#<< can play other characters those are just the only two I’ve really solidified atm
emberphoenix-san · 1 year
Have I read the curse of strand module book cover to cover multiple times? Yes. Do I still want to play in that campaign desperately? Also yes
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musclesandhammering · 3 years
Tagged by the lovely @alwaysnfk <3. I’m waaay late on this, but it looks interesting so I’m still gonna respond lol. (I’m in too many fandoms to name, so I’m just gonna answer some of these for my main 3- Sherlock, spn, and the mcu).
Ship Ask Game
1. First ship: probably OC/some random character. I use to be REALLY into OC stuff when I was like 13, which is ironic because now I despise self inserts and OCs with a passion.
2. First OTP: As far as I can recall, johnlock, but I’ve moved away from that. As far as my earliest OTP that I still support, that would probably be megstiel (Meg/castiel).
3. Current Favourite Ship: I haven’t been active in fandom here lately so I’m not really in the headspace for be shipping anything atm, but the last ships I remember obsessing over before I took my tumblr hiatus were Lokius (Loki/Mobius) and Calthazar (Castiel/Balthazar).
4. Your ship since the first minute: Dashingfrost (Fandral/Loki.) Always knew there was something gay going on between those two. Also frostmaster (grandmaster/Loki) and Lokius. I was shipping those before the show/movie even came out. And I was on the megstiel (Meg/Castiel) train from the first time I saw that tense holy fire situation.
5. Ships you wish had been endgame: Lokius. Hate me if you want but they did have incredible chemistry, and it felt like they could’ve been leading to something. I’m fine with them being friends though, so.. yeah. Uhm…. I deluded myself into believing Loki might go back for the cute flight attendant at the end of the series so I guess Loki/Florence (the cute flight attendant). And it would’ve been super nice if Mary hadn’t died and she and John had gotten to live happily ever after, so Warstan. Also Megstiel cause Cas and Meg deserved to be happy together.
6. Ship you wish was canon: That’s a tough one because most of my ships are so far-fetched they only work in fanfiction. I think Nebuloki (Nebula/Loki) would’ve been very cute. Hanstiel (Hannah/Castiel) had huge potential to play around with gender presentation and vessel changing, plus they were adorable together. Calthazar because Castiel and Balthazar are soulmates if I’ve ever seen them. And I wish they’d confirmed somewhere that Sherlock had some experience with males in his past, just to solidify his non-heterosexuality (so Sherlock/OMC). Also they should’ve confirmed that he and Janine really did like each other (so Janlock).
7. Ship that most of the fandom hates but you love: Adlock all the way. Also Janlock. But you know people only hate these ships because it gets in the way of their gay otp :/. Same goes for Warstan. And that could also apply to Hanstiel. Plus I love Sastiel (Sam/Castiel) and most of the fandom doesn’t like that, so yeah.
8. You don’t even watch the show but you ship it: Aziraphale/Crowley. I don’t even know how tf to spell that lmao but it only takes one glance at a still image to tell that they’re made for each other.
9. Ship you wish had a different storyline: Ummm… Steggy (Steve/Peggy) I guess? I thought they were really cute in the first cap movie, but having him go back in time to be with her in Endgame was just.. stupid. Like she already had her own family and a husband and he probably threw off the timeline by doing that and it was just a cop-out to get rid of his character and, just- ugh. I hated it. She should have just stayed in his past. He had already moved on from her (more or less) so bringing her back in at the last second was just annoying. I could also say megstiel for this one cause they killed Meg off way too early.
10. Favourite ship that’s endgame: Adlock or Pepperony (Pepper/Tony). Even though neither of these ships were technically together in the end per se, they were still together, you know? Both of them are just made for each other. I love that Pepper and Tony got to have a family for a little while, and I love that Sherlock and Irene didn’t end up being a typical cookie cutter relationship. Cause that wouldn’t have fit them. I think the long distance clandestine “meetings in High Wycombe” route was perfect for them.
11. Ship you initially didn’t think you would get into: I hated most of my ships in the beginning lol. Like I said, I was a hardcore johnlocker in the very begging so naturally I hated Irene. I wanted Castiel to be asexual really bad so I initially didn’t like Meg either. And most of my marvel ships are products of prolonged exposure lmao.
12. Ship you lost interest in: Johnlock. Originally when I first watched the show, I thought it was so obvious that they were in love and it was a total ripoff that it wasn’t made canon, but over time I started to realise how unhealthy and problematic and unnecessary that whole ship was, and how they’re genuinely only interested in each other as friends, so I’m not into it anymore.
Not tagging anyone cause I’ve been away from tumblr for so long that I can’t even think of specific names at this point. But anyone who wants to do this, please do! Tag me so I can see your answers- this is such an interesting ask thing to me!
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