#< tag to block if u don't wanna see me blab
lacebird · 7 months
feel like watching shattered glass bc every picture i've seen of hayden in that movie he's so damn pretty in it
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Hey CG/L community!
We obviously all know it's super important for us to avoid interaction with any regressíon blogs! Well one of the easiest ways we can do this is by filtering tags!
On the tumblr app (not sure about desktop), if you go to Settings⚙ > Account Settings > Filtering you can block tags. This feature is honestly one of my faves of tumblr for one very specific reason: It shows you tags on deactivated blogs too! If there was a tag for agėre on a post from a dead blog, and I have #agėre blocked (the real tag of course) then I immediately know as soon as that post shows up in my dash!
Not filtering tags is a surefire way for ppl to see your kink blog and assume you either don't know or don't care to avoid sharing content from regressíon communities. When "re" content starts to circulate around the CG/L community, it makes us all look like we don't respect the boundaries they have in place. If we want them to respect our space, we need to be respecting theirs. Always.
Of course there's a lot more than just the agėre tag to block, but that and cglrė are the main problematic ones I see in my dash. Let's do a little (pun fully intended) more to protect not only our own community from looking like we're lazy or disrespectful, but the "re" communities from having any adults interacting with their content, tags, etc. Plus remember, even if a blog is abandoned/deactivated, that doesn't mean the tags are suddenly gone! Interacting with those posts will likely still affect things like your recommended tags, recommended blogs, and even potentially put your CG/L content in their space.
Please, let's work hard together to be the responsible and safe community we claim to be.
[This post is specifically for the CG/L community. Please spread it and help do your part by filtering inappropriate tags and refusing to share content made for other communities.]
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