#; Iт'ѕ D Tιмe / IC.
phoenixenforcer · 5 years
@duelist-of-destiny​​ from here [x]
Edo fingered his mirror’s tie for a moment before taking hold of it and tugging forcibly, bringing his counterpart in for a kiss.
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“Something just like this, perhaps?” He whispered against the other’s lips, smiling playfully.
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phoenixenforcer · 5 years
@feliciakainzofspades​​ from here [x]
“Is the food back at the Osiris dorm really not suited for your tastes?” Edo asked with a slight grin, the question tinged in amusement. His silvery hair was tousled from sleep, and he wasn’t looking as perfect as he usually did, but Edo’s attention was not focused on that, and instead, was solely on the pancakes now. He picked up the fork and knife, delicately cutting out a piece like he were cutting into steak, and plopped it into his mouth, ocean eyes widening a little as he chewed.
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“Oh? This is good.” Edo said after swallowing, looking eager and much more awake as he began cutting out another piece. “I didn’t know you could cook, Tori.”
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phoenixenforcer · 4 years
“我想要你知道 我愛的訊號 沒有你在的感覺不是太好.”
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phoenixenforcer · 5 years
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“Jaden Yuki? Um, don’t you mean Schmaden Schmookie?”
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phoenixenforcer · 5 years
Saiou’s heart was back in his body, Mizuchi was safe, DD was gone now...his revenge was finally over. What next? What next what next what next... “I’m...” Edo dolefully stared up at Sei after being asked if he was alright. “I’m fine.” His voice, usually so composed and confident, wavered. His fingers trembled, when did they start trembling?, and he clenched them into fists to hold himself steady. “...yeah. I-I’m fine.”
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phoenixenforcer · 5 years
@feliciakainzofspades​ from here [x]
He didn’t know how Tori’s magic worked but he definitely wasn’t complaining. Once freed, Edo gingerly rubbed at his wrists. “Thank you, you’re a lifesaver.”
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phoenixenforcer · 5 years
@herossoul​ from here [x]
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“Beats me.” Edo sighed, also rather tired. His wrist had been rubbed raw hours ago from all the accidental yanking they did when trying to go in different directions in order to search for the key. It wasn’t on his boat, nor was it in either of their dorms. He had to return to the pro circuit soon and he definitely couldn’t return like this, with Judai in hand, literally. “Perhaps one of your underclassmen has the key...?” Edo suggested, fighting the urge to just try and pull the thing apart by force.
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phoenixenforcer · 5 years
@herossoul​ from here [x]
“It sounds like…” Cobalt hues softened and his voice lowered to a whisper. “…you’re trying to convince yourself…rather than me, Judai.” The air was somber between them, and as it was again, Edo was filled with an overwhelming sense of helplessness. He hadn’t been able to do anything for Saiou, his dearest friend, and he had wanted so badly to help Judai back during their time in the Dark World. But even then…what he could do for him was not much. Edo didn’t know how to comfort a person, he hardly knew how to comfort himself. He wracked his brain for times he truly felt at peace—and something that had once given him that was when his father used to hold his hands in his own. Thinking about it now and the warmth that it used to bring him, it made his hand itch with the urge to reach out and take Judai’s own. He wanted Judai to feel that same reassuring warmth. But as much as he wanted to, Edo remained still. His fingers curled against the wood of the bench they were sitting on, fist pressed tightly to his thigh. “You’ve helped my friend, you’ve helped me…let me help you too.” Somehow.
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phoenixenforcer · 5 years
@eyeslikemorphiine​ from here [x]
Edo perks at the sound of the door unlocking, lifts his head when the light from inside illuminates his drenched form. Before he could smile and greet Sei in that ever so polite way of his, he ends up stumbling inside from the pull, fighting back a wince as Sei had grabbed the arm.
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“Nnn.” The noise, almost a whine, left Edo’s lips as he was being lightly scolded, and in his cold state, instinctively leans forward a bit as his fringe is pushed away from his face. Before he could explain himself, Sei had already directed him to head to the bathroom. Edo obeys, and as he stands there alone in the middle of the bathroom, he looks over to the mirror to see a pair of tired, shaky, blue eyes staring right back. He hated that look. Edo grimaces and turns away again, moving numb fingers to undo the buttons of his suit, pulling the sopping wet jacket off. He holds his arms out in front of him, and slowly pulls the sleeve of his left arm down, revealing soaked bandages tinged in pale red, diluted from rainwater. After ridding himself of his clothing, Edo wraps himself in a big fluffy towel, and uses his feet to push the wet bundle into the hall. He remains inside the bathroom, holding the towel closely around him.
“…Sei,” Edo calls out softly. “I need…a bandage.”
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phoenixenforcer · 5 years
Thud! The muted noise seemed to have come from the outside of Ryoken’s boat.
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In the darkness of the night, a silver-clad boy could be seen laid along the middle of the boat’s deck where the light had deposited him, unconscious.
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phoenixenforcer · 5 years
@herossoul​​ from here [x]
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He stared at Judai for a long moment before sighing, leaning his cheek further into the palm of his hand. “You’re always full of surprises, Judai.” “I would help you clean up but…” Edo started as his gaze flickered towards the ceiling again. “…I don’t think I can exactly reach.”
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phoenixenforcer · 5 years
“This New Year I’m happy...”
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“...because you’re with me.”
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phoenixenforcer · 5 years
@feliciakainzofspades​ from here [x]
The grin hadn’t been anything out of the ordinary to note, Edo assumed it was just his confidence in drawing, but what made him tilt his head was the strange gesture the Osiris Red student made around his throat. The pro blinked, seeing the other’s lips move but not quite catching what was said. He parted his lips to ask if he was okay, the guy was tearing up while eating the drawbread so it mustn’t have been good, but the next thing Edo knew was the room was suddenly lit up by flames.
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“?!” Edo took a step back and stared at the blaze spewing from the other’s mouth alongside some other students who hadn’t run off yet. What kind of sandwiches was this store selling—
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phoenixenforcer · 5 years
Picking off the strawberry from the top of his ice cream, Edo pushed it into his mouth with a soft hum at its sweetness. The pro didn’t know where he was, none of his surroundings looked familiar, but after a lucky find of an ice cream truck, the dessert helped to ease his nerves a bit. This was no Dark World, no need to be so on edge. Edo looked down at his sundae, dipping his spoon into it and lifting it to take another bite, only for his hand to stop in midair.
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A blink, and a stare. “You,” Edo spoke at long last. “look like a strawberry sundae.”
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phoenixenforcer · 5 years
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“Why are you still wearing this,” He tugged at Hell Kaiser’s leather-clad sleeve. “in the summer?” Edo sighed and folded his arms, switching to his other language without much thought of Ryo being unable to understand. “你是笨蛋.”
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phoenixenforcer · 5 years
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“Oi, Serinaty,” He called for her after a moment’s worth of staring at the pendant that dangled from around his neck. Edo lifted the oval stone between his index and thumb, examining the light inside of it. “You said this star...is a piece of your soul, right?”
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