#;ship:alfred x gareth
dontcxckitup · 7 months
"Okay, I need to know. What kind of wedding would you like? Something small and with a few guests, I assume"
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“Small, only a few guests – inner circle. No big fuss, no…soupy music or videos and big speeches. Just a simple ceremony.”
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dontcxckitup · 1 year
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@mr007pennyworthdcv 😘
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dontcxckitup · 2 years
It was rare McGregor had to chase down Alfred's pup but in this case, it wasn't as if he could come right now to do it himself. "Lieutenant Mallory! you're requested to the medical bay for your annual check-up immediately, report to your Major when you're finished, he's already in there since he's on the damn medical staff else he'd have come himself so...chop chop I don't want to get my arse burnt for you being late"
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   He stopped and turned, staring at McGregor as if he had seen an alien riding a bobby car. A deep frown furrowed his brow. "But...I thought it wasn't for another two months, Sir?" Not to mention that he just wanted to get something to eat, then read a good book. Today was quiet, no obligations for him. Of course there was no talking against it, though, he had to do as told.
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dontcxckitup · 4 months
😶+ And what is the sexiest thing Alfred can wear?
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"A three-piece suit. It looks wonderful on him. Especially when he adds a pocket watch to the outfit."
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dontcxckitup · 4 months
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"I don't mind."
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dontcxckitup · 2 years
[text] Meet me in the penthouse suite 2 of the hotel you were staying in, when your free. We need to talk before the flight. - Alfie x
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   He stares at his phone screen, reads the message over and over again. Tries to read between the lies, probably reads way too much and things that aren't even there, but that's how it is with relationships, isn't it? Especially after a not-so-nice evening. Perhaps Alfred has realised that they can’t and won’t work out, that after all it will be better if they stay separated. Too many years have passed, after all, too much has happened, too much has changed.
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With a sigh he types a reply. [text] when would it suffice?
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dontcxckitup · 1 year
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dontcxckitup · 8 months
[text] Remind me again: Do you like Mushrooms?
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[text:] in a reasonable amount [text:] what are you planning?
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dontcxckitup · 11 months
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dontcxckitup · 1 year
"Every time I see you, I swear my heart skips a beat."
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"...because you're afraid I've thrown a grenade again?"
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"We have to be careful with our hearts, darling; they're not as fit anymore as they used to be."
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dontcxckitup · 8 months
🍸 Slow Comfort Screw Against A Wall - (Google it) 😉😘
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“…I’m actually afraid to look it up now.”
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dontcxckitup · 11 months
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dontcxckitup · 1 year
The day was a write off from the first two incidents of him falling as he tried to get up from the bed that morning. It became a total write off by the third time he fell in the bathroom and cracked his head on the counter requiring forty minutes in the bathroom cleaning blood off everything and butterfly stitches. By the time he was setting Gareth a cup of tea down on the desk he was ready to go back to bed, or have a breakdown and it was only 11am. Either way he was going to spend the rest of the day on the sofa, since his leg was refusing to cooperate today. He'd put the washing on, everything else could wait he thought as he quickly attempted to leave before his husband to be spotted the stitches above his eye . "I-I think, erm, I'll be in the living room if you need anything...else" he managed to grab hold of the door frame as he felt himself wobble dangerously forward and used it to lean against as if he was just casually hanging in the doorway.
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There has been something going on all morning, and yet he hasn't figured out what. Usually Alfred makes sure to stay close to him, shower him with praise and kisses and cuddles. Today, however, is different. And now he knows why. He stares at the stitches above Alfred's eye, wondering just how he could have missed those. And what happened. And why Alfred isn't talking to him, bloody hell!
He stands up and follows him, watching him carefully. Does he seriously think Gareth doesn't notice? "What are you doing?" he finally asks. "You're in no state to go anywhere. What happened?"
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dontcxckitup · 1 year
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Alfred stands still as Gareth continues with the ties and frowns. "Pup...I think your good on knowing how to restrain the enemy now..."
He'd only offered to practice the stages of Gareth's next test with him because he was bored. But now he was wondering just what book the younger had been reading. "Honestly Gareth, it's very well...done...but I don't think this is what was shown in the book...I mean, this feels more like you've been reading up on Shibari..."
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He takes a step back, studying his work. Personally, he thinks it looks rather good. Surely not what was demanded of him, though. A mischievous smirk is tugging on his lips as he sits down on the ground, still studying Alfred. The officer looks rather endearing all wrapped up like a Christmas present.
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“Oh, I…thought I’d try something else,” he tells Alfred innocently. He doesn’t really believe Gareth doesn’t know what he’s doing here, does he? “You don’t think this is what they’ll ask for in the exam?”
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dontcxckitup · 1 year
A:...How can I not get jealous...your MINE damn it.
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"Are you sure you're actually thinking before saying something?"
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dontcxckitup · 1 year
*Alfred casually leaning in the doorway*
"Have you ever had an orgasm hit you just so damn good and it made you fart...just wondering"
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"...why are we getting married again?"
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