#;warrior of light (vincent)
ankhnu · 6 months
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FF men sketch dump
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kurithedweeb · 1 month
Vincent is Xavier thoughts from today:
Vincent-Xavier meeting Garroth, dear god. Esmunc would have definitely been his loyalty kill, and at the sight of Garroth who is Esmund's spitting image, the Calling acts up for the first time in decades.
Laurance can feel something is happening with Vincent and goes on high alert thinking he’s gonna do something to Cadenza, only to find him looking at Garroth with this twisted expression of terror and heartbreak, clutching his chest where the armor unfurls from as though trying to physically hold it in from coming out.
Oh, it’s been so very long, but Xavier could never forget Esmund’s diplomatic smiles and perfected mannerisms, and Garroth has the same hitch in his laugh as he did, and when he looks at Irene Xavier can see he’s in love, and oh god it’s Esmund returned to life. And he cannot stop the thought of "What did Shad do to him?"
And to make matters worse, Garroth has Esmund's relic at this point! So Xavier-Vincent can sense Esmund's relic, sense Esmund's soul inside this guy who looks exactly like him except for the scars on his face. He even fights like Esmund - protecting his people above all else at all costs even if the cost is himself, and after the fight is done Irene scolds him and he demures and yields to her as he always has, and Xavier - Vincent - Xavier can't breathe. And he looks around, and he can see Enki and Kul'zak gathered around Esmund alongside Irene, and Cadenza lays a hand on his shoulder to ask if he's okay and for a moment when he looks at her he sees Menphia, and oh goddess, oh lord what the fuck has he done? How could he have done what he did to them, to his friends? Why did it take so long for Esmund to return to haunt him?
And Dante was supposed to be Xavier's successor before the soul that was supposed to be Xavier's was knocked out of alignment, so when he looks at Dante he sees the phantom of the man he once was. And Dante has this, this feeling in his chest of something missing, because he was supposed to have parts of Xavier's soul, and when their eyes meet he knows there is something here connecting them even if he can't figure it out for the life of him, and that pushes Xavier-Vincent over the edge into having to disengage and flee before he does something he regrets. He usually has such good control over his emotions, he has to when the emergence of the Shadow Knight form is directly connected to his emotions, but seeing all his friends and his own self from an age long past, a part of himself that he had tucked away and thought he'd lost to Shad, makes it so hard to keep enough control to hold on to his humanity.
Oh, and Shad possessing Aaron! Shad knows who he is, after all how could he not recognize his old friend and first knight, and he calls him Xavier. In front of everyone, he calls him Xavier and basically outs the whole story that Xavier-Vincent had managed to keep under wraps for so long. It knocks something loose in Aph/Ana's head about her time as Irene, and suddenly she never looks at him the same, and neither does Garroth.
Garroth knows about Xavier and Esmund, since this is a big part of his family's history. And he now sees himself as having becoming another's scar to remind of lessons hard learned and moments of grief and regret like his own scars, and he has become the cross carved into Xavier just as he bears his own cross from his own brother. He tries to avoid Vincent - avoid Xavier outside diplomatic meetings after that, thinking that maybe if he's out of sight Xavier can put the reminder of Esmund out of his mind, but that makes it worse because all Xavier can think of now is not being there when Esmund dies a second time, and it certainly doesn't help that Shad calls Garroth Esmund, which leaves Xavier wondering if Shad brought him back the way he did Xavier centuries ago.
And to make matters worse, Shadow Knights can sense each other. He can sense that Laurance, who reminds him so much of Kul'zak, is a Shadow Knight, presumably meaning that he was brought back to life by Shad exactly as Xavier had been? He has to wonder, how many others? How many of their friends, of their families, has Shad torn from the peaceful rest they earned with blood and sweat and tears? Are they even his friends anymore? Kul'zak has been changed, hasn't he? Twisted into new shapes that make what doesn't match up between Laurance and Kul'zak that much more jarring.
Their laugh is the same, but Laurance has perfected the same array of masks that Xavier and Esmund once had. They wear their hair the same, but Laurance often doesn’t wear the flowers and twigs Kul’zak wove into crowns at every opportunity unless they’re woven into his hair by someone else. They both have this mottled birthmark over the hip shaped like a leaf, but the rest of the marks, the rest of the scars are all wrong. Laurance’s eyes are dull, and if you watch closely they follow movement too fast or too slow like they’re not quite connected to the body the way they should be, and Laurance avoids solid eye contact so adamantly. Kul’zak was always warm, always so free with affection, and Laurance is rarely as affectionate with touch as he is reliant on it. Kul’zak used to hang off Esmund’s arm, giggling and whispering with their heads bowed together like children sharing secrets, but not like this. Not like Laurance, who folds his hand into the crook of Esmund - Garroth’s arm and allows Garroth to subtly guide him as though afraid of where he might step without the help, often pressing close and leaning against his shoulder like he’s too tired to refuse the help anymore. And the way he looks at Esmund, at Irene - Kul’zak had only ever had eyes for Enki as long as Xavier had known him, but the way he looks at Enki now, it . . . Kul’zak has been twisted into something else entirely by Shad’s hand, just as Xavier - as the man Vincent was before he slipped away once was.
And the Garrance relationship also makes it very clear just how different Esmund and Garroth are. Esmund was not the kind to yield to anyone but Irene, he was used to being in charge and he was a natural leader, but Garroth is very emphatically . . . not that. He hates being in charge, dreads it, but he is the one best suited to the job so he does it. He’s relieved to have someone he can defer to, and treats his second as though he has just as much power as he does, because in their situation he does. Laurance actually has more power than him just by virtue of being seen by Garroth on the same level as Irene. Garroth takes orders so easily, listens so well, just a touch and he yields and defers and goes exactly where he needs to be with only the barest pressure at his back to guide him. In the middle of a fight, he goes exactly where the charge he protects wants him to, and all it takes is a look across a crowded field for Garroth to understand and move, and it’s so so easy for him to yield to Laurance. To be drawn in by him. To linger with their sides pressed together from shoulder to hip to ankle, temple to temple, quiet words shared in the scant space between them when no one is looking. The way he looks at Irene, and the way he looks at Laurance, and the way he looks at the divine in prayer, it’s all the same. And there is something between them, this guard and his second. Esmund was not - could not be that way. Esmund could never bring himself to admit he had any feelings at all beneath the shell of heir, guard, protector, Divine Warrior. Confessions trip off Garroth’s tongue in the night, and though they never see the light of day, at least sometimes they are heard.
Maybe Vincent also smokes, and he and Laurance end up in the same out of the way place for a quiet cigarette and for a while they sit in silence until Laurance asks what’s up with the looks he keeps sending everyone. Vincent sighs, says, “Kul’zak, you - “
“What did you just call me?”
He looks back as Laurance’s face is in the middle of flickering between masks, and for the first time he sees the scars like nail marks around his eyes, and the angle of the corners of his mouth and the curl of his shoulders and the way his body faces away from Vincent is all wrong and this isn’t Kul’zak at all. Not anymore.
Laurance is disturbed by this, being called by the name of the divinity he worships as though he were an old friend when he has never met Vincent before. and Vincent can’t come up with an explanation. It’s tense until Laurance leaves, and he goes to Cadenza to tell her what happened because of course he tells his big sister, and that’s when he learns just how long Vincent has been alive, and he starts wondering how many of his loved one’s he’ll outlive.
It's also been decided that Vincent is one of the few people in the MCD age that observes and worships the old gods, which means that in a day when you can read who someone worships in how they wear their hair and accessories, Vincent reads as an apostate to everyone who meets him.
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juodojimirtis · 1 year
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Most breathtaking scenes in "Warrior Nun" 》》》 Ava and the Crown of Thorns (Luke 8:17)
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thancrxdwatxrs · 4 months
"Remember me?" zenos is STARING at vincent
My muse has amnesia, send "Remember me?" for your muse to be the first to talk to them when they wake up. @aetheryic
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Vincent blinked away the sleep from his eyes, then turned toward the direction of the voice. He was slightly startled from the intense gaze, but as he relaxed, his eyebrows slowly furrowed together. For some reason, he felt as though he knew the man hovering over him, but...
"I...don't," he murmured. "I..."
He winced as he felt a sudden wave of pain through his skull, raising a bandaged hand to rub his temple. "I can't remember..."
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freyayuki · 1 month
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Spheres List Part 2
After finding out that, sadly and unfortunately, the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game will discontinue or end its service on February 29, 2024, started spending my saved resources and upgrading the chars who I ended up skipping before.
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The end of service announcement news came as a shock. I talk more about that in another post, but I really wish the news wasn’t true. Wish the game wasn’t ending at all.
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But since the game is unfortunately ending soon, there’s no longer any reason to save resources.
Started working on maxing out chars who I may have skipped before or who aren’t fully built yet. This includes equipping Spheres to these chars.
Some of my chars already have real Spheres while some have RF Spheres while others have no Spheres at all.
Some chars have RF Spheres which I now replaced with real Spheres while some chars have no Spheres but I now gave them some.
Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
My Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII (#ad) and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII used to have 3 RF Spheres.
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After fully maxing him out, equipped him with 3 real Spheres.
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Yuri from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates
My Yuri from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates used to have no Spheres, real or otherwise.
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After fully maxing him out, equipped him with 3 RF Spheres.
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Couldn't make up my mind yet on what real Spheres to give him so for now, opted to just give him triple RF Spheres. Might replace these with 3 real Spheres later on.
Zidane Tribal from Final Fantasy IX
My Zidane Tribal from Final Fantasy IX used to have 3 RF Spheres.
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After fully maxing him out, equipped him with 3 real Spheres.
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Vivi Ornitier from Final Fantasy IX
My Vivi Ornitier from Final Fantasy IX used to have no Spheres, real or otherwise.
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After fully maxing him out, equipped him with 3 real Spheres.
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Bartz Klauser from Final Fantasy V
My Bartz Klauser from Final Fantasy V used to have 3 RF Spheres.
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After fully maxing him out, equipped him with 3 real Spheres.
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Snow Villiers from Final Fantasy XIII
My Snow Villiers from Final Fantasy XIII used to have 3 RF Spheres.
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After fully maxing him out, equipped him with 2 real Spheres and 1 RF Sphere.
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Don't have another copy of Paladin Cecil Harvey's (from Final Fantasy IV) Full HP Break Hit BRV Gain All C Sphere so for now Snow will have to make do with its RF version.
Serah Farron from Final Fantasy XIII
My Serah Farron from Final Fantasy XIII used to have 3 RF Spheres.
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After fully maxing her out, equipped her with 2 real Spheres and 1 RF Sphere.
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Don't have another copy of Paladin Cecil Harvey's (from Final Fantasy IV) Full HP Break Hit BRV Gain All C Sphere so for now Serah will have to make do with its RF version.
Mog from Final Fantasy VI
My Mog from Final Fantasy VI used to have no Spheres, real or otherwise.
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After fully maxing him out, equipped him with 3 real Spheres.
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Cloud of Darkness from Final Fantasy III
My Cloud of Darkness from Final Fantasy III used to have no Spheres, real or otherwise.
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After fully maxing them out, equipped them with 3 real Spheres.
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Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII
My Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII used to have 3 RF Spheres.
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After fully maxing him out, equipped him with 3 real Spheres.
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Warrior of Light from Final Fantasy I
My Warrior of Light from Final Fantasy I used to have 3 RF Spheres.
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After fully maxing him out, equipped him with 3 real Spheres.
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Shantotto from Final Fantasy XI
My Shantotto from Final Fantasy XI used to have no Spheres, real or otherwise.
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After fully maxing her out, equipped her with 3 real Spheres.
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Golbez from Final Fantasy IV
My Golbez from Final Fantasy IV used to have 3 RF Spheres.
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After fully maxing him out, equipped him with 3 real Spheres.
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Fusoya from Final Fantasy IV
My Fusoya from Final Fantasy IV used to have no Spheres, real or otherwise.
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After fully maxing him out, equipped him with 3 real Spheres.
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So what about you? What do you think about the news that DFFOO is ending its service on February 29, 2024? Did you build any of the chars mentioned above? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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iggyfing · 1 year
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eeheeheehoohoo shoutout to @moquall for sharing their hi-res pics so i'm no longer constrained by my own phone screenshots
where's chapters 1-5? nowhere. they never made art for them. tragic.
anyway, here's act 1
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lizarddiary · 2 years
Playing around with Forbidden Magiks, I realized that you can put some gender locked clothing in your model of the other gender. But it alters their model a little. And in the case of Thancred’s outfit, it changes the arms and flattens their chest.
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(Side by side comparison with Thancred's chest piece VS female miqo'te hempen outfit.)
Recently I’ve been trying to make my character, Tahla, appear closer to her canon body type without using mods. She is muscular. In her design, she’s closer to a male miqo’te model than to a regular female miqo’te model.
This outfit is a very solid option to achieve the body I wanted for Tahla. Doesn’t distort the model that much, and gives her a way closer look to her original design than what the game can give me.
The next step was trying out some male model animations. I’m happy to announce they work amazing on her! (With the “joy” emote she even wiggles her ears! So cute!)
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I also wanted to try and recreate her fighting style: gun and sword, kinda like in Bloodborne.
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I’ve had tons of fun! I’m a little bit sad none of those are options in game, but at least I’m glad now I know how I can take pictures with her canon body type.
Under the cut, some more photos I took of her for fun!
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She's bi, but she has big butch lesbian energy! XD
(Note: using female model animations on male models does not work, at all. This is what happens if you attempt it)
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dumplingcatho · 1 year
ep 4 omgggggg holy shit. arq tech?? lilith?????? GIRL NOOOO????????
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sisterdivinium · 2 years
Think "necessity" of evil in the ultimate doing of good ("For God judged it better to bring good out of evil than not to permit any evil to exist"); sin/failure for the sake of elevation, personal and otherwise, and how each of the characters "falls" so that good may come of it somehow, be it in general knowledge, assistance in pursuing good or personal enlightenment.
I'm far too lacking in dogmatic understanding to pursue this specific angle of investigation the way I'd like to and it's driving me crazy.
#vincent the traitor who releases adriel and later repents yes - but this ultimately brings us to reya#who would've stayed in shadow otherwise and hidden the danger she represents. oh the blood that was shed#but the progression of history has required it always and a few cardinals slain in a hotel are a small price to pay#suzanne the prideful who must be bent into accepting and trusting the women around her eventually#who followed by shannon the wronged (innocent?) precipitates the rise of ava#ava whom suzanne also aids and could not have done so had she not fallen#beatrice the forsaken who carves a path towards herself by using her pain#and without whom the designated saviour would never be able to save anyone of course#mary the abandoned who pays for the sins of her mother and thus buys herself the family she needs#jillian the relentless whose curiosity is fed in morsels at the exchange of human life#but who does gain glimpses at Something and who does become more human herself through loss#lilith the heir whose arrogance costs her more than one family but who might well lead the way to new life#michael the lamb who dies so ava may find her own way towards achieving her goal#i know this isn't exactly dogmatic but still; i'm caught up with nathaniel hawthorne see#read the marble faun and you will understand where this is coming from#i remember being struck by how in starz' spartacus every single character action brought on new disaster#but here in warrior nun - as much as disaster is part of it - there seems to be a light at the end of each tunnel in a way#complications arise one after the other but there are gains along the way#i shall ponder a good while more#if for no other reason than babbling in the tags like this is unacceptable#i was raised a civilised woman and i will write cohesive ordered texts like one! (eventually!)#analysis and similar#exercises in observation
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siringadev · 1 month
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An interesting fact is that Nero, in addition to the power of darkness/the abyss, has the power of fire and he himself is invulnerable to fire. When he falls into the lava of the Abyss, Arachnero dies, but Nero himself jumps out of the lava unharmed, and then screams heartbreakingly, grieving over the loss of Arachnero and the phalanxpheres, from which I can conclude that they were dear to him and connected with Weiss. Phalanxes are connected with power of light, and during the Arachnero boss, Nero tells Vincent that Weiss is his only light.
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And also in Japanese sources they write that the Abyss is the kingdom of Nero and that Arachner could be the true identity of Nero? Below I have made some translations of what is written there.
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"A dark hunter who collects lives.
Let's take a look at the battle scene with Nero. Nero takes on the form of an eerie figure that can't even be called a living thing, attacks Vincent. And the strange landscape is filled with pillars of fire and clouds and stones… Could this world, which seems so unreal, be another world within Nero's kingdom?
He is always shrouded in a mist (darkness), and his form is as elusive as a heat haze. When he does so, he takes on a grotesque form and launches attacks that are beyond human comprehension. Is this an illusion?"
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^ "Nero. A warrior who wears a suit similar to the other Zviets and carries steel wings on his back. The headgear that seems to be fastening is uncomfortable.
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^ "Nero blends into the darkness and exists along with it. His calm and polite tone gives off a sense of greatness, as if he had a deep understanding of both the past and the future. Will Vincent be able to defeat this formidable enemy?"
"No emotion could be read from his expression."
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^ "The setting is a hellish place. Nero transform into a monster and invite you to another world. Is this the dark world created by Nero? Is this Nero's attack?! A pillar of flame rises up and attacks Vincent with great force! A giant spider-like enemy that throws rocks at Vincent… Could this be Nero's true identity!?"
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winnyswings · 8 months
Stardew Valley x Warriors Crossover AU [part 1]
Yeah. Because, why not? Let's dive into it!
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ᅠCinderclan (after Cindersap Forest) is an ancient cats' settlement in a rich forest, bordering the Rumbleclan (after Thunderpaths in Zuzu City) near the rock town of the twolegs, and several other clans. It is also surrounded by neutral territories of loners and vagabonds. ᅠUnfortunately, Cinderclan has been in decline for the last many moons. The camp is long overgrown, there are hardly any cats left, and no one is particularly interested in keeping the place alive. Cats come and go, leaving no legacy behind. ᅠThe last clan leader, Pelicanstar (Lewis), seems to have even begun to forget about praying to the Starclan. It seems to the cats that even the ancestors are no longer interested in watching the decline of the ancient place of many moons history. ᅠSometimes desperate loners come to the clan, and other days even the cats of the Rumbleclan, tired of twolegs' presence, escape into the wilderness to start life anew. Yes, it's harsh and cold here, but it's better than living in constant fear of being killed on the Thunderpath. Pelicanstar welcomes everyone, hoping that one day the clan will return to normal. ᅠBut hope comes out of nowhere. Young medicine cat apprentice, Skyeye (Maru), runs into her mentor, Herbwing (Harvey), one night with real terror in her eyes.
When they (farmers) come, the whole world will come after them. They will shatter the shadow with the light, shatter the light with the shadow, shatter all our lives and fates, and leave behind them a great legacy of an abyss of sorrow and joy. ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ — «Big scary white cat ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ with stars in his eyes»
ᅠThe prophecy terrified the little apprentice, and even the adult cats were unable to interpret it. The only thing left to do was to keep silent in front of the rest of the clan and hope that the huge furry ancestor had come to them with good intentions.
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part 1. made on closed line by СОМЗА (VK)
ᅠAt the moment, Cindeclan consists mostly of outsiders and their families, but there are still some natives left. Let's look at some of them!
Today we talk about bachelors!!!
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ᅠStrongpaw (Alex) — really strong, as named, young warrior, ready to defend his clan single-handedly. Fascinating both in appearance and in his skills, he trains day and night, inventing new techniques and methods. He had to come to Cinderclan after his parents' death abroad, and now he is even glad to have found his family again. ᅠᅠ— Strong: after Alex's strength and persistence; ᅠᅠ— Paw: his arms are kinda... You know. ᅠParents: unknown ᅠGrandmother: Primrose (Evelyn) ᅠGrandfather: Grumpy (George)
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ᅠRaincry (Sebastian) — shy young warrior, son of fire and shadow, afraid of his own origins. He was just a kitten when his loner mother came with him to the clan to seek refuge. His father, an unknown vagabond, left Frogkit with only a name….. And as much as he loved frogs, he decided to give it up, to give up the past completely. ᅠᅠ— Frog: he was given this name by his father, as Frogkit was born in a swamp; ᅠᅠ— Rain: the mysterious sadness, the moisture of night and the merciless cold; ᅠᅠ— Cry: he surely loves Frozen tears. And after the pattern under his eyes. ᅠMother: Mapleheart (Robin) ᅠFather: unknown ᅠStep-father: Shroombloom (Demetrius) ᅠHalf-sister: Skyeye (Maru) ᅠMentor (as apprentice): Stoneheart (Clint)
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ᅠSunstorm (Sam) — young mischievous warrior who really knows how to have fun. He is altruistic, willing to help, but also willing to destroy everything around him, rattle and seek risks in his life. More often than anyone else, he gets punished, and there was even talk of cancelling his initiation as a warrior… ᅠᅠ— Sun: for his bright golden fur and sunny personality; ᅠᅠ— Storm: RUSH AND BREAK AND ROCK AND SING. ᅠMother: Softpaw (Jodi) ᅠFather: Hawkeye (Kent) ᅠBrother: Lightkit (Vincent) ᅠᅠ— Later as Lightstorm after brother.
ᅠMentor (as apprentice): Hopberry (Shane)
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ᅠHerbwing (Harvey) — the beloved medicine cat of Cinderclan, who once dreamed of becoming a warrior, but realised that Starclan had prepared a different fate for him. He is assertive, determined, and incredibly kind to the other clan cats. ᅠᅠ— Herb: medicine... and fresh green eyes; ᅠᅠ— Wing: he dreamed of planes but was afraid of heights.
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ᅠHopberry (Shane) — skilled warrior that the clan doesn't even seem to know about. He doesn't show up at meetings, he's always missing, and he doesn't take part in the clan's life. Although someone spread rumors about his unique fighting skills… ᅠᅠ— Hop: i couldn't name a cat as beerkit or smth; ᅠᅠ— Berry: soft side. ᅠParents: unknown ᅠAunt: Wheatmuzzle (Marnie) ᅠGoddaugther: Rosekit (Jas)
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ᅠWavemane(Elliott) — elegant warrior who likes to spend time away from camp. He is poetic and beautiful in his statements, sometimes even helping to interpret omens. He remembers the history of the clan and preserves it. ᅠᅠ— Wave: the beauty of the ocean; ᅠᅠ— Mane: the beauty of his hair.
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That's all for Part 1! Comment who I should draw next and what to tell about! ^^
(12 years in warriors fandom into what)
also sorry for mistakes
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stoically · 2 years
“Besides, your still a nun. Aren’t you?”
This line comes when Father Vincent attempts to join Beatrice and Ava in the van and Beatrice says no. Ava says she doesn’t trust him either but it’s better for their mission that he comes. Then she drops this line before reminding Beatrice that forgive is kind of her job. 
Proof that Ava’s salty over Beatrice turning down her ‘let’s run away’ plan. 
This season starts with Ava rearing to fight Adriel. She wants to get (back) into it. When one of Adriel’s cultists says she can’t run away from his light she shoves the guy so hard he goes flying. In public. That scene’s set up to show that Ava has changed. She’s no longer the irreverent civilian she was. She’s the Warrior Nun. In action not just in halo. So much so that she almost blows herself up when their initial plan to put the crown on Adriel fails. 
It’s not just Beatrice’s faith that was shaken by that fight. It was also Ava’s. She fell back into the old pattern of survival that she knew. Slightly different, though, because she wanted Bea to run with her. Which brings us to Beatrice’s faith (which is her business, as a nun). This whole season Beatrice’s character arc is figuring out how to be herself (how to live) without relying on the expectations of perfection in a role. Beatrice knows how to be perfect in a role. She’s way less certain how to be herself (and have that be enough for others and herself).
Except when they finally did return to the role that Beatrice can excel at, she fails. Epically. She (thinks she) gets her friend killed by her actions. Worse, the friend who was a trainee under her (Camila), who she was supposed to be looking out for. Along with Yasmine, who was not a Sister Warrior and Beatrice would assume she was also supposed to look out for. And she actively stopped the action that (might) have stopped Adriel. She failed so hard at being a Sister Warrior it was practically treason (in her mind). 
It wasn’t until that moment where her mission as a Sister Warrior was exactly opposite her feelings for Ava. With no time to think, Beatrice chose Ava. When she does have time to think, she regrets it. Not because she regrets saving Ava. Ava brings this up. Ava very pointedly says if Beatrice did what she ‘should’ have done to rescue Camila and Yasmine and the world, Ava would be dead. Beatrice ignores this. Doesn’t even go there. What Beatrice regrets is not being good enough to both do what she should have done (save everyone) and what she wanted to do (save Ava). This calls back to Bea’s first scene this season  and Ava saying “you know, you don’t have to be so perfect all the time”. In this moment, Beatrice’s greatest crisis of faith is between that part of her that hoped Ava was right and that part of her that feared Ava was wrong. Beatrice has no idea how to reconcile those parts. Other than doing what she’s always done, throw herself harder into the role given to her. No matter what it costs her. 
After the whole mind bending Crown of Thorns experience Ava appears a whole lot calmer about what she decided (did she though??). She approaches Beatrice in the van and makes a (kinda awkward) joke. “You look like you could Aikido someone into submission”. Only to get shot down with Beatrice’s “don’t test me then.”
Of course, Ava then proceeds to test Beatrice by saying Father Vincent (y’know, the guy who betrayed her and who directly killed one of Beatrice’s best friends and was tangentially responsible for the death of two others as well as releasing Adriel, that guy) was coming with them on their last ditch effort to save the world. NBD I guess. Beatrice immediately says no. Says she doesn’t trust him. Offers all the logical, mission centric reasons why this should not be allowed. Ava out logics her mission centric reasoning. Then proves she’s still salty (as much as she loves her nun wife) by practically saying “you want to be a nun? Then be a nun.” Very ‘you made your bed, now sleep in it.’ 
Ava very much wants to help Beatrice’s journey to loving herself, to being herself. And not just for the potential sexy times rewards. She thinks Beatrice is awesome and beautiful and wants Beatrice to think that too. She sometimes also gets very frustrated at how Beatrice hides behind duty to such a hypocritical degree (eg: becoming the boss after a month but Ava’s not allowed to blow their cover, being jealous of guys Ava talks to and calling it protection, pretending like she wouldn’t make the same call to save Ava). 
Which I think is why the scene where Ava’s dying after defeating Adriel is so important. Ava tells Beatrice to take the halo. Beatrice says no. Lilith offers a way to save Ava that means Earth looses the halo. Beatrice says yes. Beatrice has time to think (at least more than a split second reaction). She still chooses Ava. Living isn’t about Beatrice not fighting, it’s about Beatrice being true to herself. And the first step Beatrice took to that was choosing Ava.
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mroww murrrpp meoww :33
adamandi catss >:D
quincy is a tortoiseshell cat !! i would say he has more black than orange - there’s no big splotches of orange it’s kinda just evenly distributed around their pelt :3 he has amber eyes !! they have a very soft meow and has airplane ears half the time :p a very timid and shy cat but if they get too stressed they’ll act out ! otherwise they’re very well behaved :3
vincent is a gray tabby cat with green eyes !! marble tabby pattern and has jagged whiskers - a pretty shy cat around unfamiliar environments and people but when he’s comfortable he’s a very energetic guy!! he’s mostly napping during the day but at night they’ll destroy your couch >:3c they also are pretty mischievous and stares at you while knocking something off the counter before acting all cute to see if youll do anything :3 he’ll also absolutely go onto your dinner table and start eating your food with the most determination ever.
beatrix is a tuxedo cat. they have white paws, chest, snout, and the tip of her tail :3 i would say they have black whiskers and a black nose w black toe beans too !! probably a distinct white spot on the face somewhere too. she has amber eyes :p she’s a very vocal cat and makes people think that she’s in misery sometimes - very effective at getting more treats and food when they’ve already been fed. also a very hissy cat she’s not afraid to hiss to randomly bite you. she has brownish fur in some areas from sun bathing :3
portia is a cream colored cat !!! she has more brownish mackerel tabby cat markings ! she also has slightly darker fur around the ears and paws and tail - along with a pink nose ! she has yellow or blue eyes (can’t decide :[ ) i think she would be a very outgoing and sweet cat !! but not much of a meower and if she gets annoyed or is pet in the wrong spot she will hiss and bite. she stares at you judgeingly from afar >:3
ambrose is a more lighter orange tabby cat with spotted markings instead of the traditional tabby cat stripes (he thinks it makes him sooo much cooler) he has green eyes and is very bossy about what he wants. >:3 he also is very reluctant to cuddle and rarely purrs - his owner didnt choose for him to be an outdoor cat, he chose to be one and enjoys other people giving him food ! he also bats at other cats a lot. when he sleeps he is out like a light. he makes his owner concerned sometimes when he’s trying to be shaken awake but is unresponsive because he’s such a deep sleeper :p
all rhis cat assigning is exhaustinggg the mamorei can get cats laterr + taopp cats later maybe :p
more importantly, what are their warrior names?
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juodojimirtis · 1 year
Warrior Nun characters as latin quotes
Ava: Aut viam inveniam aut faciam (I shall either find a way, or make one)
Lilith: Veni, Vidi, Vici (I came, I saw, I conquered)
Adriel: Flectere si nequeo Superos, Acheronta movebo (If I cannot bend Heaven, I will raise Hell)
Beatrice: Amor omnia vincit (love conquers all)
Mother Superion: Si vis pacem, para bellum (if you desire peace, prepare for war)
Camila: In omnia paratus (ready for everything)
Yasmine: Fores fortuna adiuvat (Fortune favors the brave)
Jillian: Sapere aude (dare to know)
Michael: Non est ad astra mollis e terris via (there is no easy way from the earth to the stars)
Mary: Familia ante omnia (family over all)
Areala: Non desistas non exieris (never give up, never surrender)
Vincent: Igne natura renovatur integra (through fire, nature is reborn whole)
Duretti: Et tu, Brute? (You also, Brutus?)
Reya: Fiat lux! (let there be light!)
Kristian: Tantum religio potuit saudere malorum (To such heights of evil has religion been able to drive men)
Shannon: Ubi amor, ibi dolor (where there is love, there is pain)
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thancrxdwatxrs · 9 months
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"I imagine death so much, it feels more like a memory..."
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freyayuki · 5 months
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Characters Upgrades Part 6
After finding out that, sadly and unfortunately, the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game will discontinue or end its service on February 29, 2024, started spending my saved resources and upgrading the chars who I ended up skipping before.
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The end of service announcement news came as a shock. I talk more about that in another post, but I really wish the news wasn’t true. Wish the game wasn’t ending at all.
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But since the game is unfortunately ending soon, there’s no longer any reason to save resources.
Started working on maxing out chars who I may have skipped before or who aren’t fully built yet.
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Characters Notes
All the chars in DFFOO are currently at the max of Level 90 and Crystal Level 90. Too bad Level 100 and Crystal Level 100 never got unlocked for any char, not even in the Japanese version of the game.
Note about Spheres: some of my chars have real Spheres while some have RF Spheres while others have no Spheres at all.
Some chars have RF Spheres which I now replaced with real Spheres while some chars have no Spheres but I now gave them some.
Will talk more about Spheres in another post so won’t bother to mention them here.
Note about Artifacts: most, if not all, of my chars already have perfect Artifacts. So will only mention if a char doesn’t actually have perfect Artifacts.
Note about Bloom Stones: all my chars already have their Bloom Stone so won’t bother mentioning this anymore either.
Note about Summon Boards: most of my chars already have all of their Summon Boards completed.
But for a lot of chars, particularly the ones that I’m not currently using, haven’t bothered to unlock the tiles that would complete all of their Boards even though I already have all of the points needed to do so.
This is in order to avoid collecting the gems and tickets that come with completing these Boards so I can use said resources for future banners.
IIRC, only chars that have just recently been added to the game and who I ended up skipping don’t have any points needed to complete all of their Summon Boards.
Will only mention it if a char doesn’t have all of their Summon Boards completed.
Note about Character Enhancement Boards: if I decide to fully build a char (as in maxing out all of their weapons and such), then I make sure to also complete all of their Character Enhancement Boards.
If a screenshot of a char says they have 0 Char Boards completed, this doesn’t necessarily mean they really have 0 Boards completed. Usually, I unlock parts of a char’s LD Board, particularly the tiles that would give me their LD Call and/or LD extension passive.
If it’s available, I would sometimes also unlock parts of their Force Board, particularly the tiles that would give me their Force Echo and/or Force extension passive.
Will only mention it if a char only has a few or some of their Boards completed.
Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
Currently, my Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII (#ad) and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII has his 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and Burst or BT fully MLB. His High Armor has been Realized to 0/3.
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Don't have a copy of Vincent's Force or FR weapon so after getting 10 FR Power Tokens, went to the FR Power Token Exchange shop.
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Exchange 10 of my FR Power Tokens for my 1st copy of Vincent's FR.
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Then I spent the 12 High Power Stones needed to fully MLB Vincent's FR.
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Spent the Book and 3 Ingots needed to get Vincent’s Burst to BT+ 3/3 or Green.
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Spent the 3 Ingots needed to Blue his High Armor.
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Then completed the rest of his Char Boards and got him to Force Enhancements Level 50.
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Queen from Final Fantasy Type-0
Currently, my Queen from Final Fantasy Type-0 has her 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and FR fully MLB. Her High Armor has been Realized to 0/3.
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Don’t have Queen’s BT so after getting 50 Burst Power Tokens, went to the shop to get my 1st copy of said BT.
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Spent the Book and 3 Ingots needed to get Queen’s Burst to BT+ 3/3 or Green.
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Spent the 3 Ingots needed to Blue her High Armor.
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Then completed the rest of her Char Boards and got her to Force Enhancements Level 50.
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Kurasame Susaya from Final Fantasy Type-0
Currently, my Kurasame Susaya from Final Fantasy Type-0 has his 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and FR fully MLB. He has his High Armor.
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Completed the Character Enhancement Boards for his 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD. Unlocked parts of his Force Board.
Don’t have Kurasame’s BT so after getting 50 Burst Power Tokens, went to the shop to get my 1st copy of said BT.
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Spent the Book and 3 Ingots needed to get Kurasame’s Burst to BT+ 3/3 or Green.
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Spent the Book and 3 Ingots needed to Blue his High Armor.
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Then completed the rest of his Char Boards and got him to Force Enhancements Level 50.
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Warrior of Light from Final Fantasy I
Currently, my Warrior of Light from Final Fantasy I has his 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and FR fully MLB. His High Armor has been Realized to 0/3.
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Completed the Character Enhancement Boards for his LD. Unlocked parts of his Force Board.
Don’t have the Warrior of Light’s BT so after getting 50 Burst Power Tokens, went to the shop to get my 1st copy of said BT.
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Spent the Book and 3 Ingots needed to get the Warrior of Light’s Burst to BT+ 3/3 or Green.
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Spent the 3 Ingots needed to Blue his High Armor.
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Then completed the rest of his Char Boards and got him to Force Enhancements Level 50.
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Bartz Klauser from Final Fantasy V
Currently, my Bartz Klauser from Final Fantasy V has his 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and BT fully MLB. He has his High Armor.
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Completed the Character Enhancement Boards for his 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD.
Have a copy of Bartz's FR but it hasn't been limit broken at all.
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Now, spent the 12 High Power Stones needed to fully MLB Bartz's FR.
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Spent the Book and 3 Ingots needed to get Bartz’s Burst to BT+ 3/3 or Green.
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Spent the Book and 3 Ingots needed to Blue his High Armor.
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Then completed the rest of his Char Boards and got him to Force Enhancements Level 50.
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So what about you? What do you think about the news that DFFOO is ending its service on February 29, 2024? Did you build any of the chars mentioned above? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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