#<< omg lonan…….
coffeeandcalligraphy · 11 months
I am the most tortured writer in the world rn bc I’m one cranberries song away from writing another harrison project instead of meeting my nano goal
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garnetcapricorn · 4 hours
reading King of Death (Folk #3) and omg poor Lonan!! ice prince is melting in the Seelie summer sun:( I really really thought the palace kitchens would have a walk-in cooler situation that he would hide away in but I guess not.
very much looking forward to how Ash & Lonan figure out the whole rulers-of-opposite-lands thing
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lux-scriptum · 3 years
Reminder for youuuu: writing can hard and motivation can be difficult to come by, but the rewards are always there. Time you spend mulling over your WIPS and thinking about them is time well spent! Who or what are you thinking about a lot today? Any specifics or just general vibes?
also, for your viewing pleasure, here is a frog!
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oh this was so sweet omg
idk i've been thinking about a lot lately. Mostly htp second gen (lonan and sterling pop up a lot? they're opposite ends of the spectrum tbh) but i've been TRYING to think about my newest characters, Ellias and Dax and Merel and Cyril. Ellias is the easiest to think about out of them tho. He was the first one to have a Personality, I think, beyond Merel. And he's the first character with a POV. I only have written like, 2 paragraphs since the last time i posted a snippet tho tbh. Maybe I can stream some writing tomorrow? I feel like I get more writing done when people are watching lmaoo
but today specifically I've been thinking about sterling he is a good bean. a character I treat better than I was as a kid and one I dote on. A chance to be nice to my inner kid? I think, anyway <3
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minisculegemstone · 6 years
2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 13, 15, 21, 22?
Pairs of ocs that fit the following. Because I rarely talk about my ocs, I'll put little explanations w/each one if applicable. And I might pick and mix from different projects for some of them.2. Tallest vs shortestFlorella and Tallium respectively. They're wives from my magic crime project. Florella is a tall lanky part-dragon detective, while Tallium is a short and soft human witch.4. Coldest vs most emotionalProbably Kizar and Taziel respectively (omg just assume that they're all respectively). They're the demon and angel from my Good Omens inspired thing. Kizar represses her emotions, while Taziel is all about self expression. Which actually in-universe is a minor rebellion against their sides as demons are supposed to be open and free, while angels are all about control and order.6. Most serious vs silliestI don't think I have many serious characters but maybe Florentine and Calista. Florentine is somewhere between a royal advisor and a bodyguard, and Calista is her princess. There's more to the story than that obviously, but Florentine is pretty no-nonsense8. Happiest vs saddestI'm gonna slightly cheat here and say Aleksander on a good day and Aleksander on a bad day. He's a vampire who has a really shitty past (I'll go into further detail for the next one) but his present is really good9. Darkest backstory vs lightest backstoryThese two are from different things, so I'm kinda cheating, but Aleksander and Cairica. Aleksander is the aforementioned vampire, he's been alive for several centuries and lived through a witch-trial-esque event focusing on vampires, during which he was captured and tortured for days for information in other vampires until he was rescued, he's also participated in several other wars, and he wasn't born a vampire so he's got that going for him too. Cairica is a character I made for DND, she's a warlock dedicated to The Raven Queen, but that's because she lives a nomadic life and every time she travels with necromancers they're inconsiderate bastards, so she signed up with the goddess who also hates them. She's literally designed to have an anti-angst backstory because too many of my ocs have angsty backstories.13. Most forgiving vs most grudgefulUhhh maybe Cadao and Lonan. They're both sirens, but Cadao is a bird one and Lonan is a fish one, and they're from different stories. Cadao forgives the poachers who capture him because they're interesting. Lonan harbours a deep (justified) resentment of humans after his capture.15. Optimistic vs pessimisticWillow and Angelica. These two are from my Harry Potter inspired project. Willow is a perky avian girl who thinks that Periwinkle (the MAIN main character) can stop the proposed war on non-magic people, while Angelica is an elf girl who knows the people involved and is far more pessimistic about everything, but specifically their chances.21. Most religious vs most atheisticOh god idk. I've never given any of my characters religions because they're all in made up worlds, half of which have real actual deities which interact with the people.22. Biggest reader vs hasn't touched a book in three yearsThana and Tetsu. Thana is a young cervitaur and Tetsu is the daughter of the personifications of Life and Death. They're both from Aleksander's project. Though to be fair to Tetsu, there aren't many books in the afterlife.Thank you for asking me! Honestly I love talking about my ocs and worldbuilding and should probably use my writing blog to do so more often!
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yurioyo · 8 years
omg you're writing a novel??? thats so cool!!!! what's it about? (if u dont mind sharing)
ooooh boi i dont mind sharing at all! okay so it’s set in new york in the 1950s, it starts off with these two cops, Henry Stone and Tony Biaggi, at a crime scene of the newest serial killer on the east coast, the Crucifix Killer, who cuts the cross into people he sees as immoral before strangling them. They have no leads or ideas, so they turn to a successful freelance detective, Lonan Byrne, an Irish immigrant with a huge secret- he can become a crow whenever he wants. The story takes off when Henry is taken by the killer and Tony and Lonnie, who bicker more than they breathe, have to work together to save him before it’s too late, and along the way they realize that maybe they have more in common than they thought c; In the story I’m really hoping to tackle religious hypocrisy, the love-hate relationships between Irish and Italian immigrants in the early 20th century, and also homophobia in the 50s. I really like this idea and i hope i can convey into words the great story that’s in my mind.
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blessedmoonsoul · 8 years
Tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better
ok @jimmygbuckets​ tagged me in this a while ago thanks legs 💞
Nicknames: dont really have one my name’s short enough as it is lmao
Zodiac: capricorn
Height: like 5′6/7″ idk man
Last Thing You Googled: black mirror lmao
Favorite Music Artists: santigold, nao, emeli sande, syd, kaytranada, asa, tash sultana, sufjan stevens, odunsi the engine, etc
Song Stuck in Your Head?: oceans (where feet may fail) by hillsong united
Last Movie You Watched: does what happened miss simone count its a biopic but still
What Are You Wearing Right Now?: leggings and a rainbow shirt lmao
What Do You Post?: who knows at this point
Why Did You Choose Your URL?: saw a grape that looked like a butt
Do You Have Any Other Blogs?: nope
What Did Your Past Relationship Teach You?: idk
Religious or Spiritual?: yeah
Favorite Color: blue, black, purple, etc
Avg Hours of Sleep: 6/7 sometimes 8
Lucky Number: dont have one :/
Favorite Characters: like fictional characters? i have too many to name omg but im just gonna say andrew minyard & nova bordelon
How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With?: 1
Dream Job: something that involves happiness and $$$$
im gonna tag @kenyan-bitch @transscorpio @crjr @bayonsenoals @lonan-rynch and @lukaszpiszcat
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 6 months
so yesterday I was like hm. it’s sad that of all the novella sons, only lonan doesn’t have a sequel, so then I was like well. what if I write something about him returning to oregon. what iffffff
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love how all of harrison's boyfriends who vaguely reference him in narrative just drop a quick "cinnamon" to make sure we know it's him
The last time Lonan was this so close to a man, he was mentally writing poetry about how sun pales eyelashes, he was wrist deep in hair soft as goose down and warm like cinnamon, he was a canvas open to hands because he knew he could be a museum if it meant another man looked at him.
What he doesn’t do is tidy his bed. He’s been sleeping on the couch since late September because he knows what’ll happen if he doesn't. Fresh ground cinnamon. A taut crest of shoulder. A laugh like jingle bells. Before he goes, he shuts his bedroom door. By the time he gets back, he might forget what happened there.
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 11 months
the 2014-2018 harrison nickname (ris) making a COMEBACK as I write my scene ideas out on these notecards because I am NOT writing his whole name out a bajillion times
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oh callahan is giving lonan “I’ve lived long enough to love you” clark a run for his money when he comforts harrison by saying “find peace in me.”
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girls who wake up before 7:30 & immediately reread the end of their book (love this paragraph <3):
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“A favour” - Seventh Virtue
Sharing this because it’s super gay I was re-reading some of this book for funsies and I’m now losing it over this interaction & need to scream into a void!
An excerpt from Seventh Virtue. Adult contemporary fantasy.
Is this a reversal of “Is this why you needed me?” PERHAPS.
Text transcript under the cut!
Harrison nods, clutching the pliant trim of his jacket. “Do me a favour,” he says, trying to find the best way to phrase his request. Then he finds Lonan’s eyes again, and nothing about him is nervous, but determined. “The next time you’re feeling unsteady, tell me. I don’t care if it’s a look, if it’s a word, if it’s a paragraph. Just tell me. We can talk if you want to talk or not talk if you don’t want to. But if you need me, I want to know.”
Lonan considers this for a moment, and then drops his face into his palms. Instinctively, Harrison takes another step closer, like he might’ve done when they were still a couple, when they still slow danced to no music in Lonan’s cramped bathroom, when in dewy morning light, the most certain thing in each of their lives was each other. Something pangs in his chest, and it takes him a moment to identify the emotion as the same grief he experienced in the infirmary hallway. How terrible, to be in front of a stranger you recognize.
Harrison lifts his fingers to his mouth, chews on his nails. The bathroom is beginning to strangle with heat, and despite his attempts at also being steady, he’s ready to flee this room, this property, this life, all of it as easy to destroy as a bleak line of dominoes. He turns.
“I need you,” comes Lonan’s voice.
Harrison spins back around.
This time, when their eyes meet, there’s something aflame there, something cerulean, exposed, urgent.
“I need you.”
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Feeding Habits x Seventh Virtue | Lonan & Reeve
Comparative excerpt of a scene I repurposed in Seventh Virtue from Feeding Habits. How do siblings undergo a similar thing, and what changes between both separate--yet familiar--experiences?
Text transcript under the cut!
Feeding Habits (2020)
He turned the television onto its usual program while on his last three segments and looked on as a herd of caribou dotted a waterway. They moved like the current, pattering along the prairie, worriless. Grazing on clouds of reindeer moss. He should have heard the part where a wolf caught up to the herd, the same wolf that would later go on to single out a young fawn and silence it with two teeth in its throat like bullet wounds. He should have seen the part where the prey was consumed, its flesh a desperate shade of red, but the thud distracted him.
Seventh Virtue (2023)
She’s a lone caribou, lost from its herd that’s dotted along the current without her, worriless, grazing naively on clouds of reindeer moss. In a moment, a wolf could emerge to find her, sink teeth in her throat like bullet wounds, turn her a desperate shade of red.
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just remembered when I was like four I saw an angel, should I give Lonan this experience should I should I should I
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16. Did you ever change an oc's identity when they were already established? Why?
I know Fostered's been with you for so long, and through a lot of your own personal growth and changes as well, which makes me curious if people have changed identity's over time, or if identity's became clearer to you. <3
Yes omg, they've ALL changed, lol! A lot of the changes came in time & have a lot to do with me also learning/discovering my own queerness (I went to Catholic school where queerness was literally never addressed so I just didn't know a lot!). Originally, all my characters were straight :) which is so funny :)
Harrison is gay, but there was a brief period where I thought he was bi! I think he's the character who'd care least about particular labels though (but he's very vocal about his queerness & his security in himself is something I'm grateful for)!!
Lonan is bi but omg it took me forever to get to that conclusion (which makes so much sense for him because he ALSO takes forever to come to this conclusion). We had a... very similar path of exploration lmao. CATHOLIC TRAUMA UNITE!!
Reeve is also bi & this is something that she and I kind of stumbled into in book 6 of the OG series but it makes so much sense that I'm like ??? how did we go so long without knowing ??? She gets all the boys AND the girls (as she should).
Foster has undergone the most changes in recent years but I love that for him! He was initially aroace for a couple years, and then I thought biromantic/ace, but NOW I think he's gay/ace & nonbinary!!! I learn sm about him every year tbh and he deserves the world as my only character with a moral compass <3
Darren is my only straight main cast character as of now & he really gives Ally in the best possible way <3 <3
This is giving me an idea to do some pride fanart of them!!! <3
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for the fostered birthday party: who's winning the hunger games. if the cast was all put into the hunger games who would win. this is a very important ya dystopia question that needs to be answered (bonus if you tell me what district they would each be from)
Okay so district breakdowns (I'm just gonna do this for the core Seventh Virtue cast):
Reeve - District 12 (dunno why exactly except she's MY YA dystopian protagonist so!)
Lonan - District 2 (this makes him soooo irritating to me LOL anyway him and Reeve grew up w/ diff fathers so that's my explanation for separating them)
Darren - District 4 (& 100% inducted into the Careers but not a Career in practice LOL)
Harrison - District 7 (you can't tell me he's not basically Johanna?? also his ass needs an axe so)
Foster - District 8 (bc textiles!)
Okay so everyone but Foster has a really solid chance at winning LOL (Foster gives Peeta energy if that helps like he has skills to help him win but it's unlikely he'd win without a Katniss equivalent).
Harrison & Darren are equivalent to me in skill for a couple reasons. They're both physically strong (Darren is slightly more), and both resourceful (Darren builds himself a cabin in SV but in the dystopian rewrite I was doing with my sister, Harrison lives very comfortably in the woods in a bushcraft fort he made himself). Darren's more logical than Harrison but Harrison has stronger instincts & he's also less empathetic so wouldn't hesitate as much. He's also used to roughing it too, whereas Darren's grew up more sheltered, so TL;DR Harrison beats Darren but VERY narrowly and mostly through luck.
For Reeve it's hard to say because she's INCREDIBLY smart and also physically strong, and a lot more strategic than Harrison. I think she'd actually be quite similar to Katniss in the games, so imperfect but very resourceful. She gives Clove vibes too tho like she is also ruthless when she needs to be! I do think Harrison could come out above Reeve though bc he's an artist and I could easily see him doing some Peeta cake decorating camouflage.
WITH THAT SAID I think Lonan would win LOL. I can see his father as some wealthy guy who gets him into all that Career training (NEPOTISM VICTOR). Against Reeve I think he'd have a tough fight because they're really equivalent in strategy. But in general, he's always been the most adept at not dying??? And though Harrison has more brute strength, Lonan is more cunning & strategic and I think that's why he comes out on top. He gives Foxface but like... would win HAHA.
It's my book's bday! Send me asks about the series!
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