#;; might have her separated from LG though
oletus-manors-log · 1 year
hello fellow idv writer, welcome to the shithole that is ashes of memory /lh
anyways in the title screen as well Alice is turning around [as China server accidentally leaked a 3rd image where she's facing the player]! We don't know what this means but, like orpheus, we're taking this as a symbol of her looking back, looking back into her past to embrace her future.
I'm also taking this as Ashes of Memory part 2 99% likely coming soon 👀
Ooh, hello fellow IDV writer! 👋 Also yeah haha Ashes of Memory has me in a chokehold rn.
And ohhh— man I'm already excited for it coming soon! I just got back and if we have to wait for 3 years for the next lore drop? 😩 Hell no LMAO we don't need another episode of Orpheus lore not being dropped until years later LMAOOOO
Speaking of Alice, she's had my interest for a while and the way she's basically the grown up ver. of LG has me 👀✨ in potential lore (would also love to ask her on a platonic date like madame please tell me the shit you discovered, I'd love to know what you found out)
If we don't get to see more of her bond and the match she'll be on with the others, I'll throw hands WWWWW
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pluralthey · 1 year
have you ever introduced izzy’s alters here before? if not, could you show or talk a bit more about them? also, is there any reason why izzy sees herself as herself (mostly) in her head while felix sees themself as a little plush dude
dude i just spent a fucking hour answering this ask and tumblr decided to eat the entire post so sorry if i'm brusque about this.
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this is izzi, she's the host of. izzi. she's a composite of 6 alters who integrated about half a decade prior and operate like 6 guys in a trenchcoat on a shared desire for power and control over the system using a hierarchy to resolve conflicts. not a subsystem, this is One Big Slime who used to be 6 Smaller Slimes.
the integrated alters:
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this is 5150, the guy who functions as the head of the trenchcoat. it loves chaos and has a nasty habit of holding grudges. it's also incredibly weak without integrative support and has a lot to lose if the psyche becomes too unstable and consequently has a lot of motivation to, ironically, provide order and fairness between the integrative parts.
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this is shivaree, first alter to integrate with 5150. she has a lot of influence over izzi's endgame personality as you might guess from how similar her appearance is. she was here for a good time not a long time and she loved fun, usually acquired through novelty. she was bubbly and social.
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this is baby. baby was a psychosis sink, so, young, battered by psychotic symptoms constantly, and non-verbal. fourth to be integrated.
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this is "the worm," although he went by like idk fucking oliver or something while he was hosting. sadboy, to izzi's integrated psyche he most provides some kind of moral compass because you can't feel like a bad person without one.
there were 2 more i never bothered to design, a skeleton edgelord (the face cutter) and a shadow the hedgehog introject, who had similar personalities, including their anger issues.
onto other alters who currently exist in izzi's system.
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this is diesel. he's a composite of two protectors who integrated with each other instead of 5150 and he's tanky enough to step toe-to-toe with her when she's being a moron in a life-threatening way. diesel will ONLY front when he feels like his physical safety is on the line, but may do so before Literally Everything Is On Fire. rest is for the best babeyyy
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this is LG. she's a little and she slides between ages 5 to like 13 or 14. she is a land before time fictive and she fucking loves dinosaurs so much. she fronts, y'know, whenever. she was Big Sleepy (dormant) while izzi was going through the process of integration, and is therefore not integrated. it isn't quite impossible to upset her but if you manage to do it the consequences are catastrophic.
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these two are paired together even though they function separately and have very different personalities.
quinn is a textbook inner self helper/overseer, very hands-off, very aware of the system's lore and overall condition. they're a factive. plants are to them what dinosaurs are to LG.
malcolm is izzi's co-host. i would say you'd see them at least once per month if you were in contact with izzi every day. her longer term partners recognize malcolm (and LG) but she's told them to just shut the door on malcolm's face if they ever notice them fronting. they are a split from quinn and all of those bad little emotions that would make an overseer less rational got packed away into malcolm instead without any of the memories to even make sense of them. malcolm's existence happened after the period of intense integrative therapy for izzi, so they are not integrated with her. izzi sees malcolm as a symbol of failure on her part (even though they are Literally the only alter in the system who DIDN'T evade integration in some way, just straight up didn't exist while the therapy was happening), and the weakest link, consequently often using them like a punching bag. she will sometimes inexplicably veer to being friendly with them, but malcolm's disdain for her is a constant.
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tiredtief · 3 days
oh good u opened inbox just in time so i can ask. why do u continue to support grimes despite every thing bad she did while also being shitty to lady gaga fans for nothing
that was fast lmfao
Is this what the 'you harass people' shit was about? Me 'being shitty' to LG fans? Cuz I really don't recall attacking any specific LG fan, all I've done is post my irritation at the general belief that she is some infallibly kind/unproblematic kween when she has demonstrably appropriated Armenian imagery, culture, and art for a frankly mid music video (bad) and then refused to speak up about the literal Armenian war/genocide that occurred not long after that mv dropped (worse) - and yes, I know the argument will be she might not have known, but it is common knowledge that she is friends with Elton John who posted multiple pro-Armenian things in that timeframe, and plenty of people called her out on it directly anyway, so I refuse to believe she was/is completely unaware.
An important distinction here is that I am not advocating for anyone else to drop LG if they do not want to, I am simply refuting the 'uwu unproblematic goddess' takes and bringing up my specific reason for dumping her music and refusing to support her further. People have stopped supporting artists for less, so I see no issue with me not liking/supporting her for this incredibly personal reason as a literal Armenian myself.
My general policy for art and music at this point is that it is basically impossible for you to find a creative who doesn't exhibit some problematic behavior or attitudes especially within music, and that there can be a case made to separate art from artist. I love Peter Gabriel and Pink Floyd and they did AI shit for music videos. I love Mr.Kitty and he was a literal pedophile (and I actually did stop listening to his music after this came out, until it was confirmed all royalties would be diverted away from him to someone else, in which case I felt it would be acceptable to continue listening). Notch (Minecraft creator) is a huge anti-Semite (and is also no longer benefiting from royalties). Billie Eilish has espoused radfem rhetoric. Stephenie Meyer (Twilight author) horribly represented a group of Native Americans and never apologized for it nor paid them a dime of the millions that the movies/books made. Literally very week a classic emo/alt band member is outed for being a pervert. If you drop every solitary creator for being a shithead you'll have no art left in your life, unfortunately - it is a much better use of your time to acknowledge the problems with these creators (or drop those who are particularly egregious to you/using their funding towards bigoted causes*) than to hide your head in the sand and say 'uhhh ackshually Miku made it' each time.
Yes, Grimes has said some weird and questionable shit (though imho I think they are just genuinely stupid/entitled and/or misspeak what they really mean in an attempt to sound smart or because they just feel the need to talk - but that's speculation) - however, I am not a fan of Grimes because of c./Claire Boucher, I am a fan of Grimes because the collective concept of 'Grimes music' slaps and is also special to me. I don't believe there's a problem with saying 'I like their music but I think they're an absolute moron'.
*And before someone attempts to bring up the argument of JK Terfling, Grimes is in no way donating their royalties and revenue to bigoted causes (that we know of, obviously) - in fact they've vocally supported trans rights and Vivian (Elon's trans daughter) multiple times. The reason people insist on not supporting JKR in monetary ways is because doing so is directly funding anti-trans movements. If Grimes decides to start funding bigoted causes, then yes, I will rescind my support, but if the worst they have is stupid tweets and dumbass interview quotes (two things they have been notorious for for years now and have always amounted to absolutely nothing of substance) then I don't see an issue.
If you want to waste your time going after fans who are blindly supporting a bigot who actually donates to problematic causes, then consider bothering the people on this site that continue to fawn over FNAF, when the creator of that franchise is a known extreme Republican who has been proven to have donated large sums towards Donald Trump. But no one is ready for that conversation - some of you aren't even ready to take your Hogwarts houses out of your bios.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 2 years
What If You Knew All of Me?
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A/n: Just a quick note as this could be triggering, maybe? This oneshot is about a reader with D.I.D and will have multiple personalities making appearances. Also brief mentions of possible previous sexual assault. DD/LG, Daddy Kink. I read a ton of articles and tried to make the D.I.D aspect as factual and realistic as possible so I hope it is just that.
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I had been turning him down for a month.
Bucky Barnes was a Daddy!Dom if ever there was one, embracing a much more accepted practice now that it wasn't the 1940s anymore and he knew I was a little fairly quickly after meeting me. I knew he believed I was just shy, knowing he makes me nervous and deciding to take his time in trying to court me, however while I was shy it was more than just that.
Tony was the only Avenger in the tower who knew about my D.I.D. Not only was I Y/n which had been my given name, but I had 2 separate alters. Sophia was the main alter that I 'switched' to, her being that 'little' personality which took hold when I felt overwhelmed or scared. The other alter however was quite different, only taking over when I was truly terrified, 99% of the time only when someone put their hands on me in a way that I found threatening, he was called Damon and I did everything possible to keep him from meeting anyone in this tower, except Tony of course.
My avoidance of Bucky over the last few weeks had nothing to do with him, I liked him quite a bit, Sophia was quite in love with him and the way he treated us.  She was rarely ever personally out when I spoke to him however, me typically able to feel before the switch happened and getting out of his presence quickly. I know it upset him but I didn't know what else to do, not willing to tell him the truth or God forbid have him speak to one of my alters, Damon especially. I should have known though, known that I wouldn't be able to hide it forever from someone who was so interested in me and so perceptive on top of it. It was only a matter of time before he figured it out.
Sophia's POV
I loved spending time with Tony in his lab, he wasn't a therapist of course but since he was the only one who knew about Y/n's 'condition' he was very interested in trying to help.
I was currently sat on his lab table coloring in a book he got for me while he worked on one of his suits, just talking to me like we do all the time. We were always alone at this time, but when I heard the door slide open I spun around to see a face I hadn't seen in quite some time.
"Bucky!" I grinned, seeing his face light up in a big smile when he saw how excited I was, taking in the fact that I was sitting on a table coloring.
"Well, Hi there princess, how are you today?" He leaned against the table beside me but never touched me.  That was another reason I loved Bucky, he was always a perfect gentleman and he seemed to pickup on the fact that touching might make me uncomfortable.
"I'm good! Tony got me a new coloring book! See, it's Scooby Doo!" He turned his head to look at the picture of the mystery machine that I was filling in with my colored pencils and I could tell he liked it.
"You're a very good artist, I wouldn't be surprised if I saw your work in a museum one day." I blushed a dark red, feeling my entire body heat up at his kind words, he often had the same effect on Y/n and she ended up back in our room with her hands on her princess parts quite a lot. "I'm glad to see you talking to me today." I was confused by that and I knew it was written on my face.
"Why wouldn't I talk to you? I love talking to you, you're always so nice." He had a look of disappointment on his face and I hated seeing it, never having had it directed at me before.
"Don't lie Y/n. You've been avoiding me for weeks, don't worry about it, I've taken the hint. I'm just here to talk to Tony." He walked passed me and it bothered me that he didn't know my name but it bothered me more that he seemingly gave up on being my friend.
"You don't want to be my friend anymore?!" I felt tears fill my eyes as I cut him off from talking to Tony who's attention was now on me as well.
"Hey now, that's not what I said. I'm just not going to keep pursuing you when you clearly don't want me to. You've been ignoring me, how else am I supposed to take it when-"
"That's Not My Fault!" I shouted, frustrated with him not understanding that I didn't do anything wrong. That I was a good girl!
"Okay kid, I think that's enough. Why don't I take you to your room and you can have a nap before-"
"No! Don't want a nap! It's not fair! Y/n made Bucky hate me! I didn't do anything wrong Tony, make him stop hating me!" I felt the tears streaming down my face and my nose began running as I was unable to control the emotional outburst.
"That's enough kid, Y/n can do whatever she wants and you know that. If she thinks she's keeping you safe-"
"Don't wanna be safe! Want Bucky To Like Me Again! He was my Best Friend!" Tony finally reached me and tried pulling me to him into a hug but I resisted, shoving him away. "Don't wanna be here anymore! Want Y/n to come back now, want it to stop!" He tried once again to hug me and trapped me in his arms, trying to calm me as I began throwing a tantrum which he knew could be physically harmful to myself.
"Calm down Sophia, we can go back to coloring, okay? Bucky and I will sit and color with you if you just calm down."
"No! He doesn't like me no more! Don't wanna! Don't wanna! Let Go!" I turned, trying to get out of his grip before throwing my head back and smacking him in the face, loosening his grip enough for me to escape and run out of the lab and to my bedroom.
I made it to my bedroom, switching on the light as Y/n had put up black out curtains to keep out the sun. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and felt the need to cry harder, my face was red, tears and snot everywhere and I knew I was going to ruin my favorite dress if I didn't get out of it, quickly yanking it off and pulling on some of Y/n's clothes in hopes of getting her back. I yanked the pigtails from my hair and let my hair just hang down, throwing my stuffies from the bed across the room, along with my colored pencils and coloring books, huffing as I was still here.
"Don't wanna do this anymore! You made him hate me! Your fault, all your fault!" I shouted into the wall mirror before storming into my bathroom, throwing open the shower door and slamming it behind me, turning up the cold water and letting it hit my body, soaking through my clothes instantly and chilling me to the bone as I sat on the floor, tears seeming to never end their stream from my eyes.
I still sat there 5 minutes later when I heard the knocking on my bedroom door that I ignored in favor of continuing the freezing shower I was soaking in.
"Sophia?" My head snapped up as I heard that voice, my favorite voice for the first time calling out the correct name. "Are you in the shower little one?" I ignored him, resting my head on my knees as my body had become completely numb to the freezing cold water. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, is she okay in there?"
"She is indicating signs of distress Sergeant Barnes. Her internal temperature is plummeting in the 40 degree water and her heart rate is 132 and climbing." The robotic voice that usually brought me some sort of amusement and comfort just made me mad as it told him about me.
"Shit! I'm coming in little one!" He opened the door that I hadn't bothered locking and rushed to the shower, opening the door and looking down at me, though I kept my face hidden in my knees. He shut off the water quickly, kneeling beside me and wrapping a towel around my shoulders, which I pushed off quickly. "Sophia, please? You need to get warmed up, let me help you-"
"No! You hate me! She made you hate me!"
"I don't hate you little girl, I could never-"
"Hates me! Daddy hates me! I didn't do nothin bad! Y/n was the one who was mean to you, I didn't do nothin! I'm a good girl! Didn't do bad, don't hate me?!" My teeth had begun to chatter as I shouted into my knees, inching away from him as I felt his hands on me.
"You stop that right now, Daddy does Not hate you! I could never hate you Sophia, I didn't know you, I had no idea but now I understand and I could never hate you little one! Please let me help you?" He held his arms out and I whimpered, leaning into them before I was lifted up and carried into my bedroom quickly. "Gotta get you changed baby, we have to get these wet clothes off before you freeze. Just relax, Daddy's here."
"Daddy. Daddy's here." I mumbled out, trying to calm myself as he stood me on my feet and rushed to my dresser, pulling out a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie, along with my panties with Cheshire Cat on them.
"Arms up." I did as he said, knowing that even if he was mad at me I trusted Bucky completely. He pulled my shirt over my head and unclipped my bra, running a dry towel over my wet skin before pulling the hoodie over my head and stripping my pants off. I tried to calm myself at the rush of fear that came over me, knowing Bucky would never hurt me like other people did. He continued drying me off and pulled the panties up my legs, followed by the sweat pants, running the towel over my hair so it wasn't dripping and tying my hair up to be dealt with later. "Come on Babygirl, come lay down and snuggle with me. I'll warm you up and we can watch a movie, okay?" He didn't question the stuffies that had been thrown onto the floor, picking up all 5 of them and bringing them back to the bed before tucking me in and kicking off his shoes, crawling into the covers with me. Disney+ was turned on and before I knew it Ferdinand was playing on the large screen.
He didn't ask anything of me, didn't say even one word to me, just allowing me to enjoy the movie and relax while he rubbed his hand everywhere he could to make sure my body temperature was back to normal. I made it through about half of the movie before I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore and I drifted off to sleep curled into the super soldier.
Y/n's POV
To say I was thrown off would be an understatement as I opened my eyes to see Bucky snuggling me in my bed. "Hey sleepy girl. It's okay, you don't have to wake up if you don't want to, you need to sleep after having such a bad day."
"Bucky? Why are you in my bed?" He looked confused for a second before seeming to figure out who I was.
"Well, good morning Y/n. I'm here because I decided to stop chasing after you." That hurt on a personal level, the deep dark place that I hide where I fell in love with James Barnes, but the rest of me was comforted.
"That's…good...didn't answer my question." He smiled, pulling me closer and against my orders my body relaxed into him happily.
"I'm here because when I told you that, Sophia had a tantrum, thinking I didn't like her anymore. Said you were the one that was mean to me and she was a good girl, which she is. Once she listened and calmed down she was very good, let me get her changed and warm her up-"
"You changed me? And nothing happened?"
His eyebrows shot up curiously. "Should something have happened?"
"No!" I responded a little too quickly, sitting up, only to be pulled to his chest as he sat up too.
"You're not getting away from me Y/n, not now that I know you like me as well. Please doll, I'll treat you so good. I'm desperately in love with you and I love Sophia too, even if I didn't know that's who I was talking too. I can get used to this, Daddy will treat you so good baby...please give me a chance?" He nuzzled his face into my neck, his stubbly facial hair giving me chills.
"I'm gonna become too much...I always do. I forget everything, I black out all the time, I can't control my emotions and I have tantrums, I sleep all the time cause the switching makes me tired...Sophia gets annoying, like, really annoying-"
"I think I dealt with her tantrum pretty well. I also think if I was here to give her a firm hand she would listen wonderfully. She's a good little girl...and so are you Doll. I love you so much and I need you to know that."  I felt tears welling up in my eyes and I knew hiding them was pointless.
"What did Tony tell you?  I'm assuming he's the one that spilled his guts."  I sniffled and he lifted me with inhuman strength, putting me down, straddling his lap so he could wipe my tears away.
"He told me about the D.I.D and Sophia, he said there was another one too...I'm assuming it's worse than Sophia considering neither of you wants to talk about it...you can tell me when you're ready Princess, just don't push me away anymore...please?"
"I don't understand? After everything you went through...now you want to deal with my crazy? Why?!" His eyes held some kind of realization in them and I didn't like that.
"So that's what this is about? You think I'm gonna lose my mind again-"
"Of course not! I just...what you went through wasn't fair, and now you get to be normal and start over! Why would you want to adopt my crazy when you're finally okay? Doesn't make any sense." He smiled, tucking my hair behind my ear and out of my eyes.
"I want to do this because I like it, because I want you. I realized nothing makes me happier than taking care of someone and I think that you need me Princess. So Daddy is going to take care of you, because I love you, and I love Sophia, and I'm sure I'll love whatever the other ones name is because I love every part of you-"
"Huh?" He looked at me confused as I cut him off.
"The other one, his name is Damon. Tony calls him a protector personality, he doesn't talk, he never needed to, he only comes out when I'm so scared of something that I can't move. He protects me from people touching me badly…”
"Is that why you were shocked I changed you?" I nodded, still surprised but figuring I should have expected it.
"It's weird, you're the first one he hasn't tried to kill...Sophia trusts you though so I suppose it shouldn't shock me. She's been in love with you since the day you first met her." The smile that overtook his face was the kind of smug look that I would smack off of someone different, but I liked when he did it.
"And what about you? How do you feel about me Y/n?" I couldn't hide my smile at this question.
"I am...in strong like. I don't want to keep running away from you-"
"Then don't!"
"-but what if he tries to hurt you? I don't think I could live with myself if-"
"He won't. As long as you're never scared of me, or have reason to fear me. I would never hurt you doll, you're my precious Princess and I will protect you until the day I die."
I wanted to believe him, and I did know that he loved me, but loving me and putting up with how bad some days can be are very different things.
"What are you going to do on the bad days?  When the migraines are so bad I can't see straight, or when I'm so depressed I can't get out of bed for days?  Can't even sleep in the same bed with you cause I get nightmares so bad I...I don't want to hurt you Bucky.  I love you."  Hiding my face was made impossible by the position he had me in on his lap, making me straddle him and look up at his face as he lifted his hands to wipe the tears of my admission away.
"Well I love you too, so that's a relief, and you're acting like I'm not an understanding person.  I'm a Daddy for a reason Y/n, and it's because I need to take care of you.  I think I've been waiting for you all this time and you're not going to run away from me just because you think I can't handle it.  I want to take care of you, that's what I need as your Daddy...if you'll have me.  When you have a migraine I will get you some pain medicine, shut the curtains so it's dark, I'll get a cold pack for your neck and I'll snuggle you until you fall asleep.  I will never get tired of snuggling you so if you're depressed I'll be right here by your side, maybe I'll carry you into the living room and put on How to Train Your Dragon, bring you some snacks and your stuffies.  As for the nightmares, I get them too and they will never stop me from holding you until you feel like the safest little girl in the world."  He pulled me close to his chest and rolled so he was now snuggling me to his chest where he planted a kiss on my head.  "I already love you Y/n.  And if you'll have me as you're Daddy I swear I will never let you go." 
I buried my face into his chest and got comfy.  "I love you too...Daddy."  The smile on his face I saw when he looked down at me was well worth the worry I had about him being around Damon.
"Daddy's gonna go get you something to eat, then we can watch a movie and go back to sleep, okay?  I'll be right back, you snuggle in."  I did as he instructed, feeling giddy as I held my stuffed bear to my body and felt my brain go foggy, an aching pain growing behind my eyes. 
Sophia's POV
I don't know how long I sat there staring at the wall but it was at least until Bucky came back with a cheese omelet and sausage.  "Here you go Princess...are you okay?"  I felt for a moment as if he was quite far away, his words muffled until his hand touched my shoulder and I looked up to see my Daddy with a worried expression.
"Daddy!"  I cheered, jumping up and into his strong arms.  "You made me breakfast?"
"I told you I was just a min-Sophia?"  I grinned, nuzzling into his neck and wrapping around him tightly.  "Good morning Babygirl.  Come on, I'll put on something fun to watch and you can snuggle up, sound good?"
"Really?"  He nodded and I jumped from his arms, sliding under the blanket and bouncing excitedly.
"You have to calm down baby, it's time to eat.  I don't need you choking the first day I have you to myself."
Sitting there with my Daddy was possibly the most comfortable I had ever been, knowing that no matter what he would be there for me. For the first time in a long time I didn't have to worry about how I was going to feel tomorrow or the next day, because I knew whether it was a good day, a bad day or even a bad week that my Daddy would be there to take care of me.
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Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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harryspet · 4 years
little doe [1] peter parker
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[Warnings] peter parker x oc, multiverse oc, future dd lg dynamic, future dubcon?, mostly fluff, very innocent oc, broken english
A/N: This is part one to a short series! I usually write dark fics and this idea has a lot of potential to go that direction so forewarning! For the most part, I plan to make this similar to a dd lg style relationship with Peter being more of a big brother rather than a daddy. Anyways, some darker themes and smut are probably ahead! (I’m imagining the oc as Dahyun from twice but feel free to imagine whoever or self insert)
In which she’s not from this version of earth but Peter still grows fond of her. 
word count: 2.5k
Peter would never tire of being Spiderman. He thought things might change after high school but there seemed to always be bad guys to test him and for him to defeat. He loved saving people, of course, but the learning was the best part. He had seen things people could only dream about. And staring at her through the glass that separated them, he knew he was about to learn a lot. 
“Where did you find her?” He asked Pepper, who was the one who had called him to the lab.
“Wyoming, she landed in the middle of a field there. The man who owned the property thought lightning had struck nearby. She wasn’t in some capsule either, completely naked, and barely breathing. She looked human so they took her to a nearby hospital.”
Peter crossed his arms, still in his spider suit minus the mask. He had been called here just after a mission and, although he desperately craved a shower and a warm bed, his interest was piqued, “I’m guessing something went wrong in the hospital if she’s here now.”
The girl was on the thinner side, a little malnourished, and her hair was a bright white. The gray jumpsuit she was wearing contrasted with it, “When she finally gained consciousness, she panicked. Long story short, the entire hospital floor was wrecked. It burned and then it flooded.”
The girl did not look like someone who could do something like this, not when she was so small. She was walking around the room, running her fingers against the wall as if she was trying to understand every detail of her surroundings.
“So her powers?”
“We think it has something to do with the elements. I don’t think she can summon them but she can control them. S.H.I.E.L.D brought her to us to develop some sort of device to keep her powers in check.”
“She still looks . . . human,” Peter said as the girl approached the glass. It was one way but the girl’s neon blues stared right into him. Could she somehow see him?
“We think she’s from earth but a different version. She must’ve escaped through some hole. That’s why Fury thinks we might already have the sources to control her.”
Peter took a step closer to the glass, completely entranced by her eyes, “Does she speak English?”
“We don’t know. That’s why you’re here,” Peter’s eyebrows rose and he flashed Pepper a confused look, “If she loses it, you’ll be able to handle it better than one of our engineers here. Besides that, aren’t you curious, Peter?”
Pepper knew that the young and adventurous side of him was still there. That was why she chose him. Either that or she thought he was expendable. 
He put his masks back on and Peter willingly entered the lion’s den. Except the girl didn’t pounce on him … at all. In fact, she backed away quickly from the college student, positioning herself in the corner. She scowled at Peter, her fingers balled into a fist, as she grew frustrated that she had no sources of energy to draw from. 
Peter’s heart sank and he quickly pressed a control on the holographic control system that appeared around his forearm. His mask disappeared and he put his hands up, “Hey, it’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m one of the good guys.”
Her fists seemed to loosen but she didn’t move any further. Peter looked around the room and there was only a metal bed bolted into the wall, a fire-resistant blanket sitting on top of it. 
“I’m Peter,” He spoke again, “Do you have a name?”
Again, no response. Maybe she didn’t understand English. He moved a hand to point to himself, “Peter,” He repeated his name a few times and then pointed to her, “What’s your name?”
Excitement shown in his eyes as she slowly lifted a fist and pointed to herself, “What’s… .your . . . name?” She repeated back. For a moment, he thought he was successful but she didn’t seem to know what she was saying. Her pronunciation was good but he wondered if that was only because of her intelligence. She was trying though and he continued to smile. 
“Peter,” he pointed to himself and then pointed back to her and waited expectantly.
She shook her head. Well, it seemed that it was a universal gesture. 
Peter sighed, slowly lowering his hands and then suddenly she spoke but it was a language he did not understand. Still, it was her name but, unlike her, he doubted he’d say anything close to correct pronunciation. 
“Good,” Peter nodded, “We might have to come up with a nickname.”
“Peter,” She said, his name and his eyes widen. She pointed to her throat and then down to her stomach. She was hungry. 
Although he couldn’t see Pepper, he looked towards the glass, “Food and water please.”
A few moments and several awkward glances later, a tray was being slid through the small slat in the door. Apparently they had decided on a turkey sandwich, chips, a bowl of fruit and a small glass of water. Peter was about to carry it towards her but she flinched again. 
He decided to sit it down in the middle of the floor, take a few steps back and sit. He sat cross legged and then gestured to the food. She was going to have to come closer at some point and he’d sit and wait until that happened. 
Her stomach growled, he heard it, but she didn’t move closer. She held her stomach in pain and fell to her knees. Peter wanted badly to go to her but he knew that would only scare her more, “Please come and eat,” He practically begged. He held his hands up again, “I won’t hurt you, I promise.”
She thought for a minute longer until she started to crawl closer. Peter tried not to make any sudden moves because her striking eyes never left his. She made it to the tray and looked at him over one time. There was a plastic set of utensils but she didn’t seem to notice as she dug her hands into the bowl and pulled out some strawberries. 
She ate as if it might be her last meal, palming the food into her mouth. How long had she not eaten? When she lifted the glass of water, she spared him another glance. She thought she might send the water through his nose and try to drown him but she gulped it down instead. 
When all the food was gone, she looked under each plate for more, “Do you want more food?” He asked and she shook her head. That was universal enough to understand. 
She seemed to stare at him for a long while until she suddenly pushed the tray to the side and began crawling towards him. 
He leaned back to move away but she heard him say, “Won’t hurt, promise,” She learned quickly, to say the least. She reached out and she let him, she ran a hand down the length of his arm. She felt the red and black suit calmly. 
“It’s not my real skin,” He spoke hesitantly, admiring her now that she was so close, “My skin is like yours.”
She took his wrist, placing his hand on her cheek, “My skin like yours,” she repeated. She did feel human but something special sparked underneath. He wondered what she felt when she touched him. 
“Yeah,” Peter grinned, his cheeks starting to redden, “Like yours.”
Peter tried to come back every day. Even after his missions and, when he couldn’t seem to get away, he thought about her the entire time. 
Though she was still hesitant sometimes, she was comfortable around Peter which he liked. 
This particular day when he arrived, it was the first time in two weeks. He’d been halfway across the world for a mission and this was the earliest he could come see her. Pepper gave him a worried look when he approached, “She hasn’t been sleeping and she’s refusing food. We tried to put a sedative in her food but she knew something was off.”
When Peter entered her cell, she immediately perked up. He learned at another visit a few weeks ago that she slept under the bed and not on it. She came out of her small hiding place as he entered with a tray of food in his hand. No sedative this time. He walked over to her bed but was taken aback when she growled at him. 
“You leave,” She stated, anger and sadness in her tone, “Peter, you leave.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” He set down the tray gently, “But I had a mission. I can’t see you everyday but you have to get used to that. You can’t starve yourself when I’m not here.”
She frowned, trying to process his words. Peter continued, “It makes Peter sad when you don’t eat. When you don’t sleep.” He spoke using facial expressions and gestures.
She seemed to understand that. She came forward and started to eat her soup. She held the spoon with her entire hand. After a few bites, she looked up at him, “Peter sad?” 
“No,” He shook his head, “You’re doing good.” He tried to praise her, showing her a smile. 
She liked this, understanding him and having his approval. 
When she lifted her water glass, she gestured to Peter. She began twirling her fingers in a circle and suddenly the water rose. It formed the shape of a standing man. Though the facial features couldn’t be carved out, she said, “Peter.” The water figure began to walk in place in the air.
Peter stared in amazement and then another shape appeared, a girl with long hair who was walking beside him. 
She smiled and then the water dropped back into the glass, “You’re amazing,” Peter was flabbergasted. 
She gave him a look of appreciation.
Although her eyes were bright, they were soft and gentle. She was strong but so easily scared, She was precious like a baby dear, “Doe,” Peter decided. 
She flashed him a confused look but he explained it by pointing to himself to say, “Peter,” She already knew that but he pointed to her next, “Doe.”
She mimicked him, pointing to herself, “Doe.”
She played with the simple name on her lips, “Do you like it?” Peter asked nervously. 
She nodded her head quickly, probably sensing his hesitance, “Doe. Peter. No sad.” 
He smiled at that, “Doe and Peter. Happy. We are happy.”
“Happy,” Doe repeated and, though he was sitting in a prison made for her, Peter truly felt it. 
“Peter, I don’t think you know what you’re suggesting. She’s not from this version of the universe. We can’t just integrate her into society.”
“Trust me, Pepper. The sooner she becomes accustomed to the outside world, the less afraid she will be. I’ll give her the suppressants and I won’t leave her unsupervised.”
“If I agree, Fury won’t be able to know. That means, she can’t burn down any buildings or we’ll both be in deep shit.”
“He wants a weapon, right? Another Avenger? He won’t just let her be.”
Pepper sighed, “I doubt he will, Peter. I suppose it’s better than keeping her trapped here. It’ll give her a taste of freedom before Fury tries to make her a killing machine.”
His apartment was one of the first big purchases Peter made after he turned eighteen. It was closer to school and Aunt May was close enough to come over and feed him. It was quite luxurious for someone his age but Peter only really slept here. Ever since he met Doe, he spent even less time there. 
He spent most of his money on tech and merchandise related to his favorite comic books rather than decorations. 
Doe didn’t seem to mind and Peter thought that might just be because she liked everything. She looked over every single thing in each room just because she wanted to. She liked the collectable action figures the most though she didn’t like how Peter kept them locked away in glass containers. 
Pepper had loaned him some clothes for her. He soon learned that she disliked the tightness of jeans. And shoes in general. A dress was the safest bet to avoid a tantrum and she had chosen a red sundress over Pepper’s usual black and white clothing. 
When they got to Peter’s bedroom, she already knew it was his. It was the room that smelt the most like him. Ned had called it a sweet master bedroom for an even more awesome bachelor pad. 
“Peter, sleep?” Peter nodded and then explained how it was called a bed. He had been doing that for almost everything in his apartment. 
“Doe, sleep,” She gestured again to his bed.
“Doe has her own bed,” Peter corrected her, deciding to show her down the hallway where the guest room was. He placed a hand on the small of her back in order to guide her. 
She kept trying to turn around, “Doe bed. Peter bed. We happy,” He understood her but pretended he didn't. 
He opened the door to her room and was shocked by what he saw. It seemed that May had done much more than he had asked her for. It was decorated like a teenage girl’s room, soft pink and gray. Fairy lights, fluffy pillows and the works. He asked her to make it cozier, not to make it unrecognizable to the rest of his apartment. 
There was even a canopy draped over the bed. Doe walked further into the room, rubbing her feet against the new, soft carpet. She climbed onto the bed, patting the spot beside her, “Peter bed. Doe bed. Happy.”
Peter sighed, “Doe, this is your room. My room is down the hall.”
She frowned and then the cycle began. Peter showed her the rest of the room, where her clothes were and the bathroom. They ate takeout together and Doe had pizza for the first time which, of course, made her “happy”. 
She managed to distract him until one in the morning but it came the time when Peter had to take Doe to her room. He helped her pick out pajamas, a pink nightgown, and then pulled the comforter back as she climbed in. She even had a stuffed animal she’d quickly grown attached to, a bunny, stuck to her chest.
Even after that, as he walked to the door, a gust of wind roared past him and the door shut.
“Doe,” Peter’s lips pressed into a thin line. 
“Peter,” She countered, frowning. 
Peter was too tired to argue anymore as he ran a tired hand through his brown locks. He switched off the lights before he crawled into the bed beside her, above the comforter. He laid his head against the pillow, staring up at the ceiling. 
“If I’m going to stay, you have to sleep.”
She understood and Peter turned his head to look at her. She was already facing him, clutching her bunny as she closed her eyes. A successfully dismantled bomb. 
Peter closed his eyes too. 
Resisting her might be the hardest mission he’d ever go on.
If you enjoyed this, make sure you check out my other Peter fic! If you’d liked to be tagged when I post the next part, please leave a comment or send me an ask! (If you reblog, I’ll probably add you as well)
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ms-interpretation · 4 years
Jeong Tae-eul’s and Lee Gon’s choice of each other (fate and future) (Part 1)
Reading @ambitious-witch‘s meta about Tae-eul, her character arc and Luna as Tae-eul’s narrative foil I wanted to add something about Tae-eul decision to fully commit to her relationship to Lee Gon and why I believe they do get married in the future. If you haven’t read her meta I would recommend it. Of course people are free to interpret the ending as they want, but seeing people being sad or feeling dissatisfied with the ending I wanted to write some meta on why I believe Lee Gon and Tae-eul are implied in the drama to be getting married eventually. There is honestly quite a lot of clues that they will. The probably best meta I’ve read on the subject is from another blog which outlines these hints and is linked at the end of this post. I have also at different points referred to this meta with a *-sign, since I bring up some of the points made in it. It’s great, I would highly recommend reading it. I wanted however to bring up and examine some additional hints and foreshadowing I found during my latest re-watch. 
There is an scene (and its scene change) which foreshadows Tae-eul’s eventual decision to choose Lee Gon and a life with him. This scene particularly shows us Tae-eul’s desire to do so. In episode 11 we have JTE processing her and LG’s relationship. She thinks back to him visiting her from the future with the flowers early in the episode. As @ambitious-witch​ wrote it is no coincidence that the original flower scene itself takes place almost directly after Jo Yeong asks her if she could handle being the Queen of Corea (episode 10). He suggests to her that it would mean traveling between the worlds and keeping quiet about the existence of the other world (I would say that the writer is here probably foreshadowing what their happy ever after will actually entail - why else suggest it so specifically?). So what happens later in episode 11 as she is to processing the flower ‘event’ and thinking about their relationship? She thinks back to their conversation by the field where this exchange takes place:
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She remembers this lovely moment by the field, where LG proposed (again, after she teased him about it) and she replied “Not today” while explaining that they have no tomorrow. She seems content and happy in that moment but then the scene switches to her standing alone in the Republic and she sighs clearly discontent with their current situation. The scene reveals a contrast in her. It is cut as to imply that Jeong Tae-eul is not as content as she seems to be with her decision by the field. I would say that it implies that she is putting on a brave face and attitude in that scene. Which given that bravery and ‘skipping things’ (which here is her embracing a ‘long today’) are character traits of hers (as seen in episodes six & eight) makes a lot of sense. (I would recommend that people go re-watch theses scenes since it is a bit difficult to show in pictures the revealing changes in JTE’s expressions as acted brilliantly by KGE). Unconsciously she has probably already made the decision to choose Lee Gon, as implied in her inner monologue earlier (while reflecting on the flower event) which chronologically however takes place later (the monologue not the unconscious decision), but she is here consciously ‘feeling’ that her earlier response/decision is not enough for her. 
Jeong Tae-eul’s decision by the field and her saying, while smiling bravely, that they have no tomorrow and that she therefore hopes that the day will be long is directly tied to Tae-eul’s sense of foreboding that their relationship will be short (remember her confession in episode eight?). She fears, as Lee Gon later does (ep 12-13) that setting everything right will mean that the doors will close and that they will be separated (that their love will come to an end). This is the fear they bring up time and time again during the drama. This is part of why she doesn’t say yes here (the other being about where she is in her character arc). When she believes she’s about to lose him she chooses to go after him, rejecting her earlier decision to accept that they have no tomorrow. 
Edit: The screenshots above are not showing exactly how and when the cut plays out. The scene at the field is longer and ends with Lee Gon running after Jeong Tae-eul. It then cuts to JTE back in the Republic remembering: the effect is however the same as what I’ve described. It was simply easier to show it though screenshots in the way I’ve done above. 
When the shows ends, flashing back to their young and current selves as it does so, the last words of the drama are:
Jeong Tae-eul & Lee Gon: Just like that, we decided to love the fate that chose us. Just for today and only today. And forever.
Telling us that the conflict of the drama has been resolved. Jeong Tae-eul and Lee Gon do not have to worry anymore about their relationship ending because they are from different worlds. The addition of ‘forever’ tells us that they won’t have to be simply happy with an uncertain fate living only for today because they don’t have tomorrows. The drama ends happily, with them having tomorrows. They do however still commit to living for today because, as they explain, they want to love each other tirelessly i.e. being grateful and appreciative of each other every day no matter what the future might bring (this is almost word-for-word what they say). An understandable sentiment in light of all the hardships they went through to simply be together. 
The ‘fate’ that ‘chose them’ - is each other
I feel that some people interpret it as meaning the fate of living in different worlds but I politely disagree. I believe this is the resolution of the earlier discussions about fate during the drama. Lee Gon has this scene with Prince Buyeong where he asks for advice on how to resolve his and Tae-eul’s situation. Chronologically this scene takes place after the scene by the window where Jeong Tae-eul told him that he shouldn’t ask her to go with him (while asking how she could leave her world behind). He is here trying to work out how they can be together, because it is his duty to marry eventually. So Lee Gon asks Prince Buyeong if he should fight fate (which seemingly is against his and Tae-eul’s union - since they are from different worlds). The Prince replies, after Lee Gon first admits to him that there is somewhere he wants to go (i.e. a fate he wants to achieve - i.e. a life with Jeong Tae-eul):
Prince Buyeong: Then you just have to go there. You don’t need to fight. I hope there is a beautiful lady there. You should really get married this year.
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What is Prince Buyeong actually saying? He is saying that 1) Lee Gon can build his own fate i.e. he doesn’t have to fight fate to go where he wants to go 2) He foreshadows that Fate/FluteKid (the character/deity) of the drama is actually not against them being together (foreshadowing how Fate/FluteKid allows them to keep their memories) and 3) Indicates for the audience that whom Lee Gon marries is important (that it is an aspect of his fate and future) and is something which needs to be resolved. This is further confirmed by Lee Gon’s replies. This plot point, Lee Gon’s duty to marry, is resolved by him managing to restore the Manpasikjeok to its true self (no more time freezes) and by Jeong Tae-eul finally deciding that she chooses Lee Gon in that incredible episode 15 scene. Tae-eul’s real reason for telling him not to ask her to live with him is because she is worried at that point that the doors will eventually close forever. Meaning that she would have to give up her world completely. When push comes to shove however she decides despite this fact to go after him. Her putting on the necklace he gave her shows us her choice of him as her fate and future. Prince Buyeong described facing your fate as going where you want to go and here we have Jeong Tae-eul quite literally going after Lee Gon. This is a quite “typical” heroic move in these kinds of stories, we do more commonly see it done by the male hero though which is why I was happy seeing it done by a female hero here. 
The drama ends with Lee Gon keeping his promise to Prince Buyeong (albeit in a heartbreaking way since the Prince is definitely still dead) by visiting him in the past with Tae-eul. Like he said he would when their situation had been resolved (which it has since they have chosen each other i.e. become each others’ fates). Honestly I believe that the scene of Lee Gon ‘introducing’ Jeong Tae-eul to him and the scene of Tae-eul saying she doesn’t want to leave (by the obelisks) after one of their weekends are both hints that they will eventually get married.
Prince Buyeong and Jeong Tae-eul: to reach your fate is to reach your ‘destination’
Later in episode 15 after returning to Tae-eul Lee Gon remarks that even though time changed they still ended up in the same place. What does he need to do to change things? This refers partly to resolving the conflict against Lee Lim, but they are definitely also talking about their relationship as evident by how Tae-eul responds:
Jeong Tae-eul: The larger the fate, the more you need to walk to reach your destination.
Her word choice references Prince Buyeong’s indicating a connection. What can the connection be? Well, as we see later in the episode she decides to embrace her fate: to go after Lee Gon (for the purpose of reaching him i.e. embracing him as her fate). Lee Gon decides before everything goes down during the last Night of Treason that he will, if he survives, find (reach) her and go to her i.e. choosing her as his fate. He spends a year trying to reach her before succeeding. *To fulfill his fate as King he also needed to go far (back in time) to finally resolve the conflict with Lee Lim (I believe this was first pointed out by the bitchesoverdrama blog I’ve linked to below). This was however what Fate (the character/deity) tasked him with. His fate with Jeong Tae-eul is different and is something he and Tae-eul choose and create together. Plainly put, Prince Buyeong affirms the notion that we can create our own fates. That Lee Gon can do so, and we know from their discussion and his response that it is about whom he eventually marries. Meaning that even though Jeong Tae-eul is from another universe he can still marry her and that he does not have to fight fate to do so (there will be no danger of imbalance). At the end of Tae-eul’s character arc she chooses a life with Lee Gon. They have both embraced (created) their fates which they did by choosing and reaching each other. Lady Noh in episode 16 even hints (interesting to note that everything she prays for comes true - I was not the first to notice this but I cannot find who was) that they will probably get married next year by mentioning the Ancient Shrine*. Remember how it was first brought up by Lee Gon when Jeong Tae-eul asked him about the talisman in his wallet in episode two? This writer does a lot of great foreshadowing. 
Below I discuss the second flower scene, more about how the drama describes fate as your chosen person and share links to the meta I’ve referenced and other meta I would recommend. 
+ If you need more ‘proof’ that the fate which choose them is each other I would refer you to Tae-eul’s confession scene in episode eight. Her word choices are no coincidence. As she is looking directly at Lee Gon who is walking towards her she ponders about fate, which ends with her deciding to tell him that she loves him. Her inner monologue states that she has decided to love the fate which chose her. This fate is Lee Gon (as implied by the close-ups on his face as we are seeing him from her perspective since she’s thinking about him). 
Jeong Tae-eul: It took me a long time to realize this. When it’s fate, there are no coincidences. Your fate is determined by the choices you make, but there are times when your fate chooses you. 
Jeong Tae-eul: Things that are bound to happen are taking place even at this moment. I was struck by the sad premonition that this will be short-lived, but I decided to love my fate that choose me.
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We learn later in the drama that the reason Lee Gon grew up with that ID-badge is because he let his younger self take it. It was his choice (time is changeable in TKEM he didn’t have to leave it). And in her brilliant confession Tae-eul brings up how choice and fate intersects as she chooses to love him. Choosing him as her fate as he has already chosen her. If fate is determined by the choices you make what happens when someone chooses you as their fate? This is the question she ponders and Tae-eul decides that she chooses to love the fate that chose her. Later she embraces him as her fate fully, when she goes after him. Answering his underlying question during the drama: Could she chose a life with him/Marry him? The drama ends with them looking at each other as they state that they have decided to love the fate which chose them. 
The ‘second’ flower scene and the necklace (speculating more freely)
+ Remember the second flower scene and the necklace? Lee Gon asked her what flowers she likes (in episode 12) while telling her he will wear the suit on a glorious day while giving her flowers (foreshadowing a ‘proper’ wedding proposal). Tae-eul even chided him, somewhat jokingly, earlier for not dressing up for his earlier proposal. Jeong Tae-eul is terrified at this moment however because she fears that he will becomes the devastated and tragic figure of the episode 10 scene. So she tells him that she hates flowers and later states that she will wear his necklace on a glorious day (i.e. ”not today”). She is letting fear of what the future will bring interfere. Lee Gon notices that something is wrong, by how she acts and probably because Tae-eul hating flowers is not very believable in the light of her buying and planting the Kingdom flowers earlier. She overcomes her fear (choosing to be brave) and decides to go after him in episode 15 (putting on the necklace). So what happens in episode 16? She is wearing his necklace with the Kingdom insignia. After their reunion he brings forth his beautiful blue flowers and asks her, almost slightly scared (does he remind you of someone nervous about to propose or is that just me?), if she still hates flowers. He is scared that she will reject him. This because he doesn’t yet know about her going after him at the end of episode 15. Her response? Telling him that she actually loves them (i.e. that she would love a life with him i.e that she accepts his implied proposal). In the books this is explicitly a proposal from what I’ve been told (the subtext made text if you will). Why else would Lee Gon be worried after their reunion and after she has kissed him? This last paragraph is perhaps me speculating a bit more freely but I do believe I get the emotional core right. 
But what about Tae-eul removing her fingerprints from the product placement item in Lee Gon’s room? I hear you ask, because you are an observant and beautiful person ;). Honestly? Pretty sure that is a last-minute product placement scene thrown in because it was obligatory. It simply makes the point that the mask is of “royal” quality and common (available) in Tae-eul’s (=our) world. Slightly more seriously though at this point Lee Gon and Tae-eul are simply enjoying the present and dating, doing so without thinking about the future. I will say more on this in my next meta. Later in the CCTV-room we also have Lee Gon struggling/failing to remove the footage of him and Tae-eul, a line which hints that they will not be able to keep their secret forever. It is no coincidence that this scene and line comes directly after the aforementioned product placement scene. Lee Gon and Tae-eul might be chillin’, taking their time and not really even thinking about the future but Fate/FluteKid and Lady Noh is not having it (haha read the linked meta below for more on this).
Link to a brilliant meta explaining the Ancient Shrine, LG’s responsibility to produce an heir, how an interesting scene in episode four relates to all this and how Fate/FluteKid (I personally still believe the Kid is of the Manpasikjeok though) is interfering making sure that LG’s and JTE’s relationship will eventually result in marriage and in the next protector of the Manpasikjeok: https://bitchesoverdramas.com/2020/06/16/the-king-ep-16-the-happy-ending/
Another great meta, which I read after writing this, but would highly recommend. It has a great take on why Tae-eul is so adamant about the fact that she and Lee Gon should focus on the present. It brings up how it ties to her worry about the future: https://bebebisous33analyses.wordpress.com/2020/06/01/time-the-invisible-main-character-in-the-king-eternal-monarch/
In my next post I will address the question of imbalance, doppelgangers and why I believe the show ended as it did. I’m not looking to convince people who like the idea of an open ending I just want to show why I believe the drama hints at them eventually getting married.
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aspiestvmusings · 4 years
Here is my wish list for ZEP future season(s):
This is based on a list I posted on another site after the finale. I've just expenaded on it. And added more things to the list: 
One: Joan = CEO.  Zoey or Max = Joan’s job (Zoey = Joan & Max = Zoey OR Max = Joan). -- Because they gotta keep Max around on the 4th, since it’s workplace centered show. And he’s free & looking for a job & he has loved working there & has been for 5 years, but he doesn’t want his old job back as a coder. This would allow them to deal with this the best. Without casting anyone new, and having the main cast all together in scenes, while also creating new dynamics... Because Joan is the new CEO (cause DMD is gonna be away for 6-19 months, so Joan is possibly not gonna be around as much for a while... a storyline written because of the actresses LG’s filming schedule conflict). So it’s either gonna be that Zoey takes Joan’s job (and Max Zoey’s job) or Max takes Joan’s job (and Zoey remains in hers...cause she has too manhy things to deal with currently to handle the responsibility of Joan’s job)
Or as an alternate option: Max does continue on his own path, and part of his character development (and part of more backstory for him, and his growth) will be his new career path. And I hope it won’t be on the 6th floor/at some other SrpkPoint team, but that he’d go on and start his own business or something. That’d be interesting, and source for many storylines. 
Two: Abigail returning from Africa & getting that internshop at Sprk Point. Tobin + Abigail (since KT has said he wants Tobin to fall in love) -- I really want to see Abigail again. and they did set up the possibility of that in S1. Also... this would allow Howie to return, too (as her dad now, not as Mitch caregiver)
Three: Max & Mo friendship. More of that. Team M&M being there for Zoey...at this time of grieving. The only two people who know about her superpower (the only two she’s told...cause the MRI technician might be “on the know” too? The third person who knew is not physically there anymore) 
Four: Max’s new look: beard (and locks). See: Skylar Astin’s social media posts during quarantine for the visual of the look. I mean... if we already had Tobin, David & Simon... all have a beard or a shadow of a beard...in the shows Pilot, then how/why would they (read: the network/studio) not allow Max to have one? The network made the actor shave for the show/S1, but... times they are changing. And the new look would fit... perfectly into the storyline. I mean.. Max is unemplyed for now, staying at home (not going to the offfice, so no “reason” to shave). Plus he said it himself... he’s looking forward to trying new things..etc. So it would make sense storyline wise, too. 
Five: Max & Tobin friendship - exploring more of this. It’s one of the dynamics we haven’t seen much in S1. But both Tobin 2.0 & Max 2.0 are extra great, and they’d work well together. 
Six: Tobin’s squirrel! Can he bring his pet squirrel to work again, please? 
Seven: More Team SparkPoint! More scenes, more songs for, more interactions with, more backstory of other member of the Team (Tobin, Leif, and everyone else) I really need there to be more song for Tobin/Kapil. 
Eight: The Max & Zoey office pool: Tobin being in charge of the bet “when will they get together”. Since everyone knows that Max has had a crush on Zoey for the longest time, and they’ve seen her sing “I’m Yours” to him (and probably more)... it’s time for this storyline. Because there is definitely some betting been going on about Zoey/Max, and if/when they will be together. 
Nine: More backstory to all (side) characters: The Clarke’s (Maggie, Zoey, David, Emily), Mo, Tobin, Leif, Joan, Max... How/When they started to work at Sprk Point. Their family. Their “outside work” life. Their personal experiences with grief (Zoey & Simon may be the only ones who have lost their dads, but Joan is defintely not the only person Zoey knows who has lost someone close... and she/we are just not aware ogf it yet)
Ten: Max & Simon: Both men agreeing to take a step back & take themselves out of the competition in Zoey’s mind, letting her have her alone time & family time after the funeral. Zoey taking time to think, and reflect...on things. And then sitting down to talk with both men (either all three together, or with each separately), and telling them everything/the truth. Telling Max about her connection with Simon and what happened on her “anger phase day”. Telling Simon about her connection and history with her best friend, Max and what happened on the day when the bad moon rose. And then either choosing one of them...or...if they are all open to it...then they could all be in a poly relationship... In other words: honesty from all. And no love triangle, cause that doesn’t work or fit anymore after S1. ETA [Dec 11th]: Oh, well...we all knew this wish of mine wasn’t fully gonna come true in early S2. The “triangle” is still there & both continue with their “heart songs” apparently, but we got a bonus out of it all: the two men are “best buddies” now. That’s something at least...
Eleven: Exploring the Max & Zoey relationship (co-workers, friends, romantic couple) through the eyes of others/people around them: We’ve seen Simon, who was an outsider & didn’t know them much, notice the connection between Max & Zoey. We’ve seen him say that he’s noticed how close the two are, and it’s also noticable when they are spending less time together. He’s even asked if the two are/have been a couple. So... he’s been aware that there is more to Max & Zoey than she has told him. Cause she keeps telling him they’re just friends & he has no reason to be jealous..etc... when he can see/sense that there is/was more... (and it’s possible that had she been honest with him from the start, he’d not “come between the two”...though IDK). How others see them. 
Twelve: Zoey admitting to herself that she hasn’t been fair with the two men in her life. Telling both the truth. Being open about her real feelings..for each. Zoey being more open with her own feleings, not running away from deep emotions. Not being scared of “what if-s”. Taking her own advice...to not keep it all (the grief) inside her, and instead talk about it...with loved ones. Dealing with it. And looking at things from a new, different perspective. Going after her joy... and realizing it’s not as far as she thinks. Realizing that she can live and love again after her dad is gone. Zoey admitting to herself that she formed an emotional grief bond with Simon only/mainly/mostly because she had a crush on him and wanted him for his body. That that was her motivation. Cause that was why she was so eager to help him, and why she continued her emotional affair with him. 
THIS IS WHAT HAS TO HAPPEN...FOR ME TO “LIKE” THE MAIN CHARACTER. Until she claims it’s all due to the powers or grief & won’t accept it’s her own choices & doing, I’m not gonna be able to fully enjoy the storylines. She may be grieving, she may be “stressed out” due to the power and she may have a “hot mess” personality in general, but since for me none of it is logical & I see her behaviours and all as irrational & controversial, I can’t “get” the character. To me her behaviour and all don't match up (and s much as I try convincing myself it’s cause of grief or powers or...) I cannot convince myself that those explain it. Hence she seems “OOC” to me... back & forth, all depending too much on the seasons set up (things happen in premiere, for sweeps, for finale... cause there have to be twists then, so even if they don’t add up or aren’t logical, they happen...) 
As Maggie put it, when Zoey lashed out on Howie: “We do not talk to people like that.” AND as Mo out it “don’t blame it on the power, this one’s all on you”. Meaning... she cannot claim that all of it is due to her grief or powers. And  personally need her to stop being in denial & claiming it’s “due to grief/powers”, when its been made clear she’s aware she is actually just trying to stay in denial.... 
Thirteen: Zoey + therapy & Simon + therapy: both taking time to properly grieve, and heal. And acknowledge their mistakes: Simon (emotionally) cheating on Jessica (he may not be a bad person, but he did a “bad thing”). Zoey leading both men along and being dishonest.
Fourteen: Maggie going back to work, continuing her landscape/floral business...without Mitch. But shell need someone to help her. The perfect candidate would be Autumn. She loves all things nature! Also...any excuse to have her (Stephanie) back. 
Fifteen: Paul (the family friend, who we saw in 1x06 & 1x12) being back. He’s the most likely candidate for a possibly romantic storyline for Maggie. IF they decide to write one. (and we all know TV shows like to write all that)
Sixteen: Mitch still being there... even if he’s not. In their dreams. In flashbacks. In Zoey-ality...singing to her. Any excuse to have Micth (Peter) back...as much as possible. And the “Mitch effect”: how he’s shaped everyone (Maggie, Zoey, David, Emily, Max...) who knew him... his “ideas” living on through them. Big Moments... 
Seventeen: Baby Mitch [cause, let’s be real, David & Emily are gonna name their baby boy after his grandpa...in some way or form)! David & Emily as parents. David as a father... even if he’s had doubts about himself as a dad [the whole “I dont think I’m manly enough” plot they did] 
Eighteen: Aunt Zoey -- Zoey as an aunt to “baby Mitch”. David & Emily asking Zoey & Max to be the babies godparents (they would...cause he’s like a family, and they have no idea about any of the triangle drama...probably). Zoey babysitting baby Mitch. Zoey & Max babysitting baby Mitch. Cause let’s face it - they would  not let Zoey do it alone - she’d be too anxious/nervous... #classictrope
Nineteen: Throwbacks to: The day that Max & Zoey met..5 years ago..a the company orientation day, and to other big moments in their friendship (how the movie nights started...). Leif’s first day...which was 7 years ago... sao hes been there longer. The day Max met Zoeys family, and seeing many of the moments they had together (any excuse to have Micth/Peter back) - the holidays, the summer barbeques...  and how everyone knew about Maxs feelings for Zoey. 
Twenty: More Zoey/Mo friendship. And more about her other neighours. Maybe her shy downstairs neighbour is ready for that moonwatching adventure on the roof? Speaking of which...can we get some astronomy/math storylines (backstory and expansion of Zoey’s interests - how it started, what she’s doing now...)
Twenty-One:  More singing & dancing...in whatever form. In Zoey’ality/Zoeys head, in dreams, in the form of karaoke or flash mobs. And one thing’s for sure... we need Zoey to SING...for real...to Max..once she’s made up her mind and chooses him. Whether it’s a flash mob, or karaoke..or just... “serenading” him... but she is her fathers daughter, and to parallel Max’s flash mob love confession & honouring her dad’s love for big moments, bigger memories...her “confession” should also be in the form of song...and dance.
Twenty-Two:  More people finding out about the power...though I don’t really see her “trusting” this secret to anyone but the people she already has told. Except for, maybe, her mom. It could help her if she’d know that Mitch communicated with her/them in a way...during his last months. And maybe she’d tell Joan. But... I actually do not see her telling Simon... even if they do make her choose him for now...cause she’ll make bad choices due to being a grieving mess. And unlike with her best friend, where she can request any feelings/heart song..or none at all... I don’t see her doing the same with her office crush, so any possible make out session will be ruined...as now it seems he is emotionally available, and “likes her back”, so he’s about to sing to her...during such moments. Yet...if they do get closer and she doesn’t tell him... that alone will drive them apart..the secret(s). And yet...if she will tell him...then I do not see a scenario where he will be okay with it, and as chill as Mo, or even as mildly chill as Max was. Because his entire belief in them is based on his belief that she has this natural connection with him...when in fact she’s using a CHIRP style device that helps her read his mind/heart. And unlike others, I do not see the possibility of him being chill or OK with her power, and her not telling him.
Twenty-Three:  CHIRP vs ZOEYALITY...the parallels between the superpower & the new tech/gadget
Written: over summer 2020 & updated with a few ETAs: Dec 11th, 2020
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skippyv20 · 5 years
MM Anon
MM ANON …… game,set and lies…… “ that royal DR conversation actually took place “……… game, set And Siberia …… William isn’t enamoured …… “Bare legs, ever ready Rachel “🤣🤣🤣🤣………”So-Ho hook-up?? really”……… “the RPO HAS to keep quiet!!! …… “ a scandal to far old thing “…… “ pray it stays!!”…… “extra protection , NO , let her pay!!”……… “ her little friends ‘ it’s a called a sleepover William “ …… “Yes,Edward and Sophie “…… “wheels up ma’am ,… thank god LG
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
November 10/2019 Riddle #111 1320 hrs CST
May I first say how gorgeous HMTQ, Catherine, Sophie all of them, the boys in their dress uniforms, amazing! Tears from HMTQ we’re for a multitude of reasons and to see Catherine lean in , l assume to ask if she was alright was the most amazing photo!
game,set and lies
Game, set, lies, in tennis it’s game set, match. Everything throughout this entire ordeal with this woman has been a game and full of lies. I do not think she would know what truth is, if she spoke it or lived it she might self-combust!
“ that royal DR conversation actually took place “
DR could be dining room, Doris Ragland, Divorce rules, . A royal conversation could mean a heated conversation or quite literally involving royalty. I know last Christmas there were rumours that Doria Ragland was invited to Sandringham for Christmas, but she did not attend. Then it was put down as gossip. Is this what MM ANON is referring to? But why now? 
game, set And Siberia 
Games on the balcony, remember TTC??? Well madam was on a separate balcony at the Foreign and Commonwealth Trade building today called the Siberian balcony. Actually quite funny, but not. In Russia, or the previous USSR, people who were unliked for various reasons, protesting or various other political reasons were sent to the gulags in Siberia. It’s the harshest, coldest environment. So appropriate that symbolically, HMTQ ha her be on the Siberian balcony!
William isn’t enamoured 
What is this regarding the sleepover that Princess Charlotte wants? It’s not next to that clue, so l think it’s something else.
Well he obviously has never been enamoured with madam, does he have concerns about how she left? This clue confuses me in that there are so many possibles. Maybe he thinks madam should have flown commercial, but the private jet was part of the negotiation to get rid of her. 
“Bare legs, ever ready Rachel “🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wore boots on Thursday even though she was told to wear tights/pantyhose. Naked legs at the dress evening last night and l am assuming a repeat today. Continues her big finger up to HMTQ. Why be different now?
”So-Ho hook-up?? really “the RPO HAS to keep quiet!!! …… “ a scandal to far old thing ““ pray it stays!!”
My goodness who did she hook up with? The RPO knows, saw all and must be kept quiet. Must be something huge if it’s a scandal too far and must be kept quiet. Good heavens, might explain where her new clothes have come from. Whoever she hooked up with, must be very wealthy, famous and something that must be kept quiet! Wow madam never misses a chance to sin does she? I am not going to say who l think it might be but l certainly have a very strong suspicion!
“extra protection , NO , let her pay!!”
No protection, she can pay for her own after the ceremonies today. No RPO to go with her to America. She will have to look after herself but l am quite certain she already has that handled. Wild cats like her know how to scrape and scratch for what they want. HMTQ is very clear in what she is saying, refusing extra protection and that she can pay for any regular protection out there in the big bad world. 
“ her little friends ‘ it’s a called a sleepover William “ 
Sounds like little Princess Charlotte and her friends are keen to have a sleepover! Oh those were such fun! I would love to be a fly on the wall. I know how my six year old niece runs her family🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. Little girls with strong personalities have a way of doing that. I love it!!
“Yes,Edward and Sophie “…… “wheels up ma’am ,… thank god LG
Countess Sophie was previously scheduled to visit New York and Toronto this week, solo. Now l wonder if Edward will fly with her and madam will be supervised by them to make sure she deplanes in New York! What a rude awakening that will be. No security, on her own, unless whoever the nig wig she hooked up with at SoHo is footing her bills. Madam is very adept at that. Wheels up, means the jet has taken off. SHE IS GONE!!! Thank God LG, HMTQ very relieved. 
Now l picture, the family, in their own ways celebrating that this day has finally come! HMTQ and PP, we look in, again we see, the 🔥 blazing, warm and crackling, the scent and feel of the flames instant comfort. Lovely evening dress, pondering the memories revisited today, intertwined with the hell of the war with madam and her backers. Suddenly cream caramel for two arrives along with special cocktails 🍸. They toast one another to have survival yet another war. 🥂 Cheers to you both! God bless you both.
November 10/2019 1415 hrs CST
I thought this day would never come. Congratulations and a million thanks to LG and his team!!
Thank you dear PG....I wonder when the articles coming out will start saying she is in the US?  Or will she continue to play...gaslighting is her favourite PR strategy....but we know...she is gone.  Thank you PG great job....always appreciated...🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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Long Distance Relationships
So you want to know more about long distance relationships...
Well, for starters, they’re not easy. They take a lot of work, diligence, time commitments, compromising, and patience. They test you in many ways, and sometimes leave you feeling alone even though you have someone.
Long distance relationships are not for everyone, and they certainly are not something to toy with, because a partners feelings are on the line. Take me and Princess for example: Princess needs that one on one relationship, the closeness, the physical touch, the sexual release of being a submissive for a dom in person. However she is also willing to make a several hour drive to see her partner, no matter the circumstances.
Baby on the other hand, is willing to have a long distance relationship (or in her current situation a long distance queer-platonic relationship), and work with her dom in order to have that bond even though the distance does not always physical meetings.
How do I know a long distance relationship is right for me, then?
Answer me this:
Are you fully prepared to go months, or maybe even a year or more without physically being near your partner?
Can you handle when they are unavailable, that you can’t always talk to them?
Do you have the time, or are you willing to make time even if your day is absolutely overflowing with tasks, to talk to them and love them and encourage them?
Do you have the discipline to save money for gas, plane tickets, and hotel rooms just to see them for a few hours or if you’re lucky a few days?
Can you go long amounts of time and remain loyal to them emotionally, mentally, physically, and sexually?
Are you able to handle not being able to touch them, hold their hand, kiss their lips, play with their hair, and overall do what every other couple does?
I think I can do all those things... So what do I do?
You have a few options depending on your current situation. Maybe you’re talking to a potential dom, and you want to test the waters. Maybe you’re a single sub and you want to be actively searching. Maybe you want to be involved in the community and not worry about it. Regardless, here are a few tips for any circumstance you may be in.
1. I’m single, I like it, I just want to freely express my kinky side.
Wonderful! You know what you want and there’s a simple answer to this:
Munches. Play parties. Teaching opportunities.
Basically, there’s a website called Fetlife that has an “Events” page that shows any and all kinky events in your area. Looking for a rope class? They’ve got the link. Maybe you want to play? There’s the info on Fet. A casual pizza place munch? You bet!
By getting out into your local community, you can build up your knowledge and express yourself freely, without worrying about a commitment.
2. I want to be actively searching for a dom, but like, how??
Have no fear, Baby is here! I’ve used essentially the majority of platforms available to us kinksters to seek out true doms who want to have a great relationship with a sub. You name it, I’ve tried it: Tinder, Fet, Tumblr matchmaking blogs, straight up following doms and trying to court them (sorry GPD lolz).
Here are my tried and true reviews:
Tinder: Listen, you’re literally gonna get like 500+ fuckboys. That’s what Tinder is for. HOWEVER!! I have a hack to weed through them. Simply put a point of outside contact that isn’t your phone number (and a platform where you can block people). I use kik, so I simply put my kik username in my bio. If they’re really looking at each person individually, they’ll contact you. Most of the guys I get are total douchebags, yes, but don’t be afraid of that block button.
But, I did find Daddy through kik. He messaged me by chance when I wasn’t even looking for a dom, and we clicked, and a whole year later here we are still in a healthy cg/l dynamic with each other.
Fetlife: Basically Tinder for guys who want to be called “daddy”. You’re gonna get weirder dudes on here, but you have a bit higher of a chance to find a suitable dom. Princess found the dom she is in a dynamic with through Fet, then Tinder, then Bumble, and now they’re officially a thing.
Tumblr Matchmaking Blogs: STAY FAR AWAY FROM THESE!! The only good thing that comes from these blogs is there’s a bunch of pedophiles in one place to automatically report and block. There might be one or two diamonds in the rough, but trust me it’s not worth it. It’s mostly underage children and creepy old dudes. Just report the blogs and move on.
Tumblr Dom Blogs: These can be good, if you’re able to identify the real ones from the fake ones. A ton of “dominants” run these, and very few are actually in the community with good intentions. I’ve been looking for 3 years and I’ve only found a handful of good blogs ( @mistersbeard​ / @lovemysub​ are my favorites because they’re educational and fun). So, I mean, you can talk to doms on Tumblr, sure, but be careful and know how to identify them first.
Most Importantly: DO. NOT. GO. LOOKING. FOR. A. DOM. IF. YOU’RE. A. NEW. SUB.
I cannot stress this enough, and if you’re like me you’ll be like “lolz, literally nothing will happen, I’m a smart cookie, I can handle-” No. Seriously, this spells trouble and it will leave you a hurt little subby in the end. Learn, grow, gain experience in a safe environment, don’t think the BDSM porn is accurate (it’s not), practice consent, use safewords, and above all don’t rush into anything. A d/s relationship takes time and energy, put in a ton of both before even calling anything a relationship.
3. I have someone I’m considering to be my dom, but I don’t know how to approach it.
Something I learned that has saved me a ton of grief, is to use the consideration phase to your advantage. Essentially, don’t commit, but play into the dynamic between the person you’re considering.
Let’s say you need some help drinking more water. Talk to the dom you’re interested in about introducing a rule to better yourself. Discuss every detail of it. How much water? How many times a day? What if you don’t meet the quota? What if you break the rule and have coffee? Etc. Etc. Etc. Establish a couple low level punishments if that’s your thing. Then when you’re both comfortable, add another rule, add some rewards, add some more dynamics.
When you both feel like you want to commit a couple months, or even years, later, go for it.
A consideration phase makes everything less stressful. There’s no full submission yet unless you choose it. It’s all in your control, which it always should be, and you can shut it all down with the snap of a finger if you don’t feel comfortable.
The most important unspoken rules of LDR’s:
1. Make time for one another. Don’t send just a couple quick texts a day, a goodnight video, and call it good. Actually make time, even if you’re walking the dog or making dinner, to share little tidbits and make it feel like you’re together.
2. Send everything! Pictures, videos, emojis, gifs, stickers. Send a letter, and email, video chat, plan a day trip (if the proximity allows). Send them things that remind you of them. Discuss big things, small things, and in-between things. Make each other feel like you’re right there, but also maintain the responsibility you have to maintain.
3. Things can be sexual, or not, it’s your control. Feeling pressured to send some tit pics? Stand your ground and refuse. Feeling frisky and want to play? Discuss it and see if you can both do so/are comfortable.
4. It’s hard. Like, really hard. You love this other being so much and you just want to be near them and give them the world and that’s not always possible. But cherish every little second you get to spend with them, in person or online.
5. Be patient, and appreciate everything you give and receive. What you have is special, and it should be treated as such. It’s not everyday that you build a unique bond with someone.
Finally, a word from Daddy A:
It strengthens the emotional and mental sides greatly, but the lack of contact does suck. Essentially, a sub can be with another dominant to fulfill that, if their main is alright with it, but it goes beyond sexual release, as some may assume when looking at any format of bdsm.
The LG/DD dynamic has a bigger focus on protection and comfort by and large. We wish for our submissives to be perfectly fine with us, and thus, give us their submission. In turn, we provide the support, the nurturing and protection they desire.
Sexuality isn't inherently a part of the dynamic, but once you've become so familiar with someone, it's hard to separate into something more casual. You don't want to be spanked, you want to be spanked by your dominant.
How I see it, the distance definitely makes the bond so much stronger, leading to when you finally meet in person being a grand thing. However, it does not mean it's for everyone. You gotta be ready for the stretches of time, the worry, the anxiety and personal issues. Patience is big and openness is necessary.
On top of that, when you do possibly meet, be ready for it to not be a scene right away. Sometimes it'll just be grabbing lunch, maybe something tame where you aren't always in the head space. But, sometimes that's enough; just that, whatever it is, is what you both need to reassure that it's real and can grow. It won't be a sexual release, but both can breathe easier.
Expectations have to be tempered. Maybe you don't have a private place, maybe someone is nervous.
Even without it being a scene, the two could be huge dorks and walk past each other at a theme park despite dying to be beside the other.
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Don’t really have much to say about Sharp Objects (it’s good but that’s all I‘ve got lol) but I’ve been moving on through my tgw rewatch and I want to talk about tgw with someone! So I was wondering what are your favorite relationships (romantic and otherwise) on the show? What’s your favorite season? What’s your biggest praise for the show and your biggest criticism?
Don’treally have much to say about Sharp Objects (it’s good but that’s all I‘ve gotlol) but I’ve been moving on through my tgw rewatch and I want to talk abouttgw with someone! So I was wondering what are your favorite relationships(romantic and otherwise) on the show? What’s your favorite season? What’s yourbiggest praise for the show and your biggest criticism?
So before I get in to my (very delayed) reply, just want tomake sure that all my followers are aware of @hermione-mak-gilmore‘s awesome TGW rewatch posts,which you can find here.
My thoughts, rambling and not proofread as ever, are under the cut. 
Romantic: Diane and Kurt and no others. Okay, that’s a lie.I think TGW had a lot of compelling and well-developed romantic relationships,even if Diane/Kurt is the only pairing I would say I ship. If I expand my thinking to include romantic relationshipsthat were written well enough to elicit strong feelings and many, manythoughts, I have to mention both Alicia/Will and Alicia/Peter. Just look at thelayers in Will’s Decision Treesequence, or the subtle shifts in their relationship over the years, or theconflicting feelings of season three, or (oh my goodness) any of Alicia’sthoughts after Will’s death (excluding season 7 because season 7 doesn’t dothem justice lol). And for Alicia/Peter, every time the two of them discusstheir family or politics, I see why they’re drawn to each other, and every timethey fight, I see just how much history and baggage they have.
Not romantic: Alicia and Cary’s always underdevelopedpartnership, Alicia and Diane’s complicated friendship (and the power dynamics!And the paranoia!), Alicia and Eli’s mutual respect that turned into afriendship, Alicia and Kalinda (don’t get me started), Cary and Clarke’sfriendship, Diane and Cary (they’re so alike but never seem to be able to workwell together!), DIANE AND WILL’S PARTNERSHIP (that one gets to be in allcaps), Diane and Kalinda (I don’t think we ever got enough of them together),Eli and Peter, Kalinda and Will, Kalinda and Robyn, and probably every othercombination of characters.
Favorite Season:
My personal favorite season is probably season six but I’llbe the first to admit it’s not the best season (and that it is in factinfuriatingly terrible at many points). Instead of ranking the seasons I’mgoing to make a pro/con list for each of them…
Season 1:
Pros: Everythingis so simple yet effective! I love, love, love the structure and pacing of theseason (Alicia/Cary’s competition). The small moments are priceless, and everycharacter’s personality (especially Alicia’s) is well-established. And when Ilook back at season one, I can see all of the groundwork being laid for thetone/humor/style that’s become TGW’s signature.
Cons: It feelslike a first season. If this aired today and not in 2009, I’m not sure I would’vecut some weak early episodes as much slack as I did when I first watched. ThePilot is great (clichéd at times, but great) but it’s not until, what, episode14? That the show finds its footing. That’s a lot of time to invest in a showthat’s a mixed bag. There are lots of weak episodes (Unorthodox, I’m looking at you) and storylines (Peter’s retrial andall the conspiracy surrounding it).
Season 2:
Pros: Season 2contains Nine Hours, which is stillone of the best hours of TGW, as well as HamSandwich and that run of episodes from InSickness to Closing Arguments. Ifseason 2 were just its best episodes, it would easily be one of my favoriteseasons. But…
Cons: It alsocontains a bunch of filler episodes I can barely remember, a few too manypolitical plots about viral videos, and the nonsense that was Blake Calamar(and that never-ending hotel scene in NetWorth). Oh, and I’m here for the drama but Peter never slept with Kalindalol nope I don’t buy it.
Season 3:
Pros: It has somereally great standalone episodes.
Cons: It has somereally terrible episodes and subplots. Alicia’s wig. A general lack ofdirection that makes even enjoyable subplots seem meaningless and distracting.
Season 4:
Pros: Everythingfrom The Seven Day Rule to What’s in the Box? is some of thestrongest material ever on the show. The introduction of memory pops!
Cons: Beginning ofKalicia ban, NICK SAVARESE’S EXISTENCE, Mandy Post Idiot Reporter (yes she getsa mention), deeply boring cases and plots in the first half of the season, someweird stuff for the Florrick kids.
Season 5:
Pros: HITTING THEFAN. THE DECISION TREE. A FEW WORDS. DRAMATICS, YOUR HONOR. THE LAST CALL. Idon’t think any other season has as many pivotal, perfect episodes. And seasonfive has the strongest structure of any season (season one is a close second)with its five episode arcs that make you forget the bad, slow episodes becausethere’s always a great, dramatic episode in the near future. Season five makesthe most of four seasons of worldbuilding. It’s smart and exciting and dramaticand it still feels like almost everything is motivated by character developmentrather than a need for plot (see: office politics in the later seasons, or howclumsily Bond is introduced at the beginning of season two). Also thescore!!!!! Season five is the year the score becomes truly incredible.
Cons: Some of theseason five episodes are weak, y’all.We, The Juries is terrible, and thatepisode and Goliath and David were acomplete waste of time (but we got Thicky Trick out of the latter so it canstay). Most of the episodes that aren’t the big ones are similarly weak. TheKalicia ban continues, and unlike in season four, Kalinda’s material reallysuffers as a result. It feels like she has a nude scene in most episodes. Andthen the last run of episodes in the season has its moments, but most of it isjust… directionless and not very good. You can tell the writers were building to 5x15 and then had to scramble tofind new directions in its aftermath.
Season 6:
Pros: The writers’dedication to exploring Alicia’s journey and how she’s changed over the years.The beginnings of the Cary arc. Some good material for Kalinda (and some badmaterial but I’ll get to that). Prady is a perfect opponent for Alicia. Johnnyis a great addition to the cast. Some really great Alicia/Peter moments andfights.
Cons: The Debate. The separation of the leads,which probably happened because of (ugh) the Kalicia ban (UGH). Not only arethe leads separate from each other, they’re separate in glaring ways. It’s notsimply that Alicia’s off running a campaign (a very good reason she might notbe interacting with Kalinda day to day)… it’s that Alicia’s running a campaignbut her law partners have no opinions about it, until they suddenly do, butthen they suddenly don’t again. How am I supposed to be invested in interpersonaldrama when they aren’t laying groundwork? Season five used up so much of thegroundwork laid previously that the show needed to take a minute to reset andplay out its new conflicts before rushing into more dramatic storylines.Instead… Diane’s at the firm now, Alicia’s running for SA, Cary’s in jail, and thefirm’s somehow back at LG (and somehow hasbecome LG by the end of the season). I don’t think season six contains manybad ideas, it just doesn’t juggle its ideas well. A better version of seasonsix wouldn’t just give us great Alicia episodes, it would use conflicts at theoffice and the way the other characters view Alicia’s campaign to add another layer.I personally didn’t have any trouble figuring out why Alicia was running for SAbut I know that’s been a top objection to s6, and I understand where it comesfrom. A better arc—one that forced Alicia to explain her motivations to othersand devoted more time to Alicia developing policies and meeting voters andvolunteers—would’ve given me more of the character development I love and helped to make the arc succeed forothers.
Season 7:
Pros: Lucca Quinn.
Cons: Everythingthat is not Lucca Quinn. But seriously: there are a few things other than LuccaI like (the first few episodes where it seems like the writers are slowing downand re-establishing a status quo, Driven,Alicia’s breakdown in Judged, Party, the idea of ending the show witha slap, and the song “Better”), but mostly, I don’t like season 7 at all. Peterrunning for President is flat-out stupid, and an unforced error. Alicia’s wigSUCKS. Diane and Cary are off in silly plots until Alicia and Lucca(illogically, because of an uncharacteristically stupid thing Alicia does!)somehow wind up back at LG (or LAL, whatever, it’s LG). Ghost Will in thefinale is… not good (use Josh Charles, I don’t care, but bringing back Will inthat particular way is just fanservice). Peter’s trial at the end of the showis convoluted and I’m pretty sure the story changes from episode to episode.There are also some unnecessarily ridiculous reveals, like Peter sleeping withGeneva (no) and Kurt sleeping with Holly (very no). But my biggest problem withthe Peter-trial-arc is that it’s a repeat of the emotional beats from the endof season six. Season seven should not undo all of season six just so it can (poorly)attempt to do it over again. After seven seasons, it comes down to… Aliciabeing devastated over the voicemail (UGH) and Peter doing something sketchythat forces Alicia to play Good Wife again? Really? It’s like the writers chosethe easiest paths for creating drama (voicemail) and demonstrating growth (then/nowcontrasts). I don’t blame the writers, though, for how bad season seven is. It’sbecome increasingly apparent to me that CBS was fucking around with the show inseason seven: they rushed BrainDead to air like a month after TGW ended, whichmeant the Kings were probably spending most of their time staffing/writingBrainDead while they were working on s7 (they only wrote two episodes—the premiereand the finale). And as if that wasn’t enough, I didn’t believe it at the time,but I truly think CBS was hoping to renew the show for a Kings-less seasoneight. If that’s the case, then it makes sense that season 7 couldn’t take manyrisks and would have to get back to being a fun, simple workplace proceduralwhere all the characters worked at the same firm. So by the time the writerslearned the show was actually in its final season—despite the fact they’d beenplanning on seven seasons for years!!—it was too late to do anything other thantack on a rushed and repetitive arc to close out the show.
Biggest Praise(s):
·        ALICIA FLORRICK. I love Alicia more than I’veever loved any fictional character. That’s partially because of what she’s likeand largely because of how well, and consistently, she’s written.
·        A commitment to being realistic. I’m not sayingeverything the show’s ever done is realistic, but the writers were clearlyalways interested in creating realistic characters who lived in a realisticworld. I appreciated that the show acknowledged systemic, structural problems(within politics, criminal justice, workplaces, etc) and that it was alwaysaware of prevalent stereotypes and the importance of appearances. I think thatwhen people look back on TGW, it’ll be seen as one of the most accuraterepresentations of what the world was like in 2009-2016.
·        Casting, costuming, set decoration, and scoring.
·        Memory pops!
Biggest Criticisms:
When I rewatched season three (between seasons five and six)I said there were three main problems with the show that were especiallyapparent in season three. I’ll say them again here, and add one more.
·        Sprawl: Sometimes the show tries to do too much andit simply doesn’t have the bandwidth.
·        Bad pacing: 22 episodes is a lot. Oftentimes itfeels like the writers write BIG EPISODES and filler episodes, with no middleground. If the filler episodes were instead build-up episodes, the big episodeswould be even better and there’d be less filler.
·        Loss of focus on Alicia: When the show focuseson its central character, it’s less likely to turn into a sprawling,poorly-paced mess. My thinking is that if the writers focused more on Alicia,they’d have to be more deliberate about how they write the characters aroundher (to make the most of their screentime and establish their wants and beliefsso their interactions with Alicia are as meaningful as possible).
·        Since I came up with the criticisms above, theshow’s aired two full seasons since my original post (and I think I came upwith these criticisms before I even made that post), plus two full seasons of aspin-off, AND I STILL HAVE THE SAME DAMN PROBLEMS.  
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druidcore · 6 years
nsfw alphabet and split it up between all of our muses because... stealing your words... IDC DO IT DANI
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Tessa I can imagine being super snuggly after sex. Running her finger down Ford’s chest, sighing contentedly like a happy little kitten. She stretches out, burrows down into the bed and will stroke Ford all over. Her hands will grip his biceps and rub all the way down to his hands and up again, while she hums. 
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
April’s favorite body part for herself is actually her stomach. She’s spent hours before in front of her mirror running her hands over her taut skin, admiring the way her ribs don’t protrude, but expand like wings wrapped around her heart. She deeply romanticizes forgotten ares of her body showing them the love that the rest of her body gets without prompting, but her stomach is her favorite one. She intends to preserve it forever. 
On Dominic, her favorite body part is his back. It’s corded with muscle speaking of years and years of dedicated work and labor. She daydreams daily of kissing him there, an inch above his jeans all the way to the nape of his neck. Her fingers itch to knead into his skin, working out all the tension and stress knotted there. His back is magnificent. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
One of Rhiannon’s dirtiest fantasies is to have not one –– but multiple people cum on her face. There’s something to the act, a little degrading and a little rewarding which pleases her. To be an object of desire that not just one but two (or even three) guys are obsessed with is something that has always fascinated her. She’s never admitted it to anyone though, out of partial shame and fear that she’ll be ridiculed or slut-shamed for it. Opinions on the matter tend to vary, and if she’d ever do it, she’d want to do it with people that wouldn’t make her feel dirty (in a bad way) for it. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Penelope once masturbated in the Quidditch stands. She was one of the only people there –– it was a cold day out –– and the Slytherin team was likely practicing and she was trying to study, but the more she watched them practice, the more she got the urge to do something a little… dirty. And before she knew it, her fingers were her down her skirt, behind her books. She came once and instantly stopped. The whole experience was incredible, but extremely nerve-wracking and she never did anything of the like again. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Safe to say Mandy’s got little to no experience. The first boyfriend she had tried to pressure her into sex and she didn’t want to and ended up running out of his house. The most they did was over the top petting and he made her stroke him and she hated it because he kept pointing out everything she was doing wrong, and it was all just too much too fast. And then her next boyfriend was a kid from her mom’s Church, and she set them up, and when Mandy was making out with him and actually wanted to jerk him off, he shamed her and made her feel dirty. Her relationships since have been with guys who make out with her and bring her to family events and stuff, but she always gets cheated on with other girls “willing to put out”. Because she’s from a small town there’s word around that she’s a goody goody among the school kids and then that she’s promiscuous among the church kids. Either way, no one is giving her any, so she hasn’t had chances to explore what she likes or not. 
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Ronan’s favorite position is actually simple missionary –– he likes to see a woman’s pleasure on her face as he’s, ahem, giving it to her. And honestly, what woman would protest that? Having him above with a hand braced on the wall, driving into her? It’s been nothing than successful so far. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Zahra is definitely kinda goofy. She likes to make her partners feel comfortable and will probably like laugh and smile a lot during sex, which sometimes intimidated some of her ex boyfriends because they weren’t secure in their confidence as a result of hers. She likes having fun, wild sex and trying new things and sometimes kind of embarrassing incidents occur and sometimes you just have to laugh them off and she’s great at that. 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Before the whole apocalypse started, Willa occasionally shaved down there when she had to –– for bikini season and for swimming classes. But after, obviously things sort of took a turn. Razors weren’t really one of the most important things to stock-pile or focus on, so that… kind of took a backseat to bigger and more important things. Still, when her and JP started sleeping together, she put an effort into finding a pair of scissors at at least trimming a little when things got too wild. She’s not too bothered about the situation down there though, she’s never been too hairy, and honestly if he can’t deal with her body hair during the zombie apocalypse, there’s no way they’re ever going to make it out of it. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Nesrin has a hard time being intimate, if she thinks about it. Her favorite sex positions are reverse cow-girl and doggy, just because that level of eye contact and kissing during sex are so... intense and she never knows how to handle it. She’s never really had sex with someone she was in love with, and whether she knows it or not, it’s like she’s subconsciously waiting to be fully intimate (and romantic) with someone she does genuinely have feelings for. Malcolm, probably, would be the first. Uh oh. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Fallon can never get herself off. It’s just one of those things where it’s unsatisfying and she’s always left more frustrated after than before. She can’t manage to get out of her head –– she needs to be firmly planted in the moment to really get off. Her inability to do so leaves her feeling discontent and insecure. She’s tried –– believe her, but at a certain point she sort of just gave up and hasn’t bothered to keep trying. Now she only orgasms when someone (Graham) gives her one. 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Mera’s definitely got a huge daddy kink and is always interested in a lg/dd type relationship. She wants to be pampered in every aspect of life and being “daddy’s little princess” is something that highly appeals to her. Her dating history has always landed her with attractive but trifling and broke men and so she needs someone sturdy and reliable, but still a little wild and sexy (and preferably rich lmao) to lay it down good, and spoil her with goodies and love and lots of sex.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Dana’s favorite places to “do the do” are pretty wild, as compared to the usual bed, bathroom, etc. She likes doing it in wide open spaces. Her biggest fantasy is to do it in big palace courtyard or something of the sort. Other places that rank up there are rooftops (element of danger there, obviously) and her high-school basketball court (the acoustics in that thing are phenomenal okay??). 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
There’s just something about sexting in plain view which gets Lauren wet like no other. When her and Josh are on opposite ends of the counter, looking so innocent as they wait for new customers in silence, but being so absolutely filthy in reality, she sometimes feels like she could hop onto the counter and ask him to have sex right there and then. 
And the way his arms flex whenever he does anything flexible is also an incredible turn on. He’s got strong arms, and large palms. She finds herself daydreaming about their imprint on her ass more often than not. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Taylor’s absolute biggest no-no is anything to do with bodily fluids separate from cum. No golden showers, none of that. Despite being pretty nasty in bed, this is the one thing she’ll be super judgemental about and easily disgusted by, not only because personal hygiene is important to her, but because she also thinks it spawns terrible expectations and ideas in people’s minds. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Wes likes to receive more –– but that’s just because he’s so used to giving in all other aspects of his life, that getting feels like a huge gift to him? I feel like he really savors and appreciates every single blowjob he ever gets. As for his own skill in giving, his first girlfriend was older than him and boy did teach him him well. 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Cassia is as #romantic #aesthetic sex as it gets. I’m talking like, candles and having slow sex in the moonlight. It’s hips writhing like the slow roll of the ocean waves and the drawn-out rise and plunge of herself on his length. It’s the complete opposite of frenzied. It’s intense, and yes, incredibly sensual. It’s a stimulation all over the body, everywhere they touch. 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
It depends on the person she’s with, when it comes to Aislinn. She’s come to hate them with her boyfriend, because it feels impersonal and almost disrespectful, but she has a feeling that might not be the case with Jax, because he actually pays her pleasure attention. 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Parker’s kind of wild tbh. He’s experimented a lot. He love love loves rectal stimulation and is always down to try new things, including but not limited to: threesomes, sex parties, sex swings, swinging… Anything along those lines he’s always ready to try at least once. His mantra happens to be: try it once, and if you don’t like it try it again just to make sure. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Justine is kind of-kind of not a virgin. There’s never been time to lose her virginity to someone, as in have sex, but she has broken her hymen before using –– yes, you guessed it –– a hairbrush. It hurt a lot and she had to weather it herself, but it hasn’t scared her off sex. She just hasn’t had time to have a boyfriend or anything, but she’s eager to actually have sex for the first time, especially since she won’t have to deal with the pesky issue of losing her virginity to someone who’ll blunder through it. She wants someone experienced who will take care of her right. But again, where even is the time? 
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Tessa has tons, tons, tons of toys. In her line of work she prided herself on not having to sleep with anyone, but since a) not many of her past boyfriends had ever been adept at finding her G spot (or her clit) and b) she’s sometimes had to go through long dry spells without sex, she’s built up quite a nice little collection of toys. She tends to prefer dildos to vibrators because most brands tickle her too much, even though dildos are more work. Her favorite one is a waterproof clear silicone one that she saves just for when she wants to take a bath or shower –– which is, for some reason, her favorite place to masturbate. Something about the steam and the atmosphere. 
She’s proud of her toys, and even when she’s in a relationship with Ford, she won’t throw them away. They’re her babies –– in fact, she might even have names for some of them. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Tessa is not a tease. Not at all. She has very little patience when it comes to someone she actually likes. If she wants him, she’ll make it obvious and she’ll go for it. And as for being teased, she has a love/hate relationship with it because on one hand she’s getting the attention she wants, but on the other hand, god damn it, its not enough –– she wants more. 
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Taylor is, of course, loud. Not only is she loud, she’s vocal about everything she’s feeling too. She grunts when Tyler bottoms out, she swears when she’s close to the edge, and during particularly exhaustive romps where they’ve fucked more than once in one night, his name tends to blur into other words. And she’s always been this way –– uninhibited. She’s the roommate you never want to have because sometimes not even wearing headphones is enough to block her out. If you’ll recall, she’s got the lungs of a future broadway star. Her voice can pitch super high –– the shitty university dorm walls never stood a chance. 
BONUS: Tessa gets… very complimenting in bed. Ford can expect a lot of “oh god, I love your cock! don’t stop!” during and after. She’s also opinionated and will easily give directions like, “go faster!” “harder!” etc. until it’s perfect and by then she can hardly speak, save for the gibberish that’s coming out of her mouth. 
EXTRA BONUS: Fallon is quiet. She’s not a screamer, she’s not loud, but in contrast it’s intense and earth-shattering the way she comes. Her breathing deepens and stills and she makes these short keening gasps the closer she gets to orgasm. She’ll try to moan Graham’s name, but the sheer pleasure makes it impossible for her to get past the first three letters before her eyes are rolling to the back of her head and she’s coming for him. 
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
It had to happen. It’s not that she’s got a dirty mind (alright, she sort of does) but they work at a bagel shop, for Christ’s sake. It’d be criminal of them to not take advantage of the fact. One day Lauren proposes to Josh that they make a bagel with a hole big enough to fit his dick through because… Well, why not? All the tools (pun intended) are at their disposal, and they’ve got the whole place to themselves after they lock up. Even if he doesn’t agree, it was worth a shot to ask, and to see the look on his face. 
And if he does agree? Well, she loves Bagels, and she loves Josh’s dick so… Best of both worlds. 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Yeah, Jasey definitely has a piercing down there. Her clit is pierced, something she got done when she was 18 and wanted to do something wild. Her and her best friend got it done together and cheered each other on. Jasey swore up a storm when it was done, because she’s incredibly sensitive down there. It also was a very hard healing process for her because it got infected once, but she took care of it afterwards and now it’s all good. She also happens to not shave or wax, but trips the pubes when they get too long. Her hair is light brown and slightly coarse, and grows slowly. She has to do maintenance maybe every three weeks. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Kaja’s sex drive has never been too high. She’s been called a prude many times simply because of it. Sex has just never been one of her primary, or even secondary interests. She’s also never met anyone where the connection between them has been electric. To be honest, her life has been pretty bland, as far as things go. She entirely expects for sex to be the same, even when others claim it’s this awesome, epic thing. 
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Nat never really falls asleep after sex. Due to always having to be on the run and on the move, there’s never anytime to sleep, and even if there was, she usually never trusts people enough to fall asleep next to them. However, down the line with Nik, I can imagine that show of like… vulnerability almost where she’d finally allow herself to nod off? I don’t know if she’d tell him the significance of it, though. 
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minahraven · 7 years
Meeting Daddy (Taehyung/ BTS)(Fluff/Smut)
Summary: My friends knew I was into dd/lg. At their suggestion, I went to a Littles mixer to get to know others like me. The last thing I expected was to find something I didn’t know I was looking for.
Pairing: Daddy!Taehyung x Reader; Daddy!Jungkook X Little!Jimin (non-central)
Word Count: Ongoing
Genre: Fluff/ Possible Smut
Warnings: This story deals with dd/lg/ daddy kink. While the dd/lg is primarily non-sexual, it may include sexual connotations. I will, however, try to keep it outside that sphere, unless readers prefer sexy-Daddy (not my thing, but I’m here to please my readers! ^_^ ) The story will likely include some smut later on, though that hasn’t been determined yet.
It was the first time I had done something like this. Hell, I wasn’t even 100% sure what ‘this’ was. All I knew for sure was that my friend had insisted that this was something I needed to do, ‘for me’. At last, it was my turn, and I took the slip of paper and nametag the greeter handed me, sticking the tag to my top and heading inside. The room was dimly lit, but not intimidating. Quite the contrary. The place was warm and inviting, with stuffed toys dotted here and there, tables of sandwiches, snacks and juice boxes, and a variety of tvs showing all sorts of cartoons surrounded by beanbags and plush rugs. Here and there stood a number of people, most of whom seemed to be in couples, though there were several either standing off to one side looking awkward or in groups talking quietly amongst themselves.
I found myself drawn toward the tvs and, before I had even realised I was doing it, was kicking off my shoes and sinking onto one of the beanbags to watch Beauty and the Beast. Before long, a few other women around my age and I were gathered around the tv, happily singing along with our favorite songs, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Looking up, I saw one of the men I had seen as I entered the room, holding out one of the juice boxes for me with a warm smile. Grinning at him, I took it and immediately set about fighting with the straw, glaring at it when it refused to separate from the box. With a deep, cheerful chuckle, he held out his hand again and I looked up at him.
“Want me to get that for you?” I nodded, holding up the box and he took it, crouching down beside me with an even warmer smile and quickly managing to get the straw into the box. Holding it for me, one hand steadying the straw, he gestured to me to drink. I watched him carefully for a moment, feeling unsure of what to do in a situation such as this. He seemed harmless enough, and I leaned forward, gingerly taking a sip of the juice, grinning when I discovered it to be my favorite flavour. “Nice?” he asked, tilting his head curiously, and I nodded.
“I like fruit punch best,” I said softly, ducking my head. I wasn’t used to talking to anyone about that side of me, and suddenly saying it out loud made everything much more real.
“Me too!” he said brightly, letting himself drop to sit beside me. “Where’s your daddy?” I shook my head, fixing my gaze on a fingernail as I picked at it.
“I don’t have one. Never had one. My friend said I should come here to meet one but I dunno.” I hadn’t noticed that I had slipped into the more childish tone until I heard a soft ‘tsk’ from beside me. I raised my eyes to see him looking at me sadly, an exaggerated pout on his lips.
“You must be pretty nervous, huh? Being here all by yourself?” I nodded and he set the juice box down, holding his shirt so that I could see the nametag he was wearing. “My name’s TaeTae. I can be your pretend daddy for tonight if you want. I don’t have a little of my own either so I came along to see if there was anyone that needed me.” I eyed him for a moment before nodding tentatively. He immediately beamed and held his arms out, gesturing with his fingertips for me to sit on his knee. I felt shy at being asked to do so by a complete stranger, but obeyed nonetheless, his arms quickly wrapping around me to stabilize me as one hand held the juice box up for me to take another sip.
Within an hour, TaeTae and I were inseparable. Where I went, he was close behind, making sure I was alright. If anyone seemed to make me nervous, he would give me an excuse to leave, though he allowed me much more freedom than I had expected. Unlike some of the caregivers dotted around the room, he didn’t insist I stay by his side, nor did he insist I ask permission before doing anything. Instead, he was more than willing to allow me to turn to him only when I needed to, or step in whenever I seemed to need him. I found myself more and more attached to him, feeling unusually comfortable with him. He made me feel safe and cared for, and whenever I did something that was somewhat out of my comfort zone successfully, I caught him beaming proudly from the sidelines. If I turned to him for support, he was more than thrilled to step in and protect or help me.
By the time late evening rolled around, I was already feeling worn out from the pressure of the day, and I began to yawn widely. I felt a hand on my waist almost immediately, gently pulling me closer to the figure I was rapidly becoming familiar with, as another hand moved to stroke my hair gently as it guided my head to rest against his chest.
“Are you sleepy, angel?” The soft rumble of Tae’s voice instantly made me feel even more little, and before I realised it, I was turning in to him, nodding as I closed my eyes and ducking my head at the light chuckle the behaviour brought. “Come on then, little one. Let’s find somewhere to sit down and you can take a nap, hmm?” I nodded again and allowed him to pull away and lead me toward one of the larger beanbags. He sank down onto it and gently pulled me into his lap, once again cradling my head against his chest and combing his fingers lightly through my hair as he leaned back against the wall behind him. “There we go,” he murmured, the soothing tone easily filtering through the remnants of my adult mind that were trying to keep me awake and setting me at ease. “You just close your eyes, babygirl.” I had just done so when I heard a rustling and Tae moved slightly, looking up.
“Who’s this then?” a soft voice crooned, and I opened my eyes, looking up at the men standing over us, smiling gently. One of them crouched down beside us, his smile spreading until his eyes were barely visible. “Hi there, cutie. I’m Jiminie and this is Kookie. Is this your daddy?” He gestured toward Tae and I looked up at him, a single raised eyebrow and amused smile the only response he gave, as though leaving the question to me to answer. I bit my lip nervously, thinking for a moment, before wrapping my arms around Tae’s waist and turning back to Jiminie, nodding emphatically.
“I just met him today but he’s my new daddy, so be nice,” I muttered, eyeing him carefully. I was on edge thanks to the nickname he had given me, but instead of being offended, he simply laughed, Tae and Kookie joining in.
“Looks like you’ve found the perfect one for you, hyung,” Kookie laughed as he dropped down to sit next to us, grinning at me. Tae pulled me closer to him, nodding and resting his chin on my head.
“I guess you could say it was little at first sight.” I groaned at the terrible joke and he gave me a squeeze, pressing his lips to the top of my head. “I’m sorry sweetness, that was awful. You go on back to sleepies. I’m just gonna talk to Jiminie and Kookie, if that’s okay. They’re my friends.” The assurance of their friendship set me at ease and I nodded quickly, giving them a small smile before closing my eyes and nuzzling into Tae’s chest, pulling my legs up beside me and smiling a little to myself when he automatically moved to accommodate them.
“You really just met her?” Kookie’s voice was soft as he attempted not to bother me, something I was grateful for, given my tiredness.
“Yep. She got here a little after we did and it was weird. She was so happy about being little but you could tell she just wasn’t used to it, like no one ever let her before. She was so cute, so I got her a drink and she said she didn’t have a daddy. Never did. I said I’d be her pretend daddy for the night and I figured we’d maybe get along, but it’s like we’ve known each other for years.” He gave a small sigh, his arms tightening a fraction as he nuzzled my hair gently. “I dunno, it’s weird. I’ve never felt like this, whatever this is.”
“Maybe love?” Jiminie’s voice chimed in, only to be interrupted by a quick scoff from Kookie.
“You can’t fall in love that fast.”
“Sure you can! I’ve seen it.”
“Not like this. This is something different.”
“Nuh uh. This can be love. You’re just cynical.”
“And you’re being little.”
“Well yeah! I’m a switch, you goof.”
“No kidding. Sometimes I think your switch is stuck in one position. You’re li-“
“Guys!” Tae’s voice hissed abruptly, his hand moving to cover my ear, though it only muffled the sound slightly. “Lily’s trying to sleep. Can you stop arguing?” Immediately they apologised quietly, though more voices joined them a few moments later.
“Hi Yoongi-hyung,” Kookie murmured as another man sank down next to us, my eye cracking open to see who he was before blinking shut again, ignoring the sounds of others dropping around me.
“Don’t tell me you found one already. I was going to introduce you to one I met over by the blocks,” the newcomer muttered and I curled further into Tae’s chest at the implication that he might choose someone else, feeling his body curve protectively around me, his voice taking on a sharper tone as he spoke to Yoongi.
“I don’t need to be introduced. This one’s perfect.” Another gentle kiss was pressed on the top of my head, this one lingering as his fingers traced around the shell of my ear, tucking my hair behind it as I mewed happily at the touch. He chuckled quietly, nuzzling his nose against the spot he had kissed, and another small chuckle answered from Yoongi.
“So I see. You’re pretty smitten, huh?” The quiet hum of contentment was Tae’s only answer, though it was clearly enough. “Well, she is pretty adorable.
“Yep, I’m pretty smitten with my pretty kitten,” Tae chuckled, causing me to curl up even further at the compliment. “Aren’t you asleep yet, little one?” he murmured, moving his head slightly to see my face, and I shook my head. “Are we being too noisy? We can be quiet if you want.” I shook my head again and tightened my arms. I liked hearing his voice, feeling soothed by it. He seemed to understand the gesture and rested his hand on the side of my head, cradling it against his chest. “Thanks for dragging me out tonight, guys.” He spoke softly, but I could hear him clearly. “I kinda thought you guys were kidding about the whole daddy thing but you’re right, that’s what I was missing.”
“So you think you’ll stick with her?” Yoongi’s question made me tense slightly, the fingertips on the side of my head tightening a fraction as the arm around my waist did the same.
“Try and stop me.” The slight growl in his voice caught me off guard, but the others simply chuckled. “Actually, I…I think Jiminie might be right,” he added, a soft ‘what?’ coming from one of the others before Kookie stepped in.
“Jimin-hyung said he thought Tae-hyung was in love. I said it wasn’t possible.”
“Of course it is!” Another voice I hadn’t yet heard cut in, a hand resting on my back and causing me to flinch slightly.
“Shhh, it’s okay honey. That’s just Namjoon-hyung. You can trust him.” I gave a small nod, forcing myself to relax, and felt a small kiss on my head as a reward. “Good girl.”
“Look at them! That’s not love? You’d have to be nuts to think that.” My cheeks flared at Namjoon’s matter-of-fact tone, glad that my face was still buried against Tae’s chest. “Have you ever seen him act like that? I mean ever?”
“No…” Kookie admitted reluctantly, a soft giggle from Jiminie interrupting him. ”Oh, you shut up!”
“Hey!” I could hear the pout in Jiminie’s voice and lifted my head just in time to see Kookie roll his eyes and wrap his arms around his friend.
“I’m sorry, baby,” Kookie murmured, pulling Jiminie closer and pecking a small kiss to his forehead. I blinked in surprise, looking up at Tae.
“Sorry sweetie, I forgot to tell you. Jiminie’s Kookie’s little…when he’s actually being little.” I nodded slowly, a small ‘oh’ escaping as I turned to look back at the pair, eyes widening to see the sudden change in Jiminie. He had gone from acting much like the others to curling up on the floor with his head on Kookie’s lap, grinning happily at me. Almost as a reflex, I returned the grin, Jiminie’s giggle erupting again as he reached out a hand toward me, flexing the fingers. I had nothing to offer, so simply held out my hand tentatively, the immediate sound of happiness that the gesture caused telling me I had chosen right as he grasped it, waving it around gleefully.
“Okay, that is freaking adorable,” Yoongi muttered and I turned to look at him, the look of disbelief on his face quickly changing to a warm smile when he saw me watching him. “Sorry, little’un. I’m just not used to seeing Jimin behave like that. It’s nice to see him have a little friend for a change.” I grinned at him before turning the grin toward Tae, his own quickly forming as he nuzzled my nose.  
“You’re the cutest thing ever, you know that?” I shook my head quickly in disagreement, but he stuck out his bottom lip in an exaggerated pout. “Yes you are! Going from all shy to being such a big brave girl and making a friend? I’m proud of you!” Again, I mewed happily and nestled into him, watching as Jimin clambered into Kookie’s lap, copying my every move. Sighing contentedly, I closed my eyes, yawning widely before allowing myself to drift off to sleep as the conversation continued around me.
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crazyzaika · 6 years
Farewell kiss
Hey, dear ones, this OS came to my mind all of a sudden. Don't ask me. I think it was because of the one fanart I saw. With Lucy as an elf and Natsu as a warrior XD  Called "The Vowe"  The fanart is from Blanania. Check her work out if you haven't her skills are amazing.
And since I like the Middle Ages in stories anyway and dragons, magic and swords (because they are cool, guns are simply boring). I thought to myself: why not? And now you have my writing here. I hope you like it. Tell me your opinions. I am curious  about it ;)  
And a big thank you to dogsinshoes again. Thank you for reading and checking my stuff ♥
LG Z ♥
She pulled her brows together - Lucy's heart ached when Natsu didn't even look at her, his back straight and stiff. Tears burned in her eyes and her throat contracted painfully. Her heartbeat accelerated, fear classping it, making her body tremble. She tried to breathe, but couldn't get enough air. She bit her lower lip, swallowed the lump in her throat and tried to breathe. She felt as if everything was strangling her. The fine silk she was wearing, the gold jewellery that snuggled warmly against her throat. Her ears twitched slightly and her lower lip quivered as she trembled and breathed.
"N-Natsu ...", she took one step toward him, stretched out her hand and wanted to touch him when he suddenly turned around and looked at her. Determination lay in his onyx eyes and her eyes widened. Her heart began to beat faster.
"Lucy, I have to go and you know that," his voice was cold, emotionless and she shook her head slightly. She couldn't believe what he was saying. Was he serious? He would die! Tears rose to her eyes, burning and she distorted her face, taking some quick steps away from him. Magic pulsated in synchrony with her accelerating heartbeat, becoming stronger.
"I ...", she breathed hastily, trying to get air in, but could not. Why was it so warm here? Her gaze flew around looking for a fixed point as the first tears flowed down her cheeks. The tent was splendid, for the conditions, but neither the soft skins, nor the polished furniture or the elaborate candlesticks could drag them out of the swamp of their feelings.
Natsu's gaze became cooler and something like serenity stepped into his features. His hard, clear-cut facial features stood out more clearly and he seemed even more threatening. More like the warrior and prince, less like the gentle dragon he was to her. Her gaze glided over his body. She wanted to memorize him one last time. The candlelight made the black metal plates shimmer. The engravings were fine and hardly visible, the edges hard and sharp. Two sharp side plates stood on the rounded shoulder plates. The metal lay close to his body, emphasizing his tall figure. When she looked at him in this way, she could understand why his enemies ran away from him screaming. But she had never been afraid of Natsu before. She swallowed and breathed tremblingly. Her breath rattled and her heart burned. She had the feeling that she would never see him again.
"You ..." she started, pulling her shoulders up with her hands clinging onto each other but she didn't dare move, not blink in fear, he might be gone. She couldn't say goodbye. She knew she would break at it, would not bring the words simply over the lips. He turned his eyes to the side and sighed. His face was still lacking any feelings.
"Lucy ...", he began and his voice was calm and cool. Her heart began to bleed and her soul screamed at the sound of his voice as if he had beaten her. Again tears ran down her cheeks and she turned away her gaze, pulling her shoulder further up, turning her trembling back to him. She didn't want to see him go, how he went into one of those stupid battles. Silence fell over the tent and she closed her eyes. Her body hurt, her heart whimpered, and she felt fear filling her senses. Her ears twitched, and her hypersensitive senses heard the whisper of the cold wind, the creaking of the tarpaulins, the neighing of the horses. The clang of metal and the screeching scraping of the grindstones sent cold shivers down her back. The high tones were painful in her sensitive sidhe ears and she felt the urge to go down the small hill and to the forge to inflict the same pain on the men. But as always, she resisted the urge.
And then she felt warm, rough fingers on her skin. She opened her eyes and froze. Her back tightened, her posture cramped and got tense - Lucy swallowed. And then his hot breath blew over her neck. Before she could retreat, flee from him, he pressed his lips to her throat and wrapped his armored arms around her body. He was so taller than she felt, towering over her by a good two heads and had to bend down to her. Lucy closed her eyes and a whimper escaped her lips. Heat crawled boiling through her body, spread inside her and set fire to her abdomen. Her lap contracted in sweet pain and she felt his smile on her throat. Goosebumps spread over her body and without her wanting them, her body relaxed on its own, becoming soft and yielding. Her breasts tightened, and her nipples hardened, rising expectantly. But Natsu didn't make any effort to take her, just held her tight.
"I'll be back, Soulmate. I swear on our bond", he whispered, and his voice became deeper, rougher. She whimpered again and pressed her thighs together. Her body reacted to the sound of his voice, his warmth warning part of his dragon nature.
"When you die, I'll bring you back and rip your ass up to your ears," she growled and he laughed softly, then he kissed her neck again, pulling a gentle trail of kisses across her throat, across her tender cheek structure. She turned to him and he sealed her lips with his, pulling her into a gentle, loving kiss full of promises, love and passion. She stretched out towards him, stood on her toes and pressed herself against him. The cold metal seemed to suck the heat of Natsu out of her body as she wrapped her arms around his neck, clawing her fingers into the long salmon hair. His hands possessively lay on her hips and pulled her closer. Her heartbeat hammered loudly and almost painfully fast against her ribs, pulling his hair and a deep rumble rolled up his throat. Panting, he tore himself away from the kiss, his cheeks shimmering and lust had turned his irides into a deep golden yellow. From the pupil blood-red lines frayed and his pupils had become long slits. A broad grin spread across her lips and she licked her lips.
"Lucy ... you play with the fire", he growled and his voice sounded distorted, deeper and more rumbling. She woke the dragon nature in him and today there would clearly be a lot of dead and even more blood. She knew it and she was only afraid for him and his life, had no pity whatsoever for the enemy. A deep purr rolled up her throat and she leaned forward, giving him a deep insight into what belonged to him.
"Oh ... as if that would bother me", the grin on her lips became seductive and the chocolate brown of her soul mirror colored itself in a bright violet, while magic from just this shone. A seductive grin put himself on his lips and his pointed fangs flashed in the soft candle light. He slowly bent down to her again, embracing her face with his big hands. And though he was so tall and strong, though he could crush her without much effort, he was incredibly gentle. Lucy purred and wanted to jump on him and drag him between the skins. She didn't want to let him go, didn't want to put him in danger out there, but she knew that she couldn't stop him, that he would still go. His fingers were rough and she felt the callouses testifying to his work as a warrior. Only millimetres separated their lips as a loud clearing of the throat separated togetherness.
"Highness, the army is ready to move out."
The words had the same effect as a bucket of ice water. Lucy's body became rigid and Natsu paused. He closed his eyes, then pulled her towards him and she heard him burying the face on her neck and in her hair. She tilted her head to the side, gave him more room and swallowed easily. She felt the burning of tears in her eyes again. He inhaled her fragrance, drove his fangs over her tender skin and then pressed a possessive kiss on her artery and on the bulging scar he had left on the first mating. Then he straightened up and looked down at her.
"I'll be right there," he said loud and clear and knew he was talking to his general. Tears came to her eyes and she swallowed violently. He bent down to her, breathed a quick kiss on her lips and finally detached himself from her. Her stomach contracted painfully and her throat closed. She knew he was strong. And yet she couldn't help herself. Natsu turned away, reached for his helmet, for his weapons and then he stepped through the tent flap, leaving her alone. She pressed her lips together, felt all the warmth slipping out of her body and how the icy cold crept back into her limbs, filling them. Her heartbeat pounded painfully loud against her ribs, blood rushing in her ears, and her breathing was rattled. Then the loud, booming war horn sounded. The sound was so deep, so powerful that the ground vibrated. Crockery clanked, and was swept off the table by the violent vibration of the war horn. Lucy burst into tears, her legs denied her service, and she crashed onto the cold floor unchecked. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she cried and began to pray to every god and goddess that he return safe from battle and not leave her alone.
0 notes
ganymedesclock · 8 years
if Blue Diamond has hydrokinetic powers, what kind of powers do you think the other diamonds possess? Yellow Diamond moved a bunch of bubbles in That Will Be All. Could that indicate her having telekinesis?
My theory at this point is each of the Diamonds have a major elemental affinity, though they probably have other powers on the side. Since I’m a fan of the Rose Diamond theory, I kind of use Rose’s capabilities as a rough measurement for how I feel each of the Diamonds operate. Rose has a couple of auxiliary abilities- floating, the healing tears- but the primary bulk of her powers are related to plant generation and control. 
Another small assumption here, is, while there’s four Diamonds, it would make sense to assume they adhere to the four element system of fire/water/earth/air, my thinking is that they actually seem to adhere to four of the five points on the five element system of fire/water/earth/wood/metal. So I don’t think there’s an “air” Diamond, and while I’m not sure where exactly element earth is, my rough thought is Pink - Wood, Yellow - Fire, Blue - Water, and White - Metal. Going into more details here:
My thinking is that Blue is primarily a weather manipulator- both hydrokinesis and aerokinesis- since both the Gems under her and the blue-colored areas we’ve seen appear split evenly between oceanic motifs and sky motifs. This might implicate her as the source of the “weather bomb” geode from House Guest.
It’s also a pretty clear building off Lapis’s powers as we’ve seen them since, while it’s thus far not been commented on, multiple episodes have shown the sky clouding over or clearing abruptly in response to Lapis’s moods. This makes sense as clouds are mostly water and Lapis’s powers have an impressive range to them- easily enough to reach clouds however high above her they are. 
This also fits with my assumption that Lapis’s partner would be the missing “Moon Goddess”- thus, heavy on the sky motifs. So I think if/when we meet that partner, she’d be aerokinetic, which would seem to fit with the Lighthouse Gem we saw in Horror Club. 
She manipulates objects, spinning them like it’s in a whirlwind, she’s able to recreate people’s voices (a property of breath) and she can literally breathe life into things like the scarecrows and fake bats. When she forcibly manifests herself in the lighthouse, she uses a mouth- mouths are thought of as consuming, but, to a Gem that doesn’t need to eat, the mouth is the primary avenue of both breath and speech.
If we assume Lapis and her partner operate the way Ruby and Sapphire do in Garnet- that is to say, their separate, equal elemental spheres create a new domain when fused, the logical overlap of “ocean” and “atmosphere” is weather- especially if you consider on a massive scale, something like hurricanes are only born from the warmth and moisture of tropical seas, so logically you couldn’t have an air-manipulating Gem create a storm like that without impressive control of water as well.
As far as auxiliary powers, I think that some of Lapis’s mirror abilities and LG’s propensity for “echoes” probably overlaps. I don’t think Blue has a means of discerning the future, but I think she does have some kind of power over the past- possibly, if we’re going to set her up as a thematic opposite to Garnet, who is precognitive, Blue is postcognitive- able to access and view things that happened in the past? It’d obviously have to have limits like Garnet’s future vision to not be a total game breaker, but that would be interesting in the context of my theory that Blue came to Earth in The Answer because something about Pink Diamond’s death wasn’t adding up and she wanted to investigate.
As I’ve mentioned, I think White is associated with metal and this is a pretty easy connection to draw considering the composition of the pyramid temple. Not only does it have a lot of shiny, silvery metal, in the spike traps and lower chambers, but thematically, it’s a death course that challenges people to have the resilience of steel- to be able to stand up to searing heat, freezing cold, and incredible pressure.
This would seemingly set White up as the opposite of Pink Diamond, which might suggest they were at odds. While wood is the concept of growth, renewal, adaptation and evolution, metal evokes permanence, immortality, but also something, to a degree, cold and lifeless. I think it’s very interesting if the pyramid temple is in fact White’s mausoleum, that she is not only the only Gem we’ve seen involved in some kind of funerary practice, but the Crystal Gems were notably very uneasy about coming in there in the first place, and it was an episode about facing fear.
White’s design, just going by her murals and obelisk, would also seem to be split between white and black, which are both colors that have been associated with death and mourning. Thematically, interesting, if she’s the one of the Diamonds who actively succumbed to grief- but it also would explain if she has a particularly ominous or foreboding reputation if I’m right in my theories that only White could’ve become the corruption bomb.
That said, I don’t think White’s metal manipulation is nearly her main trick as much as Blue or Pink’s elemental powers are theirs.
I think that we’ve seen White’s powers and roughly how she fights: in the form of the robot shooty thing from Lion 2: The Movie.
Metals are identified by generally being good conductors- of temperature (heat and cold) and also electricity. The RST fights with fire, ice, and lightning, by alternating between three different phases.
That’s what I think White does- she blinks herself into different colored “phases” and wields multiple elements to a lesser degree than the other Diamonds. I think her affinity for metal, and possibly, magnetism, actually falls to the wayside while her “triple threat” fire/ice/lightning trick takes the main stage. 
Yellow I think of as not only fire-associated, but with a sun motif. In practice this works because she’s trying to convince everyone they can rebound and move forwards from the war. She’s the biggest force trying to drag the rest of Homeworld forwards out of the aftermath, she’s trying very hard to be the rising sun of new hope and progress.
Stars run on nuclear fusion, and my read that this concept is how YD’s powers operate has gained a lot of traction as it’s how her emotions operate. The thing is, nuclear fusion creates absurd amounts of energy. And YD is an incredible force- driven, hardworking, incredibly focused- but she’s one that burns herself out rapidly. She just is not in a state to keep that pace up for long until her own sense of exhaustion and despair derails her. But at the same time, she’s pushing herself well past thresholds.
So I think YD’s powers are incredibly, devastatingly powerful- massive amounts of light and heat, and with her aptitude for technology I’m pretty sure YD has found new ways to crank the heat up even further.
But I think she’s playing a dangerous game at this point- because while a fusion reactor can tick away perfectly happily as long as everything’s accounted for, YD at this point basically has most of her safeguards sawed off. She can’t allow herself to rest or slow down for fear of succumbing to her own issues and she’s surrounded by people who are already there- the incredibly self-destructive coping mechanisms she’s stocking in are the only things she has keeping her on the move and in her eyes, Homeworld needs her. They need somebody at the helm keeping them moving and thanks to the rhetoric built around roles and duties, YD sees it as a situation where she’s the only one who can possibly steer this ship, and so she’s lashing herself to the steering wheel and refusing to let go.
So power-wise I feel like YD can only exert herself in very short bursts without serious complications. I see her as the antithesis of Steven, whose powers are heavily angled towards healing, defense, and communication- YD’s powers can destroy almost anything with little effort, but that includes herself. She’s capable of throwing out more light and heat than she herself can actually handle.
Annd we don’t really need to talk about Pink since *motions at Rose Quartz*
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seblaine-rph · 7 years
@sapphichorror replied to your photo “► ALYSON HANNIGAN AS WILLOW ROSENBERG BISEXUAL PRIDE ICONS ◄ There are...”
she gay dude stop it lol
First, let me begin this by saying that I made these icons during bi pride as a part of a very large collection of other bi pride icons. In no way am I saying that these have to be associated with the actual BTVS Willow Rosenberg canon, though I used screencaps from BTVS because I am a fan of the show and I enjoyed taking random screencaps while I rewatched the show. I also made other bi pride icons for other characters from the same show, as well as others, that all could just as easily be used for the actors as the characters they portray in the screencaps I took. The people who potentially might want to use these might not even know her for BTVS, they might just like her. An Alyson Hannigan fansite, for instance, run by a prideful bisexual might have found a particular delight upon finding these DURING bi pride, when these were made. 
The bi pride doesn't even have to connect to her, it's okay to like two different things so much that you want them both in your icon.
Say, for instance, someone who already had Alyson or Willow as an icon prior to bi pride and did not want to change the trend. Like the fansite theory. The two literally do not have to connect, it could just be about someone liking Alyson and wanting to show bi pride at the same time. It could even be a Willow blog that's run by a bisexual and even if they write/canon her as a lesbian, the bi pride could be there for themselves. Two different things in the same icon for two different reasons. Pride icons are all about visibility. You can require a specific mascot in your icon that has nothing to do with your pride. That's a perfectly reasonable conclusion to come to, especially DURING bi pride. Which in case I didn't already mention, is when I made these. 
It's the same as me changing my icon for holidays. The holiday doesn't suddenly mesh with Seblaine so that I'm saying these two boys endorse/identify with the holiday I happen to be celebrating; that's not what it means to put the holiday together with my mascots in an icon DURING the holiday season. I'm just sharing my holiday pride. An example, if I were Jewish, I would put appropriate imagery in my icon during the appropriate times. That doesn't mean Seblaine is Jewish-- it would mean I'M Jewish and I like Seblaine/Seblaine is my mascot. See how that works? Two totally separate things, being shown off in one icon. In the same sense, you can like Alyson-- or even Willow herself-- and be bisexual and want both Willow/Alyson and bi pride in your icon, especially during bi pride. 
There are also many original characters that use her face as a representation that have nothing to do with Willow Rosenberg, even if they used my Willow screencap icons. These people also deserve resources.
Second, the subject of her sexuality is actually quite debatable. Did she say she was gay? Absolutely. Is that all it takes to be taken seriously as a gay person in real life? Absolutely. BUT, there are many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many people who feel slighted by the "you must be straight or you must be gay, there is no other option" mentality seen on BTVS; in Willow's case in particular. She is shown being very amorous and sexually attracted to men all the way until she meets Tara, who introduces her to her like of women. Yes, it is possible that she could be gay. But it's also just as likely that, had she not been written by heterosexual, biphobic people who had the proper LGBT resources in mind, she could have just as easily been declared bisexual. There are many, many, many, many, many people who roleplay and write her as bisexual that might have wished to use the icon. There are also many people who feel that the fact that bisexuality was never even mentioned as a possibility is a clear indicator of biphobia and bi-erasure. Bi-erasure is also a really big problem just in general. The way her sexuality was portrayed in BTVS hits home for a lot of bisexuals who once thought they were gay or straight because they thought those were the only options. You can't fault someone who identifies with Willow as a character that self-identifies their sexuality with hers because they watch her romance arc and apply real life logic and their experiences as a bisexual in a world filled with biphobia and bi-erasure and feel like that brave little toaster might be just like them. Just like I do not blame people who self-identify with her as a lesbian either. There is no denying that bi-erasure was evident in BTVS, especially with Willow. I get why you would want to down on the idiot man who made something you don't agree with, but to borrow some of your vernacular,
you could look at what you're upset about and take it into context before sending hate someone's way, lol. It's not like the bi-erasure thing is unknown, I haven't met a single person so far that likes BTVS and is unaware that 99.9% of the bisexual women who watched it were upset about the bi-erasure. It's one of very few complaints about BTVS that everyone hears about. It's not weird to make bi pride stuff during bi pride. It's not weird to use Alyson icons for non-Willow purposes, even if they are Willow screencaps. But it is kind of weird that we can't just be gay and try to get along, we have to go out of our way to show people we don't agree with them, even when we're only bothering to look at the tip of the iceberg before sending hate. 
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fazeupmag-blog · 5 years
New Post has been published on Fazeup
New Post has been published on https://www.fazeup.tk/2019/05/apple-tv-plus-value-launch-date-and-the-whole-lot-its-good-to-know/
Apple TV Plus – value, launch date, and the whole lot it's good to know
Apple helped to launch the non-public pc revolution within the 1980s with its Mac PCs, and revolutionized the music business within the 2000s with the iPod and iTunes. It jumpstarted the smartphone enterprise with the iPhone within the late 2000s, and has led the pill and smartwatch markets with the iPad and Apple Watch. Now, CEO Tim Cook dinner and the group at Cupertino need to go after one of many greatest tech success tales of all time, Netflix, with the upcoming launch of Apple TV Plus (labeled formally as “Apple TV+”).
Now, you could be asking your self, “Isn’t there already an Apple TV?”. Sure, certainly; there may be each an Apple TV app and an Apple TV hardware set-top gadget for big-screen TVs. Nonetheless, Apple TV Plus is designed to supply shoppers a technique to subscribe to different on-line TV providers inside only one app. As well as, it should additionally provide a ton of unique TV and film programming that will likely be unique to Apple TV Plus, placing it (semi-directly) in competitors in opposition to Netflix, together with Hulu, Amazon Prime Video and others.
On this article, we’ll go over the whole lot we all know thus far (together with just a little little bit of hypothesis) about Apple TV Plus, which first was introduced again in March.
What’s Apple TV Plus?
Whereas it was formally introduced at Apple’s providers press occasion on March 25, Apple has been engaged on Apple TV Plus behind the scenes for years. Over the previous a number of years there have been rumors that Apple needed to launch its personal good televisions, however these stories by no means got here to fruition. A number of years in the past, Apple was near launching an Web-based TV service just like Sling TV, PlayStation Vue, and others. Nonetheless, these plans finally fell aside.
Ultimately, Apple determined to supply a service just like what Amazon Prime Video gives its subscribers. On the one hand, Apple TV Plus will give customers a means to enroll and watch premium TV streaming providers inside only one app, with out having to change from app to app in your gadget. or with out having to recollect a number of accounts and passwords.
The opposite a part of Apple TV Plus is the corporate’s bold plan to supply prospects a spread of unique TV reveals and films. The sequence and movies which were introduced thus far vary from critical dramas and comedies to youngsters reveals and documentaries.
The Apple TV Plus app will even nonetheless present a technique to hire or purchase films and TV reveals accessible on iTunes, together with any earlier purchases you might have made. The app will even present you personalised suggestions for TV reveals and films you may be fascinated by watching, based mostly in your earlier viewing patterns.
When is the Apple TV Plus launch date?
Apple TV Plus will launch in two phases. The primary section begins in Might when the corporate rolls out its up to date Apple TV app, and that’s when it is possible for you to to enroll in third-party premium providers contained in the app. The second a part of the service, when Apple TV Plus introduces its unique and unique programming, will likely be accessible someday this fall.
What platforms will likely be supported by the brand new Apple TV app?
Apple TV Plus will likely be accessible on the corporate’s personal hardware, in fact, together with the iPhone, iPad, Mac and its Apple TV set-top field. Once more, these platforms will likely be up to date with the brand new Apple TV app this Might. Nonetheless, in a change from its standard closed hardware platform pattern, the Apple TV app will even be accessible on plenty of good TVs. That features the most recent 2019 Samsung good televisions, which was introduced at CES 2019 in January. Samsung’s model of the app will launch someday this spring.
The revamped Apple TV app will even be accessible on LG, Sony and Vizio good TVs. Maybe essentially the most thrilling factor is that the Apple TV  app will likely be accessible on the favored Roku and Amazon Hearth TV platforms. Presumably, which means any Roku or Hearth TV streaming stick or set-top field, together with any good TVs which have the Roku or Hearth TV OS put in, will be capable of get the Apple TV app. All of these platforms will get the brand new app someday “in the future” however no particular time-frame was introduced.
Apple has not introduced plans to assist Home windows or Android-based gadgets with its new Apple TV app.
What TV providers will the brand new Apple TV app assist?
Apple has solely confirmed a small collection of premium TV providers that it’ll assist inside the brand new Apple TV app, which the corporate is looking Apple TV Channels. Once more, the app will enable customers to make use of simply their Apple ID and password to enroll in these streaming providers, and the account could be shared with as much as six relations. Right here’s a have a look at what’s been confirmed for the U.S. market:
CBS All Entry
Smithsonian Channel
MTV Hits
Acorn TV
PBS Dwelling
Faculty Humor’s Dropout
Acorn TV
Curiosity Stream
Lifetime Film Membership
City Film Channel
Sundance Now
Eros Now
Comedy Central Now
Up Religion & Household
As well as, the Apple TV app will assist watching content material from plenty of different premium streaming providers, however these will nonetheless require a separate account. They embrace:
Amazon Prime Video
You could have seen that one fairly main service isn’t listed: Netflix. You’ll nonetheless must signal into the devoted Netflix app to observe its content material in your gadget.
Lastly, the brand new Apple TV app will assist plenty of cable and satellite tv for pc cellular apps, together with internet-based TV cable providers. They embrace:
Constitution Spectrum
Hulu TV
Ps Vue
Optimum by Altice
The place will Apple TV Plus be accessible?
Apple has confirmed that the brand new app, and the Apple TV Plus service, will likely be accessible not simply in the usbut in over 120 different international locations worldwide.
What unique tv reveals and films will Apple TV Plus have?
Sure, Apple goes Hollywood. It’ll spend billions of dollars to fund a ton of unique and unique TV reveals for Apple TV Plus subscribers that can compete instantly with Netflix. Apple has recruited plenty of high-profile writers, administrators. producers and actors to create content material for its new service. Apple will begin rolling the reveals out later this fall, and photographs from a number of of these reveals have been proven in a quick teaser trailer on the March 25 press occasion. First, we’ll checklist the reveals that have been showcased in that trailer:
The Morning Present – This will likely be a drama centering on the behind-the-scenes antics at a nationwide morning information TV present, starring Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, and Steve Carell.
See – One of many greatest Apple TV Plus reveals will likely be this epic sci-fi drama, set on Earth centuries after a worldwide cataclysm has rendered all people blind. It stars Jason Momoa and Alfre Woodard.
Wonderful Tales – This will likely be a revival of the sci-fi anthology TV sequence, which is able to as soon as once more be produced by Steven Spielberg.
For All Mankind – Right here’s yet one more sci-fi sequence, this time set in an alternate timeline the place the house race of the 1960s between the U.S. and the Soviet Union by no means ended.
Dickinson – This will likely be a comedy centering on a fictional model of the poet Emily Dickinson, as performed by Hailee Steinfeld.
House Earlier than Darkish – It is a present impressed by the true lifetime of Hilde Lysiak, who at 11 years previous investigated a chilly case homicide for her personal neighborhood newspaper.
Reality Be Advised – This true crime sequence, starring Octavia Spencer and Aaron Paul, will even remark in regards to the recognition of true crime podcasts.
Mythic Quest – Two of the three creators of It’s All the time Sunny in Philadelphia, Rob McElhenney and Charlie Day, group up as soon as once more for this comedy sequence centered on a online game improvement studio.
Hala – Apple acquired this Sundance documentary, in regards to the lifetime of a Muslim teenager within the US.
Servant – Not a lot is thought about this thriller sequence, however its first episode will likely be directed by M. Evening Shyamalan.
Expensive… –  Once more, not a lot is thought about this docuseries, though the transient footage appears to trace it is going to be a couple of dance firm.
These reveals and films are simply the tip of the iceberg for Apple TV Plus. Right here’s a have a look at simply among the different reveals and films which might be both in manufacturing or confirmed to be in improvement for the service.
Untitled CIA sequence – Brie Larson will star on this sequence based mostly on the true lifetime of CIA agent Amaryllis Fox.
Central Park – A brand new animated sequence with a voice forged that features Josh Gad and Kristen Bell.
Untitled Damien Chazelle present – A nonetheless unknown drama from the director of Whiplash, La La Land and First Man.
Little America – An anthology sequence in regards to the tales of immigrants within the U.S.
Little Voice – A present a couple of younger singer attempting to make it large in New York Metropolis, with unique songs from Sara Bareilles.
My Glory Was I Had Such Mates – Jennifer Garner stars on this real-life story a couple of lady ready for a coronary heart transplant.
Defending Jacob – Chris Evans stars on this present as a lawyer who has a son that’s arrested for homicide.
Peanuts – Apple has secured the rights to launch new reveals and films based mostly on the traditional sketch.
Time Bandits – A present based mostly on the beloved 1980s fantasy film of the identical identify.
Basis – A sequence based mostly on the traditional sci-fi novels of a galactic empire by the late Isaac Asimov.
Helpsters – This youngsters’s sequence has a purpose to show youngsters about coding and comes from the Sesame Avenue producers at Sesame Workshop.
An eight-episode adaption of Stephen King’s Lisey’s Story – this may star Julianne Moore as a girl attempting to maneuver on after the loss of life of her husband.
Apple TV Plus has additionally signed up  Oprah Winfrey and her manufacturing firm for a long run deal. One of many initiatives is a documentary known as Poisonous Labor, and there’s one other present that can have a look at the problem of psychological well being (with Prince Harry because the co-creator). On the press occasion, Winfrey additionally mentioned she plans to revive her extremely well-liked guide membership by way of Apple TV Plus.
How a lot will Apple TV Plus value?
Apple has but to disclose the subscription value for Apple TV Plus, however extra data will likely be revealed earlier than it launches someday this fall.
What gadgets will Apple TV Plus work with?
Apart from the Apple TV and Apple merchandise with the Apple TV app, can you utilize the service anyplace else? Fortunately, sure. Apple plans to launch its service on Roku, Hearth TV, and good TVs from Samsung, Sony, LG, and Vizio.
What else do we all know?
Apple has already confirmed that the reveals for Apple TV Plus gained’t embrace any advertisements or commercials. It has additionally confirmed that the reveals on the service will assist downloads for individuals who need to watch them offline. There’s no phrase on if the reveals will assist 4K resolutions.
Will it succeed?
There’s little doubt that Apple is aiming for the fences with Apple TV Plus. It sees income from its providers changing into a extra vital a part of its general enterprise, whilst its hardware merchandise expertise decrease gross sales. It definitely has recruited a ton of well-known Hollywood expertise, each in entrance of and behind the digital camera, to create content material for Apple TV Plus. The massive query is whether or not or not shoppers pays for yet one more premium streaming service. Most individuals can solely afford to pay for one or two. Apple’s content material must be so good, it makes folks need to spend cash to enroll in it. For the time being, all now we have is a sizzle actual and a bunch of present descriptions for Apple TV Plus.
Solely time will inform if this “Netflix killer” will make folks not simply sit up and take discover, but in addition use their wallets to see what all of the fuss is about.
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