you. Before long, he had built a steady rhythm, concentrating on the sinful sounds spilling from your mouth as you moaned with pleasure. It calmed Beetlejuice knowing that he was the one who was making those sounds come from your lips.
Alternating his angle slightly, you cried out when Beetlejuice’s shaft hit your g-spot, grazing against it just right. His own sock started to throb painfully, but he refused to come, instead, picking up speed now that he had found that perfect spot inside of you.
“Fuck, babe. You’re so- mnf- you’re so fucking perfect.”
It was clear that you weren’t going to last much longer with the increased friction that Beetlejuice was causing with his desperate speed. You were lost in your own pleasure as Beetlejuice continued to pound into you. “Oh my fucking god,” you whined softly, not wanting Beetlejuice to hear the effect that he had on you, despite the fact that you had been pretty vocal this whole time.
Fortunately for Beetlejuice, he had heard your cries of pleasure, which only spurred him further to bring you to completion. He rolled his hips and increased his speed, causing you to moan shamelessly loudly at the increased friction. “Cum for me, baby. Come on. Show me what you look like when you’re all fucked out,” he demanded, breathing heavily.
“Beetlejuice… fuck,” you choked out as the familiar feeling winding tightly in your lower half. “I-I’m gonna-” and before you could finish your sentence, the coil snapped, causing you to spasm harsly, the force of it practically paralyzing you with bliss.
 Beetlejuice lost himself shortly after, his cum filling you to the brim as he nearly blacked out from how good it felt. Coming to shortly after, he continued to thrust in and out until he was completely spent, still sheathing himself inside of your heat, not wanting the experience to end.
 After he caught his breath and he could feel your trembling body calm a bit, he removed himself from inside of you and fell forward on the bed beside you.
 As you panted heavily, you absentmindedly moaned as Beetlejuice leaned over to lick the sweat that had accumulated on your face, which you immediately regretted as Beetlejuice hummed happily in assurance. He then wrapped his arms around you tightly, still catching his breath. “That was perfect,” he muttered as he planted soft kisses on your cheek.
 Unsure of what to say, you just stared at the ceiling. The sex had actually been somewhat enjoyable, which frightened you. It was imperative to recognize the sadist that Beetlejuice was rather than the sexual bliss that he could make you feel. Though you felt repulsed, you knew that it would be worth it once you were able to get out of there and be free from Beetlejuice.
 It was only a matter of time.
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bkdk-n-tasty · 5 years
Everybody is cowards if they don't think deku is a hunk after all that training and fighting. Baku just goes "hot damn" to himself everytime he sees deku show skin (sleeveless shirt, shirtless, etc) bc he's big gay and his big gay crush is big hot and muscley and always goes >:3c everytime he sees baku look away after staring at his arms or smthn, cause he thinks baku wants to fight but in reality when deku pins baku when they're sparring, Baku gets a boner cause oh fuck hot guy pinning me down.
No, you’re absolutely fucking right and you should say it. 😤😤😤
Below is lemon 🍋 🍋 🍋
Prior to Baku-boi admitting he has the hots for his twunk nerd of a boyfriend -
-He’s so god damn weak kneed when admiring from a distance. Like the first time he notices how jacked Deku has gotten since he started working out he’s just like “who the fuck gave you the goddamn approval to get this fucking hot you fucking ass” ((probably just like that lmao))
-He feels the GAY PANIC™️ when Deku catches him staring at him (multiple times) but relaxes as he realizes the nerd is fucking dumb when it comes to WHY he’s staring
-the first time they spar and he ends up getting pinned and his body is a fucking traitor as he pops a massive boner and he absolutely panics. Using the last of his energy to shove Izuku off him and he books it to the locker room before anyone else can get there
-He fucking angrily jerks off in the stall with the fresh memory of Izuku basically straddling him with his arms on either side of his face. Definitely growls and grunts profanities about how dare Deku do that to him
-and it’s not like he can avoid sparring matches with Izuku cause tbh he’s one of the strongest once he learns to control the percentage of OFA
-And once he does the boy starts to wear shorts and tank tops cause he’s not breaking everything all the time “and how fucking dare he show those blessings off all the goddamn time” Katsuki grumbles about his big crush to probably Kiri cause he’s the only one that seems to not make a big deal about it
-But activate BIG GAY PANIC™️ at one of their after school hours sparring practice (one of those things they fall into doing especially when one of them has an idea for a new move). One of these “accidental” pinning s get out of hand. Izuku has Kacchan pinned though as it was Izuku is kinda squatting/straddling Katsuki’s waist and leaning forward with his (glorious) arm across Katsuki’s neck, hot and sweaty with the pink tinge to his cheeks. How could Katsuki not pop one of the biggest boners in his life seeing that expression???
-BUT Izuku has the audacity to grind against Katsuki and the boy feels the massive cock pushing up against his ass. His eyes grow but he doesn’t move off him and it’s quiet for a minute
-“Oh you get hard after training too?” Izuku asks with a playful grin
-“yeah I mean I get them too. It’s hard not to when we are getting the blood pumping”
-So he’s beautiful but dumb as he’s heard that line between Kiri and Denki.
-with this flirtatious smirk that should be a sin on someone so oblivious Izuku has the nerve to say “we should give each other a helping hand with that”
-Katsuki.exe has stopped working altogether and only resumes when Izuku already has both their pants popped open and their dicks slipped out
-Katsuki who is always ready for anything he is caught off guard by the fact his crush is on top of him with their dicks “oh my fucking god” Katsuki groans as Izuku grasps both of their cocks in his calloused hand. His brain is fried with just two strokes, his hips jerk and he just groans and lets Izuku jerk them off for a few minutes before he realizes what’s going on
-He doesn’t stop it when he really comes back, instead he reaches back to Izuku’s ass and squeezes it roughly, grinding his hips down against his own and groaning. Fuck whatever delightful dream this is, it is way too vanilla. Katsuki rolls them over after he hears Izuku moan at the teasing.
-Katsuki never half asses anything he does so he hikes Izuku’s blessed thighs up his hips. As much as he wants to fuck the boy’s brains right into the pavement he knows he can’t without lube and other things he doesn’t have on hand so he defaults to fucking in Izuku’s hands against his cock. “Both hands, wrap them both around our cocks tightly” Izuku doesn’t hesitate to follow the others direction he does exactly that
-Katsuki leans down biting at Izuku’s throat and shoulder as he fucks against the others grasp. They’re both making a mess with their pre-cum but between the noise and the feeling it was so goddamn good
-Katsuki feels himself about to cum and he purrs in Izuku’s ear to cum for him like the good boy he is and fuck if that’s not the hardest Izuku has ever came. They both stay there as they’re panting. Katsuki loses strength to stay up and flops on top of Izuku, breathing him in and memorizing how he feels under his weight.
-Katsuki grunts as he nuzzles against his neck
-“that...that wasn’t just because of our sparring...right?” Izuku is using this tiny vulnerable voice that against Katsuki’s higher thought knew he shouldn’t he got hard at.
-Katsuki is about to lie and mutter of course it is but he notices how tightly Izuku is clinging to him. He leans back to look into those deep forest green eyes and fuck he can’t lie to those eyes but this is Katsuki we’re talking about. Action over words.
-Katsuki kisses him, not a chaste kiss either. One that Katsuki fully leads, pushing his tongue along Izuku’s lips and willing them open. He ventures every inch of the boy’s mouth, even biting at his lip and suckling it. When he finally pulls away Izuku is once again breathless and and flushed and if it hadn’t been the voice earlier it was the way he looked now that got him hard
-“Do you get it now?” And Izuku can’t find his voice but nods. Katsuki is unable to hold back at the way Izuku is acting and leans back to grasp hold of both Izuku’s legs. Katsuki with a smirk says “There’s no way I can fuck you now without hurting you so we’re going to use your thighs. As much as I love these bad boys, please don’t crush my dick with them”
-Izuku nearly snorts at that but loses the will to as Katsuki fucks him between the thighs. He didn’t think it’d feel this good but his thighs were wet with cum and the way Katsuki’s cock rubbed against his own and balls it was good to say the least
-they do just about everything but fuck on the training ground and they have to clean up before morning
-After this though Katsuki gets to touch the muscles. The arms, legs, chest and even ass. He is truly blessed 👌🏻
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