#;;Lieutenant Ozar
themagicmerci · 2 months
Certainly a surprise
A bit of art for the first of the month—- “it’s the first of the month” 🎶
Anyways, some Flow and Ozar forrrr @cyberghost-scout ! Flow and Ozar is the ship for us, A lil bit o’ Flozar if you will.
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Ad as you can see…the background took me the longest for me to compelete. Legit I got done at the 7th day but the bg…oooooh that stupid background. Besides that! I think it came out nicely! I’m posting it here too since I’m working on a few other things, but here they are and is!
Paint studio clip (first time using it)
Ozar (VLD - my muse)
Flow (belongs to the lovely @cyberghost-scout )
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voltronreference · 7 months
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Lieutenant Ozar in Reunion
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fadednorth · 2 years
I still consider lieutenant ozar to have Altean and Galra heritage. He may not be purple but he's got it. I don't know why but he gave me that vibe and (and of course I have it) the time to go all in. Perhaps in the future I shall
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bladedalchemistreplica · 10 months
||| Iron frame
Starter for the @haus-der-mysterionmusen
The growing activity of the Galra empire, and the fact their ships continuously disappeared with no trace, had thrown them into a spiral of confusion and growing panic within the freedom fighters. causing their efforts to take an unwanted pause as they gathered themselves back on Kraydah. Their commander, Te-osh, had finally given the order for all ships to retreat for the period in order to figure out what was happening to their ships and members. Until the night the top pilot and her lieutenant left for their own operation to figure out what was happening Ozar had grown tired, fed up with waiting for an answer. So, he and Olia left, Olia more out of concern for their lieutenants' sudden decision behind their commander's back. though as they passed the fifth planet there wasn't any time to turn back. Especially when their radar finally picked up something's signature.
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cyberghost-scout · 1 year
Bro HYF is ozar a lieutenant????!!!
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"Ozar is still a great fighter and in most cases he's smart in fighting and being a leader. It's just he's not used to civilian life or other small things more took advantage of."
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formderptron · 3 years
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askthecadetsquad · 5 years
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Olia: So we’re up a creek without a paddle at the moment.
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chrysonoe · 6 years
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Second fanart for the Rozar ship!
Lieutenant Ozar found Rolo who is trying to steal important supplies! Ozar can’t allow that! What will he do? We’ll find out soon!
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j-t-pose · 6 years
I’m late to this Clock Party
So I recently binged watched Voltron for the first time. It was pretty great.
Before I had even started though I had seen many pictures of this one guy: 
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And I couldn’t help but feel that he looked really familiar... It wasn’t until I watched the show (and saw Haggar) that I worked out why. He looks like Vaati. From Legend of Zelda.
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Purple? Check. Long hair? Check. Pointy ears? Check. Fabulous? Oh, so very much. Sure, Lotor doesn’t have the specific markings, but you know who does? Haggar - who (surprise, surprise) also looks like Vaati.  Also this guy:
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Lieutenant Ozar, who is probably descended from some of the Alteans who were living on Daibazaal with Honerva. That would be cool.
Suffice to say, this probably doesn’t mean much. It is likely just one really elaborate shout out to LoZ. It isn’t like Voltron hasn’t referenced the games before - floating triforces anyone? But I thought I would point it out anyway, because Lotor is probably one of my favourite characters. And I know that Lotor’s appearance is based on his original design but I feel that Haggar’s is different enough from her original design to count. 
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pranksterpidge · 7 years
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reblog if Lieutenant Ozar stole your heart
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themagicmerci · 2 years
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I posted this on my other blog (voltron AlternateReality).
I always had the vibe that they sort of were a family unit (also me own headcanons) and thought they’d have a pretty entertaining dynamic. And wanted to give an example by this redraw lmao. Ozar is annoying Olia to no end, Matt is just tired after the long missions trip, and Te-osh isn’t helping much since she’s enjoying Ozars singing.
I might sketch a end-point for Olia and Ozar.
Anyways, three showed up for a brief time and I fell in love with them. Matt’s pretty cool too
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voltronreference · 7 months
Hello! I hope things are going well for you!
I was wondering if you could or had any photos of Lt. Ozar? Big blue dude with white hair/bread? If you have any ^_^
Hello! Here are screenshots of him from season 4's episode Reunion.
I also noticed he was in the background of this post as well.
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Character: Ozar (Learn More) (Series: Voltron: Legendary Defender)
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bladedalchemistreplica · 10 months
Psst mun, can you bestow us HCs aside from Alfor and Kolvian???
Here's a few for the fighters!
This might be pt 1. I just love them ans think they deserved some more attention. (Unless they got the...team voltron treatment...)
Freedom fighters》》___
Many of them are either from freed captives, slaves [freed or escapees], former criminals, or those who've fled from galra occupied planets. A many who have had little to no fighting experience. So a lot of the training is thrown onto the lieutenants and those who have had fighting/war experience.
The Freedom fighters actually began on planet Kraydah due to the small galra outpost it was and how harsh the conditions were. They adapted quite nicely even with the cold temperatures. [The warmest it could get was just below 50-65 Degrees.
Olia has connections with her family, so with how many mouths they have to feed her remaining family helps with that. Including the rare occasions, she's able to get some nice ingredients into their rations.
Te-osh is a mother figure to many of the freedom fighters, especially those who have lost parents and were fairly young when they decided to join the cause. Matt is one of those cases, but due to him spending as much time as he has that bond has tightened over the years he's been with them.
Olia has a habit of taking off for days at a time for herself. Not letting anyone know until she returns. Which urks Ozar to no end. Though she usually returns with something to compensate for her leave.
Ozar is someone who helps new recruits out with training, however he tends to give them something to see how they'll end up using it. Which actually has turned out to be a better choice. (For him at least. Te-osh and a few others have had a few close calls at times)
The freedom fighters, even for how large they have gotten, have a strong sense of family bond to them. The units they are placed in do help with that, but it's those they choose to spend time with who they usually end up forming the strongest of bonds with.
N-7 is a sentient android, though they haven't said very much about their own origins to anyone beyond Commander Te-osh or LT. Ozar, and Matt. She usually is a shadow who follows Matt, Te-osh, or Ozar around the base. Though she will be seen to be around those who are more tech aligned.
Sickness isn't very common, but when it is, the chaos can range from mild to severe. The fighters don't actually have many medics or medically knowledgeable people with them. (1-3 for each fleet/station) so they usually have to go for home remedies or the top of their head for cures or treatments.
Matt was the only human to join them. So to them the boy was quite the anomaly, while they have had those who look more human. It's safe to say he got some eyes locked on him for a while. ((He may have gone up to Ozar and asked if he was just a super tall human in disguise once.))
There was a dark era for the fighters at one-point. One in which Te-osh's father died as he helped her (and Olia and Ozar) escape a galra hostage situation. Many freedom fighters died that day trying to save their more valuable members, those in hiding, and children. That is where and when they went to build that memorial for them.
Ozar and Olia are the very only two (Matt is as well, but not to this extent). Te-osh will call family. She took Olia in after freeing her as a child from a galra base, and Ozar, after finding him as an infant om one of the almost destroyed planets.
Olia has two kiddos of her own, which will visit more often than others, they live with her husband's sister, who will always make a B-line for Ozar or Matt. Both of which they will refer to as uncles. Though they tend to flee to Matt since he's not as busy and easier to play/pick on.
[[A bit of a more light-hearted hc]] Whenever they have the kiddos around for the rare visit, you bet everyone's going to have everything done and that extra security going on. Besides that, they are going to spend as much time bonding with these kids.
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formderptron · 3 years
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askthecadetsquad · 6 years
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Olia: I mean... Headaches, yeah, on occasion. But that isn’t too strange, those just happen sometimes. 
Ozar: Yeah. He doesn’t get them any more or less than anyone else- at least around here, with all the stress. With his background, it wouldn’t be surprising if it got to him a little more than others.
Olia: Definitely. He’s been through a lot. But nothing really stands out as out of the ordinary for him.
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