#;;a city of one (musings).
Drawing is genuinely the only thing in my life that can push past the giant cloud of "blah" that constitutes my feelings, the only time I can actually get in touch with feelings I normally can't put a finger on, the only thing that makes me feel alive
Genuinely believe I was put on this earth to make art
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apollos-boyfriend · 10 days
Does your dorm actually have no elevators or are they just 'under maintenance' at all times? The perpetually 'under maintenance' thing is really awful and unfortunately common but to have none at all sounds illegal (at least in the U.S. unless a building is EXTREMELY old)
oh no i mean no elevators. admittedly there are 3 buildings within my complex so maybe one of the other two have one, but my building doesn’t lmao it’s definitely an old building tho
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@tes-summer-fest 24, day 6: mirror
When the barber ask if this is okay, and you look in the mirror and at a loss for words.
Molly belongs to @wouldntyoulichentoknow (thank you for letting me draw her <3)
Molly used to be a barber in Kvatch. Somehow Martin didn't get a haircut from her before. Until today that is XD
Remember that Uriel with fancy hair post?
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If you haven't seen that post, don't worry I'll reblog below.
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zukos-tiny-burnt-ear · 6 months
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I will never stop nitpicking this if i dont just post it lol. This hasbeen in my brain for over a year, since I saw Muse in concert last March. They put on such a fantastic show and I'd love to see them again
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oculusxcaro · 7 months
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As troublesome as Gotham can be, Pauli's is one of those places that rarely gets hit. It's open 24/7 and offers good food to all regardless of who they are and Pauli isn't afraid to hire former criminals like Jerry who used to be muscle for Scarface. Petty thugs who threaten the place for cash are just as likely to receive backlash from their fellow crooks as they would from law-abiding citizens because where else are you going to get a decent meal at 4am?
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spiderwarden · 5 months
Epilogue Romanced Gale outright saying he would do godly favors for Minthara, is chef kiss.
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ratcandy · 7 months
i could do whatever i want with monch's character and what will you do about it? huh? tell me i'm wrong? tell me their dialogue contradicts my ideas? Their Dialogue? Huh? All 2 of It?
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redhead-reporter · 8 months
LA resident right of passage achieved: felt my first EARTHQUAKE
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junhrs · 7 days
ok lock in was sort of completed anyways im changing the world building of alyster's story thing lol
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iamnoprogram · 5 months
> Oasis:
A hidden refuge built inside an underground cave system deep in the Outlands. The Grid’s last settlement free from Occupation rule.
The main chamber houses a large energy spring discovered during a scouting mission for energy sources. Because it is so deep underground it’s energy signature is naturally masked. Sam referred to it as ‘a hidden oasis’ when she first saw it, and the name stuck. After working with some architect programs within their small, but steadily growing uprising Sam was able to stabilize the cave and it became the center of operations for the resistance against the Occupation. The main chamber is connected to several smaller chambers and winding tunnel systems, which Sam was able to rig so that their entrance ways shift at random for added security.
So with constantly shifting entrances how do fellow resistance programs find their way back? Well, how did people navigate before GPS or compasses? Stars. The Grid actually does have ‘stars’ in its sky, but because of how bright its cities are, they aren’t very visible. You have to be deep within the Outlands to be able to see them. Through no small feat Sam was able to program in constellations that shift with Oasis’s entrance ways.
Oasis is a collective effort of many programs working both within and outside of their directives. It’s messy, it’s intentionally difficult to navigate, it’s imperfect. Yet it stands.
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advitameternal · 20 days
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AEGON, the first child she was forced to have for the throne. She remembered laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, waiting for her husband to be done. Aegon, who came without a fuss, at the price of her innocence. Too young to be a mother, but aware that the crown needed its heir — wasn’t it why Aemma died, bleeding in bed after Viserys ordered for her to be cut open? A terrible fate, one that made her shudder. The very same thing could have easily happened to her.
She wanted to be the kind of mother who could love her first child unconditionally, but her heart was shackled by the chains of her the weight of her responsibilities. Before she could even learn how to be a mother, she was pregnant again. With another child on the way, the fragile bond she hoped to forge with Aegon seemed to slip further from her grasp. Her duties multiplied, her time divided, and yet she tried. She held him, cradled him at night, and when he cried, sometimes, she did too.
Still, loving a baby was different than loving a future king, and while he was still small, while he still needed the comfort of her arms, she tried to give him that for as long as she could. The maids tried to tell her she should not hold Aegon while heavily pregnant but she refused to listen to them. For a little while, she could pretend that Aegon was just 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔, and did not belong to the throne.
Now the guilt is devouring her very soul, and she thinks about all the times she could have just hugged him.
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HELAENA was born, a beautiful baby girl with shining eyes. Yet, this daughter did not belong to her either, she was Aegon’s. The future queen, the one who would have to take over this burden one day. A reflection of her own fate, of her own pain, but Helaena would be raised for it, and Alicent secretly swore to herself that she would never let her down. No matter what, she was always going to protect her little girl. A fussy baby, who never stopped crying. She spent hours trying to calm her down in front of a window, not giving her away to any nurse. It was her daughter, and she wanted to be a good mother, but all the time occupied with the incessant cries also took her further away from her first born.
She wishes she could cradle her like she used to and protect her from the horrors of the war.
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AEMOND was more hers than her first children. A word she loathed: the spare. Perhaps it was why she protected him more, trying her hardest to shield him from mockeries, from feeling like he was not simply born in case Aegon died. Without a dragon, she knew her son could not find his place within this already torn family, and yet for a while, it made her closer to him. In his arms, he is more protected than on the back of a dragon. It was her he sought when in trouble, when his cousins – and brother – mocked him, and with him she felt needed, and loved.
He does not anymore, he is on his own path, one of destruction that she has no idea how to stop.
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DAERON, her youngest, a precious child. Daeron, who clutched to her legs with strength, who whispered mama with a big smile on his face. He was forced to share a wet nurse with Jacaerys, her husband foolishly thinking it would be enlightened to create bonds, instead making the rivalry grow. Daeron, so charming, helpful, who wanted to make his mother proud. Their family was being torn apart by hatred, resentment growing in each of her son except him. So she sent him to Oldtown, so the atrocities of the court could not poison his beautiful son. A necessary sacrifice so he could grow up with no burden on his shoulders.
He does not reply to her letters anymore, the child she tried to protect, and she feels lost, more alone than ever, but also proud of the child who is much better than she could ever be.
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There is no name for a child that is not born, that potentially did not exist, moon tea erasing it from existence before life could form. Ironically enough, it would have been the first child made with her consent, with her feeling pleasure, instead of staring at the ceiling, waiting for the deed to be over. The moon tea, a poignant reminder of the love she was both embracing and denying, a reminder of the life she could have had, if she had never married Viserys. Surely, it was foolish to feel love and longing for a child that did not exist, yearning for a phantom future that could never be.
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supurman · 23 days
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this is here i rp if you guys were wondering.
#ugh... the hair clark agenda is rela. chest. forearms..beard ( but he shaves the beard#idk why ppl think hes hairless. it takes a laser and a piece of kryptonian metal to shave#he is not doing a full body down!#anyway this is him writing his third book i believe. look at all the paper on the ground! his robot bringing him more#hes like only i can be inspire din my fortress of solitude i cant write in the city its too noisey#i do love the idea of clark being someone who loves ppl and his city but even HE needs a place to fall back to to be alien BY HIMSELF#sometimes..he needs a break. we all need one. home away from home.#i also love his hobbies! whichi been gathering to write a meta on#because there is more to him . he doesn get up to just be superman! he has interest and has fun by himself too.#he is a fictional writer when he snot doing reporter stuff in case youw ere wondering#he makes fictional stories based on his experiences in life. in this book (hes writing it ) he made a self insert of himself who was..coole#like clar.k k.ent if he was cool. like james bond. HE LOOKED LIKE CLARK but instead of dorky glasses it was cool aviators and he was a bada#dont you think its silly he made a self insert. clarks adorable. imagine if ur muse reads his book like hmm this mc sounds familiar but not#familiar enough to be clark.#do yall think he is a fic writer on ao3? hes too classy for that he has a professional writign career but imagine.#anyway hi yall <3 hope to get to more new ppl w writing today im sorry if you feel ignored im TRYING SO HARD.
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pelipper · 11 months
after going to a bar for the first time in over a decade, i have come to the conclusion that i belong at anime con raves, not at upper west side bars.
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pertinax--loculos · 5 months
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New WIP! (whoops)
I'm working (on the WIP, and IRL, which makes it harder), but I'm really enjoying how this is coming together. ^_^ For the express purposes of maybe stringing a few people along, have a quick blurb I typed up when I was bored:
The Tea House keeps all the city’s secrets. For Shaw Halliday, it’s just work. The Whispering Alley; Sal’s; eels in the trees; the Stacks. Observe them, monitor them, contain them. Neutralise them if necessary. He’s good at his job. He knows all the Instances, and he’s even survived a couple of lethal ones unscathed. Like Hotel California. Like the Rook. So when the Rook breaks out of containment, he’s the first operative called. Never mind that he’s training a new recruit. Never mind that containing the Rook the first time was a miracle with an untenable sacrifice. Never mind that the Hotel is always with him, in his dreams, in his head. The Tea House doesn’t know about that, anyway. If they did, he’d end up in the Vault. With Larke. And Larke is the one person they have to go to about the Rook. After all, the Rook is in his head. And his veins. And his bones. Killing him, slowly, from the inside out. Like it wants to kill everybody, if it can. Talking to Larke is the first step. A desperate enough one, given that Darjeeling and Ceylon have agreed to Larke’s terms — that he’ll only speak to Shaw. And if he claims that the only way he can help is to be let out; well, they’re going to have to agree to that, too. Shaw knows all the city’s secrets. But with the Rook loose and threatening to wreak havoc at every turn, what he doesn’t know is whether he’ll be able to keep his own.
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mooshroomgirlfriend · 5 months
sad :(
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mechahero · 3 months
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@jfouler asked- character setting! :] send me “character setting!” to learn about my muse’s home! (accepting!)
There has been slight mentions of food before so here's another one! Food in Motor City is a bit unique. There's tons of of regular food fit for human consumption, of course, but there's no shortage of monster based foods. They're about as off as you think they would be, with brownies made with algae, candied eyeballs, and burgers made out of creatures from space (and or weird unknown meat and tentacles depending on the location).
The taste of these items are usually debated though. Usually coming from some humans who feel like they're a bit too off to taste genuinely good and monsters who do love the taste of these foods. It's usually an agree to disagree situation as no one's locked down to one particular type of food.
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