#;; so it paints jet in a worse light because of it
heirscrchd · 5 months
jet 🤝 azula
being so traumatized that your actions over time become far more radical than your friends can handle and so end up being abandoned/betrayed by them
#lost in the temple // ooc#;; ofc jet to my knowledge?#;; does get 'redeemed'#;; quotation marks because yes him girlboss gaslighting the gaang#;; and hurting innocent people who have no involvement in the war (the village)#;; or planning to at least#;; doesnt really come close to the influence Azula has in widespread destruction and suffering#;; like azula helped presumably with the invasion or planning of omashu#;; and literally destroyed ba sing se from the inside out#;; well not destroy but took oevr#;; and caused countless death and suffering#;; not to mention how much she would have influenced just by being in her father's more inner circle#;; ie: attending war meetings and giving her imput and planning for stuff#;; we genuinsly dont know#;; all these reasons why i dont think azula is ever fully redeemable lol#;; but also liek cuz jet#;; what exactly has jet done?#;; outside of the village dam breaking which did not harm any innocents and just destroyed a fire nation village in earth kingdom territory#;; redemption is for harmful actions done in war#;; exceedingly harmful id say#;; example: Katara doesnt need to be 'redeemed' for bloodbending the old lady#;; she had done a horrible thing#;; but it was to help others#;; war is similar to that in that we do harmful actions for a better positive outcome#;; jets intention while rooted in trauma were similar to one thinking like a general in a war#;; or position of power in a war#;; its also a kids show so ofc theyre going to try and preech the do not harm anyone#;; all lives are sacred ect#;; so it paints jet in a worse light because of it#;; people need to realize that
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punkshort · 2 months
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In Another Life | Part I
Pairing: Marcus Acacius x f!reader (time travel au)
Chapter Summary: Your brother and his friend surprise you after work with a handsome stranger crashing on your couch who claims to be from Ancient Rome.
Chapter Warnings: language, food consumption, major romcom vibes, mentions of prostitution, mentions of OC death, mentions of OC pregnancy, flirting, sexual tension
WC: 6.5K
A/N: this is a soft/romcom Marcus Acacius mini-series. Heavily inspired by Kate & Leopold. Also, let's just assume Ancient Romans spoke and could read English.
Series Masterlist
Time was of the essence. He had to move quick.
People would say he was a coward, no doubt his legacy would be tarnished, but if he escaped with his life, so be it.
He didn't bother with spare clothes, just an extra set of sandals and food thrown into a satchel before he crept down the dimly lit hallway, careful not to wake one of his many servants.
He loved his palace. It was a place of peace and comfort for him, but come morning, it would be ripped away and he would be thrown into the pit. A general, Rome's deadly sword and the Emperor's right hand man, would become a lowly gladiator. Trained to perform and kill for amusement.
And all because he refused to play the Emperor's sick game.
He couldn't do it. He couldn't help train another legion of young men half his age to fight and die for their vanity. For their greed. When the Emperor announced his new task, all he could think of was his unborn son. He would be of age now, had he lived. He could have been training him to die.
He padded down the stone steps softly, hardly making a sound, his combat training serving him well. He managed to get just outside the city limits while it was still dark, but he could see the glow from the sun breaking the horizon. He didn't have much time to find a place to hide. He was still too close, and no doubt warriors would be looking for him once Geta realized he had fled.
Gods above, if they found him... his fate would be far worse than one of a gladiator.
He stumbled across a small clearing, head twisted around to make sure he was not being followed when he tripped over something large and heavy.
"Oh, shit!" he heard a young male voice exclaim.
Quickly, he unsheathed his sword and aimed it toward the voice. Confusion painted his face when he saw the unusual clothing and utterly strange contraption behind him. Before he had a chance to say anything, leaves rustled and he swung is sword towards the noise. Another young man, similarly dressed to the other, emerged from the thicket.
"State your names. Quick."
"Uh..." the first man trailed off, hands raising slowly in the air. "D-Danny. Daniel. And this is... Victor."
"Dude! C'mon! You know I -"
"Silence!" the general roared as loud as he dared. "What is your business here?"
"Science! Just... experiments. And the like," Danny said hurriedly, glancing at Victor for help. He nodded.
"Yes. Experiments."
"And are you citizens of Rome?"
They paused and looked at one another again.
"We are citizens of... York," Danny said.
"It's new," Victor added.
The general looked back and forth between the two men before ultimately deciding he did not have the time to quarrel with them and they did not appear to be a threat. He dropped his sword to the side and glanced around.
"You did not see me," he said sternly, turning to leave.
He glanced back over his shoulder, pausing.
"Are you running away?"
"Fleeing," Victor added quietly.
"Fleeing?" Daniel repeated.
"I do not see it fit for you to ask such questions of someone above your station," he snarled. The two men exchanged worried looks before continuing.
"We're leaving. If you're looking to jet, you can... y'know," Danny said, jutting a thumb over his shoulder towards the strange looking contraption.
"Can you get me to Greece?"
They grinned and nodded.
"Sure, dude."
The general glanced around once again, his brow furrowing when he saw the light stretching high into the sky, brightening the landscape and soon, giving his position away.
"Then I accept."
He sheathed his sword and stomped over to the men, startling them both with his intensity.
Victor turned to unlock a door, struggling a bit before it popped open and crawling inside. Danny stuck out a hand and gave him a nervous smile.
"What's your name?"
His eyes dropped down to the frail looking hand before him, then slowly, as if he couldn't decide, lifted his arm to grasp the inside of Daniel's forearm, giving him a vigorous shake.
"General Marcus Acacius."
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"What the fuck?" you grumbled under your breath, rereading your brother's text.
Danny: I have a friend crashing on the couch, won't stay long
Shuffling your bag onto your other shoulder as you walked down the bustling city street, you tapped out a response.
You: It better not be Lizard.
Danny: It's not, but he's here 2
Danny: Just visiting
Fucking Lizard. You've known him since he was maybe ten years old and you were fairly certain he never matured past that age.
Given you had two extra people waiting for you in your already cramped apartment, you decided to grab a couple pizzas on the way home instead of the sushi you had been thinking about all day. Choosing to be a little selfish, you made one of them a white pizza, it being your favorite, and made your way home with the last bits of energy you had left.
Nothing could have prepared you for what you walked into that day.
You stopped dead in your tracks when you stepped into your apartment, door wide open behind you, two pizza boxes balancing in one hand as you stared blankly at the massive man standing with his back to you in the middle of the living room. He was dressed in some strange type of robe that fell just above his knee and his head was bent, looking at something on your coffee table.
When you cleared your throat, he swung around and defensively placed a hand at his waist. That was when you noticed the massive and very real looking sword at his side and your blood ran cold.
"D-Danny!" you yelled, your eyes glued to the stranger's hand. As if he finally sensed your fear, he dropped his arm and straightened up.
"Danny!" you yelled again, louder this time.
"Yeah? Hey! Sorry," Danny said, hurrying into the room with Lizard following on his heels.
"Oh, pizza? Sweet," Lizard said, reaching for the boxes and brushing past you as if an armed man wasn't standing in the middle of your home.
"Who the hell is this?!" you exclaimed, pointing towards the stranger while glaring at your brother.
"I told you already, he's a friend who's crashing on the couch for a few days," he replied, following Lizard into the kitchen, pizza the only concern at that point.
"My lady," the man began again, "please allow me to explain."
"My lady?" you repeated with a scowl. "I thought you guys stopped playing Dungeons and Dragons after high school."
"That's not -" Danny shook his head with a mouthful of pizza, "this is General Acacius."
"General?" you said quizzically, raising an eyebrow first at Danny, then towards the large man in your living room. "Be serious, Danny."
"He is!"
"I promise, what he says is true," the general chimed in, taking a step closer and stretching out his hand. You sighed and dropped your things onto your table.
"I'm too tired for this, it's been a long week."
The general frowned, hand still outstretched. "Daniel, please explain to your mistress she is not to challenge men above her lover's ranking."
You balked and gagged. "Lover?!"
"Mistress?" Danny said at the same time with a similar look of disgust. "Gross, dude, she's my sister."
Something in the general's face shifted when he learned you were siblings and he looked at you with renewed interest. "Ah, so you do not belong to another?"
You rolled your eyes and grabbed a plate, tossing a piece of white pizza on it before Danny and Lizard ate it all. "I don't have a husband, no. And that's a super sexist thing to say, I don't care if you're role playing or not."
Turning around to exit the kitchen, you were surprised to find the general somehow snuck up on you. Standing just a few feet away, you nearly ran into his strong, broad chest. He lifted a hand to tilt your chin up and whatever biting remark you had locked and loaded died on your tongue. You finally allowed yourself to get a good look at him. Dark, brooding eyes. Thick, brown curls dusted in grey, the color matching his beard. Sharp, angular nose and pouty lips.
Okay, so he was good looking. That didn't negate the weird dress and obvious mental illness.
"Your name?" he murmured softly, finger still hooked under your chin.
You cleared your throat and responded with your name, to which he nodded before dropping his hand. His gaze drifted to your plate and his nose wrinkled. "What is this you are eating?"
"Pizza?" you replied, squeezing up against your counter so you could get past him and get some space. "Help yourself."
"What is pizza?" you heard him ask Danny. You collapsed onto the couch with a groan and took a bite, fully not in the mood for whatever weird shit your brother had going on.
"It's Italian, you'll like it," Danny replied.
The three men trailed in from the kitchen to join you in the living room, your moment of peace and quiet over.
"This appears to be some bastardized version of flatbread," the general said, lifting the piece of pizza and giving it a tentative sniff. "What is this red? Some kind of pepper paste?"
"It's tomato sauce."
"Alright, enough with this bullshit please," you said, but the men ignored you.
You watched as he took a bite and almost instantly spit it out. "This is vile."
"Hey, that's authentic New York City pizza. Nothing vile about it," Lizard said. You pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration.
"General - I'm sorry, I'm not calling you that. What's your real name?"
"That is my real name," he answered, cocking his head at you from the other end of the couch.
"General Marcus Acacius," Danny told you, cursing under his breath when he dropped some cheese on his shirt.
"Okay, Marcus," you began, but he shook his head.
"It is quite inappropriate for you to -"
"I don't give a shit, I'm not calling you General like I'm in the fucking army!"
The room fell quiet as you glared at Marcus, daring him to say another word. When it became evident he wasn't going to, you took a deep breath and continued.
"If you don't like the sauce, there's another pizza in the kitchen without it. Go try that," you said, voice a little softer now. He nodded and rose to go find the white pizza, leaving just the three of you for the first time.
"What the fuck, Danny?!" you whispered angrily. "Why the hell is there a guy in a dress pretending he's a fucking general in my home?"
"He is a general," Danny whispered back. "From Ancient Rome. I'll explain everything later," he said, straightening up when Marcus's footsteps approached.
"This is far better. Thank you, my lady."
"Oh, look at that. You already have something in common," Lizard said with a fake, syrupy voice. "You both love gross pizza."
"Thought you just said authentic New York City pizza can't be gross?" you sneered.
"Boom! She got you, Lizard," Danny laughed. Marcus looked around the room, confused.
"You said your name was Victor, did you not?"
You burst out laughing, covering your mouth with a napkin.
"Lizard's just his nickname. His real name is Victor," Danny explained.
"Yeah. No one calls me Victor. Just like no one calls you Marcus," Lizard explained.
"Only those dearest to me are allowed to use that name," he explained. "Such as a parent or a lover." His eyes flickered up to you quickly before focusing on his pizza once again.
"Does that make you his lover now?" Lizard teased. You kicked a foot out and jabbed him in the hip.
"Shut up," you grumbled.
"Do you not follow the proper steps to obtain a lover in your land?" he asked, genuine curiosity painting his face. "It is much more than simply calling another by a name. If a man were to deem a woman acceptable, he would make an arrangement with her father to wed." He scratched his chin in thought for a moment before adding, "unless, of course, she is a whore."
Lizard and Danny doubled over, howling with laughter while you stared daggers at them both.
"Did I say something to warrant such laughter?" Marcus asked you. You rolled your eyes.
"No, you did not."
"Rule number one, General," Danny said, gasping for air and wiping the tears from his eyes. "Don't call girls whores."
Marcus looked taken aback.
"I meant no offense. A whore is a common profession where I am from. There is no shame in it."
"Alright, can we stop talking about whores?" you asked, exasperated.
"Yeah, good idea. Let's find you some clothes to wear and we'll set up the couch so you can sleep. It folds out, don't worry," Danny told Marcus.
"My tunic should suffice," Marcus said, glancing down at his clothes.
"Uh, not in New York, man. Might stick out a little," Lizard joked, then stood to take his plate back in the kitchen for seconds.
"Depends on what side of town you're on," you mumbled under your breath.
"You can borrow something of mine," Danny said, standing up to go to his room. "You're a little bigger than me but I think I have something that'll work."
You eyed Marcus up over your plate, taking in the finer details of his appearance. "Where are you from? Really?" you asked. He turned to you with a sigh.
"Come on. You can drop the act, they're gone," you said, narrowing your eyes at him.
"I promise, I am telling you the truth," he replied, his gaze boring into you so intensely that it left you spellbound for a moment. "Your brother and his comrade found me on the outskirts of the city with some... contraption. They said they would take me to Greece, however it is clear this is not Greece."
"A contraption?" you repeated nervously. Oh, fuck.
He nodded. "I had never seen anything like it. I do not know what happened but once I entered, there were bright lights and a loud crack and... I must have lost consciousness. I woke in your lounge, utterly confused."
"Shit," you whispered, putting your plate down so you could angrily scrub your face with your hands. Danny, although very irritating and far too dependent on you for basic survival, was incredibly gifted. His intelligence stunned his teachers since he was three years old. He was doing long division at five and became fluent in Spanish at seven. By the time he entered high school, he had grown extremely interested in science, where he met Lizard. For years you had witnessed failed experiments and fireballs in your backyard, but you saw all their successes, as well. Since they were fourteen, Danny and Lizard talked about time travel and you always brushed them off, even when they began to build different devices throughout the years that claimed they were on the verge of a breakthrough, but of course, nothing ever came of it.
Until now.
No, that was crazy. There's no way they actually travelled back in time to Ancient Rome and returned with a Roman general... right?
"Why were you going to Greece?" you asked, tiredly dropping your hands in your lap.
He paused for a moment and you could see the hesitation in his eyes. He opened his mouth to reply right when Danny emerged from his bedroom with an armful of different clothing options.
"We'll go shopping tomorrow and find something else that will fit," he said, sheepishly handing over the clothes. Marcus slowly reached out and set them down on the cushion next to him.
"Thank you."
"Hey, I'm gonna take off," Lizard said from the kitchen doorway.
"Yeah, alright. Hey!" Danny said, swiveling around before he left. "You'll be back tomorrow, right? I need your help with the... thing."
You narrowed your eyes in his direction but remained silent. Once Marcus was asleep, you planned on having a very heated conversation with your brother, so you saved that little tidbit for later.
"Yeah, sure thing, man."
You stood to clean up the leftovers while you listened to Danny explain the concept of a pull-out couch to Marcus, then after that, a bathroom. The more time that passed, the more nervous you became. What if this was real? Was it even possible?
Quietly, you stepped out from the kitchen. Marcus was sitting on the edge of the pull out mattress, hands clasped together between his knees as he stared blankly at the floor. For the first time, you felt bad for him. If everything he said was true, he had to have been so confused and scared.
"Hey," you said softly. He lifted his head with a jolt of surprise. "Here's some water," you said, offering him a plastic bottle. He took it and frowned. "You twist the top to open it," you explained, ignoring how ridiculous it felt to tell a grown man how to open a bottle of water.
"Thank you," he replied, setting it down on the floor next to his bed.
"Do you need anything else?"
He shook his head and gave you a small smile. "No, my lady. Thank you for your hospitality."
"You're welcome," you said shyly, inching towards the little hallway that led to your bedroom. "We'll get you back home, Marcus. Don't worry."
He swallowed and smiled again. "Of course."
You smiled back and awkwardly clapped your hands together. "Well, if you need anything at all, just knock on one of our doors."
He nodded and with a sigh, began to peel back the sheets.
"Good night, my lady," he said once your back was turned. You swiveled back around and gave him a little wave, his deep brown eyes looking breathtaking in the evening light.
"Good night."
Flustered, you knocked into the doorframe on your way back to your room. Cursing under your breath and rubbing your shoulder, you slipped behind your door, finally putting an end to your humiliation.
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The next morning you sipped your coffee in your kitchen as you replayed the argument you had with Danny the night before once you were sure Marcus was asleep.
"You need to get him back home. Tomorrow, Danny," you had said sternly.
"There might be a slight hiccup with that," he replied, bracing himself for your anger. "The machine needs repairs."
"What the fuck do you mean?!" you seethed as your paced around his cluttered room.
"Don't worry, sis! We can fix it! But we just need a couple days."
"How many days?" you asked with a glare.
Danny shrugged. "Two. Three."
You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose.
"A week, tops."
"A week?!"
"Shh! You'll wake him up!" he scolded, pointing angrily towards the door. "Lizard's coming over tomorrow, we'll get working on it right away. Something happened on impact when we returned, I didn't factor in modern day atmospheric pressure originally, but -"
"I don't give a shit what the reason is, you just need to fix it! You have no clue what the ramifications are by keeping him here! You could alter the course of history or something!"
"You watch too many movies," Danny chuckled, but quickly stopped and cleared his throat when he saw the look on your face. "I'll fix it. Promise."
The caffeine hadn't even had a chance to enter your bloodstream before Danny woke and dropped yet another problem onto your lap.
"Do you think you can take him shopping for some clothes today while me and Lizard work on this thing?" he asked as he poured cereal into a bowl.
"So now I'm running errands for you?" you snapped.
"C'mon, don't be like that," he replied as he put the carton of milk back in the fridge. The dynamic between you and your brother was wearing thin. It was always up to you to be the levelheaded one while he just allowed the wind to take him wherever it pleased, completely carefree while you harbored all the stress of basic responsibilities.
"Try to just enjoy the adventure for once," he added before messily scooping cereal into his mouth.
"Yeah, right," you grumbled under your breath before bringing your mug to your lips and taking another sip.
"So, is that a yes?"
"Fine," you said with a roll of your eyes. "If only so I can get away from this apartment and the inevitable chaos those repairs will bring. Just don't piss off my neighbors, okay?"
"Good day," you heard Marcus's deep voice rumble behind you. You jumped and swiveled around, gaze flickering down briefly to take in his borrowed clothes. Danny was right, he needed something that fit.
"Morning, General," Danny said with a grin. "Sleep well?"
"Surprisingly, yes. Even with all the noise outdoors... tell me, is it ever silent here?"
"No," you both said in unison. He nodded and looked down at his tunic, which was crumpled up in his fist.
"Do you have a servant I can give this to for washing?"
"That would be me," you said, stretching out your arm. Marcus hesitated for a moment.
"The lady of the house shouldn't have to perform such arduous tasks."
"I agree, yet here we are," you said, taking the tunic and tossing it over your shoulder. "I have to put in a load, anyway."
You changed your clothes and freshened up while listening to your brother scrape together some type of meal for Marcus that he found acceptable, then pressed the button on your tiny washing machine before heading back into the kitchen.
Marcus glanced between you and Danny while chewing the last piece of a baguette.
"My sister's gonna take you shopping for some clothes," Danny explained. Marcus looked down at his attire and nodded.
"To the market, then?" he asked you, trailing after you as you tossed your bag over your shoulder and walked down the hallway towards the elevators.
"Something like that."
"I have plenty of denar," he said as you jabbed the call button.
"Denar?" you asked, cocking an eyebrow at him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small leather satchel filled with unfamiliar coins. You grinned and shook your head.
"Don't worry, I got it."
"Please, your hospitality has already been gracious enough," he said, following you into the elevator when it opened.
"If you can find someone who will take that, then be my guest," you said, tapping the lobby button. He was about to say something else when the doors closed and the car violently jolted, startling him.
"What is this?"
"It's an elevator. It lifts us up and down so we don't have to take the stairs."
His jaw hung open in disbelief until the doors slid open to reveal the lobby, then he broke out into a huge smile.
But once he followed you out onto the busy New York City street, peppered with pedestrians, bicyclists, couriers, and a sea of vehicles, then his eyes practically bugged out of his head.
"I see now where all the noise comes from," he said to you, raising his voice a bit over the commotion as you walked. It was actually endearing to see him experience the city for the first time, something you took for granted every day leaves most people in awe. It was easy to forget that.
"Stick close," you said with a small smile when you saw him tip his head back to gaze up at the towering skyscrapers.
"What is your profession, then?" he asked as he walked by your side. You noticed with envy that others on the sidewalk veered out of his way, his massive shoulders and hulking frame no doubt the reason, instead of brushing past him, like what most do to you every day.
"I write for a fashion magazine."
"Oh, so you're a poet?" he asked, intrigued. You shook your head with a small laugh.
"No. I write about romance in the lifestyle section. I have a column every month on a different topic and I also pick three reader questions to answer and publish on the website every week."
It was clear he hardly understood what you were talking about, so you stopped at the nearest newsstand and grabbed your magazine. After paying, you ushered him over to a bench and sat down while you thumbed through it.
"Ah! Here we go," you said, proudly handing over the magazine and tapping on the corner of the page.
"'Are Soulmates Real'?" he read aloud the title before frowning at you. You nodded.
"Yeah, I talk about the idea of soulmates and how it's putting too much pressure on the modern woman to find this perfect partner when in reality, they don't exist."
"And how do you know this?" he asked, clearly amused.
"I don't, but I wrote from experience," you shrugged.
"So, since you have not found a soulmate, that means they do not exist?"
"No, it's an opinion, Marcus," you explained, "the magazine pays me for my opinion and outlook on things."
He sighed and closed the magazine with a shake of his head. "I am sorry you feel that way."
"Are you saying you believe in soulmates?" you asked.
"Well, I cannot say one way or another from experience, but I like to believe they exist, yes."
"Do you have a wife or family waiting for you back home?" The thought hadn't even occurred to you before now and you felt guilty, but he shook his head.
"My wife died many years ago during childbirth," he said sadly, and your heart plummeted. "She was young and I had just made rank, so her father arranged our marriage in order to ensure a safe and comfortable life for his only daughter." He looked down at the magazine in his hands but he wasn't really reading it. He was too lost in thought.
"She was with child very quickly after we wed. I had not even known her a year by the time she passed, but the time I had with her was enjoyable. I thought very much one day we would learn to love one another," he said, giving you a sad smile. "Was not meant to be."
"I'm so sorry," you said softly, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "That's horrible... I don't even know what to say."
"It was a long time ago now. I never did remarry, although I had many offers. I became entirely focused on war, fighting to keep Rome and her citizens safe. It is what I was meant to do," he said, exhaling loudly and looking around. "Is this what you feel you are meant to do?" he asked, holding up the magazine. You laughed, grateful for the change of subject.
"No, probably not."
He grinned and nodded in agreement. "Yes, I imagine you are destined for much more, my lady."
"You think so?" you asked, scrunching your nose self-consciously.
He nodded, his gaze drifting over your face solemnly.
"I do."
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If elevators impressed Marcus, then the escalators within Bloomingdale's practically floored him. He was so enraptured with them that you had to nudge his shoulder to remind him to step forward before he tripped when you got to the top.
"This is unlike anything I have ever laid my eyes on," he said to you in wonder, his head rolling around on his shoulders as he gazed around at all the lights and signage.
"Yeah, Bloomingdale's is special," you said dreamily. "Sometimes I get to tag along with girls from work to pick out fashion samples for the magazine. It's always so much fun."
You led him over to the men's section and turned to study his broad frame. "You're probably an extra large," you said as you began to sift through the racks, picking out various shirts in different styles and colors and draping them over your arm. He watched you without saying a word, just occasionally feeling the material between his fingertips whenever he saw something that caught his eye. When you got to the pants, you paused and pursed your lips. Glancing around, you spotted a measuring tape left on one of the registers. Grabbing his hand in yours, you dragged him over and shoved the shirts in his arms.
"Here. Hold these while I measure your waist and inseam."
He frowned for a moment but did as you asked, then jumped when you wrapped your arms around his middle with the tape.
"Sorry, it will only take a second," you murmured, ignoring how muscular and firm he felt under your hands. You took note of the number and flushed when it came time to measure his inseam. You chewed on your lip and glanced around, searching for a worker to maybe do it instead, but none were nearby.
"Okay, I'm going to have to measure the length of your leg," you began to explain. "I need to... put my hand close to..." you trailed off and gestured vaguely towards his lap and it finally seemed to click.
"Oh," he said in surprise, glancing down. He cleared his throat and nodded but you could see the pink creeping up his neck.
"I'll be fast," you assured him, "unless you prefer I find someone else."
"No, that is quite alright," he told you, standing tall and tucking his hands behind his back. Glancing around the store once more, you fell to your knees with the measuring tape. You tried not to think about it, tried not to look, but his clothes were too snug as it was and it was right fucking there.
Jesus Christ, you had to get it together. You were not lusting after a time traveling Roman general in the middle of Bloomingdale's. But it was impossible to ignore the impressive looking bulge right at eye level.
"Okay," you said quickly, standing up so fast your head spun. "Got it, let's go."
You hurriedly dropped the measuring tape back on the counter and swiveled around, looking for men's pants while trying to hide how flustered you were. You grabbed a few pairs of jeans and khakis before adding them to Marcus's pile, and avoiding his eye, you pointed over to the corner.
"You can try them on in there."
You waited outside patiently, listening to him struggle with a zipper. You had to draw the line: there was no way you would help him with that. But when he emerged from the dressing room for approval wearing a nice fitting pair of jeans and a white polo shirt, you kind of missed those tight clothes from before. You gave him a smile and thumbs up and he grinned before stepping back into the dressing room. When he turned around and you saw his ass in those jeans, you tilted your head to the side and raised your eyebrows.
Okay, the new clothes weren't so bad, either.
You picked him out two pairs of pants, an assortment of shirts, and paid before going to the intimates floor to grab some underwear, socks, and pajamas. On the way to the men's section, you passed by some mannequins wearing lacy lingerie and robes. Marcus frowned and tugged on your elbow.
"What is that for?"
You glanced in the direction he was pointing and inwardly groaned.
"It's undergarments women wear," you explained, hoping to leave it at that, but he still had questions.
"What is the purpose of the colors if they are under your clothes?"
You sighed and pinched your nose. "It's for sex, okay?" you whispered to him, looking around quickly to make sure nobody could overhear you.
"Sex?" he repeated at full volume. You shushed him, your cheeks flaring with heat, but he just gave you a bewildered look. "Why must I be quiet?"
"We don't talk about sex in public here," you told him, voice still lowered. "It's inappropriate."
"Why on earth not?" he asked, but he kept his voice soft for your benefit as he followed you into the men's section. "Nothing is more natural or beautiful than sex."
"Yeah, well, I don't have all the answers, Marcus."
"And why would a woman drape herself in such garb? A woman's body is a work of art. It is meant to be worshiped and admired just as it is. One would not hang ornaments off a statue of Venus, so why would a woman -"
"I don't know, Marcus!" you said, grabbing a pack of boxers and then a pack of white socks. "Men just like it, I guess."
He scoffed and shook his head but chose not to say anything further when he picked up the agitation in your voice.
You paid for the rest of the clothes and handed him the bag to carry as you led him to the exit. "Are you hungry What do you usually eat around this time of day?"
"It varies. I quite like fish with some bread and cheese."
You thought about it for a moment before your face lit up and you snapped your fingers.
"I have an idea."
Right around the corner from Bloomingdale's was one of your favorite bagel places. You found a table outside and made him sit then hurried inside to order two lox bagels. You almost grabbed Diet Coke but then thought that might kill him, so instead you got two waters and met him back outside in less than ten minutes.
"Try this," was all you said, handing him a warm bagel wrapped in paper and smelling absolutely divine.
Carefully, he peeled the paper away and sniffed the bagel before taking a hesitant bite. You waited, your own bagel untouched, for his reaction. His eyes snapped up to yours and a slow smile spread across his face.
"This is magnificent."
You giggled and tore into the paper covering your own lunch. "I had a feeling you would like it. Fish, bread and cheese."
He nodded and took a bigger bite. "Very wise. Tell me," he said, wiping the corner of his mouth with a napkin. "How has no one asked your father for your hand in marriage? You are bright, strong and beautiful. I am shocked you are not taken."
You decided to let the taken comment go that time and swallowed your food before replying. "Our parents are dead, first of all. But secondly, even if someone was interested in marrying me, they wouldn't need to ask my father. They just ask the woman directly now."
He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "My apologies. I was unaware of your parents' passing."
"That's okay," you shrugged. "It was a long time ago. Danny was a teenager and I had just graduated high school." You looked up at him, realizing he wouldn't understand what that meant. "I was nineteen. I had to grow up fast and help keep an eye on Danny," you settled on saying, figuring that would sum it up enough.
He nodded and looked down at his food, quietly thinking over what you said. "Has a man ever asked for your hand?" he asked before taking another bite of food.
You laughed. "Uh, no."
"Why is that humorous?"
You sighed and glanced around. "I haven't exactly dated many winners." He cocked an eyebrow at you and you added, "I seem to only attract assholes."
"Ah," he said in understanding. "I am attracted to you. Does this make me an... asshole?"
Your eyelids fluttered and you nearly choked on your water. "W-what?"
"I said, I am attracted -"
"No, I heard you, I just needed a second to process what you said," you told him, feeling your heart beat loudly in your chest. He tilted his head at you curiously.
"Does this surprise you?"
You laughed and fanned the back of your neck nervously. "Um, yes, a little. People don't usually go around just announcing when they're attracted to someone. They're a little more subtle than that."
"Oh. Have I made you uncomfortable? I do apologize," he said, his deep brown eyes softening as he gazed at you across the table.
"It's okay, I just didn't expect it," you chuckled, waving him off and focusing on your food with a stupid smile stretched across your face. He watched you eat for a moment, the corners of his mouth twitching as he replayed what you just told him.
"You did not say if you are attracted to me," he said, drawing your attention back up to him. "Is this because you are not, or are you being... subtle?"
You grinned and shook your head. "You have a weird way of flirting."
He smiled back, the creases next to his eyes deepening. "I told you. Where I am from, sex is not something to be ashamed of. It is enjoyable and discussed often. Unless one has devoted themselves to a life of celibacy."
Definitely not, you thought. He let the subject drop as he finished the rest of his lunch and sat back in his chair, looking around at the cars inching by and beeping their horns angrily. You remained quiet for a few minutes, debating on what to say, if you should say anything at all until you finally decided fuck it.
"I'm attracted to you, too."
His head swiveled in your direction and he grinned. "Thank you," he said sincerely.
You giggled in disbelief before you said, "you're welcome."
Something had shifted between you on the walk back to your apartment. It felt so different from just a few hours ago, and it wasn't just the shocking confession over lunch. You had learned a little more about each other, let the other in and shared personal details about your lives, trusting one another with your vulnerability. And for once, you didn't feel raw and exposed. Strangely, it felt like you could trust him. Maybe it was because you knew he would be gone in a few days and it didn't feel like you had much to lose.
However, when you got off the elevator and walked toward your apartment, the sounds of power tools and shouting coming from the other side of the door, Marcus stopped you. He plucked your hand from your side and brought your knuckles to his lips, brushing over them gently while maintaining eye contact, the entire moment making your hands tremble and your heart to flutter excitedly in your chest.
"Thank you for today, my lady. I had a lovely time with you."
You smiled shyly at him and looked down at the ground.
"Me, too," you replied softly.
And it was then you realized you very much might have something to lose after all.
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runwayrunway · 1 year
No. 45 - BermudAir
Sometimes, when I'm especially bored at work, I find myself idly checking to see if there are any interesting planes at Logan Airport. It's common to see an MD-11 or A380, but every once in a while we get Blueprint, for example, or Vatnajökull or Hekla Aurora, or the Blackpink plane, and I always have my fingers crossed one day Xáat Kwáani will be there.
Today, the 23rd of August, I opened FlightRadar24 and was startled to see we were graced with the presence of a British Midland Embraer E175.
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What is an airline which hasn't existed since 2012 doing operating a flight to an airport it never served using a type it never flew? Well, disappointingly, they aren't.
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As far as consolation prizes go, though, I'm perfectly happy with a brand new airline to discuss.
So I'm reasonably sure what happened here is that BermudAir is using British Midland's old ICAO designator, BMA, and FlightRadar hasn't updated its data to match yet. They do this. I regularly get a kick out of the fact that their map insists Cape Air's Tecnam P2012s are jets.
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Regardless, it was a good way to grab my attention! When I say BermudAir is new I do mean brand new - as in, they haven't flown a single revenue flight yet. Their plan is to begin service to Boston Logan and Westchester County Airport (located just north of New York City) on the 31st of August and Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood on the 15th of September, connecting all three destinations with Bermuda's L.F. Wade International Airport.
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So let's take a look at this girl, temporarily local to me! This is VQ-BLU, but you can call her Topsey, which is an adorable name. She's an eleven-year-old Embraer E175, formerly of Flybe. And wow, is she tropical. Fort Lauderdale is one thing, but just imagine this plane parked in Boston in the middle of a blizzard. Oh, no...it'd just be her bright little tail poking out in a sheet of white...
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If you look closer you can see that the interior of the winglet is a very washed out blue with the BermudAir logo on it.
She's vibrant! She's tropical! I love this design, obviously. It would be difficult not to. It's just...visually pleasing, right? It's bright and pink and colourful and gorgeous. While I initially thought this design was sort of familiar I think it might just be a very popular style, because if it's actually taken from a specific preexisting piece rather than commissioned for BermudAir it's certainly not one I could identify. Anyway, it looks nice.
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...wish they'd painted the rest of the plane, though.
So this is VQ-BLW, Willy to her friends. If the names Topsey and Willy have any particular origin, it's not one I'm aware of, but as always I prefer named airplanes to unnamed ones. Willy is also eleven years old and a Flybe veteran, and is currently parked at Muskoka, presumably waiting to be ferried to her new home.
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One thing I do quite like is the degree to which the design changes depending on the lighting. This sort of fuchsia is great for that. It looks pastel in the light and luminescent in the shadow, but never looks washed out or dusty. The composition of the blues and pink is absolutely beautiful.
For a minute there I thought the engines had some sort of pink design which made me think of a flower for some reason, but upon closer inspection it appears to just be an engine cover lashed on with ropes of a similar dusty pink colour. This is a shame. More airlines need to do creative things with their nacelles. Even if they're subtle, it can make a huge difference when you consider it's one of the most foreground things period when seeing the plane from the side.
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That's a shame. Oh, well.
As for the primarily white portion of the body, it could be worse. They've chosen a tolerable sans serif, and they've made it dark grey rather than black to avoid it looking too harsh and out-of-place. I also like the location beneath the window-line, something more typical of turboprops which I think adds a nice bit of variety when done in large text on a jet like this. The stylized A in the logo and Topsey's name are both rendered in cyan, keeping some of that tropical energy throughout the airframe. That said, while the text is quite legible (the generous but not excessive space between letters and the size it's printed in are both excellent) I really wish the cyan-on-white was a bit easier to read.
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While somehow the abstract nature of the tail design combined with the massive wordmark at the front prevents the plane from feeling lopsided as many similar layouts do, I still think this could be improved. Beyond the simple fact that it's boring, I distinctly dislike the very luxury-hotel feeling of combined tropical colors and sterile white. That sort of thing has always given me the ick, and also just feels unsure of what it wants to be. Are you having fun or are you going to perform a surgery? Are we a bunch of businessmen in suits having their meeting inside of a hot tub drinking Mai Tais or are we a group of seven to ten college-aged girls with modest Instagram followings playing beach volleyball in a conference room? You can't be both.
But, I mean...in terms of vacation branding, this is about as standard as you get. This is every big resort on St. John's and every luxury cruise to the extremely teal oceans of some archipelago somewhere. So despite my personal distaste for the style in general I have to admit this is a well done instance of it. That art on the tail really is nice, it really just is. I wish I knew who the artist was, because they know their way around a color palette.
So how do we...well, I don't want to say fix this, because I do think it gets the job done. I think I need to reframe my phrasing for this and future reviews: how do we make this an A? And I don't know. There's the obvious, extending the design to the whole plane, but I don't even think you need to go that far. A bit of light colored remnant trailing off into the rest of the plane, maybe a shift for the fuselage itself from pure white to a dusty pink or cyan...or, if you commit to the idea of the beach, both, for a sunset over an ocean. Add something to the engines, you might have something!
But this livery is already kind of admittedly more than adequate. I feel like people who are more receptive to this...vibe than I am would really rate this. And that isn't not a factor in my decisions. I don't just base these off aesthetics, or my rating for Saudia wouldn't be what it is. There's a degree of...trying, here, and a degree of succeeding, even. I do think it's well designed even though it reminds me of the little bottles of shampoo you get at hotels.
So, um...B-, I think. That's what I'm going with for the moment - could someone please "accidentally" get some grapefruit juice on the front fuselage, though? Just as a favor to me.
Okay, wow, Runway Runway. Nice post, but uh...is this really what took you so long to finish? And don't you normally give some background on the airline you're talking about? Is this some sort of joke?
Well...no. I wanted to put the review in the start of the post for a couple of reasons, but I'd appreciate if you continue reading for some background on BermudAir. There's a lot about the airline that requires some pretty extensive context, and I think it would be actively irresponsible not to talk about. The rest of this post is going to be long, but that's for a good reason, so please bear with me.
BermudAir is actually a milestone - Bermuda's first airline, apparently. I was startled to learn this, and it made me pretty excited. Bermuda is a British Overseas Territory - this is to say, a colony of the English Empire which even in the modern day has not gained its independence and retains the King of England as its head of state despite being self-governed in every practical sense of the term. It would be fantastic to see Bermuda establish its own flag carrier, to have more of its own infrastructure, and just broadly more to call its own that isn't imposed by the British Empire.
And that's when this stopped really being a normal Runway Runway post.
I was surprised to learn that BermudAir is the first airline in Bermuda's history. It turns out that's because it isn't true - though it might appear that way until you roll up your sleeves and root around in the compost bin of publicly available records. While Bermuda's Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA) has issued Air Operator Certificates (AOC) multiple times in the past, most were for startups that fell through. People have been trying and failing now for literal decades to make an airline stick. But while no scheduled passenger airlines have gotten off the ground, BermudAir is not the literal first airline in Bermuda. Leisure and charter airline Freedom II appears to mostly fly to Anguilla and is headquartered in Florida but is registered in Bermuda, and supposedly an airline called Brisair also operated from Bermuda but Planespotters.net says it's Swiss and all photos seem to be from Finland, and they don't appear to so much as have a website, so...I'm not sure. I don't even know if Brisair is still in operation. There's also charter and cargo airline Longtail Aviation, which made the news in 2021 when one of its planes disgorged a few assorted engine gubbins while flying over the Netherlands.
This is at least two and potentially three things operating in Bermuda which I would definitely describe as airlines, so BermudAir is not the first Bermudian airline! They appear to be the first Bermuda-founded airline to operate scheduled service to Bermuda, and will be the only one to operate year-round service from the island, but that isn't the same thing as being the first Bermudian airline. You can't just say things that aren't true! And even the government seems to be repeating this.
"We are very happy to welcome BermudAir as Bermuda's first carrier, as they work toward setting a new standard for travel," Bermuda's Minister of Transport Wayne Furbert said in a statement celebrating the carrier's launch. "This partnership represents an exciting milestone for our island, as it enhances connectivity and strengthens our position as a premier destination. With BermudAir's commitment to providing convenient connections, we anticipate a significant boost to our tourism market."
And this just feels wrong. The Bermudian government's enthusiasm about this project doesn't actually fill me with very much optimism given the context in which they're saying this and in which BermudAir exists.
All of what I'm going to say right now is incredibly oversimplified and I don't have the necessary background to not oversimplify it, so keep in mind these are very broad statements and that for a better picture you would need to seek out Bermudian writers. But even my simple version is pretty long, and a little bit technical. All of my sources are going to be at the bottom of this post and I'm sure there's a lot I've overlooked, so if you have anything to add or correct please do so. This said, BermudAir is not for Bermudians.
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The flag of Bermuda. Pay close attention to the best coat of arms I have ever seen in my life. Can you imagine how good this would look without the Union Jack cluttering it up?
Bermuda is a very 'prosperous' place, a statement which is deeply misleading. It has a colossal GDP, driven not by any domestic industry but from its status as one of the world's best-reviewed tax havens. Indeed, tariffs imposed by the US have essentially meant that agricultural exports are a nonstarter as an economic pursuit and their wealth comes instead from tourism and thousands of foreign businesses with no real connection to Bermuda flocking there to take advantage of the almost nonexistent taxes.[10]
At various points anywhere between 20 and 30 percent of those residing in the country have not held Bermudian status. This is a term that should be clarified upfront. Bermudians, and anyone born in Bermuda, are British nationals but do not have British citizenship. They instead have 'British Overseas Territories Citizenship', which does not confer the rights associated with actual citizenship, such as that of work or abode. Many Bermudians accordingly do not consider themselves to be British.[17]
However, there exists a local 'citizenship' called Bermudian Status. Bermudian Status is given to those with at least one parent who holds Bermudian status, or by formal government award. It is not given to those born on Bermudian soil, cannot be bought, and is very difficult to obtain if not born into. I have literally never seen such stringent requirements for a citizenship in my life, and this does actually have meaningful consequences. Rights such as those to work, own businesses, obtain scholarships, and vote are restricted to those with Bermudian status. They also cannot purchase property - with one exception.[17]
All of the above sounds pretty horrible, and I'm sure it sometimes is, but it needs to be taken in the context it exists in. Bermuda is an incredibly popular tax haven for the ultrawealthy[10] and accordingly flocked to by nationals of other countries. Although Archibald[17] makes it out as if there is some sort of epidemic of arbitrarily disenfranchised Bermudian-born individuals this doesn't actually seem to be true, as 97% of those born on Bermudian soil actually do hold Bermudian status, as do 31% of those born elsewhere.[18] It may be difficult to obtain, and that may well be a problem, but this does not appear to be an epidemic of people disenfranchised from birth, which does exist elsewhere. For instance, former USSR citizens in Latvia and Estonia were not granted citizenship and many remain functionally stateless, and residents of American Samoa are considered US nationals but not citizens. This makes them, among other things, ineligible for any government benefits for disability or medical care.
These people without Bermudian status aren't just stateless, though. They hold the same British Overseas Territories Citizenship as Bermudians, and may well hold others - for instance, those born on US military bases are US birthright citizens. The majority of these non-Bermudians are foreign-born and thus presumably hold a different citizenship. And citizenships can be something pretty lopsided. A US, UK, or EU passport holds an absolutely outsized amount of power and convenience when it comes to free travel and may entitle you to myriad benefits from said governments. I know a lot of people with dual citizenships who have no love whatsoever for the US or UK but keep their passports because life without one is measurably harder. And think of it this way: a non-Bermudian living in Bermuda is less like someone born in American Samoa, who has no nationality other than the US but cannot vote or derive government benefits, and a little bit more like a permanent resident, who can't vote, a system had by just about every country.
And there's probably a reason Bermuda is so stingy about Bermudian status. I'll be honest, it's pretty telling that unlike many other jurisdictions Bermuda doesn't allow one to pay their way into citizenship. I'm sure some people want that to be the case, given the demographics of non-Bermudians in Bermuda, but the distinction between people actually from Bermuda and those who are just using it for a tax break is actually meaningful. I'm sure there are people genuinely harmed by this law, but there's one more thing I need to point out: non-Bermudians are allowed to own land. The only restriction is that they're limited to the most expensive 5% of it. This sends a pretty clear message about who non-Bermudians are.
Since agriculture is mostly a non-starter and so much of the country is foreigners, aside from tax breaks and registering yachts Bermuda's main industry, particularly for employment of locals, is tourism. The need to satisfy tourists makes everything else frequently secondary to avoid upsetting the fulcrum of the economy and can impede efforts of worker's unions. What taxes do exist are placed on workers and end consumers rather than those who own businesses and property. The majority of taxes come from customs, and though payroll is taxed personal income is not, meaning that all income tax is paid off of wage labor and none off of personal accumulated capital. Land tax does exist, but makes up the smallest portion of tax income.[4] The cost of living is commensurate with the GDP and benefits for the elderly and disabled are notably lacking[13]; most disabled and elderly residents are Black[11].
As with many places with a similar history under colonial rule, Bermuda has an extensive history of violent racial oppression and the effects are still clearly seen today. According to the most recent data I could find, admittedly from 2012, though Black Bermudians make up the majority of the population their average income is 22% lower than that of White Bermudians and their median income 30% lower[1]. While I don't have the data on hand, just the analysis the government itself published, my assumption would be that this means that, though the wealthiest Black Bermudians still make less than the wealthiest white Bermudians, they are still significantly pushing up the average, and a heavily disproportionate number of Black Bermudians make up the ranks of the absolute most impoverished Bermudians.
Most tellingly, from my own perspective, non-Bermudians have a 20% higher median income than Bermudians of any race, and this is increasing at a higher rate than that of Bermudians as well. In the past decade the greatest increase has been seen by non-Bermudian women, and the least by Bermudian men, suggesting that the gender gap is slowly closing while the nationality gap is widening[1]. The Tax Justice Network's 2018 report notes that the Bermudian government has 'conspicuously' never produced a study of income inequality and does not provide equivalized numbers, which makes it difficult to properly derive true numbers and compare to other countries. Still, here is what they found:
While while wages did rise between 2008 and 2016, the highest-earning only just kept up with inflation while those earning lower wages have, in real terms, had their earnings fall by 5%. Although clerical jobs are low-paying compared to the (very inflated) average, they're doing fantastic compared to the 32% drop seen by workers in Agriculture & Fisheries.[4] While in countries like the United States these jobs are primarily sloughed off to migrants with little to no recourse against poor treatment and pitiful wages, in Bermuda these jobs are presumably similar in implementation but half of them are worked by native Bermudans.[4] Black Bermudians are the majority of the workforce, yet 65% of those in managerial and professional occupations are white.[11] This means that most of the people having their wages functionally decrease were Black, further exacerbating the racial wealth gap.
When comparing average to median income Bermuda has some of the highest income inequality in the entire world, comparable to that of the United States and worse than that of London.[4] That is unbelievably dire, especially given how often Bermuda is represented as some sort of poverty-free paradise when attempting to galvanise tourism among the US's upper classes.
As for independence, a referendum was actually held in 1995, and the prospect was defeated by 74%, with a worryingly low voter turnout of 59%. While this clears the required bar of 40% of eligible voters opposing independence, it is still not an inspiring number. Apparently this is fairly normal, with only 60% of eligible voters registered[13] and reliably low turnout[10] suggesting this is the norm rather than the exception. This becomes all the grimmer when a Cabinet Minister "[...] compare[s] the Country to a business that had prospered under Bermudian management". Additionally, said Minister "had detected 'a shift in attitude' against blacks in the UBP. Caucus members who she would not name felt 'too many concessions were being made for black people,' and Government was doing too much to level the playing field.'"[2] Bermuda has for most of its history been ruled by a conservative party which remained in power despite being supported primarily by the white minority, and has had consistently low voter turnout[11]. Their Governor is still appointed by the English Crown, and in 2020 Bermuda was generously granted its first ever Black Governor! She is not, however, a Black Bermudian, and in fact many in the government expressed displeasure at the fact that Bermuda is still not independent, calling for at least a Deputy Governor who is actually from Bermuda, and mentioning that they had been asking for a Black Governor for a majority Black society twenty entire years ago![12]
Now pair that with the knowledge that the Governor appoints the Premier and Senate as well and that these positions are held until the Crown decides otherwise and that racial wealth disparity begins to make more sense. Legal power is concentrated in the same hands it has since its inception as a British Territory, that of wealthy white Britons. It didn't surprise me to learn where the opposition to independence came from. "The powerful families who control much of the island's commerce wish the issue of independence would simply go away," wrote Aline Sullivan for the International Herald Tribune in the leadup to the referendum. From the same article: "One private trust manager, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that if Bermuda became independent, the financial community would 'have to rethink everything. Unless we are careful, we may start losing business' to the Cayman Islands and elsewhere, the manager said. 'People may not think of us if we can no longer market Bermuda as a British colony.'"[3] It seems blatant, reading over this, that while there was a genuine push for independence by the primarily Black permanent population, the question for the actual government was always one of optics and how best to cater to the financial giants using Bermuda as a tool.
The takeaway from this is that Bermuda's wealth is not generated via authentic economic prosperity but by offshore banking conducted by already-wealthy individuals born elsewhere exploiting the country's permissive tax laws, while those who are truly Bermudian have essentially no choice but to lean heavily on tourism as a source of income. Bermuda is not unique in this sense, but it surprised me they'd never so much as had a national airline. That's right, this is a blog about airlines. As best I can tell, this is because it's a particularly popular destination for yachts, and presumably nobody in a position to start an airline ever wondered about whether things should be made a little easier for the yachtless underclasses. When I heard this was going to be the first airline founded in Bermuda, I foolishly assumed that it would be an attempt at a flag carrier to make travel to and from Bermuda broadly more accessible.
Oh, and as for the concerning lack of figures - Bermuda appears to be ridiculously understudied. Although plenty has been written on the wildlife and ecology, and in some specific fields like midwifery, I had a very hard time finding detailed studies of the population and for each useful thing I found I also got around seven articles about marine invertebrates and occasionally something like this.
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So if people have done analyses of the publicly available census data, or research of their own, most of it is in places where my student-going-into-archival-science's ability to use databases and my university's JSTOR credentials can't reach. And, well, that's bad. It's pretty bad that aside from the sources I'm using the only thing I could find was one study conducted on seniors' ability to access healthcare. It's not great, by the way.
But that is literally not even why I'm meant to be here.
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Okay, enough of the politics! Time for some business speculation! As an undergraduate history student I have even less authority to speak on this than I do on the history of Bermudian wealth inequality, so take this with an even larger grain of salt, but I'm going to spend a moment to discuss the most noteworthy thing about BermudAir - its business model.
BermudAir is a boutique airline which will operate nonstop flights to three destinations on the US East Coast from Bermuda year-round.
This is already a weird concept. To begin with, this isn't a service anyone is in dire need of. Although the only one of their three destinations which currently has a direct flight to Bermuda is Logan (operated daily by a jetBlue A220), flights from the East Coast are not lacking. Delta, United, JetBlue, and American Airlines all fly to Bermuda, and the fact that Westchester doesn't currently have one isn't strange given it's mostly a regional airport and the nearby JFK absolutely does have direct flights to Bermuda. This makes me think they may well be frozen out of business for half of the year. Sure, their passengers won't have to deal with seeing poor people at the airport, but they also won't be able to use their SkyMiles.
This service will be non-stop and year-round. Right now tickets are $199 or so, but when they get their planned cabins installed in November prices will immediately jump to quadruple digits.[6] (...this honestly makes me a little angry. That is an immense difference in price for a service that differs only in initial cost of installation.) This is because the entire airplane will be business-class only. This is actually pretty cheap for business class, apparently. I wouldn't know, I'm not really BermudAir's target audience. The Business Insider article opens with the phrase "Bermuda just got a little more accessible," which is really...a thing that they said in their article.
Business-class-only travel isn't unheard of or anything. Private jet rentals are a thing (for people willing to spend between tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars per hour) and carriers like Qatar Airways and British Airways have had similar models on a limited number of retrofitted planes. There's also La Compagnie, an airline which flies in an all-business-class configuration primarily Orly to Newark. And, I mean, that makes some sense, Paris to Newark is a popular route for business travelers...not sure about Boston to Bermuda.
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image: Adam Moreira They're actually one of the airlines I wanted to talk about when I first started this blog. Still might do.
A 'boutique airline' is meant to be the equivalent of a boutique hotel - nice fluffy transport for wealthy business and leisure travelers. This definition gets a bit fuzzy - Asiana Airlines and TAP Air Portugal have both been described this way at least once, and that's definitely not true - but I think BermudAir has helped codify the definition. Though Bangkok Airways self-describes as such, I think airlines like BermudAir and La Compagnie are the true exemplar of the category. A luxury vacation airline that isn't quite renting a private jet or owning a yacht, but is still a luxury airline for luxury. There have been attempts at such before. David Neeleman, known recurring character of this blog, has been involved in two such ventures - Superior Air Charter (formerly JetSuite) and Climb. But those are just affordable jet cards with a Neeleman management style (Neelemanagement?). BermudAir and La Compagnie are fundamentally different. They've just eliminated economy class so they can fit more business class on the plane.
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image: BermudAir Pay particular note to the pink mood lighting! Apparently it's meant to evoke the color of the sand on a Bermudian beach.
They refer to it as 'Aisle Class', because everyone gets both a window and an aisle seat (and enough storage space that overhead bins just aren't in the equation, which begs the question of...what if I want to put my things away?). 30 such 'suites' will be installed on each plane on the first of November, but for now passengers can pay a steep discount to fly in a normal cabin where only half the seats are actually sold. I don't know if this is a good business class cabin before, I've never flown business class as I'm not the sort of US national who has a bank account in Bermuda. The pillows have the same design as the airplane's livery, which is nice. An entire paragraph on the website is devoted to describing the luxury meals available to passengers. The real Bermuda experience - clean white walls and a Dark ‘n Stormy, am I right?
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image: BermudAir
Hey, um...where are the leg rests? Do those seats even recline? I know this is a mock-up but...are there no seatback screens available? Seriously, what if I want to put my bag somewhere? I know checked bags are free, but I kind of...don't think I would want to do it anyway, because normally it's a waste of time when I can just toss my luggage into a bin large enough I could comfortably ride in it if they were out of seats. Also, are there not...seatbelts? Are passengers going to go flying into the seat in front of them every time the plane lands? Is any of this...even remotely crashworthy? Honestly, is it even comfortable? That's so many hard surfaces and just one little pillow and you can't even move the head-rest. This is worse than the average seat on ferries I've been on.
But enough about the interior! They don't even actually have it yet. What are they doing? In their own words, "BermudAir was created to provide frequent‚ well-timed and comfortable flights for business and premium leisure travellers between Bermuda and the East Coast of the U.S.". So...not much of a flag carrier, is it? That said, the government is pretty jazzed, according to Travel Market Report - it'll be fantastic for tourism, of course![5] Up to 18 weekly flights, and maybe even charters if the FAA allows it[6]. That is a stunningly large output for an airline just starting up with only two planes, and I am honestly afraid.
(And there is a bit of worry in my brain that I have no idea what sorts of regulations airlines with Bermudian AOCs are held to. Ben Schlappig of One Mile At A Time thought maybe the 30-passenger limit was to stay within Part 135 instead of the more restrictive Part 121, but that shouldn't matter as they aren't a US carrier - but what are they, then? Does Bermuda even have the necessary infrastructure to oversee a full-service air carrier with multiple regularly scheduled routes, or are they just going to let BermudAir do whatever it wants? That never ends well at all.)
That said, I'm also not sure it will work in the simplest sense. I'm kind of lost as to how putting less seats on an airplane will create more tourism. Founder Adam Scott claims that somehow their fleet of two E175s makes them equipped to serve the demand for the route, unlike airlines like Delta and American[7], which makes me wonder if he lives on a different planet. Delta and American have the two largest fleets in the entire world, plus regional subsidiaries, and they operate regional jets like the A220 and A319 which are both more efficient than an eleven-year-old E-Jet and filled to capacity. Besides, they have a little advantage called 'the ability to not cancel half their flights if one plane has a mechanical fault'. He also claims using Westchester Airport will save passengers time, and I'm just not too sure about that. Sure, JFK has delays on landing, but at least you don't have to then drive to New York City proper, if that's where you're going (and statistically speaking it probably is).
So how about that founder? His name is Adam Scott, so I will until told otherwise assume he is the same Adam Scott as the actor best known for his role as Jacques in my 7th-favorite Hellraiser movie, "Hellraiser IV: Bloodline" (1996).
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If you think of Hellraiser: Bloodline as a Hellraiser film, it's really quite bad. But if you think of it as a Dr. Who special where people have their skin torn and warped in extremely graphic and upsetting ways, it's decent, I suppose. Did you know this was his first ever major role, by the way?
Jokes aside, this Adam Scott is Canadian and a former Goldman Sachs executive. He was among the people who worked on the now-discontinued British Airways business-class-only transatlantic A318 service, and after that ceased operation he became involved with similar startup Odyssey, which planned to replace it. They haven't made a peep since 2018 despite wanting to start service in 2020, but Scott does claim it still exists[7].
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Well, I will have things to say about this if it ever launches, considering I now specifically hate this particular man.
Scott describes Bermuda as a 'mini version of London City with very similar demographics and a similar target audience',[7] which sort of made me laugh a little bit, although I'm not sure what emotion was primarily driving said laughter. This feels like a parody of a parody. But they're definitely way closer to being a reality than Odyssey, whether they can make enough money to keep it that way notwithstanding. Their chances are probably better than Global Airlines, at least. But hey, wait a minute...Bermudian airline, Canadian founder...weird, isn't it? I mean, who is this airline for?
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image: BermudAir
I know, they said business and leisure travellers, but...isn't that so strange? 'Bermuda' is in the name, but the one year-round service to the US East Coast is going to be inaccessible to most of the people who live there, deliberately carrying as few people as possible!
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image: BermudAir
This is actually a reminder that I needed - whenever I find something happening in the US to be cynical and disturbing, there is something out there even worse in a place I'm not supposed to care about. Breeze Airways having first class is pretty philosophically horrifying but at least they do still mostly sell affordable plane tickets. Azul leans quite heavily into its Brazilian branding, but David Neeleman is Brazilian, and their tickets are affordable and their service is accessible. That's just worlds apart from this! I've described flag carriers as being a service provided to a country, but this isn't that, and it's not even a product being sold to a country. This is an airline named BermudAir that Bermudians are just not meant to be involved with. I wonder if this is just something Scott never realized, or if he realized and doesn't care, or if that's actually part of the draw! I wonder the same things about the government, given they seem to have a mindset less suited for a government and more suited for the board of directors of a bank.
And I'm sure they could actually find a bit of a market for direct flights to major cities in the US year-round, when the vacation market's dried up and the only way for someone living in Bermuda to get someplace like New York is to pay way more than the asking price of a BermudAir ticket for long and inconvenient multi-stop flights. But that's so clearly not the point. A lot of those people also probably can't afford BermudAir, and the marketing clearly isn't targeting them.
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Here are some posts from their Facebook. Some of the most recent, too. An "idyllic island paradise" where a smiling local Black man will serve you some delicious beverages! How tropical. He might even tell you some anecdotes about how wonderful it is to live in a sunny beach utopia where taxes don't exist. Just take a look at that palm tree! And something that frustrates me even more: just a picture of two Gombeys. The Gombey tradition of dance, costume, music, and performance is unique to Bermuda, and particularly its Black population, originating from the African slaves brought there by British colonists. I find it beyond tasteless to just post a picture of them without so much as a mention of what these costumes represent or who is wearing them, just a caption of boilerplate about your airline's upcoming launch. BermudAir's marketing places these people as literally just part of the scenery. I find this extraordinarily disrespectful.
There's nothing wrong with mentioning Gombey exists - in fact, there are events specifically for it! Gombey festivals! Boxing Day is the biggest day of the year for Gombey, don't you want to book a ticket for December? You could be in Boston eating swallowing mouthfuls of snow every time you try to breathe while a man with a Dunkin Donuts cup in his hand screams rude things at you from his car window, or you could be watching Gombey performances in Bermuda! You could even, for example, describe what these people do, or what troupe they're from, or even just mention them. Just mention them at all. I do find it pretty disrespectful when specific traditions are just waved off with a little vague non-description like 'two individuals on a beach in their traditional costume', but BermudAir didn't even do that little insufficient trifling amount.
It's the complete inverse of BWIA's steelpan logo. Steelpan is a major part of Trinidad and Tobago's history as the birthplace of dozens of musical traditions. Music is a huge part of the cultural history of the country, and part of that music was steelpan. The artisans who make steelpans and musicians who play them are something the people who created BWIA's logo thought was so fundamental to the very idea of their country that they put it on their government-owned national airline, making it the very first thing people who travelled to Trinidad and Tobago on a BWIA flight would see. I didn't end up mentioning it in the post (which is weird, because I have a false memory of including it - I think I may have in an earlier draft but then decided I couldn't fit it in even though in retrospect I obviously could and should have? Or maybe I mentioned it in reply to an ask I now can't find) but when I did my research I kept finding people talking about how much they adored BWIA and reminiscing about everything from watching their planes flying overhead to specific people they worked with, and it was really clear that this airline, beyond just nominally being owned by the government, was created by people who put real love for their country's heritage into their design.
BWIA certainly carried tourists and foreign businessmen but it wasn't made by them. That really, historically, hasn't been how things worked. You wouldn't make an airline in one country with a primary purpose of serving a market in another.
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A ribbon-cutting ceremony following BermudAir's AOC being issued, featuring Adam Scott, the guy holding him, and tourism-and-aviation-related government personnel of Bermuda. One of them appears to be wearing a navy suit jacket, black-and-yellow tie, and pink shorts. image: Akil Simmons
Adam Scott describes Bermuda as his 'happy place', where he has 'developed links' for ten years.[14] Even when discussing BermudAir he doesn't describe himself as Bermudian, just 'linked' to it, a vacationer. There are spaces in BermudAir for Bermudians, though, he makes sure to clarify. They can provide "the flavours of Bermuda and the island’s renowned hospitality" to the actual clientele. Minister of Transport Wayne Furbert expresses his enthusiasm at the new jobs brought on by increased tourism[14], as if a year-round way for his actual constituents to get to and from Bermuda is simply...not something he's concerned about.
I think I need to cut myself off here, but the last thing I need to mention is this: a Bernews article was written on BermudAir, and their website allows comments. Here are some things people had to say.
Daniel G DeSilva: Although this is an “elite” air service, with BERMUDA emblazoned on the fuselage, it would be great if the tail design even remotely connected visually with Bermuda.
Paid off government: First of all this airline will be flying to other places. People forget that there are hundreds of Russia aircraft registered here that have never been in or out if Bermuda. This is not a Bermuda airline. Its just conveniently named after Bermuda and registered here. [...] And if you have to ask about the price then this airline is not for you!
(There was also some scattered speculation about it being some sort of front or scheme, which I definitely have no idea about, though I won't pretend it didn't occur to me while attempting to reconcile just how much this airline is definitely not going to make money. Having looked at their various publicly listed employees they all seem fairly credentialed, but...who even knows at this point. Maybe this was all an elaborate proof of concept for Odyssey all along. This is all so cynical it makes me want to scream.)
And that's just the thing, isn't it?
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BWIA used beautiful colors vivid colors, never hiding the fact that Trinidad and Tobago are, indeed, very sunny islands with nice beaches, but that wasn't the point of it. It's so easy to make a plane that looks tropical, but BWIA didn't do that - they made a plane which represented Trinidad and Tobago.
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And if I'm being fully honest, I like Topsey. I think she's adorable, and I think the design on her tail is pretty. But she wasn't designed by Bermudians and she doesn't represent Bermuda. BermudAir is an airline for the East Coast US, where people are taught in schools that the victims of an empire are colonists, taking a necessary stand against the iniquity of taxes, and the Wampanoag are no longer mentioned once the first Thanksgiving is over. The people who make up Bermuda are treated as structural parts of the tax haven England built, not citizens of a state or members of a culture. "Bermuda's first airline" ends up having very little to do with Bermuda, somehow. And I couldn't really bring myself to talk about Topsey without talking about Bermuda.
Will BermudAir fail? In my opinion, probably. But in the meantime, one of their airplanes is parked at Logan, and that's because this airline is for people from Boston, not people from Bermuda.
[1] Government of Bermuda Cabinet Office, Department of Statistics. "Personal and Household Income: A 2010 Census Analytical Brief." www.gov.bm. Bermuda, December 2012. [2] Egan, Paul and Jeremy Deacon. "UBP about to Self-Destruct, Says Gordon." The Royal Gazette, August 8, 1995. [3] Sullivan, Aline. "Will Independence Spoil Bermuda?" nytimes.com. April 8, 1995. [4] Fowler, Naomi and Stubbs, Robert. "Bermuda: Inequality and Poverty in UK Overseas Territory." Tax Justice Network. Bristol, United Kingdom, June 21, 2018. [5] Bonfiglio, Briana. "BermudAir, the First Bermuda-Based Airline, Launches with All-Business Class Seats." Travel Market Report, August 24, 2023. [6] Schlappig, Ben. "Bermudair: New Bermuda-Based All-Business Class Airline Launches Flights." One Mile At A Time, August 24, 2023.  [7] Rains, Taylor. "A New All-Business Class Airline Is Launching Flights between the US and Bermuda — See What It’ll Be like Aboard."Business Insider, August 24, 2023. [8] BermudAir Fleet Details and History [9] Bernews. "BermudAir Aircraft Arrives In Bermuda," August 20, 2023 [10] "Bermuda." United States Department of State Bureau of Public Affairs, 1985. [11] "2010 Census of Population & Housing Final Results." Hamilton, Bermuda: Bermuda Department of Statistics. [12] Bell, Jonathan, and Fiona McWhirter. "First Black Woman to Be Appointed Governor." The Royal Gazette, June 14, 2020. [13] Forbes, Keith Archibald. "Bermuda’s Resident Population of 63,779 and Local Expatriate Organizations: Origins of Citizens and Residents, 64% Black, 32% White, 4% Asian and Other." Bermuda Online, 2020. [14] Finighan, Gareth. "BermudAir Spreads Its Wings." The Royal Gazette, July 27, 2023. [15] Jeffries, Bayyinah S. 2022. "Race and Racism in Bermuda" Genealogy 6, no. 4: 89. [16] airlinehistory.co.uk [17] Forbes, Keith Archibald. "Bermuda Citizenship or Status: Deserving long-term foreign tax-paying residents including those with over 25 years residency are denied this." Bermuda Online, 2020. [18] “NATIVITY, MIGRATION AND BERMUDIAN STATUS.” Bermuda: Government of Bermuda, 2000.
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dragoneyes618 · 11 months
ITtook ten days for the media to overcome its uncharacteristic bout of sympathy for dead Jews.
In the aftermath of Hamas’s Simchas Torah pogrom, a stunned world rallied around Israel’s right to self-defense, and the sheer horror of the assault temporarily checked left-leaning media organizations’ anti-Israel animus.
But from the moment jets started pounding Gaza’s terrorists in retaliation, the clock began ticking: it was only a question of time before the slaughtered Jewish babies would disappear from the headlines to be replaced by the familiar narrative of Israeli aggression.
Few expected such a quick triumph for Hamas propaganda, though. Hundreds of Israeli victims had yet to be identified, and the press corps was still touring the blasted kibbutzim where defenseless civilians had been massacred, when at 6:59 p.m. last Tuesday night, an explosion rocked the parking lot of the Al-Ahli hospital in the northern Gaza Strip.
Within minutes, Hamas reported that an Israeli airstrike had killed 500 people at the medical center. It was a wild claim that a moment of editorial reflection ought to have flagged. For one thing, the Gazan health authorities in question were merely an arm of the terror group’s administration — hardly a trustworthy source. There was also no way that hospital staff could have counted so many casualties within so short a time frame. And there was always the off-chance that the region’s only democracy might have a different version of events than Hamas’s.
Yet none of that prevented news editors at the world’s most prestigious outlets from publishing stories painting Israel in the most damning light.
“Palestinian health ministry says an estimated 200 to 300 people killed in Israeli strike on hospital in Gaza,” CNN headlined uncritically. “Israeli Strike Kills Hundreds in Hospital, Palestinian Officials Say,” screamed the New York Times’s headline. “A massacre — Gaza hospital blast estimated to kill hundreds,” was NBC’s version. “Hundreds killed in Israeli strike on Gaza hospital,” the BBC reported.
The gusto with which much of the media establishment embraced the Hamas narrative was revealing of just how unnatural it had been for many of the journalists involved to report on Israel as the unqualified victim in the aftermath of October 7th.
On social media the results were even worse. In a widely-shared post on a bogus account purporting to be the IDF’s Arabic-language spokesman, there was an admission that Israeli forces had bombed the hospital to inflict “euthanasia due to a lack of equipment and personnel.”
By the next morning, Israel’s version — backed by hard evidence — emerged. The strike was actually an Islamic Jihad rocket that had fallen short and triggered a fire at the hospital. On a visit to Israel, President Joe Biden said that the Pentagon’s own sources supported the Israeli version.
But by then it was too late: In the days it took for the press corps to issue mealy-mouthed admissions that they’d got it wrong, a modern-day blood libel had been born, ushered into the world by the Western media.
National Review, a conservative website, put it well: “The media will never forgive Israel for not bombing that hospital,” because “reporters and pundits wanted it to be true.”
-Scarr, C., & Scarr, C. (2023, October 24). The Front Line in People’s Minds - Mishpacha magazine. Mishpacha Magazine - The premier Magazine for the Jewish World. https://mishpacha.com/the-front-line-in-peoples-minds/
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glitterpaperrings · 2 months
"You are like the embodiment of a rainforest, of trees." " You are so beautiful and bright like sunshine and rainbows"... I remind my friends of these things and I mean them too. But if I die tomorrow and think of the people I love, I won't see them as the the things I compared them with. I would see them as no one and nothing other than as themselves. Yes rainforests are one of the most peaceful and beautiful things I've ever seen but you- on your own- are... you. That's it. You are not like the rainbow or sunshine. You are Parvathy, you are Sandhya, You are Achu, you are Mahika, you are Ayurdha. You all are alone so precious. Not better or worse, like how the snow is not better or worse than lakes, but god the way you realise how the world would be incomplete without their beauty. I compare you to mountains and oceans because there's no other way you'd know what I'm trying to say. You won't see how just your existence makes me more grateful than everything that i have resented in my entire life combined. How adorable you are just walking with your head down, counting stones with your straight, jet black hair perfectly swinging over your face. How much I love your too-weird fantasy story about york new city you wrote in the story writing competition. How much I love the care and love you put in the purple themed painting you made for me and how I still so often sit in the living room with the dim light on just to stare at it. How I know you act nonchalant but have such a beautiful, feeling heart beating behind your ribs. How you always laugh so much I wonder if your cheeks hurt. You are the biggest compliment I wanna give you. You are the greatest thing you could ever be. And I know it's petty but I'm glad I might be the only one to see you like this, you are not the amazon rainforest for the world to know and see, you are my own wonder, all mine. But it also churns my heart to know that, you don't see yourself like this because I wish I had you by my side to witness this like I send you those poems so that you could see how beautiful they are too. So what I meant to say was, you are the greatest thing you could ever be. You are the biggest compliment I could ever give you. You, just as you are, are the most beautiful thing I could ever love.
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brushpenpoems · 1 month
Rainbows, Rainforests and... You
"You are like the embodiment of a rainforest, of trees." " You are so beautiful and bright like sunshine and rainbows"... I remind my friends of these things and I mean them too. But if I die tomorrow and think of the people I love, I won't see them as the the things I compared them with. I would see them as no one and nothing other than as themselves. Yes rainforests are one of the most peaceful and beautiful things I've ever seen but you- on your own- are... you. That's it. You are not like the rainbow or sunshine. You are Parvathy, you are Sandhya, You are Achu, you are Mahika, you are Ayurdha. You all are alone so precious. Not better or worse, like how the snow is not better or worse than lakes, but god the way you realise how the world would be incomplete without their beauty. I compare you to mountains and oceans because there's no other way you'd know what I'm trying to say. You won't see how just your existence makes me more grateful than everything that i have resented in my entire life combined. How adorable you are just walking with your head down, counting stones with your straight, jet black hair perfectly swinging over your face. How much I love your too-weird fantasy story about york new city you wrote in the story writing competition. How much I love the care and love you put in the purple themed painting you made for me and how I still so often sit in the living room with the dim light on just to stare at it. How I know you act nonchalant but have such a beautiful, feeling heart beating behind your ribs. How you always laugh so much I wonder if your cheeks hurt. You are the biggest compliment I wanna give you. You are the greatest thing you could ever be. And I know it's petty but I'm glad I might be the only one to see you like this, you are not the amazon rainforest for the world to know and see, you are my own wonder, all mine. But it also churns my heart to know that, you don't see yourself like this because I wish I had you by my side to witness this like I send you those poems so that you could see how beautiful they are too. So what I meant to say was, you are the greatest thing you could ever be. You are the biggest compliment I could ever give you. You, just as you are, are the most beautiful thing I could ever love.
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femmeofthevalley · 5 months
HOT TAKE (tw taylor swift)
Last year in July, my lovely wife thought not legal or actually real as of right now girlfriend bought us TS tickets.
It's the eras tour, it's all encompassing of her music. It's been a dream to see her live since I found her at 11. For me, it's once in a lifetime opportunity affordability wise and I had a theory she might take a break from music and this tour would be a temporary far well and being grateful to her fans for where she is.
We are (were?) planning a road trip to New Orleans to see her and thinking of outfits and pit stops we have to go to.
But I've felt differently about her after the devastation to our planet with her jet rides and absolute silence on the ongoing genocide in Palestine that gets worse by day. Also she's a billionaire now, and as we all know, there no ethical way to achieve that. That she sits here churning new special versions after people spent hard earned money on the previously "new" version. The fuck ass expensive merch that has degraded in quality and creativity. And with that money could donate to Palestine in like an hour and save thousands of lives - after she's paid her staff and employees that are in one way or another associated by her and her brand. If she said one sentence in favor Palestinian lives her swarm of "swifties" would support and donate what they can in an instant. Maybe even skip on merch to give that money towards someone's escape and survivability.
But nonetheless I wanted to go to this concert of music that has carried and spoken to me for.... I'm 22 now so that's literally a decade. I am limiting engagement on social media, don't plan on buying merch anymore. Also the Tourtured Poets department merch line was terrible.... and frankly most of the album. But still fucking catchy unfortunately though my gf and I really thought she might finally brave something new and different. And after the concert I would limit my engagement even more and not listen to any music from then on - probably burning cds or pirate.... ing so I don't continue to stream or buy her music I do still enjoy.
But this "updated" Era Tour to include TTPD...... an absolute fucking shit show. I've already spoken (i think) on the immature and frankly horrible way she is handling and portraying the end of her 6(?) year relationship. And the light she is painting about Joe Alywn and allowing even more encouraging the harassment, mistreatment and threats to his life and/or safety. Because people change and grow apart sometimes, and that almost always means a split.
But to rewrite the narrative of Lover, in color scheme in outfits and playlists. To just disregard the six years they had together, their support for each other over that time. To taint all the lover tour outfits in reds and golds?! To shorten the already short Speak Now set? Cutting tolerate it of Evermore which was also condescend with folklore!
All for the sake of throwing the newest album? Someone else pointed out that she could have shorten the albums that have already gotten their respective tours (Fearless, Speak Now, Red, 1989) I will credit with an @ and quote when I find it again.
An album that didn't even peak mainstream. It broke records, sure and got good numbers. But no one outside of her kiss assers cared. And I will admit, I've been listening to select few songs until I can acquire them in methods that doesn't fund her ego even more.
Anywayyyy extremely disappointed in her career and the true colors she showed after Evermore came out. I've defended her in her toughest times. Still criticizing in a healthy way (after years of being a kiss asser). Introducing her to people who knew her for one corney love song and never bothered with more. People who would ask why I enjoy her music so much or about her to me of course. I've been excited for every new venture (breaking into the pop world with 1989).
Supporting her Taylor's Versions, believing she has every right to own her music, her memorabilia and processing of understanding each new good or bad even in her life. As I think all artists should. But, I do think after Red TV, she might have started doing it as a cash grab rather than wanting to have the rights to her life story. My view on that has been proven with how short the release for Speak Now TV was. The 5 song vault tracks on 1989 TV. I personally love them all, but from a standpoint of story telling and music quality..... they didn't do all that much for 1989 TV and she could have decided against vault songs for that record.
I learned guitar just to learn her songs!!! I asked for a $500 dollar guitar for Christmas at 16/17. I wanted it to be unique and resemble hers a little bit as an homage and thank you to her. I didn't go as far as naming that guitar after her, but I considered it for a short time. Which by way isn't she so pretty?! She sat in a music store my sister and I started piano lessons at in CDMX. I would spend any free time staring and lingering at this beauty for like 2 months. She went unpurchased the whole time, waiting for me. Though she was displayed in a spot which constant sun so the front the body isn't as pale as it should be. But she's soooo beautiful, sun damage and all :)
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So, high likelihood that my girl and I will sell out tickets and use that money towards a different trip we won't be disappointed, underwhelmed, less excited about than before concert we honestly might regret going to afterwards. With the way things are looking of her current Paris set list. I mean...... she cut tolerate it!!!!! I didn't have a full appreciation for that song until I saw it live at the Eras Tour movie I purchased tickets to, along with my girlfriend. And then did so again to take our 2 roommates to see the movie cus we knew they would have fun with some aspects of it - if not for the music itself.
Also I fucking hate So High School and Who's afraid of little old me as a grown 33 year old woman. Who is a billionaire.
I have reevaluated my love of her music and commitment to the latest album, the newest merch. Streaming the newest music video the second it releases. Singing her praises and my excitement for the all-encompassing-career that is the Eras Tour. Ongoing support and defense of her music since I was 11. A decade of my life, happiness, inspiration I had for her. The immaturity towards her break up with Joe Alwyn and lack of stance on asking her fans not to harass him, follow him in public, threaten to end his life in gruesome, criminal ways. I feel after a certain point her Taylor's Version were more about getting it over with, making a profit, and hopping to the next one. Disgusted by her complete choice to ignore and not care about Palestinan lives and livelihood. When she absolutely has the resources and funds to pay for their escape, even a good chunk of money to help them get their lives started up again in Egypt until the day they can hopefully, and rightfully, go back to their homeland. Fuck she could use her private jet to help deliver aid or maybe get near-death survivors of bombings that need life saving procedures and medical care that they don't have and/or being continually denied in Palestine. My girlfriend and I had tickets that we got July 2023, to go see her October 2024. On the less important note compared to the prior topic, completely changed the set list, mood/energy, and meaning to her and her fans of the Eras Tour set list as it was in 2023.
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mads-weasley · 2 years
Hold My Hand: The Recovery: Part One
Bradley Bradshaw x Wife!Pilot!Reader
Main Masterlist
Hold My Hand Masterlist
A/N: I know I said I was done with this series, but I couldn't resist writing a few small fics about (y/n)'s recovery. This is the first of at least three of these! Enjoy!
Summary: (Y/n) struggles with adjusting to life with her injury, but Bradley is right there to help her.
Warnings: mentions of injury? fluffy fluff?
hen - your callsign
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Bradley was awoken by a commotion coming from down the hall. Squinting his eyes, he reached beside him in bed, finding nothing but empty sheets.
"(Y/n)?" he whispered, sitting up in bed and rubbing his face.
Noticing the absence of her crutches and the light streaming under their door, he quickly got up, calling her name again.
"(Y/n), baby?"
The only response he got was another crash from the kitchen. Rushing to the source of the sound, his heart cracked slightly at the sight in front of him. (Y/n) was crying on the kitchen floor, sitting in a puddle of spilled water with her crutches across the room.
He sunk to the floor in front of her, cupping her wet cheeks.
"Sweetheart, are you okay? What happened?"
Taking a shuddering breath, her eyes never left the floor. "I was thirsty, so I tried to get some water, b-but my crutch got caught and I fell."
He searched her for injuries quickly. "But are you okay?"
She nodded slowly, staring at the large cast. "Yeah. My leg just hurts all the time now."
With a soft sigh, he pulled her into his arms. "I'm sorry. Next time, wake me up and I'll get it for you."
"I'm so pathetic." she cried, covering her face with her hands. "Just a few days ago, I could fly freaking fighter jets and now I can't even walk into the kitchen without falling!"
Tears stung his eyes as he watched her break down. Gently pulling her hands away from her face, he lifted her chin to look at him. "You are not pathetic. You're hurt, (y/n). You have to give yourself time to recover."
"But I-"
"No," he interrupted, "I'm here to take care of you, so please let me do that."
A sob escaped her lips before she pulled Bradley closer to her, nuzzling her face into his neck. "I'm so lucky to have you, Brad. Thank you for everything."
Bradley subtly wiped the single tear that leaked from his eye. "This is what I meant when I said 'for better or worse' and 'in sickness and health,' sweetheart. I love you, and we're gonna get through this together, okay?"
She nodded, sniffling and pulling back to look at him. She leaned forward, pressing their foreheads together softly. "Can you help me?" she murmured against his lips. Giving her a quick kiss, he stood, gently pulling her up by her underarms. In one motion, he scooped her off her feet, holding her bridal style, careful of the leg. (y/n) quietly giggled as he started walking them towards their bedroom. Glancing behind him, he saw the crutches slung across the room.
"Uhh, (y/n/n), how did your crutches end up over there?"
Without looking up at his curious expression, she scrunched her face in embarrassment. "I threw them when I fell."
Bradley chuckled under his breath, continuing to the bedroom. He sat her on the edge of the bed, grabbing some dry shorts from their dresser. Because of her leg, she was having trouble changing, so Rooster helped her slide into them. He then tucked the comforter around her, making sure her leg was elevated. He leaned down to kiss her temple, a small smile painting his face.
"I'll be right back, babe."
A minute later, he arrived with a cup of water and her crutches in hand. Putting the crutches in their rightful place, he handed her the water, extending his other hand which held some pain medication the doctor prescribed.
"Take this and it'll help the pain."
Gulping it down, she leaned back against her pillow, eyes closing. "You're literally the best husband anyone could ask for," she whispered, her words becoming slightly slurred.
Bradley crawled into bed next to her, wrapping his arms around her stomach, and kissing her shoulder.
"That's the drugs talking." he laughed, voice raspy.
(Y/n) nuzzled into his hold, sleepily muttering, "It hasn't started worki..."
As she trailed off, Bradley knew she had started to doze.
"There it goes." he paused, looking down at her sleeping figure. "I love you, Hen."
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chiwhorei · 4 years
brown, leather straps
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pairing: l. ackerman x fem!reader
word count: 1.5k
genre: a lil angsty, smut, 18+ minors dni
warnings: oral (f. receiving), spitting, bondage sksksksk
a/n: day six in levi brain rot hell. nothing is real and there is no escape. thank you to @messwriting for letting me scream in your dms at 7am and helping me flesh out some soft levi feels sksksksksk. @pleasantanathema said us two together is a scary little duo and i wholeheartedly agree.
hymn: desire - slowed by hucci, and do it for me by rosenfeld okay listen to it again sksksks
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your hand raps lightly against a familiar door, knuckles scraping in contemplation against the wood.
this wouldn’t be the first time tired feet drug you down the hall and in front of the captain’s bedroom, not by a long shot. the night air whirls around you, nipping against any bare skin it could reach. you pull the wool cloak farther around your form for reprieve.
levi pulls the door open with a huff, turning back around without much acknowledgement. you watch as he he sits at the edge of his bed, he looks every bit as exhausted and battered as he did when you saw him return just a few hours ago. his eyes are downcast and heavy, the grey color reflecting every body he must have seen fall. they hang off of his shoulders and press against his spine in piles of limbs. the horrors of war are inescapable, you know that as well as anyone.
you also know there’s no amount of words that could be used as salve for the things he saw today, there’s barely bandages big enough to cover the long diagonal wound across his front.
“it looks worse than it is, don’t worry about me.” levi can feel your worried eyes against his bare chest, they follow the paths upwards to meet his face. you waste no time fussing over his injuries, there’s nothing more to be done for bruises and cuts against the pale skin.
his head hangs in his hands, you walk up to stand in front of him, bouncing on your heels as nerves take place in your heart. levi doesn't look up to you yet, still marose and curled in on his own body. he hears the small thud of fabric against the floor directly in front of him, his eyes flick forward slightly to catch the pile of green framing your ankles. you’ve piqued his curiosity now.
hungry eyes move up your almost naked skin. the only remnants of modesty lay in brown leather around your hips and thighs. the straps twirl like vines around your waist meeting finally to clasp right above your breasts. you’re ensnared in a trap of your own creation, prey captured and presented on a silver platter. levi’s mouth waters at the meal before him, canines aching in his mouth, itching to tear into you.
you’re pulled forward by the buckles on either hip to stand in between a stong pair of knees. there are usually very few words shared between the two of you, opting to spend the secret evenings putting mouths and tongues to better uses. tonight feels different. instead of clashing teeth and snarling, your fingertips trace against the captain’s hairline. two sets of fingers dig into the skin below your ass, but the grip feels more like a centering of soul.
you climb onto his lap, either knee pressing into the sharply made bed below you. levi wanders over your body, rubbing against planes of skin and fat that are well-known to his touch. your body reacts as it always does, arching into his exploration. his fingerprints paint your skin, covering every expanse while your lips attach at his pulse. you kiss lightly against his heartbeat, following along outlined trails to reach his collarbone.
levi is lost in your touch, each kiss chipping away at the horrors of reality beyond the wood of his bedroom door. he falls back into the mattress at your soft push, staring up at the outline of your body as the moon casts a spotlight from the window. your presence drips onto him like syrup, calming a broken man with seemingly little effort. he reaches out for you, catching on the leather across your chest and pulling you down. you meet his eyes again for a moment, you watch the storms that cloud him.
“you have no idea what you do to me.” his words shake down the column of your spine, poking at questions neither of you would voice out loud. you don’t answer him, instead you continue a soft assault against his marred skin. every jagged scar is touched by your lips as if trying to heal them. the silvered skin remains, but warmth blooms against the tissue.
levi returns with new wounds that will turn to scars against his beautiful skin, but he always returns. while scanning across the new additions to his collection, you feel the clumping of tears in your eyes.
“you’re going to ride past that gate for the last time one day, aren’t you?” your whimpers knock against him, he feels your soft sobs dripping onto his chest before you can stop yourself.
levi is stiff under you. the right answer seems non-existent, because you didn’t actually ask him a question.
he could tell you that he would crawl back from whatever hell awaits him, break every finger as he drags himself back up from the earth’s crust to lie in bed next to you— but no words seem strong enough.
he’ll have to show you instead.
you’re flipped over in the next moment, back cradled by one of his arms. his gaze on you is nothing short of primal, a wounded animal presented it’s first meal in days.
he’ll take you like sacrament. he’ll eat you alive.
you watch as levi sits back to regard you, his eyes warm at the sight before him. you’re wrapped like a present in the chestnut straps. he leans down to meet your lips again, his thumb pressing into your chin as he parts.
“open up.” your jaw falls slack at his command, you look up to him in anticipation. Jet hair frames his face from above you, slightly tousled. one hand rests above your head while the other is busy keeping your lips parted with a soft grip. you watch his mouth scrunch and a string of spit fall downwards towards your awaiting mouth. you lull your tongue out, always taking what he has to give you.
“good girl,” are the last words you hear before levi snakes down your body. every inch of leather and metal is followed with wet lips venturing downwards. levi reaches your aching cunt, already sheened with slick. he blows lightly against you to marvel at your reaction. you’re so pliant under your captain, completely submissive to his trek against your body.
the first union of his tongue to the perimeter of your lips is feather-light and disastrous.
you cry out in a cracked plea, the night’s circumstances being emotionally raw in so many ways. your body is hyper-sensitive and throbbing. when two fingers hover over your hole and press in without warning, the moan ripped from your throat at his contact is loud and unintentional.
just as quickly as two fingers press into you and curl against the anterior, spongy pad of your walls, they are ripped from you to find a home shoved into your mouth.
“no talking with your mouth full, it’s not polite.” his teasing spreads across your hot cheeks. his fingers press against your tongue, saliva pooling in their wake and escaping to run in small trails across your cheeks. levi snaps back up to you again, capturing you in his stare while his tongue pokes out from those pouty, downturned lips.
his hands grab onto the straps nestled against your thighs, bringing your pussy to him to lave a flat stripe against the weeping skin. you’re taste is intoxicating, tart and heady. he moves his mouth against you with vigor, purposely collecting pools of slick and spit to coat his face.
you squirm in his hold, the contact overbearing, but the cool leather in his grip keeps you in place against his frantic mouth. with every long lick over your pussy, he reaches the apex to suck against your clit. the pace is set, messy and wet. his mouth works your body like it has done so many times before, in the secret reprieve of a captain's quarters.
his tongue traces against your sensitive bundle of nerves, coiling a live wire in your stomach and pulling against it tightly. he releases your puffy clit with a squelching pop right as you feel the taste of your orgasm at the back of your throat. the feeling retreats and levi looms over you again, he barely gives you a moment to catch your breath before the taste of your own arousal is spat into your mouth. he wipes his slick covered face with the back of his hand, grinning down at you.
neither of you will waste words on the resounding, catotonic pull between your two bodies. there’s no point in whispered confessionals when tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.
tonight, levi will pull every high from your twitching body that he steals from you. he’ll bring you to the edge and pull you back into his orbit. it’s been a long day, full of terrors beyond his control.
it will be an even longer night.
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all writing is dymphnasprose’s original content, please do not repost or modify. do no read my content as asmr.©️
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ahtsumu · 4 years
目送 ; oikawa tooru
「alt. title: five times oikawa didn’t look back and the one time he did」
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↳ pairing: oikawa tooru x f!reader
↳ synopsis: you spend a lifetime watching him go, sometimes with your stomach tied in knots, sometimes with tears in your eyes, but always with love.
↳ genre(s): angst, fluff, basically an emotional rollercoaster, non-linear storyline
↳ warning(s): profanity, depiction of a panic attack, suggestive themes
↳ length: 5.4k words
↳ a/n: hq fam how we doing after 402 ?? LOL anyway this is my birthday gift to oikawa tooru: my sun, moon, and stars, second to none, yadda yadda. the title is taken from a book with the same name, in case you were wondering. please pay attention to the roman numerals ahead of each section!! enjoy!
“This is the last call for Japan Airlines flight 717 to Buenos Aires, now boarding at gate number twelve. This is the last call…”
Goodbyes are hard when you know they’re forever. Or at least a while.
The clamour of Haneda airport dims to a faint buzz as the two of you continue standing with touching shoulders–– facing the jetliner instead of each other–– in futile hopes of delaying the inevitable.
Oikawa knows that you’re holding in your tears by the light tremors running through your body. Permitting himself to steal a look at your side profile, he notices the familiar tensing of your jaw and hard-set look in your red-rimmed eyes.
Tch. You said you wouldn’t cry.
Impulsively, he unzips his backpack and pulls out a familiar turquoise banner. It feels like just yesterday the team handed him the silk fabric with everyone’s farewell gifts wrapped inside.
Out-of-sequence memories of the Spring High qualifiers flash through your mind. The orange-haired Karasuno player’s spike ricochets off Oikawa’s forearms. The numbers on both sides of the scoreboard slowly inch up like they’re taking turns. Oikawa’s white knuckles against the metal basin. Red eyes. Heaving chest. Something soft against your skin. Rule the Court.
And just like the last time, he gently drapes it over your shoulders, brushing his fingers against your neck as he does so. God, how he wants to kiss you.
“But it’s yours,” you protest weakly, making no move to give it back.
“It won’t be for a while.” His voice cracks when he speaks. But it will be mine again when I come back for it.
He wants to kiss you. One last time.
He wants your mouth against his like absolution to a sinner because he knows that what he’s done to you, what he’s doing to you right now, is comparable to desecration. But he remembers the look on your face that night he broke the news to you. How your megawatt grin caved into a wince when the length of his contract with Club Athletico San Juan finally registered in your mind.
You swallow your feelings of betrayal. You knew what you were getting yourself into.
“Five years is an awfully long time to be apart,” you say after a while.
Oikawa bites his lip. He doesn’t have the heart to say that five was just the starting number. If he does well there, he’ll probably stay longer. He’ll probably do well there. “You don’t have to wait for me.”
Seconds drag into minutes. The cavity in his stomach festers as he waits for your response, but he has a feeling that he already knows your answer.
So instead, all he can do when your floodgates finally burst open is cup your face in his calloused palms and wipe away some of your tears before offering you his own watery smile.
Through your blurred vision, you watch as the boy in front of you steels his resolve and disappears from your life through the jet bridge, ignoring his heart as it begs for one last look over his shoulder.
Oikawa nods numbly when the old man sitting beside him asks if he’s leaving home for the first time. Home, he realises, isn’t anywhere with walls, isn’t an address, isn’t even a person. When someone says they want to go home, it’s not a space that they yearn for, but rather, a time.
He watches Japan grow smaller through the window and feels himself yearn for the time he still had your heart in his hands. It felt like he was holding the sun.
You wouldn’t consider July 21st to be a special day. Nothing special happened earlier that morning when you woke up without your usual alarm. Nothing special happened when your friends texted you four simple words–– come to Azukihana beach!–– during breakfast. But (and this will come to you much, much later) something special happened when said friends left you to guard their things as they dashed to the supermarket for more snacks.
For now, it’s just July 21st, and you’re lying with your back against a towel on the first day of summer break, soaking in the sun, peacefully flipping through a book.
“DON’T FUCKING DO IT, YOU COLOSSAL PIECE OF SHIT!” The familiar voice tears through the beach. Was that Iwaizumi? You set the book down and sit up to check.
And suddenly, the yellow and blue volleyball that had been leisurely rolling your way halts perfectly before your toes. Behind it jogs a shirtless brunet you’ve definitely seen around school.
Oikawa Tooru stops right behind the runaway volleyball and peers at you through half-lidded eyes. “Sorry about that,” he says, flashing you a charming smile.
After casually picking up the ball with one hand, he flexes his abdominal muscles as he straightens back up. Chestnut irises attempt to discreetly sweep over your features but you catch his gaze in the act, quirking an unamused brow. You also catch the intrigued twitch of his lips that follow.
You’re not stupid. Despite having never met him, you know a lot about the Grand King (as many call him). He’s the constant subject of Iwaizumi’s ire and you’ve heard a lifetime’s complaints about him at joint-family luncheons.
But here’s what’s important: you know that he tears himself apart to be the player his team needs him to be, that he sometimes makes Iwaizumi wish he’d passed the Shiratorizawa entrance exam, and that he fiddles with hearts like origami and sets fire to those beautiful fragile trinkets right after.
And in the interest of self-defence (but against what the devil on your shoulder begs), you choose to not place your most prized possession on the table.
A simple “no worries” passes through your lips. You return to your book. A page turns.
Oikawa Tooru is dismissed.
Though your gaze is trained on the page, you can feel his presence at your feet for a few seconds longer. You wonder what his next move is. Much to your surprise, instead of trying to strike up another conversation, he simply lets out an airy hum and strolls back to the sand court where he came from without a second glance.
Iwaizumi wonders why Oikawa is smiling so victoriously after watching the whole ordeal, but your tan family friend has, unlike the calculating Grand King, failed to notice one important detail:
your book is upside down.
And, as if in a trance, your eyes have followed Oikawa all the way back to his sandy kingdom.
Once the sun has set, Iwaizumi checks his phone and notices a text he’d missed in the afternoon. It’s from Y/N. Unease digs itself in his chest when he realises it can’t possibly be for anything except…
hey what was that about?
This can’t be good. Thumbs rapidly typing a response, he races to quash any interest you may have budding in Oikawa. You… you’re good. Nice. Smart enough for UTokyo. A bit naive, but he’s been around your overbearing parents long enough to see it’s not entirely your fault. And even though you run in different circles at school, he feels obligated to protect you from monsters that hide beneath pretty surfaces. He’s known you since the two of you were in diapers.
just trash being what it is
Iwaizumi watches the three grey dots on your side appear, disappear, reappear, and disappear again. And that’s when he realises that he cannot help you. The villain in this arc of your story has already sunken his teeth in your tender, unsullied flesh.
He sighs.
It isn’t a surprise to Iwaizumi when summer break ends and Oikawa’s chestnut eyes start hunting for someone in the cafeteria during lunch. He doesn’t raise a brow when he hears that the second-year captain has been sneaking into Class 7, sometimes with flowers in his hands, and strolling out with a dazed look on his face. He slaps his teammates out of shock when Oikawa mentions his troubles with pursuing some girl–– but not before slapping himself first. Because the Oikawa he knows is not a chaser.
“Her name’s Y/N,” the brunet says, suddenly realising that he has never introduced any of his temporary interests to the team. But it’s been well over two months and he’s starting to think he’s been friend-zoned. Or worse. “I think she hates me.” He laughs melodically, then cocks his head in contemplation. “Is it weird that I kinda like that?”
Iwaizumi hides a satisfied smile behind a sip of water. Oikawa’s revelation has cleared the unease your name brought to his chest. Just a little. Perhaps he’d misread you. You have a bite of your own.
It’s routine for Oikawa to slink into Class 7 with a dazzling grin during morning break, but he’ll sometimes show up with flowers instead just to remind you that his affections, along with his modus operandi–– haven’t changed since he first started visiting you in September.
The girls in your homeroom have grown used to seeing the six-foot-tall volleyball captain hovering around your desk like a butterfly. Most treat him as part of the scenery nowadays. To them, Oikawa Tooru is no longer the mysterious, out-of-reach deity the rest of the school still paints him to be.
So when he strolls into class on a chilly January afternoon with your name a tune on his lips, they leave him be. Recently, the ladies of Seijoh have focused their attentions on some fellow on the swim team, anyway. Oikawa doesn’t feel as upset as he thinks he should about his shrinking fan club, but when his gaze finds yours already steady, expectant, utterly adoring on him, he understands why.
“For the lady,” he says like he does every time. A cluster of yellow flowers wrapped in brown kraft paper plop onto your desk. He pulls a chair up to your side, purposely ignoring, again, how two certain grooves in the wooden floor keep growing deeper with his visits.
You remember the first time he started bringing you flowers.
A posy of pink flowers sits awkwardly on your desk, untouched.
“I tell you I’d rather take your serve to my face than attend the bunkasai with you and your response is to give me weeds?” you reply with your chin in the palm of your hands, amusement blossoming over your features.
“Stop being a tease, Y/N-chan, they’re flowers,” he huffs, crossing his arms on your desk. “And I know you want to take them. The florist even said I have immaculate taste.”
“Really? Then what do these mean?”
Oikawa falters.
“Pink camellias,” he finally says, carefully enunciating the flower's name, “means that you’re a fucking tease. And that you should come to the bunkasai with me.” You snort and tell him to quit volleyball and join comedy club, feeling a strange warmth in your chest when he laughs.
The two of you fall into the same rhythm as always, talking a little bit about this and that, throwing in witty remarks where they belong, never passing up the chance to make fun of each other’s little idiosyncrasies. He’s enraptured by the way you string words together to describe the story behind your class’s bunkasai performance and all the gears in your brain whirr when he explains the strategy he’s using against the team Seijoh’s playing later that day.
When the bell rings, he reluctantly drags his chair back to the desk he stole it from. Just before he slinks back out the door, though, you tell him with a stern gaze that the Ushiwaka from Shiratorizawa he just spent the break shit-talking doesn’t hold a candle to Seijoh’s Grand King.
It’s like you had just stepped under a new light. Oikawa pauses in front of the doorway, trying to decipher what it is that’s different about you. And suddenly, the roses in his cheeks are in full bloom. Delighted and puzzled at his own realisation, he turns around without a second glance your way and strides back to Class 5. Oh, man, he muses as he passes through the emptying corridor. Oh, man. Iwa-chan is going to love this.
Your phone buzzes later that evening.
seijoh v. shiratorizawa 1-2, the text reads, quickly followed by, GAH.
Your lips twitch, though it doesn’t reach your eyes. Tapping your fingers against your phone screen for a response that’ll cheer him up, you suddenly remember a phrase Oikawa said earlier that day. It drew a laugh from you when it came out his contorted face.  He was obviously still hung up over with the words of the opposing team’s ace. Hopefully, it makes him feel something else coming from you.
you should’ve come to shiratorizawa, you send, grinning.
His response is immediate.
l m f A O
what flowers would you like at your funeral?
And then you’re reminded of his petalled gift on your desk, now comfortably sitting in a glass vase at your bedside. Pink camellias, he said? Curious, you open your laptop and type in the name for its meaning.
Longing, you remember, watching your boyfriend chatter about something–– probably aliens–– animatedly. The yellow flowers on your desk, you realise, are ones you’ve never seen before.
“Oikawa, what’s the name of these?” you suddenly ask. He stops in the middle of his sentence (he was definitely talking about aliens, by the way), and grins smugly.
“Jonquils,” he says with a mischievous glint in his eyes, “spelt J-O-N-Q-U-I-L-S, means that your boyfriend’s going to colonise Mars one day. And if you’re lucky, you can be the first queen of Mars. How ‘bout that?”
It doesn’t mean what he says it does, by the way.
Splashes of pink and orange have already settled into the blue sky above when you step onto the rooftop of Seijoh’s humanities building. Despite the breeze that has swept through the air, the flame of curiosity in your stomach burns just enough for you to turn a cheek to the cold.
Come to the rooftop at 6 PM.
It’s 5:59. Impatient, you study the note in your hand again. Maybe you’ll be able to glean something from the laconic letter this time.
Much to your irritation, no one had seen the author of this note. They had expertly placed the unsigned card on your desk with a single rose and Hershey’s chocolate kiss on top during lunch. Elegantly scrawled, their seven words have had your brain running circles all day around their identity. Could it be…? No–– he seemed completely normal earlier today. Still, you can’t shake your suspicions. They borderline hope.
Who else…
You inhale the cool air deeply and lean back against the rooftop railing, eyes burning a hole into the metal entrance. The door swings open with a high-pitched groan. Your breath catches in your throat.
… if not him?
Time briefly stops when Oikawa Tooru steps through the entrance, still in his volleyball uniform, sweaty from practice, cheeks the same colour as the setting sun. There’s an unusually tentative look on his face, though it’s immediately wiped off and replaced with the realisation that this is real when he sees you slightly slack-jawed, blinking once, twice, three times before letting out a breath.
“You look surprised. Expecting someone else to confess today?” he asks, crossing his arms in front of his uniformed chest. Despite how his features are contorted by his poorly hidden jealousy, you can’t help but feel a flood of blood rush through your veins, lighting every inch of your skin on fire.
Because whether he knows it or not, Oikawa, the Grand King of the Court, prettiest boy in all of Miyagi, has skipped the table and placed his heart straight into your hands.
“Of course not,” you retort. “I just didn’t think you’d… well, do something like this.” And I didn’t want to get my hopes up. Iwaizumi’s words still find their way into your mind sometimes. I didn’t want origami made from my heartstrings.
Oikawa’s demeanour changes and his eyes dart away from your face. Shoving his hands into his windbreaker’s pockets, he admits, “I’ve honestly never done something like this before.” A faint blush spreads across his cheeks.
“Really? You’ve never stepped foot in the fourteenth shrine of Sendai?” you tease, referring to how Seijoh students have claimed this very rooftop as one of the God of Love’s many temples. You both know he holds the school record for the number of visits to this rooftop. At this rate, he could be one of its caretakers.
“That’s not what I meant,” he replies with a scowl, though the awkward tension between you two dissipates. And it feels like the two of you are back at your desk in Class 7, snickering uncontrollably while throwing playful jabs at each other. Sensing the change in atmosphere, Oikawa finally steps forward to join you by the railing.
Humming softly, he rests his elbows on the metal bar, props his head up with his hands, and sets his gaze on the lowering sun.
It’d be unfair to say that you didn’t at least try to enjoy the moment of peace with the boy beside you. But there’s a burning question on your mind that you can’t put off asking any longer.
“Why me?” you finally blurt out. “You could have any girl in this school. What made you choose me?”
The brunet whips his head around, disbelief written all over his face. “You think I chose to chase after the most annoying girl in all of Miyagi?” He laughs. “Ridiculous. I’d never willingly put myself through that unnecessary angst.”
You scoff and cross your arms.
“I think that when you like someone, it’s harder to explain why,” he quickly adds. “‘Cause it’s not supposed to make sense. I bet that the inability to explain your feelings is a prerequisite for true feelings, actually. It’s logical to say that you’d date Person A because they’re smart, or Person B because they’re hot, or Person C because they’re rich. But I’m pretty sure that that’s not… that’s not falling for someone. When you fall for someone… you just do. No logic required. You weren’t an option I ultimately settled on, Y/N. One day I just woke up and thought, if not you, then no one else.”
A beat passes. A flurry of words floods through your brain, only to evaporate when the devil on your shoulder decides that words aren’t quite adequate for what you want Oikawa to hear.
So instead, your feet take you one step closer into his space. Impulsively, your fingers find their way to his nape and your eyes flutter shut and suddenly–– suddenly, your parted lips brush against Oikawa’s. Instantly, he deepens the kiss, soft lips surging against yours like a pulse under pressure. You barely register his arms snaking around your waist, tighter and tighter until the space between your bodies is completely closed off.
Breathless, you finally detach your lips from his. Oikawa, who still has you encircled in his arms, pouts at the loss of contact, though he sulky façade only lasts a second before it gives way to a grin that stretches from ear to ear. He looks magnificent. Cheeks red, lips flushed, chest heaving, eyes wide with excitement. You want to kiss him again.
“One more.” It’s as if he read your mind. “To celebrate that last one.”
When Oikawa finally detaches himself from your lips, it’s to respond to the buzzing in his pocket. Noticing your raised brows, he explains that it’s an alarm for practice. The Spring High Prelims are just around the corner and he doesn’t plan on graduating without never having taken his team to Nationals.
“That’s my cue,” he states with a warm–– read: not apologetic–– smile. He doesn’t grab your hand or look imploringly into your eyes in hopes that you understand, never mind that you just shared your first kiss, never mind that you just became his girlfriend.
If Oikawa’s looking for any sign of your objection, he won’t find any. Instead, you step out of his space with an acquiescent nod. You knew what you were getting yourself into.
“Play well,” you say softly.
But before he heads for the creaky rooftop door, he presses one last kiss to your lips. And then he turns around, whistling as he goes, leaving you beaming behind his back with the light of a thousand suns.
When Matsukawa hands you the turquoise “Rule the Court” banner after the team lunch with a shit-eating grin on his face, the only resistance you offer is a resigned sigh.
“I’ve been dating Oikawa since we were second years,” you say flatly.
“Sorry, Y/N-san, but it’s the team’s hazing ritual,” he replies, not appearing sorry at all. “And you’re the only one who hasn’t done it.” He jerks his head at the blonde girl standing a little farther from the group with Hanamaki. “Emiko-san did it at the last game.”
“Plus, it’s the Spring High qualifier semifinals!” Kindaichi adds. “It’s an even bigger deal for you to do it now, especially since you had to miss our games on the first two days for school.” The team murmurs in agreement.
You shudder at the thought of your impending distress. Sit in the front row of the cheer squad and raise the banner with a scream every time your boyfriend serves? Fleeing from the Sendai City Gymnasium back home in an expensive taxi suddenly becomes very appealing.
Seeing the expectant and hopeful looks on the rest of the team’s faces, however, you begrudgingly place the banner in your backpack, signalling your acceptance of the horrible, cringe-worthy tradition.
“Where is Oikawa-san?” Kindaichi asks, rotating his turnip-shaped head around rapidly. “He was just at the team lunch. Iwaizumi-san’s missing too…”
Kunimi shrugs, pulling out his copy of the team schedule. He starts herding the team towards one of the courts. “Our game against Karasuno starts about an hour, so we should start warm-ups in around fifteen minutes.”
Worry creeps up your spine. For the past few days, all Oikawa has talked about is this match against his bratty kouhai’s team. And in the past two weeks leading up to today, you haven’t been able to even catch a glimpse of his face outside of break or lunch. To suddenly go missing before warm-ups doesn’t seem like Oikawa. You’re about to ask the team if he’s ever done this before, but your phone starts ringing a familiar tune and the question is set aside.
“Third-floor bathroom by the orange pillar. Come alone. Don’t tell anyone. Emergency.” Through his harsh and abrupt tone, you pick up traces of fear.
“It’s Oikawa.” The call is cut before you can ask any more questions. Heart suddenly racing, you tell the team that your mother just called with questions about your new smart blender and excuse yourself to “explain what the manufacturers mean by salsify”. No one sees you bolt towards the nearest set of staircases with Oikawa the only thought on your mind.
There are very few things in this world that scare you. Stray hairs in the bathroom, the dark, essays longer than three pages… but the terror that short-circuits your brain when you find your boyfriend in the bathroom–– knuckles white around the sink, chest heaving violently, frenzied pupils surrounded by broken blood vessels–– trumps any fear you’ve faced before.
Iwaizumi stands helplessly beside him.
“Is he having a panic attack?” you question, still unable to move your feet. You’ve never seen Oikawa like this before. He’s the Grand King who hums while he walks, who spams your phone’s camera roll with peace-signs and funny faces, who winks and flirts and teases without regard. But watching the long-deified setter crumble like a measly human before you, you realise that Oikawa is also the guy who tore his meniscus from overexertion, who trades sleep to study his opponents play, who works his body to the bone just to stay a hairline above a certain Karasuno setter.
“A scout for the Schweiden Adlers said that Kageyama will soon surpass Oikawa in skill.” Iwaizumi explains how they had overheard the conversation lowly in your ear. “I got us into this bathroom just before he completely lost it. 5-4-3-2-1 isn’t working. And he won’t listen to a word I say.” What’s 5-4-3-2-1? Well, if it isn’t working then don’t focus on that right now.
Your eyes dart to Oikawa’s quivering body again. “I don’t know how to pull someone out of a panic attack.”
“The goal is to ground him. So use physical touch, make him feel something with texture, and get him to talk,” he responds instantly. Mechanically. Like he’s all-too-familiar with this set of instructions. A heaviness grows in the pit of your stomach when you realise what that means for Oikawa. And yet, from that very dread sprouts strength.
Slowly, you tread over to Oikawa and place a hand on his arm. His muscles tense under your touch but when you murmur over and over that it’s “Y/N, your girlfriend, the most annoying girl in Miyagi”, his fingers loosen ever-so-slightly from the metal basin. He lets you lead him to the bench by the door. He lets you drape the Seijoh banner over his shoulders like it’s armour and wrap your arms around his waist. He lets you press your cheek to his sweat-drenched back.
Get him to talk.
“Remember that quote you showed me from that interview of yours? What was it again?” you question softly.
No response.
“If you’re going to hit it, hit it until it breaks,” you say into his ear.
Through the mirror, you see his eyes widen with recognition. In the brief moment of lucidity that washes over Oikawa’s glistening face, you repeat the original question again, followed by his own quote.
Again and again.
And Oikawa finally says back.
“If you’re going to hit it, hit it until it breaks.” Focus re-enters his gaze. He blinks as if just waking from a spell.
“That’s right,” you say as firmly as possible. “So don’t you dare break first, Tooru.”
An unreadable blend of emotions scrawls itself over his features. While Oikawa washes his face with cold water, you remember rumination and resolve but can’t decipher the rest, giving up anyway when Iwaizumi pushes open the bathroom door. When the light washes over Oikawa, his face shows no signs of the episode he just had. It’s just like how the sky moves on after a storm, how the sun beams to say, “I’m here now. The rain has gone.”
But sometimes it still rains in spite of the sun.
A sunshower. It sounds so beautiful. But it’s wonderfully sad.
The three of you wordlessly make your way to the court where the rest of Seijoh is likely getting ready to warm up. What are you supposed to say after that? What can you say?
Once the smell of air salonpas and sweat finally greets your nose, Oikawa slips the Seijoh banner off his back and hands it over to you. Guessing that’s your cue to leave, you tell him to play well like you always do before starting to head for the upper deck. Softly, Oikawa asks you to wait.
“Stay for warm-ups,” he adds. “Please.”
From your spot behind the Seijoh divider, you carefully watch for any signs of another breakdown. To your relief, he goes the entire half-hour without a single crack in his disposition, exchanging laidback grins with the team, bantering with Iwaizumi. At one point he even has the audacity to taunt the Karasuno setter Tobio-chan, as Oikawa often says with a sneer.
Sunshowers, Y/N. Sunshowers.
Just before the referees call for the teams to line up at their ends of the court, Oikawa jogs over to you, eyes folding into thin crescents when he smiles.
He pulls the Seijoh banner out from your hands and gingerly cloaks it around your shoulders. Oikawa presses a quick kiss to your lips and murmurs, “Thank you.” Something in face tells you that it’s supposed to mean more than gratitude. Before you can read more into it, he turns back around and jogs to the line where his team awaits. Oikawa grins ferally.
Knowing that your luminous eyes are fixed to his back like his own set of wings, the monster crows on the other side suddenly look more like humans.
Oikawa isn’t surprised that his text is still unopened. At twenty-seven years old, he’s had his fair share of dead-ends when it comes to love. But he hadn’t expected radio silence from you of all people.
After closing all the tabs of Team Japan’s latest matches, he powers off his laptop and checks his phone again to reread what he wrote to your old number one last time. Still nothing. It’s highly probable you’ve changed phone numbers at least once in the last nine years, but the disappointment’s still there after he powers his phone off for the night. Tomorrow’s a big day and he’s not the same victim of self-destruction he had been in high school.
Or so he thinks, realising that texting the last person he loved the night before the 2021 Olympics volleyball finals might have been slightly irresponsible on his part. A thought arises in his head, though he quickly quashes it. Asking Iwaizumi to pass the message along would be a little overboard, wouldn’t it? Oikawa chuckles, imagining he response he’d get from his best friend (and Team Japan’s team trainer, that traitor).
“Go the fuck to sleep or I’ll put you to sleep, you dumbass simp,” he hears in Iwaizumi’s gruff voice.
He convinces himself that you’ll be there like you’ve always been. After all, he’s spent a lifetime with your pair of watchful eyes on his back. Satisfied, he drifts into a dreamless sleep.
The volume in the Ariake Arena is astronomical. Blood pounds against his ears as he sets the ball in the air, a monstrous grin carving into his face when his teammate José spikes the set straight down the net, drawing a wave of oohs and aahs from spectators on both sides.
Iwaizumi rolls his eyes at the flashy Team Argentina setter and finishes taping up Ushijima’s arm.
Oikawa turns haughtily towards the opposite team, gaze zeroing in on Team Japan’s raven-haired setter and the shrimpy ginger beside him. It’s been a while since he last saw them this close in person–– the chance encounter with Hinata in Brazil happened well over three years ago and he hadn’t had the time earlier in the tournament to say hello. Of course they’re the final boss in this arc, he muses, though the thought is void of vexation. Instead, begrudging pride blossoms in his chest. Truthfully, he had expected nothing less from his kouhai.
And he expects nothing less than finally tasting the ambrosia of victory against that monster–– no, an entire generation of monsters–– today. Monsters who happen to be the kids he grew up beside.
He wonders what you’d say at the sight of Japan’s greatest players all gathered on one court. On instinct, his eyes dive into the bleachers, searching for your face. Knowing he’s not likely to find you like this, he tsks, deciding to look for Iwaizumi instead. Maybe he knows where you are.
The referees signal for both teams to line up at their ends of the court. As he steps onto the white boundary line, he notices Iwaizumi’s gaze transfixed on someone in the upper deck on Team Argentina’s side. The neutral expression on his face morphs into shock, then recognition. And then he glances at Oikawa.
The latter’s brows furrow before everything clicks in place.
Who else…
All your memories together hit him at full force–– your face shimmering with tears in front of gate twelve in Haneda Airport, the feeling of your shallow breaths against his neck, the savvy lilt to your voice as you speak.
… if not her?
For the first time in his life, Oikawa Tooru looks behind his shoulder.
And there you are, leaning against the railing with the old Seijoh flag draped over your shoulders, a tender, splendid smile on your lips.
“Play well,” you mouth.
And Oikawa feels the sun rise back into his hands.
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riffheartsgraziella · 3 years
My Thoughts Watching West Side Story (2021)
I enjoyed the commentary @bernardolovesanita did so much that I thought it would be fun to share my own thoughts. This list is far from exhaustive, and probably sounds more like the ramblings of a lunatic, but it’s what came to mind as I was watching the movie tonight.
- No matter how many times I’ve seen this movie, the iconic whistle gives me full-body chills every time.
- This makes me very much never want to go to Lincoln Center ever again.
- Introducing Riff with Graziella by his side gives me life. It’s just so *chef’s kiss*
- Jeez, Numbers. You couldn’t just light Maxie’s cigarette before running off?
- Why does Mike Faist think he’s not a dancer?
- This poor restaurant owner is done with the Jets’ bullshit.
- That first shot of the Sharks running to stop the Jets is very *chef’s kiss*
- Baby John is wielding that paint can like a MADMAN. Poor Manolo.
- Is it just me or does Riff make an “Oh, shit” face when he throws that trash can? 😂
- Riff and Bernardo pushing past everyone to get to each other is actually one of the hottest things I’ve ever witnessed.
- Krupke is a gem in this version though.
- David Alvarez is so handsome. It’s ridiculous.
- I love Quique.
- How did none of the Jets punch Schrank for straight up calling their moms whores?
- Riff looks so sad when Schrank calls him trash because deep down, he believes that about himself already 😭
- Mike Faist covered in paint, smoking a cigarette does something to me.
- “Frankenstein time” 🥺
- All of the Jets are so over Tony.
- My sister once asked, “Did they make the shortest Jet say the thing about walking tall on purpose?” 🤣
- Why does Tony seem so annoyed already? Riff is supposed to be your best friend, dude.
- Obviously Riff got cleaned up and changed between the Prologue and going to see Tony. I’ve been meaning to write an HC about that, with Grazi cleaning him up.
- Riff is so bad at handling his emotions.
- Womb to tomb wasn’t ever a joke for Riff because he’s spent most of his life with no family and Tony is supposed to be like his brother 😭
- Rita Moreno is so cute.
- I love the way Anita snaps her fingers when she talks 😂
- Why did they have to make Chino so cute and lovable?! It just makes everything hurt all the worse 😭
- Anita and Bernardo are such a gorgeous couple.
- As someone who wears red lipstick on the reg, it makes me strangely uncomfortable that Maria didn’t blot her lipstick before leaving the apartment 😂
- Dance at the Gym is the only scene that truly matters to me in this movie.
- Mamie is not playing around.
- Riff and Graziella are everything to me (as if you didn’t already know that).
- Mike Faist giggling is all I ever needed.
- I love how Dot just has that lollipop hanging out of her mouth the whole dance. That’s commitment.
- Other cutie Jet couples to watch during DATG besides Riff & Grazi: Mouthpiece & Velma, Action & Rhonda, Diesel & Mamie, Balkan & Tat, Baby John & Tessie.
- The height difference between them is insane. On a personal note, I’ve always wanted the guy I marry to be super tall 😂
- Many of these problems could have been avoided had Tony just exited the bleachers ON THE OTHER SIDE 🙄
- I love the solidarity of both Anita and Graziella yelling at their stubborn ass boyfriends.
- Riff and Action with their jackets off are very 🥵
- Riff looks so hurt when Tony leaves 😢
- Again, I love Quique.
- Why are there no cops monitoring the bathroom? I mean, Krupke literally just watched all this shadiness go down. No one’s even going to check?
- Ice when Riff suggests knives: 🤨🤨🤨
- I died when I Google translated the Spanish lines and learned that Bernardo is basically saying, “These guys are always talking shit about knives” 🤣🤣
- Riff actually being so nervous during the war council makes me emotional.
- My favorite character is the custodian who looks at Tony like he’s crazy during “Maria.”
- Mike Faist originally auditioned for Tony. If there are any recordings of him singing “Maria” or “Tonight,” I want to hear them.
- You just ruined the pigeon lady’s night, Tony. So rude.
- That puddle shot is so stunning.
- Honestly, Tony saying, “But I found you!” with that huge smile is actually very cute.
- Bernardo and Anita are so cute.
- Also, why do I feel like every couple, Jet and Shark, definitely gets it on after every dance? 🤣
- Well, I mean, did you see the way they were dancing?
- I live in NYC and can literally hear everything that goes on outside my house at night. How did Tony and Maria not wake anyone up on that fire escape? 😂
- The shot of Bernardo and Anita behind the sheets is so 😍😍😍
- Bernardo has too many women in this apartment 😂
- I love how Anita calls Bernardo “amor de mi vida” (love of my life) 🥺
- I can’t believe that they filmed “America” during NYC’s heat wave in 2019. It was brutal 🥵
- Quique is a star.
- I literally just got so sad before the sad stuff even started just by remembering that the sad stuff is coming 😭
- I took Spanish for 8 years in school and I’m still so terrible at it, so you’re doing better than me, Tony.
- The notes of “Somewhere” blending with the train whistle? *chef’s kiss*
- Okay, but Riff and Bernardo were going to fight even before you two. NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU, TONY AND MARIA.
- When Tony says, “Maria, I don’t just like you,” I always add, “I like like you,” in my head 😂
- I love Balkan’s and Mouthpiece’s responses to the cops.
- Anybodys telling A-Rab to go suck on his sister’s titty is the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.
- Poor Krupke needs to retire.
- Baby John fixing the benches. Bless his sweet little soul.
- Where did Snowboy even come from?!
- I wonder how they decided which Jets would be in “Gee, Officer Krupke�� and which ones would be in “Cool” 🤔
- “Ew, Diesel, you got a social disease?” 😂
- It’s been way too long since Mike Faist was last on my screen.
- I don’t think anything will ever beat the way Russ Tamblyn sang, “’Cause no one wants a fella with a social disease.”
- This is making me want to go back to the Cloisters. But Tony is right, it is quite the trek to get there.
- I’m not sure what I would do if a guy started telling me all this on our first date 😂
- They’re literally not brawling because of you and Maria, Tony. Were you even listening to Riff earlier? You know, before you even met Maria?
- Lol, Riff is like, “STFU, Action!”
- The way this man literally checked Action to the floor 😂
- Was the Academy even watching?!
- Them playing with the gun like little boys🥺 At the end of the day, they’re just stupid kids.
- “Born to die young, Daddy-O” 😭😭😭
- The Jets literally don’t like you anymore, Tony.
- Mike Faist is the most handsome man I’ve ever seen.
- The tears in Riff’s eyes 😢 He feels so betrayed by Tony.
- Why do I find Riff handing the gun off to Ice so sexy? 🤣
- I love how Tony tells Maria, “They’re still my guys,” but the end of “Cool” shows that the Jets are now totally behind Riff, literally and figuratively.
- “Tonight (Quintet)” gives me shivers every time.
- Riff’s rumble outfit? Thank you, Paul Tazewell.
- Riff asking Ice, “Womb to tomb?” because he just wants to be reassured that he still has some kind of family after Tony basically left him high and dry 😭😭😭
- That shot of the Jets’ and the Sharks’ shadows approaching each other is pure art.
- Lol, why is Ice explaining the purpose of the salt shed?
- Tony and Chino working together for that brief moment makes me so depressed.
- Will I ever be emotionally prepared for the rumble? No.
- I know the point is supposed to be that Tony has outgrown the Jets and is trying to change, but Riff is still supposed to be his best friend and brother. Tony literally kills Bernardo to avenge Riff. So why is it that Tony seems so annoyed with Riff literally every time they’re on screen together? I don’t know, in the 1961 film, their friendship just seemed more evident and apparent.
- Riff almost reaching out to stop Tony from beating on Bernardo 😭
- Fucking Tony, LET GO 😭
- My heart 💔
- The Oscar should have been given to Mike Faist for this scene alone.
- I wish we could have seen Krupke’s reaction to finding Riff and Bernardo 😢
- Rachel Zegler’s acting was phenomenal in this scene, but for real, Maria, what were you thinking?
- Valentina breaking out the rum. Same, girl.
- Would it have been too much to ask to include a shot of Graziella learning about Riff during “Somewhere?”
- They could have shaved off some time from Maria and Tony preparing to get it on 🙄
- Poor Anita 😢 Ariana DeBose earned every award she’s received.
- Tony is lucky Anita didn’t push him down that fire escape.
- Maria deserved that slap.
- I love how Maria’s door in this movie is so reminiscent of her door in the 1961 film.
- Anita certainly loved Bernardo a lot longer than you’ve loved Tony, you little brat!
- Anita crying in her and Bernardo’s bedroom 🥺🥺🥺
- “I Have a Love” is how I feel about Mike Faist.
- Quique’s reaction to Chino = 🤨🤨🤨
- “It got so bad so fast.” YOU CAN SAY THAT AGAIN!
- Ugh, Schrank, you are the worst.
- Graziella just wants to talk to Tony about what happened to Riff 😭
- I wish they had kept Grazi in the frame so that we could see her reaction to Chino having Riff’s gun.
- Anita saying “Help me” to Graziella breaks my heart 💔
- You can see on Diesel’s and Ice’s faces that they know what they’re doing is wrong.
- Stop talking, Snowboy. Literally, what is wrong with you?
- “You dishonor your dead” 😭😭😭
- I miss Doc’s line, “Why do you kids live like there’s a war on?”
- Damn, two shots, Chino?
- I’m still salty that there are only a few Jets and Sharks here.
- This musical really is so depressing.
- WHY did they cut the line, “All of you! You all killed him! And my brother. And Riff. Not with bullets and guns. With hate!” It has such impact! 😭
- I’m just sad.
- Mike Faist better win that BAFTA tomorrow.
- The graffiti that says “I lived here” on one of the demolished buildings during the end credits 😭😭😭
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hookingminor · 3 years
Can you please write with Pierre Luc Dubois, fluff “have you ever thought about how much worse our lives would be without each other?” and smut “next time we get into an argument, i’m reminding you that i took your virginity.” Thank you 😘😘
43. “Have you ever thought about how much worse our lives would be without each other?”
10. “Next time we get into an argument, i’m reminding you that i took your virginity.”
warnings (18+): mentions of sex/loss of virginity
Pierre had been in your life for as long as you could remember. You two had been inseparable as children and throughout middle school, but the drifting started once you’d reached high school.
You were still friends, though. Your parents hung out frequently and you saw him enough in school, but he was on the path to professional hockey and you were heading towards the local university.
Feelings changed as did bodies. Pierre was no longer the scrawny boy you thought of as a brother but now a man whose figure had definitely filled out. Being sixteen had changed your view of him, painting Pierre in a romantic light rather than a brotherly one, but you were no longer close enough to do anything about it.
You ran in different crowds. He always skipped class, you hated his friends, but there was too much history for you to let him go completely.
When he got drafted and moved to Columbus, you thought your crush would fizzle out if you didn’t have to see him all the time, but it did the exact opposite. Your father made a point to catch every Blue Jackets game, often getting together with Pierre’s father to watch them. You couldn’t forget him if you tried.
You weren’t sure what had changed that first summer after. Pierre came back after his first season with the Eagles and you came back from your first year of college. Without the confines of high school around you anymore, you easily fell back into being friends again. The only difference was that instead of teasing you, Pierre’s chirps turned more flirtatious than normal.
Friends turned into a fleeting summer romance, and after sneaking out late one night to the lake, you woke up tangled in the bed of his truck. Your clothes were strewn in the corners, only your bare skin against each other underneath the thick covers Pierre had decorated the bed with.
He went into the night hoping to take your relationship to the next level, and you had been ready to give him the one thing no one else would ever have.
It was uncomfortable at first, awkward even, but Pierre had eased your nerves and taken his time. He was the perfect gentleman, caring and sweet, wanting to make your first time worth it. And it was.
The rest of the summer was spent rolling around in bed sheets or the back of Pierre’s car, but you knew it wouldn’t last forever. You didn’t ask for more, Pierre didn’t ask you to be his girlfriend, and he was off to Columbus again when autumn came back around.
You weren’t heartbroken or anything. You knew your lives were too different for anything permanent between you two, but that didn’t stop you from falling into his bed every time he came back in the summer. A few months of heated passion. That’s all you had.
Things changed again when Pierre was traded to Winnipeg, and suddenly he was back in your life again. Year round, not just for the summer.
He didn’t treat you like a meaningless fling. You thought he would pull away since he was going to be around more often, but the first hug he pulled you into when you visited him after the trade did the exact opposite. It was middle school all over again except you were ten years older.
The sex became less frequent as you began spending more of your time with him just hanging out rather than ripping each other’s clothes off. You had movie nights, went to his games, chirped his bad fashion taste, and made early morning trips to the market.
The upcoming season sent Pierre’s nerves through the roof.
It was his first full season with the Jets, and he was still in the middle of finding his place on the team. Not to mention his whole family was in Winnipeg, and it felt more stressful trying to impress them when they were just down the road and not hundreds of miles away.
And as his friend, you packed up your father’s truck with all the necessities for a night away: blankets, pillows, cheap beer, favorite snacks, and your bluetooth speaker.
You nearly dragged Pierre out of his house and into the truck, driving him out of the city and to that same lake you used to sneak away to when you were kids. Pierre protested the entire way, claiming he needed to be getting ready for the season, but you only turned the music up louder every time he opened his mouth.
He finally quieted down when you parked the car on the beach.
“I haven’t been here in years,” Pierre said after you opened the tailgate and propped yourself on it. He joined you and took the beer you offered from your hands, cracking it open and taking a long swig.
“I think the last time I was here I was with you,” you nodded.
The lake was quiet, as it usually was after sunset, the only sounds between you were the cicadas and hushed rolling of the waves. Soft music played over your speaker, and you reveled in the silence for a few minutes.
“Have you ever thought about how much worse our lives would be without each other?” Pierre asked after a while.
Cocking your head towards him, you raised your brows. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, I was just thinking,” he shrugged. “You’ve been in my life for as long as I can remember. Not a lot of people would know how to get me out of my own head like you.”
The last part caused a smile to tug at your lips, and you bumped your shoulder against his. “Not a lot of people would be able to put up with me, so I guess I’m pretty glad to have you in my life too.”
“The first time we were out here,” you continued on, “I was so fucking nervous. Like, so jittery and anxious, and you helped me out then. This is me returning the favor.”
“No offense, but I don’t think the situations are comparable,” Pierre chuckled. The first time you were out here, he took your virginity. All he was doing was moving to a new school, basically.
“No,” you agreed, “but you’re my friend, so I’m trying to help.”
“I was nervous that first time too, if you must know,” Pierre commented, and you sent him a curious glance.
“Why? I know that wasn’t your first time,” you wondered.
“It wasn’t, but I’d never…” Pierre paused to try and gather his thoughts. “I didn’t care about the other girls like I cared about you. I wanted you to feel special and I didn’t want to hurt you or anything.”
“Well, if you must know,” you repeated his words. “It was about as perfect as a first time could have been.”
“I thought you were going to hate me when I left,” he added.
“I could never hate you, P,” you said. “You were the first guy I had a crush on, first guy I probably loved, actually. You were my best friend before you were… my first time. I don’t think I’m capable of hating you.”
“You were the first girl I ever loved,” he said. “But it’s good to know you could never hate me since I was your first.” He had a teasing smile on his face when he said that last part, and you bumped his shoulder harder this time, causing him to slosh his beer.
“That’s not what I said.” You rolled your eyes, but his grin didn’t falter.
“Next time we get into an argument, I’m reminding you that I took your virginity,” Pierre said. “Since, you know, you can’t hate me.”
“Never said I couldn’t try to hate you,” you emphasized. “Keep it up or I might be tempted to test that theory.”
Slinging an arm over your shoulders, he pulled you into his side. “I don’t think you’re capable of it,” he said, agreeing with your previous statement. “And because I love you, I’ll let it drop.”
“Wow, so courteous of you.”
“I know. I’m just filled with good manners.”
A few more minutes of silence passed.
“You know, I’m still feeling a little anxious…” Pierre started, nuzzling his nose against your cheek as his lips brushed over your jaw. “Wanna help me calm down?”
And, well, who were you to say no? You did have a favor to return.
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dollsonmain · 2 years
Reset That Guy because he started the huff and thrash. It had been ONE day. If you know what I’m talking about, you know.
He was whining this morning.
Went back to bed after That Guy left (already been up and down the stairs twice due to that and the air purifier hissing), then was woken up by
and everything in the house rattling.
This thing is in my yard.
Tumblr media
They’re laying fiber optic cable. I’m not sure if this is the sideways drill thing or the one that puts the tubing in for the cable, or both. I would guess they’d use one machine for both??
It’s loud.
Almost half hope they accidentally knock down the mailbox and put it back nicely for me.
Then got a phone call for a Mr. Howard from a rehab center in Virginia emphatically telling him that HE has to come TO the rehab center WITH his daughter and HE has to sign THE PAPERWORK because HE is the patient and now I’m hoping that she just misdialed as opposed to him having given them my number and they’re not going to start hounding me for payment if he skips out on paying his bill.
The boy is being a piss today, so that’ll be fun. I was going to show him how to caulk a tub since his needs redone and it never hurts to know how to do that sort of thing for yourself. Doesn’t help that I was up and down the stairs how many times yesterday (ow my everything), and have to go back up to do the tub?
He’s stomped off upstairs to wait to get started even though I told him we’re not doing anything until I’ve had my coffee.
I’m not even awake, yet.
Have a contractor coming out next Thursday to look at the bathroom and I have a feeling That Guy is going to retract his support for a full renovation even though he can afford it and it needs done as soon as he gets the quote for JUST fixing the floor. The subfloor has gotten worse, so it certainly needs replaced before my chunky monkey butt falls through.
That Guy has 0 plans for a renovation. I have ideas, though.
Expensive stuff:
Mirror needs taken down, wall behind it deglued and patched, two smaller mirrors that I can actually reach or even take down to wash would be nice. I’d LIKE to have embedded medicine cabinets installed but That Guy vetoed it because he KNOWS EVERY MEDICINE CABINET sticks out from the wall (that is incorrect, some can be installed IN the wall and would appear from the outside like a framed mirror).
Different light fixtures that aren’t going to corrode when wet...
Different color on the walls please, and fix the peely spot on the ceiling (I think the builders put acrylic primer and then the homeowners put oil paint maybe).
Toilet’s fine but if we’re pulling up the floor anyway maybe uninstall, new wax ring because we can, reinstall? Though I’d rather have a smooth-sided toilet for ease of cleaning.
Sinks and counter are fine if ugly. If they’re not changed, we’re stuck with warm colors for the bathroom because they’re an orangey-cream kind of look. I don’t hate it, but I don’t like it.
Ugly orangey oak cabinets are fine, actually. Just ugly. They could always be sanded down and painted or stained a different color.
Flooring with more longevity, please. I’m not opposed to sheet vinyl really. It’s easy to clean and that’s critical. But what’s down is cheap cheap and thin and bad and outlived it’s life expectancy by 15 years already.
Remove enormous jetted tub and replace it with a normal sized tub installed in such a way that I can get to the faucets and pipes without having to knock a hole in the wall to do so, which would also give me access to the windows in there without having to get IN the tub to open them.
Ideally a second vent fan installed at the high end of the ceiling since that’s where all of the hot, humid air goes when we shower, not down at the low end where the toilet is.
Cheap stuff:
The air register needs replaced, and the vent fan cover cleaned out. There’s been a dead wasp in there for like....10 years....
Maybe I could get them to put a fresh bulb in the high up light that I can’t reach. It hasn’t burnt out, yet, but it’s been 15+ years so it will sooner rather than later.
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justcourttee · 3 years
hiiiii i don't know if you take prompts or requests or anything, but would you maybe consider writing a sequel to A Moment Too Late? maybe with a happy ending? i love your writing!!
I tried for what I’ll call a happy-ish ending, but I hope you still enjoy it! 
*WARNING* This piece and part 1 mention attempted suicide and can be difficult for some. Please, please, please be sure you feel comfortable reading about this topic before clicking below the title. 
In The Nick of Time
Damian took his first step into the city of love at 4:00 pm.  
He had a general idea of where to begin, but the combination of no sleep and jet lag was taking its toll. He had tried reaching out to her several times on the flight over, but she ignored his every effort. It could have just been the fact that she was in her classes. She may have been suicidal, but maybe she still took her education seriously?
It wasn’t likely, but it helped put his mind at some ease, hoping he still had time. His first order of business was renting a car. Technically speaking, his father had a villa on the outskirts of the city with a multitude of cars to pick from, but seeing as no one knew where he was, he wasn’t eager to tip them off.
He gazed over the taxis lined up, eagerly looking to take advantage of the tourists piling out of the airport behind him. He didn’t want someone to eager, he just needed someone who looked on the brim of exhaustion. His eyes landed on a poor man propped against his car, his eyes drooping like Tim before his first cup of the day. Perfect.
“Excuse me sir, but I’d like to rent your car from you for the day.”
The man peeked one eye open as he glanced warily over Damian.
“Scram kid, it’s a package deal, me and my car. You can’t just rent one or the other-”
Damian smirked as the man snatched the bundle of money from his hand, popping off the taxi light that stood on top of his car. As Damian slipped into the driver’s seat, he motioned for the man to step back over.
“Here’s a couple of extra bills to catch yourself a taxi home.”
The man’s mouth gaped as if he was searching for air underwater. Damian didn’t even bother to see if he would step back from the curb as he pulled off. The one benefit of the agonizing six-hour flight was Tim’s laptop. Damian had managed to hack into each of the high schools around the city until he narrowed it down to three Marinette’s. After looking at approximate ages and distance, he assumed she had to be the first; one Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Her family owned a bakery a little less than a mile from the high school and on the off chance she hadn’t stayed for any clubs or activities, she should be arriving there at any moment. Damian tapped the address into his phone ignoring the multitude of messages he had between his father and Dick.
It was a simple fifteen-minute drive from the airport.
Damian exhaled sharply as he sped down the exit. Fifteen minutes was enough time. It had to be enough time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .
“Welcome to the bakery! Is there anything I can interest you to today?”
The woman’s face wore a mixture of fake smiles and exhaustion. It might’ve been enough to fool the average customer, but to Damian, she simply looked one gust of wind from collapsing.
“Uhm, I’m looking for Marinette? Marinette Dupain-Cheng? Is she here?”
Instantly her fake smile dropped and the exhaustion settled into the creases of her face. There wasn’t even a hint of worry at the mention of her daughter’s name from a stranger’s mouth. It irritated him.
“Look, whatever she did now, we don’t have any money for a settlement. Maybe you can work out a deal with her, but we have nothing more to give.”
The woman offered him a half bow before pointing him to a small door at the back of the store. He assumed she meant for him to go through it and without another word, he stepped past her. As he made his way up the countless stairs, his irritation only grew.
He was well aware that there were parents out there indifferent to their children, but his soulmate wasn’t supposed to have one. She was always so happy and carefree when they were younger, abusing the bond whenever she could. He assumed it was because her parents had drilled into her that it was within her right too. But after that short interaction, he wasn’t so sure anymore.
Finally, a white door came into view. Hesitantly, he reached out the knob twisting without resistance. Inside was a moderate flat with what appeared to be an attic access. As first impressions went, he thought it seemed like a warm and gentle place to grow up in. Very different from the windowless stone building he began in.
He slipped out of his shoes, placing them beside a pair of light pink ballet flats before taking his first step. Someone was home and by the looks of it, it should be his soulmate. Damian contemplated on whether to call out or not. He didn’t want to frighten her, but he thought it might be worse if he just opened random doors instead. Finally, he settled on attempting their soulmate link once more.
“Marinette? Are you there?”
There was no answer, but he couldn’t be sure if that was just the continued strike from his earlier efforts. Tentatively, he took another step forward, his eyes scanning the apartment. It was pretty much an open concept, so he could see everything quite easily. The only thing that eluded him was the staircase leading above.
That had to be where she was.
“Marinette? That’s how you pronounce your name, right?” Damian sucked in a breath, resisting the urge to hit himself. No matter how he intended it, he sounded like he was some stalker here to kidnap her. “I’m not here to hurt you, I just wanted to talk.”
It didn’t sound any better. Maybe he should've stuck with a gentle introduction through their bond. Speaking out loud only reminded him how terrible he was with people. Animals were easier. Everything that needed to be said could be expressed through body language.
Biting the bullet, he decided it couldn’t get any worse than barging straight up the staircase into the attic. As he pushed open the access, the first thought that crossed his mind was-
“A mess,” clothes were strewn across the floor, remnants of paper scattered within the piles. The walls were a soft pink at one point, but it looked as if someone had taken a paint scraper to them, mere flakes hanging on by a thread. For such a well-put-together apartment, the room almost seemed abandoned.
Pulling himself into the room, Damian left his legs to dangle, his toes longing for the security of the stairs just below him. It didn't seem that she was in here either. He remembered passing another floor, perhaps that was also part of their apartment? Just as he decided to plant his feet back onto the sturdy steps, his fingers brushed over one of the scraps of paper he had seen earlier.
Instinctively, he pulled his hand away from the floor, his eyebrows furrowing. Damian was fairly certain that wasn’t how paper should feel. Reaching back out, he gathered a few nearby scraps. Turning them over one by one, a picture began to form. A group of girls, all laughing completely lost in a moment of time. His curiosity bested him as he pulled himself into the room, gathering each of the scraps he could find.
A half dozen photos was all he could form by the time he collected the larger pieces. Most were group shots, but two were of a blonde guy. Upon further analysis, he determined that he was the son of the fashion dictator Gabriel Agreste. He had seen the boy at a couple of Bruce’s international parties.
Perhaps she thought he was attractive? After all, the photos seemed to be ripped from a magazine, unlike the other four. As he glanced around the room once more, he felt like he had finally found a straw to grasp at. A reason she dropped so far, so fast.
But as much as he gathered from her room, he still had no idea as to where she might be. Her shoes were at the door, but it didn’t seem as if she was anywhere in the apartment. Standing slowly, Damian took a step back toward the access he had entered through when a breeze tickled the back of his neck.
His entire body stiffened as his hand moved slowly to where he kept his emergency kunai.
“Is that you, Marinette? If so, you’re pretty good at masking your presence. I didn’t even sense you approaching.”
There was no response, but now that he knew she was there, it was easier to pick up on her shallow breathing. In one swift movement, Damian flicked his wrist backward, ducking to avoid any retaliation.
A soft grunt earned a glance backward, his eyes widening a bit at the sight. She hadn’t even tried to dodge it. Lodged into her right shoulder was his kunai, and just below it, centimeters away from her heart, was a pocket knife. A bright pink light blinded him and instinctively his arms darted out. When he could see again, a petite figure rested against his frame.
“Marinette?” She was unresponsive, a deep ruby dripping from her wounds. “Marinette!”
What was this panic he felt rising? He’d seen comrades die on the battlefield before, wounds more deadly than this. So why couldn’t he move? Logically, he knew he had to act fast, but his body wouldn’t inch.
“You’re her soulmate, right? Do something!” Damian’s head snapped up, but he couldn’t find where the voice came from. Whoever it was, it was enough to break whatever daze he had fallen into.
“Okay Marinette, I have basic medical training and I can patch you, slow the bleeding, but I can’t remove either blade. Do you understand? I’m going to have to move you, quickly and as stable as possible.” Her breathing was shallow, but her eyelids flickered in what he hoped was a response. As gently as her could, he lifted her into his arms, attempting to avoid moving either stab wound. Her soft grunt pulled at his heart. “Hold on a little longer Marinette, please, I need to apologize.”
The stairs were one agonizing moment after another and as he laid her into the backseat of his rented car, he felt winded himself. Sliding into the driver’s seat, Damian quickly pulled out his phone, cursing as it slid through his hands.
“Dammit, where did it fall?” He frantically searched, his heart rate rising with every passing moment. Was this the world’s way of punishing him? He killed and fought and argued every passing moment of his life. He pushed her away and now that he thought he was making a change, he could just waltz back into her life as if nothing had happened? He wasn’t going to make it.
“Just drive, I’ll guide you.” Had he finally lost it? It was the same imaginary voice he had heard before. Perhaps it was his subconscious, a guardian angel? Could he really trust it? “Drive boy, take a left at the stop sign.”
He couldn’t afford to wait another moment so he did what felt most logical; he drove. The drive was killing him, each painful breath becoming slower, a dagger to his heart as they escaped from her mouth.
“Just leave the car in the front, save my friend.” The only thing keeping him going was the voice.
Damian had barely parked, his feet already slamming on the pavement before the engine had stopped. Gathering her into his arms, he burst through the sliding doors, the fear rising in his throat.
“Help! I need help!” He knew his French was rusty, but he had to try. The nurse tentatively approached him, her gasp needing no explanation. A stretcher was rushed, and as they ripped her from his arms, Damian couldn’t help the anger he felt.
“Be careful with her! She’s going to die if they shift too much!” A security guard stepped over, his hands raised as if he meant to calm Damian. He took another step forward, trying to grip Damian’s arm. “What are you doing? I need to be with her! Marinette I’m right here! Can’t you hear me? I need you Marinette! Please don’t leave me!”
Damian watched as they placed the stethoscope on her chest, grim expressions hastening their step.
“Don’t look at her like that! Help her! Please!” It felt as if his lungs were collapsing, his vision blurring. Why was he reacting like this? He barely knew her. In fact, this was his first time ever seeing her.
“Sir, please calm down. They are treating your friend right now, the best thing you can do for her is sit and wait.”
The man led him to a couch where his legs finally caved, his back sinking into the chair. Damian lifted his hands to his face, wiping the tears he hadn’t even realized he had cried, but it only left his cheeks damper than before. Slowly, he pulled back his hands, his stomach plummeting. There wasn’t an inch of skin left uncovered by the red.
“Oh, oh,” Had he really not noticed how much blood she had lost? He was so focused on getting her here that he didn’t even consider if she would make it. “I thought I could make it, I thought I still had time.”
Damian recognized this feeling rising in his chest. It was the same as when he collapsed on the roof, the same as when he heard from her after so many years of silence. Was this what his mother meant by a soulmate bond being a distraction?
He had never understood why people took the insane challenge of fighting his Grandfather for a chance to leave the league in search of their soulmate. If he was honest, he thought it was a pointless endeavor and he couldn’t begin to imagine how someone believed they could pull it off. But, as his chest tightened with the rising waves of nausea, a realization washed over him.
A soulmate bond was so powerful that even if you just met them, you felt the need to protect them, to care for them. You became vulnerable for them, scared to lose them, terrified of how the world would be without them. It was a terrible weakness and a strong ally.
“Can you walk to the bathroom?” Damian felt his head stir, but it was as if it were being pulled by strings, out of his control. “I’ll explain everything if you could just meet me there.”
How could this voice be so all-knowing? Hadn’t it just surfaced from his subconscious as a way to kickstart his movement again? Yet, if that were the case, why did he find himself rising, stumbling toward the bathroom in a daze?
He slipped into the closest stall, collapsing against the door, the minute it locked. Why did he feel so drained? It was less than 500 feet.
“Do you need to sit down? I know that this must be hard on you.”
Damian’s eyes scanned the stall in search of a source for the voice, but alas, he came up with nothing. Sliding to the ground, he chuckled to himself, his hand clutching his shirt.
“I’ve finally lost it. Todd told me this day would come, but how could a dumbass like him even know?”
“You haven’t lost anything, I’m right in front of you, you just have to push through the veil.”
Damian perked up, squinting his eyes at the space directly in front of him. Slowly, but surely, his eyes focused on a red blur until the floating object came into full view.
“Holy shi-” Two paw-like things pressed his lips together, a disapproving look monopolizing its small face.
“Can you keep it down? And what’s with all this foul language? I can’t say I approve of you being my Chosen’s soulmate with a mouth like that.”
It floated a few inches away, crossing its arms as if trying to push the point across. Damian tried to swallow, but his mouth was dry. He was positive that he hadn’t had anything. Perhaps this was one of those sleepless hallucinations that Drake constantly rambled on about?
“I know that look, I’m not a hallucination, I’m a kwamii! My name is Tikki and I am Marinette’s partner. Together, we merge to become the superheroine of Paris, Ladybug.”
Ladybug? He had heard Bruce mention a Parisian team. They asked for any heroes to stay out of Paris as their villain was one that manipulated emotions, turning his victims into puppets of his own bidding. No wonder Bruce and Dick were blowing up his phone. They weren’t just worried about him running off, they were also worried about him breaking an international treaty.
Damian blinked slowly as he processed the image in front of him. Kwamiis. He had heard the legend of them back when he was apart of the League of Assassins, but he had no idea they truly existed. Why was his soulmate in possession of the most powerful being in the world?
“It’s a long story soulmate of the Chosen. I have traveled long and wide and have had many wielders before, but never one as capable as Marinette. When I first found myself as her partner, she was clumsy and shy, but so friendly and kind, always going out of her way to help people. Together, we defeated the original Hawkmoth, but in the battle, his kwamii was reclaimed by one of his partners and a new Lady Hawk emerged.”
“Why are you telling me this?” The kwamii shot him a questioning look as if the answer was obvious.
“I’m trying to give you the full picture of where it all began. You blame yourself as the catalyst, but you were only a small stepping stone in her downfall, almost not worth mentioning.”
Damian felt an odd swelling in his chest. It almost felt like, relief? Had he really been this worried that he had pushed her down this path? A lonesome tear trickled from his eye, but he was quick to snatch away.
“Marinette had friends, a boyfriend even. She wasn’t completely lost without a soulmate. After all, her parents weren’t soulmates, and her best friend was rejected by their soulmate too. She was happy.” The kwamii paused, her smile reminiscing before it slowly morphed into a frown. But it all changed when a wretched girl transferred into her middle school.”
“Just one girl changed everything?”
The kwamii nodded, small tears forming.
“She was the real catalyst. The reason everything fell apart.”
Damian lost track of how long he sat listening to the small God. When he stood to return to the waiting room, he couldn’t help but clench his fist in an attempt to calm himself. Marinette had to pull through, she just had to. Damian had to show her that there was more to life than this shitty one in Paris. He had to rescue her like his family had for him.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
It was 36 hours before he was allowed back to see her.
She had been lucky, the knife had missed her vital organs and even though it had punctured her lung, she seemed to be on track for a full recovery, one that she needed to take slowly. Damian dealt with the police on her behalf and thanks to Tikki’s information, he was able to help them identify the mugger.
Tikki had gone ahead to talk to Marinette and to give him time to freshen up. He didn’t have much, but the little he had packed at least got him fresh clothing, clothing not stained with her blood. Alfred would not be happy with him once he returned.
Damian was unsure how to approach her. He had found some flowers in the gift shop he thought were nice and some chocolates as well. But as he stood in front of her hospital room, he realized he hadn’t figured out the first thing he should say to her.
I’m sorry? No, that sounded too arrogant after everything she had been through. My name’s Damian, I saved your life? No, that would be condescending. God, he really hated talking to people.
“Are you going to come in or just sit outside all day?” Her voice sent shivers down his spine. She hadn’t always been this cold, but he couldn’t blame her.
Hesitantly, he reached out, a sheepish smile tugging at his lips. She looked angry, slight red emphasized on her pale skin, the dark circles under her eyes protruding as if they dared him to comment on them. There were a million and one wires and tubes poking out in different directions, some hooked to machines, some to random bags of fluid.
Yet, despite all of it, she still looked absolutely stunning.
“Well, sit down or something. You’re creeping me out just standing there.”
Damian shuffled awkwardly to the opposite side of her bed, his legs wobbling as he lowered himself into the chair.
“Uhm, I brought you some flowers-”
“I hate the color white.” Damian felt his eyebrow twitch, but he tried his best to hold back the expression he felt. Gently, he reached back, setting the flowers on the windowsill.
“I-Uhm-I also brought you some chocolat-”
“I’m on a liquid-only diet for the next two weeks.”
Damian could feel the red rushing to his face as he breathed deeply. He knew there was a chance that she would be spiteful, but he hadn’t been completely ready for it. His fuse was short, even if it was his soulmate, he wasn’t sure he could contain the explosion.
“Are you feeling any better?” Marinette scoffed, her eyes never leaving her hands.
“Did you fly all the way to Paris for small talk Damian?” He wasn’t sure how to respond, knowing his next words might be his last. “Ask what you really want to. Like why did I detransform before trying to face the mugger? Or why have I tried to kill myself multiple times even if each time ended in failure?”
“Ask me why all my friends left me. Ask me why my master chose the easy way out, forgetting everything before passing on weeks later without even a single message about his death from him or his girlfriend. Ask me why I hate life so much that I just don’t see the reason in living anymore. Ask me if I think you’ll change my mind! Spoiler alert! You won’-”
“God woman, do you ever shut up? Give me five damn seconds to get my thoughts together.”
Damian instantly felt the eyes of Tikki fall upon him, the anger draining from his body only to be replaced by his rising fear. He felt the apology building up, but before he could even let the first word spill out, a bitter laugh cut him off.
“Yeah, I do shut up. But only sometimes. I figured Tikki told you everything. I also figured you’d have questions. I’m not interested in telling my sob story over again and I’m not interested in some knight in shining armor swooping in to save me, Got it?”
Damian tried to speak, but it was as if his voice were caught in his throat. What could he say to her? He wasn’t trying to be her knight? He didn’t need her explanations? Everything sounded so thoughtless, but he couldn’t string together one coherent and earnest sentence to save his life.
“What I am interested in is your nonsensical shouting. You ‘need me’? You just met me, how do you know that you need me?”
If he wasn’t already as red as a tomato, he was certain that was how he looked now.
“I,” he cleared his voice, praying to whatever was listening to keep the crack away, “I just had this feeling swell up in my chest seeing you like that. I was terrified and it scared me. It scared me to feel that way about someone who I had just laid eyes on. I had heard about soulmate bonds and how they affect you. They can strengthen you, but they can also be your downfall. I needed to get to know you, to know how our bond would affect me.”
He paused, the feeling of her eyes on him choking him up.
“I, uh, I know it’s selfish, but I couldn’t let you die. You don’t have to believe me, you don’t even have to listen to me, but I have been where you are before. But before I could even make my first attempt, I had a group of people come into my life, people who lifted me up and saved me. I was scared that you didn’t have that and I arrogantly believed I could do that for you. I’m truly sorry Marinette,  but I refuse to apologize for saving your life. If I could, I would do it over and over and over again as many times as it takes until you decide to keep living.”
The silence was deafening. Even if she just yelled at him and told him to leave, he would take it over this quiet. He didn’t dare look up, he barely felt the urge to breathe. It was as if everything fiber in him was holding their breath, waiting to hear her response, any response.
“You’re really not gonna leave me alone, huh?”
Her voice sounded tight as if she were holding back tears. The urge surged through him to reach forward and pull her into a hug, but he contained himself, defaulting to a simple nod instead. Again, the silence followed, but he was patient. He would wait all day if it meant hearing her speak again.
“Fine. I’m not guaranteeing a damn thing, but I can offer you a start.”
“A start?” Damian risked a small glance up, his heart racing at the sight. She was smiling, a genuine smile. It looked out of place among her tear-stained face, but he would be lying if he didn’t say it was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen.
“Yeah, apparently I’m going to need someone to stay by my side 24/7 when they release me. Someone to take care of me. A stay-at-home nurse if you will. So, I nominate you, Damian. Your response?”
“Absolutely, it would be my honor.” His reply was instant, his smile unwavering even after she chucked her pillow at him, cussing him out in a manner that Todd would be proud of.
Yes, it was just a start. Yes, it didn't mean anything was fixed. But, there was one thing that put his heart at ease.
He wasn’t too late.
No, in fact, he was just in time to save her life. And at that very moment, he vowed to never wait till it was almost too late again.
Despite everything that had happened, he decided he could live with that.
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listless-brainrot · 3 years
i find it pretty odd how people are so willing to discuss how colorism and racism impacts jet’s character and interpretations and how his trauma has affected him in such profound ways and how tragic his entire characterization and arc was wasted and how his legacy is completely trampled on for kicks
yet they aren’t as willing to criticize these things the moment that they pertain to ships.
unfortunately, colorism is pretty inherent with his character due to the narrative and how he is portrayed. he’s villainized and not given a chance at redemption while the imperialists and even his own parent’s murderers are given solid storylines within and out of canon, he is one of the more darker skinned characters in the show and by design he is supposed to be unlikable and “villain-esque”, his drastic motives and actions paint extremism in an inherently negative light and are condemned when other characters have done much worse and have received little to no consequences... i could honestly go on.
these are points brought up again and again by disgruntled fans and are extremely valid criticisms of his character and writing, especially when most of these critiques have been repeated by poc within the fandom.
that’s because these tropes and biases make their way into fandom works, whether you realize it or not.
there are so many pieces of fanart with jet that sexualize him to an uncomfortable degree (i could go on google right now and find a borderline nsfw picture of him even with safesearch on) even though he’s 16-17. there are people who take his smooth personality and use it to characterize him as outright abusive and manipulative. there is a tag on ao3 that explicitly calls him an asshole and has multiple works. there are so many works on that site that make jet out to be a really shitty person (usually by making him a shitty ex) to support a “better” ship, and there are numerous nsfw works that involve him.
these things have repeated, even with the resurgence of the atla in more recent years, and you really can’t blame all of it on canon. there is practically no canon basis for him being outright abusive, even if he did lie to the gaang in his episode. there is practically no basis for him being someone who enjoys violence, even if he does go to extremes with flooding gaipan and breaks into the tea shop to apprehend zuko and iroh. there is practically no canon basis for some of these blatant mischaracterizations, and are instead built upon gross stereotypes and unnecessary vilification, which reinforce the biases.
look, i get it- shipping is a really personal experience. people are very attached to these characters together and apart, and i’m not saying any of this to discourage anyone from creating.
but i do say this to encourage you to be more critical, especially when it comes to characterizations and ships. 
as a poc, seeing so many racist takes on a character i really enjoy makes it hard for me to have a pleasant fandom experience. i would love to really get into some of these ships and enjoy them just as much as everyone else, but because i see this behavior constantly, it’s really deterring and disheartening. 
i know people don’t always intend to have these biases within their works, and re-evaluation and holding yourself accountable isn’t a simple process. but at least recognize some of these tropes in the content you consume and see how it may affect your own perceptions. 
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theeslytherinslut · 4 years
12 Grimmauld Place (3/?)
Pairings: Sirius Black x reader, Remus Lupin x readers brother 
Word Count: 2,072
Warnings: angst, language
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 
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It was the only room you’d seen thus far that didn’t have peeling layers of dark-colored paints, ranging from deep emeralds to smoky greys and jet blacks. Instead, it was painted likely the lightest shade of grey Sirius could convince his mother to agree to, but looking around, that was probably the only thing she would’ve approved of in this room. 
Laughing to yourself quietly, you had a stark, strangely sad realization: this was still a teenager's room. Scantily clad Muggle women postered the walls draped across expensive-looking cars, Gryffindor apparel was strewn everywhere possible, what looked to be a Quidditch banner hung from the ceiling, and various Honeydukes wrappings littered the floor. A large, expensive, very elaborately made chair stood in the corner of the room, buried underneath layers of dark clothing. 
“Sorry, probably should’ve cleaned up...wasn’t exactly expecting company though, not that you’re a bother! Merlin, it’s lovely to have someone so love--so...it’s nice to have someone else here.” Sirius finished, as red as the scarlet robes hanging from his canopy bed as he stuttered his way through his explanation. 
“This is...this is incredible,” you said, moving through the room to find a picture of Sirius and James with their arms thrown across each other's shoulders, laughing jovially as Remus shook his finger at them in the distance. Chuckling to yourself, you continued to look at the handful of old pictures that littered his dresser. 
Another picture nearby showed Sirius sneaking up on James as he very clearly flirted with Lily, her face lighting up with laughter as James jumped up in fright. 
“He was always so easy when Lily was around...” Sirius trailed off, smiling sadly at the photos before you. Looking to the other corner of the mirror, you saw three more photos shoved into the cracks. 
The first was a picture of the group of them lounged around the Great Lake; you’d guessed Peter was behind the camera because only the four of them smiled up at you. James’ head lay in Lily’s lap, hers rested on Sirius’ shoulder, who waved up cheerily at you. As Lily sat up to meet James halfway for a quick kiss, Sirius stretched out his arm and pulled in a sheepish looking Remus, ruffling the top of his head affectionately. You smiled at the sight of your brother with his friends. The happiness that radiated from this picture was intoxicating, you never wanted to look away. 
The next was of them in what must’ve been the Gryffindor common room. Being a Slytherin, you’d never seen the inside of anyone else’s common rooms. Large, comfy furniture was placed strategically around the room, drapings of what you’d assumed to be scarlet and gold draped the walls, an inviting fire dominated the center of the room. 
This picture was another of the group of them, but this time a frightened-looking James and a smirking Sirius were evidently getting scolded fiercely by Lily. You laughed upon seeing Remus standing behind Lily in a sort of gesture of good faith but seemingly offered no words to his insolent friends. 
“Hexed a fourth year Slytherin,” he explained, you turned to glare playfully at him, and he smiled, “The git tried to stick gum in my hair! I think there might’ve been an incident with myself and a girlfriend of his, though...Anyway, James caught him just before and...well, he was with Madam Pomfrey for a few days, I think. Lily gave us a right good telling off for that one, came close to Minnie’s scoldings,” Sirius sighed wistfully, likely reliving the day in his head.  
“Wait...” you trailed off upon seeing the last. 
The third picture was in the Great Hall; though many people were in the picture, the center focus seemed to be a group of Slytherin girls standing in the entryway. There, in the center of the photograph, laughing heartily, was you. Your Y/H/C hair was seemingly shining underneath what was likely a very sunny day, your teeth gleaming as you laughed at something someone had said. 
“Is that..?” you turned around, looking to find him sheepishly smirking at his feet. 
“Yes, I believe it is,” he said. A smile was on his face, but he was scrutinizing yours. “I think I nicked it off Remus at some point.”  
“Why?” you shook your head. Surely Sirius Black hadn’t been fawning over you as well? Surely you hadn’t wasted all these years apart because neither one of you had the bollocks. “You could’ve had anybody...” 
“Well, I could--and did,” he stated matter-of-factly. “Please, don’t misunderstand me. I’m not proud of my whorish boyhood--though it only seems fair having given my recent dating history, funnily enough, a dementor's kiss is not a hot thing.” he broke off when you let out a rip of laughter. “But all that is behind me. I can still hear James suggesting I settle down with a nice girl instead of working my way through the female half of our year. Remus gave up on that idea long ago, I think.”
His smile turned sad at the mention of his friend, and your eyes fell back to the picture of the two of them being scolded by Lily. 
“I’m sorry, Sirius,” you said honestly. “The last half of your life...it must’ve been awful. Losing your best mate, your brother essentially, and then being blamed and imprisoned in fucking Azkaban for a decade for it.” 
Sirius didn’t answer, merely looked darkly at the floor. You took your cue to steer the conversation in another direction. Tightening your towel around you, you cleared your throat. 
“So, this nice girl James wanted you to find, any luck thus far? Do I know her?” you asked, lightening the mood. 
“What do you think? This decrepit house isn’t exactly overflowing with options. Unless you count portraits of past, insane, family members, then I’m swimming!” he laughed, skirting around an answer.
“Nothing like a little pureblood incest,” you laughed in return. A draft of cold air blanketed the room, and you shivered. “So, er, I didn’t exactly have time to pack a bag on my way out; you don’t by chance have any clothes you wouldn’t mind me using, do you?” 
“Oh, right! Sorry, it’s absolutely freezing in this drafty old house.” Sirius commented, gesturing to your goosebump covered arms. He turned and clapped his hands, flying to his closet. 
“Well, I’ve got a bunch of my old school clothes in here...Seems dear old Mum had at least half a heart. This stuff might fit you a tad better,” he murmured, running his hands along the swinging clothes in his old closet. After a moment, he let out a barking laugh. “Here!” 
He threw you a maroon hoodie, and you gave him a look, knowing he was teasing you about the housing. Opening the balled up fabric, you smiled despite yourself seeing the front. It was a Gryffindor Quidditch sweatshirt. You grinned giddily as you turned it around and saw Sirius’ last name splayed across the back, complete with his number. What you wouldn’t have given to wear this years ago...
“Did you need pants, too?” Sirius asked, an odd look on his face as you smiled down at his sweatshirt. 
“Oh, no. That’s okay. This looks like it should cover everything--I’m a hot sleeper.” you explained sheepishly.
Turning, you padded softly over to the adjoining bathroom and clicked the door shut. 
What a turn of events. Standing in Sirius Black’s bathroom, you took stock of the night. 
You’d been attacked and almost killed by Fenrir Greyback, only just managing to escape what would have been a horrid death--or worse. After being mended by Madam Pomfrey, Sirius Black was to continue nursing you back to health. Sirius Black, your greatest childhood crush, and the way your heart hammered in your chest even now told you it might not be all the way extinguished. Never once did you think you’d see where he lived, let alone be undressing in his bedroom. 
And his bedroom...what a time capsule it was. It made you feel like you were in school again, hoping to catch him in the hallways between classes, always peering through the stacks of books as he and James teased Remus during his studies. And further, it seemed all that time you hadn’t been the only one watching. Sirius Black had been watching you almost as much as you had him in your school years. Evident in that hidden in his bedroom was a photo of you, a photo you didn’t know he snuck. A photo surrounded by the greatest hits of his school years, surrounded by those he considered family. 
Trying not to let it all go to your head, you groaned when you slipped the sweatshirt over your head. Though the pain in your body wanted to bring you back to reality, the full, uninhibited scent of Sirius sent you reeling once more. A sickly sweet, smoky scent was the most noticeable. Tobacco, maybe? Suddenly, the image of a young Sirius lounged beneath a tree on the skirts of the Great Lake was brought to mind, smoke rolling from his mouth as he brought his hand down from his lips. Of course, another inherently muggle form of rebellion, a double whammy to his family. 
Something woodsy lingered underneath, as if the hoodie had been swaying in the breeze of some forgotten forest for the last twelve years instead of shut up in this abandoned house. Head swimming, you gingerly stepped out into the bedroom before you got lost in your thoughts. 
“So, er, about the bed situa...” Sirius said, trailing off as he turned around to see you leaning against his doorway, sweatshirt draped to the tops of your thighs.
“Sorry, shit, I can put something else on if you want...don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything. I mean, we’ve known each other all this time--sort of, anyway. I must be like a sister to you...this is probably super weird. I’ll just fetch a pair of pants,” you nervously rambled. Sirius’ face had not changed since he saw you, and you were beginning to feel incredibly anxious about it all. 
“No, no. Seriously, I wouldn’t dream of it,” Sirius said, his old playful smile playing on his lips. Rolling your eyes, you damned the blush creeping up your cheeks. 
“Here, I found you these," Sirius said, tossing you a pair of thick brown socks.  "I remember hearing you whine about your hands being cold all the time, figured the same might apply to your toes in an old drafty house like this.” 
“You remember?” you asked him. 
“Yes, well, I overheard you whining about it a time or two, and Remus was always mentioning you whining about being cold...I just remembered, that’s all.” Sirius said, his tone becoming oddly choppy. 
“Well, you’re right. My toes were positively popsicles, but I didn’t want to be a complainer or anything, though...” you trailed off, pulling the thick socks onto your ice-cold feet. 
“Ah yes, get attacked by a murderous werewolf, blast yourself into a wall, shatter a few bones, but lest you complain!” Sirius teased you, smiling once more. 
In the next second of silence that occurred, your stomach rumbled loudly, and you smiled sheepishly. 
“Bastard got me right in the middle of making dinner,” you explained. 
“Well, come on then. I’ll have Kreacher fix us something; what would you like?” Sirius asked, seemingly happy that he could help. 
“What’s he good at?” you shrugged, hungry for anything. Winking at you, Sirius barked for Kreacher as he led you down into the kitchen. 
“Yes, Master?” Kreacher croaked, bowing so lowly his nose brushed against the dusty floor. 
“Fix us some herb dumpling stew, won’t you? And some of those delicious little mince pies you make.” Sirius said, and at once, the elf nodded and stepped over to the stove. 
“And some apple pie?” you asked hopefully as you sank into the seat across from Sirius at the long kitchen table. 
“Whatever she asks, Kreacher,” Sirius commanded, smiling fondly at your excited state. 
“Of course, Master...Kreacher gladly serves those pure of blood...gladly...whatever she asks..” he agreed in his funny speech patterns. 
While Kreacher was cooking, Sirius reckoned it was time to alert Remus and the rest of the Order, and you couldn’t find a reason to disagree.Sighing, you watched him disappear to retrieve Remus.   
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