#;eosian wildlife
secret-engima · 4 years
Nyxsuke is going to be *deeply* unimpressed by Jiraiya isn’t he? Because he was supposed to be there for Naruto. But, oh look, there was no one there. My kid now, (whats a Galahd insult for deadbeat?) And when Nyxsuke does the summon, without a contract? He totally gets yanked to coeurls. The coeurl summon contract becomes the new Uchiha clan summon, except the ones who turn up other interesting Eosian wildlife.
Nyxsuke is ... so utterly unimpressed with Jiraiya yes. Not only did he abandon his godson, but he’s a perv. Nyx is honestly tempted to stab the man, and Naruto, who takes his cues from Nyx a lot at this point, is prickly and wary and dismissive of Jiraiya. Which ... honestly he deserves that lets be real. He abandoned his students in Rain (which formed the Akatsuki later) and then he ran off and abandoned Naruto.
Don’t get me wrong he becomes an ... okay-ish granddad figure from what I’ve seen in fanfic, but that does not excuse his running off and abandoning Naruto and then treating him the way he did when they first met (I have in fact seen the “yeet the CHILD over the cliff to teach him Summoning jutsu” clip and that is SUCH a hard no).
The Galahdian term for deadbeat is probably something to the order of “Voretooth food”.
Also the more I think about this AU the more it could be called “Small Child with Soldier Soul Shows Up All The Idiot Adults In His Life Just By Being A Decent Human Being: More News At 11”.
I’m oscillating between a Coeurl summon contract or a contract with the Messengers of Old (one of which is a Coeurl in my HCs so best of both worlds maybe?). One would be so appropriate for Nyx, but the other would be cool and versatile and I could have fun making all sorts of Messengers. Also picture Nyx summoning GARUDA.
Imagine the look on everyone’s faces. >:D
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