#<- i will single-handedly explode that tag watch me
ratcandy · 7 months
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ah no the moth is in my head permanently
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fandomohana · 5 months
Nobody reads what I say, so why bother with putting the warnings in the tags. This post mentions kitten death. Nothing graphic, failure to thrive style loss.
The last few days have been hard, really really hard. On April 15, one of our stray colony members, Blossom, gave birth in the garage to five kittens. She was slated to be spayed in February, the same day her sister, Tatey, sent me to urgent care.
It's been stressful, she moved the babies from the cozy cat barn, that's literally what it's called, you can look them up, they're amazing. She moved them to the floor, just in front of the truck...the truck has to be angled to get in the garage, so the best I could do was point a flashlight to check the babies. I set up their old cat barn up off the ground, on our old garage trash can, she kept them on the floor. We moved the truck, got a basket and towel, I put the babies in, tucked them nearly where they had been, and Blossom immediately moved them back out...Wednesday I discovered she had moved them back to the barn, I was so happy!
Thursday came, all was good, I was weeding a little in the front yard, decided to go to the back, and check on the kittens. Four were snuggled together, one was on the side, no longer with us, which was heart wrenching. Blossom is one step down from feral, and our house is full, this is literally the best we can give her. We gathered the baby, tucked them away, they will be cremated, and I named them Sunny.
I sobbed most of the night, blamed myself for not doing enough, went to bed at almost 4 am, and got a kitten checkup when I woke up, four little sets of baby feet. I could breathe, Blossom hadn't moved them, everyone was okay.
I went to check this afternoon, found three babies...the fourth was off to the side, chilly to the touch, but not gone. We got KMR, kitten milk replacer, prepped the bottle, I had to syringe feed one of my inside kittens for a week, and set to work. We kept this one warm, tried to feed them, and around 7, while my mom was getting better equipment from a friend, the little one stopped breathing. Baby passed in our arms shortly after she came home. This one I named Moonlight, or Moony.
Their grandmother was abandoned by her owners who live down the street, and have single handedly exploded the cat population, and our stray colony. WE had THEIR cat spayed after the litter Blossom was in, when we knew for sure she was abandoned. A girl who lives down there was pleased to see Midnight was alive, and spayed. She also told me how the cats are breeding like crazy, kittens are dying, and their backyard is full of dead cats.
I am angry. I am heartbroken. These babies didn't deserve this. We think these two may have had genetic issues, as both were decent sized.
I just needed to get this all out. Now I'm going to stuff myself senseless, withdraw from everything, and watch horror movies.
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poorrichardslegacy · 4 years
Kacxa Week 2020 Day 6 - Battle Injury
SUMMARY: Keith and Acxa’s daughters have passed their Trials of Marmora and embark on their first combat mission, against the pirates of Penzarance. The girls learn that words can cut just as deeply as any Luxite Blade, and just as importantly they learn about the power of forgiveness.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26910880
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Acxa/Keith (Voltron) Characters: Acxa (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Original Blade of Marmora Character(s) Additional Tags: Kacxa Week 2020, Family Drama, Family Issues, Family Dynamics, Family Bonding, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
It was the call Keith hoped he would never hear.
“Dad…please…come quickly…Mom’s down!”
His heart about to explode in his chest from its rapid beating, Keith races across the battlefield to his daughter’s position.
This raid was the first combat assignment with Blade of Marmora for both of his daughters since the successful completion of their Trials of Marmora two decaphoebs earlier. Keith had high hopes for this mission. This would be the opportunity for his girls to prove their worth, that they can function as full-fledged members of the Blade of Marmora.
Unfortunately, events began to spiral out of his control even before the start of the engagement on Penzarance.
And now it seems things have gone horribly wrong.
Twelve Vargas Earlier
Against Keith’s wishes, Acxa sets the assault team rosters so that Mireya is a member of her team. As Blade Master he does not countermand her decision because he does not want Acxa’s authority undermined within the Blade of Marmora. He also knows that he will catch hell from at least one of the women in his family no matter what he does.
However, he warns her about how this move will be perceived not only by the other Blades, but by Mireya.
Mireya is anything but pleased about this turn of events. To her, this is another example of her mother hovering over her, nitpicking everything she does. This time, Mireya decides to stand up for herself. She confronts her mother in front of her father, great uncle, and sister, and starts a rather vociferous argument over the assignment. Anyone observing it would call it a blowup of galactic proportions.
“Why, Mom? Dad explicitly stated that he wanted Cataleya and I assigned to Uncle Meltok’s command. I don’t get it. Why are you doing this?”
“There is nothing to ‘get’, Mireya. I’m the tactical leader of this operation, and I have the final say on team assignments. I am not used to having my orders questioned and I will not tolerate it now. You are a Blade of Marmora going on a combat mission. You are expected to obey orders, and I expect you to obey these orders.”
Mireya, just turned 18, storms out of the briefing room but not before screaming at her mother.
“You’re suffocating me, Mom! I hate you! I HOPE YOU DIE! Maybe then I can finally breathe.”
Not happy with his daughter’s choice of words, Keith calls after her just as she slams the door to the briefing room. “Mireya you don’t mean that.”
Cataleya, just as upset with the situation as her sister, takes a deep breath before trying to calm her visibly upset mother.
“Mom, she didn’t mean that.”
Cut deeply by Mireya’s words, Acxa tries to hide the hurt from Cataleya. “I don’t know Cataleya…your sister and I have been butting heads for so long now.”
“Mom that’s because you two are so much alike in personality. Stubbornness and all. Give her some space. She’ll come around.”
Keith starts to go after Mireya, but Cataleya stops him.
“Dad, wait. Let me talk to her. No offense, she might listen to me.”
The scene is the nightmare scenario Keith feared it would be.
His wife lay in a bomb crater, bleeding from a shrapnel wound to the stomach. Her right arm and shoulder are badly lacerated. He thinks to himself that it is a good thing she is unconscious. The pain must be unbearable.
He races to her and begins treatment to stabilize her. He does his best to keep his emotions in check as he works to save the life of the woman who said she would be his until the day she died. He does not want today to be that day.
“Mireya did you call for medical backup?”
She stands there, frozen by the sight of her critically injured mother.
Meltok leaps into the crater and quickly moves to Acxa’s side, his first-aid kit already open. “Medivac is on its way, Keith. Bars is talking to them. Let me check her.”
Keith steps back as his uncle, an accomplished field medic, hurries to stabilize Acxa until medivac arrives. Cataleya joins them and stands next to her shell-shocked sister.
Struggling against the flood of his own emotions as he battles to hold it together, Keith turns to his daughters.
“Cataleya, take your sister to the rear. I’ll meet up with you two once your mother is stabilized.”
Keith looks calmly at his daughters, both now frozen by the sight of their injured mother. He speaks to them in a calm and level voice. “Go on, soldiers. I gave you an order. Move to the rear.”
Cataleya snaps out of it and manages a shaky, “Yes sir.”
Blade of Marmora Sergeant Bars joins Keith and Meltok. “Medivac is incoming. They’ll be here in two doboshes. Master Chief, how bad?”
Meltok does not pull any punches. “Bad, Bars. Really bad.”
As the medivac team moves in to prep Acxa for evacuation to the field hospital, Meltok reminds Keith of something.
“Go back with her and talk to her.”
“Remember what she did for you after you nearly got blown to kingdom come by one of Honerva’s white mechs?1 Talk to her. Give her a reason to hang on until the docs back at the field hospital can stabilize her. Don’t worry about this operation. I’ll take command and mop these pirates up. You worry about your wife.”
Keith goes with the Acxa and the medics to the rear. After seven hours of surgery, with Keith present, she emerges, in critical but stable condition.
His aunt Miara, a first-rate doctor in her own right and in charge of the field hospital, comes in to keep a close eye on her.
“Keith, you need to talk to Mireya. She’s been inconsolable since Cataleya took her to the rear. Come to think of it, Cataleya isn’t doing much better.”
“I guess the sight of their mother…in that state…that would do it. Aunt Miara, would you send them in. They need to see that their mother is going to be ok”
The girls are ushered into the room by Miara. Mireya rushes to her mother’s bedside, takes her hand, and begins sobbing inconsolably.
“Mom…I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean what I said. I don’t want you to die. Please, Mom, don’t leave.”
Cataleya sits on the other side of her mother’s bed, holding Acxa’s left hand. She remains silent, but her tears flow just as freely.
Keith goes to console Mireya, taking her in his arms and letting her get her emotions out. When she finally calms down enough to speak, he asks her what happened.
“We were pinned down. We were taking heavy ion rifle fire and we couldn’t move forward. Mom was so calm. Dad, she was amazing. She said the only way we could beat them was to distract them, flank them, so that we could get close enough to lob grenades into their position to take them out. She asked me if I could do that…I said I could. I wanted her to trust me and this was my chance. Two of us made a flanking maneuver around the right side of the pirate defensive line. We drew their fire, and Mom was able to get close enough to throw two grenades into their position.”
“One went off. The fuse on the other was defective. One of the pirates threw the grenade back into her position. It exploded before she could take cover. I saw Mom go down…and I freaked out.”
“Freaked out in what way, honey.”
“I was so mad that I charged the pirate position single handedly. I think I took out, seven, eight pirates?”
While Mireya explains what happened, Meltok joins them and, standing at the entrance to the room listens to most of her explanation. When she gets to the part where she guesses at how many pirates she took down, he clears his throat to get Keith’s attention.
“That’s not quite true, Mireya. You didn’t take out 8 pirates. It was more like 20.”
Shocked, Keith looks first at Mireya, then at Meltok. “She did what?”
“You would have been proud of her, Keith. She took out twelve with her blaster pistol. Twelve shots, twelve kills. The last eight she took down with her Blade. Watching her with the pistol, she reminded me of her mother; watching her with her Blade, she reminded me of her father.”
“For the record…Cataleya is no slouch in those categories either. She’s just as good as her sister and she proved it today. She took out and entire gun line in the bunker complex, about 20 pirates, by herself.”
Mireya looks at her father hopefully. “Dad…is Mom going to be ok?”
Keith calls his daughters to him and gives them both a tight hug.
“She’s going to be sore, honey, but she’ll pull through. Your mother is tough. She’s been through worse than this. Let’s see, she’s crash-landed inside the belly of an intergalactic space worm, she was poisoned by Bralarian Hyenas after flying her ship to Braylar IV with a broken arm2 , she was almost skewered by Sendak after fighting him on top of a cruiser that was plummeting to Earth3…and she gave birth to you two hellions. She’ll pull through. Besides, she loves you girls too much to leave you now.”
“I’ll let you in on a little secret. Mom heard everything we just said. She heard Uncle Meltok say what you both did today. I know when she wakes up, she’ll tell you proud she is of her daughters.”
A still very agitated Mireya is not so sure. “Yeah…if she ever forgives me for being an ungrateful little bitch…”
“She knows you are not that, honey. Hey, I have an idea. I think Mom would like it if the three of us sat here with her and talked to her for a bit. Would you be willing to do that with me?”
Six vargas later, Acxa wakes up from her ordeal.
Vaguely aware of her husband’s presence, she reaches out for him. “Keith…?”
Keith squeezes her hand and leans closer so she can see him. “I’m here, love.”
“Thank you…for staying here with me. And talking to me. I heard you. Where…where are the girls? Are they…?”
“They are safe, and they are well. Aunt Miara took them to get something to eat.” Keith gently strokes her hair and horns. “You my dear have two heroes on your hands. Cataleya took out an entire gun line in the middle sector by herself. Mireya single-handedly took out the heavy rifle emplacements in your sector. It would seem that our daughters are now seasoned combat veterans. They’re not little girls anymore, Acxa.”
Acxa closes her eyes for a moment as she desperately tries to hold back the tears. Opening them, she turns towards Keith, sadness reflected in her deep blue eyes. “Where are my girls? I need to see them. I need to…”
From the shadows, her daughters tentatively emerge. “We…we’re here Mom.”
Mireya rushes to Acxa’s side and buries her head against her mother’s arm. “Mom, I’m so sorry about what I said before the mission. I didn’t mean any of that. When I saw you go down, I…I went crazy. Mom, please forgive me. I’m a horrible daughter.”
Fully awake now and aware of her daughter’s mental state, Acxa easily slips back into Mom mode. “No Mireya…you are a wonderful daughter. I forgot how much you’ve grown these past two decaphoebs. You’re an adult now. It’s time I started treating you like one.”
She looks at Cataleya and calls her over. “It’s time I started treating both of you like the adults you are. I’m so proud of both of you.”
Keith looks on with pride at his family.
“Acxa, you need to rest. I’ll sit with you. You girls need to get some rest as well.”
Cataleya does not want to hear that. “Dad, we’re not leaving. We’re staying with you and Mom.”
Acxa looks at Keith. “You know they get their stubbornness from their father.”
“Said the pot to the kettle. Go to sleep, woman!”
“No! I’m going to lay hear and let my daughters entertain me with stories of their exploits.”
Keith looks first at Acxa, then at his daughters.
“And your mother says I’m the stubborn one…”
1 Rejected by the Galra, Chapter 14 The Shared Path
2 Return of the Prince, Chapter 14, Cry of the Wolf
3 Rejected by the Galra, Chapter 12 Lions Pride
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whumpsblog · 4 years
"You asked for this / you wanted this" for the dialogue prompts please?
A writing prompt for @bloodandbandages. This took me a while to write and it’s FINALY DONE! Events occure between chapter 1 and 2. Thank you for the prompt!
<< Chapter 1 
Chapter 2 >> 
Tagging:  @justplainwhump , @bloodandbandages , @eatyourdamnpears , @butwhatifyouwrite , @broken-horn
The days following their arrival are hell. The Omegas are packed together like sardines within a chain link dog kennel, and their water comes from a grimmy trough containing stained and stale water. Their food consists of scraps pulled from the dumpster of some fast food restaurant, gone stale and moldy long ago. If they need to relieve themselves, they use a five gallon bucket that is shared collectively among them. For days they sit on the cold damp concrete, huddled together and trying to keep warm. 
Down the hall, a metal door opens and slams shut. Heavy footfalls are heard approaching the cell and half of the Omegas stir nervously, while the other half try desperately to ignore it. Jayden, the youngest of the group, nudges Hanna who inhales and opens her weary eyes with a start. She's alert in a matter of seconds but still extremely tired.
Slavers had been visiting the Omegas since their arrival, and they took a fancy to this particular group because of Hanna. They loved antagonizing her, and their favorite way to do so was by hurting her people to get to her. At least once a day they would come by, hitting the fencing and once electrifying it, while harassing the group with foul comments and sexual innuendos. The older kids did their best to protect the young from the brutality, to keep them optimistic and hopeful, but that was becoming harder and harder to do as the days dragged on.
Two grown men and a young boy come into view and Hanna recognizes the little Omega in an instant. His name is Alex and he's an uncanny spitting image of her dead brother, down to his name and his precocious personality. He just turned  eight a few months ago.   
Hanna jumps to her feet and charges forward like a mother duck defending a duckling. Her fingers lace though the wiring like she's trying to rip it apart.  "Let him go!" She snarls. 
A wooden club smashes into the fence and Hanna has to pull back to keep her fingers from being crushed. Through the fence she examines Alex carefully. His knees and hands are bloody and his blond hair is dirty and tangled. His skin is streaked in dirt and his shocking green eyes watery and full of terror. 
"Now Hanna, we can either do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way," says the Slaver holding Alex. "Either get down on your knees and put your hands behind your head," he sets the heavy wooden bat on Alex's shoulder and evokes an involuntary flinch, "or this pretty little boy's gonna get it."
Hanna knows by the tone in his voice and the twisted smirk on his face that he isn't bluffing. While maintaining eye contact she drops on the spot and folds her legs under her thighs. Lancing her fingers behind her head, she looks up at the Slavers with a flat expression, ready for whatever they have in store for her. 
The main Slaver eats it up. “What an admirable Omega," he sneers. He drags Alex to the door, unlocks the cell, and sends the boy crashing into a pile of seated Omegas. Then he turns to Hanna. His body looms over her and she's scowling up at him defiantly. "Looking out for her people like a good leader.” He grabs a fist full of her hair and she grunts as he drags her out of the cell. 
The Slaver throws her to the ground while the other shuts and locks the fence behind her. As she picks herself up off the ground she catches movement in the corner of her eye and realizes all too late that there's a boot flying at her. It catches her in her lower abdomen and the force of the blow lifts her off the ground. A sharp pain explodes inside of her and she rolls onto her side. 
She isn't given a moment of rest. The Slaver grabs a fist of her hair, lifts her head off the ground, and punches her square in the jaw. Her head snaps to the side and something comes loose in her mouth. Hanna's seeing stars as she's dropped to the floor and she lays there disoriented and hurting.
It takes her a few seconds to regain her senses. With her attacker circling her, she rolls onto her side with a long moan and pushes herself up onto her knees. She spits blood and a molar onto the concrete, and wipes crimson drool off her chin. 
"Do you remember me?" he asks Hanna. There's a starved and crazed look in his eyes and it gleams menacingly.
Hanna looks up at him through squinted eyes. Blood is pooling in her mouth again and she spits it at the floor. She doesn't recognize him.
He smirks. "I'll give you a clue." He holds both of his hands out so she's looking at the massive pale scar running across his knuckles. "You gave me these scars, remember? You were about ten and I was a guard at Syrtex. Do you remember our special time together Hanna?"
Her blood goes cold and her heart slows. In an instant she's ten again and back at Syrtex; confused and too young to know what’s going on, but fearfully nonetheless. She recalls her fear and desperation for someone to help, and how she had been too scared to cry out for help during the act, let alone fight back. 
"Ah, so you do remember." He advances upon her and she pushes herself backwards, panicking.  
"You were so young. So full of life, and you fought so hard." He taunts. He starts removing his heavy leather belt and Hanna turns and attempts to flee, only to have him crack his belt across her bare back. The shocking unbelievable pain drops her and two meaty hands grab her ankles. He pulls her legs out from underneath her, causing her to drop to the and bash her chin into the concrete, before he flips her onto her back and crawls on top of her. He pins her legs under his own before she can fight him off. 
Hanna swings out wide and desperate and he catches her wrists with his rough hands. He pins the above her head and presses them down using his weight. The concrete bits into her flesh. 
He leans down to her level. "Either make this enjoyable for me," He whispers into Hanna's ear making her go still and cringe, "or I'll switch you out for that cute boy from earlier." 
Hannas goes numb. 
He smiles. "There, that's it." He coos and starts unzipping his pants. "Now, lay there like a good fucking bitch and take this. Afterall, I know it’s what you want." 
He forces himself into her and she lets out a pained cry as he rips her apart. He thrusts into her again, and again, and again, and the pain doesn’t subside. Tears form at the corners of her wide green eyes and pain and humiliation makes her face flush.
He removes his hands from her wrists in the heat of the moment and they find her throat. His fingers lace around her throat, constricting her airway until Hanna can’t breath. She fights against her attacker, punching and kicking and screaming and scratching desperately, but the more she fights, the faster her world darkens. 
Her rapidly darkening gaze drops to his waist and through her fading vision she sees something black and plastic clipped in a holster at her attacker's belt. She unclips the snap button to the holster, wraps her fingers around the frame, presses the nose to his head, and pulls the trigger.
Blood splatters across Hannas face and the deafening explosion of the shot leaves her with a persistent ringing in her ears. The hold around her neck loosens and  the dead weight of her attacker hits her chest, making it only slightly easier for her to breath. The darkness in her vision recedes and she coughs violently. 
There's movement in the corner of her eye and she  raises the arm holding the pistol, aims and shoots single handedly. She misses and shoots again. This time the bullet hits him in the stomach and he collapses to the floor.
Hanna's ears are ringing and she’s struggling to breath under the weight of her fallen assaulter. She tastes his blood on her parted lips and wiggles out from underneath his fat body, detaches herself from him, and staggers to her knees. The world around her is muffleed save for the tinnitus in her ears and the world around her spins. She throws up on the ground and wrenches on the disgust of the event she just endured. 
When the vomiting ceases she looks up and finds the Omegas pressed up along the cage wall watching her with wide eyes. For the first time and days there's hope in their eyes, and it's because of her. She swallows hard and brushes the tears and blood from her eyes with the heel of her palm. There was work to do and no time to waste. 
They were getting the hell out of here. 
Finally, they were going home. 
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saventhhaven · 4 years
Seeing Double
Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader, AU!Sam Winchester x AU!reader
Tags: Season 15 Spoilers!, confused!Sam, confused!Dean, confused!reader, alternate universe
Word Count: 1,142
(Gif not mine)
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You shook your head with disbelief as Dean led the four of you down the bunker's hallway.
"If Chuck comes back and checks in on us, he's gonna look for us here in the bunker," he explained. Sam glanced at you, frowning, and you merely shrugged.
"We don't know that," he disagreed.
"Well, we don't not know that," was Dean's response. Your small group turned into the room where the alternate versions of Sam, Dean, and yourself stood behind the rippled screen of another universe. "So," Dean continued, "Chuck would need to see us here in the bunker." He gestured to the three people, and you had to suppress a groan. When he said he had a dumb idea, he wasn't kidding.
"Wait," Cas interrupted. "You want them to be you?" You shook your head as you laid a hand on Dean's arm.
"Babe, I don't know if this is a good idea. I mean, look at them. Obviously, there's something wrong with them since they're dressed like that." Sam and Dean wouldn't be caught dead in the outfits other-Sam and other-Dean were wearing. Almost as if to prove your point, your dopplegänger's apparel made you do a double-take. "Wait a second." You took another step in the direction of the rippled wall. She was clinging to other-Sam's arm as crisp navy blue fabric hung from her skin. You felt your lip curl back in disgust. "Am I wearing a pantsuit?" Suddenly, the apparel of Sam and Dean's doubles didn't seem so funny. "And heels!" You threw your hands up in exasperation. "I'm wearing a pantsuit and heels!" Dean rubbed a hand across your back soothingly as he planted a small kiss on your lips. Other-you's outfit differed drastically from your own, which consisted of an olive green bomber jacket, a light gray t-shirt, distressed black jeggings, and steel-toed gray work boots.
"At least you don't look like a douche," Sam put in. "I'm wearing a scarf!"
"And a man-bun," Dean pointed out. You grinned. The Sam you knew would chop his hair off before he wore it like that.
"I think it looks good," you teased. "You know, I actually have an extra ponytail holder if you want me to-" Sam moved away from you purposely, his lips forming a tight smile.
"No, that's, uh... that's okay." Snorting, Dean wrapped an arm around your waist.
"All right," he said. "Let's do this."
A bit of angel grace and one blinding flash of light later, Sam, Dean, and you stood around the table in the war room, your doubles sitting across from you. Dean scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably as you cleared your throat.
"So... you're hunters in your world?"
"Were," other-Dean corrected. "We were hunters before our world exploded." Other-you chuckled daintily, a sound that had you fighting the urge to cringe, and vaguely waved a hand through the air.
"These two were, at least," she clarified. "I don't dirty my hands with such work, of course." You gave Dean a look of bewilderment, which he returned. Whoever this woman was, she sure as hell wasn't you, no matter how similar you looked. Just the thought of not hunting made you feel anxious.
"Yes, Y/N works from HunterCorp's primary headquarters," other-Dean said proudly. You and the two Winchesters shared a look before Sam finally asked.
"HunterCorp?" he repeated. Other-Sam crossed his legs as he interlaced his fingers over his chest.
"The corporation our father built from the ground up. He built an entire empire single-handedly." The two boys clinked the necks of their beers together before taking a sip with a grimace. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. By the time you had met the boys, John had been dead for years.
"I'm the manager of all cases as well as finances, so our hunters get paid," other-you continued. You felt Dean freeze next to you.
"Okay, wait," he interrupted, holding up a hand. "You guys get paid?"
"You don't?" other-Dean inquired haughtily. When the three of you let your silence be your answer, the three other-yous' eyes widened like saucers. Their universe was so different from yours, and it literally couldn't get any weirder. Other-you tsked sympathetically.
"Oh, dear," she said. "Well, at least we live our lives comfortably, don't we, my love?" Just as you were about to interject, all thoughts of your disagreement were gone as other-you smiled glowingly at other-Sam. She reached up to pat his cheek gently, and you noticed the sizeable ring on her left ring finger.
"We most certainly do, darling," other-Sam responded. All you could do was watch in stunned silence as the two leaned over slightly in their chairs to kiss one another. You first caught Sam's eye, who looked just as confused as you felt, and then Dean's, whose face was laced with slight disgust. Other-Dean grinned at the three of you.
"Aren't they just a beautiful couple?" Sam swallowed his wordlessness.
"You're... together?" he questioned, sounding numb. Other-Sam wrapped an arm around other-you's shoulders, and she placed a hand on his knee.
"Married," he replied. "For six years now, to be precise." Things just got weirder.
"Married," you breathed. If you were the type to faint at a shocking revelation, you definitely would have. Other-Dean gestured between you and your version of Sam, looking intrigued.
"And you two?" he asked. "How long have you been together?" Honestly, you weren't sure whether to laugh or vomit. Sam was a good man with a kind heart, and you loved him, but you weren't in love with him. He was the older brother you never had, and after three years with Dean, even thinking about anything romantic between the two of you felt wrong. You could tell by the face Sam made that he was thinking the same thing. Without a word, you stepped closer to Dean, who instinctively wrapped his arms around you in a way that wasn't unprotective.
"Oh!" Other-you exclaimed in surprise before frowning. "How disturbing." You shook your head as Dean's thumb traced your arm.
"My thoughts exactly." Other-Sam coughed awkwardly.
"Well, thank you for the rescue, but we really should go."
"Yeah, about that," Dean put in. "There's something we could use your help with."
As soon as the three alternate universe versions of yourself were settled in standard hunter clothing, you, Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack headed out to retrieve the Occultum.
"That," you started, still a bit in shock, "was the weirdest thing I've ever experienced." Sam nodded, not quite meeting your eyes.
"Agreed," he said. Dean wound an arm around your waist, leaning down to murmur into your ear.
"Y/N, do me a favor." You looked up at him curiously.
"What's up?"
"Don't ever marry my little brother." Making a face, you shook your head.
"Don't worry," you assured him. "I won't."
Thanks for reading!
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eclipseofshadows · 6 years
I saw your tag "the episode that finally cemented Zura as my tag" on my post re episode 309. If you want to expand on that, I'm all ears!
oH hello! :D
Essentially, this paragraph you wrote summed up my general reaction to Katsura’s entrance in Farewell Shinsengumi. 
After all the angst of the previous arc and the heavy, all-pervasive mood of sorrow and ever-encroaching dread which ruled episode 308 and much of this one, the new infusion of hope and plain FUCK YEAH was sorely needed
The arc intentionally builds up such a heavy mood. Depressing event after depressing event just keeps hitting our heroes harder and harder. Shigeshige’s funeral, Kondou’s arrest and scheduled execution, Shinsengumi members scattered, Hijikata’s obvious depression. Suddenly Nobunobu threatens Otae - the crux of what makes their home and a vital part of everything that binds Shinsengumi and Odd Jobs together. Hijikata can’t stay his hand and Gintoki painfully understands due to the parallel of his past, so he sacrifices himself to uphold their collective honor and protect his friends. He protects the chance HIjikata still has to recover the master he’s lost because that’s the chance Gintoki wishes he himself had had.
As he is arrested, you really get the feel ‘how are they going to get out of this this time?’ This is truly the threshold. They can never go back to the way things were. 
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As he is helpless to do anything but watch Gintoki get hauled away, Sakaki delivers the final blow to Hijikata’s despair. “You can no longer be heroes.”
And suddenly, the stubborn answer of defiance waiting on stand-by for the perfect moment appears. The title of episode 309 finally makes sense. Heroes always arrive fashionably late.   
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Old gags reappear as serious plot devices, showing us that there has always been more to them than just comedy. A cameo reminder of Sho-chan in briefs, Zurako herself, the exploding Nmaibo smokescreen. BOOM. INTENSE MOODBREAKER.
You can’t help but cheer as the whole atmosphere is single-handedly lifted by Katsura. The arc enters a new and rebellious mood as he temporarily hijacks the spotlight and kickstarts his own plan of action - forcing everyone to follow suit if they want to survive. Katsura essentially comes in saying, Welcome to my world. We are doing things my way now. Beggars can’t be choosers! 
Not only that. At the heart of this scene, you can also see the extent of Katsura’s loyalty for his friends. He stubbornly snatches away the martyr’s burden Gintoki has placed upon himself and steals it. But no worries, he’s Runaway Kotarou. He’s got more of a plan than Gintoki, who only acted only on instinct. Katsura’s odd preparedness is more than meets the eye. And he makes his entrance in the most overly dramatic and perfect combination of goofy and serious possible - as Zurako. It’s all of what Katsura’s character encapsulates. (Was it really really really necessary to dress up to get arrested? Sure he did it to sneak in and blend in with the ladies, but his dress is much more extravagant than what the hostesses wear in general. Something tells me he just wanted to dress up like always, period. Even in front of enemies he displays a flagrant lack of shame for his antics. It’s absolutely adorable, haha.) 
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He rescues Hijikata from his own negativity and proves he is willing to risk everything to save Kondou, his former enemy. That also speaks to the lengths he will go to. Katsura has steadily gained a strange camaraderie with the Shinsengumi, something Kondou is hesitant to admit until Katsura takes an outright bullet for him later. (All while worrying about Gintoki’s face-off with Naraku on the side!)
As a development built from over 300 episodes’ worth of misadventures and in-fighting come together, the Katsura Faction and the Shinsengumi finally join forces and attempt to let bygones be bygones. In prison, Katsura reinvigorates Kondou’s will to live just as Gintoki knows he must do to Hijikata’s fighting resolve. Shigeshige’s death provided the avenue for unification, something that Katsura is not going to let go to waste.
Katsura’s entrance in 309 is is one of my favorite scenes because throughout it all we are reminded of Katsura’s true depth. No matter how goofy and foolish he is, he is just as much a trickster and mastermind. These sides of his character are not at extremes. It all comes around. His ambitions, his promise with Shigeshige, his bond and shared past with Gintoki. These are some of the driving forces behind every action he takes. 
Something endearing is Katsura’s own smugness about the whole thing. “Let us meet at dawn,” Katsura tells Gintoki with a knowing smile. It’s referencing the dramatic phrase Katsura seems to sling around everyone every once in a while. ‘Fighting for the dawn of this country.’ 
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Katsura knows Gintoki and the Yorozuya will not be sitting out the whole affair, even for their own good. He has the utmost faith that Gintoki’s own participation will even be crucial to their overall success. And most of all, Katsura knows that he will finally have the thing he has wanted since he reunited with Gintoki at the start of the series - to fight for the same cause together again. And he’s turning the Shinsengumi into rebels along with him. 
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As the group is running away from Snack Smile with Katsura’s diversion, Gintoki almost looks peeved. That’s because he knows he’s been manipulated by his friend. After all, he’s spent the whole series dodging Zura only for everything to end up falling right where he wants it. At the end of the arc when conversing with HIjikata, he calls him a con-man. Roles flipped, now its the Shinsengumi listening to Katsura haha.
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But for all Gintoki’s wariness, they seem to be completely in tune during the mission on Kokujo. The trust and familiarity is clear. Even if they’re on opposite ends of the island, they know their roles. And they do meet at dawn on board Matsudaira’s ship.
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Ah… So that’s that.
Actually I’m always talking some friends’ ears off about this so much that all my points are all over the place by now;;; I would love to get back to you on this again maybe in a more in-depth post! Katsura’s character is so fun to look at. Thank you for all of your reblogs/likes by the way, hehe. We seem to have the same common interests.
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sonicrevival · 5 years
Ultimatum- Chapter 5 of 5: A Real Life
Last part of Ultimatum, tomorrow we move on to Arc 2, Reunions.
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18500557/chapters/44005090#workskin
Sonic: Revival- Ultimatum Chapter 5 of 5: A Real Life Emerl’s engines roared into life, lifting her from the ground and driving her straight toward Mecha Sonic. “Emerl, stop!” Sally called out, watching her draw her fist back for a punch, even as Mecha Sonic braced itself for the impact. “You need to come at it from a different angle, it’s too-” Before she could finish her sentence, Emerl’s fist slammed into Mecha Sonic’s chestplate, lifting the larger robot’s feet from the floor and launching it away, spiralling end over end until it crashed into the wall, bouncing off and crashing to the ground. “- strong?” “Oh yeah, this feels good!” She landed, rubbing her fist as she crouched beside Sally’s inert form. “You alright?” “I… I think I’m running out of energy. Can you give me another charge?” She asked. Emerl nodded, opening the back panel on the ring matrix, flooding it with another burst of Chaos Energy. “That should cover it… I’d advise getting the others to safety.” The Gizoid suggested, helping the Robian stand. “Are you sure? That thing was beating both of us, can you really do it alone?” “Yeah, I’ve got this.” “Alright then… but you’d best let me know if you need backup.” She looked up at the taller machine. “Will do.” Standing upright, Mecha Sonic shook its head, visor fixing on Emerl’s advancing form, Sally retreating toward the other injured Freedom Fighters. Growling, it aimed its missile launcher toward the Robian, the rocket streaking out from the tube. In a flash, Emerl appeared in its path, snagging the missile out of the air, spinning and lobbing the it back toward the source. Mecha Sonic curled into its shell to absorb the explosion, rolling forward, only to collide with Emerl, who had produced similar bladed armour for herself. Grinding against each other, neither could penetrate the other’s shielding, until Emerl boosted herself forward, ramming Mecha Sonic back into the wall. Both unrolled, the large robot throwing a heavy punch, thudding loudly against Emerl’s raised arms, pushing her back slightly. It fired its boosters, tackling her and lifting her away from the ground. She flashed again, disappearing from its arms, diving foot-first into its back, forcing it back to the floor. She sprang away from it, landing gracefully between it and her comrades. Flexing her limbs, she crouched down, her thrusters warming up. She launched herself back into the fray as Mecha Sonic stood up, crossing her arms in front of her as she closed in. Swinging her arms back out, delivering a brutal cross-chop to its armour, buckling its chestplate it, shattering the glowing bar around its midsection. It staggered, barely managing to meet her oncoming punch with one of its own, but her strength now more than equalled its own, the servos in its fingers fracturing under the stress. Another fist already incoming from the opposite side, Mecha Sonic brought its arms up to shield itself as the punches increased in pace, rapidly becoming a barrage of continuous blows. To an outsider, Emerl’s attacks looked more speedy and powerful than any variety of skilled, and an ordinary organic would not have been able to keep up with the speed of her arms at all, but Mecha Sonic saw that each of them, each individual punch, was focused, precise, targeted to pummel a joint, or a flaw in its armour, or even just around its defences to strike at its head. Out of options, with one of its hands now stuck as a fist, Mecha Sonic diverted as much power as it could toward the cannon contained within its chest. The battered armour plating opened once again, the hinge catching somewhat as it built up its second blast. Emerl’s assault didn’t cease, not even for a second, forcing Mecha Sonic to take a step back, then another. Finally, it spread its arms wide, exposing the blazing chamber of the cannon, about to fire. In that moment, the Gizoid’s fist lashed out and collided with its visor, cracking it in the direct centre and jolting the taller bot’s head back. It stumbled away from her, before focusing its flickering visor on her once more and opening fire. To Mecha Sonic’s shock, Emerl responded in kind. Her chestplate opened, exposing an already-charged cannon identical to its own, a blast of bright blue Chaos exploding out to meet its own red beam. She allowed the recoil of her own blast to shunt her backwards, widening the gap between them before she planted her feet, bracing to focus the full force of her attack against its own. The two beams surged against each other, energy arcing out from each of them, streaming across the room and tearing up the floor and walls, more and more power bursting from the clash between the two attacks, until finally, it exploded, throwing both of them back. Mecha Sonic met the wall quickly, steadying itself, while Emerl had further to fly, managing to keep herself mostly on the floor. Spotting the vague shape of her opponent through the smoke, Emerl took to the air, she formed the missile launchers over her shoulders once more, firing them down toward it. Mecha Sonic jumped over the explosion, racing upwards to meet her. It threw a desperate punch at her, and she casually sidestepped it, fingers wrapping around its wrist and locking tightly. Spinning in place, she dragged Mecha Sonic with her, building up her momentum before releasing it, bodily throwing it straight down into the floor. The ground crumpled beneath the impact, plates of steel ripped up as Mecha Sonic struck it, lying prone in the centre of the crater. As it tried to pry itself free, Emerl dropped from the air, chainblade appearing on her right arm in a flash of cyan. She slammed down, blades piercing through its mangled armour, impaling Mecha Sonic clean through the torso. For a moment, it jolted, struggling against the twin swords as their spinning edges carved into its body. Then, the flickering visor went dark, and Mecha Sonic’s body sagged, falling limp and silent. Emerl tore her weapon from its ruined frame, and stood back, folding her blades away once more and turning toward the exit, where Sally had taken their injured friends. Most of them were upright again now, and watching her approach with a mixture of confusion and wariness. She soon understood why, once Nicole returned to her systems and immediately had questions. “How did you do that? You were losing just as much as the rest of us at first, and then you beat it almost single-handedly!” She asked. “Easy, easy. When it threw me into the generator, I found the Emerald. I picked it up, and I think I absorbed it. Gave me a hell of a boost and that’s how I kicked its butt. Added, I needed to get a good look at its powers and moves and stuff to copy them. On top of that, I noticed that its energy levels began to drop off a bit more quickly than I expected once it started to actually fight everyone. Based on that, it made more sense to pace myself a little and soak up some hits before giving it a big burst when it started to flag. The Emerald helped with that, of course,” She explained, speaking loud enough for the others to hear. “Oh, well… alright then. Could you at least have told us?” “Sorry, I can’t talk all that well while I’m fighting. I have a bit of a one-track mind,” She shrugged. “Though to be fair, I did feel some sort of clarity once I really got going. I’ll have to investigate that…” She mused, drawing level with the others. “Everybody okay?” “Yeah, mostly,” Tails groaned. “That thing hit like a truck.” “I’ve never seen an Eggman bot fight that hard before,” Sonic added, leaning against the wall. He seemed to have taken the worst of it, along with Amy. “What was it even made of?” “I’m not sure. I think it’s the same stuff as the shield from the Egg Beaters…” Tails mused. “I guess there isn’t a lot of it, or he’d use it a lot more.” “Well, maybe he would, or he could just keep not doing that to keep his weird ‘game’ going. He is rather stupid like that,” Amy shrugged, using her hammer to support herself. “Maybe, maybe. Still, at least we’re done,” Silver sighed. “With Sally freed from Eggman’s control, the threat to the future should be ended. Thank you for your help.” “We owe you our thanks too, Silver. Without your help, I’m not sure if we could’ve saved her,” Tails replied. “So, back to the base?” Emerl asked. “We can get set up and turn Sally back to normal by daybreak!” “No, the main lab there is gone, and the city is still in Naugus’ claws. If we take Sal back there, he’ll do what he did to Bunnie and deroboticize her as a PR stunt,” Sonic shook his head, folding his arms. “His approval ratings have been sagging lately, he’s probably hoping for something like that to let him boost his support,” Nicole nodded. “On top of that, he clearly wasn’t sure how he did that to Bunnie. The last thing we want is him to screw up and make Sally’s situation even worse,” Tails added grimly, then snapped his fingers, stepping away from the wall. “We’ll take her to my lab in the ruins, and then bring Rotor and Uncle Chuck to meet us. Sally will be normal again before Naugus even knows she’s back.” “I, uh, don’t know where that is,” Emerl slouched slightly. “It’s alright, I can show you,” Nicole smiled. “I’ll transfer the data while we head outside.” *** Once the rag-tag party had warped themselves to the ruins, and Emerl had made a quick return trip to recover the downed Tornado, they convened in Tails’ workshop. Sally had perched herself on the workbench, Sonic standing next to her, holding her hand. Amy and Silver had taken two of the chairs, while Emerl leaned against the wall. Tails emerged from one of the side rooms, dusting his hands off. “Alright, I found the old Deroboticizer, but it’s not in great shape. So I’ll definitely need some backup on that front. Sonic, Emerl, can you two go get Rotor and Uncle Chuck?” “Sure thing, bud,” Sonic nodded. “Yeah, I can get us there and back in no time,” Emerl straightened. “Alright then, I’ll get to work on reinstalling Sally’s core. I should be done by the time you get back,” He smiled. “I’ll need you with me after that, Emerl. Since you absorbed the Emerald, we’ll have to set up a direct power transfer from you to Sally’s repair systems.” “Won’t be a problem.” “If I can interrupt…” Sally spoke up. “I think you should wait until morning. I appreciate that you want to turn me back to normal as quickly as possible, I really do… but, you are all exhausted. With the exception of Nicole and Emerl, you all need to sleep. Badly.” “But Sally-” “Tails, I’ll be fine for just a day longer. Emerl will be here to give me another charge if I need it, so I’m not going to expire in the night. And besides, I don’t exactly want you performing what amounts to a heart transplant on me while you’re barely awake,” She cut in, effectively putting her foot down. “... Yeah, that’s a good point,” He sighed, blushing slightly. “I didn’t think of it like that… Alright, I suppose we should turn in for the night, then.” “Yeah, sounds good,” Sonic nodded. “You’ve all more than earned it,” She smiled at them. Gradually, the group began to disperse, Amy, Silver, and then Tails heading upstairs to sleep. The workshop’s living space had a number of guest rooms, since the Freedom Fighters used it as a secondary base, so there was more than enough space for them all. Only Sonic remained up with the three machines, even though he looked even less awake than the already-resting trio. “Sonic, you really should sleep as well…” Sally looked at him, concern showing even through her mostly-solid face. “I will, Sal… I just… I wanna talk to you before I go. I’ve got some stuff that needs to be said,” He replied, eyes downcast. “Alright. Let’s take a step outside, then.” Stepping out into the cool night air, the duo walked to the edge of the hill. Sonic sat himself down, taking a deep breath of the sea breeze, blowing in from the ocean. Sally smiled down at him, before awkwardly lowering herself to sit beside him, leaning back on her arms. “It’s been too long since we were able to do this. Far too long,” She sighed. “You’re taking this really well, Sal. The whole ‘months spent as a robot slave’ thing,” He glanced at her. “That’s the one upshot of being conscious throughout the whole thing. I’ve had a lot of time to process things, enough to come to terms with what has happened to me. It wasn’t always like this. I fell apart pretty badly during the modification, and… I can’t imagine I’ll be getting over that any time soon. But as time wore on, I started to regain myself and fight back. It wasn’t easy, none of it’s easy… but I survived. I’m going to be my normal self again.” “I guess.” He sighed, placing his hand on hers. “So, what did you want to say?” Sally asked, turning to look at him fully. “Sal, I’m… Sorry.” “Sorry? What for?” “For not saving you faster! For not stopping the whole weaponizing thing from happening! For not being able to get you back for three months!” He yelled, tears filling his eyes. “Sonic, you don’t need to apologise for that. You did the best you could,” Sally gently grabbed his shoulder, smiling at him. “But it wasn’t good enough!” He retorted. “I wasn’t good enough. I couldn’t stop our friends from falling apart. I couldn’t save Antoine. I couldn’t stop Bunnie from leaving. I couldn’t help your family, or stop Naugus from taking over. I couldn’t stop him from kicking Nicole out. I couldn’t even keep myself focused on you, I was a terrible leader without you there, and I kept letting everything distract me. I was trying to save everyone, and in the end, I couldn’t save anyone. Not even you. I would’ve lost you again today if Emerl hadn’t done basically everything. She got Nicole into your head, she took down the Egg Beater, and she defeated Mecha-me… I didn’t do enough...” Sally’s heart sank, as she watched Sonic let it all out. She threw her arms around him, hugging him as gently as she possibly could. She brushed her metal lips against his cheek as she pulled him in. “You can’t blame yourself for what happened, Sonic. Trust me, I’ve been there… I know that you would’ve found a way to save me, and even if your plan didn’t work out, it still stopped Eggman from making anything worse. Do you know why he was running away from you?” Sally paused, and when Sonic didn’t respond, she continued. “He was running because the Death Egg was damaged when I had Nicole invert the beam of the World Roboticizer. He had to try and repair it, but every time he set it down to start working, you were there, and he had to run. You saved Lupe and Hathor from sharing my fate, or worse, and Nicole would never have even had the opportunity to bring Emerl to our rescue if you hadn’t captured me and called her. You say you’re a bad leader, but I don’t think you are. You had to deal with one of the worst possible situations anyone could ever face on your first outing as an independent leader. I would’ve struggled to make something good out of what you had to face, and I’ve been doing this for years.” “Sal…” “Sonic, let me give you some advice, from one leader to another. When you’re in charge, it’s easy to feel as though you have to shoulder all of the weight. Like every difficult decision is yours and yours alone, and the consequences of those decisions are entirely on your back. I know I felt that way for the longest time, and I couldn’t take it. Not forever. Eventually, I cracked, but by that point it was more of a breakdown than anything else. I’m sure you remember…” Sally gently touched Sonic’s cheek. “Yeah, it’s hard to forget, but we moved past that…” “Indeed… But my point is that no-one can blame you for the direction things went. You tried your hardest, and that’s what counts. And even if you ultimately didn’t succeed alone, we’re both here, we’re all okay. And when you only had Tails and Amy by your side… you did a good job, Sonic.” Finally, Sonic returned the hug, pulling himself closer. Sally leaned her head against his shoulder, and he rested his head against hers. “I love you,” He said. “I really don’t say it enough, but it’s true.” “I love you too, Sonic.” *** On the roof of the workshop itself, Emerl perched, staring out toward the ruins. Her eyes flicked over to the young couple for a moment, but she didn’t tune her audio sensors in to hear what they were saying, and she opted to pay them little mind. She had other things to concern herself with. “Something the matter?” She flinched, stumbling, just managing to catch herself before she tipped over the edge, and looked around to see Nicole giggling at the sight. “Such grace in battle, yet so clumsy on a roof!” The lynx laughed, floating beside her shoulder. For a moment, she wanted to snap back, but after seeing how stressed and upset she had been earlier, seeing the AI smiling and laughing, even if it was at her expense, felt good. “Y-you startled me, is all,” She mumbled, rubbing the back of her head. “I was kinda lost in thought.” “Oh really? What about?” Nicole asked, calming herself. Emerl shrugged, and looked back out toward the ruins again, fixing on the ancient stone tower, rising up above the treeline. “I dunno… It’s just… I feel like I’ve been here before. And I know I haven’t… but… It’s familiar. It’s real familiar…” Emerl sighed, sitting herself down on the roof tiles. “Hm… when we met, you were speaking Nocturnian… and the Fourth Great Civilization are theorized to have been in conflict with the Knuckle Tribe of Echidna… the ruins here were once their capital city. Maybe you have been here, and you forgot…” “Yeah, maybe…” *** The following morning, Sonic was up early. He still looked tired, dark circles under his eyes as he approached Emerl and Nicole. “I wanna get Uncle Chuck and Rote before they go to work. It’ll be a lot easier to get ‘em from home, rather than you warping in right in front of Naugus. We don’t want him to know what’s going on, after all,” He said. “Sure thing, let’s get going.” Emerl nodded. “Did you sleep alright, Sonic?” Nicole asked. “Not really. Tried, but it was hard. I kept worrying about Sal too much…” He admitted. “That’s understandable…” Nicole nodded. “Yeah… this is gonna work, right? You’re sure of that?” “Yes, I am,” She confirmed. “You need not worry. Sally will be alright.” “Alright, then. You’ve not steered us wrong before,” He grinned. “Ready, Emerl?” “Sure, Nicole just showed me where to go.” *** They arrived in Rotor’s home first. The walrus had just finished breakfast, and was rather surprised to find the two appearing in his home. “Sonic!? What are you- Wait, where did you find a Gizoid!?” He jumped back at the sight. “Hey Rote. This is Emerl, Nicole found her below Knothole, Tails said working on her was kind of a Brain Trust thing,” Sonic replied. “Hi, nice to meet you,” Emerl waved. “Huh, I guess Fiona was overreacting about the danger…” Rotor mused. “So, why the sudden visit? I mean, it’s great to see you again, Sonic, and it’s good to meet you, Emerl, but wouldn’t the door have been easier?” “We’re being sneaky,” Emerl beamed. “Yeah. The great news is that we got Sally back-” “You did!? Oh, that’s wonderful!” He grinned. “Yeah. The less-great news is that, thanks to the mods Eggman made, we’re going to have to make some complex repairs to properly bring her back to normal. We’ve got a plan, but we’re gonna need to warp you and Unc to Tails’ lab in the ruins. We can’t let Naugus know that we saved her until she’s organic again,” Sonic explained. “Alright, that makes sense,” Rotor nodded. “Let’s go, then,” Emerl reached out for the two. *** The trio arrived in the hedgehog residence seconds later, warping into an empty hallway. “I’m hoooome!” Sonic called out. “Also, I brought Rotor and a new friend!” “You might want to step back from Sonic,” Rotor whispered to Emerl. She did so, tilting her head quizzically at him. “Okay, but wh-” She asked, only to be cut off as the blue hero was mobbed by a trio of older hedgehogs, one of them clearly a Robian. “Oh, that’s why.” “Welcome home, Sonic!” Bernadette beamed, hugging him tightly. “Ow, careful, I took a lotta hits yesterday, some of it still hurts a bit!” “Sorry, sorry,” She eased up. “We weren’t expecting you back. I thought Nicole would’ve at least told us you were coming.” “Is everything alright?” Jules asked. “Better than alright, actually. We got Sal back, thanks to Nicole and our new friend,” Sonic smiled, gesturing to Emerl. “Oh, fantastic! And thank you, er…” The family paused, looking up at the armoured figure. She stepped a little closer, offering a mock bow. “Emerl, at your service. Nicole woke me up.” “The Gizoid from the lab…” Charles looked her up and down. “Well, she seems a lot less dangerous than we were warned about.” “I dunno about that, you should see her fight. I’m real glad she’s on our side,” Sonic smirked. “So she is dangerous, but only to the bad guys.” “I dunno, I almost fell off Tails’ roof last night,” She shrugged. “But I suppose I do fight pretty well.” “So, Sally is back with you, but why the cloak-and-dagger, son?” Jules asked. “Well, we don’t want Naugus to know about it until she’s flesh and blood again. Last thing we need is him trying to deroboticize her to boost his image and screwing it up, considering he doesn’t know how he did it,” Sonic explained. “Tails asked that we fetch Rote and Uncle Chuck to help with the Deroboticizer, while he and Nicole take care of repairs. So, we’re gonna warp back to the Ruins, fix Sal up, and by the time Naugus knows what hit him, it’ll be too late for him to do anything about it!” “Naugus offered the same deroboticization to me… but I don’t trust that monster as far as I can throw him, and I shan’t make deals with anyone that sought to harm my family.” His father mused. “Yeah, yeah…” Sonic sighed. “Wait, why can’t you be turned back?” Emerl asked. “Uh, forgive me for intruding, if that’s private, but, um…” “No, no, it’s fine. I was the first Robian, back when the Roboticizer was a tool for prolonging the lives of injured people. Unfortunately, my injury was too severe… if I am turned back to normal, I will die. And while more advanced Roboticizers could potentially fix the damage, this old body is not exactly compatible with them… I’m stuck like this. And while I could get a new body, something more agile and lifelike, I don’t want to throw this one away. Knowing my luck, a functioning cure would be found the day after,” Jules explained, a hint of bitter mirth in his voice as he finished. “Oh… I’m sorry.” Emerl looked down. “It’s not your fault, Emerl,” Sonic replied. “I know, but still…” “Sonic’s right. You can’t be blamed for your curiosity. Now, I believe you have work to do.” “Right, right. Fixing Sally. We should get going with that,” Sonic snapped his fingers. “Looks like I’m going to be late for work today,” Charles gave an exaggerated sigh, evidently faking his distress. “We’ll call in sick for you,” Bernie smiled, nudging her brother-in-law. *** When the four returned to Tails’ lab, they found the lab mostly empty. Nicole appeared briefly beside Emerl’s shoulder in miniature avatar form. “Rotor, Sir Charles, wonderful to see you again. Tails and I are already working on Sally in the smaller lab. The deroboticizer is already in the workshop itself, so you’ll be able to find it easily enough. Amy and Silver are still asleep,” She explained, before disappearing again. “Guess she’s busy,” Sonic shrugged. “Sounds like,” Rotor nodded, turning to the older hedgehog “I guess we should go get started.” “Agreed,” Charles nodded. *** Sonic had always hated waiting. At least, he hated waiting for information from the labs. While he wasn’t as impatient as he was apparently infamous for, at least, not anymore, waiting for any length of time for updates on Sally’s progress could best be described as torturous. As the morning progressed, little information was presented, however. At one point, Uncle Chuck had reappeared from the workshop and informed him that they had the Deroboticizer running, but that didn’t tell him anything about Sally herself. She was the important aspect in their current situation. As he thought about it, Sonic came to the conclusion that Sally being deroboticized mattered significantly less to him than her safety did. It was Tails and Nicole that he needed to hear from. At one point, Emerl disappeared into their room, so presumably they were getting ready to try and undo Eggman’s modifications, but he had seen how extensive they were, just from the outside, and knew that would be the single hardest part of the entire process. Shortly after Emerl went into the lab, Amy emerged from one of the guest rooms and made her way downstairs for breakfast. She looked like she’d at least slept better than he had, but she was still up surprisingly early for someone as tired as she had been the day before. In truth, none of the trio had slept all that well during their pursuit of the Death Egg, and they all really needed to catch up on rest. Yet, here they all were, awake. “Morning, Sonic,” The pink hedgehog mumbled sleepily, dropping two slices of bread into the toaster. “You sleep alright?” “Nope. Barely got any,” He shook his head, leaning against the wall. She looked up at him, concerned, but didn’t ask why. The answer to that was obvious enough. “Any news on Sally?” The younger hedgehog asked. “Not really. Emerl went in to help with the repairs. The Deroboticizer’s working again, Unc and Rote are just configuring it for her now. Other than that, nothing. It’s killing me.” “Right…” Amy nodded. “Sonic?” “Yeah?” “You… you really do love her, don’t you?” Sonic paused. The question wasn’t one he’d really expected to hear from Amy. She wasn’t exactly known for being the most perceptive of people. He especially wasn’t expecting to hear it right then and there. Still, it was something that would need to be discussed eventually. No point trying to dodge it now. “I… yeah. Yeah, I do,” He nodded. Looking up, he saw his friend’s eyes watering, her lip quivering. “Amy…” She sniffed, shaking her head, and smiled. It looked forced. “You don’t need to apologise. There’s nothing to apologise for, you haven’t done anything wrong.” “Yeah, well, you’re hurt, and you know I can’t stand hurting people,” He replied, walking over to the counter. The toaster popped back up, and Amy removed her breakfast, putting it on a plate and grabbing the butter dish. “I should’ve told you sooner, instead of dragging it out longer.” “You couldn’t exactly bring it up before, could you? When we were all younger and didn’t really know what we wanted,” Amy sat down, beginning to eat. “I suppose, but to be fair, you always came across as knowing exactly what you wanted,” Sonic shrugged. “Sonic, I didn’t even know the real you for the longest time. There was a point where I got to know who you really were and I had to re-evaluate what I thought about my feelings. I was just as confused as everybody else.” “Huh… I didn’t realise…” He paused. “It’s alright. If it helps, this isn’t really much of a surprise to me. I kinda thought it was going to go this way for a long time. I didn’t really want to believe it, but… it was always pretty obvious that this was the direction things were going to go,” She looked up, smiling more genuinely as she wiped her eyes. “You two were always good together.” “Thanks,” Sonic grinned. “And for what it’s worth, you’ll always be a great friend, Ames.” “Well, I do my best,” She returned the grin. *** Silver appeared shortly after that. He looked a lot better rested than either of them, which made sense. He wasn’t as over-stressed as the trio of Freedom Fighters, and he hadn’t been fighting as much as they had. Filling him in on the details didn’t take as much time as Sonic had hoped, and once that was done, it was back to waiting. With the two other hedgehogs around, he at least had someone to make small talk with, but he didn’t find the prospect particularly appealing. Just a distraction. What if something had gone wrong? What if they couldn’t fix her? What if overcharging her self-repair system only caused more damage? What if Eggman had hidden one last cruel trap in her body, and she was gone? The questions had been circulating in his brain for nearly an hour when the door to Tails’ lab finally opened, and the young fox stepped out, taking a pair of goggles off of his face and wiping his forehead with a towel. Emerl followed, Nicole sitting on her shoulder, and finally, Sally walked behind them both, her body restored to the same state it had been in when she first became Mecha Sally. Immediately, he raced over, hugging her, and she quickly returned the gesture. “Are you alright? Did it work? Can they change you back?” “Yes, yes, and yes.” Sally replied, smiling. “Oh thank Chaos,” He breathed a heavy sigh of relief. “He’s been going stir-crazy the whole morning,” Amy announced as she walked over. She smirked a little as Sonic’s cheeks turned scarlet. “Still, it really is good to hear that you’ll be okay again. We’ve all been worried.” “Thank you, Amy.” “How are you feeling, Sal?” Sonic asked. “I feel better already. Not as good as my normal body, but at least this shape feels almost like myself, just heavier and colder. And it’s good to have a full-sized brain again,” The Robian replied, flexing her restored body. “I’m not surprised it feels better, that is a significantly better body than the last one,” Emerl added. “I mean, not for combat, but everything is working like it should be, rather than sloppily modified to force it into use as something it isn’t meant to be.” “Yes, that’s true,” Sally nodded. “Anyway, is the Deroboticizer ready?” “Should be. They were just calibrating it, and while that takes time, we should be good to go,” Nicole replied. “Well, no sense in waiting, then. Let’s end this waking nightmare.” The group headed through to the workshop itself, where Rotor and Charles sat with mugs of coffee, beside the Deroboticizer, which hummed quietly, waiting for its patient’s arrival. Rotor noticed them first, setting his drink down as he stood up, rushing over. “Sally!” He beamed, hugging her. “I didn’t realise you were actually up and about, I thought you were just inactive and waiting for the transformation!” “Hello, Rotor. It’s good to see you again. You too, Sir Charles,” She smiled. “It’s been too long, your highness,” The older hedgehog bowed. “As for my mental state, Nicole released me from Eggman’s mind control yesterday. I’ve been active most of that time, though I did power down over the night,” Sally replied. “Well, let’s get you back to normal, then,” Rotor said, releasing her and walking back over to the machine. Pressing a few buttons on the control panel, he opened the door. “Alright, it’s ready.” “Thank you, Rotor,” Sally hugged Sonic once more, then walked into the Deroboticizer. There was a small chair inside, and she took her seat as the door closed in front of her. Outside sounds were muffled by the thick glass, but she was able to see the two older scientists operating the controls, before pulling a large lever on the side of the panel. The low hum of the Deroboticizer grew louder and louder, the pitch rising at the same time. Above her head, a blue aura began to shine, bright light filling the cylinder. She twinged, feeling the energies of the machine flooding into her body. It felt warm and comforting, and she looked down at her hands, just in time to see the metal begin to retreat from her body. It looked almost as if it was melting away, flesh and blood taking its place. She closed her eyes, smiling as the feeling spread throughout her body, washing away the cold numbness of her robotic form. She gasped as she took in air for the first time in far too long, letting out a long-needed sigh as she felt her pulse return, a little too fast at first, before it began to settle. She felt a dampness on her cheeks as, finally, it was over. She was herself again. The door opened with a hiss, and she stepped forward, stumbling on unsteady legs. She technically hadn’t used the muscles in them for months, nor had she eaten. Fortunately, before she could fall, Sonic was here, gently supporting her. Feeling his fingers on her shoulder, Sally threw herself into his arms, as the rest of their friends crowded around them both. Sonic held her close, kissing her gently as he wiped away her tears. “It’s okay, Sal. You’re home.”
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winsister91 · 6 years
Make Amends
Part Eleven - Guardians
This series is a sequel to Breaking A Promise.
Characters: Dean x reader, Sam, Crowley, Cas and...an ofc...who I won’t spoil
Warnings: Language, flangst, canon-typical violence, more violence, abduction, reader being a cocky fucker
Word Count: 2300~
A/N: Hey, who remembers this series? I know I don’t! *sigh* In all honesty, I’ve had this sat waiting to go for a while but I’m starting to have doubts with this series, maybe should have written it as an ofc rather than a reader, the plot is too out there etc etc more self depricating shit. Also, I’ve hit a bit of a block with it too, and I got so many other projects going on right now...yup excuse after excuse. I don’t know if anyone is still reading this or even remembers what’s going on, but I REFUSE to repeat what happened with my abandoned series, Three Wrongs Make a Right. I WILL finish this, even if it’s just for my own enjoyment, I can only apologise if the chapters come sporadically. If you are reading, you may need a reminder ‘cause I know I did, hit up that series masterlist for a catch up. Also, thank you so much if you are reading, your patience is remarkable.
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“Crowley,” you mumble to yourself with a determined frown. You recognize that voice anywhere. Your eyes dart up to the rafter when you can just make out a shadowy outline. Without a moment’s hesitation, you roar with rage, firing an anger-fuelled magic blast up towards him. It explodes chaotically, shattering the wooden beams into nothing but shards and splinters, but no sign of the demon.
“Y/N!” Dean shouts to get your attention, “We got problems here first!”
You bring your eye line back to ground level, standing back to back with the two brothers as the crowd of demons slowly close in on you all.
“We got a plan?” Sam mumbles, looking around trying to do a headcount, ten demons and an invisible hellhound skulking around, “How the hell are we getting out of here?”
“I’m working on it,” Dean grimaces, scowling at the hoard as it grows closer.
“I’ve got to get Crowley,” you growl, pulling an angel blade from inside your jacket, your eyes following the Hellhound prowling the outskirts of the room, waiting for its moment “I got the puppy.”
“Y/N!” Dean shouts as you step forward.
One of the demons decides to try for a preemptive strike, lunging for you the second you broke away from the boys. You already suspected one of them would try something stupid like that. You roll your eyes, effortlessly twirling the blade in your grasp and plunging it straight into his heart before he could so much as enter your personal space. He cries out in agony, his veins glowing bright orange before flickering away to nothing and dropping to the floor in a clumsy heap.
Your actions spark the rest of the demons to attack. You see Sam and Dean jumping to action in the corner of your eye, taking on one each, but that still left you majorly outnumbered as rest made a beeline for you.
“Give it up, freak,” a particularly plucky female in the group spits at you, “You’re outnumbered.”
“You have no idea what you’re fucking with here do you?” you tilt your head and laugh in bemusement.
The group doesn’t stop, two of them brandishing particularly nasty looking daggers and lunging for you. Automatically, on instinct, you wave your hand, eyes glinting blue as they are forced back and collide into the Hellhound shaped dent in the wall.
Before you can turn and make a sarcastic quip at the remainder of the group, one tackles you to the ground. You drop the angel blade in the collision and it clatters to the ground and rolls out of reach.
“Y/N!” you hear Dean shout again, swiftly followed by the cry of the demon he just lodged the demon blade into.
The demon that tackled you grabs your throat, squeezing with all its strength. You choke for air, one hand on the clasped to the monster’s wrist trying to break its hold, the other stretched out to your blade trying to reach it.
The blade zaps into your awaiting palm, you instantly jam it straight into the demon’s throat. His body drops with dead weight onto you, making you groan in disgust and annoyance. You shove him off you, retrieving your trust weapon and getting back to your feet.
Dean was working his way over to you, taking out three demons single-handedly on the way, arriving at your side just as you were getting to your feet.
“You ok?” he asks urgently, his face and torso were spattered with specks of blood.
“I’m good,” you gasp. Your eyes flash blue briefly and your angel blade glides over Dean’s shoulder, burying itself into the demon trying to pull a sneak attack, “Huh, better than good.”
You summon the blade back, glancing around the room for your next target. Sam and Dean had been busy while you were playing murderous magic tricks. The room was littered with bodies, the only movement coming from the two demons you’d catapulted earlier, now groggily getting to their feet. You wave your hand, forcing them to bang their heads together and knock themselves out. You chuckle, admiring your slapstick handiwork and starting to appreciate having the old mojo back.
“You two okay?” Sam jogs over to you and Dean, all three of now donning the splattered with blood’ attire.
“Yeah,” Dean answers, his hand trembling while he held Ruby’s demon blade, “Fucking Crowley, that son of a bitch!”
“Wait,” you mumble, laying your hand on Dean’s arm subconsciously. Your eyes are narrowed, scanning the entire room, “Where’s the Hellhound?”
The three of you go rigid, slowly turning and looking around for any sign of it. You furrow your brow in bewilderment while your heart beats with fear.
It can’t be here, I could see the damn the thing. It surely wouldn’t suddenly go invisible again…?
“I think you gave her the spooks…” a gruff voice retorts behind you. You turn and set eyes upon the King of Hell, and instant fire of anger sparking in your belly, “Must’ve done a runner.”
The corner of his mouth twitches with a small smirk.
“Crowley!” Dean snarls, shaking your hand off his arm and marching straight for the demon.
“Dean!” you cry after him, totally panicked at where this was going. Sam strides forwards as well, joining his brother. You can only watch as Crowley nonchalantly flicks his wrist and both Winchesters smash into the wall behind, suspended by an invisible force around the throat.
There’s a sting in your eyes as you look up at them both briefly, but then you turn back to Crowley. The fire burns hotter in your guts, making you clench your fists and jaw.
“Enough,” you say calmly, trying to hold it back, “I’m not going. You tried and you failed.”
You falter in your breathing, glancing up at Dean who grunts in pain above you. You blink your eyes quickly to focus back to Crowley.
“You three,” the King of Hell spits, “are such a god damned pain in my arse d’ya know that? You have to make everything difficult!”
“Don’t go underestimating how much more difficult I can make this,” you threaten as you momentarily fantasize the numerous ways you could kill him right now.
Crowley’s chest heaves and he splutters a laugh, “Y-you?” he points in mockery, “You think you can take me!?”
“Y/N, don’t,” Sam manages to choke out, but you keep your eyes firmly locked where they stand.
“Y/N!” Dean roars, trying to get you to listen. Your heart skips hearing the desperation and pain in his voice.
But I have to find out where the witches are. Crowley is the key. Then, I’ll kill him.
You glance down at the angel blade in your hand, you didn't even realize how much you were shaking. You blame Crowley for last year. If he hadn’t have taken Dean away, you would have never sought out the potion and started the first fire. If Crowley never plotted with “Demon Dean” to have you trapped down in that basement, The Red Dragon Inn would still be standing. All those people wouldn’t have died.
You twirl the blade in your grasp. “Do you wanna see a magic trick Crowley?” you ask, a smirk playing on your lips.
The King tilts his head in slight curiosity, “Humor me,” he chuckles.
“Y/N!” Dean roars again, but he almost a white noise to you know.
“You ever seen Guardians of the Galaxy?” you ask with a sadistic smile.
He doesn’t answer, just furrows his brow. You shrug, shoulders shaking as you laugh, “Nevermind.”
The boys watch on, still wincing in pain and gasping for breaths, “Y/N...don’t please!” Dean pleads.
Your eyes flash with light, the angel blade now levitating before your face. You playfully wink as Crowley sighs and shoves his hands in his coat pocket feigning boredom. You purse your lips and whistle, the weapon now swooshing and gliding around in the air, dancing around the room gracefully.
“Cute,” Crowley chuckles with a raised eyebrow, “but-”
He stops as you suddenly whistle a high pitched harsh tone, and the blade shoots for his face, directly stopping a couple of millimeters before his nose.
“Very cute,” he smiles with a glare, “What do you want?”
“Who’s trying to bring the potion back?” you ask hurriedly, “Why? Where are they?!”
“Darling, Princess,” he shakes his head still wearing a cocky grin, “What do I get in return for such information?”
“I’ll give you a headstart,” you scoff, “I’ll only kill you after I’ve killed all of them.”
You feel a draft of hot humid air brush over the back of your neck. You freeze, the very audible growl of something extremely pissed off stood behind you.
“Oh,” Crowley beams, “Looks like Betsy came back.”
“Y/N!!” Dean bellows, tears filling his eyes painfully at your screams. The Hellhound had tackled you, hurtling you both over the bar and out of sight. His heart races, screaming your name over and over with all the force he could. Sam clenches his eyes closed, trying to bite back the outburst he could feel building rapidly.
Your cries of pain dwindle to nothing and a thick silence fills the air. The brothers stare at the bar, waiting for something, anything, just some indicator that you are alive.
“No,” Dean clenches his jaw and bares his teeth, unsuccessfully holding back his tears, “N-not like this…”
Sam’s head drops, his hair falling in front of his face, hiding his grimaces of torment.
“NOT BECAUSE OF FUCKING YOU!” Dean roars at the King of Hell.
“Oh relax,” Crowley rolls his eyes, “I’m not gonna kill her when we need her.”
“You son of a bitch, you just wait,” Dean spits, “I’ll fucking rip you apart limb from limb.”
Dean could feel it, that itch in his arm, he clenches his fist and doesn’t fight it this time. He wants the mark to fuel him so he can get his kill.
“I told you to relax!” Crowley patronizes him, “We’re gonna have a little road trip! Me, Squirrel and Princess!”
The brothers look upon him in bewilderment, “What the hell are you talking about?” Sam grunts.
“Oh, Moose…” Crowley sighs and looks at him in disappointment, “I’m afraid you're not invited.”
Another idle flick of Crowley’s wrist and Sam finds himself smashing into a nearby table head first, and everything suddenly dropped to black.
Sam felt his shoulders being shaken, but he couldn’t find the strength to open his eyes. He feels something touch his temple firmly, followed by a warm sensation, and his body sudden feels revitalized. He jolts awake, shaking head and rubbing his eyes into focus.
“Sam,” Castiel sat before him, his hand moving away from Sam’s forehead, “Are you alright?”
“Uh...yeah,” he replies, getting to his feet and finally remembering what happened. He was still in the bar, bodies of demon’s still scattered around, but no sign of Crowley or Dean, “Y/N!”
Sam runs to the bar, jumping over it swiftly and looking around for you, but there’s no sign of you either, just a lot of broken glass and pools of blood.
He can’t speak, his heart freezing and becoming breathless.
“Sam, what happened?” Cas asks urgently, “Y/N sent an SOS out on Angel Radio and I came immediately.”
“Sh- she did that?” Sam gasps, blood draining from his face, “Cas...I...He knocked me unconscious, I couldn’t do anything.”
“Who knocked you unconscious?” Cas grabs Sam’s forearms, “Where is Dean and Y/N?”
Sam’s jaw trembles, partly in anxiety and also in anger, “They’re not here...he- Crowley has taken them.”
“I-I don’t know.”
Your eyes slowly open, they feel swollen and bruised. Your hands are bound by something cold, iron shackles. You’re curled up on a stone floor, there are markings on it around you, looks like an Angel Trap. Your eyes sting as they try to focus, a bright light dazing you. You wince in pain as you try to blink them into focus, finally noting that the light is coming from a large ring of fire surrounding you.
Where the fuck am I?
You sit up, trying to look past the flames to see the surrounding walls, but the fire glares in your eyes too much to see.
Is that….holy fire?
You try to sit up, white-hot pain wracking your body as you do. You can see your arms and chest covered in hot sticky gashes and grazes from the Hellhound’s claws. You can also feel the same sensation straight across your cheek, the familiar feeling of congealed dried blood across it too and pulling at your skin.
There’s a parting in the flames and a hooded figure walks through. It stops in front of you, kneels down and holds a finger under your chin which you violently shake off.
“Long time no see Y/N,” a familiar voice echoes from inside the hood. A voice that triggers pleasant memories, one you were used to hearing in a positive tone. Now however, the tone is different, darker and sinister.
You don’t answer, but narrow your brow trying to place the voice. You have a mild suspicion, but you know that it’s impossible.
A pair of slim hands reach onto the edges of the hood and slowly pull it down. Blonde hair. A face that wouldn’t melt butter. A face that you were once delighted to see.
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Forever Posse:
Dean Darlings:
@adoptdontshoppets Make Amends Squad @rosethesupernaturalhunter @shayla-markele @justballoonfishthings @iamcraving @disneychic8 @earthtokace @drakelover78
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spoopybruh · 6 years
Reframing Perspectives
Fandom: Buzzfeed Unsolved (Web Series)
Relationships: Ryan Bergara/Shane Madej
Characters: Ryan Bergara, Shane Madej
Summary: Just like he said, Shane inevitably slips up after a long period of doing so well and Ryan calls him out on it as promised. He’s convinced he’d single-handedly ruined everything he fought for. Ryan disagrees. 
Note: This is the third part continuation of Taking Risks (1) and Steady(2). As mentioned, this is a fic version where Shane is on the spectrum, hence his thought processes differ. As someone who’s on the spectrum himself, I want to try and paint a picture of what we struggle with as realistically as possible. I’m aware that people might find some of Shane’s actions/perspective to be cruel. And I do want to address that emotions aren’t fact. Hold our actions accountable, like everyone else, not our emotions. Help us reframe our perspectives, meet us in the middle. 
Additional Tags: Stigmatisation of mental illnesses
For as long as he could recall, Shane Madej has always been standing on the opposite end of a glass tank, looking in on civilisation behind a cold unyielding surface that he can’t quite breach. So close he pretends that he could brush the fingertips of others without feeling distance and the isolation that comes along with it. Growing up, he’s made aware of the differences between himself and the rest of his peers. 
It’s not that he couldn’t feel anything, of course he could. He just couldn’t understand why others chose to be torn up over one matter for an extended period of time. Sure, he comprehends when situations are negative and unwelcome. He just doesn’t necessarily think dwelling on it for too long is any form of a recommended solution. And it’s uncomfortable, because what else was he supposed to say to make other people’s sadness, anger and the like go away? There’s no clear manuscript for that and he’d be lying if he said that continued distress of others doesn’t frustrate him. He wants it to stop. He cares enough to want it to stop but somehow whatever he says is misconstrued into not caring, or being inconsiderate. 
Shane vividly remembers the time he had baby teeth knocked out when he got exasperated at one of his cousins over them crying about their deceased pet for an uncomfortably long time. “I don’t see why you can’t just get over it. It’s dead, it’s not coming back.” He’d tried to explain and before he knows it, teeth on the ground. His mother had broken up the brawl that ensued soon after and upon finding out what happened, tried to patiently explain that they were sad because they lost precious family. And Shane doesn’t get it. He doesn’t. He comprehends loss obviously, he just doesn’t understand why there’s anything wrong with speaking the truth. That day, he leaves with the knowledge that it was the wrong thing to say. It’s only years later, through watching boring drama shows on television, that he learns what he was supposed to do and say instead of speaking the truth. 
But that was only one instance. There were many others that culminated into repeated visits to therapist after therapist. He doesn’t remember much afterwards, only the occasional memory of his mother crying and that sick feeling that something is wrong. He was a teenager when he finally comprehends what exactly was wrong. Apparently he doesn’t have the same empathy quotient as an average person. What bogus. He’s not a killer. He’s nothing like the criminals one sees in the news. Sure he’s had the occasional errant thought here and there but who hasn’t had inappropriate intrusive thoughts? Maybe he’s an alien, he theorised. And for a while that brings him a measure of comfort even though he knows that it couldn’t be further from the truth. At least he wouldn’t feel like the strangest thing around, what with plenty of other strange aliens around.
He’s probably 14 or 15 when he decides that blending in was a lot easier than getting people to see his point of view. There’s something beyond frustrating to feel like the only one studying people and their behavioral patterns but he makes do. He adapts and survives out of necessity. He picks up on verbal cues, facial expressions, body language and memorises the ‘right’ responses for each social situation, he learns even when he doesn’t understand why. Maybe if he faked it hard enough, it’d become something real. It never did become anything real. 
Just another constant feeling like he’s walking on a tightrope. One misstep and he’d be sent plummeting into the deep end. Some days, he thinks maybe it’d be easier if he just let himself fall. Maybe it’d be easier to just...become the monster people seem to think he is. Maybe then he’d stop feeling like he’s in so much pain, maybe he’d stop resenting himself and others for having to do this when he can’t. Having to always pretend and give something he doesn’t have. He’s not a sham. Not a charlatan. At least it wasn’t a willing choice. 
Throughout the course of his life, he’s done a pretty good job keeping his head on straight. He’s adapted. He’s got things under control. He’s doing fine. But as always, he has to ruin things for himself. That impulse. The ‘unacceptable’ streak in him that he tries to suppress. He slips up. 
This time, it’s over budgeting disputes. During a meeting. With their superiors. Shane honestly didn’t mean to do what he did at all. But when faced with excuse after excuse, delay after delay, any sane rational human being would have seen red. The flow of conversation is briefly interrupted by the sound of glass shattering and a curse as he sets the remnants of what had been his own cup down on the table. He’s dimly aware that the room is deathly silent now and that everyone is currently eyeing him like he’s a ticking time bomb ready to go off. Shane wouldn’t fault them for that because for the first time in a good long while, he’s livid. 
Movement in his peripheral vision tells him that Ryan’s shifting in his seat next to him, but he’s not interested in looking back. Not interested in anything else except the words that came out in a harsh clipped tone. “Of course you’re not going to give us the proposed sum we need. You’re going to hem and haw for an eternity but who the hell are we kidding? The answer’s always going to be no. Because we’re hunting ghosts and things that go fucking bump in the night. We’re not earning your company anymore money than we already are. This wouldn’t have been the case if we were-” 
The rest of his words were cut off with a loud shout of his name and he finally turns around, shoulders tense, coiled tight. He’s yelling back before he could stop himself. “WHAT!!!” Ryan’s hands hovered in the air for a few brief moments, as if he’d been meaning to touch him, before he retracts them. Good, Shane catches himself thinking with viciousness. He’s not in the mood to be touched.
"Shane.” Ryan’s voice is quiet but firm when he addresses him again. Good ol reliable boogara. “It’s enough. I’ll handle this. You should get that treated.” Against his own volition, Shane followed the motioning to his own hand, blinking when he notices several cuts. Probably from the impact of glass shattering. It should alarm him that he hadn’t noticed that he’d been bleeding from his shaking hands. It doesn’t. 
“Go. I got this. Trust me, alright?”
For a moment, he wants to rebel. He wants to continue yelling. But Ryan’s already moving to block him off from the meeting space with his own body and he’s not going to hurt Ryan. Hes not. 
“Fine!” He finds his voice again enough to snap, making a beeline towards the door as he throws both his hands up in frustration. “Whatever, do what you want.” He leaves like Ryan wanted, locates the nearest washroom, sticks his hand under the running cold water and lets himself fall to pieces. 
When Ryan finds him again, Shane is sat in one of the spare rest areas in the Buzzfeed office, unable to quite bring himself to return to his desk yet. He sees the other approach and tenses imperceptibly. Waits. He’s expecting anger. He’s expecting disappointment. He’s expecting a lot of things from him. Instead what he gets was a level “I cleaned up the rest of your coffee so you owe me a beer.” 
"I’m not sorry.” 
“I know.” The calmness in Ryan’s tone has Shane bristling yet again. This is wrong. He’s supposed to be the angry one. He has every right to be. “What the hell do you know?” 
"I know you’re not really mad at me. And we’re not having a fight right now.” 
“Oh? We’re not? Because that sure sounds like fighting words to me.” 
“Shane-” He watches Ryan run a hand through his own hair, appearing a lot more tired in the aftermath of whatever went down in the office. “We’re not fighting. I’m not angry over you not being sorry even if you want me to be. Don’t get me wrong, I thought that was shitty and I disagree with what you did but I’m not mad at you. I just wanna know one thing.” 
Shane had been about to needle him. Had been about to push and prod so that he could just explode on him so that it would have been the final blow. But the presence of a question has him pause, hesitate. “And what is that?” 
“Do you have any...hang ups about the success of the Worth It boys, the Try Guys or you know...everyone else who has a series going? Do you think they don’t deserve what they have?” 
“What? No! Of course not! Ryan, what the fuck.” 
“So you agree that they’ve all worked hard to get to where they are. And they deserve all of what they’re currently getting.” 
“Yeah. What does this have anything to do with-” 
“You were going to use them as an example, weren’t you? With what you said back in the meeting. You were going to say that the execs wouldn’t have hesitated if we were any of those people.” 
Fuck. It stung with how accurate Ryan was. Shane huffs out a deep breath to steady himself. He could lie, but Ryan knows him enough to see when he’s trying to bullshit his way through. And what was the point of lying now? It’s not going to redeem him. Ryan’s not going to feel sorry for him and excuse what he did. 
“I was.” The admission was somehow a lot more painful than losing his teeth back then. “I.. just wanted to make them hurt... Unsolved is ours, Ryan. It’s our baby...I don’t hate any of those people. I’m proud of them for what they accomplished. I just-” Another deep breath. “I just wanted to hurt the execs so I said what I said. It’s not them, it’s just...about hurting the execs in the most effective way possible. That’s all. I know it’s a shitty thing to do but I’m not sorry about that. I’m just not.”
"I know.” The other end of the sofa dips with the weight of Ryan when he takes a seat beside Shane, their knees briefly knocking together. “That’s why I’m not angry. You didn’t do it out of intent to sabotage the rest- that I would have been pissed off about. And I’m not going to argue with you since you knew it’s a fucked up manipulative thing to do even if you don’t feel bad doing it. But Shane.” 
Ryan held his gaze unflinchingly when he finally peels his line of sight off the floor to focus on him. 
“It wouldn’t make me happy if we got a budget increase because of that. When we started Unsolved, we agreed that integrity would be our thing, didn’t we? No faking of evidence, no shady shit. If we were to get a budget increase because we guilt tripped the execs, that’d make us hypocrites. We’d be going back on our word. It wouldn’t make me happy and I don’t think you would feel like it’s something we earned together through our own efforts either. Would you?”
He’s forced to exhale when he untucks the bottom lip he’d been chewing on to reply. 
“...Right. That’s fair. You...have a point.” It wouldn’t be their thing anymore. Ryan’s half right. Truthfully, Shane doesn’t give a shit about how they can acquire more for their spending budget. But he does...he gives a shit about Ryan. He gives a shit about their thing. He gives a shit about not ruining it. For himself. For Ryan. For them. 
“So. No more, alright? No more of that whole fuckin dickery back then. I won’t force you to apologise but I trust you to make things right.”
“Yeah. I’ll...be more careful.” 
A warm hand clasps his shoulder and squeezes. Shane wants to lean into his touch, he lets himself do so for a little while. Just for a little while. 
“You know what? How about we look further into the regulations and rules of our contracts, big guy? That’ll at least refresh our memories on what we can and cannot do. Maybe we can find some loopholes. You know, in terms of getting external sponsors and such.” 
The fact that Ryan could still be speaking to him so normally has Shane feeling like it’s a lot easier to breathe. And for one moment, he thinks he could cry. He doesn’t. Instead, he grins. 
“Why colour me impressed! There’s that sharp Detective Bergara brain whizzing with sneaky ideas.”
“Shut up. Inspector Shane.” 
Ryan’s grip is considerately gentle when he tugs at Shane’s hand in a motion to drag him to his feet so they could get started. And much like always, Shane follows. There were plenty of things he could have said. How could you accept me that easily? for one. What’s wrong with you? for another. Thank you, yet another.
He interlaces their fingers together and squeezes instead.
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shayde-n-friends · 7 years
The Strays - Part 2 - The Hornets Nest
((Part 2 of 3 of the Anti-Troopers origin story. )) 
Game Night in the boys dorm wasn’t like any of the others halls game nights. Mostly because it turned into a gladiator pit about halfway through the Mario Kart tournament. Once someone got a little too lucky for the others’ liking, the punches started flying. It was like a spectator sport, people brought snacks, drinks and sometimes their dates. And unfortunately for Stag, that was his next stop.
The Silent anti-trooper had looked all day for his missing brother, occasional breaking radio silence to reassure the boys back home he was ok. Blizzard was nowhere to be found...and now there was only one place left to look: the one place where he was most at risk for getting exposed...
Lucky me... Stag thought, cursing the force for getting Blizzard lost in such a crowded place.
Night had already fallen, for which Stag was thankful; Sneaking about was indeed his forte but doing so in brightly lit hallways made it just that much harder. The building massive...far larger than what the clone imagined a education facility and lots of people were going inside from the front of the building. No chance of entry there... but then he noted the windows. Good enough to climb. Works for me. Stag snuck behind the building and began to climb as high as he thought needed. Below, he could already hear a crowd beginning to form in the lobby on the first floor. The fact that so many people had turned up already made him worry a bit. Hell, just being within the same general area of the event was cause enough for concern - let alone being in the same building.
Stag managed to find an open window and slip inside. The room he found himself in was half blank, with a corkboard and a desk on the left side. The corkboard was covered with small scraps of paper, and upon observation, appeared to be news clippings, detailing the exploits of a droid who single handedly saved a small town from invasion.
Stag took note. Someone lives in here...better be careful.
Just then, footsteps outside the front door. Stag had to think fast...a closet was on the right side room. Convenient.
 The door opened gently just as Stag settled in, and watched through the blinds as a brown haired young man entered. The boy set down his bag, looked at his corkboard and sighed. He muttered something beneath his breath. A name? From what Stag could read, he seemed to...admire the droid. The boy looked forlorn...longing. From the hall, more footsteps. Stag hugged the wall as the steps stopped just outside the door.
“Oi, Will! Let’s get a move on, ‘else we’ll miss the show!”
The boy shook himself from his enamor and turned to face his friend.
“Sorry Russell, I was...um, just locking up...” He walked to the window and closed it to make it seem convincing. 
“Heh...Sure. Just, don’t get caught up daydreaming mate...” Russell responded.
Will - for at least that’s what the brown haired boy’s name from what Stag could gather - chuckled in slight  embarrassment, then left the room.
Stag could hear Russell comforting Will, telling him that “Jenny” would open up eventually. Jenny...since when did droids have names like that? Stag emerged from the tiny space and pulled out a comms pad to update his brothers;
---- Entering possible location for Blizzard. Last one; Highly populated. Force be with me. ----
Rather that risk his own exposure, Stag crept to the door and deployed a small recon droid from his slim backpack. Putting it on the floor, and slinking back into the room, the droid whirred to life as it proceeded with it’s search. It floated from door to door, searching for Blizzard’s ID tag. Unsure if he was even wearing it Stag sat down and watch the feed from the little drone manually, praying that his brother was in the building, and wishing he could get out of that force forsaken, painfully cramped closest. 
Bigger than our bunks at least...
----- 1st floor, Rec Theater -----
Blizzard hadn’t been at RH for more than 2 days and yet he felt more at home than he ever did on Kamino. That girl he’d met the day before was kind enough to give him directions to the person who ran the facility. So already, the inhabitants were far more friendly then the Kaminoans. The woman - Distinct ginger hair, very professional, yet soft spoken - got him settled in with, much to his disbelief, another clone! Blizzard was actually happy, much to his own disbelief, and things seemed to get better all the time! Now his new brother, Stake, was treating him to one the schools many rituals: Video Games. Blizzard thought about it and...no, he hadn’t heard about those back home.
Everyone was set to play; Jack, Sheldon, Ben, Shard and a few others. Blizzard wanted to join in, but Stake advised against it. He said that things tended to get “too heated.” And with that, Blizzard didn’t need anymore convincing. Anything related to heat discouraged him As the games began, Blizzard could see how much fun all these residents were having...he wished his brothers could see it, but every time he thought to tell Stake about them, the silent anxiety of being found by The Empire struck. Everyone always told him The Empire had spies everywhere, eyes and ears in every corner of very system...What would happen if-
The crowd went wild as Jack burst into laughter after causing Shard to wipe out. The android sneered at him, and thus the flames of chaos were lit. Shard turned to the smug Genius and sounded like he was about to explode
“There is no way you could’ve made that shot! Are you cheating again?” Shard barked.
Jack didn’t even look at Shard when he responded. “Hey man, maybe if you learned to drive, you wouldn’t have gotten hit.”
Shard’s power gem turned red with fury, and the spectators began to heckle and prod at the contestants. If hitting Jack didn’t mean retaliation from Blossom, he would have decked the punk there and then.
Blizzards suddenly began to see what was happening here...His brothers did this during sims all the time. During combat drills teams would constantly taunt one another until an actual fight broke out...after which point, both teams were usually punished by their Kaminoan overseers. Punishment... 
It was unclear who threw the fist blow, but within a few seconds, a salt fueled mosh pit had exploded amongst the contestants. Stake tried to grab Blizzard but was cut off in all the chaos, as the poor Anti-Trooper was pushed into the middle of the brawl. He tried to get away, but was shoved back in at every turn, caught in a whirlpool of mayhem. All the while...a recon drone captured the whole thing.
Stag didn't care about being caught at this point. A fight had broken out and Blizz was stuck in the middle of it. As he rushed down the stairwell, he could hear the yelling and screaming from the pumped up crowd, cheers rising every time someone got a good hit in. Eventually, over everyone’s enraged shouts, someone started chanting “Super Dragon” for some reason.
Dragons?? Stag thought. Ok, it’s time to get Blizz out of here.
When he finally reached the ground floor, the recon droid returned, and the brawl was raging. Laughter and salty roars filled the room, and Stag had no choice but to dive in. He managed to shove his way through some of the crowd, until he tripped on a tiny blond troll in an orange shirt, who then began to scream profanities at him. If Stag were blind he’d swear he was a clone. Another figure blocked the way, A scrawny guy, clad in a dark red -or was it brown- hoodie, who ducked out of his way, only to be accidentally clotheslined by a bizarre avian looking creature who was trying to fling someone off his back. After slogging through the mess, Stag caught sight of Blizzard and tried to dive for him, only to be tackled by another figure. The idiot had clearly had a bit too much to drink and wouldn't let him up.
Stag threw out a left cross and launched the boy off of him. The drunkard’s friends noticed and tried to swarm him. Tried. Stag kicked one square in the chest and elbowed another in the gut. One got behind him and attempted to get him into a submission. Stag tossed him over his back and this attacker landed square on top of the little blonde troll from before. In the madness, something flew through the window and knocked several objects about, one of them hitting Stag in the chest and knocking him to a wall. Disoriented, Stag caught a glance of Blizz, calling for help, and someone coming up behind him. Taking his chances, Stag charged at the figure who caught him and swung him aside. Stag landed on his feet and looked up.
“Wait...Stag??” The figured asked. It was a clone! And not just any.
“Dreamer??” Stag responded, shocked.”
“STAG!” It was Dreamer alright, who embraced his brother with wide arms. 
As the two hugged it out, Blizzard waved to Stag from the floor, and Stag waved in response. The two clones helped their brother up.
Stag dusted off his dark gray armor and chuckled “So. How was your day, Blizz?”
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airoasis · 5 years
Superpower for Hire: Rise of the Private Military
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/superpower-for-hire-rise-of-the-private-military/
Superpower for Hire: Rise of the Private Military
Rock and roll this is Tony Shiena owner of Mosaic safety exclusive military enterprise that provides Elite forces stage safety for their customers Tony has a VIP coming into Caracas tomorrow, who we will must preserve We tagged alongside as he scouted out a specifically damaging neighbourhood That we can have to move by means of in the morning it is known as The Triple X Barrier The major hassle with this consumer, is, we need to opt for him up at (inaudible) airport and supply him to his assembly on the navy installation but there’s no circumventing this These guys should be flanking on each and every facet ok, he’s already obvious a capabilities shooter considering the police declare 25 persons are shot on this barrier a day The armed individual they spotted used to be no longer taken frivolously this is the unsuitable (bleep) situation to be even though we had been able to get out without incident it was clear that the next day’s security was going to need to be very severe We’re at an airport about to extract a consumer So the thought is that we now have acquired to get him from right here to move to fulfill a govt contractor There’ve been a quantity of attempts on his existence So, you realize, tensions are going for walks slightly bit excessive everyone recover, recuperate, get well So there had been two or three makes an attempt for your existence? For the trade that you simply work in, you wouldn’t be competent to function without these guys taking you through nations at the same time delivering tremendously educated security for VIPs like Pablo is one function % play, its rather simply the tip of the iceberg actually, the international private army industry, has been exploding over the final 20 years To find out more about this new contemporary world of mercenaries We spoke to P.W. Singer, writer of the book: corporate Warriors: the upward push of the personal navy enterprise A exclusive army manufacturer, a PMC, is confidential firms, taking over roles that have usually been finished by the navy and intelligence corporations through the broader, countrywide security difficult we have now this assumption of battle and who fights it a person in uniform and that uniform, to us, means; good they’re a part of a country wide navy and whilst you seem at the twenty first Century, that photograph in our intellect…It just does not hold authentic These organizations have taken on all of the extraordinary roles of conflict the whole lot from the again-finish logistics, to coaching and consulting, to the tactical battlefield position most often, its the new American manner of warfare, whether you are speakme about Iraq or now Afganistan Roughly half of of the drive there, is confidential army Outsourcing is invariably about fee financial savings its the quantity of individuals that you don’t have to to call up out of your national protect and reserves to tackle these roles Deaths, injuries, seize of exclusive military Contractors does not resonate into the political world the equal way it does for any individual within the army so we’re seeing the whole lot from firms which have being operating in Iraq, now doing things like counter-piracy operations off Somalia, to the emergence of chinese exclusive protection companies working in Africa, or the Russians use exclusive contractors for the period of their Crimea operation once we appear at the future frontiers of the private military enterprise, they mirror the subsequent frontiers of warfare To discover extra about this tremendous industry, that is speedy becoming the future of warfare we spoke to the person that, almost, single handedly created the state-of-the-art p.C.As we comprehend it We’re right here in Abu-Dhabi and we’ll interview one of the most fundamental humans in the %world, Eric Prince, who was the founding father of Blackwater percent are as American as Thanksgiving Day First Colonies had been began by using contractors, they had been hired to comfy most logistics of exclusive companies Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth Colonies had been, uh, were private endevours Now seem, I began Blackwater in an effort to keep related to the SEAL teams When our patrons referred to as us, we ran very hard to fill their needs however we have been mischaracterised as "out of manage mercenaries" and in actual fact we have been American Veterans serving the us once more and getting paid on a competitively bid contact."Full stop" We did exactly the job the usgovernment hired us to do and did it well, more than a hundred 000 missions, on the security aspect, nobody underneath our care ever killed or injured For a first hand seem to look what it takes to grow to be a "soldier for hire" we travelled to the Czech Republic to the "Anti-Terror Academy" a former army base which is now one of the most fashionable protection coaching amenities in Europe that is where future p.C.Squaddies are going to be freshening up their abilities earlier than they exit and work In conception, even persons like me can do these training courses and essentially be guns for hire make certain you focal point on that foresight k Squeeze within the set off despite the fact that they are willing to educate newcomers like me, it used to be clear that a tremendous majority of the fellows there have been former military, strolling through fight drills "How did you get into all of this?" "So I left the military, due to the fact that the money wasn’t just right enough for what I was getting paid to do.Why would I do 5 years in Iraq…" "within the military and earn $one hundred twenty grand, when i will do 2 years in Iraq and earn $400 grand…" "undoubtedly in my generation, any one who is any good within the military, isn’t within the military anymore" The main goal of a facility like this is to take the elite advantage these squaddies have already got for offensive fight and reshape them to furnish protecting, certain forces degree security and security "the two guys in the back of, they only push out" (gun cocks) but, as I watched them run their drills, it was once clear that these manoeuvres were far more than just offensive they aren’t handiest finding out to furnish extra help and protection they are nearly becoming their own army nobody nows extra about what it means to have private Armies for hire than the arena famous mercenary, Simon Mann after serving the British precise Forces, he spent over twenty years within the %enterprise until 2004 when he served 5 years in jail in Equatorial Guinea for his function in trying to aid stage a coup a private army organization, to me, is a manufacturer that is ready to hold out full on offensive navy operations under a contract, "(inaudible) you pay us a load of money and we can support you win your struggle" where I get worried is whilst you saying "No the way in which forward is for fight operations to be privatised and given out wholesale to the private sector There are specific things that armies ought to do and a way of doing them that must now not be within the exclusive sector These guys are combating for cash, they’re now not combating for the state, their now not fighting out of sense of responsibility or patriotism when it gets critical is whilst you get a %that begins to get excessively muscular the line between defence and offence will get very rapidly blurred so immediately any decent soldiers will start pondering "as an alternative of waiting here to be shot, why do not we go available in the market and bag the bad guys before they control to shoot us?" and abruptly, you already know, the rules start to get bent The extra you appear into the learning world wide for % The more you realize that they’re public face as quite simply defensive safety is just one side to their capabilities So we’re right here to look Mick Cowan he’s a former sniper and he is now a %he’s requested us to maintain his place secret considering the fact that he just would not need folks to understand where this is occurring.We will spend somewhat bit of time with him to style of find out what he does how it all works. I function as a guide for a quantity of businesses and i step in and furnish the precise guide ability simple put he trains percent to be snipers utilizing the modern day military systems and hardware truly an AR-15 M4, with a crimson dot sight on it And it’s not close to shooting accuracy, they also teach you how one can blend in together with your environment So your goal doesn’t even recognize you exist Jedd, you gotta be quite low and slow. (grunt) Is there any form of contracts that come alongside that you simply simply morally do not trust or don’t take sure, certainly there could be jobs that I might see coming along that i’d go "Hmmmm, thanks but no thanks" however, morality is all the way down to the character and right down to the businesses themselves you’ll be able to invariably get persons who’re morally repugnant, but you’ll be able to perpetually get cowboys however its not best the ethical question of who these cowboys might work for that makes many uneasy For veteran journalist Robert Pelton, who witnessed the upward thrust of %in both Iraq and Afgahnistan first hand it is a drawback about their willingness to blur the lines if serves their reason it’s a delusion to anticipate that contractors are aligned with governments and they synchronise, they sincerely have opposing pursuits and there are many circumstances in which contractors have been certainly arrested with the aid of military (scoffs) in Iraq for doing precisely that, capturing at folks, you know, inflicting a mess it’s protection however it would not appear like protection considering that it is to keep them comfy If i come up and punch you in the face and say "that’s to your protection" that is kinda the funny story You see fences going up, you see protect posts, you see persons stopping you and you say "that is now not a police badge" And it can be up to the public to come to a decision whether they suppose using force, via a non-state actor is right correctly, the movements of some % has induced such an alarm, that united statescongressman, Jan Schakowsky has presented laws to limit them from use in warzones altogether there has been situation about using men and women who don’t wear the badge of the us of the us Who will not be part of a series of command Who don’t seem to be held dependable within the identical approaches I believe what scares me essentially the most, about these, uh, exclusive navy Contractors is that buy and enormous they function within the shadows, the transparency is not there, the accountability isn’t there.It seems that these contractors, actually, could also be in a position to get away with homicide. On account that these corporations might function above the regulation, even whilst employed via the U.S.Government The better query for the big apple times Washington correspondent David Sanger, it what happens when percent Work thoroughly external the juristiction of the united states itself One significant predicament for personal army Contractors is a question of allegiance once they grow to be political devices to help prop up a executive, that is whilst you begin to ask the question: "Does this enterprise have the international policy of its own? And is that firms overseas policy in sync or in opposition to American overseas coverage?" Are they real American? Or are they real global? Who exactly are they working for? When the best and the brightest from armies all over the world are now working for percent You must marvel if the following navy super power will not be a country but a organization I consider the percentof the long run can manipulate governments We’re at a stage now where I feel it could possibly happen All CC finished through Oliverpls
0 notes
batterymonster2021 · 5 years
Superpower for Hire: Rise of the Private Military
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/superpower-for-hire-rise-of-the-private-military/
Superpower for Hire: Rise of the Private Military
Rock and roll this is Tony Shiena owner of Mosaic safety exclusive military enterprise that provides Elite forces stage safety for their customers Tony has a VIP coming into Caracas tomorrow, who we will must preserve We tagged alongside as he scouted out a specifically damaging neighbourhood That we can have to move by means of in the morning it is known as The Triple X Barrier The major hassle with this consumer, is, we need to opt for him up at (inaudible) airport and supply him to his assembly on the navy installation but there’s no circumventing this These guys should be flanking on each and every facet ok, he’s already obvious a capabilities shooter considering the police declare 25 persons are shot on this barrier a day The armed individual they spotted used to be no longer taken frivolously this is the unsuitable (bleep) situation to be even though we had been able to get out without incident it was clear that the next day’s security was going to need to be very severe We’re at an airport about to extract a consumer So the thought is that we now have acquired to get him from right here to move to fulfill a govt contractor There’ve been a quantity of attempts on his existence So, you realize, tensions are going for walks slightly bit excessive everyone recover, recuperate, get well So there had been two or three makes an attempt for your existence? For the trade that you simply work in, you wouldn’t be competent to function without these guys taking you through nations at the same time delivering tremendously educated security for VIPs like Pablo is one function % play, its rather simply the tip of the iceberg actually, the international private army industry, has been exploding over the final 20 years To find out more about this new contemporary world of mercenaries We spoke to P.W. Singer, writer of the book: corporate Warriors: the upward push of the personal navy enterprise A exclusive army manufacturer, a PMC, is confidential firms, taking over roles that have usually been finished by the navy and intelligence corporations through the broader, countrywide security difficult we have now this assumption of battle and who fights it a person in uniform and that uniform, to us, means; good they’re a part of a country wide navy and whilst you seem at the twenty first Century, that photograph in our intellect…It just does not hold authentic These organizations have taken on all of the extraordinary roles of conflict the whole lot from the again-finish logistics, to coaching and consulting, to the tactical battlefield position most often, its the new American manner of warfare, whether you are speakme about Iraq or now Afganistan Roughly half of of the drive there, is confidential army Outsourcing is invariably about fee financial savings its the quantity of individuals that you don’t have to to call up out of your national protect and reserves to tackle these roles Deaths, injuries, seize of exclusive military Contractors does not resonate into the political world the equal way it does for any individual within the army so we’re seeing the whole lot from firms which have being operating in Iraq, now doing things like counter-piracy operations off Somalia, to the emergence of chinese exclusive protection companies working in Africa, or the Russians use exclusive contractors for the period of their Crimea operation once we appear at the future frontiers of the private military enterprise, they mirror the subsequent frontiers of warfare To discover extra about this tremendous industry, that is speedy becoming the future of warfare we spoke to the person that, almost, single handedly created the state-of-the-art p.C.As we comprehend it We’re right here in Abu-Dhabi and we’ll interview one of the most fundamental humans in the %world, Eric Prince, who was the founding father of Blackwater percent are as American as Thanksgiving Day First Colonies had been began by using contractors, they had been hired to comfy most logistics of exclusive companies Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth Colonies had been, uh, were private endevours Now seem, I began Blackwater in an effort to keep related to the SEAL teams When our patrons referred to as us, we ran very hard to fill their needs however we have been mischaracterised as "out of manage mercenaries" and in actual fact we have been American Veterans serving the us once more and getting paid on a competitively bid contact."Full stop" We did exactly the job the usgovernment hired us to do and did it well, more than a hundred 000 missions, on the security aspect, nobody underneath our care ever killed or injured For a first hand seem to look what it takes to grow to be a "soldier for hire" we travelled to the Czech Republic to the "Anti-Terror Academy" a former army base which is now one of the most fashionable protection coaching amenities in Europe that is where future p.C.Squaddies are going to be freshening up their abilities earlier than they exit and work In conception, even persons like me can do these training courses and essentially be guns for hire make certain you focal point on that foresight k Squeeze within the set off despite the fact that they are willing to educate newcomers like me, it used to be clear that a tremendous majority of the fellows there have been former military, strolling through fight drills "How did you get into all of this?" "So I left the military, due to the fact that the money wasn’t just right enough for what I was getting paid to do.Why would I do 5 years in Iraq…" "within the military and earn $one hundred twenty grand, when i will do 2 years in Iraq and earn $400 grand…" "undoubtedly in my generation, any one who is any good within the military, isn’t within the military anymore" The main goal of a facility like this is to take the elite advantage these squaddies have already got for offensive fight and reshape them to furnish protecting, certain forces degree security and security "the two guys in the back of, they only push out" (gun cocks) but, as I watched them run their drills, it was once clear that these manoeuvres were far more than just offensive they aren’t handiest finding out to furnish extra help and protection they are nearly becoming their own army nobody nows extra about what it means to have private Armies for hire than the arena famous mercenary, Simon Mann after serving the British precise Forces, he spent over twenty years within the %enterprise until 2004 when he served 5 years in jail in Equatorial Guinea for his function in trying to aid stage a coup a private army organization, to me, is a manufacturer that is ready to hold out full on offensive navy operations under a contract, "(inaudible) you pay us a load of money and we can support you win your struggle" where I get worried is whilst you saying "No the way in which forward is for fight operations to be privatised and given out wholesale to the private sector There are specific things that armies ought to do and a way of doing them that must now not be within the exclusive sector These guys are combating for cash, they’re now not combating for the state, their now not fighting out of sense of responsibility or patriotism when it gets critical is whilst you get a %that begins to get excessively muscular the line between defence and offence will get very rapidly blurred so immediately any decent soldiers will start pondering "as an alternative of waiting here to be shot, why do not we go available in the market and bag the bad guys before they control to shoot us?" and abruptly, you already know, the rules start to get bent The extra you appear into the learning world wide for % The more you realize that they’re public face as quite simply defensive safety is just one side to their capabilities So we’re right here to look Mick Cowan he’s a former sniper and he is now a %he’s requested us to maintain his place secret considering the fact that he just would not need folks to understand where this is occurring.We will spend somewhat bit of time with him to style of find out what he does how it all works. I function as a guide for a quantity of businesses and i step in and furnish the precise guide ability simple put he trains percent to be snipers utilizing the modern day military systems and hardware truly an AR-15 M4, with a crimson dot sight on it And it’s not close to shooting accuracy, they also teach you how one can blend in together with your environment So your goal doesn’t even recognize you exist Jedd, you gotta be quite low and slow. (grunt) Is there any form of contracts that come alongside that you simply simply morally do not trust or don’t take sure, certainly there could be jobs that I might see coming along that i’d go "Hmmmm, thanks but no thanks" however, morality is all the way down to the character and right down to the businesses themselves you’ll be able to invariably get persons who’re morally repugnant, but you’ll be able to perpetually get cowboys however its not best the ethical question of who these cowboys might work for that makes many uneasy For veteran journalist Robert Pelton, who witnessed the upward thrust of %in both Iraq and Afgahnistan first hand it is a drawback about their willingness to blur the lines if serves their reason it’s a delusion to anticipate that contractors are aligned with governments and they synchronise, they sincerely have opposing pursuits and there are many circumstances in which contractors have been certainly arrested with the aid of military (scoffs) in Iraq for doing precisely that, capturing at folks, you know, inflicting a mess it’s protection however it would not appear like protection considering that it is to keep them comfy If i come up and punch you in the face and say "that’s to your protection" that is kinda the funny story You see fences going up, you see protect posts, you see persons stopping you and you say "that is now not a police badge" And it can be up to the public to come to a decision whether they suppose using force, via a non-state actor is right correctly, the movements of some % has induced such an alarm, that united statescongressman, Jan Schakowsky has presented laws to limit them from use in warzones altogether there has been situation about using men and women who don’t wear the badge of the us of the us Who will not be part of a series of command Who don’t seem to be held dependable within the identical approaches I believe what scares me essentially the most, about these, uh, exclusive navy Contractors is that buy and enormous they function within the shadows, the transparency is not there, the accountability isn’t there.It seems that these contractors, actually, could also be in a position to get away with homicide. On account that these corporations might function above the regulation, even whilst employed via the U.S.Government The better query for the big apple times Washington correspondent David Sanger, it what happens when percent Work thoroughly external the juristiction of the united states itself One significant predicament for personal army Contractors is a question of allegiance once they grow to be political devices to help prop up a executive, that is whilst you begin to ask the question: "Does this enterprise have the international policy of its own? And is that firms overseas policy in sync or in opposition to American overseas coverage?" Are they real American? Or are they real global? Who exactly are they working for? When the best and the brightest from armies all over the world are now working for percent You must marvel if the following navy super power will not be a country but a organization I consider the percentof the long run can manipulate governments We’re at a stage now where I feel it could possibly happen All CC finished through Oliverpls
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